Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 03, 1845, Image 3

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-• • -
Y.vit`tNo;o slit ordor OT 'the Orphatietraurt
. n4-tliii-agradmen4
. bt l ties w it no ei:fa..hittkff-Thempuon Drotf44iitri
f thu borough ,cd"Parliel6.fleceased, therfolloalq:
Ikeel &tate, late; tini!.eittite of the said ThoinjiMic
• Browivtaill be afild;:htiftiblro venduo or.outery
nij.the prenilees i -onSArl'UßDAY ,, .thept 4 thilpypC
October. next, at 1 o'Cleek,•l'.s.l. All tkat.tratt,
land iltuatp in, North Dliddlotae,,ttavnehtptan
said county, adjoining lands of .Y9fliane,corii.
..ow &tier and the
iketcs and 'rd . ,' Lg CS
• .7 ..
tient. or - strict - m easure, 130;'acree .fterflfift era
.e.leare-und id cultivation andthe rasa uo in tun : .
bore A- portion of ilia - , cleared; land la : valuable
•riteadew land - alare,thei'Areelc.' iinproge
manta era a_ttvo i altr,r,o4l,loll,3F,,and. Ki telt.,
en end a dobbler.le -- .l3ariVandivOrieus oni 'build.,
l og e„ There litimeg drft! water at the hoitse
an d several aprinernn theatrainiaeo.
The forme *Voile known on the
, day of axle.
• • •
. • it.OI3ERT GIVEN; •
[_tivarditin ofJaniea Givenilrown.
: - Gtiartilart_iff. Alark..A.n_Broivn:
Ser. 3; 1845. • . . • •
Y Virtue of an order of the Orphne .a
of Curt - Mai:vitt cottniy,'wikbe',:haposetUttil;
üblie Sale, eif. - SATiI ROAN the•ilithAaf.'dp;
(Weber next; at.l2 itnori,;:pf
thi datierib4 pieee-Or4iireefilf land i
eiontainjvg ~ • .asfi: Is• .
I , r. 15 dr cirtus; . - .
•or therenhouti, situate in'Sfiver.Spring,teninship
'on the road leading frOntillArrett's Gen to kiar
- rtabitrg, adjoining land( ..of:_'SentittilL Poker, Sam.
—.net—Mit-trier aml•uthiervitrbeingintrt--of—thellea
Estate of George . Bolierlideeetiped.
Terms Of stilti•es folloWs...One belt the pur.
•nhase money to be paid ' - on the confirutatton of
- the sale,.and the balance in one-year thereafter
• - without intermit. JACOB BAKER,
• ,Adners.Of George Baker, (wed—
' Wiper+, Cl'lt.Orphana! Court, •
Sept. 3,lB4s.—tr.—(Stitearniii„;copy.)
TTIK: suhacribers are - , the" following tleacellied
rent property for sale, viz:- A tract of first
rate limesto.le.lanil containing
. •
RitnateM West Peonstthro' township', Cilmherland
entuity, - nine miles West of Carlisle; oining the
s4tide rind from Cnrlisle,to Newville, one
sidle South 'of Shellillirger'it. mill, adjoining the
woad leading from said mill to Mottnt Rock.
__ - TincliiiiiiiingiiltirFiiiiibittWO:iltiffy STONE ;1;; -
110 USE, Rho, 111 good two story FRAME
HOUSE, a g ood RANK EARN, with a
swell of paneleta water at each of said houses, an
, rirchartl of cliblee fruit. This tract is mostly under
ftrst rate post and rail tenon, find in a high stiite of
cultivation, with many other •allvantages. Also,
another tenet containing ,
t - .c- '•- ,:thZii.C32 I UICZZt o
adjotning the above tract,. with a new BANK
nA It N thereon erected;:.lryoung orchard olcheice
fruit. This tract lit also Millergood fencing and In
'tui excellent state of cultivation. The shove pro
perty will hesold together or wparate, to suit pur
chasers. Alio another tract of good mountain
- TronEn .1.. iilli D,
. .
.rnincipally_cliestnut,ishen4 five miles from.theedier.
issruperiY• .-
• . • • .-„-:. ' -
Persons , wishing to-purchase the nhove.tirnprrly,
-.tvill plense , call 1311 either of the subscribers, living
, on the first described tract:— . , ' ~ ..-
SAMUEL f1E.3.4. ._
Sept. 3,134 S
anaz. EstATiel • •
11.1 sistoteribers Will sell at 'ciindice, on
_ J . EIED'AV, the 111th of Chtolf , cr chi , Clic
premises the tolloi. ing Pleioribed Rear Estate, be
longing to the to-iiiii-or4lrst-tleraliey, bite of Mil
fl I . A tract of laud sit
uato in Ai Min ht-whetill, containing - -
27 AtreS and 143-Perchea,
• The hurt:Ken - mute ere a. good _Double Vrame.
\Velitlierlitattileil -HOUSE, +vitt; a' well•-of never
failing water at the donr,ll deMble I,og - Mint nearly
vearly new,-a stone spring lions,. and smoke house,
-a good 111.icksinitb shop and other out !looses.--
• There is also on the property ft thriving orchard of
choice fruit. The property is located in la gorld
I.4 l (t ' emel,t and is iti a high state of mirth al inn. It'
Ile., sit miles West of Ne wville, North King of
New burg will om: mile ii:om Sterrett's Mlll,-aval is
an exceedingly desironk situation-for a Lim ksinith.
..No. 2. A tract of WOW : ILAN D, cantailsitigatiottt
. I ,fcres gruff SO PerivielAs
situate_ about one mile from the a`lierte described
property. These properties will be soul together.
hr Rellallite as too) be desired by iturehasers There
will be required to he paid On the iltiv of &tile Si lien
, the property is struck off, Fifty tlplines No. I,
• and Twenty-five dollar* on No. 2. - The titles to
the properties are indisputable. Stile tfiremmtittoce
at 10 o'clock on said day, when ttruts sift be made
known by WI LI.I rFETTLE, •
DAVID s - rER it Err
k. ?".
-Argents-lm.-th, eirs7 -
/cr York Republican intuit to amountotfit ,t 9
and charge this ()Iliac. - '
►.ulbiio Salt6.‘
WILL be exposed to public sale on WPM
NESDAY, the 17th inst., ut the late res.
idence of Jacob Itissingcr, dec'cl, about two miles
East of the borough 01 Nswville, near the road
lending from 'Mount Rock to said borough, the
following prapetty, - iixt
One herrn, one cow, 13
4 1060 Ofjinge,,one ten
horse moan, one dcurilourrOwo . Vuighs, wheat
and rye by the. bushetnill.? , :tri the ground,
ploughs, harrowssitoreer nruonis teeidate stove,
one hive ofßees, add 'it verj,eoi)jf farenhig ultra.
as.well ita.hoUselield.ind kitchen furniture,'
too numerous Insert.,
Sale to commence 'et-10 o'clock{k` AT, an paid
day, when tottiMdatme will b'egiven_ustd terms
made, known hy '. I . ACOB BURPIA
Newell le, Sept. 3;lB4s:4'44:4llolntiniattator.
• ' _
S° 3 / I ';'neW arraniehlini*heiei•b44)l4liade in
refennielito' the TAW
trrore - atrial attention will t!fi.-tbeitiox,edtippon It
than hes latterly, boli'lloa:
A now rule hats'brien:ridoilled;soAtibiling4he
boarding or, lodging of any Student at. a
q Panting, tiny, tavern,, rp,, ill3o 'ee - emed!Ont!,,,,feeto,
a withdrawal frorit•the •
. • , ••
Carlisle, Au*rist.o6los;4.:43t,'''.';':
Eve ate of iiet*ece -
x-rwricF: is . li,mbrtvOl 'dint - hock nt'Aamtn
-111 'titration . chi tistktg:pr 'Henry %,V,lltl4,lafe
o f west, Pen Ws orovtownsiii#,batilif beetvgrantdil
the sobserlber residing; in the , llama tokirtithip:','4lll.
persons indebted to einkEitsici;still.iniako puirletif,
mnd those havint presebVtlit'bill'
. ,2;o'
ly. 30,
- A' Wiiel?eisier,"- dee il.,
Eslate-qf Cal a - =.., , -.. t - -
waric*AiiiireVYJPvign,thlttielt - - ) toot
1.1 , tiry on'thiflttate Of Ottther.infl_i_4,_,i er;,el4o,:to
wopt'Poneslioro .WW,9shiPl; 111L°71:iriglt4plet!,.
the stibtoriber; retli)lnZEricf° gitile 1!1'ial.11.401,14103'
AAP peettottl'ltideUtel'). 4 ...,..
. 1 .1.„,t, - .
li r d i om .
~,,,, e and-those I ttritfigteulliSl NIP Pre'F..
*-tiertietifzilf4*. ' '
' . _
...::, ~. ' .. • ":', ', :.
:'•1 f or
Jul.; P'" a '1,1!: - -,- 4
- u-= ..
--,-,--- • ,- .*7 - 1/ -- q t
_ -
-- ~ ,
~ . & laid 'qf ..:Wil4om
, ...,S:m•ithilec!d;',
4PgA,l*-liiieh -It %TN-that - I;orterii:ot Aii.,:
mibuWatiittii ow the rotate Ji.t.,lV Illiiink,Bol6:
. orrninlciartSrikiiailii4eoMtiklivßifeicTrOltted'
to the ikiblidribtp..mildi f ig In 'limier tovrinibip , '; Ail,
AArpoilo indelifel:to' WI HOW& Will make parrpelk;
rd tiioll4 haYing.;4l4msevin.i).nly.l.t!Stken_ rur ',IM
Ad n44stroktoi. ,
au; IF4gt
;,- - ,7.••,?..5,
• ii i --- o i I,c--7,4._,-•:1• , i ~,,,
—•• • •-•:',7.1.0,---W.l.
ilfiliiiiirlitoti'•clo c '.
•,, . , • • inigrip,,ga,•.•,,,,, n 41104,11111.4 4,11•91
.11 I.4tveri 09
le by '• •q.' •
4 , . oib, CI
-1! 'i' • 4.abd for 14 —
g eearra°4l sii,...til/ekv!!,„. f Meh V e Y' r '''''
f oi,
I , qv... , " tSiebOntrvri', ' ,
~, ^; tl-.....1i.i
-,' --, ''' if ti , 4 6 ? ' .. ','.` ' ' -,, ~..7. 141 1 0 •
: ;2A..
,- - P-„,,,.„
~ . '
,” g,`,', ~. 1 ... .„y'•:,' , e• - -.••• i ,
.• •
• " # 4 .
New—Vor -taat,r
at cheap
g,moebi and .eonirri osrepf.°ss,
(~r~:• h T
The lateSt
. .
Aro}llc-G . RA V; hating assnpiated"witfitilinsellin
hit busines, his Son, res.
Ppetfully, , inform' their friends mid, the, - public in
general that they I)omPa rethrned from Pltilailet
phiarand-are now opening a-yery- cheep tiiiitchoiee
selection of beautiful and fitshlonable •
SpriiNg and Suinnier Dry-Goods.
They iaite their (*view's
,anil the public to give
them' a call, ihey aX - cleterhilupd le sell al great
bargains,believing that ' O ni Tide Si7mence , iB het
ter than a stow stook consists in
(part oF=CLOTHS & CASSIMERFIS=—aII htdors:
:and qualitiee.,'" \ Stunnier Cassinieres,.:TTeed CH9BI•
tneres mid Summer Cloths; Drillings and Gams
broons, Vestings or all ileseripiions,diennett, DMA
bin and otier'Odgini;a,Slwiris and Ilatnikereltinfa
of every ifeseeintion, Caliunea rrbm - upwartit,.
l irish linens and Long Lawns, Stoehi ngs and Gi 0 ,6 8 ,
of every variety, rind mist fourth Linen aturCotton
Sheetiiignp Linen' mill Cotton Table Diapers, Birds
Flye. Res: in and SootOli Diapers, Carpeting of vari
tnis kinds. indeed kersons can itci almost any nrti-
Cie in the Dry Goads Line, and as cheap if not
elleaperliutn they' tali be hail in, any store in the
SilOlg.g.l SIROES 12.
They have olsn'evcAverl a . aery trognsirl port-
Inent.of Shoes and Boots, kir soninlet' wear; consii
iiiiglh.part of the follow ing:,— ' •N
,(liii4triaen's' Calfand Seat 13uofs;- St 75 to $4 -Q0
:AfOjitiieh, ' ` IOO '' '2 Op
,Slibeli and pump - s; ' itO " 1 0
Ladles' Outer SlioeS. • . 50 ~ 1 SIS.
Monroesandtkid Slipr_rl% ' 7§'•° 'I 00
Also a gt'eul .varielv of Boys' and Youth's MonlVes
and Shoes. Misses' . ond Childrenas fancy Your plum'
shoes of eVery ilescriptiou, which trey will sell 10
the lowest possible rates for
.CA all.
- • • ~
------Thoy—havo-nif , o- ree4yeti. , a-1107e - trysortmtn't - 0
Fresh Groceries, iltich they yt ill sell cheaper than
the chentieSt. . .
Sliglie, . , ‘34 to 12} •
. .
Cofter, ' r ". 12.
MolasAei, Tvet• thil. • 'dip. 50
A lllr e assort meta or Chinn, Liverpool - not! Coo>
nor) mare—whielt they rill sell et 1 .10 per bail
lower than dna eltieiVheret •
They hirrt.)ll so nn extensive itssuriunent i nTAlirie?..
tIQP of all kiMPI. Indeed yllll VIII senvtely eall.loi•
iw atetitle which they cannot supply you with.
Thev will reneiveiii r- n few days Oranges, LP - ITIMIS;
riga, Robins, ko..Btti.','-ivltielt litt-v will Aril by the
box or ceber%he. The public 'are respectfully in
vited 110 coil nod examine their mock orfontis, as
titey will take genus pleasure in showing. thou,
- JOHN 4..:HAN if. SON.
lone , Rds:--
irUST received at W: - tocedler's Cheap
upt hook and Periodical 9tore j
Grahams Nlagniine for September .% price 25 cts.
Godey's Lady's Book - i-- . • '`
Columbinn•Magazinei,, - . at 25 - "
National rtlaintine % . • 119 4•
Arthur's do' - 16 . 1 44
Number 4, Life of Napoleon • 12 A "
Carlisle, Aug. 27,118,46.
TflE: . sobserther - harintr•-conelhded upon it
change of tiusiness, 'offers to his customers
and .the public in getter's!, his stindkof Goods AT
COST ; enitsistiiig of fthie,.. Wash, . Brown and
!Wised Cloths, Cassiineras,Satinetts,Corda,,Tearit'
and agenenzl assortment•of----• T. • • -
• Eireari
. ;
Also, Airmails. Cashmeres, Merinoes,• Mdtis,
de La ines..Lin ens, CalienesirViitgnami, Silk and
Worsted SimWls, Dress &c. &c. with a
general assortment of Glotteir,.. Hosiery, Bwtops,
Trimmings, &b. Also Slincs„Boute,ifalti„Caps,
Untbrel/a5,..5-c. Coiree t Teas; PYO - Stufle; &c.. •
Tmpureliasers at distance'and Merchants to
the county, an opportunity is now nifered-of sup.
plying themselves at Philadelphia prices. •
To-any person - or persons desirous elongating
in. the mercantile business in the pleasant and
healthy Doi-MTh of Carlisle, an opportunity. is
how 'offered, us the subscriber will dispose of his
°Mire stock upon accommodating terms—either
fur cash, or for a well improved" farm Ina good
rielghhorlmoil. • S. M. HAD.RIS.
N. It. All persons !crnchy , themselvealhdelited
to these b-ecriber, will please call anti settle their
accounts, without further trouble. -
Carlisle, Aug. 27, 1845.
Silk Velvet
1 51 received and far sale by . the subpar!
. hp% CIO. W.
../rn viat 0; 1 A 4 A%.
itlact Stilt :Mac! -11Pringcs.
&ST roceitied Black Silk. and Silk Fri ig .8 for
Ding (tad Scotirieog.
retTemfully iniorme the puhlic
V. V thmehe continues to earrs oh the buiinets of
indies l ilr6ases and Geallenti•n'oi Ilni•rneath
kinds, wholici` of Silk or Whalen tea tare, and of,
lie I Ilevls'hot he has lermerly ,
grent satisfaettan to nll haVe ebtrested hitcs..
With rwork, sad feels ban taletit of
I'llooklag the public. ft* firmer flecoti lie would to
halt it' toatiatatate 01 pairentle.e. '
Ito nay he h is , dwelling, Loiith
tercet nem. the Coliete, Arlabit - perkeetOatty be di
reeled to he the sign above the dim
August 1845
estate of Vrancis Diller, decettse'CO.
ATOTICE is hereby ghien that letters Usti
-LI mentary on the &tett Of Francis Diller
Into of West Pnnhaboro' ltisynship,Eistntierland_
county', deeessettlease baen granted to trio sub.
scribers. All personis indebted to said Estate,
wilt maktfPayment, and those having claims will
present them for Settlement.
SAMUEL DILLER; of W. Penneliore.
A BRAM 14: - BOW o f krall Verdi
Aug. 2t, • ' Vafrutois
A Larreaupply of PRESERVE _ JARS.for anti
low at ELLiarosr , •
go ; t 844,.• . .
0111' torriaitin unriLttlleclAtid . warranta z4
cuio_ nil. sale at the D.rtie Sforat of:
urirtions 7 !Court -Sale.i
sv, pursuance of an ordar ()film Orphenie Court
1, Or Cumberland'county, wo will expose' to pub.
lie sale oW ego preinlies;on `THI,IRSDAY. t h e
U.Sth Of September, next ; itt 4seleek;
A Irraiit Patented 'lttand, •
situate ill Allen townahip, In said ochnityiedjoin;
Ing lands of Gour . ge Lents, (home Jacob
Arlerson.'ll7litlra, and life
Yellow 'Breeches creek; ' ' • I
Oontaznirig 36 'ores--
morem. „
bflasia; about 1811.1 aria of which era ;clean
ed, fenced and wall cultivated, and the revldisele
,litiproirei t aente are It good
tfid story log Dwelling,:hforese,-.a first raio trick.
Bank : Barn, wagon. shed l awritAriik'haße.kon s e,'
spring, house, end 'q Est rata`Orchard. l'hur .
farm Is bewailed for,thrre7; fourth* Of: a
M il_ . _4ty,
Ihg_yallvxJilorieckaaprook r Which - has - fall enough
r iff ' *titer *ergo end Marla) "thewlinpriwed. I,:he
title ' "
• Atteedilace will begiien andfirrati ofa?o Mad")
161 19fvu sln said daY,b)r
v. • " • `c
Adler's o *W e an grall, deo d:
copy:the above dt. , charge',
1 1 0}
Al44s' , l'
frowc, ffi r e .
;!!410' a ni
• _Z._ •
W• B IRAK •R c •Agent. ,•
Tilts is the lnigest
.Eoinpany now iraVellinp
in the 'United States, and will exhibit at
CARLISLE on WEDIVPSDA Y afternoon, Sap.
tem/U.6oth, toti_iirtr: DAY ONLYk, " " " ,
thiiicelebrated,NEW yam BRASS'.IIA#D
will Pilicedilliii - EQUESTII IA N V - riLCAD
Ina_ magnificent cac i inge; drawn by 8 superb
Cream". HOMO, on mitering the town.. These.
horses are driven in hand-by Mr. Albert Bfbwri,
from New York.
The Equestrians at ,this entablislimentritti
tho highest standing' , and reputation-in Araorical l
and their peifor 'fiances 'have .atoad- lir thi ranks
of theii profeaaion for inany years:,
Among - chain found..tho groat and not
to be aurpaseed 2 and 4 boraerider,'lJ Natlions
Mr W Isbahola, tho - ..graeoful and• uneur.
riateabla Backwardßider-Miteterjohn,G
rer net torsema n' in the lilted t
Stptes--Mr E Woods, the Dramatic lii,o l crtia n ,
dire E Woods, -the most beentifor and - ollegian't
Female •Egastrinri" - of the- day77lVlrlittn - Mrtyy
the Cloviin-Whii.Stands -Without ri.rival 7 .slr G
Dunbar, the Extraerdittary tridiasi Rubber or In
ttexiirlo theTtinnieitCmnio
Singer living-L-Mr John Diamond, the far filmed
NeV.-n break down-Dancer—Master W- Eineade„
the fancy dashing Equestrian-511 Washington
(lintn bet s, the 'Metamorphose itorsemen—Mr
‘Vimitinore, thd. laughable entered ; Vtienlist—
Itir Jaitteson, the Ranjo Performer—Mr It Nirh
ols, tilt; tiutcesslol boric trainer and Ring Master
—Mt Nagle, the enchanting Gypitaslast- , -11Ins7
ter Jainee.;-Jtcyrinlds, the beauttfill' rind Eery'
graceful ':-peitt 'Her—Master Prank Paidur;" the
piling pet ofJ the Arene—together with IWiiiirs
flilsay,Rtibinson,Clark, Moore, ShaiTin,
Doorb open at 2 performance fritommenre at -
2; o'clock. Admission only 25 cents—Children
under 10 years tif..ege 124 cents.
- N. IL The Pavilion is very large, and seats
ate erected enough to accommodate 3000 Per
Angust.ll7 • ,
Valuable Real E tate
Hi subscriber,'Elebtitor of Wil!him Felines
tock,aen. lletetts'etl,- will sell at ',Olio salmon
the pi.etutset, on WEDNESDAY thi.. 15.1.11 of Ob
tobev 'next, the following described real estate, to
Witt ;Tract of firs!' late Limetione Land, en. -
.IFOIt l'Y .A Olt I.:S and - 19 'teethes neat
rnenittre.,:4l"he land in refolded nod a high-state
!of cultivatinn: 'rho improvements`
area new two-slotty-4141b11t
1100 DEO HOUSE, a- • Dankc,ll.; - •
yarn, and 4111, : ,tiAlter.necessary out- {
lailtlings,n - iOunk Apple Orchard of. 4 " . " '
riniis,ittio a wl2li of Water near the bailee:
abotn. there mile - S
--West of
MOthmetownsl.lp,And is - bounded Ityloyils of Wm -
- ,.3.Veblifie - iffe'iT - Denry VVestheifier, and Josldni
.tio`e.sold the property will lie rented for
oneyetv. An indisputable title %%Mite given. •
Sale to 'commence at t o;elock, M., atfendante
given ane terms made`known by •
.August .2Y;
• • .•3...• •
TwoNablible Litnesione Far s''
A' "that SA --
Y virttie 6rtlib at :yin -it-n(1 -Cestameht of
LP John Ihtner, late '0
-Allen township, Corn
hetlend county, deceased, Iva' be sold at Public
Sale, on TuLedity the -24111 of October neit, on
the premises, the following deF'cribed firopetly..
vii: A valuable plantation, situate in said town.
ship on the road Juading to Ilaldenuenla
south of Shiremanstorvni and about fitor Milos
west int . the Susquejiatiiii. containing abont
200 41:011ES.
of first rate LinitidorilW.l.and, all of which is in.t.
high Mate mfenlOtitit4.and Under good feueck
and Wilt bn Whitle or divided to suit pur
rimers. The' ittipteretnnts are a good Stone
rfwelllng !louse. irtth !Vasil Louse and well of
never fining Water% st large °Steno Bank BON:
Wagon *he'd, Corn Ilona; and i.thet. ollt linusesi
together with on nxcellent Tenant Ifottse, and a'
valuable applb nrcliard. About forty 'fleece of
id strant=is-thrtiing-trr: Abu'. hail - . -A At the earn
time and plate be °flared a tract of
ACOnita DL ND—
situateoil the Yellow Breeithes creek, oboist. threee'
Taulbee of is •inilo.ll.bas Ilse slants folits ; Which
will he sold to a Whole; or la tlerce to tts &aft
purchasers. Also, •
Triftekry, the . 2}3111 (.7 oetobbp
;Mil bo sold bh the premises, o,voliiuhle rarm,
-sltbatu torenslap, 4 tehoist two
niiles South of Carlisle; bh the road loading to
'Cu:lisle Irish Workii l brintafaing ••
ea' At It ES -
_. • ,
of lirst "rain Limestohn'?liind, In a high state bf
'cultivation and under good fences. The improve..
merits are a two etnry .Britk• Dwelling Ilouse,s,
',Tenant !louse, Briek2lB.ank Wagon Shed,'
Corn Cribs. and all ntheenecepary out buildings.
About 1110 acres of tilitiliVtict is thrfving yottng
tiniber, arid alb tot blialtd and tlioroughly_cek,
tivated. It contains if ItitVe - ATTlcbreliard of
choice. frit% anti a well of hetPer failing water
near thn done. This tract will tuli
whole or In tWo parts to suit Az:chaser%
The terms If, purchase bre,,th,cl„balfteppr!,
clineb Money', alien, be paid in• iland_,_iiiuL ris
mainder .in , five ,equal,annual payments, and on
the hietTrinn widani's dower-will be aubtrabtdd
from the money tube
Sala to commence,onotiph .or,said days
o'clock, A.M.- 'wlictiettendanee - will gitien,by
JOHN 81TN12211, •`,
•111A1`TMAS.131TNElii •
, Aug: 21,1845...' • ,Rsecutors
Lancaster lillethihnt ahcl.Lelainort9:Courldf.
will till nate and send bills to.tiiis43ce.-•
'CD ; 61E143AM. ;:et .
IWILL seal . 1. Puhlie iIec'oIIe.BATURDAY.
the 20th of Septethbor
.oreeleely 4 .the , Publin'ffinno tif
Dick i neon: totynkhiPi'ill)thet titan .
ift Dick knentriowrir.hip,
belonging to A. 13. Egkib6nielniiig atistiut.lsool
,AcR Ef3; whicli,crlll, fitc:dtViticit.lnta - end .
idrolt ali6f,Plit64,ollA(eii"6l4;-414,-6f Verioni
deei 10 ;Yfalo66,',o6ikerty,befom Orf:day
lielo,Oni: lan ;Harper, or
tine, show the,preporty,.or. elver
any' information necaisary:r Tho oak,.
positiVe .Torino mode known'on the day, of silo.
10845. ; Atine for A. G,'Ego.
IWOULD call tt?eattentiol l of irinnofit9turi`ta and
othore_triuoryitttielve supply - of EricTOVATii
ormoloting of Logrrood, %root! VVood,
rift' Cain Wood ; Dy?, pichtil9al
in n dor', togratt with 'tt eAeovory'•othor orti
°ln nonit flYingin'ihintt' toll oro'fistritily
bY't he '4141"111r..c. :' a nEti,lo:ey.
' '
• ~;(, L i...',i. , i! , r,' , -., .
......,,..,.., t0 ,,,,,.,-?....
Au , Pero94lotowa t ihimM6-iv,;i.iid. co.
. the , 1 1 0414.1' ' • .0 D, Fq s e ', EINSTEIN are.
retitiesticrt4lo .. 4#4 l (e.,Veitlankolit,'Aii,st :111.
liv!ng,cltifilik t Op . ' OW till iivexeAk gyi n tl
fp ',.iett,lo ~ Pl 4 1 10 / el,iiirgez,in,,i ite'liiiiilt
,ionsdrivlated.'' .:.,, ...;.. I,S ...( ~ ,\ . (I. is
. I. ~i f ' inc ?
._ i 5
, I ' I 1•, ,' j ' ' ,
,5 " 1 :'..
, 1. ! • A NO R t. 4 & ' trAl: 411 4. .‘ :
-,.. r 0411181 e, Augliat 20 4105. ', ' ' ` ., 't .. ; :v .. . 7 . -'';
.•., . . •
• ILL bc sold, oil 'Friday, the 19th day of
W' September at 2 o'clock, P, 01. on th 4
premises, a Farm, contalping 217 acre t li -of Lirne' l •
stond and Slate - tanthAvvo third; liindsteriaTidti r 'i
ate in North 51iddlOton. township; Coniberitin..;
county, S miles fr'oni Carlisle, 14 from, gingStOzii ,
3 from Ilogirestown and 14 from 11arrisbitrjr,i
brtunded_by_Cunodoguinet , Crce!ceDavid-llooveris ,
a road leading fropi Siefiett l s Gavle York;!
John Coover,and Jest.e Zigkpb•.,ThetiklitniTAtiidge
over ,he crock it • I Tito improyeilients
. .
.AoLet4"l'naNsiitirll; - . •
weithi4boti ed. A bantr-tarn 80 41.410 fectia
, .
Wagon. - 011*Carrlago house, and other p ut Wild.
ings; 'Log tenant:llo4W- and, lOk stab le, which
makes It, convoniont'raciiitiaido in nearly ellual
parte; it Will 66 . 840110 diiislatia r
chasers; .a rigiter :failing Well . iit"'W`atiiritt.'"eaCh'
house; tipturiti at tho'ntariatatt 25 acresojoatto,ar
not surpainied ',for hints'y .
•goOd:titialily: 25
acmetivoodlandi a , rOgood , heariog orhhard,—
The whala tinder' gookfenek
liaciistai;to Mike ~poota,:to • put; the' whole 'Under
good tiostienbei p . A futthyt t daserifition
esearyi; this Jir,Opetty, tkilf. bit , fshoWn--iby.-' l .lO •
Reeh,.residing tholsur; nr:Oasid . -linaserrat the;
Mill; or' by: tho'siNteritier
000 Wdlt , of
N. B. If not on said day,itiallire oltetdd
al private Bald -• • • • •
1.. • DAVIS..
• LatiC.itider . ti t tifon 4tfif:VoVkiteniiblleafillitefirt
three 'times; end fotiroirtbllrtei
, .• ,
. .., ~
, s .- . ,. , '0,1113L19.'5.11.74,17. • '
Y riirtutt'af , an (tract:oolNi divhasp'''Cpu r .
. ;of Coinibeiland iuitntjtorilt.ho eiPosed‘ lb
pu Ho - Bolsi n u :the ptaptlitesiln A ,Ittiled tOivitihip
said county, on ,FR I DAY,' 'hi 20th of Reptoptbet.
next, at 10, , st'oloisk,'A,'ini. ,, , . ,',. - ", , • I
--- A l- 111 - ACifi --- CiP -- : - L - N1) - ' - -
situatit in esietimitishipi stint oils Itillo'Ropt the
-Yellou — Dresahes orseki,und -- sbcnierkilf ItlttilT
Mtn Shnplltry,tittstputi In r,,Ahtt , toad llititi4.;itt Sil
-iror Oiritlif',VonOlttlbg. , ..lolGlitEZNY-Alc'tB,
tutitsr,ot iptot,:,rl/...-nr,4lottikh,:itc'oletiiiid 'eiti'd''undits
iiciod'iti.ilte'ankotilOstitiont:;.:;',Attetidanoii Sylit'lki
giVen it& toitis isisdi kliootn - on alt 'Of Tide by:;.:
„. , ,..,' . : . ;, , ;,Y1. 5 ',';#g01t,(4..nE PIAW:
ii u . 2 % . 4 1 0 . ' i -, ' ' A te1 1 " .5 ,.rti...Cf ;* 1 ,!. , ,h,.: /1i i2 3 f ) .,' .7 fP ' 0 11 . 4 r5:4? 6 !a• . • - - : .
_---, , ,Le,•:.t-:F,', r- ,,, ,A? ,. . , 34 , f-':':' , . -, ! ,, '...,-.•: - :' ',-.':,.-":','
ii 40,4;
I%mA,, ,--„i,ove al.z
lrati,..4l4lpie-ii (4 41 , 1 7-, ~,
1 '
'lli/tij'at*'.Kille) il.nlka '!, '','%'`,
~ - ,
' '...11101'1,%-ok," or . Ift ( , „', 1 . v,.., - hato?;.-I,',
1-I,reg,y7,lilgtoom7,l44,, --
I .mi- -durrat
rr 'lii.
e,P tePoA,Vrr''';'-' -011,—**411i41.43;:"114
;-.'• :Jr
_ic,,,r7...s*P , , -, l4Rapti? , o",u3riry
*l't ` 'v.-. -' dt ' 3lid, 4 ll.lirses.,., 'lAs,,-,ltll-''''''' •
elloilmak!7-;, ~",.:.,.
. .
. -.. ' - :.•''.'''' ..l-- gir . F'i. , i i : - ikri'_'i - ;,;',;iiir. , 7* . e.
~I M ..'ll'f'.:4 l*-- r 4 - , t''' - • - '
111 1 47?$:.:iirlu ent nii?..tlrfifiiVeiiii .64010.: Mitt . ,
T j i
AL.filii&Cnnitberland. - mbubtyoVill,-Atec. exposed-to`
Public kale ; at ihn-•phblioltoulin orlYleitiray; in -
Stouglistottn,' on I SATUIMAV 'thif•dih - fir October
inet' f .at 12 Wolock,•,noon,;er,-thsitflayiihu pilot" lug,
deseribett 'real , elfatm e hitithe s prpperty.ol*.john'
r'.BtobgNieriC'deeeitiedritiOW , • . •:: . : •
--iNtfe ;-4 .. ,--Titiot 'ttr Littiti '' •••
lotning... 4 Stinig,ltettiiip;'NtAsilliii .•,ibii . pallip, in c -said,
Ooltifty,Abodnflell 'by lend* 'cif %%lin . bleCUllemoh;
Slfirp's heirs,BrownewdlOilleiri, l ,ibmittlififibuit.
-and Chambersbi:Mg turnpilreibildilliollietclirbiti•
ertl. of the 7 saitilohn:,Stotighirditerailed;Oorihtliting
perehes';strict metruee, of.tithicdi alniltOniel,Mniffoh,
acres are blettredointler
„gontlf.feneei,•fitt , I niiilitill.
V..tilikititiothhe.linginiemehili.sEd 2 -" , :=4' 7 :- :.,..: v*
'ii liMge: T,W 0 - ,MIIO .:61` 2 0 N.,.4ic' '''..:•;-':* ff f-•
HOU.9B' ANIV - ...-10".01-10N3..."ficitv?-:',.`‘',...
oettipieillta'a TaVern7b:lfilie Mak' '-: , ,:;,•,if
' ' ''
Barn:Aim , fritine-'shiblin anii , elheißi ',•_.-i--71-. - , --,- , .. - -. ~- 4 , -
Out •houseSi;- •".K.Oinfening iltifieil.)Peharilaild 01 ) 4
fruit trees, and 11.nevee failitig•well pr blferc,::• , ,..-•;f.!•
Nili.'3'.' A. ..riaqt. of liiiiiPitkinrCl:aiid;',(iiii'
.said Nbwton-iowoidlip.cbodiiilticl-bYlfihila`of'sltiles.
VVoodlitirm•Jacob Ilelttlicieli+;• 1 Piliton,:anil
lheliiirtisildi,ood.Clis.mberabilrat. t a ti,m ke i . 6 , - .., 4 ,-
e.ontaitling Seventy-One Acres and twenty-oink? and
Ogibt.withe pe.oll . s, or. w kith about 42 n , il'en - are
cleared, in gond: gild Van On, Aild'ilryilet excellent,
fence; having thereon ercsadatr 2 .14 story Log
rHouse; t Log.l3iirn, Cor) Crib and Shed. "here
ii a good 41 cliardquid Cider Hr a s dii the premises.
: Nqa 3. A".l`%%'o' Btotylirriinio-ji g use, a_
' §ione Shop. a Frame sllo,p;end a LogltAble; with . ;
e•noreti - ntigl 07
.1 ., e. porches ~.,:f !ma tlieretp nttneltegl,
sittiate in Stoughstown .stroresaldrlioliniliffl•b t r lands'
or Aliteliell, Stuart, sanmelliMollitigee; Ro .Thlne
-No. Gaforesaid. , • . ,i• .. - : • ,_ • '•4
'the terms of site- will' bbi.s2o6 to he 'paid On
pimpart N0..1.--SICO to-hi paid' do purport No. g.•
...and $5O on purpiiit No. 3—on tim MmArmation
or(llssale °leach rrspectively., One:third of the
purthasc *loopy .e,,ench tract to - retntililit,the land,
the inteeest thereof : to-be - paid to theildoiv4it- J o h n
I.Stonoh yggrfy and every'year during;find
1 the her - death to dm. heir's * fie repro.
?Condit:es of-the ;said John-Stongkdes e x cne _
halt . '\ tho residue of theyntrebase money to,lro paid
on the litl.ol Aiiill ne x t %then -possession ball be
gvenc-anil the "remnintleritt tWtg • oitightonual in
stalments' billiiiitil intermit, the -payments to be se.
'Mired by tectigniia'aces With sedurity in die Or
phans* Colirt - Grain in the ground And rents to be
reserved. Dlieattetiflance will he toren nil the day
dale by '.- • --'-- 1 1:3E011.GFI SANDERSON, • •
• ''' - - ''tastes,
I,orfohans' .ootitt. Sale;
11116Y-virtnl of nti' nrtir nf.the Orphntis
JUP Coort oi);;Cti,mwriant!. ceihov, will.expnse
In public lide on the premises .nn YRDNEF; irx V
the Bth ot October. 1845, at 1 t n'elaik, A. Nl., A
Faiin containing Ono Hundred a ntl . Talt!ttly obits
orgenir slate hind 'situate in East Petunsbornitgiu
township, enutherland- cOontr ) about Itai acres of
ni•eclenred,fesuCed and in n good state. of
mild 314te-innitrosiements are •
31 LA !Me TWO STORY-PRA :11 .:'49.1111
ROUSE and large B K B
hewer part nt: statue, with Wagon . .
• Shed and Coen,. ir b, "'`:' --
Spring lin.use,4ith a never I . :tilling spring of water
—and n good Orchard. The limn is shout three
mike from Ilsrrialitirg,-,anil lies on the Catiodo - - .
gtiinet creek.
The terms trill bt made known out' c (lay of sale
by 111(1.SKS 1100VIllt,
Admlnlstratot• ofJucdb. Mover,
decd. -
y Adgndt 9,7.1845.-IA.
-Public Sal©
•0 IF REA L Ett7 Gail' -a
T HE m_likiligned, assignee of Jacob. High,
on_EßlDAy,rid of
Oembernext, - on - the premises, t 2 'doe •
the following d*eibed Real - Estate, V4z
'situate in rtewtein . towtdiepi - glimbeilgrid
one mile frore'lVewyjile, in a Owl tote (Ault!,
Vallee, 'hounded by-lands ef•ltober4llcl'ailinie,
Jacob- Weal/el.-John Woodburn.-Ind - z,lueol4
treetetl a two story LOG REESE, log barn,
biattkamitit- tht li x and well of water near the
100 1 0:'. nic,aboVe•iptet or land flay pureha..-
set! atlititoite µa46 - prior to the 3u Ocrelicr and if
not sold on=that clay bo uttered at public dale:
Assignee ofSacnb High.
Augiin 2 ; 7, 1915
rough Property
Dn ;Inturdll9 ilto' Sejitembei. next,.
WILL l;ox sold at Puhltt Sale, at the public
house of George Reelehi, Eyck that large
end tyull finished. TWO STORY •
uutel at the bower of North Hanoqr
end Lotither Streets in said borough. P I
-kik-one or tire best houses in the. ' "
Oder:own/ hoti long bebn occupied exit businose•
stank for' which it is rnost'eligibly sit.tiated. The
large . front room-on the first'lltior is now fitted .
np with the nebearery fixtures for a Dry Goods:
Store.- The . house has large - and tornniadltrini
bech•Bitildints fixr tVery ledfirhhiehte;lind-there
': terhed - tu-it-a-4.ofilointxtlylitife—ka`iflien-pin
•A 'I WO ACRE LOT oh DIV ,ttlrnplke lending .
to IlarAsburg, bin Within 'the borntigh liniits, icifl
also be soli) The tdPlAte of sale will be
'Made easy to the Otirettit4i. the property is,
•not sold on said day, it will It t'entett one year
.rrinn the tat of April Ait., - - -
Sale td ConiViitglo3 lat. 11 thincit; day, ,
when te.rens and tonditionsmill rondo known
Atigust,,2O, 1545:'•'!'' • 4gestt fortheOwnir.
• M" • EPTAVERN''' 1 .•
nrendserri oe Titeadetyi:,the"3otfi day of
September: nat e the .follosilot Saleable .real
, tste,,lato the : property. of .Smiers Stuckey, deceits(
• -;,,„ '; ' ' '
~ • •
sittlati at thel'Mks.of trieOittabikrg tigpi. Wheal
ing Turnpike Roads. ebnet....foil*,,milett W t
est e
filly : feet'. 'in l e ngth,-by forty
Vkly.' 'The' la PM
1.84 , 6iie5 . 0f fille'Llittetitoito
180 eltiared,-and -tinder- fence,' 80 of whin,. are
tneadoisr.; them- aroltVo god. oteliardi; Besides
.the: Tavern'Sleatid t there are on this tract
-- 140UsE%
XlPile bank barn 'end ireinery, one - D*elling-
Rouse end- Still Heinle, and a large Stable and dry
biotite; alai) tem other EtW.131.4,1Ng lIOUSI
.a. wagon makers amp. anti black etnith shop l and
saddler shop. . .
TERMS :- , rioi ptlrelfast
hO pail! in i ;.oll lancloist, the ennikritation of thcksales
tlie balance in three*Oal annual payments there.
afierovikliont interest, seenred biludgmeld.
hoods. or..bontla.and_morgage_oy_tinorgages.
Sale to comtnecee At' I tYr. cloak. A. 61. '
.August fin; i 845:-fit;
IF 4 altrable .1l art'
. •
A NN': WT.IIRDAit, '27th Of Septenttni trek!, Will
salt,_ths the Oreptfies; in Nlif
t Mintyolear"the road
from MeCiirotick's mill to
ro - 7- . .41,.. 1
AL: VittATABLt .
containing fiiity , nnef.Aeren• of
Slate Land, in a good state of' milk : teat:ion.
provem'enta are 4.
V l 4 .
;.; 11[',1 LOG :110TitaTI -
:• .. ie. • . 2 1:1141 Log Barn
the latterrof Which has lately. betn pvttii iiterSt hew
roof. There Ls - a .well,of water near tlie , hou , se,, , and
a ritahing atreini 'thrdnelt . tire 7 Place, ... 11 4$1*""kli*.f8
variety_ of Shrivitittlfoft,"-T . mos on .the
About firteen Acres of the place is menderilitml,
And ts , m,'4'.or twtnti‘fi'C'C'aCreS:of - Thrirtng Wood
land: The.jui ce i 4 e onniderrd,sme ofithe finest in
'that taWnhittp..--'lerions
place; can ninaln
%ilk. SaMtiel
Sale to lake plate at i .W , Cltiek, Itt..of said day, ' I
when attendance 'will Ile,OVell 1111111•Ahl•ITIff made I
known lir the sufiserilier. An intliiinitable title
will be giyetLi.l) eased a sale.—
July tht, 1114 X. SOI .bNiON SIT ASV:
NTICE is hereby giVert:th Teachers
Mr situations in. thi)Pdhlic Schools ot the
district romposecl of the township of Frankfort!,
Otamberiand county, that the Board of Directors,
will meet fit Mr, ilownhanls Store in saki township,
on Saturday the 18th ot September next, fos,the
purpose of ecamining applicants RE to their rg;s:
panfihre qualifications at which time persons apply
ing will please Attend s _ • ,
- WM, McaREA,.."
August 14,1845,',
COUNTRY situated in nne of the
most lionetehhirtniiiins.iii ilk county, and in 11
1101,11171115 t ics , is 'offered,for risk I.hy a person
about s ; aternig into profeasktiat engagement!. Ad
ls ii. ~ at Hds °flier.
-- - 1 - Atigust -
LOTIIS, enaxlintres anddnasinetts. Purcha
sers will
_find it to their advantage to tall nnd•
examine at the, telieflt 3tari•,'•a large aftiortment nF
Cloths, CnssimereS and Cassinetts, which will be
sold at redtleedAll ites, by
- Stiff Atigtrat
APPLES, fcir - gale at the 910I•C 01
ryntE subscriber begs lenVe to 'call the attention
' IL. ~,r ,i,.• putiticto the iin.go and spiendiu assort
ment of WatalieS'aiht Jeivelryjust xeceiveil lit his
old stand hi :Ilaitt street, opposite Loudon's Honk
Store and a little Nest of lleetent's Hotel, Consist
ing of 'Gold Patent ILever --
an& Lepitle AVATCLIES ; ,•
s tk ,
eke ninst extensive' 'hid" " os ,
cheapest he mils evee•offet , ed :." ' r.- .
to the citizens of Chiblfer
land enmity. ; Sae,e Lt.Ver:
and Lepitee . Wci. tidttl'atta .-
Siiv,er Itreitit Pink, t" , et;;i)otiititkpei.43l4l. ‘l, melt
key s, IV itAdt-eliains, SpeetaeleSoke. '. ,:ttl io .A I lio
lure CIIITN, Guards,Clattps',Loeketi;flatinittne, Ear
eings, Finger`-rlngs, Medallions and a lot of very,xtv•
Lpsrior _. _____ ._ -• ' '
- 4.17 .
' l e: .
_ ,
• '''.' , 4 9 ' 6 ..?:<•••':.•=.• _
4: . • ,
_, . ~';471- _
• "- -- - L-
a verdesiluble article for men`Or • Business t*ehe.
roily 1 MOtliec otherithicletin his line
oC butineBs,hoinceessam to Meriden.
PellionliSilshing to ptirchatis anjo,o 114.alloVe nr•
tides ihattliltler well to:Call ition;
someat,tiritlcitenpest asintintetilever-OtTelvil to this
coMmunity, nod Will hb loafer than
they can bepuitliased at retail in the cities.
July 0, 1845
N Ottbh9iilicrobpgii - eA litAt *ill
he ntible,by tin; tintreiltlgiteil alp! uluere,to the next.
I.oiiltitilt•e C • orit ham or;Penn', I •
lot thciniinglaKtilan Ciunptin . ktfLiie 1;664_ the
LbtVoivir 'l.lnifir.. s ' iiiikt*Ontivtliplirttre
Itinclitell in. the•Bitentigliroi' CitilfklONAtni?Olitii4l
itsitufhty'l that, it shall ha vv a et! pi titil*Vikrikgo#4.
riled &Writ, with the lit ivile,ge
{)itn:HtliuWed ,
..i:tit--reeeive--(.leillsiiiste.o-51ill*An' i it
In nt - ,
Simnel tielUurß
R. A ngnev •• 5 '
' "IltrebittiE G: B:ltdhoover,
ir a tig n t ,
siontii t t, , tiglaorf
Etifigrpr i .•.•l aefitge; Sitnilbranti
;. VV,, T, • . •
$45. '• • Om
AVe.returwour thunks for.the putrqpngei nirtittly
bestoived , on httediear —the .cotii•-•
ing_of Cloths, Sto., with, Soup, of our immured,
titre; . ladrawing-neur And ill' those, dehire.
to.gettheir tuttrwititm. Ulothittrattf. eleuotted
front grease epotif . liefer,thwatfliig gain,' Will Rites°
gied7AlS u'eall ' ref' Shenet:
c oughtdr. cow pt;:ithyr spike, 7/111.. he ;Mefferd
without touching the of ink. orio bf tfle ‘ girminLic.
ilesided.Ttifir iiii.,lktii.oitortion to 'ihh
taryl n iir r otit
Send' ue meet) and wo,will , coele to your.
foe: the - 0911 ; Vrotii lhosis, ; wll4 may opt wiah . l to.
the dash We , trade Ot soy
notion aidetti . illifei.ntlentleti o MAn town and
etibtitryi . kei
ille:-Styplien Keeper's -Titular Shiwi'lm the of
thelliarliet noose, where I will realise - all kinds of
goods; a9.l7 , o.,!*fiwiwrlbe.diti,coi7 in, the,
tiiiittitiVAWiriciiit *mitt
tor , the Mild pat mitived 6414414er lber;
,pripink,ClVintkrroralouttel , pada Pholooo
Feeifith"ll,4ntlatitm Chtimait Fldwit-r
jr4fiiciatki . I tousgal'i!Almqn4AKl'ottters'eonps geu-'
ninellowt," Qif ; , liousseValialsattwit2 Elixir.; for itke'
rpr'the s imulkeroiut
.sinntt fa' to ToV!to6.; n04;*!4,0t ,
1c0r5." 01 43,. cmok, Ntp4l, l MA
44141,0avilbiolial4 , b it " t 19 1 , 0.
fiV ii t i * r l t ,lF,l 44 ' l 9!PhOz,••'
: • •,t,
11s(rsioivia; mid th,e'cheap 40890(iNe
03 , euson W,Atchum7,
yia4 ; „,
. •
: 'and. SilVei , Patent-L4i. - • • •;:;.-• -
'Ver,‘Varthert'nf thelr.,own
I nipiprtat ion; Silver Spoinis,4' -
Yorks,'Tea•Setts and every
their. on;n
,Alscp,•Wateh. Chains; Seals
aril Fine Gold' Breast Pins, Finger flings ;
'llittoeletsiqliant . Chianti; Gold - and - Silver - Tiitm=
ides, Spectades, Peiicilb' And '•
, Diamond poi nted,Gold p e ns; •
together:with:a "geneital assortment or. Ladies jaw
ryi.Plated 'Castors; Cake Baskets, Can lie klieks
Panty" !Riga; Thirtina, Finn, Brittania Ware in' nett.
and !tingle pieces, Time Pieter, Silver Perak Clattis
Combs, Hair Pins, Fanr, 1 Crnprntnita fot
sale at the loweg Casirprines.'Mates Repaired
J. &L. WARD.
106 Chesnut strett,•Upposite the Franklin Hoare.
Philadelphia, August 0,1645.-
• Mit. rAirrott,-Volirselfianit netafttora Slit. par
tiottlarly reglitisteti to reflect M i nn the best mode of
kaYink Money in the purchase of ymir Wearing. ap
pitritt find to d.. it effectually. you are hei•eby in
formed that you -can aellieve 'the - cAlling
at Ntr. Clothlog'Store; N0 . ..1p5 Ches
nut atfNet, ou the first floor: of a SatttlerZor.'s 'Rotel i
where you May ar - all , tinie's find n 'Siege of
.fashiOnably cot ana *ell made germetits..- - emomeis-
Pt, Cloaks al from $/l to $35, Over4:oats
and Salk Coats from $8 to $25, Dress Rod Fi'nok
Coats froth sti to $25, l'aitts from $2 .to $B, and
Vests ltdm p-to $B. . . - •
" • PERRY R.
' IAS Chesnut. street, Philadelphia._
August t3,Ksts. - • • •
. . •
state of Samuel 11. - Andrews, der.'d.
1 4 .
' s ' tr. persons aro itcreby,neti6ad‘that fiettern
of Administritiott on theecatate'of Samuel
A, A mirowß, late of fi . nrili,_Middletuti‘tawaship
I Cumberland county, deceased, have this day been
issued by the Register In and Tor said (manly to
the eubsdriber valloxte'sWes ih the said toviliellip
of North Muldlettnif AlOpersonit having claims
or dcrhands against lime estate oflita said deco.
.dent are requested to make known the same with.
out delay, and those indebted, In make pdymeht
tu _ :" ..teatst dOONtErt; Jr.
. . • Administrator.
.Abgult iO, IbAs.—tt.
. Estate of John.rtilion, dectaseci.
LETTERS of AdMinislration - upon the estate
of John Prilton, late ol'Allen township, Cum
berland county, decessed,,lia v ing• been granted to
th.l subscriber, residing in the same.township, all
parsona knowing themselves indebted to Vices;
tate of said deneased arc required to Mahe pay.
ment -immediately; and those . having churns or
&marls against said deccarad will present (bent
duly litithillifidated oescith.ment,
'WILLIAM flAttEstskt,
August 12, 1845.-3 t. . .
WILL be sold at l'ablio,aKon the premises
of the late Robert-M(lc, dee'd. ' in Monroe
township, Comberinneeounty, on SATURDAY,
September YOtbrill4s, a certain tient of land, tutu , .
ated .on the-" Yellow Breeches Creek, about two
mslesnolAlt of-Dillstown, on the road lending from
Carlisle to York, l's., and about midway between
:Cfark's and Griffith's Mills, contaiiiing,aboat
eighty of which are cleared and ill a "Agri state of
Cultivation—the balance is wootilaittl., well eovered
with tine growing timber- The,iiiitirovetnents ciaw
gnat of a two-story Double Hattie, • •--.
large frame Barn, and other out: -
buildings: An - nit:bard of fine"thrir.-
Ing Apple trees is also an. -the plan-
Ines. CoarertiViit to the, door is'
never failintwell Otciccellyttt Water. • This prop
et•ty. is adruirsiliTTiiileb - Wd l tiira - pltiii s of public
business, being•locathipOplgoutt_seetion of the
county, and the houstricept•for' many _years an IV.
Tffreinr: — reriintiltittatiqintrofFeyre - iving the proper
ty prior to sale can do .do by, culling ninon the sub
scriber. Sale to coMmesice at.los)'clock t A. M.
on said day, when' slue. ittentlatee will Pe given,
and coalitions made known: by,
trObSEF!; - ,'
. . .
A 11.11_. 13, 1 alt. .
. N: 3. A quantity nr corn, tte Ott! bill of tht
bushel, will he schl at the Sable:AM% ' ...
- Fill rriehtirg. I ntellisencer - publiar to - iiiiiiii - uif.
sr-'.OO, and charge due. office. ._.‘H.'
. .
JUST received, a handsome lot of new style
Prints, at very low prices, by
Aupp.ast IR, 18;5. .1. A. CLIPPINGER.
11101VNEV.S.. &c.
Alargt assortment of Neapolitan, Ocala and
Sulker Jiohnets,and Ribbons oriltelatest
lot , sale at rilueetl priee.i. •
- August 13,1845. J. A. tiAPPimaltt..
8.41,140i1t C 10.4
ri\l,t. MONTS and Lawns attic latest ityles, at
exce , :tlinly *ices, for sale at the stare of
Aug-141 13, 1343, •J. A. C4IPPOIGEEI
_ Valuable Farm
wILL he ML, sitle, FLWITI lira-
rate LIMPS - I' INT. 1...X2 1 / 4 'D, &guide in South
MitiMetne too one mile west of Cnilnile,
cumberlim4 ee,ibity.,l3lni r .oll the Walflut.Bottom
road, containing ' • •
Cat Ua
moroXir 14ns, iiii+l4;the'reon erected a ; • • •
-two lira& , •
Barook-trel4:orlitliOriti.irtiter, ti 40114- T
and Ihrlilek t ilt - 00 - 004rtr. Al*n'to . I
,:*tiotto trait (lee. nites Of 7,
Qrternie thehttlllt 'CI mber.
• .The Itoall
firm, Whirl given a market. for all thi; proffnce that
Is ra,tSd Upon It, by 'drovers passing throtfgh to the
.efyit; •
!. l eeSohOkttlti,ng. to pnrebne *lll, pleitio call ton,
Illnir, Carlisle; :• or:no. Ihdallblidripsiimi
ntiflo. 111)6,4 miles Wtst or " •
• ''''*" • ,4.iilN)lXlrs4,Bl
Ablat4l.6, 1845; • '" • • •
. .
... 40.,,* ---
R - AIS.'. - '... - : ,
1 , in IIE sob seal' lie r it' offer to 10,104cpriVith, rale.' • '
I. ritactlif if : In' I'Veit ItionfiliTiOro' townEhlp,
Cumberland county, one baltmile east - cTitittle;
nr velniet LimeatonetandOn4 good allltg.brtliitiTs'
tion,lnelutling to; brie prOportion.6l-it titiclet,g4MV
and. thldting timber:, 'I, he' linrivote,....,; ..:; -l:,/_
'manta ore,a two Sory.Stone tionseo V;,,,.' , ill/ ,
Stone Barn and. other . ottk-hltildinga, ~r, ilil.„ . ::
Ti!e nbove.fieseribed: iirnnerty, le, :, -f., 1 , , ';-
slabagribers ofer t0;t01144,0* in one' :-. 4- -' --- -''
triret,ed.:Onti hill , bl:lit, 'tenfrnm-theivE '-.-A
vial :title and pnallealion 'al be given on the grit
ntAiiill.iwit. -, • . _. •'' - • ':-- -,..--,.--C--
.. • - - - ti, r t itt , Nleatlfifitli t
. .CHWn . i.:I4AUGH,LIN:I,-
juiy-it 1 ;145,: . .' . •Lt -:-. 1 :7 - 72:4... . ;,.' -L"Y'''••''. 4'- '
~•. . . .
. 7:
It ttkf,giieleii, a 0 - no Aliiiii -. .e1(401417 eefietd
tupttG ,6 - t i ßt fpr.Pre rylfwe tu bh ~: c i T., 9, 0 ,
and lin 41, oeht,e,lterined beef and eimiteen :
I.,ealrisiiiii ii,i , rn an which - ,wllll.he4bitt,elteep
et the mote of. , ll . Kreft,..B,Sener. . - . "..-.' . , •,.
taleof fo.sej),• rie
0710Eiti heret,y gl*gn thatUllora
litrittlen dW tho boat° J
U , :Nortli,ll'dtddlettnit a t - )
g r a n jed tolthalntlariber ng in theinkr,:;0,10 ) 110 1 .:
flaw , All- peilons ilidebtollo to.. tolii-.E4ol!_i..*.ii
willfpre,olit tttero for:oct.fllottiootl,) , -.N., , , _
7 Wen'. Nt‘ '. iitlilittßAON.,: c . ..-fA',
, 1,, ..: - Administratoo.' "
• . •
1 AugpA 6..18.45.1
Estate`of Alatlikezo de4.eciieit
1 1 \rgnile, h herolvr given, that' tmaters ttiorncn
(on Ihti or Aiaithew Noe*, likte of
W Veijnebbropkie townshi nk droilli. -. .boil*lis hien
thYtal)earibgr4hdr dint. • Xame OirP"'
1 / 4 1‘' All - ppritootindettinir • • ,
reigastett MakmUPP/ad*WlionOilir# 4l " i c
twit% obobAs-e 4 IlYelont Weal' WtAC fr‘ry7erfigr,i'
" 9 "
ueilit AG,N ,
. Y/,11'44 . ,1`49`4‘ei - r''
' 4 •! u g! li kt r ;
. o to4 li 4
'o4.r ! idsi 4qq,b4 S*o 0141W0k
t titfii4 A
...AGA—. 4 .•
. avV.tho Story or Aiticd S'l77p '
': , ,binive,rial'il l (PWOiltrefi'ed%ihetAX4ictr,
febsion of;
fair„test of its.,,poltil":4A4lfilartay!,";•olmirsifiint.,-,4,,',,,_
Galvanin!Ringiiiiii ,4 OVOßTOnAittninsivit'ActhiskT
PorPorsa,,f_or ;Wit •
rAry, Or Electrio sanstalitiignipbp'•rnallttnes.ilittijfe•;'•
used; butareiiithrin an&4'hortiltjtifibass '
, •
atrumenta, and in many other retitleCAß firA,Rloiet :.• •
Safe and certain inaccompliiiiing thcr;doficed ii •ob,..
. 1144 • • -•-•
The:Gaivanic Rings halia'Tbeeri-nitid•ti . tkfipr-,--. •
feet succesti in all caeca ofitheuniatiiiniOentert a„
elp•onio, applying theihead, taco , ,
Gout, Tic Doloretix, or Teathiche, llrontilitde S':
Vootigo, Nervous or Sick
Paralyasia, ralsey, Epilipsey.Fitit„Cramp,fralpi- •
- tenon. of the Heart, Apoplexy, Stiffneas 'of Joints!;.•
Lumbago, Spinal Cornblainei neuralgia, Goner.
al Debility, Deanient of Neribas:Prorgy; and all ••••
Nervous Dieurders.. Their obtraordifiary- 4 efroot •".
upon ti.e system' must be witnessed' be
ed, and ea a eeriainpreventiv_p fuLthe'preratitidliig:',
complaints/ they are equally to he recaintifended.'
The Galvanic Rings are in every. wirpPribetlt... --
harmless, arid are sold at Prices to-be within
reackof all' , Christie's Stagnotic Fluid. is used
In connection with the reader .
Solent action , vetkiirld to direct the Gidvaritd:-
inflderibe to particular Parts which are affected: ; •
Name' MIS certificates of the 'bentfielsi eirettiT••" •
-of Dr. Christie's Ring arid Tird:can,likahow.Pl:%7P.,
. the Ciliowitig: ' , Caution' is frordthillaV-Y41e!.,/,:
Sup; of July 15th, fully tactignisalfiti
claim of Dr.Cristiei as the only,propriatOvil : this , , ,,`.Y,
genuine Galvanic !Dings and Niagneue.-Di.”4.4-,:,..,
Cdurion 'to the Pablic.--We'fepr#,i...dtitilfOl.t..!•Y.
caution the public against purchtsing-adyfAalio„ . 4l
imitations ofE4Cristie's Galvanic ;Rings whioh •,
unprincipled persona are attempting to disptito-
4 411-
\' s
R. ".
can state with confidence G'llio•'
itilltatli I - i
ms poetess no ndict:a In neitcji..iol,iiiitt.'
eVer and - tiling be - regarded in-nueiliffllttiell/0:47 -
a direct fraud.
: ',.\''' ; i...' ; '::'''r*Of:• C ';;; 4.
U. GILBEIIT to the stile agent ert.ii?r, ° ;Cluirtie
"fiallarriiiburg arid vicirttg. .
llariisburg, Aug, 27..1845, ,
. ~..„ . • .
• ntirrirtne, of the last Will and:Testatnent or .;•-
1135 William Weald - y, late of the boroutit.•o '
Carlisle, deceased, will he sold at public rendner n
.. -
Thunwley the 18th day of September .n ton the„.
premises, the : fallowing desorihed pee eljr, situate'
lie the village of I s upertown, - Qtrittber. ontoopoiti' ,----, 7 --
4 - LOT ' G ROV0141, 1 ;;;T:=. •
en which ie creel - 0
a 'Log Plastertno" . i. c ,:. - • ''
:-'. 's• ,
IiOUSr,-Well' finished, in which it .. .. 1 , - 4,.5. - s • .
I tance-fias been kept Mr many, years,. tut •• •
th a Kitchen, Smoke House, Ste-
_,Z•pq . „ . ..,,,,',.... *.
ble, Ste., and a well. of ncter-failing '`-•., ~ .• ." '
watet , With a - pomp therl;fn, tin tbe-ffe - miles: Thin
is a Tery tlesitble and valeiLle property null the. -
hest business stand In the.village or surrounding
Col.turvy. — Kao a •
E3a - S" Ors'' 5EZ1.3.13221 - •,..
attlotnlng,the nb'nve described - lot on the: north;4li'
.which 'is - erected tam' DWELL'S 4 -10
itovrns, one 8 tomMorlious Buick tt;. :, - . 1 - 11 •
!Muse, and the otherframe• ,
ei-boarded house both suitable for
private families and, easily annverted
Into a business Stanch - The_ aboy.g.. pcapery.will * .be
sold.either separate cT•tosethiesq, stay ' test suit
Sale tO -ecclttlence „fit _one .
,when attendance will he giveu4nd terms 'Cattle -
..knawm b.y
- •
A(iinrk.ovitil the willannezed of W. Weakley
**mite% 6, 134.5.. -*
. .
rittNANKFUL for Elia veriblibrol- patronage he
..11. has receivfAvroutil inteiFai, the Ladies of Cat ,
illaleatidita vicinity, that he taillhiontinnea to than-,
ufactliro LADICS' Sfigt.S ,or eVer.y,Zquality an
variety, at the following prices for - C.A.SH, ha ht:
ktepaho. books: -
Ladieli' French Morocco anti fiiti double-soltli
• Si lel
Lidice WaliCur,
Giater Shees,'tti,l4
Misses' and Cliil d run s4abs in Of otiFirtioh:
work ) done by bins kttbrante(i;nq all ri p s
gent's. CAII bt the IRA house in liirpee's itoW,
next donr , to Mr. Guthrie, Witchrnaktr.' '
Carlisle,. February 5;4 843.—Fm.
- • Y
The - 64crsigniid hereby. eve nOiiVe, * lit!TCAlt •
to the'Constiiiition and Laws, 011ie Cohunonyrtill
of Pennsylvania, Oki they and title astociatelf*llll:''ri
'make application
,to the. next Leg stature of Pienrea., ' "
for the incorprnio ion of •ti thleahaiiine, : •
and stile of " The Farnaerit nod MeChanies flak
Carliels,'",,to be locat efr In tlt gointegh.of
PemisYliginik Sidl - .:Corporation'to base ti' s Atiitlfil , ,,,"
of nine hood - thousand tioltsEllk. - ,ndthgsrielikfli
banking and,dtecoixotlog
• 4 t o .
.abe r
• • e • F?n,' Nalcfilet • "". - •
tine '.2,S;tB4k:_
. .
3.lst recetvethOUlif freslEy live Oil'a~ largo atftlli ''a^ ^.
small bottles, sl.1!ao
. 11fgei tg-.
,apd, Ilalt PhkloCome: ,, Anothirroftstlese Atha
ardeliii , lhave4,4At boo are fpr'sa!eat ~:,
thiz,chpaii drus.inkailwfianiu.,stcliv;4Astenion . 64
llghafiny .
40+ 4 •FA l ati4 ". 4 1.70/12 0 -
Ifi e ttß poer 4,4
ialtStiffroo'ißglakagarAnd , BeinfilchtAvOVNOOt,
all of a" freith jott "re caiatt aka
forlsale t.tho alicapg aFix4: of 4tevAmin
, e; Juy' l 23.
•, •
,T:.•ers',:-.4‘ l
• • 'T
ate 4
01174 -
z'sale at. drug4tniolpf
' -•, - . - ,2 , - , ... -- , ,'--,-, - ~,,, •=,-.';2,.
lik*OV,.l4lllo:rz*Oil .. JIM. NiY,lc4Pa' i. ,/: .
For cli, l ldlatir.';aliTtfaii:Taiih;''.3nic,.yeeeyradi'aadAt' .
Jain ty;steTentipa 4, 'lntinffoy:;',„;.;.iik.....,.4:Ai}g*:;.,=';'.::,..,
.-...7116CP a'frb-...',vT,.2,-1-.::-..
te 3 YaY; l. w. i Safety 10usafOr'pria;igldeo_an ~,
by,lil:l4ne,7 Ct
,: - ..V,igt*. 14/1.4:‘., ,il.4X44lV. VPI.V4: e 'i; l r' ';'-'
f', J..nit r e c e ived, i 4 urge-If:4 bui re i46 , :, yire#4s4iid,: ~..
'Kcido Seal, *doh Will•bis. ; ~ ''''•,ll,,idal', 4 ',M i ' ll *,,; f " '
and' Book stonier ttini k t i , ,-,. • • . .. 4.- \:.. -•.. ' m. •
. ' , .... , .,1 .otaiioo,..lipiii:•' • Ortifkiiir,,, ,, .
._ . ~,, ~, 4 ..,,.• ;. !. ~,.;,.."..,'1.6'.-ltir.,l, itANvg=L',,'.,,',.,
' ' Ag'fartlitr:Woaity•AfhpilhiPsOpt prit,r4A.;,',...."-
al*i'CGT-d-iirA .Tat#,lelitorliddn ' ,eitl
ciat it, la lt- ",piioned,, hy ''.,
• •"*" •‘, v.,. ‘..- ;) ..;,,, - , , .. , ,n ., . .;.. , ;;;1';'..i , .. ,, *' , . • : ' , 4 ,...i;,t0,
~,) ".. ,,, WINAS t i -
41 1; t1
tt .. .....s. - , i ~,,,,.j, ~.1:, , ,,,...44:. , , 2 q ~'
~,,, ' itio.y 2 :,
'',..Ttla..inlnnribinlii...apit, 0 !1. 1 .40 A ll ' . 4
cii''''. 4, 'l ~ ,, e
of .yvizi.ud: «solifitimO L F.,tiv 3 , igOtSP "1 1. • , a .- o
l er , Avig:.l;o4,;'pOlt.
filoOthenAitidn n".li s ilinite,fi '"Yikr.AF. = , ,A_j_.l2•_., .
ane.bacii:aid,,f*li.-I.#l4!*4',Wilt-,,—Wiri,W;*,--' -'`;-.L".'Y-:
j i). ! ll?ll ? U'l ` ..'l :' .-. ! ‘' '''' . `'` : '1ni.4.,, ' 4 . '
- -- '-..iNibrditit -. 114 ,, , ... ..--'-cii,L.J.;_
..y.t.. Yr " .",..:
Pestabble ,
•• • Vitt' • i
4elocd" , iaa for
~.t. y {, "
;~ --
-A,' -