Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 12, 1845, Image 2

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0t::..`.;?A`A:' , .i.,04E1(L.118i',.g,':, , 1PA....'
I.:_ ,, t,Wkidlielidray.--111ititili:19 1845.
Henry" Clay; lee been
-, zatiOn 'Society.' •
le said to ddubtful whether
.Texes_will-Ooneent to therterme of Annexe- .
tion. • ..
misoing Now York
:t:ife: — .Eliglentl," the Voited
o:44;::cied Normandie, with their cargo,
is estimated at $516,000.
. . ~
` ',:' WO"The trial of McCurry,,forAhn mur
, .
dim of Mr., - PauLßoux, *as 'coniirieneed in
'the Baltimore City Court, on Monday
ranloiTed,.trita Calhoun,
and the - iiriiiih7NiittiWer" l 4r7l,Neienham,
agreed_upon.-an-Pregon Tieuty r and
. thatit has been submitted to (qr. Polk, for
his upittion — ,
Ir7"The - Iniugurar Address'of the
. don't was carried (*rem.. Washington to Bal
tiunore (90 miles).in art hour and two mine ;
uri9e;zfrom Baltimore to York In bti--:hatr
--L 'edeip : ifiaitrsix - bourspurtftfamv,
to Cumberland (202 thiles)iliFsii'huurs
' and fifteen minutds. ' •
. ..
The I* kionat ratelligeneer says, that
!here was
,a large panther of nominations
tO important- offices —before thoiltenate - 7aV
the time_of its final adjournment . On Tuei
-day morning. They are of course, now ,null
ehd voit4anno of them hiving - been acted
on, so that-the filling of them will new
';- valve-ott-PreSidont.Polle;
A WIIITE MAR:IC !—The' Washington
norrespcindcdVo,f the U. Si Gazette relates.
an aneedote:of btr. Polk- wltieh is greatly
to -his- - credit, rttivtly-Einpireetut!
N.. Y._tient_a ileputation-to Mr; -Polk,to-iti
quire when it % l entil& be Ilje pleaeuro,_to .
ceiiie them., pig prompt and . dignifiedre
-I.7rns; neKer.-- ie citizens .1
stkalk be-happy,. to 'see any one - who may
'happen to belont to that or any other club,
but_as Clubl cannot see--them."
- Alesandiil79,:azitte. _hears
good anecdote ol,Mr. Polk, the President
elect. AS soon as a visiter is introduced,
tie conimences the conversation forthwith,.
by.ltiforming ,theastoitished7strangen-thrit
he Ivis been dslighted_to find Once his ar
rival in -:Or.fisliington of,: his
democittie , friends has had, the indelieic
to annoy trn..with•ext_ applleatietr for, of'.
flee, and tb - efb is . gnite:enrti. di - 0 .- inform&
lion milli' be es gratity r ing to the gentleman
ble to his own views and. feelings. V The
visitor - Listens - At - proftnA
tams a nionientialiei • his 64
Stattr,Tournal of tlie,2sih'
ult, gives the';.foilWitirits 2 o
legistatitig: 7 -Laet while+ilia `.bill
der diseusitioti,:in:fito
stied that one of -the dignified "piemberit
from that city, took off his coat and laid
. on his desk, swearingstliat hes , viould
thcfirst : three men thatvolid far its en
1 - 6n , The nOl im7Veen
unan Oy • selected a 'the WLig °and i
•• date fjrC ongres4:ii! the Aieinnond diatrict„
inc Virginia : We hope ho may o t
support of
.Whi rinaiiilea l itad endear
ed him t!ithaiiiltric , ;attrl:the,,entititrr.,:,euld
with pleasure hie lihirn•
4 4
nl' •
. - 44 Fr:
•Ortr.,Theitil 'tor; Oil the Midnighkeri
Official organ',9r.Millerimmr-prediettr that •
he if orld bn'ldestro'yeA ; titifore, 1847. •
He saii 'that a ehrtinol'ogieat error-:lap here
time; 14o:3111 ; 4 i 1 .10 :1 3:ii:).1 - 6: R 6126
. Rrxt 4 aire:sit spioiriptis Mut'
°a!' 'que!une,l*; .17 e' -
on;, 4: faniows,.Ygolleetni in
'Ficeitilly,:tinidWe 7 4llll4llteil Pa let
-ter Of tlie:eefohiitted..o4fge'#aehlitigion,
att. ex. ellen i t-4 0, lirought
;44 , x,t , ;
the tale" . ..'-:156.;
ool; x • * o • •
:ankotint , tle wee ,given ror ihiftiutogifipit
guli l OgiO'd!Oitir r Y.
11000' lemi
_4l.rantg....waladFi.lhat pia.Ce , Xor-g,/01011-20 n
- ay.
• t ( iLlt - , DE.'lC6lPirpißitto.llBB.koil'illjegiipy j
- ' a ''' '''.l)" airikitiivAlisit
finpriionedl7olo:!--.-"A- ------"7 :4400.' it
•-;f.--:; Ttfi r-04- ff - o,fifellia!'.Ve:eieolllll - -:. -.1
, liie de.
itirw aidvt 'l74 6 - AtiiT'bit hy.. , •
, , - , ffi'it-,:,,..; ,-- - ;.•,,. -• '
. /if -If '4llfilej4t- 5 .. -- ' 4 l- 7-, .; - , 4 14 , ,i
-0 tit,...1 7, , r ,„ ,!..!. ii,::!.:;,t, ",412--. 11: , ,,,c , Vt i 1.. ^,- , , i
„ 4 = 4 i” is.' ''''' ,' 1 I i,---.114-,,liiiiTyge*it
'I tz KV I C. t, 'NFIr , "Rfei ,' , ••- -
- - -7- 14 1-,
--. '.l
•.. - - •.,- • , - --, 4.fliztAutlqrica.c di', oi l _ ~,... in
• , t ,. .. 7,- .Nzi,vmv--,.% • li Aid i. ,, Tette% Mr. Coopet elate tfiat g
~ 2. 1 , 4 , ans y thirly llions '
~•''o p O r e ., w , t h out
i s
~ ;1;44 t 1 ''' -4, - ``viiiivt• • ''' ai , '" ' - "' - ti• t,. - Waijiaoi ini kngland having-446f plapf 10=9 tltt.,.t - - • •_, - .i, -`- .. h , . ~' ... 11 ;y., ~ - ..• .:: , ~„,..J. ,_, , , -, IT
r f .1.,:i 0rvi ,,,e,, ~ ,,,1%,,,...:„ ." r , , P,..;,7,4 ,' ~,- 1" .., ', , .-,., , •, tgiei,; ,, , eis; , 4.- :,,, or .:,•,.;, i',. i„ be 't
ratned'aa tweireet i
‘ o , ob,j9.lnt C!4k, i,iir,iittigotifejiiiitit;l3lol,4o4l.itit,Eljisiti,
dr e 4 ,3 , , 4 4 . 1 1:4 4 iii1ki,pw?,t, Aii#..„ pil4.o"Air: We, 04(41.15 . t Po n fe , : ? l,%' ,l , t itl l l,,-.l l T g ";', ~ Al ' l , l i; ,, t.!!!,J. *ditiiitiet4o,A)riedfikalrinl4l;4o.l.ol4t %;410:1: :t, , o:dl4....,j,k'N.skitlgt - 6
'.- l'ilgitiii,:ifilysi'9o:44l4#ol(4ool,4 'f1,!`,4di11ic,40.10.1P10,171F1!-.Yel'evedl-9,iT,''. iiiit l, '...iiissil'e;r.sini.t , jilaii,y,vitliall-totii-: -,:.-:,-, ' , :'‘..‘;‘ , : ,,, ,?! -- ,:ri.:, 1. - .',"z! , ./t7 , 0451:z . ;'1,0 4 , , i'....1- 1
i* , ;olibir.*?iitir a i l A ; Sj.,k,i!.FlitA:,'S, 4 iiiiiiitiliiii'ilrilr Oa' ni ivt • Dn it tle Osialkil l . 4gL,.., , d i . ~', „ ...A,,,A,,,,-'„' b.efiiit:aci;doefi_ v4it;lirttotifilia#-`,Mitill•,§ll,4**Oatiil:li,cli
..i„, , ,.. , ,-,.., , ,,,,...1„. , ,0 , -,, , ~., ..,..., ~,,,: .,.., . :,, f '.,:-$4 -f , ' l'oq , '''' ,- - - 14 , - ' -
•' -' .' . .. ', ~..:`,".,..',, ~ ' 4 - ,ifiv.7,n -, f - fu le- 'w‘fs , ., I ,7""1:, , _ ,-- /, -s l - , .'.. ~ ~, ~ , :',1 ,,, , A: S . ',.* - ;',"'r• .. - -11 4. - I '7:. ~,°' I , , '46 if' , `i
- ftra
'? :1 , iiie,t4itilt( ' ' - , ' - VQl l :if (o — sib; 1, , - i n ,!,!, ~0 ,14 e „ 4 # •/';',,:'''-'," :!:•,-,,•:'' . *. , ,
,•±',' llifVenillll .4, deihi,';iii l ol3, l ,4fo o o l , l ! , en:611,111,71, (4 , ,, 0/ 7, l gi M,!,i*k - ,ll l ,lt l igf e l lh ,tL, ~ 9, ;)!,
'ttkWiVa' `' 'l*. r6'- ''
4' (' '' ' ' ''''" 1 ''''' ' Vie 4 iii;iii . ' 1 ' ' ''-''''44
' " 1 " i ii iiI;I: "PiiibliiiiViiiiirliiili4Aikddjiiiiiii`fiilliAo4.' 'Pitl§,t),#o,4l,l9:,ilie,,,l,l,ll,osl7l:TOLl!,,klltlcOlrA
W`g ,A'pde Doi ngt No Alitea.4(. , 1 , -. Rio, a , , It . ,tiL ~ , ait,,beep,vemtea . e , , t
,„, „,,,,,, ~
„. ~„,,,,,,
~ , ~ :
~0 :, . ~ „ ;.„ L ...,,, ~,,t „ .1,,,, , ,...,-, .Q 1 , 1,,,,, ‘ iinii ,
, •- , "-.‘4 , •''..Vtf v , 1...0,: , , , ., % 1 . , , ,, s ~, ak". ,r , , , , ;;,-, ,, ' ' , Pr..' zl , " 1.,, i, '''' - . 4 .`;'' ' ' , - , ' i Cr.if iit ' Ae- ''''...l di r ;i c 'oj i id r atslii. -- 4 1 4'Irfiglibiti'llolltiOli-41 :tem 110'sm60,%'65"tace'',, •
....r- -14 ' 1 7 41 -7 , ‘l l '
.1 14 1 411 ,1 4 1 # : - ' 4 1; 11 0 11 /V - FfiultantR11?!1•'f. 3, • 'to Appanui, ~,, a91,0,,F! , ,,cknf' , .r.F!!,.. a., . -,' , ..6 , 6 ../,,,.,..v , ~...:. . ; ~,,, ~..4..- fp .-;,„,,,-,' 't ..., ,1':,• ,,, -'''..',;_,..,'', , ,, , r ~ , (a. , , ,, 0 0 ; 1 ,, ~.,,,,, , ... , ....,„1,44 .1 „7,,,,. h dr,,,, it ,
•,." A' 11.4; . '...' ifie N". -m .inttng..... -1 . - pts , *; ,, , , *n7 , ' 'P; •' ' '''''' it'' 'r "T t ”' ; ' A 1 l ' ..'" re't•.',..itit;f.'i.kiil
~ l o g Weriaiiiiilo, s ibollatilll9jyliaii foie i tutppm. splmelp•Ahlk lk, empXyig,..4'. • is'l
,•2...5evi,744P5 -t .. ~ p i.;01,11.1*, : , , , ,, , . .V,,#-Neg..,. ;vs • .4-O,PrAI . '., '". 6, 0 ! 1f ,... .A , Tre- , k‘7„:,. -„, - . -,1,1- - . ...A.c...01te. ,. ... - I:plio l t,'*' , 4tArlf f.'04,14.N; '': ,, ,N 4 '. ,, ,..."-:-,- - r.,-:. ‘'. - ',Y.':l-''' , t ' tk.;.4 , k krzt -
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,_....,,,..,., ,
,' ,
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~.,,, , ,,,k4 464(' :r` •.
t''.1.5.';41 7 .14V14 , 414-qati,* .t. , 7 . 1 - '-',' , '''. 1 , -, , ,vv,:,` t. ~.; pi. .?, , ,r,n. 4,,,.itp„:1.,') 5,, , 1 r , t, ..4%.,1git,: . ' '' ',r ‘,,: ` ' ..- 4 .7 , j::,' •,, :,,,, t4litft. - SI , • 3 1': 2 V. , t .: ' t
AT -.. ' -:
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' '2, ',` A., ~:' I ; '4 ",,W , - A lt tti ' t.. ''''' 14, r`gled, , '!‘r 0 A . 12 ‘, .;:; 77. ',' 4:: ; ', .. , , ,, P. - 1 ~ . r -k., L'' ' , P-.- -- .', . , '.,;, ' , !..:, ,-,! 4 ~ : ,t ' zen1!, t , , ,,,
~,, ; ,1..:,.....,, , . 0 1 , , ,' , . ,' -' • ' • ' ' ' ' -
• ''' ; ' '''
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''' j ' '
'''- '''',l:' ', 4%"• . ' ° ' ~A , nc-nnin4ivn ,,, ,. .1- , -,11. , 10, ,,, *!!',VA-:, ,, -n - ,;(‘, , , ,, e , ~ ' ;., ~. . ~-..,, • - --. , 4, . • , , . -
..,, , , ,
7 - . -,--iCtrythe arrival of the procession the
Presient elett and his now defunct pretle•
cesior, proceeded fo the Senate,and from
thence, with the tnernbeii Of the Semto to.
the l platform erected far. theoCaslon .on
the steps upon the east front of the c
—upon the=stime place from whence Gen.
Harrison—delivered .his, inaugural. speech: ,
Mere he delivered to the fpultipttle_his,iu:
augural address, which you will.see is of
very -- reasonable -- length =- , 6comtienlably .
brief as compared with Gen. Harrison's.
11-a - ving - isMstred:thiSTth , e oat! o • Me was,
then administered, whiidt: event vas an
nouneed.bythe discharge of cannon. The
procession 'then formed and, returned 'in
-the trtlerin Which & it proceeded tollte Cap
The_raih 7 .l6-iVevee r drove many - away
before-the -specelt- was concltled ) it being
useless to - stand and liaten,' - as only a very
bmaliporijon of thernultittith cOuld'hear it.
.There were some. circumstances attend
leg the ceremony turd attempted - pageant,
which bUght not to bePaised owrr in silence
though - I did notlirstmenticiii iheth. One
was-the appearance . ; for the 'first time in
„the hietory - Of obr - government or..patly
banners_in the procession,.as tiell_df poht:"
ical .Clubs._ .11e, most conspicuous, 6 - rid
_Most CliniipictT(Tua, and tti'e intik Inane'.
Otis of theie Clubs; was th s elaritou:9 lni
lirre Clus,of,New York, with its irninenSe
banner..• • it i teti4l44.:yesg, reepectable iookt
in l ientreman, standing at the poriico
the-Capitol, and looking_ at these Party .
banners,: tbhiKti were numerous, and the
only ones, that were' carried, iemarked,,ibat,
when these appedrcti tvithiti—the-public'
grotinds, as therdid_now for the first time,
it• indicated a most r importAt alit lamenta:
.ble change in the nationit :Waean •
iknowledkmeiii that-this was the' business
of a party, and Tiv : of-the na;io.n;
- APPROACHING . ELEcTtorts.—The annual
election in New Hampshire is to take place
• .. -
on the llthinit, Four members of Gan
grese.and a. Governor ere to be chosen:
. In Rhode
,Iffiend the annual,-election
comte - F ect en the: id of Aeril,end is. for
("4" - rtte,z-entl-tAvo. members-of--gongress.
James - Fenner •ther-present- incu m ben tiis
the Law and Order candidate for the Gm;
-Tho,e;ection in Connecticut for Geyer
qpr 911 d -fou r th'entbere will beheld on the_
. 7 ilt of April:`
In Yirgi*, QnAni7 gNntil fifteen
nemters:ol. ocagreo
arete; hp . chottent,:i*Otitt hegislatnie then
o..he..chosenwilit) ayoltititle; - eleotion tif a
U - denator to sin:me:dr*.
. .
fia' INMANs.--the "(neksburg
Sentinel says; -Our city haS been in quite
.a hubbub forseveral days during the' cross
ing . of the Choctaws on watio their
way to their territory west of the Arkansaq,
-. 1060'have crossed. Prom the report of
Mr. Crawford, the Int CodnissionCr,
we learn the gross number of Indians:in
digenous to the country went of the Mis
sissippi river is 168,290—number repaired
wholly-or partially t 89;348. Present
partially removed, 85,473. l'he largest .
ifibenientionail,ati indigenous to the, coun
try west of . the Mississippi, is the Pagans,
`30,0001 t6C next, 25,000 p. the ba-
Tar,lchest 1d , 51Q0 ; •Eutaws, 19,200 ;,
the'Pawnees, 12,4 0 1.. _ •
- ,~a;~~:
:FATAL DUEL.—itn offair - of - honor aiitme
pa' near the Hampton COUrse; at
,(9a.) on Thursday,-theaOrh ult., between
140j.•John• Partlow, of pbeville pistriet,
tail 'John G. Buriciii Esq., of :Newberry
District, .South Carolina.. Tyey • fought
with muskets, at ten paees, and Mr.. Bur-,
mortally..woundeitat the first, fire
Flot.'Was '
;',conveyed Hubbard'ii7 ffoi e l i
T/ASE!-4 jilti...the: Sea'
cannot , ` rreaviiiiir, lost'
hour be regained; once lost, it is lost for
ever: ,';`Napoleon ;once','elit to some: boyd
in a sch ool I:e 'visited, - "MY 1.441.3, etkiry
hour , oflost time is a chance for 'fihure
,10a The Texas Civi lia n..
91 $: , • sari that • , e , claiirp 9r , • the 25,til
-,..! 1 9 1 RunP 3 ,/'colttinup to
ii;9l9:rq elPfne' of
09n.e...,.1 1 , 4-VEAI9 - 9g990 99 : -9 rri.h 9
tiOal*T'3liike'iet994 that
go Ittt t kl?? an- • one gen.
,Ilowanpe of 0m00,.'
r, • . t ,
PRUSB/0 ACIDr-Atae 1
,-,,,,-,-,.., ' ,1, . , f , : ,, .; , : 7,, i; , :i*;: ,-, !`:Vi - s4.t.A'AitF:‘,!:',,'':,',:;:.
. 4 ' 4 ,0.Y-10 1)1 4gt9 010 °V . Fe . Ptiknttlk L ',te-Ot
owifii of 'gie
he"eriy's, W# B.
grand, - , peculiar. 'and' Anipesing.....Besides
the . military,.:,,coAuPosed__oliiiv.d.: Aroo
hore and'ten 'cOttiPeitlie.Oe infOntry'i with`
numerous-bands-of musio, the procesinim
Was not numerous—though immense
I should. infer from their appearanae,
inufreeling; had been . - excluded--fronf. the
• • _ •
'processiori.;--„Alr. Polly rade in mi; open be.
with Mr. Tyler on his right, and
l 'oetrered - bralcuriibrellerheld'by servant;;
to protect them frown' E:'storm.
The terraces of the Oapiiitt were 'filled
with Speetatorslong befOre the pidcession •
arrived, who maintained their position,
notwithstanding the rain and the chilliness_
of the 'atmosphere. , _
.7;l•Mte , s.7i-, ,, ,wviLvt,' ,, A, 1 1.:- 1 ,-^55:.
Iv -- . 4fbategigolpte - has beeyvhowaliy,
: 1 11il.'0*Pr- f ,kliiiii,k7iiii ll. !;l9 - i7 ) !41!liTi7: 1 :;. ,
- #ol:iiihinf.w...l4o,i t !".$ ? :-: ' # (1 q>(0 1 $‘91 .
got 63 , Nnirk:',"aCtiOißefyi.. cif si_tOdpil;Ttitgid
natifro.:: Among th,eati : o7l;i4llTiortiduCid
by Mr. c,oopor„ilaiiiii?in**iirf , iligrii;.
..119;T:-jili t:h#s:4 d rdliiry. , ostt;th - V ., 4ke.),:bt.:
kopifidi',,to. es tblish CiniCialiiPifilielit , s
°Ji ( !l ( ! bY.: l : ) reaqqpi,Ausl i gel.o.4iie.diFO.F9iog
die!rict! ) -Igooping,thr* , •4o,4icipl, dkiijOi. ,
ii, l 6 one . —flixampleitie President
e of c tillibbiland,i-Juniiwia-,and:iliiiitra 4
Paqpllin and iieb'anln.; - : Yolk apd,,Adt_uns,
I: . b - omgwiri6 - r,iiiif Appeal._ ; ~. ;;: '..T
I ..Coopart....pdflreslied.:lhe-qoromitt6d ,
at ,dfeelien'gth in support,oflije 4 ,oin
tires and provisiens of the bill, hiAtiicli hq.
'look oecaspn to eulogise the
tribunals of the.sta'te, in the daYs,ei TAlg)r=
1 man and tat , and the toStle9liaey-,, , er the
presen organilittfin Anidiecli , erge_
the duties which belong to ife belleveit
that the. provisions of this bill Wooldfp,stitrO_
the Judiciary of Pennsylvania to the me. once occupied, when it was the 'pride
and gloryof,PennsylVania-that it would
relieve of grevioui•buidens, and
lipe:raie lin:l'o'4,olY for all persons concern
ed in tile administration of jfisticit.: .
'bill wssfipo -- ried with sundry amendments_
•but has-not yet beenfinalli-nated-uprin:—
4f3tibW '
On Mcinday g .imek „. llie
. §peaker. laid
before tiro House conimu iiihtion from
the State Treasurer, transmitting a state
rnent o.fAbe- County Treasurers, whii- ate'
in default with 'their 'accounts with the
Commonwealth. We have_ not room Ad'
the but„subioin-the-letter artira - St l ate -
Treasurer, which aceciiiipanies . it.. It is
as u ows :
Harriiburg, February 27, 1845.1 •
To the Hon. F. Patterson, •
Speaker of the House of Reprentativea
Sir :—The resolution of tho House of . Repro , .
sentatives, adopted the• 21st inst; has - been re - .
ceived. It is in the following words: •
Revolved, That the State TraasUrer be, and he
is hereby required to reobrr Co this Ilotisstflie
names of such . County Treasurers as . are in de.
fault in ping over. the Taxes duo to the corn:
Tonvveulth; and also, the military fund due frcim
each mnty, together with the amount 'which'
cell of snip treasurers default ; also the
names df all attorneys Into whose hangs claims
against such treasurerS•have been placed for col.
lection7-thVamount l / 4 ,collected_ by such attorney,
and the amount Which each attorney has failed
to pay over to the StaVreastirer."
resttiOn Arinot be fully answered from
I this department. I, ttenbmit staanent, taken
'from the books 'orthis °lnce, shoiving thb amount
due from.tho court.) , tressiterk tlioitin stated.—
I There is no evidence ip this efilee,, of ,iho settle.
i mblit cif the mihtary,ll4u.l.due fkom_each county._
•-ln-inswer the - littkelau6e - Ofthicrettethitirwrof
the House, beg state, that thec,first sec
tion of the act of thQ•29l h of Mara:, 1013,.in re
latinit topyblic accouna, glades that- fiertiorl br
the dune( nf the -department under lho.diretition
of the Auditor General. I deem it my duty tp:.
state; thati interposed in ono case during the ab
splice at 'the Auditor General. A elaim Against
George - Fleming, life pnithouotlity of Cutriber.
land county,-for $664 25 was placed In the hands
of Spmuel R, Hamill, Esq. op the-11th of June
last ; and onevainst W. M. Mace:, lale tte s.
over of the solo hitunty., for the eum of $3;50: 0
on the,7th_of •Augpst last.
,I-Jearned .that itto
eoutuhil employed w,as hot directed
hisclitty; and immednitely directed Htm • to - hand
over the .papetts to .Tames IL Graham, Mg. and
MOE gleTorthor agency in the matter was
petited tenth: Mr. Hamill complied iviir this di
-titilltr.fitts, received, I understand, ( a - 47 -n
-Mr.-MatCari end about $7O fromMT - %Flcmink.--
These sums ho Has not paig over to this depart.
mult i nor any part,cif the same.. In mytEtter
tinr o tram& - Ehfaildcaissitf--debt-i.
Or. Praham, I requested him to ;ily over. these
sums without delay. • . .
I deem it proper to odd, thht since the return
of thi - Auditor Generaki - commiiiiiiatted to him
my action in relation to this matteb, and - that it
meets with his entire approbation.
I have the honor to,be, .
Very respectfully,
Your bbedient servant,
' BCnto Treasurer.
three etitintis of'intox
ication. Alio for the extension of a certain
fire, comp . ank! ? ;• ',charter; id Cumberland
county:. -
• for`
Kennedy preeenied•ten petitions tor
an altor,ation of tlie license law. .Ilso, from
the ladies . of Carlisle, of like irliport, Also,
fot tlie:ProteCtien of genie le Odriiberland'
Cottnty., t
?e;'oftered a resoltitinn, Wel the
Canal Vonititiasieners fie instructed to fur-.
_Dish, the Eftiti:se_thembuntlexpended—fott'
- "ifticts" — oll9lol7!"lilie s
amount .expentlett ifinualfir in keePinviip'
at JoheatOwn, Hollidaysburg, 40:,
_...77...the__amount_eipenpacl fe t 'r-i'anot ,
Columbia Railroad,=-lie anint appro
nu pril.
ated from time_* time for t i rte purchase bf
trucke—the amount anailly.receivOd for
the hire of Bald trucks ; which- was ,adopt=
. .
Th,Oredaz - last, in the'*House;, Mr.
Parke offered a resolution that the Cour- -
mittee on VtaYfi , and cliieetedto
to bring in .1 . bill; sofas tolentnire iho sale
of the mein line ortiublio improrctuVri6
accordance with the of thapeoPle.ln;' '
expressed- by them Itt.the last general'elec-
Efuriell.movecl to pMend,the resolu.
,tion bry, instruetihg the.commitiee.tainquiro
" •
int° ,the exped!er}o .bi .
Pl' d ":4o 94 k i rlji9;:o 44 4 .
fcni l e:lnfliiii,4lloi ; r4fialtitibe.444din' tit
fihtUldogthy. ipritag • up;iiv':*W
c ir
olPeencett, - bbtly, of Bele,. and „ a f
fugal fliell;were able prigfenteil , brAtesire;,
- HradyiTHaudeierintand , Strtathere,,itt-Oppe4,
IsitiOu i .lo,the`. , postphneineitt,lent) '.•slessre4'
Eoroseltl;4loifelli •
':ln the :ifrih—r-ties:iti;the:debittfi,c4thilviiiii!Al:e:
,- 14, :
' . .tic.-egOt9oooo.bi4 t hett - 100.1,
lii.o.oo,o#44ifiltfttii .; (? . i!#olo;,,t,i.tili*
I 10•6i?.;(ffeliliiiI - k4kftooliejlt• to
gie,‘,..*dagemeoiimii4R:ctrliate*plit4A9 :
the- ball ait e of •
tiler redenoeiy - H`ve per cent: : on r: -the'ptciek
I r ieit . ; : if. - ,:thi4.:•''eho - u Id . : 'tin pep . f 449.
thttehee . :AriWOey..--iittelt
:;11116 . 0tii4liA pay five per
. viiiiiilfitAosicidb; 000, the
btstvmen the
siookholders and the state. :The State to`
ati9ptj Atte :plan the Siaie
woultf•gdltiottieh - 10* . lose'nOthink .Tite-
. an - treconol49el . 9;;Oeiefliefit,'
be gi'en
interested' Tro — ptiblie
Would:.he , te:thieedL, $10;000;0064 and our
taxes - WoUliliirtually, be reduced , 0500;000
t :stlgui! t lees
requifeil to tidaed ' ay theinterdst.i The
Stneitolder tiroitlil feeeive•no . ntote-.from the
the fei , enues':Of than
they nciti eceh,e,iti the shape of interest;
the teni°ifider going into the gtate m
i.:y-00)e - titiplied to. the payment, of .the in
teredi- on .I'fal'attee' cit the 'debt:
To illtiatr,ti , tic-practical operation of
this plan ;,:sapppeilie nett revenue from
the main line'shottlil be, for
. the year,
$ . 00.0.000.•• OU,Aiiia amount. $00,0041 .
wOuld be paid tii• 2 the r . StackhOltikrai-und
$lOO,OOO to the Safe: tuisuykain,
that unil; r the maiia'gement.of .the wor ;
4t - o r veriteil with .4w to •piivdte..ihrir)
year or tv?o, -the 'yereiftiO, ae "von
livobably he the ease, shcioldTe
to a r tli 1 ,000,000_,;:pr u plyard
cop pany-wou itl receive $56
$500,000,•otitl- the 4. balon.g;
equally hinting-at tioth.l - ,,
There isv,:howester,-another -feature - in
the- plau..that . ' , W•e•- - nave !torsi - at - ed.
ith As the - revenues increase, more Bleck
is authoriied to. be subscribed, until ifie
whiile $20;000:001:i shall have been taken.
The State have been divested iif
till interest in the'liorkd, and 420,0 6 -0,006
of an .irit ntetise .. keTbt will have been
takik'finnuidiy-from the people • Alio -raja
liig.or ONE MILLION of - liollersin the
shako ehaxt , o pay. Stat e -interest., We
liopa to de this iiiiiiortaitt measure passed
Fillit t pig_dlai.nro and fully carried - out,
as a dai:adtirdlirotniaing relief to the people,
-1 1'lie debate t on of the Main Line
iiall_reiimed on PrJay; and-Mr.--Burnside-
-spoke-in-oppositiett---toLtlte-sale . i-Flur-wate
ftlloitieil bir Mr. Lateaster, in Ta•
.ver. debate it pstessuu".ig.on_Sator.
hen-M-rdt-tn-di It:, of Dauphin, says
the Harrisburg Telekt;apli, matte" on t able
and tinanswerable .epeeCh in favor of the
resolutiOn to provide For the sale of the
public works. Ii was listened to, says that
Paper, w i(li breatitli ss ant: ution by a erotol; ,
eil I - 4aa and jaikiy. go vote hal yet
tieen taken.,
NF.wSPAPER S IThPQ Rt. Th edifoi:of
the • Wasiiiitgion, (Genrgia;) News
. L .:and
iiiettte:u derstai3da his business thorough
ly. Hear hinii!--Meeh depepda,upoa,the
supporters of a newspaper whether-it: is
condtieted with spirit and interest; if they
are niggardly
„or negligent iR their pay
tice'Firde, a nd;a non thi t.d i tor_
is bro'ken'diiw ‘ n--ht, works of i6fTitiepe
and unp 4 r6dVai)le':'•l4its,—Ae becoines die
aonraged and cprelefis—hip paper (noes its.
iLIi and jnie.rysi. -and -digs.- But On :the.
, . _
-o, drOtbi.a_e_iibmlribert — r — xn n 1 ....„.
sort-if thrkik pgne'inal; liberal Jioarted
re(lti4s, al . Ulaym in advance on the:entniFrip
(kin:list, inking an, iiitereat in increasing' .
ilia' . nniiibe: of his sub s cribers—now _and
, IlL t. .. . :g Wit thekspeak; , I wpid for ~ i) ;4 papery
et4 - lering : lyn! pii - his' conrse!g i rimifvinfap-
Rrpbationr4.,'"%kkil) Inch anbasyibere as t4e#),-
lie a ! u t irtsir; ',4i)4 indeed:wiin,
would .nqt
et npnn infer.Alinialiecit=—vritli such pat
rens ite thee ti s, me, wbiallikeiwpar cAtrifnrt,
pleasc' '-•"---- ,- , 0.' , / , -?..-1,. , 4 A, ,
ease, -6 t .. , , Y , Foll i knCrP i c n ' 9 " 14 . , /,
possibly„a to p, i),ei * lT,ol), ,, ,taAnl4ll4.grtitifina-,,
!Wk!” 0; ! .3v,, er).: , .1' 11 id,•:,
...We - %‘!!?!i l, !!)q.P\v;:rtqf! s ur e '. . but:
' il ! , g r, F, t , i P - Pl i OJ.j6i . 'l l ). 4 oeic#l,. 3 fi.€'o: 4 6
the suppyrierit,4 - :%.i;ii - Ok , Oriipegilo,..te, make
~. ,
~?„..,,,,,,,- .'.l, ~ .:,... i l q.
it ipterestingend,r.ea ' etswe r voneetit wit r,,
ottf';',Oncerritig,eiroFltiipp,their , Part , ' ! 0
, pOiiiiter. r 8 11811.3p4R80111 'l3o,ldzinilot.
4e B k 4 .*,,ii l °•stielilloil!' , ,ol o l l lo nehefiiiirYo
m u k °' 4 ! liat . 4 0 1 4 , i1,4.40e.;:;4•:;:ii .. .42; , ,,'??.;' ,
,' ,... p0r lei, !;4id-i..:60-. intention e1,,,.11,Rni5.
i iiiCi i li k a l i iNY 41 e .
tiiit 1, 4P1c , '.. ', . ( thei to/Mb,
:br sii l ioll4.o', ablid-liOte.:e4eo--In'the,
-441re;:lf r
, aßl'kPrn'4. i . - 'i ,
iFs i 1 "
4:-: Qi' '.
• ,1 „"
4 ,, 1 ) :; .' •!- -
; e : l :• _
~'_c . e , i .
fi.7 •
'c v. :
illoOk k11.0414F-it4oolo,l.qtacol4* '
on itl9,44.:;',9,4,AlkkokirapijiyldiTi!niliY.o
- ' "011940atmene,
c4h . ~,,,„,_.....;; ,„.. 4 5d,,,,4_,,. „ .4
'.' ,- ..** - 7".. AO 'tiOtt:citlild ', 0 "160 - pi"' -
~~~Ft r~.
:17 i'he 4 titinOttfiiiticiA40,1#11,918i.
eir -- ;,T.eireek-Whreli".-havelptitised congreis -,
`ptuvide,,tti i the topablbi:otTextia,maybi
'e.tepte'dqinfp tii;OWPptate;io - - db,eallod the
-State-orkeittat;'ted thatli;n4 - biiidttilad
OR thiloll6ioag:ternll-: 'Mat the State-so
foxviett l elhatt , be-,subjeol:to-thititg9vorittnete
of _allaiiiitnilary tiufietiOnti - that.ina'
thitt the :Conatitution liyhteh
tiefo e.CopgFeee'liir i 16 isyritliip,
oatr z ooxt, that swat s when talmoted
ioo.;thAlTnipih'Oftps,ve4inutp:tho . ijnlted
States ail public
Trielli , ` naiiy-yar El dgekh r iiiagaimes • &c
and nil other property anti .ineans of defence
beiongiog,,to - it,,sliall retain.all.its public
debt'Et and 21110 publielatide:-,tor the .pay
.inent of Ittlitie delits; buirfn:no — o -- Veit(i die
said d
debtifto become O'Cheyge ttpOn m 4 :
States ; than. new Statcs may tie . forme'
out of the Territory,of said State, and ad•
mitted into the provisions thereof with or
without slavery, as the people asking ad
mission may desire. •
the above me the Provisions-of the bill
o. . • ..•
.that.paised the [louse.. It passed the Sen
ile with an amendment leaving it discre
, With the. President to submit the
above proposition M-TMrds-"for its don '
eration,dr•to enter into neotiation. ,
. repub lic oi
that c for .the admission pv.,
and appropriating•loo 000 to, r ,
expense of the negotiation._
'The following table liras I
Y. N. ab.
5 2. 0
3' r— 0
— I 3 `-• 0
-2 8 - 0
4 0 . 0
_ 2
22 11 1
3 1 1.
'2 0 10 12: 2
Delaware( 0 2- _ 0
Maryland; 8 ~. 0
Virginia,. 0 2 9' 4 2
North . arolliii; I " 5 4 '0
South Carofinti, d ti b. • 1..1
Georgia, 6 1' .1'
Alabama,. 0 7. b "
.2 0 4 0 .• 0-
- Lotat=iiina; i- 4 0 9
Ohio, 2,- 0 10 lo 1
rut a
00, - the State
be distributed
Kentucky; - i
"Fennessee o :
17 - 27 "25 .133 17- - 13
. . .
The vote, in another aspect; was rot!
lows: •
. _
Free States,, — 1.3 13 ' 70 53 - 0.
Slayo - States"; 14 : 12 ~ 57 24- - 7
Sohn P. Hale, of New • trarnpshil
Richard D. Davis, of Isi . ..y. were the only
loco 'locos who voted nay, and:Senators
Merrick, Johnson, of Louisiana, and Herr'
Jerson, of
_lillsAiesippl, Whigs, and Mr.
--fdr the Retielutions. The following were
absent... _ ... -
it 3
ars. Dower, Mo. -dia. r
luamptiell, South
Carolina, Elmer, New Jersey: . Hopkins,
Virginia, Green, New York, Matthews,
Ohio,.lndiana, Jones, 'Virginia,
Speaker—l 3 tocoloars.
biekinson,Tentiesse, f. R. In
gersoll, Pennsylvania, Stephens, Georgia,
l'lt'ornaSon, fc.eniticky, Nes . Pa-5 Whigi'.
pUE Sublicribee Witentien of Per.
spris in want of CARPETS ) Iskilhe excellent.
assorinieurthey now offirr,ssnil to,,t4j'extremely
low prices at which they are " ••
• Imperial 3 ply
Superfine Ingrain I,'
Fine Et Common dcrl C ThiGh.
Royal tw'd venitian , _ .
Fine Worsted do • I
• Flain'Slriped du •
" t a s ti large Stock of Fi j oevrt OI
' OT tiS, of all widths, cut to tit .Roolp„'
s &o. together with •Ilearth Rugs. Piano nod
:Table. Covers, Stair Rod's,. platting Ilintlings, Etc,
Wholthuder or Retail very low (or Cash..
rice sl IntrgiiiQatwts - frosu 35 to
_l5O cents gush ,
IntElitry:diidTSielnirpettinVotii IS to 50 30007
aeon! •
• . .•
Ho. 41 Sfrnwberry street. one door above Ches.'
itutvat. bet+cert Seecitd; lk I'hirdets4 - Phiktdelpitia:
February 26,1845,-6m. •
Cheap Umbrella/ -Parasol and
• Shade Blanuthetory...,
'TOMAH W. CLA.Rii! ? ;!Surcesvor to -Robert
Itichie,htte at No. 4 South Fourth Street, Phil
adelphia, hag removed to thd 'North' Vest 'corner
ppurth.mad Marlict.ainOts,,rhere„hc.keeps con-,
atontli tale superior articles 01 (he-above named
koods,.mannfactured ittoiderilda °Wu Tafinediateaar- -
pecintendeticoi !Mil; yarranted...9l7an t good,quality pa
can be:pUrchakedfiktlitior.ittip)ther:Aity.. . '
aellian the ble Avirnilh'
folly inVitek4le Unnts• d: other, city;
to ball and - esintine prices heron?
porchailtieeliriket' ; '
• -a l 'I
corner' of, Filmy', 1! atutildarket streets,
i "::
, ;
Cali 'at the-111141iranoth Collar!
GP.ORGV. W. all ETtl'AdildleVrrimit, Barnes*
•Maker,and Upholsterer s lidtlins his thanks. to
the citizens Ciirlislid and' vlefilificfrir 'the liberal'
Pt ir PPFg e lith-Yhiehto haabeottOissored heretbfOre.
anti would inform 'them that -he still sontinuee
carry on. the 'aboye, hal neid iu atl iiet 6Fanetiee ar the'
old stand. to ',North Hanover • street ' s,
• three". doOrs
'nortli t tif the darlille Bank; where' h e ititiOw pre=,
pared' to 'At euslooterts with,guy artiele that they.
want irk his lirie push as plain, null , . • •.
tddVlElpitaisiti, or shafted. saddles;hf ,
• iillnitalities , and ,pylces; Trunka ; •
:liard'lesitherand common 'V4; , , • "--".
Collodi% , Harness, Geiii l ; - Whiliq.”- ••
Yallses, Martingales, Saddlebags, and a great many,
too teilibud tie Mention' all he
Otarrdino trioraelklaWer km-, - ,4811 - ,:thassitai • ;
Bever been sold in Carlisle. So, call - at he
Afillarnoth - pollir' n 'Worth HllllOlleP ttileet if you
+ant cheap stahne s , subicriber, will exchaoga,
saddlery:ter one hundred cordiriir dry iisk - weed,to
ho: delivered thlaand the firs; of .Mityiagd
also all-kinds of
••,•,!; ; „;. •
making' and tseileviing Matritawai•
and Or kinds or Uphglitiring - bo
tended lo.;•11 ,, !'" - ,* --- ';
..,.,::, - R ts t;s - Lto — ',.; . : l* . s' •-•• "11 E 1N„ ..:',:'.
''' ' '.. "", •- .
6i*:,' Ili .: '',. ':':': a ii=iiiiii:4;ll;a4l:
. At1yt., , ., 1tig04,.11 , '
~ f ',' e ".'... i iliiikillitt WPCIII
c a 'I. Mi 1081130"! l e, . *
~,' "•—:'lgitiikitrfli.o4l';'
1 foiinkpl IK • • . ..„,Vt ll o.l • ~.._.
`441,41 . 4 ',..=1,,,!•,..L 1 :71441.I 0 ,
1191i0eA;113bb.0*. 4406 :'"- - '''.'"..iiweiiepfli;
'. -, 9l.ltorii4iiiii 75,141e10/14 A ( A".. ,- r7.4. 1 .:!.".......4 ....i. , N,
4 1
"'' 'tglekr.''k•'o,-';V-'11,,1'.','.,kr,1t.:''..\ V,,.iiiv..-:,,,,,,',
1 - l i q , alftipii . jiAli,lBof,Ai'itt4,;Ti. 'oAk(o4 , (f.! - 'siz . Vl . l4.
trras7 the
ts ar
- .
to delegations
4_ 2: _. .----,
•1 - 7 2 1
g 0-- 4 if,
0 •2 3 0 O.
2 s o 1 . 11 —0
„ ,
, IN 1 1 :. : ::: f 0 3 rRENtiViI.:-SAik,'?,':;''-`4:l,',
THAT ivall Itti,owe'.huAhteigi,steiji!,? , , . -c7
,i ..,- 'on Ali, eorliee' tii.1 4 1 . 0 h e r.„..,.' 411 ! ...-,' I II II
-HanOV4tr:lltiolli 1101F-iTrilief:rl4..”
ey of S. M. liarris i 'MT?, 11'4,1, 1 :4 1 . _ - --, ,)
the flaii4ilbteil'lllllTlOce'ku°"'4,loi'et,be 4
_point Lot.....Znquire . ,9f . 'l4T,Pt s i o ,4. p, •• , t , ; • , .
Via eibiOethfr through the IlltWeijiole,MAN;r47
,1,,... 4 , 0_ ~ , , ,,i , .. ;0.:a, . .14.kii .p.i_k,...,. ,-,. „
..,_,.. p.,
~.. ~ - - * ik, ii, MO I .eet OpPP
t 4fP 4 4, *'
Ar In 1 ,4 R A' 'res t eflt °CCU , .
"4 , sipi , r
4110,b," t ‘‘',' 11. 10 11. 4 11 , 1 * s hl i S'" P r ' „ 1, ': , 0 " ‘ . ! 1 ',„,. 6 ' ,,i. Forlicrtoe , opi ... , ,.,„ ‘ , 4‘,,
, r -r,.T.. , , , ; .:,,' yitc IX SEYMv to i‘l '.'
:4i-J.' , ,
141-4....ibv;,..,'' '
,),-,,,:,..: ;04 ...^- , ,•,„3:• - , q. „,..2, , 7 ,,,.!. ,....., : f ,i,. ~ I,d. -.I!,
Age of
School Director— Win.. M. Biddle.
ihrpectce-James lioffer,-
Elieha - '
Constable—Robeit" M'Cartney..
Coiin - cit-;'Arnatrofil Noble, John — D.
:,1 - " . 6l — g, an; Thomas B. Thom'psom, Willipm
Judge of Election—Wm. Irvine, Esq.
- 413.4peeldr. of 'Election—James, Nadi
wate. -
School D irect o r-ir arses T,otulon.
• Justices of the Peace—Oeo. W. bratito,.
J- rem• ,
ames rover: — •
Cons tables—• George Wallis, George
Mnrr.ty. •
IN tLtftßun ay.
N the niiitrict Court of the United States, for the
Eastern t District of Pennsylvania:
the 'matter of the estate df Jonas Miller of the
Borough-or- Newville Cumberland county, R Bank
rupt, the creditors of said . Bankrupt are hereby noti
fied, that I will on —Wednesday the 19th day of
March Ilifalthi. ARCM! Filmy office - In North
yer street. Carlisle, for the purpose of making out a
Dividend If the fond void into court by the assignee
and 'that all croltiors who shall not hare prched
their debts before me, or some one authorized to
take such proofs, nt/ti file the-sante with me - previous
to said time, will be excludodlrOmull benefit elthe
fund for distribution:
,C,AFFirt,t4sißaier in.4.3,lpk.r9ptly
Iwilraell at privare sale all my Mono= '
tain Land in Pink - mann township, Coll
ill lots t;
aboOt_lloo'2lC RES
to suit piffilissers. 11,:ocit before
Monday, the.l3th orApril text I will sell •
it tit public s i de-at the. Court House in Carlisle,—
Any person wishing to invest money-hi real estate,
•wohlif-finst-it advantageous:if/11W property is inerens.
jog in valtteev4y flay. The pecipertyis well 'covert('
Mul_other timber, anil_ilittearc
vernifine streams tif water on it. 'reigns vet, se
emu-outfitting Address the subscriber at Taney
own, Md. '
January 15,1845
. . .
WlElll,EXp_tbe Hon. Samuel t llepburn, Presi
dent itylgii of the Court nt Coalition Pleas
in the counties .1'
- nf - the said - conrrof - milli - Mt - pleas 11. r ti county bi
Cumberland, bay.e issued their precetit bearing date
'the 44th of Janditry 1845, and to me directed, for
Jail Delivery, and General Quarter Sessions of
the PeaCe t at Curtis! on the second Monday of
April iao, [being OIL 14th day,) at It) o'clock in
the forenoon: .
to the Coroner, Justices of the. Peace, and Consta
bles dale said County of Citfliberland, that they be
then and there in their proper persons, 1.411 their
records, Eta mi oat nits, sod other Re
membranoes to do !hosed:jugs iv hick to their offices
respectively appertain. And those wlpi are bound
by recognizances to proseente a iiist aft prisoners
that are or then may be, in the Jail of Cumberland
- 01 . 1 wItY, .Rnd_there hi_.prosecute,iigainet.
them as chitil be just. •
Dated at Carlisle, the 40th 4, of February :845,
and the 69th year of American Independence..
ARAN' LONGS - DORF, *riff.
. • . BOOTS—and SHOES. - — `
large lot je st received; which I will
set! offal great bargains.
GoOd Water Prod Botita's2 : and $4 - ;25 • •
Pine Boots from $3. to $3.
Gentlemen's lace Waits facnst,7sc to $1,45.
'Ladies' dippers from .":5o to 75. ,
Ladies' thick sole shoes only 64 . 6
~111;••:. Ad thief: bonii
clkilitreit's shoes aptl nOota?rom 181 ti) 500.
. Come one and alb to the (amp s tore or
JanonEy 8,1815. --•,. •
• • .FEM IraM •
*. --- rill IF DWF4.11114C1;1101:SE, in
Pitt strnej.; now occupied, by
• • Ix M John Ranifersia, with - Oeci .
!, 1 analjarn attrbed, Fo • f I pil l.
dnutf 11 1 6 -or
, _ SF.YAIOUR...
FLbrunry 19 1815.
T.),-.., m...u0,: ~ . . •
, .V CI
1_ •": Lot on South Hiiinver street4o tklie
" ,' borough, nciit- occupied by lititatielY
~ ._ .. , Meclellon, directly oPposite, th o reel
"(fence of tol.:l4l!Pinnie. For tonne ertqulre r qt,,
,-0' , •r .' ::. -..i!,...,; ',' .7 - W3l. T.'I3I2:ONVN - '
lini‘tC4 story liltietertml
tiroik o nn the ,, Eist'Ond
street, oviosil by Thomas CaroiliCrP, • , •
o , tv Octtimed bk
'lt if lacgli; morn's!' and convenient; and '
irrgoc . od repair. ',lt Intl also a tine 4ntticp &to:, 1 1:ern:op
easy; andtpilsiiialoit given Cfn'ilfe lat of Alvi.ll next.
E9quiro or ;,; • SI • SS! .weal
-.. ,!ti•AVI , i4e•IRYIN,
. .184:5
; • Fekruary . •
tibott 4th.
.42.7.1 A -P- •v'
Yard*: 0111rnotin
TrAmeatic . «rill Foieign
Ecynolds, McFarland & Co., 105, Markeisi.
Morgap, Buck,4 _
[NV It &-G - It•Co s ti'per , f . .
Soinbeillood-&•CO:. N. E., .corner of Market and
Fifth streets;. , , ,
Kingrit4d - tfc - King-, ! 36-Narth Eleetnid
posite.the'Madiioii House‘, , , •
Williaro:H Brown & Co. 26,Noith Fouttliatreet.
Julian, Mason 1. C0.156 Market. sttitetil.; "
Eckel,,l2B NortlOphiril st.
• above Waco ' •
Smith, Howell & 8arr,.33/ Nertb'
Bar,play,•Lippencott. 166 i 'Market street, one door •
below, Fifth, south side. I
Ludwig, Haab - diet Co. 110 North. Third street, 'cattier of Raa; street,,
and rChurch ;•
Artnies_ 3 l;
Frederick, DC - wild & Co.',62.NTittli Third street.
_lmporteraditrllLealera m- oasery, love*,
Triinminga and Rancy:atoits. .
, „
:E Burnett, 3 South ,
side below
J & J•P Steiner,-41 North SeCiad. street,' 4 doors .
below Arehvareet. . -
Clothe, Casoimeres,. Vestingti,
Do I...ourcey, a °arcade & Co. 77,141a1kel &cot,
Wil Love,. 147 - y "
J Godley Spry & Co.
. ,
. .Hardware and Cullery
gilaiatd S Handy & Co. 98 Market street,abovo
ardloy, Sows & Co. 241 Market - above Third
John S. Fitehet & Co. 47 Market -What 2d.
len R Riceves & Co. .1776 '
William T..fluttrell & Co. 191 • • • _
rleattof , & Peterson, . 187
Martin Buhlan & Bro. _195 below Fifth.
MicLacly Baker. 216 •• •
Marlin &h am!: •:,11 North Third street.
Faust &Winehrenntiti 7Q-NOrth "
,Saddelry Hardware, arid Carriage ,
John Ford,
li ol & G.rjck
G Peterson,
Wm. Ford,
Saddelry, Saildelry Hardware, Harness;
Drunks 4.c..
Edward P. Moyer, 38, a1e0.252 3Farliet street. .
Pnblishers,"Booksellers, and , Staticiners..
Grigg'& -Elliot, 9,Nor,th Mirth -tared.
William !tiseer 4 3a-Co. 203 41arkoC etx.eel:•
11.111.Crawfoid, -- • 204 North Tblid et.
'.Boots, Shoes, - Bonnets, •Ca,m,Leghorn
. and Palm gals.
E; ' •1 - 98 4 111a4 4 0.3 . _e treat--
Lqviek,—Jenkios &, C'e., 150 61
Aleaanderl Read, • 4 205 Marital, street.
Peter Wright &Sons, 259
Wright&.• har ton, . 29,,North Third - street,
Senorita Dorsey /sem, 125 " 4 " .•
WilliardP Ilacker,62ltlorth Second street, above
Arch. r •
;Ilan irfactitreil ai i ih - Dealers iii Drugs, •
Medkines, Paints., - -
Thomae P. James, '2l2.lllatket street.
Thompeon;"Pancoast 4.• co., 40.-- :46 Velow
Caleb Crosson, - - 6,North Third et.
Manufacturers of Siues , ,Rlddles,,,Screens,
and Wireteork in general.
~A. Ct,_EG
,osepTiA. Necdlei-&-C0..-54-Nort-Front-streA.
Corn/m, ErushlB., Muttons, Spool Cotton,
Trim Min I §,•Fane G. s• ••• .• •
• ver . art an, North Faun street. -
S. M.Dny, 10 North Fourth street. '
Mann facturefs and Importers of Military
Goods, Fringes, Cords. Panels,
- Ctirfiage Laces,' 4•c.
William H. Horstmann & Sous, 51 North Thiid
street. •
Ilfamdaclurers of Umbrellas, Parasols
and Sun Shades.
Sleeper', Brothers, • t e 126 liturket street,
Wright & Brothers.< . 155
William A.' Drown _
Mafuuacturers of Hats, 'Caps, Wool
• Hats, 4.c,
Henderson & Lcvick, • ' 144 Market street.
S. &O. C. Nichols, • jI4 't
ilfapyfaciurera of Paton Floor and Fur
niture Oil Cloths, and Rlasgc .Carriage
, •
Potter& Cirmichael, '568 North Third street.
Isaac MacaUley, jr. North Fifth street...,
.._ • ,
slimuftieturers of •Lodies' and Gentle
,metes: Cheap Travelling Trunks.. •
A 1 4 ,Hinhey Co. 150 Chesnut street,
George B Baines,* 8 and 25 North Fourth an.%
Imporlers_of -Toys ; -.Paney- and — Staple.
Oarids7.lliiiiites ,
A Fcitt,Montote, 16.5, Fourth, teloVlgarket.
Louis C flauersaphs,l7o Market street. •
Manufablitrei of:Corlibi,Bibsliesi Soaps
. • ,„
~„, - • - and PerfOmely,___,_
Burch (tali oI Pittsburg)-183 Marketit.
groceries.! • • •
WI Anderson 01Co. , 2141ortiOFriter et. ,
.14thii,TrUck;,' i TN;Fifth tit:tier:of Commerce.
Mitelfrian Osbortie,--M W. Omer of Second
•••• arid Areh'strztj.
Pottersinivoo Street. , *
John J'Biehardson,.42 Market _street, bola - W . * ?
•'` coed—Dealer - in..Pancliee,:Oreeges,
- Willipxn ',Odom dr :Soni,i6O i tMih below 'strJet ere-of-all kinds Of.
%ShiPpint : .
. .
D. G.-Fiduiy,.l94l' Miliiiet'airl•et s ,'lfel Stalk.:
south` erdi-=Agrieoltileril and Horticulture'
y. letheti c e i,adot l .Gftel'al: o 4#P l '.-t.? 4 rdf" .
di;Oidter Creeenti, 14:x. iii;ith
Looking Glasses,. Plated
teare;COMtie,Tltitishes,-&0 ;,,,
Jaeob.,Fili:tirNorthlThird "street;;(sucarnisteter,
ta F th'Socond
Goods, Hair Edginge,.&*':.- , „- •
James L4t* ilf
l*ri klaile .•
"' nfeettireirs Of:' apesell
,3091 m; rd . Dr i al . ers
in Itodta;-shoisaridlfoftin.elet
Hollow.;.etreei-Lldimu. - •
• • • -.'t .
' faciiforoffOont . l.,oother, GlOO Musl i n,
. Cariloitg,V#l4lo.ho ) ofol,Papo.:•.,,;-',1;•
lliaiiilihf l 4 o #4W llo 44uurdintOil
82*-14 . ..Thiid4fret#, holt -Cheirk..;--'--
lame ! :Barber, 238. MArke . ti atieol; , osiuti(ohl!,
aboio Soven!hitroot:-'
Z er A`ldistell,` eorrieiO4P l iii'anit , *o'64
MiiiiilfBECo.,-201 M arket st 2d-door ti'`
- 4 , :_,..•., k..4.4;14:.
• 1.,
..._, Rs ..' ',9,.‘ lltilEiyiligie''iClti:of:';',
EitiLle PL PL.""...r`..441ip.J..,;',,.
°TICE' illerVto 0 :t4*rit-H- . ' ''' . ' .lf,i ' o .' .*:'. ' '
. town, pit±-ilik-4474utisri._
~iig5444.,,:',; : , .•
VAlll4diitrAbgall,, 14.0,0-)"4-10, t_ a6 •Jwir oove ....-. 64 5, 2 4';'• .::
, in, ,twate:trikligcload
1091! ,,i 01,.,M., -,1v4,...4,--4-! ' -, 'A" 11 4',';•4' t 44414160--'`
" 1 , , ,4, k - : 4,4 /- i 4g"-Ary.444llt*.rveri,„ -4 .
.. r,,t4-„ 44.4 4.. ~,,;,• , „; - 4,„• - ii•-1• - 4,4 ,-, 4-, 4,..^ -.4 •;:f.../.4n,•,44,4-,3,.4.41,-4.2,„:e . ...- , -
i I.44oiit•Pok'f-t-w-r-ti.ek-o:', -"';-.-;;;,'I'l 't''p'• - ite,14'4,e.. , .. '-, ,
.• ',44,-- 4- ~ i. .. 44 ,77-74 .'.":'.' -',:'' -4'!''Q, 74 ' .. A 4 V 1 1 , 4';';,..,;`'.;',!, •:,, .4i ...4.; yt-•,i,4' • 4., -
,4 :' -.' , 4-,..- - \. 'i. • 7 ..•.:4-,4. - , ' , .•44 v 4'• • '
. .
AnklepOide4: .
"Ail) flj , ;
coed atieit,+
84 "-
N6rth Third etrcet.
14 -
12. North Fourthstreet.
7 w.