Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 21, 1845, Image 4
le , to- vt „kap v. , „t, _ . • .. m • • 7 !',14, ) .; '; • it:it' 4- - 5 4 ;, , : i4 , i - ,' t, ' i :', ',, ~ YF i• , A:;„,.;: 4 1;1 - 41"2. rk.. 4 44 1 ' ; , • r, , c ~ --, t -, : 4 ', ' qt ..,415 1 c,,,,,,..... t .,.... ~_.„..„0,. ~ , , , ,,,...2 „3, 1,--,-, ,- - 2 , , = - -- Z4`,,f4;••„,...-.1,....-, , • ,..r..ty • -47 . _4.— - V - 4 , 4 4 • " 1 " - .,-- 44--- 4 1i 4 1 : 4 : " I' , 1 -4 P ‘ ", - - 4-1 - _, ~ • z • , 2—; ~ :511 }; kitzi,41 4 ,.,-;.,-.1,,;,,-,., - ,c,..,, , A..:c .: .-' . . /...'l - ' 4 4..'• - ' :-. ~-', 4 o: 4 - ,'' -, ~.-, ' . ~.,•, `,:,•,,,...•;-,•=•,,. t r, •-f• 7- • - •'r:4 4 •y i - ),*' . ., : i . ..--, - -7 ------"Actoramotvult-LBs-BELII;LTREASURER-OLTIIE:13040-IIGHAY:CARLISI/E 4 PRIL-ifif45:1 - ' ' '',-•-•:•:.-a.tzw•Ke,,T;4„, .-: , •., ~ I - - • jag-1:,“ ‘ -—.-‘_.-—'___u4 .. :-,;~ ‘ 'z . 7 " --- ``l'o;cash ev . :ed'ii6Mltuhert'Mdote - April .26 $1570 22 iishliom I. 'Add, lale,Chit;f:B10'001, • . 500 eashlrorn John' Ilitlbfrf, : Chief, B urgess, 10 00 d!, cash .from M. Dippleillarketirid H0'37408(0; • cash froth - lohn Volker, Collector on Ditplicate,,lB42, - • . 117 58 o,fish from Provision Stores,' •40 00 ',Wcash Isom Outer ,Stalls,,Maret Hotme, 21 . .,„45`eash - from:TAphn -- ,,Noble & Co.; Stall 27- 00 dailt Trol*VrOse-iSt, Cart, s , -45 00 cask froti',.l: .. cthifOrikoop, ". "" :19 06 e • " eashfro#Vm.'•Noble, • " 00 .". .caskfrapi:lohri Heavinger, " " 450 ~~ '"cash from James Davis , If " t 6 -- 6!:oath Troth Charles ki Muiray, '"',,catilt,fi'drn Andrew omfort, " cash from HentyGouldi n.ireildiVpin Jacob - Hoffer, " 'cash frOm Samuel Gobld, cash fierM George L. Murray, 6 , cash from John Walker, Collector of Dupliiate, foi' 1844, ~`~Y,:S ::~Pt• N= v: , 71,.P: , ..4',1.-', - P ., `1 , ..e.'''' , ' ., ." ... amount of monies received at 'dif- EZI Of the .Finaacial, Condition of Borough of Carlisle, showing hey ,uiii i i : i iI~ 40 - Diet' - ; -, a o amotad,ot note aue Carlisle Bank; 211TIOtl i nt .4:d Bonds due , by 'Borough unredeemed, 12900 694 0 . 1 , cask received ii.paymenton • ' Bonds ' +0942 - 50 amount-Or Smell,Notes. . in circulation,-, $2389 6 : - €. l .' Datancp in kajl4i. , 6g 47 ,1 • :., 2: ' -'.,,...y.,.:- , :- '. Catoof'l".--sta i; - stain to' i," 4 1 4-4 ~ . •‘ 1, PA r-f ,(Xi , l9 1;3%4 '. ' , i r . , i,if 1,0 18.1-,,t4A.04. , .c.,„,,..; w I 1 . " '`,Sr ' .4 1. 41 ilttligfsn %41r1..,1* ~ , „ , Ygkg„'..`"°” C4 k,,,`,i4,4lkt'd‘jqlngtoW3 ,t, t't 7: tei'?;rig*,,t3llNP Tillp,,, ', ; , ' 6,),P,4'* ofrAlirilit' ''-' 47'k,*113-:;l.`,kn','-,' :4'il: ii. 40 ntga-,, ..,, : : ..,,,, ~.:, 1 utt , -- ... v g. - irrokr-c!'..'4,,' 4..' ~,.? 6 -;rlr , k , v -,..,•0.,!,,tr` v. 4i, , , •'. 4 ~"'',4.',3'' vOirtilis* At 'c!iiirtiltlt,lo4lll,ll, itintt" 9* 4 . ' swo94",llnl"lVon 4, ! .2! 11Fiii Wi r e pr eli tuta. Of ' t,., 1,'"1- , iffi Mi1rk.,.1,4017i ',411' 11 , GE9A9it `lft',4"4i4VT•,' '-'4''''' ~~':. ....'.;t~'~` , ' k I I tqu - agll - q , arpliTimgiw . R - 00:q MEI Vs , Ell ~<_ =I ME Balance in hands of Treasurer, 51666 03 e ; orougluon thelltlietAirdiB4s. By amount of Judgment va. Pet. • tem, & Harper; • , amount ofJudgm t vs ; Moore • & Reighter, ' , ' . '4. balence ,due on 2 le, of old , . ItiarkeV.Houie, ' ~--a mount of J udgnieni George . Foltind, . . '. ". amount, - of ;Judgmont, Jane' •: . - aldwell--='-- „ 1000 ,00 nes 65 . . Stall roily. due Borough, it 'amount of , Bonda and'Judi menta'beld by Borough; 14774' 871., 'l4 / amount of duplicate hi hand ~ ' oflplut o,4lker, collector, ~583:121 amount', die from , Michael ' MITI(); Vltke I i& Weigh, Master at settledent made I'ol 11 th, - : 2q40, , - .• . ii -amount Btroughllmtd!'°": ...tLaittouut,-oaSmatgatea-attu. , . .?,'.i -,'s•io' ME BEE El SZE . +.04'24 B -32.; Balance dus t he sorough~ *1862 411 D 'cisCPR t • e'.1011D177. is. t.l- 4174C4161!1n • 1 rt v , lc' ‘p'f , t '...6-:/f9 C:' . . g , ii.::: , ':4-4;,: :‘ '- ,:tryer.i,:i4(lo44lm aliodirtmitritlyn 0 ,„ 05h ., , or 4 , At),Wre „04... P! Wirt f - 2 orp Mavittlltlt Oat 0 , , ~,, • , -.0 ~{11,,, , , , ; : ",!!‘ t; , ,... 75 , , f 4 - i t ' ' ~, , ' ,''' ;'. • • l•wi4;;' ~,- _'-, - ' , '' -- • ,/,, ,' ';•-, P.t. '„;.„ , •',t ~ '• • , -, .,'„i' ,, , - ( "", ; , ~. ~.g • •',-y • NE , ' ,..z, 59.75 June 12 4 50 2 25 OEM - 2 25' - 7 - kloo_ 2 25 . 2 25 El =KB ~ Aug. 1442 79 $3410 12i EIPI e r' , ol-j- $3851 18 Sept Oct. " 15 Nov. 10 " 28 Dec. 12 s, 12 1545. Jan. 18 U 0 , `,... SI 18 EMI ili=lll "ApriF - 8 SI 9 $2184 65 WWI • • By cash paid. Council for prpfeasioitat sgrvices; zfa?lo2-,'-foo is - Cask paid Henry Andereim, surer Of.Cumb.,Fire company, cash paiir•Miinks.and Dawson, on - ..:1N 1 :41.-• • ~ • • repairing 14itliein-Loutheist. - , 28 00 " cash paid Janieellartin, for repair-4'. • _ lag Louther's_treet•;-.--,-;------' " cash paid - Jacob Spangler, Stieet ". Regulator, ash paid Myers & Co., for Oil for Mjirket-Hmise, " cash tad Sohn C'Neal, for turn:-; • piking, at sundry times, fu. oo " cash paid Bernard Bendel, for re • pairing_TPW4 Clock,— . " cash paid SteW4tlMoore, Street CommissiPPriii;Per reccripts; • - cash — p - rild - O - rTdrecT.Tper Small - Notes, " cash paid Cumberlantl Pire Cdm:t,-A pany, at sundrylimes, ".";;S;';, • cash paid E. Beatty, for printingi,;„ .cash paid William Edthopd, cleansing Spring, • ' • 30 mi cash paid Peter P. Ege, for,gpirig, to City Of. Philadelphiat hree' 1844. May 11 46 27 " 00 tmes on .usiness o :orong , cash paid Hugh GaullagliO, tsq,•• for professional "service ' s; cash_paid J.--W.--Kellyrforclea - sing Spring,. dash paid jtoliert Wilson, in case of Comtionwealth, vq. Borough, cash paid Ge6rge'Keller; Treasur , &of UnionTlieQonipany,' cash paid Robert-McPherson, for repairing culvert at Methodist Church, • cash paid Riley &• Bretz, for re pairing_curvert, " cash paid Joseph May, Street Com- missiorer; in 1893, cash paid George Sponsler; per lime for Grave Yard, " cash paid Samuel_Ellioft's account, cash paid E. M. Biddle, for timber, " cash - paid Robert McCartney, for ._ • atteQding M , arltet-l - lotraoi - 184 - 3, ". cash paid James . boydon, for Sta- • ,tiorwy, ~ cash paid • Carlisle Bank, op note due tt by Borotigh; -4 , cash paid Carlisle Bank, intete§t7— IME on note, • - . o " cash 'paid Jason . W. , Eby; in suit brought by him on B. Notes, :ca - sifpaid 8; A. - Wilson, - internaToti. Bond, at spndty times, 12 ~ cash paid S.-Thompson* others, officers-or election, cash paid Samuel Alexander, for repairing Sterrett's Gap Read; ~ cash, paid George W. Rheem, do nation for'repairing pump, ~ cash paid William-Miller, for re _ pairing pumps., cash paid William Mitchell (black smith) work for Hotuigh, ~ cash paid Jacob Wolf, for.hurning brush in Grave Yard, - ~ cash paid J. P. Lyne, per Hard ware for Market-House.. ~ cash paid..lno„ Walker, for building Bridge on Baltiniore Turnpike, s , cash paid interest on Small Notes, o,atkpaid David Smith, costs, caah'paid David Myers, for build - mg . Culvert in South street, ~ cash paid Jane Kauffman, interest on Bond, • . " cash paid William Cart, at sundry times, on contract for turnpiking Pitt street, cask - paid 'George*, Sheafer,in , tercet on Botough , notes, cash paid Alexander Willis, _tin suit against Borough, 4, Interest paidsAlexander Willis on script yedeemed, 6 , cash paidjohn Walker, High Con stable aid; Meatienger;- to. Conn oil, for one y ear'& inilifry, • , " cash paid John Walker, ‘collector of :Duplicate, for 1844, is cash paid John Walker, for serv- • • " ing notices ormessment cash paid John Walker, for work r3l Jewelef, &c. T _ . H E Subsariber keeps constantly on band of his own rttnnufaCtute or importation ,aiarge_aetettment_ofßold_and_Silver_Lever:bint other %Vetches, Gllttiffd Ebony Clocks, Gold Jew elry; Silver Plated Castore„Weitere, Silver, Mein,. Ind 'Mended forke_and Spoons,large..and small 111 , 1ebical &lies; also, Amend Pointed gold Rena' ;of the beet manufacture , together' wi th a general 'satiety of Watchmakers' Tools; Files and-mate- CR. ... , 1.. Orden? li.em the c ountr yt areitiolicited,.witli . the oiniiiiiiite Una every:l:mina ehall'bi taken' to give l eatiailietlon;.vvlielesale or. retail. —. „ , • : .' • ,'-' , l''''' ' ' • JO iird..FARR' . .r ., :tre,:lll2,l3heenut,Striefi- bilidolphia.', ~. May; 7 1845.' , , - .. 1 . - ~.,' , ,3mo. • 450, 07 . so* lo r _'s 7. 1101 iamatai Isola 1111.011.'.,‘, ufit'receivid.a lcit of Protity dt, 'h7rited.pentecdratikh 20 00 HAVE 144.50 - Selfilharpening PLOIIGHS, whiela wilt r aell at Philadelphia prices, with ihe addition of the Freight. • April N. , i:'px;F4 . o,: . , , p4r ‘ iTos : ',:,. 27 . 16 LiddhfS .1%1 2 h B. • . I ore • tit it., g oat door, aboiiMorketit Phikieklphia VENITIA Di BLIND MANI)E4cTRER. c.: Iva's-on-ban. . 1 aa lona. aal • aortinent of Blind with) I for racial) , Of iota,* • eauir and style ofrfinish, will excel those of ratty atlioi;establishdient in'tbe city, and will be soldstt the very lowest price': liderchants. 'applied any quantity Attila shortcit - notice . old BlihdY re painted and trimmed to look equal to:now. • Ile respectfully invited the - citizens orr. Zumber and tuntntytOo giro -bial a stAltafgra.Puschasing . ° • , ittilionial sad Sian paintiNg executed 'as - usual in • tite,t , beat, manner, and on the most iattsticto ry tering'. 1,1'^.0 B. J. V .II . I . II LAIS• ‘,', •,* • ' 806`'00 ; 1310,ci::72 - tiol ilnitbryB Irof fy RUGS '1)10194111''' RY01 " 141 d •th,i44v a. tL ES ES 00 =I $2184 05 MEI WM. B:" .M.UR,RAY. , __ ii fottranepinii { ing Rl7 MU n.l 'or!' Misiirall7dtibldiaiAßEESkcif hardy 'Oreferined forrfelrpliintiog;JsUbileiiitiikOken trees ,nO-41i!nitPlanted-at-tiitailasetiriliticartfilbCCOinee dhting.the winter, priipirry - itti&ztliertirettiady'Wthei4 — iiiiCfibres epring.±Tkeipfolitiator. '4,om above, ment,fiiiiir,liktbbilitWa- -market,' the 'fOliewing. trees; ' - 120 . --APPLE-TREES . - Coppraprir the choicest varieties; •• • • - TREES; ssfelud,ng the most app o edkinds. - -Also -et vey thorce:colleletion'of PEACH,'PEAiti'IPLIThr- iSCIAP RIOT . Treett,'- Us, well', as a riment of veroweeti anit - 'Ornamental trees, such as Balm. of di ilticad:Fir,. Arbor .Vita, Amefican Juniper, IgoriSaji' Fir, al: the _different, kinds. ofJ , lnden,-,Sugqir ;Maple, Silvery -Maple, Red Flowering Maple,,Yellow, Flowering Maple; English Elm,,White Elm; Slippery . Elio, Silvery: Abele, Chinese Alhenthus, Talip tree, Black Ashi- Balsam.PoplaelEttropean. Mountain-fAstri HOrse Chesnut, White Flowering n0rt1091161171,14 Pr 1114: Ms trace ar in tha bebt state of cultiva. lion, flrmrishiagi aft .inilie.molit.healthrtilooridi e -tion.4oraiit4fare-harrbcendakeniirritelecting-the m64.ehOlea,arleiles.of fruit from the most popu, /a " :ll6 o ° o°i4l l4 tim 4 8 iohilild etch - '47i6 - =:beril adapted tqintrioil'and identity strict -IY-Presiriedicitiabh•departniont Of the- Nurse; -ry irfuridi3r:A'heitifinedifito direction qnd upervi• siori:Of the proprietor, all 'may rely upon each kind• true to,nainct,!_fle2has some_vory -choice. now varieties of • 2 50 4 00 .11 25 --' 34 OW 21 00. •=I:I t ZPUPEk P !I SI nu u .0, u rom Prince's Nufsery, eqOalle by nano he knows of in. their season. Formers and , all - ,others :look - around ' ' , among others give US 4 call. If our trees and establish Thibiftlie - not - eqUil, and allttle over, to.aby other west of the Susquehanna . , and our ptiemi as low - as those of any - other regula r establishinent for. trees of equal quality, do pot buy from us. The prepeictoaurther offers 75.00 10 00 Bg 92 3,OOO'At'PLE TREES, 30 00 „. engrafted on Crab stoCles', the dUrability ofwhich will exceed fhoie worked - 0011E1C usual ptin least 100 per centum; which fact is well estab. Halted by all European, dnd acceeded to by our hat American writers on fruit sines. The time, for transplanting - is:from - the' middle - of - OctotiOr tdl the frost.sets in. . , Buyers will be furnished with directions for planting, as much of, their success depends on the proper management in planting their trees. •,„*All orders and communications, postpaid, will be sfrietly attended to. Septembbr 11, 1844. 4 00 -3-00 46 621 1 25 88 •7 00 36_00 12 81 1000 'Persons - 1n Philadel •.. phia alone, can testify to the wonderful efficacy of that powerful remedy, THOMPSO/V'S COAL POUND SYRUP OF 'TAR AND WOOD NA PVIA Read! Read! Astonishing cure 'of Clue* Bronchitis! Philadelphia, May 23, 18443 Mr. S. Tuomison..—.bear Sir. For more thin four years past .1 'had been dreadfully afflicted with au, affeetionefilto..throat_m clan prom:Placed . 0 Chronic Broneliffirj—cause by. repeated. and neglected colds. The distiess suffered is indescribable.- My i thi•oat waslitteral ly raw with-vialeht.coughing;:so thalblood would come from it; also. groat applesto _pain mid_ TiglitneehiTAlhe chest ann fever,—in short all the usual-pulmenary. symptoms elbowed themselves,' showed thentoolven,,causing.cntire less".of feces nary repdsti—my throat was leached and blistered over and over again. I madetrial of every known remedy, and tit:different periods had the , adiibis, of six'physichins, arid-..a11-with no avail: About, two months since I made trial of your Compound Syrtip of Tar and Wood Naptlia, and before I hod taken the first bottle I felt rclicf.• I continu ed, until I had taken sloven bottles, which com pletely removed the disease and restored me to perfect health, and I firmly 'believe I should not now be living, had it uot.been for your invalua ble medicine. JANE' PERRY, 123, &prucestreet. Trln,cipal - N. E. corner of- Flfili and Spruce streets. Price 50 cents per 'bottle or $5 per doles. Fgt. sale in Carlisle by T. C. STEVENSON. Januart22, 1844. Gm 5 B,o* 240 00 109 27 MEM 44 40 - 12 .121 50 00 15 00 4 121 8 371 1 00 12 07 32 811 48 80 15.20 9 09 Planiona , 1-1,-t-mith 'en? 4 80 filleted do not Despair THOMPSON'S Compound Syrup of Tar, 'the the most certain and powerful remedy vn for the cure of Consumption in all Its stages - cliitis Chronic Cough Spitting of Blood Palpitation;ofthe Heart Liver Complaint and Chronic Affections of the Kidneys. ' READ! READ!! Still further proots—its own IVoi ks•Froclitim It - - Read the following Philadelphia ~lan.S, 184•3 Mr S - P Tumursott-:-lleai. Sire From a sense o gratitude to you and a desire that the afflicted May have recourse to year truly invaluable medicind,l would state the benefit I have experienced from its use For some time past I have been ;afflicted with a distressingrackingcough,accoMpanied with a great oppression and difficulty.of breathing with n sensa tion of tightnesa,at the chest Becoming greatly , alarmed a friend 'Who had been much benefited by _your _mediclim_recomniended me to try it done so and in a very short time every alarming symptom disappearedwily expectoration became free,all op- T ression leftmo-my-cough-cealeilandLln-a few-days was able to' go out and attend to my business* Well m an! Any further S information will be cheerfully g"ven the afflicte Protd by calling at my residence No - I h strggt out JOS MoMANAMY - . Price 50 cents per bottle.. ' •ii .11.11tteil 200 00 49 61 54 93 7 80 150 00 101 00 0 00 IBMS IT,CANNO_ViIig.IiEfiIED . ?I - cm -Truth juih • • (a. Dn. LEIDY'S S.RRS4IMIIIL.I4II_ hike _piltaili-sito_rigestijinttiiibit - dfficikcioaa °tan — et er pre - pa - tat arid - Sitraap,rslla_that is made. It is ,warratite l tio,, be etronger, than 6.bettlrs .of MOST othersz—aitronter Alien four .of t.9lE,and - strenger - than three Ot the ONDEST - P7r2eparecl by any other in the United Statei., Dr. Leidrs Sarsaparilla , is recommentled by nil respectable physielsns in ipeefereneis to any Other: All who *IN! ever used it,,lniue derived'mora bone fit from, bottle - thaii three to ten of oiheri ; and ,these after having' used :other's preperations; withontoJeneat,, will %use ; pc : ptcfrs, will soon be convinced '(asthoustinds have' s altvady,been) of the foregoing . The apperatni Whioh 7 llJr. Leidy's' extracts utted - rtiliteprepatvtitin of. Sarsaparilla as *pared is the onlyone in the United State!, impOrted byfDiti: Leidy himself from the celebrated, house of Pelleter, Catentou, 'Paria;lite-'otat expense, and.fS'ctS• petite of extrauting'the'rnedical.yirtues of , : Slliy~ilia .rilqribil other ruot,s; more,elTuctusilly then by'efiy '4thee.ifotiess ' .."-- • - , , NUNARZI2:7-.SEIiTIII 7 2,C 1 4 , ,r,61 5 5` . .,1101 0 reniarkabledures,-and reaommenda. eleigymen and ,physielanti - ,.ave, been maritime to''• time ;peblistied ,in different' papeis, it . is only, thought necessary to keen thleppltliesequain. tetras tis. Where Dr: Leidee:Airstipelillssean Ob.. tained this . tlitfgenUinc,: : ntinielrotiVi.; Health,'Emporium, - 191'. north "Seebt#l 4 - - stivet,imar vi 66 'et. (sign 'ef. the - Doldeh. , Eigle4ell 'Serpent Fred. brown's James Bond's snd FretVglitt'sDrug Price ONE _DOLLAR: per' bottlii,;3 o bottlei. for ' . • • :T. C;-'4•STEVP.I4I SON, lerAgpot for Carlisle - • tteeff4e •L' eidV'sTettek anditck, Oinfitient At ,, T:ltiialllblleivried7:iir: , viiiiosi`eafrectloili the Skin; rotnovine loit,oPitiotulol;,atid EruptiOnii of7thei Skitii-and ti4rSoolitifidoi)ted to thti - ou're of Teller and the .•,..: -- numerous• hi;ol4. i vet hinh; roToputiuholg4.lllo,iiieitter7a-mnntfilahliiirait wh ill. , l i t n e xti f: 4o : d . p i " : 11 b at : ut ps : pr i . xii. : ' ,, a .l nla l li T : 0 0 0,. no r nou l ; eel: 1, 1 41 .... g . the Siehh . preill s ed h :W 11.1 eicho4.o e,elkel,u,ute_ e,,,, (C iV 6-ic nie t 'it t sel h e7lll-1 s i t i .l:ll;hN e nc i t:Y4 ll :: m f it:76l ' ° . n.'-' !g" l' t h their''9 l . : 1 i - T ev‘. 4 1711 :i :r i g: 11 : - , 1 3: I " : l a bi l I Factories , orl °I . hirtiiel C a l;'-I.'lllrWn i 914 1 1 171:61 :1 3:14 : r et ill' 0b ,7 ;A piiiiesl4`..* T4..,r. I.;•ipis.o:lTl-11, , , -.,r, .-, . - . • ..,..,, ', '4 ',7 -''.' 71 t''.', y,',':..:,• ~,-, ' ' - ...,,,,,,...„1., ..,,,:. ,' ~ '• ' ',.-:-..' "' ',..-••,,, mi,,mormakithprA.,,,,4l" 1,,,‘1 1 , , - -- •'IOII3NCOI7427Ti?:^ ''.lir k;";A:ilif ~-. .4 ,,C , ' •,. ,' • , .... •-'!:."''. ... IV p" . ^4 . 1 1 1, liittidfikah4J,Qw . , ..t,z.;.,i'm p. , , ,, 4.1x1ek, ' , , is ki.1,41,,;,. ~....: ..,.....',.... t V , . i largOlet,l4-4....iie„k t , .. , i, '',%, ''l'. '''''*•': "vist''.i,,, •W' 'NelkY°74,lP-1:31.,eit5'2V5,1404!1b1tY7#7,,, -:,0,,.•:N.:. !'.....i.Ltv;;'.;,•;,-,Y,',,,%.,c,'.',.:?: '..lq c.'7l, ..:::,fintiii.:Pil,-T,,:r? 71A.:,),-i'l.!-'4.0..#,','1 • ,-.: ...' l- .•....1:. , '. ~ ....,,„.-:.,1.,...;:..1,•,,,,,::;,• . l'•'<•:! . •'-'`f ',...- .'1,1'.", ktir,., 1:44.,..,-,,..-' ..,.4:',,,,,, ~.i1..112!.,t,e",N.i, Ayir,e44,-,..'", ' ...i::....r,';4',..,,,.3. WM. LINE. : • - tf:46 "NSON;S. old , Agent „, : ,.4- - , ....••• , ... , •-. ,, - , -- - ---e-, --- - - i t - 5, , , ,,, ,. .. , `4 7 .i•: -441 ,f ., : ,. tti1F . : -, :j', - c , ..r..4,.,.,±•:tRP... 2 15 - Pl;li:,;-: - , , , - t e .eCtit*At -I. l;o..iiii*lmitteittijk.V.l p ror ~,_•,:••••:••,,,, -••„:„.,••:,,,..,,,i4-,,,,....,,•....,,,, ,i..-'.'y, . Jr .4E:reiiiaoo49florotniooh i r a, Jen.A. up . if1 ioldiaieneraliqthiChkitill:amtlinO , ilto , earrrOtfilit.Cabltetliliiiillidese ithie,Old: staturliqtrig, Ilia” atrestioppositOZ r- if.liti , 41 - 0.507 travatrii;:oleiti he constantly; "ciii‘• - • Nand aria: • ,ivill irtanufacturalci:tirdttr,:all atticleti .iit - his line ",tifllittelitesa i such,as. . '. •.,• ;. ;',.., ,r ...: :,..,',,, ... '. 11115 7 11 .*W.F5: -1 SEPIIEr 4I 4 I ,E B I ., -' •:' , .:6 ,- : ), ' , .i- . :l3i)t)ittAoESiStlit , BliAltD9 . , -. ...17: -- -f -, ' Siiraii,Tablds;•ffedeteadO, - Sii34 at tho-.'very liokest• pilaus: ''Xietilati Carries:l'4h "the; Chatr'.-Makitig . IlusiitestOri all itssarious hiatichea;'atid . libefisit constantej!jpl y : 0f.,:, .-• :1: :,-••, , Z -; - ;:•• m =;, - -;; ..REAOI4aANi ellAillgi-,, , , 10PCINGr.cLAIRS,y . INDSOR , • -, , CHAIRSSETTEET.tid.SQ9IAI:?'I/-•• 1 ,, .. ' I BLES; ill'ai, - :whioh •itth ,aierk : :,'-ZZZg:..- thing ; olsiiiii that Jine,he h! praFiar , ":.: od'to the and. dliptise, oe r', - ..-.,-•,•,..,, On the tooptreascinable taring,.;:f ~.."--.:.,-,.,:,;•,:, -,. .49 Anyritati hie old -frieada and • ~:---.,-;,, .‘. . the iiiiidio geniiially to iiva hiiii'a ', ) •= 1 .,, cill;is .he Saal a • wall. assured that .; • 'hiaidiall-bil,:244loo.accOnimOdate thorn' iti quality aittLoriCaOqdrlo.any other otitablieltment of the , tbaoiiiinty. . . ' ... ',•'-.'' ; ~.f-•,' - .''-.'. ,•'* -- . ":',. - .. • 4 JACOB FETTER: Cii118165ept. , 10,1844.. . RIPS LIN COSIXIC. ." Russian -Cosmetic • 1 111311 - ::•offered with the greatcst - oonfl . dence to the public,. es the. best thing,eyer-discovared . froin its r enitenihand , .pcnetrating quality, to prorlucc 'a gooooad, of hair—prevent-it from falling Off when-baldness is apprehoe4l 7 -and. restore it. 'wheirbaldnestrhsettilte`OphlW.7lt is ail excel lent artiote fur. Ladies . (iflnakee the hair soft lively apd produces uncommon brilliancy. • y hnvp tostod-its-suPet-ior-virtues,-and-i eebiy instance, it - stand unrivalled.' It has , the poWorfoloffect ol.fcmovingpandrUff,,Pcurf, &c. from - the - liaidr'ilid'.hy its applicition, the beau., _fifuLamiornatnentakappendsge of a - fine-head'ot hair which nature has 'supplied us may be pre served. • • . • ~..The proprietor feels firmly,pefeunded that lie haii succeeded in producing an'irtiele which will met the desired wishes and approbation of the public. CERTIFICATE. .:... 2 iver : tfieviidersignedlibliin g need the above ar ticlo;•do certify that we have received.more bone. te therefrom, than from any other article that we , ever used, • ... : , S. A -WPtirstitikiWiiii"Cittlet i 4li - E - W - Roberts; - Rev P Maher. E W flutter, Dr C Seiler, W Kel ler, F •Mehaffy, Harrisburg ; 12 Fleming, Rev J P Hudson, J P IlleElarth,7 S Titus, J T Hall, T Bennett, 0 Beecher; J R . Eek, J Grafiuti; H B Packer,. Lewistown ; J A Gamble;Jettie - Y,Sliore; L .1 Cooley, Elmyra, N. Y.; 3 D Beers, Philadel• phi ; C D Elder, G Carskadden• - bock Haven ; J Ir.Moorhend,,Pittaburg-;-Isaatt-Illem-Unicitit.4t— ' sspared-mrd4Or-salcrwholertrte and retati by De":111h P HER SONTlfiti riturerritid " — filinlilnii - Carlisle by "• • T. C. STEVENSON. - January_22, 1845: Consuniptiost is Cure ripHOMPSON'S COMPOU ND syßue.OF TAR quid WOOD 'NAPTHA. Inflam. motion of the mucous membranes is the result of some impressions 'Made upon - - them by cold or other causes;, hence Chroriio Cats rrlo Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Astmahresnlting in Con. ' SLIM tion G idritfo.dirreascd.Livcr:and Ktdoeysi l'a mtatlon of the heart, &c. Frornlitiontestible evidon_ce,-itris proyed that Thompson's Compound Syrup of Tar arid Wood Nar . dha is _zi.::specific-in those.. cam plainis—allayi og : _trritatiop, ppm:ding healthy semetions;_and_remuyini-- th eieliiiig-I causes of disease. Thousands haxe - titicrit and can bear testimony to its elficaCy. FriitheiprOrif. Philadelphia - , March, 1, 1841. • I. hereby certify, that in consequence of repeat. ed and neglected colds my lungs became seri ously affected and fora long time I have sullbrod With violent'puin in my breast, übstitiate cough and -difficult 'Oxpectorition, the symptoms daily increasing iii_viulence.- -I-had-recourse to varioury remedies; with no avail; oimri used Thompson's. Compound Syrup ,of Tar, which effected a per• mancnt cure before I Inicltakon threetottles. E: EVANS Fayette street, below. Arch. Principal,Office, N. E. corner of FIFT(I and _SP_ILUCE-.Streets. • Sold also by. Oliver, Tenth. 'tind fleet; Hoban. sack, 2d and Cotes, and Bth and Green ; Thoinp son, Gth and Arch; Lindley M. England, 3d and Vlne sheets; Philadelphia; E. Bringhurst, Wil. mington, Del.; Gish,•Lancaster; A L w ßhue, Allentown; Jacob Mayer, Chambersburg ;, ENV Earle, Reading; Moore & Longacre. Norristown; T B Hewing, Trenton.N. J.; Woolinan, Burling: ton, N. J.; DI, 9V MePhersonjlarrisburg; A.B Sands & Co, New York ; Dame & Aldrich, Poughkeepsie, N, , Price FIFTY , CENTS per bottle or $5 per dozen. Beware of counterfeits. • BTEVENSON,'soIe agent. for .Carlisle. January 2, 11345. , 6m Susqueltanna Line, ~,,, - ..." HEunderaigned, proprietors o t e § nequeh T Line of Cars awl Canal Moats, return their cure thinks to their frientlain 'Franklin.and Cum betialid nbantieifor pastfavorarandreapeetfully-in= formAltem that ihey are now prepared to reoeiVe and fdl•wnrddaid3., vi_h - Water Produce and nereliandiie,. —FROM PHILADELPHIA and BALTIMORE Produce will bd deliyered to any house in Philad; Ode or Baltimore to which theirikataint , n h ate ac 1 cess; Their agents in the cities are blears. ~. urki.4.*At Vinwat;Wharfoirtlit7l De tqWtraiOliiliiiretkititi. Messrs. JOINT AiCei/Ll.otloll & CO., • • . •;, -• • Bo,wley'a Wharf, Baltimore. .They will Also receiveand foeward,tlailv,to Plats burgand intermediate points, Freight and eassen gees also for-the-North and West Brandi Canals. Ha rri sburg,. May 1, 1844 Grocery and Variety,S lore, _ ON THE CA§WPLAN. • . . • ALFA/ob „ •sENEn, • • . Itupjust.rotutned from the city and . is now 'Oaf ing at his store, on the corner of =Pitt and Lout 4 Cr streets. opposite the German Reformed church, _a choice ; assortment of. Groceries, Queenswere, Crockery,fipices, each as Pepper, ,Alspice, Cinna. 'moo', Pierce, Ginger, Mittens,' Mace, Salaratus, Pectins!), potash, saltpetre, fine table Milt.- Afine assortment of, honey dew tobacco. 'fobs, chnrue, buckets and b room,, all of which will-he , sold at -pricesio suit the times.. ,;, Butter,:Eggdniul ell kind's hf country product , inked in exchange for goeds., ' •.'. • • • Snipenther 11,1844.1 • . . , . . ~. ChOap er. than : - Ever l .. : .;:,.w , ,„,,,. ' •.. , - .',,. ' , . , g,T/11011ING :ESTABLISH MENT, ' . --. • : "ki1....4 ' , i ,, ,-..:......,:+,-. ,.,.. ' , ••• ... ~• • A! wrkingnbeap theise hard ; tiiniapppearitte be '' " tfie,order of the Idaq - sunong9liestatiors. of the lterougb, thi3'subseriber tides 'not feel •In °Heed' le be'. tnortrhsckivarti.: than hie' rielihboril wilacisfiverk . ,iiff rewth- t and ihereforirespectfutly , ennonticiite.ina' eft ustorners and the' publio generally,.that helit: tend 'for,thefutere to work as • cheap, and if limed'. .hey;nira lin leeeheapertaslitty :7 of-ftia-fellowl. craft, and he-trill do it t oo - tadAiiiiT faibionable Sly le:' , .. 7 ' t' ...- s- .':-.,. f' .. ", -.' 1' . .: : . , ,' , - ~- Ills 'hen is at theeld _itinitlie..nliititieet,lttiw tiocirs 'west of the Court 1 i lipase; afi dd : irectb onno si te Heeteins Hotel, where he willatali . timeebe found : , rillilgind`able telleasealt:yhp-Ity7Notilkinr witiitheir.cniten,---1, •,--,,,,--• :!flireininsitiaincoregnnis-ibegiellftrilP ' renege he , has heretofore received: aild:reipect,fully' tifoliolts.,ll;. 001014aq:0e,-; of :tipblio',AlMl Temen4 r . whia - youigistu it:store to. purchase 5t.9044-Yeet ',Of onto,,thiktjhe.oubsoribOe looop!kolteop,it irtiiititoo,; bitt.,abbit 'en& that lie. ii:detertitineil,49 4 - ° Vi king ° POtie otilliaboterittoiritiieslWOPYl6l444,.,. *,t144..,q I ttl -.,,::-.,, . •-;.... , f",' f• . - '4l' ,"....IV__:''.ll,l*lHEp,ol"-_,...,LF-''' ..;.wn e 26,•. , 4 0 4,4;•- , -,, ._?"17 , ..'1'' 1-, -- ~ :{;00-7 A'..- `go , o. • .‘"--:, - t-`''' ,.- -', •-. -'... - - -4 .F6'.?"il k ir-tA. iilqtr.lo. i.. i .. -0 • - .ssEvntawmalf...ialaiii6l, . ri,,'..;.-..,,i,.'"l;sik.MrC 5f2:....-40-a, elp•Ohl?ivi.'l.A. ~., , ,, ,, ...e. .*". ..., ."-ii..earigig,,, -.- pr t .,-911 P ul O r te , 0 0 -74-,',` ot dAlr , rind:43not ' 0,;.,•-„ Fr „•it kii , , . •4, ' turr . ohitOri . 4 i._ 1 .7, ,' . ',, P .'4.1‘ , (..Atail ip •.I.! r..'igthie.ortAaiv l_ero• ~ ," PI - - , ' - 4......1w n '" • " cvilP p s'.4 .i. , 4 •:. , t Plibaneiiii*ig, ,*N.p.,,"4:- ".oif.T-4Z''''.:(:?,.;-4,', 411* - Xl - 0 :1, ,,, .. 7. i .4,i-1,44,41,1ir.:, ''s ..1AV". 1 .... , 4 ' ~..,'"):;::. : 1 , t'' ~,' ,f ':',;': :,,,,, .;.''' '',., -.. . • t'CO . '• • • - ;`l. 077,74.• A O ClnlY. , cp‘re:or . :Onstinete'zruptions - ot,jnet imples or Pustules on %he 14 Hijekivitiio,ittlikrroti4doparolphi paten triatitiliTihtitrit ....4.,..rders'iartaingz.:frolll , :an-imp9re -state ',of " • ,blu`pdi- either ,by.a - lont-rmidence - in a;and unhealthy elintattc: die ,injudi atone use of 91ercury,, e. This Mitlieihe Ina ltie itenify been found -., highly benn¢cialin Cihronie_Poughi, or •'Coldribf-long standing, • his_been exten s ively used in the United States with decided benefit iu Screfula,..fifer r °aria! died:Sea; and in all ' eisai of an ulcerated v:har rioter. 4.s au alterative In 'the. spring, and fail sea.. soas, it,is mtequalled . . It pasties:lee muff advantages over the decoction, and is introduced as a prepara tion mere portable, bet-liable to injury by long.keep ing;and better adapted tr- the use' of persons travell ing or residing abroad, flte prciprictor begs Avelsi• cull aitention to the fallowing certificates, a rated from-a large :aim er approving its efficacy: , • —litantstsi,-March-.5;4839,-- - This certifies that my wile Mrs. neeni, had: for nearly, eleven yeardsoffered from a scrofulous crop tient: reieinbling letter. which ate deep hone in her fade; neck 'And arras, thd constant discharge Of,whiclr destroyed her health, and frequentNeehtined her for different periods to her lied, diming which time her sufferings were,very great. The best medical atten:2- . dance was obtained, and 'all the known remedies were tried with hut an alleviation of her aomplaint," , which always;vcturned increased Huh% lost :nll hopes of recoveryohe had almost 'tdrmined i bkUALLltltuplthbf-triedioine she:was . towever. by persuasnion; induced to try Oakdiey'a Depuratipl of Sarsoparilla,-the-use -of five . bottiqs or which,lias' removed the disease, and restored her to perfect health.. • . 7 1 . 110:MAS 'DEEM, • Cooiiiii,te the - depot, Reading, Pa. . • This is to..,earttr: lust my. little—som-shontight years old, litiltNittflieed for A long, time from-esten.; sire sores on the right knee and leg, supposed. to white swelling,"which I found-impossible to heal, even ,Ity . the. auliof-d.lic- most - respectable toodicnl ndvice,until I wa s re . commeptled to use Mr. Oakeley's Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla, 8- hot-. tles of which not only healed the sores, but perfectly restored the child's health: which-had suffered much in consequence of tltiialfection. - - • - - lIIN:GEMAN, - 71.11,1tbove Penn street, Reading. • Tne above case was presented to me both before and alter the use of Mr. Oakeley's Sy Yup, of SRegil• parilla b and I have no besitatton in believing, that it was the agentof his restoration. JOHN P. HIESTEIL N 3) - DottocAssytt.ce, April, 19,1845, . Dakeley :7-My son Edmund L aLladllte. .cro u TriTiThe most . drentlful and thstressjog_man,.. was Ile privcd of the use of his limbs, his head and neck were covered with ulcers. - We tried all the diner cut reini.lies,but to uo elfeet until recommendedk Dr. Johnson, of Norrist , wn, and also Dr. 1811141 lliester, of deading, to use your Depurittiv Syrup of. Sarsaparilla, of a Welt] obtained several boulee, the use of which drove the disease entirely out-of his system, the sores healed mt, and the child was restorc*so perfect health, wliich he has enjoyed un interrupredig evet; since, to thipstonishment of . knit: ny persons who seen him during his affliction. I lave thOUglit it my duty, atul send- you this certifi cate,that others who have a' like affliction in the 'family may khow where to obtaiii-so valuable a med. Yours, truly. 'A: 1). LEAP. Sold by 'P 41 IfsleiniLthe_follOu;ing 'Agents-- in. Cult - 111er... lath! County New Miller • Curnberland Joshua Crain, lloguestown. Wm. & C, Loudon, Kingston. Wna. Bridthn, Now Jacob Burkhart, dn. L. Iteigle, is Co., Churplitovrn. A. L. Cathcart, Shcpardstown.. Januar) . 3.1844- FACTS WOUTIII De. Leidy's. Sarsbparilla Blood Pills, • the only Pills in existence containing 57arsa -- Ttfdii• - com l insitinn is of' n pticilliar character, Composed of- Vegetable Extracts that are diuretic, sudorific, expectorant and cathartic, by ahich com •bination they are adapted to must tin ms of disease and may be taken at all times, by young And old, ro bust and feeble, with perfect safety, without inmate ring with habits, occupation, or regular course o living. - They will, at all times, be found serviceable as a Purgative., cleansing the stomach and 111, Via, as .well Mis a purlfier'of the blood and animal quids. in 'addition to their otheennalities; 'menus°, contain. kg SarsaparilKand other valtiable medical ex tracts in tne u • coinposition, and which makes them preferable to ull other Pills. More than 1,000 Cereiflcaf rs taw been publissliecl at cßribtllS times of their effi cacy in various diseases, and ;where all othrr int sines hail failed; ns the public must hare read many of diem, furilier,puld icat inn of them is deemed un rweessaryon account of the great expense. Mork/14(UL 100,000--BOXeB- - Ifili - v - e - bten sold in l!hilailelphia alone, the past ) en I.; thus showing that in the place where tiles. Nye manu factured, t heftier° a 'enpulation, other pills—which arises from thecae, iisspills , end are consequently employed iv. great er confidence than any tither; in addition to their known efficacy.- • Letit -- bvremembered : -I :.ttia_nnttheLquitiititgcifiiillsor-otheriitnilinie t cyon. can getfor the same is the•best or the nest. —`but the .qiiality.l.LOrolmsp•inedierfee'iii yin], of course,get the most; anitycni are induced to take the more, under the impression if a little does good, more will _do'more g0041,-and-yoifmnike-drug ahops, of your litonichs, i11i 6 3 12_ 1 1 , -) unit e. _ Dr. Leidraßlood Pills are compOsed of moreex pensive ingredients, and require more nicety and la-• bor in their Preparation thou any other, lulls—the. apparatusalolielfor preparing the eitraistfinoniained iii his pills, costing open three thousand - Price 25 aeols a box. . * • , • ; Tiler t - lifelifenared .only, at Dr. Leidy'a Healtli,Dinporiiiiii.' No WI North &coed stitet below Nine et. • .I'. Ci,STEXIINSON, Sole Agent for-Carlisle. June 28,1844 - To. thp, : • iHOMRCON'S COMPOUND. EYOUP—OFTAR AND .W0010: , NA1V13. . For the Prevention Jet(' _ Chre:of. Piellitoatarpj.Cottstrinp;ion o , . AriF all - distlasch indideol 'to Our climate there is UV none sn Universal', And ut the saline time so in.; aidimis and fatal as. Consumption.. to this 'country espebially l'ulitionaryeonsiunplion is - ernphatretilly a scourge, and in Its resistless eareer sweepso'erilie, land as a.tleabioying , .'Aligeidnyintliits witkrelent-, less hand the strongest and fairest of our moo! liith et to all efforts to arrestthladreaddiseaseluive,prov ed 'vain and ttl that seems witlliii our'power"*O. at beet thealleviatinn of Suffering, rendering' mind: tv.hat aritonther' the - carts In prOgreseto the totab •. • ..The, ,CorupOund • •Syrup of:Tar is ,beretoforefutibnowniexerthtg a' power over ( h p 41 is ease scarcely; aOrtecitablet:haabig a'apeeifin button, oii the pitmans tissue and at thb' same - Aline bringing, the tiVola Olken' under its pciaMrfiii Innen - cell 00i111.', slo . 44oolo4tall',Olo,Coilliet of dilesise lie it heredlT tairorttaerwlisee, and ' , •tbuit of the tonettlilebilitated tens, idrorttnrenevatliigorto theiOneral system an On"' eat.ta sent eine' putnpin.bei th . ttiesiiai: ing,thefollosfing wards, hlownin theglaps-ATbeite lon't lConapound 'S,Trup Of .TtifArcoininittpli Tilthout . • •,- • ',•Prlae•so.aMitsperltottleT. SOWigent • ; : -,.<'4 LUCTION II2I 4' .: .'„ ' " iltOd' toieretle his - . . . " 'takes this toe T"' l6 biteriber generally.that he *ill friends and the p ublic property' a . ,..0. ) ,0 attend, to prlinit sales of personal ,(,I.idinr_ocioatry: exi a te, ill:ibis bo rough and the, Vriv_lce n om , he Hieing rented te:.l.oom n05i;.4141110.14.,640.-4114p.a:., Viliirei.elYe-PCPPQII3-bVirouya-,.'thi ",Weileeidig lIT I goaolhe i " ..a ..,,,4 1 ,mtr i t , ..."( m:ikat'ttiOiilley',,,L. 4h P.' rt .' Af:R" .4j -M—': lirliP s tilinikiPtlllivitii ::, ~ - • ... z• R atrml Pge!,•,... ~. •. ..' ~ -', w4st , 'DI. II -iES.' i. , , 4 : ;L The 'i u ks cri beryl r ll •, ll t e e . v e f le e tl attend ..,4. 'blsineeeffrit ' ,. e n.,oBitiuhirlyopaml itkeuidtTOl;9Pt-„iamcbent d ,leepirigtwootel 4for:onehiiqc4/411 Laborers an , • ... ing ' Wee 4 ( .2 1 '.....:;',.: aiioo#ige:r '''.. : .2' , ti.Af: ' !'- - iii , aio r -id -. . ' fl '- '- ':,.=L"r.':¢':~ww 7 .V v -; ..v..K :_~.A«..LX:,-.xr.:x “yuan “a". .n:< >l.- ""’""" "V -' w 5.") m... .M, ,g "WW7" ~"."T“l‘?:%.'=“‘-’visa‘qst’r7s‘i"‘=:w“‘x-.;<‘{.;i}".3:u:_-k:..~,!,:_ ~ ~ “"95?":;,.~:.':;,',I“-»~,m.,-:‘j_':—',,~_«:r,1-.g in ~ .. ~ ~ MEI TeCKERTON N 'Mira 18,13•1 I. - THREE years ago in' consequeuce of civer-oter.• tion iu asaistiugAolnutteliabout,l ruptured a blunt - vessiil 4V - 6y - bungs 'which was: followed by profuse Spitting C 1310154,A)utcon.sequent-debility—sollnit lautl-ticaloliT—voa .. I 'propureil the teat medico-trent-- - iiiiimetttburthe—bleeding-ratiffeil - very often' neomn ned With fever.. Ina short times' cough come cut with great oppreseion, Ite_ctielftwetattil itight'swes4. 'ritual went on g radu illysrowing;.vforse . andll hew came -complete!". illicouraged .-abeUt dim tataililau ntleaninfitit.tra z'Con pound Syrup olTaroyliich l'used gradually. for nes, • three months, during vide!' time 1 great ally ice proved taut l wigw, bear My testinanty• to its stilne,aa the 9«l}- medicine which 'be'nefitted me, andlhns e sto'red • , • . °,• PH !LIP - BOLDEN. (Cr•Tli is iva I lin m . cdtpj iteis pi n - ha.a t ing - the - fullow,inevioriliFbl ow (lie glass: 'Thompsou'a-, etiftnpeutieSiFup,'_of .for;, Car - sumptlon" whi:int 'whielitione le gentiine. -Price 50 eetil's per battle: - 811i.bottles-tors2-,30. For sale in Carlisle by May 20, 11344:;—C? ' s.rE VEN SON, Sole Agent. __•?,'',,, • ;v-9 Wot•ms": -Worms,: F p . arents , knew the value atid"'effleace : 'or Dr: Lettiv's Patent Wgetable WorniTea,tliey,never • would he without It in their familieo;so Childrenitro subject at all limes to Wol•Ins. , -:• , • Dr.l,tddes IVolin Tea itfecomposed tof , les altogether,und may. he'given to, children'oftllJ area, DiteitiOnesceomnany . diteklisper Aar packape. ' Cldldren ,sulfer.,7muCh;'of times, (mei , 110 things being giver' .theni.for for . without •stny cc feet . MuSlpuedlOne,tiien. to childreiVi hits a tee, deneY z to clettroy di* genes hcalthi told , more or, leas dellentO over To sive Id tho •necoasity, Of medielnk • cease lily .i.vhen:yon nievorlam yqll.ll. ChiMifejt worths give first Di:LeidyPa Worns•-Tet - I4 is all that . . I‘.-ne'comolrY• • •- -.'" 4 """ 'Referece mi ght made fe 'several' litindred psa, rents in Philadelphia city. and ',, Try •county, 'of the '0114'44, o onv r. Dr: !..eitly'a Woolt l'ea.„'it and you will he • cinced. - • Nee :I 'eentait - linitii; and 25Cents itge..__Ppepat'etkenljAdndtler'inlewkole sa l e an. tkidec 4 Heitlth :Eleporitian, 'No. 151 North Second._ atiNc4belnii,Vine - faibiof tke Go dedlititeliandqrpetittmmo4lria. • • .4p , p . 419. piclitp . Otero, 1 .. . , , EirREVE'Ns9I4 I,EI C E IVEIVW .I OAO.IOO. , 2 01114 • • ertleaTorrthlifr,vip!entilit,. Qll[ 4 rentiera It a iary app'enqaiStoilyery • lady dr' gentleman% a1t,0111. , , A oil,it`.:cloek 'soir 11,6, h, 1 0; 1 10 'ee ;bill' 'Racy 'intl. beauty, (rates ,- the. • tuisute,swe,. , `' por6 ta 34, dtl, t withering.. Alll.llO.- 4441 vni°j 4 " . 13 6 611 / 1 1r-';:: 11 ,,01 1 N101.1, ,1 31 ' 1 14 : ..thg -1 1,44W144'and action ;so' ne4l2otii Pr".s,o 4 o ,o n,tratiOtt of *She 045 * :104, ' , 1PN..5 4,01 ' 5 2 1 1 4 141 " ) . 0 11.* 14 1 d410/06 'itiriliVerieolo6o4l _V*ls,4l4ofolW::'44;iii-:, ; , ME „, . . , _.• , • . ....... .....• • . . . .81:0tionuof the - LitiiT, ,- aathysti,...'Broncnstes, or ' Weakness V the :Breast or. l4 n 4 gh Chronic` coughi,Ple uriay , lieilorrhiwelfthe.L!zro l .o . 4 94Afeelfe4 of thePulm?..qiny9r.glyis. , :' -:-:-. .40 --- . NATUREW- 0 WN • • PRESeRIPTION ' . . . .. . ,- A compound Ilalaiimiepreparation ort e rumi, P. r ir,93:tgana or Wild,-„Clierry-,Bark;.M,ccitabitietf ~ . Witlithe,.Extroe't of Toi.,preptired'hy.alielsk.'oloni”' callivoceikapproved and recofinimended . .by : Aii6 most, distinguished .physiciiiiia,;ind universally acknowl edged the Most valUable Medicineetver discovered. NC) I'4tiAt.,Ic.ERYI.H•-NO DECEPTION. . ... . To setting forth the virtues adds truly great med icine we have no dealt.° to.. deceive those nwlio are labouringunder affliction, nor doote dellie to eulo gize it more_ fluid It justly deserve's. "Lei when we took around bud seethe Vast amount of suffering and distress isecasioned by Many of the diseases in which this Medicine. has proved - so 'highly successfid, we feel that we cannot tirgoits ,C/111M8 too strengy or - say too much in its favor. . . SUch, indertl,tiveilm - .. --- ---'-811-RPRISIISIG VIRTUES..' 01 this Balsam, that &milli the advanced stases of .Coristotr•rmtv, after all the moat esteemed remedies, of, piton:lops have.failed to effeetany change," the agejoehis medicine has heel' iiroductlva of the most , iiitciifialting - relief, and actually effected cures .after 'itillnipes of recovery had been despaired of. • • ii ihe first stages of the disease tot med " Ca:arr- * hat • Coniumption,'" • Originating ' from neglected" COLDS, kin's. been used-with undeviating success. .and hundreds neknowledge they ()We the.. • tr=..-- of th • • , 44 e4Iiitrinyttl al e medicine alone,— la that form . of Contumption--so-prevalent amongst delicatey_ountfeinalis, commonly- terin ed.dt - Ail i ty, or ' "GOING INI TO/ , ,,,ECLINE. " -• A complaint with which th *ands are lingerinp,A has also proved highly anceesoll, and not only pod senses the power of chacking_the_progresa-ol'ilna—a"-- - larming-courtiliiiat,but also strengthens and invigo. rotesille system more e ff ectually than any medicine we have ever possestml 1.-.l.7oriputicularaTcertificates, Br . c., see'Dr. Wistar's pamphlet. • ' ELLIOTT, Carlisle „L. Denig, Cluinabeesbrog. Solomon Oswald; York.' Angie and Grenson's„Shippensburg.: Caplisle;lsiovembei-8.-1843. DR. multtm STEELLING'S Pamiy edicines ARE NOW ACK NOWLEDO - ED ON ALL HANDS TO RE THE VERY BEST REMEDIES IN OENDRAL. ESE. IDr - Jr. Sicelling y Pulmonaryyrup Contains the most e.ttraordinory eurati ,properties for Coughs,Colds,Consomp _ .dsthma, Spitting Plood,..C2Odps - 'Wastes, Hoarseness, Diffiruky ion Breathing. Pains in the,Bread, Side . . and all DiSeilBCB of the .Puhnonary Organs: , THIS remedy lips been u4irl , mid its es - tila6 l ling cull, ntnny of ve quakit - los - teat Hied to•by ihe most respectabl e citizens of the I.h.ited States. We do not—toe c annot;claimoistloei the FACED QUAC-3i, infalibility . for nue medicines . : hot having. tested Ate niediemalt qualities all.: .. .Pulmonary Syrup," iu .fin exteuaite and - weird oredien4pructios;.fou-rnalty yearn - Ny . o ai 1. remkilltltt nueeens, we unlittaitatfagly pronounce it one of, the 4`ery hest Pima-rowln the a orltl far Pulmoiliiry llts eases.' A single trial wilt 4rotrghly satisfy. ally' oneihat - itisullt One of the am -11110 H Quack . Nos troina of the cloy—btu that it it a medicine of real to pie in every family. his II itpreTc &wed low price i 5 Ittrothoiig: recommendation; while other Cough or Piilhioptirt. Alettieinuattrwelf-- ht. fill' $1101) and more. STI I .1.1. N 'S I t-IMUN ARY-STRE,P,seIIS for only 50 cis. per haute. For salt': in its purity in Carlisle, at SA MT'EI. F.LLJOTT'S - Dome Store, East Mn tost ; in Ilan fs, burg at Vlll. HELL'S orer Store, stl ulna Ches nut streets. A-IFicit Angle and Gretl!OleS Drug Store. Sliippenslitirir. • Felmenr3 14, 1844. . illetantaires I\Terve and Bone Rheumatic Liniment, and India , • , I egetable Apeofic. A WA IMANTED CURE:I,OI2 RIIh.U.MATISM • • Dr. I,ilibl''s Vegi'labl e Bitters & Life Pills' IDECULiAItLVIWIIefiehiI in 1 1411.11 11111 i Foyers. Pelee anti Ague, 11sittitsitt,Crut1, Liver totitlatint: Alsibt Chioctw liEair Eradicator, warrititted tit rifler Stey r ' (hums Lairs, vi nitwit in juring the skit. or Iteallit. !.ioly certiftentrs as to the effizatl• cif the abuse 'twilit:lnes night be itt•n duvet!, hot the propriet rib h t all the re connuentlittion they netii is a fair trial. None genuine n Unlit the signature of 9ornstovk b Sold iu Carlisle nub- by 'l' C. STEVENSO: In SitilippriAltirg Lv .5 1 1;111:1AUGII '&:, 1100VER April 17. 1844. I - • F ~! J~~r