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'''''. -' A., ....".,t , ,i19, - ; .4'' , ' t.s • 1 ••' •ir ..‘i',,'" . 40 : 7 4 ! i i tVI , - , ' 1 , / `, ..9.14, , 11 , 44 ' 41 tr , -- ' 'k ' zj. • ' -: ''' ' '''''' '' 4 ' ' l''' . t'',/,r ''',,,, • ~- ' t ',}"'` ..fir' " e;Ori,Ve , ~,,,.- t. $, , ' ...- ii P- - I ~"4 PA ~#.l ' 4, i q V , !.!", i ltl 9 :44 - . --' , ;w , --.4...:,,,k , , ----,„..„,,,,,,, < ,„.,,,,,, x ,,.. 4 „ „ , ~.. ,',,,, ~..,, ~,,,,, , j i i :?..IN ~,,,-. v .. 4 '''). -. 11), , ,,..„„-:: , ,,, A .,v gD - - ~., ~,.., 1 . : , , ,,,, ,::;:!; 4., tt' ', " ,'''," • , -•;sk ,- ,_ .:', , ~ -,..1, , , . :. w.: - . .---4-,l.`r` '' - - • --,,-- • • 4 .. ; .; - t,- 4 : .', 1- . 4' '. ~ ~- v 7 ; ,7;- ; , • ''' r r: I,* , M ', . t' . . -Z% -, 1 ; • ' ''' ,4, ' , !-.' -, ~,, 'o4."k 2141 --... } , ' , 4 ., ' v , ..;t 7. . ' • , ', r Aq , ,fi. : , t " ~ ~.. , I ~ , -,.,, f ' 1"` -, 4 Zr ''', , „i ... . ..4 . ."4'4,. - „M- yr, . ' ,p. ' ' ''-'",, ~'"' • " • ,` •-"!, ,' ' ' ' 1,,,} , ' i,"...,,, , ,` , '-, V'' ,13'. ..„'',„‘'-,,",,.. ,'":, i ':. , „ ' ,'' I •• t, , ,p , Q4,'; , -..• T . '-' , , 4 , JF::-.. . •',!•;.' .-I- -, , - ..t ; • , •:' '„ ''-,•t ia "..c''.os4' .. '••,..t -••''- - ' • , ''' ,-: ~. .* - ,-',.;:,,,• ' 441,44 7 -t-., i• ' -,,- irr; .4. • , f'7 ' , J-344:1., , r' '.- •:".. ,„ , ' ".•;',, _ ~, •' - - ",,, t ; „ Z' - _-, , ,- ,, r.,-,,i 4;? - s , .4, , , - l• -, ' ' ' ''', %'' ~, •&,t7 ....',. , ir-.4<' ',Zii,;''' ''' iii).`'f''.7.",' , " ": ~:•''', . .i,- . .'5`,r.,• 4. 1 , s- - _,,,,_. ' ' 1 ., , ,%'t - ,'"' lt 1, 1 " c e , 2 1 4 41, n 13 0 ,C!"..,-- ~.: . , . Ito•. , • ~••••- "i , IV • • •,:i , •.,=:.?., , fq.,i5i , •• ' ' '-'•• " ' ' k, i -., _: ,-, ~. ~ , ,.,t, ~ ..i44- ,-•i , •; ,±1>it n ,_ ; .,,tzt....,,,;,i,._,...,,. •, ,:+..---;;:,-;••• - 45- r ; , - - --,t,: , . - 7----- -:; . ••• • • '•'' • --' , , . - • • r ,- 47 - . '''- -, *• - r - --z--- ,- 7 , -,..... ,- ~ - -- c.r,„..., -s,:= - , .:,...1. -, - ...q - , , ,. , -,‘,-•-• ,,, `,,.:.*. i ;' , ' 4 : , .7:' '''' : --.- 4"l"`t , '•4m '' - " --s - - ' .....'- ""...-. * al ' `4: OAC t g• l i.;t*l. ' . ?• ' ' • • 0 1 40 PA,l5l:r. i • P P LITICS , l !l t :TVOI C t r ! { 16 . I tIORALITY, AGlittAtt*TiltißTAiiiiBv AND sciEntcEs'. . OZ9MM.::'::g+." 4 .T;;O:;; . Ir ' - friNce9 Centre Aqiiestir;li-041:111" Corpses', al-theopotiout. R 14S.bi 136/04116N 'the I I ERALD Pe 4 drt.Cikii 0 ee kly, or! a dirable royalande,tliii:TWO poL. • LA ItS,perannum, pnyablniiititin three mont6 ft con the ti me of aebeerlbiOg;,op.tirro DOLLARS NO FISTS CENTS, tit it'd:bad:of Oa year. No aubseriptien willbetakeit rdriesa . than - six months,and no paperdlilje`ritilitieiA chill all ar. ran +a jos ar elialilr,ll - Xe - Optakflitroption - ofthe. isher, and a faildre to netify a diecontinu,' n itr conaldtireifa.,ne* engagement. ;Ad vet tieing viii triloae , dtt the'unual terms; Celia b tfiidsiYio aitealioii:ei MA be . ILLIAM Attorney. etliaw..", • . ir k F VICE RD VD 'to',Bee(em!s Row., in. the r. em forme •Ie oeut)ied by S. D. Malt.; Esq., Carl isle, April tf-23 . • • L W• E WC L U. 11 ... • AttorneliwLat Law , lIILL zittentl_koniptli , to business entreated to them in the -tiounttes of Cumberland and lnuikliat.. Offi . cea, operdci"or west of the Jail, East 1110 street, Carlisle; •ind next door to 'Stem ba ugh I, Dyer's . Draw Stoim, ShiNninsburg. A 1.6 1. 1844: ... • . NEW -STORE. . . stibscritiers ore now opening, in' tlio room tij iiiine Mr. ntifffelit'ir UnrilnirlitSiore imd directly opposite to S. Elliott's Drag, store, an en tire New Stok of Fancy an &Simple tr ontlintog a general assortment of Ladies and (it'll. Omen's Wettr:' sittsh its lialzOrines,llarexeo, MOW , c.liclvs, Cloths; Eassitaeres, Sueamer Cloths, .o,l4,llbeonosrl-Intalotr--Plaid-and-Plaid-th:dlings-roul f4' Cotton Cissittieres 'of„vr r.ierrs desdriptions, all (31 which. wi II he soldot reasoba bk. 1 11 ices lio• —GEO. W. IIITNEItiE C 0..: Maw 29;11114. tt..11 N. R. The 'Dwelling poet of the house attached o the Store room will be rented, C A31131E fEVI kLE SE. INARY. . • rfllllE (Weeds of Carib& and the-Publib gen. .erally, are respectfUlly inforniOd that' this • Instilution_w,lll be opened undei_th_u_Siiperititend.• Charlotte Paine, on tite:SilltilyoS,lienunty, 1045. • ;tl):lii,largu i td-eilininoiliiiits house io,West Lew. l ontlY;oceiffilbd by Mrs.• Stevens es haSAwoolalten by.them and wfll-..he forrtislied with leilt - t r - eteeenee--W-41it upils. A Tdiv Misses h dfi• Nei i be 430 e ed6etc totentied ofrord with • ••. fuel s Will be, - s r num thsfierild, CAS li - Td hOc.‘k -.4 4 0 4 --t) ati,+r NatUj _ '. Ii taric~Men ' ial'apil PliilOSUpity. 10,00 •,11ostrueliciniti tits LaiiguegeU,DrOwine, utnting &c. will involve en extra eJicege :2,50 ice'ssoitsin tiotenmetalai Md.ie by 'Prof., retry elmree of 12.00 The Tuilien N,v4-1,1-,-be•rogoirod eimirterly and the prim, or Board mopf.hl int , nrivener:, nod' ho do dention mode for ohgeuee.-Ikt)t in coeepteieltnoq November 27, 1814. tf, Sis ELIIPTT . fillk"FP,TtS ht vt.iry redutvelllxice.e r aft asstirlinetit DrugspayEeC" pin , ye -0, u.a.: 4 '• • .• vAixtga,...to g ether with • - 3tatipttary,,Fine Cali Putter, by the Iteatm, LOUT , .Slates,lrp • the &Atm, Sikver I )11, w tug , ..I,lAir- (In:, ',l).tit%eb.% Natter. 'Sewthig Peakalvea, or a Ana 'ciltalitY, - Paitaing bristles. GlitX itkpr do. Shaving do. Teeth tlo. - Simviaz 1111 d • Toilet gonitEllflgreitt, - Apices - f rop lid -an Fiat gromi cri I t o••etliet frith eyerrothct•nrticic inttie Drug lint• ti l e littentinit of PIA Counter Mervltattis anti Dyers, is stilioited its It um determine o sat fie very luOt pricoircie • Carlisle, NlortiJA:ls,lll4,4 • • 7- 1111JaS " eidt t intiFfr . st opened :m M Y e •c i ll?isiie u zilsftVEl SPICK hove ji' , ft' eat earn and irarraulted Rea& lie call Pure. Illy sichti9 and Gauntry Nldrelkanta are req4Uated tn. cal) ALSti ___ . . klarge.astaortme4of.l 3 alat asivillye.s tit fls,every article werrtmed pktre and of the best , geailay t or eh Ssle';' , Oyers, Pelmet% and Folleri arerefiarseal 1 la 01111,as wears (Irtermitteil to sell the chea 'cat ead best articles of , Oils line in the eta Act . ; , . Banks and 'Stationary, , W e have added to nor timid Stock, - e Anise soles- Aim; 0T Hooks and StettOunry, which' we can sell et a vary roduoiel (trice:: • • ALSO, the largeat astort.ment of.CLlT'LEßrevir afro eil At thin.plact—together ymlt t6e.mont fashionable 11 1 4 4.A . , 0 #911Pi' ., Carlisle;lBl3. . . it'ast iii gton 'Hotel. Miaturr &twins HA l Taaspco - PA- . . . givet-,o7iiroiM"- , • " . _thielieblie.giet lin a letatetrtida4aititnaia 11 lina.Viaently:Alltrei!grina.a.tbnriaigit, re antlintaftintialted it iIUeW :wjth the besuet Alin; and idlita.',Vuraityia, o nntila aota ptleiatrCd tt atittodiodutii:i,tip,!itlma ef.t.he LegilletureAiel Mims in ihe.'very•heit-e;yl6-;"-- Aft upon '!e;(44ernts a • ;mat .tii,.lllea t ee. • ; ;AV . ! §4T 4 ,4 1 t4•;•,:. flea.. 201843. •••••• • ...; • •" • " • ' •.• •.. `..:.Didt4,..q*NGTo NIN . -AND.JACKSDN... su bseti. l * - wCnle'i•eittivolfullY i • . thertinhitictlitit helute icmev4 l kar". •f,hia_o l l ll iiend o.6."_WCsti reet,tn tl i`e kept byPaviCillea tt CAA S outh ano re cat reet, i •Y ll itublitkrontlindo4l4oll.•• • • ; qnjefe Wily!) kletolsetytraft.leAtlafro..n.h ••'. tletints&Cafid7itavellers,tintliAcociTegate•tpCTO. MO MOIR CO R lr urlabletntllllll+; " be Consta n pltolp of Uquni.~ and his t sup.O h thelku(l_._he•arit, sk, yket; Nrkili:44kAleilirui 'atten - lan'oThrid nolhiug shall be 1- lert.tuo4ertsi 't0411146 I dB_lalie a 'b y t h e 'l7l 6ktil • • rt. re. „..' ,P , P l 4;4' ..rfi . i 2, ;83',44:',41. © J 1e,f.,-...,..„.4.......77,,.4, , 3• , , , r: * 2 .i, 4 ,, , .;, ;),, . i i ji ci t :r i lbuittiscTe . .Pii — tre kiht eeaelveli i' o l, ' '4 . ilk litslio eicinewitlie'itibborietin :* t'• ” Aidditriloii:''' ,4 ' ''' : ~,. t _.,,,,,,, .' , 4 ojivinsbut t litiege-t ~..i- ~ ,, ,-..4 ‘,,4i, ~..,,,,, ~-, ..,.,.,,., , 7V7 - . EOM .. . . ... _ :..i."'.. . - . - ; ,. .,• ,-- )A0111.)0N ).., §.4 . 4:: ;-,. .:., , ': - : : `'.. „ ; CHEAP .13:00K.::',STOR:E. . • ..;-; . • ThlF Subadriber.haa -arfetv dnys since -yeceived from the eity,a general aasartrii:ent of, Sclincilllbotti, a n d Stationery, which lrc.infebilaio Dell alreduted - Pri g' s :chasers can-he supped wi'lll.lll lea,Pa P at the following rate% • , Family Bibles, • • SI,OON Good School Bibles, - - • -SO Good School Testaments' ~ 12-2 . ' Peckettiblea roorosso.gillPsdikes .100 . • School Books, all te gepetal funds oror tionitbl7,low. iliaS . .taltoaary is . Bo a good assortment Oftlthographic l'rints, 'Toy Bookaand Books:soitable.tor 'Holidays. . . • ' He alio .carries;.on,.tWinocik Hinding,twannesa where perSonvienVhaire',Hieir , 'Old: boas rebound, alsolPank tionii,,Reckets Eze, ivied° to order. The subseriheidiNenneetioti with ;Ids Hoek and' Stationary Store, has established'? • ill/411///: 1r "G ROPE R 1113 litts itco on baud n ,fargO nail gone ral.apsortment of ffeilli Urocerteit; apices' is r s. of every description and of the best qu allty,•seleeted with care in the city, anitwbieb lio is enabled to sell at reclitecd • ''Thankful for the patronage extended•to him during the few daysho has been )n'the kousaleso, he hopes by attention and endeavoring to plense . to merit a continuance thereof, his stock in part consists of • S[rong, AM and Java Coffee, Best and 2d InatiCy Loaf Sugar, Brown, *bite, Havana and crushed Sugars - Young Ityson, • lmperial and Black Teas. Sugar House Syrup aid Nov - Orleans Aiutes. ses. • Best and 2d hest Sperm Oil. tf-26 Sperm and - Mould Candles. Spices of rcll kinds _fresh ground_and Lunground,Pherse nod Crnckers & 'bemons, MilOC, Citron, Indigo, Starch, Saltpetre, Logivned,-Amorican and LondonVnuStard, Rice, tinitltnpathie and Bakers hest Chottolute, Raisins, Alrnohds am; Filberts. Crockery, Chinomnd Glass ware. Also Brush es, Tubs, Bost:els Churns, Bed dads, Masonsc - itTd Carpenielt Lines, Market Baskets, not / Cavendish and other etrmvinraind-smokins/Tobareer-Spanisby-half Spanish and CommoeSegars. A. gerterul assortment of gond Spool entton t thread, tapetthimbles, hooks & Cyes,-Peart bat tens, pins nmTneedles, tooth. brushes, hair brushes combs, 'peniter: sand, shoe blocking and a variety of other iNerptattieles. Also N0..1 & 2 mackerel, smoked tkrring, Bahnon,Cranberries, dried Beet Gains &e.. DeCember 11, ISA. . AraralED 8,, SEINER AVINI4, purebnin;(l lire entire _Mock of goods • Ul .Imlnniing An .Innetr Itentic in- North Ilunover recut few doors above \Vm. Irsin's Office where e ,st , lll keep constantly on Intpd and for esle nt the COWest Prices. - - GR O_CE S S , sueb "us Ln.nf Supi:l)ouble 4Single -Havana mut Crushed-Sugars; - Youns uLaid-litnekl'ens, Siigur-house.,ff Mol Insies; SOerin - hnd WhsteOF Nbcp. NinSturd nod Crookexy.Obia aha , r , )- i4litlif4l l 4Ttfs;';u4sitets; Po* and bodts•foi-'lAutiee; ;it 1.4. Lowest • . . „1:p I - 4 01TR toi sale litsl.lle linlrel and small 5(3 barrels %sheaf Flour. 5 harrols'lt , rsh Cround ova meal. 8 barrels Burls. neat Persmis purchasing (him. of me ean have it.tleliv ere.] at :11,••itni.t of the towel. Those pehn maY fan•ur liiin tßiih them I.IISIOIII, 11 ill be dealt aid], °Willie most salisfn•tnrc terms. lie therefore sot efts a sluu•o nt . lettronag.e. Caeltale, Janthiry 8, 1849. MA NUPACTUR Eli of Agriculture) imple ments and dealer In Garden, Gratis end Flow. er scffBlB; offer for sale Prouty and Mears' Patent centre draught self-sharpening Ploughs, for which nine premiums wire awarded in the States of Penn- Sylvania and Delaware the past full. They tire made both right mut left handore light-in draught, 0311111117 HIPTCh.a,,ITtB, . ~, • cheap to keep in repair, and 1,1113 partieularly ITC: .ft. /I - AKE. NOTICE.- - ommtotle.l for turning under greetverops,ol.ll ore strong enough for any soil. Subsoil Ploughs, lily THA'c, YOU WILL FIND Al "I'liti STORE 1 n ,,,i N Yolk ..... one two or three horses, Side Hill Double Mould . of Conn- ' e Ploughs, from s‘2. to $6 emit). ' l'ay-• • • OF :NIB SUI3SCHIBEitS, 1 lor's Patent Straw Cutter, (new) Green's llovky's A 0.-20 .N0111'414 street, Corner qiikliti's, Sinelair's null improved Guillotine Stra w metre street, Philaelphia. Cutters. Corn Stalklk Grinders • - (':rain Fans, from $8 to $lO each. Corn Shelters in a great variety, ALA Itfir. STOCK OF • for butt tad *se power. Horse Powers and Z:„ . r., 4 7,2a," 7 7,„„r C.'".„JD,--M,.,- Threshinn , Nlachines. Meat slitters nail staffers.— ' coNTA WING AS .. ' ; Churns. 'Hay ',Tr manure forks. Hoes, Spades, 1 Shovels, Rakes. Transploining Troteels. Corn '''bR.EAT A VARIETY • i Pho.ting, Aitrietilturol 6irinices, mill etery 'other I implement wanted for the Farm or Garden. ,y. As Is otrered by anyllouse in the! ALSO—The mom evtensivenslertment of Vegqln .City of Philadetp_bia tile slid Plower Seeds' iti Philailulthietneluilingso_ __ ki;i7le, crop ot 1844, grown ex . .., rialtEY rqUlarly_altetul the sales livinetion_and . neviT.l;r supt Ise pressly for this etitnistishment; and - waeruntYla of die lIIIIRee ft equently able to purchase many seasona best quality and true to name; can be obtained by hie ,descriptions of Gorpla MAO. below the regular - prices and which they, Ivill :Sell at n email atlviiiiee. the pound nr bestial, or neatly r put upyid ,labelled,' They also receive mauLgtoulailii ect from the num- with direaiona for planting: .Bulbous [idols and utaphirers, unilltew styles of Foreign' GOO.lB its soon. Fruit: Trees; of the ehokeht kinds. Bulbous_ aro mull • _iire.J.o_the_po o i; :e t_f ro i i ,i,,,f,„,.oo, ps .j. , Eq __respeetrutlyAnvitethto eat , tint- see the- asseetineet• ---nr-erprtOtrt I; .. . • 194} Merkel at. littangelphiti. ' • it ,innotiry 1 . 29,1845. • ... . , -,,. , •-..!: •:, 'Prieesextreinely . lOiCi - ''''.- stu tti 'eat .or . Jew assurtment :pcinsists part - of:the following godds, wIZ 1-•• • •;A h,0.11;D CLOTHS • Beaver tins' Piled .Cloths, 'ass9rtinenti &Mi., • .• JOHIV C. 'FARR. - oetp; Jens. Manor's: Kierst;y . s • . . • . • -- • lesitlTlMilenciaNeetings tnigrent•vatiety,l.Blitck---1.„-.114.SPOsitutigt.LPh d • ilk - Velvrt, - Fignixiil Silk - elect, ithica . Satin, grIEFEIII& for , sale of his own iniporiallolut or Red Itiuldiug, Ilituvaset, . Brown lin,lland, (;autos Flaonels, • Ginglimits, Bliceks,..Tickitrgs, :Colored :miter goo•ls in the line, on the most tultittetageous Cambria; Silecias, Buckram, Ike.; Sm. - terms its torpriCeslitb. •'•• • " A 'sp.-1'0,11(8—mi extensive a ssortment=and tyro Gold Lever Leone and other finelwatelicii, , Silver I monstantly •recriving. the newest i tykes as iltersiome - Leyers, Silver' Lepine, 'Silver Veir Watches, la -rrour the -ommtlitctnrers—Mout de !Hines, Print-• onpand - Bich Gill - Manterl'ime7Pteces — J - au•KAW , ell LIIWIIN CUtlibrieS, Jaconeis, Hook 'and_ nal? skill to I:17'00N an, sn : iss Muslins, Irish Linens. Linen Lawns, 'and caseS;'Plated Table Castorii,'Vtln tßussia.,Sheetitigs . , Burlaps, Russia Diaper, Cotton eefirce Urns , lo Communion Service, Jewelry,eSil .Diaiier; Linen' Crash, ke., ' war Wat•g Lever watch mo ' vement's various ma tLP , W4S in great variety, figured.. 'find plain; ;kers,witil W general : aasorirnent 'Or Avittch makeris Ilitiiilkeetsitiefs, a rim assurtinent,ofetitton and Silk , tools, files and watch materials. Orders rrinn the Suspenders,' I osierr • • Gloves, .Thread;' Buttons, Countrf siri • sOlititted Rad every Fflok ivi.ll'n r isde Lace Goods,FAc. , assortnient Of Brown to give .satiSlactitur..., .• •,. ' • • and Blekettedphirtings skt9l Sh lt e A eti tO ng N. s,' di:" , Aug. 20; 18.1,-.. 7 3 . 9.1, W• Oi Xorth 4th' at.; l'hifu: ,February. 5; I 845...74rn• NM qt.Pitritters p. rurie inirtneesbip berettifore nitisting between ;he X.,Subeeribeek, teterthii Orinl QI .en..the let inst,by !waled count:m.- The thelininle of J : for Notion, tottitiviseitolebt o tt are,L - rptloatO to will •at I.lto:storO.at aettliAlteit , adotuota, neit.ie.tisienble be:inttletrup'es !weedily. 05 possibly, • , • J, r. • • W ~ .I)IIEAPFEIi, Vecenibei , 18 • • . . - . LYNE.yilitad reocettuily •infoi•ni Lib rronniertont.tini Public keneen I In lint .lie'will•cfq-. RDIK9E E U:S INE ES ;tit ihe sonnl.w,lnTennt.YAO Innokll.r.r.t-snieissnitriiint of iticlinnlptiFil f ,Hlingen,„snrnion; eafoni,Glass flil(PaL:iomplettiYassiirimnott or tsii•pet:4o!. oorilintt Slit - Ironi kinds`;.l44-Overy article ,witnilly .kOrt in a.liaohyllre of .whioll:y0. wily "Rell at tlin ' vet:tyciivni!t•lnfnen..?Cielriindilee..belbre puteginafni elannyierni, , •,. . F. .s.a.te 4,vi.eactrites., Osoitoirent of Uie rot t j iniPgtfint /11ediciddifitik fah offer forreeas, 9 riplesule,aull.ro ll It It vcriredliCdd privet ' .: „ ~ilays,q,ntkrirlr(oy our-9, 0 C - P4PIN' ' 11101.weirgolle and Neri9).. l 9lineut,,fi,AVA 971 lOr irtiv,for'S 610191dary¢;,; Spraynefs Syrup 9 Miiirehenlg, ' roar's Uulearti Rtitcry#A,,. , ,, Pr4Pspjo.,4kheitri ‘0 4 .) , -'4 l IVOM '4O ik'kenetilkopsoit9iieti thelffttlit I*4tetititrOhifigtgkiit,pitl 4 % ' •sz !J, _.! • s - , liCte 'EC ir . a .1.,`71i: ILAIC H 3 Mg/ - 104k.! 7 EEZ , heitilVarPetWOra. ritiut;: Subscriber wimiduall ailkintiotOr,ppr. 'tiontein want of 'CA 11:14: 'S'' to 3' ee gat tilllortktent'they now ofrOb•-,and' . „l.o rt. lZ,olo,olly lowkiees at which they . towsplipiNzo • • Itiiperial 9 ply .1 SUperfine Ingrain ' • ' 1 ,1'1 . 1.4q . •••"1.-` .. i'ol'VV4 Fine& Compton do Royal fw'd venitian r . Fine Worsted do '1 Plain Striped dp are Stock - 0f, , ,A0L00R,,t• 01,40;TIFfP. °E'en wiittkiep L t,'•.to••.fir'illonnisi, it la - pliffhef -with •,Heai,tlßMif :elitne,' , find . Table Covers, Stair - 11048,:m.gattnil 1.0048 i 80; Wholesale, or Retail very loiv - for priced Ingrain Carpels, front 35, to 50 Oefifil , prPil and Rittry and Stair earpetii' from 'l3';:fe,6l)cet .. ps• ELDRIDGE St Ii,ROTHER; , ' No. 41 • Sire syberrfrareet. one dooOlboyidtbeii tint it. between, Steoed & Third 1 11 4•::P/11 1 ,[ 1 1•19,IPP 1 0. • k'n'britary 26, fB4s.;6ns.'' - ' at .7v9. 25 North Secoad St. ahliogio Christ• &nerds • •. • • .Phrhulel hia; cath has just reCeived and is now oPiininen very extensive' and beautiful assortment of -VARPETINGS.— he goods are fresh and of new styles, and being purchased roi• GASH; they *ill be sold at the lowest prices they-consistin part of splendid Brussels-010i patterns,) Beautiful Imper:nl 3 ply, Super Extra Ingrain, 9-4, 4-45-6, Twilled Vent lien, 3-4, 4-4, 5-6, Plain do, gelbra warranted thirrif: hle. Superior •iluality 6-4 English Rocking!), with n l§rge stock of well seasoned Oil Cloths of all Widths flogs, Piano and Table Ccivi`ti Sheep Skins, Seth. Rods, Bindings &c. with lin eritthisive assortment of Low Priced Carpkings,pf all descript:ons.' In grains of good patterns and quality for's74 - te 50'ets., per: yard.„,Rorchasers are requested to call, and' they may rest assured of being pleased with goods and prices. ROBERT B. WALKER. 111are1i.26,1143: 1 mpoi•tatir lietliA. Env + • • GROCtR-Ako-TEA .DEALER; - • 'cit Main Si.. Carlisle. 11 - 1 C ;Mahlon to his e nerul misortment, is now in I receipt ofu new anti additional supply of the best V inter OILS:- OILS!! • 'at pricorredueed—evenEar Ti 1 Ali EA - TH.I ' Winter Strained Sperm at $ 1 , 12 ; per Fallon. • Solar Elephant 75 " nil clear and handsome Tamp oils,llllll9ufil to nor ' in our ntas , kilt, finest quality TableOilin pint and quart bottles,. , . , ' ALSO—Pure Sperm, Monist CornmOn Con ' slies t at prices Low its proportion, together with is 'fine assortment of I<oung fly son, floperial, Guis miller awl extra rAmtvpivtlet, Imperial anti Sone . . ittilivss—Mqiciodoo'slkoett e.etei and wear ppite February 5,1845. • • D, Q. PRQU'rIZ, .46•: . 1,5;-ric. 114 MARKET STREET. ". it = BETWEEN STH AND 6TII ST., , PHILADELPHIA. WATCHES, _ n wouor am .1 eeenc e fine assor Teo of les" a nt itoristing• biome of Itold AIM Silver. Pencits,• Spe,etueles,• Gnltl,..ikeenst pins; 1111148; Lockets, 'Watch keys, tlarttrings ,theeelete, _Clesps;ll.llltiakturatas,Stltert:llii uthles, ' ter kiiilett,,Seg t ur • Breast Pins, a Urge InOtt Ocimmen•SaectiislX'4,Watith Clilarai and Guards, Common .!,Reysi••,finigiati,•ltytil, ' . mat-in a other; thing's:- Xfi ink-person s n'il)::ser .whenthey ',WHO A.S4cORLYN:', '- • N. n. I‘by article's' I may not lime on lismid••,%rilkbo'preetirell,at 010 , AI:hien notiee.aq.ao low lip they exit liit Fiwthased,inthe city, , :January, 8;1184.1"; • •%. •-•; . HIM All' 0 ItY inform the public, that T.ho .1111 continued to cart k tlie%eld• stand ' , ;.well!town . .00' MILO; W.OO,,P,LEN FACTORY, situated in Bolan' M iddlettin.toin. at'Ca *did it eights:if Cra nett r:Hartil cud :Wit hi n two Jig 4iiring 'in*tti`,wileto tittior*ftir;riitlirti f cnctlinplin'cliingintfnetAtring;,kirklit tteods frog cloths, bold' 4s4l,lo9sf'ytitiiiiittettliOtfdptiti n' lakii:.eountey,pris. tloo4itt'6# - 04#0,:fcif ittisltr ittrAtaiket'pitees, C OH -J, •• • • Hanel Altddlletott%'io " = • Slll4 odZi t 17. /Y 7 .l, lhighes! , T u r'price k. 100,Pr 4 kind, of °°(ll rd'duoe ~, 'F.ULLYK s'. ••• • ' -aft ROBERT. B. WALKER. vri =TItE ." a5~~... ~,_ 4 114M3=Tao W 11404066 • ' „ENT'S. I,LL perfarm' a*. oh l hh Teeth 11' :'that a t i•e theii;:itesa,tlati on,suah, 6 . g . n.p•Rfuswitik,idc;o l .6l l l4. 3 'eltar,i the'lass lif,thetioy inaertingArtifipiaMpthi , T .c .• Vijnkleirtik , tp. full sett 0 ice;isif.p.t kw glam ? vtitll ; of;tha : . • - 140,4.‘DrAlibt - mis lA' 11, lie abati . 4 fr.t.ifiCapia!e . ' ii . st tni4.9i/!;!1, =I cm . r,Em . . ~.... 'Ft F: Ijllliersigned reSpectru4litt , ormehisfriencip . nal the politic general4 4 ;Whi'7le . 110 S iellSt;11, 11111 i will Islove on the Ist 0f,4011-neit, to that well known, large and consmntliona. Til-12111fi . lfilill • situated no-the cornet , of SOlOod. Bedford streets, [close by the Jail) in the HOifogh of-Carlisle, and owned by Commodore Jessclh•Elliptior the U. S. Navy which 'house lie . wiltitintiiine to Iceep as a llousa of entertainment fai , aillAciNa who may favor hint with a call. s!itire. Of piddle. patrotiagrOtaWiing has visiting Wit all things in shidt ptli' conducted in a quiet, genteel _ way, and. thatAlieehargesv.will be made:moderaiet much raiNlMFelie .1i yea, this he will-be ettokh dttilirt;inseqqente, of tho'very great dilfeietii mutt of tho_two, nr,HE subscriber iajust receirtng thent - a Spring tuitltSumtncr:Pdods_seleOted with cure, to. which be w'otatti iifyittt ilte attention of pull:It-era. Call andextitnittuifourtielves if you wish to purchase cheap Shippensb'g, March 1845. ' anterican ,Insorancer OF•` • PHLRLADELPBIAt prirAji Sgoo t ooo, THIS long established Company makes either permanent or limited, against loss or damage by Fire on property and ands ,of every -deseriptlen. Their terms are rety reasunnble, and 'property holders will do well to avail theinselves.of the . udenotagt , s'arrtled by them. • The subscriber is AGENT for tho Company for this Borough and vicinity—and applicatiOlt to !Am, in pergon , or letter, will receive immediate atterhipn. • JOHN J., 3IYERS. March. 26,1.843. 3m. • DISE) CLUTIOITIOP PAIVIBIEREHIP. • . riviE partnership heretofore' Wthill betiretiate. --.1-subseyibers-ontler.the-firrn s of -Br7Co.;lnts li , ett dissolved-by- mut nal-con-- sent • The llookaare is the hande or W. F. Carey Jr collection, and those iatlehted rill please call 'mid make 'settlement.' • • 5 . A. CLIPPINGER, W. r. GAMEY. L l RlSippenthitiVlßm•cli-P 5 201141; 5-5 3.7k:CI..fPPINGI 3 .R,WaI respcciTujly inforin Isis ei cads and• the Ptiblio generally that linviitg'purchii.' ed W. P. Carey's interest in tl!'etthov,e establi aliment, he' business will id Eatitrd'he cOaducted and hopes by a strict, attention to, beentessi and it de -tprialtint iott-to-aell,gootl-ht-the-very.-- lowegt r prices,- to react' t:a ri contialianCectirtimmerelibertiVpation• age liet•cioforc exte:lttlitEtp; the es4lisitment • • • HR subscriber Init....renteil,'lni• one feite,-Ac T D..wellam House 0 ,00;the oCcapancytatlVlitr 010 m t aliain E mit i :jksott , urpngieir alma, im nielliately,,opposite tlitiatOreL (Intl iti•Matt intiis, and ifti , Lanors eolith of..Bitikaoltitiea tiotcl..witeCti he . tcill continue .2 • • Upholstering attr ant :1;10R aa'cli Tian& .iirettcy thati thin obtailltUtfill7ht- gatitg; luilarge for" nothing but lubol~ ; tho'iriaticitt s'enn tie rnielted cost; ,Also, any klattnit?Aliiinq liitaincia aU to ppniptly: T erms —ansh or banter,. • " . .Waittialt•A; good: Boy arid:lilt): to, • !liaise work. • . • , -•• . '; ; L A DIES' SHOE MANUFASTOOT . ' • i ,--- - JUiiiICE-11A-El,lll ERE- - - -----r, TtANI FUL. for tho rFry , 1 iberal ,patroonie 1w ' hoi'rdoeitied; would inror:n dm Laidielj - 01 Clli• iimettlid Its vicinity; that Ito still °dainties to niVinl uracttito'LAlßES . 81191 , 3 .0i "every 4 4111114 and 1 larictY, atilnifligowing' prince for' ts,he kcal's no Woks: • , % %. Ns r r.` , 4, It, ~ k ' ~ Laidics'Frenal/.lMorosao pig ‘..,Niit . iloal6.ltOiCt •- • alines, - , '. ~ -i,.,. ... ~, , li 1.,, ,, .. 4 , 1 r . afa t t Ladies Walking .:itoc!1 0 ;t- —7: •,,,i/ i;!te! , ..r , " - 1:94 ~ F ,paittifshoeig, ~,...,, 4 , Tvif,-.'-` , . 411 r r ' YA 7 t Misses' . and LibiltircoN's:tabitAn titntitirtion.r3 A Al work thine killim votri444 ',aro 11l 'YkPll.reLtairMi ntis. _Call tit. tile; iavt luirtsp I.l , ltarparfs''.lLo* - ilext door to. Mr. Guthrie, WAt j tairfilater l Carlisle. eebraarY „S; IA , '-•-(i.n. , ' e r . 4".: 1 , 241 =1 '( ,11, ' AEI _ REm E - krivt:kt ,;< h , 4 - . MUM AttiLTILNC4 • ... • • . :ISO.9I",II7I.OIIIEArAPPLAVBE, ET SIN. SPEAR AT,THi • . ;WALNUT-STREET NWEATRE. • down ailtajor Par - Balm'house, Thee - de they 'had a nniltin' Just for to show,rneir.hanclaatue . little • • - ..riVaniceeltdites are the ill * geed and true, nud handsome liiiiarlde and 'ie . iitahee 1. : . • These was beacon Jones' darter SAO Srydire'llylteeler's darter 4lery., • . ':"And oengeatlia, feiAisjesillka . 4 fitity • White and..Nl ~•:• • •-• ".?itittPitroons,,clarter 121tAll, • Short, .• 'llut if there was a hantlsorod wt . To make a fellow's heart right ',mess it was; by.all r accoonts, '-'• CF9litta Cartirright!., Wall; While we were n whlrliti' Iditte And playip' bunt the slipper, Juruslitt Parsons went to git, Some cidLr in a dipper ! Biit ;Oka); nhe had. left the r °oaf , 4--nd-got intoithe•entry, She gave a scream and stood stock still, "Jun like a frozen sentry ,We_all ran out, and there, i itWo*y Both hoggin7 , like creation, .zlatia - Cartwrlgdyt and - S - a - i — TlOne, we ow l • A kiasitt like Ci, shcli u !anti as we sot up i Yoy nOter heerii.st finer Says I '1 recitoU you Miss Corolinar ! 1 wish Y - 61.01 caw Miss Cartwright blush, Jekt like as if she'd painted ; - She said—She had the - colic—and Iti Satcuel!a armjtad. fainted! Aiid new . ; y.ouni gala, I'd any ttt . you,.. When you go tu,.vi . frnlic, --Don't let-yobr-fellera-kiiis and httg;-- ` . s,. , Unlests:you have the colic built their log.dabins,:taut subdue the tviiilerness. - ' . To them every hour 14 , h9 full Repl. - , The indians would •often Moss the titer, steal their children and horses, and scalp any victim who came in their way. They worked in the field with weapons at their side; and on the Sabbath met in the gtote or the rude log Church, to hear the word of Poil,—.with their rifles in their hands.' Topreaclt to thin settlers,, Mr. soscrilt Sniith, a. Presbyterian minister; had left his parental !time 00,0 the mountains'. He, it w a s said, was the second minister who heti crossed the Monongahela river. tlo settled in -Washington county, Penns,, end became the pastor o 1 the dross Creek and Upper Buffalo:congregations, dividing his time between . thee). Ikfoued•thein to pay hiaa a salary - whiah - Ttiroulitatip - picer his faintly.. H m f.n o n_tivith early tpini.sters,plEkepltivste a farm.. He nuellased lc; pa .for jt with_ the fsalairy4ledEetl,to.him • peopie Years passed away. the pastor was unpaid. Little or no money <vas in,dirett._ lationT — W heat - was - abutulanrilitit - tlieff iVas no marllet. It ecruld not be.sold , for more than twelve and a half ants in cull. Even their salt had to bp krought Across the inottntatits -op pack hofgai—it , Wee worth eight -dollars per bushel l rt m nd en• ty - mie butels of wheat Were often siven lor•cine of Salt.: ' • ' ' *t:ilium came when the last payment ititistlim made, and Mr. SiiiilTikviS told he must_pay_orileave .the,farM. Thiee , 'years" salary "Was km: , &rearm' his peophtti. • - For.the war t of this, his, land leis Ments upon it, told his hottes.of tcmaitiing omong,a, tfe!o,od people; must , be abandini -ek --. Tliii - pifooe -- iiiite ---- tralled tokethfr , ao"o, the ,dil° . 4)C 1 ',1i° 6 i .4 -thei! ~ 'the+ ;me r e grpti i tly7mosctir -'Counsel--- , froni-'outAtigh, f i was: 104 10 11 ; PI 3 :6 4 (4 Pla6 wa s, ; 1)6(1.3e.- et) ;arid . atmadontid. The cOngieiction rt,r !" e,' 36 le t `iXi) 't l4 .' 4,tit l) :EitiCili_,etr 0 964 0, find lio motley could be,biirrowed.•'*rli'l`::,'• , in'tletiPait they,, Sajoriiire4:lMeet 0 :.4 " . '' .. ~ J. M.' l . ithol following.' ve4ls:: - ,,lrownleantinie .ii 'wail :88Per.t.!ileik$1 M.l,'•'rOlilr! who ' 6 * 1 P`,( 111 '1:: - R.l0;;#0040' 1 4 43 : 0 09 1 ifOr*quid: grYnk,i4:ll44 #tiiig 06 '00derati#irtniql Avto riekt'ineeoo - jts 7o 4 r.,o,o, l soio#Y, irilieki. , YlicattiPiNtr; itlllor!ft milt*, ,ifillii,, 004 n vpiyelttV i'l'irrt-if , ' l ° 6 *.iiqi: o :*7 - ': ;TEA': ‘l'll eitiiiiid from 'thleon. to Oin ty . ..' 8134611140N0i5e1.0 thiPil i qc ' i:' ; ', V A . ' „ --.- .. - -0-4- .14 4 -'1- ,i ' - ,' fit.''A ''' ug ly Pt °o4 Carn - 3 1 4 11 ?' Ur ' w l 4 " i '''ia 11 *A l !!" ki er A's qifi Pe'* '''' - tr,'elißeifs;:epoilifei;i'', AIS' 4 p,,,,, ~,,,.,,,,,,‘„,:,,,,,,,.,„.. ~.k.d. „,,,„,„,„,. ~„..,. #6., 4,2 -, ,lcive °rk 140, tj 4 4tilli: l Yi4•4l,!arOilPi - rtueoo';.;-.' Tr-4'e *Otk*lff, iii ' ''';'ll,l "the eltlMl!'eri ; 0 ' , 1100! ,Pa 0 0 - a 00 4 0 P - ,1-,, r t', ,-- -r-?,,Y, 46 7 : - ''' l '7 '7: a', , I.' :, ; A ,, ' ' ''' 'n1,1 2 .: -it ; :::,,".:I,Meti la. -+- r _:T; •`;' Ngaat"l'• 'could hope to return; even thotigh his journey: should beiolitptate: 'NOTIy all the way was a wilderness; , and gloomy talesited been told of .the treachers"ausln dinns. More'. than one boat's,. crew had gone on that journey and .came back no more. 'Who then would endure the toil end brave the danger. The . .yoting slttunk back, anil-te middle aged had their'.ek tt)so. Their last scheme seemed likely to fail. At length a lioary healed man, an elder, in:the elturehisixtyqour years.of tige arose, and to. the astonishment of tlte.whold assembly said, "Ilere am. I seintdbe." Thed_oepest feeling•at ,once:pervailed. the whole assembly: 'Pir see their venerated Old elder thus deVoteThittiself foribeir Coed, Melted them to tears. They• gatlfered a-, round old - lather SittileY; to learn Vita his resolittion Wah indeed taken; that 'rather than ltise their pastor he Would bratre ger, toil end even death. After some de• lay and tfonble,' taro young men were hr dueedthy hope Of - large reward, to go as Ins assisthn . - A day was 'appointed for slaµing. The young. and old eroin far and near, from love to Father Smiley, and their interest in the object of his mission, gathered together, aril their pastor at their head, came (twin from the chtirch,fifteen miles to the bank of the river; to bid . the old Than farewell, Then a. prayer Was offered by their pastor: . d -- parkin; liy moAvas - slfng.' — 'lUff, Ward the old B.cotnhitian, `untie the'aile and let us 'see What thetord will do for.us. i -;-- This was done-and-the-boat floated slgCvly away. More than taeztmonths peaked, and no'svord came beet( from father Sinilr. laity -a prayet: had• been breathed for hire; but what had been his fate waii'unknown. Another, Sabbath - tame, The- people came together,for—worship, and there - en_ hie rude beech before the preacher, Corn 'posed and devout, sat father Sintley, 'Af ter the services the people were requested .totrmee,t_earll'. hi the .week.to bear . .the',ter • ort.::Allicanne Afterlfifinke had been rendered to god-fur hisstife return, father. Smiley arose and told his story •thet the licird had:prOsp4red his !fission . ; :tiiitt.he-had. - si)ld<iiis flour 'for $ 27 per got safely, He then ! s pti4Kt lere , ifriOrli< - *l**A - it '4-eiKii,4o4i449,C,i4:lo#9o"Pf the ' ° o l ,i l ; i k,Fo to", meekly tepllci! . - t , l 4!Alie,thoP.& to have the , ea*, one iiiitYpftrii,' - ihet4; though he lis"t1: hot cdene: quite,,4 . -work. it.'Watt, immediately premised pay him three hundred doilaro.; • This lie refused to receive - till the pastortVas . paid. Upon dountingAhe Money; there tray found enough to tinsiAt›.4.as due fo.Mr. S.; to advance him his salary for the ,yeat to cottit. - -mto tetrard father Smiley wallti tree hundred dollard, and then to lesve'e . large dividend for each contributor. ThUb their debts were paid, the pastor relieved, and while lift I Tstetl,l.e broke to Liam the bread of life. The bones of the pastor and elder have long reposed in the same Church-yards but a grateful posterity still tell this pleas; ing story of , the past. El = orth•of 4,-.• 1 )Pliterkl , . Alio. 6AHHI.E EIItiVQESTB - THAT HER DEAR MOTH Eit iSHOHLD‘" CaMeA.HD LIVE WITZL • THEM." - . • 'dor i•aldlietter—tozeight,....klaudlel Tes;.'l. thought—lL...was. — "l'latill.'WOUlF wed to ino:row;, I dare ` say. .There's a love I You acn't take ease enough of youtselt yfm don't.. And. you ought, ro rot Whateterl should do, if anything was to happlutto yolt4titn I wou't thi :tit of it; tio, I can fice'SfittittiiAtr-of that. Siiil you ought 'to—talte "icare of yours;lf;` for you km)* you're not strongipaudle3 yetilitnew you're not: ''":' Beat mother so hippiw4h you' •rfeedn'Aiiolto', so ituilleeVy: - J Ba 7; *Waso Plf:e 1 9 12 01'Y oii dolt% kool0":116t! "daii yoLL'itaiyOu ~.You' hatie seen r,iter.r.• II But 'she die heppier here Ij)laeii tedtp4 that .4est .cool has! . I pidiit t a temper of satin; `. ii is l 'sci L etioothro puts qierr, Ole ,you - Only'"kitew= how h e'Lakes yeti f;:prfri: 1 , 1 9 8 .140 I'M Auje, son to times fiver;, she coultrut be fonder tton'.% ...yon,,„tbrok so; Citudle 1—; h, vet i ansuet:',l'HOW , you • tfpust. Woi4iuktrOul .mitoit th tiovititi;ioktiehbuq , ' night;' t_ L hii . ':Altr*Ao, l oYretPtirwhiliY ,ol i - .orfee ll h‘n4e l Thiiiii4lllAii,F,liiiither"i'doitigi.. l . - 10,;i4 I Mr. 0 1 ,44,# )1A 1 ? 1 ,4; ja lie l po'4l4t 4'peotolie:gc(#6'*!iid! is' ho ttruWePiiii`6ooll!. :1 11 ' „447(6-,44,f(ii:TkkAttiVi: weth 1 4 „., . • • ‘4.100 vx.0.1 . T!' - ~f ; .‘ mss f l yvfn 1,4% ;;' ' , , = .. :.-... -- ~:x~~ _ ._:_~... *Vials* asaftvz2v • eis..itionthsthough rptotnised'hiff,hot to - tell yoiisik- 'Working 31 'Vatdii • • pocket for you !' And with her eyeir, dear . • Soul, and' at hei:iiine of 1ilt) - "rf•:•• ' A6dAtinWhat h cook she is l' I'm sure the dittheh,eltes Mike olitotilext.to 'pair in'g ! hard berme' to folloW her,. • but I'm not pshaineli own it, Caddy, she quite 'beats the. 1 - 41 the many nine: little things she'd simmer up tot you—and' • can't-do'it-the , --childreit r yout r itnow-it, Caucle, take somuch.ot-My tune. I can''. do it, loyet erid:3"4tent,reproach myself that can't: Now' ycii: Shen't ;to to_ sleep Caudle, at least, not for Ave minutes:, musti'hear me, ' ' .• . 'l've been thinking, dearest—ha ! dr.!: , leaky cough, love.T.l'Ve' been darling, if we could only persuade mother ' you can't be aeleep; it-is impossible—you were coughing only this nainute-yes,.t9 live with us. - What a treasure we _have in her Then; Caudle; 'you ' need to'tb-lied Without pqmpthing.nicapna hot. And you Want 147Caudle. l'oti want it - Nonsense, you do; for you'ig not strong, Caudle; you khow you're not._ 'Pm slim -the money she'd` Saim housekeeping. Ha! what an eye she has for a joint! The butcher - doesn't walk that could deceiveAtihr mothers: And then, a s ikaln tot.pothsyl *hate finger: nd thuMI L she-has-fur ii-ellicken!—l-nevercotild• roar ket" like her ; its -a gift...4phi a giftr 'And then'yoLt - recollect her marrow pc.' clings t You don't recollect'eth? Oh; . f...i , Caudle, how often bake yObilting her ina . :' row puddings in itty face; *dhiing"to kilo', why I couldn't moire 'ern: And I wouttr `.... pretend' in do it after dear mother. 1 shou 4 think' it ivati Piesumption. Now, love, t: she_was - 0t147 living With us—come you'r.. not asleep Cailille=F4f sfie - xVere - ohiy-livin:_f. 7. ; with us you could-have marrow puddingo every day. Now, don't - fling youtacif . about and begin to siVeat at thatkow-snif dings,-, you know foil like them, dear. - 1 Vithifiliaid;loti; liar iffiiiiter-11 iri . l 7 -ii" -. a pie crust ! But its born with sorn,- people: -What do you say? 'Wit} , wasa" it• both . With the? Now, •Caudle, tbe:' . cruel—iinfeeling of ~yliu ;--I wetuldti't hoot - uttered-,sirch•ti srepoach to you' for tti4' • eik*hole- tlivild. -: ii in - cart i t be• bareitY, 3 tt lik:,''' • - , '.4 , ,..;i-:i - .1,- , ..1: 4..,--- rYwOllcli?"!glikS!tOr Nu . 9 -W d t i lMr!'W irei ko* l : 4 APW 6 jP i ! i t9 l **. l ogeit ! *044044 i i610 0000 0 00.g . 'ig kiii lll 444*frii4,7li4ooo;4 l o . o2',lN go nu . ..w001,8,1113411 Peq,RC / V.4 1 1 1 r , V 11 114i Crrl4.7.p. gi? 944-4-1 a „..„, , r tV` ,9 4 4 05 e ctlA -AN stoteodipo,64.44:u.ro , Bertrei;j4qiiii4k;PattleT4lo - 104* . ten gone*4ihi4iheooog4#4W i 1* N you hiW1f444i400404494 if mother ‘i?WiliV*e_OitlloAilit*h,"; 4 ' fruit puddire, the year_ Mum): serve—no* doTes. it, and , 'mkt to,' money #hateVeti* What nice'dor" &Man/testa' ehe'd'iitakci'fot the 'eli,ildreA ,V-I‘_l`-st---11e.' ...,v hat itigemitta7,6l,oketllol, 111_64 4 ets ~ delicious-as dear rather, makes thcnri.' • oNow, you have tasted -her Irish slaw, . • . , . .... Caudiel----Y-on-,remember. - that 1 coMa. , 911'...re not a 4 e PP7T9*rem e llakti - 11 aL- 1 -, And Ito* fond Vail,* oft.. i ing 1 1.v... _ . ca it made td - pleatin you., ~Now ' „ . wo uld _ whatra jolif it d be 16010,1 f, my dun: , in wee alwase at habd Mat you ,rrught . have a stew when ,yoti .liked:, , . What a...• load It Itoulibe bit WY mitni. • ' :',Again, (or . pickles! -NOt`it all like an c 1 body plae'e, pickles. 11erjed 'cabbegc--• .. why, it's aa 'crisp,* a bisc#it.And thcii ' ' • hel walnuts—arid her all drifts 1 - ,E4Ci.b.:. , , , . • ~, dial . You, know: .fttivi4o,o,..loYe picklea t; • and , hoW vlik'dometimis liffAo,tit dim "?,,, • NOW - , if dear mather-rig:hete - , -- a- wow.: -- wOUld'neier - riais between its: •• 'find I's. (1.•, :sure.fiothine-would-rmaki-iiii-liepPicr,-6r—__ - -- -i r yolfra• - tiol - aelecp Caudle I•;=fdr 1: carol.-- bear. t(l.quarrell Can 1, lover:,';'.;;' .2.2..l.Thembildren,l,4,:areom_tonil,,of_ her I_2_ And'she'd be duet kbelp j it s :( Ma 'With , .'em, • ' l'ai Mire with' deaDMithgr. in;the house; I,' ahouldn't•MWeltfik foinidailes itr,any thine of the sort.: Adm nur4,ol,ocisuch aims. sore. •-••• • • ay. r.(;. -- , 'J,%4*, , ' a , ' , ;-' ', Sy r ' ;•'' •, :, - 'And Oi liar Antnir‘ lif,a4M4' an'esdic••• , woman:; Intl iktitii(itY6t Vdffihild Ind 'ti?l' ': the children; ii 00404 ,Ot;Yotitl'ill'ina*• , '•'- = "Caudle..•,•NOWAtlinjothar'nit,,;rity,,,lferfit ~r.r. there ,Wcouldri!l.o,4l4l26l‘vikanted:‘irt •th0;i:„;i• hellgi:. ~? ,';'; '';iX'.;',; 1,,;.',',. .• „.;•-',' A:,i , A ,. ''AiiiiihileW ' .40',.0, o,,liOli(GQatif 3l. •• - ;most • . *,,,•• •• ..t • re bi t ibi l f V4 2 .::,' 011 i e 00 00 II ;4-0 r ,-- 'expect :-,to;rii - : , oft*ltxtet,o4 0 jiti fll.ttit!') - it qici, - 4 -itinve4o4+ihiffki . /4 0 4 6,604614011.1 : 1114 4 4,0 ..', :fit' -74' ahlr'l6°"o-1,11.VC1.f.1100 A.040§,0„:,-... iiiio.4BlC , ito tirotite• , 'i.,.:, -- W , .. ,•‘,, , • ,, '' , - . .Til ~,,k1 : , 1 ! .74 24iii4 . igOi cifill l 6l ltrik,'A, , ,*(tik, deo: ...:, mother hail cofolei',WCY,ilt• 4 :o/41`:' '', IVAPPI . ' - '" 1 0* liP'i a - 0 4.0 1 01 1 ,ir.00 1 40 ~''., IA 4:1 pit .flthllt, sited •batt:ei.ifd)fo',mV3qnrVO , “, - 4:rfa';•'Yf4/:liaY , AqvitOV t 'XqY'A'AqSr : . , ': hive hetpku,paY,,i,oo,7o,o4eit,,,tkft.3•s! . ",, -0044102va.' e'oo•Clui•illectillo. - . -. .!:• , ',Y'Mqj , •. .- '-'l4•o4ll.ll4eit'4ll6l4,4lt4AtilAt' :54, ,Ss l i4 ltitent into OakAii4 - 46 10 1f5g.,...'-i , . r , , ; , Oir ~ ~,,, 4,; ; $ '''''PT , ii4 ,6 ;4 1 ' , ',1, ' '"- ~.,:'"743.4,14%ke • ,-' l* ,e . .„i''.l , •,..4*,t_tgt:`, ' ' .... •, ' - I'4l,,lsloiiri, ~ 4 ,1011 i IN B • ' , .". , ..q 5 ;x1 , • 1..,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers