t• , , MBES • • . „ , •• ••• • •• • BANK' gfolluwint.!aretheviovtetops o f the b`jit ~ ,t,e4e•Onrfer,the,-Carligile " Bank, as seenjkvihotr:ltuvertiaeiitant, t at , t he o eeke'ciTii ; ;tlift ',lll . e ' ettiCi4 l- 1 14; eteeklitiiiieia; 46,1e ; li eltVon , . . . • • . the 'sth - of :Way next, to ... dec i de upon , the 1 000 a -floe or rejection of the charter _': . • • AN ACT to. extend the . dharier''Orthe - 777"CifirglrnAir.k . • • • • . . , ..Scores Bo it enacted, by tho 'Seriatiand Homo ofßePr,e,sciitatlves of_the CiiiiirhonWeulth of Penn4lvattiii;' lierieraLA isernbly Met, and. `it ishereb,Oifiacted ihe.authority of thasahm; That,ttio.'„Cliarter,of:tlie.cAnEtqLeflOar 'and the-.!Cirnit liliereby'coriticued aild.extenclod, ifor the term of flire 'years tiornAin • expiration of •tho prethent sittijecele.; the provisions, imposed liPthio not, and to eH the.provisione filthy imposed upon-the said bank by existing laws of ithis Commonwealth, and else. subplot -to such Xurther provisidnaasthe legleltiture'may. hereafter think, preppy. to enaCt.fer:tho' roguiation.of bank ing instltOtiehs:. • . , • SECiION 2: , -Tbiriotrikjiii 6111 tles of the an id brun k, oxcliaiiiercitdetiostes, shall not at any tiara ceed.doitblo ammint,critis capital stook paid in, nor shall the debts Onvellt kind due and to become duets the :said bank, except debts dno -frocri the •§tato •of f'eniwYliania, over amount to -more than threo 'times its capital stock - paid in, • thexatid bank,shali not loim nor disConitt any when its vircclatioh , shall be for thirty consecp. tivo days equal to three times the .ainount.' of ppecie,.and-notevof epecio - paying — .banksi - in - Re possession, belonging to . saiCbank, and' balances 'standing to the cre dit of satitkotilt_ in any _ Altecju_ paying bank convertilde 410, opq.cie at the plea •• sure of the said Immix of Carlisle, . SacruM 3. In addition to the returns which the said batik is now required 14-1 aw to =lie When notified so to do . by_j_kc, kOdiier_QcgriersLif-slittli also return i .on tho oath ti;ii.et r lfi tuition of the cash ier, n stntoment in tabifine'form,'shoWing first, the 'what, timeuM of Its liabilities, second, the amount of tights r,lue,or to become due to said -baniq-exoept_rin..beforP':-Mile.intudoipd iT iipun.. the: return so made, it shall appear that its liabilities or aveiliible.dellt;-dni or to hecomo due•sto it,ex cept.as before excepted, shall have exceeded for t.orty consecutive ays a .any guar e' o eus . year three-times, the artiount of its capital stock paid in, or that its cireulatiolf was grouter for thirty consul:aive days than three times the a ' mount of ri peeio ickritii - pobife§elon, it - Shall he th - ci ? a- - tlufy-of-theitutlitortieneral-forthwith - to give no , lice thereof to 'the Governor, who s hall issub n. proclamation, which shall be published in one nentspaper in, Ilarriebutg, end, ono plip . r in the vfeinily Of said bank, declarir4_ite ebnrter for 7 _ ()into liquidation under the provisions of the ect.of the lhth March, 184'? . , entitled; An. Act lb provide for the to. surnpt*rysiffspeelopa3msents-brtiferbariltirufrrh*: CommoniVentth,and for other ptirposiiii,'" Seption et, 11,1te „ittockhoiders ••of the Corliste Darik:phita.te thotereditors ofthe said. bank; -in 1 line Indivolual.cappetty,,har, the tit" ieediing thd.per Vane of the stock owned and pus. fie.,'Fed,hy• . thorn-Taspeotivelf r atlAl,fite mariner nf =-7-WW,rern• - "'•"„ • - - in (*offing circumstances by_ reason . or the' Min: I in:trine - mem' of - its affairs, nod is compelled to make on assignment, undef the_ prOvisimis of the . second section of the act passed, the-l2th rhy of March,.A. D.:lB42,.entitled " Ae . ..et to provide by."thti ban 131,0- the aseilloces so appmeted shall proceed( to make a fair-and equitable Opprniseinetit of the assets of the_suia Wok- of eve)) , description, at Llicir cash valor, and also to make a list of all the iiebts due by the Said bank, and if it shall appear.. that the assets an softie - it:ill to reederin the notes •hiatrculation, the .stneklielders of Co said bank 'hull he liable to indlee Lp snail defirtelicy hi pro• portion to ilia respective urtumpet nf'stm.ti held iv • pitch at-the time such assignment is malt ; Pro. Aided; That their joint liability shall in no case .excad - the amonnt of filo par value of their stork , - Seetrari - s. — lt shall be the duty er the assignees aforesaid to cause aspire facies in The nem, of i a, by this prihhonntary of Alio court of common pleas of Cumberland coo ty, ugai. sl all the stock• holders of the said bank, reciting 1110 Mllollllt of such deficiency and requiring thciii to appear tit, __Alie_rumt_court_ocoiniunn -ploas r insaid—cuunty, to-show cause why c;ecution should not issue -..gainst them for such amount; and quell scire fa ';!'cirts. shall also set forth the iiim.atiollq doe fro., .each of the said stockholders, and it shall be' the . of the sheriff of enmity to serve the writ:. repiding, within his liailitVick, and it shall-he law• Jul for the next court 01-comitom pleas, nr a jndgo in vocation, to make such ortioqiniinferetiec to giving,notice to stockholders mei-residents in the . Fourity.and-namoci in such will, as the case rosy • require. •Previeleil.,Tat tho noire factmt gll) not &halo. ity reason of 11lb-flan-joinder irf any, atockhnidur, and in_entati ht, .61)&11 aeptiar ,thst one nr inure parsons in N o 'brit named are rjut I i IA! tinder thoprioteikhoris of this act it shall wet viti ate' the- pri*end:lng against the miters. . _Section 6. On the rettarii.day•M' coil] writ of ,ectre fooito, it sho•IF he the ditty of said cowl to render:judgment against this stneklielders narnpil oria..prooess fur the ariurunisl'or which they • aria'respOntively liable r if no sufficient canoe shall __,be shawls:to-the contrary, and to alluird tvrits of execution as in other eases. bection-.7.. - .FR4ry•ltitliiidutd olio ow ilea stock. in hie or her dO-n nointor in tho &woo a uny other. :person , it persons, nt trio time or such es• , .signnient,sbaif ho Alueniud liable for ,his or tier prepoiiionOindor„the iliovisions of this n i et, but it shall ,be lavvrul fdrAny.„stockholder of the said ---.bank-;.either-4efitrt-nflineres--sfralt-hrt --.--,Srt,n-listiiid'..to.:ro-iriOkrittir 1)0110-H.0- 5f cr-illar° . of liabillti•Au. the asslgyfeas p -atiti reeeiv . o a full iiischarge,Jrom this,uttttft,arid the process atll l be-"only- , Einly-adiitiiht-ifiu other -atockhol: - dent thitiiii4liablii. 4 - -.. -' ,• • . • Sccultiti".k. Thu siva - re:l provisions of the act of the 14th Of"Junc,•lBB.fi;;iiinitled, ",An Act rulat• ing to assiknoes fur the 'benefit of*cditurs and. other'trusteciO:Shall boleld to ap`ply to till as• •Igiirtientslnalle by the.:,maid bank ,yttliether under the provisirpos qf. t tho'eirlif,sepinid roolldit or the act of•Oth ofl4 ..ifichel. - 844; or othorti.ise, and the ' courte,i shall exercise) all the payters therein giv• on iwadditiontolthe ankbority conferred by this . set : to corupq pottfonionti.of.Also accounts of thu autos:., and to: ab , ,i3Scry act necessary and, • froper to acconi'plish Ifni; purposes of ,tho trust arid to compel.distributi'dir of the Toney. awl as... • . acts .in the hands or '`power ofithe - said:uisignces ,amongstithii Creditoro:ontliliteiienording to thu - . Just proportion duitu'onch::, - k . , , ,i., :, „,. - ' •• ' ; Sectron - 9; TWO , satd.i.etieleritit*CiliAll Paliiiiit Of the eseete;' , tiliti';er,i4Sicty.ofs. - tlid'ariid-isinie. i? vete° of any iissigni,notiOlnile'bts.ind, iishilitie qf•.the same ,, in .the ' Royking- c c cc ccc f.LEirst.liio o_ --, 1 1 - preie49, secondTdspolitOys;itiiiO4t)Cotlior oredi tors,Oxcent,siookbolders,"*lie)..sitall lia , bist•paidr ~,._., i Section ::-' l.O. if aily;:sProstdent; Cashier,' .nr any , ~:other offieere.e:eleit'.of thise4ii, , hankshall fti4o; . , •Itlently.ein?liezzlo,Or appreiprietto4o4iVenvil use or :fp the use',Or Any, , othiti ,, :nersoit.leit'litianns; ta tt y, sponof or bther'trsiporty •holtrepip,tgtlyt'Atti l i-to-, • htituticiti; cflett:;,oitb`4lleilipiti*ti itie:inai.;da :. 'Osiii . .eie otliOrSviedijini'Ot.thay,liperi;.eanvlction of susii.Otniae'sholf.b6;oolo. in. , ,, a urri,,not lola than , r_ffie 0 ffl,6lll)kOP. IpOriptlMO ~', s 3 lo oo . d.tMuffi.en'l •.:9V-60d:W.;ItifilOrgo:-tipittistoßptoitt L in pilOsar, the ~ ••. . ,si.ato filch lint Usetatity . bo.'l4:lo!kiiitt :,:: ip . septir4tc.o tisoliteiry,tilonfinonannt , at lalior i .i.foe , :tk , ;snski . tere4 - liOC,eiecneding .two if° sris':: at: , the Ais (1:. ;' ~ . 41 4 .onik?fihiloiliirt,,i -/P/Voided,. , ..Thitt iliilittlt.:ttOC, - r::::ltiiitentk!titiy+c-foitittii,oi , ,L person* oigilgyeCrioat , l i #Alittitiit'f'o, l o . Cii 41, ciir: civil , lii , in odi yeti iii t :stieth --; . :lorsoit of qtottiiiitif.rf.::•, f --. L'' '' ', : f .'. ''. ' T:' ~,..-;,;?p!Ehtcrpitt ::1.1i , r-Tiler, - , 'bib! yen ay '..fiif , said ' , batik' , , ounia tranduleat unlopty tho.oralcit OA, ri ,,, :.0 1 •Pr ie44 r,,!.P 64 ',0/I:l4lgution..tirluivelisen.T . Utily:iiiiii.. :2:1t)1161V01',347.51/lit i t , bra ti,genet•nily'.::*,llk ithp•, • •qt , .::.-eompei t witiw r aVE4l4.S.liWt!..,tigefifs, 'tf!io,tY.lrtg', ~ ..- l itto • - 4 ii.), 1 / 4 4.7 , ,.. ,i 4ll ,', l ;ylc.ett:ttri,•:btiunl!-by,.h",Y • _,.., ••?"..- ''..,•-.';'' .0, .!•••••, -, •:',•,1: , ;',.;•i'-- '''•••. , •, , ,• . 1.- , - ?, '• - :•r,,t,',. ,t.. • ~ . ..°4 5 ,454•Zit1it",.., 6 4 fiiiiilitleit( itiitolliiii; t t 7 irerriiPV:6loo;bi l ik-.h • ••••' I,' •'' • i • - ki:•''. 14i 4 iiii" 'ittr‘olitin ri - - tk illif:X' w 9 °°:" 4 ?C• ':'•'':t•ii'r . .:1 cliii'd.',l[l ) 'o-41 03 4, 4 . 1 , ii , •••••3'.'Al3 l .PlA.9FJO:Ottrt , •;i:', , •+ kailif i g . l 7 4.•,. , 1 7:1 0 , 11 ,•111, : , ,catilalt; null ) •-lite •r• g .- 41 . 4 1 44 • '."? • . , r! Rg,"° 1 9 14 0 ,theviii,4 ~ ;"4:;',!Ailr4.,re • ~td, .RP RPte.,,41.1brpt40,1*,,i0,110., g„i;...z.,,..„.•,, : 0 , r.—°,n. 40.- 05 1- 4,1,br itt . .rf, .•0 ~$7 '%,1 1. , • ,11 ! 1 1 1 ° P.f , ;# nl9 l ltr o „ 4 4A , 403 4) .ot, ' ik...„•i • • 1 ,, t , .. .. , 0,, .. I l k g . 1 111 40 .,.. 411 4144 111 PA t:i 3 Ittitl : I C •.' '!•1,.. ,' O i r. t i1.krt5 , 4) 1 1 43 P),41100.,:i4 it,C ~1 .;7.,, -V, . 201 vPkiv:1104 . 1.V46,0tuditi4t* ' g . ~I t.„ki. i rei o e ti o q b, 4l.?p, : pf:mo‘,w4ittiir o oloi p o* #t :' - -q ii r,,-. 11 : 11° , 1 ° 1,5 0' 0 # ( 01 5 0 i. 0 i 1 . 1 t.,Pki !Xi '0 4 .4 t' , ' , ..r4l l ft•PP./0. 1 ,i99 04 rti05.ih..01:1104111#Y1 04 :: J.; ±,,.., , • .•,: 4O AftilkoC-9 1 94 1 1iii4VM ~ ~ VA • •'•• • ' :".•' ::',. iiii r 7 ' ! IePPOW I rtes44- 1 . 0 .1 1 ~,- • ,i• de fatici r ,„.,,.., ; ,.,....140k; llts'w tct T 5OtlPXt2 •fi,,kl Y. 0, . 1 • ...,.:„...!,,,,,...: 5, ~ , ,.,•:7,, . :i,,.. ,:t - n:i, ', , ,i! ‘ •:; 1 •:•: , 1 , '.',1 : : • ‘ • r• • •:p' . :, , i; , .- ' • ',...7,1 ,— ,••7': " • ' • " - " ,-, t7 7, j" - P " ';' , ! 17;• • ' "i'; 9 ;::P .' ", '' .l.. i', ';',.Z::1•"••• ~.e, :::„:„,...,,,,,,y,;i::;:.,.,..,::;•:::,.......,;,:;.:,*:,::',..,..!,,',,f,,i,18 RE EEO • aha 'oe, , iisSots3o4l,tokilikAplo, , ,,ntupber of shares .. ofhe, cititipitfolOptt,; : tiipttlia. inn nacassOrX,:tiklia. paid for the, sußk- as-'. tiosied oin notilbOiiiirol . ksfoiLlield,bi not: Additiaaja bIO7 briWafe,riabblinCi.ifk Tf at notion for4;noct an,this section Mita! , ho cotaalrued4ts to conflict '- - t ith-ihe thisr a bi; , ; , Emzeltlorr:l3'; Antonia iisiOsied..:on 'tint iltares,OfranY; the last•septinn.nhall' not „ba.cellSetett frcin,nuelf stock holder" by;reaSnn of his insolvency - or his, ab-' 'senic - frerretifiriEltirto ;- , thiritintentainititrkluelOo. sal3ll Ossesiment 'Shall be. rociAlefahlb ' against the pprson fromArltunAlic:delinquent btpcichplqor at driy.titpe,wlthin six months previennlct the knock . - rency'ortkit field bank shah have v of a tean 'lir attic shares or any portioti.of the' sharei;then hold by him, and any -person •heving. mode Such tra usher. shall be ,in the same manner 'and for the same p roportion, tiat he would have •been liable hail ho continued to huh! 110 shares so truns(erred. • . . • Section 14. term stockholders, as used in the preceding sections of this ant, shall extend to Arrtirequitable owner of stock appearing on the books of the said bank et-the time of its insolven cy; iniker name of another - persoO, and to beery person wlto shali• ; •hatie advauced,thelttetalrirenhi , or purch,iiite . nioneY of any shares of etodlr ing in thq.namo of any of 'llia 'children under the age of twenty-ono years . ; ,htit.'ho person holding stack is an executor or administrator or ti`s•tuar: .than or trusteo appointetl•' by a last will or testo• mint, or by,a court-of 0. - on:potent authority, - and ho legal or equitable owner of stunk under We ago of twenty:one, years, shall 'he iddividually re spAnSible on ay,cObni ofthe shares so hold. 15: — 'f'ICTEffirifirrediricrier used in the *.precedingiseetiono uhull •bo censtroed to apdy to Ahr:AMA, Imnit nh nn it i n pom p oicd_ l4 ,- 4 , assignment according to the provisions of the . fourth section of this act : nd it KIM be thereupon the duty of thecliractorb 1, the said bank for the ys allir ouch ase,ignment, tg,fileitt_the.effice_of.the_ prothonutaxy_of.the_eourt_ of eenunon pleas of 'Cumberland county, verified by oath or affirmation, kfull statement of its af- Airs containing: I. An ea:lout:tor capital stnek of the bank,Aho amount- paid -in r and-the-einount-of finch c4poration u. H. The quantity, deehriptlon and value' of the real estate of the said bank. • , 1. The shaies of stock bold by the-bank, whether absolutely or as • collateral sceqrity l, with the,Vnumber and value. IV. The debts owing to snid bank, end the a mount or said debts that are - then Collectable. V. The amount of debts owing by the said bank. with the amount of notes or bills in circu lation, amount of deposits,' and all othor liabili ties, together with the amount of .its loans and. _alseou_ntsLatid ofsoccie on _hand.' , -VI. A particular account of tho 'Josses of corporation, and the cause of its itivolvency.• VII. A., accurate list of the, names and real. denersratitrltre•=amotrovcrf-atnelr-tralt stockheddor in said bank, at the time eland for I' ix months prior to the time of the said assign. intrit. [,...t.;ci1 ,• in It, fr Ai•setturt shall lic lif session i'aicn the saiririffliptilliirrireill,lllrinTiTirTlitilr he _in.turdiately prt.setited, to the court by the said Ills colors fur c ... ,.:ii.44.4..i.1.6.74tiCag noun' shin,' - . po tttd 4.4 py4.oT thre-iit•Aibiflif-tii&;l6l-iefriefivii.tiet;;nbiPir-stati LktreTipon. be the'Aluty or the court to appoint three °competent, auditors, who shall be duly sworn or'atlir toed, to mielte n strict investigation of the affairs of such hunk, Cni37 - iecuracy and fnir nessuf,the statement thits,presepted to the :cowl and to perform their ditties with fidelity. Section 17. 'The auditors thus appointed, slia.ll have poster to compel ilieT" - nt TiLu - clion,of, the books and papers, and to gulipoenn and examine the di. t rectors and oflieers'of the said bank, and gene. 1 rally , o hove and exercise all - lhe authority ndw conferred on auditors-by the existing laws, and I after having performed their ditties they shall re. port to the court tire result of. their investigati , n, and in ease they report that the insolvency wad frundelect, it s h all be their duty also to ascertain ',and report the amount due fron i t the several dime, tors, according to the liabilities imposed by the provisions of this art, Section ';li r e said t_..t.,ihAi-tin.,rEttrrnri proceed to of the mutters con tamed in said report, mid shall determine whet:her the insolvenev of said bank watt - fraudulent or otherwise, of if they deem it necessary fbr - the pier. .-pesesofjitatices Inv direct nn issue at the rdquest of any person interested, to try.the factor fraudtt lent insolvency ; and' irate judgment of the court upon the report of the ngditots, orppon the irer (Set renderi:il upon such issue, shouldbe that the insulyeneyu,f such book was fraudulent, then and. in such case the said court shell proceed to decree against the directors the onionnt dee from ,each according to their several liabilities, and theisaid court of coma on pleas for the purpose of carry ing into effect the'previsions of this setsliall have the lame povvere . pnd authorities to obtain OM so pentanes of persons thus mode amenable to their iuristkietion z .tind to ennipel obodiendo to their or dere and decrees and enforce execution thereof, as are by law veiled in the said courts in cases of trusts. sff.ti“n 19. That it shell he competent for the stockholders of the said hnnk.at tiny ennuil meet. Mg, or aria special meeting convened fie the pur, pose recording to law, by n vote - of at. leant four fifthsin number and value of those present, to ex empt the dirrbtors from all thediabilities intended o,,,the special benefit of paid sroeliliolders as set feitit,in-tho-pruntallig-sa-ations-a-sliis-act • : See et aim II not, gni rite ope ration unt,ll4t4litillAttie been accepted by a Ina. jority of tlii4t4ckltiilders.,that. may be present tit a getferal iiionliti"g,a,:sitiitAtoehltoldate, to ho called for that pnrposo'liyjlto Oidittirsufenid bank, - who shall give I wentv:';dazi li4iCejif said meeting. .action tio- _ 4 A • solidify OS in here itri•jtorspor supplied be' and OTC spine liereliy ..• • seutitin 22. Tnat theleginlat ore hereby reserves the revoke or ennulalio eir the slid bank, wlrnererin their eittnion ittrety be injUrions to, tho eltiiens of 'the coninrionivealth in, such manner however Mid no injusticoehtill be done tiktlie corporatorsthOenf. • • , •‘ ; Inr,i nipriptpt V On the 2D tit nit., by the Rev. N.L.Stroh, Mr._ Sinox_i)n yr,: of, Aleehaniesburg, • to Mips Al4inv ANN DIXON, of this . place. v t )n the 25th tilt., tiy thd'semit, ; A: z jo,:,:. seen; BESIIORE, of Wost 'PennsbotAP . **l shiti,,lo, Misei CA-ritintrin Arow,.of 41Iiiktil: V Tu'esday ••Init,'kylt;the:y.439* . i ,`:lo,4,§:lZ . 4 , Sehneelt„ Mr. qiintsTiAN - Al4o4';'P - t 00 . , , : E,,z,i,ETII FORTNEY, all of .S It i iiptixeliOr ' ' I I VOn' die 20111' , u1t..; - by the' ReyA1i,W....1,,,i' ~K iefimei:; ; mi;.',HEN Flx GnoilciEVOf. 7 Eretilt, • *ntty, _to, IYliii, MAltookttf+;:i3ippm, - <,io 4hil!..plece. ,, 2:- .. ,-. - ,'„:, -7., ' -: ~,,,- . -,r -„ : 1 ';:nr.r Al i -' - Veil the 10 Wit.' bi.O . k o 'Rai...itinidii Wilecni:Air, jriOmiks.BfAClFE to Miss Et:tiorre qtoopteus, all '°f•Wet4,P°°ol?-PiP'l9W-60aillt:i. ' Mm In : o - u i t .'iu : ~-,''.. .p: .•, *.„.*EPI" " :c , , , k , iur!tay; li4y; ifconge si lv ' o: i . e ver, rs.,inymmttAtt'ctughtet-or-Williand ,dieaa deceased, 2n414.01180it 01Pcorge Murray.; iii,t e. 3th lo- r . Mer. , aii: ,Sh'e -ortietryfromia,3TluF4ll(l:wie, ilona ; Ad*,6, attentive m?t!rt;,air , iimbls uncrsiii'' , On':ifte`,6"l' • -s/i . '' ''. -,ro-,or-47,;:y:74.-,,.4,„ icit of , ro6 1 1 . 0 $ i.i'.r .1k4;;Gif42.,AH.4.., ~_.. :2's-eais7-:.--,:.,%11°,44,P'ar01in0",(4i1i;M1 i . ,,, i „,„„,- 11 ' , to , i ,... - ,,,, . ' L'; A , :i: , 71,;‘,. ',.., '.... , ~,,' - " ' '416431n;g. ethidima, , „ ' 5 ; ''';' '''' ‘;1/,'„ 10i}1e44,40, itl,,tiTii.itililti.4.l,ii,,:;.,l„, pulmonary affebk,,,V,tcti*,..o,oocti,a: 4.4,ite: prdorjethi , 6f ,!: i i i . : ,.. , ;:-. ,; AmNi i. . 004 , 1 agTt!', l ?9.t:.aolcirid .7 ' , la7j'4)Pfg-A‘rgOliii. ,Vo;t1 . '' 1; ,E; ,'` ; P: .4ttiV(ra,SC'iVe ' 04(11 iftiret4,;—i.l'L-'''..g: POP 19,WPShrp;• grs ' JANE;,,i,-,t trAr..tiiufbli.l64 724 year 6r:her ' ' c..,'' . c ?Pi.alritt:iii tiii' :.,,,,: 4, , ~e,..110,01'(',::!;• ' ,:,,', zte41+,'7.,4,44- , .., ~, ~,,.“,.),-:4.,,',..,:4‘i IZES P"..) ^ :'ll l ENTlON . .c ; ',. ) ; '`;' # ' f.„: the • Vic ,071' , :tiiAk46:4(1110riteltoolli itiwNlPll4ak 41416 ; dffoOti,tliiiriAiitihe4,,Siltrot." l 44,ayt7io#3l-5k ;/( 1 04,t1921 . 4e10qN0'1'01.y. , a 01.1.iii,4r;AtAKPIVIAF'. 1 ?1 , !; - ,; 3 7 , :0 g 0. ) ,,) :4 ,~ ~~, ~ - - '2 400.0 Wednesday Mornint, Apr11:16,4845 . . , i;r" V . . 59 Wig street, "Pllgadoblik;'!itrid iV;gosatiLlitrect,'L(Tritiguo 113Ultdlugo)'Nov 4 *ortc, arid .SOutli,oaiecoinefl . of Baltiirioro rind Calvert itrcelii, Baltitnoru is' our aulltiorizoir T Agent T for.locoing 7 agvortiacmos.ta and sitlisbrjottoria to tileLtsca IlnruLo romp' Refand- collecting-and, reccii)ting for the Nam. Boiough 4 ppolitimeniii::, 03 - At a 'minting of the ficw,Goimeil, on Saturn day biier4g last, anMigriniption Was 'effected by the . election of :ilia following Accra. beloncl Nom.; we arc glad to :see, hat boon . elected,. at -keilidieg-officor,a-.porepliment.juil.PucCitchra. long rind' faithful services . in our munieipal.l.ieghaz: Injure ! At the panic tinio.,tho following aimotift• -meets ri , crii made for:tho vatirius! . pfliaps in . 'the' gilt of the Council. We.. have 'no doubt the' proceedings of the .Whig tiOunell filth far wIII . , prove.mittrety aatialectory to the community,. President—Colonel Armstrong Noble. '1 Tieesurer—Nathaniel . Clerk to lis• e ania rcv IVeightuaater—tlishii 1i0)}1o ; * . Street Regulators—Major John Harper, Jaeol) Spangler, and .191i11 Turner. - IffghlConstablu , - - -§ergnant - lohn - L -- . - Boyo. - - Colic.ctor of Borough Oar —John Walker. From Harrisburg. ----- c&'llt s e — Leirislatur9v!w - to - hdocratlioumtd yes terday agreen!ily to ..1.,-..l:ia;Miticin foiasCd some lime shies . So verat%i were pending rrit °qr:last .ace!annttli tho.trito o which we have not xity•fearite'ao . , ,, :tko bill, re int uis hi ag .to tho• company. the riaouitt otXtiralc'geld in that company, (870,0001)p1 bocorne 'a laW.'-- Tho bill rechartering the carlislo Bank has aide become a law, and wiligiio fottrl.lit today's pa lier.__The hill for.the orcetlon of a State Ai - liana for tho IrranaTi hirsTalso Illunday morning a megirgii — WaTse - iVrd 7 rem .I.lroC. a 4o uttcp.ta.na,mmandr - 1. —,-, rare by - tiler: cent„fito itts. urg. ' the uuso a bill Was paesed„,approprlating 450 - ,000 for that narposertind also reacasity fiat city .. frcita..the, inetrtiii - StaTrTaTorlisr a Iltsiltrtriforluir— , reralciiC r e of Fi t ~~ ~'' Ade Cna.be clam). rorry .. eikinitius, Nur Ili and Soutli..of this I,oi•iiugli; another fire was -in full blast in 'Dismal Swamp, Virginia, at the lard accounts.; Gnarlier in 'Dauphin,. and Schuylkill counties, in this Stare . ; another in Miii-yland, and rtiinoua fliarrhiVe liCan ragingi diewends lit different ports of New Jersey, but they have pro. cineed no ruin._ 'Meantime the earth is parched, vegetation checked, and all basilicas of 'Tricot tore ruinously -effected. •tj'' Our oerdont.h.imid, Gitt, we see'is dawn up. on 'tin harder •than ever in yesterday's' itiles ‘ tuan .7 NV 9 vcry much afraid he'll be the death of us yet ! We emilstand such tcrritpl a onshoights of slaughtering siircium very_lang ! \Ve see, too, that Mr. Gitc has got a new string le harp, on. \Ve are roan-figkii4H4B4oC.Hajg-tl Ilia o{aiuio t. Wily~how-p't— diculuus is you who arc the nristo s e.rat, Air. C. 'w,t3.o; but artatocuifi, dint receive finished Clitlcll.. tiOns,lit'etilleges, ever - think of quoting the Creek poets,and talking Latin, so efegantly, and familiarly as you do, Mr (alt? Every body of Mi.. Gitt'a high — order of ginius is an arieocrat—ther6 is no doubt of it ! • go-I.#e loitrn that on baturday afternoon lad, in Harrisburg, too. 111. Lantrtan, a Tranacribing Clerl in Ilia liousr.; severely eoiehi4d the corres pondent ol.tho Philadelphia' PerinsYlvacian,' fur sonic runnrlts reflecting upon the character or . Canicrun,Gen. contained in a letter which ap-' poured Unit day. cc" -, An attentive reader ,f the Statesman' can not help remarkingthatilic editorial lucubra lions" of oar talented friend, Gilt, aro of vary uncinal merits .As an instance, tho " weekly gossip" in yesterdaY's paper—of course from his' onrn pen:- is really. a "touch above" the ordinary run—full of originality, quaint Immor'and touching pathos rhicdr page it must ho confessed aro rather in a ditibient.and inferior „vciu-: tiO),V do yuti account 'for ,tids‘Nir,. Vitt 1 •lUo~~vi~t3t-Nilrv€-I'ol+p~inFieec i= The-jdryin-thireasolotTolly-Modine-ichorg ett with murder of I . t.:r brother's with, Mrs gousomon;on Staten 1511111(1,14: Y. have brought ' in u verdict of murder the fin: degree, hut re. .commending the prisimer to the more) , or the court:: The trio 4 has been going on in the city of, diew York forlast ten days.— Econotwi. is ireallh. LOOK-lIERE iy Greatißargnini in eteth(ng. —The Iragest assortment of firm ready made Clothing over oared in .CariisleAs- , rfenalling' rc.li.ortlC' at: in the honed adjoining 1110 rof.t Ofilee: • As •fiteso . re . from AV ilkin; 00:041ahritod,Chithing Establishment in Philo:, .4910,144, the . publi can .clopond• on •fin ding- gentla 4,lfAtiOr - fitteat iinality,, , dOnsisting of „fine Prole — eV pr and Frock 'Coats, ant.iii tit r e very latent' .(.0011kiiii;',Suvarfine''Patterna,' Cassjrnore :Tants ' , front;;-fine. ' atiperior 'English briatsr'Fine Satin . Va4tEi?' together ',with. aseri_iiin4Lelniking..soitingiall-tasteti eurne!anCe's: Tins inkhl in'aio - Aesilested tO lvvolth7 , tho preindfdo' _ fa'adi... ! nad o , . garments tut title stock is niartnfaiiturid 4y. best 'Philadelphiii#Orktrier;and eat in'tcriannta which elegance-of, stylo.cannot . bo ainpassed r . terriam "er. 117ILIstf$SODP$2, Noith aticet,,joka -,,• • ' ' • • , 77.17d,IrtVZNITT) seem - ill - I et Av tf , nml;ii si Y 'lei al I thg dottes 'of-Drtiiest-aildiAt)etlieesty, - -'rThir sitire'ivtlt7herez: ';'' 2 4;l!PErV,TltitPaiii#t t4c , 9l4qTale. 'lloNDAlETilp:ooiMillat;NATNtvr n;:forllukOrtiood,Cif w of tliiefip ' o`nth entitled ] ill '1 4 1; . ; Tii5FOlCTak!C : 4 ),:#000114YOTIQ Or, tACIII•aj3EIe : ,o hozbuitsi ti4' eY4 01,610 he; , j: ,t) , , 4 41 x, 4 ,, ireeN 7 ) ;ll/144%tV. , , , ' , 7 l lrA r:Fro - ristiiikorkth A; c*n36.l : lllley ,ATtrio l iio , ..by,coo W 111,6 TOul Iri hitejait -4411.690*tat0w-b-Y:00 Iliniebeit*d lute Pieq - thoilitighlyitipaired.-Paa-, kiitgeiiio,44tll,,tror4e; . ,e,t,rqq_gßie,'tre raau yis )1 : Ors tiliptkliala, - ; arts InifitecA to - • -Tortnri:ioileratc;end;-'oory . qtterilian' paid :Jo tlia eettifortand,convenioAcelofkstao - Who - liatkelif:' Ate' tho ostobliehnent., -• , • -.• lIME 'irc'Ait' v - • • o int tiici room r;11„: (64iltierlv Oceppitill South Weit k.orti6r pf . a jrclea:ritt silienitk. Sloth 0 . ?4 - 70- 1S• eikn.ati4 - um a x . 4 • .75 • • : 6 , 4 6 4- - Stapie and Fancy, noltsisting in part, of ClotjuilCas-.... si mores, ,!ititifietts, Liictis, Gnmbrooiis. S'liinnuer .Cloths, VeStings, Silks,. poinhazinesi . Bulzarinos; Littias,Cespe: wins Cgathrics, `4" . .silkiont;:.-nanli,elieEklifirtiiir , lttii.ilins, - icoes, hauls ;~tivuuks,. Ticking, y'clvet Cords ' Cotten ,Aesoriptiotis, Carpet chain aiul Cotton, infrrGthribFailai;Ptiritsclii,Suitslattleti, , Gloves; . • ALSO; Veholetisond - well'setented stock of C . 6. - oirds;"ciiiiiliitipg Ira . _ .t.Atsci 3 Oreacery, Glass and. queenstrfkre .or sari oua anil gitalitlea . ,togethar wi:(loAiStne-. -roniellterarticlai emapri,sing - tt - complete - thulten.— erg. assortinent-,alVof ' which lai.Offeea foi , sale rat very low prices for'citsh`... Iler respectfully, invites • . • . turr - • o give tint call, Inasmuch as:lie : feels confident that he can sell goods its low as any pother house in ihe borough. • • ROBERT IRVINE, J r. Cilijisle,April 1.5, 1345..' , 1111V,V1C,17 ,ANDEItSON - up ETU S ins sittect.orthainks to trioso of his Sal eititet4thrbush. whose - .exertions the. Gtc which broke atiali jilistoro on thonight the 9th of April wee sebiltiedi and the principitt parhof his stock sated frottitiestruction. Re silt, sincerer' thank than friends who, without ins knowledg , contributed so liberally in money towards covering ;his loss: Being n young man and without a fami ly, he felt It to be his ilut) , to decline receiving Ike ontributions which their generosity would have placed in his hands; but 10 takes this opportunity Of inforinintr all ills friends and fellow citizens, that ho has again commenced business, and that he will Vrortly, tare a fresh stools:of god& on' hand, and wilf-lar-htrpir:, • tulevratt - thinrwito teririirgliir- I 1 11 1.110 pramni74shin, in the way of bpp . iness. Carlisle, April 15, 1845. ' • _ --- • leer • • THE ilisynsini or in' Cliittithtpu . ti to Rios% s, - Sitigizet unit 'his Mort. in Minitingiesliiiii.to Vß lik sons; .1. &'l.. lecigle,• . • b ft,oE.Mtilf%ttWM.. books of th his fortner'ettitiliiitnt a e,nt to-conic fOr.. vwd 10106', dottymnl CC ttle tkir accolAnis. t&i LA.. A LL:persons bre -hereby notified that the (rest amount of_ 611:01In 3: W. BRICK Elt and burs 1i1t.03 DT,' — I:ll4SigliCOS of Henry MA of Monroe lownship,Cproherland county, under deed of veil-, untar'Y - ffilisignment for-the this day presented to-the - court of CotiminmElets.Of said county onil fad: end tlfat tlio said:court hen tippoinfed Tuesday the. 29th of April instant-, ne the argument court to he hol+l 7 a4-4.4' isliste for its al— lowance and that the same will then Inc allowed by the court unle,s muse be shown - why said accounts should, not be allowed. 'IIIOS. ri. CRISW EDT., April 14, 1E4.5, by the court. BRIGADE INSPECTOR'S ------- rder.' lIT corolled;llalitin and Volontrors gubject to military duty' within the hounds of the let Bri gade, I I th Division, P. M., are °Meted to parade by companies under the command of their respectiyu commanding officers, on Monday the sth day of May next, and tho Begitnents and Battalions for .inspec non under the commiind of their respective . Field Officers, us follows : The let Battalion of 'Cumberland Volupteers un derrile,sommand of GA. Bmnd Alexander, at Car- Mriniley Au 12th day of May next. The 197 in /itignment P. M. under the command ot-bol. Armstrong rkohl, , ,nt the same I inte - tind place. I'he t 1 Battalion of Cumberland Volunteers un der the C0111111R11(1 of Mapr John Clendenim at Me- Chaniesburg..on Tuesday thellth7ififily tfext. — TIM' lat Battalion of the 86th Regiment under the eon - intend of Lieut. Col. Joseph Ingrain, at the same time and place. • The 2tl• Battalion of the 8601-Regiment at °ye toes Point, on WedneAay the 14th day of May • _ • The Ist Battalion of the 23d Regiment under the command of Col. 'folio Wyncoop; at Mount Rack. ion Vhursday . the 10 Or day, of- May next.' • •,, Tho . ,quieberlaud Drays under the comniand , of: Capt. Bennie' Stewart:At the same tlem and-pia e - er - urNity4l - 141ronFriday - ,ilie , F6th-of-qtley - nexh -- 'l'lto-Ist-Begiumpf Cumbarlittullrffutileßiiin-° liar the a:miniml of Col. John Hoed, At Newvillo nth Friday the 10th of May next. - Tho 2il Battalion of the -. 1..'3t1 Regiment - at th e same timaans l .l4ao• • ' The 100th Rilginiout under the rommntn) of Col. Dewy .. .13,1101816c,mt._ 1 3 - hipponsburg on S . :nerd:l,oo 190 day of May 'MA.' • ' The Shipponshurg TroppAntler the commarid of Capt. J. A. Young, at thelaine *Oa tmd place, The Union Maids. uridtktld:Oiiiintiand Of Copt,' David Wherry, 4 the satn&-ctrueendidnee.• Tlio-Mount ReEk TadOpiniOnt liight.lnfantry-un , s ler the command of Capt. Itlidatltii'at 'Otani) Mite' Maiilkeo , • any order of: . - .' ___. • 11. , 'REHitAR, Brig. triap:_ 1,„ .... , , ;181-- Brig:llth Div.. I'. ;AL - Drimitio itrapector! 0111c4./ . -- ' "-•- - - •':a-',..-: ~. ' 'Carlieile; Aptil 1, ?-,111-1-5.5 , ' i' ' - • :if-i' , 444---fik.. 1 . ' , .'4' ' " L:_111:..-11i:2/llc(ined far p'oll 4 Bllquilaticii'liiir 4 tat but:, fifty "i-,cirta each -11ay, aTral•Va,il:lai Old 19:, dia.' . cjiiunty -; or ,Trodaurai,the I.l,oilcctora,of,ttur- ,1- . lllo . S;l , UutilitY. -troliofori3-1.10.11ay0-_-pf , traiiiing - ; or4ifhiri - liixtylluya'; thercafloyakNilllcii-iiiric all- tho,Colloctari_vill be ivijairedAtyindltar dalilamCni. , . '-- The balance of the trine artft:Adifilctiko 'llia -expanac ..of ,13.1:ig444,y , ',111' I)adlili.l6(l' i ridiong:thc• yoliiiteci:VoSinftinicir..- ."(10' Tliejollicerriiii - corriliiiiiil`9f . ..Militla•"l"4gl,-: irietkli,nii illticalial to- raaka t . ripec;irlialcittripfipni•- . .. , parly.4lll . Gorkiri,4o#Ofall idaigaqllo3:44 joradiatla'. ". 4 .o ll u.i . 'o°lr . : l ' ..:-..'-:---:',-..--`'. ''', ."---'-'.- .!'-_'-', -, • - •• • , - 7.INOTICIE. ,, c',- '• ••;• ' ---- ~. nizOrfic - pr tha—Union4tre-GoniPn ' O p - hereby pottfic(l,• that thvr ~ 4 , 111 bp a ' .opitng '4;004' coniOhity.vot: Atl) :tiew'i; bric4 licius.o' if . m r ..jiii i i.o , glircen, , in .ilat'etrtiat,iit'lliiii _be. ,oilgtf,qf Pit tiiiiW,'iiiililiiiiiiilay:thil49llVorAWll:: ;. an '.tjl*.lizt . c '. V. M, - ~ , ~,.-... -.. s i .::;..Airitia fildol4; 0 Alk,., FOrPn.trY , re xe1.P.1.:0- - , ullY4l)qufiioo4 l oo.ol;'Oßl4 ,4lo da .9, ' 6l l: l 3lPeff: a rico;',.., , y • , :;,^1.4,-:: - tAltitapf this, 6.119 pcitty,. , , F-'o:illiiiiii4ptlPO ' 1: 4,Pikci ., :r- 'St'tt'' :l' •,4 ,' ' , ..,,, ot. - 'titer • ,- - •;i;k., ,^:...'.. i...% - ` 4 C.;; - " ,- `-•,:. 4 ~_.T.b..,ult , c66ig o nvioi.t'icciiiod ntri•timlt, r„Griinerip4„Ctifloaci )sitAitito' , lo. per,: 6 496 - 51: 2 1171/ 6- :44 711 °4 0 9' 117 7 1 SP , crolt,s;;Aiwr:6,'„Boo4l,loccvlito pi,te XSTPI `;4t4401.13 i, r ,-i: 1 ;,4 4 , e , ~:?-i ii. ,iiiv i Ast i, looo l l g Za i4 ip t, 2 4. )TlTY:b4litio.,,,*.6l'o6o,o3.K.,Li.,P,PlAfoirixfor,,9tl',•!T.7.. c.tvawr4.o. ,i440:,,5pit,m.3116.tir ~,,..:7,,,;,,,,,.-,,,,,v, Plt4gtotil ' ,:•.s 4 r AtliAvrj9.ll.k 9l;f.i 0,,,p, §11vm:„.,,,,:3.,.;;„:,,,„.,:),:,,-...:7i, ''Visod. 0): W.l'v,i°;-;,'1,1,1,,: ;4A-1-!.::'14441,44-irit,74‘iN&sr,,,f 17 -7:‘,.a.f*4„10 gi.,,,.r..-,, ti Akjhali.,,,..: ::t7-:, ;4/11,1t7!,3.. 4,Atr,,g:,<, .%.,2,gf..., si,,,iict: .1.11d•-::.'Sr rp;‘,-„p,;:;„,,, ,•,,,,,,,,',''' "7".". -'x..,4;`,, i'17 ,,, ..:4; Ur' ", , , r; , 411 1' '•-!.. ' ..or,, ,t.lrAliV ''1),1,`,..,,c-,07.1?,;i:,/.. ',...,V,,,,, •',,,?„!', o‘v ~, , , risonnmwo AU= T.' 01-SIT Prothonotary MEE - 7~'~~-' (0118-tailkt iioviii6-,4*torr-ea,,Ehrman: MEI • • , .11111,O , Bitrati:lhe'COgtal ..11610G . -- t - Tliettbo , Ws tlktrqnestio*roiltialliy nlll-01nithe unaliitifons'opinion.or:ol6 public is that ptu•Son tfilitifatin9:ti•hoTeri)etratectAlio4iiireittdOeflolioul4l- 1 lie:sproralyAinnisinuk.,l.l)ll . .mthile itre.eniloniur.; in to iliseovOrlhe traseois,.lrt us not forget. that • Jphn Bent?., has noiron WO In; eoNaplete an as sotltnent - , • • ' • Rp.hDt IWA.. OLOTHINP - . fts':wris ever offered to ta stey, pi (itr,nb_of _Carlisle unrl vieioity. It conoloa of Alto following variety. tibtin nlO coney) Qm lwooO‘-ntol.r.--Inrge7neporlOtent,a-som various pallet-1m and [alley C,cl , lsitn6v, Stiltiartt 'eil:itek limit' een, a rate article of Velvet Corti, ant, Sltramer Patttsin ithutuNtice. • V 1 STS-4sttin, Cloth, SAtinelt, 'Valencia, nod light fiii...l9red',nitti striped vests; &c. ALSO; Stettke, the iiitest Shirts, Drawers,lbtaitlkerultirfs, &e • All .- of whi c h wilt twitl_ol the most:Ten - terms, for i cash. -Give rtlu 01:111,1tedy9u_mill not gb away: tbswimit4eo. 4,IOTiN 4 St't encly opposite I.lobt•L's. Hotel, IpriJ, 9,1/345. , • •This• tey.t This 111/ ity . • T,llWittbscriliev; hove justreturned frnrit the ci ty viliff - ..4":qw end splendid . assim 'nest of Spring snit Sunlit - ler good's • consisting gLEtititi4tis.l_E sitn y Untistiniii;Oti S "It ' intraiiny I tintless; 111111 at goiters I togortincht of Pantaloon - stiliFit, iirso A 'splendid Sssortnien of En. • • • • • - • • i-1.1-ttets clotho 01-every cOor, . , •A.1175T04: EINSTI•IN Carlisle, April 9, 1815.- • Breirelt leeskery 1 . . • nrui E Subscriber. takes this method to inform E . his enstoniers and the public Centrally, that he has ennoved to .')'cot Pomfret street; encveloot- Wost ofJ. Esq., where lie continuos to ettrry..on the BRIil'A D BAKERY ns frOnt the information received throuii-h his patrons, that bit,broad is simerior to any sold in the bomb h. •No salcrntus ° or no other-date tion is used in Ito iirocess of fermentation, tit c*. pond one pot.ineof dough when baked to the size of a email inflated hallpon. • Vie nocd not the aid of dhemistry or natural phi'.osophy to instruct us on lb° subject of eXpatision and C.l in prchsioir in the manufacturo of bread;-this fliqt.we know by observation and experience.- .Como, nil yo who. love good bontonade 'bread; anti. itonest •sizad.. ttlYgtabLYAnA.csnlor(liknor-thun.norrite—rnifeltr. i at any other bakery for the, same, amount.) We say, come and belp-us to make, •a divinar for our- , selveit and"family: - Our old friorid,the ritmincier, down S tart l iatir timv....t.w.ci—estalli . ' 4 , -- ' 4'il=t l. ii - TlVl:WiWrirrs*#ft — i • :•;---: M.,1 take offence if we should grt s'crnie id lila custom, not because he „is not staiiciontly Oconv: meduting our bikes pod I.Fad,,butforone of the'. • • I !-.2.P.:17::A1g,c.f.,,-....7.4.-kili&rillinhoito ho-wlai ever aivbaireniv: and we at poor; eon.. sc tMI P c S l 4 l . l.Attilitt9*944— ., ,'"" ..iir'' Wan tea, Wanted, IV:" ntod, TAc Subscribers wish to employ two good !tubs on the . Latlitts - branch of-Shoemaking: Panne own licke are:gond wOrktneti. iitid of steady babits . will finda good seat or work and liberal wugesity tile-subscribers In 19etbaniushttrg. Cttat beclaia.) enuoty," Arril 9,1815' For Eh re Lart . Just Opeltoll n apiendielmovon,wi or it.ragei, liturrtnes, thew style of Al ousullo- , lle-Ig i vex, Plaid tip for eluildren, also, tut nuu,ortoutuot of I loOsiory 'nod (aro es hut A lINOLDTr. LI . . Ctielile, April 9, 18245, - • c 13011; Y rTS A splendid assortment of [lraqi and Straw .130ii iiiii-Wrinirlitiptryitionsi viniv - irpeffircgritt the sfore ol A4t,N01,9 S lIINS 1111. N. Carlisle, April 9, 154 5 . . .. NOTICE'TO 111111.17ERS: Tllr Commi•sinners ttf Cnmlict•lnnfl comdy,N7lll I . COLtiVp IWOIJOSitis at their olli re in Carlisle, wail Someday the 19111 of .Ipril nt:NA, tile Plan, Inn terilitsnnti ennormo ,, i) of n Court !louse, in the public„.sqoate aPthr. lierimp,loof-Oufglisle. Some general features wl,i,sh the Commissioners think neeesstiry are, that the building slinithl lie 01 - brick ohat there should he at leapt ectur ?me 'lOlll jitiltlie offices on the lower story, Md. Out ~Cinirt room should be nn the s.eentul story, and 'that there shimid be a Gupula fur a Bell oldilk-iit,pn the The person wlr^se_ plan and prkipOsals still. he adopted will be regifired in commetiee immediately, so,illitt :attic mason:try 11101 plaiteringaball lie dduc during the prestild working trasoth Anittlii , , Coin nii ssin tii , rs also make known Ilea whilst they po lo Ho to hare n bifildik,g erected which will tre mo rnl for all the purpn,,i intended and in appeiustace creditable to the county, yet they do not fuel justifi ed under existing eirennistalleeSin incurring St, grout all exrense-as some of the adjoining eunotiom base nonErt.T - - CIPRIS - ZIA - N4ll4ll'l6l4—euminizsioncrs, — . IV 171 >1 GTDN. lvntlisle,April7; 515.; • . . - CAirs-Aolt ,vo I 1 E: o r 411.__Or _TQrbl.lo‘...ll6.Licq,antl_ba.ottrefulunt . _ _ latitedual-Gttlitto-14.-- I,l . tltabit - Pfirc - I,:lnich,s (way on Filte wi•lttett siguattire or the origutnl mrcnmr and initentqe.. 0, -,BENJAMIN ' SMITHI. ••-• • • titoaOtitfiatit itos,:tit'is open ki.t. t the ailor:II ilratita of the svatettivi..;.: the Loaka, liidhiiye, Skill 'llftir W SOCA6'`Ailikrll . 6 own 111 the urpip cc 'of Mcil ii o; 411(1,36,ehtinibott,:buslie-e4+ ov,;r all tido+ tdetVteittes,, that inimy lat , ht beett lull tO . sultnotte they cohtain soioe initteNtl ; 'hot opott ,m;sapoioatiott by Doctor:l .114illtiirt.ttlon,..olttl.4thets.;. 11115 ililliatliTi(kllsat .0 . 1)S Prc/Vell to r be IvrOontlfeas. 'VOA; at 01N4, ITM .0 !TIM Lb ijy mYipts sTietc, sole :t ucLa tat Uurlidt:• • • : Coat9d Pills. .• • AN oiisugA•rm CAISt . -. • • . 1457 ../.I)r.ll:l)t. L 'Ai ) thin% .., =';;•:•11 ) ti initt's • Sitgnr:- 01110.6.1,11N1r0iv.il Ilulipn Vl?gePtlikt.-Vlll4 io to. r ,„,iiit liiielY iipiOl F itll6o-to my 'l 9 n if. shout 15)0111i ul 11 ' 0 aillt:,lll64:ll4lthYAMCl eat& t, -Itolll4 , yery•;tilildi to„r4i , , ge,ityl ,nB,. to 6 - xttio liis:Ritp(4?3l - 941t11,„1 $111.1., thrw 1116 moat Vti:gi3All43o4)llloti2j.:Ailktitliio Of ,:',1 1 4'1 1 p1141 . j4.llvetv 9.4. l etkii,' mt100)4 ) , grit in 'cc tistql.tce.l4 ura ii-bac bok.': UM tiinfeit:ltilli 4tolln;' Way_ ANN.. :psiiv: ~. xiAiii 4 liiii'Airi:9 - totifo l ‘ 4 4 - IPeate!‘f ''' ii,ol,44 , 4*iriebile gijoiNwy4 ~ ~: 4.: ..„ .......„..L.,,,„..4..._.4...... ......,_,.........i.- gitri, dnitiroirnssi bog leave to oral the alto* ia Pon or Ck 011 !el - T i uMots . rcYjellilnr 13 ,, 0410 41: 0 ,yinuAs Nvillips, 9 1100.1e)RILM4., , 0 , t. #I • 40.1114-villg Pulnhal44)""t°elqf , ' , tifiligitot pricey, wo ere 1311414 4 1 wil4°l. 11 It ft Adjoinn tcP — MOl l3 4 . coitt, or irm i lle ,4 t " rnat o4l, l o otoilbs4 4 tit ,N, 4 .1.1 1 , ir 0 4 Ni t g 44 4 ,00 4 l l PS ll6 f ° ' ‘'i r( . 4 ifft liti 0 Rts,ll lo Y WlA L .l 4,7A4cßigtilfo , I , l ort, rob ri4 evii l o -116 a , 5 4 ) 110 -0"i ifo.tiotermlnei o spit elui 4 oak privos 4 , 0 r° l fu lliIIP N4 , 4 % .., -4 ,li ,;,,,- 4; ~I K. -FIALA , g L PF, 4 ., ~ ~' PanPrYMOildb , J o o o oitftf4s uf ,t , MutY 0 , 1.3 1 (1 01c 1 ".4V11 4 )4 84 P ' t.Y' ,, , , :m*, ui.... , , . i Ft jay, f ,v i ),7., $g -4.„,,,,00004-#0 iii4,4yii; ' 11-t9 itu 4 rit'et:oo,Vcikail4l4o4- i. Clic , .; T -r piitjAgovziotoo ,''', ,..Vk, 6 -1 4) " „ 1`," ... ~ 0 1 : 1 ' , , p .• 7 ' V A , ,„lit P 4 .04 ' . - t' '''' tij1,...164 .. :1.1.,,pv i . i'. rY,ldtt:r ,''. t . etilprq;'l7lPr" 'l?' ..; IFIVs' •'' IQ '',l,,i.:':' 4.:1 - 0 , ,, ,, -*,, , la ,-&- '''' '':',:,, '.., .-, ~,,., „. f.''.:,:;:,i.:.:, ";,;;,,-,-, .:-...,•'.1:,';'.'i*.t-,y.: CEO...F. CAIN, S.INIL. S. CAIN OEM DIMME WI Elf g. " 47 ; ---- 7. ' - . A . , 4 4 , •7: : e' 7 4: - . ' 7 7 :- - . '" , ''''"'-' - ' 7: 7 "4 V .. t 0 .3 .t , . , ifirt: 3 ":Cl`lll7i.M", ' ' 4t iiP l l/111 " .1114e, 5 1 3 . f_t foi-- A ~ . :711,..:-1 I:l,ll:.:a,plra._ ; rimard 4111 . 1,53, .piildjd any, p. P. son-'w' oddViilfnidlig..,; tinn ili..w 111 .1 , d,. Collo Aotaition - catid . convictio o L o, peon La rroi- indonainried o • to thO:pighta,otwoo.n4lio.43raand.?4lll,Kelk- -1845; *! , ,Satd rain rct cii,niiction oF•tlio•Eidnon • or fietsob U lap he Outrago.. - .11, - 0(104f 'Commjskionois. • • .. 3 . 011„0 . --"CoivaUsio.nEt'atuffrea;"! •,- 7 • !4.:ltirlislo, Apr 1 1 ,1,1815. j SILK' tONEING & SCOURING . , . .. • • . , , •TlOisubscrilter gratel7ll7; past', fuO . rs, respect fully_itformit the public:Alia _lle. still.earlies of the altove husincssio all its' various branches' it the borough of Nleelinnicsburg, where lie will' hi ,leanedive44l-ivork , -eittrustod-taltis-eare Persons . .wishingwork•drines, are informed that ni hereteire - 01/ articles left at the store of Andrew Richards, in 'Carlisle, will' be •forwtirrlod to liim punctually, which, as soon,:as fthiehe,dr will be 're turtictl ,to that place, where the owners can get them ori the slime terries ail if left at his shop. ' •' " • • - '. ' ' 'Witt PEEl3,braiSi Mechanicsburg, April.% 1 . 81.5 i ~ - -- APPEAL& Ell VOTICEsis . hereby. given. to the following ..121 nnmod pereotin, IRETAILEVS 6f/ 141;34- CHANDISE, &c. -- thnt the uppeols' the Comtninsionors Mlle° in the borourilf nfteni•- ltse, on Friday thin 25th day of April ;181r), for the purpostiOt benririg nil persons who inv. th4nlt tile I 11 iSC IV 1:11g„ g r 10ie41.1/y_thoilinomine:clasiirda tiro's, to wit.: Shipj)erisliztrg . 13 s ls ' 00 ileckl;.: Pen (liquors) 13 10 Om Bomberger & 'Cookie, Staroloitigh 7, 00 .7 00 Ar 141,3& fliga° r • IS *OO s Y •• • ••7 00 Lary Srtoc.er, P. S. ‘riz't(n4goeti .14 l ." 1 4 4 i i o o , in sauel L9rign"kur, . ,3 10 00 gontz„& 1 ..edwatd. Sena, 7 00 Stephen Clulbertson, (liquors) l3 dish & Itnlter ; • • ' . 13 Cli »in or kCsre • li. uois 1 James GlWird, -114.vi,c1 WaOtoner & Co. John D. Dimino, Jonathan Pei liquors) •. • . 2V2wvillr, . , 1 • . Jarn;pn liatinori, (tiquois) ~ 50 14 10 , .., Gilmore & Illeliiitrie,k, - 13 14 do ~•amucl 1, ergusoh - , — "• - : -- r - 7 - 13 - 10110' , North & Myers. ••• - 14 •r , 7 .00 Robert fioriffs, . 14. .7.Q0 'l'. & J. 51 ceatitlliAll, 14 . 00 ~z • 1 4 .7 00 II cbcpicshurg., Jostrph Famish & Co. (11quoro) 12 Simon • rn. tl ql , . I.si_x * La . ),llo,l:Aily Afwi roc. MN= Kryslicri Le.:l Riegel, t Sturgeon,. 13 •10 to . - Carlisle. Angnoy, I &MUM Llticict, •ICtiteAer & Co. Charles Ogay, Charles Bsrnity.,- :C4 , 0. W. Ilikner & - Co • henry Duffield,' Sdniial Myers & John P. Lyrae, Jacob Sense, .S. M. Herrin ; • William Leonard, 13. Murry, Jacob Rheum., John Rhoads, James Lobilon t • Win M. Meteor,- (liquors' A. filcher:do, • J4llll'B . Michael Lchley, ' Bohn-C. Alfeerl Sener, John ITernmer, John Snyder, (liquors); & Arnold, Henry Anderson, :Myers & vendiek, llalbertA M9nYor, P~nhcttl.44lribertisi), ,Ciro. Curl, Jpc. C. Sidles, __,. • 'George Fleming; gt. C. SiOVCIIROII, •.I.6lTti 51X - orrery, It. W. N'itiNAT:cTiigdnl) -James* M' Mitth, John •Fulrler.''. • • Charles DA; S . Jelin Gray, • - Muiy MuGnoilss, 'C:co. heeltinan, (liquors) Dania, Gekels i. Ateas§reniirlr ; • • ihiPqk • - Philip Braelibill, (liquors) I 14 tr. 5 . 0 ..Matthew e Monte, (liquors) 14 10 50 ; ' aulw IVenkly._ .•• 14 7'40 OM 13 10 00. 14 7 00 - 011. 'fa', 10 , _OO 1 4 7. 00 14 7 - 00 - E 1 '7 00 / 4 7 00 14 10.50 44 10 50 1.1 ^ 700 11. 7'.0,0 -14,- ; 10 . -50 't 101-50- .411c11. .Inlol .1; ,i 1 11cr, Isaac iinrtuyt,' le Xntitlet•Callitlerl7 - 7' '4athiti4' . l.littkeyq . , I!4' ,•• . - .:. Et!!!_sOi'attnit ' -' I* . ',Tula 11. Z.3ttting, ' ; . - I' , ,t' '-4 , --4.: 00 Acil) 1 4 5,1hlafecher, - ', ' i , 1.1 '', I.' 00 :•14354p1i Matili),. - Jndegs Beut'' 44, , t• -.', • 11 .• • . . 0 0 George-M..49r, ~:-' ' '-, -.;.1"..• ~:. s 14 - '. ~ • -sp r ing.- 1 ~(figttora) • • - • . "-••,:r• , 50* , Matthew StiikiAle t :‘ 00, 1 Sr doto - *. cuz• :t-, 132,41,1010 Q Jayr,looXy lo;r,' ,, Zrailiyis.) ; .". 1 , , ' I cl.;k11 :0: 00 ! 4- .10 50 ' '": Bol qiiithfi )(o7l l: Jnilo; W;Clc•vpr t , (liquoys) • , „13 „ 15..00. at oiRP„ • e ' I -kiitintu4 kCo; :7; 7 01000 I.' _; , ~/..„.,.,13,-.v..-.7-14-1) :9;initierS4s.lintili,,it(7l:.„. '.: . 1 , ;'-1.3!:,' ••,:.- 10 1 01 1 'Ratgint'Ellidttr2 ,,,,. 'T- ;,- 1.. t 4 ^ ~„-, 7 00 we.witold , #v".; ',..__.:- , t ,, ..,,, 2,;(t,---7,, :,.51 - nio,- iozoopg, ;,., . ~I ,oev JOAO,l'b ' , ~,,il - f,.; ,- C', ' ''-' -: • e i7 'ls, , ' , ift ' na tt 000 1 '.. f %. ~,,, ~'. n, :' „. . -, ; 14,,.., ~,,,,,•,- ' gliAtitisklq9a ll ' • ; ','''',,'''' *;, ^' , % - t ,- ; I T A-- f.:4 „I ,r,,1. - ,•,', - AL's - x ' q jDivkinsolt• • "i , .4.L•5; , ii 2 , ,.. ,'--- , • -,‘,-....,, ~ t , 1. .1z..5 - 1 , . ,-.. e,.:2'.. ',''''roiniiiiirly .1,1'0,4 3"IF, ,mitintiKuurnoryku', •I . ,At0riiii,44,4111,10,r,: , V . ,: , " 'ait, iphwitded; _ ,...,„ ,, ,,- 1 , , ,,, .. ,, .. , i,;, , ,v , ..4 , , r tk , ,,,,t,,7 3 ,,, :... Ittiseeil 'di'' P i C ° '' , ..' -..-.4ii:Orit '')'ll-•crij''' O ? l,l & 4l, l , 4'UiNrA v . t.7,.( . , '1 . • ' ' ,L.,, tiquort,,\,,, " 11 , iiiiy irdtl7,llrMlCltrtr ' :' , "OtT, PIN P- 10 :lii.s Jl, Jiiinoulci , fititilYAt , ''. 4, oi t is m boo :er wo tt4 . ~,,,- ~ F , 7 l,43 a r itlitt°, . , menopi 7o 4oG- e Atitryisti .. :;,., ,*.o rtx 4-- ,t', 4 ' try, 1 ‘ 7 ' - i" ' • * 1 ' lirr t'§g:l4koMl 04 it, ~ C., 4 ,47.-inr,.. 101 01 ,Itrt .1, Vl'4 ,7 ,, 70,144,,,V, tpinVtaX .1 ~....,I, , 6 li.A''.'! '''' 'lki 4%, „' '4 ' 14 4 5 :44W4,40.: :' • s ''” 1 7 , •,, '..""- ...,A,•-5..... :•,... , .., ~ . .., ,,i , - 1, • ••7•••••:- , , , , , ::: :t i,L . ~ , ..0.4...- -, .-,,•;•..:;',.. ::-4.•;i:t...m -- ,•-;•...,A 474;i:ileiV.:::,;3!„‘iglie 0ie4,144,r-, Sittligir4iN._ 144:- ~..e, - .9. ) ,i, : 1ir- o titti§Vt- i i til , ':'ktiO,'-';P,.... --- ILL Oerfortill.tll ,- orkerni.llMß , , tipiki . h Oln!‘,„trre gtinitt,itUiri:d, ITlllrmr'll ~ A "e .- 'nil sciiting; ftiiii47:Plugling; Eirc.i,get,i!lToitor The lossatthem-Tnyinsorting,Aigrioini.l94llip!ov: ,-..i. 1 - BillAti - ,TlsPiili:t o trrUirfletto.7.677H . .. ~... 7.016c ' e on Pi",t. 010 yi . i..; alfoii. dobaS bin +0 t . ifilk - nu - elirlp:'lo(6l;,,. - 7.". - i .-• -,-;, - .,-;.4::: . f',14E .,, 5i•V., ,,,,,. .i ~ -.3. i'. • :g o:llf.tl.lo.o3ssN,lll4i.,ii*istlit.-frpmn,9lFlks)P -iv 4.i.f:'!:":i1.1.4,:10.:17,4'i,?..:•,..4.4.',14'iet....,1-4.4- .$: 1 %;',..71% A .C .,. +I EXEC iiblickiber takes nietho o, In orm • i l li 6E 'c il' a " r il r l ic Bon the. . hie 'friends rdB4lld s that.. „. , • • 04pINET :1111klapTil AugnwEspe: • 'in all yarious hrnrichce,in r;ogitst'Allpy, reedy In• rear of r. AulloolOs Flanover conat:arlibl',.o . ll hand; tend u fan ku reittn!ni;d • r • . • • Sect elaries, . '6164 1 41'0 . 7; and every other doectiptiuti - ofCubiliot of, rpli ich Ito w iilcusit;or'exclton'ge fiii:•conntiy 'niitrket.prinesi' Ile; will nisi) tato, linmber of alltiasnriptions in exchange - short nntiati, and Ainciiiis with a c, ini.awn'vr lent/olty ; • •• TI vsu will alSe bc-ltept" for hire.: • • • He respectfully: at share Q.r public pa. tronage, cdaiJetit that hd 01i:render general sat, c,•.„ islaction March 6,-1E- .3ti..i3;C s r s ^3'v Tl;l,;Ter'nigneil I"'Cap'edlfillly'l,ntbittli El itisfrienita _N. and the putilie`generallyithiit hp /dip leased, at mole !t of April ileAt a to that Well knoWn, large and (=nvidious T 21.444-1 r.,. 41- situated - on the cornet. .11eilfor'i streets', (close by . the .liiili.iii•theAloooktgli of Carlisle, uud owned by Ceifiromlb,re..rdsse , WEl l )etiiif4hY.U• S. Navy—n.ll4:l. house 'keep ns a !loose of ent e rtai nine r'til I Ilene 'who Thay favor him* . yid; a call. kle,)lierelpre;respeetrully asks it igaretit 'pddle pit rofin,, , Ve intslirilig Ins visitors that ,quiet; gejiteel* way, and; thitt the Charges will be. ,matte moderate, 'more no that, where lie now. ,14yes, this ht: will be enabled .to tin in consequtham of the very great iiiiVerellet! in' the rentilEthe.,two establishments, and 'at the Berne time lip. Wits leave FlPol4llobak.. • . • . nniT all th ings itionneeted wi th the concern b_ hsll ayes., toiVore 11{1[1,UCrnie411 , 111120•TereawsMA• shareit 1111141 0 • pi , vot+a§r,ltir he will be 15 MO 10 00 15 00 11 • 00 a 4. 7 00. 14 1050 18 75 Llfl . AllaF (MEW C REA PE R4ll-11.ITTEVE IE subscriber isjust-rcoeii•ing•a sOlonetd assort .1 •merit of Spi,big nod . Surnin9r.,,Pqotis• seleotcd. - vkith FAIN, to.trhit:bAL.w.ouhtiuiritO ttio . oyentjno of purdurers. CRII and pintiline fur yours*es if v you wish . td.purvlioseoltaap Owls. - - 1,. A. cbuilinitcrt. shippensb'g,Murcb 46; . 1845. • • • 1;r - - -- 1'O'00 13., 10 00 13 1) 00 13 .10 00 1 1 3 • 111 1.4 7 00; t 2 50*. 13 .1 0 00‘ la 10 00 1.4 7 00 ,12, 12 50. 1,3, 10 00 13' 10'OP A 4 • . 7 00 12* 12 50, 14 - 7.00, 14 7:00 :4 7'oo 14 00' 14 7 80: .14 10 50, 14 7 00 14 • 7 'OO. 14 7 00 J 4 7 00 14 , 700 14 7 00 c • 44( 10 50 )2 12 50 14 '7 00 .13 13 00 ,14 .7 00 • . 14 7 00 1,4 •7 00 . 14 .7 -00 I'4 7 0 i. .figerican -.lnstkeniece C 4; OF PIIitADELITIA.- Z. CAR L $600,00Q. T C long cetabV,4l}cti C9mpany makess insn- IOIC•C illl[llll4lll tjaningc by Fire on properly end elltits.of every .description.,_ • • • • heir •terius arii,ver)i.ressomibli , 'Sbd property holders Avi : o well to s'votiq Itraiiipti llit.r --- advantaftes.afrp4l by,4 , ~• • • "rho tubseriber is AaliNT,Thi.“,thoiCOnipany, 'for'l.l4o6Fougli arid vl - 6.1 -- upplltation -- to birit, itt-porson or letter, tyiki yeecive,tintn,ecliate attention. JOIIN March 213, 16,15 --• • PISSOLITTIOIV ,OF".tiIIirMEESPIE T'''pnrtnership heretofore existing betw?en.tkitz Sultseribers under die firm or .1. Averimmi g or Sc Co., hi this tlitylvie4l dissolved try ifitututtletion-. sent The I„tooki,tine hi the...builds of vv.. V. Carey for cones' ion, find fhose finlelitcir will- ideate: ettil trod make scttlentent. ' A. A. pLtrt , i4 4. OEI4. . W. F. CAIIEY. ~ „ ... s.l4llpch,Shtleg March 12, 18l,$. . -„ : ~, - . . ~ ~ J. A. CIAPPINGER,wouItI yelspectful.lyj.nfurlp hit ei ends and the public generally that flaving . ttraltnr ed W. V. Cat+ •' •ntet•eat in thiasibove,earnliltanfnnnt, , he httain • Ars wilLiiiifuture,be;_catuttkoeil_byjaumg,_ _... 01.? I:tuttl h es be n sitiikoltaajoii to buslitesPa tOlgit.,:dg - -- I I inentinaliott tn. sal goods at, the yeeploweat/petees,.. to veneiye a contlintunee or the.yeey,liberitl,patron. - ',age het'etoftiee extended to the establishtnetit.: ' I . • • . _ . . - Ahscrilier hati2,roitetl; - ,:fee - gee pee p the , • 1 it toe so, hatily hi the ooeitpiine) . of Mit eliell Msg., iii•South.fliinorklllklt, I re ue'liiktOr. oPtiosi le t_isF,styrC , f %Ilss_4lcC lonia, nail .01111 comittest.ell i•i • : 1 1Phd • 0 04 1 411 i 1 : 1 , 1 4:44g1 - ritattT.4 4,A: • -,•' • •••• • ; s e phimji, and !ifjAter time can be - olitehieitinihef:-elitkes...i,ltilitii•ge fur'eothiug but label, the ineterijite'ealthellie,iiisliot sit arat colt. 'Also, ,env kind oh Aketicy lihineetis at .te.i4resti•t6 prorojitly. Teins‘—eash Or Miltker•l! NY!tiltOd-14k good-Boy awl ALBEItt 1,0,N113A.111). . _ • ' 7, ckp •- •- 14 1 7 ' PP ,• • • CADIE -- ititi . :MANUr.ACTORY. 3 AA VIA 0 ' 14115i: 4 411 iii,vaiy; liberal:patronage lie , 1,4 r c t F i T opyi f ftlfl,,ifirorm tffelaulies of Car lisle tioil it& 3wptt l 'ooritinqff to nuut iifitubiro; LA 1/18$'',S1 of every ; lit:laity owl leiety,'ut tlfu , ,follcriy,lff,it,,?pflifes fur, VAStI, •s be Pegnatt , tdorOpo: :LoilleuNt r ulkilffi,jibee i- :q:..t'ti , '::_4 , ; „ .. „ . -1. 3 374 141115(#1"aidl ,Lllll(l.l:dnqeatiailn A 11 repaimd - , ),...itt15t , 0411.4117.4(410#11ip,* ,-1 is; Harpa'a T ito w , r• 1 - 5 Oh 7 00 75,00- I • NU lavosiov ,,, i tify ..„.l.. -‘r. 41;117E iiptr:VgAtr,t 4 sqiient7ifsTi c i;r ' 7,, GAitpEll'S."*"l4"it 4igferl; in. Tokrowdbto o 4 4o ,t i fklv i cur u n i0 t , ,.. 0 . ~;,,, ~.q„.„1 , .,5.., .. ~ 4 . .. c'r - t : -, ..1 v.v.. ,-, .c.-riy.te-marai418.4,50,F,,,k.,..., ~ -',.k 2,` , " - - ':-;,. .;'',' , `....A.'...,,........... ' __-• = ~....,;', '• 1N44. ?: ii.Ai4 ..,,l'-,'Y'W°o-15,./Itit-ft1"),,,1),7:140.:-.. ~ lueart,;lilia, ~ ', , ,,5., ,,,,. :01, -. , , , i i0ff:., . ..::, ,.. w.. r-mwrar,„••••_ 4- , , :, • , t.... ..„.,..t,,#,,..„0„.„.... et ''A , -*-PAI ' P 1 1 '. , 1 4 .# 1 ' 4:o* *4- ,: ‘' .. :-' ',." 10441"4,1 141ii4Olitirol. ' 1 . 4. t0w,04 -I 4r 1 Actb*Yrulu ,ol 4-fti,' -, Y. 10 6 '. 4 "it t 4 ll%lo. 4 .4r i tcrz tY,F, ;", 4 4- s „kA t i,. ;$:!4,,,u1. - ; 1 4 k . ,,,,,..76 - : `I ~' 3 r ..- , 5 ,,,, ,0,,,,' ,. 46.; ~,,•,''..; 17 Flk ,1401 1 70 U 4 k . ~b..',1A1 4.1 ^tAl..• •41 , .r.u.. r ,,....,,,,,,, ..„, .4, .„„,,,,....,..„,,„, .11 , 14 TinA 4 l,C,aw i*Adti f p*ikip. 1 0 4 44 0.00,1141+ 1 'l4l 'TAW iiaiMir COlkWat 4 .. • 4, ,, a1W:14v4A . Mittlecoßi , ,v4t4k1,844„"R,„%.,1, ;,,,,.. 4 ',7,...'"c o i:i t tt,i ,- ,.'',,, "t.,,:',":',' ',,' Tv:Vs'4'ief i tv N. ~,,.3. , ., , ,".'7, ` :,Z.1 e 51ti t aa*,, - ':4 ' ~ ~,,,, J. R, WEAVER.. . Cf.2l it \4 WS k:Ial ti rr v 2,274,. OM 11111