') j .10,- v. ISEM new oat na:ty, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, , WEDNESDAY:• 14, 1.845 ptill absent. varp. F. tia4r Esq. of New York will iiddieik!the Silleifiettres SocietyolDiciin- Collige On' t h e 9th of ' , July ne*Wr litr We iiliPitoliii.attention of our rea-. defe: towill be • found - iniinolhoii..oolbmn of this 1'14E4, of faring :it: YOWOrii:foi the recovery of LW 0 1 winches, which were , titolen from the Grail , : mar school building few 'nights since: - . irr.Py•thiisst yoiSateer we see Mat tl)d . gellOr 4'oll hail - Anion the old string,. His .tenclor 7lteari. has been affected by ; the deplorable-fate--.9f,p00r-AlichaelDiliple, _ . • • _ Ile, however, congratulates himself and his readers on'the,appointment of Mr. Dip pie as tax collector by the Board of School Direetors,* and concludes by saying* the . • , Maid is free from poPties, and hop — oe -it may ever remain - so. ' To this fond hope "' that the Board, may be kept free froth politics," we heartily respond, and - we - are also glad that a werthy'poor roan has been ppointed:tax collector. • But let us see whether the Captain tells truth when he soya tiro Board is free from politics, and, why he ' so heartily wishes' it may ever -- re - twain so-we fthinkltlicre_ii_stlinething. .selfish in it.: Let us take a few facts.- hoes Captain Sanderson recollect at the last election where he ected as fudge, when' . col + tof,the Willis boasted that we had oeleele d our Judge—does the Captain recol lect saying iii , a triumphant 'tone, " Fee t but we.. have jot our School Director!" 'Did that savor of 'politics. And this same Director was eleetedorer Wm. -I‘l. Bidille; a man Who was deeidediiiiiieti;rier in - . why ? "Merely view—and tv-, , ,„, t h e f nominated DJ t la e,point ° h d been under i 'ever' e•itar.'El•-•-e ?her Teae°° that the beeans fi. elp—° past, - and o .years whige, It i s a notoriousr =ma done }heavens. -- It Boar!' hag ;t has had_ , t report been been Whig . • d ihst -. -t all • ho_tas ...,,,„ has an • " a,----.---BY •-oote -"'” fear to as aertftoo ao - has be_en of -the_ ... by Loco fin 4 p_hanace do not has , ...-Boarel-n° - and-% the Volunteerfiaa printing,. ,„ of . Who sockepaid for,, _Edan.r .1_ of it. aid- for thalinseeeen-eight.lohr the Board one ted elleei°fge AleFe° r' these the tx c ~,, eorge mute,. been tripe. k aered at y'aara past a -" wxli' ,ha 'w?° j.'o-. “, . 8140118 is nort 41.,' ) 7 t- A ~:hotild r °' =; OF Or ~. ''''s it 1 k:'' BOttr"lT,., as'w het VAlte`,„,', lijill , / 8 't .. .9lr4,ll'lB,lli4;liftirliTt ,i'l ia,lB/44, „fd i 0 ' P ar I Y ~44a41.te '.1,;„1 , 1,.fi.7.77 t4'ifts4,lk - 'nerd is -,7 '''''' Ili ,401;rrstiiiietI • te17„,.--tethe out ,e*a.,„if.p4hc4-..,ivthfroo ~,,,,i_taken lAgois Hi. -teri'All , 'h. ,leat, ,-, will 4., LA—vu-A"liit 1° - " - t,)itt t i s - and: We d -"44'7•airtilaill'-1111% 6.0tri°315)---'4iYhiPile ,i",i,:aioll•.P!-onthe-0111r;,1,i4itiq ai,,,iilsgr-iii .'7l,s;'...'orlhe-92'‘,.kiatiaers911.- ' 7 ai ritlPP'figls'di” 4nilie,tij/Per ^II 'oi'y l i n!' Et ttie7pli.ntl i hare ~.?-'2. --..m)ri'en, . ilea :thin': '. ha/41104l te Vl3l'" Let hi m ' .1,-': d:we-'0,,,1 o,i, inn gp :14)11.': ' "cp' ilt, 2,0 ~, f,,lhoiltll '-ri,"O`lhai s l ,r , - -, cr imon. . ,•Itfittnit..„..,`: ~.1.,,•,tra,„ ' i „ rire;,4l°a ,--'l,4oEle'l ~t.,..:6,1ir,fie , ,C.tbe'e°, ; '44raii,:o°P..--ii;l-4,:-Py. Z-46f,to:t'ink e a gt . Dip ..- 1 - - ' irieM,R, ;,',lii6l-N`r,"' at; pour : iu-* by ' ' ln`4`es'ygletieft°•' -T503kP,,,.-'dlliqe , biiiii-P, - h --6)kentl ~ • e:1110n- -4 'tight , , e•of,t It,' ,-.4114,1#T, --, wi l e tho '.:.; 'liraPn,`L 'l'ol:fthle • ,'.4:.,1tt., bjeet in ~-;:, 400!gi....Aiefitte tc .,,,- bray 0 that. ortr, ' 0 ,;.,',:-.440,- ~......e.a7.1e.4,•3.,°000 - •.. , .3sa - e-,-fittiyibo,, 01i0e*r!i-t 1-', 46 , :'ill'Or1iAircitd- 17,•it'A-the to be -',giiiitl*?^'Veir°ll6:o bows him f tile '':-.--.7-.,''')ifl44l'.;l-iiie's good ° `43le4l4,,rat='aat °- ote the or ''...i...' '' i.;11100' a, to Prmn to 0.,,,.. . ;3,-aoly ea-hral , . „,,- bitiou I. otas len .. -ail' beret° sr honora ble $ doe- $•-,- etions •,,Loues --" 4 f hie a agnani 0 - _ some_ .._,. a m . believe nin loan.? C _ ~ Varbude:-.l3ank. - - . . . ItO - At a meeting of the. Stockholders of 'the Carlislellank,,held agreeably-to-notice, on Monday the Sib' inst., at..j o'clock in the afternoon, to decide wtiether or not the wouldaceeptilie.new.Oharter proffered to 'diem by 'the Legfslaturo of this Siete. George' A. - Lyon,' . 'Esqw,..*.was dppointed Chairman; andlevl Merida', Esq.; of Mon- roe township', Senretery. - :"I`hcr....theeting , was unusuallylarge=-!fifty-fivefty-fivo of ihe etock holdera appearings-imperson, anil seventeen by-their representatives, making in ell 'Bev *ntyLtwo. A krtnighiiiefiire:thi - M - Wtiiii; ',the Directors of tho gank had furnished the'l 'Stockholdere.,o9o_aily; witkOepies of the_ 4c, new 'charier, .so theithay came , to the meat-, . ing 'Witli7tifalkkatiWiedge ; of all , its.odions ProYiOjPoo..".'',Acler To' fiw"oliwoiniote . re- Ina r lis" ' ll.° !#'Jl l6 ;'Pht#Mitn‘ and Metiers. 4 1 . E a rder - sl 4l ltiAlraiiititeittg,:iiemit: 4- floo 4 ii doo trOOlOSOOtls4 6 tivlifoklitu"sli and othitiii'wbbtb»!OtilitAtptolol47 4 :rer ottlt to .. thO, pi?*boOefri)t 4hey accepted tbi pill;;:ii.o'::`,ltl4o,-:',0000-(07.Ai,,,,," the; -- v€4 4 4o9.#in ,on ' c;l4l 7 lPtilleAtiisi 4 -it wait', ftittiitVillig''bY! ' B ,_' - ; 1 .. ( , Fr" ifidividtfit4 - ' juil t littekep•kf#tiOo tifiti;io,,lt..,,. (Mild- Collet. pre* *p.tets;l*i'tiftkikrioi.*'oo ne"*-424a.r -,', ter, witilef,titti*Siisiiiiitilirti. 2 **Alierri - Pirrill'P.COM4 , t - 4 , 1 ,, ,Pn.149.9,0 who , . Vireli6sifilt Oichilerai . tieblikoiviiiholi - 'tY.6lllll4,haqtel; :‘' crVgaiNapl jading up, 2 7 4111 C -, 9 l O rie F : PC -4 'q ariti o 43lll kl l .ll 4llo- ' expired' in 4,rietkike tution, and after paying their debtstftri'gri dollar _of :which we unde;Oand tlfes;:a* -fully prepared—toJdo., as, pour. as. theEatif, demanded—goonaud cnilect and distributt: .their . funds among the etocklloldera.. would be ;lid to know that every other anking Insdiutibtrin the State,. wouldbe 'able M give their stockholders as good an account of their investments, as will the old Carlisle Batik. Clay and the tninn. ° A large Convention of the preachers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, from the slave holding States of the Union, are in session at. Louisville, Kentucky, for the avowed purpose of effecting a division of. the gover'nme'nt of •the thurclies of_the oOtith and Southwest,_ from these of tNorth and Vorrheast. In vieiv: of, this Conventtitm, letters have been addressed to Mr. Polk and Mr. Clay, putting the fol lowing queries : , " Will. the •division.' of : the ,Mithotlist Episcopal Clkurcit,into two separate organ izations, (slavery being the cause of. the .. division and the dividing line) be . nicely to , ... _ .. area the civil connection hettireen the alive and non-slave-holding. tates ? If so it 'strengthen or weaken the bonds of their union r- mr. didmocanswer the letter, but Mr. SSFira's., - -Iw . ,-fulldwi character istic manner . .i'" " Asni.asn,. April 7, 1845. ," Dear .Sir—Our ma r tial friend, Mr. Mitchell of Frankfurt, delf*ered to me the day before yesterday, your letter, with sev eral publications wider your name, in re gard to the, untoitunatecontroversy which has arisen in the Methodist Epjscopal -Church-et the- IJnitett-States,-all-of -which_ I.lfave..attentively perused. You desire an expression of my opinion on certain inqui ries conamanicated in your letter: . "I Wave long entertained for that church sentiments of profound esteem and regard, and a I have the happiness of numbering a- , MOng_ it§ members, some of the best friends . I have iff-the-worldi--71-wilf-adtnith-great trothohat I liave_witriessed - with much sat,. isfplion; the flourishing cOnditiorr of the church, and the good sense_end wisdom, which have generally characterized the ad ministration of its affairs, as fat as, I have observed it. - _ - " It Was therefore, with tho4eepest re gret, that I heard,' in the course-of the past ypari : of the danger 6f a ;division of...the church, in consequence:l:if a difference of, a difference-of opinion exieting.on gate .and unhappy subject of slavery. • -A, division, for Sucha-cause,would'he . .. greatly to be deplored. t hofliF...!TO;4COnut* the clip rehts - el f tacptil iflcatieh*l)* Indeed, scarcely any public pceuiFencc ; has: :rill aeparaticin,ol,,the ehiirchi'tekline, throw ., ing all the Tree Staiii„eo•otle aide, and all the Slave Stales.on the I will not lay that Lich a separation would necessarily produce - A dissolution of the politiCal Union of these States; but the example would be fright with imrtri:- nent.danger, and in co-operation witkother causes unfortunately existing, its -tendency on the stability of the confederacy .would be perilous nd alarming. • 17 Entertait these views, it would afford me the highest satisfaclion to hear orau adjustment of the controversy, a reconeili: . : ation between the opposing. parties - in the church, told the preservation of :its unity. =ll.lLinit -- -my — Wl f :'ton 7 lll - szpol i titSafirct - 9 the subject, with Out expressing any on-Zither of the plans ,of compromise and settlem - cift - tObich have beelf..eOblished whioli I .could not do . without 'exposing. myself to improper imputation. With fervent hopes and wishes that some arrangement of The 'difficulty, may be devis ed and.akteed,upon,whiCh Isbell preserve the clutch. in Onion and .harmony, I um respectfully, , your obedient ,• . - • 114 CLAY." SEVERE REIR r F. 7 ,50 of New Hump , Ye, reprertentlog a- free :State, voted for the Annexation of Texas, and- the extension ,of ' slavery. ~ife ha's 'since been addresped,,,*,: this suljeer7by Vcria.Lloyd 9arrisori,o well knoln - oho. [Monist; in a 10.4 letter,ll7iit applies, tire, seanrge, in the !allowing saver! )angOage : "You'adernoerati „Then. isr.Satanoilien, disguised ali angel of rf o YotethVOnenti oppresolop ";Then was' - Deb pdroleA .. payiet yr lire hour, of tiTir ileat6 a 'etopparter:of,the.,Deelora 7 , tion of IridePeridence , (,:Thert„wolcJuriari: 'a faithfnl,tid4erent . tord ate a' political hypocrite: MR, PLAY.L.itiililtr:OLO/18 - gentleman is -political Criendeind admirers lyiye eubecrib= t'd st ourti' ußrl6lo3P4o:Mie"O''filat from ' pe t einilary : : einisb#itesinem,iceasidned by •?.-,' tipTuinglfoi st;lt i ltitive ttiviiii . lit 4 'llo?lutrt tiubtletibie.wai , 43o,oo - 6t , ' A JP4oi2.4trPiii, ligtpn,' , ki.; iirti%iitkiidem33o,'lo::l3obv: ertvillo;Titiiiiiiiratig of. Mr; tiiii . i i aiii'.. ---'"' 't (NitYiViuYY:thift - bi'liiingl ely: ;In de but Widdi,i,4oe'laila, tyeelcApiOutittatt debt cli:f§ii;;;tilm'uttiltittgAirtiOiliFlo4o;tooo): Lit p „„i, CipicellitClialdu,'ltiptisiiiiiiiietetio, htfiffroni Unlit 'lO9 tibeelifillOritiekiliiii.; this ity t lifi , apt fie 4: r-gtif igh,;;;; f i'i , ,',72.`; ',.:.'iWc:, ~ .,.,,, ,- ,, . .-.., i iii4;, : ti r ~, .-....., i.i.e_4 l 44.i,:J* .. ofiini,oiiiir,sii ,> t; ki T iniitik.) , AI 444.pv.e.41 ,- 9)*: 41 - :'‘iii',t,o, - :thiOpitrov *.i'.4 - 30ndiqi6Vire..:Iiifii-Liiiiiiiii - i - iLTWi4,',: 1 I .z . . , ! . . : . i ~ ; n ii., •; ,i l ~ . . : interest -out , - i :.- a e - '' rs .. ' ,- ' .' , , - 4 4 ic ~7te sf , ; k lflc , llberian met with rough . 'Weatkie {lti , ink:i-ginefit Piiii* • .. of • ife;toyage , •• i t:oilif:gencrat'aapeCt' - oftraila)tfariikii butiP:tlfOinie.'4'.: . '' ;;i-... ,. '',: ' ''...'''.4;?4 1 - - ;24:1;•:.E: , ., ,- ; , , _,- ... . . . . ~,'"--,v,?g .iterelspothing • important from b I • , ,•;g:s 4 'it•?"-'..- • .- - 1 13 ; nn ttr i ftt e s -er. •; Z . ,' tsl'i,il -.4 , ,, F .y ll ,l r 4: q ues!lOW•ceitilint O r.67 l l: w tract'-'io:ii#ol2l!al'ofattlirittoif 'iii,..England. ,- TtianaliaA i oad-4vas ,, ,seriouslyi , if. , ,nof,. mortally ill* itt.lie latit'aCciiiini.'' • Flemish :papertrgive.sail accounts of in ' undations in arising parts 'of BelgitrOi s iO. Germany,'. arising from , change iri';‘ll,e, weather.. _ , 'lreland 'continues eoniimMively quiet, though‘ there are rumors that V.Connel in te n da•-dbon kind. Premonittory4,symptons lionary feeling are exibitinvOiciaselyesiti' , l some of the Italian Stales. ' • Mr: Everett, the Amerean Minister, em=. tered a distingnlslied part y the; . nobility. , , on Thursday. - Lord' BrOuglistn7 Was - a=-- mongst 7 the number. ". A merictior .: 'dieek*Ased, in London-is.eqinit to the Stock of -E . nglish cheese of every kink) • • The Vaininiith Gun for - he American steamer Pr r ineeten -has been_comPleted,mid, the Englieh 'papers have long tietaila otthe process of its manufacture, and offer..vari ed speculations as to its utility as - an en gine of destruction. A rumor prevails in London that Several regirnents.won/d be drawn from Ireland, and that eight thetisand troops are . to. be • sent to Canada. Dr. Wolff has arrived in • England; 'attain. - a - letter to Capt.. Grover, which paliili --eiliii-M-e-wrift-s--,-tiwginturvgra-plite sketch of his "hair breadth eseapee" in the sions from which ho'has returned. S{i,ITZERLAND.---The' most important news from the continent is the .inereasing quarrel between the .Protestants and Ro man Catholics in. Switz.eriand. A battle has been fought and Much. blend l'hisit'itifiturekif 'continue% -.wilt probe-, - bly. - lead' to, tho-diSeili'ffiliferiii . Swiss. Cantons, -and 'its Tartitiop amongst. theadjaccat Bowers of Europe. - It seems. iliat the ~peopte.--of the-413aale—Gam.p.ange,' and tlielitit.r.disorderlY--inLßerne-foima. a - free Corps with Which to attack lucerne while the r banto'n - of Argau summoned by the tocsin . 11itanti Protestants arms:' • , • k force of 6000 - 60 *ere accordingly asembled cept F -- bn ,that'hi*nwas tOrliftettittif Marched twthe.nurober . of front:l46:4o4A prepared for liqfPOigo:0 41 10::4?4:Y. , ;3f7%!:•:: fieieiti* • Militaryskill. They suffered (heir troops to be divided and drawn into an, ambuscade. They fought however with muClitipirit-and - courage, but were defeated, leaving 600 men dead on. the field. They returned 'subsequently in great dfsorder,. and were harrased by their enemies. to such a degree, fr4everysuat tei, that.enlY 1,000 of-the 5000 returned. At the latest advice the: Dietwas in tee. sion, and measures were in progress,which it was hoped would :restore theblessittge: of peaceind quiet to the distracted . Cantons.. .11:g114ost of the FttetOrY ell, make .weekly. or .monthly depositesAn the Sayiet Bank in that city. B.f a recent report of the Treasurer of tho Institution, it Appears they now have on depesite s7llB,6924—last—yea r,-. $57-5.16&.----- , - , Th is , year the number of deposites is $4007 last year. $3,2.12. The Rev: • josephl!roetnr, for thirty . six._yeara a preaclnil 2 - 7 ye- --- iisp . e;,in Kentue4y, died and •tias" , piiied witVnail(- lary funzoiv. .11a liaegeen- a noted Indir dian 6giliej in Ws.early days, ' - Mt.. ; Ajnited - StaterPos Master 'General. has gone. to Texas.- • ''''' , PC77llhe'Madisnnian says the appoint ment as Charge to New Grenada, has tieii tendered to tlik, lion. B. or : Penn4lvania. r . • itZ,P . One jamdred and ammo ty•threC Nor- Mons from England'end' Irelind, recently , mood through _St. way to SEAMINOS' HOME.; ..The , corner stone or a new ficiaMan'e wall laid in Purr: chase • street, ,Boston, on 4 1 1•Itirstay 'whit impressive ceremonies, ' ' • ' c i .. , ic _JoNow.-=ffirit o can ye beat rotkiona lee, 18 110:Plkicc - oft much'intereat at thle;II me to 'Benet bi Olin. , : We - *mild . adalse,you to aveold' disease, - by. Awing Dr , ‘Willlain Stealined Vegetable Antibil:: lona, Pillai whloh;,preverve and restart! lealth: by eleaofing all corrupt humors from the , ayeletn. :, '.:`Dri‘A.:./Stout; Longiteonilog,lcew. JOraey; etia,'_ lacing. had an .opportliiiityand , also - rib. occasion to leit' the 'medicine I qualities of Staellog'a. Vega : , Afilar:,Adtlbiltoui Pilla g - I giotaitiouely and cap. 40 4 1,ifIlici , jm-lay• wurarthat tharhavairr every' pull-have, need them, anewercd my gloat amp iiiiiieapeetatione:': •„I , ''' 4 ' ''-', ' --,.: -. ' ~.‘ , Sold . In entilalo,hyS,' , ELLlOTT,only.agent cot. '";:"Mossro l Sonford ,ti ti PorkgPear - Sirs . W4h .iegiltd to Dt.. 'Whither " . lif IVA& ChOr t y, for mbleb - pita are ivhileali% tits. wo:lkaa aOld.. k aa° meet Oelober,_eightfdiy : 3•=biattlei - nt - ietail;: tit and have haard, from 'n g•reat_piliatil -Of thtkl is Peßsliklifig•the'iloislied oftootiA; ::.. ' .•J ': .Stkollitimptirtitit otiiiis to thil'tiigiiiiti; viiiiei): Catna =under. .oneltersidaal knokviallgo, lionclptti , Ortiodt-L•iib - aiii4thorrpaiotilii!tiiitu Lien. tried fcr, , lean' 1 6 411 1 ,,0fit , offaCst..-v. ' ' ' - ii ' 4 'Vl ' :" , - ' s In 'roc we*it,',l:4ia : or.. ilk+, '00 . 4 millo4 lo , irnetßaii lot - 0 11 ikaari' ,- or lift, hiqii' l ,o: , ', llll ~ ? !!!).3 t .- .: n0W0,,,, • . hiilhit'll!r Ii PILI . I . l6:kkOrtiltit'lllfr.iiiiig nt,ll ' ''' ; toiaa. 'il - tet ; ty# . #oo , 4 4 givi,ii!Acso ,., -. 'OVi4 tit" ' ' kiiti ; 'oo4iii , W4itjr: ,.. t 7 •:'.4VX , : , PiI 341 , ,.. ,- 61 1 .vi l •• 0 e ._ ...„....."..,,.. ~.,....:4 , 6 1 ' — ii.434' 1 .'„'14,1;'46:4fiti E J:S 14 0. 4, .:'fr!-..i - '', vicitiro:**wt ' ..Ifit:; , :,wiit . 4mAiii!ii6-'f , , , ,4 - .l.l. , ,Aktiti. Ikt :6% . ,5 4 ANV 7 .4401 . % ) 44M .' 44:4 41 : 41 t0r . , Iti ' MY6: l l.l'll's .4 l`..a . l."flg..rf - -.*"11:41/glige,10.21fk,'?g43.V", W,ixiwypojtvief tcimakii a itew move oIT ;• ; I t ~, ~ l i • - : ....,.... , -.tr.,,5,,,,...„ - ,4....__:•, , ,,,, T: 0:- "7,11 , ,t•- • ' ' ' fr, r , 4 . • ,1- i, N.,,,,4:-. - 1 ..r!. :,:;„ IMO :: ,711!;", ,ct i, . 1 ",?•:, ,ems ,:x.: ..:'• !• 44- 0 i f9§1.91T, vr , iv.--#,,jup* 5 tw0,.#06., rcoui Ir. , ft `"*o .- 4:1; 1 ''•• 'it' iiiie r •"' riTiAtiV .: :IP . . 1 _ ;, • • 1.. e . ,OW4t. „ 413 11, illktiii343ii&eltiiirid:teiti3Otiih'i; r :Viiii;4ti cii.Ritse,l'o'iliicli: s hati, been referrid'the *t!.140.441: , T.0. Ittek OPOTtila:4l B oi h 'an the Vt4).l;'i:Zifiloooriii‘,4trit;tif.'abotte,4& ' _` l !-theAliri4tEStSates:,. , ,,-Mter -many fitife::'svtilltt, fights, alioti;otitraged:t A V . ikiiiiv s e;npi tideti iii ., racciiiiinentling.two ~,,,,, , „„i'a lils%iriecedeilj*,:tt : Preambli, de 4 . littr,',,...' — ~ ,i_6l 4 ,li4elie tire 'Toiled, Staten iiiii , , ,,1 A,........vie,, , ,i,,c:i1id .territory of 11 i le t)g ii7 .4 1* 1 - * —: Il tirk l Prif a: ir . !it i o .:Bl ::: 4 l ll ; ; O :4l: i. ll; :h a lt4 P ' r , P o P ih ri- e a- r 'natiOtiaTSA`"latrilit s a‘ monstrous innovi: ii Wit pn'nfirti ' p dice ' , ',if ;,4:lic: world and ~ t lO.l, , I . 3B iPiOkß,tkr.i„tif P the r . I ) ivt'etel . tittd .; 1 1:0*; . iiii)ihi** l long bienA l *Pr:eimiairc* iii4,ow;tifiiijjietiiitea` l stmeieiiiiigiiio - ougi ,? .a.p: - Artolrkelidiltarc47o. -- er410011(1 'iyitilillist , i-tikti'i.,':4ipgei:ed - ; 4 1 ' 2 "0Plkiryed: - :iicyttjil . iiiiiirr'l4ierind of : *iiihf#,ioi, beareitiAttittii& . Oiiiih clialii:it.liSieas, the; otara t' i &it faiii , " 4 ', a violation::Oc'Oery, ii c°llB' 9' ,v‘ l tt :FXWitll ' etPle °l;APFtFkr',.e )" :a s, iiiiiflie:,i,Totio si - c t'oeo;.ith inSult Wher' dignity:atin.:Ativireign-liationi arlikAneeteee her indepentlefico, and political eztistpliep., there'fOre : ltiek:•ruaggress--ef.: ReEitoblie%solcrpoly "dicfirre, that the law'of tilt -V . ititiOtites: for the.- Annexation of Texas - tir'..tlirAmerican Union, in no re . spect,kmpaimthn rights which Mexico pos sessee and wi th - maintainLo that - department. Furthernioti;- .thai the .United States having . disregardsil the priuciples-npon which aye Ittis,erLireaties of amity, com-e merce and nitvigatiorr, and more especially of boundary4congtyis -considers thern. violated by .Wit 2: United States. . . .. • And finally,Ahbt the unjust usurpation of whiih it ii::t7tinglit to make Mexico the victim, makes - fisherduty - to - trik - tep — a - fnis in-ter-tlefeneeonoirpose_such_usurpation and with the full'and rightful determination to-use all her.l'esources and power,to pre vent the' annexation decreed. bi'the U. 'S. The' second l ionsists of Tour - articles., which are as folliiws. . . wine Firstr;: The •Mmtipan nations calls .upon her Sons to &fetid their nations 'indepen dence, threatened by the usurpation :or the terntory.o exalt, w tic ts_sougfi to be ciilisnmthafed_lo';,decree passed by- bon gross atiCtline#o yid:ly the _President of the - T• . : :- ;. - ecorttl4T • fiiiefire-Ilte.tleivtiment wilt consider; ; itself. at liberty (pondra to.call"ferit iisC.-o4i;e,parkanentand'active foreei::':iiie•Ably, Lb, the awitority . • • puhlif 4ifitk . :4)lllo 2 -Malyoe • -rience p f her inatith doilii4aitd.irieeei' iiiifver:firksiiitelF!'ifyvn,.lll6 Bth Deem* ber; 184.Pirl'iy-levy_ the troops - le which said deems refers, 'tinder the name of. de; fenders of indipiinderieii and the laws.. . . Fourth—With a 'view to the efficient maintenance of the. rights. of the republic, fhb d'Aierment is authorized to proiure all 11, extro - rilintly' resources which may be ~_ deemed - necesaryi - making - kn - owo. to Con grees the necasary steps - to be taken; confor mably to the constitution. . • blGNED—Floressy Teran, Ladton de Glieveta, Ginori, Fofel Castillo , Solidi, 'Espinosa, Tornel. .• The following is the conclusion • of: an - editorial articlein one oftheitexian_Papere7 "Let us invoke the hallowed shades of ilidaldo and Morelos; and inspired ;W Meth, lei us regard neither the number nor . the .strengih of our enemies, but reflect on. : ly upon the Magnitude of the otrenee, ,ButifPrOvialeneehnt-iiit—jnserutable--Wiy dom,lum.deoided.init we most sink,-let us be &hat . thetigk :unfortunate, and. fall with glory. .Lei the Who : idiom-lu. tirrellarrelmll:43S - Irtlieltlit6 - 70 Ham and of our monuments, 'While contemplo tinfr:the pillar which shall , have been,., : c.on• seCratetiliy..the bio 9 a,4 Mir' warriors, let fall a:tear of - ndrediatfiMi'ait,d exclaim: then people were woyky of freedo — riVs Another Earthquake ocourredin the city of hi exioo on' the ••10th':. - 2tind added to the. - devasiation .that: recorded in our .paper,4 ~ loot • • • 'ttier's were ai,VOit 'Cruz /four eri can, two .apanishiono 'English, and one . Frenchman' of Wen AltitNa 3 A" , . The Poijltioy, hist' nig!" frnni'Ortefini Ayr" , ces of the*Eith oriziatnh • • ' . ,Thi•edicireisiirS pli'viissels totjclii g; at Monteiidoe is force. An Ameri. can brig had ,beeu ordered 04 4 fromluenos ' Ayres, hi 'conie ence av Mauled with the former place. T • WltiaUT 4 l INDIAN VoteTiaux Ftcul, ire ttliviya 141, lairi • ta Ora ' relief' ItC.Atbiiii,',..;becatiso,; they: potte - fropt:-.1110" liiiliCthifii(blinforal.rblOWV,lfait lodged' isi Ilia loom°, are tite;oitttio (TON tireadful contittilitt4 • i From (Our ,tri i xal °inlaid Indian' Fig! °tibia ;11Ha Jaboa...everr..n iht:'°°• ; :going.46 bed, idil A:a •Obair'.tierie'riet. ioly carry titt.,the nicest vieleet ; fit' of ' Aithirie o Itittlif 'tied ociailonally, ifierwartle,..tvill keep jtie- °Odom so:tiotriplotaly• foie 'fraili all bad horooTi,,Writ Aithtitift-Air indri 4 . olo;her oiiadt.:writte iiitisoailblii , '''''''`i : ''' -• • • ' • ..,,F9l;iilO in •CatifilitiO•cfl4lll°P C!Gi!L'llir ,VVoit.,lllglitriset:'-•-•••• - - , ,.;'•' , -.4--• -- --;"••••-:-.-"---'!•-..--, -.-'-- ' ' Pal'aLin Riaturri*Alt inini..poprilar vireo /. dies of tbo prevent thmailt4lsiise....whteb,,purifv'Aud cleaiif"' &lola ad • Par objelfire klIOWli to ,be Imo. teat lit,ttteiequilitleo;..:Etueli.Nemedies-its Anttrtoi-; L AY, Mercur y,l .21iio .'sti4Y:tbeltrisieg reeeorsi, to, *lied iikin..dserittee, Orr activvit;li hoped going oek• 0$ 014daft s kind•- , ,Vittitsible.',lteetedteo,,•wilf• be soon °Op 4 - ,,t• eil_foral4)ll,.4.o;unt4oheth's , Y,44tp, ler,y , , 'llli.telii - bkitiest:atid apitittlittod ! •- , . , 'llO • • f':; ".'ll' it to iceiitiletbilill4oO;ovort ,„ ••ar iie, 4 'A . 1 f 1 , ., 1 0 6 i. - i li i.;;V:TAlT', , ohYle:.* -7" it o si ; ~ .bi0.', ,, ,1A . thei/titrityA,itit.W„ Z p ii . to r* -,,,. ',',. -r od . N I , allorpivo m .p., „ , - 1A t . av , ' ' . 3011011 , rilyiikusiro.ol - ' —l. o4 tr. , i d " ';' •iiitY41.1. 6 (1:.11 I;.,fitfti .4 .' *WI • ' . '11 1 0.5 1 10, Y t ' ItgOili?, tt„.•lf elt fOrioati'94l, - ,K4il4eo: r 1 :, - 1 Ann it tv ..littifiiltl,. I. ' :!'t ...0 'ttr,;. °4141431%.,, 1T0 , ',114,016.011,1.itf,. i 4:4:b1 ,!; Vi,eo::!, , r : *.' k'' ' '?' Alif44t.,, I t . , v , ' , .,tv< ' e.P . ' , 'y4), •• f •rp.... ~.!,,,, 4., ,, ,,, , ,'“'..--4 0 , ......'., •,,,..'. • ~,,• ~ ..-k.,,,,,,, .. ',',.",`Kt.,-,_0:':.,:,,..',...'N.4-.:.., , 0114.1. kteli Eltatelmatral—fori ree 4 414.60 t i squti "bn \¥/i OE= das.e 43i fevUt;,* 'sf;ip,i3sratoga, a 1 w•ti!%, eredillieie has not been a case " frieag 'famei thti - iqu adroit: Of the , relielaquadron, the 'brigtl:4* ton continued to he perfectly healthy up I t Oiltfo,l)flanCarY, when she sailed on a op x df,' and. was last heard ft; FibrOlN lAlfhiceiLhad been received receideti from llt,foA9rtj9Wnif 4stnce her departurs- ,.from it'OY - c*:, 4 llllre? o'ca the well dniorin prtr ilepea,laf, , 9oamOgitder Bell, -this vessel, it ie=alfepstl it sap lteallby The' Pre . *AtieT3F that`hls suffered:Mx •this,24o4l7.-:4l4.4iitrenee depatting from Alie_acrAOreanitary regulations establiilierri 'bi'itii'ol ,,, ,9Mminder the squadron. iti, properpaie; and a strict adhereiteis to Ban' ?ltary;rfsaletions,, a cruistng yessel May remaisi' on.- the \ station .for l twelve , or eighteen months:- A- Linger ° -continuance-might - prove injurious even if ltit7Ciatist ever id- notAnant The. condition ofc . the Ariterican settle. ments ts improving gradually... The 'set tlers can, With reasonable industry, secure all the comforts Mid- many of . the luxuries hfc, . The manumitted slaves are averse to agriculture, because they consider it de grading Ufa feee;man, and as tite o c 640 . 11:;: tionot a Slave.: They are more fond of barter, in which,' like the natives, they are very Shrewd and expert. The lawful trade of western Africa has been slowly increasingkring the last few_ yeani. . It is chiefly in the—hands of the - English, bet the few American vessels en .g_aged_lnit_ars...4lo i ng..N.A.!._ Jit_proprtlOp as the traffic in slaves. is checked, the lawful trade will increase. The slave trade is certainly on the deelit.e, though it is still prosecuted to a considerable extent by Vessel's from (7 ba and the Braeils. A piece of' round, of about one hundred feet square,. tas been obtained near -Porto . IBrande, Island of St. Vincent, for a cerne: tery ; and'a neat and ailbstaiitial stone Wall . seven feet high, erected.at the expense ,or the officers and crews pf the scittatiron2. Another-piece-of ground, for. a similar pur -poie. had-been secured near Porte Praya i in theleland• of St...lag/4,41nd the title to ii, conveyed in . fee; to be enclosed by the same meant.' -Provisions - will thus be made for'the,_decent interment of all _who, •may ttufortunatelyzdie on board thirtfnited .--,_--iSialef4tilli'il,ierar;.at'.eillt•.rtiicit jh-,,6ie„. - lifii,.ird,,' , aieii . 3liaiti-iieiiitid fi? - ”q7 , ol4,tuTt !go t ft - *titiiis'4, , ot . 04ieoi0i0t4042 Of the itilande.—.4-iiiiiington'•Union. The New irk Mirror says that ,thii nenFrench fashion of "disembarrassing" (getting lid of troublesori;e ties by poison ing the. encumbrance,) has increased to such - tin - alarining frequency, that the 'au thorities aro seeking some legal - method of preveiaion. All dealers in• phartbacy are to be , mmipelled to appear weekly before the authorities of the neighborhood, and render a report of the doses of arsenic and other polsoncwitich they have sold, names of purchasers,. and other inforinativ,_ by 'which., the drug could be traced in case of • . .nuaeluP--This,. it• , is . supposed, will be sufficient in the prbOences. Other more speeitl precautions ' will - be taken in the Metro.polis., Newe from Independence; Mo., form us ells the Cisteinattibktlseriilliatithe emigrants now near that •point number a• bout 7000, all destined for Oregon and California. They will start-about the same *. • : -f],t.ceinveniertire . travelling 'with ease and `safety. .The !ii dianiC*ill atiaUlcv part of five hundred.. Of course the emigrante• this eeason, siand in nOfeati: . lA• the red skins. It Is viionish :ing7wh4•-41-tide-is-setting-toward-the-fertile hind's' en the Pacific.. • • ri'alE ill ARKETS.: FLOUR ANA, MEAL—The'espoit de paand fur Flour has been limited during'the week jnet past, and towards'44eloSe the market:is 'tifore-pniat. We notica.ialesfor shipment of 4800 bide; al $4:431' a"s4'44 ' for'Common and 'fair ti!inds, , . including: a 10t, emit price not named, said to, be ashade grider.orir A:imitations, $5 far. Bra n y n e tathily;s44iffiiriiiPerrne;and:„.s4 871 .the pair for half of ;thessime branti., For city corianmittion there is a fair demand for, geodik — ls .. Thiitmr-,-4, 4:::50 - .ar tin4lB*,sot4tra and Flotir=4ilPri at $8 05t . p-' ' , food bbix: 'Penni; at Ilt:1211 - :and805; bida Brandy w ine $ 0 2 , 37 10JClih4s. do it Vont.; 'BO. lihtls; $4lB Meal: . AV'S Itiaaiiitill - 4 , 11 - eai Irone Igo' titietiavaraonfy to a 'rnotitkataaitittot iirhile ilta' deilDindriii , fit'in ' di#l 4l oimitell• W! I, l‘ol lci,o ll es' ,4 to. oo ? ), :4 44 4 l :°Prnm ( ni4S printe.tioaliti-Peiitt!a•iede r , ,, pait takeirTfor skiPdieni' 4 : 1 4 04:iy1904's7ii'il'ittia.ii.%)0 , 1 Pome, • , i4H3brpulth_Li OW iv 1 0'1'50+ ' 'llya &lief!. :Oci,,, l l o o„t"nft l , 6 , l i g o9d, P e lP l4 #:'"49' 00 ov 'Corirliemaikei':llllo,lieetVv,lTY '611'20 price Have. 1-qe4401,144;i44.), Southern yellow t' 451' . 1 .. c 5 14 / 3 0: 411 °i40 ,3 ; 41 while 89 lk:ti*.?Olilt'OtiO ' ' 0 ' ilia 4 0 1 " a 41, P1: P , 9 l ;te — q l6 ' , . SolAti - itiV it '4stin.:'2(4o; ifs49o F4Piiiiax.(W sk)4l4ooii bud . .w itri vit i gittoltiffiti, l,-- vV' ~,* ii;,lo, , !ii-0,1.3-14-,, 4,:,,,,i, ni.-',::; o . , - Alio shadonk fdet-- ethnild the forther-he receded, ifclvintii:::liiirikielliiftin:llo:-.;,idenYiiked.liktethe-tre4., seckfif:j . iiiit.,,villey; and .as‘the busy hum of Ole. br 4e'hieffAke,lett libhind'. became leaking'. line . 1' Nkighter arid •mors i alorious• appeared thet,iii Afieraiilairii:. e ffellea*L l 'heen;. for und'of hie > ge t alk 'exemplary chrietkan. Ile was hopefully- oonßerted underlihtt)Weatiiing ot;_thi) 14.ay., 9eargo' Duffield, and - liad continued until tho hour of. his dieolutien, a consistent member of the Presbyterian. Church. • • ,;',Do was a youq man - of refined taste, and of a deportment gentlerhanly in , the extreme. ,, lie 'pia not ap..inemjr , en• earth, and those who• kney hinf lbeeC Wall the business rebid 'ns of life appreeiated-hhoqno'st—flin-lif was a - alitifiii: exaMple; - and:liitt death a iliiiiiiiiiitriuttipb. - - - 1 1 11/11 1 4 1 • R0.11: 7 11/..011 k S • • EOM:SALE ".. -- By virtuenfthe-pciweie•And eutliorily contain ed in theinitliiitenfilestiunept or Miehdel Eger dde'il. I le on; SATURDAY 4116-1,9t11-dei±ut-41.11.1F-1845;:ion-tIni-premiseti—:—= ar is e Iron, W orks Situated on the Yellow 'Breeches Creek 4 1-2 utiles east of CaellAe 'rho estate con sists of a first rate EMM. FORGE AND FURNACE, • With Ten Thousand Acres of Land• A npw AtERCIIANT MILL with-four ..rtin".of stoneVishe4 on . tho.moct approved 'plan. A bonNlQuelle.u.,-of-tAp- land are cleared-aud Ittghly cultivittit r *Ving4pyoon erected TIIRAILLBGE BANK BARNS Tenant Houses. Tim work; urephpelloSt by the Yellow Bret:Ch. es-Creek-arid the Boiling. Spring, which neither fail nor freeze. There are upon the premises all the - necessary -w-orkinensitourreAcout-housesimir penter and smith shops, and sta:Pling bath of toe moat eiibstanlisl _materials. The orit r ef:The _heel quality and Tfreirtriiiiiiliejs within 2 miles of the Furnace. There is, perhaps no Iron -Works in Pennsylvania uhicb possesses Superidr tagcs and offers greater inducements to thd in: vcetment of capital. The water power is so great that it miglit.bo . exiended to any other manufac turing ,purpolie. Ariy onedesirous bE procuritig in formation relative to the aboveliroperty.ean do so by addreising,or calling-on Peter F. Ege, Esq , ut Carlisle Pu. Terms made known on Ike day of sale. Lancaster Union. Maori until day of pule and semi bill lu Offiro. • . . ... . . MARY EGE,. -- -•- - ExecutrirofMiilnrelEge, dec'd Nay 14, 1815. . GOLD WATCHES - STOLEN. $6O 11.11W.0411D.__ 4 THE above reward will be given by the inibscrt. bet. for lb.; recovery of two sold i'nfetd I..ever'wa ch es stolen ''rorit the thantmer litllool and East Hicks b o son College en the nlzlits of theltli and 9tlt of taften — i'ro'n' Gratnniar school was I Made bfJohnson or Tobias . , thick, heavy,aittl hirge, thoruCe,V4sol44tilfitbiatimliittkorjlisWertl pi ouin it. p It '. - Inadquilecond hand; and the botelhand Was wT{a lie else toCiaas,tAit, po"Sma raeacifiillai rrrjoid hac r:Wk4 ( tl/!' ed t ti iegq Ulme4. *.T 3IIO.4 "Sei";+AI - , lo "irfe - ...ljnkt:);PriilteilnettlY,... 'ettpt*yitE" WhtithAcitldiEbisi t i anahed itypk j ekl, severiltiihpejtiFousl, nilW id , niait , te tieetor The. One taken front the College was Weibe by R. & G. Pees ley, Liverpool, and numbered Watch ma k er awl other persons throughout the United States are pariieularly requested to keep a laok out for these watches; 111111 'upon:(be return of either a rev Red of twenty fivellollari, Will be given by W 1). SP.YMOUIt, Gen. Treirs'r. of Diekinspu College. •.I,,Uitited. States Gag.ette„ Philadelphia, hod. Pat riot „Baltimore, each copy amount the of V.l; semi papers to and charge this older. Please call the attention of your readers to it. Carlisle, May t 4, 18 LS. • A meeting of the recreative Committee and a gents of Ate Allen and East rennsbortaigli %UMW Fire Insurance. Company of Catalan - land com a,- will' .Insurance at David Snall::08, Sheperdstown. on Saturdiy the'Tth of June, at 10 o'clock, A. M.— Punetw..l attendants is required. order of the Board L.llltElt, Sec. hlay 14, 1845 ALL persons' mro herehrnotified that the:frost 1113 c 101 1nt - of,Mhthttel lloOrer wesignee 4 u l nen orAleollittiesbnigcCumberlantl,Cotratyruo.- iler - w.tleed'OfriduntaryAititiarnelirftiethte - Waltfit! . of creditors, was'this day,preseuted la the. Court .01 Common Pleas of sald county and filed, and' dm he" said Court has a ppoititid the Oust (lay ,of the ust Term next, for itealloWanee and .that the me will then he altoweilliylher-Court,' thiless canoe ..be_shown.srhy_saitkaccodnid slionla not - dinned.' . • 'VEIOS. CRISWELL, Prn'Y 'My lA, ts4S, • XOTICE. ---ALL - Limesons are hereby. notified that trust account of Jarob Shelly. assignee of Caniel -bill of Allett-Townaltip-Cumberland'eminty,-timler deed of rolunter,r assignment for the' benefit -of Creditors, was this day - tireitenteti to the•Ctitirt of Common Pleas of iiiiitbattuntg-antLfileilimefi that the' said - Coprc has 41)0 - Anted the Arst • day the A.ugusi Term next, tor. Its eitoumneo and that- - thmaame then be allowell by the Court enleaseattae.be shotvit why, said-accounts 'elimililmot be al lowed • 'III.OS. C r4 -L, =ME SPER.Ift AND,4IIIIPIANI`INE CANDLES, just received and, for. AD le ,by IMO= • '•-• Lard ,Litt:upprtailibes a. • 11 P11 8 •••• ; • off harulsOme quality jolt at the-Drug stow of • •'•- • • ypeziensoit '1140i144111 juet - reccjvqd told for end° by. '-SieVe!iio/1 41-alfai.4fffeY; *,,' • for moiiiFoirfcm . jo,..igd : un F i v ,4#,, , d 7 s t , now 44, °:'7,l:l,l('Ll'elielitr-on':4-'.:4ira)iiiA.Y:7; -, , inEts,IIIIIIO.IOI4ILLWLE. INK; can - .„ ,11.fah:apy. 1114 7;1845. •• '.' s,tkpc,F - Itir ' 9 — (?ig..,.iii. ~:.V.,,..,4114-7 41 ,14 , ', t1k 1 :: -. .. ' '' . 4. ''' - 1 ' isliiiiitfor iiiio.: ANO o pf t3 ;l 6lll. .Tllce.. 1 ,-. ..::k; lifithoplli\-'!-1 ~;:,1:,:;:' ' , ;.4 - 0 '''' '''''',i'.. : ',: . ,:: '' 't :::l t i . i l :.'f i'f iEl 4s' '' ' ,.. " - " i '!:: : t.2i; 4 : .... -. :': . ::s' . .t :.. :,....:::- f , And necessary NOTICE. ;NOTICE. Sieve?mon 4 Mahaffey., = ME 1011.:•':-1,',...- 1 ''.: '41)f.'0:11:8 1 0ii,,Og 4rall4reY.;‘'' ME 10Ver. qyn r:•,!- A f lOglki • _ MBE , , e" ,, , li.'- , . 1,, :- 'qr. -' '' ?"; ~ :: '.. fi l 1; eitalet;' --",, IAII -1 • ) u ' ) ' 4111119.- iiiiiii;a 41 , 7 , (ii;olo l 4ll4(li*lTCo,'iikg . .j:t4t04,111,104,N-Kligti,!il'r,llll,l t...w.tft-,LII-141!vik'.-A,?1•44,,.....:,..,,1i,.K., ~.e, Al „,411V01410,! 4 - .;"..._,• I : 7 iiftii” rb A : rkitrt - o , :cfil - V -13 6, ro'•: — ...0 . ,,..,,,?„-•,,.".., t nbu r tvem, :1).•,,..• , 7 ,,11,.....,„„...u". ,• ~,,40 . .... I.— ~..,„ ~,, . •••• --ihe unwind ,orlai O.r fige,lngs• ~ ... ~ AI , llublio ritidlarineity ,iolUsileof,,, - 2.... , .7- l ''., Ilatiir l al PhllOsitphfutiaMit# - ,,, - ,J;I:" - :,. -- ' - ' - --'• .. Twiny iti the latieisity..4o44i,--tl - &o:, Ex.' > 1 ..r .: :`.. , ' : ' L e l • -.:-...' - 11::1. ' '',.. - i Thu Priblithets announce 4h,tliPOilltp r olt • av,mg, ploeed hie ,RekestriditifAt; 'tik:Putalife il . .' .'ketlo:this ecientrytthe*AltlCe s seifeafth - ern;. . ,' bOrrtulltt# , ,Plitiff4 6 4 4 •PM` -- -D71 + ,,,04..0.,:,1Atiti0n -a, cointiretkiaiid;'pnztkentlia ''' :00tilit.:LieOriikirtrAltillO4- a. genital.. I.strestAll,i,(kthise:dletieurses,,htive oz. citedlifr; :7 1 filatfourif eariihreugliiiuk the Union*, rO,M,t!nllyllielgintititted'assonitiliiie of and-i -eneee'4CAn't . iced . soled- . numbers-and'iiimeeta• • bility,ltilitO , rt;',Of.the `country, from .floston to NoW , lU!'iledtis;scr„,Oni New' York to St. Louis, rfforertkel,ittolleh4 - good gro u nds for, the asso r t stance thetlitej,Nilll., us present to the Amsrleaq Public ao aetrepleille:cilferipg „ and .4 most -useful manual, offoneit , liallirennutri. They Will,sls6 afford that larie.:etesis:of pecrsons' who have altio:. led:thtilitiltittlplitiMiligNiiisidiltineans ofreingiiii. — peg tho.ttnpresiliinefroin.whicli they haviidirived islready_io much'idejleini . ,,inktunfit, .......___ , ~ .. Tate fitllowing iii."Crlicb•Of'subjets which, will be„cnittritced Pa these Lectures: ~ . ~ ' The Solar Systeiti*?,The r Thenry of Gravitation; The Moon, (twp lisetdresi),The' Sun ; The Pta: nets ;' The Plurality.,-of :Worlds, ; TheiCometsi, ' .(two lectures • The:E,sistetien toad Attributes .Bf. God,Deduced from the LaWa of Nature . ; Peseta(' Fallacies : Light ;.Sound ; Heat; Electricity i (two lectures; ThsPo,w.er of Stedm-; The Stoma Engine, IZThe ricont Scale arid Prospects of , sti - iiiiiisr4tivigkticßnaritiffura - d - §thies end Gieut pritaan ; IC Gsfvv- • litoto.- A .tritain ; Hallways . udvanisin,. (two lectures ;) The StellarTdiverse , Combustion end Artificial Illumination; . The Atmosphere, dr.c., Ste., &c.; Altgnetlo Telegraphs The. Alliance of Stimme and Art; , No expense will be spared to - render this work usefitl - and attractive; : Wood engravings illustra: - ting the text will he' . copiefsly aupplied, the work will . be printed .on new type, In the octavo, - form, and will be published in parts or numbeia, at_twentrfividents each , and will he completed in ebonften or twelve numbers.' The first num. her willappear about the tat of May next. Agents GREELY & MALRATH. ligiVL WORKS FOR THE_ PEOPLE. Tqo Publishers lialiiptlost their entire staek-L,, Books Plates and - Engrtiviitgk-Aif their Sales tif `• I.lveful hooka for the People ;'*by a late calami tolls - fife, Kaye.l" , orififiented — ib - elltiblles ikon of a i new EiCries, the &lit In'ordet of which is the -work-on-astronomy-by-Anna° and-Le R MIER. PI M , balily no work has ever appeared ou the.sublima' -science of astronomy, combining the 'some amount cif, eepurate scientific inforination, with so Minty 'that' is pleasing and e"nteitnining to all 'classes of readers. Ms designed lb fiillow up this .publication" by others of,a like useful and interesting chi/racial:o and although each one in this nuw eerie§ will bd, soon:dew' i itself, and niireirk indepindent of • 'each "utlii‘r, - yet they will' printed sa l one sized page, in order Oat the odifes will I , C 2.5 cents. • .k• New York, Naitilf.lB4s:: • Six 'ears RUST_ti_Wity roe lowiisl,ll 4 ."Cipnliivletvl Co. on 3.04.01?. , r0 . lost, lIIILV P:llel,llll4sl , .l26Elll;oeinilenigir:A*. preut lee to tlo.r'retiOting,littsioe-iB. lunit 18 icart or Asti !Tel tititqc 11.0 . 0184 f otiWlirktf&C. ,, ,- , he went !I oroptpii'f -by velvet, iiestrioill :Allitetions' sire : 11"1:" 'e r il•A; 111, 9 1 0trAks-O- 1 •puri; tv);Vaa4/fl,lef,. pi eiddank. RI:O4IARN - The roeinberkbf the:B6'oE4Y Intrusive if_therssifecial attention bp - Colfied tO,tho impertan,ue • Cfr Mir gluing Meeting. itietho,,tiend where a'rangements are to be made - fiu the btird noes ofthensholo yoar ; mug hers pike such an hitt:rest-in the Uffairs'ol MO au• biety - as y.llll exhibit their wAliognesee, to pimiento its usefulness, the exertions of.tho fbuf must made At this meeting; tun ; comittdnicatione ,o,ro made by the offic..ra bf the Society which embo dy mucll useful knowledge uf , the art of farming ; afiti chi ono whose employment is agricultural is either Ono old-kton young to gather something which he may min top profitable account. it is antic. ipated that at our nest fall meeting, there will be greut_competion ut thb ploughing match and ca. hibitton, and that it requires a,prevtuus member, Chip ammo months to entitle any one to becomtt a roMpatitor Mr the pretniUm. Itio dairsible that every former and every fa rtnees• sen •altbtild be:nana a menthes of the society, and all arecans estly invited to attend the approaching-meeting.. FR FMK. WATTS, PRVAIDENT. CarlisteOlay 3d. 1845. * Shippctudaurg News copy. • - 11t0 ;ivy - 111r.wn t 4p,d7zo GllF.:commkeeipners of Ctenberland county want to borrow a.sum 'or sums of money not •xceeding - Tit'enty:fts, , Olteueand dollars, interest I F ys h fco rlyt. per DOS tof tem, threei font' and five'. years,:for whikliiro.7ne they skiff f 8; gitle_themunation.orindlaiduttls-o k -- foe Ilte..tykoJe o 7 atirpatt of thkeatil loan until the .26th May instant, of theirofliae tifCarliste.:SAtiOnt one - hilt of the amountt - Tvitl not be , wanted'netil . „ the Artit_ofiglclohcr nest,; - By oide`r of the Bocce. - - JOHN litwiN i clerk sth May;. - 1 845. riolll E. , ,:- . . betters testamentary on the, estate ofVehn 13itRef/ Tate ot,Allen tewnAlett deapatted, have Been granted to the subset:lllMA All persons kneel:lg themselves intlehtml. , , to said estate .1011 make payment, Mod those havittg chtit iti oreseet them dal y, authentica.' Ittl.for - settkteaut to , Apiy. 7,1845 WABOIT FOIt SALE. THE 'AubicribCr ofer."'fqr Bale a tiniOne:ticiiole YiwLYortC Biala lOi. 110 ac it,lllld Rat Potion • : larl.ao . et.t..eival:i7,eipicei , ..fok the, oxicriniOaftiqn tliogo juiplecciyod 40 for ; rib) by :.Sieppppsom4- tad' car _ a nd wa;tint! 4 c a tikrp th4oolll,Co7oh.* Maw.o • - 4 -7. w - 819 ; ,•:11,,,EN. • '-juit:reeiv434 itow lot 'of soft'bullot.", • tgoa lad shy rzAtu;issortipeig , pishoG,----i4-, ..$161,0180n..k-IlAtisttrey:: '.OIPERIII AND:I;AR') juslt itmerved'inkt liffeiNi Do* storo.' q i. •;i1kini;;1144k74,g1M4..14,4.!.71.,,:-.....:,•,;(4tj4:. :7 ;:,f, ;; „ ;; ; : .: ; . • ,:.. .... „. :it ... 1,:2; , 212 . 2.44 , .ig h , # ., :i, .. f.., . ,.. ... ,: , .45 1, Fliationog:1T 1 m Jr.ft.„,4ll"fia4;,.- 9 . ,. ._, ; , ;• iL.:;i,,_ , , - ,::.: ; „,, fary- Mi g :w!.!, ,, ,*.... ~..y, ~y a .,...., , ,,, , p,.„, 5,P14,43; z-i '" '; ' - liliiiiiiiiii:iiiiii,'V . : " . l .ttsMil. 7 . ? ,, ..: j . :,-, -,- ,. , ,...i.1 , t,i5...',':' . i-1,4 vral t jiltii.boi *i: ioo4 M l rilt",...iri . :.., ' - i.*: 3,1. `4 . 6.i ) :' , 4 1F.,104.:7-I%),cB(ef.geti. ua,...,:.'4,..;:,!....:1•A',!-:.v, f':,?;',:: '..u.,'X-4„,4,,, rirril' ' 4:*.(44, yam,?' ' ,N1i,';1.,j.".,.5, . . .' : ,1; 1 ; '' ' ' : ' ;‘;:.:' , ,! , 1 4 ',.i'1' At_ . John:l3iter. ' Bitner. -*ethic's Bilner,