Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 09, 1845, Image 1
7....Fj"-.7 ---.. - 77 , 1"... , 7 , 717=7 ~„- = .11.7.77".- , , : - , - -7 - -, :,=- • ; ;,- T.,: - ..7,7-17 , ^...? VT-CC, ;7; 7i - 4 . t:' ,, MN:•"': l o't". ''''''',''`Nr-'''''''P''''"';'''''''''z'n''''t'eq-4(0!:',',Vi1111::"A.N.W.01!,,,i. -11 . , , , ~.„ ~.,, ; „ 4 ,.. 0.„ ~,, , ~„,, 4, , ,, , ~,,, ~,,, , ,t . 7.7,, ,,..,... ~...„ . i ;,....., ,;•,,i,i '," ' , : s T,Fr' ":”'; .!-- I'7' -''''-." — l , l' '''''''' :'' :""" , ...,":".4., ,: " :77 .4. 7 7 77';' ' ': . 1“ '' ..i .,.- ' - ' ' ra..'.: ':''' - ''' ' "':: ' - t. 4 . 1 -`'': " '' f .''" - -, C ,' t ''', 11- '..,' '''',, .'„ .. - ....4:,..,' fr• iii. %,,,.. VA:, it, .‘"•,-, ;, f , . •-.` ~' r . ,e`e" . -- '1, 4 "• .4 ' '‘),, ' fer " , 4 L •." -• ' ' ''-') "\ ' -'' ' ' ''. =3. ..t . ' ' • .v; " . •-• -= ,i, r . ,p , .;,.• •.;, t , • A .,' ,4=-.• * = , ; '' -.' •-•' ~.- _,,',= ' . -? lt t iff t ilt4"''' ''.'' k` . ' -'. ''-'' ' ,2 j.:1-', - , - '''' 1 4 11 1 'ili"k` ' . / -3.a.lai -i-: ' 'P . ' . .`'..0 14 -. I V Y .: 10°Ar 4 " 1 "! .4tt. '' 4 - ; '' ~ : aAiri:44" iatr , rita.4l-Ibisw •00 - .4'; , : r : , 01'1 4- ) 4 k.S . .):::4!"-?4 ,,, - ; , -•f.i .7 7 ., z10 , .4'it'irk, , . r ~ ,.,,-1 ~' z. 7. 0 ,; 1 : , . -'4, .. 74)5, 7 - 1. ..): ' 1 .? ?1 ,3u ;k0- , 1 , ,ft . •...0.4_1 - / ~. , 'ef !'" :4 • • -.. 1 . , =•,___.. -4. , , ~.c. ; • ' • ..r . r..• :... -' ..: _ ~i ;,,...,) • ~,,„ ~- 1 4 -,.: , .. . „_ L , , . 10; Mx.. :le „ 1.*,,t-14 1-4 "t4P01 h - A'' ~ 14, , f)1: Val-, ; ,. A1 4 q) 411- q•O 4 .J• 4!, -- ':` ''' -- :', ' 7 4 °V - r (4:,-- ' ' - '. 6 . ~.. -'' I P 4 -''' -' P. ''''''lrn - 7 ? i TM'''! , .. ;l -: . .V 4 ' ; 5: 4 4 1 i i. '' 14. . ;''' , -_,.:L.-1 , ----,..,, --- -.------ • ,-.:_• ,1 , 14 . 0. Ai !.. 'q:. - ''-- ,'„, ~,, ~: :.i , ~ - ~... , • ,,, ,1 :,,. - - :,..-- i O,•. ~;;;_,.. ~-.. :„ „t_.., ' , ;to „..,,, c._ i 5 5 r , 40 , 24 . 3a , . , .. 4tr .. ~ • 5 , 14 , ,11 .„,,,,, T c ,,.„, t ,. , /1 . pr•-,.: . a ,,, T .,.,,, i„ i :, ;,.. pi ,- r ..,.. ;ki p._ . , 1, , , ,- ,4:4,,..... ,, .i.:451.".1ik; ;'y :-.: : .;-; , m. , ..t , ee. ;; .; - , ...„ .t . -,.. ~ ~, ; .t—., - ~,,,, . ,Iy_ ~.v i ~ bpe #-,:tf 1----- , , _ ~ : t- i i., ,:..- : - 1 ., - ff , 1 1 : 4 , i....-i-; -,...,-/ Ct':..' '4,, 4:. - 4 . 4, 1 . ,'' - i - 7: 4 , - .T ,- - . ,` 4 '. . ' tk i ' ' - -0 1rr i .1,,,4 Pl 4 i • :: '• - •.. . ~, ''. ~ • ''."?,'"'•""' . ''; ~. \ ; - . imp:Amtpiolvitl., Isclif -P. 4 .'4).21-6 , '.. '''.', 4. I FA, ) . If - V il,-.7 ", -, ,i ft 5. 1 . r. ,-., ; .:7. 1 ! '.• °,' . '.. `, ; ' ' ~... ',. q 3 , . . 1 .i 4 1 4 ( t. , f1 . 1 .. { : , ! , .:V; il , t , . ''., ; 4 .' ) f , W . ., ' 4 ' 0 ')4 I. '•'', ', ..,..,,:', - ,•,, . ,. .. o , - ' litiVi , j l .i . iits , ii ~ ,1, 1,41.0 i .A.: . .;) 1 , CP: '. N" ~, ~ ' . 4 ''', . ' •• • . 4 " ' ' '. F 4 44 .14 1 4 ' 4 .A ' 4,14 , •in •„‘ - i re h :r 0 .tit}. t - - '.' I ' Vtt l lo' ' I . (i Lb 41 . . V . f77 ;i4;l . 41 .'' n ir". 'AI ' 4 ' , ,v ''-- ' -,..1. .7,.., ' 4414'3 .),.;1`..4440-',.,r,'•** ; 9_l - • -.. , - ;, • ••7-11, -.. • -- ..,,r „ t1 ,,4‘..,,,,,. 4 ,, , , i .:„,-. ; ,,,,,,•, / ,.+,,.. n =r, i r.****:. r., H!! 'l'W '''!"-sr , ".l , u!) , rr •*1.07 4 , ';‘,. 4 ~ " 4 ,' .1 . -4 ' 4 ( Pv Ai .. ` . ..1',:. , %.)_ Jr :... 4 1i - •.°,1 , r ' . • ' r• *.ir.* , I .' - 411) - F r t ..,", 1 ‘• 144 . 1 e 4 ' •0, /' ;‘' n'-ii WO 1)/ •' 177 -T 4 ),. l'i"c)) -rr!"-. 7 ) 7 P ) 4:;:, '' ';';" 1- it'''' ' * '- - ---"' '- ' -47 '' ' ; --' ' • ViL '" ' 1 - ' 6 ''' ' l4 .''' l :" l ' 4 ' k).4.-c-Ov-/-v4y.4 : : 1 .1 rot. o. -irr , -4,4,+; 11 -4), 11 : ..6,,,,Jt +Lo t h ~ -e l, i1 4, 1f 1 :0 - 11,01M.N 'cif; '4 , ), - :l7r'n '4%)' kr! ) "...rri 1 , ' -. .. ' - ~.... --"".T t i ' . :',r).) , '''' ‘• .r. • , - ' 1 ... .. . , - , i * ,-.-, ,, • ....,:.., _ , , ~.,,_ , 1 . . 1 .. . „ . . L. ., , , ~ ,.....„! k ,, p. ~,,.., i, : b? __; g ,_, 1 .,,.,.,, n 4,r_a1,'1' *,.-, -: ibis 1,1*.•2,- , :th_ll,*,-, ',. _. , ~, ~- .' !.r;ir' , ; 1 - 4.'• ,4 .4%1 LaAN:lff4,' , ...I.Lci.; le.-.14. -cfr.: IA , ' bwflp.ll-4,41-4 .- ,reY ! 'l - r 4 Mg l- ' 64 t' l ":.iv 3-11114 +'" - :'% 11 7: 41 '""!- 1 W o 3Tr- i ! l 'ilb aT ' 7-111. 7i frnl-tT 1 1 7 4 '--.11:-.'1" : 11'.'11* ' f' "' " 7 1 '' '''''7:l:---77-r7-17 ' '' 3 ' 4 ' ' ~5 kt, ,.4-w riss• .4- , 4,- . „•- ; imv. i : ' 0-M ' r...*-4.• *rerrt‘ r • - 1..1r , ,tlvr {t11...;.`; r•t, 1 p ',1.,- .7sl , ..1 -, :. ,;" • 'r....,, A .,-‘11,,, - • - - 1 4•44 -, &--tWOMIg-t.- mtwa •• r - - ' I -I i . nitiNtrAlA2 , - , 11.‘41, 4 rd Ull lAISMIOI - IrrirTM - r 1 - 711C,Saii - 411330: - I . . . , , . b _______ _ ~1 EL ,4„..,4„, E iteh ,1,,, 1 L u 4Lat. _. .r ilA , , . ,p, ~ , 4 .,,.. ,---1; , ---- ..._.r 2 .-- , ,- - ~. „. ~ ~ :.., .1 ,i.1,,,,,,, , ;1 • n -- --- -' 1 - , -4.) 60 ,:,',...1' w • . .zr i 4, .; t - t54.41;-:1 , 2 '' . ' VAIVIROM• ''- '-•• . Mi Iffi ' . .--A11.11:1a0&z.11431 1 , ,,.(11: - ^ • - t. 1 .gam , 4ME133.4. • • •• • • ..„-,11111.115900.11•KeE1133'•AF0R ,.,„--,,.„„,,,, ,-1 , : 1 1 , 0074reitite.e•'..wirkaufwei ,,, Niii , ir. • , ' , e4o 't i c rat-tfeti VOUStivnif; -,• 1...•vm.; , :...-..„.t. .A. L • . . . . 1 --" • • , P 7 ER,l4.,§bEi1 1 .IIVVICAtitiN - 1... Th l`Vl74.o4. f c..t!galValtdif , hitbliT4 , ck-e' ii - i'ort ao o übTo roytilihpet,;gt rly_O D, La FoV44oiifiittuAllyabyofthhAFlVEMOllols. tl oiittho t hoe ,Of t iutime l Otitig• ; OR Twq iiiiLLAgs A A V. O l li t .: :iYi Ort:sli,a'OPOW c h :64 : "I) par., tlnLiliUseiipc,i4n,,,ly,il44ll4tislii fot:•;Ose I tli.4p six 4 i011 . 14;4.n clAmpit'Apt 4436'otit44ued,ui'itia, io a : :tis lir.o' prit4ii i3ol,t-,. 04 the iiptiDn..ofclio t ' p. 11,1 i ihni; 4 n etiltilti 4 o''',lol.ilY, I . lliqpnti 4 u-• 1 n no t will bo cokiitilo, da,lip#: . eriittAer4rtk- , ,1 ?Liver tisittrivilWaoil4p*;tge:thiu.artorm a . 1 : f l at° -s to i rrsorpl,attotiNgn, , ,ni it st.lm, lids tiptk Ldt ; , • Atiorne • 7AFFlctitkAidij -'nc c te,nis iikir s ,)ll 11," r, am tornierlir . nocimi c tl by S. D. Athdc, c.. •: 541 ;• , 4•T 10 3 J . , Cc/tweet _ It P. MuCiv / , C ) 1274 E I: L' We VC LAU n E - , AtOrnerS 4 at' Li , - , ViILL Illittl4 ill Clytliptb. litOpiSittegs eniviltiot tk theta in tho (-oakum ol thpainn land and t l'inn lin Offmt s, ope (ham u t,ag,.(1)(1 ' fail, Pam High al OA, Carliele, itucl lit 4.1 4. 40 P , 11) .$ 144111311 0 , Ik/ II o% ees BM; Stora r Shrpismsbilig. droi Ai 1 , 11 , 24, 134 I _ N KlititE: TE, subscribers are w tttie room 11 ljoi at i lig ,;',..l)titgeltPa 1 I tird wore Store and directlyalittrlsLire Ne'tv.S,CAult • • . - ....tmtntorititT;ATiiii..tiftiKaViortin9aTtlf. Ladies int! u k eti: .3,itttkits.,lLlzorittes,..llari.ges Nino de: 1.;:i itie:!;ll,riptit try Lace, NI ti sit iis, C hintzes Onssianci.ea. 81117)1 , 1er (; 1 0tlii, (.10(tlit 1111.0.1 4111611 141 0:6 . 0li111 . 11,C r ensontibic 1,1 ices for ... 'CO. •litcutsc...tataeltai. --- 47 . 17t0 t k-ron it w be .I;enttitr:, : , : • • et : A. EA II I - E 4011 - • - • 140 Pitbliaten eriilly, are • , tespactiilly rtied this tsnat oend• Rau Parke, mi - the •20 tkay "' • ' _ll.4ttrzsl •so tilioaQdiar Soluikdl4iAri 104, 43, untiergoth4 repairs. ' t'peciul 'Sertirclicfd to tlui tice.tiuniid:au;n of . testow'lttisses .or)u)o43aulipq will be •"' vat:shred al Efo'artlt.ta., ntodatos init. - Q.4:d to iilforitH 8601:M.110 adyitttjages .coonrcied with a rei•i• the plyst•golitepl iskivule !busily, • • E1:16113£3. • • • • -fuel, !mills nntl. Ives:sing, will i.e f u:niblOal,ccrlitionk s'4:ll:tuns. during the • €,Aaprr nu atlin; 'find 3:4,511„-tliwilig (11W winto-• 111001.-omi mien P.ogiiiai, ',audios Geoardodiyi - Hisciiry,'Grittit • A Hill, • IlutieT i gseiingruliWtcutatig - i i iitlr ertraallar:4'••.'•'• Vt, ;P:liitoilarlay a n tt• Eilgdish Cann -.....r;ilielirritisinidoes as Ilsdanv,.r lscinklry s Mendel 'and • More{ 4'istleesspla . V., !siitrsetioruin tlin•Lasagartf.rsss l ire ti yoke an extra curbs 17,cosions ielassrsiinent4 Music Itp Ptei '_ caf r ,o cllll ree . r i , n the l'oitiee:74A itaisoired gen rtcrly nits] talc • ..sis'od,lss in advance, anti nn de Juetion (1111(1C ihr ut.y.ce - uilt lit case of •ielintru • ..Ntivalphol';4ll,',lB4j ELLIIDTT Ch . y'rEltS.tot. sqlo utyyry reduce.l'in ices. Ilifsortatitatit , . aruzsi.rfle - itc - Mm • '• „ copttloh• with Pine:Cup Ynpar, I{ rll.l,ett et e , sl a t es 6y the ttoy.en,Saree (!elecrl,.l)ra we t' , •••'6,1 - t hle 'Drawing S I i. 1 %. ' • ie Peekvi”e, rit dee Erpv ilo..Slviving•clo,,Teo ilo, • • Flesh tin • 41koviii , pad • • oi lvt ?000likpi gr<4 . l .3 ' • SpUts,prottata amt I , Thlgrotti;4', • - switkever,i•other I tentfon ; of ,!,15)sHi!til,V,6ir,or,. • ,114:eulii;,10 . Inlll , * .- k)yers',4o;nlltiivil - its - ,ttalirhw , c7firdll low prices fiw ,j , • Owlish:, NI nrcli 15 . 11844, ". 4 . 4t...ll.4444!totropi . qieihrfr ;1.,1, ex tentii,veijp , friOnvit w,itll µ . l cot vire geati , mid Pure. 1 - 1Z1t3;;•' .510.1119 $111(1 Untilltry,ll6 . o.l9lls iireyvg[tp , siosl in iviil tltuliitaitleltelite'i,i;;A•l,;(oitg - elkyt,ltb•e t , ; • " • " ot;A* . li eg Ie Assni . trile6l"4 Pal itirt . 110 lee -Dyers. Paint dui! Pullet.; 81 4 0 .,...,04 1t ; t 1. I;) oks.tive. ;I«tit itthrtir, tt:ei tett it 14e;t1; ity,,tielettp &Isle t l.bte • , - 7 Books.- B . „‘Ve have added tif . our;u7stitilifocil77ll'olo ce sel ea+ 7inpof Boot:* it i 771 . Statiol77l44:447ip,7 , ;ti,i;oVnt .0 vl,7y,.vpll46keil:lque4..-.1,....,;72:..7 k F1, 1 :-,i,..., , , yy , Z. ; .! > ,iT .I'f atillikiiiii,e..-.-togtitlieX;#ll!j),(kiiipil,l: o lo 7 7 ; 4 7 l 7 l7 l 111,‘ U M7tV tf•-• •• ~ . Wa W shi ig 41` tOo P t r 'Hate ' l ' z c,..... OF. hlstertyrr etl'lmpr,t,,Cll.ll!fliirrrAte HAR? 4I B ' jr04142 1, Al;''' ' 3 ' , . ..r ph° , § fiii,ii,rl, l l . 4o l 4 l, beitkiAlWe' 4 4 o ll6o/1) , •,I,IIL I the 111 . 300,411p-tiobiii:Wagealilibpb , ciii. .13(tAir ✓ , '"JW: us .i N„ A n ciplit,Peq t iy. , will i epee qt't hoNi, girie ,ke." , ,'s 11 ,n10 1 M 1 ,',„111 0 (I,l,,k'oew,..with the.hc#ol.llol•:,l -4 tbii".4 iinitlitheui AP U,,nlitlefe‘olv lwetlamil At' '4r i s -" I -940f ' l ' ,ll o . a ( p.' t !l l 4. Ei f t l O l4 Pi*MO 0 . 111 , O n o,, , iii itY?,q, '*el , .y:sliu , ,i),,v,lniii oir.tFritiv, , 'e I ‘ l ‘. da '9Plezieb. ,•' , . , 'i 05:40i:4 ' 843 4 . .. ,, ,. , 'it ~;,.. )'s ; w :o 7s ;;>P r Og . ,P l i ','•-:''''' : ;., ;4 1 411 , OffAER 47/51 AZO:fi t i,i; T2l :::: ~`," , ...-i.,,,-' 4 " ,• . t' , , , i.„ , ,' ~ t4I4OV,VA'SHINGTON'INb `jACKSOI4 Wit-, ~--,..., ~,,:J3,:,,,,-, . ~ - 4 4, % .: tk:iialsid*), 61 44. 4144.i40rm 44 4 14 - . Am6Riiiiiv.pil‘tb P I , l is i' tblitlitt4e tilnklii . 6ll ti : oko' ~,, Ip . ..ii 'fmkiid'Orl+W i" OtreMbt_ie 06(410144 11i11re4419/' , l:itorl4), cilibpPlS o bib f4iofee sttecie,t,' ~ .. c, ow togibouithiAga:of, Weelliegicei 'Wig r aeckiwel ,), 0 1,'"*' rigieooll',be el th ieegleiltiiiiee;bli feleridifillita the itu9triMukTPaY4ltet4o644`srAmqvditihem 11 , •ts'i I ii ea end -Mott oor eftnietilefenenerovs,kki,' • ~;',', •• ''''' r 41 11 ' illtit.;PAAl4o Po4l4l9llirtatßiPkiell,miatte - 'theta ' O'ikieeep pie.fhpslyili ...wit ttieileit the Ittatl4de'eau lb tillata't A '-tik"6rki 1 : 08 33..P.R.,piv a I gopi jo'lo eil kangt.—_and,,nqtfiliigthitittiklfitt utilion'4 • ill plettitiiill l 4o`tiati *itiVitr,reolf;',.: ti 4; ,, , ,tioARDERS, 4 tplipp, bf tholeaf 611th'Or7iiii; ' ...,` f! 4, 1 e !, 17 P1i , tr,''',,t4. '44.,,,,0r.47.1-i'jt-,;1if4':'1,4111 * 4-,,, Ntl e r;Pth l 4 . 4# 4 llllr#4oFlV":;' "-• e - '2 ,- .,---'' '''''' 4 - e .0 .P.V--04t.,'.`,' 1, , TrA9prorktvi.o6 fft.p,4it ..4. r F'' batpl4 A tt , ..,,,.qp.,11.), ,Neethenon ' , V; • Id".. ! r,01.41§14190e. „ • ,(0.-.45715.4 •, '+f I. .1 4 000 i WI I t§ '3l • :. ''' .. ' 1 ''' P' C14M0A3 • 6 1 4,k . STORE. ,: 1 • 'ME Siiiiicrii)er hoe n filkilnyis 'Once receked „fro% 041s,ilty gl,figt. tiii,.....ii - ockiopiy,br,s4o.l. Bdov. . nini...Wity,cnifry, Aininli he illiiiodkl.!?,Aqfkg,redu'ped P.!`. o o.i..;Ai t a • -i•`.k . : .••,...•.......t. -•„ .i'', , :•7 . •:,1••• , *:' , ";';'%. .':.:Pur, OO ,2s#AVIqtA,IAPPItc(II?.94 nib 4 /11 1 11!er,§ze• ' ittplaq9Kytirolig.p,...4'iilo- 2-,, .•.. • :i'l' , : ), •,;ti,•,-„,.:; , ..,:Ai1•)044.00 - tir..:t.',... , •r ' ~ " . :::$: 1.",0 •'.- -7 0 1 41 . 00.11661111Weiii•-••=' ' ..• • ~..: go . ' l' . .Xl;ll•6o;so,6kiiii.a.l4yrre' ) ,tie-- , ;w4T .IT-2 • . Ver' 6 lSsitlikr;B'.inbi•gniz'o'illti'aoi.-1,00 „ school Aluliknopiiiesyneatouliqu use prubiu•-* : st4 I tigiA t ripltiflioottI t otility:1 1 11 on n good ~ ninpAilleio.4fij:Atticigyn nhi c Mans, Tor., 130oksmn1 liankViiiiiiiitiitra• Holidnys. . ' ! '''! • 1 .Al4:itlno , unreinsl ni)-.'ilise • - •flobk«Bindilig busitiess•l . ay knit, ilnrscin p. oat; ilinte , ,lli tile( ol II; hoOkn•r6fibtinid; nli3n Wank ißnokail)nactnSte.• nnute.ttrooilli , :t. 1 -, ~,1,;110 ,aubgerib9,- iii connection'. with , l)ltnonk nbil • , StAtintinir•Stni.n;tinsiestilbtisheil:nt •• •• " • , '1 • !'"--• , '''' ' W.10111,1";45111:0eE1.11t . " ; 11V,Intamow. on ltau ae urge nod genet - etil•qtesortintrtitf-fretile4roceeirseirpficeSL ofiery desbrfplio'd uniltn. i Vest :quality; sttlealdd"ttiith curd itt the'city, _ „.. -at4.?111-101...h0 .is enablerko sell at reduced cash o . iiees.tu snit the times.. ,if . • • ' •' . Thankful for the patronage extended to him , itirinolteokwdaxstlic Inislietin In, the business, be brines b 4 altOttion 'and l enac.ricuring to picnic lo merit, a con,l.lnuante thereof; his : KAR; In part dceniWits' or'' Stitrig Rio unit " ..Best and Bd:qoality boa F.:guilt!, Bide)n, white, ifavana ird crte , hed .Sugara obrig T.!‘ySint, Lniicrial and,l3l.iek Teas. _ Suga:r:.lluuse 'Byeup and New Orleans Altlas. ect fiestmnd 2tl beet Sperm Oil. ' Bporm, and_ onkt Condlem,Spicessiall. kinds fresh ground and•ungrinind,Cherso , and crackers, _Lon - inns . , Mace, Citron; Indign;'Starchi Saltpetre, Lmgcrood, A lee , i e all d tendon 'mustard, (lied, itryncepalliic and linker s Peet . 01000/L_ltC y itliSllll3, Almonds _ ...i----- - Tergo , criickilmi*l4 - CiairiVr'diZitlsO 3roslr cc,' `I übs,llaskcts Churns,. Brooms,. Bed. curds, Halters, Ploughlities, Altisens and, Carpenters Linea, Market ILI PliCte g Best Cavendihli Nnwinr -- "un - Vgli)6l(rrig 8)1;11110v an'd Sgrirs, •A general' ossorimeht. of . gobd Sprint eUtinn, 'l.ltread;.l a pea, I hooks eyeS, Pea rl Litt: l9llf Flint{ end nprtlb s , luulh bruShea, hak•bra-hes iffiitr,TevAte..r - eNuipTfiWUrri"Wil.g. 4114 iely `Ohither A,lso & ti tndelrcrel, amakedlidrriLickuntam a ' " • '.***7Bl44f' =EI ALraropj:44,Z - 17.tit - 7 .11 AV I N ptirpinitkl tlto et3tire muck b•l' goprls Hut littlim,ing J:t034.3.1kriti.:19 1 . 2'131•11, 1 lituovi:: , • youi a 11-t% i103,1-t, sbt It., 11.3 in's I),lllti„;33l_u:ti, - V-7 - ‘3 , 1113•134-• — e•f3 131i13 6 if - lame — hut ice ti.3lV - 111 . riii , Lowest- Pvices.• • - 00:ERIE S & PT C - 1,38 I „eh tt .oar Srigar ()pubic St Siniletl.- - 1 - 45ti1,.113-qu I I...vann in Crushed Stigtirs,:Yopig 113 6013, otl lllack Stigni--linme,l373l!tip 00ciaisii :11111111 , 153-s, ripen•lll.l '1'13;313. Otikitlli•s, Glimme r I 111,cii , . It •ny Tndinn, 81:11•311, B;3ltpetru. Nliisl4l , l 'lllw .m.• Sttlenatte, mon, Cloves, Crockery • China . in nemak•;. Tabs, 11:30:c•ls, Churns, 43 13,3814.15, 1,301er prints; - , - inised Had ,. 41:1; spanis!iill:3lf%pa.lll.ll F. iFak • 4: C. l . 0 T .$; A El "7.: 3 7 or eviwv d0 ,,, it0.0.4 of Clity juslyrevittilliii. his WII &MI& 111•11 . 01'en sliertts tutu !twos mid aver II the 1,.()%,,,A1 F 9.4 )155? 1141.1.4 it o ul I , l“itr. - - 5 11..1,11 rl . l S i I Iry ii, 0,•,1 mcyi. • Hoar., EIM 7,50 LEE ME •. PL . IIII. parelite.iog P4 . air of 1110 cnn h a v e nt.pny part Those who may titmor him with their oustom, 11.1 11 lie dealt a ith doh the taunt satiAtetory leynts. Ile therefore solicits a share or pithily patronage. Cltrilble, loony) 8, 1315. a WATCHES, JEMMY Etc. ,- --, . - 11 - us I' received a fine assortment of IVatehrs anti e Jeiceirecomitstlng in part-sof Gold Joel Sifter ': ‘vit el , es , re"iis. Spectacles, Cola' lits , tsi Bins, 4 4 ,i0gs,.Lticiltos, %Vetch keys, Flar rings, Ilistectuts. I:las i 's, liliettoore cases, Silver thilithics, Ilittrer __knives, Smear tongs, I lair Nos. I • lire tst _Llies,.a_ ..or/ii Pk strert, Co rit er of COTIV. lay j..,ti - (.:tilitinoii Sileclaulee, W tittli Chains anti Guards, Common \Vlach Nei s, Goggle -a. :mil a merce 8 Irerl, l'hiladrlialtite. -0, ; Jjecat many . other things ii . llielt pet:snits will sec A. LA I/ ( ;f1'..§ , 11)(.;;. c.. . : ...he e . tics c:.11. . Tri()AIAS ruici l'N' : - ...D-L,a-7 -- ,..:,:•••-• { - ,i,•,f1. -- J.: - j;j1)2,...pj "--- - "•••••9 -,-• • 1 _ _ . . . •• • .- •• • 9 . N. li. : Ain articles which I roar not thiVe on . , CONTAINING AS • ,baud till! hr. Oreeurpil vi the Sheetha lifthee , Hll4lllll -GR. . • . Evr a i l ` - k RIETY low ass 0. 1 - can he purchased in the city. , Al'uSelte ~. - -_l•Litirottms tt Mini. ' ' , Asls • o SR-r-e.41 by .4-by Itoumti in a lee . • January 8 0 845* - '. • - r -- . . - city of I'll li. it•ilel pbvt :" -' ' —, , --- " - • 1 / 4 - ' *.,..' :. • ro l l lEY.•rsa, ithrli. atteiiil ~11te'iiist'lits' IT:tie:Oen a ii i i ,1 - ~F,OIO:IENT OR SALE .IL Atee.ftite.:ldly 'obit , ti):ofireliikst•-notiks6Asi' l til t - : • , ,- ,i,le. 4:::6c. l .i i iiim,.B vr:Cippilit . lllitah lielow rift 1. 1 / 1 1k1' 1 ;rim AT 'well h"i)with_."'NPFA-6-404-- - rietraint - Whiettlll4, - witl -- Sell iii - O - iii7 ; ;lf 1 , 1 1 m,,,,,, • ti ter liols.PriimAstit..puthet-antl h - 9yVm: recs. re inittly goads Oil Yet limn,' 40'111141- li '"l"V'i'"l'rein, ""W hi the tioxiilgiii- „1„0„,.e,„,, ant „,,,,. ~t , l, of poeogii bonds as ,„„ : ey 'pr S. Ai. Ilimris. Alto 'a lot not' , .as they are in !lie rniiii• f eet A:O4 ipttnnspition.s •Iteee the I,ferri Klalirr,„ Turnio kg k tIOW II aft illill - 14 . 1,..N44W, c r . nek. rlit;ir assortoiwid ,astiiisia 'in dh'pai , )t Lt.. inquire of Air (. W, ftheent:or of 011.1.0 f the r6i 1 0 ai'il t;ooils 'yip •—i'l ...•":":.'...?. ,-- the aubserSter thrOgli 1310 I Itottlestow n"P. IL , . ,BitOPD CLOTHS '27 Z.. Deaenater 4;1844 - i 1 ? :1"Ir- F CFr P . ,ie-s • • • 7."..7,•,. 1 ' • .142 Ilit;tr.-er mild Pilot 'Clotlyt,n foil stssofittiStil,',Salii; meta,,leans e I , lotonia.l , ,eraey a and Li twee, m ar - seilleantal Valettaia_,A'sliit2a iitzresti,rOriety ' . Black :Silk ‘'rlyet, Figitroa Silk Vel':et, ilipipiTott,in . ,,Nr.., ' , 2P - l. •,. ~ 't . 7 ,r, •:- -- 7,.t.' , -,; -: „It; •_, [NIA l'alllliirg:- . oiii,Vtisa:, itilliP'w,Alttlittpth' . ; Gattton .rireig - SilllSPribee 'villa(' call the ntt6litlon'of Per- , illticerp,' - ('',logittritis. Cr..l: - Patti',. ,, ' colored . ' JL• 'mom in ..'. woo( of. CAR. tt , ETS,'tn , tliti!tOieellioit ,c„„4„., c ,ijkiit,,.).„,.:(11„tk e „,„ ; 5r,,,;,, kV. s '.' .• ' ~ ",',,ttotiortuteot they now ;t4Thr,,untl co !hp , e,itremely . , .10.46.-14tIt'lk) a-I,lm e.klidlsireMisiirtnientliiid:t#,O l 9yrkeilleivhhihlhq 'lre iel!IIIIS. '.. .; ' • fl edlistaooNirivitli, therbeweat I t'les tot th(4. tkoinfi'iiiiii.44l.o l il y :1. .ti' .','.' • , r ''!"I . ::- , r: 1 • frs4,lllc, - ;:thalitilliet uftrkl-- Al fitilt I ie. '1ji _ 0ei1!11:,..44.1 4; 1'-' 9l.theillt4illldell i p .- A : ---,3- , 7.7-.:-.c,.6,7. F(Fraivii4z - GTFOil , fili,Jiiviiitelfi, .13..ittk', 1,1101.4,44.4 ri L 5i,,6„4",• 5 i 0 • . ' nig : '. . All) tii iA; 8 - urige,•.Ntrhli lig: iei eh LA itetta)l6ll:4 W ,l lklritUlill'iVd - ifiMitiali: r '-CARP,ET/N-,-;,:: 11,,..;a 'Bli.e,..i . pi g i; Fltirlatis IlOssia - Dh,p6.4•TOttesti t::lo,l 6 .,Avbi. Bt - ,,,,,,yag01 i i ? r . :,..,. I:i . ,' - i 1,.•;:V5-, ':•;-:‘,, i . ll:ol.4; i ti Ai :Of , ci.:(511 1 ;s:::.,'& 0. .. ,- .6`' , .. ,- ":: )': , •1 1 . isva t ivialoalit dd.: ...j. ' ''-. - . ?, ,. ..:-a; . .. ' ALP ACAS ,Wgreat •vn el or, ilktiedii- liatrAiftiifi;',! l :' o ,o4l,o•2 ; :• . kr , '...f.:7.,....? . ! . ..1....Nt.9?%f. '. 4 '2!l.l4l)ti ' l .. ' T ' , '''',:: M illottlkekliiefairo fill.liss^. l 3.4. l Pid,Pf gototoosiik,i,-, :Aiii 6, 74 . ...1.nt:ip, , *0**,(P.i.101 . ::001U Ol C. littyi,Tid•o r s; I I &GA; -:;', o.Wit'i, • They:o'; ;II:: athar ~O VEIS,:- : if4ir},AthlihsOklirml4. ht.:10:1ms; ,Lhee- chiddi,.'Sir.l, •.',,V.Viele4pfhil'a:lsOrttsitiVor tili'li) . :-,..) , a jsts.44ooll.oArtt)Offttllc,: i littgsz-l'io0;"41 1 11 ..kitd.liletielied. Shlettog4.ltriil. Sltetit I tiks:e: '-.....' ','." ..'i Irobre..;eool,,;SPllPl44lo.lll:AtiAtiMil.ijntlingai:ka. - . ;.:. ( 1 :; . : , ,:0`tiNk1!:.H. , . iii!towNili f;ti: 4 :',, i t ' AVlihfeil'adrbe ati:lniti.yee.l6w' . 10 c;osii, • ‘ 1.1 1 55 i '''.'' Ni'i'e.o'N,,i. ) ,itli API , si::' Phi li4'", .1 leti•VW,liik!:iii a' Cli:eo't:ili.freon(:o',l . o : do I,iiiii: ' isi,, ) , :i• Fel)i'qiitYi b: . ,1 •14•It0 1 ••'!,'". i.''' :r . k '' • ' " '•"' ••• ' • . . 1 lid Rtitiiy Akka Ilnii• t?iii•pts ,- rftili - ,4.5' qi, A 0 §y"oi : t, • :‘ ! - I'llezi.',. -, 1 , :• ,•‘•:'• •• .. , '.. , . 1 ... .- • , -. 4; "F.',i...l)4ll)Gint. DHOTI I Fm, L.: 1 . NV4li- soiiblieNylaieeit: Sne dim'. above Ghea- Ont4Es.lietWees;SdebotUfst • Triio :Oak Plillmilciimilit 11e.olwoory ;26,L1'1145..0tn.: e 4. -'a, i.tit,:)•.. '1 , ...,. - rt .. , .. Cyantry Plerchant3, • TAKE NOTICE - THAT YOU WILI, At Till.: Si'Ulil• TII ST:nscniisEus. No. 9.0 iii , • .- 1 7 .ftei•ti . ei.'e; • nnhe_itartoorphii)iter.etolprtr.yottoir,hetAveqhfite 4 mio;pal.iviboit t • Ilotrks ore the B Ai) ;•-• t1..,.,(1# la . ,' toil Nati oft, nod those iodAtt.2 ll 'fir'p , ot, omit s)t iliu'Utiyitielilikittl'ho.eutil .. ell?uil'a's • potisitir,e.:4; i - P.AAF,EPSit p , )! ;I)Cceollei IS ~" , q 0 .:;\;:ra• IWs'N teStieetrutbi . I ofootti iit'V IP Oil cool ' Pill el r - tiona the and p;Audt.tisi.oaka ,-1 44,r4crobSti•k'i.434fthitilirliusti nod_, eN4piejb:.iisporipiel,q IPI;11, , ;'lltiop,,Sotr.Oit,lyotity 5 ( 641 orp I nOti;:n vOtY, _ ~, Pa - ten. Iditegidibieseer, 5t,',,- ; ,- 1....'" ,.- ."`".4..,...4 WC.:ll.t''''''7'.ll' All "libi ItiatiOC4l744ll4loSlCK° t 1 . 4 f ;'" ' • Milili tg 44:)3blii, Z 4 tA lli t?t f XL QF ‘ l. ' At j 1 I '4 l '64 tirkimmit,f,for ourripf,'Plitfil, :Olt ,7:rf! , '' 4:' ?q , ‘trilld , Otie,pemikt444sTAikyeJAßitoc,,i3tP;tib.P7lt litrit ri PPlA- grl ie i chr4oog l V#4 J ~, N y t il -ErPtlytri.. A. 4 * . ' w,)4ft: ' sV. , :j.* l, , , liwt o :P% 4T,,-0 --w!til triirk,l;Allt. t.-49"1 I T ri' , .• .."• ,. 6 `," , ,'•';' . "',r! ,V,A4&a 0 , P . ,,,,,th itlf • etfilif/ iiiiiiii',it:4l; ' ' '' 6efil ' °v '":, itilt 010 *.ilqm , Piitit.6 ~-, T.,,,, : q, e r„, ~,,,;, ~,,,,;;;:,',,,,,,,,:f.,,5L.,:i.,,1 , •,) :," tr:3, ' •-• ,'''' ', .., ;)`''' •,' 1 ,, "4 0 '1'` '; •" : ' ; ' .'r,: t "';',.; 1 .:', ; ; l'-^t, IRE .., ;~ .! - -Rc-ratil TA,I,RI 1131 ME •ti , A1iz,,Aiti.,...,....r, ,tte ;i7...,7: - :T;; - - - • - •••••. ,- ;‘ - '7"7 - .71 - .. 4r/41POrtatrilitleinSii • ;••ir. i 10,;:"1.ii:•1 !.: , ,Ar41 1 ,1f,;• 1 q)7414, t. .?.:;,-,0,-,,,-,, , ,,: 1, ! ,,. GROCER ANCIcTIA , DIAI:ER, , ,;, • ~, i , Pre; 94,4 / 9 . ,rip.9ftii . c01144.,v • ir'izz'mmition. iiiiiia . general ns,Aortrnept,, is. rip w . ill, , 're'deipt o r ;I .: iii.iiv"antl'iiittlifibitlil - siePPI;Sr 'tif :die' best Wiliam. .k...ty..m...' ) '.4 + led_ is ::.,i , ' • i•l' .01[IiStk OILS !,,,,,, ..t • ' , , •ia --- • ' v- k • ' l k ' ' . at cos. i'etlirbd-e6ii -.ON %It. - liA.lO EVER viz.: .. J ,,,.1( 1 ..i' bilr ...:X,s`l. ' Wiiiiet• St i•iii n'ed 5116141 at $l-421 ppr g iii..i.„', ~;,,,.'..t_ -., spine. .., , A i :Si , .,;_; 117 1 10• '01 1 6111 -.: ' - I' ' ' Elephant ^ lat:dieke a iidluitlilatini elLiVini; vi l e; iiii t il 0(160 ici; Any .., - ip pur imirilet t rpleat iputtlitylTable:clit. i 0 _pliirliiid' 'cliii‘'e 'bottles. ' -. • . ' - • „..,...._,: r , .! 1 ;A:1 , 10 , - ,4 1 - 'ivg§ , ,itticiiilil rind bimovein''CiinC. , ales, ai peicel Low .iii .proportion}..tngil;tliFtf.,.,%Vith h ) fineiVniokninzirof Votvit; lifinn, linpernti, Chia"- ,p,a,liqqr;and,axtra,Apnpowderilapakial hail Soup, ~'~f~7, Jatp,u,„,, uo tbislekejost,rttriE , lnbgr ssb•ui tip LOCiUSraltEk." el'elatuiry Si 1845:' -"• • • - • • • JOHS C, I'ARM • f• 5:: Eit.eciiesmit rr,F i Kria item yr jr. malutii afore, iliC of .hiller gee le in the wont advantttgiOut terms :min iiri ers; Sze. • Gold Lever Leiline ninl:ol3ien. fine wolf:het, Silver S net , ' Verge AVatelpen, lib onr Nlnntel Titriell'irees'i Gin I T.! Tunes, Small lip in Tin. and,Slielt •Plated Table 'Cie.liirs,Tea Sots, roth.e Urn sylio Cunnininirin Service, duvlry. h - ee - IV - aremever. watclnonv igrieOlicTiti 7 a rine 11111. kern, widt4n..geneval 119S011111CIlt oC hutch 111:11 , :e1 . 9 'tugls,liilen nutl watch m..terials. !kilos ii on the (Zemin l' nee enliuiteil nod eccos' efbrl will be oitniti .- to jave anti t i lnet i on, , • titTE:6; .. Sj)Trib 474 . P •4. , TlV'EriVrAW . cr - F VADYrk • • :KULA D I' • . • • . . . MANI:I , 4 IOITR I'. IL of Agricilltjiral imple lyients tinthlcaler Carderi, Elou•• er Seed.> offer for nob Prouty And ..i)lear.s! Pitied( ftCenkre-Aran;.ltt'ilili-.7tlwitia-idng ,for witfclt nioe.peoniu tits were silcarileil iiribe - Staies of Pc;int sylvailin s ! il I.lcla NI aee the trust 11.11.‘• . .11n,q , are both.riglit hand, are • iglif hr di:aught, gbeap ip keep, in repair, and, are particularly rec ommended for luriiing , tinder green crops, anti are siring enough • for ally 'soil. Salisnil .l'lnuOs. on*, lon or three horses. Side Ili!! I.lutdile Mould •anil h, York l'hAttglea, lettm ea,tta-fi Tay- Patent Straw Cutter. (new.) (:tern's llorLy's• Conklin's, Siiebilr's and improved St raNI• Glitters. Corn Stidk Hailers. Grain Finis, recital $9 to stfi each. Giro Sliellia•s hi a car4ely, for hu,ol tout - .horse power. lIP Hie ' 'gill) 1111 . 04/11 .44":?;141.thi nes. M ( ilturoa. , •' . ..llayiltild , 4tanitit'e t . Sai ks.. 11008, Spades, l'raosidatalng Trowels:'. . Cora • " 'tpitlerneld wanted' iltr.t lie' Parra or • . r LS f 1.-114 e most inlenilceassorinietilnrYegettf• VloiCer'Sreds, iS P111111(1611 pin. - iryclndwg 711 Ina ;or kinds, crop of 1844, grown ex. establialiinent, and wilt•ranted of the t• - i• Cab - Ird oi•laiucd Ili r neatly pm tip mid labelled, Ittiltions Hoots and • 'kinds. Dealers aura kst. die iisinrtment. PROUTY, ass _Ware . . ::, 1 5lt S.. )r:i 101,11l1,!!.192 now an pressl, 4,est rynsliiynnl &lie pound or with c10 . 0...t.i00tt Frei l Triter, eiro;1) to call• atm Cr Prices extremely Inw „ decoweis ; er.c. 4' . .. .. 1 .. • T 9 tilt :11. /e XI iiC - .., <:,.' . . THOMPSON'S - COMPOUND., 4 yniip•Of . L o tR4ND t -' ; ItiirAlliiiL AT A, ~ ' lt . ' s '*:...- 1 1:ear,t116 ! :to:cannon :and , G ad. or - , 71. --- P t iii4 l gi) A(f.MVt ' rO ig #o9 ) tO il ,•! ' ' 4 ill 'i• '''J' if ''il '1 14'"" n . 61 '''' :' :neeo, 0 ',pa 4 i . tici eta; o : ,tit.,,e mai , lei eqs qlWPAl T Oiildiudit..,‘ tict,lssuudJi inoe, so .1111,1 ' S 1 ti011114.i,i4.11.!(ik, I iitt,g9iiim'plioisa)lls3lll)l‘liia';'CtiiitiOr i i, -O t etu 31 - r - P :0 71 1 :Y. -- Ugo!i. 111 111'40 4, 0011 1 .1kiitt pi. tittitkcN ii . g4l I I (t Pi`, l ! o,44f.p,iiiepr vyttpps, outp, ipaiir'liiill (latrOyiltk;44;oi(43 iwtow, )1 u fa tulait t t. Arai', likUalifilit,kuip,Utit'undjuie,Oggebkir l ido •itio: ett&iktlittelifto':) , Preitifiti tlitiildiii , ao4,ll4:iiiiiWvi' •':4l4tvialtiuttid4olll.(litit , tietCiiibtElV,lptiii,iiiift'o'kui.A.iv4 14 baavlite alleviation of. tisfroilukil*ult+iriOlpf l ija , .:, "54 lititAilfctoiltht; thd 6rhiillill'Oirl'efiliAoAll'eiollitlV;rk , llia'ciMPPOo l lik .;B A:PUlA r afY,Ttr)..iiktl (, C9illtiiintjati 4 *etdrC;F° UngrAYlll.lo}Vhg,lLPOWin 9FtiC)1!"118': 4,40 iesr:crotrieltwelVaOrlinyillg n speadio qiiticui uictlictilotUfkUiPpifitiUtd' I'll! r is 4.4 . 17%.11k* 41 1 11 110,04.1 , , ikli'q,w halo, ViteinViiqel : l,l"'')) - o*o , failandi,6eit•„. b . , Iplatoiarautantpt, pe come - or: tlisqqty„ 11 . 1110 F ied r.: • V11464 1 00 9 11.1 1 110wivA 1140iliiiinki,(44640e ibr - woraio,lo44l:4l,9nmp debiotate4rhemast ''ift .6 ‘:t. :irOPKVlVVg9r:qtl)9gboefuriviteat Idathuitl *atoll* the'pa eat, ilo . arraapatitdotaattlk: , 74:';:ili%?il I , :', Tiiijitivtil9it.bli pedipitioil ?,.pol , :liton*lie,hair, I Au lii, , Notritiri ;II ! yru of, ar.,tfaa ,, CoOilnuialoo l gr l 4 l t ild h lr g-ifiltrettOtl►ptiViOget fii9nii): , :' l 4 ..t v l i db i WVlitilt.oW44o4:'t'itOltifLValn-nd ; ,, ,..igild,tr.sAtmentlaiurisoi . '. 4 , , t)iiiiiotilM rm . .Ap - 4,t . 4 , :iz,Toris4loin'i . Plit4litilii , ' l :.. 4 ,.'^ . 7% , ,-,, ,,, ;,,,, , :k,tt ~;7,8,1Cfq ': t - „i ,,, r; . 0 , STEVANSONII:OO46O7 t: 'Jk'firy - 9,1 844, ' •;,.4 . ,,- '•,.. -,',..:" ",.,.4.*:•,,',:','..L . ', ',;',:,,,. -.''' ';'''''';,• ' '.. 'L‘ ' - , -„,'L:t", :, .c:,'' , ' , ... -14 Se 64alzari 1). ui Market'hl. I t i s .' fi 11 I, 5:1: _: :xmmcéxtzammfi«as; ,;.„ ,AritivizOi' , , : i*, No...rkilicis • - I 11 3 / 4 . 4 %t '6 - YAV • e.ciirkrfrom Arrk ,rialyaill'a.."Tooeend roptry of Arneticii!' 11 i • proltew'ing!eti7o2tie,•!Welo javeneyleafucei, urn', .IrAPSkine. NAok; •alnietAvholiag beets lieecl. : 1 ,17 3 110 . ,tL 3 ha !pcake;ol - 4 11908 , na1r e,int me.ra - know nothijvit I.llii;style_of libctiy,,Mitrifteinetheirti ,,,,, , ' 'beteifieuftifeitiniettr.!-- , E,lfittng ja - e'oninf,! - Di rCis4tirii '.l!",S?Cepi)lgffOnl•linr 10061/liiir Strealna cseapederoni;iiiillot';ikelping. • In delightful ficedom,poWngy •, - 'Dance along'in music gimbingc “.• sir.. Stene,of late in ifEnttlneie ---- „r ~ Proi ie. ID atiimalionvetitl leped . L I p is,bc9uty, ; in; ; Shout we, then with Isfinures.voie . e . ,' • Refulea, , . • . Springy is corning; came „ my hruthcr,p •'Lel wiili one anptlmr;~, -•*".T-b'etir wen. icirleniliqcil-IAV- 0 1-,i7H Aluurialling, in 'lN r ilitirb'il'ellifillbflod; Whern llibuintid „pewees •are:springing; And a thuitsand •ere-singing • When ,tlie;olden sunbeams quiver ; . • onthcl vcrdorOrgirdled river; „ , 17,Ct ouryt;utti of keeirniiWtit, • l'o the:yeah of NATO' efiHiir, .M 7 lliio the wares repent *fir voice, ',•••• ' • Welcome .Refolci!,flejoica 11111.ENT. . . . .. I The incident we aid about to Eel, u 2 op. eurrourti ) 1 h -t: fti7 1 ,7i7a117 rorruilate batik or Queenstown. Wan ink on the.. 1301 at Oet. 181., and i itas. _me. a:the- vine.t.4l4-prilly-ennteted- inl the whole war, though the force engaged MriVitft - 1161'sella'er, was s.peeiftal;y to 'gain -poa session of ,the ItOglits of clueepstown, theries to intive 'upon- Port. George at-Nia gara,. there s'aite quarters 14 tire Wifite' r It tileetiemy's dot:miry ; Wan move important gefieral purpose was to by some briiliatt.t_expioit, the recollaCtiou of tife disaster that had _befallen the Ame rican arms iu the smrendvr of acitcral (lull at Detroit. ' The 11 Antler coiimpjiil of„tit.loxpotW/fatt: .)ga tt,ot 0 it'On to f 3 olotmon Vum force consisted chiefly of militia , supported by•two corps of regulars, each three hun dred and .fifty •strong,,uuder Lieutenant Colonels Clliristie and Felnvidc. - Geniral Scott, then a Lieutenant Colonel. in coin manq of a regiment of artillery atationad Schuller, near Buffalo, wee a volunteer in Ale cNpedition, but as he would not con sent to waive his rank, which would en d Over Colonel Van his artillery to such -ad-vatt tagc asirt-igitt-Let rac-rie-a-bler- • ' The expedition was' un c trnate in its outset. -Erroneous information Id been received of Genernl-13icieles lepartu e for Detroit--the--'intention to surpriSe-the eIIC7 y - AV as frus t relettatid -i -th ring of tlie•ebittlwltiteOptlittg, C.ol?tt Os ; Vito Mussel:ler, PeftWiclt, „and antr.ciaptitins zit(' 4Ynol; hero wstaided- l 4ri.tislt_t.fortitiJ .wer. : :driiren,frum the ,gronntl;•fit the porta_ 'of the ,bayonet, but at : the clossliis first 'OsfKlii' Wool, was sligftf, 416 the iyr . officer captd!le of duty. ,o,4lunet Tan Rensselaer had tit:ai r y - kr no:4401)1in six wutintls,.threireAr.hieli-were , itersvere. Intelligence of th,is , rti4age.iiiit,i4. : tite ofd . . , , fcer being . rOecivroll'i,)l29ie.4roOrlOn ei~l Cobiiel Scott q9lcpt 410ire - tO tl)osciOty,i; 116 FI,YFr; Clio Coiiln)and tkat the heights enemy sand ,t), , k)itfidiy-41)1411; crotk•iied died); taketi 4 iile'ei)op 7 ., sailed in turn yepera no tn,:rN n • and 41.tiven to -the , odgo ,flut.lieigiitki • "il Ori4 4 . ; ii i ' 'ii' ) ,..:4l 1 ifsr: . Aiottti 'fel e 1 , whonce, l lolove !' „. .1 .. ~,....•_. -...- . . .' if -- lii'Vrkich. Brock . ntao. Ur .succoar.n - v co , ~ ~. ~,, , ~,,,1.,.., , '. ' ' ''''' ''''''k ' t lii , r6o'poO,Aincrfte,r i firt 01';'41 i ,1 0,.i t !PPP::: , , ,:, - • •• '" 1- .. 6 itilaki., 6(;iittil4ii:44t, wa:lltist;.ftcr-ti), 8 :. - F- i : ~ 1 ''''B'iiiiiii ; iliiii''SlaiiiiiCl7 . Biiofi:'oiFi:ieil; At Pon tie. g r P ~- , :. i:...,.. ~ . .- ,, i , ~..,t, ~ ~....: . ' . 'ift."aii - itiolkoc. , 746Trfw 71VATT: A l !;: 4 '',". -I's' ' 3 iViiiikke ,titi: big lit.jollV'' '044(1,47,1,-;-ww, iriA4 , k1i , ,,vi ., 4104„..,,, , pt.F.9.9,...:: , * . g51 0 ;4,:, ii . ..::: ,. ; ,- .. , ' ,/,: 1 3:f' : !t 4 : f 14: ' '' ' ;, 4 1. , ti . :1 , i i, 0 14 0 1;; 1 :,. - ! ., 11- i : ,: : . , ... c .:;-,.',‘, ° ; i :- .0 t•-: ; ! ;6 44 ) ; 1 e d 1 1 6,1 1: : •' , i1: 4:4 1 1: ; ' 1 t i t :P it ',1 60 . 0., Atc#M!t6..l ‘ . " Ati t t....,i,-, tIv.V ~i 1 . , , i i 11! ) , kiii.kJii, il!„0:4:04 .:51-''*"?.P-.."73:.1:.Tiii;W =.iili ii i ' il b i o : '* ,6o 9',i.tnk9li e ! .- ?, ?; , ;4.,.,, 9v\ ii 1 :1341' '' ' ''' ''..i• r ts•''...,"Srg.ioick,Thyjorfilivi.b.oPqi', ,Yfi l o4o?MiTY:4 s '1 - ,;:- ',-.' .-..i' ;.'"iitiiii,VitiP ': ' ',l.' shOgifdiliOk f iV°l7. ll i A,141,-; , ,,,,, litil9l.. :4 1 T0 ,• _11 ,,, cji ',' uitAkio. '. ii!tilYlpoilit*.f.P, .r , !!F, , , k,' 1 7 71 '41i ' ' Y . ' ' ' '' ' rlio' . "WdtAtiitklEi.seilitiffifikevti,,, , , ttili, , /, 5i . ,, 4 „,:',,,,,,,.. 4 , 1 .. , ..,4. , 0; ,,,, ,4-4 ,,, ,-‘3l, 44- 'i 4 21 . 2,10 06- 00,uk repulse piiji.o.o o (va,,,,,..,, '''r- - ; 4 lkk it!iiiiiii: l okireOitiow);,lol# 4 % . t , gr, . ilf triliiiiitgiiiiiso.:4.oo .',y41144P -,. l' --.;., -,kkOni 'i i iv , ' , ,.'4UiStii; 4 #iii. 44:67. KO, .IA ' ",Irpy'Pltllilii 11:6'ii . 4ikilik k . 4 .: i;i4T-, V t . ~, ~ . .AI - -- I+i. , . il:Mgl,,,ips , i., c Ai; v,.T40i0r#.14t4.11,11F,. ~,,',''.,,...f ,t1'.,:2,,,••-h!,,,,,,„,hQcie;ii'..iiiid-'0149. Aliy•ktily.- 44 6! 1 , 0 77.11 , 7i,/.7-14,,.. , ,-.,,,,,-.,`,.:4 i...deesormf,:thh fain Mt a IVleliatOli , tiliier i Bratitktifelfurtnidttble Iftiiiiiatr•-:Of the war, of , the revolittiei.' ',That eelebratedifeiiion'- ,agd wad.' 13•;:yeard.,cir. ego; :he Was ; tiferefore, imicrukt.eig!tteen , yd,4is ullege.,Ail hen he led his) watr.iifriiii , to .bittle at ,of .I:4tleelllino.tik. , ^ a l • • •'; • ;....I.The2;fielili*iii held by:tliti: Arnerientis Lsoveiahlithirhevhile , the-Ifiltish•Waifeti'for .reinfiireemeritsi:,bat .• they' .Were petnUll* -Ifurrassetl: by , -tile Indians; ivho :made, ropeated . flYiritiittatlii upon itlrern; in -wh id!' ; numbers 'bo i Jl. ol;militiav'en ti regu-; jam, :"`! .General , ;Sheaffe t mn•A'klioin•-the devolved altar 1116 .IPit-144-if Geller)! Breelc,t -Was seen 'atiiiiineing .front Niagra, at :ilia -head -of eight litrad red c m en.' 'General Van . Renselluer, Wii6 had crossed to the C;iil;ula side after• the' &tittle; hastened beek'dti as ngille'etrprr,;ar.lP4f,o Sheaffe, alid'e:rerfed his.elogieeri.;iiid. thurity_ io'endeavOi•itt no the der liii'ronithanci to pusW.aeyosS nlO rescue the littl:ban'd "of theit't con n ry men, now' in such 'prcssing, danger; but ail in rain. .They were mii•bound to ICare !hair otynkenntry; . and litr two hours (3oloned colt and h-is men looked down upon, the steady approeli of an opposing; force snl 7 /icent to crush tlitln nt. a single blow, ivhilc also within sight- Were 'iifteon hundred Ani erteetni.Who' might ea s ihrin in itenuon to reulx_if_mai..g.a.milaely,mutit hilate the enethy, . . 11ut's-na.‘vavering - in tli~ ; little' colivanv thui4 abandone•d . to' tlicir Atf Fewest iithei7e — e 7- OTite 'finnans tilnre perilous - - e aitem they; did for soillc titnc, tiutil ortiially lodged by the bayonet, %;; hen they srxin - n 7 : I:lletirilO‘rn as b'e,sl ihcy.mighttothe edge,: by tli akt .. or sbrtibt nurid closely riurstieirby_the Ltdiaas.-••.. -- There were_no boats to carry them off; for•thyr tbsistance was Imirriess, rill] it was agreed to_szrrender.. Three gags of truce were spirt-Dorn' succeesion,:but never re, turned,-having been .shot by the Indians' ( elont). scyttjhume.polv449..go hearing e white „erayet fastene.d.:4o sworth, Ite:.was accompanied .by Towson td - C-hrystioltyhey. , ts Lf r u repeated y ire( 'eonstown Was ;rat Ilrockrilie on by the Indians, but escaped unhurt.— They Were encountered and attacked, hand to hand, by twoopthe retf_inen, in orm of NSTO 11 t h ey-recognized the youthful and agile leader in the conflicts-of rho morning, but juSt as the struggle was at the hottest, a British sergeant 'interposed -,-the conlbat ants were separated, end (lii i rfsl Scott was led the presence of Gen ral Sheafro.--. The terms of surrender : were quickly a greed upon; and ps soon as the Inilians • could bt controlled_ by- their British allies and employer, the firing ceased. The Men who were made prisoners with Scot,-were '•l39 regtilars, and r 54 volunteers. They ! were. marched the same .evening to Ltina gara, wltere Scott, Towson, sod "UheYstie ‘vyr,o quartered, in • smolt tavern, having invitations, On•,their,,errival: General Eiheaffe. tilfere-the „incident oceurittd, and a. full account , :of . which isNgiven it:Stune!s , "bqo of Bret," a commission only arranged' that lie river but remain , .. . , ' - ?ti -at - tvr i lig lit, - irlit ti - e - girl irt - e't t tiyod - TV -pnrhir„-tv-ith'-a message' tint' st'unChotly in , the hall desired to seethe 'tall or ricer.'--:, ''pp - otl-out-of- s tltej patliiri; lt It t•iltetl, of coucse,,,into the hall, , whqc . ii (lnik 'thitl unrrow,-n-trtl- withal_ indUniiiiittled ii•i'llGiiAVir:w,iy";" but :wlttit . ivas ' Itl ii ' -, ti!l;tiislkto 6i t ' i)'ntill ' ' itltilic piing,. faCC , t - o' face, his 401' g'Cohise.:3',', the:tifnos: Onpthiti`lticl)b' [mid iqo fl g 1,11:1 im 6ifil c It i * l'lrt3 1;610 twill ;.id 'shut the tiiuil• tohl.nWthint' 'fiilho ittift-Alie tin itiit 1) tit. t lE , riY v 7 iiii dr . si , n t i - ;net?, 6l int tl in it, ni'llid' . ttiVtetlilb4i., it 4 liii'lliftl, Improperly% lowed the Intlintts to pa's 4 t. :Ili& cltlsky vigirors'stepp6d fili - loilic — f 04' onc;1 without nhil trio 3.'Ohdg'etc, uiltti4ittitikspOltlyEligrisit, nii4o n'biiepic‘ r • ""4"iiir l ti3•'lo:olo:loiiuiticr of 6 tillq:uliir" 11:Iiit! i 4.11. through his cliulicsfhiiituiiiheiiii,li tiit ... touitklntipot r tlint,thoy,,hatt 49th ; boon ,I) . Kigg, 'tit .fiitP' iiq l l l 3!t IIII? nlioti o , y, 1 4 II 1 9 1 ! ti: ' ll ki C4 i t,1. :, 9, 1 i);70*4 1 4 - 0:94 1 9gt-Ini4Y. l l tt. ' - t It t!'!" , tit_p!gt,i iligt Ar,,,r 7 llip,P,ggi,t, llll .lg Ai k95 1 :1 1 ?, 1 0 .-a L,..''' , 7,l;9 ' r• - iii,4B,l l ; , PPi;r3 tte..9!')•'.l:cilili q ( 1 2A • bert1p?...1 ,. .41:0p . t., tipt li,lin , d tO ;. /:iny ir :4,n t , '4 l iiiiXtlll4,t e latilu4L:tlie , (oititiol - by' : ilt4:' -061 attempted iii 4 Y l 4F l ' , 1 1 , 1 r ;9 : sj i„. ' ~:)49.,,,-c 1 am in urollpaw . isp,. i na,§El99,v p 46 fie il t , qle.r e 9 reft,4lllsy o,liit,,,you I,3oiirlii w liqre..,' (4,1 1 :J Ilisio. : _lil ll.4 i B6 6lor4ti l 'Zgrj.ooA 3 :qß4i .1 1 4 - PV. I I,P,W rq,l l , 4 0.!Al 7 r. i 111 :`, 11 /OR:trig .litIL(11;4:.4:0ilii:A'llA01 :9iI Tq 1 ":"k il)131( !- ! 4411- ' li 4 ! °R "' 'ZI .4 1 )010 4 '00 I tAl,' XI 0. 1,10 4)9 t:' 4. 0 : 1 ifit' 4 •' '-.);.#610-'hiP‘;qqitii;lotttA.;:it:',olt..A, i :.......-i'Vis'. "..q.. ~ .- -T 'o, r ii, , .r.,f.' ' ..,,..... ~,......,1,, 014% 4%1 .1 1 0.4.7P1 ,r.'iv. ) 11. qP°9 11 Y. 4 "$' 9! o .' it l :6ot# I **,o: ' N'(ii'4.! o . l .osiq4.' v Or . ; "tfgp . ofbkff . Sihl;t #tioil,vl4l,o,lY,' 43:' ' ,. .:1 , 0 - tiyi!ii'li#iorli .- 3itititi,*iliofit,p,oti6 . -;lift:dif , tlik!4 , l)*lsit);-,13, - ittooo:_ffil . m . ::Ti* 'ff.4i . ! 4 lietiPi:#o.)alfi ' llifffkr•4 lll ':,4:l 4l 4i*; i'i . '' '4lo6 ooo6o .l l4oo,ig 0, 1 0 Yi ,6 fitelC idl 4)!it'' I,lo,it?e44tOcitt. 41 . 1140, ‘,3,ol4ilii!,:fitiliit;',' )&t,s; t: ~ , , pietkiopt. : 4 .-I c t i , ~,, , ,,„,„,r. 1i. 6 1 . „ r PQ.1. 1 i,;. ...V l )ilAitriclSsWit c g” Wi. irTg ' ' . . ti j7f): 4 4oo ,2 )P.,!,tiO?" lll :o l !!i r . 401)441 .Mi#, 4 1, ' ,4 ! , ;;- / rt 4i ,* l4ll o: o oro*,4V lf ,o l .<o l o l ' ,- ..4 licifilittir:tifiii . :44itilefs''ib.ii,',At*k4l.oft 41:V.:;;Z,5).::,';';'.2 ow2f. - vi.T.wp , Avantc,ux.firiuntlArCr4 A 8110'S CIEN(I, BEM Iq - ; !:• ,_ . • , •. . olonel 'Coffin, who had been sent:with'a' guard to' contfu'et ScOtOn the General' s r qttirrs . 1,0 dinner;.spenni'int:o the passage, 1 nifil"eried I 'l°4lotnrchentling,,St ['- glance 'the da s no'broits' pOshi'on olOcOlt he - interfered . at ()hoe, kiyslcaip temoostronc6 - 9(lAohf wetipoo, in lii tiefeneo', in': hobo,' egosi?eratif if tninetl npnn .Colonel. .CofTin, • Ondittioi.oll a tnotiace, his pompom', ton ttlSo nitgthiriletilyttirned - ta..obierye the liStie Of thO itOW Onciibat.: ''"..Phesertne was, of the tne3t: exciting •antl'e'ainest character. 'rho InitiviS hav ing itirnedurion:Cnffin t one, ol ifi:ent rltilnrtl;''l h:;1 yoid' instantif rnis• sn arid I. I , 7 ...=. 7 .............. 7 .- 7 ......r.r..rr ... I■II3IIUN.I •:. , , , :•••••71.M.1117/MI , • 1 . c1,,, hui emp pan . ~ b o a, s m vo ,, s al on . c e . , , ami -addressed thi,itonse iii ,oubsCance-sas foh. ' eallcil,JM :- C,'"if- yostrik'e I will ; Au yb' ~ •,sl eannot epptiort the lMllti:' ,. yor: a malnent,they . ,.stdo l r : frawn. bill ' uniess fain assure : d . :thata distinguish. . i ng i , 1,. , f0,, - ,. -- ,...i„, , . : t. ,. I:if.,--1.1„, loth,„, ad 'neii taihttance.' ot,o) - ii4isrnadia. one of the. gleaMing with tvitldand savage Cory, while rrofesSOrs. llefd . Whll diet college wishes • Seatt_anti .0 °dill ail 4.C.1004 V(1-epen- hotli-- 12 4 -1 .:tiikt...ftiots2.-1-_-_iitoktt_slimter.,_ead_wilLsnit_ _ jle .., beea , ty. ute aithntor in with angry.delinnee,fillwith upraisel arm ' sn's .the place e :tetlY. and g I lire ring • stc el. ' Bceovi ling som r . w l int : two hm:rs,. nod ir ? dilly' . loOst:_820. :to ohm- • from. the . 4ia:ol7passion .i)ito which they plete his 'edueatilin,:,.. , lleboughi e'boolt, had been thrOarn, tite,Judiatte then dropped sir; and read.. ite.c.hatiter„,on fevers, and that, their arms nod retired. ' The - ofheer -who / was .eadug 11.,,.,..11e,:was- sent ,fer to see-a - ', . . thus canto to the - roteueT",pas lite aid of ' iclt. ‘Vc".ne ll 7'l" - e vel:Y . siek - woleall. . With' peneralShestre, Whose s4•:•atid it, 'pas 1 0 1 4 ;i.,s book , tatileitgliearmy-OllFhe•went; her '.., d'onduCt the Coined to dinner, end what heeballtLalld. : Bic:ir son- *John were in the hy.tll:a tiniOS', ,grr . i r al, probably Saved his i Film. w ith die _sick :woinsn ; • . Thptlostor _ life. ..13eyond dotibtdt was no part of the rfelt of lkerwrist and';'lt l oked ill hei mouth, . -- yo•cog eltii.f's design to inflict injury upon tend then took Oilier liai... 'Haiyou gisr,,' . .;43.0.w.aptii ,,, • Altiecienn.:...k.atieutwkr.,...,...4.lll.. a d. d ,r.C-eel.q . th e- Pusihinqk..:a kt4ntto . .lll.lF-P.Pf i ''-^- . . whole character foil:Us the idea, for_he was 'Nn. " l never•Jie — ard 'elSoch a thing in. all generous -:nil heneyolent iu his Italii:s a - my ri-re..•!;ANY'ell them ie•eeeli tiliege , ' . .veid• Iie•AVOS .. 414;• fi.: ll4lVill. , ' "00; / .14•ti ; 1 /.' -been l'llitilliille the dlt .. ~ .,.,c1 '.novi2ll. -ns yeti . nt..___ . .cii - neli MiTintTiii'iai . t tipo'n the Culoocl durin gi li%... . l; l 3 ,,lX.L4'Ll' : .,_ir-g c ry 7 . *- Te 'e t'' ee il lv lebil; ..-. L lte .,..,: a li ty• as rate of •euri - Z;s ' t tlllikit - I'AN-I.'.4tOile i ;liim ito 111 4.C....14 .1 %1 : 14 : T .. ... -i.11 . -414,;___11 4 ,,,,:: 5',:..-=‘ . } ..4t,H l C t i g 4 k . • ... •: . ignn•ediale.l,o , ..7V . t "Idediiiiiii sll (jielV. - Jrill 1 :1r .. J.f; . .i • Y.r.o ••'TA 2 e*6"Ntd'f.lltlAirk_tilo• . a - idlaA - n=e --- s - ofliTtiitV'Ojr:"'ir.':,. L'llcntits, - mßs•n bears.;lllgeT-in the-(lint' . given to your tyife.'. .'f,,Jie. Poor' .ivoiiiitik...._•••,', +'.ucs / lil, , ihongl„.int,,,i,:;.iiy, cold ni ;iri„ „ ' turned•over in her bCd, John . begari . :to4(47,,,;, is e l: ject, anti — tlic littsbnitd" waslircttakea:V7 snort.' _lt wiisthesame-itli . Seott. . ThWWMitd.:lll,3W of pei; fre' cdo to ; ITM 1 1161 . 1 d. . 'IV hiY , T -(16 tht;":tie C i - th 6 .6ii )t0i 1 ,44 1: :,„ gqt,.and worth q , . 1 OQugtkWill : ' -'::.,- bui - culei (lid Iot•ft;14-y-mitnprOreod tl b 1 ' v° !• ve jeet of their visit, and a A ; 10 1,1, 1 , enco unter, , not sonic othkr,soup do as well?'.- - 'NO, the:: 4,•:; . : that had well nigh....pi . 3 „ d. t„,..,,,,„ 33. tine i book says so, and 'tlicre is btk.tiv.t , 'W,,e,s;v l , - i:0 :cotiscquence of it. . . : , 'ions—will 3•Aut kill your horse-,iiiii;,T.',' - ' 4- , wife The? Nothing Will save berheKthei' ;Z:T: 7 . . )1C AN . ELliellANY.---Wel "up of aagfrel shrep_9c-a sorrel' - ..,• ',...c , ..., , ~ , . leMit by n• - eutle.oran Who Catneyassenger 1 4.Ye11• don't' believe me- I -wilt - vetelii , ,to.!. '', lii - iitieithri•riO 3 thelikii.Ocir * V.Write'Sl3,''lriiii . .'[,tent.•, --- -Tlle docto; toCdc.ufilliii:Ciii;oi;-17tit4..41 1.- I-- . , .. El:itohq2litiic that the ler on•fevexs, • . and,'.read.l43.-fol! ,, ' •, , of 1t.0_,..r...„.1401,..hi1t5_, xl-for fevers.....slitirrele:oret . •d, - .. , = ' :.. ~-.4.a., . :0- ; :.] - Saturday meriting, It 11.' .‘WhY, doctor,..,' eiblaiitiedt - k , :i..4 e . ~v, . .i , i.0,,,,4,. employed i husband, will: and son, 'you are - ri,lisca,ket WMS4 had bee'n. for song Icagth of Bute ..,‘..,,,.,.,... .:.,aei.:0,..: that don't mean a sorrel sheep*o:iticirfA;' , ', : o : iq to take eliarge;.of it. It appears that the . !- orse; but--!Well, I ; know whati.. , a*i4:,:t4rt two elephaats and a earnul had been sent bent,' inTerriii4ll' the doctor, r tfait i S7:sllat;....l.6.*. in atlymiee' of the othei: - illm -- 31s, en route „for Clinton, the female tlctpliatit and the Iway vi.e - 40tel,iiiitds it, mid we taiil44ii:ioi..; • - , .0 • , camel chained' together. When about four it. t -•,;-4$ - Aivv,- - L0iii4Nli'--M., wilifaik'.-iiiii - tatiP. ' miles from Baton ltouge, ale eleOlint t .'", El.:',VPPlX47)7l):o..yvere in strik.it4:eini;; - :d.36 ',refused to cross a small bridge; the Iterpe'i::. •,t : l'Af.i."*,tt,ri,.,44, -- 4ghte.r.'ol * the Ito us` . 4 4 ii ii,: ,''..,;?;.:',' it•lio vas on font, procured - a libriu (0n.e.... 1 q041i010). ` 4ki - alier and 'the , frlejithic;W•l.-. which the c•leidintit. V 739 not• io n ) fur the purpose of driving it over; a e euatem ed' ,lito( ll .4loiiiiii : C 'me Ilia t. my sorrel 1 , , :•';....,.. , , , ,v.,,,, : i. - • tor ~wipttiej u no.of the 1 rojessors, - -1 . 1161,.:.-• , : in attempting to m0.6414.the horse shyed, v°t° aPiest the bill:, 'lt isentleeesOarY;t6 , ' - 't - Th_e_de. add that after t hi s blo w, billnevorkiek• and ihrew the man. in the road. ed. It was effectuallykilled:', -phanvimmedistely rushed upon hitmentight him upon in tusks, and threw him foray or fifty feet ii; the sir, which was repeated a great number: of times, the tusks fre quently passing through, his body.' It then_ circled . die - limly - rfebni - 'lll6 - Tioad - t6wartli theetiorids, tAsing It. - iin.lbe - air at interVids; . until it .6;ll'6'o(We : 6'k:6 taileit ireei,:iyliieif saVed• it :11;Iitti,'•fri-filidrtFroil.riiel:flig-Iliiii'i , ~ 7 fiTtle7d . 1 , - ..,WE.1L len_ricriti.ritr' e o , t , 41' tn..LfiZl. where the female elepitaift - Slid- darnel:had ih; , etic bhatito'd . to n • treally -aniiitie.'t iteeribr;, innl iuslteti. upon -them;- Ids jtatiffs'lriAssfitit,.; throOglii'lle: earnel, k nook I Ilfr f , down the r& , 'mats) and.breltinis the chaiii,in . Awo.• ‘..l`lle , enraged '.iiitiod then..inade off.tillhe woods', carrying the camel by its trunktland threw-. i i v t. it' a t , in te ry els" in' the a i r - w ith , its. tits li si 11 7 11 e -other itbranO; uf.: , iht:.eilriivnrl,-.lilow:i eel'!" gig_ ,iii;',.ths bridile,•.:(lie. : elephni.rehtto'=;' -eti : and'-tnailw : dentsitn-ri:ti'giins:-or,-Lan , , , :eitiekt.: spoil ; it ,!. W liniii;fiV•eit'riks' ii , eid' &rough t: in to •viit•tiSitioni , A. A.' ntittitir :ti'f shntSwere:lVrill itritiint,cit . ;.. bilt4.'.Withlitit_t.`itiiyE,itilVett.2:—‘Vinlid iv sEidiftii , , Seitt.iiii.'tli,6' , ,j.P. ' S. , 'g Seri:on; n MI. ! .soinit , :thletnly.r :;:tlte' S:ol(ldetei' word tl'iit ti.fct i l:loo it. - wiiirtheii;':ntitSlits.t. , 4i'.. :-Tho.'in:ijtaliitiitS a Is o': , tit r it ed. l. 6ti-k.'W i II i'i t Iteii riAgs :a qil l .ti Ipti , gtl tislitilid';4qitiiff.-fiy.; 0. 7 1; t4I i'yltilotii wore'-liril!'iqh:to ; - :ol.:.eiviherAfitOii4.liitni roe'llip;lCala -, .iji , okbifieilifeklqs''''..#iitOnetl" tip t.iltthiTiiti'ik!,!ifit:ftittltS 4 iii'liOi,d": 4 7" : AV lyil•p, - 01:1c.44et,iii0,,,biti . , ,,,ii, - ,i . , ,,, , 0t . .5eitd . hi0 rtl 'M r g a friff O ti fi'd'r . l ; . P/rit!e'dir.'.tii"...4ol - ..)t01i,i 'lifiii`; . ..• , ,,i;iiii ) ,.,,,,4,;fiittb - 04A;i;iii , i, , iiioetiitiii . a ithigicira,..jii-,toti,*lAo?itiAi.!.4.iitiowiittlic, wolitYclipt thE'ele Malt il ti il‘lie Vliiseirit tti e;crean) 6 1 it11 p,rpy-"lfilfrlft "to,'yiefd to s\i*c.qqntiWitoli 4.1T4i7dt:iv, 41 Ill.ivitir" lia . lan fl ee;;Ohliemilii i : ts,l4l '# 1 !!il 4Y I I I OII 1, i1e 1 4 ! ttlro9 9 1A.4..- 1 1t 'qPFHisIA Ithiq;CitY;llAN .1y114 , , , ci1Y staked i Vrogiaturthei oliSehil'l a(t 3 r,'lguritrnlq l 4 4 , 'll.l4lVeeM fired ffti tO iti. 4llo .:oricßos l :7 l lV 4 ' 1' ' , 7 'l-7 . 0 .."•r 4 '7- 4 -- - "': ' -,,4 f-t #`'ri,:.? 4 . 11,1S6iis`iii - NiV* 6 .:-. 2 :&013' b i:V b rra ' t*' 1 . . 1..4.1 -4 A.1, - KV,4 ?- : '• ' iii ':9)'Q.°lt 4 ololotap)? , ,j.„,k .Vit„,, lyree,l) u nil red,teST”. 8 . 7:11.9 1 .:Il'!lltP.!!° t 4r *?'iiloniaegtOtt ),ii' , A * ill . crolflol4, 4P no itidlfilio44rillf9 ,-- ~ tbi , c:,6,6 , ,: ,iniiimiiivi k tivt* tkra4t,. : ..• . 3 *- - 0 ~--,, i".? • 0 1 , 64 ** 0 ,..-• • i li f - jto r a ;$101.1) , , , atcr,,,k4c # , , • -,,,,,,, - . . 4 r•i e ,). , #4.00 4 1 11 10t4 11 .0%f i k‘, 4 0 - . A! 44p i ROMILI I ?tf a Oi 4 1 PLYI ‘p1 3 # 141 4# 61)01 ,; 't,,t00(40,,QC/Slois4B:-Is; r : .Weircip/#' 4 ? ; - ." ,' .l2e ' llY ' .. j ie V ' ;, .Pt. ' , - ~ ,t 4 .-", --' lEEE i ' II THE BI ALE IN CIIINAf-TROV.,Dr. man, in a recent letter to the American ble Society, says :—. demimd•res.Christian books in' creasing, and (100)655 will iticTea . se, until ,the w hole- empire of q hina has received the qckspet..'s lippeaeil v T; ln.the coursisof .041,47141-v,e- lituldroii,pgrtion:pr:43 o l3,,iblpe,timggg .D..1m43,,.:,p0,trr,t11q,(19 .. qi,,,r,,,iir,.._fieT i .Ltr; ;13 - 4 antEplyself.liave, no et-erranged. tar a Daily t,toorttlng.'eut..!,7.e.tTeing, ; ;ltstributtee 41otj : i'reve: these , opp9rteetttge o ate.totqy ,pu t .the ; broad ,1,q1 . ; life rota their lianifi; . tt f title:tiotintl.thgnante. of ;loses in theii , eairitlV: - 'Tale,, , rrapli.' -lhadoar.a-Thri4l,e;gialature #s closed first sassjpec l atar ring passedl - won.ty rive' rieis:o"),:ina 61' , 1v hick' tilas . «aboliSll,-thq inanifi L iethr*ljiiitnirtuthin;'nr le of ardent sPlrit* 4 ‘*" . 2 3 ,lriifq; - 1 1 3,1*Iy,ilii - Nik.ent- - 'plotirt'ehtkliqhe,,*thodist mission ' , speaks,: f Oey* tifif thinks tho val. , 14;04.. Vie;ilisin6lte' - ''otitt of the tpOsf* , iiiiiihitat''`und'..proallsin& regions: • = ' „. ,'• ...x.l.,nv .4..4'iliere ~1111°,',. • ~, s ,-,,, , r5i,tf,„,,,,,4-- .., ~.. -,, ____.- -.-tii.e, ''.l)itilktiDFul' * cif-c,i.'li.r4l*4r.s' I° a-0-4 . - i'cailif ,„,,-. d stiptplt, !iri' mirth - 4 - ,F , , „„,, i ;,,,,,„iiisp.'iinli ! ,- 1if,,,,r-ii4,;00 - --, f , ,;f L4l 9. , ei.,,,,"pic:the',"6,..7-'tft ~, thousentlip, of,,i , v ~, si,l4:,it4,,,pocgn! . .f., , ,,-. ,--• Ti)-. • i t tzec iap4 4 ?, ,- 'i t olio ....- yc il 0 w Sea kt.,•‘vrie,lll,lit -,,,:t.,>a4,- th( o. ~( 1 ' uoviuces - "r‘'' ~„''-1 .1104480 -- Inge.. - Nlll° QA=e'gy3olttt l,,s,, o g,,, vi r4' , - :1 • li PYPE'I qf.4''''''' Vii4dnt.,#V4B.43/44tWiV::-' - r ...- n,l fro rn tilf:yi , ~,,,,, (d) 0 ~, •-tli ..: • ',%. 1P . ,y 11 11- t tic r ~, I. •,. ~,,,,,+,l *it ,q,,, -.,,,;-,,, OVe,►"r,l4', Ina tqr, Ri• -'''' , ___,/ t imr,i,Bo v"'0.71.: -.7.47,t . A I:ezitArgt..- ~,,,, ',,,,,. ',,ii4i.A” ,V, s ft ,, ll . !,ti ' , A C' 'tleji .-4'",;',‘, 0011!1:f174111,441,tigi.t,t7;1;,,i.7, '11,"-',(4, Viegat'A4lPArYTirt- Cll/!;,l,,!,i'?'‘; eftite'Ali-gr,iliot,U,telr At r i',),,,41•',,,A,,i ~, i , 'l.i ~.a fko „ ..,..4, , k 0i ~ tg , 4t i . ..., ~,, ,1 0..,:v,49[t1iw b ,„,, aji e11'11e,.(1.8A141`7,-4e.'ici' eillif,t, :, .‘,,,, I A I' .9116:'*5i''.#1,4?.:7-,-,i'len'ilig,474:t ";Y51'4i.;..,.:1*-:•` .- , '-'," 4 ' - 7 s "4 o9 ' , 4 10tkiiiveiti4 r •-! '1'.,..., ,a -ac ~ . -„, liliiii*O - ,.. ~0,,t, ..._' .4 4-4`ii.A At *- ri'Fr 4 ,.;',.' . 'v- 11 /.:', iii?,' 4 ,, '=, - -,-1,46v4,1,meediT,..„,,,,,,' `,-1..., )iiltyll , ~,, 4,, 4,3, 116‘1,E*341,7,1,,,," t e 1 i t ;'Al*,,`Q`', 0rA.„,,- , g, , o,VWttOtn4,,,CA 7'3- Aritiii,., yicv ~,::',i,.-,.,,-iikt:4os, 'it, ;,'',.:e.;,;,:,1:. or. ti?°dm,'..‘..iiiiiligitki,.! y 'll=3 • „,CPiitlo4l4(,i:,;',lo. `i{ soth° sIx,9,TY, 'IRO' ~ ' #7 .1, 0441ylif'y rt. rdthi*lpur ''',,lit2tail 40 tdo; in ~,,,, i ,„,. : I vt----LtivoliXl,o- 1114 ""drii' v'' , N yer* v i ) f -ra.'„iyelylrett.Ull. $ 1,1,.Y, ~, 7 1 ,- , AT'4hIWIVIV/ttok-a ' ,- i; z''''' )r.*iik w elt . A i. ' '-:"..1..4',11 Al 6” ^r , I ' ''ll:4ll6l;Pin"ilfrli2likeit ; ;:424ll.l,, 4111.;141.111 tl,,(4llltlo',4l.tildt*A7PV-i/';''n ''.''4‘.lil-!:-.1:11g ex9lol4Y9`i;7° c.,l,',•, ; ,kfl ftitti - ,.,,:f';; 'i (.40',, . - 4 -- , - :::::r.7, 6' , ., 1 .4. k,-. ~;; ;ii - ,-",-', , ' =NA:EQ.I4 f " " 7. A 4 4.. • • 4,4jAhAg...11.. firk • Iltti ltSt*ataX 23 4l . ' er 414 5 .4. 9 f*rflif', 1 t 9UP good:naturedreaders.lauglirtielreAft,ily'Vrei the follou , ingstoi':yaeme'V'W,fk.ehall be un abdantly paid for its ., rt • • se . INTI9, aceortithg the.yresouttepro,ot ;the' 1166.1Ste ri ' lii ' sai„ric , V 4 0i 1 10 3 efor°. • 0111:11441Y:t(igli4- pre ,forMl9.ptiprter i g,a s potat*il'Me4cal Oollege, , at.),WeliitttlikYWhe 'Register ~ \ti es t go efike ...and t !yr amhad mado'oblieeeltes !it...Support of Mbproe,,to'ok 1e is an odd.. - genius; 'etitr'Nrith'elliC'Eis 'good horse, . .s-ense, (as his colltiague; I.l,oivard, calls it,) dna often - SliiTSlTlV.the pethirepd with OEM §€F'v:;'~‘:"’s':"“'§«,‘ ' :“f‘f- mm • • . '