Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 30, 1845, Image 4

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„tr , lent
~~ ~_.. ,
• • 'HALBERT Aft - r,lkiltoHYEß
triendi and.tharOlilni.
lab ent-40.21.bu l _ra6m4ately.:4aonpled.bytJohn-P-'
Lynn Pc Co: and finarly oOpositec., Awned and white'
flag of - Anaiil4 Einatein,-Likinnrlanre-,onlinalti
lianoTer atkeet; where theraievrilimined
. flotura aittlaupply•thelg illatomers and Alm
. bath itt home and fro n a Aliataanti; with all kinds of ,
at the shortest - lobe° and of the best quality, They
•- also keep-constantly-',on bend YRGIT, erc.breeinit
delieatiter: or. the different' sineone,,besidee
- --NGT-S.2tif:-avery -Their r , stoolt - ..titittieris_s in.
- ..rart staelias Oranges,: Lemaits,.Reislittii4lgs, Al
- =muds; Vilherts - PranesiDatesiteretimtnittsiCosoa .
- Note-74113h -flerabitits Ground NUts and a Teri ty
:Confectionary, usually kept in sash °
attestablishnteatkell of which they will ' sell at the
FeeliUg.,enectureged by the very liberal patronage
heretofore - bestowed upoikhetn; they have been-In
duced to add to the above Steak, all the ValiC/1113 ar
tielei connected With
Cillaxrc;Dcwas)rnflop= a ,
isonsistieg inliart of Sugars; Coffees, Tani, Cheese
Cracker_s,MolaSsesSlinoolatt, Spices orall MOM!,
BrushesißlaekMgi Baker's and Clay's extmi No.
eoliths*, together yids a, large - anxiety of Queensware
tad other artieles mention.
• •
Seirardr•Tobrefeo cti Snit tT,
ci thdbest and abetimst qualities, always 'on hand,
and will suit thciiii . whonaytivor thaw yid? a call.
°Toys of every , description also kept constantly
oti hind. ;Finglielvelry - Tihnilrfrupport
them by_ their_.friends and .customers , they return
their sincere:thAnkiiand' wil endeavor in future to
.merit's continuance of their favors by • sparing no
exertions, to make their establishment ab agrennble
retreat.' H. & M.
Carlisle, April 00,:.1845. •
The undersigned; hereby give notice, agreeably
to the Conithutsbnand.klitys at the Common Wealth
of PennsYlvanra';.that ibey andtheir associates will
make appieation to tbe;,neat Legislature of Penn's ,
for the incorporation of a Bank, tinder the name
and styl.of lIMFar meta and Mechanics Bank of
Carlisle 'to be locafed in the Borough of Carlisle,
Pennsylvania.' Said. Corporation to hare a capital
of one 'hUndred lbauSand - Svollara, with general
banking indcliacciuniiogprivilegea.
Jacob Xlierm; - •
John Rhoads;
.libel Keeney,
Wan Natcheri--
Thos. Paslon.
, _
June 25; 1845
none, Subiii Oben tutve.itrit returned from the city
with it new and splendid assortment of summer
Coat-4' - Pantaloon stuffs
for men and •bore, gainkro * Ons tweed's, linen and
.cotton stripes,liwn; an d white linen dril
lings, blue and•straped cotton do: &e. Also,
' Cloths,Fretsch'Cassimere,s - Summer Cos:hoe:vs,
sattinetts, Kent ucky Jeans, Ste.
Also checluaptickiugs, hosiery, gloves, (best qual
ity of kid) silk and cambric handkerchiefs, linens
bleached, brown linen table cloths, and a genetlii
assortment oftrimmin.s
deg, North Hanover street.
June - it - D 145.."
'DoctorX..taidea celebiatedtTetter4ind Itch Olin•
meat, jest received and forLiadeit the cheap hirag-
Ik Book store of .Bfyera 8c Haveraikk.
_ - .
- -
Stevenson 4•. Mekeep.
' _ May 28,1845
of all lergth, 'and just received and fur
Stevenson IS-.l.llfehaffey;
May 28-,-4,
Jiist. recoiled, pare fresh Olive Oil in large and
Mall bottles, also in Strive covered flasks.
L.lifyer4 .4• Haversack.
May 28,'1845.
just received an 4 for sale by
SICVOLIOn Mehabrey.
„ .
May 28, 1845
. •
CONSTANZ - supillrof Ploapil, together - with
22. Glasses and Wicks for , the Honing and Side
Lamps. .
May 41,1845.,
JUST received, aniidier targelcit. of N enpoliinn
--Eraidrand - Stinm — BoimeleAlio-a - new stock .of
Bonnet Ribbands.,
A few Frew* outside Bonnet Flowers with a gene
ral assortment of Bonnet Gapsinoulettes, and other
Bonnet telininingsjust received and for sale by
9; W. Ilipter Co. 1
Mak,4o#4#:22 -; =.;;
~ „ _
• . 'are now prepabed to furnish,
itiligallihif,uo iliac in its beat style, they would
' elan. titforiti doßhre taking Salts or Cas.
toe. I:3oji t :tinitAlley.bave a. disguised way of mixing
it, wideh renders it 'pleasant and tastelesi,
,luat.rocAftved.o4,Toi,eaßi at Warobouso of
~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, &. I'. MAR FIN. '
Hareirbn - Mu 2/1845
•• 'lo3V*ieelyed:i'i . lp.,,rgo aseoitment
:of ' in ' s in:L inla,
Prentkraillnoti; Cologne, ` Lavender , Porn
ko.,fOr horir..ttroy can'be clean. re ,
•in tbii`pribi? - +'- -- ' • • - - -
~~'~~ ~ `,
• CallOPEn . ek - .MA I TIZNOS:
- Janwrecelve ot ofcarpet nga -n1E41.11110
IsmFkolitbesoldiv 7. l 9 ,w : Olt.ti r -vhcap glare or
'tv 1 ' ' , FIUME{
, .
bi_tho boi or
. ,
T.XldMar---?"- — iitiii:Prr,'VES Ell •
:,„Tityr—lesii' )011414' "41'-gr—ntiVri,eani've'etßalcnn'l:lolf,
Alioth.3`6'l"Vl'XEl&"! I oi'sfile at
• ;W:
abd,,or;r, T,•:)•;.:• §F,NE • ,
' '' .l4a o l . 1 4. Sk;
' . - ' ' • - 7 - Engini.'with:
' ' '''.64bui, jit* '0)0$1,-1.68 4'uffinFArql
711,11il r N gitigitxtE - fio!MP power
3;014041 et%iiiatiiiik° llll - I M ILI T 33 3...- -
3' r‘tnalAllll.ll-
..4,-.! MARTIN '-:-
~ i....-i,-, ,, ;;;;;; T: 1
1 40114 1103---."-/-44 - .-3 tl?"
yf , ...32-.^-,', - •
I,f ''''',--7-7..-,z
TIC ':oifi tin fruit
4..,,,-,,.*,,,4-441tit111? .i,";...nott ,q.,:niel,,q-rig-;
r-f4,,, -'w -.1.14,ftig, f re
m - o gn e. ? oc 6.0301.1
• -.'":41,144 ,joceob Mtelicunkbsiers°4-the•,bvilka(
4istpl# -yrr.4*4.40-- rgiiir*kirof' :,thoos4mtd•
;'?.; 1 34 ' t- oti,unthttlightzte tii:doind,lll:olt.
--,:-Al/4` 'cilci,hwetirdos,l weatirl AfirtirAg .1.,,,...Ltik
:,-, , P" suiAppol.tir,llo firid,t"'2"dibii ' ' wnr i
-10 ielts ,l ‘ - VoirrOiltoTrwitt,''' '' - '' tn l / 4 ,g 4.
14: -.t,•11,119.+0'111 110,,t8taiErkl?aQk.
'',,likiiiipZ7tile, 10 'V ' 'n4,,,a.444f
: sn- tAkin,,-s'4•P4 CFt*L n;.lA , l4";-' • '''', -.--, n,- ,-.4, : 4 A "1;"31,,t
•-,:l4zrii'atlrfrOh .•'• 1 " ',, ~., • ,'' ,', •,/,,, , - 17,, ,
7,'' W-il i't °oil 7
---• ' -1-M'OtrAil,l'4l!'r li , ii t the °, fingiburf
,I::',ipta l r p'f';ilpryi rrp fk
.. • -
.. ,,r-
wpouzza.-zawittiOn)33s. M
. 4Pit6g=:, himitiA-foriziet*
oconpreo by Di:Pred;Ehym'ein.;
calliale.. t etirll9; 1845.
eallilielettentlettro - .tai;lutyersito7the.prniiistiii of
-the; 42 U+* o trott , cf -42 nd-fith'Aprialfitt
B y'llieprovisfons or that tlfeloiliole aftionn.'
of 'State-tett is paid to' . .the State' Ti•etittrereby'any
entinty, fifteen. dnysiirior to theist Mina, in any
- year, such nighty is mititlea'teart abatement 0r,5
tiet.cent on the f the taala not
:paithviien'due and payable under the-provisions
said - Act, any individual or , iforporationjballrpny,
six vent' i nterest thereon, until paid 'and the
Game shall be a leln on the estate on which 'ln
Charged until fully, paid and
_ The iMpertance and advantage of pa yi ng the
prior to that timo will be obvious to our Citizens
when-it-in known-flint the result will beto plate in.
the county treasury about fifteen hundred dollars of
the amount.ccilected for State purposes. „Under
present nircomstmices when., out cutizermwill be
subject to no increased county,tax to meet! the debt.
incurred in the ereelion of n Cook House, the sav
ing normally. would .materially decrease the tax re
quired for county purposes--hin should even a few
of our nix payers defer payment till after the,..l9th
' of luly, the, saving, contemplated by the Act, to in
duce promptnewmpnymentimilEbe defeated. We
-ore advised:by - the - Sin re Tivasurer firm the interest
due io August and February nest, will be paid if,
the aevern . counties of our. Commonwealth lilt
prompt ii the payment of the State - tax, -We
therefore hope that the nifty:on of this county . will
(*millirem! in molting Con, herhind with,those coon.
ties of our Commonwenith Mince it determi
nation that I erenfier the faith Mid' credit of Peon- .
syli mi . :a shall remain_ unstinted.
• I
Oarlisle,,lutte 4, 1 845.
• N. 11, 'Ulm several collectors of and State
taxes nre requestetto pay into the county Treasn
ry, on the 21st day of Julp next, all taxes they may
'have collected by that time.
Dal 110 - 07 - ogffEe3T.)
NITILL perform all operationr upon the Tm4li
that arc required far their preierration,siish
as Scaling, Rfing,.Plugging, Vc.;' or will restore
the loss of thesn z :by inserting Artificial Tecilt,from
a single'Tooth, Co a full sett.
gOffice on Pitt stre - et;tefew doors Sooth.,of the
Rai road Hotel.
N. H..Dr.-Locmis will be absent from Carlitle
the last tpidsys. in each mouth. '•
June 11, 184,5, .
Tlie partanitiiiiili r CietAire ea lit fug - Get ween Joh n
„Flint—trading :under he name
of JohnGraySi • Cii.ficifi - dii4olved on die . 7th inst.,
by mutual consent, The books of the late firm are
in the hands orJohn Gray, and it is desired that all
.personi knowing themselves to have accounts will
call and settle as emit as possible. The. store will
hereafter be conducted by John t: rat & Son: -
May 28i1845, St
Ladies would do well to call and examine-!the
assortment of perfumes, and fency articles that
we have jyst received. •• •
Stevenson 4. lifehaffey.
net received and for sale at the Drum Store of
May 28, 1845
Warrat‘ted pure; for. mid ciyal purp6ses. sale hy
Myers 4- liaverstick
- 111nv 23: 1945
—An-article-free-from-oil, and greatly-admired
, _the ladies who use it in arranging - their hair,
for sale by
n.fl2 -1845
Lard Lamp Globes and Chian
' • -trey' s
ofa handsome quality_ just rccoivcdftna for sal
at thd stoiv of
May 7, 1895
AEV this - is ilio , sesson for puifying the blood,
wo can recommend this article as gebuine and
fresh, for sale by .
Stevenson 4 Mahaffey.
May 7,1845
. ...
. ... .._. ,
HOIT.eIL'S - PA - N/10E01-
A medicine prepared solelyfrom regetatile,ma. -
ter, for Aide by 'Myers & ilmeritick.
Nctu 6 , 5t0ret'...•
llESSubscriber, has just opened in the room
(formerly occupied by N. W. Woods) on the
South West corner of the public square,
a O d
ravan - Splendid: Mock of Par,
eign• and danerican
• OZ46,IbSSQ -
staple and Fancy, consisting in part, arciotlis,-, Cas
sitneres, Sattinetts Linens; Gambroons. Summer
Cloths, Nestingi,'Bombazines, Ila twines.
Lair ns, Crupe and Moos tle.Liines,S wise Ca mbrics,
JiCkinot, and alrMlier kinds of Muslins, Calicoes,
Shiva's,. Checks, Ticking, Velvet fiords ,
goods ot all descriptions, Carpet chain and Cotton,
Yarn', Umbrellas,Parasols, Sunshades,4 tom-4.1,10.
siery, &c. •
A LSO,-A choice gild well selected stock pr, Gro
ceries, consisting in part, of Coffees, Stigarr, Molas
ses, Teas, Tobacco, Spices, &c.
ti )
ALSO„Crockery,Glags and Q eebswnre of earl-.
ous.deseriptions and qualities,tog ther With nume
rous_ofber nrtieles eoirising a e niplete and gen
e u i n rib ssortniental r which.l4o,ofremfar-salu-44
very low prices for cash. Ile *resiiietfully invites
hiS friends and the Millen general to give him a
: 1 1 . 4nasinueli - arke - feelizontillent-that-lie,eallael
goads as low as nn, other house in the borough.
Carlisle, April - 16;184S. ,
Window Shutter, GatchAnd
TllEitliarriber, agent for the 'Bale of Pattggga.
. Window Sittitter, Catch and 11011, would re-.
.spectfully inform the public Mat the above Dolt is'
superior to any article of die Itind now in title; both
for simplicity and 'durability. They can he pur
chased at J. Pi Lyno's or Jacob Scnor's liardivare.
Store; North. Hanover street, or cf the aubsrriber
in West, Ltiuther Theitteed only
.be seen to be adopted,
_ .
slll in . .et eh r! ai v i 'a o r . : p e i t c y r. . ;l a t i . 7llilly put tip I?ylir
. Myers
May 28 :180.
••" • ,
THE' , pritiaqribqr,-.lute just : , regleived a OplonOt
assortmimr of ttfo • 901p4ritied: Cdat; S4el;,:bliied
Oif#loli far'
iir , lll. l yhd:piFFhased, r otepk, summer:.
• 111(P LYNE • *-;
Ritdirik : ::Cor,(ll; ,
Riding Ord •.an
- +-;
tirEriks„. „
P 1 10 1 , 10 11 4 . •
' "
Blunt!' I . '
tilisoilbei•iyavejtist WOO* ausar(la,a*
"cif Groaeries;Cofreeis at band ft!,OP4
--Sapiq- mite , • 37 ,1 11a' jwAysita,,
:s r * pvmoholies leir d r; tuninii;
.ISIOI.P.EINrY,EIIOI tell - 4.1910 atiortmalnlcß 0 01110 . 44 " 0 ",:f o r*
aar V i ci ii cingt l T4tot ft
i n a t;f:11 1 ;
y monmotetor,,, WI ru;' , 4. t t: "
e. t,
rogir P1it5! , 7,7,9n -r , ' ;4, 'do- r
•.' o , 111. 1 0 c,A
Awe; itm
• " . 4 •
* 23 •• 91 ;. 4 601., , ,T,11„
, -'l.
7 ~ "., . .;.:, : 4 , if.,.. ".
Jr - Ww
Stevenson ; lifehaffey
Stevenson, 4- lllahaffey
I.l:4Y#46,iiilaituci4l;t4eoo7,o, ,Wgqoda .
lifets , ,dooriaboyolNirpillrvho,al FeelytheM.
t'Avill..keitOionsttaitry sqm.,ol..iill!,*!ll#6*p tt.6-
Syrup and Chicane
Ilfollnsses, Sii . eern siiiVlVliiitePi I, Candles , Cheese;
eraekers,NineeA:littin't3jligo; Starch - Saltilelre.
'Mustard and ,C11000114.0,Pil)gr ;Snleratiei
!nine; Clpietr; , '
Itlitickery -*ld: GissL•Wre....:,
hoards, - -hatter prints;.:.rOpes'. lad .I.tiviiiailiihiteio,
sptihisb,bitirspanialt and'cotarnott
SHOES ' ;: '
Af every - da - s;rl6llwi7ol,CilOnttliTainttlyinhidlifttira
instreeeived at hi stittire, Oonsisting,Of tiOidde'
snil single sole and niniress-moratiaoalaies'
and boots tor. Ladies', Children's- and Men'a wei r.
at the Lowest pirloes. ."
• -
F` OUR for sale by the barrel and amen
50 . arrtihi while Wheet ElOor. _ •
5 htirrelalreah.Groonti_uorfi meal,
2.l)arrels - Buok‘'va - oat 11-o-ur
liersonspuralitishig flour of me oan Itnytrit
ered;nt any porta the town. Those who.may foam•
him with their ouster!), 4111 be deal( ,with. on the
mos.atisfiwtory terms..
shareof public patronage.
. .
ADurrioNAl: to new•supp'y of. Groceries,
we lire now prepared to supply our Customers
with n general assortment of • • •
of the litest_ style nod Patter_ ,ns WV .
Flomboietrand raised figured - Clibtal ant 'bort)
Tea, Setts, as also white Granitti and Liverpool setts.
- of lunalsothe sty les, besides a geneUal assortment of
Liverpool and ll'lmmite.Plates, Lie wls, Cops
and Sauce's, Turriblers of various qualities, and a
general assortment of common ware o) neat finish.
We are also itrreceipt °ln new assortment of
da r ware, including -Tubs, Churns, Uuekets, Wash
boards, Painted , Buckets, Neelers, and a general
variety of other articles—as usual at the loa,est pri
ces, at the old stand of
111nrell 12, 1845. n
• • truly said,
thst nO Dad ha s
ever been so success- •
fit! in compounding it „ ,
• to relieve the human-fandly,to.rob_
--disease-of its terrorsoi nd-to rcstoro-tlie-- --
invalid to health and comfort, as the luxen
tor and Proprietor of that•most deservedly pop-
Ulm , family medicine Dk. SWAYNE'S CoMPouND
SYRUP 11.0 Cn6tikr,and none has . been•so
generally patrimised by the Profession - and others,
both in this nountry and in Europe, hor—lins there
ever been greatan.effort-in-dhe slibrt space of
'only six or seven years, to deceive the - eredulout
and unthinking, by:putting—upstrums-of various.
kinds, by various individuals; affixing , the name of
Wild Cherry anti as.much of -the name of original
preparation as will screed them from the lash of the,
law, and one of the Impostorswlm puts on -the com
mon paregoric of the.shopan.d call it the
Wild Cherry hits had theimpudenceßalsam to cauti o n th e
public against, the Original ('reparati on r —Dr.
Swayne's Compound Syrup of. Wild Cherry, which
is doing so mu h good in the world.
irrliEWAlik: OF SUOII IMPOSTERS r - f) -
And purchase none but the original and only
genuine article as prepared by Dr. Virwayne, which
is the only one cotnpounded by a regular Physician,
and,orose prom many years' close attention to the
Practice of the Profession, nod' wnich lend to thin
great discovery. Thousands - and tens of thousangs
of the best testimoaiils oT the unparalleled success
of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
for the cure of
Coughs; Colds, Spitting Blood, Liver Complaint,
Tickling or Rising in the Throat, Nervous Debility,
Weakness of Voice, Palpitation or Disease of the
11.carl„Pitin in the Side or Breist, Broken .Consti
tution from varidus causes, the abuse of calomel $...c.
Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, &c., were
declared to the world yehrs before at other prep
aration of Wild Jherry came out. TI ; most skep
_Oral may satisfy themselves as to the truth of the
above, by a little inquiry In Philadelphia. The
genuine article is prepared only by Dr. Swayne,
whose office has been removed to N. W. cornes:.o
Rth and Race atreets,-.Philedn, The—Balsam—arid
other spuriousarticles of Wild Cherry has been sold
out and re-sold out, and the proprietors are dbliged ,
tq resort to Falsehood and Stratagem to make their
own out of it. The genuine -article is put up in
plain style in square bottles, covered with n -blue
wrapper, with a yellow label with the proprietor's
mgnatm:e attached.
0:7 - The Publie;are requested to remember that
it is Dr. Swayne's Compound Sy l.up of Wild
Cherry, that has and is repeatedly performing such
miraculoutreures of diseases which have baffled - me
skill of the Profession, and set at defiance the whole
,coshigue .of Patent Aletlirines. which arc daily
vuffed through the organs of the press., Therefore
ask for Dr.
~Sivnynes Cl:impound Syrup ofAild
Cherry, and purchase .no other.
Sold in (.arlisle by MYERS & 11AVERSTICR,
sole Agents for this het - rough. •
,• •
. February .12, 1845.
Jayne's Family
AN additional aupply of the above Vainable Med
tines, consisting of , •
. _ Jayne's Fatmeterint, .
." Tonic Vat — i — nk tigel" -- -
. O Hair Tonic,
' " Sanative Pills, • ,
" Carminative Balsam, ---. i
Received and for sale by ' .. '
A splendid assortment of Riyiid and •Straw •Bon
nets and' bonnet ribons,'noui opeiting,nt the store of
'• • • ARNOL - Dlt - EINSTEINZ —
Carlisle April 9,;1845. '
75 tone Planter,
100.barrole prime freak 01it1,
.T. itT. MARTIN.
Hairigburg, 11,147, • •
• • •,•,• •COAtt:
, goo, "tone LiOie.bOrnore Coal-4 Pine Grove t .
01) do - do' ~~jikebarro~
- 2
100 " .r..;
2 . 000 tr.kodiclo biturninouo • dO, - : .
Foi oiklo at yyorpliousi : ,
itt*BEL'S ifilheving Catitpeund;*.e
ir.tfite, pet received and,for; sale et tioi•Store of
Stavneon.4 r...
. • Airil3k . • ~ . . . ' •,.
-; • t
• It.loUt3sPVS‘inif
• kintd ottle?
,AO.I)T/tplaarigyfi.: Boots aSAaes,4,e=
. fgrelsiet l ,74b - ditcnv r 'pped)Wa , :lll - ati - ta,ll - be v aarif
so 4i lOge'Rit' of% pi Stittai rai:
Men; ‘yorilen a nd Chlltlrt , n at radgetir . 4.oliialmaillie
:4eatil.St6t‘a of
.• • •
• 7-4- •", ' 1."
~_~;.cypK.. :..7''-~ - f ~~•i ",s`ti(`~e,•~ ~.'t-.~,~'tia;`,.Ey'',"' 11ar_~_~
- J. W. Fll
Agent for Carlisle
be# 3 ,1 1 ,444/ AY: i ,-,
~.. „,,-.7.4 , -,-;.,,,, Tif
' THEIFRANKLIN,fI itt - 111$0
' ~- OF ,WILIADiMPHIA• ' ,'‘
ehartpa itAtudi; == . 4o PPUlrVaPital - iffs //'••
1 , o,fficirai Ohrolgstreeg' v
j--- IvirrlciXsvir,& - wow - elttitirro - drintinent - orlim - 7,
ited;agnitiglosipp (1061'4;411i Orti, o otq'rrElr i i' o lf r
nittl P.l.tellEO're or aypay thoteriptlON it pw.,
Cooptry, on rho most ratilltoltdau !eta; B,4,APITT
tiona niatht Ohlitil' 1 1 ; 11 1 011 allr °P .. ° Y' :! gttek ' w " ° ' ' 't3
promptl) Atkstutiod to. 'AY - v irci-p,r t , ' ,
a i -
' ; ,_ ' -- -- --74', J. , ,-- • ,
~ - 4- 7 ,t1...,_.•,....---4- - ...e., ,r . -f, -.
' .
litatellm IllOollr 11$ • 9 , la ,
•,', - 'l ' -- . -,-: , "F" 4 f ' ''' ` Rl ;i,,. .L , ': -
- - Z -P=141411/4, 19 •
Mick itt.'stoino dwaillogs Or itoran , t _
-ft 00l ~- - - '-- - - --- -
• - P -- iii to S p a depositia,
,do dp Glpiaahaa., ',"„9 to 3 !;° -
do ' 'lda 'tooling - *-, , y, ; ~,,,,, 1, ;06 4 do '
do do liorna -... ^,-,',
do do Stable) (prtynta)" 4'to 5 do
do "' tlo St6bltot (ptihtla) •oto 7+ do
do do Grist Millai-Water
s --'
-Power .- , .7ito 10 do
-- i "-..-- AlvNii - dit:,Rx4R.
13.jak or. Monet tywellloto and Fur
'ora l'aoso , .., . ~, ,s 0 to 400 ttoo % al uo
do ' = doStat'ea atidLtieralionl____-
----- ,--- lut e ~, 85 to 50 do
do - - do - Toth:ea one -Fornituro =
w . ~,- - l_4o to 00.=._do
do- do Barns and Contaos
. 65 to 75 ,do
do do Stables (public)
.. „
rris '. • iOO to 150 do
do do GO4llllll and Stook'
F'roano and Lpg dwellings and For
lotto e 50 to 75 ,
do — do-Storea - ood - Mercloht -- - ---
" di _ 65 to 85
, do'.' do Tal'Ernatttl Furnitut e
4 60'i0 100. do
d 6 • n4'60460.8
.. 9to 100
do do Grist Mina and lStck
90 to 100 ' do
Theaulnicrtheris Apia for 'the , Above company
for .Carlishf , and its vicinity: All applications for
asstwanco either. by, mail or personally, he
promptly attended to: -
i . . . .• .
m Allen and bastpennsburdugh Mutual Pire
Insurause Company df Cumberland County-On-.
cntratedity:an act
an zed and in biteintion under theltranagencent of
tile following cOmniiiisioners, vies
- Clit.Stsynninancob Slielly,WmitGorgas,Lewis
Titzcl, Michael limner, Ilene) ,
Logan,Miclinel Coeklin, Benjathin-11Musser, Levi
Merkel,.lncob Kirk, .lolin•Snavely,senr and 3 olio
Rankin, who respeitfully cell the niti:titionlii the
citizens of Cumpeehind and York counties to the ad
vantages whichithe compauy.liold out. .•
Theletes of insurance are as low a.pd fiVerable
as niiy Company e pf the kind in the State. Persons
wishipglo hecorfig member's are invited to make
application tothelgents of the toMpatiy who are
willing to wait-upon, diem' at any time.
Mtrlissi. lloovca. iv ice Kesidenti . •
-Lewis flyer, Secretary. . •
MiChnel Cocklin ,'rreastwer.
Michael . !Timer, GeneralAgem,•M Min niTsburg.
Rudolph Martini N. Cuotherland.
Cooldin, . Allen.
. do
Christian Tii;e.el,_
...lotar..o Ditulait,_ _._ _ _
riiier tiat:tiltart, ' "
David Martin,
C. B. Harmon, Kingstown; '—
Jimmy Zearing, Shiremanstown,
Simon Oyster,. Wornal'erburg,
Dr. Jacob Baughman, Carliele,
Jacob Kirk,Gniteral Agent for York.County,New
-Cumberland lire.
Ilenry_Logan,__ York county.
:lobo Slid-rick, . '—' - do?'
;loin; Ittankin, ' do
Daniel Bally,.- tlo :
'.l..Bowman, ', - do
Philip Breckbili, ' Cumberland co,
ZrOther agents will Se added hereafter.
July 91,1844. t
vitorEcTioN CDNIPANY, being incorpo
rated by an act of the Legislature of the present sea
sion,and fully organized audio operation under the
direetion of the following hoard of Managers ' vizt
Thomas C. Miller, John Moore, David W. Mc-
Cullough, James Wenkly,William Moore, Samuel
Galbraith, Thomas Paxton, A. G. Miller, Philip
Spangler, Samuel Woods, Akaliam Kurtz,George
Randle Scott Doyle,call the attention of The inhabit
ants of Cumberland Valley to the cheapnesser their
rates and the many advantages. which this tied of
insurance has over any other.
st. Every person insured becomes a member of
the Onmpany and t:dies part in the choice oft, .eel's
and the direction of its concerns.
2d. For insurance no,more is demanded than is
necessary to meet the
_expenses of the Company a td
indemnity figainst losses-which may ha ppeil.
:LI. The inconvenience_o_f_frequent renewals IS A.
VolileVG:finsuiingfor a term of five years, • But
policies taken for any period froth one to
five years.
Atli. Any person applying for • insuranceronat Wye
premium note roe the cheapest class nt the rate
of five per centum, which will tie $5O on the stOad
for which lie will 'have to pay $2,50 for fi va yearn
anil $1,50 for survey and policy, and no mire muted
he shin sustained to a greater amount than the limn
on hands will coverould then no more will I e requie
eiLthan a Apo rata share. .These- rates ren toner
cheaper than those of other companies, ex aopt such
aare incorporated on tlio anew iirincipl of
-A. G:4lltm.T.ll.Befily. • Lt-
The following• gentlemen have hced.qviapiled
ABBNTS:—. ••
I) a r t . n .irnipayi Meclmjeslinre.:.
J .;enrlellr n i l n e (l l l Y e l !E s s li ti; ,.. l ;o7l :l o l.l°.'
' " 'Clemens NlelParaine;unilisl...e.
senbitheem, Li Fdn .
L. H. Willimos,Csq. Nyestpenn,suorp
"mealCS.le ' :l4:"l° ll . e's X Ito
30i.. Mosier; Cu;nberlanA:
Jdhn Clendenln i; !sq. klegestown.
Stephen Culbertson, Shippensburg.
Enter MeLsolglqln,S. Middleton.
June 4,1844. ,
atiatricia, Co.
. . •
cArifirAlf tiooo,ood.
. , •
THlBl9ng ostsbllshed'panpany mhos inin•
`,:.ditliOrrlor,ro,nent-or:lindted, noinat loss or
dinnegn;4:sFiro on. properly of dvail
, .„.
•Thok.ttirms ardyery'rossonablr f and properly
holdenViadll do 'woll to ayail tlatailisolved.of tio
cliantogoo.'aftlirdod ky;thein.
sObsoriberAs - AGENT,: for the' CororianY.
fOi 'LW llorpnglc tind4lotnrptid j opplioation
parson Oi.iettiti-sijitiiicive
• ~,,i4,,-.4111N_J.:,-m-1(4;12
CIiiIIR= 77 47,PLETT'V i i i ORlFiffi';
, subil'aribor infoitha - la &lanai' a r
•,! ti g
nblio_ generallkl'ilicalfiVitllroiCm iiiffiri't
,:ear on dia:cabiiiiii Malang Biiiiitoisiat hie old -
Stand in West il igh,a4anc,:oppailin Mr. Rhoadie
-Tavern; whareiho.kuopkT,,onatantiftni.hilaTdraint ,
wlliinanuiliatoi.e,t9:ordoiialitkiicloa in his lino
of buainealiinich - ii-
nunEaus--Setarcentinues -
',h . ' , B O 4K cA4,sODE: ;I36 .A.IfiDS,
Sofas, Tabloa,Jiadalandy,; le.a,; at.,tha,vary , lowosl.-
04#3,87,. Ho
_alio.. carries
. On , tho Chair Making
Business; iiiiilV ifs' itaikiValiiinalas,aiiii keeps , a 1
4)( : ,inatant'auppi,Kor2 ' ..'•:_ 1 7, . ' -_:____-;,..-_-_,-:' -.,
~. . _ .._
', , ,ArA,n0041 NY - C AIR Si -- ;
!8E..E8;, , 'a11. which with
that prepays •
ed tti 'manufacture .and dispose Mri A I WO&
on the most feasonablolorms...•
`lfe , invites Ilk old friends end r; .•
the Oubliagonerelly to give him a
call, en he feels well assured that P..? ----- 7" - -
he shall be able to accommodate , them in quality
end price equal to any other establishment of Life
,kind in the county,
Carlisrei Septrio;lB44'. -- "•• - •
Susquehanna Eine,
; It PUN
rinfiC undersigned, proprietors of the Sy squltanna
.I . Lhie of Curs and Canal Hosts, return thetil;n
cere thank-s to their f~i~ittlsitLLraukliu and t men..
- rattail comities for past favors, ac i d respectfully ko
fdem them that they nee now prepared to receive
and forward daily, via Tide Waiter Caned,
Produce and i!lerchawlize,
Produce will be delivered. to any house in Philadel
pliia or Bald more to which their Ilnats igttl have 4
cess. Their agents in the cities are
Messrs. X. WRIGIIT & - NEPHEW,
Vine at. Wharf on he Delaware:Philadelphia.
Messrs. dons; McCom.ouott Ec -Co„
Ilbw ter/Mita rt, Baltimore.
Tbeywill also receive and lorward,daily,to Pittts
burg and intermediate points, Freight and Passen
gers also for the North and %Nrst Branch Canals.
• 3. Es
—Harrisburg, May 1844: ' • tP2
Cheap umbrella, Parasol and Sun
" hade Manufactory..
•7 - •
JOSIATI W. CLARKS, Strecessor to Bober
Mollie, late at No. 4 Sopth Foitrtiv Street, Phil
adelphia,itas the Northwest corner
of Fourth find Market streets, alifire he keeps con
stantly for sale superior articles of the above named
_goods, manufactured wider his
permterfdaown initnediatwsu
, . _
.co;roul warranted of . as good quality as
can be purchased in this or any other city. .
Dealing -only or Cash J. W. C. is enabled to
sell on the reasonable terms, atuLfie respect
fully in' soil others visiting the pity,
to call and examine his stock and' prices before
purchasing elsewhere.
.10STA7-1 W. CIA
' N. W. corner of Fourth and Miirket streets,
Poiltufelphia. •
February 26, 14;43m., : • ^
--- Chtcrle,s - S.Zeteis, •
Iron and Genetal. Commission Mr
-. chant;
ECEIVES and•splle Tros, Bloom
Bar 163 a, Nail Rods, Castings-,
Mess. Mord'i & S. N. Lewis,
" Lewis, James & Co.
' " Morris Ed Jones,
B.• G. Ihdillo & Co.' j •
Betkj. H. FielNEsq.,
James T. Lewis. - ' New York .
• Wm F. Wtitnerkia. ?
IWsB.C. L. & N. P. Thayer. Boston.
And to Merchants generally in Balt.i•more.
March 12, 1845. . •
Pnst •
1000 Persons in Philadel
phia alone, can testify to the wenderfill efficacy
ofAhat powerful remedy, THOMPSON'S COM
NA P THA Head! Read Astonishing cure
of Chronic Bronchitis!
Philadelphia, May 23, 1844.
Mr. S. THONPSON—Dear Sir. For more then
four,ycars past I had been dreadfully afflicted
with an affection of the throat, which my physi.
clan psonouneid " chronic Bronchitis,' caused
by repeated and neglected colds. The distress
suffered is indescribable. My throat was littoral-
Iy raw with violent coughing, so that blood would
coma from it; also groat oppression, pain and
tightness at the chest anh fever—in short all the
usual pulmonary symptoms showed- thernsolves,
showed_themselves, causing,cntireloss-of,ncces,-
sary repose—my throat was leaclicffland ttlistered
over and over again. I made trial °revery known.
remedy, and at different periods ha r d the 'advice
of six physicians, and all with no avail. About
two montlisitince I made trial of your Compound
Syrup of Tar and Wo td Naptha, and before. I
hod.ttiken - the first bottle I felt relief; I continu
ed-until I had 'taken seven bottics,"Avhich - cow
pleloly removed the disease and reillorod me to
perfect health, and-I tirmly.-baliove-I-should-not
now be:living, had- It not been for your invoice.
hie-medicine. JANE.PERRY,
1 g 3. Spruce street.
Principal , oflinc ' N. E. corner-of -Vifth- end
Spnea'strectii: P r ice SO cents per bottle or ..55
per dozen.
For sale in Carkeloby T. C. STEVENSON.
:January 22, 104. .
- .
• #
N0 . :194k MAltxwr STBEET,
111•ETWEEN 5Th AND 6TII BT., '
ItArA NU FA CT URl'. It of Agricultural imple
-131 Imelda aini dealer in Garden, Grass and Flow
er Seeds; oflim fur sale_ Prouty and Mears' Patent
centre draught self-sharpenine-Ploughs,for which
nine premniums'ltgrOtwOrtled 641 m States of Penn t
sylvan a and DclaniairgAte , past fall,- They are
made both right andlefthand, arc ,tight in draught,
cheap to keep in repair, and • are , partionlarly' ree
cmimended for turning...under green crops, and are
air'otig etioup..lOr•any, soil: Sitnioil ' Proughs, fa;
onel,:twd , or three horses. 'Side Hill Double Mould
and • N.,Notk Ploughs, frOm .$2 to $6 each. "'Tay
lor's'Patent, Straw_ Gluier, (new) Green's Hovby's
donklitibi; Sinclair's and imp roved Guillotke Straw.
Cutters, , , Corri Stalk Grrurs. • Grain F a, from
$6 to $lO each. , Corn Simpers in a great variety,
for hand . and , born power. 'Horse .Powers and
•Threshink. Machias. ;Meat cutters and stiffen.—
Churns; Hay:, and manure forks. Hoes; Spades,
Shovels, Rakes'. transplanting-Trow_elsCorn.
PlantingvAoricultural• furnaces,' and every: °that'
implement wanted for the:Fart* or .Garden. • '
ALSO—The•most evtefisiveitssortme lof Vegeta
-blemid-Flowpr SceilifOTPlilliTdilipilif' riTiliiilini - 60 -
new and. a n ttpCilol 4 ;klntlaZ' ‘ crOp *,,ot 1 igron, ex:
prosily fOr:thlibittd4Blfnient; and_ w froated of 06
best `quallii:and trtnitrytei can be obtained by
the pound or hdaht4nOcally Tut up anal - labelled;
with • ,iliieCtiona - Tof??-iiptiitliig. Bullms RoOta and
Fruit • Trees,, of AltfiXcheraeld I; i nds:-. 'Dealers' aro
respectfully invited:ttioall; and, seethe ' n'eslietment:
- • -•', ,
...;,,,.; o ,,, ''••'-',7•,. '., : 1): .9; , PrtouTy, .
' •::.,' F ' .... - '2--' . 1944 Atirkot st.,,Philatlelphitt. l•
January; 29; 1846::, , : •.', .* , *l' . ,-.• 2. ' ' :::' : ' '
C s i i klim. ll. °!rly I . ll w'' '
D 73
,~,~rn ~~ .~sa .c v'+~a+
.:*•4:1J74 - z*Qor - ****i - No,
..r.o(4oiii,v's • - • •
:: Sarsap9iirisCu' ' 1474 '7 1 :! /18 • •
• . . • • • ••
• • • •
Arc the inexistence . cenCaiiiing,Sarsit+
, •
composed DU_ egetable- Extracts that are '- diuretic
eolositieti .
sudorific, exPeolorant iiiid,cathartio,,by; which cern
biridtion theyLare , adapted to-mostAbrinkof--disease
and maybe taken at allti ro
bustaud feeble; with perfect safety, without interfe
Au. with habits, oeenpation t or regujarcOurse o'
''They ivill; be found 'aerviceableas
Purgative; _cleansing. the stomach. evil bowels, as
well-as a purifier of the blond and ntfimat,fluids , in
addition to-their nth& twenties ;
.Shreaparilla mid other" valualjle medical' ex
tritets in-timir composition, and Which makes- theta
preferable to alVillief ,
lifdrie than 1,006 •eireifleates
kayo been publiashed at virious-times of their Offl
caoyin various diseases; and•where_all ether medi.
Cities had failed t'lis the public musthavercad many
of them e , further tiiiblieation of theiti :is deemed tin
necesiaryon Account of the great expense.
• Moye-than 100,000 Boxes • .
have been sold in Philadelphia alone, the past) ear;
thus showing that in the place Where they are manu
factured, they have a reputation, greater than any
other pills—which arises from the fact that Dr. Lei
dy is well;known at, home as n regular Physician,
and his Pills are consequently employed-lith great ,
er confidence than anytither ; in addition to their
known cfllcucy. '
Lot it beerttnentliered
'tie not the quantity' otpills or. other medicine yon
can getfor the same :money, is the best or cheapest
—'but the quality.' Of cheap medicines. or pills,
you ; of course,get.titc most; and you are induced to
-take the more, under fire impression if a-little does
good, more will do more good, end you make drtig
shops of your, stoinchs, caushg4ettilivigif.: serious
ON - Leidy% flibod Pills are cpmpoacd . ol wore ex-
'penal ve ingredients, soul requii e more-Meety:and hi
hoe in their preparation thaivany ; other ',pills—the
apparatus al one - foo-preparing-flie-extvitatstentai tied
in his pills, costing over tlired thousand dollars.- • .
Price 25 cents a br;i:-,,""
They are prepared Only; muLsOld.wlioleinle and
North Second street below Vine st. Also-by
Sole Agent for Carlisle. -
June 26.1144
the Public.
,' For the Prevention and Cure of
,vonszeinvtion. •
all diSCRSCS incident to ourclimate.There is
none so universal andnt the'Oiline time -so in
-el:dims and fiVtia as Consumption. , .„ln this countr y
especially Eulmmiary.Censumption is emphatically
a scourge, and in its iinistless career sweeps o'erthe
land as n destroying4Angol,h9,ing low w ith relent
less hand tlie,:strbugelstandfairest of our race! Hith
erto all effortsto arrest this dread di sense law! prov
ed in yobs and iill that seemed within our prAver was
at best the alleviation or soiretio g , rendering some
what smoother thg eettainjirogressAu_the tomb!, ,
The Coinponnd 'Syrup of -Tar isa combi
heretofore unknown; exerting a pda er riser the dis
ease scarcely conceivable; bay ng a specific action
on the mucous tissue and at the same time bringing
the a hole system under its powerful infirmity it com
pletely eradicates the cause of disease be it heredi
tary or otherwise; and thus by strikingai the root
of the complaint imparts tone to debilitated organs,
affords renewed igor to the genera I system Mid thus
restores the patient to permanent health.
This invaluable meta* is put tip in buttleq,hax..
nig tlefollowing words in tli.eginis-,Thqmp
eati'R Corni Syrnp of Tar ihr eqnsulnptrou,'
idiom m Inch hone is.penuine.
* Price sffeentsperliottle. Six bottles
' Carlisle 6r - .
• T CST VATNSCX, Sulu Ageht,
" . C - AiIUTIfIN ALL.
LET all the_w_orld lake net ire, nod bo earcUitot
[Anger runted:, J•nprovell indinPlNe
geuilile Pills, unless evel7 box e the written
signature of the.nrigutl Ins-enter tuul patentee.
The.. PIN possess pan rrs urn All.
the natural drains i)1 the system—viz the I.lings,
gidiwys, Skin and. lloWels--hitherto unknown 111
the pe:letlee of xiodicioe ; and sot:n[l,ll4le loushreo
their trintvitill nver sir sillier nu:divines, 'hut many
!Inve been led to suppose they cortutin-sonty ',curer.
roi mineral ; hut. niwin , uxamiliation by I),kb-we
litintingtion, soil tollt•In; this
" is
Nc•s c v h o s r e k n , t a " ; ° 47e " e ;:r i i7:efi l n o „l) d li k i . e s ‘ s : 170
Greowiell street, toad [du) by Nil - ELLS 4:" LIAVV.H.-
STICK, sole Agents for
SinitlisSti,gar CoMed Pills.
Baltimore, F. b. 13.15
Dr. (fR'. Anthem 1,
Sir v --The Imx.of Dr. Smiths
Sugar Coated improved Indian Vegetable Pills I
purchased 01; YOU, swam two tutioths past, I found in
their-application to Or. son (of alrmt 13 'ears of
age,) the most happy effect on the - system. Ile had
.been for some years, very delimit health, and
very touch subject to fever and chills. so rtmelt so
as to ea este alarm for his future health. And for
two or three years we had to keep him from school
the most of the time. lam flow frank to acknowl.
edge-the-complete-restoration of his health and a
fair prosPect of Its permi sent enjoyment.
•. No. IV, I illtiOVUr MI cut.
Principal Office, 17 1 3 Creme st., New Yotk.
CAUTION.—As a,miserable imitation has been
made by the name of Snot. Coated •Pilo, rt is ne
cessary to be sure that Dr. Ca Benjamin Smiths sig
nature to on the Lox. 25 cents. •
Agents for Smiths Sugar Coated Pills.
.. 4 tiougestosim .1.4 e S. A.Coyle. .
- Kingstown,ley
April 9010 845.
y Consitipti oit I
ft - lit:tad tto not Despite•
' THONIPSON'S Compound Syrup of Tor, the
the moat certujo nor powerfol remedy.known I'ar
the'eure of Consumption in :al its stages, Itroneh ills
Cli 1 : 01110 - 1 ; 041 10 1 -81)ittilF.441-01)+Vil1 tot hi rtlrt
Heart liver Cotoplutut apt! Chropic Afteutions of
the Kidneys
RE.ID ! READ ! !
- Still further proofs—Sts own Milts Prod:tip it;
Philadelphia, Jan 3, 1843
Mr S P tHoupsoN—Dene Sit: From a sense o
gratitude to you and a desire- that tile afflicted may
have recoorsetu your truly invaluable
would atatethe benefit I have experienced from its
use For some time Vast I'llave been afflicted with
a dislressingracking cough,accompatilet,l with great._
oppression and difficulty of breathing with a .sensit
lion ef.tiglitness at. the, chest Becoming greatlY
safirmeiLa friend who Mid been much benefitted by
your medicine to try it I done
so and In a very short time every alsrming symptom expecteratimi became free t all dp
ression left me'mY cough censeirMill lien few &Lys
was able ftt go.teut and attend to e well
m an! Any further information will be cheerful' •
.o ve n the of feted by calling at my. i•esidenceNo,
Soutic•FrOnt street. •
- • . 495, 111,c1VIANAMY •
Price 50 cents rn
To' STPXENSO N, Sol." 'A ken,
TIT -- CXN - N011) BE DENIED - ; :
-'•Truth-1s Olighty) - thdtP'
0::? .131 4; ItEI4PSS4II.SVIPWRIL:9,/,:n
Is the, purest, strongest, and, rttost affieneititts of any
'other preparation:of Sarattparllla 'that is made:
It is warranted, 10 - , he *treater bottles ; :Of
1110 ST, others—Jostronger titan-•four. of SO/ I` , >id
Stronget thin Siren of the. Si. prepared
by any Other in' the United Stateel •
, Dr. Leitly's Sarsaparilla recommended
reap leatabie„phyilaisns . lapreference_ to any,othcri .,
A'll'.who trove ever nsedit; bane' derived 'more liana;
It from one': bottle than three:to .len!or litters t anti
hoie_who t yterhavingi_ased 'Other's - PrePeratifilis;
ptthopt I 156(iti , bV,
An* thousands'.htlite - alradj , kteen).,bf the
orewning,,assertion4 • 1 • .
4 s'irbe;apparattia'yitis....whieh%-Dr.--Leidy's7exlmetr.
tsoil his'preparation Of SitiMparilla as Prepared
ithe, , only oneln the'United States imported by, D1!:'
..eitlyhtintself [bora the celebrated house Of
k. - Xlivent oii; in rayisTat, a'.great °ion:tacit - intl', 19 PP,.
114 iittl:pr extracting the theditial 'Virtne'S . or. Shrsahar
illa andiothler ruotsi, tno# 4 • effeetually.:Suni: by any
dber-procesli : ,".
", , 11t7sVI).041) - v 7 .711eR7t47:
18 TES 04retriaticaltlti cures , and inoinninenda.
ions, froni , elerthmeb. and, Physicians 'have', Bees
4om tiMe tO time in different' pimersi"ir
fonly thenght necessary to lienp . :thisinblidselitiatti
I d'anstoasher4Dri. l 4 l Y,Tili@qiiir:illOcan*.e.ob ,
'land s'elty, gene ine,ina nto , dy!k.
street near.
'lna'iati i laign.iirtherGoldenkDakie :and 7,Serpent
W. f :llo os f jitille 4'4 , F 1 .15 ,1, '6 " te 0 101 lig
T'AiSiVNE; ; ;Doritay.l,4, tiottle, tor.
agent for Car f h
Ofeetiona "of the Lioer, - ilethotp,„
, - .Pronchites,.
" n'eakuPeCtif
Cotighl;Plettrity, iletnoithagev• the Lithiti 'And •
all stfoctipm• o I the Pulmennry, l looani.,..;7.. '
. , „
- A compound thilininiepeepaiition of th'erruirm
Virgiitiona 'or Wild Cherry Bitik:;-"7ednskiiteis
wi th - t he of Tor, prepared liy_b_rieW2.Clibini..
cal process,approved atirinamerilled by the Moil
distinguished physielaiis i and universally ucknowl.
'edged the most valuable mediciriee epee discovered.
In seuingtorth'ille virtues of this truly great med
icine we have no dceireto deceive those who are
labouring under aMiction,ll . oy - do we dealre'to eulo
gize it more than it justly deserries. Yel when we
look around and seethe vatit amount:. ariplrering end
distress occasioned by many or the diseases in which
this tnediCine . has proied so highly successful, ae
fecLthat wo•otionot-urge ite - clatras - tho itionglyi or
say too niueli in its favor. ' -
_.:Sueli,iiidged.,are. the
;at thistaiiiiiiohid'evei ! in the advanced stsgee of
CONstitur•rnm, alter till the most esteenied remedies
of, physicions•have failed to t :effect any change, the
use of this niedieleeluis been productive of the most
astonishing reliefoind actunilY effected cures lifter
.ulLhopefof-recot•errinul-bceii despaired
In ilie_fit•st stage's of the tlisease termed "
Consumption;", driglnating_, from neglected
,COLDS, it has bcen'uaed with' IttideVidting success
n .11 un d ou•1 edge 'they, restoration
of their health to thie invaluable medicine nione•--
In that form of Cqnsurnptioit so prevalent manes%
tlelieateloung_ferhales, common] • te- •
. . .
. . 1
A coinnlailif with which 1110'101161're lingering, t
has nlso Kota& timid • :inchessful, Mid PPl.o.nly_pas--
•essartfre - I •er o c peeking,the•progress of this a-. laming complaint; but also strengthens anti invigo
rotes the'syttetta Attire cfrectually dial any na'edicine
we have f2Wer possessed.
For articular's, certificates, ke., tee Dr. IV istar's
pamphlet. . •
.AGENTS. -4S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle
1. Denig;Chaiiibersbrag.
_ . Scileason-Oweik' yb-pg;
.Greasnals; Ski ['papal - erg.- -
Carl isle, Norernber 8. 1843.
Consuniption i x Cu 'Jr nb- .
M . and WOOD NAPTHA. Inflarn.
mation the mucp is niernbfrines lathe result of
.snore impressions =dolt : pen them by cold or
other causes hence Chronic Catarrh, Spitting of
Bleed, Bronchitis, Astmilli—resulting: in -Con.
Kits ptipjkgrdstritis., diseased.Liver-and.kidneysi
-Piiipilation of at,c_hcart., &c. Froiaineojitestifile.
evidence,-'ii.i s - Rovekithat - ThOmpbon'sboiffpon n d
syrup of Tar and Wiled Naptha is a specific in
these complaints—undying irritation, promining
healthy secretions, and removing the exciting
causes of di,nase. Thousands have used It .and
can bear testimony to its effidacy. Further proof.
Philadelphitr, March, 1,1844:
I hereby certify, that in consequence of repeat- •
ed and neOectod. colds, my lungs-becam .
- ous y fleeted and for nlorig--timo-1 Introlultered
with 'iolent pain in-my breast, obstinate cough
and expectoration, the symptoms daily
Mei - cosi:Tin violence. 1 had recourse tovarious
rmnedies, with' no avail, until I used Thompson's
Ciffnpettild Synth - of Tar, which effected a per.
nutrient cure before 11t,41 taken three bottles.
- • E. EVANS.
. niyette'street, below ln
Principal Office, N. E. coratr of„.FIk'111 nod
H., Sold also by Oliver, Tenth and Race; Hohrn
sack, 2d and Cuter, and Ath and Crean ; Thump
.-on,6th and Arch; Liridley M. England, 3d and
trine streets, Philadelphia ' E.
•Del.; J Gish, Lanetikic'r; A L Rhue,
Allentown; Jacob Mayer, Chembersburg; E W
Earle, Reading ; Moore & .L'ongticre. Norristown - .
T B Hewing, Trenton, N. J.;4IL - delnian,
'lon, N. J.; -Dr. MePherson; Hari ishurg; Al 3
Sands & Co , Neo l'oDt ; Dante .& Aldrich,
Poughkeepsie, N. York.
'Price FIFTY CENTS per bottle or „55 per
ozeh. e of countelfei(R.
T. C. STEVENSON, sulc agent for Carlirtle.
.Tanoart• 2, 1845 • Gm
1110121; 1 ) 120•01? !!
:ruchErri-orl 111.3. ch 18, 18-i I.
'11112E1.1 yi•nr.,:t g o in consequence of ovcr-excs.
tint, II assisting In 1 - :;111, II tt In/al, I ruptured a blot
vessel in toy It.ngs--si b liitli tins 11 - dinned by profuse
Spitting'''. I Blood, add eonsequent
had to stop noelt.„ 1 protured die bust medico
meta but the bleeding re' nrred Vl') oltrn r.cenn,.
panied ill, hoer. Inn short time a cough came tin
o itli great oppression, liectiefut CI aura night SIVC:1111.
lint I %Vela an grutlu s ally gi arch g., orse atria ht."-
came completely tlisenuraged until alinut *line
meld tgo."—LnttLe..tritel-'1 , 40A,-41 , 40A, fl'St."l - N - 'S - Cotr
pound bj rppo 11 ' 111'05 It'd, 1 used gradually for nen
three months, during it Ideal t.inie 1 gnat ally inn
proved sin! I now befit' my testimony tit=payaltio;'ais
the mcdieifie hid! beticfiittell Ito re
stored me to health.
I'llllll' 1101.1:EN.
Tr': This imalaable nwtlit.ihe if pat up h I
Inking the foll,iu lag m-itrols I:ltta it ill the glass:
'•l'hampanu's Coatitimail y.l-up or Thr 1011 . , Cur
,nm itichlithse is gentility.
P-t•le Faitta. per luttile. Six biAlles lot. ; 1 2,50.
For it. Cpirlisli•lo•
'l' C STEI'}fIS'S'ON, Sole Agent- 5
- May'49,18.14.. '
Worms AirPoirnis
F- parent s knaiv 'the value,' and tflicacy of Dr.
j_ l'atunt Ten ,111 e) never
would lavnitlip'utit - iivvlteir-farnilitia,nfisitililren are
- :
Dr. Leides - WDl'lliTea:ilLetidittOsed of vegetahles
Itogether, lie given to ehildreti of all ages.
Vireetionsdeedmputly each impel., or package. _
tlintivek.sulfer. • .of !Ines, Nom. so-mant
things tieing given them for worn s , without any el
feet.. . I ,g,dnit-dkedieine,gisedio eltildred, Ins a ten
Maley geherni, heal,th, and they nto
more orlisidelient ever
. ,
To avoid striieeooo , :int=giv lig e tlma
ce s sa rilYNehen."yqu'lfre vour ski/Men ha,
, wormcgtvd,titeiitilt.'fiiit:DrlFatlPit'llio t •m Tea, I
is all
• ltefid*ditdmiglif.h . p , initde to several hundred pa
rentslhtllillsdcl df,ille °Komi
of Dr.;:teidyniBVl 3 tirt - Tea'.;-:-Y4. - it a n d Yod will ht . .
,pricost , ..neiittleiiindi;lo2s•C onts a largepaci
age.:;•l l ,,repaOil,'Ofil4•'AMl,' for ealp;.. , irlinletnile an.
Romil * ;AT:o. l2 ;eitly!'.l.l/iinliN.l.'mpori t ir ri ; NO. I%
rsign - of - lhe 00/
geir=gl . ellnd ,
,;,.;,•„: - ,b;;MOl:niile Oarllide•byr: • „„,.. •
• = r , •• STE'IIIISO/I,'
ticculiar; tirr
ertlOOxof. this PPIFIII
-0 . Worentiiri4 - arnev
nry:Bppenilßgo toed
toßsit.;Unlke'. ell qt
ei;oil;.lt"ilocp:not .ii
the bait, but civeli it
brilliancy and, beat
inaiurpassa. It pet
tratEs nainutt
Vc i r e # 4. 1 ,0 nV, to At! Oit
withering bulbs nt
Ito;optillartesinfid se-
Vat% Alit _ so necessary to
:cob`PrOn 11 tro! ,o or tirOtNctiOtt of a tine licad of Ito' r
storek*Rit4rs generally at Rs,
,a 0 0 ,50 c ".
_ sor a oi Y n —
0c ia ier _2 3;t1R44 ....,:„ , ,
ithipoptaiitipotittiry Leaks , '
•• , ;
ri HE flndelljelf - c# ll e/JeftTe tocall'tho
—-,tion?br •P ountr Zi. l :lsoCYAlffilkliAlqicire
to their "t°ck, ( it 3,
-61tO ltiritk'lr*Vg:,"iikle
" 470010, ' 84 °.
dio'lDW'cat riiiikefitirceii.we are Miablectivithnut
fear of contrecHotion to ofrot. ,, Thr . Catih, beety,the
usual orcilit. punctual dealers; goods at much
lege rates than thOy can be,bad elaellhere. We
pirirnic6imlefa thpy*Pl be well repaid for their
4 :eallilkiloo:Yure'detertnined
to0 1 :q 114 8 4841atanot to4thcase.
srVI4T 7 n.
it'v)iantalt tine, coiner of:Stalary
flattireernv - Atitil 2'1845; •