Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 09, 1845, Image 4

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    ,' , ZL . L:. - .,'''...! - ''v -,.. • , : ,.. i , .k . ,'-',."..:.7..i.: , ;'::=•••• •7, - , •: ,, ,i':;:," • '
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.:0044.t;'-:$.000) - 4::..,,.4
• ,or et4it *et 9 1 .4 i 2 ;O 4 1 04?
For it 4 ftklllfiriLitie7fritiutit o f grititude•ltrit43.i ,
plt;ttintr,":' - ,f o c.eiit - hier ..
—,ll * lll 49 l l4jite;,4,*l;‘,'ftir
•-• : • •
•, r hal ik ilto t tee . for fiowers that It•lntireed tin my,
'4004 Oct lirtfilttani, da,lc(tif del tifit
ifti;;Anitseisillikesit en my night.? : ',
&re, 1. but if only' for this 4 . -
thiniittlintiiir hilt Untold thWilonition of Wang
' dieircii4lateisjor soiroi , , for ;care,- •
• For theihero IlsseAfthensd,:theeniroish I share,
Peridghie - ,etiniletY;.watehingsiimAtears,
• , PA. present of pian o alicrPective of fears /
X thank thee, t blesslthriiijnyaing God,
For thegoo an . ditifie‘ll thy hand liana besfeWed—
The flewertireie iWeeth.iitheir fragrance Ds flown,
They' yielded : no frnitltfreYere wither&l . and gone
The thorn, it was potins4;•tint precious to me,
'Twits the roes:snap Of mercy, if led , tne-to thee
Tint Tittri..;:ceivOittott's • Teinntyn.--
, Men_iii_heafth4t4tipit:ite,inay_talk,Lind-do
talk, with lightneis end gaiety, „about their
wodecease,anciaffeat tethink it strange that
any but,aVillein Abdul+ entertain the °leapt
epprehensien appearance before
God. ° - gut when ife; '014 . 04 oriickneas,
proclaims theiiceirse tiibp.nbaliy run, and
the stock of life =to henlinost exhausiesdr
when the chill **sphere° of the grave:
smites them with the:e ! u
hand begins 40;T:field -upon their frame
—when the world with ell , its illusions„
_fades-Upon the sight, and pfeilesses no more
the power `nt- charining-4hen-EterniC,
rises in its magnitude--displays its, dread
realities, driWs back the curtain Erom.'the
judgement seat- 7 annnuricee., fbe_.apptoech
of the righteousJudge t ,antlACT:necesse v y
and speedy appearance before:him-o,,then
lightness and gaiety flee away.' ,They have
-thoughts .altogethev. about putting off
this body. Nothing.but the Christian's'
hope can lmstain their spirits. . Then theie
is. seen an emphasisln. his words of faith
whichosias-not=CoMprefiended before;- his
brow, glittering with death:sweat.. is An
--7—Cireled-With-sillori %dia . :ade ifindefinite
contempt tepee. the haubles of 'earth; and
tommands them to remove .with their im
pertinence Soc - reepectful *stance. 0, 1
havirseem - a - believer preparing to.. resign
his soul into . the hands of 'his - dear Redeeni
er,hayss-.Elemi-ItiniZmake • a practical corn
..iinent upon the declaration :of Paul—have
holinesnitely trifling and foolish the
world appears when she presumes to draw
;sear him, and to open her about-
The. very;vsCrlding could not endure- :it.--
Then is "fie mole - int - dike dyiiitClikluisiijii•
e-•• triumph. He commends his spirirto Hire
that loved him,"and \ washed hiniin' his lfic4ll
- commits his..b'edy to the Resurrection
_ and. the isife—commita it in-game -and
tein hope"'of its being raised again to r.
tosual_lifelend_as_the',.breath deisarts from,
billips, - he sheets salvation? and. is away
amid the alleluiesed angelmo- ths •thiosom
of his Father and. his God." What filled
hi% . ,witheestacy at the arrival of that event
• which ! : nature's .terror; and from which
mosltslais race'.shrink and..sliuddert It
aseethiss, knoiv in whore 4 have be
lieve; end arnpersuaded that he is 'able to
• keep What I,have committed unto him, a.
SAtottaT ciar,gatTirtz es.—Gio, search
tte:Ponderons';Apine_of human learning--
explore the'vrcirlia of Confucius—examine
the,Piecepts of Seneca, and all" . the writings
of _-86oraititi, Collect-all the - •;e,itcellencies
of the 064,4; and modern moralists, and
point to a _aentenee equal to the simple
payer - of oar FA THER FORGIVE
vaut I ) ! Reviled 'and -insulted—sufferin
- •
the erowned with
therm, itway'in;,:itlie, no annihilating
curse' ltreaka fro& his Street and
placid ~ aithit,aspiriage of a mother for her
numling;;liMeitidc' the praye r, of mercy for
his coeatie,e., -4 Tather, forginclhemj"--
-o, it 'worfiY , Ofiliiroright" pintling in
conteatibly that . hiti2tnisaion
Acquaintanitesai repel ever - quarrelled?
Priendo, haveiyoti.ever:diffeledt-: If tie,
who vise pire,Ao , -Pirfect, 'forgave *is hit
' teresfenemiee, ild - rytintiedto'cherish an
ger T. Brothere, to ititi - ::thc . preoept is itn t
perativet yot, should' 'forgitie; not seven
dime, but , P•aeventy-thitee.eevel.,
H usbands:in4iYiiSs;:Yui,heve no right
to expect perfection in each other. , , To err
is hum an.: 'll i inels itir SOS 10.06 1.1• 01 skS
°, you petulant, and disappointmentridde the
smoothest tentecr:_:quard,, then, with Urt
remitting rigilance, youe:Paintiontiy-con
g tralled,they' are die, genial, ' trarmth that
Sheers us along'Os '*,4-:9l*.lits—,usgs".
erned they ire consuinlng`firei. Lei your
etrife be one' of respectfu l
conciliary. 'conduct. . Cultivate : with care
the . ,kind and gende adeCtiont'‘)Plant not,
-abut eradicate; the 'there'in,46l4.Ptirtecr'e
' path. . 'Above 0 1 ;• I ' 4 n'Sre Slinikkriessige.
ever bud harboi In Year hreast. -;* kind
"s* 4 , n .gbligistssliOn-7evett:if,it be 'a
- ttiniPe bile; . 1111 .! 1 ' power; NuPeri6vso,:/tii
hiiCotrthivial*infaiinettia:itillaii s -pt
'':`:-:., ''.;, ' , __•,:.:;._.
lioreoge: ii as incompatible
bear ;a Aolpm,*hoseioul-is-
I fir kS t Wi n, o l o;.#4,444kicof revenge,
ta*diir , ".' ' 'tie fir —'' ' A ' thiardere
.. O Y,a AMR,
0:4 1 4 1 !*
*1i 40 40 4 its
- iiii)o c iiiii;
I: li
ii. 11
: :: : 1 1 1 , 7 0 P; :i 'p" ,
' ''.i 4 ' ''''
' • ,
;H ~.
:forgive me itAi4ckfif*ef
and' nature eitiumes*tiesettild: delightful
garniture: Thee, ltideeil, ere, 'the mead,:
-frigraci r .«
tlie'n is . themusic of the grove delightful to
lifitoottl;••4C. 'MitteK is" ' •
;Pttnoootoutr,r,_TALEtix.',l=The :effect- of
tinni l y Very according , to the age et which it
is ,
kilis the, authfut:;.eitergies..: have . -semi
children:attacked by.'"this liteterylintinikbv.!
'gond their yearefand.l have foreseen With;
grief the*Jot WhiCh iv/ailed them;theY,corn
silenced ,
by heing_prodigied, and` 1:;) , '
being stupid. . „
The treason of youth is 'consecrated to
the-exercise of the body, which strengthens
it; 'trot to `
etady, whieli — debilliatii and; pre
vents its growth. Nature can 'never
successfully Carry on two developments at
the same time. When the growth:of:intel
lect is too prompt, faculties ereianarly
developed, and Menial application - is per
;ratted ; :in-proportion to - this,' developinewt 1-•
die body receives no part of it: because ills;
nerved cease to. contribute to-its energiern
the victim becomes exhausted, and eventu
ally dies . of agmeinsiduous malady, The
parentscifid•girardians who and en
courage 4his forced application, treat pupils
as gardeners their plants, who in 'trying
Id- produce_ the firit rarities ofthe season,
facrifAce-some:plante - to - fom . tftthert -
Torth fruit and flowerti c ,which are elwaya
of .a shorter duration,.. and are inkrrior in
every respect to those which come to their
inattriliratiriiroperseason..=Tintat. -
examino th*.
riotortment of. fierfutookondi -- :fencyarticleo - that .
-wo - fitive jyat received. . -
'• = • Stevenson 4..filehaffeY•
just recalled and for:Went the-Drug Store of
May 28, 1845
an every variety—eareaully-put up by Woodburn &
Small, also. Viexl)ng-lritiegar.-
• _ Oyer; Haveratick. •
1 -mai-gB.-184.5.__'_. •
Wurrauced puie, for 'midi°lust purposes. for Bab;
May 23. (845.
,Alt article_ free and.-greatly admired
L - i, - 3 , 1613. !miles who osii,it in twanging their .hair,
for male by ' •
I ey
,12 1845.
Curd Lamp Globes and Ch
- ney's • 4
qs. handsome quality just received and for sai
at the Drug store of
May i,:-.184S
- As - this ii.the aeliwinTfor putilying the - bload,
we can recommend Om article'ae genuine and
fresh, for aile by •
' - ~.Tevenion 4 .litahnifey:
My 7, 1845: • .
HAVE_ jeer __rebeived:my Spring
,anpply of
1 GARDEN ;SEEDS, ccimpleting's very gene,
eral assortment, warranted - genuine. •
March 5, 1845.
Ottbeeriber has just - opened in the room
(former* occupied by N. W. Woods) oh the
South West corner of the public square, _
a .11ne and Splendid Stock of For:
den and . vinnrican
Hrar - AZS4:OIMSIi -
Staple and Fancy, consisting in part, of Cloths, Cas
'simeres; &Annette, Linens, Gambroons. Summer
Cloths, Vestioge, ,Silks, "lloMbacines, Da. orinee,
(Crape and' Mous de Laines,S wise Combrics,
Jackinet, and all ether kinds of Mosline, Calicoes,
Shawls, Checks, Ticking, Velvet • Cords, . Cotton
goods of all deseriptions, Carpet chain and Cotton,
Yarn, Ombrelias,,Paraeols, Sunshades, Gl' ves, Ho
alery,&c: ' - •
... • ,
ALSO, A choleo and well selectettitpc of Gro
ceries,conaistmg smart, of Coffees, SugarY,Mo • .•
.1 , , I b6aceo,SP roes, isto: ••• ' • "
ALSO t crockery,Gliiis and Queeniware of'ssiri
c.itoidisompSons and qualitiee,together with nume
rals oilier articles a complete and gen,
eral attecirdilentlirtif ' which. lie offers for 'Wale. at.
very :low rides for, cash . : ' He. reePectfolly invites
Ma filendland thCrablie'in general to give him a,
call, inasmuch as' he feels eon he can sell
goo& is low as any other house In inthe Pokough: . •
Windoik_Ohntter,_Catoh and, Bolt;
THE' intbscriber. agent for.tfin isle :',Of Mitten's'
."' Window Shutter, Catch:intl. Ilelqwohlirt
speetfully.-inform the public that the above Holt is'
superior to any . artieleof the kind now in use, libth
for simplicity, and - durability. They can be pur
chased Lynn's or Jacob'Sener's Hardware
Store, North .Hanoveritriet, lir 'the,subsrriber
in West Louther , street; Carlisle. They need. only
be seen to be' adopted. , • • -
April 3 . 00 Mi.
fiCY ,
. - -
THO anbscrlber haajost ieSeived a splendid
assortment orthe celebrated , castilteel blued
SCYTHES, monalketured expressly for life own
Sales, Wand with% gatle' such general satiersellori
to all whoporebased tkem last•suminei.;
- , • • , J OHN P. LITNE.',,
Prince' Albert, Riding Cord
bs.lrust_raceived, Prince 2 Albe - rtktidincetird r -- an
icellint Mit for ; Riding rantst?!lltoEl Io "I°,
/3 " iiiTiVEß.'!k Co , "'
A. 1123, 1845,
A , ibrarealaeralaik ircOatTekiad for at
4411:theialreat, V1M t !i b r'Y"''O J .::: , /:
111 111ARRIEL!.;,..
uit re
re" ; ,,
= m t
Y+:4l. sand pet-VOW,..
lOtruir ;Wit 'sok
..,crllot# 411#44,4,,:n
4- .'4'1141k5;;,' 'kV
fqk4tP 41,
- ;- ; . q .
• ,
f 45,4 21,;:t
- •
• W
- I!iyer,9_4•llaverstick.
Stevenson , 4. Mehairey
Stevenson' 4. Mahley,
itelt". l"7 lhe ; 8 )4 1 t 4 **
.reeta'faiw doors abOvoria.'ir`On'til"e,,Nitekilf
1 •
, • ,
such, pi Loaf Sugar•Roublefit Singlet:oi hid; Broivn
Haiana.afid CrosbeliSttgara, Young_liy:tmaiirriptil4,
al acid •131a0k . Teas,•SilgaShimse 'Syrup - and Or l eans'
Nrollaises, S p ' erm 'Oi I, Candles, Cheese,
Crackersi , hisac: 4 ..Citivitilifdigo, Starch, Saltpattv,
Mustard and Chooolateil3inger. Stileratue,Cutua-%
mon, Clovei• Nutle,gl; • •
• arookti:ry.OclibuCind Ghs.Vl*.;
. . ,
Tubs,-Baidcgi;Churni, Buckets; wash 7,
boards, butter, •pt:ints e ropes• and ..tWine, toita a aa,
Spanish, half smuts!' itn4 '_tiom men ; Segnr,Sqi ,- ;
.: - .:BOOTS AND SHOES' , :; ,. `•-i
of evetVescription ol 'City
. m1(1,116'111 nisuipfacture,-
just rece ved at his store, consisting of double
and single sole' li s reaolf and' Coulrear•tanroccoahoea
and boots for Ladies', Children's and
vit the•l.ritvelft price's. • - '
puENUR for sale , y the banal enni satsall.-• _ .
50 barrels whike Wheat flour.
• 5 barrels FreffGroiind'uorn meal. -
2 barrels Buckwepat Flour. - . •
Persons Puichasing flour of me can have it deliv
ered at any part of the town. Those who , wiliffivor
hirnawith 'theircustom,.
Will lie - disilr with. on the
most satittaitory , term s:. lie therefore. solicits "a`
share of ppblie natrOnage.
' 'Carlisle; January 8;1845. L. • , • _
ADDITIOYAL to a new supply' of ProierieS,
We are now prepared to supply our
assortment 1
Of the latCst etyleMß,Patterns, embracing White
Emboss'd and calsed•figured China( Hong and Short)
Setts, as also white Granite and LiverpoOl setts
of . tandsoinp styles, besides a general arsortmOnt - of
Liverprrotind Granite Plates,llowle,Dishes, Cups
land Sat/Feta, Tumblers-of var ious qualities, anti a
general 'assortment of Commbn ware ot neat finish.
We also in receipt ilia - new "assortment cf Cc.
afar ware, inchiding Tuba, Churns;Buckets, Wash
boards, Painted linekets, Keelers ' and a general'
variety of otherarticiet- - --aiiiiidal a t the .lowestpri:
ties, at the old stand of
may he
truly ,-said,.,
• that no ono has • • •
• • ever-heen-so success- '
ful in • compounding a. '
.....medicine,-witich has, done,so • •
• to relieve the human faivilly,to rob
- 7 --- disense.tifltsteriet4, restore the;
Invalid to health and comfoif;isilie.liiven- --
tor and Proprietor of ihnimost deservedly pop- .
ular family medicine Du. SurAWNE'ti COMPOUND
SYRUP OF Ai n.o CuEnnr, and none has . been so
enerally patrouiled•ALthe'Xiofesoion andlathersi
both in this country-and .in Europe, 1161 r-his there
.ever been -so - grearan - efforr itirthe - shOrt - hiSce of
only six or - aeyen. - years, to deceive the •eredulous
and unthinking,' by putting up Nostruntt of various
kinds, by variants individuals 'saucing the name of
. Wild Cherry and aitutioh of name of original
preparation ROOM screen theat froth' the lash of the
law, and one of th eimpostors who puts out thb com
mon p‘arrantrioif the shoriand call it-the nalsaiii_of.
Wild Cherry.has•had ihe Impudace motion the;
public against .the'. , Original preparation, Or,
Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, which
k doing so roil. h good an the world.
And purchase-none but the original. and only
genuine lora - 4'lE4s prepared by Dr. Swayne.• which
lathe-Only one compounded by a regular Physician,
and arose from =than y years' close, attention to the
*PraCtioe olthe Prolession, and wnich , lead to this
great discovery:- Thousands and tens of thousands
of the best testimonials of the Unparalleled success '
of Dr. Swarm's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
for the cure of
Coughs; Colds, Spitting Blood, Liver Complaint,
Tickling or Rising in the Throat, Nervous Debility,
Weaknesi of 7 , Voice,•Palpitation or Disease of the
Ileart, Pain in the _Side or Bretun t Broken Coital
tutionffiinirvarlous causes, thasbusa iitaalomel &o.
Broucldtls; Asthma, Whooping
~tiough. , & 0.,, _were
declared to the world years before any other prep
aration of Wild cherry came out. _ The most skep
tical may. satisfy themselves'as to the truth of the
abov . e . ,_by a little_inquiry:io..Philadelphia. •• The'
genuine article is prepared only 'by Dr. :Swayne r
whose uflice has been removed to DT. W, corner of
sth and Reim streets, Philada:* TheJlalsans and
other sptitiousartioles.of Wild Chirry has been Cold
out and re-sold - out, and the' Proprietors araUbliged.
to resort to Palsehood'and Stripageeikto make their
own out of it. , • The genuine article is put- up in
plain style in 851111 PC bottles, covered with a blue
wrapper, with a yellow' label with the proprietor's
mgnature attached.
?The Public are requested to remember that
it_ l l_,Dc—Swaynes—Compound—Syrup—of—Wil t 4
Cherry, that has and is repeatedly performingattch
miraculous curetof diseases width bare baffled tne
skill of the Profeashin - antlaetlitilefiance the whale
catalogue •of Pntent Medicines; al ! ieh nre daily
pitted through tine ovgantrof the. press. Therefore
ask for D. Swayne a Compound 4 :Syrup of Wild .
Cherry, and purchase no other. .• • •
Sold in Larlisle by MYERS. & 1 - lAVESSTICS,
sole Agent, for This borough.
•February 15,1845. . • :„ •
•i i ti IKN kaki'
. •
additionid elapplY oflhe above ftlueble Med-:
eines, eonsisting.of - • . •
Jeyne'l Extteetorint,. • • c
' .
V. Carminittive.ilaleam„,
Received and for side by • • .
'• • - Si-XLLTOTTr.'!:
•" • ' 4.g*ilfArPV*ll.4o...E":•-
", , ,11031SETC,
A iidindliEsissoittitint of iniid in:4:11-:itrivti,'Pon
ne64"b°"et' rlll'3lll l - 3t4O2I3I:I 2 I t NTIV I Ir: ° ,
Cr~lt6le April sas. - -
7,110n0 : : -•
100 barrels primo•freahllia • ••:•,
•• For Dale by •: • •
. -, '_..i.l7•SiT.:ll4*RTltst:
ifarrsburg, lIpty111;"I845,'/ : ,.. - "
- • • COAL: COAL!: • - .
••poo tans Linde but:tiers Coa4--Piao'Grore.-
- 100 .4 ' •do •' . Wilkeberre,
100 ,do Pitiedrore'ooal, ••';
100 ` ,, do, "Wilkabane • .
' • t"
.For siTe at the %lifeboats' of ,
Aree. IgARTIN.
"Harrieberi'May . 2l' 1835.
. . .
. ~
~ ... .
ItoniSELII Alteivine. Camptimid, tiillghifut
artlele:justatiettividend;fai:.eale ,at the• Store of
Steveneon fipi Mahaffey.
L-April 30, - '
' •
ROU PIS ',.- •
S 8
an ikrtfole ax t ed litititbitaaniftatimo.
reosProd. *•-“
Stet d enl9ll' l . jilikg r e g .
•. 4 '
0, 15110101.;'
ilaatssind Sheen t
iia t li g li a a PP/7 °• t he ll .1 1 9
hi:4*nd b'F"'''9l)"l B lot Oi Gum Shoe. for
. leo *Urge . ima at I M6•
lower tha n t uu n
and Children at
" ' "
.412 4 •1tt
- ,
,a- : - 1 .,, -,-;.,', !i•fro , irrAla - tglieelcs.i
,I ,‘. - , -r -4Fetirrittagtßi
, 5.,--• - ,:;.,ff , ‘,'
.„,„,,,,,,:. ..; .- ~"..
j - ^ ' 4.t.-t- , ii•A '._ 4'' in , •• • ~C:—...!..=', , • :', ,`"
~, ..- 0..14„,,,Ab1ete.Y' 4 -', , ;:3 - ' ~,,, t ,,. -,'• `,,
• 4- . • , =
• • • • 1 , • - • -/••••
• - • ,! • , • _
- • '„,•••••''
.ited; optima lositt•ditoogo bk3re. ao - pßterltrt.
and evt.tt7.destkiptiati p lii.,lown
Caiirittli, on ',thO•Puist . . P 0162 1-
dons, made , '
l iitOruptly ott!odod'to,. -, c '‘
•'' ..laattcof Insilkaimoo Apdinteed - 4 , 1 ,
• ,
flioi lir Stow;
,dtioltiogs or:ltttis.':::• • •'•••
'. 1 16111'•
• • • Si to 3 p odepty4y2i,
do; ;Taverns";•-• 3. tcr,4 - ' dd. • .
di ,•• r . „-;. 1 , do Bond , . • do •
.. ?do
dcf.„ ,. .), do - Stables public) :".6 _to 74-, -
d 07., do' Grist. dliii•Water; ."
• „Poirei - - Zi to 1.0 ••
; ..• AtitquAtcßtsit:• , ,t;,: „ •
Bi•kkioiStOn6Atiollitigs ata.F.O* '
front' - ,30 tOttlk $l6O value
- do : sloit:l4kihitiiphio.- • • •
- • • dive' St to .t 0 . do
' • 4 "dcrTa - ye!rip tOid Puriiituro •
• •', • ' 40.t0 30 , do •
'•-. ' GA tote, ''• • 'tki
do' • . dO Stables " ' •
LOO to 130 'dl)
do do' Griot Ito . *
'75 to 'BO • ; • do •
Oratne•and.Logilwolltogs.ortd.Eur,,__:::..: . • • '
niWi — v- 7 •' bO to do
do Stoies7sind - .
" 45,t0.85 • . • do
do • do Taverns and tornttiire
60to'100 do
.lo,.....,_do_Bariss=and-COntent- • • -
• 00 tO,IOO do
. • a 1... '
. - o 1
The subiorlber-hasent tor -the abimeiempany.
1. Carlisle and ita , ,minity.- - f-All'ipplbattionalOF
..intiince'eother by mail or..iierannalla kitill4,lM :
aromptly attended' to._ '_W...D.:SETMOUIFtt
. - .
milE Allen-and Eastpenneborough Mutual Fite'
insiwance.Conipany-of-Cumberland Comity , in7-
enrporated by 'an act of Assembly; is now fully or
ganized, and In operation under the management of
toe foilowingeoramiiisioners; vim .
Cht. Stay matt4aeob Shelly, Win it GOrgas,Lewia
Ryer,- Christian T Tinier,- Michael Hoover; Henry
Logan,Mieliael H Musser, Levi
Merkel4naiib • Kirk-, John Snavely, senr
_and John
Rankin, who respectfully .-etillithe-,aittetion of the
citizens of Cumberland and York isountiesto the ad
vantages which the company hold ont,
The rates of insurance are as low and favorable
assay Company of the kind 1p the - State . — Persons
wishing to become-members are invited to make
aßplication tsilkeagents of, theLeompany, who. are,
willing to wait upon (bent at any time.
MIORAEL Jfdovza, Vice Piesident. '
Lewis Hyer,-Secretary.
Nlichaell Cacklin,Treasarer. . •-.
" AgENTIS. - • -
Michael - Ropier, GenemlAgent, Mechanicsburg.
Rudolph Martin, • • H. f.,umberland,
• -bi- Conklin, •- - Mien. • .
Wm It Harps, -
Christian Tirtelc".` • du
Johr. C Dunlap, do
Peter Barnhart, • East Penze,boro'
'David Martin, • • __t_Chumhtown.
C. lEt. Harmon, Kingstown,
Henr.y_Zeisfing, Shirenganstown, •
Jacob Kirk,Gtuersd Agent for York County,,New
Cumberland P. 0.
Henry Logan,
'John Rankin,-
~ Daniel Daily,
Phil ip,llfeckbill, Cumberlaul
,-;alor - Otheragents will be added heieafter.
Ju1v.31,18“. ; tf4o
rated by an act . of the Legislature of the'presentses
aion,andfuliy organized and in operation under the
direction of the following board of lihmagers vizi
Thomas C. Miller, JOhn Moore, David
Cullough, James Weakly, William Moore, Samuel
Galbraith, Thomas Paxton, A. G. Miller, Philip
Spangter, Samuel Wood's; Abraham Kurtz, George
Brindle, Scott Poyle,call the detention of the inhabit
ants of Cumberland Vdlley to the cheapness of their
rates and the many adientages which this clod of
insurance has over.any other. ' .
'lst. -- Everniersoninisured becomes a 'member of
the company and takes part ip - the choice of t. .ears,
end the detection of its'conterni s , • •
2d. For insurance no more is demanded than is
necessary te meet thq expenses of the'Company aid
'indemnity . against losses which may Lappet*,
fid..The inconvenience of frequent reminds
voided by insuring for a term of five years; But
policies can be taiten for any period from OM to
five Years: • •
dth.' Any' person applying i Miura nee rtmst give'
his premium note for the, heapest claim at the Tate'
of five per , contum, which will he slloeqt'leelo3o
for which-he will have to pay $2,50.10r fire 'years
and 41,50 for survey and policy; and no nu re unser
on hands will cover, antithen no more will I e reqttie
ed than'a pro rata share. .These rates ire muer
cheaper than those of other CoMpan i ea, execqituticii' .
ti are incorporated on the seine Drintiplei
; . TrloSA — ..c;;StlL.t2pp,Preit;7'
A. G. - Mit.ten,Seetyk-7 • '
The "following .gemfilemen•have beenmarsied,
Gen*: Brindle, Plal. t _Montne. •
. •
'1:;:11 7 ' . : WI II isitniAiii..yiristßeiinikurit
'dairies Kle . .l§Trytton.'
Ctipkiritit; t.te!ik: X 'Oggidi., ,
,Joe. 'Mossei, Esq. Nei, Curilbeel,tid
Jo)m , .Clendenin;iEsq:-liomown:,,:
fiteppen , •colhertion, Shippesii6iW'
"1-= 'Teter MoLaughljri.S. Middleton: •
instsoiniti co
PEThatELPIlif l / 4 '.4-A..
frIBIS long, establialied Company makes Mau.
, either permanent or limited, agrainet loss or
clamor by Firtrogi property and effects of every
,„ ,
14 Mliele limns are very reaionable, and proOrty
iniNitriV;ivill do %Tito avail. .themzelres.of_the
adiantaitea abided by them;. } .''' ' • 1 . .. , 4..
anbearlber AcENT . forthe Company,
for lbis.Borough ,ond applletatlon.
to.bim, io parson or letter;trill reaelve Immediate
, • -
"j 1 bHN ' S ArIfEREI.
• • •
•&' Co.
1 .E. 4 4/W IDES! *IIT/6LESf
V : iinsotiikiiietamtrican - Htiteli -- tiVerE
of wew,Yori and :
reepArincearmenbi, a reaeared;iegeludieir
•la offeeetta•tibea•ALea_apit eme4oo,o4..ateek.
optegqin-wdlnibie., 000dcfp.rApAtig
tunieier,iiiii;:atpptleittan assortment uneele.ll,
'olll464o**,tisk sn4 variety, I ad,l4o , l l :!Mtbei'
'made bp t o bide? In a idyll, sectetidi.tOdinkilenee
the trade,l,o c 14., t p to 11 ind uce='
. nte.ii*to'. l lk9fish purchaser Im14011*!"
ellela am J„;
litav opt* T - 4voic t irof.t . 4 -
,! eboyuly4.., g, ~.. 'ike,'
m ;:'
i l yit i
11it 1 3 1 1# 11,4,144i , kirtp i
M'4 .;
' ^k , ', F ,,,,, k- ) 7 .,, _ 4 7 '1 , 7 1 : ,
tits ,
F 'ITMP L , , , VxV t, ei ~ L rq
- .., r -,!
~ ~ - .cr. >-‘ r - a ^-1 =•,- h...h.....1 ,
;411 c. r•
York county,:
do .
IZ3 ° Z2`7CIPIZU2. P
TRIP l.s.obetiiiiteilefornieltiOi;lendii - Tand the'
.•;•• still coptinfies to
_carry on:the Cabinet Making - P6lllmila; at-hie old=
nand in:West flikketrnet;:nppOSit.i.Mr..4hoadee
Tavern, isheio,lie_ASierin.tonetantlynn_.:hand_and'
, iOill,nianifacture - tO*"ordi3Ciiiiraltialei in hie line
• : -
1:0/1E4 Vs.',-SECRE'r.titnithis
•,; n00g , ;(3 . A6 Es; /BOARS,
Tables; Bedsicade,& the Verq ' lgrveet
on: th4i;Chkir Making*
neineeth'in• allfile'rarioue bFanche,e, and keebo!t
1 3 °_ 'or • ' -
iliAlt(OClAPFT;(lllllAillifi, •
ROCK! ti*CHAIRS,'WINDSOIt. \Tema's,/
CIIAIB9,•SETTEES•and-80, 1!= : 1
thingelio'in that line; he is Prepar.,",. . •-,
:ed:roL.ininnianture-aini-diepo • - 7 :
on thinned reasonable terms, - * -:• •
.;••• Be invites; his old &fends" 'and
the public generally to . g lin him' a" /frr,
cell, as he 'ivelhiesured 4 that
ho all'he Able. tor ittionfinodeite-sibim ingdality
and price _equel_te_ariy:othlic• eatnioliihment.of the
kind in 'the c9unty. • • • • • • -•'•
; • .; • JACOB TETTEIf:."
tieni:4o,lB.l4. • • • -
lleitlenn - a - 414* - 0 7
prcipriethrs n f the Susquilati
rritlEiindeMiimed, . 21111'
nn -
..IL Line' Cars and canal-Boat4 return theirCin
nere-thoiiiss to their friends in';Friinkii&iind - Cum:
einintielfOr past faiOrsAnd respeeffillli. in.
form :thenf that they ere - now prepareds:o receive
'and forwordAiiiy, sta.Tide"Water Oinidi
•• - .
Prod ute_and4llrp e ha im d
.Produce he:dent - 4ra loan y house in Philide•-- - thelrßiFlifiiii — nliiiTia t
cess. Their agents in the citiesare -
• -
pdessrs...t. Wain= 'Bc
: ,,--, V.inwts; - Witarfonthe'Deleraniek - PhifirdElOW
- Nfeiiirs: - .l6ltirldtbillaiAitark — Qii:, •. n
BowlOy's Wharf, Baltimore. -
, .
'Theywill also receireand torwarilolaklAto Pints.
huty, and intermediate points, Freight and Patisen
gera-alia.tor , the-Nortikantl — West - {Vest
- J.. 4 , IP. MARTIN.
Harrisburg, May I, _ • •• lrl
Oheap umbrella, Parasol and Sun-
bade Manufactory.
JOSIAR W;;- CLARKE, Successor to R ober
Riehie, tate at No. 4 South Fotirth Street, Phil
adelphia, has ;remised to the Wirth 'West corner
of Fourttiand Market:stivels ' where' he keeps con
stantly for side soperioe-artieles of theabifie ifanied
goods, manufactured under hie own immediate au
perintendeneci and - wartapted of atgoOd qualify ai
can be mirehased in this or any other city.
Deslmg : onlylbr Cash v J. W: 'C.. is enabled to
selll on the most reasonable terms Arid 'fie respect
fully invites othe rs visiting the City;
to fall ,and examine hie etti& and prices before
purchasing -elsewhere.
N. W. earner; of Fouith and Market streets,
Philadelphia.— - - - •
—rebruary,-26;-18-:tymv - • •
Charles S: 'Lew/W.,
Iron and . _GeneralVcinuitission Zer
RECEIVES Rn 1 sells Nflj ,• Pig frog, Bloom
Bar lion, Ned •liods;Citeii*s, &c.
• !INCE'
Algal Sr. S. N. Lewis; M ess.
_---15----Le•Gis;Janses fx. .
I hia.
B. G. Dutilh•Si CO. •
Bent, H t Yield, Esq., , New - York.
Wto WitiMey Esq.-.
Boston • -
Mess.--G.-1..4c.N.'-.1 , ..-Tbnyeer -
And to Merchnnternersilly in Baltimore. ' • -
March le, 1845. . • -,
1000 Persons in Philadel
phia alone, cab testify to .the.wonderild efficacy
of that powerful rentedy,"THOMPSOMS COM•
PTHA Read Read Astonishing cure
of Chronic •Bionchitis:
Philadelphia, May 23, 1841.
Mr: Trtoisson- r Dear For„more-then ,
four years pest: had beeiCilreadrul4 afflicted
with au,affectien cif .the threat, which my.phyel.
clan' pronouneed Chronic BrOnehitis ' caused
by repeated' rind:'neglected'Arildi: — T4 - tilitreas
suffered is indescribable. MythroatWaslitteral
ltraw With - vielerflootigliing, so that blood Would
poine'from it; also 'great...eppresslon, pain .and,
tightness attire chist.pnirfever—in short alttliA'
usual pulmonary syrirptenSilshowed - thernmilies,
shinied themselves, Causing entire lege' of notes.
miry repirse—my throat.was leached And bilehie*l
over and over again. , ' , I made trial ofeverjw•ri
remedy, and at different periods hid the`advice.
of six physicians, and all with no avail. ` About
two itionthiiince.l made trial.efiour Compound:
Syrup .of.Tarand Wool NaPtlia, and beforenl
hod taken the firskbottle I Alt relief. - I coritinti
- plitekik,reurriveetho disease and restored me to
perfect:health, and. I firmly believe I should not
now. be living; had •,it not been' for your invalua.
hie:Medicine. - JANE-PERRY ''
. - 123 SPruce street.
,`-: -• ,Prinelpal office, N. E. .corcer7or Fifth - and
Spruce streets.. Price bQ tents per bottle or 63
.tmo dozen.; ' ••. • •' • '
For. sale keel:lisle by.T,.C. STNVENSON.'•
lanuary•22;lB4 , ll; ' 'OM
i .. .;;-.49 , ,R0vrr; • - •
10. I o4i 11f emcsr Sr. Ric ET.
• )314TWgEN STH AND f,STFI ,
iwwiNUFACTUREor - Agricultural imple•
17.11, ments andtlealer-in'-Garden. Grass and Flow
er Seeds ; offer for sale Prouty and .hleare_Patent
centre ilraught'self.ikarpening Plough, for which'
.premiumsereAsratileilltuthe - Stites of Penn
sylvania and DislairrCthO--, past fall: They , are,
made both right.liikleft hind, are light in draught,
ehearitd.keep in , -repistr;Aild'' are particularly rec.
qminended for turning Under green crops, and' are
sirong, enough for any soil. ,Stbsoll Ploughi; for
ons;two orthree horses... Side 11111.Double'Mould
and ,N., York. Ploughs, froin 's2 to $6 each. . Fay.
lor's Patent Straw Cutter, (new) Green's Ittivt.ei',
Conklin's, Sinelities and improved Guillotine Strew
Cotters:- porn Stalk Grinders, Grain Fans, from
$0 to 00 each. Corn. Sheller. in Vgrent: rarleti„ ,
for" hand :slid- horse power. ;Horse Powers' . and I
Threshing ; Maohines. Meat cutters and etul en:
Chus. - Hay and manure Ibrks. Hoes, Spedei,
Shovels, Hakes. Transplanting -Trowels. tern
Planting, Agricultundrn
fuaces,' and every' other
implement wanted for the Farm or, Garden.
ALSO—The most ertensiveassortmens of Vegeta-,
l,le and:Flower Seeds, ht - Philatlelpbin;ineluding
new and=. superi or. k.I ads...orris, of 16M, grown en.
preisly fort
,is' estabilibinent, and 'warranted of the ,
. .quallWaitd,truo tOZnamei Clia•he• ()Wiled by
the pounTtie bitshel, - .orineatly put up and labelled,.
with directiOni !toots mid
Fruit Trees of, the/ obiticeOt "kinds; ,;Heolers aro
respecifUlly tOicall„and . see the assortment.
• , rf ,
- •
Janaary 290845; - '
ojePrlies estroinely loss:
. 1Y
. - ::MANE" BELTS:
:Jait'reeisbrial s .ii lbw 0.1" theiwllater•prontaviatit
, Aoll.4oinnfiecileavy vArtiola in thew &Ye when.
Wittig. Thera llalta...are a
41a a paNtiir-igainet-their"-aaoamilbtaatirtt-,
.: I. ltoVissweialtitiriteif
s4 ifol etherktitillAtiOOt!!of. PotoboolY, .VeriOio!,ogiglia,;l4noncate; iinguilla, joN/Ailo c litiofi -k auseliac
And .oyange, all
1,_,016,Ar., 1 4„ 1 „i16 4 1c,01,#,; .14,41 by•
:10 ,.
...:. :,
XEVI I ; 4 ‘l4l:loiitii,,if " 4 - I t .1 Tl, ,4
r ,
~y4 : : , -(Av 4 ,,:;• ;Op t , p appi ,,,-,,'.. , ~ , c . . 4r 1 r:" ill
0 ' I I: t' A
Aty".9.,*4 '''' , tz. - ;:viA l, 44
~..1.,...,e4„,,14,,CiPei 5); OS!
~, ~ .k,,,r 7 ,e‘ liit',..ll ~
~. ~ .ziol = - 4 ,. .4,4 , 44 , - . ...M4.41,5'.... c: 440 7/
: zttita vstroatitck o
1111... 4 ;,Leie1v)Nr..', , , ,
Are the
:'l'heiri composition IS Of
composed of Vegetable Extracts' that are diuretic,
sudorific, expectorant and cathartic; by which corn
binatimi they afe rolatithd to Inostformsettlisease_
and - knit,' be taken at all tlmes;by youngand old,
bust and feeblei•with perfect safety, without interfe
rind , With habits, occupation, or•yegultittofitiS) o
Theywill;at' all times, be round istieviceltbleato a
'Purgatives Cletiating the stomach and bowels, •as
wellas a.purifier ofthe blood and animal fluids, in
addition to their other,qualities bacause, contain.
ing Marsiparilla and other valuable medic:ll - ex- :
tracts in tneir nompositiomand which makes., them
preferable to all other Pills. • - , , .
• More' than 1,000 Cerefficiltel
have hero puldtsshed'at various timeSof their effi
cacy in various diseases. Ott where. all other medi.:,
eines had failed; as the public must have Ilmti many,
of diem, further ptiblioation.of-o,om-,s.ileeune,l..un
necessary,on account bf the great expense.'
Afore "thannloo,ooo .13(iiree 't•
finite Wen sold in Philadelphia alone,the pita )eithl
thusahowing that in the place where they arc manu
factured,- they have a .reputition4reater tnan any
other pilli—whielierlsestrom the fact that Dr. Lei-'
dy, is well known ' -at home ass regular .Physician,
and hispills ari3consequently employed with great
er confidence than , any other in addition to theii
known efficacy,,.
e_mnembered-- --
- It the quantity' , , :of pilliorother medicine you
bps the same money, is the best or cheapest
—' Of" hheap medicines or pills,
ynu, of coui•se,get the most; and you are induced to
take theinore, under the impression Ira little' does
good,more will do more good,en'd you iniike- drug
shops of your stornclia, causing ofientiines serious
injury toyoursc ves or ife.
Dr. Lehly's arecompilied of more ex;
pensive ingredients, and require inure nicety and•la
bor in their prefiaration'than anpotlier
apparetusalone roememiritt estractahomaistd,.
Price 25 cents a ver
ing o threeiliousantidollaes.„
• - -
'they are • -
• , ~
they are prepared, itidy,itintanid:wholetaterind
Retail, at Dr,- Leittrlieatth'Etitpothint'," No 191.
North Second street below•Vinest.
• SoletAteiAretOndisle. •
Jane Q% 1844
- 1006.;:rn bl 16;
or. fie
.•••loolinimary Constemptiost.
OFall diseases incident ti): our climate there is
none so universal and.attlie sante-Hine - se ir;
sidious and fatalas consumption,. In this country
especially Pulmonary Consumption is emphatically
a immerge; and'in its resistless career sieeepso'erthe
land as a destroying Angel, laying low with relent
lesihand the strongest and fairest of ourrace! Hith
erto all efforts to arrest this dreaddisrase have prov
ed in vain and all that.seinied within our power was
at belt thealleviation ofsuffering, rendering- some
what smoother the certain progress to the tomb.'..
The Compound Syetip of Ter is a - combination
heretofore unknown, exerting a power over the thew
*se scarcely 'conCeivable; a specific action
•Okthe mucous tissue and at the same time bringing
the whole system under its powerful faience it com
,uletely eradicates the cause of Iliseose be it heredi
farY or otnerwitei and thus by strilcingat the root
of the complaint imports - tone todebilitutedergans,
affords renewed % igor to thegeneralqatem and (MIS
restereethe- pa . tient to permikituthisejlth.
This inialuable
ing thofollowin . g words blown in thegless- , Thottiti.;
• on's ,Compound "Syrurof,Vir run consumption ,
without 'which none is genuine.
•• Price 50 ientspee bottle; Six bottles for $2,50.
• For stilifin, Carlisle by - • •
C,,,SII'EVENStiN Sole Agent. I
i r ET all the world take notice,and be Careful not
LA to buy the [augsr_-nictated) Improved Indian ye:
gflable. Patti utiles! ev.ofrtimr. imam it the written
aignature.of the orignialla 7 trentorand patentee.. 17-:=
0 , .-Mi- . •
These pltia.santillapest;ess pop eye tti:Upen ALL _
the natural tituina. or the.,syntem—vizi_oe. t;ui w y
Kidneys, Skin. and , Ilnaiels-4tithirtii intlifiaiit im
' the ; pruetiee of 'Medicine .and.sonotiiplete hasbeen
their mph iiir‘er•till oilier metli_elpes,,th'at:many_
have Been to suppose - key: mown some tooirer;
,mint‘ral; but upati.:eorninatilotity2•Diiitniit
Chilton, Randolph, Huntingdon, and.othets; this
supposition is at once proved to be groundless.
Sold in New York, at the Office, If 9
Grentvich street, and also by MYERS & HAY ER
STICK, sole Agents for Carlisle.. •
" Smiths Sugpkir Coated' Pills.
lialtrmpre, Evb. sth, 1845. .
pr. it. W. Andrews ;
• --Sirr• -.The box of Dr. Smiths
Sugar Coated iMproverllntliati Vegetable' Pills I
purchased of youomme two , months past; I Ibund in
their_ripplication-to-Intsorti(of. about 15- %eirir-of
age,) the most happrelfeot on :the nyntern: lie •had
beery for some years, very delicate: in health, and
very .much ambient to fever and chills, so Mud'. M
os to create alarm for his fhture health. And for .
two or three yearswe had to keep •hitii frrnri school
*the. most or the time.. _ I am now frank to acknOirl.
edge. the complete restgration tor his htatith and a
fair prospect ()fits perminetd'eivoyment.
• '•"•,. ' • J . : A. smipstoz.-
Hanover street. :
hrincihnl .
Ogre, t 9 - renvv!cli st., New York.
:.-CAUTION.--.A. a , miserable Imitation lins laeen
rowile by the name of 560 r -emitted Pills, - it„is ne
ersiary -to be, MK' that 1/r...D. Bred:Mats Siuitlis
nattirelkoethe - bo - Prinels - omitiir •
Agents for Sniiths Supi Coate4,-Nn.
Holugatcosiin;.E. Ar'Si AXIOyI6; •• •' • '•
.: . tilleteil 410 not - Despititi•:' • -‘.
THOM PSQl4ll,CoMpound - Syrut) of Tar,' the
ihe i ntosi certain anti,
.p . oierful
,remedy -known for
the cure ; of CenaumpitodThuill itiitagea ;ltronehitis
Heart. Liver
.Cotoplaidt and Chronic .Affectioni of
iholiidneyse ='. '. '' •'....-' '' " ' ''..
..:-...:-----.----41.E.4.01...24.E.5D 0. '''t "-'' , '
.Still forthrr.proota-,tta own Wm ks,,Pridalm It ,
niikah - ifolloiting!!,.
, • - . , ' . . Philidelphistaan 3, MS
: Mr ay. Ttimersott-Dear. Sim-From a sense 0
gratitude to you and a desire that the_atilicted ma
have recourse to yew; t ruly 'Will - Able medicine; .
Woald state the benefit I have • experienced from ill
use . For some time, pettl have been afflicted with'
a dietreatiograckingcough;accompanied with agreat,
oppreisiOn antidifficultiof.breathing With. 11 - senstW
Lion of tightness at 'the cheat . • Beconung. greatly
alarmed a friend who had been much benefitted by
your medicine recommended ote to try It 1 done
so and in a-very sheretinie eieryalermingerntitoro,eipectoratioh beattne free.all op
pression left
M e my cough teesett and: in ii few days,
J Wettable to go out and atterulto,tiy busineme well
man! wAny further informatlonlvill be.lcheerfully • •
g iven the *afflicted by : calling at my residence No
' South Front street. -.. ~. ', . _ . .'s ~
, • , • '; jOS : ,SfoIII(ANAMY
Price 50'oents per bottle.._' ; - . •
.;,.• • •
For gain in Carlisle by • . .
' • • C STEVENSO , Sol Agen
Mir adr lila Is .Alislay„l' that - .
PR. -LEIDY' S &UMW.: , flll. t. 4 .laNtr .
s the purestistrongest, and Most edit:miens of any'
other pm pa ration of .Samaparilla , that is made.:,.:
. '
It is warranted to be stronger then 6 bottle% of
MOST othem—stronger than four' of So6lD,ind
stronger than three of the - IifIONGEST prepared
by any other 'tithe United States, . -.; .. ---, ;'-i -
' Dr. Leidy:** Sammiarille ii recoeineendedljtali
respectable: physicians in' preference. to ider o her.
All who.bSve ever Awed it; issue derlyed more beneel.-
fit Sims one bottle than three to ten of others rend
thole Who, afterohaving used' otheels preperatinimi
without benefit; will use Dr 'Deldrie. will soon be
con/need (oesthouiandalaTe already been) of;ther
foregoing assertion. •• ' ' .
_.. '; -,• • ..., . ;.'
..'t, Theapparattes-with'liihiefiTDECtelkel leglitridt.
IMMO in his preparation of Alirsaparlllit'as prepared
II the. Only one in the Veiled States ithportedter WT
i lt h "" drihn° t he ( 1 1 0rafed bows:Q(l4lliter,
ii, itehtoet, in Parla, a ta mrcateiteenSe,atollif4 l 7 .
Tea 1 of extracting the raigeal virtues 0f,di1e.100411.:
Alia MO tillierroot., imOr97e.frrStod.l.f.-40,, , ,r7
other process .' .‘,. '' 7 .r... , :ri ' ' :t;'''' ''"
1- :48.• ticE'rElt::44 '2 . II tINANAO" - " 11 •
C.4TES . PereapiriketrlOatrpuidivannu!enda•
titens,frOm - elergymeo , l6l4„:' b7 061 . ,1, 4 1 . r..!'ePn.
rode time, to: tlmeteulellideea 0.1_144'0,4J, Pliti t it .
is onlylhoughtmastrilltif.r.4,llgmileaMpiam
ted its id where 1)0140 I se 1 70004 fim-pi11b.....
taineditiitile.olWientSoffe , MsPqrsail4,o4ldfs
WiltOf* lalfhplat'o ol ll4krO i.,retta near
! 41',Ti , ,P M 101 2,A11 10 04/
; - 0 f„ , ir _ ond sand , ei.- meitai,prat,
~,,- '.-r‘, ' ..gCier 100,tiA/kslllßeigr'
. *., '. ~, • :::. ~..?'"> ,- ' '! .. ...' ,, nn•r• A 1 ',,,, 0.1 o.
''''' / - )k.: 2 4 r. 5 6 11 , v ,Yl','",l
i: ' k''''.4..-.4.1i.10n0r.M, ..".IP,Te'.
, t 44 o: i ;: t ~ , A.:cf, ,; ;:tr,;io , o''-':, 74',, , 'gV
,•.,,4,...1e ' ... . ° ,0 0 '' , TP, ,,,, 1k4 ,-
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revenuon'and - C in& of
;'3 e-; , , .;1: ,: 44,4&
aIIIE 1ni406104 tiiier
tioti of 'CiduptreDat
toll ° ll.l 4°*clfelo , ,qA.A.
' U9 1 0^ 1 #14 c ,i1164141414 ' :' , ,11 1 4# 4
thii Ifivieit tnititiet . o44loo; Oiiii, 40 1 10 1 . iOS
teai or , „o6tifialftio wativr Ilk? *Oh*:
Ot t
'UAW, CretPOOlanellaYd ' *.O *NOW
kis TO* th ilY o l# o Y. eon 4 6 ' 'O , # ' $.,,W. ,
4 '
o f.
11 °Dititi e li. ' t,'
It .1 11 4 1 1 t ~ ,, 4 q ..t
1* •,:.: , I r). ; , : , •
~• , _..;
'.1 .1 !.. 714 Q. St -.4 ', :s'') '; • o- •'-; , :• '' ' ' 4 :', 41. 4 4 , .4. t " '
If:', •• ,' ' •• ' • , •11,7,,, • '..•' Yi ' - 4: 1 :1; ' ''' 1 1
,;.6,14.:',,' , '; , :i1i ,, ,,-..-. -, 45, .-.- li= l M - I•14 , ,-- 'T
'Live,K!.'. - .4ethina . ,..
t~ffeifione of
Weaknewfqf the'Bredat or .. -- .4nArti;ehronie:.
Cou.ghedleunoy,Remorrtiefkeoph e Lunge out
.alltirealons orMe Puttee/nary Organ/. - • %
• - .A'eantp‘oup &Balsamic prepatutiton oro,o4 7 rutros
Pirsitarona r Cherry 'Bark,"!, 'coostinca
with the Eriract Tie,prepared by a new elnimi.
cal process approved end recommended hrthe most
distingutsbeff pllyaltiani, and universally .acknd'wl.
edged llfilatiiat.Malitahlemedieirteeevertflscovered;—
In; setting forth the virtues this truly great sued.
letrie • We,.. have'nedeaire io deceive 'those who are
dO we desire to auto
gizemorei than ttr.justly deserves. Yet when we
look around see the vast amount of suffering and
distrait occiiioned by tong of the.diseaseriawhich
this • Medicine: hitaigoVed so highly successful, we;
;Teel that 'we oaanot urge ils totostrongly` og
l 'saY:tob muotritritefavor.
Efttchledef , dart - the - •
01:thosOaltaitis,shat even in the advanced ‘stifgea of
Vortanitkriott, alter all the most esteemed remedies
of litysiciioap hese failed to effect tiny,. change, .the
die-4'l4st* hits beeifproductive of the most
astoniishint4elie4and.s. actually effected cures alter
id] liopee.uCricOyery
.had been despaired of.'
Iu iliefiriestages of the diseasetermed " Quer. ,
hat ,'"G' 4 tutstiiiptioV'r originating. :from neglected
_COLDS, it•hat - Fbecti• used withundeviatiug success_
yinOundre t li t vickno irledge - theroVillie - reisiCCrifiov i
of Alieltheidtb to this - invaluable medicine alon e
.lit.tlia-Whei*etr-,‘"oiisUmption so - prevalent amongit
.delltatiyoung.Seniales, commonly termed debility,
-. ) . corBl4*iiitfisith' which thousands sne lingering, it
halt sill!o tiro - ed.hlgfily. successful, and not only pos
sesses theeking_the.progeess-of-thism&=-
11ertuireum laint, but - alio strengthens and invige
ryes this systetvi,more7retTectually thiin 'any medicine-.
For iirtiettliet4 certificates, dice., see Dr. Wistar's
pamplilete, ,
• ..1-...,AGENTS-.1=3.-ELLIOTT, Carlisle. -
Deur*, 'Cluimbersbrug.
.Ankle•and Greaten's, Shii)petetburt.
cartisie;NOTernberB 1843. .
. _
, ••• Sm tit ma- is l'ai ab.
• TAR arid 1V00.1.2 NAPTHA.•
inatien-of the-111'6cent Membratiei is the result of
ieliciloipteieltine 'mode nun them by cold or
other ' . .C'auseep hence Chronic Catarrh, Spitting of
Astinah—resulting in. Con.
stiniPtion; GastritisOfsitased Liver-andßidoeys,
Palpitation of 6'6 heart, &c. :froinincontestible..
,evidenc4, 'it is proved that Thompson's Compound
Syrup of Tar and Wood *robe , - specifiCiti
these mon plainte—allailing 'irritation, promoting
heaßhy, emotions,- rind,remering-the-exelting
causes of disease. Thousands have used it and •
tali bear testimony to iteefficacy. Pirrttrer proof:
, Philadelhiefilliardl.
• I hereby certify, Marin P conieqUen o cettifi 844 reputit.
cd=rind - neglect.d teldir, toy lunge. beteme. seri. "
-ounly affected and for a long tinici have auffo6l.
witleviolent pain mY - tircait; ribs - thatch, 'coogli
and . diffloUlt expectoration, the symptoms daily -
increasing itiNiideics.'verione
remedies;Avlth no avail, until I used Theritpeon'a
Conifiennd.Syrrin- or - Tar, which effects a
.minent cure before.' had-taken-three bottles.- -
• , Fayette strott; below Arch.
Principal Office, N. E. cornet of FIFTH - and
SPRUCE Streets.
SoldAlsilby Oliver, Tenth sod Race Rohm.
sack, 2d.aniiCotov, and 8111 and - Green4 Thomp.'
.soni:6o and Arch;'-Lindley M. :Englund, 3d and- Vine 'streets,
• odileoti. 'PO4'4 A MUM,
Allentown; - E'W - -
Reading; ldirorc&-temtraSm-NirrilstoWn--
irt DewlnbTrenton;:.N. yvoehtiari, thirom r ..
.fonod. 1; Dr. W - 144;41 1 .herstri,,,' Ilatrtshurg ; B.
Sands & Co, New'!Yerk tr Varna ' & Aldrieb,•
Poughkeepsie, ::
Price n F, T y per bottle „lir ,$5. per
doten: ' Beware of 6311fillertelle.
T. C. STEVENSON, sine' agent' fbr Carlisle.
January 2;1845, - 6m
TerkratTo N J . Alsirth A, 184 I.
yeems ago in amisequence.of ov mer-et.
tion in assisting to i litnahliboat,l..rhptitrail a blorv.
vessel in my lungs •whitit wits • followed by profuse
Spitting cEaßlooth mitt consequeilf-debility'sollffit
lied to stop work. I procured the beet niedicalAiest•
meet but the bleeding retorted s^er) oftenlieenno
_minim] with lever. bus short time a cough taineon,
with great oppression,liectic levet:and inglitawealsh
Thus I went on gradually. growing Iroise anirl'bei•
came completely discoursged 'about - them
months ago. fniade trial of ' I ' II 6I%II'SON lt
imand Syrup o I need.graduitlli ,
three monthaishmitig Whieh - timel'grads all API
proved mid these' bear'mriestinitaintiticita vane'. as
the only, medicine which ..betittOiled Iflesand'hoe
stored me to health.
• ' ' ,1 " 1 .4 1 111111sii01.1)EN. •
0 - Thiainyidnalee-tnetlittneieput tip it .hottlee'
ha ymne_ilteloliowing - )aords - hloWnin - 11fEgIfitisi•
.Thonipstii, l lC .C6inpound . enp tell'ife:forifeet
sib telt none fi iteittilhe.' •
: 50.11ents per:bottle:' for VMS,
Stile A gen U.S
' •
.F parents 'lttie:Gi.the 7 viiitio'egind'.emiitcy oT OKI
Leidy 'a PatentVcitetabbe Worm Tea ,they never'
Would be elfheOCli.ilithelifinillies,aschildr e a are '
r.l ikideaVtiritiTea.isetiticpesed'ofiegetables
alhigether,tudd inns, be given to children °fall ages.
Direttinksseiblni/e4-enCli Paper or package..
— ChlldretOstfesOnucti,'• of times; Troia so 'many* •
things being given theo for ivottnsi without any cf.
feet. - lifeatllllffielk'ithren to children, has a ten •
demiy to'deStrer their;generpt. health, and they ale
mo're'oi leee deltkateever.fdtet*Nftr : of 4 1 ifeS " m ed i cine' n eh"
eessarilyiiihesuput ateeeetain..your. children hay
irerms glve theta at Silt Dr: Leidy's Worm-Tea., I
trill that la *county. . •
--Iteferentelnlight be 'Made to several handred
rentaln Plillattelphla city and county, or the efficacy
of Dr. teltly's Worm Tea. Try it and you *HU). y
.• ' /
Price`l2l cents* smell, and 25 cents a largepack t 5' •
age t ,- .Prepared:only, and. for sale, wholesale. ant •
:ttetalliet Dr: Leitlei Health Emporium, No. 121
Northflotiand-itreetibilow Vine [sign of the Goli
deleraffifOied.FOrpeetti,) Phtlatle4dais.. .
For sale in Carlisle by . •
• "T
•I ' ef r ie. 1 4:1114:•:rst •
. l i l E — ttliEjeg -: . MAGI C 40./14:1;,,..
''..A,i#EiPe.'-'oll"4•tir°P- . •
eitie ll o .-this-splendid , 2_
~.. .
-011,ineinleii•itkbereo;-,1 • •
.. --- 0.., :;' •r . • -
..;,.. • , ••-
littl -an ' gentleinin's
toilet. - Unlike alt•oth- -, : ' •
.er'pili• It , doe, not. soil - . . • .
thi Indr; lint tives,' it, ?t'' , . , - i• -
bill hoax iti '.:beautY '.,'
~.. ::;•:
uni turpOset•lf•Twillr, •••.''''-,., , •
ttntes , Fr,tlie.• 'Wonted ' -.- •e, '';-
piiii(llo§,ni * 0 the dry. ;`
i--, •' . ..T- ` •
withetitiel44lbsNßer - . . .
iirdpidlikotezOileßmg,', ' ,' :'• :, -- ? - iiiir
tie4 p i t t i l ,..,V*7, 4 , l ` - '4'itiiii6ti on iii' iieceniii•ii
1 i5tit 4 . 4 .!...”---.,. - ,... iwoa llan ustiolior it fine head of haler,
thtlir.PrAierwol'":l6N--itreet philin3elptila. and bY
alone,Bo,o. -- , °' l4; '' ' ;411 id,tiiiii 0 et c:' aid 1,•
cnirligki 7„6 / 4 , - , ••=L• ..-- '' '
_,...,_october -
~„ ,_.