Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 16, 1845, Image 1
..,7., ~ ~ Py ~ ,4 ~ , . . . . „ 4 - •• • t • • . I. ' l " • + • •? 0 , • ti' 4 4 tvti - ,4 ';04•7 -, , Agi ' • •,- •-• ' • '"' ,; ;•• ; • ; • 1;1 ; - s ; - ' ' • • ' • • ; ; ' ' ' ; • ' ; .; • • ..±YI $.• (A. , 2 • •^, :/...;;':',:,'" 6'''' ',- `'% t. MEM • FAltitur NE VV.SPAPED-- , DEV,O.TEID, TOWGENERAIL - INTELLIGENfto ADVERTISING, vou3rib,B , - 4/LITERATURE 'MORALITY AGRICULTURE S AND SCIENCEg . -AMIRSIMENT-44:0Vitt.'. - . , =--.- • J P l ' NEE 713..0'41 7. 441k.4 , 14* - $ l 4 1110tAm...kt,XtOgIttiit Olicertentre'-iSqltire, S. 'lO. Cur isqr.,ett.the .I'.EiNi.s,:o . F-- , F.I7BLI'd'ATIoN• Tit :4 l I EltiaiD ;.f.X . POI . TOR is publish . ° WooklY;'on a donble ioYalsheet, at TWO DOL. Lti ftS i nerlnttlum,payablo with in thtye months fropi the time of tmlimeribing on TWO nor.wats eyn EitriT - onnTiliat - thwend . of thwyear7 - ..7 Nn anhaeriptiori'yilibb talion 'fox less than six nannths,s.nd - nn Tea • Xzes arOPiti4."oiteept at the - option Of the p.ibi - latter, a ad'a ti) , nOtify a diScontinu , nor will be onnsideiretVik new. pngagemont. !A , l%•ei tising.will be done on the usual terms. .I.ette s to insure attention 'Oast bo.nost paid. - LtrAM. H MILL ER , ' Attorneyi:Ett;Latir.. - • RFlNlOVfilD.firagios`, Row,ifi the +1.. , ,0m formerly ocenpled,l4A':,D; Adele, Est). 0.1 We, tX4,33. •cor;v7i.T.. Y. mccuntE C L WEL UR E. Attorneys': a t :Law, 11V ILL attend promptly to liiininetnienttlintetl to V them in the . . comities or Cumber'hind' and auk nil. Offices, One door went or the Jail, Engt litigh street, CitrlialeLand-nrAt 4 . 10rn. to Stunibaugh, Rt. Ih. over's Deng Store, Shiivenstiting., A orilS.,l-.LV NTOR E. . . rill I subscriber's :era liG W opening- v itt xoom • IL adjoloing.W. DUffield's storelool ;directly opposite, to S.. Elliott's Drug ,store, an en tire New Stiosk-of-Fancy and Simile. . Z7:l•D'r"/ , Ctr a . eontaining n genertifhttetpittneet - 4fLedies and tleidett's atielt He Bal - zorines, lloveges, Nlotis .de - Plaid and Plaid Itrillitti.s end ' whit:at +.i , ilrbe - eoldlit t rentrontdire peietei fee (7115 M. • • eU. W. Jill - KEIL IS: 'C.O.: !Nifty '29. I RS 1.. ,(031 N. ti.•The..Uwelling linetof die house ettaehed the Stove-roo 11 Will he reeled. • ZMILISK:FEM LE .SEMINAfIy rriEtiti7crts orUarlisle and the Public gen. _ Att.Alll are ecsle_gtfull inforrnaillna_this •i¢ttut= ' •t • , ' .4414Mi1.i.E164.4a44 361 4 1 0# 1 .. r Y. the. - .Qtl clay of Jatioaty. 1543. 'Ph; large anoicointoodiong house-in \Vest Lou. ~ (her street; Iftteltntly occupied by, M rs.- Slovens us -a Boarding . School has •boon lakcii by them and is undergoing,r - rre:irs. It "will 'be tornialicd with rpecial refl.:rotten tr• th,u accononedltion of.the A feW Misses or young Ladiv4 will be sceelvtl..a.s,Tlcnitirs, and it is intended to•urforcl • sA, such all thc_advantages conliccied with a-rosi - ' , acme in tho,,most gold erl ptivatit Pz - nsc-s. • 'lloAr.r?, ikirquel,• lights iind trashing, will be f iroished les, ;10 els. 41in int! the a airimer dui ing thu %Onto-. Th IT! C./N.—Criiiiinbn English stridie4 ; Restore, Gru ishiiqr, Aril]. phy, !Lodi 11' Coin '•—er Ijurtar. - • $5,00 1 7 infolPTillji-Wl-g-Obi'n. (lc ''Cf,:NotninVPitilpsnphy umi English Coin -, Higher -In nn,ches ns 'Oman v, Chemistry, ‘1 'heti:irk., Mental and Morn! l'hilnsophy. 10,00 ..Ini.tructiiin in the Lnngui s, Drireing, &c. will involve tin ,xti a ehuign r • Lnswins in InEd rninnnta I.Musie by Prof. L. Walker, for on tetra charge 01 IQ,OO , The Tuition will' he icydrad qunrt6fly and the iirico 7 nrilonrd inonthl, in advance, and tin di , duntion made for nbAueen but in ciao of ,delines; Nui - dinber 27, 1894. ,tr• c i, PFIIII.B iorAttre at vary reduced pt ices, n'IC Aur assortment ot , . ri i , ,:,..-... . DrligS„ -0(1.1ratatIll nyemStufrs PK tVt' . s, ko. together with .tailiotiu,q, Floe Cap ,l'itper,lt.• !lie It..titn,J.:at'a.:r 1 ., 'Slates lay I.lle - alaCion,hili•er Puttoils, I a' . sso,l ) )e heir. do, Drawing Toper. Sealing. :Wu,. Wafers,....Potakitives, of it tine '. - pliatlits',""l'olotitig illiraislies, Croy ligslas. Sliming In. Tor,tli.alt,„ • . . rrlapalvrtlO, - ' Sluivliag ..usicl . Toliet Sonitamit.great Nprinty,N!aarnislt, . . . Si?Lc.,es Ground and Ungrannd, , Tivxther with e;iery other article in tile Drog lino :lie 'Mention of I'll) siciatts, Cotiolry Met-0910s nod fVerai . ,i - s 401101A - 3S l' ian-tletepillyie-o sell - -at.veri law prittes for thitilt.. a"-a ''.p.; ' • - • ' ' corli,talo, Mara:lls;lB44; DRUGS PAINTS 1:: I - „ • •• XX YE It§ ILXVIPES . Mt; iiavejtkit (Tel,iml iw extenOvelc:43nelamoicor Dit,i(lS,Celeeted with gt 1.1/11 . 13 4111/ itu'Ati4l #lC‘illl, nod Copnpy.dlcl•uhaiils MT rCtlocatµll . }p call It 111 examine their stoultbOroritikel•p l oiiinheoliere l ge • AL.SU• • All strut piiii.l . snitall)ye.-StAis,every Amick wsireatiliql Imre. tit I iif'tlii.t"bent Dyers, Fulicra are requebtvil I 1) utki.,” owl best or this tine ilt tlatunarkEtt..-' lioolis aitfil • We ItliVe R , 104q) (1411.11111111111tocki.C110iCO,Selee lion nE flunks nn4 Slitlipllt(6.,;'.lol6,ll we can -sell et a very rejlueell pritte.ti , AloSer: 'Elie largest ear nrtinent P Dlrt;r r illifl'ollC'e—t.ogi•thei , UNI Rl' _Cairn sle; übe 19,18E4:- - . . liLtiakT . - • rip he • ; Subsiltibir.',,biiglyAleplf:?:,49,'.%tnitiiiri • it the public that Ite•ltite:'letiie!yitil*elllitiowit I loulleywhialrliatt recontlY'ati;tie4(ll6;ti . .tiiiir'aught re pair, anti hag 19r . nigtle,ttlt,,,p . t)w,101 . 11i,i! beet 91-1 , 1,,a0- --' lo ' ll,7,ll " ;, r te 'v m u alr,rll4: : l4i;daruZ e n P ,P r 4tti t :, ' lors.totilie_ypif liffitigailo; . 4o,uoii7htio4'l9lliis a . ' fall; to01_eg,11;1., • .•. iv: b •.; ,' . 1 1(1144111'S' 11Ilk TEL" F WASHIN ON: AND JACKSON' =NA , G i , i- , •= ii,' 'f, 110;golter2vtaula resticell(lllYlr2.;:,,,; , r - si 4 1,7 4 1, To n ereedi4T.tre';;ZIf."Zbliec hou a e 11 ir - y0,iii , F1r00rt41041:".:4 , 17400 , 440:T:vy,:i ! : g: ' 4- vs -- ti l lifwiliblßitv,fl.o4,4l,, cue hill Friends from the e l Orr ;ad A raveilerponul ticeoinint u y ite o wn ,. , ~ In Ori Veit ifid rim t it,botrif,ll : l o l ' s l.'unPer , ;,,,* ' , 1 4.7oulirlfAlt "shalt inii3O,4llll4BViZt4w4C, , .0101°4"11`114,1'ini',1-41L-iiiieriii bglAatit.4l;citi ."'i sl di v ke t'' " 9 t u , a i:: * kid notliingitlißl! act') do pt. f‘i kePli 11101 , 1 1 e ;., 8 1, 0 sill with. him, --z`/P, ' ''447 , ;,, v ;ie. ~, 49, R,1 4 - rjor4its taken 4i'llid v 061614014 orleitr? -1,u.),V17-% ,?,lioktF i A,Ti. ?pgl i t.TA. *46 1 1 1844 , t '- , A - • ~, ,- e , rownisarie• ~.., r? 'I '.. ~ 41 11 ' 4 Tivo'dairatt c alirbbieekwiirbe l'cigall ~ \?..1 - 40sio n i a i ti i i` , letl l tft 41,1trul t , c .f tr 4 / 1 6 ,47 1 1, 1 04 1 111 07 ,rai ~ 4 811 ' ,a 'I ' I • , i , t , ' ,. e ,, PP`l'Vvi'lz,v, u, i , 'T..'' 1 Itr•..-i,,,,; 1",/ IVO ' * rii, t- •'" ~ ,v. 4 :, tj . 'l l - , .; t' 2.14. -- 4 , , j. 4 ,, , ; %k nr ,',‘ 1,, 1 4 • -.' ' ) r r i r," , 1, , , , ;;+µJ MEE EU :CHEAP BOOK 'STORE. Subscriber has a BM , flagellated ieeeived from the city's . School Books and . Stationary; which he ititenclata sell at reduced • .- ....._ - • prices. . Purchasers can be a pplied ivith rsibio N t.apet , at "... at ate following rates. . - - ' Family Bible li i • . $l,OO. • -Good School. ibles, - 50 ' Good Sam lreataments' ~ 12-2 Pocket - bibii - mtiroceci-giltedgearl-,oo -- BoOki a the:gene li i School taLkindtuurMie_troprm-, tioniddy low:,-, - is - Stationary:if of, soil gem] assortment of Lithographic . Prints, toy Books And Books' suitable. for Holidays. ~ • . lie also Carrie:a on., the Book Binding husiness *here' peisiilis Anil have their Old books tmliounil, also Blank Books, llneket4 Sze. made to order. ' Tholmbicrilier" in connection with - ldfifloOk and Stationary Stdre, bag establishmla . . 1 7 .1011.11,1* GIROCERIt. , LIE lins.incw on hand-viergeal9:l-g, -- 4 ---- y-771 1 nil 'assOitniont of frobli elroccriio, apices rail 7 .' &O. of every description and of the6ost ' %. 111 i. '' qu ality, selected with care in the city, ' , ton! .1 : . :tuktivielr-lia 4 -.isetta-blee.l-threddrt": • . - Thankful fOrlthe 'patronage extended to him during the few days lie has been in the business, be lippea, by attention and endeavoring to please to merit a 'continuanee thereof; his stueltin part consists u{ ; . , . - §i.rong 1110 and Java entree, - Vest and 2d quality Loaf Sugar, Iliotimovlkite, navarraand,;crUthied Sifiaru Young Hyson, Imperial and.,lrlJek Tons. -Sugar House Syrup aud New Orleuns Mulcts. sea. Best and 2d best sperm Oil. CM . Sperm and Monk! Candles. Spices of all kinds fresh ground and unground, Cheese and Crackers, !Lemons, Mace, Citron, Indigo, Starch, Saltpetre, Logwood, American and London mustard, Rice, Homeopathic and Bakers ticut Clioacduk, Raisins, Almonds aims Filberts. Crockery, China and Glass.tya . re. Akio, es, Tubs, Baskets Churns, :Brooms fled , cord's, At_nkuns itruLearpenters_ Atarltet..ilaskets e nest Cavendish-and-other and, smoking Tobacco, Spanish, half . 7gcncral abso - rtifient of good Spool- cuttoii, thread,'ln pes, thimbles, hooks 0. eyes, Pearl but tons, pins and ocedlss, tooth bitsheri, hart-btathhett combs, pewier_Entd, shoe blacking And - n variety of other useful,artichpl. Also N0,1 .. &2 mackerel, smoked Herring, Sahnun, Cranberries, dried.Llcet . • • —7l4cce ',the r " 10P4'.1.43f01 "Ar :.r.4.114-r..g.tii444,.,WCArs-, nui• ; fins. ortlirriatiover - reef a kW Irt in's thrice s here will keep isotiteti ! tiy - fee sXle at the I,owest Yciees. - •..• • . . - . GROCEATES & SPICES 1 mirli,us Lutif Sugar Double Er. Single lielitiett,l3 . rowir Itivaint and (truslicil Sugars, Youni , I lyson, Iniperkiv sil:nlitl_lllack`reas, Sugar-hi - mime, 83 rup•atitl Orleni'itc NI& lasses, Sperm and Whale DilXiintlles, Cheese, Crackers, %lace. Citrop,litiliv, Stiarch, Saltpetre, Nlustaril and C' Dt,ti:trtt., Ging .fr Sitlenttue, Uinta- non, Ultives; ..N lit megs._ .. " Crockery China and Glass Ware. Thlrnsties..Tubs, Baskets, Churns, thickets, wash 'lin:wits, hinter prints, ropes and twine, t4lnteth, Seglti•s: •; • BOOTS . AND S.I4OES . _ ofaYerlAtf:o , iitt 010 it! tOiddlitate tantatficiure_ just rc_ , eto t rd at hi:. store, 0,01'410 hig of ‘Villlis' ilutiLle nod Singh . S'4l.: 1..1 . 01101 and wolves's nowotwo shoes and hoots for . t.att ter', Uhildreurs and Men's wear at ir, 4 Loa vii lu LA.H. F. 1„01U t by the barrel and lajwis a hilt Sr heat Floor. • latt.'eep Geonool .oeoicest. 2,:t0 Y harret liwkt• neat Pilaw :7,50 PC1,,118 4 1//11T1111.!1 , g . 1 ) .1111 . me can hare it eyed at any part or way thvor him with their enstont;vill he dealt with, on the 'oust:. satisfactory terms. lle therefore solicits a share al inthlip tattreatige, C...rhsle,Jantero .8,184/, Country Merchants. 'TARE N 011-0- E t rir A t you FIND AT THE S 1 ORE • OF ;rue SUBSCRIBERS, M. ;20 North 4th street, Corner of Com merce istreet,Philadelphiu: A LARGE sTocri OF L.O 112 I:_hD coN't•AisiNG.As • • GREAT A VARIETY Al Is owered.fp,v. ,oily. Mouse in the kk Ci . oft..: - Philhtlelphia. prCIEY rrt idattly attend lite sales by auction and il are ft mitwntly able te:littreliti4i• many seasona pie deseript tons of tiontitimMiilti•lielow"tlie..regular '.nrices atittwhicit.they wi-1011•1141 , 11 sinall•advattee. Whey also receive many kontla'tliqct.frouttlie pan ulatatireis,•und new stylesorPoretgn Goods its soon us the: nre ill i11itL1A111 . %0 4 .1 . 04111L , . ` ' • `• .. 31111 HI 0 41) , (11,: .. . irliolt• asscirtmtint. Consists in part•ni A tliefollowititiqoods, yiz t t - -7\... . , . . •.. . ••1711110AD • , OLO rri laS .P . ; - . . . Beaver mid Pilot Oaths, a. Inn assortment, Satti.: nets; Jeans, Flannels, l'orsey . s - ittitl Limeys; - Alm , /toil led at arYttienerni,V,estings 11.1,f:rent Vllriety,l3ltick 51k4 F elvet,Vigneell Silk Vel'yet, Black Satin,Efa„ lied ['adding, Canvass Brown I lolland, , Canton FlanaBJs,:ladgh:uus. Flatutels,:l i 1 "'glut :nu. Canvass, Tit:kings, Colored Citattlirrcs, Sileelac,-1111,•krain, t, c., Sze. , 0.• . Also.—Prints--=strntvit' , ibive assortment—lnd nro constantly recetiln,, , the 'lowest-03'1es as tlieY . .conid : from tile. tnattufatattrers,,Alotil de mines, 3.,riiit:'. 4 . eti Laymt,:Cantlir lee,. Jaconets, Book. jult.lll,ll Mtuirtos, Su ins Ittslins; I rislllLittints, Linitt) . ll;ii..*" '• 111taai4 ,Slteetings, liiieltitts, Rustiia:.:l).litOkiA* I),imlum. Uncut. Crush, &c., - Sitt... -,'::? - ij..!:; t : 4010 'A Li' A cAS,41 ) 1,.. gi.ea t. voriety;4utted:ittidliltiltilt , , ffititdierti!iit4, tofikll,tissili'llneilt. of 1; ottott.ient&Slli) .finspetiders, ilnitiert ; t.ellovell, , ,Threall,. AIM( I ~,, Litae.(londs, 816,:•..Wi11i altilljtiwirtittpitt cak . : 1 i . 11 0pimioi . 61 , s1,;r6ttEraltrttl'Slie.4i11107, . jdi L L.Ki.i& 2 '' .. , ~ ..i..., • ''. " -% )VAr.":'[l. l l3 too Wk gt C.0.r..i iv . .• , ti' ...,J O l : i •. , ki•-'Nti: 10..N,oVtli 41k5t.';111)11.11:...,v! ..I:'elirititry4i;'lll46tn;,• ..;•.:....:':- Th . . •,.:,,,,....•,.• - ..,: . .. - s 1 .. .. ME *Ditisoiiitio:ti....pi:kaili'ie;;sli i ip . .. Tf i '''' tt : rts p t isl thi li(co l oftireesistiti g lietwSern the '' ~,S ubsok•lbersi under the'.'priTi , :ot J . . P. I,..;ynet fs7 Co. tnignlnnted 'on '.thit,lst ltist4ir i.. lsl4 kd'ab 3o 4 l iP o l; 'Tlie lloolie:niefinllieltiniils'ilirllt - rm-Cyne':fot. opl: Inotlon,4ind those. intl'elnetlit..n. , intpiestell call .nt the store:and lie!tlfii iliniii . accounts, as It *rattle tlia(t Ink Inntks - ,slititil tI, b it, Ctt .settlep ;as", iS (lilt; it a 6 1 '.'" I ;- G. W.-. tqIIEAFI?En, 136,einti'ei , :t 8, 184 ., i. rr*: - . . 'Friends nen,the.Publie' cone: ththe'the 11:411011(44RP,: - .:11US POitY L EAit. the. old etehtl.W here alai helountl-wfire6,rate asioonleat Of. stiehlisLocks..l - 11in4e4Sereivi.,.Palnt4:Gltesti Nyils' and.: PepOlilete . .faisort taunt?. Of t , Catipeateala _Loan; Steel - oral Itlii mls; tin% 'eOcry.etiele .astlallyAiept a HinAlWaaelibire; all of ,Whluh we • Will kill. ut.the yery,leWest prices: ` ciritl,ritrivid before,Onialuillni elsewhere • „,......,-,....,;.,..L,,.;,:•.,,' iii:ortho trti.f.;q9. ~,.t:;•::-,..' •-;.- • i'lrii*O-id,'•!'"•—• ,Kw tot , is: 7 4 k • Iti.t.,-. Tirit •AledgMet.',:. •,,,liiittawi :prim •R''4•..tZ-, . I'l7' re°° M 44 ' l ” • ••wbialt.vl4 ••... _...,;„., icilis,ftiti ;44i-it/wit ;y01.7 l',.i,.iiios,•-••••si::4,L`'. c. , •: E :-+,, : . " ' let t:4,i ' i liti co e0,61:p. P, riiii4;glit; , .;. , , , , ,: i ~,., ktvlv't, ----,-211360 iitid Wel,Tre, ' 1 ' lei ";•1:.•,;-•-•.:.';'..2.,•.!: • VOt 143:1VWft,•;•,-R•inucgiuk• ligtki,“c„.i...),-,,,tii...„-:::i ''''''i APPJARI ~ . - 1; or Wild (..4!,. 4:1,* ~.,,,, ',471nj43,043'4!, 711,9„; i)il.wi,lo.9.lng!i;‘4'.*,P YaDiMi`t*-11/144;4,.4t;35V:0Zrj,kii,;0: 403,VSAINtsiejN'• ''•;.:P:11;.[..::',„;,..1",.•;":: - 4 . t . ltf, ~,,:, r*,,,ir- . .. j 40,..001i1441.„047,,i, -,,, r9 (0,.,,, i '.i ~,,,,dv,,??:-.• ~..,,.5.:,;.'t,i1A7,-,w,Nopli.- ',q, I . , ..e., ~,:.,,,.. ~.,.,.A4,,,;,1,1%....k.,,,ft:,,i;*rAfh.4.7441A,44v,!*-,,tr,:`,4,•*4:?, ` . ''' l 'L''''iLi .-. .-. , ' ,"...• . a';':':/':':": ; 4l '.'i.f.::S:q. - 7pi'; ; .,:t'il, . G , (1....,', ~ . ~ = MEM ME 4.11 •. • • • . ,•:, f',7,4 • 3 ., uYh • . :3, - - ' • • 01-1 A 2.1141'4 110,171,f ,• I *LH DIM lial EIBEI / 1 `" 3 E-t . 71 31 E - A- iia 3 l ,l l- 3 ' 9 1/11' Mtc. tnlz4e4Q..cpawix. Cheap - - Carpets; ,. 2lo 9 ofr THE Pobacribenw.o'nla:crill the attention .4.• per- , 7 soni in ;want CAIMTS, : to the excellent astlOPtment they no* offer, asoli 1.0 ,the extremely low prices at *Mph they are "eclling. • •. • ' • • , , • • . Sitjterfii'e Ingrain Fino•gr. iman y zi tifi9.o , : - Royal tai 'd venitian Fine Worsfed• do r •••• . • • Philo Striped do • J • r Is „_11 o_lartre—Stook—of7--PLOOlrtna -O ,:. cut , to- fit• Rooms,. Hat ••e, on with ffeartirßtigs;Piene 'and •Table Cdvers, Stair, llgtis, hlatting, I Wholeatile Retail very low” roy priced Ingrain Carpets from '55,10...50 swigs pr,)11?, notl,•lititry-iind Stair perpcts from- 15 to 50'eeeti per yard... - ;* • tLDiIItIGE.Sc 11110110.1 i.;. , N 0.4.1 Strawlierry street. ope.flcoor ttliOvO.,fattss,..; net •st. betweeii Second & Third. Pfillistletpittei , .Velirtiary , • . ROBERT B; WALKE Xo . .25 .71tortiL = lies just received and is pow open ing. very e Pensive ' , and beautiful assortment .0 4 CARPEITENGS.^. • I lie goods arc fresh anti of, nets styles, and beilig purcluisell princi pal ir for CASH, they sviThbeniold atAlic lowest prices.t icy consist in part of. sirlendid Brussels, (rich patteriis,Y• Beautiful' liaper;i'l 3.1i1y, ..Super 34, .1-.1,..5-s ? liarranted dura ble. ' • - • Superior quality 64 tuigiliiii,.'ttlekriviO, a heat: stark of well seasoned,.t.liktAillifo 0111 . ‘iidths Rugs,. - Piano and l'able nods, Bindings &e. witli'tiol..l9o4GPsYvo iiesattfnJint of Low Priced Ciirpetings; grains or good pawn ns mid gun,litylde, , opiltr,4ol.9. per yarl....Pitrehasers are.,.tiested 011;.Mnd they may . rest assured of .bqlng , vleaSed.,with. goods' _ and prices. ROliklitALlVA.CKEitt;• , March - 86, 1845 important - W -.-GB GROCER AND TEA-DEALEIL N adititio4 ito his general assortment, is now in L Inew Anti jasklitional - supply of the •bigiii - Virtter • ,1•• OILS- 'lr . • OILS:; : • at - pri - cosveduted- - =•con . I.;OWEIi - THAN. Ey > E4( Slar.UlJll,—sU,44lfr—gallan.... Solar • . " 8I per gallon; Elephant • - .75 Jt • " fitl4l• it .rt qt t:""".1' truly - t• • . M ALSO—PureSperm,llloald and Common . Cnn dles, at prices ,Law—in.praftertina, tegetlltt Willi a fine - assortment of loute.; Tlyson; C;lin:- powder lintl,extra . C.; unpowtler, 'Amnita and Than:- , - • CctiftiiriVra'r the. , BIG LOCUST February 5,1845. • Cis • D,. 0. PROUTY, 81* \o. 1941 M ARIZ ET STREET. /4 X WV- . 11l IVEEN - STU - A PHILADELPHIA. MillrA-NUF.tC.TtIRE R of : Agricultural imple 1.V.1-tneutsonirtleire,l. in Garden, Mast and Plow er Seeds; ollur for' Prottly.and Mears' Patent centre draught velf-sharpening Plought, for which aline premiums were awarded in the States of Penn sylvania ald Delaware the past fill. Thiry .are Amide both right and leftldentl, are liiht in draught, cheap Jo keep in otpair i null ore particularly ree ontmentlettfurjonimm!9der green crops, and are strong enoughler -any sciir.---Sablatil---Pfottglts,for put, too or three horses. Side Dill Double Mould. and N.,-.Yotk•lllonglis, from $2 to $5 eaclo„Tity- I or's' Patio; 'Stra .Cutter,.(new) Green's RAO Conklin's, Sitielstir's and iffipro7ed llotine.Stiim Cutlets. Cern Strik Grinders. Credit Vitntbfroo $8 to $lO each. Corn Shelters inn gren(7ittriely; ,for hand and horse power. Horse l'uworir'aud Rln•eshing 3lachinea. Aleut cutters anthsttiffers.s- 7 .., Churns. flay and manure forks. • . lloaa;i'Spadelq: Shovels,. Rakes. Transplanting Trtiwel, Col 1s Planting, Agrieta . ural furnaces, and er r errAtiltbr, implement wanted for the Farm or Garden .' ALsD—Thp most qvtquolvd.aasortment of Me end flower Seeds;.in lucluditig;so new and buperiorAincla, -erop• 'el 1844, grown' es- pre'ssly for this 9jitidi)isliment, and , warranted of the beg quality autll qu to name; evil bo• ohtaihed by the pound orltualtiOn'ou; nenlly , put up and labelled, with directions for - planting. l c hdbotts Roots and Fruit .Frees { of 'the stlioicest kinds; • .Dealeds• stra espeetfutly-itiwit' eerM tiiptieethe-tisstorttirefit' D. 0. -1 1 .ROUTV,. 191 i 31arket st.• Plailatlel . r; .luimayy_f2o, 1843, """l'i•le.(,..l.,,ekti‘oilipy JOHNt. Finn, ' 112 Clicsaitit 'st.,Philadelphial. nqi . . ilkiB roe; mile of his own ithimrtationi or Pk P iiiiktieautalvemie following, with it variety of other goofs in the line, on .the most:, advautageont (coils nn tol,prices t E l te,,,‘ . ~• . , •, • ' ,I. 'Gold Le‘rer i Lelmse•una.Ofber fine li'flillea, SlAver, , - ..4.. s r l a;'Sitv(i° Lennie, Si tver ,Verie. Wittehee r m.' p ~sko i i _ , tir . "Gilt Mame' l'itriel'icce,. LargF'Mu 1, vt-ii: ~,,.. haying- 6 to I`2,'l'une.u;Szttiplonp,Tin l l ptt; , -Sik: 'Utte)3,l'llittul Table' Costar's; Ten-Sent, I Soiritelt,it)kthi .Communion Service; lore : 111. $ sit- . NOWNMAeltet• movemeotx ot Nor_tous. pot. *YAV,mtio,,geperal . . - nsinietment-eFtvntch , -mnkena. ittOitigihip.:tind wool notterioio. Orders knit? •fit '?qiiitttti.ttin.splicitetlaitti nvery . setjorikill hp made ,1nt1et.0f!0m:•,.pr,.7:..,,. , ,..i... ..:,:,„... ~ ._.,,, :., , , :.., . . I * - ....9ii.§..?'. 1 .4 '. 7 0m A r ]';' ,.. : - -,- -----:- ~ WATOBES, JEWELRY, BEc. . „ UST taiseived • atiaoruivent of'. Wainlies 1 105 1 J ,Jewelry coosietirig _ in part , of ;Gold ini'd 7 Slll . 6l. .Wittnion4.- Pejrclle Sprataol4 - 14,Eiiolil...Brrnat ItinkaiLookttai' \Yatch . keys; Ear ringi, - ;Bracelotai .Ciaktis,.lMitidittttittVaanal','Sliver;•tikitriblua‘. knives., Suftiirlinriga, Hair I'4lll4'J et.' Breast d?itie,p la* lot of Common.Speolnalea, Cliqine hod Guarda.v Watolt! , ' Kora,; ogglna; ptiti jn see [min:it : they, ':••• P,..144:11., - ;;Atiy.p . rtiol,Cs'ithioh:•.l may , not: have on .!rind will fria'•l)i•aciOrt: the 'aliputrat notitir and they;ash''he pumilgited,lti . veprib4d:petill . ll34:' : %„.; • • ' , A ioT OR Y. I gi;, , SidmOill'oLytorirabiajittlillo:that? 1 0 .0 11 L critin dog -40' corky:lon at , tlio, old stand„ `ll6l_lllllio;VElol.4XN PAOTOßY;',iitiiiit:cd'.,'iri.'SdothlltiddlOtOn 11111;., o)6'4' l ,l'4l'r ,ntijos Of:Go Melo, 41 I.l)in 414,1;_0f triitt and kiiiittioteo, jz.lpiing , Vorgri,whOto 110 no*,. krootara4 !#, 6 xeci4e.'lol:iirilots 'forY6lllo,l6: .c didirOtkrfjpiititttgeringg,..kiiidii , aoepoi trout s the'deopi:jd6WaO'CtotOii:Ca n Ottitli t lildwiira;•tio!li lino; 41 4Y•?1:Kqi,tet:fenic , . ' 91,00itiftikee; iuqfr, tiit4aiiii 4 - ---- , 4 hp --,) 2. 0: facit- - 4,64 , : . 0.'..' 2 . - 'sl''''f , '•••q",, , k 1 ,,,..;, J , - , ;e:•,` .)-1•7 -1.:,,:,:kP,...-,.,i.,?-:.,,7,2,,"'(j,,)..01;,'; ~;,:•, ,';,rlY?''..ig-... , ..', , ';44,'4' ,-2 .,;' , '4' , e -,. : `.' ~ • '-'.‘ ;' t ,•,.1 ,- ;.„ , :. 2 1. ~.-., - ,-. . ~-.- . .h.;- . •, ,, , . ....-.- . , ~. , • - traiNISSIMe aaa - 44/2 1 41 1 Z 1 / 6 0 UAW EnateggatiAgrZit:;!,l !• 'littlo morn A little more folding the hands toeliii," - ' NI. quick.theted dremns,withoucorder or nnmber, • over my mind are degmring to creep—. Rare ks' the ,happlhatia thus to,,bei raptured ,kly ; your Wild whispers, Ty fanciful train ) .. 1 . ,.. And, like a linnet, ho careleesly4aptitrid '• - 1 -+ _,-n:the soil nests ofrny - licautlful,braitil•e•-•'i': ;;.:::'.., so :,: , a .... .: , : , -',: , :.,, 7:- 1 , :: , tali. . -mi. ` carton - d—your 'Gain's WIAV66 - f-t diCite-1 dal; or tlicßfghte and'ortliinil: ~z It . . . ,Call;me not 'yet! 'for your,yoice will be sca'rin:' , : 'locks: of'ybotiMisiensA,gossurnet-wings; - reeve me, ob! loa : ll3,mp, fo:if.,in yur,.. rude presence Nothing orall tiy . : e hrigt#,wnrid caniemain;. Thou art a blight to this'giqoin'of pleasance, ''1;0. a i a bliii oti tny bilitiiiful brain! =EI 'Cofiseu yor dulligetum oncamp and omploymont _ . . . . , Let me forgot:I:m(1010 tr4ol6•!ifo, • Lenye-mo to pdano.,,,,lAmo littebtinif the innirVind tho. Morrow ~tif • For to my_ fooling.'4lM:CimlOssl'or, pleasures. 'ls to lie thus, niilthiirticinVlo or pain, Ls tmontsica:l - mettsures . Of the swectlMico in ni , ,,r,boantiful 'brain"..% for tiro Lnlo.of csiOk4es is spreading Over mrapirit i dollyr , Hush! for tho angelpfciiiiiiiirt is alteddin ' Over my body fiiinriitt: - oflovOi • '' , Hush! for, my siuMbere are over me stealing, Thus would I.oSurt them,aietO.ond again; Hush!--Tor my heart is intoxicate-reeling I ,: In the swill waltz of m • • AMERICAN EDUCATION. It is .flatiifactiory to observe that tin is a growing feoling . tltTOnghout 'll favor of educating We rising lie principles 'of.a republican cieCit--1 :r-tiitir.prialaerly_speal, in g, ofAtikting-:eurj youth American ,edneatiOns in eontradis- I .". .-.,, .:'i . l;• - : - k l tii - e• - .Ei) . atii _ . . : *#10 . 1 41 . _, 7blttareo-Ta - drilpsfavwera - faitiP has proved morcdiffintilt than that of Ser. - ering the' the' elfaitia Of polilieil bondage; q'lle pro yeas and courage of our forefailiers - redeemed the United States from the ser-: vitude of colonies; :burl the influencdof, 141tg.lialL belles. le ttrei,hav o---urvi ved , too 'long, the struggle'that terminated Eriglsli supraliacy on this entittriont. Our school., -Hiarticularly our colleges—have contrib .. - uted—iii — a great measure to imbue the American Maid with notions incompatible' with republican life;,:: The-bestrEnnlish UM ~f4tdAa: writeri—those'viiifute , ..lrortii'talve-ihe rank' cif 413ritish classics—executed their compo, sitions milet: the blazonry of a court, and the spirit 'of.. an established aristocracy breathes through the Whole. of them. EilLiiii • Not only is the influence of foreign lit erature in the tone it impresses upon A merican thought, but it has,' in a manner, superseded the acquisition ()fa/knowledge of ar Country—its laws, ci il'polity and pail history. It hap been a common om CutTenee':to. see ',nun? men !caviller our universaties thoroughly educated in the. ltisto& of Greece .41;c1 Rotne-=their rise„ ttm:oss And. fr.11 7 -and sufficiently insettutiods, social . civil and rofigiOnsVof Groat Oritatt, and yet woftil li.--4iorent. in itelt nOw I edge ot. !their ..ptv exploits of .CiCaer,.an4 the Manes of Alfred ; ocoupy their thoughts jo .ezelusion of:those. - -Vighter exaniples : .of fortitude add patriotism which the annals of the Revolution fornlsh. .Though a knotvlcilge of the 3ncieni Republics and anil insv that become the scholar, statesernan,. or teaffof the world, gliii,yeiptllCM - Ilitit thesi - ;should be helji sAerilitTete titer- opal' acquaintance with th9: :: ftitidaineotal doctrines of•Atnericati tibeity ,'end the cir• ctnstances.and [pen that achieved • . TIM eresi error,in - Ais'syStemtef 'educa tion ,eonsists -:in .; o•'Otlisether memory, when it is friish,nrul apt!,=" . .With!)'egengrtuil civionieles ofnkn& wlibSe institM4, arc of. ito`stile :those'sof own country : The Mind is - ,:lire:(icetnned 'lore:hefori;:it is limn t . contact with Ainerican;:'history.' • Itfrp. 'que.ittly hlmpetiti; yOung 'men, soon afte'r,g n tidliOdU neqs pursuite•Ahut:moguish . .,withinFtliem persons go s to ilk, fa m wi oyents tliat:SlOuld•rdlaini,tbS:qo mompries;:'Tleleo•4l4:,l3:4 sibiefins fo' 11)4.1 ••'04 0 9 I'MliUnd 'Of ilerivliig,UiriiiorCiiiiif'plinieutu erke?*ieo: of a: o.o r (Oil royal retinue. ne sesommAsn. ,014nenli isiii!gitill l3o !Wei,icma - !! 'r, : er ri4 63 C (l, -, 0 .1, 1. th q'prini fil 65 ot - d4.4 lo o*,fiajtianeFo.` Thei'hoo",i:flao'`a Itf4Wit'Ali°'4!gluly coqloy.4*All'rie!,ioofiiiilibor l ;,th4 tiic .c sitiiiii,'4ll7 - ,ititcp6o!oo',.;;l - ;i: 4011.. 7 : 'figi', i 44 kiiit'is,iitifigf.lYOTPiOt9f a iOY!,I - t Af f i l v. ii p i vo , ;: ( li i pfie- 1 104: : ;5AP:Pllil . kiii ) i . flo tiCe*giltet ri ji n oll- 1 PS :11 1q 4 . " i41 1 , -3 1 lii4rii i/ 4 74r*O iii i4701 ! ‘4 400; ' *K i k i Il i flitliiit#4 co , 4 .104iii:iwok(,itiirtiob:Oio 0 ? -4(-...xl, ?F, , ,triwi.ii - htrudviive '4l4iiiittitiv) . ,o44, tlifi,liv7s4oit if00p,7 0 ;i 0 4, 0 6 'eliii s. t.g,ooll'iiie .:aidit r itt4 4 l6ll4lo T i. , 7 :if ';‘,.. , -:.:„t4,-.'-'. , • ' ,ji:4 l - • . 1,-g,"T'!,';:- ;;:'• ktis. • ' • „ (ii Jxi~^ i n x ~;=': ~ ,~~ S; ,; a `q - ~• fr••~7+~~:~ boauliful br4in ! 11E1 ~~;; 1/111 E2M ;is mailable;and rep :F P .I 9 II T be.,improvcd, y td.stamp upon it a porely:Ainerican.clmracter: The opposite systent-enstrangesthe-heartArom Americap directing the admiration to wards The achieVements of other times-and other. peoppl,than our own. When our young me for., the most port; 'begin -to read A meriiku history, the .the claims of u4~ali}iigton, orPaneock; aud.Adaros,oPon A r iteir,iene ‘ ration and regard have to,struggle ;fOr r a4is:sion into .bosoms already stuffed Wlthloreign Instead of grafting the a . of learning upon Ameri . leAreated as an amid.fureign, plints.pressed.intQ the indigenous growth: 'Our ' systems 'educatimi, mile account, have gi-ven- anti 7 republiceir-principjeiihe-advan , itags by alloWip'g them ,the first access to' :the uninformad mind:' . - It is an . augury ofbetter things that those. tVlidlutve the-instruction rf American youth in charge aWA eni tig - to alrd p O rtance - of 'ad- dirseting their studies that they. will groiv up American men. The object of the , teacher should beta store - the mind with suclY knowledge of the great men and great actions of our own. country as will Mite the 'Heartcaptive; to impress- upon' the ptipil some idea of the vast destinies that await this nation and-the inflUences that it will' Otert.apomthe happiness and -freedom of the- world.; to emboe him with. a noble anxiety to coliffibii - fdlo ths.renot n . 'retry nf - tria la v n country - ran -,; - . : r en iti, - , t hitn' the . deep end solemn Obligation' Ihe inaiirs of transmitting his liberties on impaired to Woke Who niaiceme . afterhiin: When Shi?iS - 47 — ;;r0,.ITIllie Gieek and...llin -inr-Britielr-claseits. -, foreigiHristoviell court, circulars that were 'ever written will ' .. fpgaid ... ),,ii, ft - - `llV sl6 Areer if irftri . :'• -- 71 - rtiVltiri.. -4 1fs tastes before consulting Westminister-nran- Millineri,and express-his-opinio:ts'withotii d7eading the fiat of Quarterly Ret.iews.- 7. A. dood; Wholesonie, native fiteraTift - 63 — Wit -- be 'o tielof-ili e-fruits-o Nil e-refoiane-Ll-s.ys tem_ . of education. Poems and Romances com memorative -of incidpnts -- -of Antericntr-Ir . ' - tort' will supplant the thrice sifted chaff of the Loodini ,press. Foreigners who visit our shores will 'he- trealed,l. too, with ,A, measulre. of resPiCi:-Wietedout according to their claims tOtAniftteration and hospitality. Wu .should 110-k,ri.thiii!ii.2ivitness-tlic-humil liming spectaAo of grown -itici.;.'free and in th u bftillness of years, bringing shaine upon themselves and their country by ;pros -mating-themselves in adoration of. every fiddler, dancing women, scribbler or fuzzy ' lipped - adventurer, who may chance to cross to ocean in search of dimes or dinitiqs; .......N. 0. - Picayune. - - - MEM A WIFE Il'ORTICIIAVI1(4. The distinguished William Wirt, willg itiTsix or eiglit - months after his first mar,- riage,become addicted to:intemperance, the effect of which operated 6trengly, on . the mind and of his wife, and in 4 f6e; months more sh . c. was numbered with the' dead.: Bei.' death „ led .the - county where he rebltled,md . remove to Richmond, where he soon mac to distinct Lion: his 114 bits hung 'abOut"hint; ,eud occasionally he %Vas . 11101 , 1 oud frolicksome spirits, in bacchanalian reyelry. His true friends expostulated' with him, is 1.1.. prae licebeg•an to Tall off, and many : leoltq.upon rtrini - ab -- turthe - sure - tem' d—tirrohr--I4e—was adViSe;4 1O get -- married, With a`View of cot.- reetini r his habits. This he -consontetl to do, if the right person offered. - H.e seam.• tingly paid his' aildresses - to a - li*ss' Gam ble. • After same month's attentions, he asked her hand in. marriage, ,bite . \yin, I hare been' well aware, of VoUr, intentiona.-for,some time_ back, and pbould'haith glen you to .untlerstan.d that. 'Your visits and , ettentines were Unaceepia . ; he'd ree,iprooeted tile a ff ection Pot I tienttot yield hy, aaaentuntil iroe'tuitlieiineq , pledge never ,Thisoating drinks: u eFlt cc t: it Avae neirel:: ifio,rep)y, - wao,,tltat. : tiler cOnsideretion . ,,ot e. the,cubjeot,,antl,Jeft van..t l ll ( l` A s ever—iitteilestkpicienContl neglect.;.ln the course of st.teWAve:elte r ogpitt,,end a cal p i!4 titcligtter!!;,cm4 reiortNlTA. l 4 o . slip pr li,l4llaajn,B3ll*g..o, hie honor; 1'4 0 4 : 1114 1)°2,'? lust; utedtkor they,shoi,lll byorliOv9:l.l,4,orto4l;;(oil ' '4- '''' ' '' " '-''' -wo f fi c - a • ‘-, - 1444 11 #,Y.9.rep-Rtl," (1 • . - ~,,!P, i , ,,,riV,l3 e l4ol4 to . i4ili : 94 e-11 ,1 *k : *: '' 'lite iii:,il l )%6tk"; . ''`' t ‘. /t4w ~: ~.„.....,.;,.„4 1 .2,!.., 11. ;,t 3, .0f„ % r%,,51.1.,Mr A 1 41#r0. , „ aersCor Atop:Bll'6'v _cleftictxp QV F , .` t , ~c,1t1,”- .i,-., 1••,.,.. ., t lttill'fle't ',, • , • ;,;,'T ) : I Mn o , l r,ijit„ig Of ~ /PP .P,974%,,i e ' JOJi'?* . Wl,lng-iii ' lit ' 'vt;;?' '; !!-'# o i!iti,:l l6 ;:li,9kl4 ll *.i,ili i i:bel!illif , jil'in ''' 'wit ) it : I)iP4:PLPt.ltifitatii'ijiii-isilii'Of"'?; '''' 4,011';,3 , " liip:idlik;,iiii(lii64l '. '" :4!6"l44 ''44,6.i'llilieik'ilitilietll,' ' 3 ,‘ le l 9 r i fe i ii,k4i,k,.t.v,,,z16..i 0r9%. ,, 1A00.04 , ii. ..,,,,,0, , , , ,,t , ,,,,,m9git0f0i,!.....iciiiiii1iit1y. 11..isA ,„41),i*f." , . -, f - 114iiii;.hiiiii7of - Ti z- " , ,il4 ,l l l .iit 'tiiiAti:?"; ~,!!•...,00q:k' oio-, iit t iii;ii 1 ~... ~ , great this !Ili. o. itfoi,, ' . 1'.. ,,, , 0 9PlZ:**'Oitfikoo'ir ' :,',;,,4.,,,,,,:,.. ~1?!,.•.a..,;,1,4wi,,,igt ~,,..,,,. , -,r Lei .:5, ,',-.1,,,,,„ANAv01fiVe.441-A7 u :2 4.7.r.:* - ‘,`-.`7 7 ,..!•_: - 7*:"i‘ , .' . .' .. t _ ,_i M arinit,lithen be . disouVeied',the:handker. chief Which'he looked 4t, and the,..npon Iliat Was'on it.' After pausing a few ules„he exclaimed, • • GA; Airiiii - leTr - this :With ne!— Who placed lt on my ~face 9" . No ciße' r" • - knee!. I,le dropt the glass, exclaiming, "EriOught enough!" , • ' Ho. retired 'instantly' froin the store, for getting his-thirst, fiyt not 'his Obaveli, 'the fiend:kerchief, or the lady, vovring, if God gave hint strength, never to touch'-, taste or handle intoxicating drinks: • TO' meet Miss g 4-; again ‘lfts the hardest effort of his dire:. If he met her in her car• rifige or pit foot, he would dodge the near- eat corner. She nt lact eddrcisnedbim a note, under her own trend, .theinmsei whiebite-IrnallYVthert:4** rage to ii`'ecepi die tolil Irei: if She - stilltorf affection for hini t AO,*tild agree to her own terms: lit eitirefilY,Arias, -7"iily-conditioirs are now *hat they ever . - "Then;" said - the disenthralled I accept Of thern.",: - .."rifey were soon married; and. from that day ho kept his word, - and his 'affairs 'brightened, while honor and eriry,gatherecV thicfi upon his brow. His name Ink been time will 0.4 t. be eo pleasant as - enrolled- high'in the-temple of fame, White, / that 'Due walk Which delayed on its his deeds,,his pfitriotisei and tenotivti live yet •914.(:) so soon What &ionise of slter bum with imperishable lustre How , -the i vvise, the-Witty, the plogsfetit,'will eVer 4a"644-sscination-of a few simple:even many noble minds_might the young.ladicii i .j_ save, if:theymuld—follenrthe-exampleof)niatliie,3yoros_lf — e still, _but delic -41161,4e4i-d- et t d Mies-6"atirble; - .th efrie art `-k4-4 leticAvhlch the... broke -Why of her country, add the tele- does love ., _all'ect-r.hildish ;expressions of en,- tive of La Fayetic.[S: C. enmer . nnce dceOunt,,but- because it• has all the (filth. - r % . 8 -- (tvoc iw c. -• ~• . • • and eeF,teStness of childhood . • , ef language seems * proof ;ire -----1211.ErTrAgm. AJatl ti 9t, ? 4,41.--aLato...tutille' legion was passionately fend - of Agrictil-1-m'"l4lY,itielf' it de116143-Ci'iet*"ll;°4- - - • - the pastionifte - song.iifilitiptlet;:the livanied betaity of flowers, will ever_again.....cOnft , leirt _ • -.---- • . -• . . , sturisit! , wits , -Itri irek,;etite4 o loft 4 - , can 'boast. of few sons to'whotti her agrictit ttirelias--peon moreianlebtea who assisted. tirotirolitig het Interest to a greater . ex tent-, orivith the manifestation of a more Jirdent . and patronizing- zeal.. The foll - tiii; ing account of jiis faiming operations )vill -sei - ;e._to-exhibit_the Father - cif hit - Country r Lthe man first iY war, first iti peace, and -first iti theleaksi - of his catintrymenlin his "The farMef General - . Washington, at .11Inunt Vernim, :cor_tninci! ten tlicAt-s-ancl. acres of lanti-in-one-body,-44931:t0-jifteen spare miles. It was divided into farms of convenient size, at the- ilistaoce Of, one, two, three, .four and five miles from his mansion,- ;these farms he visited every day in - Pleasant-"weather, and was constant ly engaged in making experiments for the improvegent 9f agOcniture. Boma• idea of the eictent of his farming operations may be found from front the.following facts:. In 1787, he had five bund'red acres in grass; sowed six hundred acres of seven hundred acres . in%vheat; and prepared as potatoes,lnans, -peas,- and one hundred mid fifty- acres' in, turnips. Ilis stock consisted qf 9ne,hun tired and forty horses, coo „hundred and twelve cows, three hundred and and thirty five tzpiking oxen, heifers -and, steers, and tyo .[red j eonsontly ern• played, two ;hundred Ondfifty hands, and kept twenty-four ploughs'going...duringthe whole yetif, When Alie..eitfift.arid.:itate 'of %%feather, Would,, 1 -4',780, he • slanghteretLone. hundred and fiftr:ltogi, lrriolrittg Vit , iiiirti — titttifteitrioii:CTWlß . • and ninety ,patinds, forthe use of his fam tV, beside - a provisions for the use of his negroes."--,Nced's Gazette. * A. "Sucicen" OFFICE C 011: respendall4 Washington fernialtes -- ,lllp Knickerbocker With the renewing laugh - a- - ble sketch :-7llickem,tnight draw i 10,43 lEughable carricatut•es from the live . speci wets 9f office' hOnters,no'w on hand here. 'Fhb ne,W President.. has jttst advised them, 011,00 I hefne ankleate. #!eir papPpLPet hind thm r e, gnd soelt a j aapey,i,dg 3;ou:doyt .ieqo kl/qw 'PR ) °• l lq l 4 1 i 11. • was 010 1)94, gredt)9Aneoce and destieacp 91, any.such pratensiontOtcpi3O , the deltisioo,fur the :•,,Yfia:6,aaltaiagtir,e`saetttliejAnn.o.r, h rib - an9e - aornaOing IR this ,wtse: Now, Siraiigar, lodk,,,fat';,.th4rtpap:erS,, , Odopsls,tliti lown:Tl,o3l , V . s -Deacon :-srdea;"haTe-aillt;a!Pionaer iii` , filflicittini - y,F . -oiucilfetteilJo4nCßogersi P,ar; o ll(4 o .W4krVll,ioidipdethiinri, , hdp4;•iio4 O''‘)Oit'ei'voirkoVriOffitoitiT 4-4 (ihog°- 11 e; XO:P44,ol};,thiolllPl insoles ; had AvfliA • tltrjiL[TalOr o (l49iloi- of - 1;.0$16 PiTid;krr OeY,'ll 7 lve`i49pgh. ano,oloo l nd' 1 ; .0. 1 1+00 6 074 1 o q l omilill4lo4l3, i t i3 gfrEq..i tit Ybu go'to Pi Iluili im4:isti kit!) nfiqui qi6 l'bil 4 llo grid 'out i ifow'.piiiiine—' I* iip,olcJim i--"Futtiqry our hoOttiii , ie, '''''' l6 t . ': I , 4i4l 6 r'Ah 6 : piOty_;-liAfii,litiiiii , 'l 14 . , , .a . ;;Ii 6 cetkiT*, iii , i l lP:tiku l lrq.%44 o, ' ;0 0 8'4 /Yk rti ati . .Fol4,ol4 ' loo l :4o !3"4 . 44 . l?it'M . ;:Mii'*of:?\llo3ool***: *Wk." i t ii4 6 4 - ! i i i i i ,l, o, i,l it 4 1 (1 1 4 ,;11 :4* ‘ , ,? , ( 1 0 94 ! , elk *ii ? Lott - ikiktiOifilt*W.4:o 6 kiPpOr APl44#44l#o 4't *P # 4 ,loo*. te o rroto, ,i•,t, 0 4. 0 14.41,,i A 0 tit& ~.c2 -. 3 :P l r4: YZ.II *.g,V.4 l *Sviii.#*.''..;', 614:Ratt• how 't lE l l_ ye pirne,,t 141. frAcei ,r • = 2 4 ; " 7 • - A 1110 Young, laving, and beloved—Aotijmuelt - of happipens brief words; All great.nonseliO4" t• , , j • gr,PO -conviction most: lovers,rrty9,tn very, setnef_l2 times say.etrittelysiailolirtikwouh%ise'des ! ,- -: Sroy great eajciyerient,:coiilit'4arthlnk 'at :the time as • we do aftei:tvardai is period in the livos of when - the heart opens -its leaves, like a",flottidri to all the gentle iqueneep.;4w,hen . one :beloved step ie-r-treet all music ; and tile liglit of9ne.,behiitletlAce is dear 88 ,that of Heaven .-L:ittlien , ,'4lte thoughts - are -ed turned to poetry,,Tq.o.a/fairy charms- Is • throw n,oceurrence, Elope, that gentleat:aitrologgy, foretelling a future she . *self . Kea) : ereate.d when ,the presentis.culored spir its bonyant, though' toci:tender.fUr mirth. Who shelf say. that:in...selAsh feeling' nTich looks - in ants.Oldes,eyes. to Yeast its own happiness, analieli.l4:eatuthers Welfare ncure.--preeioue:Abart".tt t , Wilat peth " • .• • ... , • Shafferah'e - fainotis : v.t.jt, was at °a faveniin - . Epping, New' Hampshire, - he - noticed. a ravAooking wooldba4lantly sort of,ttlelt • ...- low, strutting. bout .with all .41e, - Consw-.- incite° alloiiible.tO ito*.catipw . , hats-and fine deities) . antl. - thinicinktVk,i;;; , .,, fine O ,tlportuntty-for-a..njoying.•344dt '~}P t'` -at--t4te--bu ut addressed himself in a.,VerY. reSpebtf4 . rtlan ne: to fellow in .theloileWilliNipids;::: A beautiful hat that of yliors; young nntleman,, naaf: be eoe = bglt, What did you give for . .that?".' "Eight dial! Jars,", said the fellow, with. 'an 'air of .6`ciit 7 . • sequence. "But eight dollarS! sir! Wily I pretend to iinow sorpeth:lnt . ... about hats, being a !caner mYself4griil. IT . • consider That hat to Ile as much twenty dollars,,a4 the one I Wear mitselfi which l gave twenty . - five fur, by Why, sir; they .tire-very of_the salamander hats irn ported 'nOW- l a.. daya." . "What are they?—so/ittiiiiiiirei hats?" said the felloW . . • "To stiro,!' said Schaffer,. "did you nevec lieati-Ofcsa/.. amender hats, which: are.:t . pade -of, s nix; stance called asbestos;mliKoli - , resiatsho action of hcat?--fso, thatif you , ehoyld.lpave one 10.,the fire arthor,.j.t. would'utbtn: . "What",7,said„thsfellOy,, "„wen'i.rny . tat i f. - 1 . 4.444::gc4.cinnt',:419k.:*jr!0i4t .. • grate?'!:: nig in, herreecilialtriaMiff, !etc)brilittrthirt --; ., salamander has. never burn!':? ,t'AY,hnt will you bet now that my hat won't burnt". said the fellow, taking off his hat and_er t , amining it., " Hot ?" said ,Schaffer, ",1 never ,het! ,y et, as -I' ain positive, in 'hip= ease,_,llliall bet a glass lif pop, that,ot* hat,. (an it is. a salamander hat) valet burn if you shout` leiive it fireawo m:nttles.'' "You'll bet 'llniti tny - liat'on'i --- turn,. if . I should go to p`Oke it in at• that r'i• grate?' "Yes," rePlieti Sphafrer.— "Denc,', said the caller, and immediately ~_ thrusting ,bist-hat =into die-, grata, i(Whielt . was well;filled with ,lelligli)ite. liiitl the satisfactiothof , seolng It.conpittne,d in less time, than_ tt' : w i inkstielaied,ll,ll . ,th w 9 bei;— hilm.he ,Was , Pre,ign!cilifedfi'APC'eliink it - IP lie7 , c o , l nPuTlyl i llk a A r tilfillil h 4 -the Y - --- would see no eiteAtitigANAllkplger,=and ' that the hat.should 'retiitijtilhd`' , loeiviteif trine.; After , the hat PilkaictßtOtinih,Plifiaf'' , ,: s • I. for Attruing,round',N . ,asid cit_i_ c c=riNrinolioly'N , ~ manner `Teret i f il l'l., ° l 4 4.F., il : 4 o s lY n C tt ''''' ' ,== ~ =•it gentleman , a $ 1 0 3 : 9 0 7 pope-40.4 4 ;M 114**,4' • - , 4 4 4 1. bet. ~ - • 'IP ,1;'477',Vv.44:711r T1f,4.1. >.' , 4T, ',( Cowsprax. Srlicinb4tA4oiktionto '.l ..,. 9, ~ .t i ,, -.,'-,,• iv i l / 4 = ~,, t ti , Gurr j ot, in J l'anela.4 o !3flte 15 " , '.1 9 ."? 06,1 siiiP ll 4.bidimeliiiierr t 0 2ritlittl?, 4. - 4%._, - Ciiftlay , et .411r051* - 44rettit;14 4 .l - '11444 - 4r-r,,, .t, ' rl , • , ~ t o .: , Y r ni rolo ' Lltaol4 l 4l l 4, 11 0 0? 1 15 , 1 F 1:11 M3f fßt' ' , viie t itili tirit4itgi fik9fill 4 , l Ven Ith,Chl, ' 1 „,,14,.. , qvr„ a,IP',. ~ .Vi'v ;) l';‘ -..'''',lll ":y 1” '9IOM4II3VeITS T r# iPu, l , ll) '140,1 1 # p,,c).r , ~ '6llll4lren - Aiivitliiiroii 4 ool,r3itt;gm r. ,;,.",,, -- ~, 1 hilib,!4 .A ..- ime,ei Ri1i . 74' . €90,f.1 11 1f 3 P0 ~,. 'oo' 4l h , 'JO' ' ,Oryo,trai:Aktilti_n! ,, titnes , ', , i tiAi*o 44 fa s it l kifkiSii i Zret'grit'ett: Air 'th* ' ' 'ciii4o,lloieillantlin,tl 4011, 86 0060 Pr:f` 7 ' , /-= `Aaiiili'tilitwiiiiatiiil4 l 4 0 6 , fe0014.1 14 4 4 4t , 'cliii ol ,.. , Blin iiiitiiiiioi,io l l,ol,, iitnetatY,o ll P . : 4 • ,: i: tOre. , '', + . t .,.,,,, 10 , ,- ,:4,, .;,, v. ; 1:4,'. ,, ";?;;;;: /4i*rittiffitii,4,f,ro 6 .loo44 o k4pii'dti. ,,' i!° ~,,,, totityls th'etiT t 4 . . AVitt r . 4 r '' iii % ; gi 4 .!4,,C , ' , ~, ~, At, atoWW3Ciaveriticiv , „ ,c k. , , c i ' ,s , *,4 1-71 , Pai.4.1 '';', Af' '1 1 •.'' f• ' :'l' ' ' ' ; '/ Y.::tkZ: l ; •rt '' t 1 2 ,!, :k...4 . 3f; ; 1 t'r e' '' ' ') Ve il 4 c4 '''s 9'l'