Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 23, 1845, Image 4
ISI • •..• .• TH L Au_&w&shaiLeleep;,and-heed=lt uotl ' • •-7.1 1, 0- W - Ta l lt , tli ' .olEetlitetlMMeat...„.., • sad tha r t - wp..ntost,dio ! To kilo*. the'eart4 . pease ••'l' Aotl, Ottr-latiarit rail ; our senses cease - ; thouilitirise no more, nor , passions more • quiet-breasr with hate or, love 1, • . All otali'ittfaiMeniliti, earift will die, .• mot eilltinae the eye ; The:tottitie.witl pause, the heart Will frost-. . Awatrfal - atigire'SWAlzetilteftireast s_ The'Scii, dismissed; will steal away ~.. , And leave the colti.,enconseious clay, spot . • - laterretl forgot: _ - ' • 'Then, strange to think, n hen we are gone, That still will rise and set the sun; The da.V. will dilv_iuts,kuroiabright ; The Stara will gloW as rich at niglia; The world more Onward as- belore - ; The winds will blow, the ocean roar; • Arid verdure eiothe - and Nrive lire trees; .The buls_wlllswell and blossoms blow; And ohni;ging seasons oomeaand go ; Though all to us Will be forgot, ' —And we phial sleep and 'heed it not. . - And - other-forrni It ill walk the earth, AVith other scenes of joy and !Wirth Anil other• friendships will be forin'il, And other hearts tv'i I to. ' • And smiles will ()fosse nod tears will-flow, And sighs will heave the breast of snow ; And poets sing and lovers sigh, Andmiore be born; like us to die ; Though this to no will be but naught— We all shall sleep and heed It. not . ! ' 'Though the green minted upon our breast, . Or sulMureti stone, should mark our rest; Yet soon that steno will fall away, "A be levelled.where we-lay ; The clod by : plonglishures will be cleft, And no sad trates will be left ; And strangers' feet will trtt the spot, - And-pass our rest and know at not. Or o'er our dust may cities rise, And point their turrets to the skies ; Ambition, wealth, and po;fet and pride, May'spuen the earth in which We hide-- Or saints lony kneel. or buffoons play Where, lost, our names 'and ashes iny Still we. shall sleep, and hee—difilTit.— But si 4 ran4er still, (should we pursue l Aitture thought, that may he true,) . lenses, may fait; But-tlse,whole -heti on- sink, and all-- Be lost,—extinct this race of mati. Like Palenque, or like Copan; . • ..t\ - ittildernes:s , mayt_rise_again-__i_..._ tun _e9 FP, rO7 t _ While o'er our ruin Noture . renrS tier threats ofa thousand years, . Whrre - savnge•men Moy,finci athome,- - And-kindred beasts may howl. and roam, ,:a;p1,41•11 to us will he ' Calmly we'll sleep.amthred it not. THE TIME TO DIE. . • It was winter . Before a cheerful fire r -'sat an aged man in lonely 'meditation. The •ciirtains fell in heavy fow l to fit, floor, - casting' an air or comfoit over the room, and excluding_the_pierchig- eohk--Yet--a 'tremor passed over the frame of the old man, as the, storm without fell upon hiS Oar. 'I am thankful that I have a shelter on such a night as this,' said he, drawing his easy chair nearer to the fire : ' Woe • to the wretch than roams abroad in such a )Storrn:' then musing for some time, he began pacing' the room, and ever and anon pausing in deep thought. which at length' , found expression ; ' Death is a fearful thing to contemplate at any time, but in such a season as this,. methinks I would Snuggle hard for life. To be placed deep in the coldand frozen earth, no I she her , self seems to strive to prevent the act, and winds her robe--of snow-over her strong breast to - prevent admittance into her bo som. *hen I die, may it be in the bright And jOYOus spring time, when all nature is fretl and gay.: But, hark ! surely .I did ho tlee,;al.ooki.'for':: who would• venture iiillin - suebliitVgitt•P , and opening the door lie saw ' - iiefo're:flti6a, young girt, who begged for phelier:in 'iagite to excite pi -.lrAttiiardatitkeart;--Ithe -appeal-was .enough for the'kind•hearted 'old man, and drawing_lief with ii3'4o_ room, he, gave her a seat neaTt:jfii." - trO; ; of tried to 'revive her •drooping•-frametAfter-,•shcr had - so far rem 'covered- asvlO - lnisWer his ,inquiries, she told him that shii : :wite - a lonely creature with no friend in'the•Worl,d; she had nev er known. father,. Mothe4.or,,relative. - The 'old' malf.'stilla.."divelling upon the Subject whielt.:had ft#4 , olo , time ucquPicd . him, asked• her if; death not be., a Welcome messinOr_fd;.lite,-!,arrehti_had_nO. thing -for whiCli to liyiiYand :ne. 6110 cared - for her—Would - she''n6(bii willing to die, ;and be at rest? ---..:. -:. ' •- 'Oh, ask Me not % to give .110.11te, it is --2 'sometimes - lfrigittandjoyoun.. Ih .tho !mi . °- , V sn'irnner - ;;thi tlOweri pie myrtriends, the __--iliirds-iipeakth,-iiilihelrourliktilleViiid—thTi lietk,Wifide7 hiklihi;liOrn •foe me, and - ...'l . ‘Waricle! , ..,foyqi `, to the , geeen woods,`and lift•ie OLor i eilit.Ossi,•:4sh) net _ 'youth is - no -Aim* tO‘:dierr,..- - -'1""i!-.51 ,, ,,, ~.;-,--,,-. .. e , ~.„....,,,.„.•,..„. ~..,• . , .li6l6i'lv i le ' tont , Affe"Altiring? a ngSated. ""' - -,•• "V , ±4-1-.-. - ...-ti 23,- ----- - 11'4 ,# 111 )".95, 1 4 0 1 3 ( 4 1 ,93:4€!.t fli,ikii'd'oin iv b(),;!,ol!'itlq,q/1:11-t2a3Wil'Imqk4;4a*gli Voliie:tli k '4, Y ,il4l 4 6 44E o /9(4'rini:Allut :I *P h . l ' ill'i ni-Alit rdtifliV-5,4F;,9e.!,iii4in4 • tini:_te - iiiii":7tiii r ,ll6oeleas „ihurflol4:ige '. ..))- 9'B '.,: t i;:li'' ' SlAtiiiiA, 6 : tliiiiii:.!io !444t hid - '- • T-M'±fikl 4 l i f 4 l 4s# o a:efli9 ll 4 . :Wbs ,- cmill . .::‘,);:.rAt*ilW,'.ll,:P.l(.,liktio,l,64-Ye gArVild; ! 1°, '# , *0,4 - Vik‘ 46 44ir,iVititeri' iiii;i „ 1 00.1040,44441 1 4Llifii4Ithigh: -' - yolitti. ,- 1 'oi - N oth . ' .. 'd '.' , ... , .f..,::.' ,. .... , ...j; ri... ~ ~ Y : ~,-,--, 5.14,011?11.44n1.11,TP1g.t1Yet.1 •flifet!li - k 64l ,lVi i ttilriiii .;: deill ' W'.- I * . :.P Ili - 4 -:.--' !` 1ii30t4,0041,11t,;.Jn k -1:4 Attl4 l o,lMitkri 4 , 0 / .20 '1.400 ' i t il M. , : F/r bm.:***if , A l irt*lgillniaidfin . -. 'lrtiiii , t'jitz.(4llo,6*l*lo.4';iiiieihiqilit --11 0 --- Akiv i lo. , l,, e. pvn :.4. 1 4 1 , , ,,.; 4 ,•-•It 11 ~ - , - ,ll li P tAggnii- 'lr4- Oft, itiiipi t ;na' , p(iiiVirtoOdpirOa p Pt '.` rrt-r , -•,ii ..,;1h ,,, ,rz. , t..,,t , - , •---, ,74---- ;,- :;;,Aughd . .: . ..t , joo.tetit -1 0.00,4 1 0 - tifeiii iiiiii.lict, 'otivviliWitai ? YN,. ! - . 4 ::, , 4 . glittiwiwO * :;,,t: : ,, : . • , ;; ,, : ,,,,,,: vv , : i 1zfAt1a1itMM1Y4P1,7.1 1 ' k., ; .fi . ..,.. iL... i.,..,.,Pt . :,,1..A., , ,, , , , 6....4..,.p0,, , , , ,,..„,, , . ~.:,..,-7 . ,,, —,0.---0,---, ~, ,,,,c0,...,10,..-. 0. ' .:11p_poinizstipp,brAitolftir. he ; ig4o4r- If fl#)";:lit Viii _ . . TWlT P ! l k q er k i Vr tiit irt p " vittPtcr t el-cru • ti 44die.r lyme i rhi k `erib il a i nlTA:p l4ll ! vaiaelt 4eraitcroniliinVttaakeillti the eatihltlie:itiieutiA . riateoniige, herajtiltoe: 'bid build!, in. lIIIIiOVCr 81ii1ki.:*11t1401d48.41651 , A16.4:- fit Out cUstortiers,* l llkailY article thoY, • ted;Spiiiiisli elialted hnrt !cotter and . comilititi 'Callar,,litirliess, : . Vali uguloa;SOdillebags, greatriihnY other things toil tedious to 'motion, nil or -Which, he is determined to leen loiver for; GAS!! that, they govt, ever beeU,sold Carlisle . . "So just callat the • hl in North - I - laborer Street if - _you. AvaartilioaVisteldleis, tho "sulisdrifiek eicliange saddlery coral or dry oak woad to be delivered between 'this and thelirst of INIV, mtg. also all klibic cr,qlllll at marked prices. February' 5,1 815, 1V;.:11, niaking,nnd—rehewing-;or-hrtifratises nbd ell kinds of Upholstering will be‘•striutl," at= tended as In •Itespring timer' Death horrors ae 1 1P 10 ,9 1 iP 1 11 01rie?'.pets . were trewed,mi th. flo*ere, 4 lt 'was. 7: • . '1 with purple grage, end ; "downy peach, and pleariaitt,tiottjng took the place of, Summer , and brought with it thollightneSstifid jOyeustvess'oferibi eir and freedofttrom the, Oppressive heat,: the little maiden tripped through the dry: leaves, and chased the squirrel with almost its own swiffueSs; then throwing back:her sanny'eurlS, she-bounded to the side-of-the. old man, as he sat Urnli:r the - iiines at his thini,:inikingr, glad Ids - eyes with her brig ht -- and happy face, and his heart grew young :bgain - ta - lievlightsomeloyous mirth; - both little thought of death. had clothed, a yob_Loflrd_w_n and dry. jeaves, and hid herself from the eye of am —she seemed not to wish for human dom; pany in Ode her time of chdnge. • Winter again returned', 'again we tied the oldman sittini in his easy chair before-the glOwmg fire; but he is not the solitary being he-was before, for beside him is oto 'n the first blush o •outh end grace; she is no longerthe-gerand-thought-i leiis child; sho is no less lovers, no less happy; but a &leper thought .!teals over heilace„ and a heavenly radiance bits upon her features, as she bends oi'er the book from whieh, in accents of deep reverence, she reads the word of God to the old man. What think they now of.. death? - The faces, of both looOmare restrained, the Holy Spirit sheds its light upon the Way which lhadeth to - the -grave; it no loii or seems dark and lonely. The old man re ecived the heavenly guest into a heart which had always been the rosidence.of kindness and charity. The maiden now drooped daily, but she no longer thought it hard to give up Vet-and-when the-cold-blasts - wept over -the ecrth, end the robe of snow en veloped it, with robes no less white she was i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Then I ask. , -ed the old - men, !.when is the time to die?', "A holy calm was on his brow, • And peaceful wirS his breath • ARI-Tf.t '''' u441-4!•;ht-fittezeittl e, fl ooit divine ; .tta woke thefwgalg-- - CHRISTIAN DUCA croN.--:We are hoping to renew inc tr and women liy liierature . and science ; but all ,in vain: We shill learn in time that moral and religions cul ture is the onlyconndation foirelorming man nature by the Minns . rolied for its . growth, anti that the poor who receive it care which awaiseni their conscience and moral sentiments, stars under happier au: viceis than the prosperous, wito_.pla:!e su preme dependence-on, the education of the _into-Host and taster----1 tis thektraTi — io - filiTl extent of knowledge, by which t'he athiace ment of a human being must be measured, and that kind which alone exalts a man is placed - within the reach (dull. Moral and Religious 7'rulh—this is the treasure of the intellect, and all are poor without it.— This transcends pii):sical trutliss fares the Heaven d above the Earth.—Dr. Channing MANN`Ens..HVlanners are of more impor tance than . laws. Upon them in a great measure the laws depend.. The law touch=. es us but here and there now and then.— Manners are what vex or soothe, corrupt or purify, exalt or debase, liarbafizo or-re fine us, by a constant, steady, uniforin, in sensible operation, like that of the air we breath in. They -give-their whole . form and color to our lives. According to their quality,-they.aid morals, they supply their, 'or theyLle*destroy them./3urke. HONOR TO WHOM HONOR IS DUEi - - • .Thwy_he truly said, that no one -has • • • ' ever been so success cam/whiling a medicine, which line done so • to relieve the human Ibmily,to rob „ disease of,its terrors.and to restore the invalid to health a n d comfort, as the Invert. tor and Proprietorof that most deservedly jiop- Any family. medicine SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SWUM. OF % ILD CDFIDIttr, find none has been PO geherallj patronised by the Profesiion • and.others, both in this country and in Europe, itOr has there ever bred so. great•in effort: in the- short space of ,only six„or: seven years, to deceive tho •credulous and unthinking,,by pitithig el) Nostrums of l yaricitts kind's, by various intitviduals, taxing the dame. of Cherry and as much, Or the Mime Of . prisinat prsporotion-as - wil I screen them. from the NMI orilte and-one-of the-Impostors'who-putontit the corm; monparegoric oldie shop and call it the Holguin - a )yird Cherry limo had The impudence to caution the publio agwipst the. Ori final .preparatioii; Dr. 94 , 113 , Wipompottlid.Svi.up of Wild Cherry, which is 'doing so inu IvOod in the. world. = ••• • OrßEWAttp., or.suell'lmpost And pitrollne none but: the • obiginal ,and . qnly • jenuine ardide ne prepared :liy'Di....Apayeeovllich iltylie only one compounded by a regular',P,hy -and aroeu-lroin-manx--yprel-elose , nttentign-lb' the, Prnotice or the ProhessuidAiid welch lenti-,to great discovery. i'honsarisla and tons of drodsnade at, the beet testimmiials of, the einparalleleksheedso of Dr r way ne's .Compotied' Syrup. of Wild Cherry.. ,for the cure of - . ~orsvxir;rtox:;':;. 'Codgltsf.C6iils, Bleed, Liver' Coeffplaint; illekliag or,ftishigr,iii tlie.: l orokt,.l%.leriiil's liebilio'S 1 Weakness or Votesc_ralpifatiew or' Diseise.efrthe :Ileart,:kcin iiinthe.Stde er Iresst, Dreken..Consti.., I lotion frofivearioeffomisesi'the obese of eatomel &o. aredlehifis,Astlfma;.Wboopid4.•:Coughilio'.;.. were declared fo.the.worid„years before any, other prep. 'availed Of:Wild Oherry clime nut.. The. moht skep tioidirnay ',satisfy the'inselvea MIA() . : Abe phete„; by kliitile hjuirrffi..Philadelpbfaii . ,7,lflie genuine arttele is ',prepared 'miry.; hyDri ,, Swaynta, whese ofTlealefibeeo:rerboiled lo:N.'.W.' dente of ROtainiAlfied,'4,iiiibril , liitii4.'ite to sum 'sot ; Other' eretriedifaiitifes ef:Wirifqiiitr,l.lilll,b-Oini'iinl4. ihit:efid,"re-Sold Oaf; doll the-proprieforspro obligee. 'tti resori toVilsatood and,Stratapierktd6llcOAtitit; `own' p,t,lt.afiL','- Tho::germliie''Emicle. 11-.Pili'llfrin 'otaill'oxic ,, In square liPttleii.looveeed,74,lth:'.ll'...hiffe .wrapper, wftlfra yelticriii:l466l,•44h the rgrOtdra'attnehed.., : ;; , 4:12F0.5.4.1 , -: ? 4,tp„tr,.p 4,? ; :x,c0?:,-. A l / 4 :vilrlie , t rubli a iki*.re:ifee'steir: L fisf,r - Opi ,, ,tittfirithat ,Itt , ic,' Dr., , f6rayoes ' CompouridA , rep p:iirAMll4l; cfiorif; t,luitlata snit : is rdpeateditiltfrroiitiltji,ittall ; 004putokieini . 0,9f-PePoseCiitietigt - 010111ekl t r . skill;of thePktfesStan,, aka teV atitonimo9l:o;wla, 4 .. owitigue.,o..Patent.4ooonot, , , , ,wpi ! shi.likAtill, ,peffed.throligh..the, - orgihfipf t4,,ll.o*,.,Therrste: tATP I './.74A't , 6:kfiYik(*?g , 4:4'itsr::9,F, - -NY4l4' .u.norryita'Ourcllikttg3ig i lihti • • Is': ,- 'l , _f - ~ , , ? :, I , q qii l l i t i h i lill h lilr*YPr'.k t; L AY,§XI9, 1 c 'O, w illA et. t., l _, : t . 0 .rj . .. t1 1 1 6 ...h1c1, t ig„'dti1i_ ', ?:',;,,,.,',.',',..;, , , ( ,',2.z, t ;Y. ;57',F:1!'',4.-I;ey'l:fl'Al-',4[:,,t,V.;i;.:1.',.f,'...'A-,,,,'?..-,,, y, p; scirp,,,,, 14; • %Ira", a'n 9;1,i t" ; EMS amed , new GAIILASIE' iteENDY. For Indenzaly against - 764s bitlTri. THE , ERA, NKLIN Fl R E.INSURANCE CIY. 1 • • ••• OF PHILADELPHIA", Charter Perprtual.—s4oo,ooo Capital paid iii aj/ke 163 k Chtsnut street. M.OOE I Nat'l ANCE, eitheirpermanent orlim • ittql, against loss ors& maga by fire, an l'lto PEAT and EFFP:C i l'S'ot evtry. description, in town or Country, on the most reasonable, terMs. her personally orl by letter, will be promptly attcndbd to: rttielrot - ki • . PEKPETIIAI. RISK.' - nrick or Stone dwiAlings or stores . . from 5.; to 5 lye deposits, do do Churches / 54 to 3 do do do Taverns . 3 tit 4. 'do 4 do do Barns ' Ato 5 ' do do do Stables -- (private) 4to S . do do • do Staldes ( public)' .6 to 7$ do do — do Grist Mills; Water Pourer, -ANNUAL RIM. Cliirk or Stone dwellings and-Fur= : ilium, from 30 to '4oe $lOO value .do . do Stores and Myrrh:to - - • • - dime -.--: ---4 -33'to - 50 do do 'ravers and Furniture 40 . 4660 do Jo Barns mod Coldes do du &Miles (puldic) 100 to 150 do do do Grist NMI and Stock - 75 In 80 • Prams nod Lrig dwellings nod For,. oiture - • to_7s_ do do Si nres and Merelmo- din f 5 to R 5 do • do I'cicerneni'dFuruitute GO to 100 do do — do Rains mid Contents 00 to 100, do. do do Cris: Mills and Stock 90 11-100 do . •. ,f9rarmr7Tamemity: 1111• asstar 'lce. either bv niail *C 4 Vitiwok!CA FIRE INSURANCE. and balitietA to tigh Nitititat rir'e 4pS111 . :11., C.:01111,7.11y of 'ma Pland corporated by 1111111'1 .11thly;1. fully Or- Wald it'll. 1111t1 ittimetatinn miller the taanagetneht of toe followi,g etoomit.sioners, I;e tti: 111 „ht` 011 611elic, Win B. ff nrgns,Lewis 11, er, Christian 'lit zel, Michael floover,lleitry Lapin, ieltael - Cock! in Benjamin It Mitsser, Lou Merkel, ittoolt John Snavely, sell,. atuf,lolitt Itanyin, whoa respectfully call. the altvntion of the Citizens of Cumberland and York counties to the ail 1.-Mit:egos' which the to:lip:my hold out. The rates of insurance HIT and favorable as any Comp oty of the kiwi ill the State. Persons tt in• .in beetto,te nte•Lthera...n.re__itivitmt-to-niake a 'ration tq Idles of the corolittny 50110 are 'willing to wait 11:1011 thetas at any time. JACOB SII ELL\ , Pres`t. tettp Cf. 110 , 1 V Elt. Viee,Presitlent. Settresary. ilieltael CoulslimTreashrer. AGEN'I'S. • Itonvee,lieneeal .N•gent, N. Ctiniberininl. NI Coe', lin, Allen Wn, lnegna, • Clu•i~l inn Titzel, Jobe C Doidnp, 11.1mliart, Ihuid C. I leevy Zenring, SlLirCirin worm p, Simms Dv iter, NVormill :burg, Dr. Jaeolt Car;iele, Jacob Ririz,(irneral A gc-nt fur York CJunty,New Cumberland P. (.); Jlenry ,nga , • John Slierrick, ' John nankin, Daniel linily,„ 1. llowman, Ilreehhill, Cumberland 'co . agents will be added hereafter July St 01844. PRQTECTION - AGA INST LQSS cf 3, 1113)11-1E11LA NI/ 'VALLEY )ILITUAL 1_ PROTECTION CO AI PAN l', being incorpo rated bj an act of the Legislature of the prelentsbs sionood fully-otauizeil and in operation . under th direction of the folletving.liourd at Altmagers, viz: Thomas C. NI ilkfr Jolla A onto avid' c- NI lough, . amen:, mil y;\ ooec„§aintiel Galbraiiii,LTlionias Paxton, A. C. -.Miller, Philip S.Palfgler, Samuel Woods, lirtilutm Rorie :George 13rindle,BeottDoy le,call the attention of the inhabit ants of Cumberland Valley to the'cheaptiessof their rides and the 'many advantages which this :intl. of insuritnce has over any other. lit... erson Every p insured becomes a in of the company and takes part in the choke oft. seers soil the direction of-its concerns. • . 2tl. Per insurance no more is. demanded than-is necessary to meet the ex.peases of the Cbmpany a id intlemnitragainet Testes which May happett. • 311. The inconvenience of frequent renewals is a voided by ititatriog for a teen of five 'yesra, • But policies 41111 La taken for any period &bin . 0113 to .. five years. hissAth. Any person•npplylog for insortake mnst giv s premium notelor the cheapest clout at tho Cute Of five iferkentinit, which will be $5O on tit 3 $1.030 for which he will - have - to firtyl2;3o - feellik - yaks and ;30 for survey suit policy, and no no betties sustained to a greater amount than'thefiniti on ltandsivill cover;and then no more will NI roquic ed than n pro rata Share. ,These. rates toe, giber cheaper than thereof tither Oompanies,;4xiopt Welt *inure Incorporated on'the seine ." 4.• .THOS. A , followin g gentlemen have , ..been ts. - 0143teli AGENTS:— ‘. ; • - Dr.•Ji•aiDay,ltieihanicsburg. Jenks .Kennetly, • M - , 'Clemens: NloVaelanc;a Carlisle,• ' Jacobilo • ;•.. • • •, ll.:'Williants;p4Orostpennshiirol. ityib;-.Noyiton'.' , .'r • • • '; • JelinlOkideninvßsq`. 4 )ttigtottfivin.: : !?':h , ,J; • : Stepheut , . , t medicine ft.& _ id' • 4Ettitie of thkslilt°Y ' dditi°o, f t ' ~,t Axn ligittg 0 • 4t0r410 • ° ines, b°481.1,430!ft-141_ 1/m411114,6.5:: T m r . 1,0 1 .4 06; ' el : '• P4:O ye q: : .1P1 !: 1' ,:t4 , , . - - 10, ,k r ,'44,40 ,-„, ~:q ,• , • . 11, ~,' "..‘i'' 141 eit re' 'O. ' '' ' f '' ''' ' ''' ' ''''''. I ',,, , uoola ti “ ' a e ' . 'AYftrtizr .1 , 0P,Y , ...4,..- ~,,' 1,, , ,),: . it, 9 104 C'4°*s/*1 1 ,4 ' ,1-um i`grat-70'1 N ot.01 Gittn plio'tie tit oWe-iliaPi 9 Y9 #.F 3 t , -I v - ;' ' ye "41'011;6:0"th° ItireliAvon t o ) Mid hli!ir I t f ~.: '' loati 4 tOtOtorP4kT‘..,: ''= iisslliQii,tiy. ~.' „ii,,,, r .5.171 4 , 4 3„. , ~ -3;y , v 4 ..) 1 1 ,#. 6 §t'hir ,( ORA , ),P:c*, , ,:c,ii-1. ',..4',,q , , , , ,,,, , ', %-., , ~ , . 4 . itklmsiutemiltisi .- , •‘ l:4 ..i , , -,. ...,-:-,- - v•• ~. • . . lifiatf, ca ~ ...„ 00 . , , lieloa,:lra Any Tiltm,ut 4 dii 0. -., . e sta n o , or o i 2 4 70 , .. ,"•0M4..ad0 ~• • • ~ilc 44--- - .. , t i P•° !'"!( 1 4 4Wlott: 4 . Ihit 'tiro. witi; i *: 1 „ # 1 '...„,,tik,,,,..;'.,ii':C.:4eieV• Pt,. W,lii-.''. 5'in0.6."41:Atd4!::4464".'.":" 7; `fre.,.04X1:44,41,,,,,-.1..v0tA,A;-;.4,;.;Ei-.V4,:,ik.,4•;....- ~, , ,7 4 -,..., , '• , [•• 1 ~, ...z..,:l 4.440.;:x...e.:11:-::14,-,.. , :';::: 4.", •-,t3..i.:tf:76.a.:144k.-V4,-.4•if.'''''''''' C. BANCREIi, P.resti le= 73 to ID do 65 to 75 _ _Edo do y st Pen nshoro' Churclitown. York dounty do do MEI LA a lIVLOpIi - :Ivr rrillkfialhaan,for trariplariting-FRUIT; anddn.!, 21laidtiiilL 2 dealdeousVIIRPIVS?lif—the—herdy- 1 kinds(i fa ThO , reason: for n4foreiid,cf hir fall iildnting;•iidb viedal wheiftye r ea, 4 1 ' 1 1 3 - I Fil'AßP..ififlkdractliWaintOicile*thlidifdtifte durlilg ill a: wiatec, prop erlysallied at:nut th:d,rhetti;' and en' cendy to x thiovif:out•libVea, in '.the ~Tha4rop,rjefor ,of .the meet Has, fallo•; market, the 'following treoa f to,wlf: • , , 00*VOINLE::-.11 1 11tEEq ' Cortifiriqintithe elitrienst vPrieties; , 1,000 Cilial3ifiY,ll9REES; including all , the-eno2Tt' approbeel Also a very choice collection of PEACH, PEAIt, PLUM & APRICOT fi rtee's, a large assdrtin6ni of IIE Orat mutt r vergreen_ant • _ Ante'rican..Tuniper, Norway Fir, nl! the different kinds of itinden, Surrnr Alapio;Silvei'y %Maple, 'Red FlOWCring Maple, Yellow Flowering kinfile, Ent - l - adr:prm - :WOre; -- 1 , !1re. - Stinp - m•tElm'iSilvory Abele Ch'inose-Aiinutlirw Tidijitree;lileck Ash., Balsa Oroplary-European Mon ntuip Morse ChereutiirWhithPloworing Horne Chosnut, ly Ash,Oriage Orribitf,low growing QUit kill *pin, &o. trees fife in the iregt sliiitg of CUltiva ticin,'floririshingi,and in the mostlieliltliftil condi 7 tion. .drdat earn hair teen taken in 'selecting gm most choicevnrfoties of fruit from the Most point. - iar , NtireeriCaiiri the Union, nod such us is Writ ndaptcd to our'srit) and climate. Identity is stria- Iylworretved::.. — As each dCpertment of the. Von:c ry is undni Om &Mediate direction and supervi sion of lLcproliriotor , all :nay rely upon each kind 'being.truci to, aame. ,He has sonic very choke . . this fall, obtained from Prince's Nursery, equalled by, none be knows of in their season. , Fariners end all others look around,. among others give U 8 a Call. If cur trees and establish. .ment'bq not equal, andx Ilttle s enr; to nay oter west, of th e §usquallapna, attilTtif prices as low ns tkoso of any otherNkibutatilialini eat ter trees of equaltpiality., not buy froin us. The prepeiefor farther offers 3,000 APPEIR TREES, enameled on Crab stoelts, the durability of which will exceed-those—tvtirlted upert•tire urtial-pla n ht least 100 peF'nentuni - ; which . feet is tvell lished by all European, and acceded to by our best American writers en fruit tress. The time for transplanting is from the middle of October till the treat sets in. - • rinyeri: will 14 forni,ll 6 rl With direetionfr for planting, es much of their stlcrego depend:4 'on the proper management in planting their treed. I" •.*All.orders and comtnnnientiaA post-paid, atikily-uttendtd-to.- September 11,1841 1000 Persons in Plail:ndel-;- phin nlmi q ciin testify to the wonderful' efliescv of ilno powerful remeaK, 71/031/WON'S C 01). POUND STrit UP 01 TAR AND WOOD hrUntolironcluilg! , Mi evi...4 - v7;t , ' ,- 4r - t 7:44 n'• Wiiff "' V ,*!' with on affection of-the' throat; whad i m y ',bpi. elan pronounced 4 Chronic - Mooch:tits,' caiiq'cd -by repevell and noglCetcd colds. -Tile- distres. sulfererr is indrseribible. My thrbut wits Nu:roi ly rov: , WWI violent coughing, solltai blond would come from it; assn g,t, it oppression, pain and lightners at chect 111111 fev..r—in short all the wmal pulmonary symplOnts showed themselves, showed themselves, causing entire loss of noses Bury repose—,inithroat was leached and blistered over and over again. = I mado trial ofcvory known remedy; and at dilTercnt periods had tbo advice' of six physicians, and all will, no avail. About two . mouths since - I made trial of your Compound .Syrup of Tar and IVo of Naptlia, and beti,re I hod taken-thq first bottle I: felt relief. I confirm. , _ciLuotiLi bad plclvly remored'thu din.usc and rertored me to perreet benith, nod I firmly believe I not .now he living, had it nut been Thr vont invalua ble medicine. JANE PERRY, 123 Spruce street. Trrtiellial °flier, N. E. corner of Fifth and Spruce : , treets. Price .011 cents per bottle or - $:5 prr (10Z For Rale by T. C. STEVENSON January IS 1-I. Plaillottai•y tote s sca3r~rt is ti I f6liet'ed di) not Despair TI I 0 \!.f'Sti,VS Compound Sirup of Till., 'lie th e meet iwrisin nml powernil renn•dv ilw core tlf Consumption in its stsgcs, Ilponchilis Conglil 4 l,iiting• Itlonll . l'nliiitstioli ni the !kart I.i Goinpliiiiit and Clu•ouie „Affections of the Kjdnevs. P 0. 1 .11 Eat)! . 1 - Still fortlicr proms—its na n la Proclaim it Head the following ! !Ili lade!Okla „Tau 3, 18 , 13 l'itomesoN—Dear Fronta sense Q. gratitude to you and a desire that the afflicted may hasp rev onrse to yam• truly invaluable medicine, 1 would statelhe benefit I hare experienced from' its use For votne time part I have been afflicted with II dihlrehtli!!gri . itkilltr cottgli,ncemnonied With it'gneat oppression and difficulty of hrtiathing with a scoot tion or tightness at the chest , Becoming greatly hlarmed.u_friend .who had.been much_ lA:matted by your ant:die:me recommended foe to try)! 1 done f el Mid itra very short tinmevery alitrmietg symptom disapneareoli, tWS' expectoration became Iree.itlfthp pression left tutomy eongli ceased and hi a few days I was able In go out and atteid to my Mishima it well A .v-11114 l'"o•uut;nri'ziv I 1 - 11 - uf ,iven the * afflicted by (Milli% my'.residenee south•Pront. street • ' 211 Y Price 50 c'ciitti per botile.'"';;;' , " Per sale in efirlisle ' , ' T(i S'VEVE.STSON,SoIc kien. t IT CANNOT R DENIED . - (Fur aliality) thug • c a..N...1,E1D1" .144 S B.IIPA ~0) RIL.R • Is the vu ent,sirottgest•• und,Mosi 416On:ions of siny .othey•pn pitratimit ot hint is /node. It in witt•ratited to he stronger time 6 betties of MOST inhe'r.ii , —stroligei• dant • fohr Of•Si• A I Mount ationgrf t thteo. Our $1 ON G PST 'prepared by unyLoilter the Doited states.;;,.., • • • Dr. Leidy Stirimparllla is recommended by all respectable physicistja• - in preference to any - other. All who larse_ussir haellit,hithe_dooisetlinere belte;_ fi.lfrolu* (Ms bottleiliatrAreatoAlpi of .tithe • • 'those - alter havineOsed - other's pi•ellerations, .without benefit, will littil-Dr•lDsitly's; will soon be coni 'need (isthodttnnds have alt•eitly been) , ol the foregoing nsselltion. ••. lie apparitus - with #hich"Dr. .eNtypets used in ItisAnNparation of Sitrsaparilln us prepared • is the only - ono in iho Uititell States imported It Dr.. LeilFs.hlllllselffronytho cafeboded Itnuse(Of Polleter . Sr. Ot?s•eitttio ;in Pat•in; at li,greni - ex - Vente;add•tn Table - initrabting.tlio'inliillentilti6ttien rills nod other route, albite S:flysfuittlyiVitin• by oily 9S SDPI.IkI.4 - 4", - .dii UAW nEn , ::d.bitlTlP.l-,'• CA'rEq. 0.7 0 -ruroatkablo cures, reicitnieendtv; 'ti on s•Ten , era Mcb • situ pbyxietons;' been ; t•om lilac fo lirrpi : Mililialteit;M : diffei•entAinp - ers, it is only thought necessary; to 1 .. 5 . 0p the pub .Hitt As to w _be 4'ecentlLattemit; nese, Vino the ii";11 4- rt41:1C1411'.aPrur,' .Peice.DNEDDLIAII7, ;tor; • _ .., p:,,s"vgligN;VOlk • -'7.• ~ .- . :•', : q,s"olo:?.kgpnk:egy.,Citslittle:i,,;. 20"1.8 , c1? - •'rv 41 $71. 4 't? - ;wi'.4 I' - 1y • • •• - - • .. ' rointih6tit-t -„,. ~.-,,,,- • itAitqw4lte, +,--, . , - 1 , 1 . Lqiuy;-78-0,. •••!;.,;- ,-,,, .4 ° 64 ',,oreA f %low? .9 .1..7 ; 1 '' 1 " 1 "b le kl-11111)49'0' s i tillele;nOt l ;:gFpvtio9 i rA', "I ''' PIOI ilto . 0 4 -.„ ' , d'to 09 outto o , .akiii; lem° P n gt • ,il'' tiOiflit l PP t f'.s.i. A , :.: c i . k. 4.0,6 Skinf"tilli .111`,-,•.,3-.- .-7t :' - ' ' '1- li - ” lii '0.1ti1i.,.,,z.r. . ~6 piporousla,otoo , Te"el. " 4l !'" ''' ' t Hits tiienutmd "I l i• -Irtif netin:icist 1 ' •Tilifi billimen ni - tool eotttlt7;Atl7‘-itfoLloticiyigt, tAtvizltaAttly?..l., -vi t .Tilt notldilb4htilionsi of, um plorli!golitAnticticii47iewolt .11'201. ltriimptect,B46, whoot.A',ft,e",n„;,,,'lovillftli%lif-95”iill'die Stlfiee'' tb:°•ls)Y"'Pr::l§-6.,)44(11:re491r31iq0 74ifitiVd.'14:q:: 0111;,y'llentNtifjlpisipt:hitoli'6°, 4:eitili'd4l,,RY,tl'ol l i t t *a n '' , " '''. ' Ilk it,VovOe'Vt4n.rdit In 40111 1 004 cm '6n,con,ol.llr •,*- tofil',Pl4oll.l roioit* , ‘' . `t'' g i J Alit' t Ibir , r,t9 , 10 g oo la , g , ;it ~ , 1_,,,.„. f e el Q' 2 - t . 'l l it t tool d .1 4 , r drool I T - .1 , - iiitbwoiltlat MO ,,,,..i.;.,, .0e:,14,11,Ln.,.. 42,148 -prloa 24'01Mt°,"7-. , 4 1 Kr'so "-' ...,. ~,",,. 4' '..,,,,M;t1',.. ^ .'''' ' :r.k.r1`,0,, , ... , 01 414417F o citwur.- ~,t , i .., ,: :',, ,,,.,- . - o.4ub.iiini - cilivbryni ~,hit r it , T:loo- 1 Ocala ~.: 04iliti_nqqtgly,'; tfna . ,4.4otiiketoitiliuds 'id :pa rry ,9 , ijiii 1.3 tkiiiii ,c 1 Al I,lliiii gjitiOcthris; ,At ~- l iiiiTaliTel liffilliri n - iN,P)IV-.lliglt.ntrOMmppnai** , -llina()41 'Pavprii,i'w.her,e be kacpp. f conslantkii - 01 , baiittAind ,WillquanidacfAr4k,to.,o64o . rolll,llo4l3,in, Orclip o 1 10 r OuoloosoiltoOkal :i7- - ,•... - ..i ---- .:: . ...•; ; ; - -, -, ,e;:.e. '•,l - 1 -1- +`;• 1 •` . II irate ::v u,§.. . sEc I'lE7%4'ex:es - - .:.' •' ' '` BOOK- CASES; SIDE BOARDS,'''' -• :Siifaii;,Trihliiii, - 11 - ed;tends;ifie.;l - it• ili - iiiriiiiw - iiit' prices. Ifo also virripiii . on the Chap. 'Moline Businesir r inl2ll,l44 vial - dun bratichcaiand keeps a FOrlotzl,OleioOPOlY7.9.N+. -1 , ; ii: J.,t•-• ,:,, f, !: J '' . • -....- .rvii - ANIOGA NY CIIIA IttS f flf' ,7, ? 'ROCKING' CUM RS, WINDSOR ' i , ()HAIRS, SETTEES and SOCIA. ' , ?..,.,- / ,BLgNifill of which milt every --....i..-' _thipttlikaiiii - that.. line, liele-prepar...-- ''' fie • • 'ere= arl- tio-4' hump facto to and dispose-. 0 --',. . ' ii: . 4 . _on_the_mousorinble_tatins._ ^..,r,, i ,,g4117,'• lie invites his old friends and ' 0, :' • the public generally (ugly(' him, i-- 41 -`, call, as he feels well assured. tint • . - ! lie shalli_bc , _ ablit. LO il . CC,9illlllnd ate Iberia, in quality and price equal to any tither establishment of the Itind.,4thei county- -_., .. ____. -.. ..4.- ..... 5 - . JACOB FETtr.n. Carlisle, Sept. 10;1844. „ ^ . HU,SSI,II% CiOSNIETIC. BRIGGS' Russian Cosmetic is - riow 110lirt,pilferechittli the greatest confideneoto the pdblieois the best thing ovordiseorerod from its . softening, and penetrating qulity, to produce a good head of hair—prevent• it fiorn falling off, when baldness is apprehended—and restore it hen haillneptints.EtakeiL dent artieled.r_Lndics; it makes the-halt safl, lively and producca uncommon brilliancy,' Many lave_tcstcd_its_supetiot virtues, anct in vvery* instanco it stand Unrivalled. It has the powerful circa of of removing andrufF, Scurf, &c. from tholiead ; rid by its pplication, the beau. liful and ornamental app adage of a fine head of hair which nature has supplied us muy he pie sb rwd: , _ ~_ _ _ —.- . 'fhe proprletorAcels armtgliersunded that ho has st‘ecectlod in pop:hieing nn article whit:lrwin met the '•Avishe3 and neprobatiott of dm CE wrivic ATE. We the under!ljoed having 'used the above .ar ticle, do-certify ihatve-. have-received -more bene fit therefrom, than from any other article that we over need. • -A V • Perseids, Wm Colder. Dr B W Rehettg, Rev rilleher, E W - 11olter, 1)r C.4oller, lief- 1 Icr, F illeh,afry,llttriisburg ; R Flooring, Rev J P rllaElarl h, J S 'l'i ea. 'l' 'Jell. T Bennett, 0 Beecher,. J R 9refitis,B Packei, Lewislonii; A. -- (11 - 11iflilF•MrstiTglInrc ; L ,J Cooley,Ellevra, J 1) Beers, phi ;.0 1) Eller l ,.G.Carskadden t Lock linven ; J I IC Moot head, Pitisbury. ;sane 'Allee r Uniontown WM. LINE. . tf4G Pr:parr/I n rid ror nale, ndiolesde and retail by Dr. Alci'llEßSON,Unrrit.burg, rind Inr gale in Carlible'by - T. G.-STEVEN-SON. January 2'1., 1:815.. • COl2 tillP Vell ED 4 272....fizSaraltic rftlffr irrPrrks - tfrsTTciF A . TM: noel' wpop4LAP:ll,...ltqlitt,_: 'ii . inThi. - 4Prtiocit.:' • a: • I. 1"1" .I._";t..' n .4cr eau j lone& ironic Catarrh, Spitting of Blood, prpnchith.„ :Astmohr-ri•snlling in Con smog ['don, Cast ritis,clkeased Liver and Kidney.s, l' Ipitnaou of theThourt, Ate. From incoutestible eviclonce, it is prtived Oita l'homps m on's`Copound Ffruii of Tar ;lid Illotttli , l•i'pilto is a speeilie in these cumpl:linkallaying irritation, promoting healthy secretions, niur - Tainving the exciting causes of di -co - so. Thousands have itsrd it n qd can bear testiMony In its etne:ney. Further proof • .Philadelphia, March, 1, - 1814. I hereby Certify, Iltat in consequence of repeat. cd and neglected colds, my lungs became eri• ously all - cried and for a long time I have sintered with violent pain in ray breast, obstinate cough' and difficult expectorittion, t h e symptoms daily Mercado .in violence. 1 hod recourse to various • • w gir.••••"'" remedies, with no avail, Compeiind . Syriiii. of Tar, which effected a per manent core before I had hilien three bottles. EVAN 4. Fayette street, below Arch. Principal Ofi, N. E. corner of Firrti and SPRUCE Strct.ta. Sold-al,o by Oliver,Tenth and Race; iTobett. nark, and Cotes, and Si!, and Green ; Thump• spn, fith and Arch ;• Lindley M. England, 31 and Vino streets, Philadi ; Bringlcitrst, 'Wil mington, Del.; J 'Lancaster; A L Allentown; clam!, Mayer, Chnntbersbura; E W Lit le, II ending ; Moore & Lonlw re. Norristown; B Tren!on, N. J.; Woolnian, But ling. lon, N. J.; Dr. 'Y Merlijrson, Ilarri•buta; A B Bands & Co , New York ; Dame & Aldrich, l'ouglikeili - sie, N. Yorlc. Price Fl FT Y CENTS per - bottle or per dozen. Bewnle or you aterfeitti. T.C. STEVENSO,N, gurlio January 52, 1845. 0. SPECIAL. COURT, "113 Y virtue ofn writ fl'om the Hun. NATII AN. 1131 IEL 13. ELDIZED, President J utlge of the 12th Judici.„%l District of Peonsylvania, hearing date'at tlurrashurg,•thelfikh day of January, A. 1): 1895. a,. • VOTICeIS HEREBY G !hot a §peeial tloiirt wBII be held by the lion. Na' tint niel 13. Eldred, and -the Associate Judges of the Court ft Coin an Pleas of ctiothet la nd coon, ly, nt toe Court House, in the borough of Carlisle commencing on Nionda'y rite .24th of March, A; 84400-cforthlp-one.-weciFfor - -the certain cat,ises depending In the Court of Common *PleUEUf..Ciimberlatid county, in ...Welt the lion. Sammie] Hepburn was concerned--ce counsel for one of the parties, lirlor . .to his apnoir. talent no Presidefft Judgeorthe 9th Judicial District-nand such other,:_are_ombraced Within -the provisions of flie Act of the General Assembly, poised the 14th. orAugtitit, 15:34, relative, to We organization or Courts' or Justice. Or said Silo. cid Cann, Jurors and all persons concerhatl,:will take notice:.• ADAM• LONGSDORF,Shififf. — - SbefifrOfilet,Clir!iele, 4anuar7 2g , 18.40. Groctry'aild',V •TII,E •• •• . •• ;; •,4? , .? 4 , .;.; nos.z,pttn ned from tho pity And s nikr ~!ng at Ilia kora, on. the amain of Pittandaio or *Arcola. ooposnotho Gerniap Refohned•Clinroli, - a:. ohnica •nabortmOnt of 'Groceries , Quoonawire AIJ'REI) S. rockery, Spiceit, such as Pepper; Alspiee, China notn Viager, Nuitnegs, , Mace;Saloratits, Patti:lash, potash, saltputue, fine•tubloltalt. , A fine assortment of honei tletvaohnee6". 'rubs, chorus, ltiielcets Otitt;brocimir, till Or.t_tiliiclum4/Pbe2-Sold.ha prices. to snit Wu . • • ...Butter,,ligds and ull cotorty i prcP.Pliet takert'iii exchange far &Ai'. 1: • . • 'bii;l64leillfia,ii:,klii,siii. -, 'TAILORING - ESTABLISHMENZ • . , •..,__ _4!4---'-;----"Illit itmesepttbttetito he of: i tS. W9rimit .1 1 71 191i d b° : 9 1 " Oug - the iminrs , or the - 7016, a 1- e . --, ll n " a not feel inclined to ho'' 1 (trough, tha.subgeribet t °e t 1 he It tie the ,wOl4, of mope Intektvilml ilmn time; nL N! il‘ notiouecea to Ina 0 efaile,-utel theVefore rosiu:i.t tt y. *off , ttfitt he in-, tliti Customers hod the .1M 1 11 1 4g., / : 11 a , , ; i „i i f i i ep a s ionils for the•Werh titi e k Lt , iiis . ruilow, he';' - peehhps tl ' ' liitt6ttelle " ,r ' i r allb ' timtutl-thoit . ftfittulhe=will t i e ik t aa-lo t "' u " , raihteoshle stlie• ~ i ,"( IC,: toil'ip,nigkistrectt.twP '-, ,1111401,!,0108 'st'lt'SaTiLad, othlillirostlyillT001,1" tibera west of the Court Ito 'WM tit sil'tlines he !Demi oegiell" li r gi;Pi l l. * ' - 111' 110 niay,'i r titr . t lim : billittg hot able PO) '7 1 ,Mi 1 ,,,1' : kt'l' , t ...TiL ',. '' ". '?, with their custom: • -,i:'.::, :',,. .2, , ,, , ,...• , ii i a. Alwei o 6 a 4. _ " 'firf4tUrrig Ilig . - , i3kns.tq ‘ .. ,, e 4 e yr ohit ~..;,,,,c! r oly. ,l i hiss Ims.c.tofe rug -, r , ..,, ~,...,,,„, rborige,tp . d 0 r , ,,,, ti bi1., avor, .., —rs„ till kits:lo-00U 1VV, 4 91',, 0'4.341604e eitit:lreit. tpr ,tl,lihti'S' t e tt u„i fi c)„ c 't !„ ' L l :k t , P r t irigk i :;bo'co&lititfiqraslil o u; '',tftitth ti)"" "`,";-1;-"i:1;4 itentiititiiiMet td , he,;:,beitiint hole allool , ithtl to"' - n , lei la iiiivtliiiihric?.,torT "- ~ rokleff 111,8 v :01 .A'",-, 1 , , !:?!.., , ~... w,:supor#B6N,4 .„ 4 f , 11'47 , ...-.1. • ~,, ,1 , ,- - .„,-...„:,;..4:4,,,1rmi,:0t-0,57; Juno Q 6 •0144. ,„- -1r,. , ,, .... r.,t ~ , . 1 ''''''''''''lliart Oi'i"',4i4,••••, :,,...,.4,,,„ t. -; :•;", - /-Iii r . :I ' eSel ,: ... , lt,:; , ,::::4 , 4;r• - •;'; lithku. „„t211.1.itt,.4,;.i , . , : „ 0 00„, 0 0 1 , ,„, g,_14.,, p- ./ ~L . ( kiinti t,lolo rat) l 2VtlOVer t q I iPINa..? ( CWO,MOaIA . I, P ii "-,..-a- , •_ • • ' 1 rt,.. t. itMZLIO.,!%IAOfr,W;';'',A•••PA 1 '. ,.. /1t4ii44,7 . 114 - :,' , ,A , !."; , i‘j•1'ni,•!.(,,,0c.07-,r,e;,, ,, •:, ~.-4Aig'.., ! -!:',','..:','•:,'f,4 ? ,.::'. : ,A, 1 4:-', l- 6,,-. '.'::,i''„i,...:: ,- , , %., f ,3 1;;;', ,::,, FOR THE HAIR - . „• - li' , ',e ' IVATib , giturapf: ol39 .tiiiite..Br4o . 9ns.rlif: the !. Skio;;ROPleAr-,Pgtilleis,P.4,4llo-Yl4ce; Bilaimhich„arise ;frfnal4n-impure-. habit. if-V • iityr4triegref" . p" - Jtill . T47.l"Mittr i Wit: lings;SSl;rll,iiitio r Pyinptoola . .; :and all dia from an tlie`blooJ, either bj, along roait!iitc"en., in, u'nhealthy:cliniate; the ipju~i, 'elotisips'e of NlarOri, This 'kil ;fliquentlir.baen Sountl botiOicial in" ghroniocnnihs,,or. c'olils.of icing • in the, Unfi r ed States with decided bent•ijt in Scrofula, ner nrint7ditnuiesoini in nit eases orirtilbertiteti char-'1 ictet•. As as alteeative in the avidly, and tall MM..: .Oils, it is nnequalleit. It possesses util i ty advantages over t h e decoctio n , and ie intt•gdoced as it prepnea- Lion nature partable;not liable to injury by lolgkeep-• in(;; nod bettel•SUlapteui Lt the 1191' of persons u-Avell itge-ofi: recitlink.nlynatl. _ ' The proprietorlbege etteejlon te . the following perlilleakte,, a eet.el.l frourn larra±. nom er ripproit.r, 14 eillenev: • , 'ltosnlXf., 12nr•bh 7, ihsb. This certifies that my wile Mrs. Deem, had fol• nearly eleven years suffered frOnt d scrofulous emit= tion - resembtink letter it filch ate deep bores in her face, licelt mut m•ms,the constant firsoltarge of which elestrbyetl her health, mid freljnentic confined her for different perbals to her befi„fihring, ohich lime her sufferings were very great. 'lite best medical *filen dance was 'Obillillefl,11111! all the known remedies wertfiried •with -lint -nn alleviation orb at - co .lain 'w lie a ways rel time( wit r iiiereased nui I iguity.-0 Having It ' recovery, she had almost determitu ii§e of any other 'twilit:inc . ; she was .sisainii, indirect! to try Oakaley's Sarsaparilla; the use of five bottles OIL winch iia, removed the disease, and restored her toperfeet !KAI'. • TIIONIAS. DEMI, . - Trvl'N'i's to certtf , : that my little .son, about eight !-Tetuai had su ff ered for 11 long time from eaten- Hilo , : spree' on the right knee tut7l kg, supposed to hare been white swelling, which I found 'impossible Ut heal, even by 'the aid of, the must respectable medical advice, until I was rcentnmettiled to use dlr. Chrltelev's Compound Syrup rut :Sarsaparilla ; 8 hot -Ilea-of peerticiTY restored the child's health, which had suffered much In consequence of this allirlion. CATII !MINE lIINGEMAN, 'Penn street, Iteaging: 'rite. iiitove ease was prestntetl to - nte both before and niter the tine of Arr. 1110:44ey's S'cruit ni Stll,ll - and •rittirt. nn hesitation in Welieving that it eus the wgvitt of Itis ristor:tion, • 1.-1-1-trAlli•Fil--1)-- IT. - troi.tc9rit.t.r., bill, 19, 1843,, Mr. onkel r y ,--My Sell Erllllllllll hall the scrofula ill the must dreadful, and th . slresslug 11:111I nor for thrre kWh HMV 110 WaS de lrriSrd thy nee . a!' his It!Ill),S, bss head •ttull err]: tvi•re rot i. 1.1.11 We trivil all the rot renvdics, hut to uMI rIll•rt until rcentoult•tultql by Dr,,,h o. sm i , Nerrist• Asa • T:011=•;•%"F•gr-7, ~.."- a• ••rret•t"'- . i.‘ 1, 7=3- r ut) 'or Sa rs;uriril la, or ‘t 1601 1, ,1 ruined SOI il* I tttarr, thf l -494.14toritMLIIrote . ;.tlitt Irif)• - 4.,, • : .-v•vsiotocc,cuat ii,igrafplon g rt or sine,.'!, lie astir:lBll2l,o.o6f ma , ' permits aho semi hilt) - liter 1111,110 d it toy duly, and 5. , 1,41 vru.this_eettlfi rale, thy! °flirt,' It 1,, harl• Slit litllictirut in ti, fautilv was ishtrr whore to oblith t. t.o.taluattl, rhle„ .Y•itir•t, truly. - A. I) - LK.% I'. Suld C. STEVENSON, lisle and tbd folltuvitt2 Agents in Cuinher- inna C,ln t ity .1. (:. Niill4,,Nrvw rnmhe lona. ,1 0 ,1 mo Cr0M,11,..m.•00m n. Wm. wm. Brottmr. .Inonkilorlclowt, 1,. Itcigir. & Cn.. Clowebtown. A. 1.. Cathcart, 51.crardsmwo. ' Jormary 3.1'.14. NOV rf.cidv , p4 Sarsaparilla Blood Are the only Yllls in t.listeece cottlititiMg..sattsn• 'lieu' composition is ~, o f n cherneirr, mmiposed of N'ent.thlo I<s tree!. ti., Ilee Slllllttliiie,l•lpt•ctortint and Atst!ii4ttitt: Mt.!. etilt , the y are tultitittill to mist items nl ilist-t,e aml may lir ink,: et all tlmes, I,s- yt.rog:tml nl,l, r• , - Mist 14 wl f lode, , ‘ltlt perrcet ring,. with habits, neenpntiml, - Thee c ill. el ell titres. he ['mid servictialile It eit•aletilltZ tile Stern:lt:ll ttllll els. as ilit• idnud told .ntiiinni ILlitls-inddilum u their other totalities 11, cett'r, rottloin hug Sot sn haritlu nit..l (41. re ‘1•11.011t. to, ,l 141 0- iraels in tiwir s‘ bleb makes (Lint preferable to t el other I-'ills. ;Wore thait 1.000 Cerriiicatr..v 'lave troll publoislied at vitriolic, timer of dole effi vary in Varioos Alava. a, :old oliree 4lt ,tib t •t• lilt di li:14161.111•1'; WI lutist have read 'moor of di,,n,,fl,lll,,,it_iotidirat-ioti of them IR Ileetlled - .111 -, . 11CCUSSIll'y.r`❑ autc.lll/t of flo• great eapetioe„ 100.000 130.re8 has*. been sold in l'hiladt , lphia ah nc. flit` past )Mir; !dim, in'' that in the place wllt , cc they ace rnann laci need. then lure n reputiattp, greater than any 011ter acison front the fops that De. Lei dy is %veil known at imam as and his bill is fire consctiltentlyeyinfOoYe'ida-ith ;treat er confidence than any other; in afillition to their known efficacy. •1 . I,el . 4qie 7remembered 'tis not IN , q'l otity 'or pillsor otitot 111'4116m. y.on en w - ttie'snro7 - ntnatrrheln• - st - oreht•aiLim .— , but ale (PilliT.'"l3rTiltenp medicines or, 'Hs you., of entirse,get the roast; and.yon nor induce(' to Lake the nore,under.the itnpressien little does gooll7rorTro will do more good, and you make drag shops of your stotachs, causing oftentimes fictions Injohy to yoursel res for lire. • -- • , -- Dr.'s 13160(1,Pilfs ari;composed of moreex= I nensireingredi e nta, ; In d require more.bierty and lat hnr in their preparation than any other pills-- I ,the spit:moths:done for preparing the extraCts aantnintid in his pills, costing over three thousand dollars. Price '2.5-uents-w-hox. They' are premtkul only, and sold wholesale and Retail, of Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, No 101 North Second street belt)*Vine at. Also by. T. C. S'I'L f ',VENSON,.. Sole. Aticutior Ciurlible. • MOW 'To the .Pubdic. *ON'S dIVIKIIINIMROP - pF T(R WOOD NAPlrlif •,.;•7 4 For the Pieventioti am) .Cifre of Oo? .1112- incident io. , ou'r climate there is lomeso,iiiiiversal nod at' OM same 03 , o in ' natal raisins: Constinitition. lii ihis:oounti apcciully VulnionitSi •ft hi:o64c; ittl I MS; Xt rm.%•s tic; Jnild as wilestipying. , Antel, Wing lowwith relenr leap hood tlie,grotigestand Wrest iof our ti(Voot:Aillt tn-to 010) . 918o, o'o3l tnio dri.4lll# StiL6C 4VP! i) vaiir slid 'al I dint aetined„witithi dfir'iiiwgejrns some., whit siiiootlien the itruiress,tn the tombi., l iii (;tlOilieltinil':Syr4iii oh To. is at combination, Iteretnfore al:11(411 - nxerting lOower:innik tint d i iniithiiiiiiinOttsiissee tout:atthi;. same moitt !winging the .whoin'iirsteni abider its powerful i atientiC: if pleiniycriitiiesies 'the' cnnse:tlisense It beet:di tai otlihtar lie} 'and ' t 'thititilit' , Ciiikintitt' Vie root hopart,s toith dehilititted;orgitne, tilibeds 1 1 toloweil %Igor to thugenersil sistentninl thus 'rewires the witkiit tti ttni•tnnnUntlintlittz , , , ;;,,,4thi invniushhi mud mind is fakUto r tdhottleS;luiv_ ! . itig the . tic ihrtlifsk 3 Alioniti::- son , s':'CoUtlintinci''Si , . sake in Carlisle 1',.:.G-,S.9lo',A.getiet 1:0,--Ittivtotiii333.4.:4!.,..3.,.,, Ir fiF, , ,,.lo4qcrillier: tikes. iliia titiothitil':itrittfoildttlip z . 1: flisiko.,o,l'„ilittpultlio: gottertjly:fiut hit - 41111' ,it( mtfoorying:4,s4e,a,p ( ilkrtotatkijr9.ll o K3 7 4 o ,l l :'lvit. 'tittfittit,lol(l4 , b,groms!pg,lllo,9trOPoliklf , olll)lit: iiitvinothtot! p c 'hctsii i ;t3Oftp,.llbe4;tl,oot AloututThe ill:fecnitiii. kgittivit,entr,t4iticiltitt *are,: anti 0c.,;:. Ptikilefal*tli - eaCliittbl4 l, :einte.l:ilii' , Wetinp,otliky tied Stiti)ido*oritintrellititOttVnin'QNgii.)"kitt* 'kir otromisq ivill 4. thrtttlinsni t, ieoet,vetki,, , i ; , 7 !, t i e. ~,.?...,;,-,--/ 4 li; : &_- , 11:!;. , ",.• , ~:...:,',, , - :48YESILiEY, , 141111MSIV I , ,tl, 1 gifti c lrk . 1 ?Si‘it:00 1 . 11 - 4 V07:1100,!11 1 ;t 0 ( 1 , or. e '7.7 , 0FtkV4 1 1."1' P3P,'ffikisli - A ic ;Mon llttnic vorttle,lcitbpiiilfi oilittpi ciA*4o iittles gild, AkbifiAiiiol , c4rarit4gi' pi a 1 k(fit'o4.o.:lo - 10 - !:-:;4.--,• - ..: ,-, - .. 0:i' 4. s'''',:f.t`: -. ..•.'ii '' . ..c..,'-,1;,:',..,,',, , ':',':!i' -- •'"..,'""'. \ "•:'''''.,:::::';.'''' ..-', ' r i ' F;Ot , Yr4i.a , V.4411; 4 `Y" 7 '''' '' 3. : ' ; 1 ::) . , 'I- ' ~• '' 4' .: .; ..'.' ' 1' '''..'',ii.' Y,`,Yt '.. - 1,!'5,5 , •,c; , , ,, ~ CONSUITIOTION Ir,"*.•P • • • • •• • • ••••, • • • :ct by Aions of the f' eli :Litl e mioofr, !. o A r IfOrtkohlirb ' aggit!ctiVis-91 . AAT UliE' S' • O , W tin ESCRIPTIciNt.- -1A ecimpound Masan-de firdpsrutio'n"',ortlie'24i#26,t Pirgirriaaa or, ". Wild, Cherry', Withe•Ex iroet' l 'iii . prei t itraty cal pt•oeess,approved'and•reemutnentled by 'Abe MOM' , Aistni g ulail...l:o4ls iiiiiilli:iiiiit - tiorrettais-isimii - nrl; - • edged the most r y , tliiii'lbletpettiein e e ever diseoitered. -1\10:QU-Allidt11-1T2fil.t-N'O-DECEPT lON -22- in getting ftedi the virtues Of this truly great i•qtlT ielTlC. we have no desire Co .deceite those vi•tto Inliottri lig under. eilliet 1)014 601:*110-‘9i)li:sireto'culo •„4iie it more 'then it juktly l'et it lien we look nod see the.tait 'outland or anti . tlistressocessiouetlky niutty.of the disc-uses iu u hielt this suedleute Ims prt!yed in highly successful, an feel. dist ‘Vp dketiol tirkelts' claims fuo strongly' of sny too much in its , • Such, intketl, are the:. • SURPRISING • VIRTE'S. • Of this 7lalsnin, that eveti in the advance,l stagee• of CONSl.Orrnort, after oil tllO mica tAtoefned remedies! of physfeions have failed to 'ellimt ally clamp., the use (Willis toctlicirie has been produrtiVe of the most . astonishing relief,ltod actually effected cures after all IMpes of rot (191211' had been despairs d of. hl the first stligh af.ihF ilisi use teimed Game r -, / — 1, .- ;----""--1.• • • COLDS, it tins been used with (intim M , ail; success and hundreds acknopiedge they nice the rester:tams yf their health a.This invaluable meditine In that form of . qunansmtion- so prevalent sitnenest delicate yout , females, commonly tel debility; yr .., • "'GOING INTO A DECLINE," S'ebmplitint wit has also proveilhighlv mol hoi -ooly sesses tie power ob effecking the progress at .1 his s_ forming complaint;-blltaifiCi-60111gtheliS trial invigo rates the system jar re efreettildly than any medicine ice have ever poiisessed., For paidieulars, v.ortitlcOtth&e., see Pr. 11 . istar's pamphlet. ' - ACENTS.--43:'EMIOTT, Car!tile, L. Denig, Chambers - • -- Solomon (htu•nl(l, York. A elttle GMIISOII°S. Sl•tippeflOttril. birlible, 4 November 8. 84:3. _ W I 1:1,T; Pamia - Ty` ARE N 7 ActtowLEflatii ON ALL .lIAND9 TO BE TOE VERY GI EN E RAL .USE•' Dr, Steellitig's Pulmonary Svrup ~ Contains the auhl extraordinary eitralf7' . ProPolits.for Caligks,.. l -`olds, eel/81MT .__ii.o.-.ZV.itittfamtprmstets ii;-11-7iFftri.77;.--`-ot , Dezaiiii i . e l l • . at1z1iz.....:116 , iti tk .,,,,. i:' irq . , I,rtri I 1 I t . = , • ry m e(I r tins 41N - 1) a•Prti,iial,lli IS aff 1 • a. tr;nlAl,,,, r ett-,ttve - riithltt ie./11/14qt t,. I hint) , el ilte utrt , tl'Utlitt•111111111.1.1117I.1Sol the 1.21.iti /1 Shove., \ll e ffr -itttl-,-1 1 ,1. t•ttut.ot,t4 ito At;,t t y t t,li tt • RNA ZEN :t F . ACV.I)- Ql'.l.t . 'N, it , gl)l Pit, rtti. taw - , ti I liktilll'sl —' 1 11 - lii 1111{ . 1111.; 1.4It.11.•111(, Illeditl.l.lll ( 1 ,01.111/1•S .01 the .' Pro l /, , ..m.,, ;:'•A•:.'"/." Jul :tit e%tt,to,i‘ e :ma ,:.1 4,1 i m,,1 1 ,41 ile,eti/ ',tor re,el •‘•.11• , . 51! 1 , e 1 mat ktildu t ..1,,,,,r8 ,l• usttit , '.1•Ii• ':, 1 !• 1 ,, c , l .e•):•1• it c c.r of the 1 eirl lo st l'oteo..l.= 10 110 ,ueb! h r i'ttliitt•int.) I.lis- Ice, ~,... A •.1...1e tri. Iv, ill th u s to ;-1,1 4,11.1, icily ml'oll4ll it is!tiot eto-of the V l lllO.Oll Qllltyk lI I IITTI 'I or 17.,. - ,t,.,....-1.11 lint if i, II 1 111111 - FrUi` (Fr I valliv. , q.riity In be itr VIVI y - fotwily ithht.t.eeee- I rlet.ted.low In / ei• is atoAlo.e ..04,..... ' ereen.,,,, a h0i,,,,, "/ N, 11;1.• ri It ,r f ' , v 1 1g 1. 01 l'itltneeervNlt./liviet,,rt sell it"? for al Ott ,tot nmr,.. s I.' 11. ri Nws I I 1,3i()N4 ‘ itY4Sl4:l,l'; f-t•I in ror ,11, 51 , els, per lAttt le. Per e'. l', iia )ttoit- , --it, "(',n 1 1/,le, HI 5.% NI rET, - 1171 - 444 -. 1 .-1. .t,--' 1 - /711t -f 'to: • . :',,, :11..., A , 14 I 1 - sn-ri-R.7---- lotre. :It ‘t hi, 111.i..1.'S (:1, , ,..1% Store, :,.1.1,.; ch,,.., 11,..t St.,,tp. Alan at Angie and Cr/:t wt . :, U. ttg Sim, Shi ll , 441 t e ., 1 l'clo. , ett, 11. Ili-It. „ - - ft.. rs,raril L , 7•.; tes e; ier l S L.Terve ;11.1:1 T cne Rl:eurna.tic Liniment, uti : (! Lirliti Q,:,relitlde, Specific. .1. 11 ARRA-Nil:I) rilturs I,ife Mils I 1.:1 In.) I. , .fu;;!'in \ , lhm.:ittil.pilinitt I• 4 :4i .1 .% ....11l I): ,lesiu,CrMT, ~..,0%.• :N. I n I C... Nk ;110411 In. ::I talk 10 I Ito 111 ill.. pt , d t * MT s II leltl LC bill the prt in it t r is s:,;o..fiell i 1.41 all the re. 0;11111".111',1 td 1• 1:i 11 . 1111. ‘rf 1:14..1 I - thr - .., 17r tl'.S(iilll Sz. - S6iit ChrEz•i, in SllippenAttry UMBAUCII & 1101)VER Apra 17, Mil ! , irc.x.v.ivrojsriNll - 074Niurett - t. TI I ven rs sgol4o,4li,seq'ti&nei. lif .rxer , i. ;et^ tien 111 llflu m Imig to likuritli'"n'host', I ilf001•01u1/10,4 vessel In to:, limp ,rlileY:Artts,tell!tieil...bfirw etbse S.VtitA . r Mood, soMot 1 !.. I !!, Wqr ponied s kit fever. lti n sinSirrii inn rt ecregiftsthe on faith great opmssion, , lteetje fever oweaN4. 'Thus f neok2fatiteiluitTli,greeving.e.brse end' be+ eume toietdeoly, , •:Aislerowngt.oi)own nbect three ntoittlis Ago. 1 entole.triti!.o TIIO,IIPSON'S Coin. pound ;.!yrep,•oJl'iir,yli , ell 1 -tisecl grittlunlly tbr !why three rrtonths, - during which ghat-1111v • proved tAiti - 1 etie: 6 'bettrnivrel'iiiiieny to its vane; kg The ont3 Joetlieine Itielt . beetiflttetl. rite, tied ltest stored meld health.; .•. ' _ ; • ;', • , • 1101.11V.N, Phis inralutilile'rnislielite'isvut•tilk in 1 r".l hnv rig the following.wertliiiildion ‘11.° """q-"CP M P °41/ " 1 ... S, Y,Fujh Tire - r6rl Gbh . gZeiiitte. Prier 90 eentipc , r 'Sfir bottles ter's2,o. For sale 1110104111)y , • 4 29, ,STV#V t• r sON' Sole Agent. '• v WPM*: frorins : ES i r-parciltmr_ls4lV.V., the vol,oe, mot: etlicoey of Die - , - .4,1,eit1y,43 l'ittent V4„ottibleiWomiiTen Ace never NV(3II 11.1 he - wit:hoof Rio 'their fi r milieii,pm'ebilifren are . - magi:RC itcoll times to WoeMO. ..-..•,,,,: • . , - -, I,)e, Lehly,!tk Worm Tea I!! composed ofiTegetobles , It'agetherfood'nufy lie 'given lii ehilOkeii ofuls,ogeti, TheeefiohioeioMpnity tint/11'0'001 0 M. puiskite: . . - Chi kireo , soffer . mile h -, ..0f . ,_•14 mei!, Won!, so many ' things hping , -0 ven ,11q4n-e9r .W 0 1 .1113, IV ilil(litt any el..- fe'ef. ''' . :oe.ll melt i ithle . , gi vi,i i .i6'. ithi id eiM , -hi a tem. tleife, - tlesirofthilieg k imernh hen Ip,notl ', they aver moral. op. I oole tienomee !if fee,..,:, ~ • ~ ytv,id.tli:in.Vess!ybi`giving;.Me(li n , na.m . ine. . . eesioeilfiifeo'yoii ai , ,e,retMin; , ymr'AiWren' , have rivsorms gixo iltvimitt:fir4t.Pr.?l,44.llY,? !S nil dna is "nenessary z .".' ".. , •.. ; : ;•r :' ,. ... - f r, ` • ' ' '-.,..,.‘.: ' .....: . ifera•e i;e-oioght ut,nutil.WßViipiliV iiiin'tVedlikp • Wfits in Plaffilinipiiin , Oity,tinti 4.otinty'i of theinfaxsity • • fi.i 7 D l ' 3 Tair s l‘ o !oF,TP , "l"ff , !7:4 l #o_ l 7:° -l iff 4 P --- .• ll'ioi'd.ff..4 "k6I-s'on,,nnli;.',aiiil 23 citiO ii'liMi6iiiiplok. • iiin,".::Fti..6ttp,.(lOnly, - .:Ohil , fne'sulti':;ivitAlpastat?,find 11 00 1 ,• ati pv:..l.oyy!!i:ll.9i,lli ; Irligtiji)A.Ap.'_ IEII . Nni , th sOnn(l, stecel, helOW.' Vine.;s s , o 7 o. r t li f i dt . t. thin , 041 a7l lid . F?eiiiol 11 JO Ali il*4 plOg i i:-I. -, ,, tTr..Zrr.l sty • - pr.Saln IA catAlt•cli • ;„ , .. , :l . ...:....: • •,,, ' ,: . •.+ 4,4 , -4 ' ' . k . ;'".....‘ ~.,• L t S jT V,„V.',Nk '-', So ~ ~. 1 . - ;;DIET1 l ';' , Tlirrief etily,s el, t 'olLoi•eetlei intrymnieht luity ,OW , ti{)let. lin he l; it , tt the halt; hi. piee . ey heserprissei tretee' Ik tjuies 0:161 IStA l sl NirrOpi,lii?l,., letlYtk ilrekrt% ,tAkekgr; oome, s s., ~C. ..,.. -,4„,,,, - ~ ~,,,,,,,, 4 '.E~uenl-rsa v T. C. STEN.P.NSON,