MEE ' l !;'4'zll - 4 , ??oSzt . Vebßli ^.~~r. , , AIM/ifVag *Au WesiTiesdayLM, o o,ingt June. 4;,,k84P Sonatas Doem.e.flitoTttett YoNkra,ta: - .;=We have lreceived from the Nets , : Yerl:pnbliahliii, 'a Moat beagnificent 'newspaper sheet for 09.4ith Ofjuiy containing oortie'..firti..ciksi7o . 'piej, " tior'atipnal ifio.:4ol*fataiiiii"D'ilahistion of-In; !dependence, with eagreverreignittkres of the fifty SIX signers. Theiliedente'conaprSio historical in cidents. anecdotes, Icings glees and rorhances of the revolutionary Tir r llll4 of the lest war, null 'Cower reioarkiblOTr6voTutionarl characters, Ste. Vir,ashingicin's reception - by the.ledies of Trenton,- beautiful picture, accupying.half a page of this 'stimendens newspaper, is wektli double whatilthe 'paper itself costs, which is but They will be'for sale at Kaaodlet - • „ Look OIIT ' FOR BUROLARS ring attempts have been made within the.. last two weeks to enter dwelling - Vouses and offices, which indicate that out hot ,eugh has pounced upon by a gang , of 'desperadoes and midnight prowlers whose ..• • . • .i d villainy. So far iheinattempts have been fruetratedby spee tly.,..detection, but it would be Well. for l i houselieieri — tirlilleVaiiikilifft -- eke - to 'their premises. It. is thought that many of these attempts it'avO been induced by the mistaken belief that large sums of -money are now retained in stores, offices and pig- vale houses since-the.close of buiiiiieTaft in the Bank, which were formerly deposited 'there. Thirl - however, we opine, is a mis take, as our citizens will of bourse avail 'themselves of neighboring institutions in the absence of one here, to make tlepos , ites of value. p 7 Out respects:A - sailor brother of the II: S~`Gaz`eife;as a7e ' ktiety Ifs uht; ithike s the subjoinedantqtde for his unintehtiohal depreciation of the merits of the late Soli citor of the Treas;try. The lendihgofour columns to the vindication of Mr. Penrose in the present case, had tibthing to dd *lth his - late - political - coprse. —but- the-ability which may earn for.acy of our citizens a high charactersabroad we look upon as tht common fame of our town, which it is'our duty 'as well as 'Liles - sure to cherish and -defend. _ As to the ability displayed by Mr. Pen ktio*. ledge that wore the written testimonials of Mr. Forward; Mr..Spenber, arid' others of . President Tyler's Cabinet desired to point out I ,THE - law officer of the govetnittenti" tlit3Y,would be.chierlully arid tpigiven tavor - =:orMil: l otiretiei - c . *6.taltti the'rolloWilikfrceni-theß,Claketici df ,Saterilay, r'_ Qti respected contemporary in Carlisle o"st s that, in referring ton dismissed officer,at.Wash- Ington,as the law Clerk of the Treasury Depart tnent, injustite was done to C. B. Penrose, Esq. late Solicitor of the Treasury, who was able and. !Olin to discharge all the duties of his o ffi ce We tan assure our friend Chat no injuslice was Iniandid - ho inking the article, and no thought tnteitained of any deficiency in , ability, industry, br personal application.of Mr. We had some hketumeo to notice 'the constant application of Mr. retires° to hie office business, as Solicitor of the Treasury, and are, bound to bear testimony to the Courtesy with which he received and assisted applicants at his office: TfiEotit ox ,, Sl'olllo, —We hat f p been favoured by Professor Ear's With a dopy of la first report on Meteorology, made to the' Surgeon General of the U. S. Army. Prot Espy it is well 'known is the author bF arthedry id ( storms;' which althmigli it NS beer rtrtidh ridiculed by = tiori rind enlisted the k _firm convictions df scimir the most ktainedlnen of sciende.both .in this c:otintry and Europe.' We do not profess to be Ahle, to speak of the metita of iriis theory, in Which' it is asserted among other dirrenverion,. Made, in thi eoutse ofiiis • iniestigations, that mtairi, Olaf be prod rce& ti:urtfir it Aulght,?l,l4, that 'treat Corind nifty - ik'provented. l4 if these Otoprisittont.],tre,deitiorietrated, 111 Il' importance to ibrise . engagird' in'agriCtilttirar and crOnnierepl pasuittt,,darittot kro highly -be estimated:4n -Maki ne, his investigations into the 'Cotirskof.iturrns,-Prof.,E f spy asks the assistance of indivkluals through the country. to_entrtmttnidatetheir obtiervaticins to him at. Washington. .` Prof. Espy's. first taparft &Insists chiefly of charts, exhibiting by various syinbols, the winds and *baronnettle linottiations and oh in_ges_of tetn perste re; w bleb tieddrhitillty storms as they pose from the western to the eastern partor the Unied ~Siateat. for, , if appears that; sterMtf-.:fi ike - vfitted States travel towards'the - We ihall e ndtiav h ‘ erepfter lk.e'se4 B,Pdle of the testiltS' of_ It ' I t ige sMarchal' the rettittimed:pfit,orritSr ;`,OCH VOW,. Mire. sled' and ligerdemitiKV,hiti series , 'ot• - entertainaten‘ • here...loool:AS' lept week,'ind hoe tiet2ritenfcir our citizens, old; and Oita: beside them' settee midi eitOntehotent-st hliv•O , Ontletfol ertorinsnee;'l., hi!vo been "1 itsrfeek • ; , • , , : . , ~ . , iiiiii' IT -iiTirelrrezikii,,T,..rrie Sta4 l ,Tf Tr 411*:. ' ' - ' :i..: '':: - '' iiiiilii.t 4 ': ll n(,tiiffor°nCem!'"' 1:44 4 1 . 44 P 411 ' 4 '!'- ' ''''i ' ;lag, that , the n.. itti 'll at:i o il,, r- ii! tl4 t4l* -:°;e6 ;* ° ll % ;:j a id it !i l e lb e :I P ; county' in t le .teliiriti_llhoev . , •iiiiiiintai. *.thi'PfsliVrie 'l'u 'lf ni ° , , • orAtP' ":' '' - '''' "Vshenhi.tiitipiiiiopal Lop. car ried , l!qt ,,n °'!,__ , _.,,-- . . -• - -thil—iiit 4 • -''' itsela , Lircatuulholtge-Debt d u o op , --" ijkiiiiii i t liat4iii-kepioniptly• met„ an f-9 ,J i r ,4_ ll--- ,' 4;2 n'':' - ' - will that grun4r4Tglitnl l ,lotelf ;of, the p oF L , , , ~- , - .. ."a 13 ) 1 * e r. 4 3 41 - tp r, ift ,c ,11, 0t - 4 . 4 - 104 , . 1,v .. ,10, hi t.40:3, '• effe o ! l - '• ' ' n'''' , )'• - -' ''' i o(!riii'dn;`:fi'ohlaq 4'. _.„,,ilA th.0,411 p .4032 1. 1 " 1 ..,;.,:.-• .7 : I , - , o r -.-'-'!!'!-'-'7.1- .wnliioo . ltotkui,rlClToMl4.o ?Pen!. - : ' , • 44•': , ! M i t* l t AO ".% f.' ll ! l !,t .4 1 '0 s .• ; 14 ,i,t1, 114,, :ei:v17,- , ''f, visioltikeolnine;:ji.f.,l*-`';',,, :. f OU°9 -: i- . 1... \l iN ''';.:i,..t.,i-04.1)„,:. ,111 411 , 0 . - thiitii e i#4iiiii ~,- • ~,' 'ill 'you ? ' .. r ' 7:-. , • -•l,' '—, ' , ' .. , Nk t P ' ' ' '" '' - ''''"l "iiirkillic;4ol4 , 44i 'be ~e 0.,., fri. 4 ., 0 17. 6 °0 a 5 .. aB k - • iit"000: 411 , ' iiotZ , jiti(lo- 490 1 00 ;9 AP- 00 ': - ', iiiiiiil46. ,31 0) ~: - a id -00047 , ~Pe2P r,„,,„!4 -.iirijiilittidll, 4 , itlit '11 ,, f , ' ' ' lithq/iaiolPF ht .1„,,i w r irer n ,pit, $,1 ) A 1 9.9,,,, ~-,,,, N „, —, Thu •_ , . 1 „, , .., .“ y,ieffil lokum,„tho, ntliiliidavoric ng lab.ansr!l' A- , .,,,' ,z,c• t v. 4,: ., .i f; ''.---.-;..J:...;:m4,:i4wwirtAffic e01.00!1„, pupil! , g''• t"9 , - ' o' 0 ‘,4,-;i,i,....-.,4,%:.,,,,-i,,, Atill'olti 41:i4c1,i'1°1,':::'1;ib'1• .;:'':tfi:(''.l7!.„ ~,~, ~ ,. .i .' ..A , ~r1.0.,,,.'.`..- '• ... R 3 PiMI Ak;contilier(OdinpOter,.. , Atie Onnu!enc iiieti,t'of Diekine6y) belieie;.prieniee to be Of such ehereeter;Ahieugh.tbe_etefqoiie ':',,'::: , ;, : ., -- .. - ' . - - ,,i. , :''.. . .-''', - ;;W:tf.;:....,5 , , , . !....f.4..;','."..': of:the Facelty and the filiiiiiitierialtygiye: of 31nusual brilliancy and eclat to o. a isirm this-year. additloU . Abe ttratni jcal exercises of the class of, graduates, several other -addresses, will *be Aelii . eind by gentlemen of 'online:lde and talanta; which cannot Jail „to make 'die . . denasion one off On the morning et-the 0111 of iuly,lho Hon. BENJAMIN F. j j hitzEn, of New York, Will deliver . the annual o,ration,before.the literary societies Of College.— Mr. Butler is a prominent "democratic` i poiltiCian of that. State,' but equally well known and - es , - teemed for his exalted charaeter as .a man, and his eminent edifies as a water any . . - speaker * , In, the afternoon of. the same day WILLIAM S. WATERS,' Esq., of.'Princess Anne, Md. will deliver an. - Addiese, and Mr. N.- C:- Bnooits,-of-Baltititore, e Poem; before the acting, giatluate, and honorary memberP of the Union Philosophidal Soci• ety of College. •At treat-may be looked for in these erfoimances. Mr: Waters iz a forilicr graduate of Dickinson, arid left the institution a few years since Witlia promise "Of - ratite eibillnce - WhielihiiiMbsequeSt course has fill" stistkinpl f - Mt. Brooke . has achieved an enviable faMe at one of the true Posts of Abe century.- fin Thuigdak; the 10th, the exercises of CinnininiceMeritilake - placeind from the - amount of talent comprised in the class of - g - Fidnates,ttitlelievethheir perforMaes will be With credable and entertaining:. The exercises of both days will take place_ in the M. B. Chutch, arid the publie are cordially invited to be present. In connection with. the above *o.oiight to mention the Oratorical Exhibition of the SOCleli ;Tv - Niel - takes, .p I -on e evening of the glorious 4th of .July..— Every dne here knOws of, the brilliant throng of youth and beauty which . the 'semi-annual displays of the Societies never fail to bying_together, and the universal interest , whih — is manifestotors - these - oc= casionsi when like at' ancient tilt or _tour nen:lent bright eyes surround the arena= *litif eloijuence gloWs Utider.thri inspiring gaoe.of beauty,anpovelinese is constrained td 'pay hothagir tftlie power of 'genius. FroM thestrptepatatione-the public may anticipate with pleasure thti codling otthe literaty, jogrB 3 i )11.1y., and the entertainments with which. we shall fit be favored. It will be a rarilimejor the friends of Education-ate distaece, and the toasted denizens of ,Pent-up cities, to avail thentiißsrlot:lf:visit, e - . e!evateti - menial enjoyinents ; whie~t they . will find presented, added to, die natural; enjoyments of free pure air and beautiful scenery, could not fail to make the visit mare than ordinarily gratifying as well Se' salutdry to the mind ana the body: • ,BIL A RRIED. *On Thursday Feburiry 13th, 1345 by the Hee. Henry Auraiksl, Mr• W!Litsst Basil, to Miss' JAN 2 MELL, Lodi of Carlisle. - • • DIED, " In this Borough on Monday night week; Mn.i RACIIEL LOBACII, relict of the late S. Uita, aged about 62 years. • • sr In Battimore,.on the 24th ult, -Miss hrm C, el dest daughter of Peter B. Smith, AP •ofilkis Borough in the. 25Ayear of her arc.. Iler_remalos we re brought to this place for interment; VITAS FOUND. a few days past, in the store of di Sub- Scriber a small skin of motley, and k gold locket, shape of a heart and Marked with the initial letters p, 1. The owners can have them by calling. G. AV. HITNER & CO. " Jtme 4, 1845. , . TO THE TAX-PAYERS OF CUMB'D CO. .. The County Commissioners deem it important to. tall the attention of tax-payers to the provisionsof the 42nd Section, of the Act of .29th pritlS44: , - By the provisions or . that Alt, it the Whole amodnt Of-State-tax is paid,to the State T . resfurer b? .any County:Sheen - daysyrior to the.lsth Atigust;lll any l'jteiff.v. stlehlnuntris - entitled - to an of 5, L. x. oxen tfirlimuuntinitaidA-botifibUtiseitane paid when, due and puyable under the pioiisions of ;iaitt. Oct; any_ Indibidad or itiriairation. Shall pat, ilia flu matt. idterett thereon,-until . pdid f and the same Shall be a IMO on the estate .on which it is' elated until fully paid and satisSed. - TheltnportanceanditiVantage al: Inlet to that tithe .will ho obidqfhtto our. citizens when it Is known teat the reinti. brill be to place in the °Mint, tfesstiry about fiftemiltundred, dollars of thitLamtitint itt'ilemed .for_State_purposel-' , Abrider priatent.ciretimstances 4 when our eitizEttli iill be .lii Subjecittn Increase 'county tax tothe debt Incurred in the erection of a Court H e, the amt. osc ing anntially would materiallf deafen e tax re quired for county purposes—but should even a few ..P of our tax payers . defer. payment till after the 19th ' of July, the shying ColitemplateChy_thc.Actoo in &Yee protiiptneis tri pqment, Will be defeated. We are advised bf.. the State Treasurer that Lite, Interest .due , in" A:ugutit and'Webruttry . •neit, thin bn - paid if tine. enteral -Counties' of our ': Commonwealth are twOmtd in' the - payMent Of ~ the: State tpx. We therefore lidpe that tinieliiiene or this county will feel proud-in ranking Cun berland with those coon. : .tieec f our Commonwealth whitiricsitiee a 'determi nation 4hithernsfter,the faitb4nd Leredikof Ppna eylvattiellhall tefitairi miaullieit . `,"--. ".. -.. : ...g. .. : ,:•.•'''''. ''!.:t.'l ze.L.. - '—c fr, ,'. ,• .- .... .. a: WORILIIINGtON '. .-- • ':':i.1011N.:IRWIN; pl'lr:;"'., ;;,‘'.'.Carliale; Jinie . 4; 1845.' N 1 IL 'Tht ' --otiit'collteelt Ai a. a env' sever,. _ • [ 'tiles are iseqviestet tepatinte 'Ne-ecionts Tfelva ley. on the Brat day At'. net all „taxes they may have collected by..that,.thne.;> • . - -- • _ • dust 'received at 3. ',CiitAP • OOK•AND_.PERIODICAL . XORE•i tiins or. Men nitiiteriand Seieneesiliti est in the time of George Henry Lord Brought' Mahoney. • :.Leatridsumotttioithd Coart_COnteiidtor by-Eutenet Sue. Trite Chri stitia: and: Hey .C,oisrt,;*oflirotlishre 941.; ;XiltirPopelsrijoursiey belt. or 01elie4,11Ye4 ' 1)101ii.1 • tAfe.- kligh Itfe 77" r „ .! 4 A / f4 lO A5...°4 1 11 3, 0,'A' 2 -•''' • I 4 ..- -6°li itl!Ook. 14 4 sT 114;.irir o olisksosy.first74444.1nli t :r. r 464 1• TO!1: 60 *:40 1 .4 :: 1:' ' • - fig.64o***iliii:llotiOolvearanu, lot 191" Y • f-Ntfit. s 1:t:011=r2=-1i WWWRIMM -. n l: ~ ~. ....::x%;n; ~ • .;--t `:,;(c*if 661.:4.fitf "37' 7' 157693? {‘f‘i""."}"’ :2“ 1"! {:Ti ‘SL‘fifi-‘rjda’é.’ ”'3‘. SUMMERIMIV THE stifigo4fria36a*olie6elt aitinstment of , „OitY.tbing: theViiitsfatiVik o o e o viz: • • r j.* B, eariatel -o ,lfiria ties.. . . 7 • wHITE BROM:Ark Lori," ---7-E.4B,Gunpylider;lmperiat;igoahitp'`alial. Black Teas, fine azdextrzqullitits:#,TOitiptt•V #l;itesort : OrIXEXSIVArit, Stone DASICETS, Painted pairs, Keeler:oo: At - cash prices—for sale by'. ..!J . . ... . . . . .:..READTMADFCLOTHING -. iri:::LHX-Mit:we'' lti'retireiti:tintiolnee` to the . eitizehi er.Carliele ihitt he bmi Valieh'a Iteent opi ‘ io.; site Mr..Winrott'iMail'Read) Hotel, in High, at; where he *Melt& for"aale a large and Feabionable assortrapid of TWEED'COATS,' ' • ' .-,, • • • , v; `Spring and 'Summer Pants; aTishilsonte.Ntock ocVES,TS, tegellieo.aith It large stock of DRESS AND FROCK COATS, boy's -Clothing, antra, variety Mother clothing, all of which he wouljl . desire those in need of any thing _in . his line, to.give hima call, as his tithe is limited, and - 11 - e — it - determlned - lotkll LOWERthanmay 7 persott else cart do. F =CM To Cabinet Coach Itlnheis. . THE etibacrihers have , made arrangerritintsff 1(1 which they will receive in a.few day frot4lVtice, & Brother ' sstanulaelory..oleWarit .J4Uti.ejai.' emir:tent of Trardjihiiroktbo - beatrUu itycnnii eaid to be Cupeiler•tti'Ariiittee varnish, they wilt sell foie for Ctiert:l,4 4 g.;,44*7" ~ , . .. Stetiensoft ile illehaffegi .. June 4, 1845. % - • . • . MilNiard. • just received mud fOr sale by - . ---S4eyertsort-4. -Afehaffeyi June 4;1845::';,. "Estate of Henry Real. The undersigned hiving been appointed,ou the confirmation of the account of George W. Brick er,. and John Brandt ' asstgnee.of Henry Neal , — an Auditor by_ the Coda of Common Pleas of th is County, to adjust and VW finnlirpiti - ff. • tis tnieng the creditors; It/OTICE r ia-hereby-giverr_to_the_said creditors of Henry Neal, and all others concenffid, that I have appointed the meeting for that purpose,.to beheld at my of in the-Borough of Carlislooni Satuiday the gth of June; at 10 o'clock. A. M. when and where yon may.atterni, with your ac• counts, claims, &c. if you think, proper. , _ W. H. MILLER, Au'r: • Alms - from Wetherell's riantifWm#,,,just received and for sale by = 6`ltveiison Illehaffey June 4,4845 • . Cinnamon, Cloves, Macc,lqutmegs,Gingq, all fresh front the mill, just received and for sale- , Stevenson - 4- Ilefehoffe'y. June 4, 161.5.!' Opti;" Hartshorn, ilfitre, Snlpher, . - • Ether, Balsam . Copavia, . with s variety of chemicals just received and for aide at the Drug Store of • • Siev oison - Meltaffey.ha June 4. 1645. Essential bile. Lila Cinnamon, Bergamot, Peppermint, Cloves, afrqs,Lenion, Lavender, unit Spearmint all af afure quality just received and fat. Stevenson 4-,-.llfeliaffey. Juno 4,1845.. wish great Ciro and aciuracy, and sant out ,with directions'fin its - use; at the Drag. dart of 1 .. • . • ' • • Stevenson 4 Mehaffey. June 4.1845 . Carioornate and Calcined - Blafp flesh', bparnii Salta, Flower of Snitohni, anti Cream iif Tiurtarduat toceßed and for sale by; peedn.tois llfehaffe#: . inn° 4,1 • ' . dam Trakaalutil; - Seaegal,Ccipal:Gulaeum and Maslic for sale at the Drug Store‘of• 4 • Stevenson . Jueti 4 6 434 - mm The Stockholders of the Cumberland Valley Rail Road Company , ate reijnestedixf meet. at Wi n rota Hotel, in Carlisle, on Monday the 91It of Itink at 10 o'cloek, A. M. VilATTS;life'i; May 2tl, • .., • TAKE, NOTICE: J. ISI. - IMEDLF.R will reeeive - Fhiladelnids New York Diiily - nntiNeek.y papers tgislarly,as socek as the new Post Offiee-Law-goes-tnto-operw.. lion, which will be on the first of :July. Also, alt. the leading Foielgn , . . . , „ • DISOL _ The thilnei:ship hereto:o'ore dal t t ine ' bet wren Jelin Gray and Thos M.' Flint—trading. under the name of John Gray & Co.,.dsis diiialied on the.7th by'muttuil contient - ' The:becilse - iii the lute fi i.m 'are - G in the hands f JolinGrit ;lain?' de - iii'eWthat'idt persons , no‘vstig muse yes tb tall and settle as emu ed padsible: The Mire dill hereafter he conduoted by Johu-Gray Son:- May.2B, - , - FRENCit The ininicribers are'jnsu svinelving -ft gait& of French Ginginitns, Ginglutm Cawns,Orgtuuty Lawns Balzorlncs, Mirages, & o .; teirbt l h tliey stik the sit. teetiee • . May 28,1845; . • • •, . • BONNET RIBBONS.. ~ . ~ ... . , . ~. , &I urther-supply of handampe Bonnelltibbone of all shades and Colors. and will be aohtve6, the subkribera. . 7 . - - ' --. ''' • Vittr...lii;ier.ire ed.. ~... , • - WHIT LEA.DO-011.S, &C., 4 general assortutent of,Paints and Plant Brushes *Vint ilgtifirjacW. May 28, /W.?. . ' • A brie assortment . of Dye Stulfs ; wlift :• ie Will_ at'll 4501461 mm " •-• May - • ." B" il111)!Si BLINDS --"Jattr,e,o3lo4o of nq green ' amd atoltirell,*vetTreduceddirli?t.i. - . • ':itrNfril.41 1 4,000 41 4 0 A:: ?- : •—• •swAlDis. - rAw A,'" t 44.1 t d ed I+ - • time- _.n ces ,an • warrant genii ne, front, the ittlinkatoty In illhiladelphia.. , 111,yer8'4. Hattirelitke„.„ - - ' • Mity;;e,lB4&i . , • ~tit C. -A---1q:,- • ----,-OttiO . ' fraditttin'in' . r"-. 1 'ed. a jot of' , :pin E.,11 ,1.,4 , ..[tamps;"; • .1 itist::t.'".4 v, Oils' 'togetherieil.ktot._...stlC,..jtiii4„ connciri'Yish otte'thlei s , It' 'r: with a gl"14:.: fas ry ron-Patitit F ;.A6tartiori di tto, •':ii.-,1:4. ±li22± ',llls/611,n, riti.itatierS4F,;;;; r . - • - Abler. ~',,:..-.:;,..: -, - , 7z,- . ; L M ~,,.-. ~' i ~. oriiiiihmte4, :..11.,.!,,tivetiorn 0 4 ,, ,., - jonit**l"4,,: 104400 cP--fitti iniao,,.!,,Ffr.'l./,,k. - ..iiidtml : 1240.44v1 A440141! to p iti,,,,_:!,-;;,',,,-,;.:,v.-i=i.,,iti..;-_,lhif., : ,, ff e r• 4 ' , '".' , 4 . 4-A AlB4, --'''':- • - .-,:0,3;.,8,.e.45,1t,a k i 1 .:.- 11 , c s :: . _ : : ,A , „„t.. • , ‘i.- .: , .„-,4. ,1i.., i iii ß k 40ii-sgsti u. : 'vfßilitiiilo* : riltgvw.A -.or cr01t.5,14,wiA1,,-;ilm large .w0rt 1„„,04., .)t7:4,!".5-,EtTacyrr-,:,.. 1!',,,16, 4 . ?:: - .i;74x?'sji:p..,_ ~. • fs-iiiiisv.:-.‘-,,;,.4.„5,:;,,,,t,,,.-.,-1,,,..,-;..:,,,;. i r M;tk.Y.: , ' Y , r , • , ~ ,:0;1-:?1,--:;:'' 21231 --NErvirr Dfil s. '‘‘ - ~-12111:411V141111,, , ,1 1 146131111.00 ' '' tz ,•''h "" . .i,-43110;128,1845":. - • • . , .11r , The Suinicribir will open this day n general tie 'cortmeneef di;vidies'.DiesatGolitla fitive jest been. purchased atr.verylorf prices. tutd"..adli , be cold: accordingly:,;..fliey invite. thel, public . .:geninellY, to give Own an.ea • - " !.1.1Ti4 ce . A at. vs BAN IC. • '• • ' • The Sleckheldera of thsCarlisle , Bank having rem fused to accept the "act totias6l,bythe last Legislature coddled" An .let to"extend the Chairteeortke - Cai:, lielyy liank "—and the old. Charthiving;:expieecf on Ihelth inst., the birectoirkareWder,theneccisi,- .if of prOceOding to wind Op ;the htisittess of the Ill..; siltation. ; ; The ;debtors' of the Dank will ' therefore' -see=the E. Making Ihe.neceistirtitrritOßC.;-: thbillf`to the fiat*. aran :early day, and 1111, , ,p6rsons haiting..:JO, i theirliosieisienj_stat of - Oho:notes:0 the Carlisle LlanOT payable na,Ltiernin7o , ' a rid - gill:per, sonshdring.%other claims agaiest4t; are,hereby. , cc. • quesoo to pivaantthe !sampan Pap:flint:lathe acitia4"; tei , .of the hack, witheet.delt4:;;:- • . • •L. By ; order of the Board of bitcetera. • ' • 1 ay , PICT'RE ;OLIVE • ' ' lit reoetved, pure fresh Olive Oil in Lurie' awl Amntlbottlee, aleo'imetraw.eovered flavka. MM AIM JUJUBE PASTE . '. ' . .. 9 - just received-anti' -,. -. ' • . - S'aiintsoii 4 Illehaffeb• .. May 28M14 .---- — 7.-7- •—• . ,___. netiblett Tittdittntitteb • - '7CHEAOHNIUG - AND - 13001( -- STOReT - ' a large:pimply. of Drugs, Paints; - Oilli,a4 Fent) , Pertienev. —Also --- .Books and •ktalionarl, ail of willed will be sola wholesale iintl CHILAPEIV than they earl be had elsewhere in the' County. May 21, 1845. - MOTTO SEALS = kith unions and a iproprtate devices, just received -- - • W22M hfity 28,184,5 . , • FISHING LINES, .. . of all iergtho- stod-,qOatitid-3;-just reccivea and for sofa by --=-, . • Stevenson 6. Illehaffey. 11!ay 28,4843 HARDWARE It.CUTTLERY, JACOB SENER, RETURNS his *incite ilianks for past favors and 'Wishes to infornildifilenilland the public gen erally, that he bad taid.: in ntneral,assortinent • el' 'LARD WARP: iind9Dtrii RV, of all kintis,such as Axes, of tlitret.iliffekent - MX '4l;Dittohets, Draw ing Ruives„ofvarliiitrri:nbikelf, Chliteht,and Cooper's. ToolroFidtkitidi):iltfirtifttiliffsßli4rtiMlt Tabl bii • such as frorii the•Ctimipzik to the most-superior quality! two, three and four. bladed pocket AnivesTrom cothuldn tb - genuine•Rogresand. other superior Manufacture I takfle, ten, soup and -o her-Simons ; flanges of all kinds and sizesi- every descri ption of Files; ficerse.Raspa of different sizes;' wood and bed screws of different kinds 'and sizes ; gouges anti plane! roes; out, doiihie and single Irons; Augurs, black and bright of all sizes; also !brim-pitted Augurs ' 'Braces and Baia of the best snake' thaw-colored Bits; Knob„cheif, Cupboard bind find Ricca ; cur Tacks and Sp111;1114k% brass CandlestiekS; brick and plastering, Trow id ; . Traces; straight and rikisted_lialter chains ; himvy and light Spades and-Own:hi; hay and- manure Forks, two, three and four proled ; Anvilzadd vices ; cast anti illient { ,Steel;•Atuerican and English Blister Steel; Land; iron-back,mill and 'Cross-cut 'SasYs - i - Straw Flat lions and Tailors geese, Ftre Irons. round and oval•wrought Pans, long handled Frying -Pans, wrought' Iron Books and Hinges, different Sizes; andalso the oldfaedottreil ' • Cradle :ind .GPRO!4 made of superior Steel, and faferior to ,notio—all warranted good, better 'did toarlteCettnitot produce. tntire satistitii ion will be giveOrn eSery, article both ai to price and Oat to,eyerrtforson'adr tnay Egli at the old ,stand se , ItlioOn ati a Hardware • atorp,-lorroirly , -)ctiot. and' next dooi'tgHO add illio.ttilloning9eo. -Callid Jtoir and gain ; t llialies, and; !rations. tobei artioles Which we de'dio if annectisitiry to trientiao, loft gall' Sad exaln., yonrselveei.and .remeittber th ey site Aivar raided: - We arc ifetifinined to self at'srtntH proPt4 , eitisraction f ; . • TACO Cpl llide; May t t lit3Y > t( airm, Istiot*rettireirivii , %%sitesatxt•A;V:ic the Useging 4 daid Side lamed: k 4 ;. ' nrny 2(,14e:‘,. 430$3rEtSjii . !filtIBANi/S. l 'JUST. ia of Neiti)olition qrabl;4ind-Stnii , -Baiinit;::.lsb_itne*-soisk:•01- 13ontipt nittbliodtl. ' ' • • '0,.; gpty:3l;444i. - • ET : '• Aaew. Fienith ouistde:Tionitha . kkiweis - ; w.. e it4'p nqr ra: alsolit*itit of 11,0 . net:(4lfil- Dounel teinuiliqsjust aqtl,icir • o:CPLfli(i!ei:4• 4 vaF • • tor; e übacribeie ore rioNY- 0'4004 ilaaAo'lightful-drink;iin ha tioat-aty le; ,they.would. alto inform thoie who deatie taking Salta tor Oil; thst itiwhichrtvddra it pletigant wad CasteleitiON':o" , I ' .1114 OP , • i0.00(10116;!:04. ; • • ' • s,ooollipitr."-Harnst. " • • , s,,pdt)! Jug rcceived , tind qtat"Oft6:4to 'Of ,• • J: P. MAR , illrriOntrg ,b 4", 0:10 8445; i,-.l.jiiiSll67l,l!"?P' l ,7B:4"4 4 gl 4 l ll 6 : l ;iut litl44ll l l rii n f -CIPZ--$4l- ivindo4uviinatilm4 in pert?.of femeh, itatSll4""°g'alie Can be WI 6110,11103 66;400 aate" 10 03 ,r t!tiln ' ' {CARPETaori-AR NGS . G too - rAteatiietliaggi' -.4 00 0 Yo , , b ~ v - „ v 7,0 " 61 loldY• ill'"05 5 5 ,4..'if• , 904119) 'Bfay 4411f4VaN - tVVi,' 4 ;;4' " • • , MK, 10,04( tooom fu,k,ll,,„vT:mri, f i rdutil4 !•,,i171F,.i...;„%•10,1-14'14C' wit* . • • - ",-' , ;?ouzit 4 ,Tr. ~ ,,i , ..73 . r;r:, - ; z w, ,, _, if :'wi *i‘lAin 44041, , . . 1 . . 4C.''ri , , il4:l • infai. oihotaftiPlauleorasa ~ ; ,thivr*tlerii.,;A) is 1 441 PA Y, PS,q,itiligit;l 4- OM*: 11 0tONAlitIS' l i .1d itand,R v ''' '''''''A i ; ".. ''' ''. --- '''4.41 e. 5. i i . g111 %,,,,,':. , :, :,.... ',, ' , ~, cia.oo ~SANE R:,`' 1 I. ' llYitsk '' -:'" t ,11 ., ',. '• tr. - '''. '; . ... .: ~ i . ~-.,..• ; s . :: . t. '- _-• •• , .. , ''• ,77 -.),..?.:-.;--,--„..-L- MEMEE my; 513;“?! 'g-Wfl‘Fvl's‘Z’iTJfi {fifl‘éfiiir‘u ' "N ." ' “L2 1%‘5? -~'-‘RT§""":- .-~“:.;. l'fi'ki-‘Wi'EL‘jk'JA r \‘ "2:521? {l2“},s‘ Fit itt) - an - yWe - fit -- Slete29o/1 - 4 - Meilageff: **en liave.jllet r6celvettivln'rge 11( bn y er • ' • firti' stock, consisting ofiIIiTVICIATES; tAINTS DYE-STUFFS,' PEI • N11.111:1j:' Elbe .P ANCY ARTIPLES;'whi.e42 I tint; .011114 ;W,,liulpkilb'c& tail; al. • ' ,-* • S. 'ELtitirk. May 21. ; . .545, • • ' , 3/u:. • • Ort el leßVO - 7. iFLphedribere would respqcftlyan T . i q thy rneera k iiOw WWII 1 r or DRUGS, PAISIT,S;'`...:OILS, :ieD4EIU - 114.,DRY &13 #IO:NCY:SOAPS.,".':.`Ika:7oII. - of - spool L'aqvottpe fiii:4CASH Ai' thole Wi nrott's HOW, . -2 c::STgir:PANISON -. -m E4-tArtt Giiiiidn'AXiril'.9o 6345. gylgik a mO gA LOgiaT AND RETeIIL CIitHHLD info : in their friends and the TIMM in V V-- general, that they have removed4hear estab- Hain - nem' fo thit.'room lately oeitipimihy John P. Lyne - gr..Co. and nearly. T opposite-theed'and-white flag of Arnold &Einsteine-the..rew Store—Cat North Hanover street, where they are prepared to •mann factiiiiiin;d-inlitily thsieeMstomerai and the public, both at home anti From a distanna,iith all kinds of • . • at the.shodest notice andof the'best Iso-keePiconstantli-onlharittl-ntUl-r,,emlirgbing_ all thetlelicacies- or the different., seasons, besides NUTS of every kind., Their stobk . compris:s in im - yrscrelnyt - Oianges, — lwrritr,` - litilsini , FlgsT - Ah• Prunes, Dates, Cream,ntittp,Docon Ndts, English Walnuts, Ground. Nuts and it - satiety of all kitid3 - ol :Confectionary, usually kepi iri`eircir an establishment, an of which they will sell at - the most teatiOnable prices fdu CA,II-1. Feelingbntitidritged by the very liberal patronage heretofore bkltpOted-ttpon-them.Ttliiey-have-been-in— duced to liditto,ihe Ache stook, a I the Golts.bounecteld - Witli . • , @Wfiafiu‘fiéé}; consiiiing - in part of.Stigars, CoffeecT cat, Cheese Crackers, Mohair : ea, Spikes orall kinds, BrtishCs,Blackiii; Efolicr'a and •Clay's extra No. I Cetfitis; together ;kith a tat*. variety ofQiicenswaib and other. articles.too nunterous to martian. . • . ` Akears, anit - Sit litr. el tilthesttitul cheapest tpoilities, pl map on braid, Td'stiltiftitittlrose-who rtink,laior them Willi a call. Toys every- dcicription Also kept.constantly on - hand.... For the very liberal stippurt ettentled to them by their friends and customers,'ttiey return their sincere thanks, and will endinivor in future to merit n Continuance of their favors .by apnring no eletlintilitif,iiiike - fliete establishment an agreeable retreat:: . H. & AL Carlisle, April 30, 1845. PERFUrfItEitY, Ladies- would do well Weal and examine the. assortment of perfumer, and . , fency articles tliat we have jyet received.. ..,. . ' . • Stevenson, 4- Iliftligjey. . . ... PLASTER SI SHAD:. 7'6 , • .100 flesh slidd• , •• it P. NIA.ItTI.N. Ilatriabiirg, May 2.1, 1895; STEAM ENGINES; A twonly.four boric power Steam Engine, ;at three boilers; and a 'sixty horse power-Engine,for sale b' The snbscrilmrs on tint . ° and-liberal terms, if applicatidd bo made soon:. •Ha riisbuii, May 1845. NOTICE. . • , ALL peisione are hereby notHleil that the isiignee account of Jacob -fitsoyer., assignee of William H. Woodburn bf Newville"; Cttulberlanil county, undCr a deed of soluntdry suisignreenr.fcir the benefit of oreditore was diti.pttitnteiL to' the Cotirt of Common Pleat - of. raid County Wifd filed, and .the said Court hai ettpolittetf the first stay of the August Courtoo behold at Ceillsle (He 11th dRy of August next,. for ita allownnitt4int - the sabie will then bp allowed by the Court, unlesi ciitnia•be said accounts shouhtnotbe allotsetk , f 7.• Tat THOS.II4IUSAVELL;Tro'i. May 24.184 g WHITE- AX- ot.a,supertor quality, for's,.*t: a the Dreg Store of • - Map;.. ~43 " ’r‘fg: :w'irn‘»: 5-3“- 500 Ctiiil-4(no.Grore; 100 do • ' , dis 11)ti do : ride Grore't Coal; ,V 'lOO .44 ';-Yillksbdrre,....tdd • • • 1:2110'0 bushole'Mtumilloos .• ' - Fat ludo I ~ a .,•lol.Rtftk: • ry15ii,441,4 . 2 1, 4 0 gt - STRAY , COWir bAkefo - the fesidenee or the n.` 'intik:4oV" Mourog tnownolop, 01100 Cumburland: onnty. about, 1 1-2 -- • miles ,Eaat_of_,Goidig's Tavern on the Is . urn voadon the.7th of:Math - li* ablaidt and white eirotind eovi, supposed to tie about Oa yearit_old; _tillejs a amall,64—and , titur-ahort homes. O'Wner fie requoattel to - C C6lO foiward Fircrr.e'rfrolioikk: pay tliattieo.`,outt take het.' aehty or ehe disposed of according to law. ' s s,,, L EIANteEkG,IVLER4` . bfay 21, 184 g. / • SHAVING ;COMPO:UNDa.. • "11:01iS,SEL'S Shaving qoattoutedi art:tato:lM teccifftd - 'and for wale, at thli Shiro of fftevanaoh & Mehatfot. aii and t'Ho `r titfighl.'S- Arfiblii` lifted 'for , tfie breath aftsWhaiii. k!'ng, knit reallediip.d for: ittild - " : , • opeAtio - fct.Jk:fidirey;. • Aprilldo 7,1; ' 4 ' 7 74 4 " • ..- .'',;'::•110 i 10 , ;. 8 . 4".•ci10,..10:'::'.;•, ‘ :' , ',• 4 •- • : . '. 24 : 07'4i:ft -41) 1 14 BOtile,liPd •AIiWA . j 4 s(ri! ; • ' :aeiviidiiid:now opening, ~i,io iihmon bp „ . 501.11 o,weit'tban ai , er:; Also aifirgv lot of •,Glina Shoes fi* Ten;Worilen 'in() Childien at reduced **A; ache ...:, ~ .. - .::,' , i i ' i' , ..,,. 4i:A 4l lltSilo,GiVit; Peaambeil.'4; 1844. '-"::,:- n,,,': vA" c"- , l-' ,9 ,' : ~:: '.'• .: . .; , ..` '," ,p . POIII(4 4 ;MADEIICAL:WIATASi .IVairillik,4 6'1)14, rot , tu!diohnst iiiii*OhesFoOssite Jit .:!..... 4 ~-./'''''..":P, : Y :\-; .:•?,. ‘: , ; . .`.i. •', '''', *2 '- VI/prlt' tR, avenfiscifi , -•-- - ittnsity-Tt #ExtaNt at r:,!sfo BAR)),1 the proc,ooo - 0,.; Sleveolo4 ' . INKSTANDS(' ti *yell swirOVviiSlO: M ile# l *k , • .10• , ;.1t4 ,,, Ge , '. rk , p , "85 - 1 ) .., si,,P , `'' on . e , eii.y' 'S ,"iiti.'l 4 .' %.. : • .i . ntiaitC t 4 4 , ir . dt;'l4:4 A , 5' i %VIM; • - kl*O"', lo3l 76#CalaloituirMileilliii4f ritnitKYOtiftiqgoi etOtiriciani;lideiaiiinit INTO "Ay - 14111 be add . 401/1 10)4 1 44 'hlVVlqc,"ll4ao:sll*Oliggre . i,bi • A,, ()Ur Pimitilr,RiW: X ' , -,, • • ,n-ek•-•iii• ,757.14iwiirgvarri . • iENRy ANDERSON ' desires . forraitkeimbiloibet,Kllo_jetti:yeeeivedat., his old stand In North Eifittoier:etreet,nekr the Post Mee; lirge. Arid °twig atvortrtent , SPROTer. and • SUMMER G i3O DS, tihich. kb, 'Benin Adiasif.e . ficr. cash sand • iifilatol6 Tniitejt ; :rthe' pubpo to call And . oxamine: bin stock noti - Aiihillitia' of en - entirely new eutiply4.4 CLOTHS; or 4110164 Rnalitfes ihid•p'eleee ; also Sllks.LatinsMali.okitiea,. Barees, MousliWde !Ai nes, Cashmere and 0 . 6. CA buseera, Bombazines,' , Chintzes, Hrite,flMtislies;- Si lk and,Cambrie.Handkereltiefs;Scarkaail•.every, other article of Ls . olies'.wettie, or diet - est "deseelp.: tioo and Moat fashionable ..Also a ablen dill assorttrieut of Oloiecand Hone*. . ALSO, a riVi assortment of everYjaddy if, broh'errea; tiueetetehre, All of . whi*will bb sold:at the I bwielt prite foi• mai; G fte A prtl:3o, 1845. ' • • 1i13\17 A. B. 11IARSINALI6V Wholesale and Retail Dealefln,Wiiehionable, 7 Superior andt.l4edium,-Fand : Staple Dry GoOda, No. 188 Chesnut street,. betwee.n‘SOvinth and Eighth Stg • PITILKDELPHIA. • Is now in regular receipt of Now Alas; -Illorislein do Lainea. Lawns, Griandieklaconets Gingham, Bareges, l'ilarOcs,Bolianktlalsorines, Cambric's, 'Chintago, jlombazilies, Alpneis and other seasonable Dri ,Goodkalso, Shawls; Scarfs, Veils, Embroideries. FloBlery, Laces,Gloves, Lin en Cambric Handkeichiefs, and Irish Linens; Canaries at Oa eta; a - gard, Muslin - and other cheap goods., .„ h Strangely wil lfihijOartlealaibi to their in! inreOt to call, as die gods are all wafrantod, arid (he lowest cash pike invariably marital firat. • .41-2 I ; • . Or) , , T_TAS removed bis-DR-Y GOODS .AETLGRO_ 11 -CERY' STORE •to Main Stv(er, in the room formerly riceepfed by T. H. Skilcs, few doors below Beetem's Hefei, whore he will bb glad_ to, see his old. customers, and as ninny now ones pat Fuose_tomill,__HO has last returned froth..thel • East wtih selection ofgoods whieli 164; make his assortment complete. ,Call iiniterre tar ourporehasing asewltere - -', 7- Mreryld,lit the lowest prices for cash. . April 23,1845 11141111n301 L) city, and is now opening the largest, and ctldapl est stocir. of _ - 03 MD • EVER BROUGHT .TO CARLISL'Iti Broad Cloths - cirri - in $i,25.t0 $7 per yil; • Caisimeredfroun $1 to SRI • , Tweed Cloths and Cnssimeica, hero thentL. _ Vestrngs from 18 3-crti s3' ? st3. , - ---Also, Stocks; Stispenders,-9Fitilits,-46i.,-ML•kfeiii variety I Organdle and Balzarine, Lawns, .neWinid beatitifbr Mlle 1 ne-iv st.ile.,VBllB printed Marquise embroidei•ed chameleon Pchill do Soi 1 . super blue black Borrilnizin ; elegant haraiie Scarfs St Shawls; bleak and irldtb . Fillet ShaWls, with btillithilritisei black Httinnize,llaltorine anti'LaWns tor mourning French,. Scotch god Aniericim-Ginghattis ; elegant plain and fignred Silks, very•loa , ; Jaconots, Cam , Ades, Muslins, &e. all kinds and prices.„ • 'C a mbric Insectings,..Edgeings, ihreaditil bob binet ditth, all sorts . Silk and lineri,lianilkeishiefsi Ties,..Colfart, Concrete, '1504 elegnnS an .. d cheap Bommi. itibbdum - . - - A tremendous stook of BONNETS, of-all-kinds and prices ;•• leak dand gentlemen's Hosiery, of all ' kinds, frord•6 ors. to . , . •„. CALICOES,I rd hOesipeit, Ifandiinnest and big gest stohk fife county. Muslins,.lickiogs and Checks, uncothroonly . low. Cotionadei, loan Orts simerek•Src. all 14101 i and. prices. . Artificial Flo.wers and-H,ondet elegant Parasols; stin4lltules and Pundolots, a Itall assyriTebt - Alsinutremetidotwatock - 44,4800X8 -, 5t..8.110.Kg.. ITS to 1,4 . 1u to t , 25: A 'arIicOOIERTIE Eveh lot of TiAS, COFFEES„.SUGA#S, Rine, ;kinds Silibpirivtiick - will-ire-sol( as not Cheitliei• Man thezalielitieit. An short I hove lilt ktitds nail dcscriofions of Goods at low-pri; cerrinittip . rinalou3 inirgitilis to who `willfarm: trio with a call..,l3ccollect,tbe old enind, rouirri Store below the Market Had; Bait High street, and nkiiiik opposite the Hotel or Mr. 13•Iar, tin, forinerry Wonderlich's, N. 13. Ciftfutry Merchantscaa he elitipWilt at city April 24, 1134.1. • , „ • HARDWARE,CUTLERY & SADDLERY ' tBMNI/C744lti , L Y N Erespectfully his friends and.the plibl lc .generally that be has removed his stock of LIAR IMA RE, CUTLERY., and SADDLERY, to tliti net.) homib on_Noliib2 ilanoime street; ty o debts kdutli of the Peat Of fine and nearly - opnosito his old stand, whdtb he coutinueg Id Item' ue . lieretofore.a full and coin elate assortment of ever, thing id hid Roo ill pri ces sheens'. Mein eI . :WC i . - Cabinet - ,Makerer are • eat . ..neatly ip'vtterifo salt and eiarnino ,o..,iplendid lot •of KALIDGANY'I VENEEttS; jtiatmceived. Carpenters and dens will dna- aWescollent assortment or Latches, LoSticilidtt4liinger4 Scriwel, dud etiefiAsilety of Build 'Materials; ai, radubed .firicegr: Also new and lieridr artible of PLANES,,witimn,. fed good in every: ginvAnd•rock :Powder; vairented sago .}"tiiie';''fift,',ldasting cooks; Shot, LintdZ '.Vrindow;Glass era dihriirdltainisheti-v:Cedar. 'Ware, Slaoksonith's•BelloPes;' - ciddltiory - iariety - ofdrtielesinAhtrEladtviarellne: .11ousoke. l.N o ro k ojezt,-, , v; :' 4u1,,,, , 03464 dr4"'"dgfi-Ai, TtinlirgrAW t That , tte,loiiinNlic- - ire ii' 6120 1 'PnWP 3 - h t."" - •6,14 li 'r• " ' : 401044 ta' 4o *4M* ll _ .., •- ; n •- ,'„,-:' El i , (Ie of.rl<9,c /4 - "'k p , f ‘ AO i.o;* .0 6 * r 44,, ~, rikil** 6 4*FtwiiilO2 41, '` - )rt k ,,tt ... ' ';•.,,,; •,,`" ,7,, ,,- , -, ' , 1";t:•`', P :,..'4 t ,l Abed, , ..ill, 4/.774,,,,,. ~ y,..41114:`.4190.'1'' l A4 4 lt!!' ' ..)00,1: ','„ itc.)4,-,,,,,, 4 , b 1:4004k1r4 .4 ill or ,k Or. ,h' ' rrl;`' •egy,' ';' , .-:•00 . —lVlNV l "RivenioriAt ale , • .A.V.V , 'I 1 . I-,,,4ty,,,,,,,,,,-,7,,.-4,441',.=T'., l'4110.1191,0 T 2:: 0 . ! - t : , 4 '1' - 'f , / .. '•"-Z-P ', • i • . ' '% i',,"•'• '. •4 .: •'-: .' l ' '-' - -.' , ',• .• • . 4 , ' ,•• • ;' , , t . ''' •'. ' ~ • ~. ~ • • `,, . ..,.,:f;a•7..4, ......f:; , ,4::,: „ V , ";."44.,q,••••^••••••...4“.. ~ IMM)MI rola = , ~_ t=Bidiiii~~Lord•=; EMSOM and toi• =EI