Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, June 11, 1845, Image 4
Nia 15 _‘-—r ; r“. ‘1 {2,23 ’ z. «.1: ' - “.11" if; >945 r:: Lea . //!Slt~l ; Li'3~ : s , l`~' 11 W~l~ ? ~lyiij%- T~ IN . . ..; ;.tiiii,T.:l4:rq'colo;o4l)loloel;l i del(veit4an.lolo.: ; eiitt* cAdjelis #iikiece4 iseettliii or the:Witieti: Oak . oftviiicit. Se.o!ittYl 74, tti‘e ' this ip eaw, - . which), heitiii* angitic%**:eolifvfnel • °title iind fa.' t hear ac jt wee, thii 'oleo of a great" tituttliiutelltitd a. the voice " of canny_ wit:. voice iSpnWitt thundering. , saying_ for.thet,ortiocd,Otonliotent reikttetti: ' 'This ticiek; cilia. he, .eantiins 'the dietinies of the church _hi,. it Ir.sep and "futitic, giocy., Yet, In' the light IlOok'i I sec; the trti,ik church,olGott - In4ininini!k`.strvig* . tnny' . . And Inttic: . nilpo.:olnimi , nr- 7: l6 , 4nr_ip _Tit! ooinfoitei;vripi*nt- - 1;.f:.• • And . *hqe•k!nr 4 tee her toninring•i-4. gnciimpasied-T-noi.*onenrnedt , i% , • • • ••• Thro! L p4,oantinn'l inn! flame, _Thi,d',flo4:in:a scathes ,'d -, viiiioiro4l-#prach i rttnd:-!co --ad-thillnei Tliro . tilopd; and tdiiiP'tiarifit, Sli onwiu4=-ofilitaird '— • n wealcoeGa waxing strong;. 'Una lite Star 6 . 1 ' And Victory her wax!, 'I. ice tOil,:abroad,l4 1 . 1 9 1 01,, . • Ficoin tropie'te the polei • Wherever !wells a Pagan. Or .sweepial:hiinianioul r i' The souktoChri4 And wherekhoniktiintlheii*orriight;'. -- Now Ouster I..Froni liord's Poems. THOM:111T. , 4. .Thiult..,beedleSitinei or * . hoiinith withtOn 'step, • Tianipletiliefloi'vers,the fltniersarsi GoOthotights Beautiful tbou - ghte...-thatlong before lie gave Their loveliness to hlesi thy - thanhless sight, • '. Perennials of an eternal . year, - ' • Blossmithl upd shed frngia pie . .ssßis soul, • Ankiiii":tieVeidOn'eat:th,:did garden H‘en.: • !. There is iteNattire tiothingtstean:'Cir base' But only as our basenessihhilis it so, • Ti&king that`eoin on by - tii - ejeuell and sight, Willa; if stars, would seem ,As sacred and ad mervellous a s they." _ . - measure the influence/St I - mother on ,the young ankiihmortalMieds of her children! Her look,e - fitiiiiMii,t„'her , smiles or her - , frown's on heir children, stamp ;immesh*. on their_minds which will-last foreyer...- - melding-influence to .their character, their course of life, heir -.ratan(' eternal well being: They rise-to glories; and happiness ' of heaven, or io,the:otees 'and ruin. of, a ' eternity anickaesoidiek. as the mother trains them _ _for 4 doil f their -Minds to grow . , selfishnes s and aim T i he- nothersits al the threshold of Moir psis• tines; and direct their first' tottering foot' 'Her, defies lie at the fountains of of human scieieiy, and ',lime :their. young repringiOrlifiFiliiif out in alliffii 7 egitence streams of-bitterwater or sweet , purified' or poisonous, according, as the mother 0 • rectilie-minds Savionr;'and praye'With and for- theni,l:. • The nuriert islheciriother'S moral gar - - den; hillivhieh she nourialndr the — teddiff plants by faith and Prayer,.and trains them up:to be transplanted at mature growth to the .parsdise and:garden OfGed. The, mother's influence is often much greater. than_the.. - .father's.- Herµpast is more , ret sponsibte,as she engiqes deeper and more indelible: lines on ihe'ininds of children. She stands at head the - -iace. ~By the gentle Much 4!:.her finger,elte. isatarting the balls at thelop/of • the minilitiin;' Which -.-once 'Set' AC - Motion, .proceed. , :on , itheir course with increasing force , end - iteloeity tcrike , - 4i)Phir''fifl9re, they, are kinellinethoseilpirke of ,elemed tal Which O divine constitution, .he . c o mpanionship , of; the sexes,and' which' - acearding o the ;direction here . giiten,Si stirt,.. idea to-shine 'se _stars -in sink ." 'i,fie.6laCiiicias aidaikOss . forever: All themotit irOportapt . springs, of,iociety are held 00:controlled' hyLthe` feeble'. ilkwukt vibrates.woman,.every.; chord ,tc. !or ()..ifeli • as ny-iothe'soCiiil:sySteM*Mts `.104' pulse.l ArtiWspure itivitertiler theii, should be a. mOdulea - heaii:_o4:'cireful Of-her look;, her smiles ,, liar„ cenduci;:'hler' very action,' WhiCh imptifit, 80h - indelible lines and exerts:sueti Imperishable influence on, the young i-mindiforher;eitildreu:, HOW prayerfukhow near to' God ought' a Motheittilii o„,k4ie ,:if of his eitiiniiMnaii,whieh heeirie ait her heart may.Mflectits line enis divi'mion;the mOrgiiiiide'lotthoati.rithich God has , en; trusted:hi liereare*iiii!) toir Mai ' of American chine eSralt mass "" 415 r dd 'Wow be shook . ofagain el' ' Pes o f the ''t'ngthe thoughtless thola n Pc'w criettioelly reference to 411 ay e °Dll * Pohl*, in spirit thoso they inv est. who Power. Th e le : 014 World, Pstfug Poiitire of the 810( 4 are fne.t4c • t tint avowini .7 1°6t Pitredis- Robefit r' cluu PfloeiPlee. " leelt?Fioe ,l ll(nigte E hia FP, —nglaqd , juiperf?ctione 1 —1 :710 oftliegeo a— 'stead ttti iq he questi 0 4.:th e ri l l '1 `" • s'lrtleitiqeme g 1 , 14 „,0ft; , Vire prom*" j* • 'AMIN* 11_,Ionvietia..A qui-, :,;(07401-, sectiffic-the 'rtatio, minister ..mtPhaticitlli th e 41E-"-riatitit** itfOhitec* ttion intniqu& I *fir. , 4.114 is editionjo , tio & llint4tor. 1004toi 144:4 itiffi WM • ti ~:; F :n ~'~¢"Yti. _ .. 1..* WOO* r 4 0tc ' 6. " 6 ...7lo s #thefhPut , tteit ‘ ,:toiilli(soitowleit by ill'eliiishitAkef,: tier eirly:*feetiono going fast`to the drunkard ' sr`grave, and .'to he. .abodetOtbikekiiessAit t ddirktieAk fore'6e= i We' eon see inn' Opife'iZW?2,!kai wit4ei'lhe':aitiputation Af 2 A lirab=und'Lwe nii4r iy w ;N,but:<when we see.that, the, outlining_ of the hody.,te . pit - , - s prelude' to the,lioin that must !olio w ;, whe s p ir,'4aprideing botOody• and soul, to is 'dizt-•• Intiri' that can , Ohoiv no' pity—to-a : demon that: h>! slaip2.his thousands and tens .of thoualinde,:::'Off l :4elighte.•in!'ciratige -ancl blood—it ,sorrow mocks all , consolation. It is a worm . , that. never dies: -' To lean on - the treinbling•arrn of the tottering inpbriate—tettleep-otn,the couch' with the startling, trOtibleti, 'madden; wci-begone, hopelesti drunkard—are tiring, - abiding - 6 - 4116 W e -, that candie only With life itself! 41nd •such:porrows..-potir - ','Woman feels anitenduree, beaatieit• she cannot 'die, because she Was substituted — to suffer tilt the attenuated thread of life has spun its last fibre,•and 411ebleeding lieartbas throb beditslast. On Various Subjects in the Physical Science, de: - -llystcd in :the -chief cities-and Towns - In qui -United States,', DIONYSIUS ARDNER, Doctor of t l ivit haw; Fellow ; of the Royal SCAA. ek e o f LeuidoW•and'Edintuni, Membei of thaiiniversities of Cat:abridge and Dublin,and fermerly_piofessor . uf . - - NaturalTbilaapphy' and - Astro: • ' 4 ' twiny:hi:the - University • Londotlte., &c. r ~, Y ME „, Tux Publislierl:lnnohnmi . that Da: LANDNIi• having hikProfeasional. tour as a. publi. lecturer in this Ocutritry;[they have availed to selves oftlie-opportuttity: : of inducing him to pro pare for 'Pabliestiiii., : ecomplete and • Authentic editidn of his popular Lectures on Science. The general iotereatividch. these discourses have ex cited for the last feur years throukhout.the.Union, manifested,by the.continued assemblage of audi 'ences of unprecedented numbers and respeeta hility,lovery part of the. eountry.,from_ Boston.' mins andficiallsfels:PTYrirklii - SCEO - aili; afford the publi shers good grourids'for the ossu• ranee that they will thus present to the American _Publie_an_aceeptablodaffmlur.and _a rnost,___.useful: manual orgeneral . ,toferination. They will also afford that largn plaseyefperions who have'attem dedthese:tourees•MP.agreeable means ofrevielw,; ingtheirripressienifrolMviiiich they have derived alreadiao muelkpleasure And' profit., The following,te:S list of subjects MAO will be embraced in, tliescieeccures : • The Soliii:SYsisid..Thd Theory of Gravitation; I The (two.lectures;) The Sun ; The Pla. o nets; The -Plurality r World's . ; The Comets, (tvVe lectures The. Existence' and Attributes of God Deduced from the , Laweof-Nature r:PoPular Fallacies : Ltgliff Sound ; :Heat ; - Electricity ; (twelectures_._Ttie PowerMum.* ' Engine .State, and Prospects of Steam:tlavigatiomin thai.United"Strites.and Great. , (two lectures;) , The Stellar, Udiveree' f: Comliustion and Artificial Illumination • The Atmosphere , '& q.; &c., Ass.;- Mognetle Te legraphs ; The Alliance of Sdieisce and Art, Ste., Cc., &c. , No expense walla spaied to render this work a - Befitl and attractive, Wood engravings Meseta. ling - the text be 'copiously ,supplied. rhe work will be printed on new type, in the octavo form, and,wiki pe published-In parts. or •numbers, at. twenty.five cents.caish, and. will ho completed nitiTten:,or-twelve_nambers.__TWArstntnn t bet willappear kbout the let cif May next.- Agents GREELY & McELRATIL • -USEFUL 'WORKS - FOR - THE -PEOPLE Tile Publishers having lost their erilire stook— , Books Plates end Engravings—of their Series of u, Useful Books for the People,".by a late Calami tous fire, have commenced the publication ofa, new. Sanaa, the .first in order of which' is the -Work on astronomy by.Aasooand lammonw.-Pro: bably no work has ever appeared an the sublime science Of astronomy, combining the same amount: of accurate scientific' information' ' ; with so Much that, is pleasing and entertaining to all alai* ot It is designed itv,lloiv up 'this' puhlication by others of a like iteeful' and interesting character, and although each one in this new settee will be . compete trtjhreff4AndLnntirely.Apdepandent_cif 4ittah-othlir r yet.-:they—will;all,l*--ftrinted_on_uar_ . a . 'aineniand pagejn, ord,ar that the series may bo bnitridnti bigether. Thit__unifornr juice . 01%caeir 25.ce'nts. • ',GREELY dr o hlopUßATH. New'Yorki 'March; 1845; tribilno Buildings '-- Wit ),koLlAottirti THE. Subscribetims'iutt• opined in -the +Miro Ifurmerli occupied by R. Woods) on .the South West.euvnercif the public square, a fray:444 SplendierStock,Or Iflo;%; ~talile and . Panty; consisting in part , ofCloth,,''Gas • lagi . 19 tt h OW:0 J 5 ',metes, Sattinetts, Lineins, , Glimbroons,4..Sritinner Cloth., Veitinga; Silks, Dombiaines,-Ba orinesi CatinS,Cianciand Monet% Leiner, Swiss Catittnies, Jaeltiiieti'and'all,rtber'kinds of !Unable; Oilice,eti, Shawls; Checks , -, Tialsitigy Velvet Cords,'Ciuton goods of elf description's. , Carnet chitin and'.Clifton*, Yarn;. Umbrellas, Permit, Sunithades;GloveriiHo. siery, Ike: , `ALSQ ) .A . choice and `weliselected steck: . 6t sea, aeries, eonsisttneinPirt, of Cpliees„ SugarriMohns - - ALS9 4 Croakery.Glass and. Queensware of TIM& ous damnation's and qualities; together .iSvithitiume rouatilher articles comprising a. complete and gen") tisSoitMunt 4 4ll of _which beAffersfrir sale, at. Very . ..liitv prices for rails.- He( reispecifrilly,-'-invites Ids friends and Ally Public In general • to give call, inasmuch• as , he feels confident that' lie eiiii sell goods as low as any , other house in the borough.: ,. .- - . •ROIiERTARVINE, jr„ • roil 141845:: MEMEZI ... .. ' ' ' PATTON i iit' . VATE.NI: Window_ Shutter , ; Catch and Bolt, ~ THE Mhseribc - I;iiietitjor - :ihe.'Ssile;Or Patton's Window SbOtter;', Catch sod Bbi,would i re- i . - speetfullyeibtorti"therpitblie t hat the above ßo 4,i. a n. ti 1 of Us e kind how in use, both superior to a-, ,or ° e '. li , -....,Th er . can beTpu i :: for..simplicity and : dorms ty. chasm! at J. P... Ly e , I Jecoblener'i , ..niirdware Store, ,North Ilan il oye i r g s r treet,lor o They need .onlr. of '. the suhermber , ifi: West Louth Carlisl e.oirecti. ~.;:2 I.Mseen to be.tttlopteti. JAMES ~,.. ,„ ' oitaviiii.Ast..,. • ' " - • , i l it s , . ~•. •..4..-.' ,c.'. . ~..- S ~ ' , J -• '.. . APriliri . . ,..;.-.4,....i... —.,' .. '." ;,received. a iploodidl assortment of the' celebrated. Ciat Steel , blued SCY'rligg; - rneirrilbetur,d eaPteeekti:foi:ble own, itiblii;r and to all- who :vittichinied them r last inminer.%r , P. LYNE. 0,11§45.:- Aniairt prince- . lin _ ;.-44„„ , , • • ^ ''''Afiroll3ol34Sii =~~;~_ WRVNIM • Aynktir. lebned..3 o entm , oo ~o , goad. ittoot:llollDAVOithillikuocid , reef lo b for goors oboe Wyo r .htip,4ll;Rottylere. 1„e will OSlniikokPfikhOosl... „ ..Ibo_ a :Lowest Prlceli t " ' ;GROCERIES: ,: 8t 'such as Losa'Sngar Doable* Single Rchned,ilrown ilavanTralarCeushed Sif s, gara - , - Youngliysoniitaeri;. al and;l3lark Teii, Saga liouse;lrnruiiial Oilcans Mollaasea,Bilexzkaad_Wtalle.SAl,Candlea;_Clieoe,. CraokerayAkee. 'Citkai, Indigo, Stank •Saltpetre, .Mustard Rad Chooolace, pijigcr . 80era!9eicmita pon.9 o, teoo • - - -OroCkery..China'and Gless.:W Drnshet,.Tubs~ Racket, . Churn , , Bnikete, ivit4l l - boards,.,butter, pm!, rorea t wi n e tobacco apaniani half, spanitdi'and common flegara. BOOTS AND SHOES' of,erci.d.esbritition HOMO inienifittpirie kistrecol red at.his)nore; conblitinior Willis' &utile and single sole IP,raneh and tindreat tjaofocco3almea and boats for . L adies', at the Laife-st --pLidurt 6Sr - sale - hi:the tistivehi' Art' 11, 4 • . 50 barreh while wheat. T: • e 4.., : 5 barreli Ereett" Ground ....orn - tneaf. • 2 harrels436isitiviteat•YloPr'.. " ..• . •Peius sons purchasing flour of can have* deliV anylatiof the town. Thosewhis max &yet.; him With ,lheli'enitorn, be" dealt with, on the; most . tuaisfitetery -terms. • He thertlfore - Silliofts share of nubile patronage.. •'••• Carliele,ianuery 141845:••• ADryt D oN'AVIO:R:II9*!•'ImPPIY 1)t-P-1:*154' ave are now prepared .to supply..ouustoroers• .with,icgeOhral o assorbiletat of ,r . . , Emboii'd and ritisedfigured China (Long aid Short) Tea Setts, as also-white Graniteand Liverpool setts of 'iandsome styles; besides alit . ..tient aisortment of Liverpool and 'Granite -Plates, BOwls, ni!lies, Cups . and Saucets, Tumblers of various, qualities, said general - assortnaentercotiundit Wire of neat finish. We are_also in receipt ofa'in4- row:lament:et Ce dar wave:, including,Tubs,-Churns, Bucketii Wash boards, Painted: Buckets , Keelers, and -a geneWil Variety . Of other' artiples—as usual at thelowestpri cea,__atAlMohiatatid-of -- March 12, 1845 =le —___—._Country lllerchants:.= ~.T E NOTidE, THAT YOU WILL illstD,Al t TUE STORE -- .OF TAB — SUBSCRIBERS; 140. 20 North'4lkatreel, Coritei 4f __nieree streel,otiladelphiu. • , A LARGE STOCK' OP ZMU3°U` (Mta)C)W 8. - , CO NT AINING AS . Air IsLotierol dg anylionse hz-the `Cityof •Phlludelplpla: ." /nAET ro ularly attend, the sales, ,by Wuctilrismt ''OrWirequeittly_able to purchase, many seasons- . ble - deseriptiona or. Gticidit much 'below the regular. pritiee small;ideitnee. They alstrreeeire many goads direct - from the man ulaeturers,.and new-sty_lei of Foreign Goada'at soon as th 9 are in4llb7rnarkei from-importations' here and . in New York.. Their ,assortment...consists in part of the tiilhpiltig goods, rim t— . B - 30.11A)=CLOTErik Hearer,' airie r Pilot 'Cloths, n full. assortment, .Satti nets,".leans, liffii Flaiintl,_s. Kerseys aniLLinSeys,-Mar._ leillesitTni,TaiVestings in great variety, Black Silk Velvet; Figured Silk Velvet, Black Satin,•Bce., Red Padding, 'Canvass, Brown Rolland, Canton Flannelk,'Lqingluoak, 4Checks, -Tickingsi-, Colored Carobriiii, Silecias, Dackram; &e., &0._._...• Aliii. - -'runtsan.extensivO assortinent—and are I constantly receiv ing, the newest ityles aathtiy come from - the inanidlictureri-,-Mciu; de .laines, Print ed Lawns, Cainbrics, .Jaconeis, Book and Mull Muslins, Swiss Mailing, Irish Linens, Linen Lawns, Russia Sheetings,...Burlaps Russia ' Diaper, Cotton Diaper, Linen, Crasli,Ste.,'&9. ,•... . .. ' •ALP &CAS in - grow( variety; figared and plain, Hinidlieritiefi,4 Tull Auciitliketit of Coattliwamtllti Suspenders,•,HOsidry '„Glovea;Thread, But ns, ii l Lace Goode; & 0,.'. With st. full' assortment of rown and Bleached Shirtings and Sheet filo; : 4 .- 'r,' '“, - - -- • • . .AVM.- H. BROWN Si , Co. ,;;-:-, r.?. Ni,f•go.Nordi Athlit., Phila. February 5,1 845.-¢m.• ,:...v . 4 ...;. ~.,5,... ~_-1,, , . • , _ HONOR;TO .. HONORIS DifE, , • 'l7 ' ' • • that 'no ono has 4 •' : • • ever been so success- ' ful in. compounding a • A roediene, which has done so •to relieve the ha ina family,to rOb . ais F ase of its terrors,and to restore the Invalid to, health and comfort, as the,lnven tor col Prkid etcir of that most, deaervedly pop- , ular family - Atttlicine lbs.-'44"*.sysei'CossrotlND SYstur'qi 'VlOugar Cartiux;and none has • been so genefallipitOPOniiiid- by Alie-Pk . ilbssiottrind others, both in this cotintey and in - Europe, nor hal there ever been so greatliii effort,ln the - short space of. only six, or seven-year., to:eielye - the' credulous tied iiiithinkingi by - . putting; tip - Nostitititi: Of vspriOns • kinds; Ii • - • various individuals, affixing' the • , prefidrdtion as; Will screen them from thelasti of law, and one of the Impostors Who pits out the-e6ni-' mon paregoric of the shop . and call it th 'Haulm of W.Cherry t hoi had dte troptidente .to caution the publfetaiiiinst 7tfir7. - 01 . ifinal_iPrepartiorait,.._Dr- Swayne's Coationtid Syrup - iif-Wild - Clierry; which is doing so mu..h good i n the OtrBEW.AIIII 4 3I7,sucti.IhIPOSTtIISCO :Amid 'purchase none but Alia original •and only genuine article as- ` prepared by' is the only one compounded by a Pagblir..Physieian, and 'avow front - many„,years'Alose Atte - titian to the Ci t .• : professigit;oral weiehlead to this AteactlisiieverY.4....Tlicioitantle andlenticif thimsonds of theheiit teatiatoidola of :the unieiralleled success of Dr:, SwairtielicomPorind:Syrup of• Wild Chetty for the ' •• . • , -• - • • ' CowstrAipTiow, ••- - Coughs; Colds, Spitting Blood, Liver' Complaint,• Tickling . op . Rising in the,Tbroot,Nerious Debility, 'Weakness of Voice; Paltiltation or Disco's.° of ,the Heart; Pain in' the • Sitle;or Breast, Broken . Co ast!{' tutionfroin - vailouseauseti, the obuse'of calo'm'el lirotichitis,,'Arthma; Whooping COugh, Stit.;:'wete dgclargd to the world:. years before any „other prepi , oration 9t NViid Olerry,canie out. k • Tliernost ,skep .4ity•iiatiefy themselves as to the truth of the aboie c hiP?re inquiry iii Philadelphirt..l he genuinc_article is - prepared only whoseofflii9lnia been rethoved 'to N. %V: Corner of. ath Ind , Roce,iotreets c ?Hada: ...The [Whom • And other aPiiii 66 Wtiiiel , 6 .W.ild,CiTtrha"4o o6 sold, out and re-sold out, an d }he proprietors are make to resort to Falsehcoad and Stratogemia their 'Own:out:or it. ; ; Time ; geattine article is •Put 'up hi Valiestyle •in raluareliottles; covered with' a blue wrapper, with a yelloirlabil with thir proprietor's' mgnatnre attached:4-- - • ' • .• • • ttr.The. P , ublio . arc requested to remember that it is 1 - D r .;•l3waYne's , ..Cornitiond.,Syritp' of, Wild Chorryitbat has ond is repeatedly •performing such , ! adroculotte cures of ; diaetpseasirhielt bate baffled toe',•the,.'Pk,oresiicie-,•and•'set•:ot,-•.defianetf-the''Wh-Olti 'iialiilitgutt.. of :Raffia .014 sines, . are. 'daily . puffed tbkalighi.he (rigida of the press:. Therefoie. asi(fa4pr:.,i.Swoyne'it Paratititind- qjrap of: Wild cheritat9Aitirehsse•tso . Sol Ottarliiits bj bIYERS,.k'HAVEIISTICK . sisleMienbilbe-this tiorougb.-!;, ',,?0,9 1 10/4340 1 1‘4 5 ; • • ;,-- 3 , -neftsanilly micaoinei.'.- , ' '''-'-' • - - in' '6,,,entoig mid- AN tuldittoniprifiarq#:. y s sik 4ti ',". to ~ 0" 4' , .., .• .. . ..• , , alhaiiisoliiiii_l , It ; „- 7 . , --- ' li n t; • ~,-: i„: ?.,.,z :,, ;• . "I M f .icitiliNerstarl l / 2 0.0,., ' t: . :.:,.. - ' .lllPPll"...rl4llo`iiiii; ~ : ,/tee eiV*, itti ibrksiliLMr: ' S. *l•tA_irT• `,. ,:2401-s.7 W T : cc r;Y:' .. .?. ' ,"` it ',la;4kt . rf - 1iii....2 '* . r . :'44: , ,-* .'.§-4.:':1:4,4,*%,,A,,.,- ' t r sl ?' 1 , ', , ,;,•, , , ,, ,,ik0vfi0 1 7-:oTif:. , ,, =1.,.... ,, ,N ~- .o.'- - .' , ~, , t , .., , --4.• 4- ' A .y. ' , 4 pit • • 4 ' . 7.;" • :,, `: 'Pr ii' s .f: - I t , ~'Z42,4;1",:p';',:::;;C;4, • i.:., c ~ ...?1 , ~ , . 11 ~,,,,,, '' ,; -?',47 7 •7 41 • 7"- i f-, , az. , & , '‘?.11 , 7Q0kW. • -•- ::•,•: '''f . ' l :4l' `'3'',. , 5 , 1 4 :,W , ..;,; , , , 4 -----',.4-":44,..,-.:- •'-.-7,1'..r,r;i-4.-_-,-,-;'-fr--4 =WM - - , :'7;::::1-211,1i11,111,1111*,..:7V-..10111411/411rW:V ,ei . 4,10' .l i 7 lll . OM — "kV . '''''l4oli B..! :4 4 i l"A.., „i i:„ L; ‘"- - $.,,r - g f.v.:"ti:=( -- , - .:•-• - r 7 T-„ H . r t ,:f1.,;-. iANCyt4 n ll A 4o tl a Nur , f)Hrl!7Ltkr,- -r, •rt .K, ;, ;.-.--nr, . 1- ..-If. i asiter - piistsal4,4oo,ooo , Coffat , pafilln ; , i .. . -..:%,,,,.....---.-„:,...--.--,.., ---, 7 - .iiii ii : 7 TiviAltlClNSlJAAAggibiLlt€POrtrollt,°Arry ildd,iiiiiiiiil/oirtilei.,l.bY,',7 P r t ... 4 ' , li o in-ebi , -, and- EFF.PCT-Ef1tfre.1ir,'116_°14,...YA„,416,.. Conotrtook,,theioi!l:j.rell.o6m4";rrullruer Viii,be tions ma e "olther s- tial#!%l94' ', ..T.,... , ,! : , 'Nal itliiiikidto.:';..‘,'”` . • ig.' i• •' vr° . .- -,- : , - - .0 , 14 -- nA CK 11. great, Rlq4ll - -".-01 '-'- 11# 111/0 I . ll° , '' .:Reduced • ' ...,A ~;,„';',.,,t es ~....;,.,..:. ,1 11 :81/.PiTpi..1.,...MY1,1C ) . 7 , .',.., .. ,:;.:.. .-- Brick or Stcini dlipllhigi or 4 from r_, r I,6V :,. 'a - -- i - e - o , do ' • do elm t diel i - C,.'...4. 7.`:14A ib - 4;1..,..1. 'do .:. do ' `.'do .'..raVqtai!;;t:2;.;;-,-,-I,iii'-3-' 11410' ,--- do • , „do Baros:i,'.. if.. ~..„ • do , " do . Stable:liirivtt4, 4' ', 4 4,li , . I „si ''! do ' • ... do do, Stables putdis) ~,".• '4 41°i.-t. , •i do 'AO Giist • 1114 •Water.,".. , ,. • „.;, d , ~ ',.- = , : ..1 r. )/Pov6i. i''''+ , . "'" 4. 0 0 .4 0 ., ~- 5'.„ . .., :;:,•"." . -.,:" ''.' ''`,t, " - Atiti ' liii.' ' ,liliEF', , t;: ! ., :',:1,-,. , .. Biliiii or Stbrii:dli,ithingiktod Fift....... e . • niture rroni-A4,-;.1 , -; ,r , ... ' -;9049,,, , W,111111yak1u do . .do 5t0rgi1t:ndi5ciri1t01 4, ;,. , i ,, , ,... .. d .,, , ,. ----,-,-; --(disi-..., , , , -s -,, 55‘6,19, , ,_, ; ..,,1,,,.., ;, ,,, do .do Tuiertiipa'kuridtii-rel` ~-;:"-...,...! - ' ': .40 io SO •• .,, .do , do - --d o. -ilarns aO - .:COtden. .., , ~,, . ...,, ,d 0.., , 4: , , , -d0,,,,, ~.,.,-, • ----- --,• ,-' 65. t 075 „. ~ '-; ~ :..,. ~..., ~,, ~, dO §tildes '.(potaid)"'' ' ',":- I -,, ''"'„-. • •.‘ \ • 100 to 150 , •do , . -,-., ORME . , do -do Grjit4Atirtindltoili , 'X'• ' „ . , V5l - iktiCi 77 ' , l ,- Trde Frame nature. q , 50 to 75._ , ' do ‘. - do Stores itid '..iderctian-- ••• - • • 4 1-0 _6514) . 85' ,do .Tavenpßo'd Earnituiw" • , 60 to 100 A X do r 'do do -660 do, gid;tbß; .do -- The.tubspiiber , ;is a gent . tor. , t e orecoropsny foe 'it's - r10k0ty...,,A A ltitlililiiitiktis'for siiiaespoO v oithee, rsonall will ro pmlitly attetiolkr .Wl-11/ ta: . : .:SEVMOUR-. - June 12;1P44:;. f . ` " FIREANSURANCE. mmHg Allen • ind taitpennsboriingib:•Mutual-Ere InsurincezCoinpanymf .OumberlandCounty,,in; corpomted by an actrof Assem bly; is , now fully or gantzed, and Itypeoratiort undee,thelnzaagement of tue . Chf.Staymati;JaCediShelly;WninGOrgati,Lewls. IlyeruChristind - Titzer;•.•Mi,chnel•'Hooverispenry- Logan,Michael Cocklin, Benjainhi , H - Musser;Cevi • Merkel,Jacob- Kirk, John Suavely, sear, and &din - Rankin; Wherresnectfully. tali Ric. attention Of "the eitiiena of Cumberland andfirorkmOnntiec tn - the ad= vantages Which.the - company. hOlirOW - - • •Flicrates of insurance arnsia low and fircirable as any;Ciunpany of the the State. Persons wislimtL) become members are invited- to - Make eipplicatiorr l ealie-s - rgoistlmf-ther4Onipany-who-eu willing to wait upon themat any time. - - JACOB SHELLY, Prea't. MIcrIAEL lloorza,ViceTresident. Leraillyee;.-,Secretifry::- Michael Cocklin,Treiisurer. ' • • '• - . AGENTS. . . Michitel Hoover; General:Agent, MiThanlosburg. . Rudolph. Martin, N. (mmberland. Cocklin, - ~ • , Allen. , Win R Gorgas, -do ... Christian Titzel, • ", do ' ' Jour C. Dunlap, . • . •do ; ' Peter Birnhart, , East Pon,nsbOro'i, David ' - Churchtown. C. B. Harnion,•Kingstoink • •' -• -Henry-Zearing,‘Shiremanctowa t ' • . — Simon Oyster, Wormleyiburg, - Dr: Jaeolrßaughman,:carilele, • • - Jacob Kirk,General Agen(fde Yark COnniy,New, , Cumberland •,_••• . Henry Logan.'.: ` ?" - :t' , -Turk County. •-• -John Sherrtck,•' • -'do . . John Rankin; Daniel Bally, • . do . J. -Bowman; do . • Philip Breekbilh :- •. ,- Cumberland _Co.' • cor - Other agents will-bo-added hereafter. Jul,-31,1844.. ' if-40 .J..W..EBY PROTECTIOIr:kaAINS7: - LOSS . _ V 1/ 3 1ZUE?..aa, • • nr HE -CUM"' " LAND VALLEY-MUTUAL PROTECTIOpI COMPANY, being incorpp rated by an ad of the Legislature of the present see sion,and fully organized.and in operation - under direction-of the folloning 7 lfilird ot Mimagera viz? Thomas C. Miller, John Moore, David W. ' Mc- Cullough, James Weakly, William hloore,Samuel Galbraith, Tholes' • Piloon E AT G:Miller, 'Philip Spangler, Samuel Woods . Abraham 'Corte:George Brindle,Scott_Doyle,call the attention of the,inhabit ants of Cumberland Valley to the chtmpneas of their rates and the many advantages,. which thls tiud of Insurance bee over: any. other.-- ~-,---,,,-.., ,-,.-4 , Ist;DireiY - peirain insuliiEbetio Mei `,l - 1: , Maiiiheiit the isomPany,,mid take part in the, Chomec9., ' ecru Mid the direction aids concerns. . ‘," '- ` ild".: For insurance' nci more . hi concerns., thl‘n Is .necessary to meet the experiikofthe,Company aid indemnity against losses whlchinity,hamien. - •,,', I 3d: The inconventena - Of .frequent renewals is Mi, voided by insuring for a term of 'WU', years; .: Mut policicn.. can be takerk,fo : any-period from one to, five years . .'• -' ~,. -•, ..,",,,,, -.2 . ••0.,,,•,,, r„ , _,,t___ • 4th: Any person applyingfo'r Insurance runstglye -hill premium note for the-chetMeat_clasaitt :,thitratti. of Simper centhfn, which' will' be $5O on Vietlo3o: for which he will hereto, pay:s2,so for five years and $1,50 for survey and policy, and no nit re tituiell be sits sustained:too greater amount than the BMW on hands will'poyer,and the ono more will I a ward( ed than.a - pro - rata share. ~.ThestLrates .s pe moor' ( Pheitiei:than :those of • otheretimPtinieS;e3s+9t. o neh as ire' intinepOrated.on'thi same ntlimiplei ' - --,- .77 -- • .7 - '• - THOS;;C: MILLER Irest: — . , ''.1•4,-01'.1katimmt,Seiiiyi.r!, _ • ; . i.l:' _ _. - _ . _ 4 _ ; . - -The &Hoeing gentletnen hivei;been ~, :v..)olyiteil; AGENTS I— '‘. 2 ,- .... -- "7 '' .. t• - • , _' .'",.: ...`" ' ic.:•'. ' I . .s'-' ' D'il , l6 tiaiii,'Nialiiii'mitOi.J;: ,. ! • ~ • Fg' •,-''.., , • Jaties4fOnned7j, Dig.; lireividlieo r .;;4 - '''• "f, , ,vVeorgef, Brindle, P.sq:, , ,M °prom . ; ~,,, • ', , ,,...4 ? ..,, t 2 , „,01_e_menlitfolhirlatie,Ciirlislerr . - -tx- , ;;,•'•-..-,:-•;,-7 •; • - .Jactii - 1 - 1111, ._ I: ; , „. '‘ -•'. .: ...';'. , tl';'36:lFV:Willistnis s Eigi;.{yeAtriennsboiOL----'' T --) ~,Tames Kyle; INewton..(- ~ .f..• 4 1 " - 1"... 1 , ' ~ '''l , . _' ' --- ,77 ~ Ci - Xlis. CbestniitiOiPi.X' 'loads: ' ' 1 • Jae. AL 'Miens; EisqMeWherg. - Htii - A:Aii. - 1-MiinetvErOkrtne.Cumbetiand:, , Al ~-, ~'',, John-.Clendenin..Envilogeittownis4,* ; , ,, r , „ .: .. Stnikhen - ..Pultwerisoni.Shippenobtl4•:;.::4 00. , Peter Mcltitgliljp;S:. Middletint..'....l ,- .4V • Jaine,'s;l:l3,44. : '' •' , ,' , , '''' ,',___.,:,.. , „.:?....'4 , 0 ..;. ,'. , aineracan, tos ifeatice Co. OF,s 4PiprAt. gdoo,ooo. lllSlOre'dilipiblletied company., makes insu. olthar•Pormenitnt- limitad f "sitihistriosit or 'awls byF i re ort , -Otitirtpund effect* of every , 0 ,5 71 f, tarms:nre tmri-ressiMabie, and proporty , i holders-,wi11,d0.-wattp avaFil. thotquelvga,ckf.-0e: advantages affadod -The 4 subseriber, is, AGENT :for ;the Co mpany. foe- this , IDdrodgh '-'aritfvgdnitin4nd,- application to him, in parson or letter; will realiva immidtate = attentio• , ;' , ' ,3 %,101-01 .- .1 0 . WIER& holdrait 26, t 845: )3mCl,` NEW;y9f,i.K.:PTI : .:AD:VERtIgcMf,NTI:..; WM; .T.. abattittatatiltit U6048440a41, CLOTHS,`'` OMiiitiERES,..*.tSTINGS FAltt,o4liitESS iitilippes . , , ace, - 0 0' , *1•1414ay' lrgAtaiie N9*,,Yovie.lindi requiting giCta ♦ ijits t - fanewelltkalitltattiot : t 6 4'31111 . '4nd 'ttiintine , oar, it6Ott '6l:,s64, : o4:Fatilsionablei . :. Goods for , sPiitigLetid 0406444itchttesitend4064$0&00 . 041A01141t titatt6V tti; 6 ettei,iketitjtitt:p9old to ilk Douse in thbTri46; tuitifit tete ciiitiiihifinoicit as oatino(riiiiii.;m, apprectited.. ;.‘ A to BEM f r._,_,,' , .....:.: , L : - ...,..„.„,..,,,........:„.,,„..„..„..„..„..,....2, ; .„ ~, , ,,: , , , -.1 : 0.,,z , -,, , ,.., t p. ,,,,,..1..r :„ . ., ,, , . i ,. ,.1.411111111 lisolut4 -. -. ;;11: 1: Ts 0 0 0,Pki)it:T44: ',' , .?:xt1jif.,:?,::... • 6 ,, ,-6 :: ? . :11 -.-4! , , , ,c; , .:A61?-•i,...t.,V.': 1.1•••,- ',' t' 7 q;:e,,, , 4. ....',4,4Z.'.4- r -)..:5 , ' . ii:. MNME A. M" ’M Cwflfik , 3so twet, 3 WitSi , 5 : • *,•`., • , 'aii - Atleao.lroitift 4 6.iiiiibbi• in roriokiao Diendo'citid,tie 'publio ginerallY, that he 51111 condoles to Carry,rm,thelpabluct Making Duilnedltket hurvid . "'Atha trE'Weet High stiittifoppOidto.Mr.lthoadir he keeps mqnstantly on hand aid e niant*turd IC order, all artielei:'An:Aiik lot ! u,REAIIB.7SECUIZETARIES, )`, " ' :. 11001C - CASES, SIDE "BOADDS; •,• Sofas . ;.Tables Iledsteadei#,C., at ilia %wry lowest prices: l, ' He , caridea•Abri the Ohne' Malting -Businees.• in all ite Variolll branehes, and keeps a eonstant , supply of • - • • 43111 . 4% ROCKING CHAIIISiNVIND,SOn• 115 W CHAIRS. SETTEES and 80.D1A3-1.• BLES;,,,tdI - , of which „with,. ciery, ,„ thing else in that line. he is„prepar. •••': ed to manufacture and dispse/of on the mostreasonablii terms • • ; , fftwinvites his old friends and the public generally' to give• him a cell, as he feels well asedred that he 'shall be able to accommodate them in'quality and Price !squill : to arty other , establishment of the kind'in, the county. Sept, / 10,1844., , , ,''', -':AbOtiritiEll. tii,il.4l7th li'VHE•tin itenit good. tito Lind.Of cars and Conat Baite; return thei phi 4 thittkii to their feleridOir panklin and s berltind.hOnnties pat favors; rehiecitfulli; - v e fora lima 'that they . , are • aotcpreinirtd to ieciet and thrieard:daily;itin Tido Water ping; • . ,"' • • ProdOce and: Ml rthandize.; „, AND,,irRON • . . PHILADELPHIA 'and - BALTIMORE . - -Produce will:be delivered to iny Infuse in Philudel phis nr.llilltiitiore to , which their Boittidackbove ne Tkeirogents in the citlekare:,., , Messrs: A.:Virstrairr Ez.Nseenv.. ' Vine st. Wharf on the Dnlaware,Philadelphia. Mesire:Joutt Meet - 1.1.6mi & Co.; Bewley!. Whatlk Baltimore. They wi I I also reeelviand kir wa rd,dai ly , to-Pi ttts burg and intermediate.pOints, Freight_and PassenL gers slob for the:North.and. West Brana - Canels. 4. Bey. MARTIN. Harrishurg, May I, 1844, • • tf2 Cheap Umbrella; liaiasol and Sum :.,;Shade Xanufttetory. OOMAH' W.' CLARKE,Successor to R ober. _ Riddle, lite et N 6. 4 South Fourth Street, Phil adeltibta, has removed to' the North West corner 'of Fourth and Market streets, where he keeps eon= stantiy for sale superior artictea of thenbove named Rods marittadtpred 'tinder otojytimletllaicao,, piFinilwarettntaiifiargo - Mt - viiiilityms can be purchased io tidy or any other city. • •". Dealing only for Cash, J. W. C. is enabled to _selLan-the..3nostreasonabe_terinsomil_keseepect. fully invites Merchants and othersriaiting the city, to call - . and examine- hls and Prices before purchasing elatiwkere,' JOSIA 7 1 W. CLARKE, N. W.. earner or Fourth 'rind Alarket streets, • February 26,18.-Bm. ' • • • • • ~ . • • Charles - , 8 6 ..:•••:Leseis, . . . . . . .. Iron. and G eneral ' iliphinis - Olen ger-, .Chant,:: ,`.`t. , , %. ~ ,-, -• . ...„,s-gg.LAV.ItF;4 I . 3 ACTIN.9R.-P , ' .. inotbEivee'atiil sells 'Mills, Pig inik, - Bloom IL Day lren,.Niiilitedii,CiPiings; &O. Meaa. Mord'i . kS. N: Lewis,. . . -. '.., ,r . • " Lewis, James - 11c•Co, pi ii d e l II: • ' Morris.V. Jeees, , .... .1 2. . ..1! 1 ~ . 4 '. 'F.: G. Tletilli tie c 0... ' ;. , —,.... 1 .....,_ .. .... _.... .... _ _,-._.;......4.0.—. Ben). IL .Field,Eeq., ~,, 'Z , . g ei .,i r iicc. , . i: . • jlllllO9 T. Lewis..., -.5 : -.-- • '....-:',„:,•:, ..;,..; . . . . . , __Wwi, F.-Whitney - Eul , .. l'' - Boston: - -- - Mess. C. L. &N. „Pi Thayer.." • A ml:th-Meroluintszonerally in Liltimore. • March 12,184,5_,______ : ---49---; _l - 000 ,Persons in .Philadel phia alone, can testify to the viitinderful' effieticy of •that powerful retnedfr MOMPSOAT'S COM. POUND -SYRUP: OF TAR . AND WOOD NAPTHA' Reed Read Astonishing , ewe of Chronic Bronchitis: . • ' Philadelphia, May 23,.1544. , Mr. S. Tnowesour-Dear Sir..,.For More then four yeara..past 'I had been .dreadfully afflicted with on Affection of the throat,which , my.physi,' clan pronotinced 6. Chronlb caused by - repeated and - neglected indescrihible. my' throit was Militia , : ltraw with violent coughingisethut blood would come from it; also grew.oppression paid -. bed tightnessCt the chest inn fever—in - ellort all the tatialpulmonaiy symptoihs showed, themselves, shoWed.themselves,.'caushig entire Joss sary, ropose..-my.throat was leached. - and 'ffliebired over andover again:J.l4lnd° trlel - ofevery known ' temiedy;•anditt different tieriodeltietho — ffllVider of six physicians; andall' With no avail; About ..of....Tar find .yVoqd•Napths; and-before hedtakenlhelirsCleittic I felt relief:. -I commit) :.ed.tptill had tnv aken. seven bottles, Pletely' remoicti tho Amami ands restated me perfect health, emdl:firoily believe I should not' now be living, ' beeri.for,ymir invelus. 400 raediellibi...:- A „ s• f. • ,7 :123 of:-Fifth, and Spruce strects,, , ,itici 50 , cents par bottle br --Fer stile in Cerlislo'hy.T..C. f4TEVEN.SOI4 .- : i January 2?..184 , 1. - . - • • • . 711; — "OrPR z . st,- • Asti lipaitortSTi4sri . mriwEin 's.rn A'Nii6Ta ,VirA.NgFActinty. it, Airipultqrai.-;imple• 111; went,' antitleater in.Cartion.; Grass and Flow. r S eeeds offer for'. slip ,picinty and . Mears', Patent Centro s•a 'dranght'self7,lh.nrpening ,Plonghs, for' , which. nine pretniums Weiewartleilin the States of,Penn.., sylVanta , and , Dclawiot. Past fall, - They 'are , made both Icri'dinn( l . are-light In dranghti, chat:pie keep in MA' are .partinttlarly,.rec ommengeti.,fnrf tnrning_ untier green crept, and are sircitieenonkli tor any Soil:-."SabissilPloughisi,for: ens; two or three horses. Side Mill Donble,slofild. aga YoKk ilinughi, from 42 to .sll,:tisch.. .lor's PatentStiiite (neif YGreea's 110%4,3081 Conklin's; Sinelair's and improved Guillotine Straw: i Glitters. 'i , Cern' Stalk Gri Grain Pans,,,froniJ $8 each.' ' Corn 'Sheller. in • a great Vsitiety;, for hand , and (ham—power'. 'Polders 'int& Threshing Machines: Meat Gutters and stuirem*, Churns: — Hay- - htl.ltntmurelorks. Spades,' Shovels, ;Rakes. Transplanting „Trowels. ~ Corn llatithli,'Akrinuittiralf.furnsusea, arid everi, other. ininteme'nt,lanteil for the Farm pr, Carden. ALSO-The most estensiveassortment of Vegeta-, bleatilllFlOiver Seeds, in.Philadelphie ;Inchi,dlng' 50 new end "stmetior imp of 1844, grown. ex...; presslY for thliestablishatent, and ;warranted Of the' belfquality end true to 'bathe t can he' olitained" by : the round or builtel, Orntiftly'pntiaio tividrlialled;• ivith direction''' . for 'Planting. B ulbous . Roots and Fruit, !Preen!, of.-this• Choicest Itlnds." . - , Dealers ara ; respeetrullY Invited to esill'lnttiee the Assortment., • . PROLITY;, 'lO4l Market st: •Philadelphia. - 4 A t nuly 129 0 845 i ;IA eerelitiemelY • • ' , slimukectaved,,krolor•the Witerpieet sefeti. Belle, keery neeetsati irtio!nitt•theifYileie when pick note Droteation egeinetiheo, iltitteieki . kirealnAtr ,c4Piii14,0(4544 , .;7 • ,• I ' — i I IO.ERPITAIEM.- , e ilkiw i, 4 , -,0- L'S celebrate 43, .. , r . , vermin°, -40,,OSLIE,,i,,.Riracti' nr,,Pa-;° "IA -jiff, 111"74.70":Jrniiipaitz,i.mi, 1tziui.,ittig0'n17:9105.41,P.34..41! ofa A!!-P' -.1 Ji . t 1 tialierebd Wti.V#llPltr t 'ldfilicato ,Perfinna 4, --. - Due&1100X0y, P3SN ath;:fbr sikNs 1 , ) , y; .. ,T°., ~ - ,,,,,,: - ,- , ,,, ,.., . .,::?,, ,, ,4 =0 :, I --Apia 3 .a.-- , '',, -.'i.--;-:•:z7,,,, -4.v,,,ii •,,,,: ' .04 314 ii All6lllO 4 4f,E43,19,(43 ''',3/4' t*:"l,. r. 7'..'' ' .: . '•' ' 4" '' 7 1 i; ei:EintiVit*Pt . •Ite* 013"."Er44.14;46140 : PIO ' lts ' r.,.''''ili t 1001q011911 4 . t4 t 1ltf‘ . n aStiliatii ;' .' ' '' - Isi , ' : **TVAV4 ' ' P•nl,,' ,L'',. 4, .4 , 4 , 9,: it' - ' •.• , • •., • ~ t ,,, A ,,,, c , •, ,, ,. - „,:.4-i r „,,,,,. ;•• ,•• 1,-„ I , . P . 4 T. 4.1., ~ , , 41 1 , 4 4i. , 044.46ftiett i - elitopi:i p;.1.1. 1 14,,,, Their' ..pactillat - character, mimposed'orlregetible .fEx tract that:artr, +diuretic; ;Sudorific; expectorant and eatitartio, by,yhich com: - bleation'therirwadaPtedtwinest - forms'of - diseise: and may betaken at all times, ,by youngand,old, re heat dud feeblerorith perfect safety;a4thoit interfe 'They' found- servieMsblels a rurgative ;, cleansing. the stomach -aod.botels,, as "telFai a purifier (if theblbodand fluid*, in additton-tcrthdir. other qualities ; ing ....lsrsapirilla and other valuable medical' ca:: tractiiirtneirenalliesitionianirwhich-roikei l 4Mai • , 11161'T' ; ORO' Ceiefficates tiemipublitshed itt.rariois linlennt thOnni' nnnY in 'lneuniadipeasea,,and therein! Otheilmeill.% Oinee had failMl;:as t h e Public mint tiskie OfthenVfurther Publicatiim Or ; deeded ; utt nticesiaryoli licedun . t of the'greut . expenseK!, Meie4igini,..loo•oo,k l A.lifB have been eel a rhi del phia alone. the past j thus shoting that in'the place where they are martni' factured,, they haven reputation, greater' tnan Any \ other pail s-which inlaea the that dy iirtell'keprin at ; home as a -regular PhyeiCian; and his pills are consequently employed ;with greht: confidence than any other.; in- additlim:tothole, kno - tfe fficaciy. . • : 7" " " - • Lei . it _lit. remembered , • " Ads quantity '"of Pins or other'medicine can getfonthe same • money; isJhu,best 'or cheapest -s-'but the Or Cheap inedreines or pills, yen, of,get the, Most; and you - are induced to , take the mote, under, the impression ifa little ' , does good, more till do rnare'gootl,Mal yen Maki..drug . ' shops olyour stomchs, causing .4:teatimes. serious injury to Yourselves for life. Pr. Leidi's Mop d . Pille are composed of more ex petisive ingredleatsjandrCquire !twee ' nicety bor 'their preparation "than any other, pills—the apparatusalone for preparing the extractioontaiacd. in hisjiills,'_costingOder_three_thousanildolliirs-,; Price 2.54:s -T ircy itiertoe iieepared only, aikil aold wholeisele and -Retpil, • at. Pr.•• LelilYhi Health Erpporintrt.7•No 191, .Nottll Second., atieettkelow Vine et. Also& •- - • ' . • -.: • I. C. . I EVEN. N, -, 1 -. • -•, ; ' - :!-• ;.Sole Agent for :Corlrale. I I June 28. CM. ' - ly.' .1 To : the. Public. THOMPSON'S - COMPOUND - SYRUP: OF TAR AND wool" NA.riiict ! • - Foi - the, Prevention , ind 'pulmonary - Consumption fit` all diseases - incidetitio our - climate iliert is &IP none so universal and at the same time sidnutt and fatal as Consumption. Ip No country; especially Pulmonary Consumptinall empltkeically vt scourge, and in its resistless career sweeps o erne lAlO.llll_ll Ilestro3invAitgel, laying to with relent less hand the strongest and titirest of-our race!.Hi tle• et to all efforts to arrest this dread disease have pray-. ed in vailvand all thet.secmed within our power was nt beat the aileitiation'of suirerrng, rentlehil'og - some gressiteLthe_tomb ' —T-bezAloMpound Syrup of far is a combination heretofore unnown, eiiiiitiirtra - povrer over-the-dis ease scarcely' conceivable; kuving.a specific action on the mucous - tisane and-at the, same time bringing the whole system, nder its powerful inflence it com pletely eradicates the cause of disease be it heredi tary.ortnerwise; and Inn by striking at the root of the complaint imparts tone to debilitated organs, .aillartisettieWed Vigor tcthe general system and th at re stotes-the.:patient.so_pekrnanent-Itealth,---.Z- , ---- • • invaluable medicinels put up. to bettles,haV ing,thefollowing words blown tn.theglass-•Thomp son's 'Compound Syrup of !rap for ,Cousomptime _without Oita 'twee is genuine. Prieeso . eMilitpee bottle. Six . Potties for i 2,50. gor Carlisle Ity T Cyl - 1.1 - ENSO . N,. Sole Agee'. . . . F,T all the-world tabunotiee,and be careful not .11 to buy-the-(sugar coated). lanifroved Indian Ve getable-Pills, unless every box has oil it the written ligunture of the original Inventor and 'tiatentee. • • BENJAMIN:SMIT - It M. D. • o pen ett driihts of. the systetn—smi,tho jr.pnges Kidneys, 910 n indi r tliwelellhitherto, unknoWn_in".. the practice ef..Metlicine,-,antl-sti-obinplete bus been I bliile-ltlrolbefFitiretiteittelirittatlitnny. have been led to , sopppan A lter.contaiiisome" power fat ininei;tif'but upon eanibbilitt_he_Doeturs- ChiltOit - , - 11..iindoiph; lifiFitingdoni end eiheni;' this suppoSition is ar'onee proved be groundless:'_'' - Sold in. New 'York nt - the — prineipaT 'Offce 17 0 0 Grenwielt street, and all° by ',4IYERS Z9', RAVER STICK, Sple:Agents for Carlisle. - - Smiths Sul'ar- • • . AN OBSINATE Baltimore, Feb. 13th, 1845. • Dr. 11. i Andrew •• •-, • - ff. - ' box of Dr.: Smiths Sugar Coated,impriived Duthie' Veketable 'Pills 1 isurchaied o von, some two months past,i found in _their; applicatioti to' my son (of about_l3',l ears of rt) the-Ebb - ix tialips , :efreit - ciirtue — ifiteriiT id - bid been for'some' years, very delicate in' health, and very Mach subiecrto fever and chills; so 'much so as to create altirra for his future health. And for two or three years wrhad"to keep hini from school the-most of the time. lam roar* frank to acknowl-, edge - .the - comoloe, restoKation Orhis health anti a fair proppectbf Its peiniinent rnjOyment. - , No. 169,Danover street. . Office;•l79 Grenwich at.; N e w York. • _CAUTIOX--- Ain riiiseiiible imitititni bits been Made by the name of Sugar Coated Pills, Bilk nee ceisary to,ite lure that Dr. G: Brnjaipiti•Smitintais• Tuture . ;is on, the bolt. - - Pride 25 "ectita::.- ftirtilmiths,Bagar ; Coaied Pills. illimieittosind;',lc A:Coyie. ' 1 - ••• ' April qt.% t a4s; . " ~ , , .., . . .. . ~. . ;:!,' ,1 'filleted .f1ier,1ia0t„Dc.,001110...,...,.., - t•THlPlrSON'S..Colimpptind ,",Syrnp.., or Tari" , tlie the 'most Certarn . ,sitid !pp werftirrettiedy'kdOWAtik the cure of Consum 'p' tion in all its ettiges;'llrime Otis, - I . hr 9. 011 5 ColiShAitillf-illoott.Ralpitatimcertit .- tart Liver, gonsp,lati)tand pp onlil, "Affections or the Kidney "''`. •'• '... ... ", ''' '•. • ',' ~ .. ..-,.,.-..---..,-.•,.,". .It'i:*. A .-....'; Still . rtirtlier proott4itadirn;Winks3Proclalm ,.; it r, .., r, .rteatl,thejbllowlngl !.'1',...!i...,, 0,tf . : . , , i i 'r i1...' ,- T - i.f.'.; ~',4 5 :":-fle.Plsilidelphitt,JanS,4 , lo.l,X}:.' Mr. S..P ruomesottilleiiiiStry.Frotb titerie'Ai gratitude to you Mid a . desiremhat theenffiicteil*ty: . ' have recourseto your.truly., invaluable mediorneut would state the benefit l have ,experienced from its use!irtor sometime past I lave been aftlieted with! a distressingraoking cough,accotointaledMith a treat oppreesion and diffniulty or; breathinemith .ci,'sensa, tion or,tightnesrat. the chest; ~Becoming. greatly:: alartited a friend whd. had, been i much..benefitted , by, your - medicine .recommended mato , . - - l`dotie; e o and.lni very abort time 'every alsriningayMPl our disspnearedony expecioration bectne'lreei, Up.- r.esaitm leftute,tureough teased and, tea re days I was able to go out and attend to my, business melt. . ii .man! An : further infermationmill be cheerfully: pt e ett the a ictetk br.salling.latAiP r,es)dence No r Sputh, ront street , ... • -'' . -','" ' ''. -„,_:, .. "-` ''" ',: .- :' , 1,05.1ri t 51A:V996( , :-.-''. Pil6s. 50 emits Ptii.biitthi.- :,':-.;,'-'...,',.?.:, ;',..'.'.'.: ..". "• ' .... ''' For site In Cirlrale by ' '' ' • ' ' '..'''."k; • • -',.' '. " '' ', -". ' T"(.} -STEVENSO:N, St 11: e: '4l g: it' ,cAryi*otrlgHENito'..): ' • • Yrar; Truth Ifisdlfighty) . that s. V' DR. LelDrB 5WR5..91'4R1.1.44) I. tfie perestotrongest, and Jineek efficacious of any' other pm psrairciu iiiirsaParllis that hintade. • t iltwarmnted to , ,' tie stronger. thin. 6'bottleb of MOST etlieri--stronger thin four: cit St .11E and; -stronger than three of7the SiONOEST prepared: by any other irt•thillnitettStitei.O. . 4 111..-ILeitlyts Sarisparilla is ereeorumended by all respectable „physicians in preferenee,ln any other. l All.who have elfer used it, haue ;Mated lore fit froteohe mottle than three to- teh of others; end, Anse who, - after having used other'i preperatitinsi without :benefit, will, r use Or will soon be' convinced thatitendi have 'already been) of , the letegoingessertien, , . •The apparittus , ivithtirftieh Mr.` extracts., used in his Preparatioti airsaparille_imprepared is the only'eneln the' United Statei imported by _Leidy hiumelffroti the celebrated honso'bf Pelleter; Br.Cavefitiiis,in.Paris, at a ifti At expense, ind;ittea- , 'ride ofextracting the teeth& virtues of-Sam/Pk' iiil4 ntheiVuots;Mtbre:effeettlis.P.r.Or. o 4 3: a n Y, her process ' "it •6 . zw,ArD#411. ,, . - vr. . 7 14' 0.:1TA . 5,: retharkableauves;,anstreeMeMenqs; bons frete',. clergymen Illid4:RbeighilOntAlaye , rpiAdlitiO Ot. I. ottly:thclgiatit hy to th publ ita, Aid4it can Imob- Vlloo.l6_ ; th • liht , pareem P , 11914 northSecond_ street,near, •> o r. t aoldeo.gagle and , Serpentilf liteitHtind!iliadd :Kletttglimg Prte . sI 4I A B, pet btatlei;a4bPillskAT !. C.;<STEVEN '''' , :iharirALAßAVFlrCfrCol4 l . 6 i)l ; 1 /4 1 ,ti %.4i4ift 4*140 1s" CMG 091 X • ; ciimitrmrierioricimmarp3/41111G6 .4.9i;itions . of the „idyl+, randitef, or Weakness - V . oe Br'eart, Or ugs,'LChronse Coughe,r/eu'rity,-Hernorrhage id" the DO@ and —allaffectiohe of the PufmonaryWkoas.o.... NA'TURE'S (M.N. PRESCRIPTION A compoundeo'mpound:Balsamic iniepaeitiOntif the Pritnu, • Vit'linfana -or 0 Wild' Cherry Coiribincs ivith the Ex . troct:O. Tar,prepareekby new (Monti eel procesi,apPrcifetand rec'ooinien'ded'bi•theMost distungu tithe* phYsiciani;and:uhiver.iiiilii,acknoWl• eilgetheMost valtiahle:medielheoevriy,dlicovered. NO. tiOAC;lttlit!!! •NobEbEPTION. - bi letting forth the iirtuesof this truly great med- . ictne •sr'i' ,, have„no desiretti.;•dereive those . who are •ItiVitirlog under. Miliction,' ner , de we desire to tato more thin at 'justlydetierves;‘ , 4 Yet w hen „we • .•liiiik'orituntl and, Seethexasta MOM : Of Suiriii fig Ind ....iiii • reskroccislooed;h7 . - rn any,of the diseases in which thiMnieditine hits preyed sci"hlglify - suceessfill, ae Teel ,t hatrre'ciautiot olalMs.too'lliFoql.r. re any iisd.inifoh - 16 it, Tiroi.. , • Stish, odeEi,l • • • SUB:PRISINfI; VIRIRUES.•••! ; -:• • cif 'this 'Hallam ;Viet even hi the aslvitnecd.stagee,'of Cossuminnoiv, after allthe repot esteemed riune ' s • 01 •YhYslejous havO t O et,an nge;;Ttlii"- liar of thia.muilleinU lots heuh•Proilattivi. the most itstoni s hfi ni Ft riliec•atid'aitnally'effectedienre i i• a f ter all,hopcsmf v .recOvery;lia4.been In illefirst...otages of thb:disestse termed .0 Catarr fiaVzCirneennphron,l4,"Oeiginitingi.:, fie - 6 "r:iiiitected COLDS, it.has been aeed , with,.underlollor success • and hundreds askiiosiledgit iheY iiwe the irestOrlition of their:health tii.,thilinTaluablClatedieinealone,-- • I r 41. / / ' revalent-saimgst-- Ile sate young'. malesicOMMonli '4ernied " 63E4 ta . IN A complaint Wiibi which "` tliootaat,ds are lingerin6, it Juts also proved highli•ratteeteelrul,ptid'iso, only pos., Insies the power. of chcking the progress of ILIA a larminginumplaintiliutitlso strengthens 'and,invigo rotes the system, More .effettuallt thanany.medicine we.have ever possessMt _ • •For particulars, certificittes„&e.,•see Dr: 'W niter's pamphlet. • •• • • •1. AGENTS...`ELLICITT, Cirlisle. Chamberabrug. - • • Solomon' Oswald, : Yira• - • _' • . Angle and Cfresispn t i;ShhiPenshurg. . • __Carlisle. November 8. 1.8 , 43. . • . • .. . . '. ' COlll. - / 11 sit pi id 11, Atit `t:iit alb. ~ ~, „_. , ... . . . plinllolll'6ON'S COMPOUND SYRU P OF. 11,- - f : ;-.IpAR lend • WOOD NAPTHA. .Inflam. matioit 43f ' the tnueousinembreneir its - thelithilt of some imPredsione Made upon them- by cold or other causes; henco.Chronic Catarrh, Spitting of Blood, - Bronchitis, Astmah—resulting in Con: sumption, Gastritisfdiseased-Liier anLlCidneys,---, a l'oljiltatiOVilirtlielieliirdilncontestible I _ evdence,,it _ is •prcwed l that - Thompien's - compoutrir - Syrup of. Tar and Wood Naptha• is a - sPitelfie - in • these complaints=.-allaying Irritation, prombling healthy secretions, and removing the eliciting causes of diMase.; Thousands hare .used - ft and' can bear testimony to its efficacy.• Further proof. I "biladelphia,Mareh„-1,;1841.- . .. , . - - - I hereby certify, that in consequence of repeat `-ed and . neglected -colds, my lungs Weenie seri. ously offeelga and for along:time .1 have eufrerid with violent pain in my breast, obstinate - coup _ and difficult expectoration. the Symptoms •datly increasing in violence. 1 had recourse to remedies, with no avail, until liiiiied Thompson's • Compound Syriin of Tar, which: effected .a_ per- manent cure before - I had taken, three bottles. \ - • E. EVANS • 1, . • Fayette street, below Arch. • Principal:office, IC E.,corner of .FIFTH 'and 'SPRUCE Streets. . Sold also* Oliveri Tenth and Race; Hciben slack, 2d- and Cotes, and Sib anti Preen ; Thump son;lthand Areh ; Lindley M. 'Engin rid,-3d - and 41. 'Vino . straits, Philadelphia p E. Bringburit, Wil mington; SW Del.; -- 1 Gish,,.Landester.; 4 LAldpe, 'A Ben (Own ; ../ti calk Ithilif, - Ctiii m bersburg 1 - E' W -Earle,- Reading. ;. Milpt6 di-LOnEtlefe.arOriititOWll; T.B Bening, Tronton,.N, Ji• Wordman,iiiirling.._ - tom -17,1 3 - Dr. - V - 61OPlierson. Harrisburg; A B Sands , At. - C -o- b Now. York ; Dame dr. ..AldricJi, :rouglikotirsie,-N:York. - , ... . . Price FIFTY 'CENTS: per b ottl e or $5 per -7 , do 'en. Beware of counterfeits:- • , ~, ,• . C.- STEVRNSON,, soh) .agent forCerlisle . . artiterv -- 20.645.' - ."-- • - . ' 6nr 1 , • • • ~ • MORE PROOF-A I • • , TIICKSTITOR N J Alurph 18,184 P. THREE yr'ars ago in couseqiiiiice Of cittr.'e:cer , tion in assisting to, launch almatilfittputredaibloiii vessel, in my lungs, Which was followed, by profuse Spitting cf Blood, and consequent debility-so that -bad, to-stop work; I procured the beitifrMilmn7tr — ejti- , moult but the' bleeding recurred very,ofteit ncOnVit ps Med w ith,rever. Ina short times cough ensue on with great oppression, hectic fever and tughtswesq?. Thus I- went - on -gradually . grtheing *arse and'l by came completely discouraged until , about thee. menthe ago, .I:nisitle trial of TIIOIIII'SON'S con pound Syrup o ITar,which' I used.'graduitlly for nee three; months, .during which time,' grads ally lro proved cnd 1 now bear my testimony to ife vithee,aer the only medicinc4hieli betiefittol tue, and lime se .stored me to health. ' • • 1101.13 EN. • trrThis invaluable medicine is put op* 1 (o.m haring 'llitaollotring 'Word's 'blOwn in the glass: 9:honipson's , Compound Syrup. of Tar forCor suinPtionn - Williont. js geeuine. ,r; Price 50.i3ents.perluittle.1:81,a.bottles - • Poe sale in Carlisle. by •i , // I :T , C'..STEVENSOX.4:'S bleAgent-Iti TrormstiV-IPorms F' parents: keen,, thie r valne',ind;•effienev of Dr.- toenly's.PatenlA r cgetable:Nernj,Tea,tiley never would be Wilhidit It in their fdadlies;as children are • aiihjeri at n11,91611;4 . • • ,ri:t.thlralrortn Ta - Teimposed - oT4enili lalioketherititiirririkflide!iep to ehililreh broil agel. :DirectionsaCconotica`yeqh.paper orpicione ; • • Children;:salter 'Meek,' of Oflries, from so mane things hein nt given Xhe fori.ivorms; withoui. - anyel feet' -Much medicine; Oren to children, has a ten te'deetrOylheir general , health; ind - theyretw More Rejleas.delicate Over after. • To avoid the'n'eeeiiitY.OfVehig in'edicine j unr 'eelwarni• when you are, eeetam ?your children! hay worms give them at first Dr. Leidy's WorrifTea..l is' ll that - 11 rieceasary.4l4 ,- ;/-;', ~,,J;eferOleg, roight be. oacverat, hundred Ta- • rents inriitideltitianiirin 'county; of ihe.effienty P 1 convinced, • . venti tiiii*allianll29 cents AO. - -irrOP_ar,ed only - ;;miid.'for sale, wholesale at, 'lactill;:sit , ur.'Leidy'inAim.giriporiukri,'No: 191 Narth Soental• slieet;hdoiv:., l 4hia, [sign or the Gel - den Eigle'aind er9ertai) Ph qille.. l 9 4l **,- • rkrialkiii)paillile . liY. l %." • - ' • „ s „ • • • - 'DF4Irk t REIVS - ItiMart7Oill :-" THE Peculiar qe•op. l ..,-, 4 . ~et •p. , 1, ertlee at thie-eptenchtl,l l , ' t --- .i', I :lll ll 4,rinderlaiseeeel" . , `.. -,... '',, ise ' thi Wee '',, t . Sr' teir eYaPliel) He, e •, 1 I , " . lad pi,Lor - gan{l4prQ `,' ,t. toiled ~, linlikk4ill'cith-: " ' , / „, ;•• er.oil, It •doel Oaf ; will y ,,,, , 'i 4. the hair; het;;tres It it . „ brillianay And' beantyji' ti. '. ~ , „ , uneurpetuied. Jl:fleet." , -.44t , ' "` ~ii tratees „the • telpixtest.:," 4, r, . pores klvlng to the'dlo" :‘ ' withering 4, bulbul ;net' • ' - ' • lif4 Mid, vigori opening.,. . , , ~ - r he expliartee and,.ee-, •,.'..7, ',,_ ; ~,t- •.„- -,*!,,, - - -- eurtni that li44llhrtontrantl stethr,..... 4.. eoneeettary . to t h e e teseeee t on-oriooduatloilefitrit . tr. ----- " - 8` o'ld'itt Ight . 'SI 'Filth elree' t;l 4 liiledWlV'' * ;i 7 , um ti,y etorekeepehilltrets .. l • s :i :. ed 50 ,bls, ; ', • Sold lt calleefi. ELLIOTT;'e! ----- -- " °atelier l;::,.,- , 3 .-1 , .1 ,4, '0,.. .bititiiiiansbeeio4rwowizieto '' j 'is ; ia,.% t h i . e, Ll:',,e # '... 4, k 4s a , 11 E R O cii r el tn t01 atj: ''' tiara OdfrtekieAktit -,, '„s • ".. •-` ha their: otatli:or r t 41,;;. , , I=II.IOAV-o , ,:jerlf '"*" 1 " . t o ,,,,,i I t o .S ER VOYi-i4_!k,*r ir4 ; E- L.g.0.n., 4ii.':iitlpiirßhii,s4 0 u re..,,,k it the loiaeot twuttitet ow eltrit stuthie4 without 1 9,414 OliO, Ykditil,o4,o4orictKciai4r..Pnlib• immat lit 44 Intuotuut agar; 000 at much . tiii'ia - th'Utriltortittiltir` , . Uithl l / 4 014 0P'We litwitrWalohits,lborso ll **44:l4o4___CP , t il l ' tkijiMei to4ll:iftetig l i o r :lktkie• irtd•Witll '' 10 40 100 1 .4!*Igf ceiliCt lo64 it tawmi , 4 Aoo.444Nitkilttswt 4.4414,,417i1e41444..:-- : 4 014? **T'Altift, , ,e;, ,, 4 k. ;', ' - '7' , :' , 21- b-.?i , ;.4.. , '. 0 .r,'..44,44tti,',: 5 ". ''''' . • ';. ' ME