ittokaw italtaatileal Et `CBiliTfY; EDITOR XND'PROPRIETOR, CARLO@&S, - - - • - i , ''VEDNESDAY - September 10 1845 'Co'iy. Ticket. • • .6 'asembly: ' THOMAS B. BRYSON, Hampdfi. JACOB FOGELS -- :Cornmissioner .J9SEPH.. IR W INE,'-Newton. - Prothonotary: • AD-'oUSWEbLEShippensburg Recorder : RPIIEIet WILSON,./vieblianicsburg, I?egister : • JAC•OS BRETZ, Carlisle. • • , • , Director of the Poor: - J. MYERS, Carlisle: • r .• Treasurer : D. N. MAPON,'Carlisle. • -- The, .Whig•.Mottol . : ,67.11 K ITKION' of hoWb igs for-the tiafto,,of our Party—our County and our State. Eterything for • -- Prhiciples and Viefory—nottF- Ing•tor Men: -, • igarktomipunication, we have recei. ved free' Dickinson town-ship is held over until our "nest, io the hope that better and wiser counsels will in the meantime pre vail _against the suicidal policy of those who Would -ruin when they cannot rule. Oun paper, although the usual variety sof miscellaneous matter is precluded by a 'press of advertisements, is .pertainly of greSt - interest,io all who wish to - know,. v;rhere some of the best Farms in the State .cial)e_parefia . THE. PraLlb^ DIIRTHE, 'call the—attenticm — olth - c — People of Cumber land county to-the Arti# \ _under this head= in an adjoining column_. It.ia the second of a • 'oertes-of seo-innieir oed by the editor of tho West Chester 'Vil . -loge - Record. They Itre, worthy-.of the - profound- attention of Tak-Payori. -' _ C4t. WASHINGTON'S company , of U. S. ler)? stationed at the garrison mearAhis_borTgb,.mads_asplendid parade in town on Thursday last. We noticed that the gun-carriages had been newly painted and refitted, while the whole ap pearance. of the . company have evidence .that evary:thing.:wao•-il , complete and per fect order.. We never saw this superbly appointed 'corps melte a more " magnifi contlY Stern"disiday• icr The Philadelphia .papers notice the 'completion of an elegant'new building erec ted by the Mercantile Library Company, ?tear the corner of nth and Cliesnut street in that city. The building is described to —be-fif.ty-i'cet-in-front-atid-one-bundred-feet in depth, and as alipecimen of architecture —second to none in the city. The edifice is three •stories high.' The first, a basement Mtory, is faced on its entire front, on two streets, with , white marble,x worked with e wa bricks coyerettwititeement a - nd ban &Joule. The' presaltta ,a portienjvith‘ suitable Entabla torei:atid,heving six stately ',columns of the • Corinthian order resting on a marble - base ------nle,ntr7lr.llcf-frOnt-.9niLibrary-streetrit-ett ziohed., by ornamental Antete, it each .ex lremit-yt spd . poelled between the windows .windpirs, :the principal' floor are provitiadwltli liroodinarble';beads; tanning .cciniol4... - The itit4iiir Of the ing finishedr in a corresponding style Of T.liiii,splendid ad .':iflcitiod4o.goon4.:,oo9o,wfiichit stands, i h a lf o j , f134050°°77 ' ' fluky abs`u coat the •j, been - paid said to a ' ve - t d„- ..4.• itt' tpl , ll l 8.01 b ' 8 .the vas • ''..,.4 - • i'' Tag- 8 PW. A, • • in _igloo! ' . , ,„t or.„,..building ". ,around.' itotieen ihe•co-- L int the 'same . Ifrinctinliic Sat! ono 'uf eu!" r ii4 . 7 - r. - • L,,uniyoo9nlyz.•, . ,:...iioutous. ~ ~...rz, .., disastrous ittiA.---41' • ''.. ---.4l.i:eri#LAPP!' .-; PhilidelPhiai _,...F..0, ._,- i,..nligibedm..,s-k, it 001 ..6ro\brftt(4°P.,,v4. • i . and begure --. "to'''''itti4..OPiuiPg ia" i.„l--otthe...large ',11P ,513 ?"-..."(ii(1,4 Ile-,i7fl'.' 1 'eiti.- -7--4bePrfee'ri''',-, douses ', mi c : o .st - ' 6l. , • o f '' ,a,:ciiiiii!riti*,„, , , i.i;„,46kisipc,oto Y'r'P%„,-,ll.iilif:l,Vler,e,4:` 7 ,n i. 081188 -,41np1!0"1,...e,.:Va*, ~," '0" Fo. i. tz .„.;,,Pll,loi',V!'llai ii - s ' re.,--i!upoil sig . ! . . --;-A.2..martint`,e,t,,,..,, ~...-,,.:i 3:11m -buildings : Ainiu r-7,t-i.,--rAlielaunn..l9.., ''n ' ltnen:9 ~ ~...-.,,tc.. lA,',,uoure .—, 'ia - ,°._'-:';.' ti ; tb ‘ it c con ' 4 , , ..=l.'•• , . b op, : L i ' 88' "917 estimated; 411 ! ab°4i '" 81 !,-, ; . ;16 10*;1°`QC!- / v,.i.effiatillx.eilw ' '"‘ifutfi'Siiki!ccl 1 i n jured LI -44440,- ''.. „. --ivi,.e,:,,,m on,:weteatit , 1 i ' '''''eV. -•-'-ere"`''-' 'MT he burnt-o u t aom Pa.n e -14,telliitt:Or, -d of theirLreeetrlP : giv en hi itimiode , o4l!B r. ;''_a .... - '' 5 ,..--- ,;,,i i ,,,........i ~,,,,,-.' • , , .' - • ', iiiiiirj,bilPintati-`' ' ' ' ' ~, ____,, ‘...: ~1.,...,.--,4,, ~T.--,,,,, ilizionenure.' .- e .s'i• wEnoVe L, the:, q.'3'•i i •mpou,r,wart#ll • , ~• • ' - bow of ', - - 7-.- J, i 7, '..i..j 4nindri 110014 '• ' I', ,he4en.1.,... ...,....i.,,. • , 01114$1, ,„, • , 1, , •.-„,..i1.4 '• - The-PnOlic- !Forks again-- yhe Volunteer' fine over 8 0 1 ' umn its ""Pied irOin itabe'" , rate-aiid-spetiou'ss'lrgaitietitito-Prove-that th following resolution of the loco 'loco county meeting, to not in violation of the wishes,of more than two thousand loco lo cos in this county, -who voted last fall for the sale of the riblie works. We give the resolution agein 1- Emote* That coniidering the enok mouspinount-of our public •debt, and the heavy taxes with Which our people ,are barthened, a most rigid system of economy fs necessary in the management of our public improvements, and that their-Intim popularity among the people of the State, will mainly qpend on_tho.fact whether or notsthey will prove a source of revdnue to the l'reasury." This resolution the/Volueteerthinks is very 44-- etifiilly,worded and expreSs — c - s - tis clearly as could be ments of the democracy of Cumberland." We Aink, toS,4that it very "• cctrefully worded'.'—abut the care has been to express "tfie real sentimeE -- iffi r 'el* the StateSiMin istration. not the wishes ,of the tact pay ing people of Cumberland county ! And, , we are, the nroref inclined to think so, be cause the editors-of the ' Volunteeethdve` heretofore been •located where they could know : . a good deal, more about "the real sentiments" of Governor Shunk, and his r nds, than have_be, MEWS MIER, Hopewell. JZIECI T yetjo. learn ditto people of Cumberland county. As for Mr. Bonham,, whom they giVe as the author of the resolution,.he is also ima situation -where he-catt-riaost-heartily es- - chew• Antt. , 'Nxism."- We have never heard him charged with being , deficient in 'sagacity, and he would be great fool if he Ilifutoktititika_ressatition Aich was w ten for .Harrisburg, " on' the hill," would not arso exactly suit the democracy Here ! The avowal of the editors of the Volun teer that they are in favor of the State re taining the management -of the public works, render it unnecessary for us to re ply in detail to:this long article-.-for that is the great point we wished to show. Our original design in commenting upon this reseantien was to show that the loco foco leaders and the loco foco organ in!--tliis county are now opposed to what nine ., of !heirparty,sire in favor of :the sale of the public works: This the 'Vrif unteer adm'it's, but aims to show-that it is because the public - worko now ." begin to be a source of revenue to theTreasUry." -But this is not true: There is no portion of the public works on which-there:has atirrefiliOit" the COlninbia Rail Road which we admit is pow iii more honest hall& than formerly, Bp even here 'tile improve ment is licit 'very greal, and we believe the revenue from - it is not equal to the amount realized ti under the administration of Gov:. • . - Gin! would And here let Its look back to that so much lifted administration. During Governor Ritner's term, ifwe,are not mis taken, the receipts from the public_ works amounted to -about one million, and the expenditures [at least the last year,3 were not more. than from four to five hundred thousand dollars.. When Gov. Porter succeeded to power,'with both branches of the legislature ready to obey . his beck and nod,' an appropriation was at once made for the management and repairs of the public works of seven . hundred thous aud dollais—thus at the very' fitst. step Increasing the expenditures two hundred thousan . d dollars! At- this increased amount they have been kiit ever since.— And this while 'he receipts hive been jtist aboutithe same the'y were in Govitino; • let tl term 1 If 1 1- -kg are ie pu. to wor beginning to prove a source of revenue to.Alta,Treasury t -the Volunteer - must de t monstrate Ify faits arid fignies. Until it is thus clearly demon6trated party leaders may viiirexpesi the People. to be satis fied with dby thing else than the sale of Cho pu , he works. a.ove are built•o By • neglect of timely assessment the Whigs lost just about ai many votes last I fall' as would have sufficed to carry the , county for CLAY and MAIIELE! This is a fact. Let us not have a like lamentation to tnakithis fall. The laW requires every voter, to be assessed ten days before the election, and we call attention to the matter at this early period in' order• that every ha!" hie name placed on the list in timer -- , =I ~ WIZEN the fresent . editore of the Votun leer promised do largely in their ealutatOry , l siddreasoliat their columak-shcald never be prostituted. by -, ectirrilloue : abuse . 'or th,6, 6ppolients,.. wfi . did^fnOt• think f The promise ' would , be,lo soon violated' as it, is in their last paper; - whereihe-Whiglieket-ie char. acterized. ae..2!..aLmitterAle; 'aristocratical, ticket); concern, proverbial only.for becifiti.",' We Would' just intimate!that if language such se 'this is to, be'the Order; it. .will becoqm neCO4Sary , f4f:Tll9.ol%l l 4l.l4Y. - riCkiiilly the course JIP -1116-r. uliiiii; - 7 --- ., , . deerib,Volf, 2d direeter de:' ° . --T—C._Mlliiiinealdili . tfisaili 13 , re *se Ins , o do 715,1e0. wi., ovp, 2d ''''.- d of' Chet -' ''- ',- Jecsib , j 13!)rin, Iti , . Angeiy, ' Wm.' Id, Porter,Ceinlidtti; iA. ' "' r ~.. -v,- --,-„, °° , Fo° ol3 te- , ,`` ,ibckut, 1111ijiii, iJiiirop.7.,4„...iiitiiiist;tog; . C:elf ,je oru e s t v o l i o 9 6 v77ae t ; r 7 4l ;3 l _ ,... i n: j ari li i ilih r m n i irl ei n tr a a ' Gam- _, t a n dt - .!te' lli o d i° . wl :„*.. ll ,f ' lbeArieleritiZ;tii . ' ; ' . ll A ` L ifitt) ' t ab Yule Y ule ereb '' 4. ' ' ' • v._ , ,,:,, , . ~. ; c p. °21.',1 1 .., at in la!k i le' • . A ,-_, ) PrPfent ,0 ,40ifavgbEitider , o o l o qu i s i x ? m o l i•;fiiiiii-i t ;i'" , - 4 4'6 - y. , -; , 49,for'ibe , Olii rind im Oarti tit 'Man e' , *ri 7 l o •• ~,:? , 1 7 , , ~, ~ ,„„„,,,,,..19,4 ~, I .lek: /0 1 1,,ti ,, ,h t i r h tr im 11 , ,:. . ~-.. •., ,P, '''' l , 41,,J0,0,01101rAlakli,10,e10'n.beliplitibli4 0 ' id ~.°,,. , 0 arggsr. his Auietp'im 4,oloc*:slk44:64o,iikat,*-141 1,''°., , ,niv .1 4." ),,1 1i ii;, d 0. 1 ) .09R:i 4 g , '}i 404)0 . iii o ,Vit , l tl7ll,elV9, , ,i,i - v_ , 5-.11 $.,,,k4.1,414113,1300fpatiy,4))16 ~,;114-ii‘,ol4ioi6 „,).,,,,?,,,...+,1k.,.-6,5:4-.-;, I A ~, wr,,,dlk!ip.) , ;(lr4-ry . .lA,zki , ; .190, #44loiiikt l i , ,d#iegifto limi ileriek s iVileii..'' • aolir - lit , ;, r ~,..,.. .4v..0-,1,,,.-kizy,,!;l.l*,-;,,'11117itc..., *6 , 0 , 1; ,, 0 , , ,4, , , ,, :,Tvi:;;;., ,,,,, ,;11 , 4i . 4r ' V ''s s ''''' 1:' ;'-'447lo,YReri 'y-rilbitlyeb,olA,nni.rigy-a-hiA1,4,6. Z o .. ~ ~ ,,id :A,y .. , -,1 , i . 11 , ,p ,,, , ,, ,4._ i1ri i v,1,,A,41 . 4. • . ;$.,..„.„.,,, 'A, .„ 4 .14),1Anx; , .0.s ~.., v e, J,:', l . -;!:. :,,,, $4,4!;-'1 vkAillik4Avi,qvi4,',f,,zJefif4oief,Y; 4 leggielidailkielqk • , 1,040_ , , , ,1,18,1t,rrA , :%:Y",:. 7 , 1 ,, , 11, , 5t5,55tftT ) F, k v i'''Wr , " ' " ''' '4,, ire have gerio refrained r m and vi4,ali(inleadd"ihat odenergliborelvero-13qtkabsentlast:weekr,- of the . objentlonidde ' ' ErTh e, Ml i sStii,44o49,lo4.ooPre st!f rt—The - Peery Democrat Says . oh Sun morning. asit, 111r.lonN McKisSicK, Jr.; was drowned `the sluice at the Clark's Ferry Dam, by' the tiptetting.Of Slrifl - i was about ge years old,.and has left a fam- Be assesiied in Time ! lily. the :p . `re` dratiani oF;tlielste:Presil denial elbotiOni: Met ara animated by ilie spirit that 'lnuit 'ensure pli&31388, and for the princitiles for which they then so nobly cantended. they are still resolyed to. 4 .,‘Ficoie on—Flowi•tirmil".- . The following non ! inatimis,have tieen made in seven:Li:aun ties : • The„whigs . of Fre nitlin _Cpunti., have. rand nominated John Stew -JohAAL Punt- - roY, for ,Assembly . Jatnes Davidson for HY Commissioner; John. S. Detwiler fo t rector ; Abraham Stouffer for Register ; Thom - ny - Prßdid fur ['to . . i swzmuiai Watson for Recorder.; Tan 14. Fisher for Clerk of Courts; .Georee Garlin for Treas.. popular ticket. The whigs . of Lancaster "county , have placed in nomination for Senate, A. Herr. Smith (• Assernny,. Jacob G. Shunian, Theo. D. Cochran, Thothas .13. -iJacobsi- George Morrison .and 'Christian Bentz ; Sheriff, David Hartman ; Prothonothry, Jacob H. Kuntz; Gliem; liecorZler, William Dbchman ;. Clerks of Courts. James Dysant and Carpenter Me- Cleary ; Commissioner;ThomasPdtterSon; Directors, G.otlfried Zahn and Christian Shultz.;—Andithr, Loco Focci CANDIDATE FOR CANAL'COM MISSIONER. - The locofoco Convention whlefi mut at ItartfisotriViin. Thursday last, succeeded in nominating - -upon the; second ballot, JAMES BURNS, of county, for' the - ,office of Canal Commis; -ioner—.lt_is_underitoodt-thst-the-nornipa— rion of Burns was in opposition to Gov. Shook, whOse friends supported Isreal Painter, of .IVestmoreland. ;The vote on second ballot was for Buena 61 votes . ; for Painter . l 6; for 44‘ A. Douglass 10 ; for Geo. H. Bracher 6 ; and fo'r Samuel Dunn 4 votes.. MeSsra. Graham and Clendenin of, this county voted for Painter ; Mr. Todd voted for Gen. Dunn. There Seems to have been a good deal of squabbling in the Convention on various subjects. A mong- - m the'resolutions we find onewlaud ing the Canal Commissioners for "intro. •thicing a•system of economy and Tesponsi• bility in the management of the, public works"—which shows plainly enough that the locofocos are determined to hold on to "the'spoils:" • • • jameslinriis,tbe_leicoloca;candidate,for-- Canal : Com Missioner, posse r Pseti all' the . qualifieltinns which have distinguished so many officers on the puhlic'works. "Two weeks ago, in referring to- his expected nomination, the Huntingdon Journal re ntaiked of Mr,Burns, that "his chieiqual• itications 'consist in having got rich in a very short lime, as a-subordinate-officer on the Canal' This is the way with Loco• fecoism - ; whoever carries off the public• money most expeditiously stands the beet chance for promotion at their hantls." LATEST FROM CORPUS CIIMISTI.—The Alabama steamer has arrived at New 0 - leans, from Aransas By. • The news tha s . hi3 brings is interesting, because it Is from the seat of imaginary warfare, but it is on ly important, as it shows that there has been, and there is likely to be for some time at least, no engagement between Genf eral Taylor and the Mexicans, and bubble which General. Gaines has been blowing up, with a view to get into com mand once more beloie he dies, has burst. The Mexicans hale a gond deal to do • be fore tl e • and a good deal will be said before there is any fighting done. . Mr. CLAY, says the Wheeling Times, Came up the river from Maysville to Guy,, andotte, in the excellent Wheeling steamer Senate. As he was going an board, he remarked, that he had hived his public life was ended—.—bit he perceived he, must go into the Senate again Union Fire Coniptimj. At a meeting of the Union Fire Compa ny heid on Saturday, the 9th inst . :ihefei. lowing Members were elected oißeers for the enening year..: . _ " LEMUEL TODD, President, - Wai. M. PORTER, Vice PiesideM, J. Holsapple, Secretary. George Treasurer, • Hendel,Chief , Engincer, Shrin, is Aseisiinf, Q.coLWetee, jr...Chtef Director, • kflatnuelkWeteil l ,,lit'llilecter of the Alp,' Hook end . Letider cheep ii, , ,ottrinni , SU Atitreotori lohlitl"Gaeneler, Director Engine * THE ÜBLIC BURT HENS Ortbrettweeheago.we atladecl , }o-the=;ch r apier, Burtlientl.iach now weigh anon' thtf:Pitti.:' Ple-of Pennsylvania.: , The.yisit f the Tax , gollector, with „his.iquplichte in hie hand, aad , the demand of r 9 iniils for ; :State par . poses: upon every dollai:of.yOur,vionerly, is 'calculated to, cause the' lax! payer- so en: quirecinto the why and !whetefore which hail() rendered it necessary:: The collector, )11b . eit-Fasoliil-:_mani-=man;—yeare7tloorrfie: walks in, end clothed. with-the panoply of the law.-demanda his tribute,; _ No plea of misfortune 'Or eickness, no pleti of• failure of crops * or loss by flood or fire, will be . _ received ;:11e- id-inexorable 2 le to :es t e. lait.eb - pier:friani - the orphan . ; tfie Shyleck of the Inv/ most have il—he must have his of flesh — . 71 --- lte co I — ocirr a o es x no bowels 0t - compassion ; the law en shrornis, his heart in steel. Is riot this truei—erisily• understood . ; and. doe not enCli'of bur renters, know it-to be Woe It is true,: every • one broths it to be So, „Everylew weeks the MX gatherer .makes his .appearance—he wants • roads taic,or"chnol tax; Or County tax, or bor- Ough tax•or he wants What is now com plained of as enormously buriliensome, the STATE TAXL-he wants three mills Upon • ellarithu—possess—bil--sv-ill-tali • nothingnot--a-stiver,;-he-Must:_bavo:_birk three milli. - , And what is the satisfaction detived from the payment of -this enormous burthen ? We are told, and Ave may believe; that the State credit will be eaved,F but will this burthen - ever cease'? Is the State Tax al ways to be thiee mills on. a,dollar ? is there Irr be no change Firtlii - bWaffifllWifio Allow the present generdtion to the grave and , deseend as an heir-looM to posterity ? These are worthy queitions for considera tion. They are cogent—they are mighty questions. They rise above party or sect. They concern the interestef every individ ual tax payer in:the State. • We confess the prospect for relief ahead, without the introduction of new ; financial measures, is gloomy. It does not afford a guaranty that even the present•enchnuMs taxes may not be increasedl, :Tifteen years ago, the man who would have predicted that 'one and a half-Or-two--naillions of dollars would have to be raised annually by Waxation, in this. State, would !rave - been regarded! as a tuna -iii2,as.--0 4 7 inintite for Beiliam.• And yet .... we see. it!- A dozen -winters have scarce -passed -ovelt--us 4 --sin4-ervery- Pennsylvanian felt his Stale hi be basking in the sunshine of prosperity, pith - an"-entire freedom of_ State tax—with an openhig improvement system - whielywas - to - eve life, vigor. and progress - to every hamlet and valley within. its limits. -- ' hat wilLanother_ twelve years, , bring forth? ''that is a momentous - question. Fel low citizens of Pennsylvania, it is for you to decia -- Ynu rriusi meet it, andes good citizens-and.4 l l&, yoti should meta it in no mere party 6piiit: Your fatal apathy it: was that brought on the public debt, and the public taxes—you must now bear the burthen and pay the `taxes. F I JI° people may groan, but the evil cannot be staved off. The error has been 'committed and the penalty must be paid. But, ask your selves, whether, in this condition of public affairs, bad as they are, may they not be worse Q Yes—the public debt is large, lit - it - may - be - larget-!7The - totes may be heavier ! It is for you; and you only, fel low citizens, not merely to pay the taxes, liurto prevent their increase with the same rapidity and from the same causes as have operate .heretofore. It is fornott to stay the torrent,. and to prevent it from sweep ing._onward-inits=llestruetive-career: - We know.that no man in the communi ty is iii - favor of an - increase•of the State Debt . or Sukte Taxes. We know that each one is tired (Attie heavy burthen even buck from it but we - iv foo that party spirit is powerful—that it‘binds 'men to the car of . unpritinipled demagogues, shuts their eyes to alit' (tees, and makes them tributary to the-public bitrthens, while they imagine, 'honest souls, they aro doing God Service. But here is the vital question— is there Ilenesty enough in the State to look the State debt and State Taxes in the face, and ar s e.the People bold enough.lo a 41.9 the remedy? Dare they sacrifice party—dare . they_ bid defiance to party leaders, - da re they glifor reform, retrench ment and - reduction of the State debt 3 If 'they dare not—if die craven spirit of party is to• ruled; then'itilfiney 7 iii boldly and empjtatically,Tthaithe i Taxes willccontinue; - the•fiublie debt increase, and,present Taxation.Weighties*it not be'Ade-- quite to' the .publieioerOst,orthe support of tite,P!ete • ... We taYlaoati , dow is a° 01° 9 1 al -- • - etiotlitibe controyettail. , t If the people ot, Pennsylvania be inde pendent, if they binot cOnternpible tools e&latlit'lltei . wjit'attera longc., to go to 'the polls led on hr delat`tve Part,' wat°h* I drd 9;----4 'Y - tht - FP I-4 `ftltliertre.ri7 or ai li other elep-trap`sphrosee,l, but they wip 1 bend-teiethetqw te ther alut tLwith-tbett eYee falootaalo" Ay upon the State Debt, -. , ,y r.• ' and the State Tanee.4emang t heir" sletfue• lien With ill 'tbe"j4;nitlidott that a sound On ' enelnY!eud ai iblest're"iitiatrattett, of .nttl' ,, affairs *HP , iiiiio inil WI filthy • bliebi4r= - ' 0640.00!,44Pu 'flY,Ale'”o V,.T,- - theo:Y;itqiitiit , ~' :...,„r:; , ientpoifforo _ . , f ~,' ~,....- oliffdlipo i ;e - , ....,,,hilof '=Bu i!ciV,17, 13 .ci in, v0i,;014,49 ..V o l,„ ~,, , , • '' iiii4li'ldP"Y",-'%!iimii4ot j cvot' , . , ,if ... oldi,„ itio , !s", h ,, ~.„i r ' i g.-i5 r,,,,,- rmititilin ~, k iiiiifirijtes, i tk-• ! 7.. , .A 4 ` A 1(49* , ..,..,, 1-,' 'V'' ,,. ' 4, -','; " Tlit*:4ltßlAlW iiiliell.0!!!, ,i ) 1 1?:.1S4 e, tometvtn iiii„:4ooilkytil * -r n di ke il leolomiw:lo4*r,,tl., , 4 74414i01mm,4 , ,h..fe,_„,,,„ that-T o aaak on le-hAayytan , roar . e-heaver; Unit. jkhe»awn d_ALay . ti; diaifulalLibe value • - off.'real estalay :4 1 4 .34,:•frekeriCil?4,,ealnlent: - of ' , • - aapllal flione *us. • „ It tallyho that it' is yet too soontO expect ors hope that . the' - :people of, Pennsylyania willYeerioesly- tern their titougliti; to a re- - •rncivol of the public borthans. They may . , resolye to cling to,party dod to party 'ea . & ersfor a few .more.Yearsand to•groan under their-hurthens.----To some, party is - dearer than all earthly eonsiderationti—dearer than country -op wife- or child. - :To such,- it-is idle to point out or talk of- rendies.-- They are like the sick mon, whOwill take all I no medicine any hopes ,of'recovery , have vatiished. 'When thee - people of .penneyl-, mile .have arrived at this'.point—bowed 11 - OVrrttrikertfirli9lntliey -will-aft-- pls ., the - reinedy. Mien pert,/ ceases to • govern inen, they will talk soberly of the remedy. • • • •. • What is that_reinedy ? -.locrThe Uallot box must proclaim thvihepublie officers and ili,e yolitic4 leaders shall no longer i SAD TILE PEOPLBry but shall follow the peo'. ple..Cll Thisis the first principle of de inocraCit is the !pais of the •republican fabric ; and:it is the only cure or the evil-of the times and the public burthens. What dui' men in • •r e • I I I - „ sala r riet, know of public burthens—.whet do they careSOT - 6n as.tVe people endure them 'patiently 1 Suppose the_rUlers insted of managing to perpetuate their 'own power, and the ascendency of their party, enquire into the wishetk . of their constituents, and honestly resolve to..carry them out what would_they _ •• . discover , T . _ They would find that the people are tired of paying Taxethat they are in favor of the reduction of, - the Debt of.-tko:•State-;---of ridcling themselves of the 'im p rovement system—of ,stripping the government of 1 that patronage upon the lines of railroads and canals, which has served so long to stimulate,partiian zeal, public and individ dal corruption, vile extravagance, and to undermine the credit of the State. - What then would be done V The rulers would took to the removal-of the evil. To removo the evils of the Improvement sys tern, They would revert to the, majority of twenty thousand .given av the last election, and effect 'a. wk.—This would reduce the public debt, and diminish the public cor ruption. A portion. of the burthens would be .:remnvedli :the:tax-payer - would find - his tax lighter,-and all classes would rejoice m 'hirgreatef freedom given to their Wits- , try. The 4iFTr — ifT) etfi spoken out in Favor of it sale of the public< wiirks. When "Thei r voice shall be 'beard by the leaders of tinny the-works. will-he sold. • This-Will be the first step. towards the remedy. ' The next .is . Nthe Distribution of the Pub lic Land Fund for the payment of the pub lic interest: That 'fund, it is truei is now absorbed in the .purposes of the general governnutpt; but the People of Pennsyl vania, have only to ask it, to obtain it.— The general government dare net turn a deaf ear to Pennsylvania when she speaks in a tone of authority. What our share of this fund will amount to, is uncertain ; but it may be fairly estimated on ap averag"e, at nearly HALF A MILLION OF DOLLARS an nually—an immense sum to be subtracted from the amour of tire - tuxes pull! - by - th people. It is well enough to consider iiironnec lion with the Public Land Fund, that i Distribution dociunt . ,n reductiot of the Tariff Will speedily follow. Whit will then be, the effect—our Taxes wil continue the same as they . now are, and our domestic manufactures will be crippled, which will diminish ourability to pay CM It is evident, from these remarks, that Taxation will go down. Those who want'the latter, must go for the , former at the polls. If they go for party in prefer ence to a sale of the public works, there will be no reduction 'of Taxes; Those who still piling .to the delusive phantoms which have so long blinded the people will not go for a sale. • Again, the • distribution of the Public Land Fundy-will . rodnOe—thel,TaiceEi—Atill EOM Here, then, are • the two great, remedial measures before thopeople—the Sale of the Public Works and Distribution., The . People have already : spoken for thern.H. Twenty..thousand majority proclaimed-the will of thefPeople - in i 844, -in favtir . of -the first, measure; in 1833, - the:iinanim:oils vote , of. .the members 'of Congrese ' froin Pefinsylvania proclaimed their Will in ' favor of-the second.-- Party-apirit.zhas.thus far defeetedlhat, will.thas.expressed., . . . — The great 4uestion ao - WiaTivill - thirPefi.7. Oi:eritgi4 . Ohetlieneete:their r ivill:;_ 'Wit'• tliskTvii4elnr - 140Atetiinlidt iii-41'sajp; 6t DiOritiition';';Stu): . s:reditotiOn 'or Taxa. ;lion;; 'call }upon bUtit` partiee• and alj,partiee to' siatid out roi..,sueit men- - or ~ .forward:blindly to thePolli's putieg • the 'swa s iolii4oid:of:' ptiriy.; and;gloqin4 in 'their ovitt:listesdutiuri; i, ,-: /^"!'-"::' • • • '-- -': T': We' taireitteOleretl,4liel l ihil &whine. airr th'iEllikiild.f. We. iiiie -no. alluded to:eiistine pirtiee, Tier'*eiFteeii';il6 Tex, be 044 4ti liiliPi4lit:ei(fi3Orliiitto 6 o l , :8 1 0c.0 7 1 1 PiiHe 1, -. ,eir,ekii?i4l 6 i*J. ..dOre,soe point outTioelf and - 07 - 'Fivi Of ti*daninti , , ,,'•, , Tlicir:Piiiiitip'isitipf)ronoti-' - t!lia'ild)f.ifiii:llY - AOKiii oll : o 'o9o44 l ot l l.' TOr;f 6 ilhY# 4 :,*!i,, B o ll o 1.*00:Ez_.111404; 'iktA ' afti'* lo l99,44l:jci:OPTANo '. o),iir . uttii' , liii? - 7,,ill,oqo.4 6 )pveri.mAh*YeYit lien ..-ttt*Mit4iitil'4,eitelq;yets;,:ittlgeati# Plilt i ll 4 o.A ll '9",, VOtlift .B , t ; ,v 11111.! , NI * . '410' 414, Akiisi.g,4sgt . 1 c lhi' tit vo, pgri. i f AjOffiNA i‘ . ' !l: 'S.Vii4kati:.4:446,..SAl 6st,:ek;hbOs,,,,ith they: On:°FrldU R'' • of. t4il3 . b s T°oo l :*lll4l:4:Yetae.: , ; • • ,L; IkWaihitigtotr City; - 9n . the 30tItiilt: etiolerii. infatitiiin,' , Aii.retilill44itifentson eAd PhillJKiirthet eity; ! . • ~•„ eAroe BY Divine perinission i Camp Mooting for Carlisle 'Station '7lli;`.l43l'6idigii;lWn Milos East Of Carlisle, on the Railivipdi to' commence on nowt FRIDAY,. tho 12th instant. .• • ' Our Mends -of neighboring Circuits and Stii thins, with their ministers,. "aro .most dordially invited to-como' and tent with-us. lErMessrs.' Rey. J. Squior and - .7. MCC:Wary -are -oppointeciChief Managers of the meeting,and the law pf - the,Commenwealth - for the' protection of *religious meetings will he inktm, as' goad se. .curity, against all suttlora or hucksters,- and other dlsodorly persons. JOHN A. GERE. Carlisle, September 10, 184.5. • . N,Saturdar morriingylast, a iadicite GOLD 1119 BREAST PIN,-which'The owner can have by proving property aid paying for this tither tiserirnt7-1 rts possessferrOT — S, D. HEARD. • Carlisle, September 10,1845. • Reward. . . A no MONDAY the Stir instant; the subscriber last ketween• his regldence in North Middle-- ton ,township and% Marti Ws Hotel, Carlisle , f•• in the borough, in West Loather, North Hanavli, or. High street, ns far ns the Minim hotel) a yellow calf:Skin TOC.KET Book - ,.with A 'Wire spring and clasp, containing Forty-two DoliOr's, and. a. receipt4roul• J. P. Lynn in his favor for 013,25 cents, paid fora plough. Any. persenlenviag it with gni undereigned; or with Mr. Bectem at his hotelovill recoivatho above reward and the thanks of the owner. • LEWIS RINGWALT. September 10, 1845.-3 t, _TiILEVEN Teacher's are wanted in - North X2 -- Middlcton townsipp. PC/30118 wishing sit. uations will meet the - Board_ot: Directors itt the public house or David Martin, in. Carlisle, on SATURDAY - the 20th instant, at I o'clock, P. M. All applicanis Wilt be subjected to an exam. ination. By order of the Board. . • • JOSEPITCULVER:Pres't. IfEttstir, Secretary. September 10, 1845.--2 t. • Rat and Mice Exterminator, The above - article. will lid wiiirlinied s to kill or drive awdy rots or mine from the premises. Fur sale at 2v cants a box, by ,Ylevenson 2Wc/uiffey. ----september --10;•-1 841 i, -- - Great Rcduelion in the Price of pasaranee. T FI E DELAWAREMUTUA T, INSUR ANCE COMPANY, PUILADELPIIIA, having • a -large joint stuck capital, take Fire risks un every description .of property, at nearly one Aalf the amount . of premium thin is charged by .companies doing business on the old principle. The subscriber has accepted the agency of this Company, and .recommenes it to the purdic being puatly superior to the oil utflims, Ruth in cheapness and security. • Fur full. particular: , see general advertisement, orfilitily personalty of by Hier, to . JOIAN J. Al YER' 4 . Beptembil It), 181-5. It Ileum:Mc, lAEA awn/. 'Hewes' nerve .and pent Linninieni, nn im mc diet() cure for the intlametritory,.. chronic and sciatic 13hetnnultset: For saV..- nt-ttp nnty ... egent3r. Sleuenvm 4. Mehtfey. • • Penelgge. • WILL-be sold - 'et Public Venrlqe,. no - WE I). N ESDA I' - the .24 th• day 'of i'Zcpretnber. .1845, at 10 e'elock, nt the will or Samuel Alexentler, Esq. deeeu.e.l,. one mile. North of Carlisle, on the Conodoguicct creek, .A Great Variety' of Personal Property l consisting,of Cows, Noreen, ploughs, hdrrows, wngulls, wheel bnrrows, harness, timher wheels, flogs,'boards, scantling, log chains, stoves, and some fine young esttle. Also, A IV nVE i7U L E TEAM, Wagon and Harness. There will also ho sold about 8000,Ibs. of new staves, posts, cooper stuff. oak bark, carpenter's took, shingles., lathes, paints, pitch, carts, thresiiing machine, jack. serewe, iron mill suns, ' , stem beams. Also, Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats, in the - bushel and in the she al; liock‘t heat, Hoe, &c. &c. ' There will also be sold on the 26th of September, at I o'eioek, AI., nt the Railroad opposite the College; two double Rail Road Cars and , three tuns of assorted Bar Iron. Notice is also given, that on Monday the Ipth of October, at i 0 o'clock, A. M., at the late dw e l. ling or Samuel Alexiiiider, EN. will be sold his AE Tr Tr. consisting or upwardt4 s ir 400 volurnes•of tile best selected and Must uselbi reports and elementary works, embracing. Cams', Johnson's, Massachu• setts, Crunch, Peters, Pennsylvania Reports, Vcates, Dallas Binney, Seigeant&Rawle Rai Wharton, Wnits -- &:. Sergeant s - teports. Also, the mast valuable English Coalition Law and Chancery Reports. . Terms made known on the reppective days of Aisle by ANN. ALEXANDER, - • WILLIAM AL.HENDERSON, LE3IVEL Tom), Executors otSainuel Alexander, Esq. September 10, ISQL—tt.... • PUBLIC SALE. - On - q'hursdayttie 2d of - Obtobur - tram; W ILL be offered at public sale, on the promises, by tho subscribers, Exectitors of the estate of Francis Diller, deceased, the val. riable Alin Property-belonging to said estote, sit, unto in Vest Pennsborough township, Cumber land County, about seven miles West of Carlisle, on the Conodoguinct &oil'? consisting Ow largo - THREE STORY STONE MEM CHANT 'MILL atitI . SANY , the former Raving five run of stones, three of -which are , Borri r and hetng in cjmpleto.and first .rate order; togpther With 6 acres and' 163 'per ches of 'ground; includ. ink - lb& darn - and water rightconneeterbvith_the_ same, on which Is'also 'erected besides 'the Mill, a Two Story Weatherboarded Dwelling House, with all..tho necessary out buildingtr; There-is oleos thrivingprpliard on the premises.' Also; at'ttio same time-and place will be sold a tract of first rote bottom land, on the opposite .eido:of the creek Rein the mill; containing , , rAMIg subsCriber will, tell: et public sale - on - Jo .SATURPAY;.tlik'dth'of 90.ober - nitt; itli hia reel priiperfyisttuateri in the biorot!git . qf Dill4 f. burg, York county - Pa., vii; .• .„., '. ', . .',..':. ~ :'- : . N 0:1.;.. - k.STONn . 00usg;... ', ..`' :-.. .....-., -.. 'Warehousis and-Dwelling;.eintito- .'..i,..-i; ~ , -,-. reorner itf, ...Baltimore' and; „klarris..- -;:i 8 k . bUri..qtreete,, 419.. feet.:..front. _ end •'—'•••'.''' ' __ _. _ tending *baele'tori2o`,:fent itllo.:_llic store licter4,,,.. - iittullt of logs and ronils.cast--,•the. yOrehOti:o4lc. , ..ti' , traits Wentlierkoarded, fubstehtiellY:bOic kiii .• le: , well calaulitod:'for'i,tlWelllne.,-:There'rk,t(ioo.4lr fig! ..' ~ stable',•On. thia:"proesirty, andltlioAWiiii..!ei. . ' • • .with-frukt:,treos --Tlletro,•- Is 2 aburtio-wolE of good,•------ • • 'l. A ,!tioni, w tri , 4 1 pod It, tit , . 't_sil4OPP 4 Pr, a attire in.. •• ...,.„.47t.'0147 1 0tratfreitifit ---- oy4ct , tirtii4l:aroos J. Monte ;-•-•f-'2 l *.:•"•'-, , i.; - •:: 1 .•' , ni , - , , .- .._ •.. _,, ood„efibld'ogi,E.. •' : •, .;• , INliti , 2: - ! . : A:: Twii,ktiork;Pipk, Hilifee, 7 ivitlit : • ktii,C, story prick .14:41i" 1 0ing. * 6 041. AI, tiiiilo,re t '"4 iNv. 0 1 of, - *O if' r4roiltZ: ing on '-luolital:prit,istreetc • With' - c :20 C„ ' ' . feettllcy, ,or '. Oiditfiail#o49o - the -14 # 10. 44 1 1lei'ogt ' rl-, ',•' MA1,W4,40 6, 19A-aqd gaFdpq! , go'vell wet •_. *4o l 4o;ii , hrivinOfidit ArFeatg . prOe!‘, PoPjfil4 44;-1 "9 1h ;4 ,10 T174::; , , , k=. , I)r.Pio& A lat' 0Gran44 , 0 . 004 . V6; --' ,iktitt , *Molt . is erected a one story ; fkameiveittltor , :' ~ , .b6Srded, hones, at.preSent . ', oconpli*Aly,,..llitnaprcil.,.-.•.:' • 'Weimer Si;.llfitOke arettl444:4isktir'iiphps :.. antl , , ,;'•....; by 'ltlf,.Reitifiliiilttehitt:anskeenSliniii, , -•,:p.,,, , ,, , '' ~- - . T.' Tim shove , presetile.o .'4oolol(y.Wparaci4S:':' - : with Iltllited ine'dnit;l 4 049.( 0 .'440 6 (tib1it 1 0floti-L-':•,--- mint as t h e 'itt(itioig4l.*.iik , lo4lo l oolo*.y ~.',.'.' k hid of Intsinesvcan4 , -.041444031.',194:..4i.. - , ''' L ' ' . "'''Aiii*jret l: '” •- - . 8i4 1'00004 0 0r4 b #40 1 :.i.,00Av 0 0 1 i : h w ,.. ii t?: . ,;! ,.. .. ~•:.'.', i .f. ; :wf..!.,, 4 ,..., . . , , ~...e, . 43.,,,.-. -•. . :',..p o ii, iiii?...iiiisblifid....ol4eittibllppeiliyijpe ow.swqr'i.' , . - ..= tri1i44414149i:11914"*" ``i.d'/Ilaila;..l'ilit:t.iirOliiiiiiiil47.ifficskOftltit)go ';'4ooWPOitkiv .:,,,,.::.; 'rit'it,t'khf the4V4 l 4(it Aqm . ",s, r undY: ' •Itil'il' Roa(g.kliog,#ii64i.iitLiiiilf'.#4)iiipjk ~ , :#.0?04iik:41 . :4 E P. : :4!• 6 1 46 0 40; ; : t o i kialc.tiod'i:# : t1+,'Iitiptta,r.ifr . Mr . . I ,4'i,,l,is.O,ln;tliiienfai 1iPtdr14 . 0 . 901, 0 4 r# 1 ,411/0004: . ..V:, c 'Viprottilo,;.. ,kY9,Oli-VVI*,6"4-IYl'9'4l49l!lt:l)%''Ycl.lik'iriili:4lll7.§: 4,o***A r iii;': ll6 . - dliff , 0)1400 ; ' , ' 464 ' ' 'O'k 4 V 4444 • 1 • ch ' i • Si '• * "!'" Y t!t k-) ' 4l. ' ll A l4:l4*i °f 4 P ' .o . AnktOtt ll o#:'4 o 4'•#- .o ,'i•M '' '. 4-0 1; r i'' . 'i'v:4 44!ifit ';,,,„0#01.; ,, i.'„=. 1 5! , : -- - -,,,, .0:ii ,, i't,:tv0 104',ttlitgf,l,p,f,ttttotAri i aVv.Ac, ,-. )', 4 1 trv .,,(„;:ip),,.m„tit1ep,t.,..ctr0i11,,i,,,Aiw.,,,t5iA 10g r i11 0m,,4,1,1c.,„..„.4z,,w;,.:10 ~ocet =_,p1ytnuer,,,,.5.,70.1.44,,„„A„z*0,,,v,„ :11 , 0p t i bok " :41vimmr4faimiqw - 6.,N yi , • ,, 0.w...4. ,. .,344kr-1041pkAy:,:04...,,..;0,,,,,,, , ,,-) 4 , 1, lyk-kf4i)--r.fA , '..';:..,t',-.,*:iaq,i,`:,?,...,..4.A:'.';'.:t'L..'''...',4W,4tol4l,titr.W.sliarktilti4a,e(l.*Ati6t*,iiiiblihal:.:Yr.`,Wl',46.4ligti''';'!,7!' • Acres' is 3 erches strict instisuro, which is under go.od l'ance..and itscelletlyoultivation. - It will bo'cifferedttogetbor or separate, as may-best-suit: purchasers,. and bring tho'best . nrice.,.. ; Sale o dominance at 10 o'cloclr;A,M. on said day; Aslten attendance will be — Oven and terms made knoverby.,- ".•. ' • ABI2A.FIMYII3OWMAIs!, SAAIUEL DIL-LIIR; .• Lancaster Union-and'-Vark-Rapubiliian •ineett till salt/ and furwaid,bitla to this . 4110' 10 NOTIC e. To the Heiils end .12e'presentiklioceni ,Philip Moyle; , late. of The,tiorouillVCQ, P rAgEl: ' lliipile; : p o . 3ean co of kir It r of, `: ,, ,,,P t Ottitioe e Vrileetin, ieeupd'ihit : the lionierCeetrefr_Ctimbeile td merit • d . to 'tee: %create. , nques wilt be held Olhe Red E.. , titu'of eqd,..steepasecl; up: the , Pisth tfeepiember;r:*: I). 1845, et -:2 ,i? 5 c 1 .4 1-4 4 1 !00P k t I said day, 'en' the , 'pienlisetS'for..l l l o ,%p#o9.ol, li. . partition eind-p4uetbOin.c.heitflai ‘ ?4F.t+F' d DAM ' LONCOOPPA'A rt rW' 46,erifrifigiflee;beiiief441; - ::V"W Vppipelier,),Oetere— Thy ..."011 01 4,0 1 Y1 inlilkdelPhia, • oRps.MUTUALINSURANCE F ■C|kEt - bind t ixig.tgeJ_Olht:Spick _ • \\ . . piari y'o;ie half of . , - ,the usual rates Ili Y. the Aet Of IncorPoratiohlh - estock Is pledg. „ .Ul - tidfor- the payment of.any . Josses whiph the Company Mar sustain, Ahd as an additional accdritY lonia assured, Abe act requires that the prafils-of ilia liuginass shallbefunelidand remain witifthe corppration, its a guarantee and protec- Lion to . t.. l o . insurett - against7/OriThiof land well be. represented hy.serimissued-by tLe cornPa.tiYoo bearing interest: not exceeding six per cent. per annum. The insured are_entilleotto.,a pro rata • shard of the profits of tlimConminy, and will re— ceive that proportion of the aforesaid fund j in Scrip, whicn the amount of earnedpremitions paid the lea! juin et ea rned - premiums and capital stock: - • Tho scrip thus issued, to be traneferable anti!re books of the Company as stock. , No dividend:of_serip—can.7be—mode-whan—tl--- TOT t ies. and toxpon_ses xceedflte:'amountei- cacao. premiums. - The-insured are proteted froth loss at the cue. tomary rates of premiums, without any' inclivitt. 4 , ua/ liability or responsibility for the losses or expanses of the Corporation.. The, assured have all the rights of inemberaliip,=,-can vote at all electionp, and bra eligible .us Directors. of the Corporation.., . The subscriber -Inni been ;appointed agent_for this • Company, and an The mutual principle is suftraeding, every . other 'mode of 'lnsurance, he would Onididently recommend ikto his friends and tho pubh6. • The North Ameriban Oompany has 'closed their • , Agency. Those having politics eapirtng in that. ofileo,can have them renewed-in the Delaware Company - en mhch mord favorable terms. •'aire..either-by-lettm ut ' person to • ' JOHN J. MYERS. Curliele September 10,1845.-4 y. VEIL' , • On ThursdF; 16th of October next, rip HL subscriber will offer at public sale, do 1. the premises, the valuable Firm on which he now lives;situato in Frankford tow-nsbip,Cupt berland county; on the toadleacling.from Carlisle to — MoCluro's — Gafrahouinine'''mile.a.—from--thn fernier and tibtiut a toile anda half north of At. ter's Mill, consisting of 16S ACRES, • - firt.rate_guality•of slate_land,under_gosid-fencer anirin the beet state of cultivation. The pro'verneols . are, a 'lll 0 STORY • •lV 'CATO h:R..130A R ED AFMV ,„ LING HOUSE, Bank Burn, Wagon Shed, Cern Crib, end other build. , • ings,logother with a good Orchard. There is a Iwo stream of running water through the place,. with &power sufficient ler raanalueturing pur poses. A ko, nt the snme tirhe and place will be offered rit nubile side, the valuable Farm adjoining the shove, eontnininz .214 - ACRES, of the same quality nfland,"l44 of.whieh is elan . in the best Auto of cultivntton. Alma one Hun • - tired acres of it is thriving timber laud; which if desired by purchasers will be sold in — smaller -tracts. TI/13 improvements arc .a large Lug Ileuse,l e og Barn and other buildings, with an. eburd. Sale to commence at 10 b'eloek, A. Il.,when, ditendanee givenntrid terms made known by r ABBAIIAII BOWMAN. • September 10, 1815.—t5., n - Laticastor Union will insert till sale, and forward bill to this 'Mice for collection. . _ Valuable Property. On Saturday, 18thi of October next, wiLL• be. exposed to public sale, in Shire• manstowb, Cumberland 'cnunty, llie foL lowing valuable property, lute the estate of Jacob Rupp, deceased, viz; A Dwellitg House and Lot, situate on the Main street in said village, adjoin. ing lots of Eletity '',caring and Samuel Black,'on which there is ',chides a back Dwelling Donee and stable. Also, the half undivided part of ri House and I,ot, held by Jacob and noisy Rupp. and now occupied by Henry MuEfthnun and Samuel Harr, aid lying on thu south aide of Main street in lipid 01lage. Also, illyeg Lots, lying on: tha North side of Main t•trect., Also. A Tract of 'Mountain Land; situate in Silver Spring township, lying on the south side of the Blue slottutuin, emits-Ming °tout 69 • mires; formerly the property of Robert Barnhill. Also, the half undivided Tract of Land, _belonging—to—Laco to Rye township, Perry_ county, 'containing 103 Acres, situate one mile from the Susquehanna river,.and bounded on the Euct by Samuel Bow-- man. Alen, the half un br ranging In Jacob and Henry Rupp, and con. taking 20 Acres, lying on the North side of tin; Blue Nloubtein, in r.yo township,-Purry coun'y, and adjoining lands of Robed Bryson, John Rupp and -others. Also, another half undivided tract of land belonging to Jacob and Henry Rupp, containing 17 Acres, lying on the Scuth side of the Blur Mountain, 16 miles from the river; in East Penns, borough township, adjoining' lands of Simon Oyster, Mr. Newt:tune and others. liares_of_atorkinjh Cum— berland Volley Rail Road Pompany. Also, one share of stock in the Carlisle and.Chatubereburg Turnpike Company. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said day', -when attendance will be -given and terms made known by - HENRY RUPP, Executor of Jacob Rupp. September 10, • • _ A RARE CHANCE .FOR. A 'BARGAIN; An. Old• Established and -, First-rate . Store ect, in Ms. burt,_York County, AT_ PUBLIC SALS. , ___Exerinforet :I's``i9' 4 , 'ABLE PARKS At Public Salt. HIM