Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, June 04, 1845, Image 2

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tligkriii,i l 7 ll TOß AND PROPRIETOR,
; ,.!.j._IO 4 ONESLIAY -.June 4, 11145.
:,11ilieThere to° be three thousand
'appliciritic•Tor office in the Philadeliibia
Aber. silo} 'oE'Parols 20 etron
tliati sic 1L
:,,Tll-0441,iiiiiidT;11"kederitk Adel.
00tei "Of the Parables
at Bremen.
- I ttri f fi " tO • Piii-"a8 been7urt[ier re-
'ttiOed to . ihit:loth'Or.Tatie;•iB.4o truly a
'inoetiine'eninitahle proceeding on the part
of the • ‘,
!piked that the Hon: Caleb
• Vushing-ha# 7 4reparatieii7a — workv - de
ecriptipe of the eountries ,_ peopta ate! scenes
whict. Ca : under - hia observation
.engegeil in . hie !niesipn,,to Phiria.,,/,
- •
The. Res. Dr. Breekenbriclgeleft
snore - oh Aonday morning, in tha western•
tram of ore kir .LeXingtOnv Hy;;' where he
'wilFrerntnn' for shnit tirne,an4 thence.
tie ; . 41illies'as President of Jafersoii Col-
According to a paragraph in the Spring
' field,
_la., .Journal of .' the 15th inst., the
. Al'ornuins diffeferit parts of the West
.:-.ara-genetally_mhylag to their city_Laf !Nati,
-yen, carrying with them alt.,the anus/ they
can . obtain. New_ mischiefs areliiiPposed
to bcriffe4iiii.
'Fi've eiatlis, of the nciro r cs imps:tried in,
to America ,. .in the hat twenty years, have
heart United in ?Brazil. • Brazil stands a
tonel alierninalijei -traffic; and the
jade iftt•alre . ‘earries it'on
siaieirstai et all ',lotions in the last centu,
Vitir Preeident Polk hae appointed George
.. . .
reOrYy This M!. -,Topes was a second in the
Cillw. duel: .-- Before the election - the
Acitightof ilfr. blay's_eonnection - with that
4iiel filled' the locofoCos with horror, though
~ 4hey- well, kriew that he only interfered in
the••7,lor ~ of_ 'preventing fit; ~ • now, their
' - feeldflel e§aPPOefel to a-ItiOratiVe•fficaiiit
1 tidivideitVwhe attended`-the field of 'death
•118. Oiler - Wilier, ,andnot a whisper of die
71iiitiarietioilleTheird'An the ranli r e of ihe
• ..-- , •
• rt.Tir..;- , Those soft-hearted (or headed)
perireittf,wito wereinfitteneed iti their vote's
ty'dte-ostcries of these doel-4atingjoeofci
eos,vill begin .to find out, shortly, that
they, made• great judies of themselves,
"Pennsylvaniair is destined ie_become
s:lron' State of the Confederacy. , Un
der the; influence of the (\Fisting Tariff her
inexhaustible mines of coal and iron 9re
will'be steadily dereloped and made yak
able not only-to the individual- proprietors
but to < the country rat large. -,ln the three
!Counties of ,Clarion; Armstrong and Von : ,
ango. no less than twelve new iron fume=
cea are in the. progress of. erection, The
iiriirlta:A,DartyPO, alone twill consume one
hnittireCtliiisitul' tons of..anthracite
*itirrtettijrigijiil, - of the - Mining Journal
England) that steam-holler aspic)-
, ItiOni'marVe prevented* the very simple
• Plati of hiving :A smell hole drilled le the
ifirlininiulitiebr*er - thO - firovlseeran 4l-
fills with , it leaden : tivit,•.Whleh will •melf
only viluiw'MA - water lour below ihe prop
The:. a:Mexican bat* Anti-Sladery , Sci
-titetY—',"Mzeiliine4,lteiteral ;years 'ago, with its
provide - net nointititten' to -attend to Mission..
ary bnaMesic , 'Atior,ifeen dissolved ittnrthe
4seision'attiri,:setingibearif •at.Bostotti=not
to. Ap"point ,a, , ,shive•floider
,as a , missionary:
The - elitiga Mseasaitjr„-.of criiitiOn in ye.
gartlefitim having' ceased
li::PlVlr.,Ch_tjraakriow,le s dlio under
qf "t-h. e4 Sq l
uablitikrespqts, fqoir 'Air ; :'.7 ll Q:firet•
•if ,a e#sTr pitehei, e} +g kaffrom the
o . 4 , l,:ladfeed,l,l4ci*ioli, - '9opp ! ,:beings7l)
biautiful.4il,ver.pitabeiig. • •
',,e says
- -., rk -.Tri:•." i l i e il in
„ ince Nisei.'9o
been re •• 1 ;
a two 4:?" -' • k 'hawse A ~ ~ ohiire ,
story 11 :r,F,,y‘l t -tik INlifx The
etref' • ..- r that , ...,ifid
lifit. ..pol,!_,Yt,,.i.iiiiiiii,ol*,,.,._
by iiflaA) • iip-iii0eu...7.,:,1 4,baneea,
„; has bee - • • • to - lba,, }1 ',''' •
~,,,, ~,.,4„-gi ere ,„,,,4,i!A•I'Y
f.Z ► . er,'llkAl l -7,+:-• ,i-., • 7, 4::•".= •.,-.., c- - -s' • '
ewo'm W, -.,..,,. '- , ~,,,, .-i,.`1,,Y;1:`,.---, • -41iiii)
i;:tafile It;-.
~,,... k',:coo I, -' -ileum'
14-1-oellem°,tirueend i! , ,
All!811‘11111114 : 41 - nitilies ite!:'
,' — ,4°
estr. ---e-n, 4 '.!,lo.'''''' :
tr 1
'+''''• - intl' Pilgßnif'" e ' , ,"; ' •':An e*,
Ito. ~..,, , - 'r', ...-,--
' tint,
~ „. tv{kv -1 0 41
'''''"ll - 1c6 44041,k,,
1,. - .,
4 1%, 4 21 1
.4 ,, u . '
ti ff
l ,
1 0 - 1 1 0
1 V
,~':w~i_:4a'.bs~ •, ~ ~ ~ xtdi+~ y>=+v+"'L'~.n. d~iyJ+n ~ ,
igy "Cifioesta,”°,24''. .
'•4titurmilt •
SFilt 001 in,
h ei f e t .c h ett; i•v •ard B Co ri n ; n c i f y i . l - l o e fP u hilade!phia; was
! . neklbrated-iii—lrkursilay - aft ertoWtifit.Nl
th:e .titi'poriiitmidanca of tire Atiiiriein
14P a: oral,
.. ,I *‘o44liittiin Noire," aid• fair and,
Teri,*id;iitthe, Illteuiurn tin the..ovening. ,
from the 4'reafer.'",
''.‘''::T.lll3.2oFatigentents iat The liquatet-.N.FPr.e )
'na4e'itlthwieurse of the morning. in the
Ventru r 4 k2oirtram,wis erected for the pru- ,
Sic; anff.foitheie, Who had the superinten
dence:orate 'affair. Over , each of the four
gvittis '-cif.tiutrunce into the . square was post
'e;-6 liege plaorird, upon which were inscri,'
bed tbe:i#,Odti-" For 'the children • of the
West." 'Phis = indicated_tho.
able - era the celebration, and the purpose
Ito_whichithe_proceeds_a;isingrom-the sale
of fancy articles and fromthe , festval at the
Mutieunrin the evening were .to be applied;
to .
wit, supplying the . destitute Sunday
Scho,ols in the Western country with books
- Long_ before_three o'clock, the hour at
which the celebration was to commence,
the streets around„tbe,squarl were throng
ed with a dense mas&of interested specta
tors, of,both sexes. Crowds,, of children
naight.lae_seen in all parts of the city. I.lpr
-tying-to-their res ectivc schools, attended
by their _ relatives and dressed in white and
decorated with flowers. In feel, _every_
'thing indicated a great gala day among the
`children of °malty. As the hour of three
approached, all the avenues to Washing
•ton Square became more densely thronged
and Indepen4ite.. e Square, opposite, was
filled with women and children, who came
pe..—Scors.. The Philadelphia BC
fietat nd soon
ascended the plitform, and_ prepared for
the approach of the schools.
.`large num
ber had_ alreddr.ttrived on the ground with
banners flying, and were waiting the open
ing of the gates. At three o'clock, lire. l
* O Y ,
band commenced playing p patriotic air,
and _the lung and-glittering - ties or happy
children were soon observed winding along
the walks'of the sqiiare find over(the - grayer,
and' elting the air ring with.the notes of
the beautifully me, Oh let us be joyful,"
as they passed along.
It is impossible. to , give an •adequate e-
I scription of this scene:- We_know not
have Imkmber present,,but there could int h,ave
'beef; less than four thousand in the square,
including, the Jeachers and parents of the
- children. This-Alaiti=brtnitli - sexes, prin=
cfpally, howeVer,',feniales; dressed g in the
tiratest manner aradecoratedwith,floWers,
_Marching_ in_ Serpen tine' linee -th tone-tie
square, Rimed truly an itoiinngtlirciaPitv .
The girls-wereAqi*eit:leAl!o,";Witii'gip.
red in their IS 'of': flowers
beautifully irrongiii: , Theboys Wire. rils'o
neatly-attired,-and-carried boquets-efilow
'ars. Each school-was aceinnpanied by
banners with appropriate inscriptions in
gold letters on silk grounds, wreathed with
silk. garlands. One banner in particular
attracted much attention. 'lt consisted of
a blue silk arch, with an inscription, lind
on. the pole hill& under the centße-of the
•arch, was a beautiful nest of roses, in which
a live turtle dote nestled: The occasional
fluttering :of the dove showed that it was
somewhat stet:tied - by what was going on.
At the Museum the tables were splen
didly arranged, but theilmatlirs, crowd,
.and• the fact of the arrangements being
incomplete, prevented pa from observing
accurately. &Ace it' that vidoit,
en* gave, evidence of a iich`festival in the
evening. :Nile whole ,passed 4 OCivithout
the •slightesti accident ; all were 'delighted
with ;the ceremonies ; the children partic
Work) , were in cittacies, and we believe that
they have not,experienced such a day since
the last Sunday School -Anniversary..
eral Assembly: of,the rresbyteritM Church,
at dincinnadi on -the.2oth: lest., the Com
mittee to tylioni the• subject - bf - elniery had
been referredi. made a report which was
adopted a vote 104 yeas, 12 nays,4l non
that as slavery eziated -in the timel:,'.of
Christ and_,ltis„Apostles,,and:witsnOtiditii,
nouncid'hy, them es. Sinful JO itself Grin*
consistent,ith-Christianity—as slavehold;
.era were received into the Churches organ. 7
ized by Abom, and not °map
cipate.their slaviis er Christ sod his
.oritles did Oot.makttho or slaves'
a bar tO omtintinion, for attempt to remove
'it from, the'o6 - 'oli by legisleUon=ifie'Glen-
nO'rigt4 to - ( 1 4 -4 O:Tliei
"do oiiti-hogieVer,. bellivO: it' right' to;iregard
.Ortft. 'Proo4.l.;...° k P o f t `,.9 le
mesteriii Mit the . sPirit'nf the l foldeti rule,
fAWhatsoever yrM Weeldthei l others'snould.
ao.vntb.,you,'o ; y . ei*!`,sp , :!iiitl - tiiPm;"' •
TlietrePort•tionCluiled , With the 'f o llow.
re ll cion
Resolved„ ' hat tii4 general Aesambly.,
of thiiMedloirian C hu r c h;
puoir.Waii7;9ogiuituf ,pfganized,' end.: has •
loWcOtittltedYthe*.ttd - PE - ttoir-Oit l ito ,
itiofcli,lippn - An ,i:Onceded , Principle that
ViOnitiatinee, ilemestidAnvOri"ooder,
citiiittnOincitit; Whielilt-is found in` the
13.0 01 0 **ortion-of l / 4 tho onnntrYviti
tnnirtitlntunotrimuni44tind ekes'. thiteti. ,
li9ho 0 0 ' 'Of 4 000, 0 , alakiihk
o w. - • 10
1 , 7 i•
.01 1
. 2 4 1
(dr v'tc' e
vklk , 4 c 4 6 46.:e
; '
ly.At OIDtN
03rli`mintON has re. ained
j a t
was s _ lay of iSilia ( i'eiFciCen nt a' tho .'. Clem
iab ' d 4 .400d .6114 :4 11 9- - vet ;
mitt cM'ieeted together irom sigrOithding
iotintrY . 4 .4 i4the great i'le' . .imtF 6 en Push'
•tchii : It estinfited that
al;out -2?),090:' ersontere in itinda
P 9 ° et
and Many of the scones were well calculat
ed to giye offence to good taste and:'eoun s d
morals. Gambling was carriAkm in many
forms, from thd thimbleli r gsofaro-table
up tit the . betting-stand t AiAll was;'excite'-
Ingnt r ittul-many-thousands-of-dollais7MuSt.
have:bdtitiwagered in various wayik. , `: i rh, ,
- ittet"t4t!ti*rtake - place at t 517ultieltv :and a 4
the boa , . approaahid 2 i=iliatz,starui7liee•Sm6 -
ertiivded, and the exciteineift"-cdieriinedlif
intensity. Of the prineipitV . Fitaltil there
could not have - been Ides thaqooo ; minus.
far-too molly forits strengl4t'lliThert - Per;',
tona :and Fashion were lii:mi,ght out, and'
the race about to beginv'thard . -was-A - Sud.: -
den movement-9 sort , of general bending
forward, to catch a viefr of the' celebrated
horses. This, movement 'r.due 'id al'
Lye strain upon the stand, which wavered,
tottered and cracked. At first it parted and
fell--gradually--at least sufficiently so , to
I 've a momentary—and only a momentary
warning of danger. Then the whole cen
tre of the ponderous mass—containing-two
stories iind more than 100 feet in length—
fell with a tremendous crash. Titetene
that ensiled' beggars all description.--•
The cry of panic and alarm was truly ap
palling, and• it was imposiblefor a time to ;
discover the extent of the injury, and the
belief at first was general that .a great num
ber of lives had- been lost. Poles were
promptly obtained to keep the crowd bask,
ancl - tmm.ovelite:rubittatidiffihber—__The_
gm:MI : floor was- occupied with eating,
drinking and gaming tables--mid contained
a great nucrther.of people--some of wllom
were among the wounded. It occupied
about half an hour-to clear away the rub
bish. Meanwhile the reports were of the
most exaggerated chaActer, and by the dine
they reached the city, the number or killed
was placed by several of them at over one
hundred. As far as we have been able to
ascertain, no life was immediately lest, - al
though a boy was carried awarapparently
dead ; and it w a s feared that Ave others
were dedgernusly, if not fatally wounded.
The names of some of the sufferers-4We-
Mr. P. 0. Daniel, Mr. E. Ovenshifie, Mr.
Stratton; - Mr. Way, Mr.sMeEliov;
Mr. * - -F!riee. The,' wounded ell 71 1 1
arngt}al t o nearly ,' lr theliOidritir
see try no Jag
vr. Most of the sufferers were conveyed
home, and while on , the ground were at
tended hy W. McClelland and several
other physicians.
At first, the excitement was so painful,
that it
-was thought the race would lie post
poned altogether. But the alarm subsided
in some measure in the course of an hour,
and the race took placu with the following
results : •
The home !started evenly and together,
Peytona havititOte beide Arnett. At the
end, of about.-.ltalf:-la'mile,- rashinA ehot
aheatrabouiii lengt h a ahall,,vihiolVati.
, nd _
vantoge .-ehe''-yrajoehied % .,throogh(Tt, the
heat—'Peyttitia;,,triakhig several struggles,
but in vair47:Tlioi.'/ , rnirittteis' and 4 see
Szcozwp HEAP.
The hourseu -again . --starte& evenly, an . d
kept closely together, neck - and, neck, for
nearly three Mt lei+„ but Peytona was a
neck insedianie at the end of the "sienna
miter By the end rnf mile go*:
ever, they weru-once more even; And aeon
after,E!ashion allot ahead' for about a length,
pcLat the..rameame..irrate
ing her opponent 'without mach apparent
!Aron; by . several lengths. 'Time 7 . minutes
and 574eirmds. . •
7 METHODIST Putman - Thvisiolverlie
: Methodist ConventiOn, which rieintlg'ailf,
Ilembled at 'Lovisville; cootpespd 'Of NI inie_
ore ,: -- erclureiVel - ?" kiln , the 'Stave!) °Ping
gistel,- on: Setuplay last, adoptedthe 101.
..hAtfilig,,resolotiCils, _whiCh, officially sepa l ,
'rates chuich',louth . -frolk, the church,
nort;Plltl7 . ; erects It' had a7distina, aad in.
depenlOit*ody, ', :, ; ~,..,,.,,, .., ~; , k
Bait reiotved by the delitateeof the sx.'
_ _ cst i . ii . si t ,_,_ ~ E ...i,7 iii
etal cOnlafen es le , ethoilist pie pp
church in the slavetbohlinf, States; irripnk
eral . con vention asselsple,dll That it is. right
l'l ' Pediglilt :and,iol" siPecat :the in .. :
tthaVionfefences,,,rephseniell • in' this sea',
YPitti_Vi't.i9l(?llAstirleleeeitee ecclesiastic ei.tge,c'_.
400 , 4rAri...t: 1 ,1PP?lhe 4tl!isillePS9. ( lr• Ole;
gegf: d #kq r l nco of . li,he:sC!h o4l i s t* , FlP lB.,
copal chlitglvs aupiesent..ooljlsliiooi
4; and.
a t ecoxoingls, yre, the.,dekeptPs; pf ' , paid: an;,
nu,al soaferances, irOpg,ri . tleti*e_pioylr,
i;p4t:,:iii l iti xie , B,Pii,aratioio 01410 1 4-',lllo,
treitereF,COnference - 01,J13144, tloveolentrili,
aeclareVie:ljtirifidietiowljittletio •fiAeicieeci
liiiiii•fitilatiiiarE4iifiiOliiii; 7 99 the ge,Tio
ral , e6ncetecce` of }lie' Mithinlisi_BPlicopal
•ohqtithKehfiridy:d(iirolue4jllia that idid
,a'nikilieg' Ciifeielical shall`lie'ioiti theihaia''
: I tiffi 4 Oititittliefl li,, 4,opailqe,olilesirtitil
‘ i3tioyir, : ilie r ptiai.iiiional Olan,ef.
ii 00-60-44' 01400,4iliVine..e&ipgv', the.
! l iso 14e - :*: ,s l e .tt*C; 7 :E 6ll o l " l'e ( T i' i # 6 i i ff l
°4 1 5 1 h:100,0 4 004 ii - lie-eiTi l' Oh,d
'k#Orefroioxi , #.4 l4 Wdap iii o eonbsploal ...
AP' 4 ,#'.l4Ciiioo l:l 4i!So ‘ o*l i tkti i ! °4l4
02**; 1 044,!iv00410 4 0iVi k q4' o'' ,l4 "is,
.i'dif!'4 l o l oo l 4o:4,, iit/ 6 9.'1 4 :t*idg
',:kli.i*iqiiio44l474o4 6 osoo l iiiiO 4 *
lipa - '9l . ' n - ''''' II .'-' , -.,:' lt, ' A',.s•-;'..W ,, ",'',:e`.. , ''y
._,,,_ ...E.4 1 ,,'„,:,.,:;;:!, ';l', , f! ~, :', ' '7, ~ '..',V,e,?,9.0.1,', 4 .,';;;. _ :•. ,
~-, I"ji „re,,e, ...-',., - 7 0.1,141)4.1 , if:', ":i`l"4::i'';':',,,Z.-,,
1 41i,Wigt„ Aifrfuikiittmvti*tt
able tit,rder near West beget
PA, oa the 19 : h we-tike- frotn=7 the:
40 1 1 1 1 16 ,0 13 `ih - af °A:§A.R4Y-41°P1118; PV(IIA
half ' Jeanie'
house 'of James
Patton ieopektehlifeitticr•living tt`
bout it t of the luireeglik''ond
there 'ef the' 'll64:Mild
Weeded 'Mid hieekhearted muiders that has
ever fallen to our tot to 'record. Mr. and'
Mrs Patten hadgone to church, anci, left
in thetvrese it young Orion t girl, theii eon,
Vlireetify. Patten 'Uyouth seinelfteen years
of age,' and an infant lying-in , the cradle. .
..They. had Imen gone but a short time,
lmfore - thryo - ifri - mus - Boy*eriteiedi - and
after locket f the door corefull ",', laced hill
hand im Ai boys iftad, !aid ts.obw at _you
ititiniw e3116 - 1":(16 lad h4d-Aiditiiiek
, - ' '-' --..4-.. ,, ,- - - -
for some tinteddisi,lB4.scarSel7-4fine ie,
answer 94:114iticiii, ore 154‘ seized the
hings, tiod!withiiioleqt hickirileyellsii him
liiihrTfloW:,:friiilsrint his sentl itilliii - r - iiiist•
hOrrible riiinnevi Thit girl, tdarthed t flew
to the cradle, seized thf_infani; hoisted the
window, jumied out, and ran to alarm the
neighbori. As the reached'llie .whidow,
le-tleelared:afterwa, sd,before--tbk-41tler
inati,":that ehi lieaytl thk bciy
scream;-"Jim kill me?" Then a blow',
kfalli . and all was still.
On arriving at the the neighbors
found every:door on. -the' first story — fast'
anti - their'Wereotivelled to enter by the
window.. ' •
Here n sight 'presented itself at, Which
the blood curdles to relate. The inhuman
Monster, after having beat out the 'boy's
discovered, from all appearance, he . had
beerrso thrown In before life was
. entirely
extinct; a k - ile gave evidence of having_etrug
! ledlfeVeieF, and succeeded :in .get-
wig himself,out of The fire. The flesh up•
on his face, and indeed il! whole upper
part of his body, its burnt-entirely off,und
presented" a most dreadful and brit -rend
ing sighit. " • - -
,search was 'made for the
murderer throughout the house, 'and . per
soils sent in every direetion'toseireh. He
was arrested abot , twodiours , ri ft eiwards at
the house of his„fathee, an honest labotiting
arrested,'-he etoytly denied ilia chare,.and
Said--Wiratitifeciftit• JiMes - Patton l s,
house , for,twol-weik's." . Upon examine . -
-hoWeveri-ntarks.or =bloat were.
Covired.opOrilt4Oftaletras - anstolso upon
his Ho:Viarr2ccintinitted to - answer
• • 'h -
*.; '. 1 .i,404 • , )11!0-9 rnce
- r '
ances ad happened. , He is
about _twenty_twO.Years_of age and st- i _brick.
layer by trade. -He resided in Wet Ches.'
ter, some time ago, but having committed
some offence, he was-put in prison, broke
jail, and had not been afterwards heard of
until within about fodr weeks back, when
he suddenly ninde his appearance again in
the borough. Ho is a youttg man of rath
er disolute habits, and bore a very bad
The object that actuated him in this
hcirrible deed appearidlo - have been torob'
ad the cupboard up► 'stairs, in which there
had been a considerable bunt of money, in
notes and gold,' was forcibly entered and
thcrmoney gone.
At-the time-oar informant left the-bor:
ough, the money . diad not - been discover--
It- appears - T ihat -some-week- - or-so
since, Mr. Ptitfori`-fied - pissed a small sum
of money, and as he had .. - discovered , Boyd
prowling`atia,u(the•yettee, suspicion
upon hiM- 7 4nd a:tlealre:ot-reveage added
Co'th'e hope of enrich - trig himself still more,
have ivett'.,the ,reasons--he could
of -this diabolio'al - outrage. •
But for - the sirMience of-mtiidOffthe girl,
thoy, would all. -most certainly have been
murdered ; and - AR:ell s iiiabability to cover
his enormity, tbO,house woulkitave been
fired.,.__,fhe feelingti.LofL . the,lftith,,er and
mo her ; may bei;:imagiried;' - butThittf(ot be
destri on t ey were , ca le ou
t of
ehj #o`#ir"oraid
,particulars corn
101)Issicifkto • - , •';
;•,= • •-• ,
the 4tithiae , :day; .and but,lbr the ' ,
intervention - ofoEor
,the eitilins„fthe
ptisonerlit , onfd
Spot, •entlihelavir cheated 'of its victint,,S;;••'
: • -
ponsickiable panic among ,tbe
mens,p-liolders has recently been caused
in Ohio ! the - iiitidtnAontif i ,the git; plair
( .511 "ii nn ) • Pink.'..ekheig.s.ithileiiedii
tnres of •Ohio Ihtt
banks of 'that ,State * #iifsi4n4';'
/erg , e'are compelled tel use a,feteign , etir-,
wbose;i 0 10 0
,notes of the. t.{)lafi' Bank
cittistfted an eitten'aii:EVOitco4l4lAcones',
',4oL.a°°' °C being eildot B 11 4:br ;Itlealtei
Volith.;large,.dealiiKiii,ijiiiidues'et tuf - "i - v - ir .
4h*" : ,oohOrn:''cam.
i'l° l °li,°o ll oo4he'fii ) ; 4 o o d:' ll. 9o l #4 l : ; 47 ,
abilityVayeteni- which the' dirrenio tUilce s'
ASld'Ars - .cofthe , p#Fielp 0- oft. eafety, , as
; 10 05)1 1 -1 1 3 ttt - 01):'P: 1 01 1 1, :- liiiie :credit
kinoA o -04 1 PAPP0 1 , 1 #4 1 00 0130f oci i
.!h° ve 14 ,4 0.•
.P, 1 !$ 1 0 08 ',Ic
a#FB 6.l iT l , )4 kOfficti*C o lo:ooo!•C"
11 0 1 0 1 ,000AkifiliScit i 4h e t -0 0 41 •V ii #Oh 4
1 41 1 004 '412.41 ° - 'i ii #:01, 414 ** 41 : 444 :
.I ;ficliffl4l.!Lii:#4l4 e k ili q,W .,l 44 l 4# 4
_ . ,
arrived yesterday
11,r1OpOrlefiellf IlaVanki; which place clic
hi"(l4,i9lie - 401li-mat.----Ily this vessel . we
:11ii!e!rifefits'ot/ . ll4winutifileoto'iit'e:diylofr
onlY . ;l44is OriMpeeri
t nee bfbu ht'bq the , ittre ates to
Thttme,eafrived at Havana On- the - nth,
frinn ViKit,truz, having =left the Mexican
brought f rom
Teri - train, the
of Alexico,,,Tho 'ripen We Wive seen
assert that the Exemitisi . _of, Texas has re
prieneknegetiations With Mexico in :re
gard Jo the recognition of tho indepen•
dettce of the fortner. State. It would ap
iiisom-iftesir m advieee that 'President
„Tones, with . I a' help of the English and
*ouch • embassies, halt got the Mexican'
Go.i.ernnient - ,,t0 - hnte'itsin.lho negotiation,
thliM dersiaridin( A neXaiion
should. not, take. place. . 'The foll Owing
tttes4egti‘ sent to,C,migres's on the 21St
explains the vte.wi of"thO s O overciment in
regard .to the TeXl4l4l9lithtitinn.' There•
is hale cir no room:l6 l '6'66i' that the En'
glish Minister has
_performed the part of go
.betweerr trapsaction, -MI neither of
raititit-pirs-hti-ve-tli-plotn. •
lotions with .the other. .
"•• It won't" seem that the - Mexican , Gov
ernment, notwithstanding*Kabov, letter,
fa desiious to prepare foil*ar, and has
asked Congress for a loan of $3 0e0,060.
On the -10th of,April, Congress passed a
resolution allowing Banta Anna.and 'Cana
lize to expatriate themselves, , Within
, eight
days; for - ten-years: — If they, refuse , the
prosecutions against them are to be urged
Two projects are heforkiCongress,grew
jog out of the Executive message , sent in
by Ciie'vass
The first:consider/4 that the law of Con
gretts - of 'the Un4e,d — Steteslt — ifde'Tesp - ecT
imp . itits the 'right, of Mexico over Texas ;
that it has violated the treat* between
the'lWo-cmintries, 'especially that in rela
tion to boundaries ; and that Mexico ought
- to arm herself-and repel the threatened
surpation VP force.' - I
Theofijiiii:zroLect calls , all Mexicans
arree, - and authorises. the Government to
arm the active militia,4knd'Aives the Ail
ininistrative, power the : -.neeessary —means
from all sources. -
flu . x
swim SLevate—.l.'
Ilagetatown Torch
,Light arid News pub
lish aceoutitii.fof-a-giand-liattle'thaf - game - or
on Monday,Morning last, betwierijiteiveN
ranawayslafes from -Leesberg,.-„'„„:l 7 ,P: , and_
' ht'egil-iirer '''ill"i-'''W'l'4kl
eight 4 .,,. ,-'Ol .. LIT07;•• •, ~,,-14:il is l
-i,fifirgliaiiitatial. i*fd-lomr4fob
the morning, and . supposing them to be
-runaways he alarmed the citizens of Smith
burg, and a party consisting of Mr. Shank,
Constable Flora, Joseph Waltemrye, H.
LYday,jr., Cidvin Shoop,William McCoy
Joseph D. Price and John Diamond, liter
tockin pursuit. Upon overtaking the ne''
groes_thity-were commanded to halt, when
they drew themseli_es up in battle order,
their leader exclaimed to them,"Now boys
fightl 4 TheY meta armed with pistols
and • tomahawks, and immediaetlivon3-,
menced an attack upon.-the whites, felling
several - of them to the earth at. the onset-.
The whites being iniatined, except with
bludgeon*, (Mind • themselves - eniaged in
tether ati unequal and: hazardous contest,
RopitisiSaly:the negsikes were knocked to
the eartbi-liat.they,',lvarkiiioo.. the ,con.
,with iedimbled fury, "and beteg all
rou ghand very ' athletic Siert; were rather
haid to handle. Constable Flora was'
"twice knocked down, Price had his arm.
nearly Sevin:ad and the bone.broken..he al.
So bad a pistol annii - Pediatis face, *hid
veil. fc '
ok a w
the grc
less, into
Contest lhe•whites ,succeeded :in carrying,
bit tine4risoner In, an)lmoit„ hof;eleee
tionditioo with two. pistols and two! toina=
hawker..whiaii.weii3 wrested form the me
groea. '2inoiherpFgr ? ba dly, h urt,. a rt et
following hie eOmpanions a mita
or two
npkiltheiiXidiett,t,g4,Ve,hinitieli'uf. Two
more. of 14:gang '• were' areettO: near Lei'
teribiirg.l . - ::''' - 7 - 7: •,, :,! .
-..-:- - • ';:-,•'.- *, • .
cd.ilitotc' STiittkiiit 7,.. w rlglit's : ..lndionNegota-
Ede Pillik,of the North Amerlepiciilltigo - of floaltli
are a certain-cure: fur sick.otomaok, beconoo they
purge trout tho body - those billOok !minors which
are tbi.eaube of headach; nausea and olo)t- ,Otti..
iiiiiel4'Matilkilootvoalownoser of ipirite, and Other
Aletteliaihr,oortiplaiiita;;' Front three to; ale - tif '
atildif inalip,..;'Ve g etablti-Pillif toilteo -eiery,-, night
:going '‘Cli . oo4# , wklic ity - ,a;shorktime.reinove ovary,
appoarOttic of, sick stomach reit.the, some Alma
the . dli6Totonmillle impro . yeiVand' te, Wood - ea.
oilliqi . lottgyAntriffed, that . naMlifts and vigormill
hogno#lo fp frame . , ' ': ,- 7-. , -.,', *.,.., : •
,-:c0-9,t, Il ty,;.--Pgichisep only of, thikadveitind
airAteititeA44 4 :ifilhe fifth° Genoa! DeFiqi,•No:l99,
'Noce . alidtkkbilaophia,';..13G1 1 .4 1 V 8
Slore,...Citt i llidai Ai ,portionlar tell& for: Wright'.
.Indidn' iltige)l(blo(Pillii.-'2 , -,—.. , ~,,,- 4 ,. ..;;:-.-- .: -= '-,-,- ,
Tr -- 110dir Etiri wir ttlxitirrre.- Ittilinblio are.
ointiidiodi.ottOit . tha tee4''ePelierie, tniidtqinao,
tler,ll4-01.64.4d,:!-tv•2;t;`-=,!,!?.,;:;..‘,t,,..,,;.1.!,t;40'kf,•.'W.i ',-:-.-„X:,,;.-;,
4-, ! ,,, , J...i, . i4i;; , 4z, t; •,,,,, - ,-,;, , , , ,,.0.: 7 ,%.:,4,.:i0., , '• f.' , ..
iyo:4#l.* f ' -
.. - iilt".-1 4 1414,i . *• ' „c: if I ' ve,
o °Q t- 1 ,1 1 totiefil'flok , , '.,w,vi, - ...,,, "bik,
rt,,,it''4,4 , 'S 'cl i cle. !I: ' .i , ;;;,1%,•,t :....,soo,t
: D- ;
. 4i,, Pli tin .-,,,!',,.. ' .'l. , 4 : • • '.:-.,., „
'and , , , ltytm I itiptrink ere! , , f'7 1 .1`,.: , I .. C f ''a .`
th 1043 :I.lllalti4 i ' •• ' *4 ° ' '•': A. - 1 . 1 4
orthe'VOip•Ouipitro,;,oo, mile:, i',414%0494'
", iftli:o; Otilift'Ap''';ol.lll,*i‘iititi": l36 \ 2 li** o4 4 6o '
root4l4o4lo.oiti • d,‘ltOntlitited: - Cdeituittip . -;
lioil , tiottif*#Fs 10.1vffiii*ti' . 0.0044Niii.ot
thYsidoilorWso ,iiir'dat#ool - • '-'tnevied.
lee,: kMilf4;ipot OW , Weititviilei :.
o.Ailiiftt 0 . ,1 ) 00 1 tik Pgiohositivi
:f.rookoiit .:40 ipk,:: Jot-tifo ,
li t
, 4 tiosl4l .o*l
,iz0',34,-.1 7- : ~e .:' 1141.*,
iiviii , .11.,.".. , ''': ' '^iiiil vi ."
"0.1 i,: +,' ; 6:4 kii _ i t iktliie.)k iiiiiit'
1 .v., ... P - .titiv!4.. 'I • '3, !WI ? Etitto:.*;,9o . oll
~•,,, ,•pf • ' N - -",,,'4,• , - , '•-• , , ,, ,-.•, , 0 , .--..- , 1?. , :l'i:: ''e . ', X
- • - • . ', ,, i0 - .,„:. , ,,,. ',.0.,..t,i-7.,-,,,,,.,.,.,-,
1- •
r. , • •
.:4 • '
, ARKET,S,e6j;:.;',b
_ - -
Piria - 6ittiertS 4 Mrs' 30 , 184
FLAUR,..":Arit 111BAC.-' 7 ,themarlait'
during the-week haslet:a droisping, and, sales to.'
actions; for, expoix are In thentughborhood,of 4500 ,
bbik part. a fag , breed, at ..(04"43,/Lbut-prlncipalism
i'fraction leas,:euPposed .at,114737',1.2:. 'which
reteeititofferest to.dayx'a lot other !Ali. brought'
B.l,l69lbCPair,,and a good, brand $4 47;there es .
very little nquiry, for city Conaumptioni - and - pticcer
tango at $4 371 a $5 25i mialitY;Teircornmtin
and extra brands. Rye Floor—Several 'smolt,
sales at 83. Corn Nealie rather scraane sales of
.tn'et 4000 bblismostlY Peen' 82 15, 'needing ,
a lot tti,f., and Brandy tv ineat2,974; we quote
the former at 02 ';l[s;', 'Exports .6447 - 101 s. Wheat
and: ilyis - ,Flont,'4s , ,:hkds, ;lad 7411'-`bbls.
Veal. • -." '" '
GRAlN.—Arrivals of all hinds are light, and
the demand for Wheat hat slightly fallen °lnsoles
of 10 or 11,000 builiehiPennia reds at 90 a92c
fir light 93 a 95 cents for only lair, 96 a 990, for
good, including some mixed white at , the same
rate, and one lot at100o; small sales prime South.
ern at 102103 c .: Rye dull at, 59' for Pebu'a.:—_,
Corn in beiter„demand; sabot early in the week.:
-of-SOOO-bushele-round-yellovi-it 43.-a -43 i etc;
choice lots 44 a 45c; it woeld now bring our high.
set rate 7000 bushels good Southern yellow sold
'at .49cto ;. We quote white-400: - -Oats - in - ftiirde=
mend; sales of-Southern at 26 a'2l; Penns 27 c.
tiiiieeN ailiaranag,ers or the Auteuil urn)
Seel eh , held to Carlisle on the 3tl Seturday of• May
the followin Committees were appointed revolt
tory to the tall meet'os 4
Committe o , rrabgement.
- Jacob Deny IFlentliKyle
Robert Laird L. Cr Ocandebew
Wurrlt.94ll e • aco. Ireft.
- Cornmittfie'on.„Pa,tins and on Crops.
Christian-SiiictWaii4- ---- Skilos•Wbodbitrn • • •
David Roble - - John llemminger -
lichee' CeettllWO.• Thos. D 'Uric
And'w Frazier•;,:/..'" ' David Sterrett -
- •Alet. Davidson. •
. .
Comtniitei on .ag'l bnplernents. •
Jacob. Plank ~ • Joseph Culver
Freddriek Watta.!.,,. 4 ' Daniel Coble
George Kulens Abroliam.Myers
Jacob Lehman ,John Rapp. •
• Committee-orr-Horses. - 7
Richard Parker
Thomas M'Culloli •
• Wnt M. Biddle. Thomas Lee '
John - Paul -- •••••- ------ "J6liti - SPitditi
John Miller.
- • Committee on Seeds. .
Geo. W. Shearer - Rotert Laird - _
George Lee - __ltuberLG..__Ynung• _
- Theo. Bradley • Win. C. Boiser.
Robert Bryson -.Benjamin Erb
Joseph Irwin '• _Win. ft. Gorgas '
William Cameron. • -- llobertNoble '
Corm on Butter, Cheeee, Vegetables, Ake.
William Liue • • Gonne W. Crabl; -
WilliamKlneade Peres Howard
James H. Graham ' John •APCtilloh
George Rea.
Comm ttee
_on Sheer anti Pfoge.,
Jahp Fishhizrii Samuel Clark
Wm 11.•WocidbTiro Joseph Shrom
Benjitmin Myers Hattie] Delta
John Peters.
.._ •-- •
=Committee on . Ploughing, •, '
Wm. Af. flenclerion George Rupp
Christial Thad
George Brindle A. Wilson Sterrett
William Sehriver Thos.: B—Hryson
James Kelei, sr.
a-resoletion-- of the impiety any three of a
committee in the absence of the others, are.eordpe.'
tent - to set y and. the Committee on-Fprma and Crops
are now ready to make any-esalitinatiocC -ler which
-they xhwY.,b,e_t44llo4:pricin by.any.ene,Whe hie f! farm
htdictint:or tovg.shilzdk , Gar,!ji . itiniods. - :'.The:
:mmnsgere<alsoa,~rg~s~olvenl. to t 1e
I.,e,ol,ngorthe,;OttiAA i xivotoitiitioliotorr
444 n #
3 " ,fB Y
.. _ .
B. J. -WILLIAMS, No. 12 North Sixthilt.,-e feu
doors sOtte Market at., Philadelphia. •
. „
'ETAS always; On hand a large and fakhionable a s
11 sortaftentoffllitatc‘vhich for variety of calm
beatify and escel those of any
other establishnientiMthiraty, and : y . ! ll_be-soltllit
the very lowest:. Pities. Merchants Supplied with
,aoy quantity 'Oho shortest 'notice. Old Blinds re
'atuted and trimmed to took equal to new.
He respectfully invites the citizens of Combat.
land eounty,to give him a call before purchasing
elsewhere„,- ,
CO Haase and Sign painting'executed as usual-in
the beat manner, and on the most satisfactory teethe.
?davit 14,1845.
ice. 'l5 cheannt &reit, Philarde!pkid
O VRtI3.S" Ent; sale R PRIG EFuttORS, for licfhl
- hitt: prov in,Werm weather, AV ATE;
I.3OcIGEHS an:l PILTEBS, f_o_r_elennatax_OnCpurir.
copying, lettere, &o, .DRUGGISTS! /TRESSES,
for extractiorlitrids litor f ißON: lESTS, mode
in the hest manner, TRUCK wAipoNsifor.inoi-,
ing 'Rooth kis; in Moro. •
•-• .
A C.A.R.Tl,:wOlitektano, would ealtaffention (tV
Ida Patent Refrigerators, which, with livery .amall
quantity of Jae placed in .them, will pool and pre
serve all-nnilefea. fbr culinary rutpoper_ aireh .as
Meats' flutter ilic. Wuiee„.. 6matate-4nleal
wee er, an wen , eairable,bis patent Wiiter7ll; . '
ter enn bp planed. in them, which will. make 'the
moat or-turbid . waterxquallo-the pnreSapriolti
the sante : lce eboling the cairn' pqnfeno. ,Ther:
linvelMen pntenfed.,abent - seieri-yekife., and are now
in use in nil fieoloni of the United Siades,.aaaiso the
East-and , Weatindies;'
The -Pricieii:df - , Refrigeratore al , e 2 slo, $14;$18,
$22, - : $25. - and, $34.' The orteetf'of-'Refrsgerators
WitheFihevinetliens ite - $22, S2IIQ and,,s4o.
The prices oatii , t'llters•are ss.sB.slo:nnd $ 1 : 5 ;.
• • , ' ' ' OLIVER'4III"A'AS,
'•' - Estite of FrO.T.ices..ttil . ;:dd.eaSed:'
A diainistritfon oe: ilia thetiktate,
LA ;Primes.' Corl lownship, deohL
havo Leto, gran!ed tOsthti trobsariber reettliogin- the,'
situp to vvn th - 0 .4111 imnroOsinilebted tertrrerpeited I
to make poiradot, And *how hCittirolairno to Pre.seo
th'em,Fot.eettleoiettt to :.r:
• „
liaret; 19. 1645.
. 'THAT LOtieileof Adminietration !pith pukw 1,
atnieletf•of tlio.estote 4ite . °t
deiceeiodi hullo !moo girlk7.l;n :
Sobioriber roaidintp 'said boroogtr,
Alt ioiao4i " s .indebted ore roqueeted to ioa&o; pap
meet %and ' tltoue t A lmiOgi,olaiy,ne .. tp present; t!eut
datitiinani 'AO. • , •
41.4.914 .0 00-0Cr e !"0 11111
a so fa
=:Steviinaciri* - Alidittly - f;
. , .
• 11Air 4 9:'lLiNrEBIEirr ,
lOW minable- tinrivallad , iiiul airranta iTailitain,
cure. th*prwtspri3 or
•‘.:, ' :Steventop*
May 7,1845. • - , t
••••7 ,
maw. 4064.0fti'!i401(6tiiitiot
AitahatriV -
ce‘::r•off , •
- '
John Brown
hilt ,41(446L9t1te
b 5 :9'1 : :;1 1 ) 44) .2)100
•Oisolitip#o ll4) *Vb o # o,anf
,rd ain,s roe e 9uso ormerli
his: piA Y ,tArilF•iktf
• - • . -- i . feigrnekiroa:the *i=
ty ipbscr.iliel4 hav e Spring
Mtha - tiel* and'stilen nsB Q truest of
and Fatici
and stgertera
Caasimeres, plain a9d !PutlY adiki
aaaiJclxrient of :I:rfintalooti:,oo, l Th
assortnientOr FAO Ficticlkinc&,
.117 ;7011u .
Nothabfverfoolot, StEk.'
• , .AttNPlareF.l;a4l , "•-•"'• •
cgOisie,APP "
ADD itiNtit to tt' Di :Gioteriek
:coco ktfOrtroent
a .
orr •
or the 'latest style null Patierns,embracini W'
• •,"- • • • •
'ea Setts, as also_witlie Granite and Liverpool sett,
Of "fiiiiiineajles,Vesites a general atisorynent of
Liverpool and Granite Platesjlewla,DialXar Caps
'and . StdicataT,Tuinblera of varmint tratittes, and a
general assortment of common ware of neat finish.
We are also in receipt of a new-assortment
day ware, including Tubs, Churits,l.3tickets; Wash
boards, Painted Buckets, Keelers, .and a genera'
rarietrof other articles;•-na turn' at the. lowest pri%
cos, at the old stand or-
March 12, 1845
• •
By virtue of the powela and authority contain
ed in the last wiliand4eatament of Michael Ege,-
deed. I will public Alcoa SATURDAY
the 'l9lli day eIi.ULY-1845,0n-the-premises.
Carlisle Irony - INtrorkit..
Situated on the .Yellow Breeches Creek 4 14
miles east of Carlisle Pa.- The estate con._
With Tea Tkiettiand Acrett , of Land!
A new MERCHANT:4IIg, with four run
stones finished un the Most approved plan:. -A
cultivated, having thereon erected
- Taft FM Altall - BANIMAR NB."
- ihd necessavy • • ,
,Tenant` Muses'.
- The WOWS - ere propelledliy,,the Breech:'
es - Creek and the Boiling Spring; which neither
fail not freeze:" There are upon the premlies
tho-m-L.etlibliy_tiorknenahousesMal houses,ear:— .
tenter and smith shops, and stabling built of tne
most substantial materials. The ore of the beet.
quality and ineihaustilde, is - within - 2 miles of •
the Furnace., There is perhaps no - Iron Works'
in .Penney.lrenitt-,.whinkliessetises etipetier advin ,
loges and offers greater inducements to the ' in
restnient 'of oapttal. '..Thti water power ieee great
'thst-ii.might- be bitendedlu - kuy. ptherimanufae ,
rottoomytolork,4o , 4** - iiiiiopelklioAo ace
send bill to this '
Executrix ofllieltaer Egos; dee'd.' , ..,„
May 14,1845., „
THE idnive reward will be girenhy. tl subscri- -
her for the reodvery of two gold Patent Levi. watch
es stolen from the (Hamner school end 'Eas Hick.
inson College on the nights of the Sth stink 9th of .
The one taken from the Grammar school way
made by Johnson or Tobias, thick, heavy end large
the face was of gold with is wreath of flowersavoand
it. It had a accent' hand, and the hour hand weer
a little too slow; it opened on theft-ant and back and
'when closed the edge was„RomPOsed Ahree ridget,-
on the back it had the leite asl. W, C. pretty deeply
engraved. It had It sold chain attached to it broken
in several places and tied with thread which passed'
several times throng!' a piece of massive gold deep
ly curved. •
The one taken froth the College wan mabe by 11.•
& GAleesley, Liverpool, and numbered 2334.-;-
Watch miticers and other persons throughout the
United_ Sindes are particularly. requested to keep a
IJok, out for these watches,t and upoit the return of
•either a reward of twenty 91w dollars will be elven.
by' • . • • W, SIWMQCR,
Gen. Treite't%sof Dickinson College.
Hailed' Shaba Gasette, - Philadelphia, and
Patriot, Baltimore, eaoheOpy: ttc,the amount of $2
send. Oilers to and, Chtitgi:Chte ofgice"; l'imse call
- the attention of Tool , readeik le it. .• '
Carlisle, May •
H E Hllhant•lbkl*Pieepk. constantly on%
W . hand'efliia.nWnthiantifkotare or.iroportation ,
large aesvitaient, Of cu.rofici. Silver Lever ands
other Watefieatedit ithd•Hhori'y Chieke t Outil Jew ,
- airy, Silver Plated Cindora.Valierk, Sllverßlatar r
- and ThrotrdidTOßilirtd - Sre,.la,rge , and small •
Be;0 6 i.ttl'iciiPlarriontrPoi:ntedgohjiFens'
of the bet thrtharaotierg, tOgether with a general
:,vailit4tY Of Watahirtakers* Toole, Files and InatlV
014 1 W_ - •
Orders froth the .oetintiy, are.aolielled. with the
essurinee thitt, ever . y....paine ehall!be taken to give
eatiefactioni:WholestileOr. retail. •
. • N 0412, Chesnut Street; Philadelphia..
• Sem •
....AarpertaniCarn berth „notified that thermal'
troldia'sit'orlltiehierlioriver aittigiiee of Catiforietl
'llsaeglit..ivieoliaidoebere:'Candierland Coerity,
del€;ya'ittietlof: integiithent for the ".benetie •
44,OredlforrOtinf.thlialay' presented ihe:cfoiiicof
Comthow•PletteOPaild coontyintlfiled;and - that - the ., •
eds.lcoikhailappoilited 'the firat day of the 'Mori.:
oat TO, 4.jor.,lteellowanee.'andaharthe Name -
W'iphSl ,, A.ltp. Court,. onless
oVirt:aliteald,rmouniaishould not.
CRISWELL; Prn'y.,,.. •
)14 , :`•1 ,
octilint orto owla ti rmsot* ortunja
torror,Ailird' OtuntorisindlCotintyo, Under
irdea4l:o l l" , rd "tnent- 4 for tho benefit of
C'reditori; waatbdinibt !Itretented to the Court of
Comrnon.Pless ofntdienunry,in'd filed,atid that the
e:ad 'Court htiantiriahOtr ttiC•Acttgna t
Teritinetif;hir and - thactlie.sarila *lt
thetv be allowed tirthe • court dal eta besttoana
whysaittioditUttaahituld ndt bß be flowed •
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2AirERMANDADAMILATIMFat:' . -. - :`,
bANpip; juilt s retelied
•'' - Meue#loK-C*44,94!*1,,,tt:,
Alain; ':,'Xiidila'air-.Vitigelliable e -`
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Sufi' 7 7045 ,
bokeitiuSStore of ,lTirtAtlpr,
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Stevenson 4p:Alishaffey•
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