Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 19, 1845, Image 4
-4',Test:ll` Ce!?t7,': , •tatlVA'Siv,,,, ; , ; ; •e "' : , .41 J „:s..i ~ ,47"- EmoH:' ''111. ` ' •' - 1115.31844 ;aya r 41 ~,, •4 3.1.14yi411-ia-tt''- .o r torr,„ ~, G, v , t e`, I . ', _ -- inag---;',,\ i , . . ~,,, ;*l7-1/4, .4 ,'. --,,,,teT.'T .1',44'/"'f ` tll- ' l ., '. i"' ' 1. l yl y e t il i t. WltOrf!*', ~,, • gttirp ; b ~ -.o:iiiidillitiiiii,, .‘,„y.."'42.", '--tikiltotkoo,clV.Xll,lM: 4ii it c i t m b e friniL courinleXetelnli'agnain4l47ll;_ltpixtr,444-•-, - A .tioliiiimr EniPIPYIPe is -thiiiirlirbir (k W -41f- , • ' ::. --- - '' ' kp 7------2 fr, , ; .!! ) P 2 , , • , • ' - -8 .1 -..` -- • _ ~..: TM - , , 'l'7' IWO '' ' & fa I ' litutiow tit eettloment. , .*;:• • .., TO* tat , - mi ' ' ''''"r'''.67(l‘i'4l : ' ' 7l"3:*ll4)b .1!419*-1.!-!`Tr ,:i t :6000 7 06' , ':::: - .. - 4, - . o so;',ibrivtliiiir c9d !l l ire i a - ° ::..,:d • , , '...'..., 2'; .. ... -: cii.t . l:loeiliid 91 - -M ir PT•' - ' 1 ! v . P' ~.. • • . 1 : 26 . 101 i t 4 .;,. i;: , M.lVPrfatlPlet.ltdi 4 f k ll f f . a - A- ' r i , . b 8 87 , - - 'll i t4ailna g n3l4 l fir!tiPil f ? r .P l E, P oliiiiroon 0..• - 0 - ;:l• -. W . ;': 4'. 1 . " A"' ° . •:: 60- OS , ' r . `'(slave.): 3,q,_ t. , '''..: ''''''•'-':'',' .e: ':;--.. i'. n',.! .-‘ ( . xi'4,41.. ;i• - ' .-. i f !'cir - callotoitn 43 l°Td• '" '." -"ili Illeitial•:- " It , ,:.••-)... tir jAiztlzahlimo . Eaqifine , r' , _ 7ie oe' ':,;k:', _Josue of - idilaPliSorir -''.'-' •:- -`..' '' , ' l " "i 32 :_' 00 ., •"--- ''. - ,Orsl ,i-MeNent,lik deem "-.'-'."..."-." --- :--' 7 4,:f ' nl ies: :"i,;•l.;':',•)' ops;* - 139"wpThinfoi , pid bO d koo.pow i t a ri i , , , - , l i : 244 '•-. _ ,, Pi.' ,,, `0(.:Viii_,41051:9 for work : done ; '' 37 8 ...;' ..,.,-':t,Vaiii;fini**. y , of"clfo4 . e,t,!.,PaPPOri.r, ', ~. ow 2 „...,,_,,Teirltilirtil6lY enturN:.:: ,. .,,... ', .V , •• vii .' ! ,I . ' :t ls, For 'tide ''''. , 'OPOleitik ''''' ''' '' ' '' .' !3 : '13 I' 2 For old iriin ancl;blocitircifilitoiF. -1 ~...\p':,i2-., . - For aliu4l44„.ErP!, i, 414: ''',--'::: ' , •.',"': - ‘:- j.' 00• '' • ' .SibirliTi',4l l /ei; '':,;:"'" .' ' ~..:, :,?•,,,,,; . :;., :' , 2.5' - ' •, , rormon; '.. '.- ~ . . ;',..,,•`• .; • ',A, :rli . - Hudson for art ,;. t' - '. .. • -.:. '' .25 For biiiko;'' ' ?"'.. ' •• , 4 1 .62 '. . .oiiidttei,' • ' _ .. ... • EL ME Bial 7 11E1 .~ ~`ti; fie.l tt , • lIIIIIMIBM ; MC )3Altince dtie byfiieaeuie r ~ ' 14 4acobi§vir.ei•Apil f 'ithietite.t. 4he jived ind , eo l unt_y,',:iiVtiititivAir hit the -Di - , Tii..,!iccrigntaluliat.pettle)tlept, , - .1167d.41. "tm . :4ls l Ao l, 44.tfriukaopatsctreaelq,4r, 6001t0. -. • Fri*Jcilicipk , WcitiOb - ;, 4 1iq., SymfaMi ,Astim:differvi;:p3urc*NKezbilntd in:tho: loretelq.statemptif,, , rts,y ,Y~l i_}i n -SlGek eh the Farm Ist of .tantitiry, 1845. H'eatt of horeesg37`head of Horned Cattle, 2 Calves, brecdinir Sows 38 Shoat*, 4 Awl and 28 Sheep. 41 44,, P.Ortr, 1V1ntid,n44 . 44 tienllfattened Red killed on Faritiln 1844. '26 Biefs,ayerage, wt. 603 lbs. (I 075-lbs.)-49 sheep average, wt. 64 lbs. (2646 lbs.) 14 average wt. 68 lbs. (952 lbs.), ap Hogs-average wt. 193 Ibi. (7527 lbs. making 10,211 (20200 lbs.) „ 4_, ✓ FarniingltltuitSilban3lo..Yarni the Ist Januar... y_1845 narrow • ,104011Wegerni,t wagon hid, 1, pan 'wood ladders. 2 pit hay. llidtl4o, P- 143 / 4 1- deatbOrTiAnditorrkees, Icart , and,eart - geers, 5 ploughs, 4 hitrows, cult - rya torsi-2-doutild:sbyVietlsdeingleeliovel-phiughb, one hurtle rake,ohe threshing toA r littio7 icteer, one colt sheller, graie'roller. 1 . flax brake; 2 cut= `.':ling baps; 1440; t'grind'etones;2 log chains, 6 sett of wagon goers, ri set • Of plough .:„Aft,ltlif_S.sgti. -0 ( Carpenter toeti,„.2 sett r of iblptving ttiols,rl,l(ett of blact - smith tools,-1 sett Otbutehering toals; and i 'variety or skis, shovelsvgrubting hoes, picks, spades, digging.irons;,cro ..bars, corn'•hoesy sinklcireis s ,Antile‘trees; sythes, l•cratlletV, tickletg -fOrklierakes; dte. e.• g&echi i • - tit l e o ing te , t o erofihe rarL o „ 828 i3ifsbigit , fo s i - of oats, 1•050 of corn; 753 of potatoes, 25 of tOrnips, .4t orsktid:ou'ionti t 2ls of , beets, 35 of soup beeps, 1 of peas, 30 of par , Ant ps,A9(.iatirOti,6„pf tetltlishes, 40 of tomatto 6 of - timothy - seed, 3 of flax seed, .'§ ,3,o f-tiovPr seed, , 2ooo cucumher pickles, 4 - 39 1:u. of winte - r apples, 38'90 heads of - ‘obbballe: 151 be. of Ittipv, Triode 4 70 loads of hay, 9 of corolothler, 64 barrels ot good vide - r;,3111/14: 41,hteldb1.1 tax, 1/ bu. iltimpkin seed, *4 wagon loads of p6npkins, 10 hu. of L ihieilliii'Olett,,s4 or peaches. 4. 4‘.Kibtlfactared and.6ade-ih the Hotte and §h4. ''• • . • • 'Plc blanfieliiolllV ro yAir.ritaf twil l yds. of carpeting, 152 shirts ek5,,25 cotton frocks, 41 flannel frocks, n oin pettirs, fit ett^plop,„ aces, -, 0 . chaff bags, 22 bolsters. 13 suntionnets,'99 - pah• of stacking, knittsd.'l3 fOtted, 69,e4aforls, 33 sheets, 31:pair of drawers, 12 pair 4 of, summit. , 4 pants 2 roundabouts , 15 vests, t,9 barrels of soft soap, 161IbiTor !!acr d soa p, 180stallons of apple buttei. --------tOSSPII4,/111321+01475.C0tal LIZA VOBACW, Matron: labOtir ES ---- 11iiiiiittc i - ilaeli ' •• matronand .- . - - , , • ` , ply .. t . ,y b, ', ,a'rd t paupers„ from -the ,first, day of .fan.., lfai i o 6 ' ll letlifitOi4Vilay - of DeOrnber, -1844;" ineltmive, viti: ..Z '.,';',.: l ;'l"` . ';': :,; • ,''':',4';''Pl. ,' • - -." . --\• .: ° ,• : ‘ -.' '• ' ' ' , .2 1 'Nolli . 2 . l ,2:ooitsi 1 2 shigle;l364 . oifeedri,t2 single PlOVglin'. l 2"large'gat'es,- . 1 wheelharj , piii,,2'4lo:verti,Aipeir of; hog Congtil made Ward feriee around eider press, Made; one . new earl body, single ireqed. , Yilduble traeei'l l three,,, lcuiXOcotlla of wood Madii`/000.4aild altd., Anhui', 6 • tiandle liaskets, Y . busliet Imislcrtp, flog ierik,f4r,linaeltili, Mill . .:,qtierriMi - atopirlor, i same, quarried stond'ilif' andThtfiiiimi 1355 - IYti l ' et j),e,'. .., I f si. myritureginiiliftfirui,runde 54 rod, einnOTenee,, ~, ~.: T", 1% 7 '4' - ', ~' i. :I ;-. • 4e- i ‘s.49lso.i..iit4iappiireln the Institution Ist of 4antiary. 1844 , o( * '',.;, ;. 1 • -,•' c.were colored end 41 1114.4 . 6r,paupf . 3re, • .•-, -- •., , :, k.. --; . • I_.\ '"., ''' " 1 130;- , ' ..,. , Npr4ernilmitted'l3o`tioAtst December ni , t; of, rhich At #Wisioleiet,l ..l , '. Ptro , b#;ril ilii,oo:tii*,,:''''' ' ' 1 ; '" 1, 4„,,, : .„., '. ' i . ,:Oilittitthelvholejiiifti!tei,: , 4lli f i t uetv:thi year ' .- • t., ... , .... .: : ;,-, ... - , 1 :, , .....t . ''. , ritielVicldleiVititrildrrM'bOUltilloti,t,_l9 elpp3il-;-„Ilh disehnrgc#l,...PM,, , -., , .' .4 -out:atiPr,PatitMvii,•,',,..:4.Z . ,';:,c:::',.:ln,,,;' ~, ',•: u.'",.,..`,. . -"'' :';':' ',74,.X.y: ; ,,'. , ,ig 5 : -' . ' .;tk ' ' ,/ fe li *lnall4l44.lingi,eqiftt4pc:rcia4C# tiViiii ' is4U 4 iiri isit..; 'ol' 451443 , ; ,, ,,: , t , i T., , 1 .' l o"Awere;'eselOfecir“,. / 4 . ;,''..,..--.'A'''' . . ~ L-.:" ''',. 1 . 1,,.`.1 i ' ~,, I;;'', ' --.• `'.i , ~ --.4 I - % % •,•• cf.:Y1 . ?: , .• ' '..,'' 11 7, q . :•t Out dobe,'paUkffrit . lMpiloni.o,s;'tit,putille . .,..wenre' ad rifiglhi3 , y .car,r 44 ;,,,- , r' .! .:_f*alat'4!:slli bliiiitliflifiedi't 4iid., 4oC 6l 4.4*liinted . , , i: ::,, :' - , - • ,•;, \ :; 44 ' *holir.nuMbiriiiiierielkiit'Aintiiiiyi-11345. , : .. ~ t ~;(:,„, ~.,..„ .;/g:.'' ' ' ''' '-' / 12 1..: - /‘;9o)maif . mMainiugifilliii,,=:Piter r ilpuse 51.,DeVeinlier, 154'fie ' ,!:',17-; . ,-' • '2; i -th#A#ral rimile*.64:o!"WWWl, arefeolore4;•.- - • - VA' , ..-',or'- 1 - : 4# . ~,.' '-! :...., 4 elOjektikFir' , 'Mliiell#;gics irti3iiiidi:' • ,s,', ''• .;•`-,. ;',-,''' s ,P.,„'„ i ; ii:i . ,11 . 81 . 1': 4 ' , j . 4 , , 1, 4 4 .',04,1*.tirePluzieor....: , i . ; .' t "' ', ';.' ' , ' • '''. , ' ;','im.j,.,4; 4 ,..'-F i n 4 . i',14,1 .., i'.:P' - ' , Alsr#,'Bre es-nearai-einfite: ancertainini.tinOr A ierii, - ,7:,-18 fiqii:'l„,si:r;,' : ';',''' 'lc ; , J..h..t kOW,Slti' . lo4.lltioni . lo td : go.-i; 0 fr,4o4*-1,9 - 8 0, 4 14 : - (1* - 910 ' \'',-;';' ' 40 4184rAird'41(kreci A50,;.:10 froin.,so - ;:nxiel/r-40 frowtiOlto,o4:!,B frOM .70- 1.,:i.t7.-'•,'„,,,:,.t.. - Ik-7,„(fii01P.,;44i01p:,81),1ta,,110,—.1-from-00-10-lOpr, a ' ',-44,4114*.,;i0r..;,.:ie,,q:,L ~ •,,,,„' , : ~,, , ~„,.,:.,,;! , "..'g-!1:;,;‘, ~ ,' , ,:,„kn'! ,, 2:,;` ,. ,y„ , 1, , er, ,,,, , •V. -, ,:,,, v.i . , , , ,), ,'ri` , Vl,„,ll(#.ll.lfikliiitgOiiireiri 4 'd'Of the' -;: -7 ; 111 4 1 # 111 ;':VIC"-. 2 _ ii/PY4Pefi' l -‘ ' ,:.'Gum l a nd ~,,,11 9 4n!tkiwrittiktirmi .1' : .. .:3 indforC• .1' I:°"itilt."l 'rfiejOl'iiikitlie •ri I,.ik'ilt:ihat, fr. l ; FFO. An li k i ,o o "hAii c ' ' lltalielibililltooii` $a -443414440 •••'-,1.', r: .: , ,.. --, 'r k ~: ,3,;;,v:,.,t t:2,1:',...:.,•:, Dy4l4pient on lan dc.:Purehatied:orA; ~ ...,''*':.•';' ,, Y./"; , . .., McDawell , ' . iit t842i7...'.....,.1' - ,•. ,r , , 41020 :00' •,. qii.'';priYinaint.of.latiiiiiir : tridoillif: 7 '',TV ,:'..:,....,- „, favoe of,' M ra,',oßilin::'lii• the laid'. ' It:t"''''' 'll,Ptitclitia'Jd afA,MODdv - i . ell iii 1042,: :';' 4:3,10,7 Cosh. :' liit'grfieeiiiii, ' .. tnoreliiindise„ ~.,,,,' '.7','..'.:1' . . t clothing a rid bidding] nelUded; ..„ . ,,,',,,115% Difi. Nab 'far - .B„teolt, -, ,: , ,:. ,. . ,--, .'2,..;i - iT. -..-., ;,....;-, 6334,1:' ... - Grain; flour and,griiidlng, , . : .' , 4:345196 •;, Hardware, , .. t...: , -.• -,..,.',' . ..,,' I , •.-c .-= • 11 t.. 101, Shoemaking and liatting, r,„: ,,,-, .., .:: j 32. 81i7 • ;- Support of outdoor 1 1 0841 11 ri:, 2 :• , :- - ' 1 56 , 421 ; _-'-Stone conic - '-..: -- .7-r;ip''•- - •.. 1 18 - 1 15 14• ',„Materials; improseilientiOti; .';, ' , I, • .‘ , 0755,1: .. , :,/ , cather,;, , : •.' - T •2 , ' 13'; . 75., '<:. ..';',Tailoring undiyeaiing, . • : 86 - 40 f, Out.duor medicei*td, , : _,- • - .'. 21 'Ol5-; Out-doorifunerel:lipensos, • ' 65 , 25:: Road to; for 1843;1- ' • -2 1 5 AV.: :.. ;Potatoeii r 'r.V.. : , 2 .- ‘.,;?*:':! ~ 54 974 Bliieltsmithing, :'W,. ”. • ~ 33 , 47 „.klatiling grucorles; :IF- , ... - 21 204 - !."4 l o4 . Opering and. isagannialting, • • •41.-604 r , t'ACylindrire for cool arrival ; ',, - - 23. 80 1 ••• ."N Ow' horee Op i ty' eti , .. i i '' -41 I : . 66 , 20 '' • tin; 'pewter rand Sheaf iron' ' Ye , 's -' . ' and tinkering,' ' , •-' , ',... 7---, ' 36' lg' `Farming Utensils, trio's . , 6ic. ' • ;35 1 5 Freight, &o: for . goodirtind ,Coal, ii i 4d: 21 '. ... .Fo r two drum Stove? for hospital, , # :1,0..Aip / ... Lurnber, ' •,, ' Carding,fulling and for matins - no. .! .''. ; : . during 91 yards swine*: •;- 56 , 25 , -" Mason vroskc t _ ' : „ -,,,.'.' ' .: , 111 ',QQ • , ' iddloiyi ' , , , ~.„ • "•1 ~ • - ..., , t, . 6 sq ,, rovethog-tifetor*renioyl,---I n ~ au re from other tiolot.ip. 4 ' 4 41, Stationary, - • .7.4 .:.^. : Aig,T . 2a g _Whiskey for Hospital, .",2*,,, :s:: . :' , ': Sundries, . - ''',- .- ' ', , V: 1 4!.4;;;' , #- A- • 2- 43 4 - • joseplt Lotienlits Salary '.. or:,:ontirf ' . - Dr. Jacob flauglunin's Solari far ' , . one year, 4 ;1 r S y q f u o i r cr o'ne E 3Z i a :- ;, Ir' ref o -.`''' :1131 ' 1 2 4 2 0. 0 5 6 ( - - .-..=-Hiigli_Gallagber, E.q.4llclrney, • - Salary' for one, year, ~: I ' . Samuele Graham Esq. Dire* r, 4 57064 07 'IV • '4l ,‘ • a 1 . , I t.,_1:..: ;Wu. - MEE EOM , 11. , MEM ER/ ._ . ”5.,“ ‘*.—'-54f~’~.w- =I re/064 07 900 60 =Mil =ME House Wir . Hottaiy'oeEmo4mentof Opal ' - • ireeloiii of 'eaid liistitution,from the first of tier; . . By cosh mid `orders -ad above Btntcd , $6163 27. Balance - Ore "136 - . . • MEI 3 66 V 7044 47 900C40 ii:vv;iiftlig,4ll y « --el'' ' ' ' - s ' ' : f: © I.lllo::3Viiiii e,:( ' rdllari. 4 -Ca 64 ui ifig,r,ickfistut;•fiti: e .Ct e4 ' '! i l lirewon,i . acrooiA: 0,. '' '4:; , " ,, . e'."' ,• , ~ „ ,1 :, .., andAiouitivis,:dri fi''''eeti ingd : die - ge , ,qcn iiii s 4:Pluosiiiiir,e,'";".!l!fonoredicthe 'kiwi' iki,Aki lit, a , • . 0 1. 7 11# ,(9 1 0, ! e # 1 colln,tYt itil (16 - • -- , p;;- ' ' 4 ;14:4 rP,rorFrPilli. 614 gie ""- "(101:1*; ;y:.ur iungred . rentleil,? ' id Ppafr e 1 1it , , , , ;., UN= ll‘ •extra Services, ,/ John Zoti. Esq., do. R.G. Yottng,,Epq,,,.:,:., do. Justices and eoniushtea fees, Bolin: dug by reaguret, ~~~ '.r.;.+ „.„!IklAii-01 1 .., ,.,...„....,, 11 ...., " f t& itillieeilteriiire notr.Aptai X.,,in,llliT , e - , , intioinlifildr4iuffieftll,qatltyp!**# ~i 1,4, , 4 riely.ol , 4o644 , terekpliointmiuip,44,,r4J”, A - 4,7, tiro :New SO 'of n k i q°! l 44 l .o, l . o :%r i- ..';':v. * il.', containing U gjerll4pl?tlyllept?r,, dl ~,, !19A.k: Alennen's -WeMi:sueiM 1111120111*0,litrert• 410,1?8 , tie Laines;Orgainli.Licelllnslink,lLitwO,loll)ntsiei t l aliOcies,...gletlia, , - .Ca Ind rnereeo satintin44loo9; t3ninnrCOW,tentieti':',plitid - atid:Ptatt Dill fiaild gotto4 r4sor a i o e . s4 rApfieucAdifeKtwoß,:of.;:tdi Pi wnich:vill Beedid a 'fiklineable ; r:','". ': - ' ,3- F": - .' ':!-- ,";:-'jf, , ,. 0 Z Xtt: - HITIIt*,t(V, ---.11iavM5i,1#4 , 14;57, - M... - ',... - ,.... i ,;;:;: - , :, ,,-h;• , ";, , , , , ,i17 : 7,; - i ,': isi:;',B4Tli . e'',Rwg'ill , 'o'l4 ot.the rkeit'seA!tache,,d 4 lie'Stiiimiiitioni ;will, ..ektenteg-: . ;':. 4 ~ ;':'- 4 ' 6 4'''' .. * ;;•• ' HEAR:' , IIOOIC',ST I ORE . . -- ,.. . Tllo.sabeeriber - Itacaffp,A itainbe.. reoe ,-.'''.,, from thecitregenerul ussortrocatASa44ooo , 1 anC,StatiOnary, 44ielt keintnnatb.,-,4fli,a,tyedn'••.l - • -, ' . -,,,,,.i",-.._-....-'4...,.!1-----'-- ' iittralutiera Oen I , 49ipi)lidin i f tilpi . l 4pakrape,r ; 8i :p sintiemip_ivii4o*(4B„.;:„..i' ~livt,i'.l `amilY Bibleit, - ;.,. , -; ~f‘ ..../ - 11 $1`,00 : ~. -',.. . Good ghoul 13141017-,e.- . .-„ ~,...,,, #0 a,.,....,...".... ti t i ''..; .' Gi.,od SchoOl:Tesfeni4t .". - ,..v„; , t it': ! "2 - 4 '''., ~ Pqaitet,l4klea'eobece kiltetiiss„jl,, ....,; "Sittlitiol' Runlet:Alf trio ,ggilbiiiliciiiils.aii.Ulll7, repot... , tit:nd:di low. Ills StationarS!,is of gOottcpta iinTi ! , „ :so' i good 'atisoi•tmene Of 4.,lthiigrephlt,.krinta;.l Or, :Booksand PookS suitable for Holaty c ..., - ~. lie also:Cari , ics on. the Book- Biadinkialidnesa where persona .an hay.e tiieir old books ichotnal; iihni Blank tibekOoOkets 4e, tnadMordeic.•, The sobieribeßla , ,,einineet,top vi:th... 10:11bok anti Stationary Sink., inis'estaidialled 'a - ~.., c~ ; Pi:I.I7IILP GROG ; HE itaiiiow•ch , rat of every des . 44:iliA•kjilt,'. 0 • gustily, selected . withcarTt• in the, city, . and which he is enabled to sell' of' rOdhet"ii!tlisli prices to'snit•theliines. •••, ••• '‘, Thankful for Abo , .iiai,rol'iaga 'ostirateriP3llA , ihirink the kin , do's h'o ;line ,b4e6,lW,d(O' tiOVIOV; he hope! by attention k `A`o.p‘r : itk , icr.ia'orit a continaandfithiiidf,,iiia stdek ,ift; pt.; consists'cf • • . •• •L . . •.: strong Rio and t rava Coffee; Best and 2d qua ity LoapElßtir E nrcavvni.iviiito, Iravana and ciintbki Su airs • • . .` oung pon, mperm ea.]) Teas. Sugar. House -Syrup , and Pe:* Cltleads Minas:' • Best and 2d best Sperm biL., • T. ~ r - .Sperm and Mould Cindlep. Spice or or mot: Tresh-ground and - ungreencr,ClieratiundOrielierir; Lemons; M ice; Ottani' f4d(gocStareh.,-SriltPelieF,:. Logwiiod, ,Amerteab 'ilia London Inuour . d, Rice,: lii3rnecipalhie.and Baketa, beet Craeueleie,.lll.abdinii, I*lmonde aue ; ; :11 1 Crockery - , - .Ceimr and - Gialtwttrare,i4lo es, 'rubs, flaskete Churned 'biomes, •Ited"cerdii Halters, PloughlitieS, -NlasOns and Csrpenters— btarket Basketg,fle`st:CaiendieJt and-ether chewing -and snuolting.-7ebaceoi . ffillf 'Spanish alid'Cnminen Sega* : ' A-genet l aisortment . ,er.4nolil pop) coltoril tfiSead,-taPes, - tbindileS,,ltbeit;*'‘eYes, Pearl' but lone,-plitiand`needlest;teotli lirdsbes,hiir,brbsbee. •nomba,:janyter'sand'elee - bincliing end of other_nifolartleictilklio„lll4,4 . 4rAmahlka , ...,o;- WHAting,-dabitediCranbelitex, dried Robt Deeember.)l,lB44.. 20 OD 18 00 do': 16 50 do. 3 00 69.941 $6161 27 1)00:80. 70 - 64 IYT MI thr 148ohitioir ik.' :- "itrier"shi -- beret' ofore - 011iling lietiOen . t 'liitbe- hers, tinilqr the A . m. ot J. I"..Lynre7lt. etv:teiininiletVoti! the let inst. Vr noutualeonient. _ The Books fire. in - the knolls oPJ. P. Line for aol.• lectiOn;ltilil those indebted are regoinstvitooall at, the store and te`ltlitlieii.,neetnuliti as if that the book 'thetas) be.i.Otlietlla . p sirstieetlily possiblm ---, • , . • . 117064 - 1)7 ME • . • • • * 'December 1841844 G. Mr. ItHEAFFER: , - LYNE'Caviad trtra in t , ifiroi• boa 'ref mike° tub e 'l'o bile gene . y hat 'lle:Wilbap n tiuue Ib4AVii? W.9IZE .SLAVIVStat thebld abual:Cvlrern may be found a firstAaiellasortment 'Gonda, VIA Locks, 11 ;Imes, Scimirs, Paints, Glass No ctel, iCeabiltlete. ameorthimat_vf:Varimaterla e 56441. 0 .7, HoolS Atm, Silt - trot,. Steel of 411,10mrs, anti,mTryar.ilate-1141/allY-ketitin a'HarilWain.atoen of which' we , will .aell at the nlaeWher , e, • r • • 112 Cliegnnt OFFERS for sale of his (mu iinpnrwtions or minufeeture, the following, wills a variety of other goofs i* the lirtpoa , lhe most adviioigeoult • , Gold Lever Lepine awl other.ino , iviithet, Save). I.:evet7t,Silvei• Leftiee,•SlPrer'VerFp!:Wkteliel, F4);'; Orly awl Irrelt"Dill priket '011ie; Pieces Urge Mu:, sieal'atiiwit Playing 5 to'l'l TolnesAntall do in Tin' And Shell cases, Plated'Tablo , Castors,,Tea:Setts,: ,Coffee Urns, do Cgmmtinion S ervice; J pytdry,' SU ver Ware, LeVer watch move ments of ' kers, with a general - assortment of Watch.' makers• tools, files .and watch materials...' Orden' triter dee" Depittry ere 'atelipited'and wiery'cffort willbe 'made to give satisfaction. , • .• ' 1114-kt3m. ; • 1 01, AAC TO i 3 and 11 ALBERT .'& • ONYERi WesS fileh-StreeW a• next dotir to.iteetiteres iletalrylave3ast:rceiv, ed frop;Philadelfitria,'and artr'itcrw'qieniika large and splendid assertment of,Tays,'FancyartPlw4hcr; iu ,tteadonTor'the linlyth4.s., They have A splendid vavicty of fancy Dolls, Soldiers, .I.lrurns,lrcumpe.iff: Swords-and Vans. Horiea;_liogs,;Dints-hhil4Veq-' tletieriplien:f 'l)rylvof. colort,slikpel, siies Ala ; prides, width cannot fail to delightjeyenila titite;a4 prdve-vcceptable'presente #the 414 The. priblic isinvited to :itat and Seethe handsomest colfectiOn 'of Fink Articles litlifch has Iteeri,iutown for:aatne • • _LUarlimir DeOetiutbiti—driSCl • 4in Utt dr,' Book -,sTo lOC. • - • 10ER9: k' inst. • -itrett sor iTni f ng e Attie giTriir. Drugi,,Mpitteines, anit.Dvsk VS. to , - gedive with' -genera) asicniinenSl4T4lD 'HOOKS, milicontrooultrAV-66,0iiiii 'ST/010NA Wir et every • kind.. A liii;sTiiday: terY,superior and suitable toe Chi.istinas. and New Yeni.'S presents. Atio - Gerataiiiroye.kidit maple:Witt, assortment •or 'Animals, and Toy • iteetta I'or4hOudidayii., The public December It, • ciNtE:O . ktE T Spbantifei :a . have . jnia. inarepaed 'their atek , ivit litaAn4mir aitd "fresh , IciCLEMOWS,' . RA aIII*CRANI3 EIRRIB.tCURICAN.III,' Figs *WS Nets .. WO I tkinflii, , which' Ingefilei , r4idi CA N DIE,4 and C.CiNFE'r..7.l,ol%lAßY , brnyeri deacOjd kin, , &I ;.tietigie, lin ration tid,. &, wilt te i try Iwha l esalniand rZtai I at, , the.,lo*,, OP ililtdaNtet)ll4l 'Fanny and entifftaindkr'y Stoi.d on , 1% est Higli titiet, nail lieeti'oll Hotel. • s • , HALBERT . ; ;:December 4, 4 844 e - • "-' • • -• • • frst - 2.82. 'LOOK TO YOUR:'INTERESTS'," 111111 .. E:woul4ittuiler the d oilvito to: all,„ :tir v jilg i rs e n e d r PlNpi n efore", q-I ;4 ll ',ZAt t iorn t Pure 14 0 3 . 160 K i 0 ,0 1? l; (1 ke. 4l4 ,r!YPtcidloit 'ilk I og 'Co's.i , I'F-we; Shoe- andq'. ,fitore. . yv h c re VOll CRIII see nearly' 414 al oil' tt'cikyour Woks or'avd; 0n , 41 , ' 141:Et-terms. Su llth Vo7llMfilt:;s. tr'S 1Q lii , pluot ,r 9; h EeiV -(11 :t P,efr/O, •.• ~ ," "'IIkft, O IIINOI .E STIMUSHMEIW, t 'q the or~ler:01' 11w dx ariOilelehd - orodgh;thieltibsoilberdatihrtir.tOliT .l s , ; 4 6 11• , I , 4 4 • ." ,i 4. '-- ; * LIU( t I ERt#lllo , , ,; • -.Yr 4 64%.,' , ,,,i' ,1, • ' ';', ~.. ~ rcili.o,q,oo. l l, ll o4o.o l „t fn I „ t iliifiellio v w.fivx, K 1 ... ief 4 f4REePP,' l , li4ilei,:t.,it'W tl, trq,9„. V 1466e6 otw a iigie 41401. arrw,4CifißlPf o,trAt,n,ei -I,lll‘t :rtit.fitituirj-(845,',' - it; i '' ' ~` 4 'lli itytp iintftiOrittiltkilifcihrho , al,,„Nv6it iltetittabtireWaritiy,oecujtaiA bk , Org:lfteiten iie •Rtiiiraiiig.'Bobableitiii,bi4`o;lfsit*lifihipli'.pell lii, iititiottiofngi.roliairo;,r ly,*lll' iiti furriiislid'd With a'litlAtil 'r'efoitincif t 6 ,16_:,"acegtirlio!ht;op of, the !91 , 118.'4' 7 19vii,,,Mititegitr"loting Lodiet'ivill he, roceivedlis llocistfoio l l.lloltli ititiiilOCtiViitord tolitiiiroll:thikulltogo-con'ttitOd,ltit# it iOlif.' tielikr Inaba - At oti "On't&l'2orti4ito' faiiii*.'"f "'.- ''. • 'Li;!si-,41L,' ;;23 . - emeP , ,r, , ~ . ..-i -,., 4,Boitrip;witli fuel; lights and Siril iii i ' l l ie, drill :be fitinblied to young ludied, at 1!),.2.5 e,tli ddriet the" laminar ttmilie; ;nod ei2,50, - tiotipttho 'Moto-. „ ~ ' ,,Ty,tiloN.--Cgotiri9ngagliii4,,attiirtas .).,, ~ "T"t r t i li i iii ii :H isil 7 ; Gr4ettiicro , AtliYA: r • ~:, et' 1 29 . rt. Rgr 4 o l Yr Ifidlell tied Wring .. , Triqtieriatc -- rj"7 : 7 l ~ ~ , 7:, - r; ~, ty,op witivAdi,mppy,:;O g ol;ra, Garorne,trY..- ~, \ I ‘,4ll , , ritr - Pliqoiliplyyj'and tr4lieh Coin. -s -.4,- ~,'" , . :- .•••," I 'LI: ' .' - . ~ - 7,50 ' jgsgrlOqnititio aii;Botony, Cheinialrjh-7,`1, !! ..,,, ... n44lclion the , Laninakci*Diawing,, aVi% eictra: Charge t" tittleAinei .Ili it s'tFnk}ieCt~g9 !111idic`-fip' d£ extra charge ; r ot' . • 12,00 ,;:rhe Vtlin.:o4'll tie required :iiniiiterly Bnd the. in,, and: no, do `duct bain: eaiitilif ' .:101kileinhir!VT, • 3r-,•• V i;: 494 r Simtief OTU ' . ••,. ! Rpm ! , Oriekc,OVSYO9e,64elli9gs , L ; • from • , *2llto tili:o'deposite; do dhtilielies , ""doo dO •do Taverill.B 4';,..d0" • (19 d,o Barla • r• • 4 0 16 k , .ado d o ' kW. • , do.',.l3ilst 1111114)Yater . ' ' - to tO . do • • "A.NN,trAVRISW. • . - • ee a • 0 t '•s Aettlir „of.r.larleilltuld,,implea itaullem C•riortfill!Flqw: er bead" Oiler ter ;aide Prouty and;Mewl!, Patent centriii'fira:9Ahi: lelf-aharpeohm ,11Ouglig, for which nisiii"jreinwiria - ieere'aiturclo.lo th 6 States of sylea Food .I)itaWn re, thq,amot , TheY pcF hiade , toth 'Alta lett ha kut,"TaCyii light an' tlrauglit, ehealiikkerpAri ra.psir, "sod . I parthailaillyteur. ptUniendeltfdp lufiuog Otaler . green dentwaryil.ity % l eori gialfo: lo V-apy. 4oll ; - .'S:AbOi; Plaghs, - kr tmai two or thlrefi horaea! Sltle" flitf - Dauhle . M.auM Co. .'1171 .1 4 . 11 • a o cy.a F a p nw m. great variety, lake- Threahlog,4laehlnea : 3lettlipUtera and stufferio=r` , gluirui: — flay . 'and' manure t0,04:-. AifICS,:, Spades,: ShOrolai ltiikett.,, L 4*eaotplant!og. Vowels., Co ,Pluotitig, .J*14111111.0. furoaces, .anit..erery. fin atauted?forthe„Parto oil:Garden. A tuced 4illeipply assort ruent of Yegetn- X l 4:iisiM4dilfPietle, •Philadelth hi, iochading ;SO new had'.augriar., Mods, ,crop 01- lft44,.grosen resitly. estald ish warratue.d,or Om . hest quatilyalid 'name . ; ,enii,bW:d 4 dained ty thirlaumd or di hu%hel, qr neui!ylint labelted, reedetta tir `lllqqte anal Trrea of the to Ideulegtriira rtAlieS ii fly lo eat :and. itee . the. iolortmedt • • •• . . 1 : 1* " ,12 i . 1 0 1: cf. wywcy.,,_ - •• - . ~., • 194 i Alarkei.g. :.13 - ENER ALIA vi.m.i.:l,o.,A.Lkbe:*.iittri*ockior,ioodi .11474"eruil -Hithofer reetaa Igiei.trouTs a b.,vt; °Mee sliqre e will krill horpatta mi:liattd and Tot Ilet Id:tit:the weit'l e iteeK " - GRocams & snots v . such as I:iiursiiint I)oubletiSlilgle-Tictiheil,prowa3, 117vaiai 3411i1 trashed Silkarclrolaijalilyiciailmtieri al aml. Slack 'Etuoi, Sugat , ticaSid.-4SirUp'ono Orlentai - Atoll a saes; Sperm .sittil Nirhale Crackeis; l 4llace."Citronjadiici;-Stareh Saltpetre. -Muaimed sad Ginges , SAleiat e , China- SaunoCluver,- - Nvniiegt - . firoetepAkina '4O a . Gl a ss 'Wart . '‘. Hrindons—toibai4llialteta, Phatas;,Haiketa, !AA.. boards;inciter - prints, .folithi :4 - Aiid ta ; i4e;.-tdba"oeo, apaltien, Ind( hisith'hia and earaol'on:Se6ri. - • BOOT- .....__---" • - AMP:Si - 10Ft. of' every ifeeeritt 4101tyind Home manufacture just n-Teiked at Ids ,eobading or. Willie flouble and silialo• ' - 't' " itejLAng 'Lnnclmiftr.nrcicackaluyea oNm. amt bunts fli ' 44. flea', Childrea'a - ancl,:ilen's.iaitar at the Lone tkit • ":.V. , '".', .:.. •-• ",' " ' r • ' ,'. '... ' pir, it , 41e by. he barrel and.imall.' ,50 Imi.rtil..ll ~Noliest.Plonr.. 5 Inn vida Fecal'. leonnd torn meal. 2 litirrds 11ir..k....ea1l Flour. i t t . .. Persona pureine:hr Pour of ., " . e . :an have it delis , Kimat in.y part ofthvb•wn. Those whomaylawor Rim with tln•ir etnotit, will be dealt , with, on the meat Satisilyn , iy Awls's, lie therefore" solicits a irlige or ttwlair wittiiwince„ • - : ; • . losittry ; l3, 1815. ; - • " • o)tnititltrchiuits. • TICE TItIAT. Atkrrr: STORE 91:74 iv. spIISiCIIIDF.It§;A, - i nterce street; PM t actelphit4 . „ 1 ..,A u. , kll(;f:,sbicic . : 00 '-' ''. Z2l) l a - 17.2 t : Cti , '..D3E)ED'itt's , curt' mrgusiv, AS . • --; - ~ .1 4 GIB -EAT A Ar.kliftTY Aii Is 0414;reillity, kinfillouiso All .the % e • , (Ally 'otif!PlO fattlelplaja. 11 . 11tit';:7.4.•01.0.iy altrint the salus - ItY nu' tiOn and It :Beet VgliChtly :kW, tn purchase many sespona. kl's .4•scriplichno,f, ft yule much .below: the lregthae prices mid %Owl' they At ill ..sell al a smolt ativance. Thrynls'reerrive,nisl.l. gtinthl - olit.ei4 from the roan ithieturers, mart,!, les of Poroign Gooilsini soma tliore-ilialk6..."lll4ecim-uyittoitationsi-here ainiltlLX";:w:_inrk - l'hetir . ailitrtinek'tLlopileitiLin part or • thelollnwing pints; sit i---, .-.. 1: ' .11 iti)Aii . - 0413 i I iti . , ..1.. • . • . ver.....o....e.itti'L'_,Chithiin_fillLessortineoti_flottll ne's, Jr,..,,lanneli. Kerseys and Linseys,lMOr.•; srestliiiiiini - ValenciaNititingsittgresit4invioy,alpok; Alk Velvrt,Cighrti 99k trersttt; Illects,i/Atitii Wia4 fled Pinlilit li g, kn, ass,,lll•owit tiollantl; Cantrni Flannels, ItieOtanni ; Chicks • Ticking'', Colored Canthrles„-Stleu4l4,..llAwkront:llte, ' stc.,_ r ______L Also.-tPri nes—aO exit -tight. assortment—and are constantly rein•erin e t:jile - ukstest I id les' as they' come ' from., the oninntimoirers4...M flu 1 file taints, Priiiit• oil' 1..0wi1 , ,, C0.,•1 ,qt‘iy , ,locloilots; Bo& 'int! Mull - !MO#lllis.,4t , itiites'..l nclins,' ( rlill Linens, Linen Lawns; lliiisfuT§hOcilo ptlrlatis It unlit 2 Dippir;'ficitton, j 'll)htitees tin'en I:rati(4,..n.; l lc e n . , . i -- -- . N.LeAciksi'siireti;ligul•eil4'of i d plain; liinnlkiti•ehicrs,n'fo(t tlit;oll4,ettASlCCotton oolhpiik, suspender 4 ';'' ll oliipey. i;iqy'e..7.ntread, ; polo l ) . lq . Lace Gonillij&A.,‘` , .) , Viils'a roll loniortOnt. of drow n • mud lilKolli;•il Sliirtiiips lioil'B 4 Oolioga.._'li'o 2 ” 1 • . ~• .. ~.M• N1.' , 1f. - fIitCW.N Pc Co. ••i;, ~ •;'' . . 4 , ' .„, :::+l, o"." - eg .siojS , e hot., Philo. .1 libiliiir 1 ,y 4,0.1,44111 .. ;,'..-,..,,- • ,4,..--•*-%,---„,.. , ; • : , .111 1 11V1V,44111111111111110' lid DVS.' • li. kicitlitola r itWr, , car-, , Biliciir,Wcailica'catiire;lial %kali fortaelrly lit enibt la,: lioldifc antAtcted , him vial; *ark:omq , 4ceta4) 10#1:4,101 twig , obicitxts: ..Thaiiklitg• the liparshe licit a Coati t atailc Lt. flirOltrallaXe: ,, M"' • A • '4l, fle-mxy hatband tifilic 4livellitti Oa eitpt Loather otrvit ottrytliqiolicy&f,c . 4 , potoben titiiw.ti#kt,..Qt••,..ks.+. 1?:;.44=:, ~4 3,11451 r e k —tiz -- Haw *II ri e icw' WM 5 , .. - -, c'• ."-,-* ''''';` ,. : , • 4 ';'`' ) ; , .. ,- 4.;'ii9 ' ' *i. la=-'-- ; • .i , tiOhtinlitr . : : f i g,V ; tiii . 4 , ' ~...A.A... - o• - lice,' - t1 4 t. : ' , .‘; 01, 1 - " 4 '40,124' i 4 44:',.;. tiffrvk Fd ~,FifittilrOthFig. ktitor,s.of.46o - ,S, 4 Pte,lni...htit „ 3- , :I; i,v,ir. 0 atu t'atial Doaisi eeturn't lair ain4 ; obri3alaitidici4 '• Th,f,titfdli in , ‘ Frafilkliti -..iii l l fittiiia • tkrialitrianatik4ppliatieffaViirainereppeetfall,t4 farniLth.Ro7;. tiptc.,lllp,y,nro "now pepared tcr,repgiVe, . 4 9tt: 101 ';lvar4 iltill.t -vett TlifeWater Growl;:'' -'' • '..' 1 IlioOkitice. a ii i d 1 4 I, , i,lliiiiiiiiditiio : 4.. 1• , ' - k...t .•-'-' 'f cf.'. t." , f' , -. , -* - :•,,,__. 3 %'• ',, ''• ''' ''' c ' - to , ANp - ritopi '' • ' '•.. • , - , ..‘ , ..v. , : ~,..- c _1•.,,,•,r.i.,,, ~,., .., ~...: .;', , •')...,; • ~, PiatiAti ELP Iftei-:: find:: • IiALTI NlCkitE .1 Prorita3ew) L,. , _, Ohl k•rimil to in y hotie laillikladeci tibia c ,- T9)9rOria.whieli„tlielr t ligay van Aare iiiki 411`..'' ii.figin'4 iif ilit'aitteeaiii ; ''. "• ' MtiliVii. '.. ',;'WElokti..Bc , 'Hiltseiliir e . , : , .s - ,.:4-" , -11.:1:, ~;! i • ~ -.Vine. at..WllArr on the Delaware, Philadell•Visk, Alessi:lL - ELDER, Gral4oli tc. ,Cii. - . -- .r- . ; i -7 ':-- '' ' T "- - 9 ' - 'plinViiies 4 tiel;t: - *liiiir,:flitiiiiii`a'slo. , Thejiwill'idia)*eive awl kitiwatilglify;to,Pittta.l VAR 1910,10,termedlatepcant?;'Freiklit Anil 4 eiikmat-. gesia'alia r ja:F:,llVelliiißh dill iVeitT.:Drinchtticilli`. VGI'IIVrA I RT/N. r 'C'''', liarrillbPrgo 3 4 11 .V1 1844 .. f - ~ 1 ..-, ,',-,.', , . 1 1. 2.. ~ .. , . ~, , LlARklitt -EtafiNGt: THE 'FRANKLIN' , FIFIE - INSURANCE , Cfti :Marto. Perpeluai.4-9400,000 cdpitaryaiiitin a,%gq. 1 P 3 4 ChriqqAtrcei-; MICE iN' = ited,ligainsdosplir damn° by fi reonsP.ltOPE,lrl't aTI,P,:grEgTS 0%091 gescrvipb or; :ohntry,Wn - th , d tit'sitt Vailitodde I alb* . lleidia fly b'e firOluptirtittended , i OWE RlttC6 ' b[' luetlrit~yC~ `' ~Cllll ` C~31~,' c ne Ing an or- , initklre.rolliV' • dan slooi.aTue d 0 ... • do Stores and Mereldm. • • • .• thin • • 95 to:50 Ao• .do ~tavers arid .l'itroituro ,;. •.. .40 I°4o . ~.16,:finias and Coniena . . " • : in : • dc, Grist -nial;gincle!-r. ' ''' •7sto Pratne and Log dwellings finflYnrs' do do stores and: Merellin:4- disc - 65'f0,65-t ao T , 'tt -do do Ttivernsand Farliittirots. do dodo Barns and Contents .1,;;;/"_ ;- tOO tritiatft - do flo Grist 31ille‘and ,- to, l' .-- • t•--"`"" • , The 7 subserlbbr is agent for We' "abOviooklinity for Carlisle and its vicinity. :Ail applications' for assurance either by mail or _personalle promptly-attended, to,- W. D. - 8E101711: lune, 12,1W44. _' E= ttißt trait A** and,kaiiipennsboiough:"Mul.jUifYire AL-Initfranen coottpinvirvattitiejjaiiit goititi. dm_ tiorporiiied'brik - o - iteeht roy . or 'gaidzed, lityierailon of '"•• " .•• ' • , nt*nottieoliStielly,lVellttiet'iM„. tHyer, ridfiin Tijnel; 'M inhaler Hdorim; Mogan-,iliMinkel Cocklin•Aeojaraltiillillediai.,teri„ eoliq SulavelY, sem'•and . I . olo ' Rankle, 'Who reii*Mitully, enlf the .altimtiOli M k the. eidionatif Cunaberland anti .Y.ork eiitudiettio the ad-. vantsgeOrlakthe-eerrippy holtroiat.,. • The ilgeik of inOrante nee aledUi,,OW thvorable, :Many Company of ilia kind in the State. Persons wishing to „hueome•.memberivare hashed to make atipli'cation•to the ageniatit the •noriipany.- who are willing to wait upoisthem - at any.-thue. JACOB. SI - VELLA, Pres't. iditctrali4 - 71'kummtzlth ---- fie 'Maltreat.. •.• "•-• • Lewli.A.YeK Sucretar) , , • MindittekCocklinel ream:mem • - „•• • • A GENTS.I:- . ., ; `Alefinei-jirciover.Gene64 Agem,Artabkiiio;:qii ttudoiyh•-Nliii•titti: • • ‘,4lliboriaigi. M Cocklin, Allen. • thantOr • Chrisatt-litint, do- Jotii-- - -C • Enid l'ennahoro• - Davi e/ Niartin; . • . - • C. B. Hnrinon; litirightnive, • •.•• 'Henri Zearing; Shiremeildowni Simon. Oyater,•„Menrinteyshitrg, • • 'Dr. Jacob Saughttian,Oriiele, . , Jacob Kirk;Generil *genitor York Comity, - New . • idiritherland• v .. • Henry I,Ogitn; ••• '• Sh6rriellei • ' tr, Daniel Many, ••• • M retilflifil; • „Cumberland .co. n" - •Otherngents will,Se added ticiw..sitter - .' -•- • •• • • ' PIiOTEC 4I O I4 :4OAOOt , LOS ,E102r,-.1:113=1312.(45,.. re Fr . CUMBERLAND , VA:I',LEY 'MUTUAL ,40117EICTION CONI PAN y; being, ilicorpo iatted i :r in. act of IlbilLegisliout:e oi . tite present ties; ' sion,sotlftAtairkitSiteill'hol i O s ' odieration• um fer the dirdelleti 111 tale i olfinvlng , ti6riloil Alsasitgris, viz: 'Cliental ,C.`,ltlillec; - Jelin ' MOnre, 'l)ivi'll W. Nit - , bullouiiii'Jmnies WeiiiiikL Willisto'3lOnreiSatisnei. ; Gal brzkit li'litiontil , .l'lestchtV,..N.' G';' - ',lrttite'r • 110412 lisa,iglet; l SlOlAi l troW ktertiliiin Kurtz,Georgs•intile;cott'floyie,esilibeltt i t i e , (ion of the inhabit anti'el•Cunaberland Vfilloy ; to le'ehtalintiss 011.1'0 r ! rates anti •the t ;;Ratey;•inlyantagea NVllieli Ol!ls tinti;pc initirtinclisis oyer wily, other." ~.. ; - - • .: , —,7 e'rTriyoricitr - lositre 4 i.iiitrok#4l : r#:...iloviot i tliev.iititrsth)• and'olltes Iltek IS Om ohotett at, do r . 1 'andlite three:thin:6l its cotiStruist.' ' ''-'t.:,! : • '''• ' 1 ~'... 24: .Forissoranee' nit toore ' i artlettiiktiOCßl ' tittil 41 oecosssry to meet the oipesees oPtlietomilottytt•id InsteittlAit_Agalmitloyielt,whisit may.4.llAptsiti..:- --... 2 - i , ~?d;'The tooonvestente' of freaueOt renekvalsir ,a. VolOttl..b,x •hiltsisoos..n.ternror Oy* les ea,......--10t 11 tp,,,,0-4„CAplve yyears: N,F.tylteo,(orz,stOy.jiodOierti:troin.olWl.o.l ... dt ti.A!ti - person ifptilying'hie iriaunitieemn3teve' l Itisloremtuto iiine'fOrttlie oliesitelstilass'atlho-rate I of Ave per ethitiolv ,witiolt;10111 '1)&13.40 on.ev,/tlO4O for • vihich zliol4l ti e twe,tpmx. $2;50 rat E.:O, yifiri .104111.708.r0*-16' ''...o;VMYYli,lliiiillkilii'Cl'"da.6l! le slOiiiiitOl4o4l•tet • ;greittOrio*li . int t lis'ollio fotiti ' 61156 4 6.4 / 1 1"* . te: 'N'tilAtketiiiirt4 ' ) willit:Ootittie, eir ttu . ktiqrerfo74ii\ ic , shßie f ,T , 'lrNeriili, 14,1 Re bluer ettemitir,t)tml , Mitose.Olothee oontiittOles - Zez' .. , N4tineli 1 as we I!WCOrOotatodi 6ii , thei *Tic twirititgAi- • ••• .••• -,1 - . • , - • , ; ! ? C4 r , 44 171-1 9Si'.•crizfit•M - ILN'PaI• '• 1 P.•; !t t liX': V itt .!M i •P s "••• •- ;,.;'''1°.....:',' :.• ~,,,, 4 •The•thameing t Oentletiten-haver been:, „v6141,„*J . ' .; *:'r; hit liiiii'44.lii,itiiikuri', '•-' 0 .. ,:.•,.: , %.`'. Jatifei'ltiginViliPcilisii:;Nelivikle;; '. :','..,', ; r ' i ~,,, PePt4e Vringneftliity.,' NT oliibe. 'I. • • .., ~.---- °Nein% MOPiterane;CaPlYtter:V•• .i• •,,i,,... T:,,lVill!ittlaa,Fori.„,l estßennabaw 1,. •.., t • "'James' Kyle'revitcha; f. , - • : •' . • •',.. 'it r.,MOl.lllll:i•Cokeetilllt4'LeaVXlsll(4illllV.l 1,3,,..f 7 . .:Ir'JL 4tipi r M,,i Atop n oilEttt. ',l ,, Tivbtiieg..). - !'''.' ./.I';'y ''', ,t t. 04., •Jillit..rtpsVfilrmilsi,A* •qfp9bOtittiA t ,4: t'. F , ' . ' ~ , ', - .1.k. ift. 1 ,V 1 ,3 r": 141 16q. Igge!ifts!ln?;, , -I.:i - i. , )1 "'",' '. 'Steidi 6 ll . etlVl'Phlt; ,Sla pnentburf lfiktli t n't,On. ,',.,.,:••!".' • !.`kidiiiitillB44,:7•"! o ..A,l* , i - • ~ ~..„,4 i ,,,, ~ , ', , ',..;,.^.i?..,t , 4.11.,t1'' . *.fi:..11:1.M171C sir ly 'orate above valuable : ,'AtT,Olikilm 41.1°1) .;.; 91406sitkeltet egfel 04-nt,„"Tt, I.o.llo•Argy witytukkr = M=2==l 'do" do :. do., MI York county do, ._';~`. . '41=40 Ip N T ANoitE • Foi.'ls;4[A i % • 0:7 LBI . D.Y'S'S:Ii 11 - SAPA r il4snmt,Avo ngesOleitvo , lit ioinnni niil , other poksuiop sWs mp l e t :. ,t'oilrtrflan 6hwal• MOsT,feur_bl,ShAEV,liitid arrg l'Oz , ' of '0 ,1 '41, 91 s i I.i.r.tinriithak /II the . , — jj iii,:orgTOropos,lo,:s4;',64llo •41,11 who hive over oSed it, Niue I,erlyed, rrictrs , - of dthers thoaouwboiiPßPiY other% williomtbettelit; 3y,j1V9,9i DeAdilflOW 400ri,be. t (ats thousands Laye: rtt# • .1 ii!) . Kakiloyatt . if otith pr;t:,l4ll,dgii.eViiioli igihslprcrcto-of.[S;intlariP4 'drily. one rli iei reiltiorite Lehiplismseff froinf theriqleyritted Prii,Ahr 4. oll "kc"L.99iikl ,l'il9 ttltg ki m ktACtittP.PFAilr ties t Atherlortioesi , t 7-74 $ , 1 Z;lk r igFA I A L P":ii, D I FIt' ' ' Ol . TAS raiirkshke cures . , nOi.rehiiioiiielilia=l friwilrefe'rityrytooiiivi !i!tipitp_hirito M1(191 . 4011' t;4;i4 time; 0, mu, riohlishrit , miiitfrrgOl oisliers c It dniy thought. rigoestani I.6,khe'p pie ',Sii.rtidOirri I la Rai nod in this geniiiho,lonmelyioul3rx:Deiles ' .11e511.116 Fqiiorio to streekneir. Vihh.' 06'0 liirttre den Es*lg PrwilMrowil t iastoeii`l3o6d'fitoul.Erielileeirprkii r 9,4; l 9 l) iiiAft pg! .44), 1 14, Aqagmles for Juno; 48,18444' . ' -- orignt ' ;t , ( 7i: itlil Itch °44 •-ik• it e._ Pi...,-t i e,i,fil„M„,;l- Z r e ' a ~, finrit.rii`m,s4" 0n„6,1ii,d,, AN 10..,,-'- einel-01-,--pustiffel, `" -tl;eiJure•'of •. :}liiiiemovang ,Poled ilibkradivitit (0, . 4 ', .........., 6. i• iijkln.U4SOß .'''l l'''''' 4,00 4141""1"131kar", - - ' 4 ,.; , O s ' :.b . MikT44l;kletoh)..: l „ *. ;4t Totter4llol,l4-Apanli ik vivatiii4li 4 ' .-^7-y A* l 4),oo4fity . n 7 Thii,olimniPtP: 0 witiewo If' o,lknipoti, F' - oNsiEtnt riEtte,guir, i i tN i net , o t the , 'thAliiltitis"l" 11 0o vitati'irifectib n!s or ill fokinkih=lp- tif ; 4l l !lb iihiudi4M.L_, ,plAnk ne: nttkitii tVf ta l l blii iiilmiligllek*" I boroosktki.cto , *PA - .. 74l 4o,RiatarreAN- ....v ts,S.,hopi Teser4, lo ,, cm , - „„ weillwsuim,-„*„/. wiA . , . ..,,,. I ',, ' . •-•,- I.' 4.1%;:w,i.V,V, thWeiititelgtazthltkiVelAMinikkiioolo-101 ",44 :, ,iit. , , , ,, ,, iitA yotolimigini-,Taitio,.: A ....R. 4 8 . oil irrerfaiii,,..., 1106. the dedtaleoy•tl;ol i" , ..,, a v ra ." -7 IlVetll t' It ihe , f 141. 1 "Vr itkint I 'eirtii"CClt!tki! ihiti -‘ * t 4-47 r' „A 1T I n A 0 0 t a n . , Ore . O °.T l -.,0 ~ ta ik '-- -,- Oettoo* '... i 0 7 0 1 In t 0 ' , 4 -,, 0 4. b,As 4404 00 , , *4114 hbAf. .es ilB natir„,,•L'i 'otilitio'Fit4til K i ki ll ''' "Z''''' 'n' ._j' hokiAltiat "4) btii,jarof,, ilksilii" 1 i•n , our .11 hikaurVii l ,* °r- ' • • y, ~......- 4).. / 104 • Oftvs4l,i IT-,ll".j„Mrir; V.t .' ''''' t iTl;-' C'' , - ..'. P, , I m . 0 , nil ,ipowe ~k , , ~,. 104 -;,, ~ • ...,.; t 4 4 tg'4.lo A , '4 '' r,i, ' 11l l7"olot 10004 - ..0.1dke.,4 tirtgliite f,, -4.1 L,..., ,, lit, wodifiat, g lis ',' 7 ilk , t , '•'4? , -,•.; VI , g - „ L .-a I , on- in" It ••:,, , t appofts,*94.o • •,... ith ,„_ . ,, 2 4 lls moil, pricaLv ?F 'n' -,,,,,.‘...„, 1441,,t.,),-.l=i•iiiilajory 7 . ,- v ,11"'' ''' ' '' k,l *'d , mtimi•l .•) t"- ix.voiteleo lo ri g trik. .1,,,, „ • : Zoo. 1, , ; 4 i. ,, . , 11;) , , ,, ,q 4 4• ,,, -,.. , \•• ~• . ~,,, t ;,..,•,, ' '.ll+o`B. 6. .: ~.....,,, . 4-r,;i1)1,..v.". = "..'' ~.' toporzto tit rr,c1.,„4,-;, ,' , ..11,,„ 44 Isii . m,' •-., 2 s ii' , ,, A .g 1,. t.±4 . ` -., ,‘,,,',L - uf.i.i.;l'. e . '''" l ":' '241,11 7,r..!14 ,--L'-,q ~ it .' t .1. .4'ks.`Ms•-..`'''!!';`"4.4 , ' 8 'l'''i B‘C'''; ' ,l - 4-4 •I C I 1.1, ) • ."te, %,›?». 1:t1C,Y,(10'6196`43 powers aiul M ediEL"Eonol'ee'd., - tneroffdrior saleitLe _ VA. CaYlialitTia."`lthe atilt te coatiata era tirstri iite 1 442 1 212% tifih ItYnav MaitclikNT MBA; (bur ihrt ittie; finidiedon ilYe . . efei't pp re dphin gt bantstXta e tea °f U n inu,d a C e °, 91 , 14 4 10 , !?'00,10,1vgift,.Niipa' ovocon-eve-dt . ol Th Pet' , ireeeisstif PtElrAltl'ltOtrgEk , rti4 'vtgprksitrEltropellett by.theNellow:Brelelles)Crecja: h'"tt l . H OP ll i i !gf 3 lo ll sl 4ll -! o6 ,9eith.9.'arMr•PPtlff-Fie: stre4 l lpen the premises all ate neeeasati , worn roenrlthhaea;iadt healeigeatiententattiirdihblibiig foal stabling-Wilt of the mostadhatintialAdatriitlat The ore. of die•hat. `quality and inenhfinlntle, if wllbin h dr Wel Fognace. 'There id verlittpti; NVerkilh PednYylVainikivhielillikasesietrint• grerioiradyantagea:atal offers ,greater;nlhtoetneotCto' the inyeatment el' Capital. The water power i gredt Mat' If Wight he"eldelfded iSiiryo teettliing%lphfpose:-..• Perions iliiposetl fo ..put'ehdsl . s lll `9f; c°urse P Xami ß e o ° , Pr°PeFtl., - 4 t l lste.r.M!ot pin w,lll*fedde: known by hT, • , .• ,• , Alty_LEGg: ; t gaeontrix of Michael Ege,[lo3td: Cail 00. 19,,18Vie tf-51 1. !At trig 7 7 liktr Orli Vied:ebb rensii an ink` rr, liiirl in. . 4 . , .:deed.4 oll . 4 irabldudlee-TREES`orrYtire i. JoherB l y: apiii*!ching; ct retieo for t inienee - stWill t pilen,t,ml4.etebeione 04 - q 3 O, i that, 9E4°4, the 'fiert . h dining the eettled ev and: th re i rentlx . .to throw...out- fibree :in: , the. ci" ikolmPtAr.l Of the ifenvo;l establieh. merit this fo)levyipg 406 "A ,chpicfist vprioipss .1,0.00, CIII3IIItRY fTI IXXXS.,_ •in.clurlittg„all,,,ke „moik,approved,kintht. %,‘ . ,d ) ; _hq, - #cryr.chpit . e.,,qattectisin"pf •., Trauti P.E,A It, RIAU ,M, 4r,, , , - 4 Pit 1.c,0T. , 11 ' ' tii ' ~.,'['retie., as •We .ab,..ii.1440 *aunt ent,of , - - • .Eveargreeit isad-Ornifinzentist 9lie - t;:iluch sat Balnfl'4 Gi)stid 'het tAtialt.sirird3 .Aitiet jean buiper„-Noriay Eir i till dhe?dilrererit kinds ~cif Lind en, _ ,ii,, - ;ar Mapk, Sliv . ety, lllpplr, 'IVA I s loiie r i nit. Ma tilq,. Veit° cv FIO is b rill* 11111,p,a, ';griiliiili- El rat. Wli It ir 'tlei, BIIII.itt . i4P Elirt SilVer'y Abillel'ehiiiesb Alitintliiti,' glilip tree; Black kilt, 'Balsam Poplar,. Eurcpearr,Mouutaih, Ash, florae' . Chesil ot. E bite Floweringl4orsc phesttut, Prick. ,1 IYAsli, . ge Vrtinte,low gititvipg Quakiii spin, I 'Sic. 'All y his {ices lire in the' begt'dtirte 4 eititiSit lieu, floutliehttig; land .1 n tha'redititlieattlif,Rpen di- 1 tion, ' Gifaistaare flea bequ.iiikeirlp; selKiinkllte 1 0ii)%tfe 1 ! 1 1 1 0- 1 -1, ll 1111WarrimP11* lar D 1 N urseries in 'the Niorcand ouch as is, best sdaptedio our tinitanifelirritrie.' - Identity is Strict: -ly tireserved.l As each department' of tlie`Nuisp . ~r 1 la, untier tho 4019y:diet° dire trop aid seipersi• slop, af,thtt proprif tor, rill jaig,mlyopoli eaFitltißd 344 tipe',6 4 ,nairYa.., li'a . has. isnrne- Veil shame bearist , tr a fes'Of. '''' --='—'' '.. ' 1 • •-...- ~, •°, ,•, . „ r . • • ' iliiktill; Ahrined:froill'iiiihq'S lll4riery; o'4 utiiio 1 "I*Lfliindlltiquitfielr4-ti4V-thelt !linen. --,,f -,--, 7Fairnefruand - ,511, - ottierli -laid r liourid, 'among othartigtvq. U,S a oar . t rees,and, estebli eh, iheiii,te.niii''OqUal; anti a little over; rmanv other 'west la iltisßustiiiiiht4l4 'and our; pri,?es' 4,1* 0 as th'ase , of any, other's *tilar estagiathaelit for trees of equiil iptaljcp; - ,4 - iiiiiii.,bUY frotil its: The prb'peietorfurthertafrers • , • - .x. 31000 '. - /ICPIPL ' .'rft,EES:.• - ehirafted;oircralr'stacks;Ahe durability p'f i tyliieh - svill'i , dllistto ilvorkeiflpOn - the usi?;4ll plan at • tenet , 111(p_ki , cent dm t winch ' .fact'lli * well esta'b lishod by:all Eurt.sean, and , ithceidid tri brbbi• beaAtuericati.writers pn.fruit ~ triter. , The Atne 'far triirib'plarittnkis fro* :the middle of Octutinr litrtha frost seta (n. -.„ ' • Bnynrs , will be furnialipti . with .direetlona ;for plantinivktnbekqf thstf.,aittcpsre We peinhi on ihe . P;lPe,r,lllanitgenient, t #9 , their trees. , , ; „ 1 1, 10 eCil orders and eomrnun jcatione , . post.p.aid , ti.ll'be'stiietry attended hi. - ,••• v.......",„ ~.• , , _ i ,-• VG' hi. tifrk., ~,, , Septentlier 11. 1844 , tf46 ._,. Pte.fmonary iiMptioss: ,•• not Det air 1 • TI-1011PSON 'S Compound Syrup of Iffir the• ,the most certain And powerful remedy khowilrtur. the cure of toninmption in all its stages, lironeltitis• thiginie Cough Spitting of. Blobd PidPinition bi the Heart Laver Conkpluint and Chronfe Affeeitotis of i the gidneys, ' • '••••• • .•• - ; .4b!!_. • SGiltu'rtherTirootilfreivit,'‘Voi ke Product& St : . • , ftead LhefollAing!! • 3• • • •• . PidiodulOin,Jan 30843 Air ' Tt os psott—rDea Sir: From a sense o gratitude tolon and a' detfil•ri' (hit Vibe afltioted•thity haye en'Agnesn,,tniyonr.,truir itasplituatile;.libeilioine t , would itake the benefit huv,n,„expetinneedfromota. Piiktiiivd been 'saltlike:4' With' , A,distreasingeuoletior cookreinaicintraidottuAili .9plioJud9n•oMtql,f4otijiyPrlbreudipueyitti ; p:appoili• •tionorliglittless Ut tie nimbi fleooming,tryatly fidend•W•lni tniirbeen!inliblilitnefitteilb ynur Medicine: ee,enoitinentlediati tii.b.y.fiti.J done, an and in s very shorrtimesveryttlsrmingsytmitoit 4rsupimaititi . my nipliiiiin•at bt , ntime.lroe,iill oli pressipia left'itie my noliWileidteihinill in a feisAlayS, mos ableM,go;Ontaintadtetki triAy bijeine4u;ll givptLtheriflliukt ti intat-noy- Soutti•Frolit•street.••,!•••- • Prlc'e '54 eVnts • • 7 SOLO; • Cdrlllidedz Ar • •^1 r‘: RIENI I Pc -(0 -X 13 iNET- mAXMO--,:• 1 44T0R11 rinife sAhidrit* foriipi Tio:litiltcontinuecto_ - carry - CalijiibrAfiikiiijOliint his old viand 19, litelplifil6l,t i t#l.o2."Pcjidte r4thoads' Tavern,lviiird 'hand end - rei n ,1 1 ru lti r l ze A 41 10:P. I ctrif S I T !11 4 ?M9P* of.6~ni see " ! acts: w ARte tioicaoh fro,Y4t4l4iiytt. y V iCek.:./k;4lail.,e4trAPß - MAI 9 PIA R / OPir 'PAlN#RO!yicitk - nll4l4iyorjoviCptitripß”§ - 1419, 4 Vrp..1 Coal kip.Plyttf .; }44if;:i:ip,ilr,.-:ma Pnei; nettitariribugansk. ApCKING CHAIRS, WI'N'OS 4 : l \ I CHAIRS,SEMESimit , SCKIIA, BLES, Ji*dit: :thing elie • 1744. 'Pt PP•thrimeeteW ll oP4 l o4 . 4 .1 4 TP.11 4 .- I , itifeitlignitefl, hi , 44 thPiPubli o .BoPee,alYttcf gm) :11i.m.,4i;, pall a ;§ - 4 e bc:o l 4ll,.bd iablo t ;Pecp,pliPods#4,liLe4l ; l9 IP7 and equal t° any, Gt A et i: o o lolB 49 ° l4,9! the h ie . d 4the.c 0 4 1 496:•c:.e.112.' , ,t. • • 4 , , 0 - alipleoldePt.40•1011:. ". i" Ss Ails !••• • ; ; K i ‘odintelibt =nail 101111; dfferiid with the ireatiistil!rffidentsiiterthi. qiutinp,i4ouoi,octiiirorvekk itiiiodAnp.frogruic Or hiiit4priirtiatitit•4l.orkfiillihk. V3t Wilda• Odidn'ebia::ll 3 .4opreiferidedit:ten'd-) i'eNtOre , 1 11. 7'wh'eribaidneserhartalteltriteif:s 7 it4a4n"letitet deat•iiitialecruhv -ad istEitittakeinhsLiiilrAto y, and lip:Labiate hyrtinirrionltifilibmovt iind• iff every i n Stance it • stand imri veiled. :It hearths • crpowerful , efrect ef , rimaviriDaadruir,.Seu rf, As / . • fr9 1 90i , 4399d riand , bY , l4fttiPPlicAtion. 09 -b9od? fol . and, arnflipeptaVapipeAdaga of a fi ne head or Wrili`VVliich Waite hits aliiiMied the iriay Vre served. . . The'propriel'of'fieblirtliThly . "Viiiunded that he h'ab abcceettedvitOpecatticjPrartoittichlw.bich will met.thq- deait•cl,,wialtaa.miad, adt:obation of „Oa , 'kat . indiTt - '' ' ' - - • s*d the iinderidkn& lini,iiiii 'died-Ike 'ikbovireen Iticlej - do , certify the eie.tievieleeeited , niore keno.. fit.i.heiefroin,,,tknol.fror9.Anylitliecniticha ttiat_iio _ 'Aver deed: !,"- .., . •0• ' • , • A' . ..IT Parson'ii;ltii' macr o bi:Ew•Rol,4iii; .ReOP - Atiiiiiir','EVlTnitir; Di eSiflei; Wife,: ier,lP , Mehdifv,ltrrifehtire ; ili !Fiemingiißei -17 - I '.Liodeond-P..MeElarth,J,S, Tinii,,J T,llaji, T 'hennett, 0 Beeeher i ,,,J- R . Eck, J- GrOus,. II D Packer, Lewißmin ;•J"X'Genible,'J'e'reeiSkord i fyrainfeY,Viii,Viir, Ti.tri".l.4) Eieric;Phiritilel,- ' pill ';.•G D•Efaori G . Careitaddea,'Look. liavim r a .K, MporkeddiPiqn'borki Jenne Allen, Uniontown. , Pre(ntred* and for ea fe,„Wholeentd-and .reta if by , tr:'Mol'HEßB p lsT, fterflehurg;„nn:d ~jer sale in- Cittlialqi -'' • .4 - 4 , - - . ,, - IN - G -1 / 4 i3TEVENSON. • Jana° ry a '12,..„ . 184 . 5„, ' A .,.., 6% ,--, 0; ,,,,,,iken rA ,vi.-- --- -_-..4044 , . _ VEVii.idlifili)iiir(iiir, *if fi ' t itiVi6; --- T ppm psorog, - . C'OMPO r iiiiiioYßUP ,Oi" TAR and 'wpon - NAPTII4i : !Aim. rifati On• - of. the' nnico - nd - inerdbrnhei is:the result of .seine , impres - direin made - upon Ahern : by cold or .' .o,her causes; hence Ph ronic•E'etkirlOpitting of Dldoil,, Eronehitie„.Antinaii:---ieinilting .in :Fon., TOTelitfe - ri;'Erantiliii,'4lkiiiiiilitife - e'ind kiidneyii, - - Pit roittiaon of ilie - henif;-4e6.%4' itim - iiiediftestible Aidertge; ir ierroved , thderhoftvgan'e Compound - .tryikrt),ef:hr-.ayid ..Wpcupsfrrha.:lo.: cape kfic.-js - theee coroiliiiitiellnYing, iirinif)Tornotiok hinilth,,i,echetiona,. 'end : ;retritiv , it . w•••- ,, .. - Vt:o - gt, causes of di , cakk. 'Tlionliende -keno m ~- ' Cark-bear•teetiedony to Ito effinney.,, ',Further proof. ', - - • -t--- . ' - i . hilaileiphia;,-,March; t,1843._ - I her eby Ferlf?ji;':i her' in coneirmenid of repeat. 1 . ..a. l end : tiegfeetiiii, ,'111113 .- rily 'hid& became. seri. cooly l effe'etell nod foin ' tongtinl,2 ,- 1 have sufforra in ckith vialent _llaiii• • y breakte•obstinefo conch ond ~*(lffliolift:expe • lion; ibit 113;mptiiiiss daily hiCrensintin,'Juiele I , :j:lheci rp,cpurseki:.:94cingi . (einidlie. - 54ttOo•.,ayaili , sntil.ktraci) Thrediliedn'e .Cornpeinu,t Syrup ''of-Te.r.:lgliieft, afeeted it pd i;- inneepi -, Cureiriii.fore I hed , takely,tfiree he'ltles, - . . • ,k7as,cile street, claw Arch.. Principal Office,Am. corner of Elting ana SPRUCE &leas'. • .Suld.alan ‘ by , 'OlivCreTentit and-Race; RpbPn. tiack . ,.Rd !LW cotepMd .lih and Green; Tfiamp. hindleS.Af. England, liana Vine st'iceb?,'Philitliihia t Bringliurst,, 'ndriginti; LancinVieil A L RhOo; A lichlOWn:Oacoh 40 Cho toberabilegi E-W Earlo t kepding ;;Monre dr. longagrC";Norrialowni T B •Rewing,l'renlon, .7.;,Wpolaqi,giirling. J:; Dr. W:McPlitiison,,Darßt.borg A d Sande. doro ; 'New 'Vali' naafi' 'Aldrich; Polsglkkifanide. PricOXETY *CENTS per bottle , or4S.,per ' . ..i3eWa re ot caunterfeila. T. C. STE VERSOIVaoIc ,ngcrt:lor Carflalo. Ja nod - D;' 6457 . " en 3 • SPECIAL 'COURT,.• • • , lop y virtue Ofit rtirOom the . ]ion. 4V.11, •13:' , ELDRED, , Presidept-Jadgeof-the 1 I.'ll,,Juttielil District of Reniisylii'inin, beirhot dity it tlarOshfirg44l•Btii. day of .blnuarf. A. ' 'lt`bi , rerni'64rtYk 11P B. tldreil. 'tied the - Atoaielete : 44 COgoofeotignaripeeicOrCoinberlind.coun ty.,ottfikeCoort ceowsnOing:, lgoot,iz the,l24th,of Morqh, 'ontirida ,one wec for . the i;r1:14 `y,t4tiaq2cleoliet droenril toontyytn ,, s.hiph.;•theAloo7.--' Samdel tiepburtCwas zectritertied' aileoenedl for - °bele, the , :parthik:tirhir. his.'apipoir;trileit !F. P 4isident4udgetifehOtolll.lhAiiiil Diitrieti4ood" such "'Other causes oerivitredenthrecitAL within'. the rtiviiiiiite , ofAheittAcC. , ittihiVreilerattAseetlbly, paseconh:e7ath .of ,- Atimity-I,BB4;:'rel;ttre' to the orgentiatiensof Clourtii.ioft:Joitiee.:: Of eild .TA4 Sper leril - courtaitrerwand i)l.peree .. rte oritreetrZedilwil! tiolleili,ll.;•4,.i 14 ' .1 1 .411 • Slieriff's;thEeeiCarlisle; 1845: • xG ro~e~y4'~lii: j4 : - .7 . ,:± 4 , 36 1 0 . , 0 1014 iii41ENEng 'Hasidnet ecitutdcid fr'oen titird•lenotin °peel Agv Mt!, store, o n OnrlorPok-0....P1it. ay! , Xilluth l t streetel:4nreAtep l e yerinap Reforniqi3huralr; 11's Wititietit ''or'GiOcerreiNgieeeriAilki l en, ClOco:' , :intliiii%`NotxderpoMace,Aalattitu% nar,Yso, PORI!, Mill P9tA0.10.1103 table' 4 call. ' assommint or hogcy dew tobacco. Tupg, qf tts3 tarakeii' i lOt t eddimtr, 'eine *liol% , kilt:bosloilit • N,Avitivi ' ;,tigirrtutrtirkindevt. " ..cPirtrt.PiOuA ut,k9l.lo,lomirestoi totstfig tx; P , , tpfintlier3,i,;3B44.:4;il";l')ftl4 r'Sr 4vg , ea;e774w,1 1 ,w , wiket,e ,Pmi diabes,,,pkOttlytftWaltilUtpi9. l. lPrilrale, - 11194 % I g ke" t t l i ar V iP 4".11g 1: 31 Cl-a 9 Over t7j m Ites,7llOffer lchive49ttgar tbagli:Hair?Pihe, Jet"' IfrokOPPOiii 10, 0 f i Conl , 5 1P eci fIk a i:fttc#90 11 1.*" 2 , o w , r 4 s , corgiploo atotiloys,, o,tiges, ill' a itriit tiiea 4 v b en , rd. , 4 ' akitilea47hll lll lPrinay lP , doi4 lll Cta t itit 1 ". *tube lir/516014 at Areillibrrett totteblibul ki they-em Ite&perixbitrd,iii!fia*ff,y k rgo r --- • • 8.1845. PRF,Atiiiiiff. I , VaOityitStore;