Eg Effia —* - llttaf* - o - 4w =e= .i.q . ; , :A.':.i.1 ..'.,'-'.; ;;;;; MZMMI :.f 4 4 i" ffi ?9 704 :-.4-....:.•:, yzo.-...,----.1,,,'!..f.-, ~ cv...::::.: , P,l f likriiiiiieitlik..;' rti Oini nii,. A Oil i .- i,;:.:014 . 5',V , ,?, - E'sr<' N0.T59 Pine,;relreoy. atithorizod Agen!,' and fu i s p l iptic k!tiptimil i t'limuiliftli. Ex find • odNlre'..iiitelitile - hteAle', - Mr.::etri4ereon; of the tenate;'ll344lNr:Kcntilitiy;:of the Boucle; for pub ic dociatiWiite:h , • caWe ar4tillneible:ta• pUblish a list of the Jug. .'ices elesitiWiii)ttaii9l , :o4ll9sins7llPF and boroughs the I n t o islicilciiiiicontictitiericer of the derange _ • nient Of thb - palititiLltf. the , put:G" - olticini, tlo so at a g early a . porioinis,possita . - . hiLis boon OpiitAnted peputy Attornoy, Genornlfur Curnborlanil -doubt not will mtiitrsi efficient-officer.-- .‘:-- • . The proceedingn n ef the town meeting held -- hrrtlie - 24ttrulnek - htiven - n handed -- In -- for our lust paper, end the';'Objeetn of the meeting having failed: to be acconiplished. we deem it un• Necessary now to pithlyslither.. Te*pariary — Oiiirt Itoom. fO . Wo.Miders --- tand.that tlieboinmissioncrs have • • Inndearrangoments with the School - Directors of Tthis borough, to holtl_theCourtayf thie,county in the large room in pducution pail; a commodious fuliding situated. in aurch a short dis tance west ofthe public square. . "'Removals VfOar . streetil'ar:iieveral days , past,. and yes. tordny particularll4 exhibited all theitlrrintbni. -Ale and' animation incident to the "moving" sea• ion. We itlitiold 'lnfer that a utorelhan ordinary removals have taken place' this spring. 480ver4-of bur:hueinaii men have also changed thele 19eatigin, of 4liteh we "presume the public Willtin (Nip:informed in out adv.attiling columns • • , . trinied Fake ,Company. crpee young men corn pn ny • made an exhibition of Sgair,Strength on Saturday - - - . - -afteronginOash-Ikyg-agipubliep . rigsasiora_unfiet—ib.e Cummand . o l2 .Goionel - Notileits 'Chia Sarshel.— ',4l,:t_m_wirosskutpanitgLyzitif music arid bore cr....avad 11'2 Ptroukh_siweiuletrents, they were liistnieseCali their elegnent. Mari hpl This eurepani,numters ov . eione hum ..l.ited of MORt f actiyu find spirited .young . men, inny be telit.d'uptin Ivir good service when They aredtitin supPtied with appistus. Vii'elikthectibi. Conferences. • The five 31 . ctlindint'Ch-urch, tlib •.pitmeral" . and:Alm;yroiestant," have each --b4pimittiortheirErinitaiTonferenece-wiiiiiri-the last Month hi Baltimore. The Protestant . a d. peened on Saturdny, the 221 of Prioito Itr odj..urnment, the (3thiferentti t ante to the de. bgion, by n yoke of 108 out of 188 voles, not to 711: . *;104 - ,1 be' niitiu l testrictivo nile of, titer Dimolplinoi nritt otner:wietto; nut tO :sop:irate tho:tiniren into , a Northern and' Southerintillsioormi account of .1.110 thnstsoce of . ..shivery. This is an important tlecieian, ono' ..we aro grelified• to.leont w onyi4 the fliiiidOre - 100uhlienri - thatit - was made alter due ;;und in the true spirit of conciliation. !The. tollowing 'ore 'the appointments of the MithAist-EjirstOpiil Cooforptice forth's borough "and cuenty. Ca • r.t.itariet-Rey.. Robert Bin. Eider; Cashel° stilton Rev. John. A. Gore; Carlini& Praty mass • t!'s Ines G slyer; acid itniter, eMpernomer. Shipposteburg-.8. M.. Reese, O. M. Mem • lug er. _ . . • • •-• ..We"Malec "among the. appointment's or the Aluthorlint Prosekunt enocerusice, that of Rev. IL P. ;ursieri;.for - the citrtHe .Cireuit o Meng thosolhikiWithept_ahmintunikra _their own re, Tliimoos H. Slocktim, of - Pk . ilif,diljiliiii;• - 44: - itilii:Thrinios - Nt - Flint, at thit! iforough. . .. trAlt 2 t INTORIAL FAMILY MAGAZINE for April-- , „Estahlirited thr . the bilf4ion of Useful Know. :ledge:, :Pi - 6W* ii . t. - . .14. - 8 -, Niifeifii - iitirct, New "Y0rit.;°,..30 Per 'year. in adV4IICC; or two cepiee to Onoaddress for three Dollara. . ._7._ - _ - .." - „,,Thern.lter...ALthi s taew,.. ;: rid -yalimbio 'jttibliontien baa'hern received' - pro' aithe pre. ...--Lione-niirithfri42iCliWejl--filla-with:.-1111n41-11nd , . , 44ertaining,resdini,tnnttcr of the most trubstan. `'Slit ;kind. TheFriintispfeee ic a correct-.and ..T .„ . • ixtantithi 'vie* of the .. Heologresi, Setninaiy of - : the; riesgytorhui eherC:ii, .4` ryiaa.ol. - N,” , Jei , hwy. , : with an inietialni.diiiecipiinii of that ;reit. , Itiablis inshturmiti- -;t3tfah,'-tt -Piitilicatitin ' as the twesent hi wifitti.t'diff'diia'imirageriteritl and-w.. aratled to heSr-thatift , iteet? ; with a' liberal put. N conga; fro m iit!;il , ',4ihw44 , tottp 4.---- .." ,---4---- r. Bears requeiii tie tiklpay:thitt he is iftepor. lUr9• l- 0 0 ;:iiii 91 0t : " . "Iiiorial 'Hi tor , of the 4 in eildin: fterAdtteii t iviiti` I!! account qf the early history "if rho. riciniry; Iliti , ,oididiiiiiion[ di. the -, ~-.„ , , united States { -VVjslillgtpel, yareWell Address; ' .ftioiraPhy or. the .S i ltpiera lof t thepici.nstiail' of • Indeolidence; inykit. ChrOteilligh*titti'dbxiiiiiits --titiled-viikiiiirtiCtioiiiAilleitif#l44fi,:-Ibiiii: 1 00: i iIiie.0:# ii' i 4 7:04 6 iik$0.. ' o i l b't .i i i4 ii4 .4.ggif .. .:llThi iiiice , Ze th r olg , Yiltite'el',4ft , .•= . t Altrit"dellinritid tift,f ;5.014 ternitAad frac Of laito fak4 Vf t iifiS'iiiitl*Oix' OffPrg a i'sod ifirtitifit.._ , bey Ot we .Imq! ". 9 9r9k9!.,9Y,z,5,..-3”11.t that , . -; ;llikatiiie , wirierlfill..iini4,l,foliillOirti - ,Tieti - lfr 'imbellisinia,jipd•iiiiiiiithiiitilii*Viiii:.• - f ' -'' - , ' ' . tit* 11' Gistigh; . ' -'• •" '- ' • -.- - -tatiltii_degrlS wl*,astwf to WO, ji ti d r ' q i6. t# ' 00 11 100 4 0 1 700.,00-i4iii . 14,44iff,i#toj0;*i(0i•i4i z .- -.. : • ,-. • .i 1 ". ‘ 'Y. , 4r 44: ~j 14.4. ' 4 0 t , i.r ~., 3 1 . 4''' '1 .1. ' 7, J _ . .. ' 'l 4 t l t " i i ttl i K bf , ( t t :t h er.: 4B, o**.o.%V4i: r... ,i,..1,##*,,i.40,fgt 41411i4 5 40 : 4 b . * 41 ' i ~,-.... 41 . 1448..0tti4k,-,*(4.;.:,ii.0,0 - 40,14 . -. - .:-jii,. :iat tio.,,kVoi*.tike 0000 4oi, i .-.1, ,.. (ki(rit.,w0 op.4),*,:itkilowat. - *-44 - * :;;ef.iiiO4 , lif*ltlyi,olll/#o,i, ,:::P: tpli'; •;: ,., ,.c.rt , 'l , - 471 jailYl' , l , b,c4 : (~, . , ,"?. , ISM FZT it --- :r 3,4) .',0, 1 0,0!Atikin ,ftkiiil l loo: 2 ,l 7. ' ". 0::,1.40 - .iiiieiatintiii v isfattitiiiittitielliati'eont.i 1119ieeirit*altirfOitAillitilitieatddetiplttitfOrta ii_kri)o . 4fo . .*thri eta ii6ititii"da4fiii.: earnsiPifj Altiiitti. ..iiiirikiei;rfer s enA'4 . vlt4i . i,lia ' ia":l - of ii: 4LiPiiiiko:tilitreittifiertanteipc:iiand-ibieivr4ek .it it(Sitte,iiiri be iiisignOlAr a, gOderal elttilitii. Ou't'or,tfiiii - 064)(,84ii8iirtheigilioiifqp4o i tilvo;' , . iii:witii:six .- tc;a• 11`: - .1 , -' ' t'lic•co' 'ot thie' ,•.. .I:5 1 31 . , r , ,, , 0r.r,Nw,,...,91 r.s i Trealniyehas been.sutiorseded—his!suseetSer:;ia. a , Mr Sethßartoe;efLediehintil , inetheV.i4Orri:' tnelttWill l be fettenate:lflt seenresin,:tb, onw... eppolniMent:as. ,atile'and..accomptis'bed:on - olfteer aiMr.' Penrose. * WO !traria' that there' rip s_des. Aerate rush for tlni 'Ade of Solleiteririaftit#arli. from,;t'ountylvania,' ''..ollel ferniahed,itiftiiiiii a . seore_of applieants. Along the disappointed aro Judge HOpburn: , end 'Colonel aleClure, - Of s this . •-.••, . I . . , borough. „.. . . Some of the locofoen.papers aro bellewing. out most lustily for a, general sweep of the'alifeaders, just as. if they ,i , ere• afraid Mr. Pcilcrould 'he timed 4anting in'stioli an inclination. There IS no "good rearien - to - feailiny unwillingness on -his part to gratify tinun'Alp We extent of his /miser, if not tie'.thelkilire . iil4l . o___tf•il eir fernished_tieketiteL.• tie has the rig h t kind Of-111 . 6'141n hisiCabipet - for • that. it ii aafd dime Jdhnson ins declared that; rich: it - single Poet eirri&l 14 thertnited - gtateS shall be held by any but a loco-feee;`aiid he Is the very man to,earry out such a determination. .But .of lifOrei the •Kdrriittisifition.doce not-intend to per petrate any such'tbing its "Oreserlpiion for *pin- - tents onkel": : 7 : oar o evenne ammlssione 'd (3CPTIO3 TottoWing inOrchsea valuation of the-taxable'poPerty in this Stote, as fixed by the Board of Revenue Commissional s " • • Allegheny, increase - to the 3 mill tax, 842,500 Bedford, • do 10 per et. 13 • -do 295,539 •Cumberland, - rld 6• do 3 do 410,692 Dauphin, do•I2A do - 3 do •• e 99 , 025 • Lancaster, do 10 percent 3 mill tax,2,484,078 • Lebanon, do 8 du do ..dp. 539 007. Bucks, •'•do 5 do ° 'do do 694,681 Bradford, do 8 do ' do - do 226,169 Lucerne.; • do 8•' a 6. da- - 356,566 'Columbia, diti Ef 410 - -- do do 313,05 s Monlgomery,do 10 [Let to 3 mill tax, 1,294,078 Lehigh, do 15 per cent item, .4,083,129 • Do do to 2 per cent item,. ' ' 3,600 • Do do • 1 do' 15,000 McKean, do tr'n per cent item, 500 Somerset do to 1 per cent item, • p 5000 • Clearfield do to 1 du 500. Jefferson, do 2 ' :Totter,. do to 2 per cent Item, BOti ' annpm, about 406,404 Ott Ii .. .EITI.LIE Eollikiliti) • EXTRACT OT SAnsAnAnh.... 1 iir,l' .-- iWii , e . inOrnird -iid'dielpiimeietor oe tide invalnnide-medicine has comMunicateda statemcnt _..7 .or like Ingllnitifig-whienTin t.onApniiriTiiiiii of ,tlie Physiciann.of this itornugk, MA ni . thongli; it i ; •.; liAntilif4.l.4l:*inhcatiiitSsAll . .„ - - : 1 ~ 1,1., lappastottrzaßillact-,,,..., 1 cem4._ ,•The genuine . to he - had nOnte thel)rug.Stnre of T. C..titeiennnuTopirfliie llN3innsinn House has been appointed agent for the . propel— . MARRIED. • . 0 n the 25th u;t: by . the ltev . E. fireiteniurgh, Mr. ..I.Atier9 MeCANnostt to Miss JULIA. ANN SNVOTER, boil of Newrille. - 1 60e-the_Z-1"11.-ult . by thi,autne,-Me.,lono-goon of Miffi lento mouth i poo !ts ELIZADETII CURIA of pboyne . to w n st4p. Ott the {Bth the Rev. John Alnoley, Mr. DAVID CRISINZLL, of Shippenshoteg, to 51 iSS ELIZA JANi EILAZEIt, or shm,.piidoorg von-the eta ult. in ilii;27ilt j•eitr of her nge , Mrs. AttßlE'r BAUER, consort of Baker, Edi tor of the Shippensf.Trg 1, Do the 19th nit. of con , ,tittiptiok at Cc. residence of hialiditer David Laioh, Sen., in Silver 414. g ll'otVoldtits, after a protracted illnew3 dtieli he bore without n murmur, WILLIAM LAMB, jun., Printer. aged LT, pears. • kOn the 7th ult in Dickinson township, -Mrs. R DECCA NN roogs wift? of Sunatel Woods, aged .ithont 50 }Tide. se At the residenie of 111+1on-en-low, Mr. David Mean, in this borough, on the 2211 ult, Mrs. DUNA KiNatti, St on edventied age. elork.vllle, TentiessceNoh'Sobhath evening, the dd uli , Sirs. R4011E1: COOPER, in the 62d year of her ate. Mrs. Cooper was a native of Pennsylvania, and nhont twcnty.nine years, ago united with the Preshite`ritur church of Carlisle, then - under the pastoral charge of the-Rev. George Duffichi. ',?tt the limo of the division of the choral ,• te went wtilt - thwoid school, who (armed a second church, with which she remained connate& until.. the' .year 1834, when the . nutved to Cincinnati and united With the Ist Prett4tgian ailed] in that ro 119 1 1 she reevedlo:,Clarksyille, rvul der- ing the test of her life vMs.o.consistent and de -voted= ineinbei-OF sed,v4ith an active; Alocriniloutinemind, she took a clear view olthe grctit'ileettinCsfinti winatples of the Dille as taught in the standards tif her chdiCh: :did though charitable and-kind-totiterds all "etungelical doeominattone, she AvitS ever: fliatly to offer an intellideill and firm reshittince to every pecks of innovatienstipOTille ancient land marks the vonerible charch . elig,lin~ loved end „ , served in: her. generation. -.oTwas truly..delfghtfut to 'l.liii+l4lbel,thhir4inkntathoi.,:and Maori. ta'i• cleat.. fnotivetive .statements of-the. 'greet: doctrine , Of grace- throng , .r 06, ? `ji 9 p:0- . olio ilotougl lirecioniV4 "iiittilioped inirii;Astiasi lifee,r4,ool4:iiiAe.rinicitinci enri, nindh the infieriti*or,ille_enintek: - Otin-•rtiet thi3 4;04: withontra ttenueririiperhefri thie',6 die ptgt - '4iin s eqlciii:tney 144 liillita,iititiP4oin.e.%, 4 44knl- be perticinderl , Ms Any iapere -in Meth thy. .wttti:tcni, in ,thy ;vessel, .entl'‘lni'hnue . fin k yint : think pot, the Son' ofMen Cinnotli." 7 . 4l;ofiltr.. pita, (ity:i -;,, • Tribute . , of Re t 6, o * 9rniiiiiirtht!gidr 1 11 W at ti? Tooh/Odoo r::FrozeiOfftith B o * E" VllesoYeliester, Pte; RoikitTl , 1 11 .0,2 3 44eAt Agiiinfter an MUSS o 1 ;about= L ani:vieckie , ' 1' tYPP,C I the ff'05°,44,°1 the ' l b 4l l°,, 71 141 # 1 '0'4' 10 4= ligenol,lbf,f o /1 0 %!19irreleitAloil v;i:re ;4,006613' 4htaleWn444oC4loo:deeieti4—tHeitir646- CS'nege. 4 •' 2 !-. • - ,•ftlieoleedl l'llet ;,ml ) tikia‘ , ttr 1 1 1 1 19b e c , er:,thk 614 0 4 filliadr, 'the of ' p girt , JseeelinpAlehed renew ut • 4:- ' , • ~,,•11eicilee'giorke1 they etriTeept7 iympatmio will, hityliereeveif ise,ertyiljicAlen, itihjelk 11 Wed . Omni eikderttketri4en. e Ito( orlei*l l diii,ii33 elotb /Pop or thirty, •, • 1011 N WILSON; • 11111,' . "Proktiref#llgior l ies,llprels 31.'1@450," - " .: 0•.. ~. '.;_-:,....-..,..:.:;r. '.:..:) , . ii ' i r .4 t,, ..__.......- T 77.: .." 7 " ... ' .....7. - .;,..' pa , j .;.:ivr-ix.por ! b r r,,„ o ,-,,,pir o a ll op. f iAtt s - o ri k th. .1, v, ,Ahittare i'dquit , e4.lur theli'preaeriation;auitf as - 5e04 6 .4', 'Mins; .I. l luilrags.dik• i:,:w. ivAr cestig , f : thpllos_s orthorit,' , by inf_ertirlg - Artificial T eeth', fro ..., • e sill erT . TiFoth;to'a'fulliiett: ,- • ''''.....:1-- ' i'.. , -_`,".."..'.i: ionion an .P;tt:liteco s a. fesr;doilori Sciutlt.ofilm RJ i.oad-flatet., '' ~ ', Itl ~ . . -•'' ' -.1 , N..'irEiDi•.: Lo'claia- willqii abientlfrtim carthile tlig l estton il ,yi, .i atactOnalatl!: '7. -`'' ' - • - .'24.., ' 444 . . . FATE ICACIV-•_P RES:4 FO• -R- SALE'. . ;• • .. - • mum Subeeriber .otrere fe w rttelo the Patent :filly Vrpse rklyjil hie ,tiossession at PhFlodclphis t oge ther wit:h . ' , the Righter Pitentfor Pen 4 betined 'tequnly,,,fp,!,he fullotyitig terme r= . _ Ifiebt for Cllmbeiland cauntyi.• :,S500;110 Patent Prom., ,• Vhdedit Soaks, T 9014 aiid Flutares t T 6.00 Faaseasion riven immediately. If ti,d , .aold previous to the Ist of April next, the siibscribor Will — treet - a — Presa — mCirrliAloPes — triv in.jairalutsa_may_a.ddreAs_the_fiubtexilietlit..Read.- jog. PO. 4 , ALBERT G. BRADFORD. • ,• % IAR siihseriher has rental, for one par, the I)*.vellittg House lately•iii the of Mit.. shell Alk.;lentil., Kati., in Stintli I Intiover street, opposite tint store of'M iss tle( Innis and alleitr(loors subtle of lliirklioliter'ellblel, where lair • 'will continue aill kinds oil' UphAstering,. Belding, .111ittrass,. • gency, • . • I %%ill tirnish lIOt Is and Dwellin4s . hsint! hewn. thottpm be 01.Lainet1 in the (Tina. itliarge' fur nothittghtit tabordlie itniterialls can be fitrnialieg at arm ctiqt. , Also, any kitul of Agency Inetineo at!.. tetitlO .Terins--.Clitth or hattlitt. Wotted--7A. good Itly and Girl. roe home, work. Aussarr L0N111.% April 2. 1R45. _ Stray Mare. 4thWA or Nln t' et e i t u L tst up on o' llie th i e )ri..lilises of the Bubsu t beer in North M lqq ht p; tpx I.llllil 7,— (roin M idilletiex to Strrret's Gep,u STU. t Y without any particular; tEntrks exervt, is atine.itt 'is nitwit i &ids high junl Ithnitt eighteen yeuris ; . Flip„ownrc rup!.esteil . .to eutue .e ,f(rintr,l, prove property tool take belt :luny. S.Y M EeI:SEAR. Notch IV-0815,r -- BR i s. Clods inn) Tootb - Bruslie.: for sale by My- LIE ers fq. la ventiely" • • Nlnrels • . . " 01)1i2anon- vern Ll,94nse,_, hereby given that f intend to op. ,eily'ailho next:term of tho•cOtia 'or Qum': toloOeislotti Of . _Cumbtirlatitt county, foo a license to _cep n to.veriVo - r tallith.: house, 'tot tio ht lava _.itt-ocatupyLas auttlipitt-the Borough of NOw Cumber laud quotherlao4,ooutity: MarcTg 19, I gis Wl.l, the unde . rsigtittl, citizens of the borough of Mew Cumberland Jo the county Qt . Ceram , land, do •,! • 'fy . .ll4a • ,r,r,„ ; ,,x; Loptimtinteil wittUF,,l .„ • itansetilLewis r oom+ aiiiriitarintior . 091 1 . • Inw mite: " *with ilOtIllell•CiOM .convenieiteeafor_the 'lodging and cio mmotla ti on of Strange - rifkairrenve I lers, tin therefore reeOmmeMl.him 116 well deserving of it Jieense.;_antLfurilter-aty. that a -tavertt'at die stand is tin itecommodation to the public. ' -,-Owenlames,.l3 F Lee, B C Hopkins, John Sm. iter,.l R Book, John Rife, II Ktonerer, Chorles - Hymer,ll liretteman, Philiriltreiter, Win H Hold, Rudolph Martot, George C Nit. - Application for, Tavern 113icense. , - mbyoTicpishereity gime;t: that I intent( to op. 11 ply at the tie4t tccp or the Court of Quarter Messidas of Gunithuland county, fora license to keep 11 , tavern for, public house, in the_ house I at th•eseut occupy as such, in Allen 'township Coniticrlautl bouutj.. DAYID lg, the widemsigeetl,, citizens of Allen township in tie (huffily of ennilierhuirl, do certify that dm are well 'acquainted with the shove named DAVi4I Ilettliaker anti that )10 . 19 - a good repon fur honesty anti iemperanee t ind is well provided with house room and commuictices for tbejOitging and siedoin litutlatinti of .Ylkingers and Travel do Meer- Corp recommend him ns welkleserving of a license; and further say that ii tavern at,: the gaud is nn ac commodation-tothe plait la., Jacob ,Nlerkel, IV ni Brooks, jr. George Rupp, jr. 11 Hi th er, Win It Corgas, rreilerick Slieely. Solo mon Sellers, Jacob Long. . • . Samuel Zimmerman, Samuel Urivii, Samithl BiMer, je. Application for '1 itvern License. INOTICE ii hereby:omi; thnt Itntoog In ap -ply at-tho next term- ol Ake' Court of Quat. ice sestious of Ciuniserlanil enmity, fora license to keep a 111V,T11 01 . Yiu6lic 111.114 P, in the holm Lot present ovenpy as such, in Allen township Cumber hoot ammo- • 111CHAEL LONGSDORk March t 0,19.111. . A the mulernl f tnea, citizens of Allen township the Cliutdr OT certij : Ont. we itf* ell :H.q.miuteil with the shovm Lookeilort,lid thiit lie is of gotta report for tool tensperaitce,44 is : wen provilleil with *Rise Tonal mill conrempties Irg. liceotn i oft dr Sil'aitgere nitll7 i•nvellern, thud th) there fore rectoppeod Igyn es ,Til.tlenlll!lg cAr n !mouse; ihnti•ge Rapp jr, ir P acolyh'iumron, - rei•ili nand. not to ' [Moe • • V.Aiihtel, )unto 81i9liza,7yji Nll6l4by; Saintia lllnek.• i •Ap ri I ica t foe '.1 ) 0311) VOTICR is lie . rehygiven, 4 tall intend tlatt twit-tu-ow of die Cock or guar- - lea §essimps.ciT,Culuinti itar a liecnse - to keep a taxiwn or in .14e, !tango 1. at 'resent o.cupy as suICIIj ili &nth - s up ,eusoberlinul county.' • St: AL , .. 1 / 4 7 • • • •Marell 19 18:5. E, the itr.llersigtad, 'citizcns dt t Soul Dfiddlc tott.sownOtilt itt,t4. Contd.? , of C Iterlantl, tlo cer Air Unit we .11 Ve well ai wanted %Villa ilicitlhiiti i litii e 7 i e . .geot VI " 1 iiirlfeltie for honesty ,fitul „tem vet ent,e44lix ,A ell ,prvtctdefl Epern'unil utict nbyptionli(leitiQu rereml. Trevelferp, mt theref'ir rpeettimentl hief,ne well , ilesueviiiir itfr ftirthee ony,''e'Tsteerti ; et the stimi r l leen peeemmedetiolop 1 1 1 ,0,1 1 1 11,11 ;;-! ; •: ! Theiteis: Moore; T. 13 .Weekley; Honer, littrtzel,l El het,Gitrilit-rJeliii, Ni.4lt;; It °Giiei '.IV _Slome o ,l'eter Ala,: height ht,; johe l _p 4111 H: 040i' t, 4 SSIZI2EIZEIS."•. • • • ralraplitto64'rit Cloths; Coasiiiie:•es .4-Ik, os t at Id I, it:rilnr,) at a andi-will.kti,a-cild iitiraniatl—adiintelqr,,Cnilri-7----,----7 '- *. ~ • 18 45:; . ' . " • War . ,o l64l M.* : ',Wr . ..Atareli i 2 " '::A'si-q:41111 - 4 - 1?:8WIZo o dli:=1. nirviwuni.!ertkritkmplclfillly ilifortna litafnleinli. , ji,.„ pail tba,.. pttbllis geeentliii, that , heltia Wasetb I cud•wilt nit:we on the .1 et of ApPII nixt. tb • tlisCi . 6ll 1 knonO;k0101.40 13 9 1 40 utlinna ,t,- l' ,-, ' ‘,, ,; ~': . r . ..r II 111_, 144,31 AA: ii-AVID - 6 1 --- - - - - ..,, oh the -7".^,-,1" B itnated tne coratT in lain Ann ueltrorirm tee t s , (clone , by the Jail) in the llorougAqt } pw o 1:$ liplelatutt by c,omunnioroJetne 1). 1:11i9t, of the U. .' Navy—which hottan tittlAtiiinhontinuu la. lieeitea a Hoese,of entertithwenet for'ull dare Phoney, ateop him'. with it ' 6131 : 4 : He' , tr;efifiCie`t l44 6o'otfilltr llitke a abar . e nr 401 1 1 110 lectFonoge.M/turtiigal4 l 'YlAtlollt,ttokt all „ . .thltiga 111 i hill 110,,,,:faianot.e,,,,juetod Jo* tinietifietite6l. Wal,, , tit est •„thee, Alitt.'oha . ; 'Aft Pk, mete. Jrnodurttle, no)Oh.'illi:t*O:v..o4lll,,), IP '.. ~ Wee; tlite , les , r ,it , ,bo , ..iii. letl ttkaa , ' In, 4,111 e/ '040493A51A 0 - 1 01 , 00. 100 ..4 4 0N. I L , 3 9 ? tstablialtn\entr,ttnCl.a 01f t 1erR,e1,,_71.,.1,1 , , i , pt l t to Osit‘il OtttthOtAl l elt' , ' ,,, .- r:A. , ,...4•; , .-"'" ' , . - . l ' 'l— tlq:',"';lo4ol,llll4:Eli4lAnrit ~ PrOi:i:o - .4.'f - ,, ) 9194•140110i4tglgerillteia Vw , POT: i 5 ...k,0,,,,,itt00.L„,,1tk..,Lr, 1 ...41. 4 ,a. 10030tire‘MN ere '' eurAt ,4V, . ~,, ,,,e 4, , 0( . -; :, , • , ;.. v ir l y t it#3l-0 s'r7, , ' , g1614.,c , „-,, , .',0- , 19t yv.:Afc.. , ~, : Ai.t, '...• • ~-,,,,-'.. 0: y:-. ,t. -.- : , ',.--;-4.,'",',.---;•,•.;',.-• __,... ". -,- •,?"--- , •,4. , ?Mr...5i01ew..!'i ,,, , . ..-" , .5-I.K . ~ N -.,,,-'----: -,..- e--',. ......., ,•••.,..,.-„. • . . - , pi.. ,- ...;;;,.,....., Try: .• ..•.:-..,,,, " ....., ,':', . -,--- ltieatign~, - ( Wwav)or": -..; , • N ollaii i'.: hilo }itegfiiitit it tit i i,f. it 41 . . : ,- noli - e l ieicvtikig L ...ther.bitfff.tiG. **Se 81°4-ti_clt'eMigt,,eriali, 4 4 .1PgrafriforiskyOitiop.tii , k - eet ' ,i tavcrn pr ' puune hattr, in,tile binser: I 10..Lirpient / Pcoufb,y, up spoN 0 ‘lr liorphglk tif carlialg. . , , .._ „.. 5 ,,,,,„ 0 :. . ..1 .. ~ .', ‘'-'• "•`' • ' , TETER WEIBELY: . %, ..F . ' . . , . i --- N ine - h - C . 1 ,- , ,- • • 'r *wE;Ale4loersioOio.itkeiiirotitlio:lloosol o('. , Peter.,AViiblyi..on - d.:Alii - M.he-4,Vor*hooghtioLgorri • , Mine - gm:mit 'l9ifittwand ii . o«irimiliaticiri : qi'Si,r l oll4it'sieft l o . 4, - Yenek:44" . '7'. do the el ' reoon liiikfilithefisiAlinkt 11co - mrividatioutto.ihei t ioneav—,t4o4, • -- pyrt.oo3iiiiiti - woc.y,Ko m n.Apvm d r i o r ; JoNt, GthOcio." I;elGo47;Tohti: Murray, Mina inillobkolriflitta'. Wpaver, Jame4.Poqletla *nit, - Appiicatioii. foie TlvCin" • Nurkw, is hereby . giren; that I intenirtOiriply. at tho next term oc.tho Qourt of , ("Norte..Sea., sions of cumherimid countS., for a liccn,,to i ieeßiy. `invert' or public home, in trie,lionstil; nOr . OcOupr tisimelqirt•the - horough - of - Carlisli.. •• , . ANDBEWii3OURTS. $1000::00 . .We, the anders:gned,citlige. A . lhe . bnrongli of 'Carlisle in - the- 0(4'414 oC W cumriiinicilo certify that wp the•fibirre:inimed . Andrew itobertomll4lo4t.Al is:'•pf good report fon Jionest'Y and -tempel'anCq r end'i hot's@ frir :The; Itidging-and accommodation of Striny,OeinlrTravellere, and do therefore recninniendlioni is'well 'deserving of a cease t and 'umber env, thid."-a" Tavern dt the stand. is-an atecommotintion fo ;the public.;..._:_ C. Th" in ins la( , 13rOde. Llentw , HisioliitL '4101 . 1. . 11.1,e r h..q Ms 1ihr.61,1,1., NI, ,Niceldidli;' G 4 LVsOCiLIi. . . . . Application .. ....,-. die - tfricE, is%ltereby ttivenolint.l intetta;livapply LI at the next,leent of 3,lx(tCourt of Quailer Oes sioini or coowrinod coniity, for n license to'keep a wpm Qt1i441)ii0.14040 4 in:the house I now • occupy as such in bor.>i aging:isle, 76 s. .. • 1 . 4' ,11F,NILY L. BUIiKIIOLDEIL Mil rel7t I . G. 1 .5 _ the mulersigned,.cjiizetta of the borotigh of • Garbslain the roomy. of, Cumherland, do certify that we are_weli acAtanuteil - with the above Waffled leery 1..., Burkholder, and4lint hr is tif mohrFrort for loneety Aval,derpneranue, and 'a ytikpvnyttlett with liohlte moth 'Mal cenvenienees for the lodging, and stecnannandatiptc of 'Strangers map Travellers, and do therefore recommend him as well deserving of a license; and further 'soy that a, tavern at thu stand is an 'necorromaflittion to the public. W.M. M. Alateer, John Feller Stevenson,on 11. C, Alocfarlatir,'l•M• Jitiln , Main, .3 paridt - ward-Shower,,th o. Bentz, Martin ° M y P eely, Geo. Grad). . • ero.l4'~'' IikTOTICE ' that—l - intirtranapiily • atilte next teinin nt the Court 'of quarter Sait- sions oßettinbnriantl county, loi•-a lici , iite'to keep a tarn, or public house, in-the` loiuse I. now occupy . as seep,: in Silversprin,township. 3011N.WILKI?.ig; ' Moicik 13; 1845. LEWIS YOUNG • • • .WFl,4lle.nandersigned, eltizens,of Silver S.pring township in the - CouftS: dis -„ certify stsaransgoi.l.a.v.4llnisstetkaitlk.tbsrsalksaisAsmsta . comer:time, an ift ...provltivgtylvta • ;mese rcmm.ap.l convynientsyl- fbrr- thelmlgmgll44.,..„ econiiiimiaionU-Sfran,%ersand ' sorb do - therefore recommend bun as well deservilig of a - - 11 - e6n - s(5 - ; atid - fattlreis - shrtliTit n - tavernat the stipd is an accommodation,to the puhlie. .I , •fin 1-larlacker,.John Armstrong, Jade& Millit), Jonathan 4 - r9iitrortg,,S• ‘ John UM., J flout) Qlitnt, Slitiffel , Conointhnoraothi -- lid4ttino; Ilenty Vngletinng, T. Yoeng, Frederiek inzer,,losepl A I berti n s•llera, Pew: Fought, Armstrong. • 'l 7 Av'brn J icQtise'• Ncri I CE is liekby given, ifiati intonel to aefily at thr itztoerirt of thecourtlAStuarter .908- atOas of ennilierland Convoy ; fora Helve t Mali* titiCrn .lioaseein tlieThouviAr at , "lveaent ovetiny.aa sushi, ;n North Illidillicdio,cto*Higkip:-`.,tir” Mareh 1 WE, tte untlersigned,,eitizetts of Northßa ton towitship 6t iltb Etintity of CumberlMO, do 'en tity that ,we are well acquainted whit. thoodme 'Mimed .11111 Lauck, and that be is of rod replirt:for... honesty whit 'temperance, and is well provided with limbic room and . conveniencts for the letlgins.',:and accommodation or - Strangers and Trarellersoind do therefore reeomtotitkikirmauweltAglinying.pf_. liceme; and. failivr sny,iliat a Tavern at the • stand is nu aecninmodationatithequiblicti- •. Jacob link, Johit Nita Ja L cob. D, Corn man, Richard Parker, Alex. -McDowell, 'Geo. Braitglit, David Spahr, David Rraught.lSantool lee George nrindle, John Coover, lieiiry Jacobs;,,; Application for Tavern pitons : o36;z. NNOTIC E is hereby Vi - ven, that ipply ut the next term ofthe . ter Sessions, of Cantberland - county . Air; ikeettilitt to keen a Tuvern or Public House, in the 'puha_ -I now-occupy-as tincti - in NecUteh•Nolirinthtry... JAMES WATSOLV ;Unruh I§, J 846. • , • • Wc, the undersigned, citizens of Newton.towli: . Yliip, in thii county -- 61 Cuinbirland,' do cortity, that we are well acquainted with the ahovenarried , 4%rncp Watson, and that ho is of gopil.roirt .fur„ honeaty and tonwerance, and, provido , d with heave roohi aniteunveniononaitir_thaledging_ and nepoutardation of Strangers and.:Trarolloiet,_ . ohm Waggoner ; Ddniel ' lllyer~~~opopli I2hon s,, Sainn -1.1% 111cHnirall,;;Toildaht. McDowell. Henry,. Killati,...llenry, - .llp,ket; Daniel t aker...HaiiinetHakrir,7Robotill-113;r401in411.--___ .Estate oF.George *own ed • LETTERS Testarnenbiry . , - one thei'otittp7Of George Mown, fate, ;sr tit blordiai Clailfeleile censetl,'lni;ye-beeligrtiotod,—ti,eiTch-O7fitilefi sfdtrig io 'the Pomo place. Alliereons iddebted CO estatti 'ate' regtiestad to jnnko& immedigte i m i i*lll X -7n t iff ° ll P - 47°, fri rP/OR. l ,:oPrvf"g tirgni fur seitleinent. , T. BROWN; Exaatiioi: ,Yeb.j9; HOS., • : :.G e Jacob''r" lief' ' ire -- '(1.... ? "' ~..:.: Egralo-o-st - , . ..., .. • • ' • • ..—• ' ' '.-tliie4iiit;4)..f---- --,- 4.ET - TEltiPiif-Watninisfration-en ... .... e .e. .. ,Jacob Tailor, hos:efi.,',4lilllin fretnehtpir:4 .l l et ---.'. , 'hove boon 'gtfitit e ff i l 9 ,, 4l i o .7til t if it r a i' b ric e W t a l i id the som*tdit.itqt4.o.:WAlll'Porfi", Al.e,,immcidate, niitatif-oroof.ettY.:°,46eared;i4g. ! , ru present tbßpt mivrpll4iiiio494l4.o.qtql,N., 1 ..,„.,, ; ,- ; .,... 9 ":.. ... ihil)rdbtritjl44, TFt- 4 ji t iri t fesnTh ii,t;i4iliEli.:', -,..41A ''',lil I;i;';ik4 '4 l. l7 Z `,'' ,' ' 11 ':."77- f . , Ad i iotirtit.4.;'t -11fAilTisif.,-.., ~-, . 42 ,-'l':.. ;4 0 ,:. . ,_, .... - kiii.gbii : ,..disi3 .i..... . vsitiiti rt .,s i splki* aTice-Pt herOb'isl,iti.thnt litteriotikatnin: e riltirin, On Ilte,:nlitnto';.gf,Lßobert.„:Sturgen, _. _ inNiii - hti*lOnt iiituntllNllnktifibitiibetorOsidtng WAIS I O" . °- ggl v A i ,!! hil'; . . o o - tieFrig - 4Nolitr i p, ip - r --- akninit entit'cittat6,tro requeste, ,In_lifo)Vit ... , . of sq}tlcindnt,lttitt - .thoso indeflinti *UV &WO i 1n0i46 t to '112r971-4Y-.!' ' Estate• - of piliiiii:Viiie:r, ' „,l`o . tl . .. v . , i , .,.' , '..,,, , - , • LETTERF,ArAdnunhiraiiin,o,ifinevapi,K; Philip Miller', 14to of Monroo,tonlollllAtirri , I:: land cnonle;4 l 3Oetisddl l hicir 4 ' l4 POßTsPlta lA, . auhlarktiO, roaidnine in 'Oa rolni.P?tr,uitnAk,_ ,: potions, indeblid:fo *KiiiAlles'olll,llo47.„Al 1 4 le d to inopi'lintnadilitit pAntiktillgt.g,„"47' in g blo tarke tio piatip4tilitekinkriaguk . .., ''.- 2.1 F b0 , 4104. 4 4,- 4 :::: , , ,, ;- -- 4,-- , f54000. 4 0• ~ t• - , - , , E l ii,)i . Ottlfylaty 4 8 / 06 0:tRkrt , _!-,- , k . EFER4***lo444 o ' 46 4o 4 4eirake ot '.. r.. i' i ir,r:rtiot9rs26 , ll,„ • of:Anspomtno,Vps. • ill'ikqe been 'erinteav4.,.: en ' ilatilv4loo:‘,ll:"4lTp-40,44 1,„,' , ..tkishitti - ; ~ toihltio,berootifr-Pliiid.fituai, iiiik,:he o 4, l 3r ' ' itli= 7 4l Worita ' , i , a,Xidat:on'it4el hoing44l4 — iriceqritAmil'44 - tii:ttle,roe*E-,7, , J : , 't iLl '.-- Aas.'' ' f• - i' '' '-' 4 &Fe -i:.. it t : ri 1 9Ea 4W o4 llt rt! t * , i - i• ` -- i. :I;',.... i sme, • . 7 , T 0 1, ,, , •:•;i:'., .', 1 ,,, r - ,•1':,;',....,. 4 ,„i.Z.,,J - , ,i % -. )3..iti,..?,;, f ' • - •';'"'''' .c , ..- , •• , - . ',":' , 'lv. , •; - ;, : s4' , ..r, , , ,,, 9 ....,'''''' ''• , t 4 117,404 4 01' " 441 0 0444: e,t0 1, 0 1 04 . 6. , ` 1 ,' ii ig°,l riqviporoo,govrAtimorontt4 ''/:"',;` .ot , it t ,o ure 4 oar rch.," - , I„ , . 1,..... p ..,,..;! NaklAgtiorputeo 4l o l 9raoll4; ,0 t 't 7,4 ' 05ic1440...171410 gVg,,,',* PoP , c. 00 ,1 1 %0 1d X't i e i - ; ,Nsq , 4 .',40: l ' : ,v• - • . ; ,' '',/ , ..:::.v1' , ~-, ' ::''' , 1, :, .; ',' 1 , , ,,2,;; , r,g', ,, 1 . c'e(''' , :4,t , -. 4ti = Mil = ME