Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 30, 1845, Image 2

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    , -, - , ' ,4 %
411111411110 6,,lasaavea
;~, 4 :;Ei: BEATTY ~ EDITOA~ ; ANJ~,~pRbPNI~TOA ;:i
WEDN'ESDAY`'JuIy 3o;`l'e4B:-"
•,141;T:Blr:R. has nein
lecturidiiiiiri on .nnti-sla
---,4ory,s-itiinugh-eight countinn_in,-Nirginia Virginia '
Washtgton Union says:
:WO - iditriildteititifiler the ehanees as against
war., and:yet we-are not at liberty to assign
, our reasons , for this` . •
: • 11110," thintrpander -Frederick Engle - has
been Alprieinted etimtharider of the United
Stittes'eteanter Prineeton in place•of °apt:-
Stockton; Who ' , Will remain at home to at•
tend to tire. repairs—and alter a tions of the
U.S.' frigate Tionaiellation.
• .
itdc•A town. meeting m nartisourg has
swpointed. a, colleding committee in each
.a farmAa - the—acighbortiond, upon
which to build 'the' State Asylam for the
'part VI-of Drr Lartiner's Lectures
tmrScieitce And Art, üblished by Greely
iSt McElraili - , - of New York, is . o n our • ta
ble. _lt contains the conclusion ()film lec
ture On the Radiation of Heat, also on. Me
e. toric Stones.and Shtioting tars„the. Earth',
Lunar Influences, and the Physical Con
stitutimi dr/curets. It Will be seen tfai
the. subjects ate interesting and important,
end the manner in which they are treated
renders them equally. tit:Leftmost 10-the un—
lettered as to the scientific man. It is s grat-
Hying to see the interest in scie n ce awaken
iFdirt the country by these lectures. It is
calculated to produce important results,
11013.11 Writer in the National Iltelligen
terrin2speakinrof the alarininiprevalence
:of inTemperance inVirginia,,ikatitmil l e
ttoMe stand taken by ov. McDowell, the
ptesent Executive of the State, 'on the side
13 envenom, in strong terms Of approba
tion, He- has had the .meral courage,"_
iduiarlitt the writer, ', l amid innumerable ,
thwartinge or the great, and-the
fashicittable,.to . exhibit upon his table and
. his 'mansion, to guests,' how ,
- jiiter . :miriiiirisut 'or exalted; '.no - _
'drink than pure - water, His riairie is sign
ed to the tiledge'of: abstinence from all that
-7. eUninieiteite; and his eloquence, iinrivalled
to* in . Virginia, has repeatedly been heard
ati the Cause of such tempetande."
_ It_wilLbe_seen by the following from the
Baltimorti Patriot of Thursday afternoon
last, that, the administration has commenced
an attack upon the Tariff. Pennsylva
nians who. wish to maintain the present
prosperity -Of our State, and the advance
ment Ofita interest, should keep a watchful
eye upon any movements towards altering
the - tariff law. -- The -- Petriof says—.." w e
-team-that the -Secretary of the Treasury
has authorized at the several Custom
Housefly inquiry to be instituted, with' a
view,to some
,modification of the Tariff,
Ite., and that Messrs: Neilson and Burk,
-of the Baltimore Custottalouse, have been
eeleeted fOrlltia cit Sr."
101mA Washington correponclen-t-of
'—'thePelly Chronicle tiayst`HDO riot •be,surz
pnieed to hear o(the re;Ostablislimetit of the
.131hibe : the XtemocFatic membe*• of.
'Cciiig(*ionnot,ite is.very probable, agree , '
- .- - '9* - Ritiihlill=far.. - public_Trinting, . they will,
give it to; Mate and Rives, - and they will a
geln. set tbe 9lobe on its axis. The U. S.
Jouriah4epreeenting-tinrYonnty penwera
the peculiar friends of Gen. Jack ,
eon , is cogning# l openly. against Mr. Polk'.
. TO ; presWmpti4 in :. tbat the - Journal Will,
bet„ps . 94.,W3iiik - A;c o ., to , break dow n
~11.1r;pOlk and Ritobli;._and,fto :re-establish .
itbe: Globe as tie Organ. and dictator. of the
Detooersio art :'V
. "Pr'QfimsqtAiOili says the Wash
ington Union;le ttisitiit'to sail, ; for Europe'
in 'Aiiittati huChe will return in time for,
thi'!_eireiiiio or coeirees. ire will carry
aith,l4ll4,filitprovideotif Of his:Cefebra
tpd tehipeph; we .heve no. Odd he
ivitilliteither Viatoliatinguished attention
thipithe.:navansifidetatesmen of Europe
CO ibioli hieextracirdipary invention for
-' The ralid nOrnatunieutroo of intelligence—
' eOperlbr, 'as is le, to an ' einttl " riliarover).
hipase'e.: , ..eojustly entitles him,
-;VitiZrcepiiinliihn*itlicer, who, it will
bite is 13 ' ' Tpil a inFlorida,
,= , , ga!,.,,,5 11 ,1,.w0f m 011) r
liti4t l 4. l LOPeeir - k4:30401 - o, l 'has been lib
,''Sr#o,lll..t.ll;4l.4ti/14,01015# ' ate ri ' dara 84 7 e,
tstit t hf siil3 9:9Pkr e t d, :tg i i, l lflt! him was &Poe
*3W #E4Vo l * . l;houlf,...4 ., 'e*tv York house,
Ai(llitilled%. l "This'ii# l ;49 o lead wae - dohe
'Llst: t lOnd'reinti'',ttittTsen of .'Walker's,
'''-`' ' I ' 4 tiiiiii r drnitiner Aftificiffo'rth com t
,5 ,714 J J ' 4 ^ '
O,tA, *C, 4 40i 0 031.9r.094194.10 - 11.0eAr„ ,
.{,,q, ,nt'lls , . A .
‘"(,.. , t0a41 1 ./M1!„4"i-thot,--so - mama,
r,i 14 1 1 1 8 .4fPi41. iiTh°tll.4l drunkards hoe,
bii4**o l /o'lliid that merf? than five h un*
I 4 occasional '" iMd F 3 PfirMet,.acP , g ,, * *el k n: Ut akeu , PS
Shied the
*taiieern 6l ?t Pr , fhe ~l'efttPerehet refrit
' tr•
, 1, ', 1 11 11t, 41irge majo rity Of 'On he4l','itinor
t Sf illi i ll .P , !! o ? -4n t r Yi: afe- F naliiiri cifl4 l 9
4' . .; ,; ' l', o ofitiY*,cr , ;;:rhe. , claret'4)!*: '' iii;
* f t 6 Y1" ,. 0 1 * 1141 0 14 1Y'
, f i... 4,,
„.v, , i ,. , ,
0# . . ,)4nP4stwoout ',' ',_,t ",' ..,,,,:
'-. , ;,.5',1, -"A''''''
,0 1-
H. -.,: ”mm:
7- • • -
POei s.":` - • tifiSt.Ze;,.,, y.:
7f161i4g, tf,
has.l l atelilianspiied•naoligsk , Ole'4ofrfoo! I
raay,'—thweaPtain .. .doei! . nOt .laY"*lttietly.
wliat it 'does:ro't 'once mention the
. ar - llaleantb's'Groi*t!'"N;y.-,
'Other. which it seems be dates not speak . ,
ald r u
ly 'Oapini, More . than to assert that
the main part of the story . ifrisheer
- Well;We
the Buchanan and Dallas "Muss"' one the
4th of Julyovitich Capt. Sanderson so dis
tantly and . rnyiiteriously . alludes 'to in his
list paper. It strikes us an important sign
of - dre - fimesitlint-the-daptain-is-obliged-to
allude to the matter so d i stantly. It tillaws
hOw deeply the Dallas:feeling .. has-struck
its roots. Althoughlte has-lately Veceived
a pretty large slice
, frOM th e public loaf
-through-the influence - of - Mr: - Bnchanan,-lie
has not"yet dared through the tolttnini of
the 'Volunteer-to denounce the Dallas men
who offered the indignity to Mr. Buchanan
sl Holcotith's grove f isa pretty
strong indication that any 'clennociatioW
of the Dallas movement on the 4 th , NV, 6111 d
he very likely to Make a disturbance in - the
But it is rather too severe a stretch of
the truth in the Captain to say, that the
main part of the story is a sheer, fabrica
tion," The• Captain knows that our state
ment of the loco foe° .quarrel on the 4th
is stria* true. s We obtained all the in
formation-wapublished.on the subjeet; from
irgentleman who was on the ground from
an 4: Who - was' an•eye-witness to all that
trandpired..Tlielluchinan clique in dila
boiough may stifle the feeling so as to pre
vent-any sign of it appearing in the colL
umnii-of , the-LVolunteer i -bui-the fight did
take place in just-the manner and form de
scribed, and the Volunteer cannot refute
our statement. - We have no particular in
terest in,these "family quarrels" of our
harmonious opponents, other than to fairly
and it - v . ly chronicle them es passing events.
1 . IK-P'olk-far-41Votble;'
KrThe administration at Washington
-is , evidently-not-getting along smOodtly.—
A late number of the 'Union,' the official
organ, admits Mr. Poik's failure to buy up
friends by means of the governr,nent pat
ronage. It says: "We have almost come
to the conclusion, that the patronage of the
Executive is not the thing which it has
been-cracked up to be that it adds neither.
to his pleasure or his pow.e,r; and that Mr.
.Polk would be stronger without the dispen
sation of his patronage than with it.
'tWe could mention men, who summed
they had strong claims,.upon the party, re
tiring from . o . • .
Washington disappointed and
disgnsfed- 7 -their att yu, 1 -,„ 4„ t• o lten, if not
perverted—viewitg p.
tion titre'
the falser medium of their passions and their
prejudices, and prepaeed to seize the
. firiTt
occasimt to censure ; and then abuse and
finally - to attack."
Titp, TAntEr.rr•Theletter of R.I. Wm:-
Nan, to the editor of the Mississippian, in.
which be says,' THE TARIFF - MUST - .
BE REDUCED, will open the eyes of
many allitherto blind, though honest sup
porter of the Federal Locofoco party.
"Polk, Shunk and the Tariff of 1842,"
streamed fr4m4lte banners of the Locofoco
party dnying the last campaign. and the
peopla'WhO ralliesLundertheir-folds,-must-I I
_now FEEL and KNOW that they have
been deceiired and betrayea Can they a
.ny longer act with a party, the leaders of
'which' are so base and villainous, as to
.purchase"vietory at the sariftee of the dear-'
est interest of their country! It cannot for
a moment bd believed that had the Locofo
c-91,Plac,ed upon th , "thann , rstl e mauo 91.
that:POlit, 'and. much less Shunk, could ev
* have succeeded. , Will mot - the people,
then, who,:voteff the Locofoco ticket last
fall, believing that they were supporting the
, 1 1
Tariff ofili42.teach.the,minions of Great'
Britain witO . :n.l - Washington - ,
attempting 0) iarry vet ttmltigtttoitod tory.,
anti-tariff (limn:lnes:4Bin . .Robert
Mat May,ltonently, voted for Me, ,risiiffof
1842 and »mania stand 604 In voting_,
„front • the high,..the,lowest.eilleer;:in sustaining it,
"first 'telt and all the time," they may do
Renry , G. Green;iwito,lme been' on' trial 4
.Troy, New: Ycirk, for a'fOrtnight past, for
the murderlofhitt wife, •was ton • Saturday ,
afternoon, found,guiky by the jury, - and
sentenced by the CoOlti to be 'hanged . .6n
Wednesday theloth of September:'
The uPcitilhe prisOner, was'
of 'offhe rndst'atiottious'ever ;recorded;—
He hutlbettti married but:(oir 'cloys when'
began IC give arsenic to ilia:Wife:2 - - She
aiimeiiresiribed; : The devil otti: htiblnio
ihen'llaiiesited-Ille*sespfarseqieranclirtii -
oii bOsint.
lolldo ttifi-
- d 7 i * votieg's
-drink;'mine4s T , eeaoiii ev en 4 iiif pros i4 i d
i it thi 8111 feinto:lif-mtitdei.Ailiei les t , inir'
iiietie efikiisioill'id'i?liiiii ifitir, h - 314'.evee .
' ;vrollB o l ! fin ji li e* l6 ll l 44'ahe 'lltf.lcriti*
10 ' 61816- 4016 40 t hRi x, ./0 *iiikvoi 4 ii'lli&O'
ihr etr ioheri g liesti , o iri ,t i - 'ohf,hiffOttia - kliveek
ifferf n6rrisie:'-;- , The. t ";Ciiiiiiil'‘f viiii i s , .';',6 3 lik
Ilitiea" .l ,9l'n haMn 8 , 0 . I ,
Mak be in is. i lie MP ll Mjiibi:ktit, a k, ii f'
'1 .: ;tll,o'iiot I:ll'o.nll,4iitOlC-10,0J,,,,V.V.,”
,; ' j., 5 a,l-,-,;,,,!„.;,t, ,`,. 1. `",,,, . . 0 * - 4 4 . 1 ' lir ' l t
1*.rg,101 1 31 0 911 1 0 1 . P0 / Wl t lifOs
il'6' ft*iYageTt'V'i Pin4"*".Atatir.
• ,i'' **16A0,tki:Frxu.:4041.,A.*,:."j..i77,.
.. _
:4:44.:,,..: cab.,,;;!' -'1
AN6. - - - Tief i ~
P ._ Pait 00 8 g „l-0 1r0 : •.; i... 100
1 1 81111 flbre '‘"P`• ria,t,ool,Ww"' •
•41 11 -Wi4'
4460 , 1 , 161vii . 'potiig - qAaigitiliroal l 4 ,
gr• 1 3. 4 Ins i° 6 Y l6 O94X . ibY:, tifim,;44_,
The iiniee; not ripeakiiii.E.filiierdie.r.: , l
ti.adieted:titeqi*i' s ;,„ l isliegattont ort!+to!.
tirid'er; find ixijiiii,kgo #.4% IVIr:olIC . ,0 . 0
rier*Te -- 'bufiriiiighi j i,:trtri - - - -="iliere -- Availtn - ,
'future, in, po!Rie,sifOr hint bexOn4ltuft lirti`:
ritid." • .:
~t , - 110,,," • . -•• '
~, ::,y,..
' - ' - 6iit already ii4idencei of,thei'ciii;;k;
_ :
~,, ..-.,
ntssof 'Potomee's;'asservitien•Oare gctt.,nex .; • .
iit g ,•,-: Lile::-noticed: 4 n -•'- n• ,, yeetifri..Sjiitier;fe;
"feler" . put out by a , totni:oce knikr i ln.
Detroit: The iticlimend t nquirpi4, 7 `ise:lterir.
all - the secret designs itrid . .,alsviititiOnji:',o,f'
the President ate to be looked for-Jits A
iiiiidf,--in Clio" peTion of - a entres - finiitletw, -
who adppts; for the occasion, the signature
of "A t epublitan of 1108"—deciared ftir
a second tam. Deprecating, in an article
published on the 9th inst., the gro;,;ink .
discord the ranks of the Locofoc4;,he
. .. , .
sn'ys :,,,•-• - 9
"There is, however, one result which
Must foltow any, dissentiona -between the
supposed Calhoun•atid--Van Duren. wings
of the party: The people—the patriotic
people—will fa'y Alm_ contestants aside, and
rally, as they .all may; Once • more .under
the banner of James -IC.,'Polk. Treat not
this PS a wild-idea—itmust-be-so-;--notking_
is - Lniore - ortaiTin-the feta* ilianAtatyhe
e.. e 1
not the most perfect harmony in our-ranks;
and perhaps it -will be7so i•ader any
eumstances. There is no reason why ;it.
may not.
"I know' Col. Polk hae:aald- that he
would not be a Candidate for iesetectirie,
and--I--know- that-he-Voted, whileAn- the
.House of Representatives, to limit the ser
vice of the President to T. singie term of six
a-pinions of Col. Polk, in which I do not
concur, and in which the people do not.
The same opinions were held and urged
with great force, on many occasions, by
Thomas Jefferson,- while the Convention
wholtanied-the-Constitution were-in ses
sion, and often since. Gent_ Washington
,repeatedly expressed his determination to
withdraw- at the end . of his first-term ; and
Gen. Jackson often urged upon Congress
the propriety of- restricting the 'period of
service to one term ; yet all these illustrious
men yielded to the sense of the nation, and
were: elected and served a - second term.--=
cowse or these eminent men has never
1 - beerreensuredmitrirCol. - Polk`follow'w 'in
,theit footsteps, he. will -enjoy the plaudits
LthatfulloWed them. If the-people again
call upOn - 01. PORTI Inty,e- too high an
opinion of .his devotion to - them .to doubt
that he will not resipt their Voice.
"Let partisans and factions. beware, lest
they - - makethie nomination a second time
indispensable to our triumph.".
There, is--no--equivocation here.. The
discord of tbe.factions, will be sure to be
kept up, because MG-Polk can Control them
-••so that it May now -be set down as cer
tain that Mr. Calhoun, and all others who
have been looking, or Whose friends have
looking, for them, to the Presidency Must
stand aside for Young Hickory, fctr a sec
ond heat.---
DIENT.—On the evening of the 9th, lays,
the Cincinnati Gazette, -three men from 0-
Mr. C Loraine, Mr. bainer. and Mr.
Thomas, all of Washingtou county, were
seized on the Ohio- shore
.by a body of men .
from Virginia, and lodged in_ a jail at ear
, - ersburg,-upon-the- charge-that they had
aided the escape of the slaves. • •
The facts., is we learn them; am that
six negroes, belonging to Mr. Howard, of
Wood county, Va., made _their escape into
Ohio, that seven men, among whom were
the three above named, met these negroes
_on_the_bank,_and-were-aiding- vhetn—hrt
remeval of their baggage, when they were
_seized, the other four escaping. This was
done without any process of law. The
Virginians say that, they had knowledge of
the designs of the Ohioantkwhich ... they . de- .
rived unqestiontbly from one of the tie
groes; and that they were tints prepared to
defeat the designs of both artier. •
- .
The friends of the captured , whites tell
this story; . that some seven weeks since
they Were - solicited by a white man, an el
der in the Baptist Church of Virginia, and
our informant, thinks his name is -Romaine;
to aid the escape of the negroes; that.
they refusalo leove i this state for-thatpur—
Peso but said they were-Away-Arse:oy: to
help the bond in their efforts to gain their
liberty; and that he returned and entered
into the plot against them, for a prothised
reward if they, were capturedsif fifty dollars.,
Th - 00 - firrua to be examined .on . Fri:?
day of this week ! before a called _County;
Court on-the ttuestipn of their-cpmmitment.
f.r,trial'before the Superior Courtin Sep‘
tenther:, , The, excitem,ent itt.yery great, o%
bolt igi . niantitthe inhabitant - 1
of Parkeininirg,sre,ermed, , and_prepared_tdo
repel any attempt to' ttlsase, the priscinerir.
In Wmiliingttin county; in this state; meoi
inge;have been held 6 4, 1 01vhflitiPs and
several others are,tO"theeiwith the object
Maiidirje a ftiir trial of the Chemins,'
thoughin trtr ;of them thOats have been,
made to cure ilawiessiies# . a violatten
of lavi-4doilter wet:deto tear deWn "ParT
,Camiuxel.—ThTe reit=
eat feat of ,Criglling,twe have ever seen
chronicled this seasonv-eriya-, tiftt-,Char
town, Free' Press; was , done,by NT. Worty
Dane; °l'4"Yer•Rdni-n,aniPshir°-(l9!4rf
Va. lie comtnepeed n etting in the moio
ingOlt4 Wore an 4 stopped• 43,F:
MAnt PrigrOn t" ) Cu! , --ii-P-1 1 °Pfbefol'e4unt,
down c utting eight acres
2 . 0 9
01634 , 0 1 7, ve ,, L , 3 ,0t 11 49P 1 ?!.a.• b 4t1,,..* /
he • n oo, 9 - ' ,L#0 1 :10. 9 .ki:4h:?0! , 199
114? 4/ 1 ?qt 11 Mt5 4 019,?$V44 0 AFfe::Inil
' 4 10 4 i 214,A d a1.#44,1 1 01111 ve m,
;7-ticfrlto,}.4.ll;Uo ,4Az?,s4,
• ' ditr'itkUNat ''P%
ii P i *is!
antlits.extractett from Wrillh3„first
better to t j'e",l jtit-Y9tlt.:: trror,datettfrolll -
'4*4olokfiiiio; . rilie : ContrOii t , 6- a!
I;;'i .: ;A4e ffilifin;thaf
:pya 4,-""q4o4o9o.oßer,;#...'UY:P,eooa!i.:,9o'
or•-twri:COlitrasts:preptin-ii - M y"-ditll,:ey+%' '
'mint leffiti
s ft' i ki**AS'
tho,ioetiseilitt,h_Opiln the countenance
orthe*orkilhitmlisseit;4,tfili'look 'or dogged
anima ance . of they
and cows. AC
sliow,y. eutiipyge-goed'=6y, and they have,
not tho' up. Theit. gait
is thit'"Of. donkeys, saving ;as much
treAble,;laY-,leglilfaiig-- J as possible. 'Theit'
riiouthti.o:eyei,tire„tihelly sensual, ex
twant above food.
Their'dteeisifs*, , Willieut,Ja 'though t mo,re than
Ivarieth.mideeveriegi , drab covered with
Theirvoices lire a half no te• above a
grunt,;,4iledeed comparing. their condition'
with•a-hores4.:Woultlii_refer being an En•
gliiih linieete . lieing-',,,`„an , English working
Mall. ' easily. see the very
.atrPfig,cotttiast . .thercia'betWeen this Pic.
'lure, and iltatet . '4l.lfeAnbitiotis and lively
ytrorking.temi , 'e(our eduntry.•
• - IP rrcatts,*firSt.lseding-4-that Of ferri'lle7- -.
dress., The:entire ibeiriffe of the orniniart, ,
tal—of any',llileg except - deeent covering
larly Lngiisli atirtparticularly en-American.
V do not helieia'you would find tea femalo
servants in New York, without(pardon my
naming it) a "bistle.". Yet Laiow •aa ma.
ny as two hundred women in the streets.of
Liverpool, net,thie with a bustle! I saw
them,.so !Filet because it is nottrfaTiilifon )
but be.eattse the Pride' (of
whose backs but one line)-does not
outweigh the 'price of the bran. They
wore tHelt shoes such 'as scarcely a man
would wear with us, no gloves of course,
and- their whole' appearance 'was that* of
females in whose mind never_entered the
thought of ornament on week days. This
trifling exponent - of the condition of women
in' England, haste lake field of speculation
within and around-it and .the result of
philosophizing on it wuld be vastly in fa
vor of our sitle;ef . the water
- In- his second - letter Mr. NV illis gives the
making.a sett - stilton in London„ society.
io's "a - h-oist!--,-.and-nothtng
I Made a couple of calls before I . meat
home: The chief topic of conversation at
oth houses was:the charms and4ccentrict
tied-of an Am e dein . belle ti iliti iTatreately .
married into Ciiiible family. She seeMs_
to: have enchanted- the - etclusives-by -treat
ing thim with-the.mosturikleferential free=
dont; a few .evenings.since;shechiniced . to
be surrounded by a half dozen higtradmi 7
reis, and Conversation going on rather heav
ily, she propoged a cock=fitht. Dividing
thee-party into two sides, she' tied the legs
of the young men together and
_set itMm - to
a game of fisticuffs ending in a very fair
teprefiQtarniiof arraction between Aellig
crept ri:iters! One clf her expressions
was narrated wit:Nl - Met glee. She Chanc
ed to have occasion to sneeze when sitting
at the dinner table between two venerable
."I..a! , "•she exclaimed, "I hope
I didn't splash either Of you!" I have
mentioned only the drolleries of what I
heard. Several instances of her readiness
and 'wit were given, and those who men
tioned:them were of the class_ she is Shill'
ing in, their admiring tone gave a fair re
section-of ho w - s he - is - looked - upont , as tite
most celebrated belle of the nobility for
the ,preien• season.-
The New York Daily lEvenit Mirror
and the weekly Mirror,.will contain these
letters, which promise to be the. most in•
teresting series that ever - Mr Willis has
rritten. The — terms — nr - th - o — NeThil
weekly Mirror is 'three dollars per annum
and a better pagr cannot bo obtained for
the money anywhere.
sett Spy has.,the following notice of the
apearance agokt_pf-thepotato f hlight.
"It grioverfiiifto say that thoblight which
-•ised --
.caused sum ,teetructien to the potato — crop
last year, has thus early 'comrnineett its
ravages the present Season* . We have
antlued st.fielil..belonging to .oov..Lincoln
which we areßaStii.. e .tl exhibited:re:perfect
ly healthy apipartination the 3tlinstint:w- - - -
9n_theOthipoooll.of. the vines showed
indications of filaease, and'on the 7th one
half of
. them ; ware mmo,o,leaa
many of;theni .ahreoktfitne' half 'of their
forther 4ipaCnsion#;liind ilOme of the leaves
already fitreesl;lwavipind nearly dry. The
p! ) l l qeezi. - *l l 'o' , droi: r ed . variety, cpmc
times' called the peach hhAva. The seed'
>paw solectedobl in a fine'and -apparently.
ketfithy-atate.,.We opened one cf the ;pile
moaCereeted with tililliffletlete d-r d
thefeedattll'BOung 144fifiPareptly healtb-
Y.!.-q9ricia 91grOtifj. 0 14 0 itywe , a1) 0 4
.004iiet Wa,oiraom,dieease appqar•
. 04"commene it# the 'upper
_part of .the
lowiag eitravt , from ; a, feat from
,the office
9f the P9l; Cibiifir; ender .date of
J917,1*. hi: ihi/Sl'e* York
tVlo( l o l 4o l 4i . er‘reie
-P6:o4*ol;llKfils,w..a!l her et. .04
eitit*OPfAifilt 6 ra'& o ; -410 ' • 7
ate l efr
11431TA0 .MMt c ,4 tl 9:!,,t , 'Yfig'l l *getP
feelings' wtll be in
soil 41CerlYJ'bP1101.0.e!OF#two*;01t d
eowerdly„prectlee:Atthieh s MiefipMed
°ri 3 nere+ ' • c
'IRM,1041 11 i4# 0 1 1 011107, ,; .t# Si,
', l ll l • Aitoq9-4.0141•1114.04,1*40'
. • •
For - opprid n •Expnintor..,
age Viten I' i nier,enjpithlii . :..great right of
freemen.thatnfvotingliound it'neCessary
to •exan3i tre z fai-,,Myself 4rtto , th e-principleS.
trilid7practieeti , oohOWO4reat political' per , . l
40> ofilerStifoAditilfdeidel'whic I
Id lirt've . .thesgriateSiVintf efo4lie `country in
- •
111y`firet inclination:was to , join . ,.the
lidifffronti some thingi
did` - rot t6et • I .-heard
wanted'done 'for the beneficef -their coun,
:try; for me to decide betweenffiem, seemed
-eurof my power; ,here I stood like the ass
in thefable, between 'two bundles of:bay,
'both seemed right, both wrong. By acci
dent.l called with one of ,rny good neigh.
bore, who seem rd to-takb an - interest - in
my Welfare,i:lyho kindly gave me an intro•
d u o n-to-a ra n n tlem an rwi th - who-tit
he ,vves.frebly converting at the time I en
tered his house-; I was a little bashful and
hardly apprehended the name given; I took
a seat which :Was kindly-set for me, and
listened with great interest to their resumed
talk; I felt as if I could now learn some: .
thing; the stratteer was a — Mr: -. H . -•=-, a•Na•
tive•AmM:ican member of the State Legis
laturei-wrirqdrinerlyiraii'been a li`i- , 1-,1
.0 - sat - oreign—m ' once-- ms— eon
,operating greatly to our prejudice as Amer
icans, and the power of thel , , wealat of the
British manufacturers, has :Alit! ..a very
baneful influence ;:tn our elections in this
'cohntry ; the cry of moitopolyandunjust
protticilen- has . been printed at foreign ex 7
perMe, and Thrown intoserery cabin in our
•gss , • II
gies of all the friends of our country, to
?•• •
counteract; ho was dimly-of opinion that
twenty/one years' residence now should be
required for citizenship; this talk ottwenty
one years made me feel as if I ought to say
something—but my host come in before
me, and asked how it-Was:possible to re
lieve Pennsylvania 'alit of I,er difficulties ?
why, says Mr. H. that is easily done; sell
her public works, get a law of-Congress
passed diViding the amount of money aria- .
ings-froM the sal'es'- •of—the—ptiblie: landS,
-among—the-St-atoll this with - a --, reasonable
tax on the people will alien meet every
Alernand, and havea• loge - sinking fund on
the principal debt; the 'Tariff will then'be
steady for revenue, all the resonrcesLof the
State will be kr_oughl- eut,.. every ,laborer
will be :profitably. employed, and we will
•very boon overcome all out difficulties; why
says My frien&-youmatiVai would . make
•very good Whigs.•so far as • government
policy is concerned. I 'thought 1 learned
more from thisconversation how I should
act my part is a citizen in a few minutes
than , I 'had learned in twenty-one years
before. I found Mr. II like myself had
been nn apprentice to learn a trade, schwa
_tell himself, stands- -high -as a- legislator,
speaks well in public, is beloved as a man
and christian, knows his duty and is deter
mined to do it. lam convieced4p, • is well
worthy of imitation,—how hartne said it
was to-knock off the shackles of party
had started wrong but he had overborne his
prejudices, so I determined to look Well -to
my first vote. lam now satisfied that the
'same ptintiples which actuated our fore
fathers to hecome Whigs, in our revolution
ary struggle, actuates very many uow;.:the.
love of that liberty so dearly_bought "we
ought to appreciate bbove all things in dila
world, therefore I do think I am prepared
to take and_in_the-good-114 7 -hig-eauS • .
Yes I feel warm, and out of the first mono
learned - .applied a portion to getting Our .
:am pleased with it, and as I under=
stand you are young like myself, I hope
by, your integrity, frugality, industry and
,persmieranee i -you may pcipiirr a starling
amongst us, that may make you au_ortla
molt to toctety,and a useful citizen.
4 1 .4 -
Yellow - 19, 18.15.
. •
perlt is very evident , says the , &nes
villa - (Ohio) Gazette that the elements o
discord are rite among the locoroco party
and.that sooner or ater they will 'break out
in open orifo. Bitherta,thof have been
'held togetherAnlVy..the cohesive power
of public pluu4e . ..;: , Aitt':a meeting of the lo
cpsof this coifii*MVSatuiday last, a res -
'elution woe oh, E. Church ap.
&aviary' Pqk's aclmiiiistraTion, which
wnii imimptly voted dOwnl — ' •
Dagutre said to have madea
diaeovery almost' as wonderfel-ts-that to
which' . hit'neine . hae been' glfen 7 It eon
elate ote proceis by Mitlob' he ±earLglve, : te
velopemertts,aa'in*etate of ,nature requir;
ing tnenyV ytani. ; '„ This ,ie.'<lone by a
sort.,44graf)lniAneer th'd;,/oot. We, give
this. nepeant no :44111, itlmeeme
li joernale; 41 be. a, true., one we.
',may lope itiM'Al.ifear‘tbe details Of the,
- In;New York - on - Tuesday. , there were
:four_suddl li deaths , b rought oji by-the or
oesaibe hea '
t.' iThe: , 'Tribune gives the.
Sikaiies of fifteep - .persoim," ,hate-died
Ire - bort (tale
't ti
'',•:A ,, - „
-7,4,;!- - - . -4 . -. -4 ---, ~ . .. .-. 4 1-'7.-, • „:.;...':.:-,--x
. • • 'dittiliiicsittnxtais..Thti most; whittler re iii
'iii - arthisiiiii*ittlitY areikdin7 *KW perify_ Anti_
tAirieliii.ehikkkeditiWiiditisiktitotSpzto,bet ludo- -
.eOttt je!Thel,i.4itititttes:lVStiohfiereedies as Actieco- ,
OY,'Y'Afe'Oe'lli'MineAltod , thit'qtaiing: rieonhet ,td
;Bleeding hk}iiiies*tire cow,lt, jit, hoped going out .
01' tesitionOtedlV,V,Ogetable Remedies tslll , be sooit
th;Orilit,.!,trietlieloo t'llion'lttrintlntrit" , %traetitr;
• - weirintAttit! Mlttoo:toiccl nod oppreOlotecl. t r r
Itiotlit*ltn . 9.ri teitilft beneficially on evel , yliati..Of
l e
theillhoty, ',lteler lactiAP 4 :kritlig-Ch1i9,0494R54-
liftkw I. 00d0.F140,4 they pertly ; ono 'it stiouldo
060ritti 'tt . 2tl"Pott they only remove itclitia piiii VOW
4,1 1 0 . ,iti g ::which were the cause of intlamtentiOn'ol , ,
AionsecOoy kind. - Nothing
.is Opal 'td ridding ,
• Ittivltiftted tOttiioro;:witli..a: vegetablo: tooditinO ' o
thi A k,loo;vl4lofghty-fourlOare have proved incr4.
ilr:t0: 4 1 6 , 11 40 ' l , l l l 'lirwtt) 2 Ylloo:'.''. - ~; ';:t...:. : - oi; ,
r , olit ', J , hiol7A4pi...Barnit4:4l,tigtin',
1 1 4 11 1e - WilPX.f . :Ts'''.l"':7% . . , ' \ .::::• ,
ive, , ,vs6k; IN -„.... k ,„„ ii) ;;1.v, ecty.,;,112- , 1 , -,.0i,13v; ; c,P3'.
14,4..t , PP2,67.4.0.Vit•ti,aitigg,Pd&.4,' 1.;:rd,,,,.,=;•p:.;',g,':,:k,•!
f 4 CAstasiitiTuly - 14.1.418451't
dggr.,G,TlCear-le. :Iterebyykiveti,, to. p er s ons in. -
'IT terested; that' .the - fedlmilik.eabiaiifiliAttA'
been. this office by the
acc_pupteatelhereirtnnmesl. anotwilLbe.presented
to the Orphans'. Court of Cumberland county for
confirmation aid'allowipee on Tuesday, , he 19th
OFAugutit,-A. D.;lB4s,viz': .•
The account of-JaCob G. Miller, Adroinis:
deceased. . •
2. The account of Jacob Thrush, Admit-Astra
tor of- Catherine Thrush, late of Newton. town
3. , The,account,of George Heulte, Exesntor. of
Michael j o eidig, late_of Silver •Spring ttiWrthipi,
- , , •
— l4;.Tliredeistinfeflatririct'Siertett,'„Prectiter - T3l
Culberson, 'of' township,,
5., The. aCcount. of William Tahnestock, 31
ExeCutor of Willikrn 'Falinestock, Sr„ late Mf
G. The iinComit ofJcseph.Wirt, Administrator
of Peter Wirt, lateof North Middleton township,
a. Tho accountAd!:•George num AdtriiAtetta
lor_of_Gcorgo:ROley-Oatejef East-Pcnnsborpogh
township, &coast •
9. The suPple ental account of Georke . W.
Slicaffer' and Jadob'Shrom, Executors of David S.
Forroy, late . of the borough,or Carlisle, deccascd-,,,:,
Ik, The account of Peter Myers,Adininistra.•
'tor'fff' Immo 411.5, of,Xtenkfril townshiP;
docenxed:. , • • •
11. 'The' account: of SS iinfeT;2l94.lo",fielf; Eireen .. -•
tOr of Jfietina Sensairtabilite,:'Sre EllXer Spring ,
township, deccesed::_.'..-5.4„, -
12 The-aceount k Of Aiekander G.•Oiegg, Exec.
utor of Isafiellalintro,lPtii of the ffeiciugh of Eiji.
lisle, deceasod.', F .
IG.. The account of Tofin 13. Coovor, Esti., And
John Siterrick, Administrators of Christian Grail,
late of Allen township, deceased.
1-7,--The supplemental account of William Gal.
Loath, Admintsßator.of Joseph late
of Dickenson township, deceased.
. - LAST Ait RIVAL. -
L j r
FilliE subscriber' begs leaVe .to call the attenti o rm ~.
of thy' public to. the large and splendid assort- "--
meal fir Watches and. il cwelry, jest received at ii. -
alit stand in Maiii- street, opposite Louilow's Rook"
- Store - mid nlittln7Wetri of .fleett.u&S - libriir; ciiii - sii - -..
lug of Cold Pafetet Lever eBll7-.
and Lupine WATeIIES, • ,/, '
.." - . .
the most extensive aind , `;, is i .' '....2'...„.."
-cheapest lie has.ever olfered 9
~.. ,lo
-to2. ..-:.„
the-citizens df Comber- W, .. ,cei 4 3 :;!... ~'C , ,
land county . Silver Liver et' 8 7 , 4 - ,l#
and- Lepinc du: - Gold and - - - ,.; 7 ;_7..,,/- 1 •-• '.
.Silver lireast Pins, Five':- . 11°1111 ,, C--;p2ticti2Ol - atch,
liCis;\l - tifilli - -efiliii'lli, -- spefetiiiireS -. .c.e: Also Millia
tore cases, Ci earn Is, Chops, Lack ' ets, I lair-pi os, Ear- .
rings,-yinger — ringi, :11Lalliatis mid in lot of very su
pernal' ~„ , s
*Diamond pointed
a- very - tVitira ble article - IZr Melt of Ilusisl , as 'roe:
rally ; together vs iiii many zither articles in his line
of hasiness unnecessary to mention..
l'lnnons wishing 10 purchase not a the shine 11T ,
ticks would do Well 10 'call soon, as it is the hand
somest ; nod cheapenrassortilient mer edi't'ed to - lid!:
community, and .all be sold hisser Mr cash than
they can be purchased at retail in 1110 cities.
.1n13: '3, 1845.
NOTICE is hereby given, thatapplication will
he made by the undersigned and others, to the next
Legislature of MC COMIIIOIIW6AIth of Peltlict,lcnuhl.
for the incorporation ciftt Company to he styled tie
CARLISLE DEPOSIT 11 A NK." 11. In have
located in the HoetAngh of Carlivle. Cumberland
county; that it nith' hare ri capital of thintt, thous
and &Alm with the privilege of increasing it to
One Hundred Thousand Dollars; the uhjout being
ing to receive deposites of money, and discount
Samuel Ilvpburn
k. ngney
Ker, jr.
Skill* Woodburn
.1,61 m Agnei ,
las. IJ, Graham
Sanniel Woods
John Shumt
Samuel Wherry
July 2, 1845.
Cheap Book arid Periodical Store:
Satanstoe'o new novel by J. Feniiimore Cooper,
,in two - volumes, price 50 ets.
Evelyn, or n Heart unmake, by /Limn Cora
1110trattyanthor of Fashion Sce.,price. 25 cis.
Dashes at High Life; by N. IN IVilliq„parl 2ntl.
prim.: 50 seta.
by Eugene Sue, price 25 'cts.
July cumber of the mammoth Pieter
MittltitanTpace 02 I=2, rts.
True Politeness,the ladies Book of .Etiquette,el
egantl3 bound,_ price, 31 1.4 ots. 40
Gentlemen's boOk ef,litiquetl, price 12 1-2 els.
New. Pdstitl'e Lot , . price 12 1-- eta. „ •
The Smeller, by lames, price 25'cts:
Coiley's Lady's - Book. price 25 cis.
'the Columbian, 4rtliur's am) the National Meg-
The Nevells of Garreistown, by Lever, 25 els.
July 2,1845
! ;We return our thanka•tor the patronage already
bestowed on us'in-our.:llnO.of business—thy Scour
.ing.ofelothes Sto., with Soap of out own mantifact.,
tore. :Tall is drawing tient:and all those who desire
to.get.theirfail anti %Unto , olothing neatly clenneed.
fropsgrease spots before wearing again, will please
give • las . '" a "'m West Pomfret. Street. ,, The
collop of) Coats, or any spots i- will be 'cleansed:
wit out :touching the other•parts of. the garment if
ticked. prices wilr:titi in' piaportioti to , thk
jolitarylng from 1.2 I.4'nents to half a dollnei
Send us word and A , c come•to your •dwellinglt
for the'Work:'• Peons those • who may not wish to
give us the cash. we :will;tfilce truth: o f any kind se
. .
can use. , • "
-- - --Avitiori , Val - totio'n -- eed`
itountry, and - err market inerniuga at . the Market
11....„ I linve,proctired room
;sfr.-Stephee Keeper's Thine' , " Shop, in the' rearAC
the Ara r niiere I:wilt receive allkinds of
at anyAltrie , during - the 5 th,e - •
- et accounts ivillyvorripil,v be - settle4'
immediately actor the sales. 1147;3,,
p:, neidiii `'Otiiit:Goncie!!k I ' ilgointiari". 3 * .%;
Departmoril; hal opened an office in this city . , fi n d
will' dttan ' d„ thn:proeentition,, and nollection, '" o t
claims liefore,` th
Congreee and the = eoveral Exoc'
live - I:'.leieriniente. of the fistibh — n! .
and,nther land olnimej claim, Ter
InAd,,:ng . Rev i blowAntlialtpayi
p_enelone 1 . . or. eveßevolutionary seri/leen, whothir for .
.conlynialfatioii;',half•pay; or beiunly-lande ;
'ylueir - duning - theliet *it tlicr nettlanlen,o4
amounts of disbursing' or other' rifileete.*Vtlifl,•
for alleged.violations of ilia reionneleN4 donic
T end all ;busincp brougght
iieforo the pnblie•olteeN . Jequirlng'
7 '
to theitalurA4ribii - ti)//itnoa,, , ,*l lby4r - 841 - 9 - 6•00
G. m..r. will ilioniteiltr4.46'444,foliting•
of honsos; , lpta; 404 .01:ili03 igtof rents , nogati
Ai , ng 1 . • ;
eo Fri, eippun- sun-
EE,L.' I 9,E I IS•!,
leMeo rot *to .11, 1 / I Yoro pigef `." '
• 'A IV.' r 14,ki
7. Thoaupplemontal and final account ofJonoa
Nowcomber, Administrator of P.o.tor Curl, lato
of Stough's town, dec'd.
.&-xcenitir:otoribAillay, fil&t.L-S 4 ' •
toronship; deceasedd. "'
14: The account or'llenjarhin Erb, surviving
;ridnunistrator of John.Sierer,lute of East Penns
borough township, deceased. .
15. Tho account of Ediv..nril Bun:1 Admtulstrii:
for of Allan Hurd late of Shippenshurg township,
deceased. ' _
IS. The account-of I t eonard Wise, Jr., one of
tho Adininistritorti.of liei;nard Wise, Sr, late of
South Middleton township,Aricenlcd.
19s The accounts of Robert 111 --- lirtyli, Guar.
diagof Robot Mickey, Maly Ann - Mickey and
nays Mickey, Minor chiltircu of J am eti Mickey,
Re r,
C E.-
Michnel Cockßh
Itab - ert C. Sl(.l'OE --
George \V. Slitfhr
Robert Snodgrass
Michael (:. B.ltzhuorcr
J. Baughman
Adnm Longsilorf
George Satitlarron
111. %V. -
V 141) nti Vl* Eft
• , - .7 -- --.-77--. —. , • ',"-. -..
1 .;;_•-,1..-6TAii AirAVAllitigt,,;l-,-,-,--,:,---
i, -. , :,, ,,, =!a* , 4::;,.,•?. , A , -,r7iii-.. • '',
180 rOkerrOr, . • .:11...7'
" •.•• •7"8 : • it'-',.;,4 , .." - -; • ;'•:, , ,..
•,' •&"E'A....4„- - .....,''.•`...i,-;:i,,,,.. -.- :,- ~,-,'• •. :Vitt.17,,,,,,.r.1h
•`-Vhe - EhlrloKOT:•the.Carlitilt,•l3arilc-ltaVintr t .twitill IT-I-I','
the l.toartlOGQl . tkitors'ire,triedellitig tawind , thil'-'
th e affairs ofthiritainitution p and. to Onablethtmith_
ilfilii - i - tritrt nieliiira - CliiibTe7ifi . o - rwapose to • sell the ,
lallowlng'ilidualite Real Etstate•,altltott.sOoraisly . or
together itanlaibe:f.oPaO:to bO ' 1 '9,0°4 gltiloteree
of the partied interested, yii,s..;.4',*it - 4„.. - .. , ,--‘:;2t. '•
..No: , 1.... A. large I„yro:9oarY stone jieuse
on. , the_North Fad, C,Cill* - or, High 'street - n*l the
public 'square in the ':liorifig . T . C•iif,s•Carlisle.. -- The --
Eastern - division of N 0.1... has il , haikrbuildingftt-
mated to it, and is oectiplidliiatc-Saituel,Elliott . _
as , a‘d.w.ellingiand - artr•Phitiiiistrecatiot'sittabliShMenr..
AO, Western 'iliri tido oQiiy. - Vii odcaliyid:by .- 111r.
IV-AtiTiey as a d - r - y..gtiOd.atiftrOnelylstore. - f.c,e,:- . .
. No: 2?':'ll,l,:iiks siii;try'OriekT,booi3,9n.lllo --
East sidO.of,t h - i - inililkAaitir - el - th - -. •
and tuljoining•The Weittein divisiOn of Nei. °eau,.
pled by Mr. Aagney!aatt'Ois'elling. - ;* ,''' ':, ' :' ,: : . -1 4 ' , ':'''
No. 3. - A,' tivci ate:ft-V . 44 house adjoin
ing and Nortlittf N0.2. - ,OOSupled by Mr. George. la.
cobs as a dwelling and 41 Tailoring:eslabliihinent.
• N
o. - 4. - : - A twit - story briblf hithie'it4jCiiar:
ing and North or No - 3. - 'neaaped by Win:' H„
Trout, Hatter, as a dwelling and finishing shop,.,,
No. 5. A.:twi) titoryl?riels • hriowadjoin.,
.i„ittetultirth ..r . .N, - 6 - 3i 'odeupied liy Mr: William
Spotswood,; as a.dwolliog and Tailoring establish.
men - • •
two_s tory- brick- liolfse-adj*-
tho and.illorth nf - No - 5.1 occupiep by Jacob- Metz
lisq.ois'adwblling. -
No.. two story brick house adjoin
ing and -North of • N0'6, ,- -occuified by Dr Neff' as a
'dwelling and a , j)ental Nang a
Millenary establishment.
A - IN . 6 — :.:A - .tA - twb - g,tory - brick;lftiiise,:idj q i n :
Ini, nniLlNrikmf -.15i0'.7. immtpiell by Mr. James
Guthrie as a direlling and watchatiakCa• shop, rxcent
one rootnon the first Story - Of NO 8. which is rented
-by-Lemuel Poddi-Esq:, Attorney at law; -.fin; an
lace ; and one Other room on the second story,
which is leased by the School Directorsfor the male
High'Scheol of the bciroolli
:.:-. -Dria;E-E.;:c4-tniv-41-949t
...North 7t. if 7 N - 0 - 8,--occupied , hy-111'm Justus
'Harmer (Cordwaitter) ni a dwelling and Boot and
Slipc - factor . y„._
-17hethorz_mentiiined houses-are all - insured - and'
are situated ih one'of the s handsomest and most bn.
iiiiesilfaikiliq,earlisle.i..Tfey have always corn
mantled good , reids, betides therelming more applil
audit .to rent them, than the owners could supply
so that property is well worth the attention not
only - ortlinse_who wish to purchase a permanent
reiiiiienc'e`fpr their families, united with 'more than.
twtuiLadvitutages for Parrying on the — liusiness
their respective avocations, but also of those who
- Versoniwishing to purehabe are requested to call
on either of the undersigned, or Mr. Abraham Men
del, who will show them the property mut givethein
any information that may ha itt-their power respect
ing the rents nod termsfnr which the several houses
hare been leased to the present Tenants.
). A. LVON, ?
, - IN-0. W EAVER..O emn '
. June 25, 1545.
• N. it' l'Aissession_will be.given to the' poreltaser
on' Ins.cotnply np ilth the terms of sale, subject to
She leases ofthe present tenants.
,9;pr.2?19 :
mtv poomo 2
2 - NR:11 - A Nl3 - E - R .. SON — rtesires
his old stnod or* Hanover street,neir the Pont
Office, n Int.= murclegmit.awartment of .SPItIN'U
and S AI ER COOD9, which Ite. yin self' at a
small sulvatwe for cash and which he .the
public tO rill and einmine. Hic stna now consists
anti entirely - new : supply of Cl.OllllB, of RP-colors
11th I hies 111111 prices; OW - Silks:Lawns,llalzorines,
Irar-geg, onslio tie Iwillts c - 2 hmr r c - trad - A ITnterta
•kostrra, - flomletzinos, - liltiolY.4,=-Flrittillitidintt; •
Silk and Cando:iv llntolketiailets,, Scarfs, anti every
other article of T mdies' %veate, ortte beSt desvrip
tionlool mos; - 11141tiotinfd e itatterns. Also a qtlen- '
did netiortment. of Cloven and II onier. \
AI .A . O, a freak anartrtmetst of perry\ratior n
(z e., 1111,hf aide\ will ha
sold nt the lowest price for ensh• e es woltlL
April 10, 1845.
AliT4 - 2 1 1 - Vit.TAX.
ar..o saaLa 1.00
1:2 AS removed his DRY GOODS AND OR6I -
:1.-ji, cER-y •STORN to — Multi - :Street, in the
room formerly °counted by T. 11. Skiles, al few
doors below Reeteni's llotei , where he will he glad
to see his old customers,• and as many new ones
as choose to cull, He has just returned from tho
East wtili a choice selection df goods which wil
make his assortment complete. Hall and see ho•
fore pureintslng eilaphere —every tiling sold nt
the lowest prwres fin cash.
April 23.1843
_ -
ThOHN P. LY N E respectfully informs his
teJJ friendi' and the public generally that helms
~romovert hi's:knelt of HARDWARE, CUTLERY
and SADDLERY, to the new house on' North
.Hanover street;." two doois south of Atte Post Of
-1-tice-41-nti-neaely-Oppositn—his—uld-stanV,'where lie
continues to lteep as heretofore a full and com
plete assortment of every thing in his line at pri
ctir cheaper than ever.
Cabinet Makers are,reerneetly invited te call
and examine a :splendiii lot of MAHOGANY
VENEERS, ust.rceeived. Carpenters and Buil
ders Will 'find an excellent oesprunerit'of L'atehes,
Lot-fat,' Bolta,llTrigan,• Screti , X, find ever variety
of Building Materials, otTretited — prices. Also
o new and superior. article of PLANES, warren.
tail.good in , eitery: . ftepact; -Alan, gun emi rock
;11 n
rocks Shottintitt 4 ,..,Sit'clierr.*.Sta.‘ Window Glass'
i':lll.lf l aitca ' •,;retrits,oOils anuyarntalma ; Cedar.
ware, Blauliiiiiith'.o'f t telliiiiiii,ThillingAlachines,
and every variety cifeitielettinitiellkedwore
Persons commencing 4.llatOtettenping,tvill find it
to theix_intefetst . 7te,'9l4 fairoy I )l 4 l , ctiasin g
where:„ ''• t,,
The,Polly...arileacoduti4uf:tho lilto firm of J.
LYnts:,&;Pti.4rain my hands . and venous
indeAeil'Oe:.reqUesta'il.iii rinit,meite pay.nient
to _riuie':(briher,trouble,:
ill &Tater
Ap?it `Z .?r ~1~845,~
fone owelr
MlLELE•Siltil'ert4i,,,ROptis,6o2 3 lfintly on.
toyer ...and
ottiOr' , .niitnhers, Gilt nod Ebony Clopke, Gold Jew,
;MiThical Pens. ,
'or - 04014f goneral
"Orders f ro ii , llio,counti arc solic i ted,~nith tho
anaOnindni. l o l ;Fvot : gain; ilialtbn :taken , n to givo
initiara9cinni - *,hediside.or
ship: •
1 1 ,
. I t l l l4 t .:,O. IO J b 4.
iro , . ,lttt : ,— t l73 A . 7 S l l Y -. . 1 , i : :
t.i.: %"
G--!m.. LT
e.° 6-f '..-
. - , , . f . '
frq,,,.Y ih664i iO: r Y i;4 ° li :'! ctived-
n ,, 4
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* r . - A5 -611-6 1 11---- Itia - 00 - )Y!*- • •
'Sitqa*ficke; , ,4e , ilioo t ;Layitimits,6lindiirOnt all 9f
- - , . 4 11 1111 41-;
t9.l3. l 32loelil i atu Y.:!!!
#lolokrofaitAkif , ,:t,Aat 1