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''--. s ' -• ; - --' . s '''' s -:- - ' t.. '"' :4l4 ' '. '''''''`-'-' '-'--.' '' '-',',- '-- - , ,- " ------ ' - ' - '' ---- " ---------7.-- - ----- . 7 : --'. - CE 7 • 7 7. 7 :M. 77-7- ,'• ',--- ..', , •'-';,:i ... ..iii'.... - -,..."-. . ~ - 2 ., 1 ';'. ';.,-. .2; ', "=:•=;..; ~1 , ;.;;==.Y..4=.:...',..,:.=;.;':=,:.,,...-.;:i; ~ = ••• „.:. ` ,;' '_ •, -:' '"r.' •'-•, " :" • .; ' . '2,- ~ ~• .„,-,• -:::;,,, '„-, ~: ~T,r, , r:,;..i.,•-•;..,,.', . . " ;- -' -; ', 7 " : • ':' 7 . ' : ' :•.''' o r " 7.4.' , ' , "= , .‘r,-4!'. '..4 , ,. , . c.: . ; •-I 7 , :,. ~ .; • -., - ~, . ' ''.'.4.: - ...,;, , M4.7.. , .x.,..,?. , ,.... ,, r5c-i 1'. ' .,,1 , , '<l.:',:Nifi.' , ,i;%','• 't: ,:' : ( ,''-' !': .-';'' • : •,-•• • i .. :Zia''' ~.,•.:::..,:.:: -..: . ,f 4 .,,, ~ ..,:c7: • : -;,., ~:l '1; :,.... .. ~ 7 ~...N.,.."•:. '7, , ~., ~ :.4 , . - ; '3,i ~ ,,...„1.1(..-... - . .;-: •,. ~,,, - •,7,'. , ....41- -- , , , 11,,, , .;.: ~',7,.:N.,:.,7",'7...y",,y ~ : „‘',7, ,,. ., • ,:t'.•- t , r .,7'.., ' •';', -1 . .r.:-. .-. " ... ... . -. ..4. - ..4 - 2....' - , -It t ,- -. .... ~ - ,t. -,... . CM 11 `s~; -''44 ~. -, r, ...... • •,•!?,,...: ; 4,• 3 .:;.,' - . ",.r•ntiV!,s .I•'s rvEvysioxi*t--..p,E_TI)T, TO, /1/ 7.3 L/E 4` I,3INIC F' A P VERT/S/NC4 PLPTIPS;LITEAWIIIRE MOkALITY, AQIIICIULTURE, AnTs AND SCIENCES. Anitsimiqp*fraiii t - itinALD'44'EXPOSITO4i . office, fei!ii:* Sfiliisav, S. In Corgierg,aei e Oid Slattd. PERMS OF PUBLICATION : Th i II ERALP & EXPOSITOR , Is publisbeti ~. • . ockly, Un'a doublerroyal sheet, TW.O DOL. —. lAltS;Oteii:tTriut - riaktYlible - with iralrrec Month's Tamil the, eue4Aittbseribieg ;:0a... - ssre. DOLLAR'S ,e 4 .0 bf thrrycar._:_„ N N O`‘s 13 bsCii p I be - takep for tessi til an six ntesuthS,arid'nci ptipor iq6dnlinued until all a r ______._futuakca are paid, except At ,thi3 option Of th_, pahlisluirond a failure tO : noti 4 , 7l4;:duiddi*o ale .. o ,will,,he N -dintiidered-31 , •navt - engagcment.A . -- Adve U s ing . willbp - drafeciii - tliktreirarteilni.." [ l rate ato insure attentioiitatritl3e - liost!paid. . Eta ata.ISJN:::OI.I2:ICMV.M . . JOHN 1 HN3IirREED). I HAVING enterea into, partneraiiiii'fnr the: prtiT:,- lice of the Law, will attend to all businesientruatill 'to them. . 0 FFICG in Weat, Main , street, a few dt.oralreat Of the Court Houao 4 aiiil next to the Stni.e Jaion W, Fibv ; aiid.niao pt the'ritsiddnce of John Reed; :opposite-the Coll ____C,Arliale..N_Q3AB., 1843, LLIAM -H. MILLER • . tittOrney..at.Law. • • • • OrPrbEILENIOVRED,to Ileete,mfa h ow,in the room formerly occupied by S. D. Adatr, Esq. Carlisle, April S, 1844. . - tf-25 • S. COL WELL'', F. 11144rty.. COLWEL . L. & M'CLURE. Attoniefp at. Aavir, I ;jILL attend promptly to littsmeoittri•_ . ( . lzl "‘em C6unti" °f at C orac i 1, 1 En i st anklin. pirtop. One e and nest vie clent,q) Sttmettigh Utr:e . street Drug Stere.t April 24, 0344. • " • - - ' : ScJ—LIVAII. - ~ . . . ..., .. , icliFEEll . § - !or sale - Titt.7v - eJ ;reilt.ic ' lt it wet, cfr.! - .105 assciiiivetit of . - •.• • . , „ . . 7-77-A:viligirMecilciapir-ErywattattP:- . __.._.._......_ --41...- - 7 • • '--- 41 tSZttN9,r_-v,_Fu~e qulLlPSlkerOiVthe Illeuro v iAttArn d, • Sable heir: do., Driimeing Paper., Sealing • • • Wix, •Penkurves, or az.fine. Paintiq brushes, Gray.: - Slanyiug-do: Teeth - • - -Ylosh Qn.y Shaving Aqui -;•••• -.Toad SpausluArePt • •rullSty,WriUsh, t. ' . 14 plces .okoulid dna et: round, ..... ..,..:To g ether.with every other article in the Drug line ilk, attestion.of Ph) si'siains, Gonoir Mereloonts sod I)yeiß.,.is s'olkelte4ilt4l am cletermiite a sal:sit very low twit:A . lor Cush.,—=_i , . Carlisle, March. 1'5,1844.... . . . . INDSI- PAINTS Sr; DYE-STUFFS. 4 - . VElr . i tirklll , oPitif< Inive jost of,enell ,xteasi ye assortment a( kii:§ t sekeetell with 0.1.0 sure and wnrrnnicd gUtl , h11(••111 , 401111`. 'Phy atitL(Z2agryAtrreh sat:, are re,laestrfl to urll a al exareme their stook helare puralasiag elsewhere. AIAO - , --^iit ., 4li.(l7.(t'siSsortspet:st of ,Paitiii(3o4l)le=iiifla,ever*,, wareaatell J I III and or the 4ell,.iinality; or !ro 14:. To.' • Ltyri'FOilits.te : s seal Fatirri are requested o 1,1111,x11 We are 110t421(1111(.01 tO'Huhi illitijeapest nett hest articles of this line in the market. , • - tiOakft rattl Stationary. Are liana! stock choice Belk% atm tir 11-• I-Statpaary, whit:li we anti sell at reduced • *; largestasgortnivilt ore trri,F;nc alit Offer e I.llt.thja olynt—lngelher N ; ittalit• most ratibiOldibie i'I'ArVIIMEIfI and Paley (..))clisleduse 19,1814. lArasitir4g-ton Hotel.° C, RNER ?F ‘ t%pe_LICICT & MARKET SQUARE EIARTIOSBURQi PA. _rigl Sul?sepper. „liege leave' intl)rn? the 'Rat it Ilus -lensed this well luino 41 mie; Ittoh.llNeirecently undergone A thorough,r i k tOtir f linAhliffuridshed it attew-,with The Gesf of lied.. ding a ild'iiiiieKrtiortipirt, AM is now prointred ti seuontodate-Ntembern nrtlie,LekiSinture nud , Trott`; Il• irs in trio .S.nry: hest style, nnd.upoti such ter stt ..... iot full to pless!s, • —W. T. S ERS. Dec. 20,1 . . wood. reapeetlully his Ite linarrotnovint front hie old etWitil on' West:ll44 strwv,rotheoublialiouse tely - ketst by , Duvid-B lean oli.S . outh tignoseP - street; I nibs - Wlier he will lie al iitno it Weal IQ see his fricittle frorn lite Country end 'fraYellers;iinil neepittip9tinie tlittirt is the best and . miit'einrktablArpitikeF, Ailt -with t. he ohoiceit.lipprs, LE With boit:thtt • 'ilisirket . Mill ClSTLE#ltilatikt; kept in alien lance tna iinibing shall be left uttdotie. En please all . witirsatl B9,11.1113E; iiikeii,tirtbehfetik, inontl{,rie 44nif, “'•r• • WILOBE11.119;M I.A peil . , . t.f.m FARMERSt'HOTE : • 4E .eninigriller WOtil respectfully in, ;II 1 , form hie r ,,, e m,,,, i„„,y, th e .; puiility genera r l! :, 11 ' - the!' ~ I 0,4,...,7 , . . 7 , ,t at .lb lees taken " r• s ir4•11 , .- 1 , ~ ,%,. , 1,1181111 - 1 /'* , ,i c. b;Mrl'itlitrOn,%Viiiidrliiiliiitf Eimq. ' el 4tl 1 'ke 'i t e+i iiiigkienot Of ittikpAtiPt_fte...?..th,m t've t i 4 tr' 1 ' 'tiikeptiiiiiirs4 In ratlnnoisteriek ikWii at nil T e 6 di - ' ishe'nniy five; ;Illin ; witit _- rho:ogin_foete- e . r , , .--- °I II- 0., ' i .- -- '',...-, ' -',;'' f i ' e H lr ie P tA lm. fi ' illif' ''inniiiiiiibriekihiikrit*4lcll l § ' i lt i 3 -,-. 11' 8 :hie TAsLPV.svitkrtlt qtp q, kee 4 tikuorgP.. a i: •. , x, a n f u i iysTi,, p. , „ • +0 lot:" ~,4,lllrtinik,*o noto*ithAlte. rv kir „.,•• 14..! , a , ..L.7 ._ c47,4vittrhYriw• ' ,,, ..••5-,,-..ii i .,'ic'. ~ -to plbaser aI, riiir.ea. % th'e-iyolketeetknet illYl „ k r . ' 11041IPP1 t 3,!17,11' •Y•t,Wft;tIINNI",.O.II•N' , - ' Auslt4r44_,' - „ ,-:::,--q4. ..,.i.,_:_:....„'ne.ln. `Ca'rl!eleir if; ~..” ..' ',M ent of the reille, UST"rioillroil.o lo tZ e . e l , i et l i, • °fro ; Nez.,k $ Juit Patanrillstikorea, is le wo . ___,__ --- , winileisaleeild ; reci t S st ftwerylvtaiwyttprre t er , I i ll t o* Uil)ifitiJcaP4 4- 4,000 Riles.' ' • f --'' '' .. th.,fiewo 93beelisfil.ileite Miqineqt• ). p c • 1 1. 0 *Mk Siwtiteeattee for SiiikfifOOdoolle...-',-' -'1 .14 TirAliiii3 r 4 o 44p9oitivild aierfT, = t,,,A)o,4lv,444oiethiefiW,ild Cliekey*! . , ..1, ':7.44 , ' , viaroPlOPlßl9l l / 44 04,... , 1.,' ...i• , >.Y f :,, ~ I , i, ..i,.; .fr .0 ;14 4 ,7 Pair,ol:ol,Rige r . = .:" V, hVIOU'akill:101"!" .C 4. ." 'lO4ll . it-r hewiiltlinfgengraykosort.rtitit,o Alieirial,opp gii "41.60111464nt4PU15.i- - 77ptc. rid 4!.lte4hATEßsTlea' AsttE.tAitzi,(til..''"'fr I.' '' - 4si • lit, 1,v,,,,,g)-4,44' . 040 :, •.. , -- wit,i, i .1 , 0 ' - li4iiiiViiiiiio4l#2llo y 43 -4 ---041 91.4•04,14f4C10'l ' PS* * o . ' f ''-f -t,f .441. 411.0.,,,L-,'nr.',„..,. '. , .;i:vorPlilt#At ~,..,, ~, ~ , t , l•i , , , ,;, - ' --nrEAO; .. ii.,;,;1,980,F11-ts'iiiy, 'pfx rk. t t • ' , P, ' ' p*„.l,ittl4tilithgletiak chtltiOA = ..; 4 (v 4. 4,041,t,F-i,:-.,-,,,i,,tiii.h.,pg,,00,4x- • f.f. im,r,_Ajte-,034.144cii,"4-_,k-43,,..yhttR1r4.4' ' • 1#10;1v.,..,:qicA14._.:„,,,..-;---, ~ . , ,-, 2- , ---' rAerkwo,por,n le ltmcmulm . '.... , , TO COUNTRY - MHCHANTS - , - ~. • 7.00, ridds. - . , ." . - S amapQ.2llla 81904 , 1411 lii ~. - ' i'in •lilith • SitinCritierii . . - 'VVliiiiesale ...Merchants', 'Are the only Pills in existence containing Saran; • • • •1.. - anu faCtuferi in d Dealers in Philadelphia, :.- • :.; _ . . - . respectfully C ;invite thoee,ountry Merchants who Their 8 . 44,0. A,„, ,I, 0 . i.. p i m inii,-- 0 1, 9 „, ter, are about purchasing their Spring and Summer obinpo t ted of yegetalile ,BOracnkiliat are,:diuretic, Wuppliei, to an examination or th eir reepeetive stitiorific i expetkormitrand CathartiMiby x000'00;0- Stooka.of G00da.....:_._ —::..._:: -;----"._ • • ~... rbinatioo thiiyareirdilliredlo.'.most forms or disease ' '• We believe that ogr beverakasaortdienta are. as 1 riiio. nmiy•jkilikpifiit-allAinieirbryothrg-inilislllo* ciihWe - iiiiirlitriiiii)iren efferatin - i - liFir City - , L bust and.fedble,,Witti'perfeet `ll - 5 - ety, wit hodt; i merle 13 ,r u L a t la ll twi i i ens 'di.. h aul the r h a it io , us,a.ca.ll, ring WO. haiiits;_suicuPtifien,br. - .regtpo course b ...., - s ' .. n ii.li , ,F . .' 1ii•1 4 ... ...,... ..,.. -, - , .',. .- . ~ . - , , importers - anti. eaten, in Silk and .Fancy. 3.lltiviliiit :ail timettAlke folia ser vice able' aiiii i. '. , . ~• - .., "Dry Gapds. ,'. . .-P w c urgiv a i . ;4-o r le i rotrivityrrii 2 4 -h i c,:c : l d s; f t .. s. .. ea ' ieb cope &po. :, -' I: 109-Market 4. above 4 th . ailditlifn Acillfet e i ll aaiii.°l7lirc bTer,:e; contain= `ii 4 .e .ll P:Reminitim; - =' — ' 92-1 ' :-- r' • ' •- ' - jog ~,S arstiparilla-anCother valuable , medical eX...l.Aabliurst ,!.E. Remington; SO . 1 1 ''. - . ° • tracts in their . CompOsition, and which Ipakes them 'See, Brother & Co. •• `. ;70 " " . ' ;preferable to all other Pills. ' ,-• 'Turd & Gillmore,, 109 • u 0 • ' . More•ihan...l,ooo .Cereifical es: _ have liur.en, publialied at-.various times of •their etli- . Daniistic .and * Foreign Diy Goods. .. , .., .. dnorinVartous.diseases„and_where.alLetber_Midi,....BeyttoL4o,_Mcrtkrland & Co.i'l 05, M ark ices-hatbfailett i an the publiwwi of them, further publication of Ahem is deemed iun- Jim:votary, otinccount of the great tettpe, " More than 1B0;000'. 41'8 ~ have been sold in Philndelphia blone, the pitatj ear; thus showing that in the place where they ire manu factured, they have a reputation, greater man any .other pillswhicli arises trom the thiltDr. Let -11 F-is well known at home as a, t•egular ,Physicion, and liis pil Is are conseiptently , employed-with mot er conlidbiuut thuds any other i in eaditibirto their known efficarg.' ..• 1. . 4 ., .. • . • . Let it be - r e2nenth era — 1 ... 'its nab the imittulty ' of villeir other medi‘eine You can getfor the sante, money,•ip the best or elimirst —.but the quality.' •.cf cheap" medicines or pills, Jolt, of ecterse;get the most; and you are induced to take the Moftig,,tintibr4t9bitalirbasion if a little does gird „mire CR .do more geoil, antlyow make drug shops of your stoniclis,.cousingblientiinen serious injury ba y ourae,lll.l3 fOr life.. i'•- . ~ Dr. Leidy's' Blond Pills nee einmpiwed of more ex rendre ingredients, and require more iiim•ty and la _ob r_iiiiiietr.prepnralion,Alitut„ ally otbet'Atilia.,4lll sipparattnalone'for preparing tile extraii a amitni tied in Ma pills, costing over three diounancl dollars: " Price g.. 5 cents* lox. ' ' • ' ' ' ME They are' prepared only, end sold . *lkiAtiale anti" Dr, Leidy's I leahli l'anporitinu , Wp 191 ISlarth - Seccral - streerbelmr-N4rre-sh-.4ti:• 't. trgl'l.l3: N Sole Agent Cor .• IEI !M!!== IMEMM !" 4 1091 . F1 - O — N.t_ . COMPOVND .°lfitlß--I)F.EF.AEL-IN -4.116C00 Llo - -,Por the,Prevnation and Cure.of . Pttlmo;tary - Cotesittntrijoin .OFall dleettlies fincidentjo;our_7ellinate„.thereAs Mute arrunivei•sal- and at the same time so in ilifliOllS nod tirtal ns Cmieumpttoo . lit this country especially Pulmonary Oonstimptien is emphatically a scourge aria in itsi'kusibtl - ess cat:cer ayveepa.nlentlic land as, a ' destroying Angel, lei ag low iitVrelent ! less Mita the strongest mid fairest of our race! 11 lilt; et to all efforts to arrest lids dread tlipitst: Marc prni eif in vain and MI 4610 seemed w iiido ; our rowel. was at_hpst the alit:6Bomi of suffering, Settilosing, some what smoother the tert...i it progress to the tomb ! 'l'he'Compound's/ - rup,of'Tarisii combination heretofore unknown, exertiiig N Power mei. the dia.% 'ease .scarcely conceivable; hay Jig a specific action on rho-mucous tisane and at the same time bringing the whole systemmitiler its powerful iiiilence it com pletely eradicates the cause of disease lie it heredi tary ur,o{VeloKise; and Morin' striking at . the root of the 'en inplaint.imtcruls•tonCto debilitated organs, affif.ftirrenewed.‘ ig,or tWilte general systemand !Gus refttni T s the Patient to, peroptileitt he a lth. Triftlailduable phrtip the .korils"blOwnin the glass. , Tltomp? Compound .3) sup of Tar for,ppoputhttiote without whielrnohe is genifine: • • Pi ice 50 CI•11111 per bath!. Six bottles for $2,50. -. For stile in Carlisle - T C STEVENSON, Sole A g enti May 29, 1-81.4? ME! oaTzurrxx - COMP 01) D?JikTIVi LP. For the cure of Obstinate'Artiptions of the Skini l'imiiles.orF,Otules on the Face; Biles which arise from an'impure habit of huidy; Say Ertipliona; .fit tTi~ linnes; Chronic Ithenmatism;•Tetter ; _ Scrofula or King's ; White Swel lings; SXphilitici , ,By'ruptoms; . pi! all (lig rdetUa-risingtfions--airimpure-shite of blood( either by - a long res . iticmce s; hot and un44lthy climate, the injutli ...efetiltlusc•of Mercury, &c. . KM This Medicine, has frequently been found highly beneficial in Chronic Cotighs o or Colds of long:standing. -- '7liiltil i iiiiii:.iteeti .effentivols- a g ed in the United lee with decided benefit in Si:Willa, Mer curial di sea, and in all oases of an ulcerated -chpr acter. 'A'As it alterative la tlie.sprinl_tiatUalLsea--, V tla ' oitskitlimitemillotlr-qtivesseasetionTirtithviMg - a ovettlit,tlecoction; and Is 'lntroduced as a prepara,i, tioa.ritOr4iirOtble, am litilile.tnAlitriy-loog-keep. , litgpatiirlietter adapted U the uce of persons craven. iiitror: , rCsiilia . ealirtaill.., :.P+ i . i ;'-' -. rite, lirommitor bop itivelar Mill stteritiou to the . followeig.certificatek 4i - _acted from n -lame outai-er approving its effic.acii :" .. This7.-',„ ;;.! '4l cA nrci;;.filiireli 30899. This cerfilieilfitiO fi ff ly wite 'Ntra.,...l)ecin,;buil. for itAdly'eftiveti:yeilea`iiti , eri...tyrom it sfrOfilloita eritit tion - resenitiliitlfilter' N 4 PI r; H'itte . deer libleti'iiilier. (hoe, neck qind arnis,the Consitiiit dine ikege of Which destroyed Iker liel'iltle,'and frequently' con fi ned her fur different periods to her Led, timing which t fine her stifferiegs were verysreat;,, Tim beAt ni k edienl utten-i. ilfinue/time .oktiOno ,pind,isilfillie' lirfhtvo. reinitiliep w'srgi„tried witlilttli . an itlliftilffirn of. bet bomiiliiiitt, ii - bli'al ways yeturinid,'W)th inoreutied . mid igiii ly'l;-;7 7 uilfiX.liiat," all hopes of l'ecovery,.she 'Nur nlinoat determined to glie, up:the use of any other uteckeingf 1 'she :wits .1104tclier,,, by: persouludon , Induced to .. .Ctiry Dakeklea Depurativ: ,o 1; SinwPdlltlts, the . tutu firEihettletCoP w hich . bus ',removed the i dipluttie', suit restored-,4r, co, perrvei lit.tlth. • • ' -::';`,. . . . . ,;:;1./y. .i. T.nros -p t o .7.A ! ,- , :.,, „.•....... ....,0 1 4iotif e -the,il 4 b t , itiViding, Put t ,_ '-'.. `'',This is iii.eei.Cifo tfrit ',u4.iiille' Soe;)lbolit :iglit ieitie ola; had ' stillereil fora toeg' tinier . fimini elen- Nive sores on , the tight kneeand ' legi' sepitoso lb Ifiiiie , lieen• white iiwiftliqh)vrtiltibl limed uoutissiblo to: liela K 9V 011 byLthe', itto ?Ofith;faidostfe'espeetehr m is, eilicaftultiee, until I wait reilemirielideif to ush;Mil. Oakeky hi Compound! Fitrisp itf:;.Olitiiiiiiiirillfi";'ktiof des Of which not cii)ltlfeideifitie sciresi'liiit'ueifeetly restore,l 1,14 e otatillehmlgi;orhiolitioil suffered mile!' In oditiequettkeof.lhhuilfeetale , , ~.‘, , '''',,.ICATHARI,'!3ING,EMAN; ; : • '1 . .. , '2 , ' - ^:7lli,Ubirve Penkistreet, Iteadiug.'i .: .. i. , . it! ' - t• ..' '• . . ".: ''' .. e l''''''' . ' . • • Tile abate case waititresented' to ' mu loth beers ehksinier,.tite.tme:.,it ItieL"thilotlefilyeuti priSortia, parillir;inid.t!have.tip.,heliffittion in bettering that it' wileqt.heiVi4of:lilifieittoratini-::---i,,if--, , , ~„.,,,, •': ,;,•'';',._ .•'.1011,N JP,AIIEVITR. AI :11 _ .4 y !....._ , .. - ..:'..1.: , :k. , ,.-ipei:tratpo.6.o,- A pril i -itY ;)s 43;':',.' n'it i ti , ' .o '4 6l o , :r.:-.4ll.4l.o6'gr,illiiiiiiil!,.,ll.Atif ! hii'd the ecetiffa,o46o,miffittjdrettiffit±iiik.. ditifTittig*fek' ner-ferijlrree ‘ yesciltiotifelsi .",whitdi AIM o woe de« , .1010 of the tiel . 'othhe:. trutiOsia: lige( i stud neck were: coeoe4 with til9ers; ,i'Vfri trlid.lll' the'dilleiii . eat remediessiludbl,Ow9lrec,t'Onjir retionirivelideit'gy , fl)ril;thifirliotii eV NorrisViptireddsffitl#:•llr;llitiab :',lfloitl‘r;Oftlteedltiftiurvjie,l,3'oOr DOWAIit , SYTIP l.pOSSiettipiltirlii;4tiWilipia Lobti l ined severshbottle ; jhe.usgpt i w,lsjeholroveAlip, tliseitje,entitelkiiatlcif ,1006,tem, Ifeoltiorer..kidleskutr 4 And; therohjld"weS ,s.potoist) to , ,iierOct litattlibivltiokhblifsemiijoy s od on,. liiterruptedlg ever since, to 'the 40010 Oleo!. or Moil; 11, Y:Phqsfijol,l l, ho, see* hjm 'dukhig-iii, .fonictiiim. 1 Ilium thought:lt:my•duty and souk you'thiCeertiffn esdeollittkobjeirs•who4hitroallilcoAtlllisAiori iii . ,, the lityttjjrAs jjlthOtryjigtere tb'ohjald'stkvsj_uahleii'tne . d,- 'ctre.;;.; . t - 4..leguilitolic%. : ' NA. ul - yf4v..:...:•, ‘‘''('W'gAttit, ; :q - .O'rEY*IisCPS:., Nir 'tilt 'fliki...p(,o.ll4.yrlnt*gensix. , ,tiy,,,Oolii6e,e, o,itufvyAgnisl,, , , - ;,: , : i1ii • ,,,.: , , , ,i 0 ~ ' ',..,,r • . ; it,-;:i:lt'4 ,t ; ..i . . ' l4 WiN lll l: 6 lMkkelittiih6lin'film .',..:4VVIi ;4r: 1 i toviiiiiiigtiitiostow• 41fit. , ...0,4' 'Ali ~ , p p n 9 ,1. 4 2 1 4' .1 74;2.. ! ,,,. lie "X" 4 ' • 7 ,--3,: , -4,T1 ~ ....., E tYp'' 4 1 L li, ~ -. 14 ~ I , N , - ;g:', , : , ,, ,, ::•. , 4",' ' tf4e:4514 ,ii fl_,,illio ,`44 ',,,, li g , ,,y.1t)...f.Atif...„ . 1tv.,,,_4-.,, „ ~ , •,..,„ ~, , ~,,,:,,,,,,,,,.,....,t „ f;,,i , -„,, , ,,,..g . „:,,0 __. ~. . ~, .... ,-, :-;, e4 , F. .:' , .:_,.... , ...:..4'''f'-';',7-, t.:::Y 4 '.4 - ? , ' ( .C.% -. ..?..2:.'. I,•'' ug'tisit= - #l2t9L.-caEffizo 'Csz3r.a-WEißa;. El lia = rs . • 4 4 4amozzame Avanz asisa 0 ). r • 7 I W B IS& G B deep e r, . : 53 " Samuel Hood 4E. Co:IC E. corner of-Market Fifth' streets, , King; Boyd d King,,26.llorthSgeond street, o. posits -the MediSon Ihkg SQ. • • 4 ;r : • William H Brown & 20 Nurtkroprili street. Julian, Meson -4--Co.l.s6,lltathet Area.. Eckel, Spangler as,Reiguel, 128 North Third st. •Th.• obec , o,nace Smith, Howell & Berc, 33 Mirth Secrind Barclay Lippencott.lB6i Mirketstreet, one door below Fifth, south 'aide: • .LudWig, il2 North Third - street, West cornei,,Rf Race. l4l 3"l; Haas & HollingaiSorth North SOtogil street; and 2.Church • •- • • James J. Boswell & Co,, 50 Market st. Frederick, Dewald & Co 62 North Third street. Importers.and Dealers in Hissiiry,Gloiles, Trimmings and.Plincy Goods. F - ; . F - Birrnetita'Souttr - Piiftli - iithifertilida'behl . 114 u ker. & ;Sterner, 48 North Se6nrl erect, 4 doors ladder Arch 'street:. ' • ' 'Clothe, • CeiSiiiileri , fr: Veitig gs, Tailors' r; — be buyic4,,Gefourcuite & Cu. 77 liturhet street.' AttilliarC4l4.•-evess J Gridley Sry & Co.. 4 4 , g4...alve r .‘, awe. • ' ..liastsly.&-Psa t —Ms3ll.lhatettiet,srbris - A At'r"o. , '4l'll . 11e e . ,ve John. S. Fitchet & Co.. - 47 . 111Orket belo*.2d. Allen R ti..wves 64. Co; 177,a " iViniaan T Howell & Co. 181 "- • - DiiidrtOn'& . Peterstm; 'lB7 — a ' Martin•Bubler & Bro.. 195 ti bclmv Fifth. Mloyabl V Baker. 215 Maalin' r & Popper. “Tortli thiLd street: roma & Wioobrennerr '7O North Saddelry. Hatdepare, and carriage Trimmings. John M. ford,. North Third street. H. & H. Fricke, - 14 " Gdff dv Peterson; ; • North Fonfth street. Wm., Ford, .• 1. 7 .1 „ Saddelry„ Swldelry Hardware; Harness, „- , Edward P. Moyer, 38, also 252 Market street. Pablishers-,-Bootadlers u and—Stationers,- _ , GrigrA.Ello,-- ,u n ta, ar.rrhontimeri;: - 46:1 ; '” '• Hides„Qi,Land ‘ Leathei Dealers.. Nilliam'lVlustier & Lo. 263 Market street,,. wford, • 20 North Whi,rd st. Boots, shoes, Bonnets, C'dps, Leghorn • • •eind. Palm-Hats. ------ W. LG. Whelan, . 158 Market street. l Lorick, Jenkins dt Cc t , . 180 , Ein . lthenware and Glass. Alexander Read. 205 Market street Peter Wright di Sons, Wright & Wharton, 29 North Third street. Itenechet.PtOisey . 4. _ 125 - William P. Bechar; 62 North Second street, abkive Arch., -. , . Jtlanufacturers and -Dealers in Drags, Medicines, ?aka, Oils, s. , c. ,„ Thomas P. Jaime, 212 . Market street. Thompson, Pancoast CO:, 40 below id. CILIgb erp.ssull; _ 6 ,Notill Third st.. Alaaufaclut'eri of Sipes, giddles,Screens, and WiretoOrk in Tge:iitial: 11(0 0 , N eca Ile 45r. .Ncrth Frone*reet. Drasids,44ll(bilS, Sjioql reinalangit-Fancy; Goode, Oliver. Martin, 24 'North Pour, S.-114. Div, - 10 ' qcirthiturtli ,street. - Manufacturers anal Import e rs iikllfilit;try • ' .Goods, Fringes... Cords I'assels e--tue-cra; t . alum 11. tiorstssantin &. bons, ' 1 N ort h Tur d sex, of wheat that crass-of perions ii chief -1 . __,.fieet., ~ i' .; ~ vJi., 1 ly if.n.c,it entirely compotfed. Manufacturers nj Umbrellas, Parasols Bol'lLforsitip isoftendenomindted single and Sun Shades, Sleeper, Brothers, 126 Murlset greet blessedness. Illessednesi may be said to ,+l ‘ v v ra i ri4 h itn ic A p . . l7 , rto h wertis „.„l, , a ,v , 1 8 5: -- '•• cofisial in the union - o - f - MeCal-serenity with Afafinajeturers Ai t i .ilati, Caps, ',Pool p hysi c al i - . • ~ coMfori.' - Tlia - fOrmer is essen e_ct..: „ti ti r all n y itr d i e d p i en s d_! ii a l l o_ o rn t li t_l4 ti l l a;te iir r. , : iii, lT: s a t n ti g in tt i ii 6 l i t i ); • Ilendersolt.&-Lciickl— ---144 61arkot -- str 8.-.5.,0.9.75tich015,, , 114 " ' actin: , Equally incl'in'Oeten,t,': with e4uatt- I 'Manzifacturers ifPateut -Floo . r and :1 . 1 1 ,, ,ity are. a , combination and success eee . (4 ol l of n- re • ths t, d - • • 1 l u s those to which the lit/ O'rao 'an Plastid Carilare ‘ • Ti, Or, Otiiiiiirik• ". .../ ,11 ' ' m in or ev,l.uusuu ', . • • , Potter & Carmlabool, , 56E1 Nor th Third Sifool. Si at an,js Alipoaed..., ..,, •-, ~.., 1,.. e „, 1 j a4 .. A f ac „iii,, y , j r , . ~,( 6 NoTtli Fifilistroolo , 't , , t l .ll ,o c i • ~t ti n , o ri, ~,,,,,,,. c1i,,,),),(14rapt0", I 21funufaciurera of Lodica' . an& Gentle- , !'"- 1 !!' '.' • 'Pr i : 7 .'"4 0 ` diocve i l -it ial , , • , Men's Cheap-Travellidg 'friinks! . of - a ciztl4, ,moinpg, ~,,., ~, they A L Hickey 4' ca., •0 0 ,. (33 e 6lll "'" t r°°'. ~- collar of; it, i,,,hi7,'lt‘r.,l!,',bution)-1)9!-.r!UJIYIIY;,1 1 ~ . .f.a/Fatlr#,,rri' q/OP/el. -.. i , we ~-.'' ii'-iiiNiveri'odurot,tiielalit. P'ufir-g 6l ' Pl''"•"` ' '• 3 a.nd2 ' , .. N° . r ..,,, h ' F ' 3 ' urti -' st. - exeitti ,:biie9m,f;,l r.s. howl'io79l''l44 iiipartirs of Toy's, '.".>.+Y. 'donils,,l3iiiiiiWaytTlilefiltii, t. ,i . , 'pier va! d K 1 , 4 1if. ,11 '0.'!:1`1,•„,!!!,, ~., ,•, •-• ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,• • ~, ; A' rott motir'?).feilk. 1 fits:Fm! o , , Pi' irlOr , ' l . B f , ' ed, we • A 311183009. 'itys l ,7 , ,v.pO.r9 , T'? , vP!!'P L " ie C B i lik t i ri °47° Mur- "" tr),"; ' ' '''for what bachelor's iiiiilei' i‘ever graced by .2ildnufaC(iirit ii 4i d 4C v l4'4 ll :Cil ' hesi B°al2B - ' ' Ayet longer erielf-Mtist [ `••.. r. a fPeciti 'e' .1/;,1- , fi ~;- 'la pip.eualtion ? • , p _,. , T1;6'111121 litk' iell Ontel:cif . ' - iitiburg) lBB Mpifi:lle,t it"' ' 41'a Pie' eire.thc ptobitas'ef Pin ll idg = trouble , ', -.-- iv ' ,. V 4 ' .kaa r e ' r f st ' nf4r ,' '' ' G' ce l l d g e t ti l`r e o l / 4 . ,. - , ate - c ; o ,i ni ti:, m ,. etio i Jo. ne,,B:Blei/Ltiairlee..' ;°.F.r.ss(ieffei.9l4:tel°tl,.l,,ie!crl:lrditi'l:4Pelitlelll;abnY•:. j Wa hn te T tni tu a c a )t i7 " 4s" ti l b 7 o s rn : c f : i N ab : : B ‘i t ' • C ' C ls o r t . ' n ° O r r ' ofAccond. • esiiirte_tiihtioir_kuitli,:tir.ort 7.1116-447 -1 71.1 1 fid7IVIa,intubl• . - ' . '' ' '"'"..- ~;„„.,,,;-`. •A k iwi.h o . fietrzy,'Mid imprecations K. Paiterion 4. Ca;-182 'Market street. ~, 1/ t.y...r. , ,.' fi, ,• - ',-,,,.. 1 , • .-- • ..1, c -, ..., -- . John J RiohltrAw?,,42 :Market !treat ' 4 o o * c+,e-' cbnfohnelite Vt)th a.itate or blesaegtiessj '4., 4iond,-'-'Dettilet lifeatidis, O'fanitee, - ' '- '' -.'' ''' " '.. '' I - Eatially . 'hovi'exasperating: It is • d `n-. Rasimh&e. 4", .-- ' , . L .- . ~.• ....:, • ____..._....._ '.-- • -- .- •-•••-=-.•-••,.. , -.--•,--,- 1- itaii4lsrefeila•'*..darocactlPout"-'9"7`""g4'"-i- that W .have only Onfean lialk'of Proolt - . .- Cli4itdepttPoi , ' 4-101) °r 1611 611111krni48 of : -• 5/ 1i 1 -in•iilll-erld'of--, , each; . , shipplock uke t :,..,.. ..- - --,-4- ' ,-;4---, - ,1 1. ; 1 544, - tiith:l - geot-? °- , ' , IfC 6 : - P,r4otY, /5-46,AF4f.t street, b eCY'' . !x ll . ibht our , Avery , ' , i,Waii.loKateko oo t: ill ' ,4 * :',, outi 0 da" , .'AgriculioriOnd litittletitturill ,•• • • t ' '7..... i-• .., • ii t , 1„ the . .1 4 8 ItA g 43 do Grastoird,EloweScadee hottarehe'h. , lOr.thticl'ilfAir,l,ol)4l ''. 3 qPltil!"•sl,, , • , impipneettr, a,,,r n.i l4 isi r om a, i t i ve i:-:' . 1 ';A 3 :'''9.%•"r4A.z4ll', qui Cier WilialttaMittlitol,7"' ,l • i ; ir Fa • , f r ard Iterchit.f, had, bd"p . rm4L ,,,,, ..q ,P- T ~ 1 ...-,- - i.ere;Comhvi'x.. -. Lookinga 46 Be n du ate Al n7,,', ..':, . ' 4' ' sda., Err l 4 inOt'AQII.4IIII 4 #t - ' rOsheet'&o: ' ' _____,.7.',.m.en t ,_,n . gree ,-. , , ~ ' . • Jacoimt Fr3l-581kTinth third oitri!tet, (ibeeeepor .to lion , jo.,tiriAto.,tili.44ilf 419;fi-1,,0,1ir,!e1,1,,,,,M :1. "4111ttet4.7-'4/inktict'o4r D ' 8 ' 1 1 1 1 13 ,..- pc ' iti °g ' 1 .,. ':''' '' .„iktf er ''' ' *hie ' , (lia' fiimieille'ili• Ch a hs , „• , , . • ..,- _.'... '', ~.' ,: •• 13 . 10 r,r*,$ r -- TB' 't.,`.- ... Z Z' ", 3'; , s ' kr , 4 10 1 j, *fil N — dr, laMIPAIII I, -P°ftth,P9C°l;l44 felleel l'agiiiier ',lli , I .!* . V;llliflaYBP,i'4° ;-:. - moninict rqi' , avl. El4,ltsie lb ~ , Ira 1, , , •14 )"•:;\ Al;,,V` ~.t,:d r, iii.o4, ron i i ii to j‘ i ,, i: 'i aquae' , 11die Ildglisity:s46. - ..,Ti -`. k?"--, , Ork@iliK ll l‘ l3 ,Aß!,( . l . . As,- 'beret, , Go. ., •',.. ,- ' j. d , - jimipiT,.l4lo'4se'Q c f: I' 24 ' , l 4 bith Third,', ol, —,M_PT 'alt4litjt,t'''; if) '-iajilodo l l6; ii ,,,,E4r:,!p?t,,, ,ttr ufaiiiiieri fit,Ciiii iii'ir 13 , 16 °K 0 0 B, l 4,9 , ,mq r s F ra ', i t ••g , v i;hii,t h i' elinielroWittlie MoOgio^ , •‘:, 'le 00 6 iggil/clei Mid nonnetft.',.?4,. k ..•••., IPiir u les L . , ir',l.< - ,r',„ ~f..t.4- 1 . E., - ..,..e . 6 . 1 , 5 1. • •r-.. this, 74ehPerP 1 104 , 114Y0 11 ' 4 0! 411 th Ilte-'4,lailln'' ' t i li, i i" lUi lb, 4l :ol. l . l l l l l ,:itt,'"'Pj . ,•- t .,,)7, ,i, :-,,,n +',l , f a cturor of Pateiai 1.4411141','•91.44a,,,tirtT1i ,fl•iiiii4,;in'b'e"l4,V,-,i'e'l'i',4o.,o,;•4",•',Aofiv..i:lailfi,i'iii, •.:- 'Oxrrlage,P,lPl, Eilts . 4 CfP,!li.)4 ,-- `'' ' •'' 35 ":'. ', 0 ,,,t, ' ;....,.f;, l Atitii ,Le: V'e'art,,Ll.A•iti t t.,' ,Br#B 3 Aifirff* ,t(0 o.otrl4gigriePt, 1,11',4ti, ogtrooilkt4A!' ,, '”. 4 kPaita' 7:111 1 ~,, g‘..,,i.coodWatabli" ig0i1f,..:...,,?,01:' 4 .4 '' iinlilif4Aniiim-Vile - duAW:,imektmt,ligittacik.e : it ei i c ^' s' if ti , AWN ,TOl tOr4greikrnhorry:, ) p - e ,,„.l7,ar ti t tilvo ;,,,, oir ihk,4tiood,LAup lemcsa e° m • 'job fi • m ‘`. Ireetnnititliald4 041 . otke4# p A 4,,-. ye,01,-,,„ ; „ ; ,,V if_A-21 6 .ik' lo ' . B at b oy.. ~, otquAtill . ~, i , , , ,.' .4-iy., ,, -,e, in ''''' ' 1 .'''' t r . -4mm .4we' it/,111441: 4 "ltikai, ch io 4 l llPl i t• ''''' 4 "L'4 , ',4x; , ,Prr., ' ." 11.iflly,t10411 1 3t1ft? , ?, /I' '',, .-„ it A" , .Aforiot e ti . adroe At- ( 1 .41 1 Ak o e f 1/ 6 11 1 : 1 4,t, '4ILINV-A,o ilyjsoil:Ael)bic'Allll:c(T,lr''',",Q *,.,,9ifirdtioelirtiOly-fir4Lc4l4.,ra, .7‘10.ma; , ; , ctr,.5,, c 4,erg s 46' l ', , ttiiiii o , .,iie l, l l , 4l: i itfi „.1 t f v#li...„ rmati.to .0.: 0 ,a. : ., : „., ,„ ~.. ‘ ~ 0 y in 0 R1itt7451‘, ,,0 , , ,3,11 , ,.-z g- 3 ~,,,t,5 ~ • Ar ne ' , 4 l l/at' lvual las l e ,....A d l/1 -"- t .1, 411 "k. , ~ 7-, 4 4Zr '' 11111" .- 11 - 1 , 4OPP , eh, s!nee• °deo Apt n. , ! e s ,.. it , * • I' tith• ozgaDetie4;' . " - -• • .-.v $• The •orntotoe voieejs _4-mighty-powei,l , - , .As it.echoepTrciin And the fearleas pen has..nittreiyay o?er inert Than the murderetikennnon't ronr.et Whttt buratrihe: . eliniti;thi 4- ;eer' - tlittinttlit; • .And.brigrttene the eaptjre!it den ?„' . • fFarleis pgn'andl - Tokie f .OV,ifiwer: . Hurrith finAe•voise sqd,pe.o* -•- • • , . • fiurtttlif Toi ce- and,. , . The tyrant knaves whio deny ohr rights,' • Aiil the eoivardi fear, Exclaim with glee, "No !nave; ye;'' N'ocr nanmin,:ntir ' . • 'l're are ronster'sol,.• theilin l i" • Tyrant's beivarel-for'tk'S . arnixiire bear, Acq'th e _ *pipe &Atka! ben !,. - • Hurralt..for the voice seal the Von! j'hor your horsemen - stand with their bridles iit hand And your leptiuele wnllf.'lrmlud.: ; . And your brimeli7trUmpcli:entind _011!"the orato,r's tongue AO lie heard among -Thefe liat'iihig warrior mcn4 And th - O - ril niiicklksai.l`o';yliould we slay aur friehda of the voice and perk!" u. - I •Eiuy,cah Hurrah for the voice and the pen ! When the Lord-crested the &girth -and sett, The sturs,nntrtlid glorious nun, -T-N!••4adliend.spc?kerand:theurirerld=irokel-- And the inighty Sift*, wits done Let u word he flung frorn.the..orator's tongue, Or a drop from the fgorldso,pen, . Airier the chains necurs'd nsunddi , burnt,, - flursithl • - '-'7lturratt-lbr. , GRAND NATIONAL UNiON'WIFE ' . ORNCY . `AND ASSURANDE , COMPANT. - . Chiiirmair-(antl-Treastirer)-i—MtiPumen 4ctuatwi. Boy Mex. _ _ Directors. HE RESPECTFUL 'AI ARRIED CONTRIDUTORS fio Pirsmit. , .9;sisted by a limll4d, - ;mpnber of infira enltal Noblemen, Genfkine,n, and—Mem btrs of Parliainenr . (4yar Ritly years of • „ Capital unlimited tnir_reised in allures of 1001: each, as speedily aq possible. A deposit of Otl. to be, i aiJ , by , each share'- • ICD - D#E6 • - . W i tePrn ::0I 131 , . The •objPetof Th is Society'is purely phi lanthrophie; tieing to relieve the frightful antountitof matrimonial deititution now so exteneively pre.v.alent. c terhaps.the united classes are not aware that there are at this time many, very, many individuals of from trio and-twentyto thirty years and upwards, now dragging on - their existence in a state of cheerless celibacy the female portion Of them ;ititcittt a protector ; the,male vviilt nobody to looli•after their . 'rhe Wife'AssuranceSocicti will place 4ithtti every man, • A PARTNER OF WS JOYS, AND A SOOTHER. OF HIS .Rs toe!! as a dSeided: Qraament to his Estabiishmetit. , Celibacy. is ei th er voluntary or iniolun , pay.. To tlinso_veho:remain single--frOm c6ice, the follOvittg. considerations .pre c'ep ppottul I y eubtnittod. It is to be pre in -e - d — tbat- they-are addressed to iliirtitet-Thie-i7 UZI:. • ' I=2 pair back diseeter , that the eapot has . been filleti,- . .for • his. morning's br : akfast, ,with kit-w . arnitowiobiby . the maid ofalt-work •, . . And ktith. whatyet more nainful,feelings dais he ,obperve the marks of her \#rigers on the,attiplet:ssio !--How indignantqktoo, does sit-,remark-that his tea-caddy littatefti lie bottle of yvhisite3 , subtraej invaded .„ .. .. . . . . . .„ Punch has generally' heard it pleaded by young-men, putt their „, reason 16 4 remain= ing single is their inability to:maintain a wife, , Re could not pry into tlkpir affairs, of .course”, bpi hakknown themlo sit, hour after hour, in. ilk IF tonah . eietter tiimbler, follow•. ed b' chops, stewed cheetie,'an anchovy tonst,:and_scalloped , oyeters,--- . 10-ii..dern es limited Mate, they have lzatl tea -• instead; whibli would have been Much more economical, and every one knomts, generally' eat. • • It is to be tediertibeted that, pij'es and' alchoholieliquors are.'sUperseded ty - mat rimony. . - The " go " is resorted to as a stimulant - to ilia, spirits, depressed by a life of loneliness ; the tobacco as a sedative tn.the heart, whose,eravinge equally with those of the stortiaeli; it allays._„iddiciion toeither it' iiiatinpatible Niilll4olllpBliC WiLh.this the Virginian weed Is especially et varianc.e,- and oh Llipw inuitey• „ton ng,-,i(tqp, n 3 j g Involuntary celibacy 'a - rises - front -Itgo qtusesyr-,-.01-titese-isTot:.ert, ineligibility. ^ The:latter misfortti'ne, in .veny.-atitiorinitentessutrki 015 olFiltivotblef.o,o. „ obliquity of vision, .why 'should a trilling otubSrance of form debar, as Is too - Ufterttlic . ceSe, : atiranyjable young creatureirio heart tb be, beggared -because the foot-- - is large ? Why should maturity united With worth be husbandless ? By a bountiful provision of NaDire,- mediocrity of person is commonly combined with - plentittide of pocket. We 'know, how transitory is beauty. The handsome bot.,"penniless youth- will, if a philosopher, jurrip at . gctpd nature, which, though ordinary, is' well off'. - To unite comely intelligence with Iherefore, one:of the wealthypTaiirneee thereTorp, one.oT u, pitacipalGrind 'gat tiOnal Union Wife Agency and asstirane'e • o rn pa Ry. 'I'[IE COMPANY'S TERMS.. The pay* One Guinea annually, for widoWs, of Twenty-one 3 an extra hall Guinea for every additional Ten Years of life, will secure the gssured the yearly refusal of One Wife each. Two refuials to,be had for dOuble that amount orASsur'- once ;"and'so on in proportion... Policies 2f One Hun,died • Guineat and upwards , to entitle to a bOitta of refusals, in the ratio often per cent. • The object of the Assured, ;whether Beauty or Competence, to be sta. , ted on effecting their Mau/mice ; , and Strict regard paid to Those ileSirous tifbOth,iffriy double premiums For tite it•ccomtrieditiftotl of per'lidtticatixiouii for Ina :Mediate feliaity, firgecif) . ti tilpf HANDS stantly . ready for 'posal, on . , " CC, .4 " ~ /I.;gtind aertiCeable - Writt3 . • 15' :10' .- : - 0 Into, with accomplishthents 15 -,• 10 , 0 Dia°, handsome' - . 23 - Q Q.- Ditto,-intel;ectuar .:" • " 28 d 0 Ditto, of superior beauty and •• fiseinating tAanners 27 16 0 DAto; extra:supoitine •in:every• itnnginatidn. , • 1: - y.o3oithliiieture or,illiirt desire 31 f 0 Mrituid4ivos it.One' per Cent: .on their Dapital.• • • •,n •.• . ~ , -Ladies are.resplictfulfy invited to register th,7lr; names .gratis; lei the .. present .t 4. 47Plinch's ,dittco i : bet to : pecoinintalatc the: ~ . ;rush of.applicantEtwhieh ho ariticipateo, and '..lo'Ytreyenk.;.. , 'struction in, the street, lieln ,x-.:. . ~ Tr . ~ ' - • 7, ~ 4ends to,o ! ' , knew ,oiTtqc in tornetmort, awn niodioui situation. !Further particulars .tyllkhe , daly.anitoipliad.‘„ - v.- .!. 1.:; . , , iid:A . ,,. • • N :i , ii: , :tile, ihilabilltylat allOivei,.gliir an teed. if reciuired,,'iniy pilymenk.'ot !cif - I*: Shilling' p?c tile..., :.' - .1..ii , 7., ~.i„,,,', ..•..,..-,.;‘• ~.. ~,' ~/. . ,-'.?:1.( ; '„ • ` , •',- - (3ltarmitt Po , 4' , ! , r l Tanisn Fflq :ring-tailed - v oa r et-- pf - aj avl * k ...*f r 4l9 l 44RY-740 , - liglittiink Counlyftiowll7East.;'Y've ,tieeii, `iltiwill`,J.lir4lov;erl - -iietipnii4p titritnip"aril tel . tteiliiiten 4)4,ltiti-1 - iikeiiiiliipsi fiTiii i, 1 4 *fite,„.. airCfrtiteiitilind , 'park stith - i;. i.nd by vjri`;v;of. , dli4 l( n!'ill' il viro l3 , l Win ' ileivn'with'iapifte nalltian s il'apsoirs-ripittie l 'i, `kt,icwi- 11 .tn*.tlirriatii isliiiiitaesitiiii:l4,iihh l'ihi*lrf".:6l64B,' iiiid'fi'alr" , h4isilea.' - , iti'aiii thtlllo l 44l;i4' l3 lfiitt!" -, is„roiiii. 4kliii 3 O n iiW iikil)r''..coloilor.'Or.pcitingiv4ol'if' , from :OP:Ktaril famiiiliseei:by toiintr!ii , Plneli 013,4 ifilOil*Pifr i '\ a # 1 0 4,1 0i'#P i i hi ifilr ' 1 1,k0000: 13 f' 1 Y ' #' 1 ' ik ' t q g ' ' ; - ' t' C IV6I- 0 1 i !*. i 'lL:ritti"'Rtitl4,i4 ' 9 , ' t : ' '' ' 3ol'' O r l h q e' ' ''' " 44 ,lindik l 4.4l4 iiOlf.y Witliitt,,o: t. *Oailii. I '-idi l 4 wifir' virt,r4Fagiiirkiviititshiikl i in w i it maro a ostilar short ? ,r .4140 gull !Otft!3;,OAf luloo l, oiiikii ,9, 1 tA v ;8,!!!'4 9 9:0 16 40:0 4.0 tri , ?Pgi1,P,C . :01, ! mieoeii.*9o: o 4ll.l l l , ni t i:44 l so l i,.3.4'o , o it pe lirmaeop t e is i'loit444 l , - 'to'ribilisinai: ,' , v0Ati,„,."':,R...._, 1 1., 1 1 3 4 , 1 0 : 2 A0iAiktiti [ 1 .4 11 9 htrovtr4;94t)9* vvltlit•,ttio;i 6 l.4 4 6di i allAilk •' '''' , k )1# • kii-BT-0;4'1,;=1-WOlip IA r i 7 ~,,,ilt.,4,it'fo 'bear ; t 4 : ::„ a ;,; 4 ,.,.., '.- ~, , ,,5.,„ ~-, ~ : , / ,...4 4 p -, -.,-,,-,-, SALLY SNIPES, OR - RiprOlitriloN.-Dci you think'l'd have•a.shcernalier or a tai lor? Lame! no, ra • rather live and die an old , maid, thou a sli#en4ker or : tailor.' Ykre remember .. well 'when - Miss. sally Snipes mane the above indignant claimer. .AktiAheri.butirded with her moily er in an 'eastern Chi . . Mrs: the mother or,Sally, in her-yo - tiihvieen - tfnfor= - t oately cursed With a large shate.,Ntf godd •100 -s• and very little &eid sense. She hed but one idea in hefinind, which is ex,plaiii ed.by hal the most fai . hionable dhe indulged this one idea to Such an e tent - thai it soon left her miilue ESE! - a husband. The poor man died of a bro ken hank., led , :ng Mil t S. and to only daughter_to:cultt. ale. their _notions-of-ien tiliiii:Oloilted th 't. humor. \ , - - ; . ,..1711e evening -in in uestiob,. W - 113 'a cold, stormy night, and ,tile boarders, fat• in Litumber, all mechanics,-.- were -gathered• around tliu,etovd.-in conVereation,ind as Miss Sally honored the group - with- A lter .prekence, love and matrimony contributed . to the chit ,chat of the evening. None of our company happened, to. IA a shoemaker or a taller t-'l3kt . there was one l very excel'''. lent..youngnTaa there, a journeyman liattero it was ,stispectad, and not without reason,' that he entertained a verySly-aiiil affection. ate interest in the Welfare Of Miss &Hy j . bet - 4111 e. moment the words quoted' above. 1 f , 6.t . 6 1: 7 tittered change : came crvcr the spirit of his 'dream. ' - Wilier inidealikea spruce i , oun'o• dandy _...—._,... , -..—,..... 'Of' slender -mind,' but ample irit r-m addetice, .. , , , . - p -- ,i - • '. • te,c4a i g.:o4p.g.. l „.*l4sa.,..,_witsaahb ti ts, ,A 9 , , .....p ne . .*4?tittNttreoPrmini. -11.-.4rarticolar-...atteritioo r 4n 'MisseB a I ty; -1 .-%'riil 4 ai rethiff 'lfee%qh - ereat 'pomposity, 'teany pl:ace „ slie wished to go. ' r q u r yeEki•i;itfcer, we tipenl, smile' time in n.aetlibb - ringi:dily i and. having licaassimi to Idok after a WasherWoinan, we went to. the . phice directed,• knocked at a - rickety old door,in-a back .alley, which Avas.open , , ed; when to and behold) valid stood 'before.' us, a very apparition of squallid wreteh . eil . - .1 ness, with ,dishevelled hair . and .tatt4red dresii_ It was'Miss Sally Snipes that used to be, but now Mrs. Fitz Jenkins, the ci devarit.dandY, - developed 7 into . h briiken down trdniblei and abandoned drdnkard.r -The--femarfi-,-.qtiotetlhove-at-tlie-eum; iiteneenient . . of. this.; l ,iiiiield,'" i riima (I iii felY ffaished upon out mind.' Since then, When-. ever we• hear a 'Yenng latlY sPetik'ilifireiq peetfully of Mechanics, or talk about.'set* tang their caps,' for a •ribkand fashiOnable husband, we always remember unfortunate Sally Snipes', • "WE . WALL REMEMBER You, HENRY elocitierit Address of the -ClaY'Clubs of New• York; thus concliides; —" And, therefore, we will ..remember you, HENRY CLAY, while themetpory, of the glorious di the Sense of foie gga&l remains, in us, with a gratefal..and adniii ing :ideation which shall ; s atrengthen With' our strength and shall:not. decay with our decline... We will remeniberyou iu all our future trials. and reverses, as hini whose nain. honor'ed defeat an•l . gave it'a glory which -victory could not have brought:- 7 remember you • w hem: patrititiO fi - witrilid* - 0 - giiiroliii - iif — clorruptip . n ,and ruin; f.r.we will never know a~'trhi t nph which you do not share ‘ in whose glory nut eeerue to -you , in-death,---tve-will-ret member sou while the national per cc and prosperity . eontinues; and when ' the' War, clouds. no4'darkening and Muttering over the hori•ion have risen to ovetenit,thg clear and placid. sky yet above us, and lavd buret over the wiiole, fend; the people remember you ton; indreli.: i'viii,ternerriber YOU ! when ihe, bimidlicanda'poki4}#4.ing • on-our tritek.', and tiiiiyvdlifier,noiy:itovvyni ' around the fold; 'shell** rent the jieuf,! foe .wi o n o ti'r „i l k) .'"rn ':ugain, •thei-migittY the .-•-:nd in s'odiar cie4 in t orylta t Incas 1y:644 0610 . yest—y tPLUFiIrf.77 - : et yo t deail); ';•thaa';;.4eilitil 44. 1 30 at I. t in our, .mostliaered'itrid' = aciletritimamOnt4 add • ,ou l, r p ums..tk , ou4hts ? gratvutty co •• a •• tsl . m g • ' ,-,- , - , . ,- ii. ,J - A R i " PF'''''fi:CTla7'r,7,-,4P' " I:- No w iork:Legialature,lastmeik. Mr. bayley a: 10tiva4tiqtralbirliamlfiebitY;:waetrialting f ( . l iPePoli in - ravq 6l : l ,") cifireVe4guards Co l i l thlioeit39)t-thicl„'YOl . pt';l:ixi, Th e :E ye , 1 ilitig..lViitnal,biiiiiils; ) lri the , -c 9 ui ! ii li.i. hie s :I:eofrica;kk!lloiiia'iu'tha'prictit;.6f:calti: f lii*iPlC vcors(2fPdcPailin'Aiid'a . fiSiiii'ssiiiich . : " 16 1d'* 1 1. 1 .?#ci-11=';i1j , 4 i*4' I ,liefi' ' ''Si4fit igiii:oni ti l otiii ) : i'p aiiicoi l f,w4o' 3 i , di4 iliiiiieitor'4oiiiiin.tiiii litif.o6/6 , 01 franNi' p 6iiliPiOeiiiiieiakidl*ii Tlll4 66 ( l ii 6 i:i Wi 8 ( 6 6 , •0 1 0 „ "1 1 Pti * i d rite & . .*".'-'44.i.i601' 0 1'W'g4' ' 1 9 4 9 r,..p ;,r,, : , ,,,.,. , ,ar, yI, ,1 ! biloi,iiilOilierli# 6 o# l o(Viio.:;,,7ll,,; , '; ~ i b t4 F 6 igiti.• , Offril,,; 1 ,0014 47 , 1 .., , ,,„...., i3 . 1 .4,, tilii i ,ir i ,l 4 :a44 , 4 4 1. v: I .ller 1.77" • l 7 ,' \ - P,,, ,ge IT V-10- 44 !`.4 4 !F.AOl , 4#"!tP - iintitif,, , .... - ',ll, ...; o '4: ,i.,O;i:L) 1' xi • , i;te r‘;' - .11q4,,ii•; N4', 4 4P•4",,;•, 1 4 •,, ,, , - ,' ,'", 3 •-, ,' .• • , o,' - , - • , ,;• J , , • e ~ ',' , :f.',!",' , .,. , t;' , .'t -!.: ,- ' .7, , ,• -•--." °...;.!.,.. :, .1 , ,'. " nT" • I FM MMMENN ~~~ n .0.~ " TIM FotinTEM4-1:/iii - O4Titi.7i. , -rWO find in tliti,WCW - HivertCiiiiiiii;'fiAtiittii. fron k ,t4 %Oaks of Leesville, iii which iar. the - following curious acCotinc;, - -',-;!lluftli?. most intereming thing : about : I eesville° is, that it is tho,,birth•idaco, of 0?1.! t'ifottrteen daughters;' ters t %or 101:1!3_ of, thp, fcrurtesn.'diughters, any - part O!i,,,.ll4iddlcscx: county; but with ypu it nripy r , .:llCitlol 4 'cinite sojdain. will explaino'.liftirelrgesl - .Und:most commo, dious house jn the 'village, reiiides.a Mr. Whitmore, forget:hii:Christian name,) Who is' the fatltr'iof oialeeri din I liters.. lle ! nevcr had a son,'The yimegeit datigh-• ter is now anent, twelve years old. TWelve _ .of_ the . daughters ; liave,,,bSen married, and twelve .-are now .living: • What is a little - singular,. every one of :the' daugliters were • married in . regular rotationobat, .cldest_first;_antl_ so eriThe - lather was . neartl.jokingly to remark, , picking in_lny.famili . --you must take them come:, • l i ne daughters have ever sustaitte;k:b high reputation for their many virtues and :good qualifications; and 'make as exemplaiy wiyee . as. - ;',dutiful daughters. All the twelve married respectable worthy - respectafile Mee, itedifatie been 'peculiarly '' -blest in the marriage' relation.. When the • was born,. Mr, Whine - ere-was' so disappciintkl - that it has-not-a son, that.he Wept child 4 _,:illthetigh the old.::gett.: llenten watiqinebleasedWitte - a son, he has ma.nygranilione, and, will proba:bly_lays writref - reg fTtre-tviea - Olieght4.,, that have•died, ..quietlyr reptise side h3 : . - side.- in Artietit . :hlityigfrilifiTF6f=tlerflttirie= 4 :- if..tftWCbTiTdrel/?'ar":tr": .7- '"- ed to be erected grave keno's / and on_ their are . carVel - Weephi - g„ willows,. The first stem that .Was-..erected one - hatat broken from the. tree,. - 7 the'second.onet two, liranchea.7.. - - 4 TIIE Morneit.—Whois it that moulds • the character- of dur boys, - fOr the - first ten or Twelve years of their life? Not-their 'father for such are his engagements,,or such 'the - reser4 , or stateliness of hie manners, that sons but rarely Lome in contact with him. id, the gentle , and attractive soci ety'of thezmother : it. is in her affectionate 'bosom 'ay heri q p, thet,!he blossome .4the heamand mind , bcgin their bloom; it is she who. bends the twig, acid thus decides the character of the tree. How then ought she t o be accomplished for this important office! How wide and diversified' her reading and' information! HOw-numerous:the- historic models of great men with vi , hich ;. her , mem_ ory should be stored ! and noble the tone of her. character. IFFERENT COLORS OF MOURNLRO,...4I/ Europe, black is generally uied,,'biceied ;represents darkness, Whisit Abais ak paivation of life. in China, used, because,they hope:Oil& the - dead heaven, the plaie of purity: - 'ln Egypt' yellow is used, because cents the decaying oc trees and loirers, Whildh.becoMte y.elloW as 11My- ItrEthiopia 'brown : is used, because it de- • .notes the ooieti•Orthe earth . :from Whanie • we. came and to Which we uturn. • : in•soine lifirri-citiff-tliiiirtireedp.beenyse---it—..... represents the sky'. they hope 'the dead are l gott r ei' &a' kir Mliar i lparts' , 4lo/4 and oidet, be6Nitie bning.inliiiniiiof black , and blue, it reprise:its, atanWorn mitre)* on.. the oue aide, and hopetin . ' , . _ IrrYire,,rogret to:learn by tlin_Pprtland [Me] paporg i t that IMillArisio„lfark ,hrokatt_ out in thal•oity 'in ,its, tafo'rirt•••,fOrint,' tingly giyon'in the tria l one of the piegoti. ; l . era for:inisdee4g, ahOwa a,,ltind of CoOdupt. {hat is.ehan WJly;lo.44tii o- ; ray wag,Ofa,klo,,titictintleliottte for ktintiog. • ~, . 4.-4.,,y;,.. 4 ~,e, , ,: 4 4 ., 0 ' i' , •,- s kcal l tle /tell] 0 11 VEin ' l B9oi''?l - PP, -. P41. IglisktYPPlifkr rif&i.p..4l.. . Atuyetliqc , 'llel ' 7frgetit ~ s thr j ~,,, r. , R ,,, '.. F. , ftwilf. , 4 - ig, orlt, A . . 11 , f ''' rye , iit , ' 1) - "poi r &o 114 , :; * 1 'for , .ibA, ,1 , 10 1 g..,,,Tiik t •PIC.:: 5 i ,. 4,4 . . 6 ; r 0i 61 0 .40 t4 7 l i g l- P 113, 4 4 ,: - 4 1 # 14 $ I , l ool , ,i 4 , 4 :) trahs f er ' ,o - 16, OVlVl i ig n or type pr 0%101)4,19 9/ 0 , 1 !.!irfB4"Ok.o.1 1 91 - ; ished plate Ocilla, ;tait tigtO tP:krifilfilt °Pt. < in'elight relief to ,re4iio , the ink - mid 0 0 4 ' 'Tiirk — f om it Ate frodtcthe stoic of the ~grapliio pros& -- 7 - •: , •':'l;`''''.'Act• '; ~ • ' ', F I •_ .1 • -4--"` app ..• , ~,., '::' A -1 -PN0;•: - - = ' , M. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers