..i rlc VHS .• ~,, aauooosi u , h In rippl in gy4l.9,orthlthig". tr,eeV.:', hearketitothe'efitehafeh.bellS;;;.",, • • - -Tim lltiltiAtiiiiiiie-44-Whiiiiiit•bee; giore:',P;e3'. - Pie° l 4 ll4 4 ..I :t:ltti Mei„the ereateres;.Waters„ ; wind, jilailoWed be , thi'neine.".-, •,...11;910g - rlitrijoarneyalill bleedi, • • o sin the altar of iii, sirea ' . The ' tiiiiikt : poreinbovig h is beads, ivoiti.iat that itt anilier-t* • Bet rite, or longest prayer, .',.....;:*lnttsont; eon yield or•wistlontfranie, Whet tietteriiiiptaean It bpar, . . - - Mit Either, •"litallowed be thy name." '• Thearitgelneelina to the sun, ' • T 9 give, bis thank tweak a boon; The rapturea of the idiot one. ' WIM laughs to seethe ..idear round'nmons . . The_saird welt tatigttsjit Christian tore, • The Moslem prostAite at his florae— Ali:weribirl 2 wcnder 'and adore, - '`All - eirdliOkialiewed be . thy. Oaten," . W.hatelee r.be man's faith. er creed,. thos‘preeitmaorordi commit:3r it still; . =' Ire:[tycethem blooming ..Vire hear itient'lif the lowing rill; • • Cfrie'eherus net upreme, `. • -4itieti..varithreithhttelts the rame, ..' The strainS'_,Maidittik the oliense, . Father.iligalbiaretl be thy name." • =.—Goti-4141-040401,w-onks.---..4—Ta/e -fte-W4-01#1000-thet-treeutiful part of GermanrwhiCh*rders,on'the Rhine, there . 4 entitle . , which as you trave l . op the ‘Weiterii hank of the rivet:, you may see lifting Rs ancient towers on the oppo site side; abOye the grove of trees about as old as iiselL About fort' Yeeis ago, there:: lived_ in that castle a noble gentleman, -whom we shall pall IlerOn Ile had -only One son c who was not only a comfort to his father, but a blessing t o all Who .lived on his &tiled It haippined.onl' a certain occasion -that ---this-young-mabsing-froni-homer-there came a,French gentleman to see the castle, who began , le talk of his heavenly father in terms that chilled the ow man's blood ; on which the Bath's reproved him, saving, "Are you not afraid-- of offending God, who - reigntrabOve, - by speaking in such - ja - Thit innitei - riati — saidhsTtnew nothing about 'God, for heihad never Seen him. The Bdion this timedid not notice what the gentleman said, but tho,xtext <• - morning Wok hion abo4 his castle groiindi; - and - tooluoccasknt - first to - show l hiaioe7ty itea t utiful;pictuie iniiieciii_the The gentleman .admired the . . picturevery much _and gaFd, " ivhoever:diew this tureirifoWiLvery_svelLbowW oe-the-pen • : • ":My: eori dre,w,,that maid die. Baron."- - - "Then your ,son is a clever man," re the_gtmtleman._ The Baiim ,IltelWetit.With his s visitor inte„.the,gardene and sh owed- him many beautifuljdoWeis;and Plantations of forest- Mil "'Who haktheortliiing, Of this garden!" naked the gentle Man. ';" • " Myleo,rh" replied • the 'Baron ; lie; knows' every 'plant, I may say, from the cedar of '„f.ebanon, to the hyssop on the Indeed," said he, gentleman, think 'very:ll4llly it:hns soon." Thu Baron , dien...toiliphim into Ott,. vii )age and:shoived him a,emall,,neat cottage, where : hie son had eaablie e d - enlist& and ilkeicl she caused a!l' yeung children who hadloet ` !hei r parents to Ic- received - • "- • and,:nonrjistkil at his own expense. The ,_chiidren_in—ilie_houselook:ed:4lo,innocent and ao Jiappy;. that thigentle man , was very much. ..pleased; and when he.,:returniut. to the:egetle s ,i he 'Pahl Paigg'i i `, whet. g haiiW:inan se, good 'a •-- "'et '''':L:2l,l-ffet% ,f .1- • r • 2 ' = —solk , " - How di k you know I havb so good a •• . , hi wcas and I Pve Pegg 7:know. that lie must he - good and clever ,, if tie hig,AenePll.thPt YPe have shOwed me." !:.,13 . 0ficia,,f(itycpok been ' - lkiii,)bui,efii'ilOw him ~very ; Welk* ~--! `Treg;7' l, FPPlifY aTqn) and lel the:character 91' heavenfr},rath,f4;. .. h tfo- e f by,' hie Slioiki tvii4o4 and pewe4, I,44 P re ltS l4ll -0 tfel Of force t o *- - the-r• proofswali.;earaful.`not to. offetiddthe good 40* Pie.i - -40.i4ki. 40 rigarite; Tito*" )_';atwa.4# gentlemak in New! • "York;tivluil Pilie4atcesi:Olieetedly tri hi. company. e• - citiversation with ' " • , -- • • I found • Paine , haran: . g e g le !FTO4tP4Pleg , e , , cb~ the ,IttPdgPtis l :4Pßih Chris tie nn i .t ty hg ; pat .4Sullgt.s;•• xoxv,tiotkilirokto!!(lol)faike-10:0-4 'rigid .act of: Sc;pll r i - 445 404110 .1 0# 0/ ) 4 0! i64 044 : *itolo,o2f;sift x. te oi11iiisa!oolhooX0 as 4;leaves iile Tather'iihouiii.hii -1,11.0 • eVeY,P, P, /Cc Oak puts ''sr,Ohitoiiteti hie'elethiti.t'' Ile ash( it I , l' , ..Wirtvitif.STlL'itontutu.ed.4ll`r tieen 'A'C'''.'?q,:.f:c*:!'' ,'.l -- ;','L',,7.,; - :: . f.:',' ,. .".7 . :7:, , •..,:1 , 1 , ,i°'"?.;^',;. ,- ,;7.,.' , ' '2! - :':', 4 i!;.' ,. ' :;', , - .'.:"::%.: - I , '"-. : .I'."--: Er Frehou 10 , 45 4 " *May. wore espital'con- Fik4tions , - !: 8 12 - 4'10:4t1Ufahlkn';jipreT:, cire ppmilyaliont of SoMAsti4 hrl l :,d4f: l - 11 9 t, one -filpoteta man, in,:the ',Almshouse, State PrieW/itille.*o, err POiteritlei'y.of New - YOrk; , Now _Oen, if the Bible,was so bad . ..:;new i . lllFlllh, a book as you repreiteutit . to be;these Who mite it would he the .tiverSt gere ef, so ta l* iety : but th 9 contrary is , ihe f fact for our prieons, almshouses, and penitentiaries ate filled with men-and womeo l , whose ig , norance or untieliei•Ptevents" them froth: reading the was-now. neak...teu_ feclock' at nighty Paine..answeted not a , weed, but . taking a candle (rota, the table, walked up stairs, leaving Ins, friends, and myself staring at one another.' , . TUE GENTLENEBe OF CHRIST. an expression ! How much to admire; how much..to imitate.. Christ performed great deeds such as, no one ever did.; but not 4 that .we - should' -imitate them') He dplikelo the tempest, and stilled till rear- - ing billosvottt. not, tiat we.shooltl,-liftup Our voices when the wind blows; ` aiiil (lie the thunder rolls, and the waves are piled mountains high, and aftempt to hush them to peace. Ile stood by the.grave and spoke; and dip' Aland man left his tomb and-eame-again-to-life-r,but-not-thst- • shoUl4 place ourselves b y -. t he graves of he fiead and attempt to restore them to life. He owned the eyes of the blind and taught, the lime man to leap as an, hart, and, the tongue of the dunib to.sing— bat not that we should imitate him in this, or atom - 0 by Miracle to give vigor to the feeLle; - or health to the_ diseased. But Christ was meek and gentle that 'we might' be so toe. Christ was berkignunt and kind, that we might be so too. Christ pa tiently bore reviling that we might do it also; he was not irritable,lind uncharita .ble, and fretful, and envious, and revenge -ful—and-itrall-these-we-may imitate hirtr. His waa a life ,of benevolence; diffusive like the light of a morning without t clouds; a life - undisturbed by conflicting emotions ; unbroken by a harsh and - dissatisfied tem per; kind when others were 'utikind ; 'gen ife -- .Whelt% the stories of furious passion raged in their bosoms ; and tranquil and serene while all around, hinrvere distrac ted by auger t and ambition, and envy; and revenge. us. may the same spirit Ate given and while the, world around.us.ag it*crvkith-..:passioe, and pjride, antitiffith, - inlicurhearts,,may- there reign for ever-,. . more 1' the gentleness of Christ.", ;P.A.MTAc C . . "Ad thislo the onac3ok for pwilying the blood, wo_CarLirecommend--tlus-artiele-ao genuine—and 'fresh, for by - solo • Stevenson 4 , Mohgfey.. . Mtg 7,-164,5.: - NVAP.-**-3047e4 , . . .. , 111111E1 Subscriber ha s just 9pcsiett.in Abe room . I - ( formerly, oeUttitied by N. %VNWuolls) nu the SouttrWesteurtfers - uf:t:tit it - ultiic ,s - kfinfeei.- a *fray and Splendid .!tick ar For eign and dwrrkaa, . . - I.olltwar 6:6 , 0165/0 staple, and Fancy, consisting in part, of Glottis. ens siineres, Eattinetts, Linear„ Gambrorwn. Summer Chaim Vesting?, Silks, 111ontbaaines, 1111 mines, Lawn4GrapO and Monsde Lai nes: S Wilta 011111.131 C S, Itekineti end all reter Linos of Muslims,. Galleons, Sham la,'Llteol.q. Tieki dui Vi•fiet! •as. =Cotto,t goods of- all descriptions, Calvet elatin am', Colton, Yarn, rnbeellas; Parasols,Suas'iadea, Gloves, lk sieryiBze. ALSO, A choice and itnekor rn cat:Es. vunsieding 'n part, td 4irdi.tcb : Sugary, M OW at'',7, e,l'ohrcuo, epiccs; ti e. o:onliery,Glaas and Queens - as...a n. r 1 r oc a .f.eseciptions and qualities k togetlier wseo roue other articles comprising n complete pot, gen eral assorNuent-111 or whir., offe• a at very low !wk.'s foe St re,per.a....; vltes ' Ida friends and the ?ablio io.keeeval give him a, eal... inasmuch as reclaeon3dent that . - ‘e cr o sell goods as low as any 01 . -,eeinsa;:e t 1.e .- boron. KO BERT. , j r. Cotiiitle,Aprit 16, 11,845.• „ , • ,'PATTON'S PATENT Window' Shutter, Oatoh and Bolt, /VIE 'stihserihar, agent for the' sale of. Pavods WAplow Shutter, Cinch HIM 110 t, would re a;ieetfally Inform the wadi° inat :Le IWO'S a MAL ,is superior to any, article of.the.lciout nog in cse:rtoth for "siin &licit* and dnri.akility. r 'rimy na put , Ohaiidl_tit.l24:Lyneht 'ot.,.J it 40!) Se'ler2.o.-dadiklik 'Store; :North Rantivet , bt:ect, or of the inherriber in Watt Lowlier p street, Carlisle.• They need only hi seen to he wipte,d. • r ' 5 CREVER, A. , '; A pill 30^1843: •-• • • ISlceieby that Aim,Pamphlet Lawn of. the Coe:me:meal - tit E4itaaysivtatia,;ae,the Yea: . 1 845 , have beea,retteive4 ' a t that epee a.,e,Ke Grail' for ' • • •• . "THU'S [-if—CRISIS , r.LL; • • ••„, ••••;Prothonotary,Cemb.'oo.• 11145.5. : • • • . . . _ ~, , 61 . ii - v - riv.:isifictii• - erti!lyti,ti - tiAi:Viiriiio, bisiiil,li: •-•.- SziAb, a.so' Pioiding • Vinegor.- - . : ' -,=_‘,..: -', 'i ~1 - --, , -,- - -,' Aryan, ik '.:Fla il era t ick: : ~May,2B, 1845. t., ~- .., , ~.. ,'.-, , .: ,- • , , '.'. . SCYTHES. THE'erobsiiibee haelust assortmcnt-o A oz! co borate • Steel bided t3CrTJIES, mgrfolittOi'efi t 3 ximeßilX : ror him: owl! stilen,cod w,hich . Owe ctic..genOral sittkrictlon tool!. iilio,.ptifeltaccitineni ; ',Wpm Apr11'23;1845. • , Prince Ant: err coiriee: .Jsist'received.Pirin'ai Al ice estthla (r Ridin 41141TILdlioNlie.19 Q. ,N. • ,arrNER de v Co.. 1345:;. " LOT 'or Rile Teal Nast RI; ,; , 41113(11 43.184 i: ' l' ' • , . , - '','" - :77 7 - . 7 7, t 7" l; -' . ,' . t _‘_ -. hi .' i b O le , y oU ' .' fiOel 7 o --- t , i 7 rece j led Oha ertmß'' . pt or GimOiie4p6feti iv 64 10 (mai iiptlil .I Syrip : Motiateiil2Vi4;ql,fiiii!, fffirsevr.:ip :Dorqt luvirli siind lo , venaper*id; '' 1 '- .7 * lt tiCgarlKir•LlW„ ...j , Quijote' Afprill'i 11145:K..; ;;;;*;?1,40-A-1;Tv;)T,:; .;;;;; i $ ,,,-,..6.0,14,:.--,..;,;:e.rii...,...4-, In 4f any 'Helen ' attho, pfig et,4e of 4..:1110IN14,*: 'l~i. 1215 ;;deal i T.: or ! :vally , f"xecOed:4lolB QQicc. . -X- 10 ' o 4sed-tv'e "trWr.e.:ll4W'7 4 1 ;f4cER1B8 ROSS' as o'."ri g alotoceq p ro 'alid-002estic DT, .c , Good Siore No.:30; 44,7 re og maw' " ,1014,ff;frtliOntig, .4•l4....i•UUdeire eitek'sie:Or,'",,.kisotion,cost. 1 - 1411..-,potees flit' nett, euelt.;oi" . 1 f, Cory. - ufonthe.',erudit. cent' is odder! volt° 7`" , • The r ebbitoriber'jntendi ",t.d..lkeciis t: strictly "'nod. to 9 tllluegoods at Pholtike r• AuUbiiii 'end TTi Once fAititelish;* on Orlin fay upproYed'etredif;iiifdtiiiil 'then 'add 3 pr; thedii IhAert the' nrodit: hde his hwinees on that priricityle atyll!fi: kit gives tev:'• trail 'yt3lefentioie. +lDosterliqii - &n ron t?eying ttely•4loods - at the - very., lo‘yest•edur.. tts, es the lowest prices ereUsted firer, bY,whiehlidifge.lo saved to buds, innulniser-,nnd: iplf•ey,,fln. ,ol,6 ceireit.Y. ran heating down : flilir:iiieiteleyttly on will continue to'be suptilled 4ttlYse good:S* o o*k if. seasonable Dry Goods,designed, fde4tnil.ndented"to the near country Oitlesto'viliiehlte noxinviteeTthe attention of the merchnnts - of title neighborhood: in , , preened wi h p ilrojitr Out they like many others will patrer!ze the syslene of teeneneting• ,business adouted old e , ..letly•ndbered to by the adverdser.—'. Call and see. GEORGE w.oaoss, • No. SO .11euk st:' July 8,1935. . • • . (11SWARE- Et; GRDCERIES:- - Anrwriosm., to n new eupp'y of groterties, 4% &are now prepared to supply our customers with a geteral assortment of ;. • 'l. • tlinboab'u anri iitried figured Cliion‘Lorpt sad Short) Tee Sei:s us r Isn Nt hi.e G ~, o 'tenniil..iyertiool setts . l pes _c i . of anilso ne ski !es ser.lo u. ngeoeril rsiortineet ot Um:l,ool'lu.. Co. !. - ,.e Pr,rec,, ,, nois.--Dist , tins 3 '-n , SatTerliriiTi7E,) era..o ,140:oms...cxalities,.erid a geneetil essortmeot of ..o.r..nria , only: neat finisti. •1 We ale oleo in rece:fit Ca ileii , ., lire oriieeet .t , '!*Ce- Jar wure, , neludi.•, ,, T 41136, C.selel;B, lIIICket.9, IVUEIie• 11021edti". !Wilted ttestiets i Keefe •s, slid a general sti6e: c Of other e . t 7 eles—rts usual tit Cnc lowest pri cesrivi-n=e olitraund 7 ofj----- - • March .12, 1845. ' HONOR TO W liONt HONOR IS frE It ms be truly . : said, Shit one ha t. - e.e.-_ , .era so bticcesti- • ;-• - econnoAnding — a — • ‘711;e11 .11a s • tloile so - • to re, eve the hum/111 feral ly,to rob disease oe,tattr Toes, e lid to restore the o ...,al,:, id von'tib se the !oven.; - tor anti T . L.32p . 11. , t0r of t t •etrt ..e,.ervet; ly at , ,Tw;guilielipiiJlN* . . - iNty - Lir - Cnip' °F iji SYRUP pP . 4 :to Dttellitlf,ioll none has been sit wine ..11! patronised lie the t's o.ession and others, +nth Coo ;and in Enrotte, nor-bus-there, ever .s:tort-siptiee of. f..•%. - - seve •e. rgi to - 4' ^ceiVe . tite 'credulous noir ng., 1,3 ;inkling rp Nostrunos:Of various a •,p e, ,vid.dos,r fixing the name-of ~,;eer:- i o awe!, or opt acme of original Preparation eh • screeart'tem r•na, he !POI ;Dram. Inv; anti'-one -r=-'-e 1 - .llp as - irs - v - ito -,, 0. - .e parr i - cetfrj ,- 'loon i eegolic• sl shota ea; t, tan Dalsair of lv -- r , .--, - ,- - -notil , e-ilVtirdeneetreantion- the ' nab' a.t:l e tree/oration, Dr. 4, 1 • , t o' aid Gl.arry,- which :a_. aims , nen to • orld. {Grit F. t/Ci I .t 1 ri.r3Tert r'f.) And. cote but t Origitint r -onlyy . al prep..rca-hy .111*.4 A 4 os'ne,- , 7llieh is • 'le n 0 • !.! cnial non ntled !Ire Physician, I. •ose i, n at_tuu•lv use et tn. the Pe:,ci;ce or the Proil-,sio- •i• etiell dto this gre,t di SCA 1 . 1 . '. hone tens nr thousand!. ul - the,h,,t Ito ''suatah: - ..r lie nil pat' Ord success 01`.11r. s way tac'e Cointiound cis rup of Willi Cherry r•e tit a or - VSLYWI'TI'),ST, • Crittl., Spitting Ittoo Coniptaint, or If ining intle Throsi Nervous Diqiility, Wenkiteitt. Of Voice, "r 'Meow of the leant, in the Sine o area 0 . 1 Vll,lOll. rellB,- the all,e of car , octit'l &C. Itieuncliiti.,. A411..1.. 't•oug e.. . ere declared tti ,1111 nab. any, ‘ (nikr orep. 41,11".1)1i ii• came " The forth( o:vit en:al miv tlitt:. , y'llietiiselves es to the truth 0•- the above.. by a lidJe limelry • P:. .11 . hc geniiiee , rticle is nreporen by lit. ''Y'te• en 4 ce has bee • .enitivAi.; to'`:: W gth itt flour: sweets, Ptilathi The Itiosam eml sloriousertyqvie of tv;? 0,0, terry ,hatb, tr, soh!, roe e-sold!-a t o ego ,0 1110/.:64110V, ...e eenu , ne herwe ph.; sh it ngnnr< potties. 'onve.-e,'? . • ollo"ri label olgOottivt.- u ,hlllllO.. . .•. •• RYThe are,requested remeaib6t• that tt is D.! Swllylne4 Conloound Syi•no, fr . rty 4,:4l.}?Pyr - 4.',111111:1 , 311 - 11 - fdpeilie10? - 11t.i62,:... •, ”4. 6 , ,etr inirheoima Cltreh 9 r uisesses wined likve' r oufit . ••-. (ne_ Bkin attic and kret ,t.oefinnoe the 'inle catinlo; , oe , or Patent .I.lediiinesargAilly ' puffed wrong!: the o,•gal, , s4if the - Thirefore shk ree :a :ile's t.:0.0 00041(1 Syrop c,l • %Vile Cherry, end lllPUilkSe no mite:. - _oold..ini.,(Le_isle : Oy_MlX.ll:ls 11A 1 V LRSTjCR sole Agents for (Iry borough. February 12,1.845. ' • . • ... Family. Medicine& AN additioncl.d , fiEry_if tones, of • • • • • Jaype's !..I:pectorimi, •' • Tonle. Ve uge .• . • • • "•'•fititr. Tonto, • .:•;"P " ' Pills .. I "..4llCietitidative tdd Received andfar.s.bp•,...; - • - ELLIOTT. for Carlisle. • • • APONNE TO. • • splendidrassortment.neßnaid and 'Shim liqn anis and oorinec ribanCllow- Opening lit Dinfatiiie . . ARNOLD ef. PLSTE[t&, 7b tone Planter, 100 bevrela prime :reef Shad , t Fir Bale' 1" I. di`P. MAR'fIN. \ 4 PM C%OAI:L COALS 64;4; Amt . do -. 4 t' :dot- 2 virkiksbarre, i . Pine . "Groro'COolli , •••• • . • A 100 ':do 'WilitoWarro do 21100.b.ufielo 'Fot.'dold to'l,llll VV,artlxou,o; oft. ••;„ , t ' t.t O -F .. ' ,4c. O k i r ~ .., ; .ROUSSEte'S'4lioiviekCempoend,,:a. d elightfhl ,attiohi. just reoelinol ind for . lsale at the Stoic of glieverisen April •9 . • nOorioe - „Canfinus; an firtic,lo4d•for fl ivoring the bieatli jiftnr 11111 p. 9:44ll)l9llkgiiiiiikfairiviitv * :by, 6";coin.sot! • • ' VS?' - 11 X 0 EP• - A, t:'` ,et„t noPen"gi. will': .cold' hoes sairthr ,Ovgi"lati 4ce iotq ) Si rOr . Ne.p';w atiiitrteslst : !tr_ r higp 7 • = ' „ • •'y 'Avpty~ . g i r t ~ 014 6 v1 1 1 1 r 0 01 ) PI 0 1 ~ ,P "brtt * 4041 ypi)vpaitu,,uv#l , .'pillits.,it,qd.f4t opoper vi„ . ,6filt 4 •lwttts !9‘rvoili Pan. -htt,l 3l :vthit.rto '•• • .' lA' 41 4 ik,r. T', • imik .-- iii :ji •'7; ~,:,..14 ri., — r i iiiiii• ' - ,t`' , ` .1, :z2 p., 2 immouti ei • MINIRMIW 1, •r% - -- i•kor tia" i'. - ' 1 t --,1-- '• • ---enl, 0 , 4 0 ya not 0000 y leteek -TIIE,-FRANKLINIFIR E- INSURANCE 2 Cl - ic -. %i ---, OP''ilitlIYOELPl - 1 1 / 1 ; - • ," •' ChartAr, - 14;pes_itie x ..4406000 'Caiitil Odin • ' '* - '041041.63i30nin0t street. •• , ; .-`_..._ - --- -t---- ......... - • --- ' `-; .MAKE INSPRANOE,eitfielliiirronnenlipr Ilin. , ited, against lose or'iliiiringeby,fire,bn PROPERTY slid Mk:PINTS 'iit'pre f s:ilfeeription,. In `town Or, COularYl on ilie nibet rintiii • nalde teem& APnlica' tionennidelAtlibetvrennelly er-by'' letter, will be proniptlt istenikoo, ' - • -•. ' ' .- •. : ."-; '' ' 'C. *..BANOken,Prest, R, t iii II 'divieed aes o , nsr,itrossee e e. , • ' _.: * r -, .: - ::*•' , "si ~ .2 .. tERFOT4t4L RIOINA,p .. Briair:) , lfastidivaih ! -- wror - Itureir•=:,,:i oi,. ..,. frona' , < .u"' S.-P!'-' ~ . L• 016 Sll edeposite. do ..., , do Mu:elms, 1" 2 i to 3 ' go • • do . -' - ',"do , Vstierlts .r' ,L , ', 3to 4 , do ''' .443: f .110 Barrpt,...' , ' ' , l'. 4to S do do ' 1 -40"Stittdelditrivitte) 4to S do , do <- 4 do-Stithies public) 6to ' l + 4:4 • •do do ,Griitt , alit., Water .. `I Power ,' 74 tti 10 do Brick or Stone dwel,4 :. ' ‘. • Mimeo from , (00 501 .., i°, ~, do . do. Stores t :,' '..,-:. l' dine do ' do' ' tit, yitvets do doln ' dtt Barni,lo , do ' do Stattlei do ~:-...-4. - • -i. do - do 'I do• Grist ISt ;ma . do Frain C e',st " nd Loidw%llinge and Fur niture , ~... ,-, , .50 to 75 'do - .do do Stores and 1111crelinn din r ' 65 to BN. do .• do ' do Taterniand Furniture 60 to• 100 do .. ..-.. . do do Bara „ and_Contente . ' • .9010 100 -.--- - itii7 do • dO Giist Mills sod So* - • ' , '_ .:,: ' 90 to 100. ' ': 'do • . , • . The subscriber Is agent for the abovecompsny for Crrlisle niul its vicinity. - All applications for assurance' either by mail or personally will be promptly otter-00 to: • W. 1). SEYMOUR. Jue,e) 2, 1144, • • • Iy-33 FIRE INSURANCE: 1 11' HE Allyn And _n!itpennebtkrtug a nal ire .3. _hem moo Cotiptippof-ediiherland Con nty,in , eueporated_bc , airat of Assembly, is now gr.: gtari•zritfoiiiti in' operatitin under the mattaguspent of hie •ol lo ging commisibiners, ,-- •.• • last. St: Gorgcs,Lewis liver; Christi:tit Michael Hoover, He!iry Liman, Michael Conklin; Benjamin H Masicr, vi Kit*,John Snavely, sent. and Rankin, who reveakilly call. the. attention Of the citizens of Cumberlatill and York'counties to the ad vantages whitlillie company hold out. " The vies of insurance lire rifilow- , arifl favorable as Pay Cacapany of the kW hi the. State. Persons wishing , o.uecome members are invited to make rpnlicatiou 'o the'rgents of the' company •who are willing to wy t upp.l them rt any time. J. EUY. . . . • • JACOB-SHELLY, Preet. MICHAEL. NOVER. Vice President., ' • -Lewis lige,!,..Secretitry.' Michael Catlin .Trenenrer., : -------7-- MANT . S. '--41- • Michael 'llool%er, General 'Agent. Mechanicsburg. Rednlph•Martiii, . N. Cumberland. M Cocklin,• , , , Allen. ' • • WmR Gorm„ a, - - ' t do ' . ' - .....-Gliriatlen-Titeel, . ..•• • ----- --do - - -- - Jobe C . Dunlap, • -, 'ilo , . Peter !lambert, - . East Penneboro' I/livid:Martini- , , • -:- -, " ' Citurclitown. - C. - 1k - 11 armee, Singitciwii ,' -*, Henry Ztniring,,Shiretrianstoirc o — ' ~ Sitnon Oyster, Worntleyeburg, ' . -13m-Jitroh Batightnan t CROlele_t_ • ' ' Jeer!, Kielr,Geureitl Agent for-York Coehty,Ney Cumberland - P. 0. , - ..- - -Henry - ;:egan, - -.......:' -- .- --. ' York - county; -••-' John :gberrick, - - - . -do - - - - John lienkin, -- ----. do --- GKiet Hilly,:"---. . , .1. Bowmen. - - • "'" no - e Pltlllo Breehhill, ' - Cu ciberland co.. (apther egeirq wi11.....50 added he, pal/ cr. Ju)/.31 ,1•344. -_ --- . ._ • tr-40 , • •PROTgCTIONAGAINST LOSS LEl'l2" a4cssa.• TCUMIIEELAND VALLEY 111LITUAL PH OTECIION 'COM d'AN Y, bei lig Ecorpo rated by an act of the Legislature of the presentses aiono wised and in operation tinder the d:reciion o: dam tollow,ing hoard ol Managers, viz: Thomnv C. MiliJr; John Cullough. Je Ines Weak Moore,Sai*Wei Gal hiait.:4lmys • Env SpatiglWsansoe Moods, Abraham Ku rtz, Gebe p e II a:cutlet:lion oldie i ants Y P 15.) to the eheappet t aor their rates smi,alte many it dvantages. Which tills jail of inauratu.e 1116 over etYvtiter.,_ tat.'.Every' inrsoliusui±eilleeemes a ieeruhav of the 'compapy-and takes part in the choice of .eers. and the iiieection of-iirconceroo. • • tte„FerittsuMne:e'nu more is .desnanded than is neiessary;t6 meet the - expenses of the compauy a ad • indemnits against losses which may happen., • •Sti. Thee noonveidenee of frequent 'renewals is a. tetlett-lay-ittsuring-cor-e-tertd:-e“ar—But tvalicies e, , 0 be ta!ten for any period feuds one to fiveyeii. . - - ; "dtb, Aq 'tierspn applying tor insur tr . hiti.n•eseitee note for the cheapest el of lite per eebt 1111 l , 4,e -for-at;chrtar-will-basertcr - pars2;sl ano $4,59,c0r surspy s atal:noti.cy, roil _ be if ids scrtaltietl to -a greater amottbi. (brit the fano on Itani!s will eoyer.etei thee no more wwill I will°reticle. Pirtban s - taro rata 'Share.- l'hese.•rates tea muer dhin'Ort'Rtc•thstse.of othercomniniii!, except such itSeieittaorptirated en the same pritimplet - • - rrioS-C.--All4.l.6ll.Yeent; Itltuza,See'y. • - Tbe following : gentlemen. butie''' , been : r.ppotnted 'AGENTSI .• • • - •• 1)e. I'm Day, MesbanleatioStr: • • •• , James EennedyiEsq.,Newville. • , a • ` - ' 2 Debitis BiiiiilleEsq, , lttiiiiioe. . • ' Clemens' MaFarlace:C7al4atei. Jacob Rheem,' • . - • . • 11. - .Willianis, Nyeattic - no at tur ti: l - . James Newton. "•, ChestentcLee's . rTlitidg. M. Miens; Esq.- New buig. • .• Jos. •,11frisseril Esq. Npw :.Ctimberlanda • • John leodenin,,Esq. liegestown. - :Steplien _Culbertson, Shinpenallattn . . .Peter McLaughlin, S. Middletoo. "' • 1 . Co. OP kiBILIIIDELI'ILIA; • - . :L'APITAIL.II I 6OO I OO6. HIS lonrestahlislvd-Company makes-ineu•- ' 'either perms!tent oriimited;Against Joss or ilanOgi.by: Fire on properly-and effecii of every property holders will do. to avail themselves of, the adventaiei• l elferded , bithein: , , -The-sOlnieriber-is-AGENT-for-ihe-Company tot-this Borough 'and vielnity—and application to m; person or letteri will receive immediate alto d o i, • • iviy Ens. i'c1i,5,"413.15, ". - ' •- • Stn. i :YORK:CY, ' . " , ;1;'111,k) . ;: ; ; . 1:i77 . - .' .1.'.,.7: , .iv4,...l,,,,iiNliiii4iii ii4,.6...i.,:.,.,..: Alitigitif&444tliO. #0413 : .i ;!. , 1 ": ';':: 1 1 1 4 PbrITERIY10k , ''r m Ar" CititbS; : 6ltsialialitkiYES i tilitla , , , . ~ . _ } . 4XcF.DAIESS. ARTICLES, r,460; 01,;,:liipiatiiiii, 4iiteriertitltatir N. Y. rin9Aliese-visitirm the' city:ei-New-York and c,,ILY rerpriring:gartnente,;ir renewedielleitition le, offered; AcritrACeell.,,,ee_dArAttnine_mar_ctock-li - iif New and Poshioriable 'i Goode ...for , Spring, and Summer:weari,comprising an: assortment uncut... '0 641 4 PrOichneiii And Varieti i iittfwhieft will hi ' made upto Order, iiiir style mound tritio howier.in:, the Side,' et PriCee which rdwriflbfriuch induce-, mer i ts to the , ritsktearilirrtsf !till-W i le nprirecietedi' 4 4:,=c 14'. ,',, , ',i.r. , -f , P i ',;? .7 .. ,'r.t . ; '. c'E• ' ''l liPai 21' 1 845.: . ~ r' - f''' ! :`'''''f '' '''. ,:,: ' - ':•''' : ' 'i"llin .; - 2 amilillitals6 1111110': . ''" '''l•' - ON 1 . , , , ~ , , , N„. ,. .,...4,4'n • 1,v17 ; 2,.,y;..4 ~;;--, - 1 4 4.19140, t 1 % e10 6 1 . 14 1 . ' 7 : lin 0*: O r * .40 *rat,l 4 ',.• t °,,',':;••'%'.,•• itie , 40!i''•` 4 , - ' .;.,, ,-- 4 • ''l‘ " • Iti' Whioti i*ft4it,,i,t, ..6,11. et lifio ' ii Ihr th Aar ldittoritafao^ ~,,,,;. , 1 •P - tr. , ~,, "'it , ', 1 ‘ "•,:''';'' ,4 ' ~- - OfflSClV,MtititiVi r ,'"' , ', jot' ms,-- • • .... , 7, 0,..,: .. ;4V . ," 56 i ".4;;Y;;', ;.1 , ;.. " --" • - :.'-•(l,: k 4At‘,:- , - 14f,`P- 4 4 1 1,' ' ''''' y ' ' ": "„ , • • " ' ' .:41,„.,, - , 4 ,7`,"1,1 6,- ;•Ati•*•,,,-;,_ L,.. , „ . ' 1, • - • T -mAMENW ;CAtINE 1---Alg urraCTOßllt mdr.7v T HE anbaaribee infiiiine(hia ftlerida , and the • ''' liablici'generidly, that ha., atlll;cilatlituesici oacrit on the:Cabiriet Making „Tiusinesa.at his old 1 atand_ln iniatillgh - atfeet,,:oppoalta Mr. Ithoadst .Tavern,ritlaire-hckeritas "constantly ori ,han'd aoid. will marriitiiotora to or der, all attiolosin , hialinak •Of bueirieseosuch as ... :• • , ~:, 1 :, ,-.-:', ...-,,-., taderazirg DUJILL'4III3 S, HOOK biklida;Strom Sofai, Tablila; tiro rery. He also carries on-Alui Ciifir, alaicing aillia.ifirloaabeariChes, ar4lieepsa 'onstant aupidy of: MA 1100 A iffCEA I IRS, \\-- ROCKING:CHAWSMINDSOR - :, , ton E w' yeHAIRS,SETTEEafind BLEB, 611 . 0 f wh ich with - every ' thin{ else lin that line; ho is prepar.: , •' ed to manufactitro and dispose! . or, orithe'moarretitietiobleldreati.' • • ..110invi,tes :his old friOnde and: , the public generally to giye him a j,.- not . cidloni ho feels well assured that ite shall be able to accommodate them iln quality and price equal to any other establishment of the kind in the county, JACOB FETTE . R. • Cariielo; Sept: 10~ 1814.- - - . eha na . . • Line, M HE underaiglieditirornietOrs oftheSusquhanna .JI-Mine-of-Cars andefinal Moats return droll:n -acre-thanks to their frietulti-in -Franklin and Cum. berinnd counties for past - favors,nad reapeetfullpin form them that , they are povviarepared to receive and forward daily, via Tide Water Canal, - Produce anti Meteliandize 'TO - AND - PROM' • PHILVDELP.HIA' . and BALTIMOIiE • KoduCe wilily. delivered to any house-in Oltilndel phis or Baltimore to which their Boats can have ae ens. Their agents cities are Messrs. A. Watonv & narow, Vine at. Wharf on the Dolaware, Philadelphia. Messrs. Jews McCoLitouou & Co., -Bewley:a 3Vitatf,Raltimore— Theyivpl also reeeiveatullerwanttlaily,to Pints burglind intermediate points, Freight and Passen gers also for the North and West Branch Canals. J. & P. MARTIN. Harrislntrg, Way 1, 1841. . tl2 Cheap umbrella, Parasol •and Sun hada Manufactory. JOMAH W. CLARKE, Successor to Rober It i cli ie, late at No. 4 South 'Fourth Street, PI bus removeiflCtlieT.Nori - VVest corner of Fourth and Market streets, where lie keeps con stantly torsale superior articles of die above named goods, manufactured under his own immediate su periacsidence,and warranted of as good quality as can be purchased in thia.or any other city . . Desling - only for Cash, J. W . . C. is enabled to sell on the Most reasonable terms; and he respect fully invites Merchants_ and others visiting , the city, to call and examine his stock Red prices before puttluisilig - elftlyWee. .10SIA'a W. CLARKE; N....W. earner of FoUrth sod Market streets, Philsdelphial ._ February 26, • bil;-Bm. _ Charles' S..L . ewis,. - . lon .and Genpral cant. , SPEAR'S WIIAItF, - BALTIMGRE: ECEIVES .and sells .NailB.Pig 11;ott;.Blinaa 116" Bar Iron, Nail Rods, Castings, hte. - 1113/ 1 .0, NCE • • Aless.llerilli - St_Snt_tewia, " - Lewii4Jametibt - Co - . —MO rri ";',"-- 61 Ph tie .EW G. WIRT& Co.. Benj. H. 4 New York. Lewin. Wm: F. Whitney Fat Mess. C.JL«.I4._.N. - 11° - ""' And to Aferchatim generally in Baltimore. March 14,1'8,5. 1000 Persons in Philadel phla'afone, can testify to the wonderful 'efflcitcy ' oP that powerful _remedy, THOMPSON'S COM POUND SYRUP OF TAR AND WOOD' NA PTHA Rcadt Read: • Astonishing' cure of Chronic Bronchitis: • Philadelphia, May 23, 1844. • Mn.S.-Trrozarson—Dear Sir. For more then four year s past 1 had been -dreadfully afflicted with an affection of the throat, which my physi. cian pronounced "Chronic Bronchitis,' caused by repealed anifneglected colds. The distress suffered is indescrihahle. My ihroat-was,litteral% ly raw with violent coughing, sethat blood would come from Urals° great oppression, pain and tightness.at the eheat ann feverr,-in short all the usual pulmonary symptoms skewed themselves, showed themselves, causing entire less of neces. ear • t ose—my throat mils leached and Llia_ • over and over again, I mado trial ofevery known - remedy, and at different periods had the advice of six physicians, and ali_with Avail,: About. two months since I made - Gird Of YourCoadpound Syrup of Tar and Wo•xi_Nup_tlutottu:Lbefora__._ hod taken the first bottle felt relief. I continu ed-nntil bad . tiiisch" scion bottlee, which coin- PletelYjeritoved theidiseasettbd restored, ,me to perfeetlienith;:and4 shoeld not now he living, had it not been for your lovable. •blo medicine. - JANE PERRY, 121Spruce_stree Principal 'office•, N: E. corner bf fifth and. Spruce streets. Nice SO cents per bottle or OS per dozen. For , sale in Carlisle by Ti C. STEVENSON. January 22, 1844.. ; tien Ô. , PROUTY, :4 4, 7 1 0,' No. I 94i•MAnxim STREET. • BETWEEN STH AND 6TII EIT., 7. . PHILADELPHIA. MANUPACTURER of Agricultural imple ments and dealer in Garden. Grass and Plow. el. - Seeds offer for sale Prouty and Mears' Patent centre Jpmu t.g_d lf-sharvettinonglif - v forwhich nine re premies were awardid to hif Staterief Peen sylVaida and 'Delaware the' past fall. ' They are made ,both ; right and left hand, are light in draught, cheap to keep repair, end are pertleelarly rec ommended for turning under green -crops, and, are strong 'enough for'any soil.- Wabsoil Ploughs; for .ons;two, br three herses: Side Hill- Liouble'Blolllll nd lore Patent Straw Cutter; (filia) Green's Hovey's Conklin"e,Shtelair's and impreved Gulllothie Straw Gutters. • Core4talle. GrinderC • ' Grain Pails, from $8 to slffeach, - corn Sliellers in a great variety, for ,Iluseir And: horse . ' p ower. • Horse Powers and Threshine, Mechihes: , Meat outteraandstuffers Churns...liay,,atid_Marturelorke." • Heeti,_,S Jitides, Slievels;,Rakes;'' ',Transplanting Trowels. Gait Planting, ..iteriisulturaVfiirnaces, and every , other implement wanted for, the Fame or Garden. • ALSO-qhtimiiist ettcpfilieeisiiirtmentetVegefe.. bleaptl Ph:4er Seede, in Philadalphla,lijohiding':so tide . and' autierior:'kindi,:•efop o f 'lB4d', ex. presstifor - thid establishes - out, anil - vacillated of the best quality and-tree:to 'name; can be oldelnettby the round orleshelor neatly put up,tind,fabelled, _with`directions for Bulbous Roots and Fruit Trees of the' Choicest kinds.',„Dealers 'aro respeotfullyinvited to call%iind see the assortment • ~', ; PROUTY,: .• , • • 194iMarket stv ghiladelphia. 'January 29,1845. •-• • 03"Prioes extremely, low.•. MONEY BELTS. ''Scist rice Wed, a raw of the ,Watet!proof eitfety Belts,- a. very ineoes theso days whp,I f pick pcibliets bin so' These I;lelts gitij uittiCpipta4tion-tigekinit-their'iniccireniii (3. Co: ' . • 't •`, I l. 6 6l.3 B 44Coolebraigal Perlimai of all iliala; tolpiho.Cwllbr 7 Eiltiftriailitliiiiiiiii - ulWiraWaiiiis, lo t (I:Atilt/1i latoa, , '.l4 l liimatette,,:' Mr Jonquille Roiiiioiiittl ii,lktlel:lKoitjmUyief.ima Ikhange, gli dtilltOil" Attica tad tes aild;Oinlaiilaple toi l I lifi; ffir•eillOY,!b01:41191; & 491';''' • ' • .. ~ - 4 #o, ,*, 0, ::::- --.',. -'.t:.*•. , m',' ~ ....,-:, .. n ...,...:.: ' • ',,..".Z.,.'.: , :;• - ::,,v( , „..•.,...:.; : i,. , ,. . , ‘,..,, ,, ,, , ,k..-., ,,, - ,-.. 0, .. ....,..:*.A,...:1; ,, ,,, , ..-.,..,..:., .g*tik,ii . r it,wiii(o4o(.4.lo4.l4.oo,oo4. vithoto .''-.. 9.o4**!lliti'eli 1 o,u„s - i10i10 , .,': )404;:rdiMavgi. 1 10$ 1 4 1 #00 . AltiOcito;8*, li!ii•v , ol''o”r47. ll „ 13 *4 11 0.01 -1 4H;:• : ','• ; ••i.:4. -2 1Co - • ; 11'Niiii . - . 3:'1.045./ . . t, " 7, , , ,..":::: ,• : .---, : -.- " ,.7- 7 ,. . ,4-.„,, i , :'' •'.'''' , . , l;'. ', ',.:. :' ;': ' : . '' - -'''..:.'' :'''.• '. ,, :i' ': '; :' :'; ' ::.: .l, '`' . ;:':, ; .- , :,' , , Isr -416 ,R" ' ll 4' l ENO.* l . Pips' 111 — 'Reirsapars 4 . . . • . . . . i • Theiritiontposidon is of 'a - poenliar .charecter, composed of.Vegetable . Extractsthatare diuretic, sudorifio,expectortitif and catharticbr WhichOorn liifilithiff they arelidapied.tit., most forms of disease. and may be taken at all.tlines,!kfychagand oldvro.:- hilstaniffeeble;wilit perfeo ety,withoutinterfe ring With hatiits, Ootsupiithioffor yeghlar course' o .Therwill;at alit:kiwi. be found serviceable ak a luirgatlief cleansing the stone ch 'andbowels., as Well as' a &rifler Of the kloOd`inti fluids , in .addition to'their Adler qualities t traciuse.'ittintain ink Wariaparlitif and.Odier , lialuahla tracts in tneircompositioriAnd Which 'makes them preferable to all other Pills. ' •• • Cete(fie#l6) have been pOldissheil at ,yariottirtitnes of the; r.effl cacy n various dieepiea,Artil 'there. alt other medi cines had failed; is the public must have read Mans' of thent,,filither PablicatiOn7ofthein deemed neceisary on account Of the_"great stiiense. •,- • • More ifian..1110;04:10 Boxes,. have been Sold in Philadelphin'ido'ne, the pasty ear; ttus showing that in the place where they are menu iimoyed, they have q reputation, greater man any .other pi:!a— w filch arlsesi rom the fact that Dr. Lei dy is well kno.wn at home as a regular Physician, and hispills art cdtiemptently employed With great- er confidence fluid .arty other; in, addition n 2, their kifoWn ef fi cacy.. • - • " Let it be-remembered- , not thei'd'antity' of pills or other medicine you can getfor.the Mlle money, is thc hest' or acnpes •=.ltut the, quality.' Of cheap medicines or lulls, you, of course,get the - most r. and - 1 . our are badnerd,to take the tiriore,uuder„ the impression ifa little does good, more Will do more good, and you make drug shops ot- your stamcbs, - causing• oftentiines serious injur#toyourselyes forlife. • Dr.'Leudy's Illood'liills.are composed of more ex pensive ingredients, and require more nicety Mid la bor in their preparation than au' other pills—the. apparatusalone for preparing the extracts contained imbisipilla,maxtlag_aser..three_thatiwyldolla 1," Priee 25 cents a box. • They are prepared only, and sold wholesale and Retail, at Dr. l i e,idy's Health Emporium. - No 191 North Second street helnw Vine at. Alsn.hy T. C. STEVENSON, Sole Agent for Catlisle. June $6.1844 To take.lPolilic THOMPSON'S -- COMPD - r — vnuP OF TAR AND WOOD,: -NA PT II its • For-the Prt.vention,en4•Cure of • • OF all diseases ineidenekOur. climate there is none so , ersal andlid.tlie:Aiiitiline so in sidious and fatal as .Clonsufi!POOfiaiithiOsonntry especially Pulmonary Constimptitiftliehspliatically a scourge, and in its real stless pat*Oaireepti o'er the land as a destroying Angel, laYinsilaw with relent less hand the strongest andlairest of oiu race! Ili th. el to a 1 efforts to arreifflilittraiitilistliax wor m! in vain mid all that seetheilwlthitiour power was at best the iilleviittion of suffering,rendering some. what smoother the certain progress to the tomb ! The Compound Syrup of. far is is combination heretofore unknown, exerting - a Rower. aver the dis ease scarcely conceivable;, having a specific action on the mucous tissue and at the-same time bringing . the whole system under its pOwerful liillenee it com pletely eradicates the ionise nf disease be it heredi tary - oe or:weevils - et - fool - by - sulk:lb - got - We NMI of the complaint impartstone to debilitated organs,• affords renewed Niger to the general systeui and.thus restores the - patient to periennenfliealtit. 'This invaluable tried cinelisput up in buttlequiv• , inethe folltiwing words lilgwn sirtileglass-JThomp- , 1 eon's' Compound Byrn - Ira - Tie for Coosomptioo! without which none is • " 0 • Price 50 cents per bottle: ...ax bottles for $2;50. • For sale in Carlisle by - TIIVENSON Sole Agenf. CAUTION TO ALL. , . ake-notico,nnd-lie-inreflno tobny the [sugar coated]. ItlianNe getable Pills, unless eyet y box liitenn,itilae written, -signature urtlfe-origtunlanventor-sntlititlentee::;, These pleasant Pills possess posers to .open-Att. the naturall drains of the systepivia 3 the Kidneys, Skin and. Bowels—hitherto unknown in the practiced Medicine; and socoMpletehas been their triumph over all_ ther medicines, that 'many have been led to suppose they' contain somealoWerz - ,. ful miners(; but upon examination by pottore Chilton, Randolph, Ituntbigdon, :mil mhos; this supposititin, is lit once proved to be groundless. Sold in New York, at the principal Office, 179 Crenwich street, sialtilso b.y...MYERS 'EI HAVER, STICK, sole Agents for Carlisle. Smiths Sugar' Coated Pills. • AN OBSINAtEOASE. Dr. H. I'. indrew ll4 . tltiniol7, Feb 7 l3th, 1845 Sir t• --The box of tlr..Sntitlis Sugar Coated improved Indian Vegetable Pills I purchased of vou, rune two months past, I found in their application to my son (of about IS: years of age,) the most happy effect on the system. Re had been for some ye+tt•s, very delicate in health, and very much subject to fever and chills, so much so as tt ci mite alarm for his future health. And for two or three years we had to kelp hint from school the most of the time. lam now fratitk to acknowl edge the complete reitoration of his health and a faivprospect of_lts permit' tit- elboyment. • No. 189, Hanover street. _p i rincipal Offce, 179 Crumb:lt st. 4 New York. CAUTION.---A s n miserable iminitiiin luss been made b the name of Str• Coajed Pilis,Jt •3 - cessary to, to sure that Benjamin Smiths sig nature is On the box. Price '2s'cents. ' . p'. . Agents for Smiths Sli Content 'Pills. • • . Flongestown, .1. 8: S. A. Goyle Kingstown, Ealey . & - April pq,.,:!843. • •TP.Wiitottitry Coltstllfitio ii - A.rv-s • 'Eli'tete& 40 not Despair THONIII'SON'S Comp?end Syrup of Tar, the the!most certain anti powerful remedy known for the cure of Consumption in all its Stages, Bronchitis Chronic Cough SPutitli of Blood Pithitiitiii, of flip Beall Liter Co:Nil:ant and Chronic Afiections of the Kidneys'. • REA • • Sti urtiterproois—it ten %Yet ks Proclaim it . Itesttfthe lowing!: • Philadelphia, Jan 9, 1949' Me S noitrsori—Deis Sir: From a sense o gratitude to you and a'desire that the afflicted may have.reeourse tu_your truly invaluabla:mediefne,l - fromiti use Vac some thrte . paat I ktive been afflicted 'with a tristressia'gruCking cough,stecampanleil wititagreitt oppression and dilTiculty of breathing with a amnia:: tionef tightness at the' chest - Becoming greatly. alarnied a friend who bad been much benefitfed by your medicine recommended me to try it • I done so and in a veryaltortitnte every allarming_aymiitom djappearedFrny expectoratiffli relp:= pression left me my cough ceased and in'ifew days tra labia to,go out and attend to my bustness a well on!, Any further information will be Cheerfully gliee the ..ifilicted by 'Calling !Amy ' residence No South Front street— . . " ' • '— ' •JOS MoMAN.iMir - ,Prlee.s.oeenteper_Wile. - ' • For sale in Carlisle by_ .. • : .T- Q.STEVENSON, Sol' e 'Are IT...CANNOTBII y DENIED (For Triith le Ali ) Olaf.; •L• • 8.411 PAR:II4.4j lIC. purest, Strongest, and tuoatefileacions of atjy otherjprt potation of.. Sarsaparilla that fa ten,id e ,- ' It is:warranted `tq_ be stronger G bottks of IVIDST 'tdliers-;sironger thtut four 'of Si 'ltlD,ltnd stronger - than three of th - e'SII (>X 9 Ear prepared by.any ether in the'United States.- Dr. Leidy'iSarsapsealels recontreetitled: b 7 ill " iwspectable physic:ins vofereurie, to atiy:oth r etc' „Al!!alto.htere used it, hone de.riirellotorsben&. fit f rom :ins bottle than three to , ten of others .a nd those vbe, after used other?. PrePetWQOns,' Without benefitiwill use Dr' Deitly's, will scion be convinced (as thouisatuks have ' tr,eaqy, beet. ) pi' the ' orcgoing assertion. - ' . . This apparition witit_ ' Whielt . Dr . .V..eidy'a . extracts uiediti his preparation of BarsepariNae Prepared isthet,cimy °Chin the - United States I reported hy Dr. Leidy-beratielffrora' the celebrated houseofPidleter 8i tattentattOn , Perla,* a. great eltpenceientl.loi. I 'paid° of extracting the medical. virtues of ; Sarsaptt, rat prid, other riottli_ntere.lelfe,alna. l lYSlllW4qrlZ. other.proecaw .. snrEn.tx. jlri*Dh..o:o;ce.Eßrn'W CATES or remaiiribliim!tee, itodietioinfaindA; Dons clergyowerr indf--vtlyslelatia:rhik!e.--bePn, rroalime to tiose ; iddAbitesit diferent-popers t it only isthought neeßsiitry telk , eitstirepwttiktespiatri... ted este where:lhr':LettleW..4rsaporilia can bal'ob; tattled in ) ehlli etertreini . l7l4 .pameltott Leitire Health nortfi'*wtoild litreetoear , - E VP aPa=4 . erPaIIIII :Frog. Ptown'si Jalne_4:44l,pknd, red. !Kletvaprok L.Afriofi ONO ",f,!,94:411, iottll rAL!?9t”okitt: 'lO : - ; • - • ' • • ; • 1, - ; C. STIP:YEN 501Tri; , ..,!, : .• , • WO gigot for,thtiAltsi: • ': ' •-• EIIMI .. . . . . . . CONSIIVIPTION. OF THE LITIIFIRS algttiotu of the',44net: • dathiria,', , ..'l, Branch:tee, . or - . F.Veakneoti nf tlid 'Breast .or..Lukiga, chronic CO2 . l . oB ... l !teuktyilleme.rrhav re,: 1 -7mo 04 ' " tigpiepOoy 4 Oft tO t .Ptilntotyry, „rgantg. z : 1 . , , , NA.TURE!t3„O W. N 7 : - . ritES,PRAPT,ION ' A coiallotinif nalicimie prepatotion ef.theerutity , - Fir:rini9na . GO. Wild cherry: Barl46l;:ecmbinia With the E:ttratt of Tar, 'prepared by tineiv Che'ttiPi -eitt.proceis,approVedOnd t•e i onimended'bY Ilaatil est distinguished - , physieiani,.and Oniveridilly,acknOWle edged the moat `valuable niedieltieeeter diecrivered.• NO -QUACXERY!!! 'NO.:DECEPTiON. In setting forth dievirttiet Of t 'lila truly great med.. ieine we have no desire to ecive these seliO are labouring under a ffl iction; no f, do we desire to eulo- , t m gize iore:. Ilian 4. juatty.tl•serves. Yet t when wet ? i looti. aroullaollll.Sce the, vast amount of suffering and, distress occasioned by inany-of the diseases in which ' this medicine • has, proved so .liithly . auctesaful; we' feel that we cannot urge its claims . too, strongly. or • say too much in italittOr. .., ' '' ' .' - • Such; indtQ;sire the • - ~ . -i - • ...., .. 1. - SORPRISINO . .1 / .IRtU gk ' • • • ' ... . , 91: tlihatalsinl, that even .in", the advanectt siagec of QomitorriOrr, At:roll theMlost-evteetued•retetediii of . p.hysicions burefailed: iii•-effeet any change, 'the 0,5 e of thia.ntedfilnelutotieekpradactive of the mos,' aitoilishing relief, and .actually effeeted' cures aftet ailliopes of recovery.. had been despaired 0f... • I n ihe'first stages of the'diseieelerMed .. Catarr. h a t, .tc 6 4ioinl tlon;" orifinating: • from neglected. COLDS; it 1 1 0. been „use with, undeviating succio , aiul taindreils - acioowledge'they 'owe tie restoration of 'th ' i , ailtigintaht4l :fia ineAtlontr,---- I n that form of . 00 - naiglaitliotr so prevalent amongst delicato.youag females, cowidyonly. termed . debility. or • . .. . . - - ' :/“ GOING -INTO A DECILKE,'...." , A complaint wiTh. Which . :iliousiiiidi are lingering, i t . has also proreintiglilY siieCessful, and not only pos sesses the power of checking the progress of this fl ifirfilllng complaint, but also strengthens and invigo rotestliesystemmore effectually than any medicine we liaVe ever_ tiossesseth-----' ' . For varticulars, certificates,&o.,, see Dr. Wistar's AGENTS:'';AS:-ELLIOTT i Carlisle Dcnig, Chambersbrlik:' • SoldOion ,Oswald„ York..• Ankle and Greasott's,Shiripensturg. Cailisle, Nevember 8, I 843. : . • : • Cossaumptilioti:,„" :-..- tura b. ~ , "THOMPSON'S COMP v.: „,,,,, , i SYRUP OF , 1 TAR and WIPIEP6Ir • wi:••• l ` , ' t ; Inflani. 'motion of the in uvini . meinbiunes • . .e result of (li t 4innio-.impression jnridempearr - thciu - T-hl4filil or —r otliereauses ; I litilthronic Catarrh, Spitting of Blood, Won't:At:is, Astrynili—resulting in Con. mitigation, Gast/Ala, diyearied. - Liver and Kidneys, Palpitation of heare;,&e. From ineontestible evidence, it iatravedifititThemason's'Compound Syrup of Tir4itd iVoolNiatha is a specific iii ' these 'cum alai fits.--allailn - g: irritation, promoting healthy secrettia,..and,remming the • exciting . _causelimf-diseti ... , -... l l'housands-havir used - it - and -.Cap .bair. teatirni 1:. ;Itiliffieany. • Further: ••:- : ...:-•,-.' ' ; .• roof. •,,:,v,.:1_,.; j ,4l.4lia,firch, 1, 18 4 4. 7 - ,tAfieol(orlif• . itinbirsequenceof icrCat ;,..... C&Ml4;:negleeted - d , ililk.W lungs leianfe-seri.nitilk , afilCtedait fol , a.liir tith,,rhave suffered ;With ..Viiilarit ,paib..lii . :triy : breast,obstinate cough: -and,;'„rliffien l l , .:ciiplatniation'the . .sym anima • daily inarealbagln , ..likolence: ; , •l had recourse to various ---• yemedieti; witWtiofavaili , untifl Used Thotirnsoles . Vornyieund - Syirria7CirTifir,• = iihiCh'Telfected a Per m-anent cure before I.huct taken -three bottles. ' . - ...„'Fayrittr.treet, below A rail: • -- Principal Ofliati,',.N. - .E,..aorner of FIFTH and SPREICE.Streets;----:.. • -- Sold altaitiy Oliver,,% - "nifi7nifd- Rice; Holum. s acki- 2 d 4 ind.Cotavranii - flth - and - OrturrTlintrip: — 'SON 6th Mut Arch ; :Lindley M. -England, 3d and Villo 'Biyeets, , Philati•lpti in ' • E: Bringliurst, Wil ,mington, D e 1.;. .1 Gish, Lancaster• A .L Rhne, . Allentown ; jileob.Mayeri•Clianibe;sburi; E-141 Earle, Reading; Moore &•Longttere.Norxistow.n. T - ItiTeiiiiiir, Trenton,N. J..; Woolman; Burling. ton, N. J.; Dr, W.McPberson, Harrisburg; A B Sands & Co.,' New- York ; . Dame •& -Aldrich, Poughkeepsie, N. 'Fork. Price rwry, CENTS per bottle or $5 per_ dozen. 'Beware of counterfeits. . !L.P.:STEVENSON, sole'. agent for Carlisle January 2,1845,.Ent MORE. OROOF!! • • TTuoitstiron N .1 .1111 - 113;1118 184 I. Turtp.r. years agositi• consequence of , ovcr-exer• tion iu tdisisting , to launch a boat,l impaired a blot vessel it• an'y lungs whiotl atm follon IA by profuse Spitting cf tlloud, tlllll.conactitielit debility so that had to stop work. I procured the best medico treat ment but the bleeding rri-tirretrtery often acetum puttied with lever. Ina short time u cough came OH with great oppressiotritiectiefjet and night alveoli& Thus 1 went on gradually gt owing worse and'l came completely discouraged, until about three - months ago. 1 made trial of TIIO.BIPSON'S COI, pound Syrup° 1 Tarot . It telt I used gradually for nea three Months MI6 • • • le 1 ,'rails all • lot proved until ni.)%i Lear my testimony to itivn 'mow the only medicine which hem:fitted me, autl has le. stored me to health. 13010E.N. • .•- linttles haying the lotioniug words bln,wil io the glass: .Tlitimplitiqyl..,(;ritiiiiunil Sirup or Tate lor e Con inuniition”.4%o.loiiint which - wine - it; genuine. Prl4esso:intito per bottlr. Six butelet fur $2.,50. Carlisle llv - C sTEYt:N t SO,N; Solg, Agen t.& Worms: „froi7ins : lF parents knew -Alio value - and efficacy of fir. Cculy -, WrittentVegetilblii Worm Tea,they never, would be WithOUt theiefatnillei,as children are subject at all-times ip,-W014111114,,.• : Dr. lieitly%Worni Tea is atiinPosetiofvegetablea altogether, and may, be girett to ehiltirtat.Otall ages: Directions acconipiloY,each paper or package. Childrem.sufforAmoih,, of times, from • so maw things being givenAheM for. worms, without any 41 feet. Muchtnetliclitg~givep;tiYichildr ea , has a feu dency to deetroy tliefr general 10210, and• tkity its more or less 'delleittoOver.afleri' To stioht th:oifteomutly.M..giring-L, ut , - unit v fe-Mtl*tilly;,-Aittiiliitt:M**Aferiaitivonchiltiren-,kaa— worms pie them LeTdy'S Worm lea. t • last!' that iaiet***l*yirp - .: • . ; Deference might:W*l*de to several hundred pa rents in Philadelphia oily and county; of the anima IA Dr. Leitlilt - Morru,'/ ea. Try it and you will ; • . , . :t • " Price lei ttenll a. small, and 24 emits a 'argot - mei. !..ge. — PreEired•ofiriir.and - 'rnesal4,r,',ltholisale — skot Retail, at, Dr. th Emporium,„ No. 19% North SOccWitreA!;'Uldwi: ring!' 4.(1?0 goo, den' Eagle and Orpentea.PhifaiNlphia.,, • For si‘lW • •ltnie . l4; 1043: ; ;;;: . • DETER tilt" - 411:01 C :01 mitE pocatiar;ociii:- ertioi of - .this 0 1 1 . , ,rotti!ertvit a neces.... . I m at r liy v 4i ii i r. °,lll g a c g t7l:nut ele t r a4,. tni et..:Uniikosit.ottu t . • • it dimenoi, soil the haiiclitit'gites it brilliancy and tiranty k rl, unsurpassed.- nene.l,v, tiates thef minuteit pores givrt - to the dirt': nibs not; difrand ; vi 'capilatitfis,'aild'. , 14was action': so neCe4tiary to the preserratiptior.nroduction of a fine head of hair., hy, itorekeeterst - enc 4 i 4 alliike;sl and 50 ci s ! : Sold Carlislehy , B.:rEAlOTT:' i. • Ottnher-23;/8 I=.~ :.': n". , Important ' Otuatrynenter and.the Fetbfle ketierally IJ4.undiTsigqo.4l l eg lien of Country Otuxiero toiheir,otock of . GROCERIES, ' - LIQUORS, Riving purObesed our stock at th owakCfnarko; pfloe,sto tro iteitoot)ted*TdKoit foot of iiootxadlotlon to oar ter Voati; or' on tho_ usual credit t t :im:tial ion rates than ' bad 9loot.ifOtitii; prointe4) deaf ' ,71* . 11,popalti irel4 Oriti to .11iimilototrth L i , in , Ivan , 4 • !;Yrn. IWC 4 C 4I t . ° 014. 404 ** 4 a. At 0.1.5. • . 0 OE =I