Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 03, 1845, Image 4

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Cot ihietiyitielth ., Of Perin.
sYlvanie - rilitU the'elections
of "Iblir- g Cninnianiiiliith," 2d "day of
thelluty , of i,ho•Syer:
iitiblift.;lintictg:tif the, General Elections, end
IfilOkt• to ti i t' • ,'" •
lc•The'oi!kefrs to be elected.
2 eelgnato'the_place it-which. the:election. hi
I.F.APAMEONGSDOEF, - Ifigh Sheriff of the
eoitnikTor Cusaberhitid,. do hereby make known-
and-kiveihitTUßLlt' --NOTICE to the electors
- • •-•••.-••
- •• of the . edinit:) , lnfCulnliiirland,.. that on the
. ~ ,„•=.,.
.. - -_,,rse - c - ;id . rtTESD,drof October, next,
.(bein the 1 4th thy. of the month) a
rat lettion will be: held •at the several elec..
_-__l4l.on_ istriets_Catablishcpiy_low_in_said_county,aL.
whiertiine they will vote, by hallo; for the sever.
al officers hereinafter named ; vii :•
• .
• Tufo. passing to , 'repretenf the county of
• Glimberland .in •the lIOUSE . OV REPRESEN.
- • TA'rIYES of Pennsylvania.
'One-I-PSl:son for CANAL COMMIS
. SIONER of the State of Penneylvenia.
• ' • One- person_,for' I'ROTHONOTARY
fir the Corinly Of ain berland: ~
' . ()nit...o'l.oon. for -.RECORDE!?.,AII F
DEEDS and -'lCler k . of the Coort„s„.of General
Qitartee. Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, and Or
phan's ' ... Court for the c'uuny of Cum berland.. .
. .-. One:person forAtOISTER of. WILLS
•- ' forlkircouni-C'umberland. ' - •
, -- ' -.- • 4 : .- Oiiii: -. ittoti - for'l'itE'AS URE It for the'
' -
con - of Cumberland; • • .
. .......--• One' COMMISSIONER for the cour.ty ;
olCinnberland. • - . •
. - .
' --
____m___--ciie4-1 - ItECTO-12 - OR - V - H - E --- -POORT. -
• and:OC•tho-Houto of. Employment for said count!),
. .„.
O.(IO r .A . _UPITOR to settle the public ac
counts of the,cpunty Commissioners, &c. ' -
The said 'election will be held throughout the
County, airfollpviS4- •
. . ,
By - ,tn-act .6f AsseMbly of.-the Commonwealth
• of Pennaylininid, entith-ci no not regulating elec
tion DiStrietv, passed the 16th day of April, A. D.-
1845, Which is aifollows:--;•• That the Commie.
..0 . stoners of the county of Cumberlaifd he, and tire
IMreny . authorized to select am)" flit. upon a plaeit
or places, in the borough of Carlisle,for holding
all elections which were-held at the Court house
in the.said borough, until_ the erection ant cam.
pletion ofa.Court house, where the election there.
tiller shall Is; held." . Whereupon_the_said-Co m --
- — missioners have fixed upon the following places
fur the purpose of holding the election in the ales:
-tiondistrict.composed of the borough of Carlisle,
end townships of South Aliddloton7North M•iddle,
toni,l;oWeittickenson,Loyer Frankford and low
er WestTennsborough, to wit : P
- .-Theelection-for-the-East.Waril in the borough
of Carlisle, which was held at the first window
' , south of the Court house door in said borough
will beheld at the public house of David Martin,
in said borough. .. . 1 •
The election for ' he West IVard in thelborough
of Carlisle which was held at the first Window
north of_the a t
house -deer in said borough,
--. wilt be hcldat the public house of George Dee=
' toin;-Esq-- in said borough. ,
. The election in the election district composed
of South Middleton Township, will be held at the
. - public Wfitie of Andrew Roberts in the borough
of Carlisle.. . ' •
i . .
'rho election in the eleetlen district composed.
• -of North' Middleton Township, will belieldiit.tho_
publie - hotnaftflfiliffCiA )lo 4i n the borough of
Carlisle., - • .
The election in the election district composed
of Lower Frankford, will be held at• the 'public .
t /louse of Henry Rhoads lathe borough of Curliple,
TherileetiOn in . the election district Composed.
of Lonter West Penitshetough Township, will be
held at - Km_puhile,hetuse.:ctLl4l. lc Mi.inrott i -hi the
borough of Carlisle..
The election in the_clection district composed
of Lower Dickinson, will be held at the ',Wilke
• house . of Henry Burkholder in the borough of
Carlisle.---- . .
Theelection in the district composed of Silver.
Spring township, will be held at the public house'
of David Hinkle, in lloguestown, in said town.
ship. 1
Ile-election in the election district composed,
of Hompden - township, will - be held ut the 11013E0
of Andrew Kreitzer, on the south side of the
Turin Ike leading from Harrisburg to Carlisle.
The election in the election district composed
of East Pennsborough township, will .be held at
the home now occupied by Jacob Longnecker, at
the'Wcst end of the'llarrisburg Itridge.--.."-- - "
The election in the district composed .of-New
Cumberland, will be held at the public house of
Ittlo:ris4ohn on, in - the borough. of New Cumber
The cle lion dirisiet composed of that part of
Allen. tow hip, which election was heretofore
held at the üblic house of IVillinm Hughes, in
theborough it ew Cumberland, will be help it
tho' Tenant Gdorge Heck, noiiieceupied
by Robert Coffey.,„lriPaid township. • ... ..•
The election . inc'the district compoled of Lis.
burn ritut....alpor-4! ;f-Alleit-townslilp, 'will be held
at the public houtie aPeter itl•Canti in Lisburn.
The election in the district composed of that
• part of Allen township, not included in the New
' • Cumberliind,'GeordiWleck and Lisburn election
—distrie tsrivllVbe - heltili r tii - the - publie-house-of-DavidE
Shaeffer, in Shepiterdstown, imsaid loWrigliip. • •
- - The-election in - the districls/compased•of- the .
i DOroUgh of -- Mecharticeitiwg,:w ill - turtild 'rt . t, the.
public - house of John Hoover in said . bormigh.- '' '''
. . -,, The election in the-dlitriet",6o.4oliad ar-Ahn'"'
• roitovirshtp, will be held it. - 'the , public' house of
"Widow Paul, In •Cli tirelitow n, in said loWnShl v . ' :
..The electionin the district composed• 'OflLliipei . •
Dick inson'towaship; will held •titilni:linoSo al'
Plillip:Weaverih,said townehip:,,.:, f , ..., -. ..: • ''',-",..
The .election . in the dithriot composed , -of the:
''s Borough-oh":•Newville, and-lOnirtehipil'.hf-iftlin,-
-- llpperlisinkftird, Upper Westpennsborougii;and'
that - part - At **tea: tOvit - ifshiKnititiiielnded follies:.
Leesbni k*le"Ottein'ilistriethereinafteilitenticined;'
wilt 1- lifflieleik",the: brieK..scheol, htititie,;',-In ' 'the'
J.ldianklPeff,NsSille,:t' . ''...t ',;-: , -, -14......- , .;' - "7•:*. 4 "'. -:-.:.
The phicupn;irti,hellistrict.riiiposedtaf Hniuti.
well:to"%krishjfii . "will bettheld • - rit.,,,the..Rehpid - Heatie,'
in, Nster l 4 ,- 44'erild:tinynehiP,:-.t ........ ;'9 , j,r- it.i'etl.•
4• •:lie,•: , .electlen,lti, , the . ridiatriet , coriiposed':orthe
Briyouill'i:of;t 3 lilriperiebUriK.Shippinsbu r g , town.
-Ship:rind ihat.part.cif Sputha POrtf-townshipi- not,
included the: LeatiKurg election district, will
Shi Pperalturgfe'it.,W.,2o4nti":o . ..: - c , ..!",• t4.. 3 •d' ~.!'':';:;
' '''' Ati lf i lt`ti n d' - Ssiinibly,
- - brilaPplantiiparealthl ) ,praled-that2d July, 18393.,
-----ii`j et hi h r ;provitlek't:.!. t ilpilit'.'.tli„iriltritlif t ed,oleCli rr ,
''. atrittrkle.RNitivtait-'''apd-71Soullrairiptpri-"-:tirwifillypri'
,th e' l lieqatitifiCinbcilarfil,t'benaed'l4-tbe
' . folloWlaelpterr-.and . • distencei;viz :-Beginit ipg at.
' ' ilia 4ditnileaOhntylirie;Vienedalting-tliii;iinhlW
i ld!Peibii . :l,4o*,fpe'cif.:Dielii . a n d NeWtrin te.
1 1 ,aLitl. i tztraltd.kthertpeclting esid;tarririke,:to
ii` , ‘"•c , ..'n,",tt :-.....flittiksist an*silurripiker;3n-Soutlitt
- - 2 -*P . a , - :I! lolitp..-thence to - e 'point entetlid :MOP
- -3111 t, 'M attak A*4 ' at Rai tiaali ' aj' J. l lclPOirig:Pt?
hack's 'flitipiithsnectuit,stivegliii ,- dh , e6tton to lhe..
- " f-i *i i .Mt. 4 •Jkihiati#l, l 4.-ilteleteirtipf...9eattc Cie,
- • -NiaTi..-t4PROTIOatiti.- 4 / 7 shar.i'rait ;iii 'the ~ A daiiyo
• •-;•-.0bill'''.11aeithlparibthnig-;thii-:IlittPOII:Alhiins
:' r
,Co4l4ll4ool)l4,lie:Ort4ippiiiti tietztartbrininit
• -018 ilerCbi'dat4lo,o4b,,ngiCl4o4l,-spilaiiiiilleaticiii
_di°6lo-taffealaall,?l4o-110 lipid at 00. public '
::61.73y., ilvittitii4t*ia,/,iii',Ley!!#i*S'iiiiibituutto.w!
-19'414011KiV.•1-rr 't_--,-.:';',ii•'-','',;";-:,,tt,-,-5r..1;4:.r,
'-' '•- •- •'". l, :', , Otitet.lB-t• frfby- , ..GlVett . :4 - .4'.., - ;
. f. , ev Ap
~,, , ,ozOaßgyitOtOffeee„d( the -
- • - • . . --- 'l l ettl.o, , ,,glierli II - 1 .ant , -Offiecorlppointinect.rif
- ; -- 1 - WORtliirttlin'itli' tiller - Abe • - l:t.TriitediStittee'or - t'oUthis
~",. ttlyi i A :01 ~ , I) .1 . neorp 1 t., t. ere
~,w. 1 t tor
S''' "Niel - 1 . -I , I-. - oitel WI I 'f" 'l'e'l '
,liiii Mitt iffieeiviiitalitimilite;erbbetharate7
'',,tialiti miriit',„4Kcilitae •Sliall,•liaealpleyed Odor'
'16(tMtlilltaff Or of..tbe'Ufiltad'.States t - or-of aityt - eift
- . -- , - tir.4 l . l o4,lncoritorated - district' and-Mao:that every,
,'-'-laar.lifier' -PM Congress ;: nod oli the. StateLegielatora,'
' .-:-,a nttefthe:itellot•-ar.sectinnott eatmei Fitt ally eitv,..or .-
-;- . aann l ti pt l srpstisfattirieprporateil,silsteict".-ia,blaw'
t -f .; - •. ,i titt i rtatitclotmoyinitgor.exeridei rtg pt t he rue tit' e',:doOitairtllittutio'' '.
j t oVer i tV9titiiiittnii-'•int or ''' •' '• 'Aoit'iiit'elerk;
, iir thitCna:
T Ifl - evi-a • t
onyw io.s a :LI ve req. ye .1 , Op tog I, •
Outyd4..'OriifeVrei - Oftilgelitalic 4 o4 l 7.PrYCedukg .
In - crtsetl,se,periidn Wlttrshall-lhavereceited the high-,
jastlitiMber et:votesfor !inspeetee
the person' ele(*trju'dge shall appoint anitiipectork
'in his pinpc, 4no 'hi,-ctise the, person - elected-Vt.,
shill not attead i lliettlhe Inspector who reeeived,t
h!gikist:itutstitor'or:it r otes; shalkiimutint n ;judge ; hi
sCancy~sltal~.-continliaaiii the.
6 - third for the, spactofineliour tiftor,theAttoe fixed
'by law.fil'ethe .openMg,Of the electing; themnalificd.
Voters of thelowiishipiward. or district-for which
such officer shall have been e.leeted,Presenfitt. (he.
fplace 'Otelectietrahall`ele - eroiiircifiliio - 11100q*T
ill such vacancy:.
.- - •
(' It shall lie the attire(' the Seterqi:assessors,,re
spectiyely to 'attend at the plape et holding etery
generalC special'or township lEleteiolti during'the .
whole tittle said etectinit is kept_ open, lortho pur..
pose •str. giving-information to, the investors : mid
Judge when' called 'on, in l•elaticai_tri. IlioLright. _of
any person assessed by. them to vote at such; elec-'
ticiii,.or - Sucli Other matters in relation to the assess
ment of voters as the said inspectors Or either of
Them slinll Toni tiiiie - tolitite require. -- •
pergon - shall be permitted to vo atany
election as aforesaid, than white' fretla of the
lIFC of tweet s '-one years or note, who shall have re
sided in .this State at least one'year, Mid in the
election districtSwhere olrers to vote at least ten
days immediately preceeding such election, and
within two years paid a Stitt On-a3unq• tax, which
shall have been assessed 61 , ,leitst ten days before the'
election But a eitieeti of tlin United States wild
has previiiusly'betin a qualified voter of -this State,
a nd removed therilrom nail returned, and. who'
rmided,lii the di , ction-district arid 'Odd : ,
nisei aforesaid, shall, he'entitled to vottufter reSi
fling in this Slate six months. Provided, 'That the
white 'freemen,. citizens of the Uniled Sttitva,, he
t ween the Imes of twenty-out and twitity•two'yeites,
mid have resided in the idection district tell days as
aforesaid, dudl be eiditlell to vote, although they
shall not love paid taxes.
No 11C1 . 80I1 shall kik permitieri'lp vote - whose
name is not contained in the list of taxable
tints thriiislied by' the commissioners; miless,,kirst;
lie produce a reeript for the payment, Within two
years,efa State or - enmity ax assessed arreenhly'to
theLera .
either on his oath oi• affirniation, or the oath or
affirmation ofonotherthat lie has paid such atax,
or on failure to produce tl receipt, shall make oath
to the payment thereof, or, Second, if lie claim a
right to tote-by being an elector between the age . of
twenty-one-and twenty=two years; lie depose
on oath or aflirinstion,lliat . he bas resided one year
next before his applicatiottomd make such trai.of of
residence in the district as is regnirtol by this act,
and that he - doca verily believe, front the accotmts
given ilia , thud he is of the age_aforesaidoind give
S114:11. other. evidence as is required by this act,
Whereupon the name - of alle•perSOli SO ;Amine(' to
vote shall be inserted in timalphabetical list by the
inspectors mill a note made opposite thereto by
writing die-word 'tax:' if lie shall be admitted to
mote by reikon RI having 101111 Na v el. ihr
Him slin I I be admitted 'to ;me by reason of such
'vote shall be called tint to the clop ks, elm shalt
make the like notes lit , the list -of-toters kept by
"In till cases at here the name cif die person claim
ing to , irr te is him.' on the list fuistislied by the
cotriTnifsionet's and assessor, or his right' to vote
elietiter annul (bocci - in or not, is objected to by any
qualified citizen, it slmll be the duir'of the hispec
, tot% to examine such person on oath as to hisopiali:
fictions, 111111 if lie` claims to love resided- within
StatilTor one year or-more, leis oath shall be suffici
ent proof thereof, but lie shall make proolby in least
s ane cpmpei ent witness, who shun de. a mu t inied
elector, that lie has t esidol ti itttiu this distriet for
morethan ten dal a next preceding said election,and
shall also himself swear not his bona fide residence,
in pursuance of liitCla whit calling, is withib the
district, and thait.lie did tint reniove into said tlis-
. .
- trim for the purpose or voting tin:rein.
Even. poo;on eptiiiitioii as aloresaid,mid who
Shall make due proof, it required, of Isis residence
Mid payment of taxes, as aforesaid, shall be Om ited
to vote in the township, Ward, or diatrierill ablol,
he Shall reside.
0 "If any person shall preven attempt to pr -
vent, anyofficer of any election unsler - I hi s act, trim
holding Snell ekction, or use or threnets ang'l io
tome to any such officer, or .shall-interrupt or im
prorrly -interfere wills him in the execution of Isis
duty, or alinll block up thic-wintlou or avenue to any
window where . the same . nosy be holding,. or shall
riotously dikturb the pciice nt studs election, or shall'
use 4ir prnc'iee-any intimitlating,threats, force or
tiny elector, or to prevent him from voting or to re
•strnits the freedom of chaise, such pes•son. on enteL
Ileums, shall be fined inany sem not exceeding five
Imi.dred dollars, and be- imprisoned for-any-time- 1
not less than three nor more than -twelve months;
and if it shall be !shown to court, where. the trial of
such Offence shalt be had,That the person so offend
.ittOvas not a resident of the city, ward, district, or
township u here the said offence was committed, rind
not entitled to vote therefrolten on conviction:he
shall bexcistenektl to. pay a.f.ists-of•-nnt-less-thasrotse
hundred, nor more than one tnousaild dollars., and
be imprisoned not less than six months nor mote
than twdyears.
•.if any person or ',atone shall make any bet or•
wager upon the result of any election within , this
Commonwealth, or shall (gar to make any such bet
or anger, Other by verbal proclamation thereof, or
by any written or printed advertisement, challenge
or invite nay person to make such het or wager,
upon conviction thereof, he or they shall forfeit .and
pay three times the amount so bet or offered to be
act. •
''lrony person not by lam: qunlified, shall fraudu
lently vote at any election in this Commonwealth,
or being ntliermiee, quidifica', l Anil vote out of his
proper district, or irony person knowing the want
of such qualification, shall aid or procure such,per- - ,
son to vote, the. person offemling,shall on convic
tion, be fined in any sum not exceeding two limillre'd
dOibleei end be imp_tisonesifor mky tertn-not-smeeed—
TifFilarec months,
4 ' If any :person' shall vote nt mire tiitin one ace,
tion dish let, or otherwise fraudulently vote mere
tlinii once on tili:l,saine ibiy, or shall fraudtileotly
'fold and de ‘ liver to the inspector tillttielkets togith,
sr with ti e.intefil illetnillyao Vole;•rise soil procure'
door ter so . to o~ he 11rIiV - pfNiellutbiltall-on-uon=7
victlo,n, tie fined atimittm MA; lesutlnAn 'fifty,, - taor
five dollars, anfiffie , iropilson'ed
not less than- three nor more thaillWelveuinentlis,
“ If any:jinisOOnourtfealiPeti to vote in, this Com!
motriVemltli, law, (expt the, smut of .
Toadied citizens;) shall gimes; atany place or des- •
ho n Or.teelurpose of ticket.,
issuing pe'of inlluen
he;ciUzCns qualified to vet:4l4'4llQU otrrun-,
Victinti:Liblittitand pay'any sum eset;eiii
fired dollars lor s esep such Offence, to‘d•Virilptio;.:
ekfor : Pnyitermuntexceedl o gjhree_Montlim,
4gePtiblY to, tir; enstfthe sixty-Gant •see ,
tion-or said act, every, General Special Election.
shall - he opened between the hours 'freight and ten.
iiillie,forenopo ! sted ; slutlf continue it hoot 'hiter-:
rention or.,titljourotortit ,tt Mil ' SiVert- o'clock its the,
evening; when shall,lie closed. ; .,
the . ; tolgel th e respective' dist rieti iiforeL.
itikiirVbv th i rcquiewilto•meetai
tipii in t ioti4li orCarlisle;on the third'
thiyilter the - io ol election ,* being Fridny the
"7th y - . r," then perform the
things requirOti lernihy'lla sr:4
(.pa4i - Anw:l:'le„,coMmonwealilt.) • •,
• : Corti bfh;?_ i • . •••'' •
AtigtfeW 1845; •fi ' .
E?late of lien 2
.11 7 .ikle,'-ilec` ea' .1' ed..
, Itrirrick• liven .0 int Lett era et Admit] ,
IN•inillarat(` , llityTatate'ior,ifehry 'Wilde; late
I r%vcii,•P e u uui g ho r d tawaehi p,ltu ye 'heel grantql 10
iliejalieeriker reakliag UAW eaine:towelltip; • All
tfi . odd Estate will iueke pvltiientj
e ttilliale•kikinigetalta w ilresent -diem-for-ad
• ;'• .••'t" -- ;t:FO.aAr i; , ' •
in istratge;';
'lli': •
' l E,tl Calim& erster; .dec ,
-ItTCrl'icw is lieretir ipiifoir ., tfiat•lLitti44; -Tv stnmen
-411 tti , g on ilioV l sAtifbAgtthkelinalteister n Into of
~Wesf gitinkol ‘
$0403"4 - 111.ftryliiiiii
videkene.' •,0-4 N, ,;v+ .w‘,
":"'lcsii.-111i, dee,
::401.e.014.'0,'141'4: 1,',-,-,„,,T;;L4terkor,vd,
. , bil p;!.leite'rels7,ls,V,,, ..wiliesint,Sißilb.
T , C li iiioisi on tlke, Estate .. p.,
,', -.. ;',:;110R-i-7.,Atosi,,iiiiiiiideett.;,,,,,
•Ibi it ipri,V.43111,P4 ~rdtdditig in'Atauoi-t°'l";"arprnik
o idtdc_'.l4Uq4l/r1 qi. ' idryditate wii .ina
t e ; set _
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ltlitittl'OTlM44s'''," ".` •—• fis Dro,6,l4llirq,•'•
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Alatiola •
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Wei 1„ 044.
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- - 1--,---,- , - . -"0"' , :I .... 7.11,.- -,- . - 7 ,- ,
1r 0 acconnnodato toe trisnaa of 4 - empertindo hi
thin: ctiftlifyeiiiiif . ,trilliellarsttcget.l6r.gliSClt 4,1
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In ! ,y -v.54 , .....8f It . , , C ~ r nee ,a •
theltistartedtfol, Many:, , diaiilpd•i.`aridt 4 itisitebttiblO'
friends of tartitiiminea. Or this harough; to'openhiti:
house for
. the ticeornmodatiott of the public, whore ,
,he .w ill ~.tlke,„ o . ..v.afY.9zOliioutoini ti ke-th 9 T imeorin toe
dationii itiCh as shall 'Meanie . ptitiOnaga - cif Jho
frieridii ofllits:',FetintiMiiiica Prairie, ,••. "-•"'•-• '. - L ••••;•'''../ •
Rig' ROllBO qii'itqgo ' unit 'rp:o ni dialli nu i' . l . ;',iiii if ' '0 i...
gihly:Bittintid .. )iptin . tlieLbiiindt:iiENaftit4latiiiiei ,
and Leathery streets, ; one. .iitioaris'lleirth" or tik.
.public square, and •
ttiry',e'enyenteiiilo thu,bukirOfm ;
port, of the 19%61; idid•the Coi;reipi)*lVßa',643yOty
kitritica: - liii . l'Aitit :' iiiiii:iklivaye,`pcs',iiitiAlied 6
with the choiemit prodectionli'et the market, aria
the 'hank) , liiiii-'auffiiiidat:- S'l'A B LING' iii tefolied
to • ii - tdrlitittinglup - a - liirge - nuirilier::ofhorsaa,=='4
Jurors-and others attending Court, and travellers.:
generally, may trelyMpon every nainsheing.takena
.to seetire-thenrhundsome attii.euintortaide uen'orm• - ..
mo'dations.i.(The•ptitrima'gii , cif thO friends Oftent;: ,
porance is ' , respectfully solicited... • ' -.• , '"V '
• Chrlisle, Auguit 6, 1645. , - •-'•-• -- • -
Toy virtue of n writ' frOm the' liOn..Nnthniniel B.
MI Eldred; President , Judge of the'.;l2th Judiein
District of Pentisylranin,liearipg date at linri•fsbulg
the 15 . 111 dny ofJuly,_it. "
that a Special Cinirt will be held by the said Bon:
Nathaniel 13 Eldred, itairthe Associate Judges of
the Court of Common Plena of ciamberland county, :
at the Cnfirt Breese in the .Borough of, Carlisle,
commendiagim Monday the Oth of Octribitri
18481 to continue one .week, for theti•ial of curtain
causes depending lathe Cou r t of Common Pleas of
Ciindlerland 'county,, - in which the
Ilepburirwas concerned as_ counsel .for imeof . the: parties, prior tethis.appointment us PreshlentJudge
• f , the-- I . l th-Juilipia l 43r-toictiiilinick=istitiWea u . es
as are eniliiiic:eit within the provisions of the Act of
the.Genimil• Assembly, passed the 14th April, 1834,
relative. tollie:organizalion'Of Coiirttrof Justice.—
Of WSW Special Court; Jurors 1111(1 all persons con
cerned, will take notice. . -
LOsi . Gsl.)ollF: Sheriff
Sheriff's Office, .Carlisle,
' -
HAncrswo,th....s. 'Wel/cr.-Ft tolesalev .
_ -DeWitt& in Foreign 4- Domestic
ll:North I loiilard, street, op staire,V doors from
tl Market at:; offer Merchants Goods
ma thejollowingtOiffs:•viz All goods at coat, 10
per cetti - .1014et1i4 muwhet , 5. per cent, off rut cash,
lainkald6 fands - or its - eqUivalent: - goods'beiiig
evgaliirlYlidoglit at auction, at lo:wtist rates, the
terms tipoir k which we offer thorn mils( meet the up
proliation ortlealers. . On no account will more be
asked or less token. Merchants are - respectfully •
invited to call:es . atninc' our goOds ' and Judge
t I le nisOves.—Orders promptly,attended to, qt. soma
temp. .
•- tioLLlNGswcarriz & WELLER
ILLlthiloce, July 9.3, 18.15.-3 th.
• • To Keep a quiet House...
Ilowerts - Infitto Cordial, for the ours of chalk,
looseness or the bowels, severe' gripinAN . and paint%
occasioned from Teething, is so delightfel to the
tuste that children love to take it; fur solo by ? Ste ,
vellum Sr. Melutffej•.
101121bi1 tßalaitan •
hilsjust rcturuedirom the
LJ eitymmfis now open' lig the largestwatnostgett
oral stocir..of Dry Good's Groceriesjlopts anti Shoes
hroT4,4llto Clarity, part of which lie hos pur
chased t.t Auction , turd eau be sold• lower than here
tofore tool with! respectfutly ittviie hi s Itnil
the public getteralls who it ish lb lay 'out .their
money to a goad 110va!itv,e, to be sureand give him n
cll before purchasing;_as they-can-have-theTargest r
most choice nod...freshest stock of goods to select
from that is in
Dirtitice:rethiliists in part, of Broadcloths from
t1,'25 to 7. pr yth,--Cassi mere* from $l, to $2, jir
yd.;_Caesinetts from 576 to SI,OO 011 colors; Twewd
C 1,,; he anti eltS9i mere; of the nest fashionable kinds
very 1011'W:stings front I 2 to $2 . , pr pattern, new
est st)le• Plaid goods for Childr en's wcnr 01 all
kinds ant'l paces . He Initials() received 11, large lot
of Dress Goods, such as Orgamle and Balzorine
_Lawns; Paris.printa_Atartmise_of _a row-and-supe—
Oar sole; Poinssadote Balzorines; Ill'k and Blue
Bombazines; Alpaca Lustres asserted e•ifors
and qualifies. A very general assortnient of BOok,
Swiss, Mull, Jaconet and Cambric Mttslins; new
'style Opens Lace; Attielins for Dresses ,• Bobbinett,
Greciatiett, Picknett and,Vi'asl:blonds from 10e. to
$l, pr yd.; French Baraze Scares and Shawls latest
importation; .also, n large assortOtent of Shawls,
Silk I Ismlkereltiefs sop lies too numerous to insert.
Bl'k and White Fillet Shawls with bullion Fringe;
black liarase, Billzorine :nil - DMus for 111011r1111Ig4
French, Scritch and American Gingbants full assort
ment; elegant plain,.and fi g'd Silks. Alec., a large
and general assortment of — Swiss,Jaconett and
Thread, Edgings end 'lnsertings; Blond, :Valentin
and Patie'Leces; alerge and very fine assortment
of rfewiityl4remicititiMlicoes from the Merimack.
Fsillriver mul'otherChiliCe factories; alremadaus
stock dell kinds of licinnete;r; The largest stock. of
_thisiony_ever-Lteered-iii , -EarlielevComprising'
•kinds anti color ; MOO' Pi brown fold 'White 11 usline
and 'Sheetings prieeelon'er than
ever; Tickinge Amor 17 different factories; a very
Pretty- seicctie/Vof Entliesl(ll ores and Mite of Retort
ed. colora ,Sild :,,imtilitiee; the best assortment of
Afeteisilk ; poOket . leinderchiefe and cravats that tins
beeu_lif f/red thin spring. A very_ large stock .of
'Men's, and Boy's wear
strfpee, bars, mixtures 'ke. Artlfiontl flowers aid
Bonnet, cape of the.. French, English and American
make mid styles. The largest stock of Boots and
Shoes ire have ever ofillred to the public, uf all kinds
that can be mentioned; rains lent hats of'vat ions
qualities and prices. '
- 125\100 LERBIEca.
:A A fresh lot of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Rice Spices
•0l ; all kinds:which will be sold nt very stuall profits
'to` suit thitAlitiesii'lin abort" line all kindsnw! de=
serfpgans of gootititiOd Is anxious totiye good'
gainslii fill who will favor him Wiih n call Itectil
lect'..ille.old . stare'below - the fitarket
House East ItjWat*t atidgicarly opposite the.4o-.
tel. roi•merly 1V rnderllah's;
Coptitey:',MeiTiffints can be 'supplied .arthe oily
peices - sinitni*quested, foetal before purchasing.
'04111811&"3tily.141845. - 4 4 ."'• •' • • .•
SUent-13agis, inatlol9l
- In, sticks„ in
boulifUralk . sizus t antlAlig Mt, just repelyed,
and cut' sulast. 1110, 4:heap. ll)rugStorb,ol'uOlUveus'o ,
gt ';;;; -•• '
'• • "
' Election ~ 01" ViretfOrs,: , Ps. - .;(
given . . ,
Notice is hereby n that an election ,
teen'Directors of the Cumberland. Valk& 'Mutual
Prciteetion..COnipany, will 'bo ,Iteld on thii first
Mondailn*itember nut, at tlid ellinblio lions°
of Jacob Trees, , bet;NCell 00;4101UP of -10 A.M.
frotrt - ccelikk i .. ..,,, '
0. 4: MILIERT:Sec'y.-: .
Ju1y , 30,1845; ! , .. I'l . ' ' - ' '
NVOltitt-TEA:V 7 - '"
~llector'4..etily's,eolettrate(t,AVorm .I'rett,•,ibet re
Ceiigil „and ter .tiiileitCtitirll,rvitt. Stbre of
Nicyertt ,
IsooiriuNG, sytnur.,,,
Tskrie Small Syrt,ilst rot- atildith'
tligt tiro l'othin94 Idev,sittr -t itie - ' Ol4 aP -1 )/ 4 4
OnoleSidietir blyetiA4A "
noLtoll,oloo O,E:SOD.Ni"
iktopt";ii . trieilt4itatiweothOr'ontl to dc4roxliotlicO
in l eo _L B i . t. f9 F , N 4 ll , -)Othlrietlkag.4tPFu
t' `l4~eneiliFli'o titrict. or Wriprdf.Ssedauqk re,sal , :o,c) . •
anti UfStevehaqii gr.;3Tellagey k • - ,
.. f ' :;l ' l,4lllolll4 P B •9 ll ,q l .alla." :l "PP' s #Vileilg
abolOpionlin.C, tiong i owdor, foVlliO1)011.'
irr ilio Btotga"t•lr or 6"a r-; for
• • .
• ' up Il i g r-lit
13titli ) 1, i4 —. •:1 ei . O .' iiSrli - Bl — Wgn r it
11 tivo,jiiiit reeeiV 4 lillirtlici.upply4l4lll4lo
kalitablo infidloine, ELLIOT'''. - • ...i.,:-:`,..V.4..1
- _r e
A4ll', ;1.:4 Arkiriti
IR 0 I 1 4 0 ',/Par - •
10131AMIC : .
pp it OL . 3 • a ‘,l4,ft , 11
01 °0 0 P . • •
"terSlNWPJ ol 4 o,l riation lokortment
V n4..*•u A,
-qt• 0444401W* 11.1*si.:
1• " 7 K ' .41-i...t, r. &ail- rfOitri . '
.r? • 4 .
.„ --,, . ."! , ,,o, • 44 , 1_,..11afiy . ","/ ~,,,,i 5.r",kft!",..1*:2',"-.±,"
- 0 - N -- 1111 - 11-3"---
,7 -
i t
.7.3'Lot' ,
n ' ' ' '''''''';',".;:-'/';
;rT,IPE tin tt',W ti 1.4,1 bp tv,niatf "11i'a i:i 'A rf ft '
' '"'''and Auitintittnirnil',Vs.'!..iiittititeirat,,tbehttiin'.
Lof, the Seutb=l4l annual:if thitio Or'"ldli r 2 ni lea frolii`
Phi ppet4ibutteutakeiland COUtitY,,Petkutiyittianin,:
aris'poti'hifiercd fOr'sa di The proporty tn:lnitials Uf
ti..-2:.'4" Two:Xl3l4adeg‘-1'
on ° :the.damistrea N ousE, o, '
IY.4(i, -. , = ,,- . -- :T , ,, -, .=fi , ..choitoiilelviiii; Stiiibm nu', ioiliika•
.r . 7. ...,„mr, -, emit Ifofircvtivo largo Stables; owl
' .;' In ' ce l3-: .and ' lidtika'' for.' Workman;
' 'Pat'itht,:ainl',Cailianter Shops ' 'an
TittA"l.7: - :,...,:;;A:athor 'huildittga,`iNitli, obout:Six.
i "drid:v,A -- ' To`f 1 4 titid,,a - Peition of which ,
ja ii ii 4 a si oa , pwtl i b th e` .ft or t a o u il ltli o iit i fe r n e : i i A l l i n a U g - ti ll 'im o i l l i f ti ,t v ra , o i t n o d f
Otlicilmildings. - :TliaTliffnaeo Stacks, Casting,
, Ilvidge,:, and
S ellows *louses aro -in good - order.,
One of thelfurnaces is now in operation. These
Wieske, being situated in the - Cumberland Valley,.
one bribe rtcheit agricultural distracts for obtain
ing, supOlies and' for iranfiporting
_the Iron to
'Market, offer evariiidliallifeati.tkpersone Irish:.
ing to-engage in the Iron business. '
Tbe subscribere' also offer at Private Sale; tu l. 6
valuable ' • •
EaTO NI It:FARM) . 3
situated.abotil half way between it
tinned- furnaces and .- "Shippensharg, containing
each about" T 14 rev 'fun d rcd Abrils.. On
tacit Farm Morels about one hundred and eighty
minor cleared land, tits balance being timber laud
overed 'With Chestnut, White Oak &c, The is of : A . ll°lnel qtielity Limestene,
unc '
iergciodTeitce and in- a high mate, of cultiva
_tien,with a valuablcapple Oreha rd. 011 each Farm.
On eno otiho Farms Moro ise large Stone House.
u large , Stone
,Ilarn, Wagon Slied,-Core.; House
Irtittarthdr out houses, a goad Spring and a Stream
of water Teasing through the Meadow.' There is
about:twenty:five acres of ature' meadow. On
the other Perm there isa good Plastered House,
good Bank- Barn, one small Tenant Hobee;
Smith Shop and other buildirigs with a, Well of
Water. . TheseFarme being situated 'Quit excel:
lent meighborhood,,convenient to - Churches .and
Schools and near the town of Shippinsburg where
"a good market can' always be bad fur their paw
ductions, make thont,izeltworthy-thc-attentitni,
The Chartertof the Carlisle Bank having
..pired.,on' the 7th el May Mat, the Direetordere
under the necessity of winding up the affairs of
the institution with a§ little delay act peacticable,
they; -willt,Jiicob M. Haldeman who bwns an un."
divided interest in the Iron Works and Farms
Mimic mentioned ; will therefore sell
_the same at
Private Sale, on moderate terms, one third of the
purchasdianoney-to-hapind on delivery. of the deed
to the purchaser,erntthe belittled to lie paid in
trio equal annual payments with interest to be
Seeurcd by ponds with atipre.ted security. Per.
sons wishing tb view the above properties or obtain
turthey. Information' respecting them, are requested
,to call. on Mr. JOSEPH W. PATTON, in -:,Cur:
lisle, who is well
_acquainted with the premises
will show them to any one, who may-cell on-Min
fur that purpose.
- •
• . Committee olCurligle Bank,
enrlivlc, August 6,184 S. •
For the etire-of Piles, warranted - 11 iieriziin cure; for
sale St the (Ire.' store of Stevenson 1g .31einirev.
Wright's Initials Vegetable Pills..
The genuine article of Wright's Irdian_VggaLa
ble Pith , ' from "Head Quartos;', rue oak Ly S.
MATAiirtf§. •
-As -thisis-tire scnacfi for puitryink The blood,
We can reconnnond .ttas sfticle, us.gonuinc awl
frbsli, fur by sale
May 7, 1845
Nctu - Atort,
rei fin Subscriber has just opened in the_ roont
71 -- (timnrertriTecutartirN7W - . Woods) on the
South West corner of thepublie square,
a .Iretv and Splendid Stock of For.
cign mu! Jlmcricun‘.
staple and Fancy, cooslsting•in part, of Cloths, Cas
Sitnerts, Eattinetts, Linens, Gambroons, Summer
Glottis, Vest ings, Silks, Bombazines, Ba twines.
Lawns, Crape and Mous de Laines,Swiss Cambria,
inckioet, mid all ether kinds of Mastitis, Cadicons,
Shawls,. Checks, Ticking, Velvet , Cords ; Cotton
goods oil a all descriptions, Carpet chain and Cotton;
yarn, Cloalirellas, Parasols, Sunshadea, Gloves,
•ALSO, A — choice and well selected stark of Gro
cerimi, consisting In part. of Cones, Sugars, :11°1a:i
-ces, Tens, Toluicco, Spices, &u. , •
I.BoTerockeryMlli . • ueenswore n cart-.
ous descriptions and - gualities,together with nume
rous colter articles comprising a complete and gen.
eral assortment—all ol which Ito oilers for sale - at
very low prices for cash. He respectfully invites
his friends and the Public in, general to give him a
call, inasmuch as lie feelscontident elm sell,
goods as low as Roy other house in the borough'.
Carlisle, ril
Whi Ow.. Shutter, Otttoh and Bolt.
/VIE ouliicriher, tuNitt for the sale .of Patton's
k.) ti
M. WMIIIOW 'hooter; Catch and Belt, untold re
,.....tf1i11y in thepahlici r that theulatrellolt is
impreior many rtiole of die.kied now tiittise, both
for simplicity and' durability., They can he pur
chased it .1. P. Lynn's or Jima!, Setter's Ifordivire.
Store, !North !follower street, or_ of the suberrqies.
in West !Loather street, Carliale. ,They need only
be.seen to be' adopted.
... „,...
. . , . 4.:01ES cntirch 45t.:..._
April 34, IEI4S. - 7- --- - ; - -.
-. 7ITOTICIE.I . •'-' .'. • •
Is hereby Rivet'', that the . Ptimpltlot Latek_er th
COMnibliweillti or Pene4lvieiaddr thicltear'i 45,
have been received - et'this 0f1ic0,414 arP' ivaaY Ear
'delivevy to tholle entitled to receive them,
~,- • • '
.:, 4. ,TIlu'S;11: CMSWELL, -
'-i - ' • • ''', '' .. '"Piothonotiiiy,Ciiiiiii: Co.
;July 6, 1845: : '", . '• • '
- •
lb ' &
in e,vers, variet(yeal•ofully put , up ) , ,00,c uto . .
&CO', also Vicalliq' WiargaP.,' : ,, ~
''. - - ''''' r - 'lllyers , ,4' Habirslick,'
. . .
; • " • SCYTIIIES. , ' • • •
i rtlE anbacril4 hold uat .receivod:al-splondiA
'ad 1 1111111 1 1111111 l ar - .thor:etilabrated',ADait. Staal'.,tdued
59.17 ; 111.15, nni aurae tu red-ex ptaaa ly o*n
salon, and which: ijava ganatak=a - atinfacilon
' tola!l!linlilt.thapitd!thesti:Jaat , suinmei,-.i
• • - - JOHN.I%“/JYNH;!'::' ,
t.:41111,,123 i J',844,:
''bsrt,l4il.A'n'g Cordrlni /oikoi,:etiiii464lßiing Cord an
eintnioono and brasier
, ..A*4" 1 " , • 4, %1 ik
WrtAir , rn XR;Ar 4 JCIAT
t • ,- •
A .
to '•• •
the lowebt•ilViees, • 2 " • qr. ' 841°Ike
41 , 4
13(4447ilicdidai:::11;1176111traleiCiPlee 411:111.10.;111.4011?.%1
I .:
k r ; . % 7 1".%
4416119464161,411 , 111 g14:4 1k i5i
VII. 4 t:•:%;.•
I #tik::'gtygirved
r 7 e
Tlibres - ate'Ai4eg #an .domestze
C6od Mord-Ng - •Bet -
(Ist st..2.unning
od s
ptacesTor netteash c orlf
sper...coral's added to the,bill.' .
e Subscriber iUtendo.- - to keep what is. strictly
A u otton'eoet • prices cash, or
on time or approyed,credit, pr
to thittill • for - the . credit. •Oiliabl i shed
hi a hot inest On'that - pCineipleitud•fintla It gives Iron_
oral. ;,Cdshimurs- oap rely , on, tidying
tbei rgoodo at the4eryj. , tkoweit , Anaiket - ratre,ne the •
lowest prices Atli asked fifst, titre is Bayed
to. botlrinlrolumer ' and- ialler,inTiiiilieeisOts for
betting down. ' He lips constantly ottlititidiand will
continue id be . supplied' W(t.ll n good -assortment - nr•
seasoua4lc Ilry-Goods, desloped for and nclapted-to
.the near
,eountr:v trade to ‘thicli he now invites the
atteition'cit the rrierChants.of this esiglihorbood, nut
'pressed with a belief that-t.liey like many' Others
will patronize the . .systells :a-transacting- business
atliiiited and strictl y adhered to by the advertiser.—
Cull'and stie.
July 9,1845
AthirrtwiAL to - n JieW sopp'y of GrOceries,
we, are noWprepaceil to supply our customers
with n generiii assortment of
of the latest style' and Patterns, embracing White
Minbested mid raised figured China (Long tun] Short)
Setts, as also whit} Granite anal Liverpool setts
of handsome sty les, besides a general assortment of
Liverpool and „Pratiiie Plates, Howls, llislies, Cups
and Saucers, Tunthlers of various quakitieii;'and a
general pasnetment 'of COMMA - iv3ire
' We are idsh in receipt ofa new assortrrient,ef Ce
dar ware, including Tubs, Churns, Buckets, Wash , .
boards, Painted Buckets, Reefers, and gMuuml
variety of other articles—as usual at the lot) cat pH.
ces, at the old stand of
Alnrell 12,1845
. °
Ins). be •
truly said,
• • that no one ha '
ever been so success- . • •
a , • ful in -compounding •
medicine, which tins done so
. to relieve the Imolai% fatal ly ,ro rob
disease of its terrors, kind to restort . i the
.InvalidtrOttnilkti ma comfort, 89 the haven, _
tor and ProprietorOf that most deservedly pop.. -_
,ular family -tnedicine B:UfAvnta's. corrouNp,
SYRur_orliVlLD r;int r r itud tausr - heen - so
getkerally patronised by - the Profession- and-others,
both in , country - and in - Europc, tiorltilithere
ever been so - great an effort in the short spaCe •of
only six, or seven years, to tleceiVellf‘.dreklulOos
;knit unthinking; by . pulling up•Nosfrums'of clllllOllB
kiilll9, by various tudtvidutils,allixing the mane of
Wild CheKry and as much of the name of original will screen them-from the lash uf ihe
law - rand - one - of tlrelmpTrames -- who - plitsontlhe ;tom-.
mat paregoric oldie shop-atitt_call it the Balsam of
Wild Cherry tins tlte impudence to eaution the
public against the Original preparation, 1)r.
Sivaxnb's Compound-Syrup of Cherry, whielf
is iloing , so•rou Jt good in the world. - •
A tad Alt - arch:lse kkoskelmt the ciriginal and only
genuine article as prepared by Dr. SwayM!. wltieli
is the only. one compounded by a regular Physician,
nail arose from many years' close attetition to the
Practice of the profession,and which 'lead `to this
great discovery: ,TIIOIISIIIIIIIB andteus of thousands
of the best testimonials of the unpaintllelekl sucenss
of Dr. Swaytte's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
for the cure of
Coughs; Colds, Spitting Blood, Liver Complaint,
Tickling or Rising in the Throat, Nervous Debility,
Weakness of Voice, Palpitation or Disease qt the
!hart, Pain In the Side or Breast, Broken Consti
tution from .various causes, the abuse of calomel &e.
Bennehhis, Astltina, Whooping Cough, &e., were
,declared to the world years before any other prep
aration nrWild Cherry entne.out., The most skep
tical may satisfy themselves as to this truth of the
above, by. 11, little inquiry,.m,.Philadelphia. Vie
genuine article is prepared only . by Dr. Swayne,
whose office has been removed to N. W. corner of
ath and !taco" streets, Philathi: The Balsam and
others )(trim sartieles of Wild Cherryiumbeet.unal
-ou an re-so II out, nod the proprietors are obliged
to resort to Falsehood and Stratagem to make their
own out of it, The genuine -ankle- is-put op in
plain %Vie in square bottles, covered. with tt blue
wrapper, with a yellow label with the 'proprietor's
man:mire attached.
IKI - 'llte Public are requested to remember that
Swa me's_Sommo_untL_Syrup—of7--Wild
inktinil-ls-repeatedly pc, re,ing-euel
thirsculons cares of diseases Audi have baffled toe,
skill of the Prolbssion; nturser MiltifilitiCo the whole
calnlogue of Patent 31eAcines, nre
puffed through the organs of the"Prees. Ther'efore
ask for 1./r. Swatme s Compound Syrup of- Wild
Cherry W
and purchase no arr.
Sold n timeisle,hy 1111DIRS 11. VERSTICK
sole Akente for this borough. '
February .12, 1 841: - ' •
Jn.yne'al f tunlik;Neseines; ,
AN alitlltionall•anpreliof the above'etibli: Med
oinesi ootraistiot ..•-• • •..„
~.'4 J?ky.a . e's Pap . eotorant,
. `. Tomo Veronifuge,
Carininatfie Balsam,
Received for, sale by '
nets tinAbciiipet•iib'oni'llow .9fici)l6k More of
. • ; , : ,, A11.N0140
Out lisle; April 90845:! , rt _
. • • , •
tons.ilarscr i ,;
:100 barOle..prinictl'rosh Shad,
& P. MARTIN: •';
- :
o9s Lima u nen) Ctial—Pino Groceo
dc!'2loo ,
s i ve; •
00'. Act ,`:Wilkilihar:C 11
„; ;; „ : ;,;`• .
f- • f Str„ P. MARTINk
LigatAistovg; Nay, 21, lego., , 'T ,4 ~
or7Ai,e4ritkihO Score of,
Opiieniton - &ifilth,ffoj.vev.o. , • ••: •
we muP°r6l. - for ono
•,...A•is•ana IV,lk the 6,1411
.atTSgEP . r,,fliwgr„lPlrodeby-
. • io_useci
°mum': a, A,. Igefta.,y
an ugly' recefyP,
mug, us 071-
April og/
'' - 1 - L' 4 :;: 4 ';4 l '''.::* '. l `. '-''';.• - ', .
t r lA f . ; % sl :l: .ll o, l 9.,l l lktAligh•
** 11411:4 040PIXIMI"Ota ilit . S.4'ek
.'' _,_oE i titlaint , l9y......l9poirting4;tvi k O*ll ,t-,-0w1i01t3.7
owaYtlifill,o6.-AliV-a-lAqq.kti tatuipki?.grrer
tittA.l4o4eiiiii49ll.4o,m, ~..0,v,...f!...1.1rtit .
1 4 -ri , ', , ':1!",•: 6 11 , •:". 1 4''',V , :kitrfti , 44 .,.. w. ,,
tia V ,
tlea}iinber C - 413 .. , .\ , c, , ,, , , , c' ~,-,:2,,,,,,,q,,,........,,;:,7".-':-• ' '.. -
:.If'flt'ii '6
Dt''''' ' i'
I '3 '
.1 4 :"?C'k' IA ,1,4( 1 41c4 1 0' , ' ' -. "' . A ...
—i,...rdi I gt Gal*,
~.."4, Iter,, ti.,,,,' 1,,0tti4i 4 :Z0741.2",
org v aged tj GiVilitreibl,.- :, , ,f,',A..k,',; t
. .,4 " t j' ,'
' ,:,, T. , Ii , • - , ir ia..j,,...... ri. e. t,p
„..,140,,wet1l ,fON-4,4lll.l4lrirolq,citilt.:,-;,i
', , 0 Pra fv's,lif'l s .' `• .6 44 - dr ~ oei i, ' , 14,t,614 4 ;,-',E . :,,hins'i
~ ' - • . ' --,..., ', • , ~, 1 - - , t 4 ,:, ~,- ',k - s .
4 4
No. 30 ilank at. Phila.
J. IV. ,F.BY
A:'•••eht fill , Carlisle"'
-.7 fittO
POrindpniniill . llA'CliitBl . 1088,
iniiiAug.LPtitet; •
Charter Pir);•tuaLL:sioo,ood 6hpliat - imiatn
jp.ifice_l63i Vhesnist.strcet.-?
M — AKE .110.1./lake - E ; theil . termetient ar
ted, optima 1 ois did() firo;on 'PII9 PEWIT,
and EFFECTS 'df deseriptiow,' or
.tions ma Se. either . personally ' . br by letter; will be
promptly attended to:
Rate . p of lusuranoo :Rethicoti
. . . „ .
Briek. or Stone dwellings Or stores
from 524 to p o deposit°,
do do Clierchet . 24 to 9 . do
do do Taverns s to 4 do
do do Bares ' to 5 do
do •. do Stables (privnte) 4to 5 do
do Stables (public) 6to 7+- do'
"do do . rist Mills-, %Voter. . • -
rower, 74 to 10 do
ANNUAL RisA.- --
Bripk or Stone dwelling's nod irur;•
niture from
30 to 40c $lOO valu,
do Storoi nod Merchatt
dize 35 to 50
do Tavern-and-Fornitord
. 40 to 60
do do Bares nod Comet's'
65 to 75
do do Stables '(public)_
ISO to 150 -(1o,
do. , ' do Gi•ist Mill and Stook
, 75 to 811 do
Frame'nod Logdwellitto.ond Ifor- .. • • '
oiture • 50 to 75 do '
do do Storep - an' :11et'eloto
(.15 to 85_ . do'
do _ do Taverns 1(1 Fur • - • .
, 60 to 100 do
. ..
do . do Barns. ond.Contenti
' .. i . 00 to WO do
do do GrisrMills and Stock
_ • 00 to 100 do
ThgF subsOribOr is agent for the :boveLeompliny
for C%rlisle nod its vicinity. All applicationslor
nasuranCe either by mail or personnlly will be
IlromlillY.tittentled to. %V. SEYMOUR.
June 12 iv 44 -7-I=s-y
FIE Allen•and bastpeonshorough Mutual Fire
JIL 1118111'111We Company of CuinherlattilCounty,iti-.
corporated by an set of Assembly., is now fully or
mini zed, sing hi operation under - the inatifieinent of
toe following comMissionerS, 342 i
_ Citt. Stay ma ii,Jacali Gorgas,Lewis
flyer, Christian Titzel, Michael -Hoover, Henry
' Logan,Micliel Cocklin, 13enjaMin li Musser; LeNI
Merkel, Jacob KiA, John Snavely, senr and John
' Rankin, who respectfully call the aituitibil of the
citizens 40C:timberland:laid York counties to the ad
vantages whikli the company !told cart.
The rates of-insurance are as low and favoi-alife.
agony Company of the kind in the State. Persons
wishing to become inembei , s are invite - II to make
application to the agents of the company ho
willing to wait upon diem at any time. . •
.1A.0013 SHELLI,PresI.
Mien.tst. Ifoorna. Nice - President..
'Lewis flyer., Sent.letary.
Michael Cocklin;freasurer -
• • •
, A N
drETS. . .
Nlielmel Iloover, General Agent,- Nfeebsnieshurg.
Itudnlph Martin, .., , -• - . N. (.tunberland.
M CoeklM, - Allen.
Win It v.orgaß, , , (10 -
Christian tilzel, -
.do • ••
Joni- C Donlap,--- - , ._., do ...= _
Peter flarnbort,'- ':- • East Ptimsboro'
David-Afintin, . Chureldowns
C. 11. liarmon„.Ringstnum, .. .- .' . „
Henry, Zearing, Shiretuanstrm, ,
- • 7,7
girdbil Oyster, Wormleysburg, , - : za, •; -
Dr. inenbllln , irdirnan, Cartiele,
Jaeob - Kirk - ",T. Agent for York Coliatty,lletr •
,Sumberland P.O. ~
Henry 1 - . - opin - ; - - - • -- •Ybk - bifiu - iicy: -
- Join: 5114;11.4:i _ ' du
'3 ”lii, .ItaXiti, , ' do • _. .
Daniel Daily, ' do
J. Nownum, . • do. -
PlllllO Breekbill, - • - - Cumberland co.
Crollierogiliits will iiiindiled_ligiwgifter. -- - -,
Jtalv 91,1844. , . tf-40
PROTECTION COMPANY, being ficorpo-
I •ratcd by an act of the Legislature attic pi.esentses
sion,and fully organized and in oLieration wider the
direction of the following board of Managers, viz:
'flaming C. JOll/I AbOrC, Da v id \V. Me-
Cullough,3llMOS Wtakly, - William Moore, Samuel
Galbraith, 'Ebonies Paxton, A. G. Miller, I hail)
Spangler, Samuel WHods r Abraham Kurtz. George
Brindle, Scott Doyle,eal I the attention of the inhabit
ants of Cumberland Valley to the_gietimiess of their
mites and the many ittlratitagcs which this :hid of
insurance has over env other.
Ist. Every person insured becomes n Of
the company and takes part in the choice cf C aces
and the dirmition-of its concerns.
• ed. For insurance no inure is demanded than is
Mecessary-to-meet the-experrecirof-th-e-Compitur.rul
fndeninity against losses which may !lappet .
3d. The inconvenience frequenireneuals isa--
viiiiirin g tar n 'term afire yes But
policies can be taken for any peticittfl.trm 011:1 to
fire years. •
4th. A ny person applying for insurnneemnst Wye
diis premium- notiefitmlhe-cheaPeel °inn lilcrMtZ
orlive per commit, which will be sso on tta SIOJO,
l'orwhtsti ill have to paycl,sy fot%fl re yearn
anti $1,50 for survey and policy, and no nit re unite]
lie slim sustained ton •Ktaint,r ammitit„tlinii the funu
on hands will corer,Snalien no more will,lerequiP
ed ,thaiftt pro - rata shore.. The ratte 5E3 lamer
cheapertharritiose ofsitlier
on the some, principle*
'... A: G: Mst u cto.,See'y. • ,•
The folbming gentlemen here been qtrtlilitid
AGENTS:— • .
. Dr. Irn Day, 111e:Ilaaietitur . g,
James Kennedy, Esit,.Newiille. 1
George Brindle, Esq:„ Monßic.
..ClOmens 111eFarlane,
Itheem, do
I I lila s';ESVllreifiiiii — nibuks)
James Kyle, Newton..,
Jas.;Chestaut, Lee's X', Roads.
Jiii:ll , lrOsiet; Cdoberliaid,
. John Clendenin, Esij: FrogeithivO, -"
•. Stephen CulliertiOn,'Sliippensladir.
e, Peter -10 eLsaishlieiff.':4111ddlel9e:
- .1111W57 MIT " .7; 7 ;
, .
illotepicanc.!: Rostra tflce r. Co.
CA1 3 17 4 , AIL', el 04060:
nI S tuit:ablished dernpany irp 9 4 . „
either 'pernaanent or limited, against = lope. 9r'
darnvo.hy Tire en property and etp,tela ofe.kery
deieript!on• , l. s -
• Their terriia are very reaeonable,and,proporty.,
holder4will'dit.'Well to 'email t'lientselyck 9 l itke,
idvantagoe offorded by - thorn: -
Tho louttecriber,ia . .tratNT.':for Fompany'
foi; this lio s roitgli and vicinity —aild • amilication.
to.himiln person or letter, will receive-Immediate
titteetion,:n. •
• •,,,
; 31ifireli‘26;CA8415r.
4111 E t 11 ). 11
RitArOJ.just ieceived.wint.4-Preiuty:se:
■- Earpe
ch will.sell at-Philadelphift 1111.2c5,
1 !*ii:iii4t. s
fiiioiio:44,,iol/, "0" 6 06,*;
ic - i,elititthii , üblii-kettei*Oi#:T -".
i in * l. . ~,4 47,..',,,k ‘' .' ,'. ' ;' '' t. .
-Ili , de r linildhijicked! big' liii , *lii.. ift4fillpi'itiOii:,:
f .. -•, r tiOn' iff 'Oatn,itfrnealdiii4,l , lol4g,ll#llo49.:,'
Ao'tiii3k stook , L'‘-'' . v4K! -. i ~--, r';:i• - •:' -/-..,. ,-
. ut , , 1c0rE414 , Vfx, 511 1,1 , -':.
- jttio i rtsi -- - ar
1_ 11 5;1 - eillAniirktit'iirWo. wo ono auitiled withdla .
loor.o; - — otractiollon,,l#ottoeTor ,Coob, or on thr
. .
lent. ofileontrOlbtio '. at hr a . l o , a t i r i - P4i , °
a r i l 7 i n n
,u tr a li h e
w hero.
Prolni,*4eitliesi,Po!# mm ikerfke..;tira
g4°llClllll'visatevannotfait t0.,1404::
.104011,iiid-pt 449,11,1',Z,LtitAR f. u
, '
4tpx.s . sr'''T
„. , tor„i ll *.frinia-fVorlolitartYildat 11 % , 4 1 1 0 2:''
e'A'4oiVelli Near .4hieili:tilit4EnlillCAtiliti ?OF tit the oulpo,lll,,g,qovctg.. ,
411r54.141,44VV1V1,p 4
.^),a.; !• • ),N4
C,;I.IOI4INCKE,ai i , ?oat,
do .
trios:CILLI Peat."
Agni», ‘ h : J
4,--o-AstiNt—Tpfr- • ,--• G
:',.-OA-0,..-',7',i'is.`;,'::::',ll:-.1,.:.... • •
,tisatilwg fint4erukterkinkr.
v t ., 14 : ? „.7.,,...
; ~ HE' iilliserlher inforini ble friendis.'tind the
1!;t 'l,?: , P3tilic 4orterallYit.hat; he 'Still ':eoritirmos to ,
.cayr . . , cin lie Cabliiet:lllaltitigißusinasni at his hid'
stand in • West 11,igh stroati•oppoSite'.llrßhoadsiw
l'avern;'Wheritifolicops cOnstantlytitt' hand •fititt
Will manufacture to ardor', all atticloti in hie lino
.of business;anch)ii , •--- , --:."-` , 4 ,,,, --" , '---
-- -- 12 ili,E ; ;:// US._ SECIZET4IONS'
*. • BOOWO-4.SES, Sllig .EoA.ltps,
Sofas, TtililesOeclsteailelt &0., at the.very lowest
plices. - 1Iiiilio• - darrica on the Char Making
Busineiii; iallrits *alone briutoititi;lt - keeps a
. censtant,aupply, of . - - ' - •`-'''' ,. - 1.. - ,."
DIA 110 G ANV cninti,' ,'
ROCKING curts, will/38PR ;
BLES, all Of itAich with ley96
thing elseln that lino, ha is Prkpar.
od to manufacture and dispose 'of
bn the most reasonable terriii. -'...
He invites. his old friends and
11% publidgettertilly to give him a
11, as .lie feels well -assured that . ~.
ho shall to ace4iinmbdata them in quality
and any other establishment of lite
kind in the,county. .'• . • (
Sept. 10 1849. _ ! •
anna .
• . 9
"-Zir„7 " -•": "
uoderstgtieilamolitietorti oftheSusotilianna
return' then( M-•
cere tha4kei to theharriends in Franklin and Cum
berlitifd colinties.fokVaSoiiiora, anti:respectfully in
form them that.. thoy-str' Ow,-prepared-terrecrire
and forward daily, viti.Vide 'Water Contd.
rrcidtice - Itierchan dize,
Produce will NI delivered to any house in Pliiladel
plain or lialtiroUre to. which theirilicits can havens
seas. 'Their agents in the cities nt.;
.. B .losati 4;4 : ; Witio.trrirlqiii;iim,. •
Vine at. Wharf on the Delaware', Pliladelphia. •
- MCISZ 9 .I. O / 11 . 1 r.416CtrirtOtHill—&—CO.,.
.Ilowley's Wharf,•lialtimore.
They will also receivoMnljorward,daily,to Pi t tts
burg and iidernimPate ytotilt4 , r•reiglit and PIISSVII
gers, also for glelsrortli and West ftranelc
J. St T. MARTI'S. 4
Darrisburg, Alay 1,1844. --
1000 'Persons in' rhiladel
plan alone,ea.n.,testifi . to the. Wonderful efficacy
of thatpowc}ful remedy, THOMPSOA'S com.
NA PTIIA Read! Read! Astonishing, cure
of Chronic Bronchitis!
• " Philadelphia, Mtiy 23, I Fl4l.
Mr. S. tipt.iFiiinr—Dear. Sir. For more then
fitur-years past 1 had been dreadfully amo re
with an affection of the throat, which my physi.
pian_pionounced "Chronic thonchitis,' caused
by repeated nrid neglected colds. 'Fite distress
suffered is in — describable. fythreat was litteral.
ly raw with violent couilthikso that-blood would
conic from it; also '.grerit oppression, pain and
tightness at the chest ann fever—in short all the
usualMilinoiniry symptoms showed themselves,
showed thernselvesi,cansing.entirci loss of neces
sary renotie—my, throat was leached and blistered
over and over'aguin. I niadetrialpfeyery known
remedy, and-at-clifffircnt Etririda - `[Tie advice
of six physicians, and all -with no avail. 'About
two months since I made Trial of yotir CounMund
Syrup - rif Tar and We of Naptlia, and beft,re I
licid taken the first bottle I felt relief. I continu
ed untiFF had taken seven bottlCs, which com
pletely-, removcd iho disease and restored rne to
perfect health, and I firmly believe -I should.pdt
now FEliving, lied - It not been Tor your invaiuu
ble- medicine. JANE PERR Y,
- 123 Sprites street.
Principal office, N. E. corner of Fifth and
Spritee.strecus. Price 50 cents per bottle Deal
per dozen. -
For pale in Carlisle by T. C. STEVENSON.
January:22, 1811. Gin
MONEY - 11E - urs - . --
Just received, a few of the Water proof safety
Bella, a very necessary uriicle in these days when
pick pockets ors so adroit., T:iese Belts are
vire protortion against their success, for s o h, by
G. W. 111TNER, & Co!
A pril 23,1815.
ROUSSOLii celebrated Nth/tiles of all !finds,
together with` Extracts of Autehonly,
Ocdrat, bingnolia, Nrignoniette, Lily, Jordwilla,
Rosa, Jasmine, Miel,Alouseline and Oran 11
dellcdtfperfuines for ladies' and gentletnen's toi
lets; for sato by Stevenson. & titchaffey.
April 30.,
— NEV style Bonnet Silks, Ribbcins, Artifieials,
with Cashrocree,,Litilzurines,- Saints, iklould in de.
I ind's, Palley Lawns,'Gingliarns & Alpaccas,&e.
just received and will besu!d low by
wort GENTLE:34EN.
he su scri ier has just received and is pow 11-
peilkm• at his stand - on-Main Street, two doors Irurn
A1it:441414s vinare, a large and elegivit assortment of
qartieleS for.ipppAlrian's use arid we;;;, to which he
Yei.l74- 101.0 1 , 3' i 6 vi.t4:tifoirfittentiott--Itotissel's no-
Slociliiicri74, - 11 - 4 in large and small jars;
Oilsand.PerfliiA for ,the flair; a large tariet of
Soaps ; flair 13runlies,"tooth, clothes and mill Brush
es, of all prices ;',ll.iiiort,:aiitl Razor Strops; al6o an
elegant assortment Ofjentlenien'alinen, outer tip in
mastlitifiliaatile style such as Stocks,
C°/ 1 " 6, Ikeilf 4 siko44ll:.of,whicli will bb a .Id ut
tliF)piFest:pr,l c 5,3 • •
3iino 18 18/5'.',"--,;•.--
INI 1 0790E:17.0 MEAADO - E8 3
Bat...wiiiiiiii'itt'redirced prices
Tifie'tiiteaticat:tif the'lacliea ;a invited to the new
• and laitahairtioatAiii"OflNirialialzorinea tit very
rodutiad. heieea:qiii••l'itirettati- tit A lINOIIrS and •
.EINSTEIMBtfore - ,oov Niarth.tliaricver steect %
. 0
AI so,ierVialit simiap t f na; Hareges, Gingham a, id.
5(17;114....Af eambrio, BoolOatal. Jac:omit
MusliniS;;Waii , :tk.mAglkdhtiiatiortitaoa of Bonnets
titid Bainfer Itihboba;titivfeatskilek Flo‘or -
era and, insittO, tr,immittititoeltonttes; f:te. •
: t •• • •
ksjiLAG rk7 , t,.:IIII.ILISS,JIA : , C SlT.ltigYfe;
; ,Thit bestliftielp"ever.ilituti.vated"to etire or pre
ieet,:ntiliihOss,,eleattaaftio'hetellienl make the hnir
.anit:Yikells`.;;TOtsale;itt the Drug) Store of Ste
. 4) - I''
v.ofietor Oil=child en
a l. l pl.actll,gr4l4,lll.66.lelepteilltei• the taste n smell
D'Alll:IWI/Fgl:llls,lisslIclO i ljspik.recisiVed mid fo • sale
-------„ - - • • •
- 2 1 ,0i001144WitlitzwritEnrin ,
HO 's cu~ebroted rhautnatio, norvciond - mot
rlie4Maiisin. Tor sale at.tiM•
to ! ti ran d Back , utoro of .
, 01
40114 ". •
tmestrutmcc,4 41. • •
v AftiV 4 4o9* ct. o;
( whir Witrg i bt rta 1 47 0 1. 4 : 41*, /Acs49',;resrPA4 !141
iitldpiiq VtlpW,teir,quitzapßrb-.o#o-14--7-•
t i l tkai le t:?)!!A!0!.100, 1 Aut111117,.
1:4**1111 klt:tatiAtTEY..
_Tlia;6i4 9 or this artt9ltorgiiiipteavng 41 Y0r7 AY.
foo , dbing wan/141111 4:41%4'4 far sal Orholitsale
'retail lithe tire t StpieofattVenatili , Bt;"lllchilqp-
. ' -
apoolP# 114)Ing One,Vorc,
.~':. a~rc~,ti~~~~
r:- . : ,';;.i.7,i,1 1 1MR1 Vr - if:Oc — 7 ' . •
.....64:filibiiliPelPillie4C 4 liew,giipply of. ,
; 441.0 g 4 - 0 , 11 , B ,L,PPlrt*MtrOdtlf Isll of Whic,lt .`
t l i9 ' 4/1.. 11 ,9117 1 0 • , Pkip,ll,l4jt .b bought-5131
r ,
~ I , ,or,,*,L, j. • 'mo s *. §c.' 9,4085r.0.,,,,,,1.
- •
j‘i.. - 7"-Tri A •
::415 4
4; , ;9*Att ,- o'. •
• 0, .
It ebb