Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 20, 1845, Image 3

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    ; 47 3 f
. thrteii•Vf..,tt'.. fulcra . '
. the : conlineOeultlf of 'Perin.
CntitrCit..e. A eloOtlons.
---aritSVlTair-94.1141.paiiiihdrAli.c-PifiA3r. of
~Aasp- A ii.f.49;klt i4,:ntodO dip-Shur.
itthf4sry Commontyealtb,to
givekii.oblio:.O'Citletr.PA,l4o;Ganertil' ,Bl6o lo 9lll
stiehl'alldine - trnenwrr;ite: - -
...2.,Dcalgnaie.thetplice -A...01014h° oh:ellen ,is
LONGsponF, - High Sheriff 'cif. the
'county of.t.luinberland, do llerilhp , 'maim known
'.and 'ow) thie'PEßlilG N . 9.110E 'the !Reefers
of the 'county of Cuirtheriniid;:thiliiiii 2 . the
'Seeona' TOE S DAY .
<befh# the 14th dui. 'Cif ia: troidhl Gene.
ral Election will be field: - tat 'several
t district; cstobl . laliefi hilaw . In iniiitiounty, at
which time tho . typal yete!, ballot for the sever.
- al cacao • .
'non ipegillllol - 40;1•Oprosent the county:of
runiVerland-in- thef'lo.l,lSE. OF- REP RISEN.
"'TA'II.VE ; 4'Of 'Van nay Iva't ia.' •
— One .'person for •OA NAL -.C'OM?IIS
STONEIt-Of the State of PCnnaylvanin.
• • One person for •PIZOTUIONt.I'fARY
• ,for the county or Ouiriberland.•
- MO" - person for •RgCORI)ER O F
.EEDS__arid „Clerk_ of. .0
the..our to _of ...General
Quarter. Sessions,. Oyel., anil•Ternoiner, and Or.
rldian's Court 'for the county of Chm berland.
- One person fotIREGISTtrt of
Tathq.nounty-bfOujnberland. • - •
One person frir 'TREASURER for the
county Ofelimbprl N and.
0116 COMMIS.SIONER for the . cour,ty
and of the ilouse,of Employment for said countyill
ant , MiarralLta_seitte theiletAie-a
eeounel.oriho'c-oinltY Crindrniiineifers,'&e. '
The said cle,etinn will lie held throughout the
•entn.d.yr, es Inflows :. ••.'• .
• an net of Aisorob - iv. ofilib ill entunnonwealth
Of Pennsylvania, entitlod no not regulating elec
... linW_Districts.„.pased_the.l6ll)..dily j?f April, A, D.
1845, which is as follows:—" That.the Cornotin.
stoners of thin county of Cunihrrland . be, and Are
itereny'auttiiiiiied to select and fix upon it place
or places, in the borough of Carlisle, for holding
all elections which. were held at the Court house
in the said bor,pugh, until tits orection coin :
pletion ofit'qourt house, where the election there.
slier shall he hold." Whereupon the sitid,Cont- .
inissinners have fixed upon the ,fidlowing, places,
for the purinise of holding the election in,the elec
tion district coinnesed. of the - of Carlhdp,
end townships of South Middleton, North M iddic- -
ton, tow or DickensnaLower Prankford and low
or West--Ponn9borouglirto- - wit„: - • -
firr-th;r-14Is 4Wwrvl-in-th,; la n otter
' which was hold at the'first window
eolith of the Court house deer in said borough
wilt lie hekr at theptiblic house of David Martin,
. in said borough.
The election for the West Ward in the borough
of-Catlitale Which was held, at the first window
the Court house door in &lig borough,
will be held tit thc.pulitic house . of Gdorge 13ec
!eta-I:Ise in said borough. . • -
The election in the eleatirnrdilifriCt composed
of Smith Middlototaptvitship, will he held ut the
liiililic Infuse. of Androiir Itehlirfa - if_
ifil e ffefetigh
of Cselinin.
. .Tho election in-the election district enmpOsed
-of North AlidriktineTinviiship, wild he' held it the
- public house of-John Cermet' in the borough of
Tlie.elee'rion in the eleetion dlstiict entripis - ea
of [Amor Frankford, will be held -ill the public
house of Henry Rhoads in the borotigh of en rlisle.
. Abe election district eon - loosed
'of Lower West Pcirristan Tiiwnslllp, will be
held al-tile public house of -J, A. %Vinrott, intik°
borough of Carlisle.-
The election in the election distrietcomposert
of I.owcr Dieltinson, will he held at the I.uldie . ,
The elect ion in_the district. composeciArailve_r
Sprint! ton [lshii', will he held at thepdrilic house
of David tlinkle, hi ilt . gurstownein said town
. ship. .
The election in
,the-elect'tiliit Compered
.of Hampden township, l beheld at thelionse
of Andrew K reii zer on the, south aide of the
Turnpike leedin `run flari r isbcrg to Carlisle.
elect in o the election district composed
-ofiEusit Pc sborotiph township, will be held at
the Imo now•lieeepied by Jacob Loognocker, ut
the" est end of the Ilafrisborg
lie election in the district composed of New
7-enintii Hand, will he held at the public house of
Alorris Johnson, in the borough at' New Cumber
•fhe election distrik composed of that pert of
_Allen township, which election was heretofore
held at the public house of William liaghes, in
the borough of New Cninberlind, will be held at
he Tenant Home of George Ileck, now occupied
Rey Robert Coffey, in said township.
The election M r , the 'district comprised of Lis.
born and a pait of Allen township, will lie held
at the public houso of Peter ArCann in Lisburn..
.The election in the district composed of that
mart of Allen township, not included in the New
4:nattier-bind, tlearge 1100-k-and Liskorii election
list riots, will he held at
.the public house of David
Sheiiller, in Shcpberdstown, in said township.
Thn electinn in •the district eemposcd of the
inprough,Ot Mochaniejiburg, .be holLitt Alto_
public house of Joltn.lloover in said borough':
The election in..the district composeil.of Moe'
coo township, tOill be-held at the public - lonise of
' iV idow Paul, in Clincelitown, to saiil township.
The eloetion in the district composed of Lipper
-1/b.ltinsolanyvnstiip, will be held at the house'ot
'rhe ideMiori in the district composed of the
Borough pf ,Newville, and townships of
Upper Fronkford, Upper Westpetmsborough, and
tliOt'fiant of rile„Wton township, not included in the
• • Leesburg Idedtlon-eistrict hereinafter mentioned,
---svilf-lib-lietit-at-the-briek-seltool-lioitser-in--the •
- Borough of Nowville, ' •
The election in the dAtriet composed of fl'ope,
well township._ will be 114:1(1.,ttt.the School House,
in Newburg, in . said towaithif! . :
The election in .the 'ditit r !jet composed or the
'Borou g h of. Shlripansintrg. Shifi,P,eniburg town
ship, and that port of trtontliiiiiiieton township, not
incindud in the Loeshuretltdetion
he held at the CoutioilsHOUtia l in the borough •of
And in by - an ant ' f tite..pnerel Assembly
-,nflids'Cotnmunwealth,Paaseil-,:1116 2d July; 1839,
is thus •provided; thisiOnlifted• electors
,n 1 posts of Newton and',SeUthanaptem 'tew'n'ehip,s
4 in , the - ennhly - , - ef - binnbeiliniak'bennded:-by the
• • folleyhjg linea 'Beginning at
0 0 AdErtrie s 410:',411en6i:altrig" tid'line di
lieiyien to
the turnpilitiviiitid;tliernAleheyfeiOtitiit i llo`
rgentrojtpUJJ.J.dositi un .ontrl - turn Pike, in Sentit;
a mpten.townehip,•thenee e' point an the W
lint beek'e,lknelndytc.Re'y,
trtiiiliVihrenitteril , te the
tar's run tp 'the Athttne.
tg the
liilink,l;l9 - end:the linnie
i? and , iv
Jilicadahl . taliublip Notts°
0117.0 y, prat
10011. nit, Spqajul Zjeotioli'
'kqql9lo'l , .or elggilt.undttcilF
_ . 4*•pg44l - 44.-Aperice , Nßegr ,
su!illrnrqrbitliii:'oA . 4!'rek i ti! r eil 10.311et,p(tt$4 C.eomo:
g kiicr !Ilq;.00a,!OctIon, Vain; flitlAy.,tho.l7!h.
thl Y
'.•" ° r . l ° 6sl4 Yi,f*o3
. g
- •t
• cginffNi s teAltii:):
• .B , om 'oar
r e*.l
' • cittM — t k xi:
iike 44 41'4.1
iirrilti - eitiid li
115 rii4 > geMigkltdvd , 'hf r3 NYers Ix Hay.:
igle; ; !-,:q7v1 • • '
. • •
#. l ' 4 ogf
fiff , l,l?!..o ll . l *.thß•Pirsp 3 :o;
' '
" , ' , . , 1 - :: ,, ..1:!:''1' - ''',•-'s'i'i.',.'::''.::''''! - : ., :!:: , ..:', - .
nora c, :v. „
Oxpiekd P,oblie,,ptile, on , the'
, th`daj , of
I Soptoioir'next;•the..following;
tate, late the vrorerty of Simon Stnekil,_dee4iwi
Mad Tnicain-Stazid :.
• _
!oi foixr' . uoilaa'Weit 'of.
BeOfiird. Thi
•• , _
two Stotis high .99 . 4 fieet,ii`inhgili by fdity 'in
width xith: staikog i ,Spring house ice., attach.
id: T he faint contains •
A .
916 Acres of fine'CiinestoricelLtiticyi .
180c!aat'sci, and under rete°, 90 of *Reif pro
meadow ;.thore are two, good orchartil;..„ : Besides
the Tavern Stand; there are on this tract •
. . .
A largo bank 'born 'inilArrainery, ono, DWelling
Jiouse and Still Munn; nd a large stable anODlry
house;, alse_two (the DWELLING DOUSES,
a wagon makers'shoi, and blank annuli shop, and
saddler, shop.
.TElllllS.—One third of the purchase money to
be paid in hand at the confirmation of the sole,
the balance iii three equal annual payments there
after, without interest, to be secured by judgment .
bonds, or bonds and morgage crr morgages. •
Sale to commence at 1.0 o'clock, A. M.
'August 9.0, 1045.-3 t. - ,
The subscribers to the Stock hi .thepuldin Gap
Whitct Sulphur spring, and all pet sons who take
an interest iu barite; the Spring properly 'fitted up
for the lieefellleedittlee of the ! ihno are requested
to meet at the house of Racket, in Newyille
at, TiIUItSDAY, the 'list August, hist., at I o'-
clock, to make such arrt ,einclits are telly he deemed
net:this:try 10 eau' ti t otije'et.
_By order or the
and Election.
OlLCE_l.4_hereby _given thaL a meeting of.
11l the Managers end Agents of the Allen and
East I',.inutoro' Mutual Fire- Insurance Con.
Sally, will be. held at the public lionac of David
haeffer, 'in.cilieplierdstewn, on SATURDAY,
the :10th of August, at . 11TVE.19c1c, A.
Also,--The annual elm/Bea for a Board of
Nlanagera for the Sanaa Company will be held ui
the polio henseiof David Shaeffer, in Shepherds
tow on MON DA,Y,,the- Ist o 1 September .neat,
at ' l4 Ily order of thb
LOW'S lIYER, Srcretary_..
- lAltd r iollolooiiinberland Grays:
YOU arc ordered to parade at..Smokeytown,
on SATURDAY the 30th instant, at (t)
o'clock, A. M., armed and equipped for drill.
By - order or the Corhiiitt.
' N. B. A full attendance is necessary, as n
Court of Appel will be beta on the alit:moon of
arid, luy 4,111_0 !Kunio Colonel John_
Auk.uAt 13, 1845.-3 t,
. • , -
Parade iii,the borough of New-vine on SAT UR
IA V, the '234- inst., at tO o'clock ) A. A 1.,. in .sitm--
11(v uniform. arms and aceouti , einents is knoll or
let• and completely Mittipt for 111111. fly
0. S.
August 15,4845.
oro CE TO TEA E i RsS.
0121eg is hereby given to Teieliers ngplyin - g:
:or - lho
dislrirt enintinseil—of (he of
will mem Bowman's Stare in said township,
au Saturday the litilt al SerPTlTller nest, ffly 111(•
11111,0 W or examining applicants as . to their yes
eestive glad ifientions ; at which time persons apply
ing will please attend,
Augitqt 14,1845...
FOR 8.11,LE.
A COUNTRY STORE, situated in one of tliti
'A.• most Nourishing towns fu the county, and . in a
populous . district, ix offered for sale hr a person
about enterltiOnttiprofesslonal cinvitcsnettts.' "Ad
dress B. Y., at • this office.
August fi, IH•13
111 , "- 111L9P-0.0 mos. 4011. -
1 -‘ , ..0.1•115,.c.,gi inertia and Cassini:lts. Pomba
t_J cars will Gail it to their advantage to can ;mil
examine at the 'Cheat, Store,' a large assortment of
Cassiineres and Casajnotta, which will be
sold at reduced in ices, by
'Sliipioensburg, August 13,1845.
DRY APPLES; for ink at the store u
August IS, 18 , 15. J. A. CLIPPINGER.
11111 - P - stihsertherlirgs lea-vu-to call-the-attention
of iii" pithlic to the large and splendid assort
intit or Watcites and Jewelry,,Ptst smeivcil at his
till stand in Main street, opposite London's Hook
Si aro. :slut it little %Vest or Ileetent's iltnel, consist
ing or Gold Patent I,l.ver ~
sold Lepitte IV ATCtMS, ,t' .- ' .. k.5.. " '
the-must.--extensive--and • ''fi-jut i ' ".•••,* -
cheanoliellias ever ofTerc•il ...„ si 2 :"' ~,,,'''
to the citizens ot Comber-ft ' 9 . 3 1 : 1:::,,, ' 1 ..;
land county. • Sikes I..svet4 ''' - .l s , .., • 3 4 :y - .S•A '',.
Will Lupine 110. Tintd anti «;• --.....,,...! „ , $,P7 , :' '.
Silver Breast Pitts; Ils'er-pointeo psiteits, Watch:
key's, Watuh-chains, Spectacles, Sec. Also Minh'.
- tirfa - exseNl.lirailitcelngrothatriretg;ll:i 1 NitircEprz
ri I T , l'higer-rings,,Methillians /tiara lot of very an
il Cil Ilir
4 , , t1;
a very desiYableardelle for men of, Business gene
,rally; together win' many other articles in Itis lice
of business unnecessary to mention.
Persons wishing to ptirehase - any_ot thC above ar
ticles would do well to call noon, an it in the hand
pottiest ottul slat-spent assortment ever 'offered to thin
community, and will be atild..letwer for cash than
they tslilll'he introlutsed at re ail in the cities.
.fy ul 9,,t845. . •
. .
- - - - i 1 OTiCE~
', :NOTTCE.,iahereby.giyen, that nottlication will
be matte by:the undersigned, anttfithere, to the next
,114egistat.ure:of.the,Commotaw.eatilrof Pennarlystnia;''
PrAketlinoorPPration:oca,Cousliany:tolie,stiled the=
CART:CALE t is mtendett to have=
it'loentetl hr the Berottglt•ot Carlisle, Cuniberland
entinty.; that it shall janseitt: . sapitai;ot. thirty. Maui
and dollars; with the'. priatlege,or,inerettaing, it to •
,One liunllretllllpantintaLDellars; the object being
lug to receive tleirsites of money, and chaeount
SatiMei 11iintittoi doeklin'
'lt.. ItobertceSteritt
%Valiant . ketc;jr;
•,, A George W. k.lipafier
kikol 4otlgnisi „
161 in Agiter". Mrehael 'Tr I ea •
7 'll' • .0 3, PP 1), Y et
•, Irmomp .• argipoitil - '
Solkijel '"
John Stliart ; :i„C4 . ,eorgo:Stuttl,oraoit: .„,
, ?; t .tu,ty it;
,1843.• . • •
, „„,,,,. , ..
' C . fti ; Jiiii.i'S,SCOElßlNGvl.d •
' . ;:t4 n e" ,, l!''4' ,. l l ..‘ , A . P34'i i iiCchitH i fi:t 4 lll l A:lcklil7:loo . ;r l 6ll 7 4 ,4 6 i i si t r i e: ii eii r l' a d i rY t .;'"
lii.ailf C, 1 9p , ;?; . 441 . :. , Yft1i . ,§MP.,n!,7 1 ,i,"., fi., , ho , 4l4litd
"ipt,,d,p4.1,4 411/40i401iTtr.nolqwW"Ilrelidoit:
,t.o.&!,lig w-45e.APP!,90,1Srili4litmiu„1.
fi l or,rtii•Olti*ViiilJ.4„.
.. 4 0 e .i ,w,9 V-Pg'.At i ; IfiaL ... T.':: . • •
fit :!.'llAttl . P . 4- , ~.,.,4-!,,,,Ny-um.
„in 'eTtlthfilikil
1;0140'Of 1111Nitept,,,loy ,tti)F4P4,,k-f-tll‘ , 14;iii gr ,i, kif
Witholli ,tbiOliiiitr, the other mil, o of
~, g .tiiiii6,:. 0 0
•• At 0 . 11' . . - : : qiii t . iliq 66 i•4l t. 4 Ql9 P ITPII I4 ",i iiiilliii).-..;',' vp.t;..i.,ltio:fropl.Aq.k4eq-4,l,,Rlsltii;,iuvotthiii•'
s'faiil'ile.wev . (llitiulyy• willeq . m9.1.0_ 6 ,,, 7 ..._
-.l`ii.:.ol:RAV64:sk ,P,1.PP'ti!iP7.,1?,11146,0711,741Z.,17,,,,
4i ll' ' ''''''';''' ' '''' , in.i'driii'4'iiiiz:icii;:iii lbli v ts ,* 4o..
..':!,(t)i 1.0.-..mges.-)` , l i i .. t . 6,rifE.... - sit: 1 E iii•ket '
UiOVIM"Y,?..,',I. e.,:',111,1•1i3A,'`1-L-911*.$.00(A0,18'i 1-:
PO* :i.'' ':! ' - -4 ..- ..t , :.. 1 Y` 194 ''-'.:•':'! ''''' ~ '. "..."' ' l '7'. , tL:
41ult P ? 9. 4 ' ,5 !...;;•:',',..' • , ;,1a1... r ic,c43 , fe,iiiin'eto4iivllll:
:‘ -- , t . , " -- ,11, •411, ti,.. 0,, ,1 ,.. i., 26 .P L e g11,00:54hi, ,, )1161iiiife:5ik_ ht.
`'ll.ifir-Xl.l-iicillC)°,.T.l'L'll ik*.T4Al?4lll':.l:iiii4e4(l3ll44;lll4P.trltilief;l
•g.(v . .iftif;'iA:9• ! 't at iwi , AlcA ., , -, 7- i l l g ':,,i l ios, fi'ef.'.e,eltlit,t ,
;.e,V6040,: t .4iAy',tig0014E011'.11.p!' H ,.,!.. ;, .:
~ ,..m, , „..
-1 0 1 ,04P40.* . AP0t'iqi914 1 ,i!.. 4 t.' - 1 , !.'.., -,,-. :..," .'. Ni . . • ..
4EIIIIIII I t.i }l l l WARbi
T- 7.
iiniiorinlidn Sil yeii'lsol:K(4: l ,9 ,
ni.il4lotir t
I:Aiso,t...atuTul.;kinitipv , Spala‘
- • ,-
;mat !Key's; Anail 'Gel& Bedasti.Pins,t,rittat•-,Riak; ,
• Bracelets, Guard Chains, Gol9l.atal , Silvet
61.ea - , - SpaottrelcseeliciriCaLak ••-a•
. r./ 1 4 1 . 1 AillyeRk! . 4110100k!Alus;
tketliqr:wlitir B,,ge.aieral,asspr.t men tof )ILaidige
Pnricr .i6.aettf:
:Combs, flair Pins; Palley 'lliad lite.;rfor
s4kle.p,t..thp.lo7c(itic** priact AV6talieslietire,.(l.
100'clip.iinrottr.set.,•copppliw tfratik 116-Ho6p... f r .
, tits 01845. ' • •
MIL'EDITOIIi-1 imieJr,aati neighbors ore par.
.liotilarly-rquOsted to refit ct iipon the'behit Moile v of
.saring Money in the .piticliiise'of ydnFuiearing ap
parel ; and to (I, it effectually, you iuo liei'eby
formed that you - can achieve the object by' calling
at Mr. MeNeille's!.Clothing.Store, rio. 105 Ches
nut street, on the firat'llnor of Sanderson's
where. you may nt all times find n largo 'stock, of
fashionably pit and Well made garmants—comptis,
Mg' in part, Cloaks at from lilt to s3s,.Ocer ttonts
and Sack Coats from $6 to $25, Ores and Frock
'Coats frontlg to
.$1.5, pants from.s2,to 48, and
Veldt' from it 4 -..
'loi C:heittnit strectilliitatlelp
Augrll 0.. 1 0 45 . •',
Estate of Samuel F[. Andrew,s,
ALL persona are hereby notified that Letters
of Administration on tLte estate of Samuel
11. Andrews, late a' North- lqifidielon townebip,
Coinberland cnunty,.deccaotd,hatie,lll44 day been
issued by thd Itegieter'in and for said county to
the-e Owe ri he rltyltisitles-in-4-th ir7saittown s friv
ol North Middleton: All persons having dolma
or demencla . taiest the estate, of the said date,
dent are requested th make known the same with.
outileittyrand-tinnte-inde Ice - payment
to JOINT CillOVE:11, Jr.
August 12, 184.5.—k
Estate of John Tinton, deceased.
ETTERS of Administration upon the estate
1.4 -of John Fulton, late of Alien township,..ctrun
bethind county, deceased, Misr - rig - been granted to
Mt, 'imbseriber, residing in the some township; all
persons knowing themselves' indebted to the es
tate of said deceased are, required .to make pay:
uncut ,initnediately;_ and those laying claims or
demands against said detenserfwill present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
W I LI. 1A M HARKNESS, Adm'r..
August 12, 184.5.-3 t.
W " Ot 1 11 1 1 ' e e Irate a lt t ol l ul L :t i .t 'i C le a ale iie o o l cl. fh l:l P A r f e n m „ i r s 2
Cumberlanil county, on sA'ruittmy,
Semen - Mei. .20(11, 1 445 , a eVl . til I I tmuct of land, situ
ated on the Yellow Breeches Creek, about two
"piles north o( o ,pillstoWn, on the road • leading from
Ybek, and ithou'it -midway between
Clark's and Grillith's Mills.,containing abbot
aam' itagga..l.7a - -ma. -
;Minim tit" - cif
b;dauce icell - covered
with lino grousing ti tither. The iniprosementa con
suat of a two-story Dottb‘e
Int•ge'lenine 90f-: iatt. a
buildin g s. _:#ll , :oersftlisokiloott.g.o:y f.
ing Apple . treettlif:Tiktao 4 liellittlaueiM ,
Eats. Conscnient,...tioim Is a
•neser litttllrg sv ItXtegbeltilit witter;"*Tlil4'
erty- is admirably Octal:10d atult place of public
hasiticsviiming locatuitl itr.ii;priputfoita Section oldie
county, and the house • kept for manAyears as a
tavern. Perilous doiiiro it aof i , criew log !.1 ! e proper
trpriii• to salc can do, no 07 eitiliogimot die . sult,
scriber.-- Sale-tn-commence-at-10-o'clock,
on Tibia day, when due attendance will be . given,
Executor of Said decd.
August 1: • 1Ri3.•
N. IL A quantity or orn, rye and oats to the
bushel, will , 1.4.• sold ai the Salm. t !4-
Ilareishnrg pi - 0)1101 to atuoimi of
32.00, charge Ibis ofke.
Intl NTS, - -
JUST reneivetl, n II:m(1Am lot of (iew style
Prints, nt very low prices, by
Attgttst 18, 1415
noNNErs, &c.
A large assorttnent of Neapolitan Braid and
Siraw Bonnets, and Ribbons of the latest styys,
tar sale at reduced prices.
st 1-845. .1. A. CLIP PINCER."
4l,Z9Rl2ZFArkej o tO•ns of the latest styles, at
exeiktlingly low pricc9, for sale at the store of
August 1.3., 1845. J. A. CUPPINGEIt.
rate I VEST MK LA NI), situate in :00
Nlititlictent mwttship, 011 C mile west of 'Carlisle,
Cumbuolontl ontutty,l3 Mg out the Walnut Bottum
road, 50)166 ttiog
morn or Irss, having theeelM erected a a
two limey Stone ii1.11;e• n large frame
Barn, a well or first-rale water, a young. ::11
and thriving apple Orchard. Alm to II'•
he sold with the Obrote tract five acres of -----"-
first-unto Cliestont Timber.
- 'l'ire - VV - ainot — ltottnireltonti - its - eses` tlit.ottgli the
which gives nyarketibrJti I the produce Ihn t
eiti belt upon it, by .druvers passing through to itile
cost. •
PerEn, ill WlBlllllg let porelinse will please (limn
NIP. tuJrcu Blair, in Carlisle, nr nn lbe suriseri her
at his Mills, 4 miles west of Pirlislo.
Ai gust 6, 1845
r tIE enbotribers dlicr to sell rtkiprivafe eale, a
L -\IT-latiikin
Cu in licriatul county, que_ling Uc cavia New rally,
containing ,
- 'IZE 3 `fEt )
, .
of prime Limestone Latid„itim goodoititte of cultiva
tion, incltailing a large proportion a it under good
mid thriving timinr., 'I lie Improve= • .
ments area tiro Story,Stonoilouse,o Elli
Stone Barmapti
atibacriloera otter to sell ,eit4er '''-
tyapt, or, ono hor or i't.eepprwtts front' reet.. A
Otto and . , poileciodon.pti 111 be givetftitt final
.#4l 44 L'neAtt `', „
;' R1:16F.11,1'
t AlreklESON ; LAUGHLIN . ;
Jnly 3'60 4 4 5 . - , • -'t
ei : RVfiht s / 3 1 ZIrli s ;C " ? 1 1 :? .i9 it cl :;i53' Ci.i 7 41d
114 W .11 1 1 0:urdwii i giiiin t •s t. ` Zui 4. 41 11 °91 1 4 : 99 l
'Avtate of' Josvph, -91ark-clqqgose4
°TICE la tkerviry iivbniltilt Lettere it AtIM in
• • 7ristratiOw on thecErstittevkif JoiMpb• - 14aric; late
of North.] Alliktletoit -township, (161'44. - have ,beeti
sislisori4kdeeidtaq inAlac same town.
ship. AT:, liat•spits, itVciabtorl •le 1 14,1:. estate I. : av:
make .intratitliate pnytticnt,iind tticamba4l4l4altaa
wiil preSent them - sett - lenent: •-••-•••••• •
•• .i?11-',,l'AIVA11.4-jjetron,litscilq,
soTt4r.ts I.ool),Vglijarn"„thrit I.Cittra teat/midi%
i' f fe•iw , ' 7ll l"*! •
ext• :ttunnsbormsgh•-•townolip, heyti
granted to.tliqivillsprilicreivelitiiiltleillidaq,:imi,E,
All imp:4od :to ipil.Valitto,l4F94lel3•••
thy Iwo ated,toiYn ntmediate nynki
t#ll(ptst.f) 034.5•: 4 7' m
- •
• ,
:at (114i'
'• t- palely
=." • • poist,Sii)(ol"
low ni suP ',5i01L0:6r414.6(1
00 tmEmltt o a ciorop.inqv
Jc. t . T ie Ili Or/. frq $. fitinpr
9. di:
? , zoor( HERJR.-
Valuable 'Farm
ILL Ise sold nt
kgr ,a,fiqAottito,r,ol,44troo.#oboil,c
~1.:~i.Y,'.~ .
4, 'Mitrtir:rfteensttirw
public) saIa,OttIVEDNEsDAY, -
V r`ttlie Rclllir , ffifilAaittitt**itVatitO*elockVi.
l e f t, t i lj! lll o , tiNti o llatq a i t ilk ei; i ilZ4l4*.; 4 l4E i i l f l4 l. l9
the residence or Dr:, Parlilti Fliist College.
a, A,, ablZ.,
'l`i*rloty,C4l6 , Challi - 710CIFilb114ifils
,Looking-G seeni-gi It - nutplal rir t l'arfiirTetirnilW
anti F Ciirpetnr.Curled4lnid ii ‘ and -lither,, 13 nd—
Steed s,
el'AVel4,i7Plii I a(
WerO t
gencrld'inisortineq of ITooki,p4 I,fterniit •
Also 'iiiid-ivdii,ct , ,P.t*NW #l9l'
*xi rnLnild ftlfinnl ey,s;unles pr6viriutlY - r olds
A (lend:ince il Viyeii . nod term 'of :itilolntide .
known off jnr_ •,.
f 3, 1,#;• Mottaneerc'
• ' -
- Itrill•Nt - F40111 . ,E'
Taccommodate ther ende.o .o.triperencrop
this county, end fravellers :','general_ly; who :
may visit CarlisleOho subscriber.; in duced; at
the 'matinee' of• ninny deeidett:":iinct,daapectable .
friends of ternpernnee'irVthisbornugb,lo oiled his
hauscrfor thbaecomntodation of the public, where
.he will use:ivory it Stifori to make the (=emcee
datiorieetieh'be' meritlhe patens& of-the
friends of thW'reniperancet Cause.,
1-11ti'House is fargo''add cOnunntlinus, and eli
•gibly situated upon the eeriter,Rf Nerth Hanover
and , Loather streets, ono sgaars . Nbritt's,tif Abu
public Apure, and very conienient to thebtialness
pert of the town and the Court [beim and co6nty
TABLE will. altvays ,be supplied
,Avith the chpicost productions pf the market, and
the house has siiffinient•STAllLlNG , ,hitached
to it •tor•putting , up . a large .numtier pf horsett.- :
Jurors and others attending Claud, and travellers
generally', may rely upon every pains being taken
to secure them herplsonut anircominrtablit' accent
ni °dation& The , p4rbeego of. the friends of tent-
perance- is respectfully solicit 4. ' , •
isle, August 6, 1845.
spreozAL :COURT:
:not virtue.of a.wrii from': the lion. 'Nathaniel D.
17/ -D,ltirtal;_Dresiticnt Judge of 11102 th Judicial .
District of Pennsylvania, kali ng . tia:ie at Harrisburg,
the. 15th day efJ uly, A. 1)..1145.,
th — t'ega wig lik•-.l4l3.r.thxspici Hon:
Nat mokel:ll_,Dlthidopun 111e., , A4socifile',Judges of
the Court of Common Plena of Cumfterland county,
at the: (inert Douse in the I.leiroup,li of. Carlisle,
'commenang op Monday the (ku of October, A: U.,
18 45 , to'conttnue one • week, for the trial of ccilain
causes depending in the COurt. of Common Pleas of
citniberland cotaittY,, in which" the lian. Semitel
liephorn was concerned air counsel for one of the
parties, his appointmentes President Judge
Distriet-and such other canoes
as armendiraced within'the provisions of the Act of
the General Assembly., passed the 14th April, 1.834,
relative to the orgonization of Gourmet' Justice:7-
nerved, will take, notice.
Sheriff's•9llice, • Carlisle,
4 July, 514,1.845. • S
. Pslate of Iler.ry-rtilk le, fleeea.sed..
iiTteE is ItereV given Lint Letters orAthnht
istration' nn the Estate df Henry WiklF, late
of Wc;si Pennsbnro". toWnsitit), have been granteil .to
the subscriber 'residiti*„in ih&stime township. All
persons indebted In 'snuf;F:state,-will tnedie psantent,
July 30,18.15.•
, - • ..
Ertate-qt-Cat . hailne Pcis ter; .deco d.
11gostem i 5 itcrrt.v - g ive n . th at.. Loiters 'rcstamon"-
11 t.ry nn the Estnte of Cokliarine Roster, latu.ot
West l'entishora' township . ilhaKit_lwen,..gralitetl in
dill suliseriber, residing II? Cecil county, Marylan d .
All inksnits itidelited lo ll ' llili Palltate, will inks.
Payment, nntl those loqiugelttrrns willitivstall them
.roe -settluitieut.-
I'tA - r -- ."M -- ,'"111 - 1 - 7 -
Eslate of 11711ta,)1,
(ITICFI IN that Lettere of Ad
st ration, nn the rAtote of \V intent Smith,
.leteq( Fr.a i iklort-to,ttislgN-lep.:llsloyet renifilmeal.
to the stiliseribititowitahlti. All
persons itAttobsetttikAildt.tisiitte i;ULtitak..intyment,-.
nod those tuning clatrue, will prreettt them for set
tle Matt, , - -
• TOtris D
• Ad,ministrater.
, July 50, 1845.
Ladles are invited to look at the splendid articles
for the toilet just-received by the subscriber, com
prising Ox morrow, Ratissel's Pomade Philncome,
French Itatidoline l'the celebrated Chinese Flout
ing Snap; RoussePs AlmOral and other soaps; gen
nine ('ear's Oil ; konsset's - Balsatnio Elixir for the
teeth; ItoossePs Arnaditte for chapped handa;
ItoussePs Extract for the handkerchief, besides it
large variety ..of other fashionable perfumes which
cannot fail ht . please, and which willhe sold 'very
tow for cash.
Juno 13, 1315
The sohseribers can ittroibb the nboub article -
[amities by thv o ruk or bushel nordny (Sunday ex
cepted) during the summer. ,
Steuentati it- Mahaffey.
To Kc'ep. ft quiet Mouse:
•Bower's infant Llordird, for the cum. of cliMic,
looseness of the howelsrsevere griping, and. pnins
occasioned froth' Teething, in so .deliglafal. to- ilid
taste Mute children low to tale it; for sale by Ste
retreat) Ss Mehaffey. - I
For the oire of Piths, woo:not:a a eerialiv owe; for
sale at the detig4icire pc,Ste6msou 'Ss Stehstliey:
Bull's EVlLraot-olSairstpar ilia.
Tile subscribers being [die 9;111j ik , renta in ena:liale
The following . oer . filleutO was timulq .. ;l . 'yis bra',
. .
vini; moo who • formerly this .olueepitud .
who took hut shf. bottle's RIO has been , entirelyye
more froin _ _
eertiAet3;4l4irve , io.4,4 , 4:44wi_t .6d .(
Su.sztuarilisi;AUd:Cluiye, detlwc4 beualt from
its use thou IM.Y.::UtheN,.vreAuratiou Of 'the tiiii.l;hov
,lvg,,uacil ,Iwfoye.,6f/ 1,013 ea - .41kAigt§
'@t gcer~tuil
• " s ' '
IP I •
Carlisle . , July Ilthi - ;S 4 S-;: , ..' sp a s
For skits ftyPiktt goiyilkatrylio acitintyio-'.va,. , .
Sc. er_enso_it jk_3lle/Affai •.2
or white tout frttelt: 'jtilit i receired iold for
sale at !Ito ch 0.1,4 (IrtyatorrAr_Stii'rengiiii Vi‘felliif-
Tey; — • - 4 4 •-•
Ant!, , r
illiesti; utinic#
• artiagiel.liitY* kist 4enn recelme.d, mitt ..strn for:; role. At
dMi tinAllerrugiOrY atune or—Stev4nsorkBr ,
• '
'SC.4.IFAR " • - Tact.
, oink pit, , Poti r s,
just.reoPived,anottor 41 # k;snlkiigelt9ii3 of
Stcypienh Br,
-,SPAVaIf-4 1 VriNIVAIP ,A
,04,51e4„,guekcAttnp, er e're,Cr r ,pnt! 7 ..
iall,Aiittrtinaltiloksl.4 41041146.64Akiv0tb5,
eu.9l'.ifresh ritAgOodeplkedifycp . ist row: 81111
(i r l l4l.4innllt R : OM '
k t ra g l t P9.
, :
t' YC~certii n' t~~Jr"Qlityis, id09 , 6,36hie
tiaN 0,9),v diug idere r ed -Edevelisup. k',s4linfrey.
• Sitruir r _
For inimedremitoiltriAthoims,,4o4tived tatVior
sil4lll;y•Stevtiiischi licOledisielsylnp imo "tr, 'lst
TOO 11,1WMIti
4 1 1 04, r eciivC11;c10,,for4isafe'rli'di6P,rn;44Clusin1-•
ca!-EgicifamrPitiPwgz'Me hl OMY;'', 4 A o- . 1 "
, .
WilloeSi•ooll64l'ooolr o o4ol,Yfi,iihi
prizustaliocivgd;xiiiil iati ocoofco,,,tuiv.t.ri.,
C01444, 4 4,0 1 , 1 0imi11ti . *it' 1 4 ,1'
• •
rirryientrfig,";lncrimt itnd travolllitirk
,13 . ,91151.N . VollftlaverftAkti' 1 04*P i krt °
iluglAgt Oriff PihrtIMARMS , zi9qr'
rjl... iV.:':•11'.1,',.J..;.',
- Athniaistaitor.
Fl m. Webb
' Op. ',10 4 51.!t
t , PIVA't c,01.0-4
111IsgMe or
Ai •
u‘, 9,9}
’r ‘. A211,,
. . .
eiithitifiardepilc, a*.
v)titipro l and for . the'field _Officerl(Parede,,
to take Place oraridiii,thelsth intNowvilli, said
'Conlinitteci the uglitgreper,fer, the, greate teem,.
'parade` - to 'l liufedn '
y, 21hf
oideie field' °Meets Of Militja'and 'rerun:
le'ers,ltigitherfvaitlit4ifedinii4eliiod,iittiff Off,"
eere„to asecitiihie; Jo Nowtlllc, . et, tlie ,houtilA 9
li',l3lolr**:;:iinViiiiradeYthe 21st-instant,- well.
tneutfed. nnifOrtricd and °quint fey, :tliteers
out:u(„commissioni .hod volunteer .
tompany °tricorn, are roost respectfully invited to
attend the command of
- •:' • • •?•aw,tii.- , !:, EDWARD ARZIOR,
• - MBrlgadier General Commandiiie
Wst. F. CiiiiviAid de Cam;p! '' •
Head "Quarters ; let Brig. - 1111 i Dar. P. 1
- August 1945'
CHARTZ'S OGR.BY has just returned from tho
el ty,an dI s now o peni ng t ela rgest,n nd most gen
eral stock of Dry Goods,Groceries, (loots and Shoes
ever brought Co Carlisle, part of which lie has par
chased lA-Auction and can, be sold lower than here.:
tofore; soil would respectfully invite Ids friends and
the, public generally who wish to lay out their ,
tom ogood advantage, to be sure and give lot' a
call before pu . rchniongi nolitcy can have thelargest,
inotrobrihte - nntl - freellest stock or goods to select
from that is in Carlisle. .
. .
His stock consists in part, of Broadcloths from
$1,25 tos7. pr yd.; Cassimeres Worn $l, to $2, Pr
yd.; Cassinetts frpm,s76 . to $l,OO all colors ; Tireed
Cloths and Casislineres of the mostilialtionable kinds
very lon Veining; front I '2i pi $2 . , pr pattern, near
est style; Plaid geode for t Childrett's wear of fill
kinds and prices ‘.,Drelittikailso received *large rot
of Dress Goilids - ,.stich - as Beg:nide and Balzorine
Lawns ;;Paris pruteettAlltithitise,of a rein and sime
rior'ityle ; Pciinlisailore Ilalioriacs ; BPlc. and Blue
Iti'k ThirithailneSt Alpaca Lustres assorted colors'
mid Qualities.: , -.A. very,gettertitasitortuient of Book,
' *ssiNitl_ll . l jacon•&!'illjAltittlins: new
style.-Dpern;Lace"; Altisliiis_for-1/resseis-diobbitiett,
Crecumetlil'icknett and tWashblontlff'frolii - . 100 to
sl, , pr-.Fi'enekßaritt,USotirfs'intl•Shiti4ti..litjeSt
impottatiotliftlitei7firiarige innuttrttnent -of Shawls
Silk HiltltlkettiNefti ittipTle:C.Otii nit fiikntitiln insert.
'IIPk snit:White F`lllet S,liiiiivls 4la ballicomFriitge ;
Wel: Ilaritze,Baltolltie,•aiithLawiiiliir :intiuriting;
French, Sccitch o uptyAnOt:iosnAingbatinifilll assort
ment ; elegant plant" "'Old l 3 'Silks. f':Afito, it large
d gan
an' eral Misottinelit'ot .S,FdiKtjticonett: - shit
'Thread.F.ilging,s 'nfnlllittieiltrigliflllontl, yalentia
and Paris [Aces; a lnege - tiitil very , fine assortment
of new style premiuni finlicOp-sTrims.tlie Merlon - wk..
FallriVer lin&other choice factories; it tremendous
stock of all kinds of 11Ohnets. ' The - largest stock of
Hosiery ever offered in Chrlisle,7Comprising all
kinds and colors; 1000 its brown and white \lusting' .
said Sheeting's all qualities and prices lower 'Mao
ever; 'nuking" front 17 different factories; a very.
prettflielectisn of !Antics' Cloves didllits of R ego rt
e d colors and qualities; the best tisiortntent of
'Men's silk pocket handerchiefs and cravats that hps
been offered this spring. A very large stock of
4li tt etrattd-lloyls-weiii , 44:4ll-kinds,.:qualititt r ooltars
snipes, Lori, mixtures fcc. . Artificial Rowers Intl
Bonnet crips of the French, 'English and American
make and styles. The largest stock of Boots and
Shoes we have ever offered to the public, of all kinds
that can be mentioned; Patin lent hats - of yodel's
qualities and prices.
A fresh lot of Tette, Coffees, Sogurs, Rice Spices
of all kinds which will be sold at very small profitA
to stilt the *nes. In short he has all kinds and de-
scriptionant pods midis anxious to_givegood.han.
hint with n -call
ket the old stand fourth store below the Market
!louse East I I iglu street and nearly opposite the'ho
tcLof Mr,-David Martin for ' merlY
Country Merchants can be sopplitil at the city
prices Stnlare regne , dril to- call before purchasing.
Carlisle, 845. -
Roussel's 6nmloline, Scent Bags, Aromatic NI-
Pormitum in aticks, Philerome,locne in
battles at alhaizes, nail 'by the Pint, 'just received
and for sale at the cheap. Drui; Storg„,X Stevenson
F Eler
U of Ditußetor
Notice is hereby given flint nn eleciTon'fiiimii:
leen Dir,cfor, of the Cumberland l'alley.Mutual
Protection Company, will be hold An the first
Monday in September next, at; the public house
'of Jacob Trogo between the hours of 10 A. M.
and - 6 ',Moth', P. ill. A. 0 MILLER, Soc'y.
July sO, 1845.
Doctor Leidy's celebrated.-Worin Ti, joid re
side nt the Drug & Book Store of
Niters & Ihverstiek.
1)r..1. K. Paris' Soothing Syrup for Children
that are Teething, for toile at the olicap thug St
Bank Store of Myers tr. Havvrsiick.
- To keep 'Fred- oletat,C;ttote, Preserve, Cooked
Mont in the hottest weather aod•to destroy Garden
Insects, for sole ut the Drug store of Mt:vet...son &
Meredith's Extract.
Meredith's Extract of Worn) Seettjust received
and for sale , by Stevenson Br. Mellinfrvy.
Thompsonian Powder
Thonipsooiso Compcsitfon Powder, for Dyspep.
sin, Relax, Dysentery, pnin in the Stomach or tio r.
els &c., for salt, by, Sterenson•it Mehulley.
To the VOters of Cumberland County,
Ciiizentri—Encottraged by a...sunnber of
my trio . Mier mi self to ytl'tn• C01113311C111:41011 for
the office.of Recorder and Cleric Of the several
Courts of Cumberland County, at thi: election in
October : nom. Slt•mkl I be elected, I. pledge my
'Fell to peribriiitaithlully the - duties of
. - J 0112.1 1101-61PLU:
. Carlisle July 2, 1.145.
Tlidlialisiiii's'Syrop Of Ta r •
A Cmostant'siitipq of the Elam articlo.kept for
Extract f ai;,Sa rsaimril la
-I'lia'c a tarifierimppliof die above
Valuable tquiSuitiei S. la,t,:govv,
Tintie spires are warrehtietltOLhe anparsor to any
- lifitin• preparation forranittOng kitlkorgreaar,
tar, oil, paint, wa Ii oin linlies,and,gent lemen's
apparel witliout'injering . thrhi:...For.atle at the Drug
stomottitevenson k Mahaffey.: . • -
, .„ , .
. ~ • _
IV* , Vs. Dadllaii ' Vegetalb9o Pi lqs.
•*' -i hre relioino ortield'or Wilelit's'lnillim 'Vegeta
lifi-Pilli;f11-5 10 - `lfitataiiikihi,"?foll'ealii. by._s;_.
AIR ITARRIS, ' : . ..
~ !
itircitiv - itifsitAA "cpSitioo.*.tc,
ar,41011 evorquscoveto cora or , prt-:.
!witl,4w4l mkt: the.,hair
tort nhd Ilya?, for isitla sf daiDruzi Store* Ste-
11114A1p,01,11.5 - ,14-=aito - r%'l).
lq,na,excelleat enbaltlute for,Caster
are generally unablqi 3 O•4lrtyr.teitltertlle lair: ernmell
of 4148 'anaemia' et' Aaltiounk,receiyed pgtlfqg ;sale
by stevenwili ,olvt
k .
zlitynrVlLlP LINIMENT.
° "a ebtatedsThituntittc, yerya ati4 t lrone,
Linirne!ik a c 6 rtaili'eurirfibi at! :1 0' 1114 fiftiblrie
Dt!lnti l tk il l l oo l 4 ° etfis'l4:;c4i;llll;
3 In ,•
We lila% 7(4 en K366E343, iiiviicifl(3oKul4.isaPi:
434 rd V Ili ODA
. 13110.111, ilUllq4,llllqUUteliAith Mt?.
3ter.30n1:3336441i tuok Autlaitle Inot(o
( w 41i Ilevlaea fur.. thori,Atlio conneeporiil in'
a' nuptial Jib te).llll , ' rebid.tltd , n o fieldet'dintiies
Vhittnli4oUiscit3,46l4l3l43,lo t inOld!Aiviti'Llie: *. tt
flower - 6o l'iqt3›:;;
" 1 ' ''o7,l.l4VONSANikiP(l4l4:k.Fir.'
ThionuoiooklASlTOP..Of., ar.
The salepA'Atiki**lhrif lepdainnij i eveer
end .temicoenifeifgvaUleii.ftir, ,or
relait i
4 1
. e . ..1p.. - .#1,0, 1 ,1 1 k 41 t •.•• I.
/6)411114;.•:•:."...;••. • -
rertUditt*'Aravidt - or Mtiott
r tl\be:'4l6oo-11,1W*'
re. ' wilet°' Bl oter,qok*N l o , llriv, , ; <.!?:
. .
ASlistritived fiie DRltiaocips AwmG.Tio„;
• I. roo 4. , CElty Main tift#ek (n.AKT
toogegMti old.otp . piinors,..and le,l4lupy.pte,v.,ol).Pß
— Ho - kite, just: retuinektronf;tqq
Emtih'22'dloicis'fielootion-rl ibcide , Mticle4il:4
nlgillejlia„nalT e r.tinenk complete.:, Cnll.and
fora p.uiefiasirig, 'elsotirflekt thitq sold at
fa fateacii - 41i117 -- ;'.
p,5084:.- . .
, -..,
Spring stirrial
NEW ei.03)1:16 2
33EN,Ry , ANDERSON—dopires,to ln
forte' the public list he his just received 'tit
his old stinid-inliorth Hanoier strectotettr the Post;
Office', ti large and elegant assortment, er,SPRIING,
and 'S M MODS,
small atIVAIICAI 61 4. 4116 h and..,which he invites the
public. to call and examine. now consists
of au entirely new supplya cLo'r HS, of all' ,6ol bra
qualities and prices i,also.SiJks.Likwns,ilalzovidea,
Bareges, Mouilin ?le ..nlites; Cashmere and A Ipacca
Lusters; Bombazines'; Chintzes,. lirits, • Mastitis:
Silk and Camilric handkerchiefs, Scarfs, and every
other article of Lndics' weare, of •the hest descrip
tion and most Nati enable .patterns. Alen a splen
.did assortment of GloVes and hosiery.
ALSO, n frealt assortment of evert , variety
Groceries, queenaiare,&c., All of witiciLvpl,be
said at the:lowest price for cash. , Give us d call.
, April •
generala. assortment of Spring and
07JUIW- 5 1 1 11 . 0111)COTDO
_ -
at the Stove of • .
May 280845.
- - -
000 • • an
C S I Wm;
'The Subscriber will open this day a general as
sortment of Ladies' Dress Goods.which have just
been purchased at very low prices and will be sold
accordingly: they invite the public generally to
gife them an early call. . • • ,
C. W. MTN ER 6.0 Co.
Mny 28, 1845 . .
at.flAgers , Sc• Iftabetatrit's
a largo supply. of. Prugii Pointe, Oile..olil Fancy.
Perfumery. Also
Rooks and M.q. e iondry, .
all of which will ho sold wholesalo and 14tilif;
County. . . - • I
May 21, 1845.
'1 haVdiII9tYCCCIVCiI tiksi . rge - ntliiiti on in my forniel`
st ink t - eonsisting - otIVIERICINERi-PAINTS
I)YR;STUFV4,, PUP ..% K AIN. itiVl-. FANCY
A ItTICLVS, whichl Ofrei. - eithet whole - sake ar re.
hticailikcToW esi prlol-1. --''''',-,,--`,.- - . 2! - -- .-E
. T - .
" •-. . . S. ELLIO'I"r .
- Ntaw2ttttr : 4- -- - ---
iiilbabriberiitbolillorictfiilly an-
AL-imilnee-thiat-thry-bta re itif;ti.eiet,i•ed it notv-anil-
FRKSIC Ilbsortntent nt DitUGS, PAINTS, OILS,.
PKItPUNIERY,I I AN.Qy SOAPS, Rte. ke. all of
a Welt they twill sell nt n small advance for.OASH
at their StntiO npmmitti-Wittrott's - ' '
arlisle, April 30,1845. '
HARDWAR & .0 DT 1-1
RFACUILVS his sincere thanks for past favors
• - m
his friends:ln • •th ie en
entity, that he has laitk iu a general assortment o
HARDWARE and cv,uvr LER Y , of all t‘inds;sucl ,
as Axes, of three ditllrent makes, Hatchets, Uraw
iag nl variotts'jmakes, Chisels,and Cooper's
Tuola of all kinds. Also a large assortment 91
- li; "Outt -lery,
such as Knives nail Perks, from the eneapeat to the
most superiiir quality two, three and four bladed
pocketlimitreuirom common to genuine itoger's thud
other; superior, iminuilicture ; table, tea, soup and.
o br all kitublisnd.sizes ; every',
ilesoviption of-Files; IlOrsg
wood - and-,-.beti-serews-sfraliffettent_kinda,aniLsiaga,;:
gouges and twos; m a d ,slbilm l
/roost Augurs. black, 80 bright of all ;sizes ;,also ,
three-bitted Angora i,iii'aces ,Xlitts of the best •
make ' straw-coloked ; cupboard;
and • ppnil locus; cur' Tacks and, ,spgrablea
.1:: • ••• • • .1 • • and Misterin Tri:Al.ll,lyluleak
straight and twisted Halter chains ; lieav7 Mid,ll7l, it:
Spades and Shovels; hay mid meagre I•orf‘a, t.wo.t
tlinecatal four pronged; and vices; cast an'd
shear Steel ; American and Enaljull rites-
band, iron- back,mill mid cress-cut Sawst Straw:
Knives; Flat Irons and -Tailors geese, Flee' Irons,
round and owil.WVl:lllilit. Pups, long bandleill;Orying
,wrought' Iron I Inoke and Mosel, different
•Slies; and - alio the old s atiqoad - -' -
- -
Cradle and:Grass Stylbes;
made of superior SteeVarid r to none-nll
warranted good; leetieriliii market cannot pr.:Wince,'
Entire satisfaction will be given in eyertarticlehoth
as to priceand *quality., 'to every' person Who may
tall at tire Old titgiutint Ttll-illtfmwii is a tluilwitro .
Storo c iOrippilr-.-ksl4,lo4o)qs_.lptrliat_nAut - „ictit
itoor to 'C'ornman!) T.n•verp, i tind caii t
Ittltleals •
-dull and agti II la` old
. li'stilyineti :SoytiM,s; hay nil
g +airi.:Riikieli, and, virioils - otheirigtiolea r irtiiis "lify
deem ihi'llirqO'eiliiey to Metitimciliattbalt
inc for yoniadyoqiirtaiiiine*nieiti'my are all 14%4..
rNlded. _ We Ate,:o l 4!Vi",e!Vnik*m4k.o_ro. fi t,:
T'Caeliele .fay
_10);4;;L' ;
—,---.,111$1,?-1 , i_.. ,
n ov i tu a 8: ~q
A,,,i,k , Ltisibilo 2 1 (1"..'ett41 gli'i'l, ,l W
Ntrecillig r„. r e x A p.,,ripps t ty) .f . ,10. rot h belies
Co' Nowa. , and pr,;iuldio ironer iiVA t t
removed hill'afiiik of HARDWARti'CUTLERY.
and AD1:1f...c41f,,4 tiwknew, house on Noirtlii
Hondwit stiititrlWdoorksauth Of the Tot) or,
floe and nearly oßpOsito his •ulttiinknifi wliete,..Ao
continuos tolpeori 'ap licrAtofore a full agd"Obo l l'.
o f t e osiorkwit orifei" , thig!F in ,lits ;Fr fi a friii .
es ch'itsporithini'enel'.'' '', '' ' •:- ' ~ ~ ,
q 8 ,14, not r i.eird-eakoloilly . 1/ivitekf teein
ittf±ticu i 'd •oprolid id lot ,offillAllo_GAN Y
VENF t EIRS, Pet teceiiiiaeikrikitiers And. Buil;
&is will tiod an ovelilowt piaortment 9( Littohet{,
LockvAktiiill t ifig c iirliVkiilllvOit variety
or,q#l,l4og Miso„rii i .lii.ioduooprl49s% '4/ 11 /0
4,l3 *Aft i 011'iri°r,514 1, 1 1 9 Fir'PL4l`,lE 9 p.W,9l,,,WP'
'iteiliCoou, in every MPFq., Also, gitorgo i 4.roOkz
Pow dor. - warren tod , i , ' SalOty, blau, - IVO liilollill*,
rOtikeOillistillioadtefipialter. dca—Wlndgmr filtilim
offal ‘ ' 1 01. - 01brailifilatrOatialr1 . 61_ 1 1
watdillir ' '''C a a l o .l 4
'i 'friil*4,oo"o , o
, 1 r4r
ergofrte;otooioiiol4gxwileptpitig.ili f n t tl h t.
1t; the,4111,1? i4-etteii4b4o r .
' 4aTba topmi;iitraOOOpiptgfiNri 3 Arm orlt
P. 144 0704,1iN /I 4 Jig). boVPAl l o.,Pl i onii,
indeb,ted 9 4 , 04quelocutpau an d eke pay not,
• ,tro Ave' (Ortliop tfoOtikV; , ..,iloo - - !iyy,p. .
,4)10, 1 -lilrktfiftitg" 1% kli 'At,
= • .'-td44,1 1 :41,4 I ••,,- 7 'l' ' :''Cli , \!"7 \'',..; . ,A , J , 2,111:711.:16...,,
~. ~,,,,
mit . ....t..1.42.*L".ktt1.,, _- ~...-_, - .1, , • •t- ' . 4 r, , ,-,,
, -.I A - : :,, :„...,.. ',•,:- ~_. ~--;;;-.,,'___:.-,-. .. - '
li-fg-51..:- -- , vclit,s4l4z;- - '
,i,,,,:E•.,0.-,,,,,,,...--' , .!:-'..,,, ~.• ,--, -• ,-,.)--:'
IrtrE Iron-Wiii
of the if.outil7M,Ofintt, ... . . _ r. -. ~
ahippensimr,49oOrshfn'a COO„,k,Tinitisilviinia,.._—_
are fl ute Aro to r P?i4igak,,, t :311,i, olpeilic'orsAgitpr
-, , •'; Iry 11, : , ,,, ,, . 1. - i, , ,... v,
k . •' . . IlArClPP:jrl.lronadCOS - " ,
oktho - adwratilitiniitiOltlyWX*NSlON - EQU.Sgi -- '
• . • .:'..r. - Choppit Milt, Say MilVa.Aargo
.. ,:,,z-'` :.Ccial.llouan two largo Stablea;n e
' - 'Cell lipti •.1-lOusati'foi .: litroiliiAiri .
• ''
, 'Li , Smith. and 'borindter• Igiqstectirid
l' ----L-- ' other' buildingsi ' withWiagiut 'Six. •
I Thousand Aeres•of.lsinil;' it Oorticn4Ciihtch is
susceptible of , caltivatloni ~: A150,,,-tatiallitenqt. of
land whit Mgood Altivelllifl,g.llo)lltsq,
other buildings, , .Tlif.i.Turntv. o .otactltt,twaung,
Bridge and DelloWs'kroulas ars.:*ifi goixl 'order. _
One of theiViiinacca.le'rioti id operation:' These
Works heing sittlated 'in thet,Cumbetland-Viilloy.
boo of the'richeat algrieulturtildistricts for;obtain
jog supplies and for.. transporting. , the,lrein . to,
Market, otTer.grest inducements to-per/tuna wish.
ing to engage i n the Iron business.' ..'• ,
The subscribers also offer at Privardfaato, two
valuable ' . '
• , . •- - .•••
ululated ablaut half, way betwebn thb:nboie- awn.
tioned Fornneeei Shiripenalfurg;:doniiillitng.
each about Th'reolltlitialited , Aoictiaii:_On
each Farm there irralniut•onehandred-iiiitirighty
acreaofeleared lanththe;balarree. being timber lam!
covered with Oheatnutt'Vh#o.,Q l *,...4 l lii Fhu
cleared-land:is or;thce. - b-PaPPOlVra4rialqiianc.
under good ranee and leilitilvalfain 'cif,cultkva
tion,with Valutible-Ap:ollo l 464*litiliiinli Farm.
On of the Perth's thereliinarielStOmi "Renee.
a large Steno • BarriiNVirgiinAShodi , corrr.'illnair
and other out houses, argoad 9plydg aFid of Stream
of 'water piis . sing
. thrOgliithio:Aeado:nr: . ;. , There is
about twee ty. five acres 'of Natiunil apeadow.- On
the other Farm-thereis• , n , gdsid- Plaetexollofribt
a via° dart);,pue. ,irr_tag
midi -Shop •and, other.`-builrlipie r wi dice -Vair - or
Water: These Fartni b6iog ' eiluntc ' d,roan area[;.:
lent ! neighbor bod,.cOnvcolpnt.i.o..Chutch;cis q 451:,
Schools and near Ihe'trirn or,Shitiparietaig Where
agond_ mark 4 ean'alre s aya , be'hedlitir their pro'
d actions, than *4 ll . Y44. 1 . 11 Y ‘ho , utterlF loB . ,
of Farmers, . , -
The Clierier 'of , 'the '
pircd on the 7th cf May lasl ... the' Wien.tors
under the nopessity of winding strati's, of
the institution v;lttelie little 'delay til'OrientlCiiiilei
they with racob KJ-Haldeman :101 0 .-FitVrnoir tin. ;
aivi4dd-ipterest,in the Iron Weill., and Farrdti
Private tile,,on ivioderate,teiinsone4h.i..4,9l the
purchaio money to bo Bideirdelliery_,rif the deed
to 'the
two equal annual payrinnte'.:WiGh i letereer.•to
scoured by bonds withiplitated i santiritz.,, Per.
sons WiEitianglO•triemitti . itibov4PiopCitiois'or
ether information EcapeCtinl thtfmi requelte d •
to Galt ork-MC.IO I 4EPTI - Wfletltrnion car •
Ifsle r who is Wall" acquainted with the Prernises
them-to any ono .vv,tie may call onhins
for that purls°,
• dEd. •A. LYON..
. :Cgmmittee<of Cutlislellank#
.1. 1 . 11-1-1ALDg..A4N...,.
- carlfileAnguit-8, - •
• , -- •
Y virtue or tho'leit Wfll niitt 'FEattan ' crit of
•Wilroturi;,WpOkkley, tato of tho,,boough,,or
the tatil•day• cir , B - eptombooArexc,..on hum
premi pets, the futrPrOng Jegcr=tie 1 property, eitpatq •
Itie village`PipTtowili-,.CTitintitilitud'coullti;'
".OT ,01E.
on which is erected a,,Lor ! Plastered •
tISkl" ,w 'a a
4'81.04A - been' knPt - for '
with a Kitchen, Smoke House, Sta
"- -
water with a pump therein, on the pre -
misiii. Thin
is a.very desirable and. valuable property anti the'
;best tinniness •stitirif . in,,the., ur:surrothiding
country. Also a
inljninius. the ataiie descrihedldt oirther-Viehtkon
which in erected two . DIVELLINIii-; - '‘• •
HOUSES, one a, commodiousWink
el.-boarded house, both suitable fart :
private families and easily colivested" •
Into'a biiiiineas abdire I ptt4ero4itrirbei
suld either separate or tupdher,gs slay best Suit
Sale to comiriente: of one ofeldelv na said dal'.
when attendance willt be, given and tel me matte
known , by
MARY, \Y E_l
Adm'rx,, with the will annexed of W. 4wir.
Augitat 6, 1845. -
diN Vtli -or 4.4tiritheiirkett,
by Bold atnablio cale‘philie•preaftiedsiin M'Cf- •
towtwirip, Churtherland ,0 0 gPlfr Peru'
froia 'NfeCormick's' mill: unapt
thtse=ggarterro_f - a - miltfjom SO , :•
containing ,opp hundred and forty,-one
,:-Actec of
Slate Lantl;iri good stalc:of oultivatioki.•",W•lpr
- 1 . 1 - INOW - liiEotross;
14 15 ;
the Itittpune,wlAlt_irita;latAly.been.prit uptit.p.a pew •
roof: Thee i a 70,iiti_Of,witteVttearIbb'hourp, and
i•uturinif stveturf . ;'There is a
variety of thriving - POllv 'l'reespri."_,the plantation.
Aitopt-,fiftenit-A Prea-oLtheidarteAs_ingililow.,_
guilt oterityton fictlrtY-iive,pgrea tif Thrittlpe Wood
land. Vint. place to e.ontiiilered Pne pf theAtteat in
that Perso9a wishing laftictruttion:of the
caii•9lliffin ii•rttilliPi:4 o haAYll, l l?:VPt
Ville. vigil tract ItgUASvilii l Jo l olrisitta.PrOKrq•
b. in.tAil-prabegAtiwgackPt4.74o.o.4.l4,4as ,
~. hen attendance will - hp givet,lradAirout-puttle'
ktioWrt• by .the title
July 23;1145. ' §01 e 91110 . 1 4 1..,P1A,W. '
. . . ..,
- elssifylige*Stsic . .: -
ott‘st4ufd# l ,Aifb'ollfljeOPAilgUst tie xti .
KV ;ii,'..,;1,i - ai 414iiiiii'Sh-:iffirtiiiithi
, , _,,,„4B ; iii.Hap T (lo. tOweal.apl Cueberland,
;9P I ) P. ,!• 4 4 1 ;c i P 3 9kt ‘ l l l l')Khef•fcPMuir rpP.l '',
!' • •"' • 4-;....:%`•: 3 '..• •
-4„,,t01ri0r., -4 61tOillio:i.
daainiiiiled_rik.i.3Vm4eWie'iii;' sailiattd on
the Tritidle SpringlaPail:litonli-21niiiiifliok 16 '
L'h°9 l 9 o ,'"Kg , 414 01 641 9°' frOt 41
-,PC°"4 6itit . '
andnajniiiing-11441- t iCw,swAbi4initOliatiies•
Oiator. .Thergi'lrecei**Voit e'd/otibro, two=
.' , i •:I•4l l PFY,tYlitkir.l*ikl e . d ..,':•o'.ovl.' ' '''
- o.„,LoaIJOUSE:f ~.,
:44- 1 1)49. a'"'ney•or44 l PlUr.lV ~4',*i,tn 011514 , 5 k -
.66.d. , ,,The*reip,my nrin good.iiidtv.i,! . .v. •
',, i B.l e . to-take ;. Oa ca. 412% ceetpok, , ,tki op;IOlikn
terms will be no(P, 4 i!ck* ul:kit th3ito,oMlitro,"4 4.2
oignan of 'Bppit k Oh`tookopt9A . .7 ' ,;' "::` •
•'-,= .r, : -7,-,oiir',\
40VtiEliloi*ititis .,-, .:: , ..:..
,!-,: l 'fij tulOipriliehistijOit,,*OWA.WicTiiiii4,- '
Mil, 10 Oh 540 od4o. 14'irti Ct. :0000r3;,.. ;
10 . iiv MO ritiorootra'' no, r • : • te,,,t:":".:,.
1 otd
Wilabs,t6ageWemotety, 4114. , 00. •:Lik h,•H-':
lire t tnL i +VP47,l it,4114,-; ,Arat,
SlNtindPeffutota t0rt,i,t1;14,11 4 0 , 1r 1 4,0,,: 4 1 . •
, i • P i t i litl i ri l e*gldr - VrtiftMilWr •
fejt; oroll'prlo `t, lit? 1..., It A . ..f , . . 4. - ,
_ v ..,Aot e maeritOr79Pe r TMlV,llT * i l s ,lt i niq •
"Tr' Prl, ll , C n i! b i l j."Z Fl io tiVW. ,
co ri ,., , lmiik,iftf, • ff.. At P. f:'`e°4',,, „ 71 ,4 1 4 M
1", c - , -• '':.• • - ,',i,,. -,,'' ~ • . of ,:' 1 ,
Wiliiifeig f iglq; .'4'"&"•' ,3-1 •'. 4 ‘•-•,..,'.., • :4P....if.., , 1' •..
. .
417.7 : 1171;4;;
' ' ''''' l( 4l9 riFO ' V t # 44 lcrt 4 P r =" '''
ttOn:Or the Is ioilo ii'qktot to '
Mit • taittatikiiitkV4 MiltiftitWitiiirtdt i , '.'.
wo"-- • ri, IN . . " '.40,,. glitilli'S'O4 • '•.'
ol& ~ ,i,,r., , iikitilutivieeitale ~..:.
AilielObtter., . • tfriOtiL ~,,,, 4 4.40,C, ,,- ".
po MD te:6lStillitri*"%eiliailOtlNit '.
, ig 4.‘tt1iii*0fi1t0.914031.#01.4. , ', 11 , Oti.Alo.:
oli r
'And' itto• Itibbootiortost.itylek.Atit ei , i l`",re• - .. '
tr% . ), 14 01 6 104Unk 1 090# 1 4 .'".. , k , '
',11,,,,; ; .. 1. , .,',.: , ,,