Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 12, 1845, Image 1

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' 44" 7 . 7 :1 A7'
, r .
, , 04
.c.ozaaFßaNAW‘c,,ViSB7,. ••'• I " --tr
^l,%cr 41; . ~...„t . 4...Ao—xmaoi , frof-rxo4cvo, -t,fpop-I:l4awowsliNb7lo,7s,.?rm.,t,Vrnrro..7.lF,,
•? 1, F. - iv,,v 4 0 4 1,0*(6,1 1 , .
41":4P4.59r - ,4 11 ' ls '; k 4 '`' 34 ‘ l4
z r •Ai ;Ak - . ; 't ;tr ,N.• • CS,, "s r ` +Z'"" f . 4 7-
• *'llAre;e?-4.0 1 . , W14. 5 4+ *-^ g4N , ' I.' • 31"' •
l=„1 , '4' • ;•• 4 -- • ' •.. --; I ' • ftttv - • " P=
7-4 • - ^ . ' " ' • % 4, %' " •••'
~14: 4j1f • 1 1 e71 : 5 414'"
P - •
trgt, , - 4": , 1, • rfte 41N -4
•4 1 4/1 '44v• 14 ,
• • ,` ,p1,41:3
A- 4 -141,--
.441, •••'•;.1144-44"1.= , „
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"1 , A
NE 'WS PATFO-41). "IGIVOTE CAENERAC - . 0.10010 1 4. ""'' : **C ilg i tlol / 1 1t 11 46 : 16.1 °9- " Ir .k ir ONil' l M l6l, 7 o4lr '''n°o ll o .4lll Y'•A ool46l / 141 ME:' - ' 1 ,4 1 - - s't . • lEN'ijkillOustiftErligrai.'i
' — '74tVVeZ 3 - 21 4:744;:
- 1 1 .11 1 / 1 11)'VEITOWITOR'
.`)0,1,1'4 ' ;
ColtreSairezaT; it ,
.:viAcklyitOitladoriblo royal all oot i , at WO DOL.
L A RS, w__ir annum, Opiblo . fieiglin three months
.11 etiitkettliniidnutiserillitg"; on: TiVCrl/011. - 14iti
*RD the end of'the year.
- No suligeripthiirSitit(bYtaket3 for less than six
nthiltha,aittl , nti papcir ditieoritinned until, all ar.
roentgen are pall, nittelit - at We Option of the
. tn_notiffa dinebtatina.
inea,rill be cedniliered engageniont..
Aili of . '
Letters to insur l eattenti ?in :m . 014 . :11:0 . 04 pnidv
" '1 • • a
inerinership'tor the prac
tiOe of the LaW, attend to all business entilated
'to th'i
• Q.ETICE in NVeht Slain •street, a few dt,ors west
' of the Cpurt House and next to the Store of Jason
N1r:111')v ; and etsb"ot>the' residence of John Heed;
otionsite the Ctiljege.
Carlisle; N0v31.5, 1849
O i re plicy _REmavio gv. t teak' 1:?
- room torinprly.dgptipiefi by .:li - A 3 . l t kir, Esti,
Apeil p,.18101. • . ; tf,23
1.• W 'WC - U, .
- Attar x ieys at • .
I t i•om pity t, business Oliti:usGui
• V
them in The edinitics of timberland 'nmd
otiipeso;tne done west of Ulc Jul!, Ein..l
u g h hireet,-Curliste, anti mck-door to. Stutnbaugli
It Iloover's Drug Store,
--(110.FLIIIS. torshle at ‘'ery reduced pi ices, all tt!
Illirtissortnient o 1
, . PAIN - I.'S;fka. together with
.tatiouury, Pitta Cap _Pitlier, by the Ream, Letter et.
• 'glitters - by the thizeti,'Silyer Pencils, Drau'ing,d,
Sable brit do.; Deatving 'Paper. :Seolthg
- V,_ag„Wttferti,,,Tettklit yes; ,uf ,a_ tie.'
tittalitY,,Pafuting brushes, Gray
• •".; Stri • ving to. Teeth 'do.
!,11gsit'ilo. ' --
Shaving ti4l4- •
.\ • _
• • Spices ißroiiiict and 1611141 w icntr, ,
' - I•olthtil'et %qt.!' iivry iliac in the Prog'iluti
• • ittioattentitotieof Pht . slcions,Cotiotry - 81 - ereltatttsand
Dyerit,islolfejted its 1 um•deternstlitO o,nelt at %cry
low-prices for Cash.
CIII . IIRIII, N . llllTh 15.1844.
. ,
.increased in. numbers, and at a time when
- 8
DRUGS PAINTSA:UYEz TUFFS, Iso great a diversitYof'opinien prevails. in
rur y mits 1 / 4 1 1 . ‘vgitsricIn, ; , - ; , , i,iii„i t i,„,.,j„„ regard tb the principles and policy whieh
glietteisi;e assay( men' of 1)11.0i ,sei ear(' with .ilioald characterize the administration of
.1 eat elle and wariaiited Klionine and- l'ure. Pity- i..
ni.,lioNantl Coilitta Merchants iii e requertutl to ca ll our go ve rn Mc nt ? Well may the boldest
',via 4o9iiietiliniiiiitcl4l:liefoi'e'intreliasitigeAewheye fair; anti , the --- ivisesv:tremblei --- milleiritieur-.'
„ ,- . ,..,.. ,.. .A LS p',..
'A biiiortnrnr.t-Of • eiiiio. finapy c .Sttills,ey cr y,,iring' r - eipo4ibilitieS On. %Vlach ,iiany depend
.artielewarranialligre and of the tiesr , pittliv, be II:, ~
aro ,:, qui , b . t . e d .(our 4 .countly..4 . 'peneci and preSperltY,.' a . 04;
t attlei?'t)yeri,:llitilitersatul Pullers
'lX Cat I,Hi ve are iletet;ipi awl to . aell the 4:heaves' and ',' jn sothe degree, the hopes and happiness
best artielek krolii uaid iii the' 'parka.
'o( the whole human family. ~ '
• ilooks antill4ltionaty. , In assuming responsibilities so yak, I
We, haye ridded to Our nstuil stock, a choice !wire- ~.
lion iirllnok a and Stationary, , aliieli ue can bell at ievveinlY invoke the aid lit ikel--Alnligill.
a very redact:ll pried. _
. - -`' ALSO
_ ~...
'she largest' tist7oOmetit of CUTLERY ever Offer
ed at this iiht've.—(4l,..ether with the most liishiokiiitile
Y4:1111/Mr.lil; Milt .fivrcy iVotione. •
Carlisle dune 19 1814.
i ! guard this heaven4avored land againstJhe
. • 11-34 imist lii4fA 'which,Without Ws' giiidMide,
Washington Hotel_ !might arise . from an unwise„ public policy.'
t R NEtt oP ' ' lVlitiliii S MEET A Na liar sliimitz : With p.firm reliance upon thawisdum- of
.... nknimis ,,-- unaD. i p 4 l 4: • . :Omnipotence to - Abstain and direct me in
z__.(,.__L:._L__.,..._,'_L . ..' • ' .
.‘ Alievatli-of-du-ty ivlrichrl-ninippAtestko
liirlhe Pubseilber begs Innen (9—inform pursue:l stand'inlre7,p7ml . eit'c'e of this 4-'•
ti l e, imbue (hit he'tviit I.e . aieul this well kn01 . ,11 , •
I inusu;swhioh has recently untlergnue a thorough re !13 C mbled multitude of my -cquntrymen, to
!i i t i t i l , li,ti , :: ( l . l l4 , s e l:u, ''' , lsl 'll' i l a l" a lk i e,y
s vit- i i , 1 0 t i 1,:' 1 1 ,`,74,:', 1 ,,, 1 ,1e1 t i ," :take upon myself the solemn obligation,
pettotie:ttlatc 111 - tinke n t ' • l s of the hegiOnture and Tray "to the best ..or my ability, ‘ to preserve,
Ilurs in theyeri. best Myle,atl upon . such ternis a ,
lit k ..o.4ilt:tse protect and defend the ,constitution oT the
. W. T. SANDERS. United Stiles."
.j)ee.-60; isls. •- • ' - •
,' ' ._ I
-.- ! A concise- enumeration of the principles
which Will.gitide 'me in the sdininiatrative
Tolley of the government, is not only in
tlaccordainte with -the example set trio by• all
iny'prelleceisort4 - but ii emilientlf :belltting
It 0 EVE R ,S) o TEL.
• s .-... _
• m u. -stibioAbai-vi'nuiw i...pecodui. loom his
A. l'elenils twit Ittelieblic that he has' released Troln ,•
-=h - iir o fflirtplihut , Vh•selfighlrootitrrtliclitibittclunne T ilie-ocp,asi o n....--.
• — .Z.rtilply, kept by Puri ti•Illeso on South lianovec,streets : .1,, _ _ O . st .
. -Ini.thtihoronglt,„sige of 'Witsitihgion, pull .1110._stm." , ' " ---"":4 1 nuti " itself, Pl.kiitlY-'wrltton
. Where - he Will beiil Woo_ gluti to see losti•iefills froni " as; i t. is, •
the safeguard- at our federative
t h dl c ou i, tr y sill Ti•avellers, and aceenonothtte 'Own .. .
' in the best antiunostlcatefuctubleirianuer... ••• •". -.' • • 'I compact, the . eirapring • of eopeession , :and
ills •fl A lt,
,constehili_suppliciL.With the
cOnipfiradse birading — to . getheiqtitliii bonds cholocit liquors, leo' his .:1,A81...1?. with the best the ,
nitrket• cee .furuisli.' A.• caeeful 9sTt.:Ett alwsys 'of peace and uni o n this great of inefeati;-.
AseVitin'atten Ittoceantl eothievitailibd left undone „ , . • , . . .
to please all who call withhins: •, • •• I '
BD.A.RDEIiS teketi6y the week, month • oe vear,
•'' • ''Fli r .- -, f-r - lANDRE I 7 2 9I3EirrS 7-1 :1
1Z14.•7•'-.‘"4-z:•;. a's:: •,- .-. ,•;: - 1: - ~ ;5 t r.25.:
• ----.7 FAIIIIIIII.EIIS I -: ', :11, °TEL -,
,:Th ,::..; , CA ' l, .%,; •':
mi l s sui4oriberokeulthespeetfully , in- ,
-.AK forinltili - fileb`ds abilllio pithile.general y,'
,•• that e,,litis tek k en thi,'"•.:-.,; .•.„." ..
..,;•-. CS • , _ ~,
„ .2
2 , •-•j';*. 41,410/Yilti'l ' fr'. 2 ;•• . t...' "i'
l iO' ..' ' ll . rCd ' iiCti,s) ' 111)
. • .
atiflyikept hy,Alr. Sielep..Woetleeliejt. in Etukt High!.
Shy i et, t iy t ,l ; ow flOttr.xcestufthe.eunctjfettpe:oskerti
• litl,wjl,tat all' Ltilasin), , ,c,l ,l4 ' .l o?f,e. 4n l tOTttimitSrinF I
- tct.thik-ebnircirte '6l'. thofie.:Whti flty' li(ser,ltint wiw;
theit•buitiii:7 l, ' I .i . .....: 3 ~Q., ,,' ..ri,',5 . 1.,, . 1...5,.•(.:4!..:i. i ., ,„•,,..•
• • --Hite.ll/4.1t..,5ha1114-Iconithatir ittitaietlAsitti ;the,
choicest iliptore,:antfMeA'AisliiK,itlililliiibest the
mitricotoAttn . ;lo.sniteltBslt'atboitttlifellfWrjxwiraiviy - i
ke 4h, plteitshreArnaPitte9i 4i.,NpYlllflikkkf,i!,.hollone,
• to lease ai.. who call .with hum ~..- : ‘,..',1.,,;:.,- „ ,.,k;,V,:7, '..;.',
~- OAR.D4ll§toollo4'ltle iy.e*illOpth clrtaiie.' w
4 ilqBcLs:FrV'''Lp 4 ,, RJ2. 1 9. OWILLI.S.M",II 3 / 1 13WN1 1 . .:1
• ehisitir I:Sat . -1161'0AI tit.l4.. tv,...l)toktiv.t.-Ity:-,til;
' ll'aitifikt 1 . ' Me diaines. , P
IiST ' l
f the ra eBlO
- 1 e 'lg alt urgq ittmetipqnt o. . . v
411 lin' Piltigiff 11Vdicfnea, 1 , 911411,,n0 ofre.., for To ,A t
WilblefiteßPV4tall ht Vet:). rdit VdPrie,e!, ,
, i't Okla' Litlint4ntt; For `6re:br, 10 , ,i it lz.
Di Dawes ' none and Nervb Li tim e ht ,
I,‘Dnip.stlin'aiurnror t Sialc tkagfellct . ' , .J s - ; .
—llVt'. wayt 4 t'aßiriti) di tWild cAervAi
'Dr Witaai'illaltatrectr y Wild Cher* 1 ? ,
~..Alt. asealaVe;„P 4 thae,ea,f , ,1! , c , ,: . , {' „ —4 ~
.. j oy ,tf.,jl , I.i Irov.9 l .lflagei , Ir' ,•,, ,- 1 . •., •
ir Donok's ancart ea,,,,h.,,,1, tth . 4-.4“ b;
Torraittli rith-A gif,...7iipi.or,t,en,t,,pf, "p4r4Rst.PP;
:r..,f,g,VlTr9l'n.AdtAgat t
kralvErtsTiek ,
•.,y, 'e ' .:, s '''.
,T, , t , 4, A ; t.t.A ~ ) . 1 10' ,4 ' 1 ‘ .l )4 tr.d
MPIA . k , ''
1 7 ' '
' '
'' r iii '''' ii iloinfortablohtiiittea tant be;ranted ;
c ,. 'IA -, ..., O5, s...,Rnappealan , gi t verh 4.
, vintapygilpvtlf _ „I : . ~6 ll--!ctrA,9:O(3IILIM
ikolkaft4s. , , TIII7
44' ,..,*-7 .. 1 - Util, 41344b4 ti 44 foiv 1 •'t To , li , t',-, ~
' l , e. s .', •.. . dt 7," r'. 4., y, 4 , ,1 ,11 . t., 10 t , ‘. 4'l -rv , ,4 , . f1 , ..1,
, r ....„ . ,r..,,r1
) '',
fa'4746 6',i5N”,%, a tc ll lll,:i ' ‘ j F...P? tesicit4
• '•• • l Vii klefof Pqgclitt,?l,l,,lll-gwz-,beg;.-.14,..1,
lfloidAk.ol4ol' I P .fit cile4 l ha v e o ° l Bu g "
. I: o . 4.rt t :Tail • ,
I;c ' einlba ' l' it) it.:Pj ft , , , ,, ' ', , , • .
- • ', , ne ,l-, ei'iN • , !.•. •1 .- ,••
• - 1 - 777,i
By the light o .a toting yo#
Oh !, ftis sweet through thpworldlpliel
It dispels the dark ehado vtthat , lie . •
In our path lyitiats tpagioal glow:
the firlit light in life 'diet we See;
the last;te'des'ert when'lee die ;-• •
Oh !;there's ncitblng!peath heavein'to'ine,
iciika the light of a loyilig eye !, • • ,
To the light of a loving eye; •• •
Ah,.what are 'the riches „
What the garland that Carrie asn soppy - , .
the ntia revels of inirth ?
Not a - flower that in' beauty ItileO; • • '".
Not n gem 141.11iq diltory:od .sky—sr '• • '
Oh ! there's nothing , ip nature to me,
Like'the light of a loriiig eye. ,
By the Hest of_a Toting e) ey T
I h'ayegone through tlio World Of: i?Cits
Ana of pirit on high
" grant me ilCietrgicarg ow.
'Till the wings °Ugly ,Seel apseetifree, :
1111 my heart has forgotten to sigh,
May that light, that sweetlight, shine for me,
• The light-of a toting eyt! "
)1yz,6172.1 - M-&.,ai IDDIE2OB3
--.• JAMES
0. - 1 my part,.l' have -bee s chosen by
the free and ....voluntary, _suffrages of my
cotintriVinen to the most honorable :and
'most responsible office on •I alit
deeply 'impressed with gratitude for the
'confidence reposed in ine; Ilcinored with
this distinguished considecation at an earlier
perk& of *than any of my predeceslmrs,
cannot ilisgrtise the diffidence with %Olaf:
'I am stiOnt•t6 enter on the dischaVge,of my
. ' •
lf 'the. more aged and experienced men
tvho have filled - the office of
~ President-if
'the United States-, even .in •ilMiinfandY ot•
the .Republic, •ifiSiitists;d- their ability to
discharge• the duties (41114 exalted: Stition- 7
what - 61TM titit to be theiptirehetiji l tinii
• .
one so Much:run - ger null loss enddwod, -
nOW that _Mir den:aiieiceitilerj;M - -iCaii
to ocean,' that • oitr . people have so greatly
the 'desthiies of nations mid . Of' men, to
ing family of fiito•ln _ kidependont•Smteri.
wilLbeshe chart. by which I shall bO di
•'bei:mf , got.'c'aiei ? '(l4linjo6:ilhe
or -
n t,an d p 01.1191,e
'tgrp'ii pl d in its t
Xhe.gir(erninetit 'of ...the United State~'`:is
one of delegleil , ipiib,limice!) . ;,Kiwerst Dn&
it to by• - „ll:, sttric'tx?a
.l~erenc ,"to the, clearly ;
gli,ilto;lPOWe.Fs;,tind ,, b,y , abstaiiiirg - fromhe
'',e 4 0004 0(4001, t
'4 to
unlo Y r~t , uuaie collisions between the Federal
jour system, a,id. ven t ;..threate,ied the. Tier=
11,y•pr io
constitution.,'nor.„prohibi'teil ~ • by:_ it .to. the
reigntyt within' titer sl here' of its esory
;stq}n. from ~tlie=y xergigo ;`of.. authority .not,
• •••• ,411'.?"-4,tekoki-o4-
of'Rowers r00 , t1 9 ,4.4 1 ,411) o6l k o
V4') :.:: '.'''..,:',:,,'',-• %,ibl, it; ii:r
THE Lim]
t. a p.;, . • , c 7. % ,
' , . ••• ',I
`' ISM "'."-;- 1 - - -- -3 •
44-ei z•mi ~••• -, •
0.4124241243‘'Le441.'' 345-"‘
"• ,
Sqiest'biltwqk.'aii , i n inkokintiirs:p.pbtißnAcps,
- deft {IN Oflite
, i•-•lr,
*getteral gotrerninent whOie constite 4
l~oiia`l `vigor, .
-• ...111 , 4.
-- 01: i . t:13:;_iiiii*anolibr .• of .otti
peace` 't`tome,
`;.," 'i'e the tOferiinetit'et:the'ijn'tted,Stn i t'eti
?itai beoii ent u 'ate ci•the
. 171eyoltik-tSO
it• a' resit' gener'ai'erininerated, knYfsr- ,
uet.:' It ilo'es not forO'reform on the Stales.
it featoilintliVithits; over tv_hOtit it . casts:
itsTrotecting.influondii;-antiretk'free to inn
prove 'their own conditiciti ii:jr the - legit' rhato,
"exercise of their '
powers: ft' is a eittiiiii . iiit'iiroteeltittof each
every tii . W
u prin . our soil, tvitetiter of rialitrenriforgit
birth; 'of eveiy elig ous sect Win ' '
ship of the Aliniglity. according foilie i l'e ! !
•_ttes of th e j r _ Loj i ncon - 2'•
shade of opinlah, 'and 'the Moil free iriAui
ry; • art, traiye, anct •:)ecilf?ation,
,eoneistent'wilti -4 :the Iwo of ‘lll3
Arid we iejoie6 tho general happitiees,
prosperity `and' advancement of our
try, winch' h 'been the offspring of free
'Phis mist admirable and Wilest,systern
of well-regulated - solf•government among
men, ever -devised by human ipindSc 11 . 4
been tested by its sancessful.'opeintjen fici•
.more than half anenfury,4and,jf,Preseived
from usurpatlonsof the federal ;gown*
.ment on the _opeliantr, and the exercieel
' the Stites 'of poWerg not reserved to
On the OtheY, will, I hope and behelie r endirro
for altos to, come, and disPense ttre bles
sing oLeivirand religious liberty to.distanc
nerations: • To , :e act - objects o:'denr4
every patriot, I Shalt devote riyior *h r
T : lt Wilt_ be inYAeidre;
to guard aga)ust the most fruitful shares of
:danger to thellarmoillons action of oiie sys-
tern, which coneksul •in 'substituting
Mere clieration and caprice of the executive,
of of majorities in:thelegislative , departitent
thegoveynnient,for powers ssßich have
been withheld fro - in - the federaigovernntent
;14'the constitution. 'By_the the thin-ry,of
gdvernmant, hut this right
is not an arbitrary or unlimited one: - It is
a right•to be' exercised in subordination to,
the constitution, antl,in eonforniityto
One great object or thep(inatitution was to;
restrain majorities from -oPpressing-minur
,14lt ve;a:rightnppnel;%os ,th 9,
conk{it~lioii,'`as .p s
pression. .
That the blessings of•.liberty which our
.)constitution secures may be enjoyed alike
-ininorities-and-makaritieshe cxeeuft%
has beenwiSelllnvested . ivith a qualified
veto urn the aetti of the legislatuie. It is
!9 negative-power t and is conservative in Its
,charaeler. It arrests jor the ; time hasty,
inconsiderate, legislatlOn ; , invites recon
sideration, and '.fienjfe , rs qeestions at, issue
between the' legislative. and executive de
- Iv a rt. m en - tsod -- 111`eitrpti o the,oW,9,r-
Like all'.other:powers, it is stibjee(te,he
ahuseti. ,-11 7 hen juaiCiouily anif
exercised, the constitution itself may be:
saved from . infractioni'and.the rights of •all,
preserVedpndlirOteeted. . „,
The ineitlinable,:volntotoui fgt!natl.*.
ion is felt,and . an4'?wfrtlgod b,rall.
this system of united find' - o.elit'ifoaiett
States, our people are pdrotittetl, collatife
ty.and inilividually, to sea their',own hap
2iness in' theii l il`ihe cone
quenoeflitave liMolts:.; , -
the Union was formed,- the nu mtiei-::a .
position if of: tito -confederacy
'within the last yyeeit,-f On s i'Si:iiitilatiiin hits
inp,rettloti r frout threnlo Ironty.
New commnnitiei,andttates ire 'seeking
piotecticinuntlerits regicsnilmultitikka fralit
W, 0 , gf-:
tiiitl - rn (hi eking to .
to ifarticipatoiini
benign.' iti'+ay,. petieti anti- p roSperity .
[ " l.4l '°°P? fii'of7.olo:4ll*o4i#P ). !'rie-eSko . #7,
resittAwdlietije :o 'Mon, usurpattop,,or
n'oncitcolt,.,icAeyitting,itsell_to : inan.s.ltruer
interests, in is i`
17. 01/,,v1,1 1 tmeglootof,
!steF. , ,sorliits.looloo4os2:4;i,l99niuti , is4freek
wifiltioii ii - 'fiiTftWii*i'!ioi'h r iiir:olB . 4i4;;Ja 4
Pq4'the'frabd i!rtPt? t°'ll'e°lol.o!!!?',%!o*.v.P,i,
Tr — pfi f r 2 --/**
tinna biethorof rank h ave been
Itzens: l l ) o6PC:.i.flio6;;O ' eti ' d . ° l l4 l 4: ', l l4, '
I.ip t itroliitin i diiptOe ; i' end - _,Fiyrfeet/ -freeilonfliht
Ritr - ' l lti 6 tol
• 17 , J.,;.,411... Arel
- • ~,i -eio.- --, - r ow i t ii , .oii i ,,
.cry . ' '-- - - - ,t tII e detV tij 4
0,..1 1 11 i r wit o Vo • e
f Orlylatt, s r . s ome b , ttlieblklatling ' 110 e01 . 0.. ., •-,, .• --... 41 1 - -ittr a li ,v , - ears may l a iy,
‘ ,
c , o. . s .
, • ,:-,.., .4.,,i - a , v, ir, 41 , /if i.. 1. , , ~V„4-.44, 4'411 ir?uritillif rfi ' ,ie .7,llarAt W 5 !V+ - ...I . '
,to: oar. ha y, an - py .I:ha . euer,ai,v woo. 7 f/t . J..
~.,' ~P ~..P :r , V, , , , . -, -%',, 1 7..'N. 11 , 0
i: ~ ''i V l ' te ;Om, it ' ii, kii i ii . ,ii i edd : ,Wi, IMAM& p*.pci lc;;44itiAY4l,ofill.-i!Pti,,'''
r•O pe.p. WI . i „I- ~1-, J i., , - , ,t4..1.. :- It,' "- - ' t - u IAA-. '' !., - tellorbitix99o` OW twei
:to'Pr ' d " "P 1t•
l ' ' ' tilo.Bl?til a"" • :141 s ' j.: ' ' 1 14i ° Oiliedst/r , r # 4;' o o l4,6r.tPt . sgt*
114'10, pißTgarAtir7tit'lletkVafritk l i iilr i r: t l4,..a l ii . o6 , 44 , ,„likti , or,
if ‘
) . LpE.M it,lliter, , ,liAiilitep,,s,,o4l,4o9 -- . 1 44% - ainiiii,44 . 4,0465 1 # "agil ..6"e:
ull r''''' N.6 `‘ ' `' .° ' a irr ul4v4, 4 . 74 0 - . 2 ifinkiot 0Ttii44 1 ,14041,"
4 ;Srigg ij'aikiiN t .1 ,i,is I'l'l'l4lo 4#. , .*l', Y`44''' C'lNibUlfill''-ittf itiAiiii t ‘!
Alt'bf:444 6 ?W:hk r Yrb , dliff' let
~, At ' , Pi; 't. .t ',,, P7 l , q ,,,i;i t ii t ilU i t 0./if 640',Y,,114#qinft-L410%
,- •,tjl'3llr,pf,y,...,l,e.;livdrntlat6l.o‘;f4oo, bow ~t,,,,k,,..,,;.....,,ty.,,..A4,,,,,v.,,v„,,,
'8,1,9?; I h:
. - -q.,,YY, ,i .. 11,, , .. co , .- -, ''',`:. , i '•. ' '' long„ .OLoor,. ii, n v-/.
,i, , ~ , l t , A
~- -,.. tltithodip.vito o kci. - %yip,,, A ~.“.,, t .,4 . ,c 15i :
etruoloro 0 ollla ,
~.!,- , ,„,,,-. ~,,,,„t i 1 , 1 / 4 :, ''-i, --, - - t tio to .„„, e boo for t le% ..,,
liiihOtf . 'itAlq i ‘foi, lo -0, ,=1 •9 6 9' ::.:4 1 • 41 (Av ' , ' 41 '.!'4.41 . 1-2. , t,.,-*.- , -ri , ,;-.„ _ , ! ,. .. - .2, 4, :. -,,,,,,.;.,
- . ~, -: ,, d B k ;t -, - ',,,,: P ,, ,- ,-* , ~,.,:
. ,
1 1 411i:4 1 41,REPtirg.144ftegZAYRE0*.n i f 4 1 a
l l Y9 l Y.P, ' O r lisgouillrY= . ol4 o .K: iPcAnPreltyviSZ
4e9P0.4 8 .91 1 ; s.4ll''`,YPPiz'OinguiB4c:th° tare
!,4,,iibprAYlYV4iAlh ‘ 4, ( ll Ali'tql4l . -Etni ' trietes kthe
hetlFtP,Pf • hAPPY,.•!ttillittits,'indl.invittis - ..ali
,th9 j ritttionp i of Mg eartits) , icnitOel , ,Phi", , ex:
9 1 PIP;; If ; hP PaY:44 1 ei0 11 1.. 1 44. -1 4 4401 )d,
arc coßmittpd - • inthir#olirtiitirttiiifitliA'
lovpromont e qet 141 i,l*ioioVilitiviicith,itii
:bugari, Panc:bo,p6LrFd” l 4oo-thptoutitte'r*tt
other t gAyerpttleot rsymytt...hyjle4yen, or
thlTiPeAtb , Y (IPplittlia!!!rtiOn. , been.alleiveii
,so - .free tarttl T hroutt!ale:oppttF.i..figmbatl brror:'
• !-I as tbebAyprt . t . Rttleeftt4pkyea `who asqfci i:
t3u!el' instrument PrFt9FP I in go vPn Pi i 3 In t
iti - 91nitttgrptptled,roa'sot:4: ipoett he expect: •
ttls f' 4 o I PPong., kh ° I rAO 'pr,..! r hia..,,l.Tnion , a
Si!IPP! ,, R.-- 41 4: 1 4: 116 . ofig:,o,l4:ll,V,i4rutiogAiiii",„
11!°Y...14Y,9.under. , 413. Ev-PrY , IPYPr PC
;ill eauttry moist phutfaex_a;_i . . • ..
,tlie,' PPlOilil)l.3' of Itsrda4
8310 nt antiwill
be reidy topdoptihe patriotic
, ben timent-t
-I."OurCddrai:lTitioit7itm9t be pr9sery
ed.;' ' lo preserve i.' tbit.egrpploalises
'rilticlalo'r e enabled , iatheys to , i'orat,a
ccirnipOn ''lco-nstittitio2n;.,A;r:,th'e__gov'.ornalept'
.ration, all parties seem to
acquiesce. Nor does sthere.seern to be any
material differerice of opinion as to the-ah
sence of right in the goyernmer.t to-tax
one section of eountry, or one class of citi
zees, prone occupation, for the pere prof
;it of another. 1 ‘ Justice 'and sound policy
forbid die federal gOvernment to loiter one
branch ofindusiry - to the'detriment of an-
Other, onto cherish the interests of one por
tion-to the ininry of another-portion of out
1 • -
eoriainen - conntry."-• I, have heretofore de
clare.d,to •fellOw'cliitens that in'" my
judgthenfitief the duty ; of the government
extend, - as farlisli'lhal be practicable
to'ile so, ty•itii revenue laws, and all other
tri crin s Ith o ts.poWer;n &p it Ref
tection te#llthe'great interests ofgicy hole
eMliknaing agriculture., manor*:
!turea, thO-dnecitaiiie 'Arts„ r •eq,nrmarce and
I gi've , also - declared trtY'o:
'pinion, to be; - .l' 4 •in favor of, a tariff for .reve-'
nue,".anci that i4adjitsifit the detailelif
such aiarilf, I Kaye Sanctioned stc)i Mod;
to Oared- incriminating- duties -pfcr
willow dtree4hir-amount-:ef - reventte-neetledt-tind-at
the, same time-afford reasonable incidental
nrotectithilo - '6O inditsirrie.: . and
r,,, ,, , ;,tr l ercn of'
tit', no r ` its „
of that Lwas'.",oppo,tiadto a, lariff for, protec:
, titia
on: -- o; -,.tton-rrtere y r o rovcritt d. - 7 - ;
.rttO II be '.preserved
pensible one to be conferred' . on .the fede
ral government„ which, , without It'••would'
'possess no meani . e(priividing - for its own
_supporr , --in_c_xecuting 'this p. • • -
y ing a tariff of duties for'the sepport
government, the raising of r ventie .Shotild
be tire o6ject,and )11 . 046110n, in4detit,
To reverse this. protec-'
Lion the object; and revenue the incident,
would be to inflict. Manifold injustice upon
all other quip the proteeted interests. In
- I evying - t1 iitiVeforTeVeifife — ,ll - it ess
proper ap,itite such discriminations with
the : revenue principlc,as wilLafford inei- •
dental Pfoteation to our home interests.—
Within the revenue limit there isa discre
tion to discriminate ; beyond.that limit the
rightful i
exercise °Olio •powerisinot.ciance•
tied.., : The incidental proteCtion afforded to
per, ,horrie l interests by;dieorirnitYetionii with
is the revenue range, ; it. is believed will be
ample. In making discriminations,.all our
liome intereste•should; - UP.far as'praCticatle;
Imo instrument oisections, cia ' sse s shit i n,tn -teeqUillv-protected. • or est portion'
iviiluals lye need al litilte,Or .of--our--peOple-are - agriCulturtiliate":l .:Cithire •
p fooi od
,o r d oo `ii.
,are,":intinufactu'ree; commerce;.
„ 1 1 4 g_vigatiOni,ailti thiutegitanic_ arts, engaged
• , •• in ..their reaperliim,Jaurstiqsl;lnnd their 'joint
,it in opposition to Ine will of As authors. •• '„; • •
labors condtitute:tke fintkonal:billbmti
iiieriedea u's hoWunitecet=saiY;
• t 'dustry.,.! To tax ono brineti of' this
if•e•as 'the Public audio,
4 ' ndustry..for tile benefit oranother; - Wonld
IliiPor 'how impotent ; for good,`and' hew '
be. unjust. No •one,of these . interests
_ . 'c
to rightfully claim. an adyiinlagia: over tliffiitlF
frugal ..ers, or to be
phily'fifii Y o -, :ildf4hi l ria;d',: 1 , 6 3 . 0 : 1'6 I:the otlier - sv All hie wally'q'o t i to the
, a iiiiliwe a i,ii i i ! isifro e , i ,, ythrw i iii e g,,, , d - d - A , . , :rwiteriag:ozitit anti koceet)on , iitthe' govern*
V'Oiffoic" - & - WiiliYa4lle""MOins A 4 r itiiin I ; rulint " ' . '" "Tet
po4;6Viloi'3l, rtele t ie
?ipenv!. k.,ln:exercising a•hou • n !ley
dutiei 'the
111 restiypipeare ut-itd
done a manner 6tltoknefiti.weat
ludo „I',6lE qr ett:trrg'ijPrch few,.. s -,0, expense
tnau iaicingio%veet , thilluiuries of life, or anieleri
Vlewous b0010.9,1,...j,trrt, • as , nn es" • . . v f
t if o iiiiieg or odi e 6 tov i k liao• :6 ,„.. , , ,F lE,€uporlott.ijuality and high, ;price;? which
people br, ithe•dttioaithri
1, in ifteh byin
.c i n viiisop o irdiotott,itytuhiginie . 9lo - nieeelaaricre?ofAlife .et art[?
64(64;1'6441logf'q1,014(i3Alu(oitY, find low price whtah
thenoifr the.:, , p4rArtiAii:great ,hriatti-tofootti.rmantile'
acid" protection of so ip,inrSates anddis
fillet potnimiiilties, of•sychidiversified hab-•
its, interests and domestic institutions . , 'must,
be sacre4y and ret ser
lgon4y_obtietl. :Any
.... - . ...._
'aiternpts:to disturb theSOTeompromises, be
ing'territs t efthts Compri, •of the, U.nion,..cap
lead tPti'line' Other tit' "the i,tiOst. :ruinous
end - 11iialtrai.eiiii - se tee - a;
' It is a source of • On regret that, in
Lz:Lii, ..-!.?-• - ~ i g.f., • '?... • 1
semn-,seciiens of. 1111 '',ltou n VY, InisguWe4 ,
Versons ' have oe ci,..a y , indulged, yn, 1
'' ' '' . * li' -- t' ti
schemes and agitat on4i.. tosoo pc ta ; te •
destruetion Of doMestic institutions existing
in other sections-4usfkitions.. Which: ex
i ''''''' ,'' the'adoption 4 , llte . .constittitiotr,
-and were recognised. an ,protected by:it. 1
Atl. inustlee . that - ifTr;Weie - pJssible.for. i
thent. to be Successful it .attaining - their ob- 1
jeet; ; thediasolutiou of tlle;pition, and ,the.i
consciiuentdpstruction.rof,Onr,inippy form
Of , governm6rit . ,,.anpt sit#,clily;fullOW. • • •
*Lam happy 1112believ9,:that armory pe
•riodit'OArexistence_alqigten,_,thererhas 1
existeti, and cotithinii-iii4iist among the
Areek - Mass - 4 our - Roptilittioo,4l.4evotion to 1
the IrniOb of the Statiliteli.s . vtti Shield I
and protect it against tteYineiral;trosson of
_• . ~ ~.,t.l tent late..., .
any ,who tyould scriousirconp its
s; , ~ ' 4-. ---- -
destruction. .r
•!o. see n •, of
that kl4nitat,iliti 4-- . - ;'1 ;Like . - -
`stittilicin. must nett.° 11 be preserved, bu•
sectional To
intuit he discountenanced ; °and all should
"remerilber that they are members of the .
seine politiCal family, having a common
ry. To increase-the altdeliiiielit of
ouriimige lo the Union; our laws should
belud Any policy which shall tend to 1
raver monopoliCs, on the peculiar interests
of arectiolts or classes, must operate to the
prejudice , of the interests of their, fellow.
eitienti,'Ml should be avoided. if the
comprises of the constitution be preServed,l
—li - sectional jealousies and heart innings
be discountenanced,—if our laws be just'
and the government be practically rulmitir
istered Strictly:Within the limits of itowei.
,presCribed to fiL=We May discard all,Sppre;.
lihriedlitia;f6V'thieiafety of
::" . I"Orfti r this viewso:Chirac ! ,
010670 the' government, and' the
b'c'tiicjJitio`rt, SliallsteOdYopinise,
;Alm 'creatiOri' 4 ' -
4t inetidficlf,. their.riatnre, tend 16 . pervert ,
-friinalifs le, uimute or Dees 4iiiTaakif i
pfl a sistem, is inadmliatibipl
kaVits4ineii► as .institiitei i i,7 ! ,, poA4f,p, t rtit
-trOi!tancl:aiiii6giilie l w'si - pf 4812 V eon
- • '
".1 - ' • ,: t.
4%•0011-;jrAigtikillOgi,v,P-t,4“:: (qt;f
of ou`r ti o Ca r lin I iiii aasUtne them,
Yei l WW'C4nno't fe r el'h "difeiViilter'e'st in
liii;l4lol:the Stittessiiioei•
all ' their liabili
11.g4,'ana, pa,y , '
oft`'their' ftisf 'debti; - at the
practicable itl ' Tjiat ill
as aa , 'tieriiicht)tte' can a ddne;* witito'ut
Iteptisint - todleavyturdertl37en:their7eiti; -
idei;"tli'e.6 iii'iid:reeison :to doubt. ''The
sbund;'riiifrul;'and honorable feel' g of the
indebted States, 'egnidt 'be
trupitionet4 'end 'we-are 4iipy to • Oredivo
settled •Ilisp6eiticin-on !their:Tart, o 3 air
tea pee r tiniary etilbariastkiefitit,4);Vay
all'juet any
reasonable -measures tliet
•On e of die di fliCitliitis itldelt ive liave had
to eneotintei-in'the practical- '
of the governMent, consists' In . the adjust=
itnentiirof our revenue laws;:anit the levy
of tile taxes necessary for the etiplthrt'of.
loverittnent. In thegeneral proposition,
That'inymoreineney shall be . collected dim
'the necessities of an' economical adminis
- •
lirit!etd6l2l3ettinei.,Ltalle -Inir4cria-oc*iverh,
"'far ,Orliciiimillk\bo" t Oka I
jutittrand=acifiatlyvontall '008 2 ,1
idr 4 pnlintatiifil
**this il OC 6 1 1 11 1111410Mil#10
TOTien r aitans:a eta Itara;Taubjao nin64
dindngjoetestiofri c ova 4et p
6ti t d .41
- 'et, dr- 11 4.laelotr).andi
. i
and=mutual ,coniesulooj'and local inatitutta xi ti '.A ,r ,eAllh-'" ,91 -,t' d r4 - - ft ....
I,,!E'S.- ex ist, , I ;' .... .Ishou ld I'' ':ia ' "'`-irthefor'.4io6l,olsl'
i,6jnoomipittidiatkioainipt :,07.181,11, tlive;,alillfelilii: B !-i 0 • E t,- ..o'y:- ~ ,.i ..i,4o,iit'ait
o' iiok ogto'ciei7 tattoo °6°4ll ° °,r 4ifi'eltobjeCts; 4 , - 4 4V I) p,t , 0 1 .4 1 °- • -I' , ! -
'. ' o'ciouplOi•Ortlitleinnlysitioanaird . .: prtm , t u r 4,/,4 , 6y, m0u l i o , ,
I"g bArirtillyocatitlit cheerful 1110 le , tYlil9lllll,ittrci'rett ' . , . ,4 . ) , . ‘. 44.0." , :kd'' v
It!a.tio' of4ol4lo;lite.efiatalienlef4elYevelille, lifigtikinot. l'itloi 9yr. .',, ~ in 1.11010 .
7,'' - T •• .‘ "• i '-' ',.' ' er - ° art "I ' '''' -' ' '''''
ckeleireut' I t''r , ' "-
lirtelle,g)PiPlliii,iiiri6tlsTl., Olknlel%,-Yil l reient °, d ,f r°,, ,, i i , i i .,;(ii,- , -.k 0 .- ;illipit:
4e , i369‘ , Oxii!oltls 4l lo/trYwA4 4 , 61 .., i ! ' ', l,6) ,_ ,112',.1 l 'reiF o k'? in „EpsA4l!'i ... , , i i . 43k a ,hi l a , ,
~ , „ . ..,.',..,r . , - f:‘,.. t - • eitijatfoll'inpatioutu 1 4 .egAl .. r. ma i ti lipP, '. • 4 ( - it ; • 4 4 7; exa c t 1
4 } 1 1 14 1'"1, 01 • 3 A.- - • ••••• '•• '• • ' .C. ',l, --46 v •'... .14 ;.• '..,--,,,, I 6 Aare ya te ,
l k , , T 3 ##'ifk l ikligtklf t 4# 4° *c r # o4 o o ?,r4l l /{ l , P i lk !..,i)Yill 4 ,47,,,,, pr. , ; ,:'.4 ; '.?" . 4:4101:14,, ,
lA,oopoic tv, splyr pt0 , n1115 , ,i-A 4 4,,..,,0", At
,p' ,, i,?, , 0 ..;7:,..i 1 i:.,-.„: 4.. 1,,,, t h e - ba ' s ii i, , ,A ,
I .
10:4114., 1 ,0,9,i0,4 !? 11,', '.'-11:,5.4;•;11,:;.:,r.,5te.;',,,:3,,,,Tri1iiii:, 5A•44,141:114401Nw,11-!:".r.7t71,----;7.-7-;',
1 leti
libm?o,onkilvak.,:4-4;,;.44.,,,,,;1,.i..-.--.lLtrfi.c.,lT,'./11+11-it%',.;-:• - .....f.:” , ~.. ,..;;;.'4-.. ,---,,----, :,
•„'...: , 7.: sl -• - ~,IM ,- . , ,
1 ,. .. , - ;--:4'e .- ,.c.'i,,,. .-; ~7, r- .., . • ,,, --,
~,,,....;',;.,....;;,-....,..., , \ "I"...",,Ot t ,;;:iiirte'A'a, '4, , liee '',,,'', " '' .
„, ,
il .repu lie=of cis .lias rti ad kno cyrc
- her, deeireto cane Into our Union;'-to Torm
part,of oup'coittederacY;and enjoy with.usi
atitidd- by our icOnstitution.. Texag , was
once a part of this country—.*aa unwisely
Ceded away to a foreign:,countv,—id now
imlep - etdinit, and possdsses.anflundoubted
right to dispose of a part , o,r,the-wloleo!'
her territory,"and to merge her sei,:4eigi4i
as a separate and, independent State,iittn
ours., I congratulate : _ my - countryTlinii.bY,
an act or the late .Congress, of the United
States, the., assent o r : this government bps
been giv,eaTto the•re•union ; and it onlyre'
inhins_far.tlia_two countries,,to agree-.upott
the terms, to consummate an, object so inri
porthnt to •• • " • -
I regard the question of annexation, as
belonging,. explusi'yely, to
,United States
und , yollo:..i- They a're independent pow:
.competent to . contract.; and foreign
natione;have no right tointeifere with there take...e;cceptions to their re-union.- r ,
Foreign, - powers do tiot.eegm' to-appreciate.'
_ithe true eituracie.r,of_opF-govern men
• '- I Our
.UlO -- -
._nion is a• confederation. of indepen
dent States, whose pcilicy is•peace with
Bach other and all the w..6rldr. To enlarge
limits, is to extend the dominions. of
peace over additional territories and
creasing millions. The -worldhas nothing
to fear frolic military ambition, in our gov
ernment.' While the ebief magistrate and.
the mularbranqb of Congress are elected.
for sliort terms by "the soil:rage - a of those
millions 13 . 1i0 must,in theit own personsi.
bear all the .burdens and miseiles oc war,
our g.
overnment cannot be ptlierwioc. t tan
pacifiS.:• Foreign poyers should,therefore,
look on annexation of- Texas- to.. the
:thtited•Statec; not as the conquest of.ana,
Lion ' by
arms and, iN;ictiCo4: k. Oka tbe:::"lene44
actjiiisitioti ilfa - terriCtifyrolice - lier , pwl4 by
adding another : riieinb;Fr.„ - ,to; our :COufedeFar_
with dip consent of.thai fii`eml)erfr
thereby diminishing the.. chances of
a n &fie ing,to-Altem:ineAv4.lld . ever ; ia
KO T-exasr -reunion .iejmportsut;
because triq, - straw' nran4f. our
ginernment wOilld - be-Oxt:ended over her, -
and;. the vast resources i 'her fetiile soil
'and:gopiai . ivoulcil be - ipeedity' dO-•
and of iir hole oiwnifiii6iitet ~f tii'6ll6e;
'otraihst - host to ageriic s sojoriTas • Nv,ell l Os 4' the
interests of • ihcp-' whole Union; wciill4 be .
In thq earlier 'stages of ,our niiiional
that our system of confederated' States
ecTuldtiot•OporatO.suecieseitilft,tiiver an ex
'heyei nt differeittiTines,.been , Ahade , to' the
enlar'gement..-Ot. our , horrtOries.-44, , These
obje'dtioni i ,Weie earnestly urged WheiV'w&
!acquired "tatt
!The title of nunlerOusindian' tribes-Co
mote o f--eountry-I las - been n:_o_xtipeishe
New States have be . en atfriiiiiiFtP.:into the
Union. 'New Territorieseren
tett, and our jurisdiction andlitl . ii extefideS.
,over them.: As oar .population has eXpau 7
ed, the Union - has been n upmeAteil and
Strenithetied.': ' As our ':lSofinijares tave
tion lias bee riarge , r eU rface
-0 tir - Vtle r ritiV . ! -- sYstenilinitteqiiiiiiieaddi:. l ,
tionai strength and : seenotp "May...i . tiolr
=lie t I hTe - d
greatqr'iliiiger 'of iiverillit4, if our preSaiti
popitlatitin' iv e re h on fni eti the c °in jpn i
tiVelY narrow lin'iite ' of'ilie thirteen s rater;;
Than st .'nOW that' 'theY, are' sparsely
.settied otteilt rriore'extended: territory. '7' , It
is confidently believed Mir sistelii . ntak
be safely extended, thil boods titan-M . I4M
j beesnne
.8 . 11 : 0 111tTr., 1, • 1
• , t OP „PitP:4 l 4i to •see;
sore . , ';otla;futq►'e! citxceiv if tifelas ai
heboilipe rut,
. of..;*flotrie.
; •.18;iliere 00*
.••• . • .
PIOO.Vg 4 . 3.0 ci t# Aar! Ore fr,
2p.grA icy; kcion al `
OPiptr?pilqppq,,e,pl.• thef(i
would "•;-
i 142?
••lar t jd high duties all%bur prkdoqi ev , w r4/14'
'll ;:-ita.,*.! ./..I:tt ,
licioreo enter her norts; of
.9 f0!3,8. 0 1150T11,911
wooAd•i:ol 1/014:•-• u ores irio . tysl,l opminti
'motion wit h - her" citizons, to tito,,l;o 4 ittict.,
Obstruciionc which comet ,ocoOr
I! i o.
.04j#0431:q1 - 441 - -4 - 5101.09?r,.04 - Rwisau.
tional7policsi endeavoi - ~-
soo:nate: the' equiiaasifil;wili of the::Pppple
and ove
s rainant - or Vie
at the earliest pradticablopeilOd. -
- • , •
'`'iCiFiciij bdn'onle ii less. qegroe my
`duty io:asiert affil in - eh:luau ;:by.
rtutibbaVtiribkrnaltife - 14Alit;',4 oie:u. , S. to .
that POrtionTOP;OaVitirit'dii'2‘'Whilb-lice--
to the:o4llT .Of f ,the Pisgon',lir s ".•.elear and
,rip mtio,lpblo.7.and 4. l tijaciYi are.'llift PO -
ord - ereparing to perfect :
pyingit 'with their .w.ivc and children.—
But eighty ycar ago, our populutitha was -
• bY . the ridge:Of the
; ; ,
tkeig an - tna.--”Lttnin-4,nat-pertort--7rituia—
the lifetiMe L t - migficsayit'Be 9 f !; ,.cr my
hearers—linr,', people, 'increasiOg to many
havet filled the eastern alley Of
the Mississippi; - adventuroutily ascended
the Missouri • to . jts hetoLoptings.. Land_are_,_
, Ired-t;-Cstablisiting-41uribleris
of self-goVerrirrient
whlnh the rivers flowio-the Pircific: Thal •
World belfoldi.the - peaceful triumphs of the
induslry of otir. us belongs •
the :ditty of:protecting them *qtiately •
they „May .he
,upprt our soil.--•
*fl4-jUrierlictiOn of . 64 la Ws,• IMti• the ben
efits of our re — priililicatt institutions, should •
• .
bo,ezjettiled_ovcr she . distant re'
gions which:thrT.ltrve• selected for their
homOs. ' Thil„inereasing facilities of jitter* • .
course Will easily bring--theAtates; of
which the fortiation. in that part:Pl out
territory .n - rinnot ..bcilong:delaytid.'' Within
.the sphere or - our federative. •Fnion. In • -
the mean qrne,..every:obitglitie9 imposed ..
treaty. ; conventional - ritipplations •;:sacredly ' r .respeeted. - - :
- • _ ••
the.:managthnent of, ont foreign rola* -
Lions, 'rny*int; to Pbserve s a care' .`
ful respect for . the , -rjgh,ts - tifilteF' nations,
while ottr:o ow n itibjecJ of con•
siant-,•;ratchfoiness..:..,:Ecinat and exact ins' •
tice shoidd-clisracteriz,e, all . nur intercourse
:Willi foreign coti All all rabbit - hair
' T'tenden • fo_.'eri,.ard'ilie:_weita' re and •
hones sacrifice any one:
:of 'national. interests, will , be studiously
AI/bided and.‘ yet tieoppiirtunity" . will be
los tum:cu[Eicute , a vokebl
. govgrnments, by _which our
navigatiorrantl - eutrniieree - mayipe - citended - ' ---
'and-the--ample'piodbets of ciur%fertile soil,
as, well Its the manufacturei'ot.our skillful
atingsprides'ireforeign Gauntries.
1 -- 41Attnr:rafeltraTtfie - 10tTb - cifiiitlifully
,okeeuted," a strict: build:mance of duty
will i 46 eaCted , frO'm cers.-r
-tlfose officers, eSpe''diallY,' who , are
charged with the, collection and disburse
'me -
nt otthe Tevenne, prompt,spd.rigid
fsi4ure;.or;delay on th9jr-PFto , 4 6 'ace°Ant for
the,mineyi,entpstefimOntm,,at the, time.
110, required ,by law, will.
in, , eyety l l ioetattei_terrninate Abe:J - 141MA
,cotnezipi iif,ameh..defaulting.-officer with
coifritry;'.,ther chief mag
iistrate niCet'alrapit ,necessity be °boleti
i .a
fin Atrgi l
thire - x - eattk - ileini**ll4,
I .thcke ¥h have:choeek iihouid
- -
• ~ - - - oli e
_.._--,--,,,---.--_-,---., --..-irlieting.F.9FP
.. l3 !of ti/IS ..
Ilt thp7ol- , •,..1 , -:A7": qliiPti :41001,M,1,,,i1,,,1-; ._‘J',":,
4‘ -''f',''irifictr::l)°nr,
.t, -,:•%.'''iti-ii.l-iipf!Pkg----•-
PTlles,!4:•.,'•4lll3Wia*-liit• gi r . ,X;tl;'' '-- 4
liiil"thill feiiil4, ;. l9 %
iiiaili*T:Nt 1!?1,-Pivci i,,,, e1 : ji-lii'c,
ir!.4. 4iiii-104:,W..f1q--- 'Vti(iiiicy : •tP 4!,,.,-
.likor!---d.="P'iiiitiraT,', , 7- - -- .:-!!'' Zlimitr
tiir- be,, O,YIII-T31V,.b4titi1WP".•gi0..,...,, -.',.!'-' -:
Yiti 4 'ETite 4.1- qi`aino,.T i f,,i),r o .:...
1 .'4.,.,edi46.if, P T A . , .!% 14 , 1 .- 6 6 , i : v: ,,, pecipl . ., .: .
.. ~„:. ,40t:viiiiiiiiiitty.d.4.4 :::,,,..:,..6.4,0,1;4.0.j.r. ;..
ne:t9•ue'''.'' '''
'. ''...
',-- • , ' IH'i4,:.,`:
~,4," . ,i;biii0tniiiii..,),1.1,,,,,1,,,. . ,
1•.:;1:...,...' ~.:,:,:ttrio,3o.4u , . 4„ 4 - , • ~ , livillAc:it':,..:,
:.kiit/ei Ade" ~.. 1 itelii4ol,llrP77 il:'''''
, ' AWAV.i i f/E fi3 / 4 6 • ....,,?I,aiiiiiii,i_ ,l '-' ; '..
,•- • ', 4 .-'l4.Siatei, .9. LI , . . - 9,,iiii, his bare , ..„ •.--..
h4t1104;95--•,.• !viiifi110t5"1„. , ...,:•..,,!,,E iii
I'Oiife ‘B_,._.ieo49•del,-,-9 4. i iiii t . #ll lo *M r -:' 7 , , 7
, • ~,,,,,.;;----,,,„ eow,--i.§n. f ....,, , , ---:,
9.: .1141F4-,, ~, .4 4 •,,, • ~:4,tila•:‘-,,,p2,,,,,----
; li i4/14)**1n'',449• '..' 4 7 ..,+::•,
.1v.,49,,,•:-:,.. . v..q.-f-,--r-n.,vz114.181,'4iitc,,p.!..k,,,,,1:-:',...
.I.Tit•ci ~4.914. V,":, ii-opriPif.7?ip
.:i. 110,,,,,,,, . 4 w (Op.:. •,
'..1.•-i;ilitii.: 00T,..±., i7l,k'W-,),r:- e. 71,
lai*i•„tql?,Yl-1•.••,.•-i4 iiiiil,iitrUtill':,,-,,..
•_!,11,,,....,F.,,y4:000407-.-, . ,,, d4 if i g i a:i,:• , :'
. i0k.4171'....'' ittoilic4Pc'4l••/c-''''tit; :
0401:ekr".1.'''4iii i ** ' • *1 . - A ' '/•M‘ V.•, •
i4iiiiF*Bo,i#st-10,t i. , wr4;tiiiCiptik;':!sr!,,,-. : ',-..
t4*:f,z•e11iii.44041!:.,,- .;464:,0,,.,.:A.',..;'-;
l'l,-A..,L::,;:ik,%;iia;•Afe;;,iYw4,v.••-: •.•-,,A7,r, iii..,:i.!:,'-,:.
* 14. 1 1 , 1 P.7:7•715 ii , .r.:41117ii.,W._#:: -_,_._,,':44•ii.;•,',;-..:..,
.• '-?-'';',.;-'-',g'.::',,,,.,:...:,(e54;,,i...,4-,,1pi:,,-L,
~' '..' ~.1 ' • '.' 7 , ,„...'(-1„.'4a,••4-iiiiii.,...-.'
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' Eli -:0A0r4!!*- ~,,,,,,_--,-•-,,,-',,v:--vir 4itealsl.,:,
~,1 •,iin-'i,ii,ii*ir,ioloo,llll!ii •,, k , :..,4.q4N
--riiiiitaill44!'lTV,,if-tarttar 4 1, fi,7
'!.••...--4,v; : .•,.. ti" 4, o , l',iwlicti e;.ftv , u, - van -,
1 f i 4411g.:1190,p-''':.:;;:i.VA!'4,;4l4:,W;i:ll-1;;,0 • ' -,'.;•2 , "';
..,N y,...1-„,.,,,,,;.„..,,,,,,,,,.,,,„,,,,,,,
i m,,, , ,,g, , ~ ,,, Aym
g,r,V,44-..;v,h.,1„V,5,...!,° \'''. - 1 -
Z• r iOAW-1,: ,,. .-.7;, , :1at,.-,,,,,,-
5; ,.,.. :
,:c, , ,,,,' -
h: 13 7 8'7"5- 7 4171 .-
. fe'7l: ,- t-fi,tt a • 14 "-.."--
¢l , r,
4 ge2 " . 4
'4.-..; , 5".:t7, •
".; '
e .e . ;
, .
InitiOkiodful!OaV our f fello w iintizttur , yv ho
irr . L_difrOred; Kipt:lncni. in opinion /are on.
10; ti3: - A49: folk, froo 8 kOreipis ',cif their.° (ii n-
De. , (.u.R4lfi,idgui, o ll4 l !? - ' , 1101.31!att.tlio z rig fits ;
fAPilkrei P 9 litlO jP 3 i, -.(taliligt:#l l 4jegaril-'; '
eili i iiiet4lie'ireliing '`uiiiin' 1 thezoliliana: _
likanee' 'of the- co-onlinalwtdeparernenni'