za • - ' - 7 7-- r -MlsMAalß49BarniZal.S4oa ~ , n• ?• 114 /` A ‘(''.(vff - tAar ME vilatarativate9 , , • N i 0...,ipt4p-ima,, Ba. EfAiIER, Esq:Pine street, ,169.NaSinO strio!,'ATribuno . Oi!i;south:eot corner of B a lthnoreil4f,Co l lFtt.'streste , ' , F l altimot O,,is ; 'hur rhbS)oliri"lidvirfisciolintts and f iliticriptioifiiii.6: 4 oll4 , lBLE FitnALD & 4i:- al ui:',,tolitietitie,iitii:reecipting for ihs MU • Hairietiorg i'Xigus l, lifigtiaased into the hapda'ofo44 2 :c ! lCiantirce-4't*fformer prietor, Mr. Kaine, who Ii now deceased.; having diariesed ofit previcina to his death. The Argus to'will'eoritin'ng niport,the National' and Santa Adminisiraooue, and aivocate thb princi- , 'plea of the loetO foot) party, except that it goes' for ' \tho.TptWpoliay in' ,the Ofirgestt 19tots, The first numbers sinto' the change indicate ticat it will ho edited with considerable .ItrOur Temyeranco friends. are referred' to the advcrtisenent of Mr. J. F. Ilfailley, who has tai ken .the ' Shaltspear flatel,' in Hdrrisburg, which Ire reposes to.. cnnd net- on Temperance princi. •• ue 9 ,,..lnterii-w - i - ti feel sure that ho II keep the house in. such A rayless to make their stay agroshle to those who' sojourn witli bun. We hope he will receive, us - he deserves, the encouragement and support of the friends of Temperance in this Mintier. foI , Pittsburgh. •. CCIn addition to the pronipt and energctic movements in the dill* we notice that mry of our neighboring:boroughs have already_lield, or are-ObritirholiCirit. - iikeilfign - fortli b l iiir t iolie of contributing speedy relief to the sufferers at . Pittsburgh. This is in n:veny respect praiseworthy and cannolbe too highly_ commended• The eel• amity at Pittsburgh hs one that powerfully up. peals to the ,tenderest sympathies of the People throughout this State. We should like to have - seen a tneetin for the same purpose in Carlisle, and we know there are,rnany. , nrour philanthropic nod public:spifitsOlAzenillitho..are keenly alive to the neoessitY oC'tiAiii'ding prompt relief to .the houseless and hoinelesi thousands of our Western metropolis. But it-must be recollected that our own borough has recently iiiffered by a simPar calamity, and a ,draw made upon the re. sources of our citizens to as heavy nn extent ns :ti.:fr: l Y;iV 'that our citizensal - O . Welt fOtind to.tijierniin6: The New Cohrt.llonse.. • cO - WC are informed that the contract for the ercetion•of a new Court House, in this borough, was allotted by the County Commissioners' on 'Saturday lust, to Massri.ll4an of liar. tisborg. These genlionven ngree to erect a build - sing, according to a plan submitted by them, for .the round sum of 940,000. This is perhaps higher figure than-the people of the county gen erally expected. have not yet seen the plan, nrd cannot thcrethre give a particular description the proposed building. We understand, . ever, that It is fora building of seventy feet Pont by_ ninety_ feet iti,,depth,—vileh shall contain ommodlans halls for t ell the necessary rooms Sir the County Ofliccs.— The building is to. have a colonnade front, well finished, and tO'be fire proof througlimit; it will also be surmounted by a eupoli, fitted for the re. • ception of a dock and bell: The Afire building , will be bf a highly ornamental as well•-as siib i , 'dentinl character, such as will' ensure the safety of the county ',records, and prove an architectural ndorflment to our borough. We learn that there was quite a spirited competition for the contract, and n large nuniter of proposals submitted. Of Mc judgment exhibited by the Commissioners in _ lirtlfurring.the_placi. which' has been selected, we we not sufficiently, informed to speak. , The new edifice will be located in the South-. Westnngle cif .1.64 public sqinire, obliquely in the situation is well and tastefully chosen, orideivill • highly improve The eppeartiiico of the square.. It is rather catly fin.such a suggestion, hut we hope when the new building , is coinpletcd there will be found • • inato enough io'nrder the enclosure of the several divisions of the sipiare;and to have them coltivat ed in such , a manneras„shall befit the health end 'beauty' of ; millhorough..• rlt'itt expected the new Court .11citnic6Fill be completed far Also April • . • • .fCA correspondent. inind rite "whether it in net fact-thatiwo.olthe_porsonii_enitointed to cotßced. of trust end profit; •by-'1.1m.-WnieCouncil, are gcnOwn as public deft:tab:fire — Hod'. this is we 'do'not knew; but •we refer - him - to the records of the -and--Berong4-wheya,-ii-titere Amy been any delinquencies. a knowledge of the "fact" ,can doubtless be obtained: 7 ,.-Yo/unicer. CiCtMe "de not. know whether the assertions in the aboye'pcqgraph. as irue, or to what ex tent they.are true. Nira belfetm,,,frem some little inquiry, however, thit in inie'.44,l4iiies supposed to be referrCf to, limati* . ttB'l4:iii,4o: : ielill binrrei a Whino to eetilo aceouily - oreihe - part of a .borough officer, by . Widoli'lie:liiiiiine'rndebtcd to Ahe borough in the:iiiiorrnini , .anin'unt of, about • Mein dollars , This, howcvery vre nra ' iiifotmed, has beon - Tong - iincep . o.lid:., ,4 :clf the othor case we know nothing., , It ; thii,nerenri: alluded to.deilrea -to-reheire- tonv_a ;f o rward:and doau., 'Ma never or efrod defaaltcre, .. . , 'whether W.l4o:ifjoeCreict.—',lntleed,- we lost a - good 'ltubsertbei for intz , too 'strict perbirmance of ---HfutyliF:iiiitWFS - 14 - 6 -- f-iiL - foWieckiCsilfce - ._,L7-:—.._-- - ..-- , . . But what an flteettSticia :of cool tropudenco does . . 4heabove psrnere ph! lrt- the - ITOlunteer 'afford !LL- Opt; cr't.wn"Vflilgtt i ftUrpin to leave:unsettled an:: - - :counts : ofia l few ;.dalltri,' Which -they • afterwards-, "fifty, : and ' Stralglti'vroky - ihei - ern . held .. up to the' , jiubliiieriinis:.o4er• :,, tut relita vast. amount . - -...of•yigifent.lSitatchlliiitess evir_thiplidiolninteite,' - "iiii!k'#, 'i!gh',Flegi.ei, of.virturitiit'regarfi for honesty, --•:''''d!!4'lo44iit.l4e:Vollinteer iin PIS utitttertilllY I - ' • ' ':`ol,! . iiii. - aVyi4,eiiiaci R. 000 ioceiy,iii held fotth ' • - iiit44o‘o4tit,this,connti'foi; : ketiOr ' alTllPU , . -- ,*(Tlps,.:,i'.*. , :tif46,l* , ,i6ciiniik - ;.oin lb.- .lil:tki,.loiMuri, , :PO T iOent,...'"iiiii: II rtiiti;l3ll4i, -' 7 7' 1 :0*.--"Pri°o 2.l . 3o iig - : . lr*k. , 4iiiiicihi%iiiiiiW 4 1 ,0tinl c itg• - :,litOPt ) liinefeir ` ni . ,!: enrolled , ii.' the ' ',.g,,;(0,#F00,!; 40 ,,_ 0 ) :34 i45!". 4' tVii. "Mekittiketi: , for iiirtVity4llo l # 6 o4 ‘ . l3tiV r iiiiiiieiiiiii:ol s:ff,gait 10.,:tiptioi:•;.ilit , '' '4Gi'iiil f*ll4';kir # l ,;'!.bk . .W. , 04- ; ; ,,,; :: : :i; .,,,ar : ii :;!;. 14 . 4 0 * 0 01 ct„ 1 1,1 Arg4' ISM :2:;'.«.,;. .m, N. u. x flaw, -'V-v. I on 4/16611 jpkii4r• 6e oE ' iho:net ; onnaihwho ° nro:neinea `: i the. Atiodoei.othidoapiroiiniai6.ltiyiiisSit ittrart . 'ais liiiiitiphiightti-Oft-tlie-tidionioUlll._ all_W he. rent'idniiietei liMcifoeoftim..''Why CiiPtitin - 'SaiideiSen' , nOV . M. - '6e 11044 nous in the,*whioinge and - blabberings - ho gives way to over the changes in the borough offices. atit'he . th . TOp . glit a little Sympathy awa 7 . fiened, and a , little political capital made, by speaking in' yitiftil tern% of the- 4.uthlesti- , pro.: scription" pursued by the Whigs in' giving itmine . of the borough officOs to their own friends in pro. Terenco to their political opiOnents. ie loos, however, Missed the mark: . Instead of having to 4ear the ortitont! of their party, the Whig mem. berg of Council' are entitled to the approbation' of the .Whigs of this borough for taking cam of what Whigs too often , neglect-1h support of their pm friends: 41m hope Mr. DippleH who Is; politics aside, a worthy man enough— will have diseernMent sufficient to see that it is the division Of the Borough; by'his own party, OW has brought about hie remeral. .When . the "gees , talk,about "ruthless_ proscription," we would asks ' thorn why they desired the division of the ho. rough! yhi did they have dies members of. Council from the East Wad, Was it not that they might get a majorkty of Council end have tho.petvek to remove very Wicig Borough Officer? Thorcowas no of ier reason In tle wnr , n io spherno faili3d, and -they now Justly suffer -the Colivegilentee Whale party to talk of "ruthless proscription! " Is rinttlie locrofoco rallTing cry in every struggle, "To thu victors belong the Spoils?" And,acting upon this principle, IS there a single officer, high o r lohr, in the employ eif die authorities 'of this county, who is net a full blooded lucefeto? Is not the political guillotine at streaming with the gore ofutho decapitoted yie. time of leecilbco prefrcrfplish? Does old age or gray hairs save one from being doomed? In six modths time will there roe a single Postmaster remaining in 11;is whole country, who was-ap pointed by the late Administration? Is not Capt. Sanderson himself among The :foremost of those who aro' seeking the place or the worthy Posi inaster"of this olfitieten4y and integrity no man can impeach? "Ruthless_pro scription" indeed! We have no words to express the disgust we feel fur the liypperisy which dic tated the sickly and pitiful wilinings over "Whig proscription," in ilic• last Volunteer.— WeVern that a young man named GeCrie WteXIDPSIMiIMtd6OMM=MMKWeWsIe= en_secideut on Thursday lost, which led to his .• ,• road, about four nines below this borough; t hog ran across the ;road, over which his horse stem:- hied and fell, and of course throw the rider to the ground with great violenCe. ThuelMad and face Drib° 'young - man were shrwhingly bruised mid ges led by the full, and,-he survived the injuries_ bu a few days, - he barn of Mr Henry leyne. in Dick'''. SOHALM .chip, was struck by lightning on Thurs. day excning last, during the storm, and with all ats contents, coneisting of aquantity oftmy and graiti,.-twil,props, a horse and some other articles, entirely Consumed. Mr. Lyno hod very forte initely-nmdc - tm - appltcatinahat - rVery - day o:11re Mutual Insurance 'Company fop an insurance upon his property, and had made alrtheprelingp. : my arrangements for that purpose: We under stand his claim will be rvisted by the Company, on the ground than the contract was not com. pleted before the disaster. With this matter, of course, We bare nothing to do, but the circum stance furnishes additional evidence oldie rie. dom of insurance. Our advertking columns wilt show property holders where to apply,. i Proferlsor Girr is wain quite profuse 6r I Lain in yesterday's paper. There seems to be a great contempt of his nativo German shown: in this prodigious display of Latin every week l By'•tho-way, a•e notice tint he complains of our bulling hies "vcrdaut"—well wo have no doubt it he Ter , / crt e hltttstlf from tho ott IMt tall - Lombardy poplar, we shall have nri further occu. sion o dignify him with :the objectionable nip py lion. D 4 ynu understand, Mr. G _ LOOK-IXERS-I—rarcat-Pargains in Clot/ling. —The largept lissortinent, of fine randy in,aio Clothing. ever offered. in CPrliste, is new lolling in North Ilanoyer liens° calcining the .Poht clffi r ee, rtielectifelliiitif - Wilktii .- atr -- (WS C.E itl— ,ii:FfEUTlMmentxrc delpkiii, the public mdi;depcild on finding Ronde of the finest quality, consisting of fine Erenell Cloth - Dresirand - Frock Coats, cut in the very latest fashionf - Superfine Patterns, Cossimero 'Pantis Plaited front, fine all wool supelfor English Fulied Coats; Fine Satin" Yeats; together with cornaluntest. The public are requested to di:spans tbitfi the prejudice. existing against ready made Rartriceas eolith stock is manufactured by the best Philadelphia workmen, and a manner which for elegance of styli) eantfid bo suipasscd in t h e United StoteX.,, • • ge 19 myci, %V ILK plso N'S;' ,Ner tit ,Ifiuteker Mrecii, in the lioutie,aVitting Sat Office. Np abatement in Price. - • PHEW • - ' At;PittAure on tha tOtii inifttiftor, a • Wogs! rktts, .k 1 rin ret, efirieott of Joh waor.d, in the 34th.yeir of hitrego, f0r40 0 4 2 0M0, , : 614 in this eounty. _1 ' ___!:__2__ _I—ATTENTIONA--- , - . i 1 - 7 - -TITE:T97th Regiment; i l .1 7 1: %ail, 4 1i , '..- / Ith .Diiision,. Pennsylvania Militia, • ~.1 ; will parade for review and inspection F`' - ' i An the, borough of Outlitile; on-MON. IR •.... • i -1 - "Ay. the 12th day. of May next, fO. . • . ~. ti-o'clocli,•Ai-Mi . • , • , ~., , .. 1 '; By . ardor of 'Cal: eV,Nottle; ', , :.' i• •'' "'' '_ ;' :•' ~#._ ,r. :EGA- 7 AO.,--I,L -- • 1 •, . ',. N. 11•' The_ofileare are 7eki1fe40.1..) . ~ta 'eq Rip , thaan eel vorfaacard ing Aa law - ROM! Quaitera; Carlight. Apr4.23;11345. ; • ii . lo - 110 ROL X''' . ,Meeting. , •A Gehetal.Meeting-dlloltaiatilo inhatataatirat tAaboraug bald , iptha Loon of a EDUCAT{O,7I }tatt.,,t,'agrogabli,to a reaa. , laftion Of *ha !Bawl: 8uh001. , -Directoa; op heErs t TUESDAY, being .the • - a rt yafalack;P:, -- .o4 , lalach ~ aiaetitig's- o half 11 . d duly antl•4eaideo:ll3lltif how tnualvaiiil'lihae. additiOticilteuirribel I tiONOIJ foischoo!-purposes' for YeiMlll;TecOilf,o'.:th6 provlsib 't,lo.:aevatill,aattici)tabtioiling conipaila:4o . ll 4 :r..0??..9:? d5h 4:,:;Pliiittiet!ot *.1)4147.:144,11i; Psoytrietillzy n alPi_WApril.,sl2 # 380: to t,••;•• kkiiirol i lit. -4Fori l othookisoopo,t r 4. ,bt ,p,T hc. '''''', j4":;ittpkV i ,;H i , ;', , At i gnt'Ktl v. ~. TATjaao,r. , voft,l7 , 'qAtoputo9 4 .s.< . mtriwii. , l,x.:-.Joqpii - 4.w.-:1:;,i ,„,,,,:,,:‘,,1,,,,,-4,...,-.',,,,,,..-y5,,,,,e-4-R.4-0,;x4',.044,.,,;., r*F' , ' ''' ' ' '‘., t ' V ;,•'. "'7 .. - .. , •V: - . ::.;•‘.1 ' .:0 ii;',c , ~ -, f • • . ' ',,•%;.•':',!1'•::,t,N1.:Z.'1'.... Ilfciancholv Acident. Antither Fire. Economy , is Wealth. nEGIMENTAL: 4 .. ,, •7',t::: -,- 7.',t , .,7;,..''..,yi,q.',;.i1,K, - .1 , -,:,.:7x:,77 . ,: . s Achie fi ns . AS I 0 toniiived hig-britGb.cres:4 - NWOlid: CERY - HTOR.Hj' to Idein — Streete - Ini the - - yelerrit:fertiallt - oeMipled..hy,` , T. - 11Skileetelffew' dOore belciiqq-Beetemle Hotel; Where he Will lie glad: 1 -to-segl hisiolsl l t4sipinete,.: - 1414 4 13-matiy_miss , onesi: as e h MAO 'to ealli' iid heel oat: ratirned . from the Vast vOtih ehmee select kin Of 'goods. Which' 'will make hltieleortmeht complete, : Call: ettileeei, fore purchasing elsewl.ert-overt' things sold at the lowest prates for cash. ' . • April 23,-11345 • ' _ 40112111)11111)11.441111 . , . jr4 HAILER OOlLRY•lisisjust:retn read From the. t./. - • city, and is now opening tlictlargest,anitehOop. est stock of . . • •• . , .. • DRY GOOD% .• -, ^ .- t, . . . . , .. '--EVER BROUGIf e TO .CARLISLE. , Broad - Clothsi - from - $l - .25 - to - plier yd. —•- Cassiincres from $l to $2; ~ . . Tweed Cloths and Cassimeresly cheap. Vestings from 18 SFI; to $1,50. • • g Also, Stocks, Sitapendors,.Cll2abi,lite , „..itt great ai i variety; Organdie And Baltarine'Lawns,- ew and beautial stYle ; new. style Paris plinted, ithise y embroidered chameleon Pout; do oi • aperilue black Bombazin ; elegrint - lniraize Se 'St Shawls; Block and .wlaite. ;Valet Shawla, with b( lion. hinge ; black llai•raize; Balzorinennil Laims or tii9tiru tog. •reencit, , Scoteli and American Gingliams ; elegunt. piiiiii niolfignred . :Sillcs, very low; Jalionets,•pani brim', S wiss Aluslins,.Bto....tillitlnds and pricieCr' . ..' Cambric inseriings n Edgeings, thread and bob. binet ditto, till-sorts. Silk and linen lliiinikeirchiefo; 'lies Collars, Callerets, Sze.; elegant - and cheap llonnutilibbone: _ • • - t eineiOls-iii-atirek,of-BONNETSAf-all-klinls- antl prisms-- at its apt -gent emen a owe 7 kinds, frpni 6 eta. to st. • • CALICOES—the cheapest, handsomest anti big gest stock in the-county:. Mullins, 'fickings and Cheeks, unacnintottic low. Cottemades; Roan Cas si Timms, 6 . tc. all kiod% atrd Artificial Flowers and Ruonet Ciipa. Cheap and c . legnM Parasols, Sun-shades and Pamsoletts, a full assortment. Carpeting% Mattings,6zo. &c. Also a tremendous stock of 'BOOTS & SHOKS. Boots from t7sto $4 50. Shoes from 16 to-$t 25. •_ . ~ • [l , lo.o[EißingSe . :'A fresh - ant of 'IIINS - ,',CtiF,IItS,: * SIJGARtgT Rice, and all kinds of Spicthi, illicit will 1ie4615.1 ns cheap if not cheaper than "the,chempes2.. In short I have all kinds and descriptions of - Goods atlow pri ces and am elisions to give good.hargaimrto all who will !erne me with a call. Recollect the old Stand, FOURTII Store heloW the Market :House, Emit High street, and nearlj , oppnsitc,tl d e .of - Mr: Mar fiirmerly S. Wonderlich!a. , N. B. .Pouulry Merchants caillie supplied at city, Prices. , April '24, I HARDWARE,CUTLES CO, SADDLERY M2INDV4g,4 N E respectfully . informs Itls qi!) friendS'and the public generally that he has removed his stock of HA R DWA RE,`CUTLER Y and SADDLERY, to the new home on - Ninth_ Hanover street, two doors south of the lost Of. itiliaigly.pauggill_his old stand where he donfriiirlitirdifare" -4W plete assortment of every thing in his line at ' • IA • ~t; AtOrlsr and ekaniine VENEERS, lost received. Carpenters and Buil. dery will find amtixcelleitt assortment of Latches; Loeke, o,lts, Hinges, Screws; and every variety of Buililing_natettaliccif_reduced prices. Also a . r.owand superior article of PLANES,' a/Arran, led good in every respect.' Also, gips aiiil-rocl: Powder, warranted ; Safety Fuse, for blasting, rocks, Shot, Leah, Speller, Sze. Window Glass of all sizes, Paints, Oils and Varnishes; Cedar. ware, Blacsmith's Bellows, Drilling Machini;s, and every variety of articles in tho Hardware line. Persons cnmMeneing. Housekeeping will find it to their interest Lo call Poforc purchasing else. where, Gnn and Pock Powder, warranted, Safely Mille for blasting rocks, Shot, Lead, Speller, &c. Window Glass dell sizes, Paints, Oils and Var. nishes, Cedar ware,lllackswitlin Bellows, Oril• lnig — llritatnes, an d variety oricrilrile the Hardware Line. . The books and accounts of the late firm of J. P. Lyne & Co., are in flay hands, and persons indebted are requested to call and make. payment to save further trouble. April 23, 1843 Temperance Hotel, 0A11,1115.11 P.l Tllr, tinderalgtted ropectrully annntlnce; to his friends urn) the Irtetids ol the Temperance cause in genecal, that he has taken twit larye and well known stand as the.. THE SIiAIiSPEATIE HOUSE, s • In Locust street, near Third, opposite the Media dist Church, formerly kejit - as a Tavern by Air. Clewles Gleitn, deed and more reaentiv byt Mr. Fichtharo, which_ shall be.kept in the 44 mimacr. as a I louse of Flmerminment for all house who may Favor him _wit theix-patronsge.,;: His Tahiti-Will-1m Nenttfully mrnisheil'with all Ole - viteieties of the sea slt. ; his Beds awl every thing connected With the - Establishment shall not fie erectile-n.l by any liquor selling Tavetm in the bit - cough. lie ran assitt:c the friends of Temperance and air others pains will be spared to midget. t • the comforts of -his guests, thwing their stay with him. Ile therefore respectfully solicits a Share of pub - IW iN• JACOB F. •iIARKLEY. • April 16,1845. t iitsge..C.ktrriageJloustutpd-Stahleis -84 .- - tacheil to the premises. _ _ FARMERS -1- HOTEL 0. 5i,, • ' 411,4110 . . . THE ituGlicrlber takes this =thud of infurmr . ing his friend° nthl,thepublic in general, that he tins taken that will - Known tavern stand, in East Main street, n feti doors frosri the Public Square Carlisle,, lately e aCcupied by Air. Win..Broivn,(and long knoarn as Wunduelich'si,eland4 whore he Is fully prepared - to accemmoditte; In 'the'liest:rriittl• ner all who may favdr.ldrit with their - cuid - om._ TABLE will b.,alony. iest,the inarliets ben ifferri—his`.BAß 'Wlththe Chnieeii(4lgnors-r-ail his bed-ienins i - dr:e.,will be :stritriged;with care.- BOARDERS, will be taken. 10:311044ebki Merit ililielitablingis ample, and a.,paroful Ostler. pli)tntiveys be in attendance. Drovers would .4irell to give hint a cull: Wr , lie hopes by strict.attenfinp,to bUsiness and an .rifiliouti--dffaireto app by , moderato cliergen c , to: metit atitil l roccive a ,tillinc-of public - . • • ' DAVID Xptil 23, 1 4S • . • •••• • - 1 1 mi 0 cmpora-. - opes, * Noti6P4. - ' ALT.' indelite4 ...I‘entisil4Otito Stotriman Printiftw: work or ad vertbling; must,maku littymen t to Ilia: nnilersibtOli'l ottletiopl4Blt9 - .llo47•CAtilsl6,' - Mink;belickilth - e - , rot dor of .f olkreosulog t otherwlep,..stiits wi l t ..,iiraftediat c ly bO brougtit:p. the ~ P.. F4)EG A.pril 98; • .Bt. Fredeirick-4hrmin*hai% 41,1erOlofpv.edIvr") aleekrdT, 113 - k o e; ' , 1 71 s h ^ 4 9 4 u, t It ! d m . 1 13 4 .j lii ~‘Pro, 110.1 kl `.-:. :-. :'-- . • ' 'P l illt ,sylliqi44l. ilail `take4l Ws 'BOll, Itlldleii II 1046011.9 irlartait;ahlli:* l liimault ,ip i tlte Tallotaia* . ftsyllea,bis fil Bealepirtiesily reqpcatp, all 'alba know t et:T!" 1 ":. 40 'ililic"unt. M'itt )!liit t" 0 -',lll Pnd :.°Attle t?-Baufe sts:441Ig:IM:p01161 Ir. 4,." ;.L , ; ', ....' I 1 f r j,l: ', ill:: rig , t„ ANDo iILATit ,a.., 2 - : , A Pr il P;,? 1 : 843 " ' : • DI nw sit-i-tubt4,oo 411botri4-Hoorit .H.o r m«Akh k t, 1 4 14 , 10 . *Ol 4 ll ll ll l O 1 , 1/1 . 1845; MIE "` A7ifti2i4llool l ` 4 W l 67itenqriliai g liii In • 411134 1 ,4 - 44' ,17 . urn 91`11H.E.sehecritierirtnitieeifulli: intern - 7i' his trieiithr., and the.pulitiotit, gefteint;jhat„ liiiftaitnitis- - .7 A.4-.lltWwell known: estahlishetenaooheAinufso-' hinter cloth, and carditlpr,. ittrtiolpiitatitedin - Hataff , den tiiWiiship j 'Outrtberland .otpuilty; oo illitii , COnoilo r ;. Ittifinet - i - rilek,;ablinktWOilites berth - trek - of erecnitti Opposite:the "grlstrailf ofAlaisialer ScPen- he 'Will' he"hotiKrtd accommodate; all- ' who 1 may'fifver 'him withlheie ctistMatt.PrOM lifelong exporiende to the ;Inisiness;.taiii , .l ',?epkitstlon ready established at this factciryAte:flatters'himselr, that his factory will. 'et the...approbatlnnototi cellis t 'the custom of the community at Work *AI Ue talen in at the follotriox l o oses m id. duly, ,At the StOrnnr Mr..Farnnler, in Mechanicabergi' - ot, the Ti,tvelii.,o,ljiiiitfßentiiii g er - 16 - Werrnteyshorg rat-the-Store.of-Messra t: S r Coyle io Hogor.stowat, anti at the Store of Joim H. Zearjng in Sporting:Hill. • •. • • At-np natucement for pcyrneatA,DONh...he witf •make a reduction on Satinet of l9, : iittr•ipent. and: on • Cloth of 5 per cent., if the-coati - is pald : ctiethe Hine of .. - s • delivery. THOMAS LINDSAY., April 29 _1845. , , .ItllDDA.Esieg. - Carding. goi• rsiti:Centst_ and •felting 4one in proportion ~at. the. Middlesex Fautdry, sitqated'on the Conodogninet Creek; by the Middle Sex raps in'Nerth - Middleton township. A.a we do not expect to bring filo:teat : oriels io our fa etory. Jen. cart. y , the m away. wh en fi n ished, "we aro enabled to do Carding arid•fullioir bt thin. !)swb•redueed prim:, . ••, •,,,. -•.•• •. GEORGE STEVENS,_Sr.- April 23, .1845. • , • ''' _ • win TodliVelytioll - 0 - pti 'THURSDAY, the 11111.410. V next, iniCarlink,nii. rny . Monnita.ln .. Land.*,k's in Dickinson towniiiip,,eoltiiiiiiig* - tiliniff ***". 1800 ACRES in lots to suit vit.:: • - sers. Any persbn wishing to invest real estate, would find it advaittngenti s sidle property is increas ing iii value every ilnyiTlie property is well covered with Chesnut, Pinedlpi other timber, tind therc are several-fine StreamsollWater on it: Terms very se , : commodating:` A.Vilresa the subscriber at Taney-, rownr?..ld, . . G. April 23 1845 GROCERIES AND QUEENS , WARE. • Just received and - will be sold at the lowest pri ces, by J. A. CIAPPINGER. Shippenshurg, April 23, 1845. N - TLEM E N.'S WEAR. , A GREAT Variety of l'attaloou stulTs,,and Vest-„ .6111.-ingtew_style for stile tit S. M. EARRIS: April 23, 11457' JUST RECEIVED. A. very, large assortment of Cloths, Cassimereci- Cassinetis, Vestitigs, Gainhrocus; Linens, and flin -ey summer stuffs. All will be sold as low as *can be purchased, elsewhere,: by 10WiMIWP — F4frei-;;;KtV4W447 7 7,144 ., 4 - . ••ostkmeto.m.t# . SMOMONtfailtgit . Belts, a l very accessary attiOla in these dayi Wiwi" pick- pockets, ace so adroi,i,.. These Halts are a sure.prote-ttion - against their -success, for - sato by G. IV. HiTNER & Co April 23,1845. THE subscriber hasjust received a splendid assortment of the celebrated Cast Steel blued SCYTHES, manufactured expressly for his own sales, -and which gave such general satisfaction• to all who purchased. them last summer. - JOHN P. LYNE. April 23, 1845. Wrinee Albert Itiding Cord Just reteivod, Prindo Albort Riding Cord -on exsollont thing for Ridin Pautidoons and tor safe G. W. niTNEIL & Co April 23, 1845. TEAS. LOT of fine Teas just received and for sale at _Mk. the lowest prieea, by JOHN P. LYNE. April 21. 183.5 THE MANSION HOUSF HOTEL, Fronting. on the Cumb. Valley Rail Road, OA\ BMZ§g.ast LATELY kept by Gcn . Willis Foul k, has just been taken by the subscriber. It is newly furnished and has been thoroughly repaired. -Pus sengers in the carstrangers, iravellere hnd vis. hers to Carlisle, are Invited to call. Terms mnrleriiic prlll evcuy attention paid in -the conziortAind - Convifnietiee oT ihoseVvhe patron. ize the establishment. J. 'A. VVINROTT. Carlisle, April 16, 1845. • EVElE_Sulnieriber_hioLiist_oWeinCd—in_thr—ramis_ 11 . ( formerly °coupled Iy N. W. Woods) on.tho, South 1.%.'p0t corner of the pubjie efrat . cihd . antericast • 4-1E01.) Staple and Fancy, ecnisliffing in part, of Cloths, Cas anneres ' .S*ittlnetts,:- Gambroons. Sunup or Cloths, V,eiit lags, - Silks; 9 , l..awio:,Crupe and Nroliiideq,sines;Swiss Canibrics, Jiieisireitt 'man' other kiends goods iii all desuriplions, Carpetchaiy-tin'tl Cotton, Yarn, Umbrellas, Parasols, SfinslirdeS,'PJOVeS Moil, &e. . • . . , ALSO, A choice:and.? well seeded of~ro ecrics, of Coffees, Sugtir4 Moine see, Tens • A LSO, Croakei7 4881,fltienoitiare 'of vari ,Ouedeitrip!ions and goalitieSitogedtt* Woltltr nittoo rinin other , artinleB econjnising a eonitilnte and, .4.en .Oral , tutsarttaostt-..,a11. of *Milt NI for' 841 e at I'M p low riCes 'for , invites .1116 - feleiitlit - !vpil - pro-Pubrid;lijkinittral togivoltiro a ;,Iniertineli EiCOntiknt tliat.ftO cap Atli , ' - EttiadO - ILO RVIN E .jr; Carlisle; April 1 . 6; '184,Vi.!.. .• • otite:4o_ ihe • . . , :_..V.o,snheerittett:„h a ri t ii , disposed. ot''hia . Store in Citareingth.Messre..-Siagizer tr. Peal, anti 'hie store in Meclianieslitirgle, hie ions; J. he' therefore, requoaia all IterilOttl!ititVehted ;en the, hanks Of .batti his Cornier natehlisbm'ent come fore" , aartit-witlfahcs.leleyntititettle-their.-tieconnte. . . . 15,1845:. . . . CaparlHeiWifiN. • - 4 1 ";•b: - .§tEirr.ilsoikr hii-husines Fnprlti,iiir -La% Ell *Tyr*, ii. = .7ouni gentlernitit ,yho' thorcieghlybeised 41 the dales Arhaislst Ott -.Atiothecittl4.,Tlhe store ,will= Ltre 'fitlet'lme4putuctell .ntioler the netne';of,,' wrEvENspN,44!MEIIAFF,EII): t,:' iii' i - 191 ok ' Iili • jiiii i f , l li 1R te - r .:; l ; a 7 2n4d -' -V, a.,l te t lall , RoigicoroMLet 441 , 40 9 the s iitiillouirpt,ntottttppylise,9l'sAr_ , 11D4X.'1115 stt of.: 0;11;,114%;at113.6 , ci0ck• -ktla t ft ge-lito-ciidermilopaeAit:Or'*iie i n 4 ii t sied !dr . 114 eoifpuoliddcropame: L'... , , FRED. IV*:rrg.oll''.- , liii -" it41845 . ,,, :. , : .t- Nib • TOO havtillut rdteird an asjortnen. or clroocrie4, bo cot at Band 100 401 r.q7 `1 r.lAp`htdliiale ' e''.l2 ,P7L''jk.",go t ipar : 1 1 6 Pse 4 , •H) er run . ' "-C.0,(47,,AtiikV1)441,.% ‘..' i ; - , ,:4 11 VarbEEDO , us .-..-.4,- , 4 , , ~ n .., trav v' .iiiii4ilal Ili ''' 'h i ''' OVI Z 4 ia* 5 1. 1 le n irr 1111 gi Ce I I k'' - , 1 11 , 4 ttitr4 1 4 fAtittit inj . ltill e i:lf ira , grrare ,t) OW F'o ''' •i' t, • 1t„ 4 . 4,7 '',ll4 t ti l ltii i ik ANZEIA, % . 'fr , , ZCC' •it,''rtv,`l:t === 4 POSITIVE SALE, SCYTUES. - o l it IT '4l IA E 10 N c' - A)E - IGE -- 1 4 1nit - stritri ' ll - tliio; 3 use lll o 3 /!5. 1 E occupipji Pred. Ehram, • , ....:.111i#15. A ti gt e lathe onanirtiopi opipron or' hepiihriiiiiihae — thifiTt - Tirsn or persons who pernetreted deed;should be severely punished. " But while - 4e are entlenvoi lug tp iliscoverlhe 'lpseeld, Jet us - not-forget that John Ifen,tz;lutp_n_QWToll hand tn . ; .00iniitete..en as spettpent.tif , • • _ . . . ....„ 'READY. - MADE CLCITIIING • . . .. • • ...,, ae*tiii; . ver offered to the. Wiley eitizenti of: Garlisle tindLvielni4. -i t iimaleis'ofrthercilleinev'iielety: CIUTS••••• 7 Tereod, Linen (plain and fanny) Cam broen.And b large .atelortradut of summer'-coati of various patterns. . . . . - :TANTS—PIain - Ind fancy Cassimere.'Sattinett; Beaverteen„ aatrate.artiele . of „Velvet Cord; and Summer Pante lii abundance. . .. . .le ',.VESTS--Satin, Cloth, Satinett, Valencia, and Wit. fiigured and striped . veste,Sze. ...._ _.... ._ _.. ... •, ALSO*,,Stocke, limey Cravat s , of the latest Vies, Shirts,,proveks,Thwlkerchiefii, . All of which will he sold no_the most reasonable terms, Foy cash. Gioe meaf nafl_you_will_ont. go away disappointed, JOHN BENTZ. Nerirly opposite It!Mort's Hotel Carlisle- April 9'1945; - '• 710 s Wag!. This:lrag! .....Ttit'subsekihers have jast returned' from the ci ty .witlf a new and .splemlid - assortment of Spring' and' Summer goods, eonsisting oC Plain sod Fancy Cassimerei; plain and fancy-lannensontd a-general Assortment of Pantaloon sods, and also a splemlid assortment ofifroad .thsor ARNOLD Es EINSTEIN' CrtrilslC, April 9, 1345: Bread Bakery roHE Subscriber tali& this method to inform ' By, his customers and the publietencially, that ho has removed to West Pomfret strcet,,ono door West ofJ. Worthington, Esq., where - he continues • to carry on the BRE4LI BAKERY helieves.from ihein formation reec(tod through_ his patrons, that his bread is superior to any sold in the borough. No.saleritus or any otherdccep. don is used in the process of fermentation, bp ex. pand one pound of dough - when baked to the also f a-email inflated 'balloon. Wemted not 'the aid of chemistry or natural philosophy to instruct us on the subject of expansion and compression in the manufacture of bread; this fact we know by observation and experience. Come all ye who love good homemade bread, and honest sized loaves for five coats, (larger than can be . purehased at any other bakery for same amount.) We say, eorpe and belp us to make a living for our, lies and family: — Okr okiTriewd,, the Trumpet 4, down town, having now trio establishments, and being determined to let no ono else sell, must ni,t take offence if we should get Bonk of his custopa, not because he is not sufficiently accom modating nor bakes good bread, MP for one of tie Most just causes, yip ha fins more uieulth than he will ever live to enjoy, and wa are poor; eon. senuently, nerd, a living the Most.. To live and I.7e9:ff Carlialo, April 9','1845, 4,3IEVERIUNIMEMI :I - trie. -- bti men ere to.ernp n 3 no gnat an e on the Ladies IJ - rime!) of Shoemaking. Young men that are good4Oktileii:Red Of,steatly . find a good ietit.of work and liberal wages by -ap plying to the sitheeribersein• Cum- Leaned county Anil 9,1.813. For elle,itadies. -,hilt--opened a splendid. assortment of Harageti, lialzarnies, new btyle of Alouslifi-de-laties; Plaid .In lhr children, also, an assortment-ofiloosiery and Gloves IIL-. ARNOLD & EiNsTEIN. ' Carlisle; A pril.o-,-ISTS. IPOYNKTS A splendid assortment of Braid and , StratV Bon. netanntl-bonnet-ribone r now—opening-at-Atiostore,of AIiNOLB Es FINIS thIN. Carlisle, April 9, 1845. NOTICE TO BUILDERS, riNHE Commissioners of Counties-land county, will receive proposals at their attire in Carlisle, until Saturday the 19th of April next, fortheylnii, materials mill construction of a Court I louse, it, the public square.oldie Borough of Carlisle. . Same general features whickthe Commissioners think necessary are, that the building should he of brick, that there slionlll he at least tour fire proof public offices on the lower story, that the . Coort room shouttl be on the second story, and thaNiere should be a Cupola for a Bell and Clock upon the The person wh'se plan kid proposals shall be adopted will be ro-aired iocommoncelmnictliately, ,so diat all the masonary and plastering shall be done ditring . the present working season. /toddle Com missioners al.saanako known that, whilst they par to have a building erected 'which will be use ful for all the purposes intended and in apearance creditable to? the cuuntyoo4l4do not fret justifi— ed antler existin • g, ci rcum stances i n ihourri rig so great an expense its some of the adjoining counties have done. .• • I tO - - IBERTLAIRD, .-- - - 1 ---,• - -- . : CII lIIS'IIA.N TrrZEL, Coipnaits;bners J. WORTHINGTON. arliele April-V341144, --CAiJTiON TO' Ai:~: T . ET all the world take notiee t and be careful nog) LI to buy the (sugarcoated ] Improved Inigark y6'- getable-Pillerunlealt.exety Ibex bas whit-the-we -algautere-oftbe-origintilinrentoreetl-patentee:---- G, •G. BENJAMIN SMITH, M. D. • -These pleasant Pills.posimss powers to. open ALL. the natural ('mina of the .system—viz : the -Lair, Kidneys, Skin antl Howers-4illterto unknown the-pactice- er-hledichie_)-a comitlete lola beet; the* tilithaiph 'o*et. sill other medielnes,.that many have peen led's* sup Pose they, contain sortie ,ppwer ttil mineral ; hut ltputi,eholninatina shrboctorti Chilton, Kontlolpli„d Iltudingdon and otheia Vthis supposition is dehtibe provol to be groundless. - Sold in-New yotk; at the priacipal, Office, IVY Greawich street, and alsohy--111 . YEltS a/ mycit- STlCK,solesAgents for Carliat. • . . Smiths Sugar s Coated CASE. • - Balthnore, Feb. 13th, 1545. 11,:l r. Amlrews,- , . • • • • • • - . Sir s-••l'he box•of•Dr. SMithi Stipp Coated' improved Indian Vegetable Pills.' piwchased of you, some two.months past, I found-Un thele. application 'to iny_ son lof.ttbout 15 years of. ap,j'the most happy elfect on the systeM.. fleohtd been - -Tor siffaie 7- Yinirs; 7 ol - ideliiiate.ity;licaltlirnm l7 var. Much suldoet ..feirer''.it hilIS, elbow_ As to, create alarm for his. Snore 'ilettith.lf - Alid Ow, two'or three years wt hidAn keep Jun): trent school the most-of the time. 'll.ain nOW.,fraisk topelcootel edge 'the timpleta:,riAtokaticin;4_3llAlitali.µ..aud: a • inkiiiiiiiect!ifAtApti:Aiinint enyoynteet.4:7:::• • xi,,otpq,ijilerioy.o. street ? ' Prfnaippl Offieeo79 Grennieli St; miserabie,imitation7ias seen iitade hylhe Mune, of ;tut Ur..Conted'Pllild,„l( 4swe etie/try to tie sure. hAt'Llr.•G: Bettis,* Sa4ll)AMg-; • untureig,mi•tht, PrAte g,gokiii• .• • ••'-'„Kg ents::ter,Elmiths•Stigar•Coated •1! KingitoWn, Coley & ;Api.4111!1,1845.' ' '' - ' i'' Oiteiiiiii Dea lers InfitOrs.Vnt 0 • - ' ..••-• . ' 'it et the le'siblie geiiii•ertql,:: , '..., ..,•:..,• n ; . ,.. • , kir• ~. .•, . - ~- t.,•: • •„•-.4 •••. - . , 4 , - , ' - -',.r_r_, " „ un d rit ; i ir f)e,:::., :,,, eg .. ii - ti , i'Lfzi,ejl . i ß liiiiit av , ,,._ itto 4 ;, - tion - of Mun!rY,"fit!ons•YP ll 7!9F.,. 1 !97_.., -- Tham - ia - i - are - _ - .. --,, 5 . .. - 7.;„ ~. , ... - t°,. . ~ • ;,.' ; ff il: rrEA 4 , VV.IIVE I 4 ''' . ,c4;iit,p6.ralt.E. ':'," , i" , ~ ,: w :- - .. , E . '' '• '' Ilatitg'pureliaieil OUP iliac to LI (0 1. 0 41.- ". a t • ill. are ititallid ivitho - tit' thilik" , ,, ' - 0 ' • ' f .lt'ff- 1 ,1 'ti•. 9 T o ~Cikeifil * Ph ;ilsoi 4 , f..,,,,,kgrt ~,o Au v 0 ‘P ittr * Goirdo tti'rnyi uittli ‘&o4liii ir?...! - 4:2"iii,N.6.-44. 0 .,., .- iiii.rit ‘ te "' 111 4 "l i.ta n iii 7- bti*.lgetillyiklii 'Poi' th ir' itt'ipitlytilroilii`l.t4°"t - 11 . '6' fa ttiO h e ir lileir rxro4l4e iii ifiv/O,Aita'o3lJ -.'• , . o iA rkiiii; . , Ilt.Eitittt.rattri • o' tti fk u *t= lo : , T 44 P-y.uttfli #o.3l"lieci;Ftoikfi - viiiiie,c,tirpt 4 . 1,1:%) , ‘,1,5 8 i.y.,!. '''' ' fi l iliii r i'' Aiiril 2:-1 . 45,:',-7,t;! , 1' ; 4,-4;:-.T,,-,: t . two: ,- otitihrokeiOttoc• ae:43 THE litter; pithittoTany:. per- , .'llon•ocliereonsi;-*O #lll eve (mph infortna.! l of the incendiary" or ineettilitritie'whe'!'ent fire :ro• .the:Publie-7144111.1inge:of-:.t herborciukh,tuid-ooinlY: on the night tietcreen' the 23rd and 24tIr of March'l 1845:'..1ia1d reword :to ,tie priid :oqf l'„ r ..i Y~y~.~. ~y~~N._~in APPEALS. I=l Is io oo 13 10 00 14 - 1 00 11 . 7 00 14 7 00 14 700 00 Mechanicsburg. EU :1111eti. 14 - 10 50 t 9 /0 00 j 4-00 4 . 7.00 - 13 14 -I E4 4 s, cA 4 0 4 ,0: 1 0444. - , , ' . DENTISTe" l~ op dmyon .It r. . " 1) 9r4" "e` "r'istion - . - -Ant are.rgiwire4 A ss qtyffipg, Fitiv,l 4 3 •(uniag, Ere. t ,p4lll a l , ttie loit of thttFi;ty , iiiiiertan liingre-Toothfull serf , Railroad ' — N: Ti']a "- G_octiiiu ' vilfbejb%eut ; tioin ` C~rlS"tTc toe laiiieniniiiyiOu'i;abli , ,nr,ilA: • riNVIE , in? 'his friends at!cl p gene r a ll y , publ thilif he carries - on .. •. - in nil its va linen branches, in I d elelist-A110y,.. ' redly in. renr lielloek's Chuie Farley (.N: liniment-et.) pliere,be keeps conitatitly, on bend; — eli - d - Vinlntinbrattere - to ordoe; • SecrOtiries, rcflUS, :btes•, Are. and every other deScription-ofOubiactViite=all efwilich he will sell cheap for cuah, or oxebange for country, proilu'co at market prices. He, will , lase take Lumber of all descriptions jn exclutiagd for•work. „ - corouvs•6tulp on--terms , roasonablo ot t short notice, and ho will attend funerals wrth a• splendid lionise, in teivo tOtintry, —A-Heirsw lle—respectfully folicita a -share of public pa. trennge, confidant that he can render general eat: Islaption; • WEAVER. • is2t cmaw.c3%vzN.; . • .. I IE undersigned. respect ally informs lris friends • ttrul.theAutblic.gendridly.,_thnt—lin•lins..-leasedl - will move on the Ist of April next, ko t h at well knoWii, large mid commodious • '.' • , i1a`17.1H231 - 41411 D. situated on the corner of Main and -Bat streets', _ (closeby the Jail) in the Borough of Carlisle, and qumeil by Comincalme Jesse'D. S. - Navy which house he will continue to keep an A H oust,. of entertainment, for all theito who Inpy favor him tenth n cull. He, - therefore, reipectfully:aslcs si ' allure of poidie patronage, aastitmg his risitorathat • All things-In ,his poWer shall be eohtliretell in a quiet, ienteet Way,.ancl, thay.the charges made moderate, much moreio •than wirers lie now Ime t r,-this-he-will-Em-Mtablitit , foAlidit 2 tionSeittienctit----, • "of the very„great 'difference in _the 'fent - ea-the twit • establishments, nail at the Fame. time he begs leave to assure n il, that his • • TA IiLE, 11111,..8 . E1D5, - and nil other things connected ivith,the.:conterik shun be ns gopd, if not better, that - -Whereho .- now, . . lives. Ito ,therefore hopes to merit gntl Sreemive there of "Stronnie,'..ter -- *Mak be will •.. kal;clrl , 2ot4V -77.7 , 4 rfrrie - tivtit HE subscriber - iftju4t repej,,logn.splentliti.assarp Tmeat of springand Sumtitee laffade'sqlectett with care, to which he iiroaltt iiivrto.the attention of uscha - ..ers. • ettilitnileiatriine for yourselves if yow tv tali to purchase Cheap polls; , .a. Shippentaog,Alitr • ch • lop 10 00 10 00 10 00 dinerfcan Insurance co OF PRILPELPHIL CAPITA LL 9600,0004, • MIKIS long,cstablished, Company maltep,ipliol jU either permanent or liouited, against foss or damage by Firo on property dit - cffacts of every description., , —T , , heir-terms_aralvary_teasonable :, and prriPeAv holders will do wel4 to avail Thcppelvds Of The advantages, atTorded,by them..• • • The subscriber is AGENT-rot °it? Co mpany this BaroOgh and vicinity and applicafteit to hirp,in Person or I_etter,wil.l roceive immedlato attention .7 00 10 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 _Mairch 26, 1845 iIISSCLITTION OF PARTNERSHIP'. TlEpartnership heretofore existing.hettypekthe, subscribertrunder the.krui A.tlipintigei , • it co., has fais nay b..etti dissolved by \ mutual tion sent The llookeare in the hands of W. P. Caret for collection, and tfibse indebted will plass: Cal and maj.e settlement.' • CLlP — ri }N pat, • • • • . vv. 4. P.. CATI,e..V. • • Shippetviburg, March 12. 1145 . • c..f primerat,would reslieetfullYisform'his iiends and the public generally that havingpurctia ed Carey "s interest in the aboTte . . he business. will in fixture be conducted by isinisell, atorbopes by n street attention to business, and 'Et de tcrinyudicitrio sell. goods at the very lowest , prises. • to receive a continuance of the yeyv ..patton., age heretofore eitetided to the_bstablithinent. 7 00, 7 01 . . , . •• --.-.. , '- iltemov .•_.-- - - -.. , -9111 El in b seri b e ra . 0.0,2_419 Irp-SPR.EVII C.. y.t•ttr, i he,. I Dweltiug,llonie-tatety o i: . s o th ocupancy of :Slit - - ohell•M O eCtellen,Etrn:Aotttitl n'orer greet, im mediatelLoppositittbe,itnittAT, is:McGinnis, ani I 4-few;Aoova,atiuth.otatirkit '' 'H 044yhere ha -.wiik-crlntion64,lP‘lo4l4t,.'::`''-:'.-..-= -T , ----- Utitigstiiiiig - ii .P.e . 4 - ~ iliOittass,. A . gqiieti: 2 ,, Cc. , :..•cn , , , t,' , , I will thrnish 'Hotel s Oa Dnvlltngsli!l:elietip and better thou Ono' be olidateed jtOtio'; Dale's. ` 1 charge for nothing but labitt4i•tbO ,rnateriala now be flirniebe4V at first cost. Also, atii kind of • ,Kgetioy Undoes& at.. tended, o - protorttly. ;Perms - =Dash - or harter;'• Wanted—A good Boy.and Girl, for tutus° wiirk. . • - ' ',..:ALBERTI.OItiB AUL). • 40 1 2 ;' 1 , 13 .0. - , 4;••4 , 4 . • - ''-7'' - I ''•"` '' - .2.00_ 10 50 10 50 7 00 ,7 00 10 30 10 50 10 50 10 50 7'oo L tE S' S titiltritillFACl • • JUST • , • T . . .lANkFUltifar,lowyery tettreeege be • has receivedpaelitdinterm'thEi.'tadtea or Car ufaitertit lops - ote every quality and iariefiroit ihe'fbtlowtaglolfaia,Sor . CASH, as he ki,epa helkaikati " - : imdite! Fre'neli niiroeen and deabte-" • ," • „tit,t2, l. lots 14i - oie n projuirtioa--, Al 'ere4 hoi . e fif iir - grstisptkvithtit - h - airetforlitipootq - - eeit doorto 'Atr. Gethrie,...NVetelitypter4, ..., ‘:.,(Tarltare,rebrunry 5;154,, 54-4tta.'7,-- - - , - • , ergo *llO IM10.01 1 IPS! I 44itAill;'ab ' th : litierii(#filieu!! 1 ‘ 4 $ - March 194 ' M.=_;=kl BM 'JOHN d. lifirEll73. M