Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 10, 1845, Image 3
•y, k . Strayed away, On theAtli inst., , TWO COWS.onee dark.lduley.;_ the other a dark'Brindle, viritka white ;'any . person having . knowledge - of said Cows and will gitroinformation to GEO.-R.. .. CROOKS,, Diek.. lotion College, will bbee, r hitably rewarded.. . • Sept. 10; 1845. . PROPOSALS FOR A:TOWN 'CLOCK. THE COMmis'stoners of Ctfmliultinti• county,. ' • ifi'cinneetion with a Mmtnitten appointed by the-Tovin'Couniii orthe borough of Carlini°, . will receive proposals until Tuesday:the 23d fruit. - for milking - and:Putting uP",k •• n • , 'sem' m - ( 9./serz, • the Cupola of &I - new . CourtHouse ' now erecting in the borough .ofCarlisle. The Clock is to be of good materiel and workinanship—to hnvo four faces of about 'him feerdiameter each,. on the Cupola with or . wititout minute hands, as 'may be agreed. upon. The weights will have a drop of RS feet. The-person - receiving this Con.: tract will ba:riquired to give , security for the faithful performance of his contract, and guuran. -- tee - hirwilflrfcemlbirifrime year. Proppeals,to-bo-direCted4o-the-Commissioners office, Carlisle, Pn. ROBERT LAIRD, CHRISTIAN TrrzEr... „lEFRERSON•WORTHINGIVON, Commissioners of Cumberland minty: • -ARMSTRONG NOBLE, d • CHRISTIAN INHOFF, •'• WILLIAM SPOTTSWOOD, , _ Committee:oA panel Tarim Comicil. • CompliaslonCre Office, . • Sept. 3, 11345..- • • Building Idols At Prirttle WILL sell at Private Sale EIGHT BUILD- R ING LOTS in the borough of Carlisle. They ' !A-lira-tett ;" As F -ttro--Borough, and . .are all adjoining. each othori fronting on romfret.and Bedford streets; there is • z. sniall two story S'H'ONE HOUSE n „,ti on ono of them,land'on another is a :Wk.% . good welt of water with a Pump in it. - Persons wishing to purehasn will please to- call upon me, or upon JOHN HARPER, Esq. who is authorized to attend to - making the sales, end will exhibit a plan of the Lots and show them on the ground. The terms will ho made easy alid as near as possible to suit purchasers. Sept. 3, 1841 " • ANN-BROWN. . _ T1D211124 rill IF, tinderbignial•being appointed Exieutors of the last_.whil and lest neat of Samna Alextm— •der, Esq. deceased, and having taken out letters or Administratimu thereon, ruqueht nit.persnits ;Takla- TI to the estate, tn make payment immediately, mid those finning clainta- to preient them to Lemuel' Todd, Esq. at his °Mee in Carlisle, for settlement. A X N S. ALEX A N !WIC Al. HENDERSON, TODD, September 3,1845 Estate of .1:Ica) Kissinger, tleceasLd. tTOTICEis Iterel,y gisen fetters of uritoin istrotiter on the esinte (ir kissinger, - itrZe or West l'enushorn ,- to 4 siedrip,.f.:..yrillrerhind county, 4.leetststli, have this (lay been grunted, by the Regis ter, mot Ihr tire said county to lire sithseriber rho resoles in the loesergli of Nesrville, ut 58111 county. All 111,1,0.1 S honing chi ms demaikll4 against line xstale of tine Arid deo risetl, evo rerirresled to wake n the metre stitituut riehry, nod those indebted to pease drent to • .) -ICOIIJIM] IA iii', Ne%t ville, Sept. 3, I 7 - Adim;stratoi ( . -Y 1 (. 1 1 • ALL tutrso,l6lcrt- ,- 1,( , ;,•Ii)r t.i lificd . thaUthe athnio istrathia-uo do, egoaate of Samuel A tidrews, laid of North Alin) Ileum too oislith, Cumberland cothrtyydotreaseicliave this charlleelo by the n 0 , ,, for the said eototh - , On tine Fathsel•i -bei_wlOl resilles_it,the said lee/1,11;i, Nc0111.11.-M iJ dleteti. .A ll .. persoos .ur neakst the s eine of the said 01,...11e,1 are requested 110 11111 k, kll,lll 1 . 11 111 C -. . 13/111 . 1 1 . 1 1111c1111 , and llak*c itillebrCile pa.) finer t Icl Sel;t. 3, i54.5.:--rrt JUII;i COON 1:11„4li., Aiimittistratot MS ) CO4ll karr ,sAa. Et:. cox. Y virtue of on order of the Orphans' Court =ll,. of CuinbCrlittat county, will he sold on the premises, on Saturday the 4th day of October next, at 12 o'clock, neon, of mlid day, he one UR. divided fiftlt . part or the estate of George Leidigh„ deeQlsed, late of South ill iddleton town -hop, said counrr - ethe following plainat.ion or tract of hand situate in said townstup of South Middleton, and county ufbresaid, hounded' by lands of John f,ei digh's heirs, , Chnstian Herr, Margaret Miller, rthe heirs of Michael Ege, and others, containing AGRELT, • more or less. About 50 aereg are clouted, and in cultivation, and the residue in good timber. The improiretnents are a large two story and a half story log 110 CIE, a new Frame Barn, a first rate wring near _.the dwelling with iLrpriutr_hnuise. "1- Apple Orchard, Peach and othet fruit trees. The terms of sale are as tidlows Fifty dollars to he paid on the confirm - talon of the sole, the residue of purchase money on the first of April next, when_possession_will be given. Said put chase money to he secured by Judgment. JACOB GOODYEAR, Sr. JACOB GOODY EA R, Jr. Administrators of George Leidigh, deceased. ' 3; .1 8.142.—t5. • ait POPO 1 - 111 ! - 44.g. _ ..‘ • 011 P ki r it COURT SALE.. • purutotnno of no order of dui Orphans' court of Ctunlidland county, will to sold at Polilid . solo; on the preinises, on SATTR.DAY r the-,401. of October next,at 1 u'elrick,, P. NI. the rollciwing described Real Estate, Into the properly of Abra -hain-Reirsisyderolecessedvto-wit-r-------'—'--; A tract of lend situate in West Pennsborough townships, in said. county, adjoining lands of Thos. U. Knight, Widow Byerly, Nathan Woods and the huirs of David Bear, containing about .acres, .• The improvements are a large two story stone dwelling ROUSE arid kitehon, a log barn and .101ack smith shop, an orchard of choice fruit, and a well of water near the door. The State Road from carlishr to Roxberry_passesjrnmedintely A 6 frontof tli6 improvements.,. Thia property iu .sstuote !ma rich-and. populous'nelghborhood and the location very eligible for any / hind of nteehan. ~cal business. • The Tonne off - sale are SIN to be4taid,:en the .confirmation of the sale by. the Court; ono' half thd balance on /hell akar April, wheu,pos. sessiori: will be:glvon,-:and - a 'deed - inade - tfillici' purClittser,'and the •residucjin . two •eilual - a annul pay Incas, theriie fler,,Wltheitt interest., The whole. 'to „be rdeured , bii_recekniianeo_in•the .Orphane. Coort,'ilth ri approvea seturity) • • •a • - ;JAC01) Executor of ,fleifeovder Sept. 3, 1544;4;4ta.',.: , Orphans, -, onr , a e; 13 Y An ottior',of ille OrPIIIIPB Paart of ambit.. i land county.-,ltwill-exaotte, ta' public 'min on I ho:; pretniaes, - on FR I PAY, the-,, 4d day, of Octa,, bin', 1R45; at il 0630, A. M. ."..1,,..... . ". .. .. --Lk zam,'s2-751"-k-sia-maszna-,,--, ~.00qiosn t4,,tt. roli_,_ii . eta - ! , :tm4iiiiip.c_i.. - t h _e_i vit riy., -copiltii:pboi l ti i : obi on Rom- Ont lala,_od. t a W.A. gonot'e;Oitif. Road, , contuinhig; altogather..244 ,Inl Ta rc b ti a l at l ;q P a e n t l e i l t i r , o'tt ikil i cl int 'i t !t ° o o tio n6 o r tl . l o h f a w r i t4 i n c ,, it h it i v,) ) B 4 4 ) r f , 'Platt Ift n CieJahlalgttikal-fiftt;tibtnit-40-.acipico; ... 'lyciad)and itArt tWtialdit&; "Cita , ciirddltivatton,, a,Th'e.,;titipipy - aiti l opt - a , aro a ', l a ago:,",',l.iip Y.o.46 , ,'))*'lliiiulii g HOUSE , large .Prlatnei itifitfi'Mx g op ektielinCsotri-Oritnillarcr — Lill I t: birgeElitheiAon97, ilfrint.',o9li 0,,... , Piece hearlo , and ulna thrsinith'ilio kall-thati, 4 0 i t so l i ng . tieir,ildt9tvt,PHlPtiOquaei-Alktt'kla tk•otahatd,',' .. :. 1 ) . - Ttt yfaitt* katitaan , Ldlltidndi ' o,y,ki lv ii,pit s .,.,ix 089' lentaltißz . patalina . ,'„7l`,. ha - tr...1,,R;4eac,, , ,,,-0, ItOiCAT 4 III.OCh 6 k 04-,1, 3 ;Ore47.lrtibtolilo:n hif , ,;11rpr:frmaiwied.1 , •9rr. lia001(4)1 '0 tillAtatokotpai i i . it;ihck.oodilitio.:imanto r i, i a nitiwithout. iglldtiit* and: 11 1. c i 0 11 04: 7 Alfir'third principally le 4 te.`;!-0 d 't -,-: withgitt. - builtlhiga,9atAafit36ol)fiprealifi - : , .. 4 ' 40 ; Oi l iir',ir l 4,;' ,ll oAttfdßo 6 :..FP'ostlaild t.:tindA,ilif, ' ;110161il'irepitrafel y:or — ti1140110i - aa,r74otll: haat:4 , 94', . p drOjtar!cra a nd b t,ing:Ole_ bast' pqad..',111 ,1,9 0:1 11, ; A : .:'latare.ttrPtiih,er loilli.o4i3g,p,iti,!iirlit,iii'o.,-,..,:).;,-,',' 1.,v, , To bra,,),;oo,o.l:oo,,,A9pwleopi:dnY;off4iklci ';-.17 ' 'l;:c7-i,, , .: -. d:‘Jv i )':i;„q) ) 4 , ,'..Q . ,!,C,(tlitke.r#34:BUßN:i'ir';s,,,, ~-1.. 4,t--r7:10410:**11'14Aili.P;11300:Ylif!":',, gittc: , 3:4 49q1•4•14....k . i.'.41.040.., 1440 . 44 : i g i e. 44i ntril#P-ttrk' 1'1! 1 )i , "/ POttgollo4' i 4:, e : Via;.. ~ : '.4. -. ;, ,4 ,044.;,14- , r,, , ,,F,t04 , 40.51-;,.0,0 4 .,, ';' .4 .;YAV04 , 14,471.igfe.011 f h , *n43 1 ,' ~ y ,, ,, .!..:,.., . .3.r...,1, , A10g,, ,,v 4..,,...:&.,,u4,-111 . 1 - , --',',4. it' ef.. , ,*-tii,..i,,e,.t..3,.;,T,0ve.,....%';,,...6,A.1,,,, , ,,;.. ~,, t s Estate 76.712 11.0 BY-11;1110,0f_int order of_the irphane_Court orCumberland county. arid the agreement of the*idew and heirs of Thompson IlroWn, late of the borough of Carlisle, decciailed, tho following Real Estate, late the eatato of the said Thompson Brown, will be aold by public sondem or o9tory on the premises, on SATURDAY, the , Ith day of October next, at 1 o'clock, P.M. All that tract of land situate in North Middleton township, in said county, adjoining lands of William Corn. man, William Graham, Samuel Alexander, Wid . ow Seder and the Conadoguinet crook, containing 476 - Acres and 76. Pereliesi neat or strut. incapre, 130 acres of whioh'aro clear° and in cultivation and the residua in tim ber. A portion of the cleared land Is valuable meldow land •along thd Crock. The improve ments arc a two story LOG_IFOUSE and Rita. cruind n doukia leg ftri rajualLyFiotad. logs. There is a well of goad water t t and several springs on the p remises. Tho , terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale. WILLIAM BROWN, • • ROBERT„GW,EN, Guardian ofJaines Givon Orown. ANN BROWN, . 'Guarcinnof Mary A. Brown. Sept. 3, 1845 ORPHANS'-COURT SALE. 17 virtitoof an order of tho Prphuns' of Cumberland -- county, will - be exposed to Public Sale on. SATURDAY, the I 1 th day of October neat at 12 o'clock, noon, of that day, the - following described piece or parcel of land, containing 115 acREs, or thereabouts, situate in Silver Spring township en the road leading from Sterrett's Gap to -adjoining-lends ticl 13ortnne - Anduthers, it being part of the Real• Estate of George Baker, deceased. . Forms as follows. One hnlf the pur. chase money to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, and the balance in one year thereafter without interest. JACOB BAKER, JOHN B EBRIGLIT, Adm'rs. of George Baker, dee'di MoDERT WILSON, Crit.Orphens' Court. Sept. 3, 1.945.—tv0-- (Statesman copy.) • IV-NCTI FOR. SALE.. rpm,: subscribers offer the follos;ing described real properly for sale, viz : A tract of first rate lin‘esto,:e land containing ' 112 Acres. I - sit - Mite - in - West Peinishoro'Lowtdil CUlnlinrthml comity, mac miles \Vest er4t:totsh:,iteete g the State 'toad .leadiog tram Owlish: to News-ale, one Mile South of Sl)ellaharger's mill, adjoining the road lea ling from s.dil trill) to Mount unek:i r The buildings area good two-story STONK ;sll 7 iNi HOUSE, sled, a good 'two gorr IitIUSE, a good BANK • -aid) a nen of excellent trader at rack of said boos* an orchard of dunce 11 ult. This inlet is mostly under first into post trod rail ft oco-, and ititta high state of cultivtoon, with many other odvantages. Also, another tract containing I:Neciutors cz) ntl)/uaW. tlw_,:thore 11 , 10; frith It at. 11 kNli It A ICC '‘iherroll`t`recteilost tming ofwboiee fruit. this tract is also under gOOll fenciagutiii - in on excellent stow of rithitstion. The alatce iterty.w ill he sold togt•ther or separate, to suit put.. chasers. Also atiollwr tract of good IIT9111)Illiji TIMBER LAND, " pritteipally cliesttil,lZltont fixe miles from the other prniteriy. 1 Persons wishing to ruteliase the above property, will please call no either of the subsuribere, dieing on the-first described tract_ EPUR.AI M BEAR, SA M UEL BEA-14- Sept. 3. 1 ' 44 5 ESTATe ft - a rillIK" solo:ea-Rives will sell at public ventlito, on 1. • Flil D.kl", the lOtli ofG t etir.ler nexl,un flit! prruiiscs the ite..ttleserjheil Ilea! Estate, be longing to the lit llorhhey, late of Alif- Hitt township, tleetisisl: Mi. 1. A tract of land sit uate iii toetiship, containing '27 Acres and 143 Perches. 111....--kniprovements are it good Double • Frame Weatlibrboarded Wit's'', witl a well of never •lulling water 44.460 cloor,a double Log Barn neaely n:ariv new, a Millie spring house and smoke 'Muse : a good li l.,ckswith shop and oiliewt houses.— There is also on the property orchidd or chided fruit. Tile Inuiperty if; in a good settlement and is in it high state of rultivstinu• It Ill's six miles %lest ed Newt lib., lime East of Newlimig and tide mile from filerrett's it ill, and is au exceedingly desirous situation tin• a li(ai ksmith. No. 2. A tract W l)I,A ND, etnitaiiiiiq about 9 acres . insd o.l"erchrs, situate ❑lout one mile from the above desiwiliei properly 'f l ies.. propel ties will he sold together, o• separate us inns I, , lpsired by piiiielnisers • There mill be reqiiired to be paid no tile day or Salle %dant the propel ty is strut lc oil', kitty dollars on No. I, and Twenty-five dollars on No. t.!. The titles to u...4w.upgrifes , artindisput_alde..__Snle.ta_quiunienee_' at 10 o'clock on said ibis - , alien terms si ill lie made known by 11'14.1.1 A:11 1.5 STEII.IIETT, St pt. S, 1845. Agents for .t he El rips. York insert to gimuutgpflt 5O and charge this office.. Public Sale. WILL be exposed to public sale on WED. -'Y V NESDAY, the 170). insi., at the late res idenee. of Jacob liisAliger, doe'd. about two miles East of the borough of Newville, near the roadl Lading from Mount Rook to said borough, the rilluxcing propert . , horse, one cow, 13 head of lings,"one two hers° wagon, one dearbourn, two slei g h s , whe a t, and rye by the bushel, corn in Ikti _ground, horse genre, one ten plate stove, one hive of Heed, and u vuriety of firming. uten sils, us well ns household and kitchen furniture, too numerous to insert. • . ' Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. on said ay, - W1556 - itiolidittice Will be given and terms made known by .JACOB BURKHART, Newvil le,Sept.,3, 1845. Administrator. EZIets , LIaCKDD e CARLISLE s PA, •• SOl4tH now nrrangenienta,liave been made in reference to tha,LAW SCHOOL, by which more strict attention will be bestowed upon it ME er y oen , ono • A new rule has been adopted' prohibiting the bearding or lsdging or any student at a hotel. •Any ififririgement of this rule, pr needlessly Ira. quentim any tavern, will be' deemed finie facto, a. witllTiatyal from the institution: :• • • • • REED. Carlisle, August 27; Esiatc of Henry Wikle deceased. . wirriqn ialterell , given that.Letteis of Admin. 111—iitention-oki-the'Estatti of T'lloßey - WiklO7lnte of West POntishoro! tMettship;Anee been giinittel to the: sobseriberTesidiog in the , stnne fownship:' All *mho indebted to said Estate, will loakeintyment; and these Itteeieg uinitris.will .present" them for set-. July-3oTtB#s ::~ -. , .• . .. • • „ .',E,s , tatelo __Cathariiie .- I?eister - 2dec?(L-: , : wr 431 CM" a licrebY• ki*entliat ioettOre Teittimen; , . Al r. t irk: on Alta I:',6til!e 01.1!allaiti 'pi 110 etth.;.hiii bt . West -Pen n she ro' ~..towriqhip;" 616 , 4'bOiiii granted ... sta, the subsoribeir;:iiiioinOtill e .oil:ootiiiti; ISlxey4inil:: !), .:- la R" " '"' `AjLipersolicin'ait.bts. tCE-16—::;1---tmei, impilenteiliiilibese PP 1r . % . alitipo pill ifOsopt.Vieyti . - fcir slittlpmeut4 , -7; ,, t-' ~. - . : 3 ,t:-: - 0.7 .-:, ', -",, : -...t... ^.-: ''. '.- '— ''' ,l "...''' '.: ''.' -. • ,' oYre:4 2 li-PPETA-ler,, 7-' '-.. ;'Exetitlittotc-rf . • - .4state qi • N°tic Iti h i.:etteie Att,:: totohlitatlott i on the Es.tottret - VVillette'ffeittli; [ etiterrilinurciritowoihip;AgeNt"littiebeeegrinted ilte: tioheoribe_e i'oBl l lll% itathe!,khlp4Al • .porsousfeifilt tee to egetFEstitte poke. thtyloon't; "tin. L. OD ! Alums , wlll' s tilieht.q for: ~., ' l '.'i‘.."':: . .-.::'P''.. - : . -:' ,-, ..: ~i . ,,,„.,,, , 3A1,4V7.44,, : . " - . , ' , ' ,941 P 1 14 . 0 .1 r#V'L1T 0,. '..... ',-;E, 2.,. ' : ` ,L'6 , 444.4.7.;k;',., ; .' : -:', 1 ,,:',',','; .-, ,, -;'J"4,OTlp. ''' , Nc;':'.%:. , •::,.' -- ; - -', '...-,.,.:...-,.A.':.:......,.,......,::,i,, AM 111111)1111001151, '‘C.69iik'dj o 6 o4l,46 l P2l ' AV Re ' dMit;ll. A M' II °C O 21. Arl o l 4 l o# % . 6* d ' 1 1 : 6171111 4 91,1 11 . 0 191 t 1:1 0 0 4 1 02 1 AA4 4 :1# 4° 94Nt 4.v.,441,.6er* RI:LEpERICK ,Zgla Adiniiiistrutor: Near' 00..4"ditriersh4.p EAS: I3 11 im,,llitz,H . at the .Cheaig 7 Staiet.mi the corne r ' South' ' Hanoverond 'Pomfret, streets: . ' The ta(eqt ..firriva . l in .illetrhe.t I. VIHN G RAY, hating associatil wiPtitiiself In .0, - his business,,his son,'Wit.wist H. Gist', roe peotfully inform, their' filiends ..and' the. public In geneiul that they havelust returned from and.,are no'w opening a very cheap and choice selection of beantilel and fashionable Spring and Summer_Dry_Goo'd§, ?) ley invite their frlentisand the . public to give the a call, as they are determinedito sell at great bar b ins, believing that,s "nimble Sixpence is bet tart tan .a stow Shilling." . Their stock consists in part cf,-CLOTHS .54. C.ASSIMERES•!--fill colors and qualities. Summer Cassimeres,-Tweed Cassi meres. and Summer Cloths, Drillings and Gank zm a bin and other edgings, Shawls and Handkerchiefs •of every description, Cnl.ieocs. froth 6+ upwards, Irish Linens mid Long Lawns, Stockings and Gloves ..of.e.very_rariety,..and_antLfourtit__Linen.uhtLCotton Sheetings, Linen and ttziton Table Diapers, Birds I.:Ye:Hum in and Scotch Diapers, Carpeting of vari ous kinds. Indeed personseati get almost any nrti- Ow in the Dry Goods Line, and as cheap if not cheaper than they eon be had in any store in the ,eounty. • SHOES! SHOES!! They have also received a Very extrasimassort meat of Shoes and Roots; lor ' e 4, (101145- 01,:: in part of -the following:— , Gentlranens' C:Of:tad - Seal Boots, $ll to $4 00 Mom oes, COO 10 200 Shoes and pumps ; Ladles' Gaiter Shoes., Al mimes andllid Slfpneb," 75 1 00 Also a great variety of Boys' and A'otithe Monrbes and Shoes. Misses and Childreni! fancy and plain shoes of evert' description, which they will sell at the lowest pasible rates for - ossit % . • They 'haw also received a large assortment of Fresh - Groceries, which they will sell cheaper than the cheapest, ' .. 'Sugar, , • 64 to itdi Coffee, . - • 7 " 124 Molasses, per Gal. : 37•4 "50 (Q),MR2,IS7SZWARO. A huge assortment of China, Liverpool and-Com mon litre—which they will sell - at S/0 per aunt lower than can he pm-chased elsewhere._ VARIETIES. They.have . alto.awextcnsive assnrtmea ciflrarle. figs of Indeed. von con scarcely call Int , an article which they cannot supply' yon with. F k 9 . 0 T.' Time will receive in a rew days Oranges, Lemons, Figs, anisins,k.e. &v., which they will sell by the boVor otherwise. The public are respectfully in vited an a all nail irsamine their stork or (lomis, as they will take great pleasure hn showing them. J011140:1.0 & SON. June 11, 1845. r- 1 .., v , 7 , 3 ,, , r0 -,-, \ A? 7, 61 . 6 ,, .7.;n-r..,...i-iff.,.:-., .73. ,. 1/ST Teccived nt .1. )V. Kneedier's chca p Book and Periodical Store, Gislinins Mitgazpir, for September, price 25 ctn. Godrv's Liiiis 's Book, - Cule,;ibiatt •Magezine, National Magazine, 0 Igi Arthur's do 0 I8;1 Number 4, Life of Napoleon 12S " Carlisle, .Aug. 27,1845. am or rdER (6) - 62 • ar - 1 Bn. GAI -• •SELT,IN'd- OFF. AT cosT. ar.i.HE subscriber havitur ccinellided 'Ton a ja . change of businesh offers to his customers and the public in genertiVhis struik of Goods Al' consisting of Bloc, Black, Brown and Mixed Cloths, Cassimeres, Sathietts, Cords, Jeans -and a general assortment of _ , • ...• Wentleturat's 111,an Alen, Alpneeris,Saehmeres, Meninoes, Mous. de La hum Lin cos, Calicoes, Gingna ins, Sill: and Worsted Shunts, Dress-Hdh'fs. &c. &c. with a .general assortment of Gloves, Hosiery, Buttons, e t Trimmings, &c. Also Shoes, Bran Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, 4.e1 Coffee, - Teas, Hy : toffs, &o. TO purcha s er s at a distance an Merchants in the county, on opportnnity is now offered of sup. plying themselves at Philadelphia pries. To any person nr persons desirous rff engagi 'lr in the mercantile business in the pleasant and healthy Borough of Carlisle, un opportunity is vow offered, as the subscriber will divose el* his entire stork upon accommodating terms—either for each, or Mr a well improved Kirin in a gum' tit - 1011°6°nd. • S. M. 11 ". RNS . N. R. All persons itnowing tliornserves indebted to-tliesu bscrtber, will please cull and settle their accounts, without lin-flier trouble. Ca 1845 NW!: lichvet illibbons, UST received and for sale by - Ow sitlii.rri. ail lier. GEO. W. IJIT N ER. August eic 1845. 'Black !ill: anal Frilagcs. JUST received- Bicek Silk and Silk Fringes aim Ladies' Copeii;ily . G. W. arcs ;11 IdyFie►g and Scouring: BLAIR realietafnlly informs the public vy that lie continues to carry on the business of DYEING Ladies' Dresks and Gentletni:tt's. Garments of trll kiwis, whether of Silk or %Vet)len texture, and of all colors. He believes that he bas formerly given _great .4atisfaution -to --nil ho- -have- entrusted - Idris with work; lind feels confident of still being able to. I' banking the public for gamer favors he would so lick a oontinuttace 'Of patronage. —lle may lie found atitisAlwellingion-Eitst-hotithei street near the ColleEo ' winch persons may be at reeted to by the sign above 'the doer. August 21 4. 1 . 8 , 4.. •' Francis-miller, deceased. -- "NkToTicE is hereby given that letters testa. -meniary on the Estate of Frapeis Into of West Ponnabore' taw nship,Cumberiand county,, deceased have been grapted to the sub. scribers. All persons indebted to said Esiato, will malts. payment, and those having claims will present.ihein for Ottidinent. - ',SAM VEIL DI WI p of W. Pcnnsiniro': — • • A BRAHAN: BOW MAN % of Franliford: • Aug. 27, 1815. . Executors TO THE LADIES. A Largl supply of PRESErt.V4',4I22 . fcihalo low at M,L1.0:1:1"S - - Aug. 20,1845., . • • IFIA.Y'S T 8011 remains uurivaqud mlo . .rirrants a. cortaji curl. - Ter aulu at - the Drag Bi o ro Sietiengon 11 , 1m_7_,11845 047p141.10 7 ., , C0kt . 5iite. TN purauance of an ordor of the, Orphan's Court . of Cuniherlond - county, w ' o wilLexPoSoim pub._ to'. Sale . on' tho rosnises on'TITURSPAY, thO, 2 ,15i1i of KoPtethbor, neit i at 11 otolookoi:M;; - • • • . • • • _ "suld'counti, lag iniide,af G9orgo. Lantz; (. 4 .o6!geiSchjeler•J.acob IllicktiroolL:Ponjainjii• An4arepp!" , !ialisi - und !Ise' Yejliti*•,Bree,Cll6:6 creek,' Otintairiing 236 Acres 46-6 , 011te'e, Obant wideh nip :elp,ar. edyfeneed and Well enitifetteilt-and - lhii'reibleo In good ‘.' _the •• fib nro'veineMio • Li . re Rio/ fiist)File _ abed, cern erib,link° *Moe, Ihrmio bounded. for. thceiliurtbir ef a- mile - by' tbe:Xellow.Breedheetereetk; for ‘yater,,si,olliii 'rind inay'ke thus The tiAbe 0'f,40 ~,,,,,,,'coy JOHN B. OHOVE_It c 3oHN—F+'I3TRI,Q4Er-s-r -77'cr::).TirinOtopu0kliiNisl:640,3q3,04,x0,,Ar; chilrige r 1 4t , nameaA( 1 9 1 19,97kUrtlivPX , tq,rir.viebbi . ,, Avsuicoo; DMIIMEIM=MI `Chrome; ye ••• ; . re l, 4al t a-4 •ft l e toi!) 1 0 6 4 1 Y-'.; •"" rE't' ',.:§irovenson.4•4ll.6hal,e,Ye' • • ke:juns if era °two. 401101 . .viStue orihe „last , VBlll,;and;Tebtattsent of 'EP IV4akley;-late' 'of , lhe . borough of. Carlisle, deceased, 'will' he sold it pabliasentlac o n' Thursday - tha 'lBth :day of . September 4ext, on the premises, the Allhwitigtlescribeil Amoperiy,aituate thaSvillagc_oGPapertoati,Cti a therlintLeoitity,,l artirdoi i , OF G1.1014 1 V,,ir • onivliwti 111 erected a Log , Pitistei;er- ••' - • MUSE viell finisheli, in, which store hats - been kept for Many year's,' 4;`. N with a Kitcheni.Smoke,HouseiSta'•••• bleata.`, pad it welnif water will: a pump therein - , on the premises ' :' 'This isa very. desirable nnii valuable property,mal the best bupinass stand in the village - . or' surrounding country. t. Also a, •. &AU saI62.LOMIVEL adjoining the- above' described lot' on the north, on HOUSES, one a eointnndirms -fit'iuk • ~,,,,z fit , house, hod the other a frame wentk: i l ,.'it ; ~' el.-boarded house, both suitable •631. ..,r„. ', priYale.familie,s_tuu.Leasi.l,ll_itiumeilletl..., auto a business stand.. The above property vill be sold 'either separate or together as may best suit 01111.clinsees. ' Sale to commeritte at- one o'clock on said dav, when attentitinie will he given and, let ms made known, by -MARY WRATCLEV,. ' Adm'rx, , with the iv ill annexed °lilt. Weakley tiec'd. August. 6,4145! . . , • - PITIEILKO SALE `WILL be sold nt Public Sale; on the premises of Blue laie Robert Conk, cleo'd. ih Monroe towitslap, Ciimbeehinkcounty, on Sii...I.I.IIIDAY; lioptembeeo2olh, 1845, a certain , ttact of land, situ ated on the Yellow Breeches Creek, abdut two miles north of Dillstown, on the road lending finan Carlisle to York, Pa., anal about midway between Clark's nod Griffith's Mills, containing about CL.Z3O MZMI et. it Which - 1 a it" 50 , t 1 25 50." 1 25 WgV5 oalti• 01 . are .clenred and in a high Onto of Altivation—the balance is woodland, well covered withiine growing timber. The improvements con sist of e two-story. Double Rouse, a large frame Barn, and other out Windings. • An orchard of fine thriv lag Apple trees je also on the pram- : . N.u t iscs. Ctmvenlent to the door,.is a never failing well of excellent water. This prop erty is admirably calculated -88 a place of public !Justness, being ideated th a popufous.section olthe county, and the house kept for dually years as a tavern. Persons desirous of reviewing the proper ty pri-r to sale:can do,so- - byvcalling-upositif e .sub icriber. Sale to commences at 10 . o'clock, A. M. 1 , 11 said day, alum due uittellitaii©e will be given, and conditions 'node known by ____ . August 13,18 . 45. N. 11. A Iliumlity - or corn, rye and 'Mita by the' will he sqlil iit the same time. Harrisburg Inbilligeutio• publish to amount o r 23110, and charge this Valuable :Real Estate a.) Lta rpm; Ruhserilier, Elevator of William Jrlities lock. NI•11. ll elqlqol. will sell Ilt 11111111 C stile 011 the promises, tin NV ERN {SDAN' the I Stli of Ilc luhrr nest, the frillouing M.:scribed real estate, to it: A Tract of first tale Lirot?toute Land, R FO 1 . 1 . R nun 39. perches omit memartt. The land is patented turd iwit high Mute of :cultivation.. The improvements area twit tun story IKEATII • - Trommith { - MUSE, a new. Batik •V't ' l l : larootatl, all Miter ore - essary: 'out. ag_ ; .),l„ buildings a 3 niMg pple OrCharMitf . ehnite ft nits, null a %tell a water near the Itoti 4 se; Thi; hpol is Sollll l e about thrt o miles \ , l est of )Ireltanicsimeg,:moti: Trimllo Spring road, Nintirm' and is Irmotletl by lands of 11'111. A'restlutifilm. Joshua Sly- ers II trot sold The - property will lie rented fur true 3Mar. An intlispittablei4itie will he given. - ti; tle-to commence at 1 O'clock, P.M., - attetolittive given and terms tootle kiittitimby FAII.NESTOCK,Ir—Ex2r._ August LF, 1845.- - - Two - Valuable Limestone Farms AT ED - 6139L1C , 111 Y virtue of the last . will and testament of •LO John Bttner, Into of Allen township, Com• Berland counts', deceased, will 'be sold nt Public Sale, on. - Friday the 2d ih Of October next, 011 the premises, the following described property, viz: A valuable plantation, situate in said town. ship on the road leading\to fleldentan's mill. south 01 Sliirein.fitstown, and about four miles west of the Susquehanna, containing about. • 200 ACRES. • Id first rate britestutic Land, all cif which hi in h high , Intf.! of erilikation and tinder good timers, and will be sold as a wholb or divided to suit trio rhat.yrs. The iiiiiirovi:inents arc a good Slone Doelling !louse, With wash house and i‘ell rit never renter, it large Stone Hank Baru, NVagon shed. Corn I house, and t thin r out !Rinses, together with an excellent 'rertuot MARC, and .1 itlu.ble iiiiii!e nielr.rrd, About forty acres of s.iid tract in thriving timber land. At the same time and 'dace will be °caret a tract of 7A - 031 -I .ES - ar- -, * c;/ 1 10 - 0 _YEAND ,ilu rte uu ill, -Yellow breeches creek, 111/011t throe quarters ul from the above furni, which scid—ac=a--w-lwrie-,- - Drin three lots to cult pthehasei's. Also, (in Tuesdity, the 28th c [October next, be sold on the premises, a valuable farm, situate in South' Middleton township, about two miles South' of Carlisle, on the road leading to Carlisle IronVorks, containing • 243 ACRES of lira rate - lA:nest - ono 'Midi in a high state 'of cultivation and under good fences. The improvs ments are a two story Brick Dwelling Haug, Tenant House Brick flaili_Damnagun_Blied,- Corn Cilbsor ' trall other necessary out buildings. About 100 acres of this tract is thriving young limber, and the rest cleared and thoroughly cul ttyated. It contains a largo Apple-Orchard 'of. choice ft uit, and a well of never failing i.valcir near tho door. This tract will ,also he sold us a whole or In two Arta to salt purchasers. Thu terms of purchase aro, that half the pur. chase mo9ey shall ho paid 4n hand, and the re mainder in five equal annual payments, and on the lost from.a widow's dower,will be subtracted, frojAllto...mpncy to be, paiclin_band, sale to commence on , emli.Of said days at 11 O'clock, A.-M. when attendance will be given by JOHN RITN ER, ' HENRY- ITNER MATI'HIAS HITHER, isAug. 27,-1845, !. • - Executor s Lancaster Examirier..cind Lebanon Courier, will puUlisb.till stile and send bills to this office. VALUABLE WOODLAND Twthiceelhit'Pribli& - SehT,'On SAititDAY, (he 20th of Septa tn bor,next, ata,o'eloek,P, precisely,at - theYubliti-House of.Jeenb.Trego i lu' - Dielfineup townpliif, - Ell7o;at ler:fract 'or .WOODLAND,' - situate Dioltinxen township, belonging "to A: G:Ege, containing about 11.400 ACRES, whicli will tre4ltyided Into'lota an';CA. _drafeand , plan eibibited , cn dAy. of ealti.: Pereone deiirene, to,vieri - the,property, befure!tbefallio wale, can-call on - 11104. iojin florpor or Wallin*: -I.lne r Ettci:4liir will 41how-tho-ptopi?ily r ot,giOti any infornialloni ...nocoosari , ‘ • 'l'ho .sale known`en theda ot oalof '"Aug. 27, 1845.., • ' , -Agootfog A.'o; EEO PPR ' ' '. ,' , 4 . '= ~ ~.,,,, ', ' v • DirE :sicit- ,z- r , . aili TlviiiiLD can nie ditentign` 6 Cm..n. I°.!;n:r . .!. r , 1 -0th40,1 4 0-I'verf eitesgely.esuPPlY ?!,1g..°t,t. 1 c alstink of loigwood.'Prosil , WoPa. pars /Yi 2 1 z '9' Wood,-Indigoi'lo3^4DYEtS-VITI"' Pnia-Gain ' lh" 1 " I eiary%'othotaiii ' thti.,,der, ..,,et„llc w.t ,I 1 mot ,,_ . 0 ~ ole utiod inAylOgi . iNPlr t:# l ,li',4 B ), loPliouttli,Y . 7 :brihe'toroititY.T;=:,..,...•s7gPi?o..Tr...,,,s Igtoettoat o Ak 'obit !mowing themielvai in , having imon iv ntic h Pe n fi omm . s oy ; r e l, poi `will N i7; l Ei ari itn : s 1. I tain f :: a t: t s l e e 1 7,• 1 3 : 1 r o ' n :4-11NbrarY.A4/Nir24l4` •-., ~ •&.: , ,1':27:',, ~.., ..,,.. ',••• ~;,,,,,,...r.''.:,,,,.. . . , '', ,",.'"'lu ,-.4.1,..,,,,,,,,..-3)04,,,:._. ~,,,, 7' , ~,";,,Ho ßk h...,- b . ' pie iltrlpEZdas -c?!. .-44_i_ ~,,•'•.„-,,4-i1i•0.p.,,,mi,d5hm..013.•.° . INtl•N•'?' •;*-- )-Tiiioi''.-.o4,i)eolckl!'"'•-tz4;:.:linilY:i•-`2•;;;•:,,,,iii.-.-.•:;:.3 la.o4.ld6)ijah2iiilo:kfiplritiliiiii•Wifq.!!•l•l7--,:',',. -., .., '7flk:::'ol4.,:f;ilAitttvti.6',:sl-4/010: • ~r,c,,..i,,,A,p,.,.,i,in,,r•-,i.A.:',...,'"iiiß''',,if • ~.„...5.,...4,f.,y4; ,;„,-.o.Asocipi 7 4 ,,, rri ,,,, : ,, .- -As r,,,5„..,,.K-N ...,,.*,,,,0,,..4 A ? , ,.. , .. , .,. noo . or . .tta:.,,1•••51b,.,!N tn.,44....-0 T•"•;•it•-•-•!;-,• t • Ifirik; „% a - 109 . 10,-• •-• ~u., Mr., ~,t,,,,.., & - dii,.,„9; • n4llll,LietiliAltitnit:llYelli 100.1;:'ii, .'l4-'3.÷,n,'"P:,,„a.:,2::,...`„' iT.,Vl,o,\,;ljko •4 . .., ',40,61, 0 7,---., ~!,',4 .-.),'' VlO ~,,,!.N,A - ?;'.' ''fifilla,rlT'ittiob.o4.-4,,,,!'•-•-,;1""",.:1iit,-;',;'; ,-',',:yr,,,-.;.•.:','"'''' - likril,k,...siniii4ol4, Jt -.,,t,:v•;..2-7.-i.‘,iiiirtcp ',.J,,,,,,..,,..,-....•!;--i,..,A,,y , '.... - ti.....?,piror„ 04.itiqy!fi!Pv.....-pp1.,,,,,,,„,,.:;,&:,•...' .:.;:,1::.:-:-'•--- Jkfr::-ikl*.=ik:,..i'7:liri,o;:?...),::,'-;,;•.4,--'.•''''''' 44.i,111,11.,:,,,,„,,11.•...• . !i,...t•...!.,,,::,'4,:e.'.,::.j:Et:.,:i.'5,'"-.'' '' . ' ~.3,':,1:1,T...::-:.,.,. A=l==l Orphansy..,,Vourt e. 1101 -. Y.-'tiirtue of:an - order Of. the Orpitatite Court' -LlL.ll=oftCuenberinutl-nuitillittr3iitt•be---4141!0:-te iMblici'sale„ at the' public . !ionic - 9f Mr. Hiliy,.ln Stougho6lo,-On SATURDAY:4Im 4th of 'October: neFt; . at o'clock, noon, °Cilia day, the following -described ,reaLestate, late the property of John Stough', sen. deceasecl,•vizi - • 7 - . - Al3: I, A - Tract of tioiebtrinet joining Stonglistown,'Newton township in said I,o6outy, ` bounded . by lands ,f John McCullouch, Sharp's iteiis; IliPwothvell's heirs, .tho Harrisburg and ChambersfiCirg turnpike roatl, and other, pipit 'ertt of the said John: Stough, - deceased, containing, ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE ACRES; 94 3.4 pErUliiiii;ittritt I . i - feature; of - Which Aiwa - one reit" acres are cleared, under good fence, and in good cultivation. Tho improvements are A large TWO STORY STON E HOUSE AND KITCHEN, now VA3, oacupied at is Tavern, a largx Bank two frame stables and other out- houses. A fine young Apple Orchard and other truit-treektnno n-never thlliiirwell-ofWate'r.--, •r- No. 2. A 'Pram. of _Limestone—Land.-in said Newton township/bounded by hinds of Skiles Ivoodboni;'.lncob B,eltzhoover, Polly n14011,16(1 -the-Harrisburponl.-Chatoberttiturr-tnenpitirrOlit; containing Seventy-one Acres and twenty-nine and eight lenths:perches, of which shout d 2 aireS - Ore cleared; in gootr o otativatinn, and under' exce llZ o t fencet•linvlng thereon erected a 2 1-2 story Log !louse, a L(10111.14 Corn Crib and Sited. is n ..ond r Ot Chard and Cider Presysm the premises. 8; A Two Story Franin House, n Stotts : Shop. a Frame Slnp,mll a lop; Stable, with 2 acres and 67 1-2 perches ni tlierets sitti'lle in Slniiglislowlt v 1,1:,i, tie Mitelnil I Stuarl, &mud Melliler,, null Front No. Ii alinn , snid. e " The terms of sole will be. $222 to be paid 'on purport No.'l.—siro to be paid . on purport -No. 2. —and po on purport t h e confirmation of the stile of each rt. spectively. -One 'third of the purchase money of each tram to remain in the land. 'the interest thereof to be paid to the widow of John Stough yearly and every year during her life, and the principal at her death to the heirs and repre- , rents 6ea of the said John Stott.h - deceits ti Oi e half the residue o the purehase•motwy"to be paid on the ISt of April next when possession will be' gvLin, and the remainder in two equal annual in stalments witiirnit interest, the payments to be se cured by recognizances with security in the Or phans- Court. Groin in the ground and rents to be reserved. Due attentlanee will he'etven on the do ofsale by GEORGE SANI)ERSON August 27, 1845.—ta. Orphans' Court ..Sa frp - Y 7 virttre of - ow order of the Orphans': Court of Cumberland uounty,l frill expose lo piddle sale, nn the premises, W EON FIS 1)A V the tith of October. 1845. at .11 e'cincici A: M•i. A Farm containing One litindred.o.llCl Twenty acres of gond slate' land situate in East Pennsboiongli township, Cumberland &mar, about 100 acres of areftleared, fenced anti iirma good state of math stint,. The imprOf'ements are' a I.Aitng TNVO STORY INLA , 110 USE nail large BAN BARN, I t I,' Irmer pal.t of stout, with Wagon Ait.! s ". • 4. Shad :mil ,1.47. • 1. 41. *, Corn Crib. Wash House, Spring 1111115 e, will, n never litiliingspring of water —mill a good Orchard. The 111 1-111 Is, about three 'mils from Harrisburg., and lies on the Galindo cilium creel:. . JOHN HOUSER, Exeptitor of euiil dada The terms will he made known ant cAlay nt sale :111./SiES 110 Wei • Ailrakistrator Jactib.lluover, August 27.4845.—ta. PUblic Sale HE IiIEAL ETTA 1r In. tinde;signed, ; " assignee of Jack High', T.will sell at POlic Sale, on FRIDAY, 3d - af OetublT next, on the premises, at' 2 o'clock, P. M. the following described Real Estate, viz: A 'rit . AQT-OE-SLAT-E.I.AND situate in Newton township, Cumberland county, one toile front Newville, in a good state of colt'. tulion, bourdleittrriands of Robert McFarlane, Jacob Weaver. John - M. Woodburn. and Jacob Gtr•e aonlainitm , n• • r arectO r d a tit , . - aiutSr .- LEIG - .1:1017SE, To - tf 'Mid; -binukamith ;lion 111111 , -11-Nvt4l-.of watin — bear the . door. The above tract of land inny ho purcha sed at private sairrprior to the lo Oetoberuntid if not sold on that-day-be-offered-at public sale, Terms auldf. krniwn on day ors,,lE:. DAVID RINE, Aegignce of. ;Jacob Iligh August 2"7, 18.1.5 \ - IV li 11.115,11CLE 17 a.•migh Propei•rff AT PUBLIC SALE. , ~._...... On Sal inlay lbe QOlll Sopterither next, • ,It.. , to 5 , .1,1 :II Public :•Ih, ;ft the pohlie boom-of :ear l neelelo, bl-q., that (Urge nod %yell tini , hed TWO. s' Bloc': DwELLING fibus-,E,.0. fi. onte'a nt ih.• ~I. Ic.lrt I! II I,v,r „,;;;1 i ! II lid tooth, r eireitn to.. tio Id ii./r •11!..,' I, . P rof It is One cr the bc,“ hur,...,:cii‘ ~ , t.zt........ 1 ,1,,,e. and loin long twee net opina`lis , i lateilwse stand, for which it 10 to,,i eligil4 ~.ito.itud. Tlir la etfu front room on the first : floor It , now fit 1411 ua .with the nece.wary fixtures for a (Hoods Stuh•. The howl., has large and •cutontodiouN be ck•bu i Id ings I br.l4conx , en-iontn•-,-e-iffl-titer, is p Tiif•hej - to it a sufficiently large garden plot. A Two ACRE'. LOT on the tuhipike lending to flarishurg, but within the borough limits, will also ho sold with it. Tho terms of sale will be made easy to the purchaser. If the propjrty is not sold on 'said day, it will he rented for one your from the . let-of April next. Sale,tosomnionco et 11 o'clock, on inid day, when terms and conditions will tie 'nude known by , DANIEL, 'COFFMAN, Auguit 20,-1645. Agent for the Owner:. WILL be sold on Friday; the 19th day of .Septemher at Q o'Clnek, P. M. on the cremiseo, a Feral - containing 217 acres of Lime. stone and Slate Land, two thirds Limestone situ• me in Notthitlidsleton_tmv_uship,_ Cumberland county, 5 mike from Carlisle, 1A from Kingstown • 3 from .Iloguestown and 14 from liarritiburg, bounded by Conodoguinet Creek, David TlOnvor's Mill, a road leading from Sterrett's Gap to York, John Coovor and Jesee Ziglor, There ie h btidgo over he creek at the . plum The ionprovaneate are, • ivoatitcfboarded.:l. A bank barn BO by t 0 fear, a wagon elicit, carriage hoesci-and'other-out-builil.' logs; tog tenant house and lug stable, which - makes it conscnient_for parte. BASHI be mild 4105%14mi if it sults poi- . chasers; a. miser fulling well Orwater-at eaeh meee; timeep at the mansion; 25 nares weariloti , not: eurpaspad_lbt_hcalry yield or g_994_,q 00n1y,12. 1 5 acres woo dland; a -large good 'beating-orchgrd...--, The whole — odor good fooce ; a suffeiiaiicy or 100614:0 make - prods, : put-,,the ybole , antler good post fence.. A further "ion 6,-- • i3sllary r 1.130 prOpertt;Will ICOOII, reeraing - Olere,00; oi - 1) 1 Mill, or by the ilObictriber-iii."l . wiles Wfist 9cCpilliiip...; - . , ::':, ,- - -.;•.'7 . .:. . ~.,,,:.,::::-.., 7. - - ' ~N. El....:lf.not'Poldr.:iin:Piibi '44,, ii.:w will, bp' oilbrid P . iiii . lAo .. eitle.lll Pold:'•.,' .'''...-.., •• -' • ,'. :,'.-...-..::,--.. tanactitter-Uniorg and '.lrork-Ri:fitibliVap intort tc; tliitutfil. • .. i ...i.. i i ii ;j e: cif. ;2••,d,,:re•deiltri.;;;;e...Swiiii;ol.llreph_.,:xilpii`.9oCcdontrot p ..of Einniberll4.- : 1" , ;; I l l i A l k,j, tow no lo p . i r i pub ia we; .6, th o .p i en, pig , F - -Divr-thei-Sgth%f= StiOinmt!ef.7 gajd , OuniYi --( . l ° - 1 . ,1 , A i -!-!.:, ~,„*„':,: •:-.-,.',.' ';... ,-: ' P . ',) neit; 410 . ololpo1.!,r,T; .., • : ;;',:,..., . -,..,•....." ~. .;,, ..,-„, A - T , .RAC , TLIOR;:;AOVYI,----T -:- ..-- '' . ` - 1 -- '4l,,i'i'On . d'inil;' from lint Ritut° IP II ; id i ttT"." fr '-k -. 'and' riliaittAinlf '4 ) ittiln- 1 Y A 1 1 _,.. 11° M.,e,;-.-,„ C°°3 4 ° -. B . 'c ir r • S- -edirj-iliiiiiiiaing 10. $- 11 . iroin:.gnepeile,, „r, , ~...!koibutgE.o- AcREs,. spring ''-' oniallillN '" l '•', r '6ll. d'illidec V,lr . ...-. 1 ki . tu:irf which,o 4 eare 4 .F.,, ~,.: pte "F, F. ?.(1 ~ ,i ti4ilatiiiiinnilinwo , will be ITO' "A cf i. ,l %,i'a f felaciliiwn ciri' , ll4.y.'of $O6 ! ) .f:...„.'; : , i'FF! ,..A : 3, , .777.1r-.7: i25g5GE.',8gt.b1Aii,..,..,.,..,. ,-‘,', 4; ', 00 - i ! , - .' ,10 45-.1'*:,. , 'r : , ..: . ..i ''• • -';-:•,::',' '''- , • -- . '' • ' ' ' EN= A LOG. MANSION, - := 2 Pun Lit; saLE. EC=SM= ::FliF.M:i,': . ft,i,ll),,'TA:ll.o'; l ::;l'l,lT:4l, • .:.,• • a .. l J in l /.l t : i-fe6 lrft rt grc i - i l t: iaY:the.3oth4 :f a SOPteatp:Tftifoloing:'valtablo:reii tale, the, pioperiqisnonstuckoy,deo; .ed,.via . ; - . . '. -- Farilti7aitd.Talretili Stan .. . Situaio at the Forki of tlic Piitibute and . Wheel. frig' Turnpike Roads, about. four mike West. of /3cdford. Tim! Tayern ii a commodio - us . RoTOME.. DWELLING) tho_sbigies_bi g h,_Afty.fe a til k le n gth.'by forty in widtln with. stabling, Opting house, sc., attach. ed. The farm .contaihe • . ' 216 Acres of floe Limestone Land, }BO cleared, and tinder fence, 90 of which are meadow ; there are two geed-orchards.. Besides the Tavern Stand, there are en This tract^ • TWO FA M A - large banli - barri andlgrainery, one NM - Ring House and Still Houle, and a large stable arld dry •honset-also-two-other - - DWEITANG-HOUSES, a wagon- makers ehop,"and black eolith shop, and saddler shep. TERMS -it:Me third of the purchase moncyto ho paid, in, hand et the conficination of the sale, the leilence in three equalennual payments theie. after, 'Without interest ; to ha secured by judgment bond., or bonds and morgogo or worgoges. . Sala to eon - mace° Si 11).0`olook, A. M . ^ PAM STUCKEY, . • • 1' EARLE 'FUME August 20, I so—St. al Pain:able Farm, AT PUBLIC SALE. , ON sAtuitimy,27,l, of September next. srill be bold at-piddle sale, on the preinisus, in Mif- flin township, Cumberland comity, imay the road from 'NlcCormick's mill to Shippensburg, about tls:quarters of a Milo from lie 'T AR S o.• • • A-VALUABLE FAR% Containing one hundred and . forty-one Aeres of Slate Lend, in a good state of cultivation: The im provements are a good , —.l' LOG. 1-1 OILTS77 , MI 1 4 , 1111 ••• And a Lo- Barn. the latter of which has lately been put under a new roof. There is a well of water near the house, and a running stream through the place. There in a variety„of thriving Fruit Trees our the plantation. About fiftenaAorea of,dhe.placc is meadow :lane, - and twenty nr twenty-tiro neves Wood land. She place iv coaNillcusll one 'of the finest in that township. Persons wishing Information of the place, can olitala it from Dr. John Wilson, of New vine. or Samuel NlcCiaw,:pljoining the property. Sale In mite place at I o'clock, P. M. of said dav, when attendance will be given` and Perms made - known Ir the anbseribet, Art indisputable title will he, 'given ia,casc., of a sale._ • July 9-3, 1845. ,SOLOMON SHAW. ititIMIEI .IWITICE TO .TE.I4"IIERS. vroTieg is hereby given In apply log 'or situations in the Public Schools of the district composed of the township or Frankrord. Cumberland county, that the Boartl7lDirectors. it ill meet at Mr. Bowman's Store in said township. On Saturday the 113111 of September next, for the purpose of examinitig, applicants as—to—their reE ',native qualilicathins; at which time persons apply ing will please ;Mend, . • FOR SS. 1 LIGE . . . A COUNTRY STORE, situated, in obe of the 1 - 31, most tiourishingjywns in the county, and ion pollulous district, is' oTfered for sale by a person about .ciderutp,-pitattrofcss:ottalengtmcinentsi dres, B. „at this Office. A.ttipi_st 1, 1845, - • _ AVEIPALORIP GOODS. ,sort c &tot i to their advantage to cull nail ti‘attlirie at die 'Cheap Stare,' a large usenet meat - of Cassimeres and qussinetts, Which will be sold at reduced pi lees, by _ _ • - j. A - CLIPPINGER Shippensburg, August 15, 1845. DRY APPLES, for sale at the store ol August IS, 1845. J. A. CLIPPINGER. WA I TLHE . AND JINLrI, As' "A Illt INA L. 9111 E 811mo:oboe begs .tye' to call the ;Menthol of die public to the lam old Fpleotlid itssort lucid of 11'scithes :11 , 11 Jewelry:just received at his old stand i t Maio street, opposite Loudon's Book store and a little West of IlcutuurNhotel, cousist lag ol Gold Patent Leveilb Aid Levine WATCHES, the lia.),t emeicovv , and hen iiitu Ile Il;IS cr olicred In lb, citizens •luotlicooatt sdlier L vii ago! I a:ill lie to ( t old zilvet bias, FA .keys, Witteb-chal,,s. Speiottchol. at .llso oov Toctv - e - a - si'vr, - ttnai th,t!Josirs - , - Lork - ersTH-rir=Tinis, chip, Finger-i lags, Aledalloor, and a lot of very 6U- Diamond pointed Pens, a eery tlesiralde artii le for men of Business gene. calk; together ninny other articles in his line of Inisiness tuna:possum. In. mention. A Persons wishiyq to ptirehme opy of the itbove nt , tieles,woold do well to 611 slum, ni it in the howl tuonefd mod 4:heoliet.d nssurtment et ri• nirereli to this conrimindtv,llllo 8 , 11 , 1 10%%1•r lop cash thou they Coo he puruhustul ut retail it, the pities TIiONIAS CONLYN. - July 0,-1845. . . • CLolrmnus SCI,DIVB`,VG IVe rettiro our thanks for the putt amigo dreads Tijiiitirtrott us in our !Mr of I)oo4.B6—the Seth.- ing of Clothes, &c., with Soap of nor own numulite. titre. -Pall is drawing near and all those who desire to get their hill and wilder clothing ready cleansed froot grease spots before wearng again, will please give 1111 " c 0112.1. iti_W.est_Pneafret .Street- The Collars of Costs, or any spots, will lip cleansed Without. lottelling the tither parts pi the garment it desired. Puy primis will be proportion to the ' job, varying freim 12 1-2 pests to half a dollar.— Send us word owl we will come to your dWellings foe the Work. Preoldhose who may not wish to. give us the cash we will take trade of any kind...we: Mil use. - Auction Cake wilt be attended to in town hint hountry t :unti on minket tnuctlitutoot the Mankttt , douse. . wEsuey miLEs aril• 2. K 5. liEffl 'N B. linve procured n room connected with -Mr • Stetilien-KOeper's -Tioner-Sliou in the - rear-Of die - Mort:et Boum, where Twill rimeitm'ollkinds'ot t e .C.; 4 . 11 9) ...11tue FJurii g the tilly,'cir in -tile. eilminir,s. All neonunte will prormaly be settled immetlitttely niter 111. • • ... A , A DIE S I rrq;)"113.11 Lidlei'areftivited in' look at I IN - 111)1611ili d Oracles , for. the toilet received by the subset iber, tag Soulii , liousseihs Almoinland,Other ;106=7 nioe Iletoott Oa; Eli7111:1011411131 teutlyk . ltoussera'.. , ,itoadiae ., /or itonaset's 'Extract for, the triodkerollief,besitlei 'a: largeL'varietyioLot4ritishionablOterfunies;whick 'cannot fitO'ttflifeaoe',•ftiflrri.lifOli Tiery. low for oasth:. MatEU . 1 Cpjtnpot!uti lirtio!ittite -Woo - 1 . .4(l` , *(ll,sed;Riiit .rpr male ; c44.l..stor_a_4..ft.yOrit.,SLY , _ol,lro4 0 141 0. 1. ,Pi4; 1 40117.7 60 i!X*10i i;jusC.reCel . yeiti;:and Kaitale at. the i3heoritit* TKSl:ilOitigrirk - M - cliMpr. --. , y - . , §,6 . At!;ittL4lrrt supeoor.ijually t tat reettiked-m4d . for - sato ye - the cUitii-d.rug teveniin • , 4 t la.4b ; l .J.,rigllE 'BLITZ MIXTURE izte'd:Meatiooo G 11 01 4 40: - caYebife'eitiii.02 . 7titi sitkon. 8ert.4942,01#0 . !V' .. riU of 5. frish' find viallif o ijiiikeisAteit 3441 TOffilialii,l4:oo 7 oliitall - lrug metro .O z tonWaiTirdn - gt241411 • COttX ,'7 ,Priklatritit A,,kberialn core for„ColitO , piliklichtel,tl , sale . Yt Ott 'slrug 1406,94itcfa1000 . 0 4, 40, , frk • , " „,, „ , and :BA • (ea , • , d a l i niV2 l 49Arcptei'keiyi i ieii 4 ' i l' • WAL.AIeC URA , ' p9ct,Ot!l =1 \l l4 -7- lo • 9 3 ' -5 uable 7. ‘• - „ ;Old -& ~ppiifA~B la A ;; 1 All 6 ifl f lret ' rate fy EST NEttalty:iitii`atiiSiath IVlrodletooto*ll4hipi,otte , •iii!le:StAi ' Cuthiiiitaad :coMity,rlying'Ou thtelValime•Bottoot cdtittiPtilV.e t.'•:): t: rt . • 'lcLatc.U_:__=7.3a_Miliii:Vr ' More or tess'4 having tt\etteton two goo: Stone-House, a.largii.-fratne - Barn, a. ater, a Sqningl• r; • and thrivint ripple OrolArtl. Alto to II ho solir witlrthe 4bove ttsCt flive4tcres „,- fi r g'rate . C•theittout:Tiintter,:',.7 , ' The W • B alnut ottom' *id.; ptioides . :thititifili 7 iito farm, which gives a inarkeo Or all this is raised upon it, hst drovers Pyiasing through fo•the east. • . • Per sons wishing to purchase witl please 'call iipcm Mr. Andrew Blew, lir Carlisle; or on ilieiMintiribdr, at his Mills 4 miles ergot of Carlisle.' . • August 6 . 1845. ___ • _____ IHC_sobs _a 1. at..privqa :sale, a 1 irnot or land it West Pent..Tiboroi - ,townnltipt, Cumberland county, one half milereast Of cmrtniuinK . , ee) — .E,...ersms -- 134Ext of prime Lhneatone_LatiO, hi a good r i hile of pottiva.: tion, 631'11(1,164 a large,proportton of knitiler'gßoti .ld thriving timber" 1 he improve- ,•:: ments are worn Story Stood fionseo Stony MI 111 Stony and tither out-buildings. - The nbovn dosoribeo- property, the J2:7 , • . 1. subserihera offer 'to sell either in tract, or otantatir or . It , .acintrate from lheirest. good .title and pmtOision will be given on the first of,Ainr uei t. ITQFIERT MeCACH4EN,• ATCHESON July .30, 1845 • AND VDRiSTFIeg MAQNNTIC FLUID. rill - 11S remarkable discovery lies received theff- IL L• universalfipprobation of the Medical ro fession of Great Britain, and hits now been spill 'cloudy long before the American public to ghe fair test of its . power and efricaey. thpFahott Galvanic Rings have been fininalo anawer all thil„. purposes for which thp oramary Galvanic tary, or Electric and Magpelic machines iito used, but are without any of the injuriqui*cksi _which nectimpan:y the applipationit-bsothoie..ifi. struments, and in mtiny father reirpeptft and more - - safe and.certain in accomplishing the desiqd art The Galvanic Rings hays been used w.dh-Vk-- leet success in all cases of Rheumatism r acute. M t • eli-onip, applying 'to di¢ lama, face or Mabel.— Gent, Tic Doloreqx, or Tteithache, Veotigo, Nervous or Sick Headache, Indigestifel, Parulyssis, palsey, P llipsey, Fits, Cranip, onion of the Heart, Apoplexy, Stiffness of Joivis Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, Neuralgia, Gerwr• al Debility, Deficient of Neryops Energy, and ~11 Nervous Disorders. Their extraordinary cfret: upon toe system must be witnessed tole ad, and as a certain preventiVe fbr theteccedinz complaints, they are equally to be recianimended. The. Galvanic Rings aro in every way perfectly harmless, mid are-sold at prices to be within ill: , reach of all. Christie's Magnetic Fluid 'is useij in'conneetiim with did Riege l to render theirel tioient action pet - 441 . '4nd to direct the Galvanic .influence to.particular parts which arc affected. -Nroneforis- certificates erthe 1;060411 'effects of Dr. Chriti,tie's Ring rind Flora Can be sheep. The followier Caution' is fleir,tho Preifif"Yer4 Surf, of July 12th, which fully recognizes 'the churn 'of Dr. Gristle us the only . proprietor of thq 'genuine Galvanic Itings"atiOragnetie Fldid. Caution fo Me Public.—Wo teal. it a dilty.l.q - onoiion the public against purchasing apy of thy Imitations Crietic% Galvanic Rings which unprincipled persons are attemptin; „to dispose of in eariolie places throughout Wo can rt•ita with confidence in its truth, that thite •tiation ;sem: nejbeneficial Innueinm-What- InTF.F: ever and nit 4 Le rpgariled in no °Lifer light Chili? a direct fraud. . _ fIATERT Is ;hp solo agent of Dr. Crisqo forflarrisburg and • . Harrisburg, Aug. 04.5! Estate of Samuel I - I. 14.oclrevrs, '51we,1 7 ~„, ALL persons are hereby notified that Letters—, of Administration en "the 'estate of %Irma ri. Andrewit, late of North Middleton township, Cumberland county, deceased, have this day been r" issued by the Register in and fur said county tqf the subscriber wliO resides in the said township! of North Middleton: All persons having alums or demands against the estate of the said deco-i dent are requested to make known the Bailie with-1 out delay, and those indebted to make;paytaisp4 to JOHN „Carling, Jr. Administrator. Auguit 12, 1845.-61 Estate of John Fithian. deceased, Administration upon the estate .101 u Fillton,tate of Allen township,Ciun berland county, deeedied, having been grab - toil tr) th : subscriber, residing in the some township, ' - , - ;rerrnir, - Iricrwing---theinselves-indebterl-to tfie_ea late of said deceased are (oink &to mrdte,' , ' nem- lame:dirt-WV; itpd-these-lt "demands against aaid 'deceased will preset); tl.Ol duly authenticated for settlement. ILLIAN 11A41{NESS, Adm'r. August 12, 1841=3i. . LADIES' SHOE MANUFACTORY, • • • JUSTICE 11AR714:17".,, TA'S.NKFUI., for the very lib rul 'patropage he las receiyed,.would iuforvi the.Ladips of Car ' lisle nod iti vicinity, that he still 'condones to maio .nfacturC LAT/IFS' 2110 ES ”clf every quality and _fariety,_at_t keep:ce boOki: • • Ladies; Frencil liforocco en KO; double-hole d pltuce,' • Ladies ittnikinfi :hoes, ' • • 1,25 " Gaiter Sithos, • • 107/ Nfisses'and•Children'Aelocoin proportion. - All work done by hint warranted, and all rips repaipd gratis. Cal Lat the Jack hous,o in Garner's, •Stiqvr. nexitfotir la' cqthrie, • Vatchmaker. Carfisie, February 5, 1845.— r fra. • .44:t,g9*1 NES. fitALZOßlNti:aell,Lawns of the bleat atxlep . ; it exeefalingl:y, le* tiriees t for gale at.the Amid' eifiat 130845... • J. A..CLIPVII3PE,I4 NOTICE , --,.--. ----'- .. -Thorny ~... ivemetieerlig 1,1, a siped- here. 9 s , i ecomm 6l 4YFP, ill ~ --The '?" l L er ' and Easv! °I , •,,, t ,, i t„ . soolides a , „ .. tl e bimmicukao9 to .An a vaii applicationlps,ttloi a i l i t e h poey , ! i t ,,, n i, b e n iT o i • au 4 t :l, - ri l erot f h r e e i n i tg . t ; :,,,,,, , of i e. n ) moce ono int; of'' a l'amir alining nOrk,qf ' ra „ the ,menr,), A„,,,,,,newand_l. I ,,ir citi r i . d 43 , 1 e qf ' T me_., Hu 0 ,..,, uomg • - , capita , cs , • t" ~ 1 .. to, twlopt(Pf WM to, avP F-, ',.° c R'''•'_ ,fi-c -; slid' Porl'ara goner, , PL'"""YIW A 'r ' tlimusand doil",, w ith. ,• bank4r n htpid- qa. r I , ,pe g es. , _ ~, ~, n- °J.' , .., ddi Bentant st•Pr ~. nh e ein, , ? ~, „r,T . , - iib PI! • • •,, 2 - d'acov - A , ..7. ; , „-,_711'.-::4`-7-,•..."- , , _,,,,.i. , .., - -= qbeili3OMT, ' r q *r,,v.,„'..2Vatcherl- '••• , - • ‘...r,,,,! 4lx 4 " ' •, ~ '' • t.. - 1-M--iiv,ll4a. 4rY-r'7,7-'--7., --'Z-•''374...•,•7_yth-ci-3.--,-pon. 1,4 „ ;e4 , ~' , .... ' ti,.; . .7,'..1.; 1 ‘ .: ~ .il' . j,,)::' , ", , ,,:rt. ”. Stegai-8.",-.l;i44igifid' ' ' ffeW,aitiegilwilvvt:o,roL,_:_. J.,uS_T_.r . to" tte.l lonittn..o4.,-,,,,, akern s +LI " .., a mnobic iirA4til be:acIL4:OQ,PAP?7,I IL,Rd ailingjtowri snsiroLs , ,, , ,F at! al. 7 i , 4,, , , ~.... ~ ~',,.; i.:•,,'" Lear. ' an " . • ‘11 . 414 Wfserli'fri,"..,„,,,, : l c gm stbre?F” +. -f.,-% ' . -- /-Alltob- • ' . 444-; *,,,, that Letters tdifri c h i, -si; --- s - ,o„ , .T:,.. , ,x,c,f,,,i d i v h,...,,,,,y, 6 „ F ula hlr f,...„ 4 o .9 .. u c tiii )V e.,ria Gl itam 4 i r eti , qiicett " ti.,:,:: , l, , , o i, s o.fili ' l% h i- i 11$0-'rAirretid ly! fi rkl i , Estate .P 10,4 .. lid lit- 6 ' 5l, . i ifebted't .4) ' I.ll)ret.i:^t onegelin AW'snisn _ ll .l. R. t 'and v ql, . I ! 4, 'M 1. ~L,..,,,:, ~ shiP' ' - edlefearril 'it'' 1 i ' ;it,e.,ti-41'1..,", ram , .044 , for iattlenk otiol#,,TiAm * -41',713:1 -will sert':,7"- 0 old. /1:5 ~7,:dnipuktsAtlv.,,l7., ~ 7-- - , ~;„,, , ~41..712:2,- ' '4 =.t.'' .` , i) , •• , -, '" • ' ~,,.,, ,:, : -, ; 1 c ' ~,;, ,5+,1.,";3,,,rii. `::eilikl4oos43' ' ' lit EEO Jgr~e,SL 184'5;' `'; ------ ---F-7,-.11,-,77,--77-7-7-17, , , i 7i . - I ! ...' . firMi k 'il - ' l l , TEO,' iilifteilerho:l44.o7if tr ,7 64 . li fie" , ' ; i . 0 mosor giant. is. ~ . . 01. 11 „„_..4% ,e,. Aiiltn rafkAltk .I* ft Pt . "PP (Na- "I I V.:•1';: - ! 14 rei**44**4 l o lloo l 4. ot Ont# ~,;C 'q: i' l t wmeotiotiCti,>niiiiitA4eVieo4*. . 0N, , ,,„: ',.:o:4oulf4;3AGlO4Wlit-Il i ttivr ~., ,: .., - -1, , ,,,, ~0 0 4 :4 0M tWeGNENT",,,int !ilea , , .: 4 'teqAls ,,, v,m4#6Api - -Aes , ,,, °.44*6;'4544.'::',: , ;: , ,::,!.; ,- , , : ,1 , , ;;: , ,- . A , T9 , ..!, , PVg, ;;,.• , .i., , :',i' ; , , ::, .' . ;,'';':,'l4 q:AAl;•,.:; --,,,',,,-:,..,.,,,',%,,..::::,,,,'..!,'.0,7,•,',',,,g,,.',,20,14.,:vivimi'k,,•,,,,Ng45.;,,,,,,,-; Yl B MEM PEE Ntrfi