- auxu,a 9 -:511.414,- , 'May 28. 184.5;7;.. PtiIJ,INAI N0..,59-Pute..iiittneti • Vbilidelikiiii;" end 10' Eassau_, street, - . Cl'iibune irokkvand. South . e iiinetrar 14;tittiore;iiiii3OATtt iti 443 . l "ll ll 4 lllll 9iitbi our Agent, fecitelnivnittseinetita ":OktiaipehiiptiOna lath" 9Caitchtua ifit'.tr.nat Ex= !AP.1. 1 .! and annealing and reediting tor' the DR Leiroimol.l4cyv,itge lee ia nd of 'hike' deser vedly tiprular . I.eituree & M'Elrath, New York, _: ; It iMitaini the 7 ' the% toncluaiiM of - kieleetatw. OrtY l leetriaitY44agether - with iii - PhajOis" - Weither litayZes. Comet*The . loathe. tha,:one au` :TIM Few. lapel extei(slidg to the, 2213* . .iage of the.aitiiii,'-t.Tfiey. yak , deal knovileipi, which Wl.'llloo. kaow , more or ye'se ' written . hi. a style• ealy to be . caialwehend Ify !!rdinaty: minds. Prae 2!1 ---venta:per CUMBERL : JLND COUNTYACINICUO:TIAAII. - I • •toonr,Tlr,-We. invite the attelitioo Of the public and the agricultural poitieM of it noticjii):l Ale:Preahlent of the CumberlandCpup.ty .Agricultuial Boci.' ety, which . will. , e ciun in our a verusing columns. A day ha s .. been designated *for , the annual eihibition tbis year, and it will '. -- -tiii . seeitAiiititlie•priliininitry arrangements have already.been joint into , by the ap point=t or.the necessary committees. As there , „iikge no exciting . ppliticalLcan- % run. , vass- h i to ,t6e eieVPisiett of every thing else.. we lnpe ; The Airtierilturil•Society will receive, a, du e'share of Sttentionfrom the Fernier& of this county. Now that.we have a Soci ety trganized.it is earnestly hoped that the mass of our Far mers will not Prove ,so. short sightd to their own interests as to permit it_ to languish and die away through theprant,of a little time and' energy 'or • irom.proiljudiee in relatiOnito its object. U. mperly anti actively. supported, the Agri-- cultural" Society must .proVe beneficial to the Farming intereins of this county, and if our Farmers will but give thelt. loth vidual - exerdepe :in its behalr,' they will,soon experience a rich return for 'their Irouble . and labeur.- We de not notice among the arrangements any 'thing in relation ',to a public Address ottllie (Lyra -exhibition. We hopelltis ofall things will*trot= be~omitted : — A engird piacu~ cel Addiesi,tietting_fortli the advanges of as sociations . ter intitual., , Improvement; and• embodying: statistics and facts relating , :to intiiiVsintents in the science of-Agriculture, would be of unquestionable advantage. and_ we hope if a competent . perron has.not been al readyetigagea thajille c&iienittee.<4 . ar• rangeMett[Willlirocuri•one in due season. .____Nstar..B.statta ci-11/Mtantgfirsel-t etite,tide of 'an exceedingly neat daily 4a per. tli_e publication'af.whic hos just been, feitiAncencedart • Pittsburg , b' Messrs. W. ••• C..-- . Tatieyend liirem Ka ins. Both of these gentlemen are well 'kpertowas—racy. anti'- humorous writers and under their chaige the Jriel cannot .- fail of being a Meet entertaining,_ sprightly and 'spirited elteet. We do not covet - for ourselves: a higher success than we wish them in their new enterprieei....4ve mean _ personallY, of course. for they are incorrigible locnfocos. We omitted!to _price on its firat appear ance a new - paper- which has been estab+ lished in Lancaster.l3y Mr. Eli Bowen, I:inky-We title - of the 'Lancaster County Farmer.' It is i very large and handsome. sheet.and well filled With sensible editorials entl_u_s_efulttilentions—Welinpeour _y o u ng agriculturatr telifpnravy_wi I Ln ot_ fuitLth at he has broken ground on too large 'a field.. .._________ -- NEtaiteniiii Airient.—We -regret- to learn from the Harrisburg papers, iliafthree persons, formeili of this borough, became involved in a quarrel on- Thursday last a' week, which led to the death of a citizen of that place.. From the following particu lust which we take from the "relegr'aph,' it will be seen that 'this distressing event, tjust as fully nine=tenths of . the__Crinies,_ castialties and ,murders which we' hear Of— . (Zthelegitipiate're r suft ef the WA #ail,ita* 'inkat a intoxicating "(Irinks:- . .''tith i ep. will .eoci-, - eiriiirrior . iintriblOarpo And-monstrous evil l• :' : ;---.----,- 1- ;c: The,'Telegrapht anya-r - ,Yesterday ostciday morn - Mg thrift) nien'..Nicholai- Shambarger, the keeper of a tavern in Walnut street, in this. borough, near the ciiitli, 4i4, siii.Tin:law,, Frederick ()Alio, and , b -man.Jriarned Isaac .._ , Hawn, the keeper of 'an oys,ter room in #le'lmeement of the,: lay? iii.'were arrested and brought, before iustici Kline, and: bj , .: l him' Committed' .to , Olen, on'a charge•of heating and , en' Maltreating: ;George:. - , W. !larf. l 4ofricii.Vl4dllY ; TerY--aPPrffirMte: Brooks, ea as,,to9auie his tienth., tternlwhich"haw bon' oo)O,O(rbt our in°°_°O :'.lt ijiiitred:froni. the•etidenee , before a hgOo4'..Ofikai•Oliandjuidinrg 1 7 1 . 1 ig!': - Idr jury' held. by . - .the Chirrino:r: upon _the body, that ytri''holnalon'FrattiOe*Y lo 4' , 'lVevPilo of . Brooks, that OnThursdai'higlit lait inb among ' v. 15! er ? E 1 ro. • .t. , deceased:wag in , the' tavern ~ ,or Shembarger,, notppc4,9i,i4oionlieMiciijr_44ol?, and-ins-Oita turb4 6 ll7 - iiif4 - iiiiiiiiiii the tent wit h reading they lilllll,- to preserve Case-with him whertOn l'ilsjiree." !Ottani log : their o wn nee %'7 .'We; alive; -.-aniforiAL berger' - atiatjittAlolitiAtiiii4nit,, and: WI alba feeastinitely. in ...thie'tva7:3 l oo. l orfo 4001 d :ensued, iniehlelOOth`. the "Ogfiiiii amateurs:oi t i NteririAVhPyi°l4!rid joined against •Brooke:miur•wail , Teri ,141 4 ' . theft' ekill'latelien! oilier artteleilkhanidea v, ,,4.1 ) ,: , hindki4 i i nd' x i r y: ia m b. inci se d ; • e , xo 2. l . a ngerlo' l : l r l °9o ll _'O, 0 ) 1 '_1 9 1, :. ' Brooks ' lekthe. hea18,564 shortli' alter. A iewdbYl! a inP 61111 ,1 1 4,1 0 .1!•Pe.7. 04) ,, returned , ' when : he'mas , again fallen upori tlnit'ldid,tititiii leki:elitt'ut47..'anikttoiaaY i , hr :Ilie - threk4o - itlif - iiiiiiiiiiiiid`:Ticitild and deposited` 'a - j'dralirOre rnaitullni°JY have ,been killed, had..ii not been! for the . ' disaPPel,iet3lo . efter. V, lag*: and fruide° e interfeienee'otentri`e pe r s on s who filipmied. '-.search to etnne'ie: 'breoks theitifetit Alio); pi. gonaiflMer r gone. ' ) ;'. Three da3 1,8 4 0 P" Bred : until- - the neat . ' Tothidi — A eatiiele' Ward' s. " 4,1; 414' new. '' '"h d b -. fi ., . , , . • ~ 7: , . ~....g . "tit'all ..,,/...-,,, ,ma aco_P7; a °en whetriertheUA p OB O - niaiiells' optoma gni,,.. %04iii -4---- '"' .', ,-- , _ __—• - --, .'... - . 7 "lg. ' „,_,,-., -74...-vi, k99PY4-an• , warYek lion - Welloide tor PeOlelesiketpn4,Dock, ---1 ° 4 0imPr , 1 4 ... 1 411110 - 004. In Ahn. "tehoite tesiimenybefOlath'i jitiy of i nn smite,: - tdirOilitOcioia iiiiriliiiiiir , .- : - ',t-''' ji ' '- bid t , ;,_rasgm' < e,,iiii l / 4 644 0 ' . , ,, r i v 01 , i f i d , 1 1 4!. n0.d1.41#,-,41 she tlnat!! O PrOn 0- wim_ tab 'hes talliit it ** *aiiiiihiiidW m - ''',;''';,, cau s e d Vi n° j"ti u , ri !P *''ren°irn,lfrlin) the tokin • hie..; 1 ' ' -41 0,4 0iiiiiiVkiir j eei ' ;' ' ', 7t,!," 7 :7'',9, 41 : 611 ###'1. 0 : : !04 ' !?! i i i ( ~ - 1 , , : , .,, , 71.y. : ,- , itiou i lotli c i4iik t ini t h I* 1 "43"A: ~ , ...4 4v ..;i**1 7 04 : b0 ' . ' .1. 1. 1 , , ,! 0' 'iistlitiiiiii,;ioooi,o..o.,,*4 - #660 1 11 !.4 1 x*ffi5wi1. 4 .'.1 1 ..,,4,'1.i , -J -; , • , .-i;'; , , ( !weivr4o' v 44 16-4 04 1 1 1 4 i. 1# Alttc - islibo“ - *( 4 ;ii , ';i'.. ,,- a,...''''''44 . '. 51,.. '''..„,. , ",,,,, -- '..i . .... L .,,,•-• 1 th at ,1 6 41 1 431 4*** 4 84f4 0 0 1 ‘ - tPi}4:' ' ;.;4l* 74 1 ,-ris tzttovom polite**. ':thicompolttfoote- - ;::: , :ix,„,,, ~ ,, / ,*40101,4",,Atf005tfrA, ,: ,:,,,•;.,,, i., . ; ... • .4. ... , •,,.: , A'::,,,:i. ,, ,,,,,44..,• ~ ' •••,...--, ; 1 / 2 -:.,.. , ~.. 2 , : , fiii..•-zyk. , .:4.7.:-- , ..?.:.:4A1vi-,,,`-'-'''' , '''''- . • ot , - .-.. , :z_. %, : . ~,- 4. ,p -:, ..,-, ,•:% . ; 7 , : ,1 ,, . ~-. ;• v , ) ;•( , , , -,, ...•,,, '-!.:,,, ~.,‘-,,-.,,.,,.' ~., '- •, • ,', Col.:, Carter Iratt enlarged,-`awl, improved: thetaneaatifbeirisiiiiie;• the' moil. liberal;'•at d best:;('conducted ?, loco fe9o papers . te this - "„: - The" 'Ne*Nikult/Ctittvispaper; intbri• leatiksheetAtteed in.,,Aewlrork..hati , : been Parhale 4 ',6 - 0 1 .1.ii!,.:9; .1 ?,Vird 4* pub.,. lieheris :sof the",:lqetuidayfeporium'• under whielittientf'snd'bry,hotnit,-will he rt;4 fter bb issued.', It •is . o or 'the ;best tilers'./ journals of the duty, and ii illeitrated haql lB °o o ' .. itclod ; ;cute. ' .: Subsciiption. >ls per enema: , - „ , , „ •- • 01 , t s 41114014414:: kin eithittillornifOilltimol4., 11166t'Ott, 14p• Feabble thinipplThlOlti,dhia t kitiogitbethi, Jut four 3*Preiillitt#lth%4lliiiifikideheelbino; . Pi* aiioo4!PrUkfiliithArKol *tali rheivaaVoithiliti tiatit, of • itir.l.:ylet!ildthinietritiiiititha &AO.; 147itolititialtiiihltnt.itiiiponenf ikon liteditininant yttiThratitih"high' nr&i,,..yi - efirlfihi Ttiiiititif; tat,- gab, and through ihatPteeldeotial tenth ancrwate regarded 4► the iOfficer-qt-thergetteritesenißtit-the bosons' of patty. ii,lmetiplok`the land 7 aitd the time Is at band, when the Postai' .fferr *tit be the private itation:".; •-• :foregoing from 'ille•17: St Gazetteof last, and feel constrain= • ~ Saturday oo • ii'd - TO draw oeAt the attention of ear readers' , • • 4. in conaequenoe.of t`fte. extretno—lnPasderf which it doeb to another gentleman who l'eCentiZSiled - ar.o llll PmttaniP l #F e : Y4*, hived :WO itiltide , to , Gammas :B.“PEN? ',Shortly afoul 11.1 r. Penrose entered upon thO, s 'dorties of his 'office. he appointed” Mr: Shiley, who is spoken of 00 highly by, Mr. eltli 11 SEI a{V ; A1: 5-? Liz“. MIN m=M Chasidler, to,W,Clerkship. 'This situation, was not perManent,,buf femporitri; and .dependinirtpcin - a contingent-fund- which was annually appropriated ' 'the Treasury bePartment; In 1842 Congress re*Orgardaed the' several-Offices in the differ , . . , 'ent Pepariments, and among other 'Oiling-, es established a Law clerkship in the olfieri Of the Solicitor of the treasury. To_this clerkship ;Mr. firieley was' appointed IVlrf,Penrose. • The. business -' incident to theNolicluir's Ofrice• was diiidedinrci sev-.1 era bra I I • had the charge. He dietrio;ticcsipy an independent : position, bitt;rhie s: *la were merged in the acts of hisAlicial*Tietitwk. At no time except during -the' - occasional absence of the Solicitor' did he ever decide a single questicin - the answer-to which . had ° 'not been. first -sulgested by Mr. , P,enrose._ There were other clerks in this office who p_erfermed Atities_quite_ as. importent_as thole performed by Mr. Brinley; but in all coat*" the business wee prepared tinder the -direction of the Solicitor, and afterwards submitted to him to be modified 61 changed in such manner as he thought Proper.:-. This was the case with 'the branch - of ties uniler the charge of Mr. ° Dinley, and in many instances - the'opinions prepared by him were in the very-wordi'dietited by the Solicitor, and always inaccordance with hie previous suggestions. In addition to this such enestion; as ..Were. most diffididt -were reserved- for the. Sufi - Chiles ownalnvesiigeifon soil decision. Where the subject Was'verY important, Mr. - Penrose did not deein it consistent with his duty to hand it-over to one of his clerke, but gave it his personal consideration... There 'is no' Mich officer as 1- olerk of the - Treatuirir Department;" 'the legal adviser of this Departmerifisthe So licitor of the Treasury to ad d reseed. all aimb,guitstiona as involvkpoints of Jew.. ;Mr. - Whitey was Moroi.) , a clerk in this office. "TPitigh - -effipient and pos t sassing considerable iegai, acqiiiretnenta, andisi tlie:dutiei hitt; stiberdinate station, tiny , , one who is tie guaintelith wit e . organsutapn of the-De vartmanti ' at: Washington ?Minor smile at hie _being ealle&-.otel, Law Officer , ve of the Gornmenr." 'kir • We hope r. Chainper will'_correet the' mistake initi M 'vvhich he hes doubtieekiiitt,.; falimi, and' not injuriously de -prive-Mr. Penrosrier 2 thittihirelif credit to Which by his len, iiiduous services as Solicitor - of the Tresitiry he is,so jollity', entitled. • ' ' • $ :7ir•f 'xireiylo7 , 4a,„.s 44'11'41 . 40 1 oxthiir nad a lbs a. member, of th Rev. Dr'H 474;*:aitti*ifi**44 31. , : . Whertoit, Erg,' Secretary. rhe Bishoi3Onderdenkimigancip = considerat' bleinterist was Manifiebid in toe Election, the Convention 1100 g almos t dial• fled favq'of .. l.thetwo . prominent ; ca'a'di- dater :-On'the 'first' ballet whi'eh took pladsost Tlyntaday v :Rev. Dr.:Elamuet - Bow-' matt,•of-Licitialter,",ieeelied 37 ,votes; and -ter.:;-,Step . 30 'rotes. ;Dr. Bowman's, vote fell,. two votes short of a choler. :"Thnie4t , thfir, lothigir - Wira bid - irithentigts*,4l44, fifth , balloting beid . firprdfre'd,l_*frlltptalitn received 36 '+l6telPrille... mirOar!reiiiiired for choice Be win aii's*in!ritilio, was not, howavii,",_ ortinfirn4.d by membeie of: the Convention,' and ',another balloting warrendetvdleetsetisiry. .On it*th balloting ;which reeulted: : #o4:4 - choice, •majority,'of p(D'iden, Vollege, New York His nomination.'vas afterwards unanimously COnfirined:,b r y lay-members, and he is2,theietare the Blair op-idget of the diocese'ot.PeimaylVedia.4 iwrittre'rnr/tw i oririrrurrm v /On Bander ttieslBth inet -Mr `Jo ILoxaenoiis ; ef.Eitst Penalbefutillvtotyriehip. • , ' On N. liffddlptori - tp., ott,Thareday the 22iflaith , MrA•immr. Athatzwe. in" the 25th jeer, of hie, 42,111higliany__Cily7-th.,--init,.--ofOari— e:mnptien, Mr. fltrateSrusee, formerly a resident. of echaniceburg, gin:Oberland . Gaiety:: .-•"",- On.Sunctay .ADAM Imimea.srejellahoacs4,yeari. „. . 4G,Rs,ukTußid,!s.oqlE,TY.,,::;:. . . • Ate meeting 'olth Managers of, the Agricultural Sooi etr held in Carlisle 6n the Sil.Sititrday'of May tite following Cenimittees •were'apptiiated ' prepare . -tory-to the fall meeting:,, • 4 , • Cony/4We otallrra jacob.Duey • " 'Henry Kyle • Robert Laird L: G Bra eb6rj Wm. H. Miller Jacob Bretz. . • Committee on Fatnto on _on, Crops: Ch'ristian 'jtavmar! . David Koble • •: John Beiiuninger • ' Michael ' Coc&liti - Thos. -• • And'w Irrazier David .ttrrett •*- • Alex. Davidson.i • • . _ • ` ,- Commiitee . on geWmplemente. Jacob - Plonk': .J aqh Culver - Frederick Waite • : - Daniel Coble George %Coteau • "...Abruhtint•Myeri .lancilk Lehman • • .lohn Rapp. . . on ./TOrtmi., RiChaid Parker _ithomas. - John au _ • 7 3iilnif8p - rout ... John .Miller. • - • • ' Committee OnSeeds'. . . SlietiMr Robert Laird George tee Robert Gt:Noves -Thos,Briidley_ Wm. Calpier., , COmmitt* on NigiCattles Robed IliYaon. ' Benjamin Erb • Joan& Irwin. ^ ;Wnse4.l(iforgaa,.. Willhdia.poneeon-- Ralik jjoble.-. - • 2. John :Brown:- ' • _ . • CotitHoif Buller; 'Cheese Vegetable* , , William Line.; Gee W likilliesiatineade • •' Perea-Elikwand Jamesll,. Jolild!Culloh,"C f ; ' George 'Rea.. , , i , ..„Committee on Sheep ante Hoge: John fiehbiirri • Samuel - Clark • Weedlinrn , Joseph Shrogn Benjamin Myers Daniell/eke John" Peter., • - • . • COMMtgeil on l i tonghing. _ • Henderson nedilt geurp.'„, Cbrlatial Titter , _, W.lllisnicAdarns "GeOrse.Brindlo... • • A. Wilson *erred _ ., 4.—T1it:8,0317•04. • James Kelso, sr" By ; .a : r6iolution of the. society any three of..a committee in the obi/ciao - pi the others, are cunnp . e. lent to - iet . , - andifie - Cifiumiltee Phrma and Crop are now ready-to make anxoaarohuition for-which the :may haealle.ll upon by:any one who. Ilia CAtrin' building or •erop +to exhibit for premium. • - The amassers also , iremolved ,to luive 7 a,hervett-home: Int•eling_inilice - loilf.etAugust,..or which pollee will be given in due tiine; Dy ,OOder of the' Board .111anagera. May 28,1445.:, The 'Eltooltholdcrs..of ,Cinuberlaed Valley Rail Road Compan y; are reiluestedio 'meet at MN rota,Rotelrui. CarlialeionThibidtiy: AltcoifiTisfitilTe at 10 o'clock, A. .may'ssoilis.: • •• •- 1 • ; , 4 , • I = New York Daily. and Wee .y, papaw regularlfilta soon ' .ay the new Past OM riett into opera lion, • which Will',lll on th • tirsA of - July; 'Alen; ail the leading : Foreign papers: . .; . • 1t1ay.,48. , 1k4.5. • , nissoLumloN. The, pitrtnersht heretofore mid leg bnl *eel John Grey and :rhos. „ Flintr—tratliog.,underlhe oftsle of John Gr a y ~ was 'dissolved kartlie by , mutual - vonitent. The bcniktailhe lade:limns aro In the hands of John Grayiand deslredlhat all persons 'know l ng shernselves to have anOonnts will call and settle as emu as'possible.. The store, hereafter be conducted by John - 9rity . , &low • May ,2.11,•1835.. A ' .` ritENOll: GINGHAM% The sulieciibera are juot reiteivint a violet* ;or French Ginthatoi4GloOim Low oll .OrgoodY Lawns adzorioo_st uarsges, &c., to whi eb they , ask the at. tention of the Ladies. ; 0.. , I:littier 4. Co.' May 211 , 1845 . , • ' ,:BOSNET iti _ a 11l be sold vet 7 IoY by all shades and uolora, and n . . „,.. . ~. ...-. -- :Af, umber suiply or iumdsonte Bonnet Ribbon* the subsoribers•—, r G iv Hitner*: 14:?:' May ~~.1A15.., ,ti Wil IMA/S•IEPI - , A.; grinerskaisortTetsf Pain(ii ; • • 'Myers i • idoi - • • DYE • 3 s;ssentime. 14,13 • y/Fa witioh . we seltat ver7 1 041 adtinkoc. ; - • ~"Myeivol Haversack. EMTME - BLANDISitBLINDStit ' hottwireiredil4eger odPPlTorilbendr trillo add strew eelfewl, 4 - ..yeßreOneed . ps Mserf ilaverstitik.. -.'' SWAXIIIB PAIVACEArs . *iih tea tiiioo 0 4 000 , 'iind warrrde4 "multi 1117, ~01.14abukiphis. . . .-.. ~4,:' ~ r ,'.-1,1449' t la a ...011,...:,- , . ,-, _,,, s s 4 . s , , ems,, ' , for*„ . llrltiei;Lorilim And ,, ! ~.1 114g • IMP , - "'r '' t !. 1 ) ftg•theOlvithAii `74Pilwqr, '.. ' l t i i lir , I r . . .,01 14a I Vikk.:." VegYJ ' . I . ..' i t ' .1.= 1 , 4 011 , 71 • 4 S ' ' i t , o i ee i ,Ivoot, - ,t0104110.. .„.,0:,,44i4a...‘-'O - q , ..J.11, ,, . 'vot 1 4E004 ....... . *Ark_ ~. , ,)-1,..:313) , ::44: - - , , ,, 54 f 7„1%i1F., •, ~,1 * (.1 • '-4 If, , 4, 0 . 1 ,.44,,44 — ,.,',11,4i' ;.,/,',..,Atti).7Xi t mtv ', - , - c' , . , `F . :t- , 7‘' '," , .. ~.,-;‘,.. ~ , .,,: 4 , ' '40r,71-.Mfl; 1 Tre.•:, ax.. -,,,, ,t 7,:. ; ': '' 7 ,', . ~ Z , 'l, , _ i' . 4 i, ";': ~ ,FUEDIC. May 51, 1fiiri713.445%.4-. vEr'34Al 00 114 0114.12: ;ali t "' .4? Ilit,iherstilLools2l riood46ll. whigrhstve ! i jos! 4116 84 ''brloet ind'iiillll4s sold 4.9liniebt Lied polioy . w ace° Mega 110-eari, ‘141?%4(V. i/ITNPA & BIM may 28, /845:_', . . . , . ' .• • • c Alto; sit •,iIAN • -• trOTX.OE:.. . :•'' The•ShsekholderWthe Carlisle Bank havilig re, fused.to, accept the stet tisitist.bjt tle last ILegislature entitled. , An Act extend the ,Charterp.r. the Car.' Ohl , qhkttei haitng - Oitir'ed on the 7th the.Dieettteta are tunler:thet ti of proceeding tosilitt,iiiis.thti business of the In .stittuiors.,. The. debtoriorthe therefore ' *the tieoitietrof - mak.ihrtheiteeetitiil erringe 'meats for piiyinrofthe eicsibesiespeetiveltAtielof thein.4° the P i n k : 44 - 0 .. 1 0r Air,,ana ill , ppiSoonur hiving' in their' possesitio*uoy of the notettof tim 1(4 0 Parit!lil on'tdtmiktlit.?!. and ill.per4 . , biiintother .titiested•ttizpreiatittlksi.metorpayoteniStttheettpot iey,orthe.Bi*,4ithOet.de4,:,,i:;; :`04`.1.1t-NE„,rresi:' ••• ~-T URROLUFEVIIP. ' - * Jost reactfetamke, trts,trpoiaiplit,ltpiiiicropt 'srtlt bottlev„iilsoitt , ' • • ~Airlert'4"7,#ooBtieh.''', Ala , ' 28 . 11145%"':'—` SjiirjriThE :PASTE; -- '3iisti4elyeqiiicifoiAgife b • - • • ,:s(eveli!on°4r:Areft Ma ''2B 1842 L • StnititzAtet lett; -- ihtitliftveVrir:lgattstfcles - tHEAPiI'IMUM'ANO . :4IOOICITORE, a large atiper; at'Pruise Pa44141011e; Pirftin 3l9 7., . Algio Books; and .444foisisrp -4Tiu t(e: aeldOrlibleaale aid & -retail, CHiA theiti they can! 410 firthe County:• - - • • , May - '''XIOTTO": •LS Tith dirloos Ind appropriaiii devices:, just receiv e d mot)* isalit at the Drag gatVatotßUlS of SiettenitOW+ , : , FISHING..*NES, off' 011,eigibiCatitl qualitipsi pat received sale by -SletteilioWC:Ateisfey.-, May 48; ' 1845 .• • HMIDWAREA;tIIFTLERT,-. and wishes co Werth; hie rriefidsired , tho - pordio erallk; that he hat 111. 1 raLsissortioenk.or HARDWARE and . GUTTLERY; of o.llrjudi;ispeh as - Axes, of Suite differeof roakeio,'Hitehets Drww ing-Kolves orirairder makes,,Dhhiere wOd.i6ootierS" Tools of lAD Muds. Alsii la4teli,4llllp*t.-01-:t : suelratHal and Forks 40/-: ....P.rd. (16 the, , o *. -trimits34Alif tnt, four . 4wided 4110frp",, - ' • • other 'superior ummiSidure iquive,tea,, soup and it.liee:Spootio S'autilviotiat *Rd itlroxicylry deleriptani olt Filial Harts , ~W en wood tied' reftifivr 'sigitai Putt* and ;Ednnel *Gni! nal;' ba; alai* Ironey - Aagamblkk - afittirigiii 411711zesralio tbree•bitted 'Augurs; Hrioes and..llitts theivbest mate stmw.colored Ditto t -HUM"; efiesfiatipkmard and'.pad lomat; ,cut- Tacks And: . ; *parables.; 'bran eithillestiekr; bikkand Ptastering Trawls; Traces; straight and twisted hisali and light Spades and' Stifriels; hay and sinanuris Yorke, two, *mean& four proirged ; Atiailcaud-vicer ; pint.and. shear Steel; and 'Englhili fluter Steel ; and - Cross-kat .-Saws Straw Knives Flat I round and ovil-WroughtTPadi;liong handled Prying , Pens, wrought Iron. Hooks, and flingeo;'clifferent aloes, and ciao the a ,tdlFl,l:#l#( • • Crisidle eralielkigibies, made of-superior steal 'and; in erlar „to warranted good, Setter the 'market' cannot prodace. Endre - satisfaction will bo given inattry article both as - to price' and quality, ; 'to' every person - whit call at the tild stand so well known as allardWare, Store; formerly kept by ',.lbew is 'Harlan' and wait door - to Conimap's Tayeru. andalsiracljoinleg Geo.' Keller's Hat Store.' u 1 - Call - and sec the old fashiclied WilYthei;lij and grain .Bakes; and various other 'articles ' which , ire deem it aanteasiary . ta mention inifV: . xiaw inc for..yours** and; :iiinieriber,tho are all • war ranted. We are delirininedlio 'sellat stendkpraSte and giro entire satisfaction; 4 • ~ P/NO - 011U ,1 ' A tONS . TANt.supdq , 'of ~ /S.Glitemes 'and Wicks roco:ll,64liiiiiift ma Sid!! -• ' . • May'9lnB;3;? . , BOIIIIOIS-ACMBIIANDi'•?.. , .. IUST; 'reoiiiiokaiitoihei./orgo : lot. of Neopolit.9. nritd,' ; and 47'6,4 'llOtifitto;;TAltOf;iikie . w• Ilonn• . , • • f t) - OGILBir. -- • SI, 1845. • • • " ;.,. . • A , lhswEVtaiith , outelde - Ilentitt'Flowers: 1%1 assoiiinent or'Bonnet Cap.. Roulette., and'othir I laitnet,Arimilfritrjtistrectillvetind foi.smit 5 ' May • • • • : ' , ALINE THE inlis'd~i~e r i u ,w holtlitsmirintitfOOtek EMS dell*lsfulArlhk. olio intoraiiishe whir 4es dal; toy, pia tlie4 timilly° .0 ; 41#14 way of gtiiiug effirbokritidreft is,:filessturk_un Whiners. Statitnisoit 10,000 . 1torItitibtvg—Siftes fi L.,, 6 f ooo76)ltimo ' lhoooikk, 40..'ElbOUlderei Joot,rowiro#,ROd,for grideUthe Warehouto - Hairlobelth .1841 fr. t" . • •• • • , , . FAIWIONAMAR'PEItFUNEW; Litlermilifidit.a*OPamiittinenko(thevroat, fashionable 'Perforgery, ceostating' to jowl of - Pentilatalk bli; j otiila i,eaT i l e al l r 2 l°;? 4 !lPSlPl! ) ,4 lo o!: lathe ptellO;Y;"' • • " • "•-• I:74.lfrErnNef4 JUST' rieetem4.-a ifttot,C7iigi4llnialApyts whic&wPtbskikild terrikkr;:# Cif 31V . 4 k ff e Ziinclair tiktigailArik t tilß , bkit,r 04. b I, 4 1 aVetratick'R‘ ' Onto retalt,i' .'tA • WtCvlsbM 'l 7- A ig154,10, T stoe l 4*ltaliiiiitolMlClNEßllAll4 - Tl3 DY&WTUII I S.' LE Y. apd FANCY ARTICLES; whieb I•offe,etithetow . bOnsle ca• tail L atgolyosto • , .Etabitlrri , IT .2(1145, PORT & MADEIRA MINES. T OVA:rented pure, for midieinal purp'oses.; for milli :. M~,~i.4~; - 'plum .Or Ttri PEP/I/NE, juet•reijiWied aorffitir ale at the prtig Store of St e ven B onMehaifeY: . 4 • 'O4 hindinitie qutpLiyAnit riebOlved and } fdi s tile by 'Atevenson 4%llloa:reg. • _ ' ~'• 'esniii - *Siiptt7l;ll4l4ar''' veigiiCk• tighthi 4119 :Myera 4r, ; • • • •WASH•••r 7.17` 11146.0 ° ,L t. quali firl . eq the' Dm - 1r , ;' ,14 a1 1845. Ste venson-5 iFersdrey.--- BM . - .COAL C I ALI:4. -*`• t• • , , 200 tons Limo Coal -A-Pine Wove, 100..,d0'L t.--- cl - 00 , ,.?51er Pine Grosn • 100 ,, de Willisbarre A' •• gOOO bushels Bituminous For ante at'the Wirejmuse:q4,:.•-• , ,',..• 'J. dr;• MARTIN ; Harrisburg _ May 21, 1835. STRAY COW. .. • AME-to•-the-reeidenee -of-th e .) subscriber, in Munroe toownelup. & Woo , Cumberland,- county,, about yl 1-2 - 7 Emit 'of Lefdig:w Tavern on the' burn read, on thelth,of May last, a blank and:white spotted'conr,'Atipposed,ip be about'five year...laid. She to a'. small chw and has short hornesr , The - owner'is - requesteditreernirforw - aid prove ploperty, pity charges k And tube her away or She will, be disposed Af according to liw. • ' ~BAMITEW GIVLER - 111 aso2l- 1845 • , • • • •• • • PLASTERst'SHID. 72 tons Planter, - • 100 barrels prime fresh Shad. ' , For sale br • - , & P. MARTIN. Harrisburg, May 21 _,1845.:_ STEAM 'ENGIN' , A twenty -font bursa power-Steam Engine;nith three boilers, and a sixty horse power Engine,for s ale by the subscribers on time and liberal tame, if application be made soon. , • _ - J.& P: Harrtiburg Maji24 NOXiCE; ALL persons are hereby that the assignee account of Jacob Swayer, Assignee 01 Willism Woodburn of New ville, Camberland county, under a_deed` of voluntatxassignment- fiwthe'lrimefit, of creditors was this 'day presented to the Cpurt Cdriimen Pleas of said County and' - bled, and the mid Court has appointed the first.da r ofthe August Colwyn) be held at Carliale_the.l,l*•tif August • r.-Sas , , allowed by the Coom'eroleia 'cause ho shown why, witil.niuniunts should nor be allowed. 2 1- Test T/ICS.L.H.,OIIIBWELL;ProY. M WE Srezity•Mtringo rill HE. subscriberq *cold respectfully tut-' nounee . that they hate just roomed a neW and rims assortment /ft DRUGS; PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, &e. &o. all - of 'which they will-sell at a .small advance for CASH at their stand Opposite Winrot' t'a Hotel... _ -Carlisle, April .90;.,14145 ! , - Iternsittal . HALBERT:LAI. ROONTEIrI: wijoLEBALE'etikturreg.;:':.-v;!.,-1. " , • ' 4 41.41it21134319.041tZEL5 0 - wirrOULDntorin :their ',frieicds the'riibl le 16 11T • that they havereinniedsheir estab lislitnentAly-thirrin:Mt.. litterfeeiinpied by John P.. ,LyneleCo. and nearly, opposite :the * and white llag Of Arnold 841,, net rj,S, ei:.T*Arterei.n North 'Hanover street,. svhere theraiif,fitepred to , menu &clime and supply.thelenuttand. the ,public; beat atlemeand frotnl tilitanctifitlf.Blll kinds of 7 :7041171/Plikt'`,5'.,:t; - at 018.410;tegi.¢0tiOe 61 of thilest rinality. they alio keep constantly' on hand': PIROI 1, , embraeing lin the delicacies or. the._ different-414;80n5, besides, NUTS'of_ every_ pa :44311-ca-,onrlescAtenrosi--1181401/T.1t1P.../t,P.: mond•nirilkertscPritnes; Dates; Creim.nute, Cocoa Nuts, Englisli Walauts,Oround'Hiltirand a variety of till kinds of' Confectinnary, usually Iceptin such att v establiihmeirt,lll'of Which , ll4'will sell at; the inospreaitinable.pricesior_CASH Feeling encouraged by' the very liberal pitroniqre -heretofore bestowed non them y fiave leen in duced to suldic tt reTinove. stock,alt - Sic serious Soles connected-10th' - ' • - 1316 - tilarics•clanufictiossa .• . •••• . . • •• , • , s. . . • .„ . consisting_inlitirt_of Stigars,.Colfees,,TeasiClieesit Crackers,.Moliiiea;Chnordati,Spistes graft Kinds; Brushes, Slacking, Baker's and May's extra Neil Combs, together with a large.variety of QueensWtre', and other articles too nuinerous trueotion., Seearli; 'Toritseco .qr,tha IMat and Cheapest, qualities, alstays, , ,M4Sed,, ;and WilFattit those who may &tsar them wilbat VDTS of evety.desorlpttoa alsoicept cohitantly 'o — faiand. 'File the very'liberal SupPortextentled thtlivi,blAtiteir - -frleads rand ouitomers, : they ret u rn 'theit,alincere thanksouttt in - futerelo , mailsicontintiattoO•of their'ikivrtP'by,acacia tko _ #ettrdas to make their establishineitt en a Me' ,teertt..' 'Pet: ', , qtrllide, April SO. IMO; . - . Sadie ' ;atiiiid dit well to.eall ap.dientstaiee.- ,eieortment of perflania, and fenny 'tt . Fthlea, that We have bet reeette&l ,StEvenson ' L .etribiltent, Cono‘inmnd,' 'inost atellent *tor , .:M.ahavinitaittt-ekttW-dold-'4-wittnt-witteryantt ono of tho meet-efficacious and dettghtfiti 4otapitraw dons of tide`dissetigtitto yet 4iileoveredjtat iceoefwe ed and for attleAr; • FoortWrY fit - 01:011 - 1 - ettAr#4*- ItiAtAlitAbitl4.Comp3nicii4,4filighititt rcAlmiatiotAr, sap. at th!iliz(#* Silyanion mehtirlye , • '7..5 . :(1:4' 1 1 • ‘,l", ondri; ttA oppIatiONWHIVA •"" 00,0trittiVO' w....14.0,11•k,apr ,:qlotlßaw‘ r dad u Jirdheittokr Vorg.l4o47"'r-4910 kv4.7,71 ■ . ag01tia5.W.: , ...,, , , • ~ .. , ,c; t l, _ p.,....c. ,• , .. .- . 4 7 .. , p,, \, 'r r , wig. if g tr , .... 4 _, , ..# 1 1 4 ~ ~ ■ *,.. - , t , , . ~„,„ : , i\•. , 01f, , 5:-e,-,,, ii4Sorei i o, - -`greitik4ooo4oll/P ... 1 3. 1 • ;! , t 7 .. 1 " - A , *•........,..,-• 40.,,,v . - to' lotitic.,..,' - '. , ,';,...-v• `‘,.:'t.:. • 6itiffXl Myers 4. Hay.eratick. RA M ISSIMMUVIEN inmaswatif*lsvl ,k- 0 1 iTl 4 fitt4fijitliti6lllo=4. Whinithelrablist 4 thwiliebstaluassiolsitseli Rvi - euitlallorthlitinoSefistreefiffaiiifillh ' 1 .4442 60— 0f ligokinleqrl IMP rum suivanea„.feemsa.' *deb he , invites: td to Dell ezamlne eatooknoiveodalit entirely new' supply of caIiTHS, of all colon lesand:prieerrilsoSillot;taicaTAllSOrinee, es, Manilla de Wiles, Cashmere auuWils , ,,,,eci. rs, Bombazines, Chintzes, Hrits, to Cambric Handkerchief , Scarfs, - mtiele.Of-14dles' weareigf - therbestdisarik rd mos% fastdousble liatterna.4llsto* Wen. ,ssertment of Hitives add Hosiery: ALSO;ta fresh' assortment r:lety-of Groceries. H 2 Oeensware, A se ., all of:whiehlarill.bei sold at sha l lowest piles for oash.: give us a toill:!' April 30,1845. ' • . . . , -01 1 231111 . 11)6110 4i: a Wholeidle n'ri3 Reuel De la e 7 1h Fas6ignabk, . Superior 'and Medium.,Earry; , ariitlittiplet. Dry Goods, No. 18 . 8 Chematifitreet,'' , between Seventh siid - Eightli Sta. PHtLADELPHIA.:, : . • I 1 now in regular receipt of NevoStyles ;Silks, lopplain de Lames, Lawrie,G4andies„laconets Gingham", Bareges, rqiies,Eolians,liorknes; Cambric's,- Chintzes,-Dombaaines,' 7 -Alpieas other seasonable Do Geode; elso..Shawle, Scarfs, Ernliroideries, Hosiery; Laces, Gloves; en Cambric ,Handlcirelieflii - and Insh.Linerw4 Calicoes at 121 ctn. a_yardi, Muslin. and otber. cheap goods. •' - . • - Strangers Will find it' particulerly to their . in 'threat to call, ae the goods into all _Warranted, and the lowest cash price invariably named first. APr5. 29 . 1845 ! 2m MrMaattt . tati ilta.llllll,l443firi- =I , CERY STORE , to Main Streit,fir the room formerly . octhipie_d by T,..ll,Skilem doors tielow 'lectern's Hotel, where'he will glad' to see his old customers, and as many - new, °pee as choose to'call,. He has just returned from the- Best wtih a choice Jielockion of goods which will make hie assortment complete: Call and.stabe• fore •purchasing elsewLerc : —ceery thing gold at _theloweet prices forcash. . • ApriF23,1845 • • ~Llll_W ~Lt ` vJ,AI~W3,I~~ii3►LI~I P~ o= CUARILES 0611 0 61 t has just returned from the ' "oily, and is now - opening the largest, and cheap.; cut stock of . 000 Dag _ igyER, BROUGHT TO CARLISLEi, - - Broad Cloths; froni $1,25 to srper yd, ' Cassimeres from $1 tb $2l Tw . eed Cloths and Casa mere*, very cheap. - Vesting, from-18-5-4 to $l l 5O. Also, Stocks; Suspenders, Cravats, 8c43:, in gran variety; Organdie and Balzarine Lawns, ney and biautiful style ' netv , ityle Paris printed Marquite ; embroidered chanieleone:Foult de Soi pauper blue black Bombazin g elegantbetaize SEarilt & B-hatflitc black and white Fillet-Shiite ' "with bullion triage; bloc& Barraise, Balzorine Lawns for mourning:. French, Sooteh and American Gicgluircis elegant plain and Silks, very IoW ; Jaeonets, Cam.' biles, Swiss Mullins, Sio.. - 1111 kinds andpriees. - Cambric Inserting*, Edgeings, thread and boil binefditto, all sorts, Silk-and linen Handkefidileil l Ties, Collari. Concrete ; & o.; elegant dad Cheap . Bonnet Ribbons,- ". A *mundane stock of BONNETS, of all t rio d e re mat prices; a gill gentlemen's Hosiery, of all kinds_, Mom 6 eta. to st. • . ..CAL:MOM—, the oheapest, higammetkawditig'?.. Cheeks,4uncomnennly,low; Cant:Modes, Iloilo, Cas, simeres, Ste. all kinds and pribbi. -Artificial-Flowers and Boditet CaPs. - bluttp - and elegant Parasols,.SunAdadet, and - Parisoletts, a full asportment,,, Campetings,'Mattibgs, tko. kb. ' lso ittruniendoiti stock of-BOOTS. ic SHOES, hoots front 1 " 75 to $4 5011:' Shoes from 18 to $1 25. CaRACDOIERUIEtd' fresh, lot Of TEAg;dphiEas A -. .. _13.0dA119. • 14,11.1bd,:pr ii be cheali'ifitot cheaper tratetbe chtfittiest. - In short.l. have_all kinds and descriptions Goode at , low pri me antlain anxious td givti gdod bargains'iti all Who mill favor me with a call. Recollect the old stand, tiod'arfi Store belowtheMarketHouse r Alt street; and nearly opposite the Hotel of Mr. Mar lin ,fgrtucrly ,S. Wonderlich's. N. B. Ctitintry Merchants wan be supplied at city prices. • rAiMil 240845. HARDWARE I CUTLERYA SADDLERY . - samscovang 8 Irthourr P. L VN E 7itspectfully, hifttrres his .4UP friends and the - public generally that his,has. removed his stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY and SADDLERY, to the new ou op North Hanover street, two doors south o the Post OP Bee and nearly opposite his old stand; vithbro be continues to keep as heretofore a Rill and tiorn,:. : plate assortment of every thing in-his , line at prik cei chipper than ever. Cabinet... Makers .are earnestly invited to esil and examine-•a splendid, lot of MAHOGANY' VENEERS, just receive. Carpenters and Bull. ders excellent aysottnient of - Latches. XA.cks, Bolts, Hinges.*Screws, and every Variety - of.BuildingAstthrtaht, at reduced' prices. Also 'a new find stperier,article of PLANES, warren. ted.good -16',every • respect. 'Also,agne and rock Powder •;Warrented ; Safety Foss, for blasting rocks, tittat'Lliiid;'Hpelter, - ate: Window %ow l Ait'alLsizes;_Pitiiits,-011.44-Vernishest;Cedat, wate,' , Blackimithis and every' Variety Ofirircles V13,0*-14"4011ye Persons comr fencing. liemsekeellitif ill find it. to their Interest to oalrbetbfeltu n tilhasing elite; where. • — • - 1 — heAntiektrtmd'aoccidritectf - thiliite . **76tr indebted fire requested tbJcall ndd ataketatrunnt 'to - save - further trouble JOHN. -Apri 1;2;,-; • Temperance !Hotel, TllE:andersigned.Lrespeetfully , ' announces to his Mends and Viiifitendellitilie'Teniperinee gennriiNttlte has • taken lit large indwell known I ' ,4 :•THEtStaIiSPEARE Hpi.TSt r,-;y street; wear Tlitrd,,eppeskte the Meth°. •,Chiiiih;formerly ifpt'sfil 11" , Ta*er414 ..Mr. Charles Glean', deed and more rWetintly.br,hfrAti: -. Fielithorn, Which - shill beheld in . the best , manner as a House 'of Enterteininent for all those "OMmay favor him with their patronagel:' :Tablet will b e plrantitifty furnished with all the vfirletieinfifte sea. son ; las Beds apiteVery.thieg.conneeled-Whh-the r,stahlishment skill 'not be etoetted•by , otArquor yolliog TiNern in the borough. • • IFlO.FltaluiPureffia . frklitlit tereettieratae, and alt i;thirs that no pains , ill be 'spared,to minister An ' the comforts of, his guests, daring' their' stay, with' hint: thensibro yealiebtfidly solielts a share'of pnblpatronago.:, "th:, • 7 449f0; 1 ";14 11 K 1- 0 1-----1 keril 16;104i. „- Wt. A large dieffiitielti**lttitifoie tiplred Witt rorreii!eik 4 l .• INE carliale;April id ,, 1845. n m,' • 77:•- " ;- 1 4111 4 1r. " • (torMerksfeeltßiedAt-4W. Yt t -9° 4 ,1 9n s!lei • . , South West eornsrsifth! pnl4P , 4ll l taro,s ' 0 ;OW and aP i ri 1 444ifi e! l ig. l4 / 5 " . ' , cairn a Atnitiftari • 311011 IT . ,„ • Aside and iffney,einkiihigli initt4Clothir ,r.sz al Mere; EiltillatenaillelllWGrktatOro6l/ " Cloths,egings - Isioc±l;.. - B i Ebilijnos, - ..nxiootheo, Lawn., 37 si Mous ine,s SyitisCaithielea, Jraellnet, and all' igherrlsin 'Mtudintif Calicoes, Shawls, Cheeks, Tleklug,'Nelvet COO, - Cottea - goods of all 4eioriptions,, purist attain and, Cfitton t , Yarn, Umhrellas, rfwasols o SuriihVes, aleves k, llo. slery, , 4 ' ileieateestot‘dUrit'o° 'oerlei,noniistflurinjiart,Of,COWees, Sur i are l Molokai F , sea, Tests, , ,Tobace o ,lloooo464 , ALSO. CroPitisP l 4 , l lll l , 4**Pllttift Ot Tia 4 ' ous deieriptiOns amf 1 0 1 1 1;(1 1 0.,togittier wit nume rous other akielealso Flelhgreottitilete una gen .oltl astartasemtuall d whoa erds'afor,ssle *err lowprittefot. etka t iv•stit;itespsilfellt "Invite* - his friends and-the sPublie in general, tdkitefillo so. call, inasniuth as he &elf demfident hilt& he can'sell goods as low as ahy other hoUseln the befoligh. ROBV.ILT IRVINE„ , jr. , Ciarliele r Aphil r 1 8 ' PAT • • - PATTQN ENT ,' Milllair nu' Ettittitstribetiiikentikk4tie, ef4lsittited .Window.Shutter,`_Catels ifr:tnifd rt.t speetfully:.intorm the pbbliii - that Bat 'jilt suOttior tOthr ortibt6 for. skepticaly and, dtifabilltii-l'hel be pura allied at .I.._lP.J.4be's.or iitebblateher4 , thiftiware Eltorei,,Northllsocrier,Streeti kit Of ih West . Loutber street, Carlisle; Onl,f be seen, to be adopted:. • 4411SES ott:VitVi;Ait. _4pzlllaQ, Isss, ~ ._ _ .ireto IWO: .IWboteri::' ; -,,-;--. ,-..; In Ilimaridaiii Cittibiailaii4 ; ieliiirifir: - ,:'• - T .—abbireriber4expeCtrullr infointiriliilifiletaiir— *:. and die public in.genertil;, that be leifilercimaj• that , *ell known establlatimeik roithe . ltiantilite4 hire or cloth; and carding of.**l4sitiiiitaidliKliampa , den township,teirdiefitind.eptnity. tiKtbe Ceilialoz gitlntiettinek, shout t*o Mileatiortb,*eat'otAkettl: era, knd oppoiate the grid Mill dr liletintder Si-Pen: . - liiiiCaili 1 - liitelj - oiiiitd bYltettiianidtkrieeke;*Wer lie will be happy to itecomniodate:, MI AtiOak' like may favor him with their , otigam' PrdM , biltilmit '... experience in the bliainesai and-therfetttittitikalA. • egnidt-etinblithed.atihii_fabtditiliefintterihlinjewi: ' that bialabtort *ill Meet the ittiphoUtlAtMlittdlitt ' theAtedom or the iionitnitulty at ;attic! .fp, ~,••;,.,......... -,-. • , • Work *illbe taken In at ttkifolloWthiltitlibliaandl . . l it doky . tend" til to: At the Stott , df*: - .Varnalerilrir .Me itnlebuiii lit the Tavern brJaiiiiti:Rinigin g ei , to . oethleythurg I - at the Ellett "ot•Mresirs:- Ak-Si IPiii e iii:flogdelitoomi and at the Store dl oNi tu- . Illearibrin StiaiOng Still. . ~. .. . •._. - -.. 4 ., ,-..-, • I: , _-.,... Alvan inducement for tdryinaiit in .Calla ..110,*11. , Make ii.kediiiiticiti oi Satinet - of 10 per Tattle kill - MC • • Olotkors per cent.l if the each Is paid atpietktie4 delltety; . -,.. _ . _ • , ..-.., .- ::---=; , ; - 'rife/lA/4g ' WIIIDSAY; Aptil 0,3 iii4s - • ~. . :,•„,,:.,, ' ',,,,, MIDDLESEX • Atedinaink done pfi3iertleni 'At the Eiddiesei • Fattoty t eiterated'ori the Cdndddiiitnet C r e ek; ' thb - Middlelierninbila North MiddlettativiiribtiV:' A 6 *6 do thit extrebtAtf kink fhb thittettdo tank-, rotary; lint bitty theia - 4611, - *iish - fintehadi4Sir - - are enahleakto do • Catdi ni and, railing '10..11414 Wire tedubed -•-. tatOnatifkbvparipVsr, • - _ - , "GRocE • [ A: — 4N:R., -- 4 0 , ENIO just febiiiiiid and will'be sold riOhcitiiiirmil, J. ' op shippindiiirk, April . ' , atiNTLEIigNVINVEAA. • A GREAT' isirlety dr Paltaloon istuirsoddi Vs* 412. ing*"llClif style ror sale by ,' -8. , April 43„1845. A:s4 f tijitgb asadittidet of dotbe, pleOriletelit caseleittea VultlegriGaimbioons, o pl h4W-ebeivberbe by uper ftb. All lilt be Bottfee - Prwike zed ho,j4. • jr A.. Clattti*Otia MOlNlett; ELI% r fast tecalved(l - .or- the Vfaiat•piaitt , Belie 4:ie gla"tarr Oak *kat" Oa ad adtolh _ , " re I.4.4tic T dga inat thaw adobes". faro& bt- - 0 l'ratirt 4 ; ...Ai:0112%1849i THE ottbecribei has just received 1(40641W acsortniont of tho CelobwkittiLeaft#l44:lo,4l4.4.__ fr3cll7llEikitiolititliciOied tiiptasoktfot Wow and, which gaiv ouch gensottontispaitiott .410. Ah vlsort#ll4cod,;thltgl ut ildioroci A 014 PI AYNE. ~-Lji•pril 23 1845:: , • _ . . _ . LitlitlfliWAt.4o.ollg44l.o4lC ' ' Jut - id liiceivedi Frjoks, Al Oat iabasni:ftijOiftir-Ilitiyir P. 4 ,0i4 0 010 4 l °r • , wn..nostpv,'4,,COtta. • cl" jot o r finere 26 sale M. • trAtt,ns4; ErE2 .:)..- . ..• !, 171 kOttee 4. 0: Ith*:' , M. ll6 .-li.o, i r ' ' 'i•l 4 ;ilZl'. , l'HresabaNritin: I;didnifliti v ad;at , ,Tflik:fit . , ChurZfftnitif to fatiira,c nisi Af t ?ltiflffift,,•,.: - .:. . otofe„fn Binalnialditare, to lOC "nt, A. Ift.L.: . 40, 01 1 ,c, • ho,ttieytfort:tr4otesti alt.44oo#l . . lodOtalt;;.smk , the-, . ..:. bOoki of Vali Ida to, :rfnni,..eatabliettneffifin , aitogn„!rik...,-4 0 . , ..,,..,, ivso4.Wftlicint defai and aettioltieliaOLOlMfo ., .‘: . '-, , • .filihavitErcifig.', .. .. ~........ . 4 . 105, 184i.7,' ' hip ' iitviv coliarineni . -- • ........ il, -1 1 . A: , , , r. c'. WiteEN tie , valaiiltal kiii fifileig 4 , his tuidoesole. E - 'l'. .111tliA.M.X. 11 young . gonar Ikho,j 'Ouoia" -..itale&SOODshe her of ist and effikothotorl. IffiboloVOiial hero; • . *AO' • obadlittid ender the 4niui of ~',„. 7 ~ .. , STE VENSOW'ai,M,lol4kietWir4o ~. /trot 16thrt843. ' ' 1., - ' ~' . •,- tißtle A e. idle imbiiiibiomehoied lied Al'tookiniiii ' - aGrmeri c s, coy it sand 7 de, ' 0419, 4 4 1 d" . 5 . ,„ SpOti s Mobeiliefi iihkr-ilt.•• . ' d4 ' ,4l ', , , Pr,r,sit- Sugar 0 : ot i nit4 s - Tie % st 4 - 777--...---- :J--,_- .• , • . f.t„ • f 3 / 4 10 0.0 4 ,011-ftmf *a cos rectostia# OW' 'o , 001Aulbui , • *op.. 61 1- irato ' SEM MEI I ~, ` t ~ U}