- ••••'''''.! • , ;•' • „,n• • , , 4 ' 4 1 ;; , 1, • -.441 ; V • •• • • • • '1 :4-4, • k ." ' • ' "•• • " •,'! - `,Y;,q i , ‘Er• • V 4"'.•-g 4"" n, • ;11 - • ::,' • •. 1414 ?,1! -• • „,;.• " ' ' ," • ~F " t" • • • , , ..., • =---7"--•,•••1;•C 9 , ' !re, , • ; • y IM , A ; !10,31 ' ! I ' U CA*O 9411 • '!?' , • • - 101FIVOTE1"ir1rartirigRATilt LittIENNOLIONERICISIN IFOXITICSAMMEIit • - TIJ ' y . l i r . • 1161.101 VI:1)1W 'ARTS 41D' gCIENCES . . it Eta . - . . IthlittlilaqiVEXPOSlT 1 .. . 4 0114;.*,t0"*.V. - . 4:::44 - 4,4.1z0, - ; - ' 7 - $ 11 , .• - , ci)14. - sioi,!kit-litt'-Old Stonfli. ~... . '•• . _ ~'. T SAM 'WOE.; PUP; LIC ATION i• • f TlTallattiTiP,„:.l,l4l.43SPOSl.l . oli is pabliiihod .. ___,..... vt ep kik; ;;ii ti . ajtilisl'i4jetil Wet, AtTWO DOL. 1 byshe thus in solitude; herl • V sits ~,c: e i t . _lTAR..4,ii,pi. atmum„pilyable with lin three months . ~Vcerrivrnelting in I Aous blue,— OiliT:tlie?treuircif t •sidoeri.blifg ; on tw‘'-o•hotit.Atis And as it heaves:her apart - • :, _ , ' .As iNcilet: itsbony. ,/,‘ liu,l s tet Y,0E1.11.8,at th - liend of tile year. throaght li'l4'i'ib'seiiiitiiiii'' . Willtd talten 'for less . than six 1 il , her d ay . k. e. ,, e. s ., h . s . ...ifhii,itAiti,kriit'iKp4or discontinued until all ar- . Deeper.l_. '-. l '-''. ._ ~'.."../I!3s wore rhsitUdeS 'tiro paid, - except at the - option of tho • i - that her careless girlhood litibSt'skor...,•aripru.failu:ro to notify a diueonlie ii ,. .And her cheek. crimson,..vitti:tlii(l i me,thattills shu t ? will be Considered ' a new engagement . I The rich, fair fritit is ripened t the cart Ad ve i liaioriwill'be done owthe usual terms. -.Lettpvi to insure.uttention must be post paid 'NO I,°IIEaIIY:REED • T1A1 7 1.. C 4 pntereil into pailitershi ' i t for the prae 7 — t,i - oe-Of4lici kat wi•-w ill itt!olitLto_nit business entrusted tti 'Mimi.. • ' ' •• . . OFFIa F. in .Want .'Main. trent. a. few.ck ore , west of the f - Jfitp•t- Hound . . an( exvto,the SOrn of .Jason W. 1 1 11(y ; an(rolan Ref e: rqsideinie of • Solitateeti, opposii6o - 6 OollOge. •.i ‘, '.. . ._ . _ trail iale -- ,vigiiiii 1.5 - 0 il - .---''.- ('-' --; ' c - .3 in-3 • " A7Ax 5 0);)ER & TODD, • Attiirneqs..at Law'. ~111.E—ttifilut.% CIO lova - associated ns •• 4.4ittier's in the....pi'Actice of,takv, lend tiati'l'.ilrry enmities. On bet!) of them may be s,iwdys found and consulted at the office hereto fore occupied by S. Alexander, nearNief..to ie the Carlisle Bank. - Witt( attention will lie givim to all buiinearplaced,in A-M-U.M.,-A-1,34.*-A-NDat,,, I.IiNIOEL TODD. . - WiLi,t 7 Aivi Attorney at Law. etiFFJCP,III7I:IIOIrI , ,D to !lectern's Row, in the .tornfortv. occupied-1)y S.-1). - A dair-, Egg.. • . =Ctirasle, April 3, 13.14. J. s. C 0 L W-E'L L & M'C LURE. AitprAi)ys at Lw, 141711_,L, attend proniiitly to business entrusted to 'Y them in the ,counties of Quinlierlatyl arid 9trtatictio, -- ...oflices, one door tvOid °Oho Jail; lAnsi Pig street, Carib,le, nog next door to. StutntinugL .2.4r1844; DRUGS, ; TAINTS .& DYE-STUFFS. A.VERSTICIS have just openeflat evtensi 0f.13 it til;S;fieleetecl t~ ill 10 eat: C 311 ., and w.artlipteti genuine and Purr. l'hy sieia nail Cpai.ifi. - N,li!i•OutraVve ll:attested jo cal I It tixiinlitle their , stockhetbrit tiumirra4ing tAseir here ' • ' " - . _ . A - I.*tte. , ti - svirtment-orPaiiiis 11)31-StliftqA;ery ic-k—warrantilliitre nod--of-thil—best-r-apit-lity-, of uu soli,' Dyers, YNIIdC s /1 , We :I iv.ileterininiql to sell - the uheupest Find hest articles of this the I.ki2t: - Books atiSlallaitAr) . . _ Wt.., ha ye_iiildvil t.d oltr — tiliiiLlst ark , a C l ll ,- .4' .!1 , *e 01 , 11 or Itno.k.s. mid Stationai•i:itilit.ll we can sal isli a % CO' l'iVilllC.l pliCt: :BLS), rh6 larsvAtailortincot CUT,LERY ever ed At II irket W 1111 he 1110 ' a fashionable N.:RFC:FA' ERN rind ralry - .Vations. Curtis:l2,3ll,w 19, 1•1314, -?, . .. Eal BIT S tor sole at very reduced in tees, a 1 47 y s itl assortment of .• brii.Fre EtZediCinPS"M'SreSitift {'.VNTs, Flu. together with Stationary, rune Cairt'Ape'r, by the Ream, Letter Sham by the. dozen t Penein, 01 . 21 W I Sable heir do., , Prowiin ,Roper, Settling, • , Wttfers,„-Peokitt,i.en, of i. lino I'niutng"hrpalhea,",Rrav uh•ulp,;Slrxv~thalo.Teedh,Jo. . 3:ollct : Soataktogrettt stirith Ntireish, • • Spices and Ungfound, the Drugi i Re, jiMiitteiditin'orP t lt)9lol.ips,CSlintry FereilAlll Sliije.ito,ll.E.l awn determine to sell at rem . • 'I 4V,i il/1)14:'1,1nr CaMisle.. , ,'N'artdl;ls 1844. • r 'FARIVIERS ) HOTEL would respectfully in ql A ' ''' l l • — fried& uu, takCif • 41711.111,11.40 I atelyiketit lir.:11r; Simon Wontlerli -13ast- tgh' sweet, , a4keeittabrs - east of the Court AiOttac, where - lie will ntWthiliissakc-pleasure- in. SLlministcrin~ tho - uotuforte , :of those who may with • their •: constantly sitpplieil.witTi the .:iiioicesdicitiOrir;tint.l his l'Al311?.. with the best tlie mtiract. can fornish: . A earthy: 05T61.11/.always kept iontte;Aisiatl. , -,..nnd'ntftlilng shall be I ett tOoJoile -N.Joylcitsnal.-4110 ni. • r • 9A:Rutns u*eiiljr,tbeiveek;nipnlit or yesr. • • :WILLIAIII .BILOWN, Oniltalc , "'V 1 /kV ' " ' • ' otf- irti'PA.. o SIGN 1:1F - , - 41ASHINGTGii' AiIIt'ACKSON %w%«eyé%z\f*‘ 51=:ME retitteetfuliip. ibfatif hi f. ferettilttsibtl'the pii!Wilst 11 igli, atibit,tbthe jiteryi)orAli.l.aliailitt Bletoron , South litiboveb.street, ; o4to 4 1, dk , nn• - friends froth- Vie .CibibttriCtinitAklipAelle.rd;eotl , lteecimmpthite thettr ,; Hal 41/Mtystfatt-,hitottoitsolig, hi orl'AßlNk ,ArttitAlte- beat thb tit t. etil'eft4;t9STf,'lilt nothing.sllol be lertuk4Ole tcilikdoteAlt:itloti • BO h lllok t 7S paten Ity:theiweeki toonthitt; year; AN rAIt&W, itungarrs,: r -$ . 4.14:01J 171 44: _ ;t1.25- Itl -tOrt °lt— ' 011° Sh tri g- - k — .. t , 4,t0 ',..-Alll7/ , i_ eerdielear, MULBI. / ',!2,2;fitltitifriirl' !T R I CS ' •• 1` anf4 814 ngitaP, , .1r -,..• : ;.:' '1 ----I, , ' E,'-iii' i filch" f•!'•••1•,, s ' , „ rit;.,."'lio gs '' ie O. .!.,.. - - k -'6i, i l u '.' (.11:i*,"alalb„.., hc„,-;,„; loisedAitia well 1 , 1, 1 I , e ) t r: ll 4l *'W,i" ii--umilepgone ot!KiFo'lllk,!,,,,t, t u , e , ; - 4 . ,i ilitis ra 1 1! 31:„Ow witti, theAT si, '141 4 . 44 ._ pair , And bail f Orn ialltiu!!"; wir.ilit-litinarTplf. 1 :(44440„ a 04,41' fpef Pedgbilio,t4m:. irrn:4 wv ,4 tutw0xi , 149n,,,.., ~,_,„,,,,,, --: li.c• *:,,,f'sAywo...l, ,4-..,,,.0%F.,,d,''...- ",,,...; ), • .4•Klih.Aeltkqn ....04V4'• ..L..... ft,, 4 , ;.: ',.. • . MO/ lA t h'''` 4 ",.. ' -,; tz -= • et /0 '4-"- e ,f141 l' lr litll 44rifkl i• y ~ ,A 1 4 cliques , ',Ahltli` it • ela 1 : 7 it* :4',Oiedlrff , a • , „ 7 , 0 ~,, I , ror'eut.i..9llll,o•;•se:‘- ado, 0 .0 : fr ituraTa„, *:24% , warivfor , ,Bl .” I 7 h e , . itifi l +, io , o3s , Nti o! 41 ,, r , f stow i . ,,..,: e nlOl., op% .. 4 , 40 if r i , 11 , : _I ~••,p, 4_4/4 Arxe" . :. .• A- .'4,,,5 1 41 ilni =I • tposaltutle,;" , It is her thirtieth hit* day! with a sigh - Mei• knit liath turned Crom'youtli's luxuriant bon , era, • And licr heart taken up tho lasiswUZ(tie: • That measured out hs 110r.i of golden hours ! • Sheleelwiter inmost idul within her stir —,Witlrthouedi-too7wild-and-passionato-too-speitk .Yet her full heart—its own Mterpreter— .--Trattslates-itsrlfln'skimreroi Joy's Opening buds, affection's glowing Ildwerff, ti ()net:Algidlv spfang within her beaming track ; ..011,1ife_was-beautifut Anil yet she Hoes not wralt to wander back! No•! she but loves in loneliness to . tbink: On pleasures past, tlinuaTi - never more to be: !lope links bee to the ftainFe 7 - but 004 Tina binds .her to the Past is 'Memory !. . , . From her lone pall { she never turns aside, passionitte worshippers before her fall ; Like ebme pure planet in her lonely pride, .She seems to seer and neatnahove them : Not-that-hesltoart-is-cold-.!entetione_new_ • "And, rresll as Reworktire with herlmiiri-Strinp • ATlriucetfrmoiiroTtil Heusi es wan.gertMitilt - Her virgin •soul, and softly ruffle it. I•orx'hebathlivrdwlilt l!Callitildl§oVl.o . l , o 're all that makes IA beautital.iwal fair Sweet thtyughtslike honey-hees t have made their • , 'dye_ . .. . _ Di li - et-soft bosom . cell; and cluster there; Yet life If not to het what it bath been— - , ' lier soul India looked biyonil its itiSs— And now she hovers like a san•, between - '. Her deeds of love—hor Sationr on the Crdss! Beneath iheenres of earth slip dOe's not bow, `Yikough - she hut!' oft-times * drained its bitter ettiii- But ever wainierion 3V4ll.lirmlinwortlbrow, And eyes m hose lovely lids are lifted-up ! thstlOtifilt sphere, It& bOiorp yet , will, bird,tike, find its mate:, - - And Sp theiriy it ruitnil so hriiSiliT kere, Unit spirit-reht relyVtlllitt. MEI Y-tt, somttimea O'er her -trembling heart strings - • thiiii 7 -- Soft lig-Its, for rapture - it - h:th'ne!er - enjoyett— - --- And , thett she (Irvin's of luye, nod suites to fill ~,., with it ild and4intssionate thoughts the eras inK, void And thus she 'lrailders on—half sad, half blest— IV itltont a mate for the Tare, loiadv -heart, That .yehrniag„ll!robs n Milo her virgin breas , - Never -to find-its lovely counterpart ! IBM The :repitily Plain( The ht.o great into the partil tion, and there . Was 'aiiothef rooinfjpet , ” niuch like-the one we was in as tit° peaa in a pod. A table sot in the middle of the room, all kiveied with rale china dishes fist rateglass tumblers:Mid a silver' •• Thitlg . .tu set the_kmer-box,in--you lull t no idea how slick it was. But, as true as yott live, there stood that pternal,Ligger close by the table, as large as life. 1 didn't .know whaTto make on't,, but sez I to my 'self, if cousin,Jolin has got la be an aboli tioni.l4,ml expePts me to eat with, a nig ger he'll find himself Milit'Aen, be darn• ed to:dtkritation,if he don't. But I'needn't dot so wrothy ; tlte critter . _ 'did' nI. offer to set 11 tecre-to.xet-:my• i'Do•.yeu take i;erthinalllyi, r says Miae Beel e, hiring hiT. her. Words 'as if she' was afraid th,el:.'tl barn her. 3 Witii ° .that ahe took, ff kiver o ,one.,of , • 4rid ; liegatl inane gimp 'with a great silve.r_lipper,- as bright new fifty you pieee„ 'No; thank you", 'sezl, but I t ll take some .of that .80 ?tottit .insteatt, if..you've no oli j,eittidus. . - c.titfer Nne just begioUitig .puCk . - er'up("ill° had-found out siarnething , to.polto.her.fun,at, but. ef/ll• in:JohtirlOokiUl , ether so - eternalcroiT that slie- ; Urtis glad to :Ch i nks i,:s!pose.cousio 1;6'6(1411;41 4%1' oo ea isy , 'tic; kind . ,F oaxia g7. - Nhe'..arteant verminsilly soup, cousin J'Pathoot .4fitran/yoiell like ' ' `Ottd, sez,,i r l don't care ir i do '. i6oc .14) a qu e er looking aP . OOn oat lay by my plate, ,and tried to eat;; busbll do;the s'opp would keep .o running; through ffie spoon' nto the dish again. I trjed. i. up4, get , ,one.good mouthfal r 1111 , 6 1 ,.14 144 wen Pe ttotOttotOod, to dlP^ the Ciameetlet4 rivei F 4 '; l4 ,:fait octhYsfe rprangleti of •Illtte4vlsita' tthingsthat _ ted-,up-fromitte;botioNor 06 --- 0114e; - &ai, ribut - Ao' ti4vo • tife I s • coy)(Pßt mikeolttwilotl4lloV h=4 6 4:ii'fighjogy , 1 1 44 1 11!vioid • N'AT 7 1 9g , 1 ' 3 4!' , 0h, -410 0 Ayit4 '` Odd ‘tilefnikcy l , 4 4 1 6 : and ' 1144 4/gietiboUt, r l,blac 31111. iljC:4:l t ""tie ir114.1:40 Mr(. ' l4. l4?Ncli ' ' a4A4oy,;iiir . err _ . 94 4 ‘174.i " ra 111 t9/Vol; 4 o 4 j l ^ 4 # 'l4 01-440144•16;andc,80 1 i e y , tdi:- Hf Tun oL.D ',LAND: • ' DV MRI 9. AMELIA D. WELBY. m=l ME - AnliteiTt . A2V2 riv rorikl4AN.eLlot • .-v11,,v.1- EMU 17-441 = 3 Sgraso &at)Alg do yo stand a grinning at there you wooliz-head s t : -- Go -and get me.a 'spoon that liainflefnii'iilits with-a rake as that ftethingt- • ' Ha, h*, h ! 3w thought4ou' WO Id, ndi nialcb' the 'fork hold, , With-I,hat ‘ ltliss Beebe giggled right out! and Cousin:John.: looked as if he would burs( tekeeii:froki lading t 00... • StOp your noise; sir, said. he to.tbe„nit r ger ;'pick up The fork and give Mr: Slick a-spoon. .., • -1 begunio . feelaciful streaked, I'cati tell you ; . .but silt \ down agin and 1 . 1:4u `the real spoon; which lay on a, kind•of el; folded up by.. my. plate, and . begun ; to-eat tvithout.sayin a ord, though l'd a gin a - iallver gollif_lf_they wou and licked the nigger ; .. . . . ral, arter I'd _got a mouthful of- the Sip p, I couldn't matte out.what Rival - made of, - for. I eliuldn% re_fitsmber ever seeing_thej name. Miss Beehe•ealledltin the-die-Alone ry, May -be it ikjati.n.,_sez_L ..t0.......y.5e1f,. and then I tried to think over w hatit Could Mean; aticrif iiiiiiiidlliatiatiririe what th . , definition was in the Latin school . wlii you sent the to there in Weathersfield. Verniiiiiilly, verrainsilly, verrninsilly,kept a running : through—my herd all- the ihne: - Iliii - ettr - wltat ''silly - nrtratit:well ,- enntrghT-intl-- / - then it Mopped into My head that iicrrnin toure's - frourthtstatirr - trermis, whicirtnramr 4 i 'worms. Worm soup frny gracious the! idea tirade me feel awful bad at the atom ach i ! Bin f Might,have . known it by-the looks, and I should if I'd ever hear of such a Ailing, for-the-little s'lltn eigitersswiintn- ' ing.,ooundAnAlte liquor looketi as •rntiell like - l• ' t...04..' , "- '-- . --- " , atigle- worms bitch down white as itettld be.,.:-Arter t found pucwhat it- was I ...f.tatle,tiL I. r a ther nese they _didn't; catch_, nin,,ea!in , any more of their verminsilly schip t-iso fiiiiiliiiritTiiTt,acrctssiTie tatiret and wiped my mouth pretik . cepaitlertilig' with'iny .pocket lisiidkerclier. The nig- ........ ... ...,. ger took ih - e - tvlinl4int't away, and lkleclare I. 1 fit-na giati-enougli tti git rid Of it. I w hict on airth hare. they put this tunnel here _for ? sez Lto inyself;_and . theul stole n_sly look_.OXes-to• enusiu_J_ultitock_ale_if Ite'd got one, or if they only gave towels - tolieornpiiny: Cousin John _hail cnrojesi like mine, but ho spread it.ouron his lap, sii,lfiewtook up one and kivered oyer.pl eaasirneriii- with it •tu. Considering there waslio onions on the table, I maiie' . out. a puttt fait dinner.. I was bcgiening to think about ifro;ingwltrit the trigger b;ci " iiit a 101 of bludgfas bowls ful of water and sot onedown by each of -us. What,they could be for I hadn't the least notion, yet I kept ' a tright,joolf; out 'to see, whitcousin John did, urid 1014 1 saw. hintAir,hili fingers into the bowl and wipii 'ere,iiita : sort of red towel' . Witi'6ll the niggr . 4;roudfit along With the bpwls,l jest -watt Ever theinareu- vef as natural as life. • --„,,.. - - , fg • •.. %V al, while tve= were talking7abrk - ttte banks, and tlielVia s tliet:sEeltilolks dying so, that, rout of d nigger cleared the .„ table right off as slick as a whistle aiiil. i riftile' I hardly knew what the felloni . wel tip tet Ile - come along and set clown -a sot,ofideeenv tern, and two cider bottlea;:witli _the ttecksl all kivered over sfith sheet lead, rlitl,thqn , he,brdught t wo,,,baskets made out of silver; one on 'em was filled C1i,114 jU11pf0r94,013 4 .4 5 ,arivii:7- is is -- filled with 'Rreat ptirpie . grapes; -,I declure_rit__eentnost-Matle- my S - Ouruck i er Iterti-had'orened-his mo , on mouth water' to see' the great litincli es Itapg- %;,f, lil t _Angora -ttinotnexit before, kut .now,it ill over' the. edge of,tll - e - basket,:llWl,3 stood Open.. Peer-a.horrid Arend of 'he put a Whopper of a Ininch on a little China didn't: knOw what'—a.conciousness 91,at all plate which the fellow 'set: fir`hr,'liiid - Wilti knit% Huh', and ideoretiee 9 1 the extent of ectnaideringkoillether it , wrinkle c g enteel to t h e-%iriing—the' unecitanty_ pl'tli at In ome rt s t . • e rged to desperation he fa - ~ ~, -- .: • -.. .1-, •, ail ver knife which_ Wiffl put.4y the' plate, ' J ared 0utz= .0 ,,.,_ : , v- -_,-: -'• t;lien,,a4 it once, poPf,,ti w ent. snstliing : ''„What,' on:airib'sitliti row Pi eettainost as loud asa pistol,- close by pie; ' ,Tid. you .syniioiti , , it; attee .1 enquired I kin - Teti:up about ;the quielteet , l can tell the ,ag•. •.:.:. -..4 ,yon C,CiUt,it we*oelv . ike Pi"ger-a oPantng -"q - ewallo*eci it jest "tio.:.he.,gin it to the :}• one *or the eider bottles ;-int'..;pouctd tint c m , eiiii . ; di - , s ue h er ; ~,,,... • ~ , ~, , _ rs - f .‘• e l 'a re'Qi I ° l 4 'Onia "Ii it ''''Y '''.' ''' ' il'' 'd'i4n I ' -exClainceti- ilia BO Inc; or_nt nn , •. . ...., ..,-,•, nu-so -a en . tfPi l , lll lF, neFlt. , 41'd -I, drunk, 4 till ?t"e, age li- 1 apxioati,frienr: '..tliti 6 r 6 # l l-tre:ifi,'alibe m ill of . tiviidlers; , WithOUV'etoPiiing* breathe.; ,% 1 11C ; :o i - „ii' g i4t . , iViiit44",:ypit,'. added lie,in, 44,1itg0.1 but itwas capital -.eider , oiler 4 inne(-ItOpeleseltor--- ' ,..,- ,•.•-,•• =-. "thinl ti,r,Ontt ',pyte s ,''glole 'I. !ngply - to ,Teel as - ,40 it 5' piten',/t c utnxlM -- pu mr it out 1 spr . yes a• ,c :le k or: ••0 -;-. !,• - • '. • - • .• • • agreAnnotl tie StOkOr,t- - ,lll,!!,renii - ,ltts,,e,) es - . 11 trit; -1 9tox,:balli i, . - PPZ'L 'itive:us anotli- Ttiiily - ,ifttriiiiii';•.l:folitttt,V,KititiFkeli.,' ) :""Ph er r i c these . eeeie*.eti74wrilt ~n,111,0 w -1, graciotis t- t*.r.Whatli 4 6471 T. i l t"gol-ho dof like to drink cideiotivopttipint , oug.t.i',';'.. - I mir innards„ ,. 0 rto9 ! And: I T. dealt; ; as a , iVii ' ...jit ' f ' cl ' ' s ..- 13 ' e l ebi'' ii s in 11 Cll ekeii , i'`detioriiiitliiril fur ini'di:o ..Anikii ~, --, --r ,, ,,- ~, ..,., „ .., ~. „ , ..,,,, , it ,p,...Crei e : f 1tar 0, ,C94 1 In ' ± ' •: _.l',, ! ~q t. , ';., -,.1 ~o ~. :1 .. : -., f. ', ~ I', •,,*(., F , ,,,i 1 ..-', , v ACTORIt ,ur mt.si -.4 LhO' , poweil -1 ';-yox :• - fijaoi l dh:Vieflijditie2+fttbi%Vis - -voir'6' l lt it, i I itAhrilmfdrnall sesitOo l ent • me. , efore4oo' :ta -, e: i;',. , mq•n,. , ..1. i T,.l . :•.'y, 7i , .fl'' i:C2, L :-.,, t ,: i ,., :.2.. , i•t ; k 4 ;1r, , i;, , ,k , ,, A ,;'..' ~ .1 u) ,,.7 - 11 ,- ^IV... . -. ., „, -.;-, A. - ,;.. „1 , 1, Of; -ol'l'd:: , ' , ': , - ei I- :, , '..-,-; ,• - 12 . CIIP„COr Im-I C I P° 1 ' a P! 1i r L ' 1 4 1 ! ,r , 1 R.,,, 1 .R 1 . 1 ,,"`" iith M ; pY,t e ''# o ,_, l .,i it , l P''Y. oti .s l - 1 17. 11 , a ) ; I'L ' ' , :i l ,` l '. 4f t . 9 7 ,51;', 0,i1. , ,1,:zxk. , 0 f ,1 , , ., ;,A .: , , -., . , ,,.. , ..i itk ! Oki . , Wa il irRY ict7.,:kii,i("olii:44i;Vri* :; ,.- ; .' fstit ' .4 • :iiii . 'iOCkt: ', lii .,l ,;l" -- ,aanOliiltl;• •• P ~' 'IV hi' 4 o. a t 't Yl t k'P',o ' :' l t - '..5..,0 Pr I? '' • ' t - ,;' find' tTt'v;;Crk. ih pie s 4t , fiiol.,ieii,';'7b4t . ;,.. 4- ci=4',l'' ) ,; - ..'' ,, tr e li l f vloffetiric,m' 2 1 6; 1 ;414 i;rlqui n red.the' , Weg:iPointitig46 , a-ptttle-lif • ;„,, , ~-, - ,-. ~ ~ , , , ,4•*, ‘ :y; :A !) , .."'+'i1:, , ''"..".., - .I r0..----Ls'l* . , - ,s tnui, 4pri , tne., , pertecuon,...w Ate, „titetti,, I, ' 'r • '-giti .• ;•v• l i= :Italiiiliiigiifolifili'it4ii' eiron' ff., - ''' . ll'p •i 'et:litii'l - e."'"'r, , , :'--' , '''' ~ -' ' 7 - 1 , - - - 7,- ; - .-1, - ,, , „ ::-,- .3* - (I ' 6 . d . 1,, . nll6 t 1" - ri 1 1, t .r-, , ..ti,:, ~ ,t ~,, „ ~,, ~ , ..,'',. , ~, • ~-. , ,iii „ • ~,,,,i- ‘,..,•,, 4 ~, , I, , : :,,), j ;11 ' lt? ' ' 4: ,,, %k;',11.:-.,` , 411 , T, w aom, he at",.l%, t .tasjitt, „ nce . ~ q In 1t4i;5:',3P.4.17,41 y 6,0,0),..t,,tip.,,ii'e.;;. # 43r:„0p1e,., ' ,.;:,A.:1 y 0,...111 : 08 .: 1 : 411/ ! )90 , 1,14-7411 °! %:1 " 311 , ° „ 1 , f ,t r ,'.,,I,fekAtil - ilie,4'4414,$4,v,b)iiiiliet:',efiiteiltit.,Ofeti - 4 . liiiie-Wi1.,;*1FV.114110411,4e liel'elit,T°lit:'`,lo66‘iliii:=,f462't.A,;'PO*,4'l\4,lll.4(ki,-1:1".cifil,i1118;''-iiriir `6:giltlf'tieo.iy,itooliiiiiii:.'*. tlO'iii_ey,ll.L . '',::: - -.:,'?_ l ,lci.r: - "::_________,' .., .i' ..-' A ..I- ; Attifp.o.olt4o • 11 ., ". ,* -1 ,. 1,, W., (t .d,T k : i 's•-fl'--114 ''''-iiiiii.:4l:..4:4444l4,firuitiiii,lidi;:iiiii, .- q ii i , --i i - , -- --, , v o : . i fii-, l , Aba ,;, iiiid , i3,, 'l' rd w thilii k ttibiA Q . 0 4 4-44, , ;44)augolliqe. it:,,,i,.. ~:-.,,,,,, ~ , , , zwiro:p.-e,T,I / 4 , -;: k A !,.; 4 ,,..0 , ;:r i1ii, --, °P..- ° '"P .. ,-,-.,,, ~. ., .. ..t., ' ,- ..-...!,,...• ' : -••' - t' ' ', -•- '. 4.6"-tio" wiro i i ii P4tf-zgQ.9.7 ,, ,P;,P,,, k?1,.PC" , 1 10 „ 1 .199 1 , i f!''.!..y--.1 know thll VW, i i is d :V Olo9,. ,''',,, # 0. 7:::F1. 1 0)e-il r.f ,i OX4TW a NI 1941 it° , e ' - ' l3. : 1-- L -g. ''' - vc , ' II P I - 0 Y; 1 , 1,41tit ,,h47/M:1:tP,0115. 1 01 .i .Rog l t4P il tiOtt ' ca'n„,a 4 4#l,,i l ,,)oC•oPf - t..9 , egf ) . 7 -!iayr`r • -iky 4.07thi,c0.; - Aiid:: Off, §. 1 g..,.`M' T '.:"A..''.',.7.1,''.-".•,; ' l ' ikk ' ill4a4Vi • ."#o.4n ,) iiii ' ii - eiiiiktittit , pfg6i . ..:6l . ol4,liliiii':iii • GgiQi•Ohlin 'twelity: Ulf 'iii!.!:::Oiitf#lo,Vir r e 1iPi.j ., 014.e!..T C, ' l, ~ '1,••, , ',,',,.'.; ', ~ ' ~..4 1 ;1_4 _ , .4 h - ' t kVii Of oap'fil' ii4-ilifilittiii ;'4tilti it ttit - t '- • oo l iPt . ' ;rif (100, 4 1 4? 4044060, his Mf ) . s . '. ' , `. vP Yitflo o l; th p)Yqr! d .liira."ult ',' i* I - r'''P r ''''''.! ' ''' '. ' 4 "" ' 12''''' -.'''' ''' i' - '" 1 '''',' , ' ... "-lete.a?'L'''''k.'''''' . "40t . '‘" 114 4 V ?I ' ' 8 4 1 t. ii ''' ' ' cl ea r itAtiiiiiill'iii a' fif ferici t o l litollwitinad, to•yg . tia*.igiy i ir In and ', ktigirer; rtA 4 ,;4l ,0rt.';44r):14,,.7 . :,;‘, 3 ;R:,,,,,1tAkt.1,;,.,p,? ,tp. - 71', A , - 4 . 1 . V;.•. ~:.. . ••-. ,',„ 1 .,0,1;,,,, 0 ,,,.;, ; ,.., „ ; rM' ; ' 6 ' ll lV 4-" +iVlN 4°i tite .. ' ' 44 1 11..' WO& ' !li4ltiii,(iiiifo'ililibebdi , fili4lttpgiikotkt4ev )etveii.64174149P0.4,i`,,,.:;-`' , .., - :. , , ..,, '.:, i!i4At.4!,, 01,1 ••;, , t.4..- ll, "': i r i- Ir '' e''• :'.',?' ' -, t l ' ' ''±' '''' ' ; o44l /9 kit ii ' glailiiiiii 34 4- ie How :'offinitil 011414 ;ililiejilloB af. ,ll , l .o„t:Oe f f. i fil l tirlllik lIPPrk )I O4.,CI4- ;- -- 1..,,:,' ~S , ;:r.t . 44,,c - :•-, A'. 4,vq-i4-., iv. 4,,:,, „2; ~p, _ ..,.,.„, ~,, ..t, 'OlfiiiikiliOt,*4l,44‘;*Wl‘o4‘l,i'iol4;!TO,o - ' o , , :'liiiirkli . „ittA' l ,oi i, l9mtil.**'4' ,- ; 1 .: r:64; 1 1 , 01.9,141.5K1pin - Pzv,t , , ,- 41#.4 4 ,,f t - iil44*-4 , '''._•iiiiiiiivti;•3W,,ii:W- I, ',ll'•"Giairt4foi` , ficikvr tui ' 10', id Ott 4 4 eO , -X4 qV.O.VAgr.t4otrt4rll , :fa ieg,l , - , , , l im o l k ~ ~ 1 , :,.; ~,,,,5,,,,,,,,-.1,„,r4,444,v4,44, 0 r..( a ''' ' ' n' CT ' 44 ' 'l%' l6 ' , .o' ifitiv' ' Obi - oat ' ''''''''"Pil` io , 'Vr'' ALA' ,„•,,..-,, t qc, , ,, 12 , , ,, , ,,,,, r „, , ,,,,.,„-.. -,,•21,,. ~, lir ',„' ,, t, '..iii i„,, , ,,±10 ... ~..±,,,e , ',1- 4 . v-,,,,,,,,, ~- ~..... e. ~, l'i. ,-..= ti t ,B ~ i l6l n, " 11 ,4 , 4- 41 0,:p,„ r .w. : s 1r.71 , ,v,;, ,, p 41 7.7e,!1 ) , , ,, , ',!.. - --',, , ,t, ,le Igo •,i..11ik.,.: 4,, ....q. , 34 - 4,,, ,, ,:mt.....01, ~ , W,T1,,q+!.., : t, ^et „I 14 , 4,c,ty-0.4.14 ..% , -,;0 , ,,1, ' et, t ~, , ,q, 1 ..,,,, • l:i*,„:#0) '001 .1 #4', 6 1' .1 0 11 ..N11.1 4 0 . #10,.; 11 , •tY.801:0401 , 4 i4liii4l:ol#oo,Dg9.:4l,Xl. '''.lo44Plr.c.:',l4lNO,4PMOWto.!.?,l,;:4lsvtfli Krpk4 • i - #.o l , l o o ..ql..iClskiii.iy,;pt i f Niqti •',' '4lyettita , ilowiftitifoolgl,fg 'I , ,J ; !,',if,iti,vtogqo6)*),(c. l, m - t *.'s .0 0 _40f-rii:mbex,i,,,At -9k. tlititf, 'ff- ' i t' d; IN' st ioz.,l 4 6,,ti'4 't 1 14,! ;;;;0104i0i' - .i iikto ilitc:girsiuoll l 4 ) - 4yro thAivilfrviiy4Poo o ,P l ..t,o ol , o rM , rl. 3 A 4,10 1 . 0 .c0 . i v1-Lii i i i ki r ,- 4v10 , 460 ,,, ,*:;v4f , .. , - , ,175,1fif-,„ a itoAi , wv,., t)(1 0 „%wi pa' tee Iv :,' -,',. ' 2. '',.0.4:i1i;:W?44g 1 t0,„.1,,,M,7r , e,, , y 4,,1,5 , : , 7 4 : t .;.?! .. y , 'f,r ,'...:'.''''',- , : t .?'''' - • '. L 7 :Y''';' , lt'•f.:! ,, }4ll7 , '.P f..'i 1.4.4'.z.,'.21 1 1-?..*:,.5 - .LYilp. k•Li.'. , , ,,;P, ' ,X`.e,...;';c:,' 0 !':"i..:V,P,,x , :,,,,, , .,..-itp• , , I-,,,,,, :,, :, ,k,- . ~ , , ~ ; ~. „ , ,,,, ~ , ,„ ~,,, ~,„ .„ ,„,,, , , . f%;;' , .‘` , •3 4 ,?Se;t; t : 1 r `:-.'e:•"tt;rr. • , V.,P, • •,?!. . ' P= Ass „ 1 0 P,eq eXii - e — r7 -1 1 elleit _IA: Os: il#o at open,: and in. etaik .quite; frem the Seek- Or: State. ..:140,m40;ittfite; sParei•PeTeiP4itfefoPO4;Avik4 a '11641: c6imtenance,!l,ild hie hanals pushed dotgti hitlie'iiiittim,o(hispreechesipockets:. His outer covering was:hard4o define, b4t after 7sttrir4;ipo l :i,t ;iiihipteri i i,,4i,:i r .,ad6 "it> the conclusion iOin v f : Cdhi'en made in his boy hood, -of , a;4oiiii,,yett:cOlbsey tenishint :rapidity, forced io piece, it out ivit a Nan . order to keep -Pace ‘ilth hie beo3'. his_eierr tiona, howeVer,.he ,had fallen An `arrears - al - !I_,CWOJ got up I "Well I've he'arn lell.of ititeis afote," . says he,'"llut this titeltret time I 'seed 'slit, and prehaps I'll kneiri - viliii=iliai Made ot afore-I tit,ofil of _tri.w . ,C' .-._ • I - Having expressed ;this Act;fieri fi ee inten: ;-tionFltmeuertiousiruPPieseliert-ainaterotrd- I edrutinized the uncised . shellfish With a 'gravity and interest,-which -would have done honor to the Moil, illustrious searcher; . into the hidden mysteries of nature. At •length he began to solilyq eize.on the difilletk ty oT getting t heel outTinallioW•iiyeer they .- - _ 1661.:•wh0n of t. - . •.: - - ' !. I, tq never seed any: : thin' hold • on- 50.4 , 'takei 311anstin_ Sighl,cif: e . erv..Wite;, hose; ;to- get_.'enr:outi and:,:ajnt' they slick Mid iliii, 4 ?lS - Oten - ,tliei 106 Ceder t . . kit:moil) its an . 4.11 ‘. I' te tt - .g.eyti-,inind-to' give -that folreflogins'.. just to.-yealize the effekirrale ' . 1.11 cle Jess need to 'Seifaboutspekolatikin.'i. "Won, MO was the reply, "down with vo bits, and you an have a dozen." "Two bits r!. - e:z. -- ClAtitned-_the - ,Suckir, " inw,came,thaeq_svOinLit-onlrite-Elre4.! , hole,, or liters., A'dozoti`on thein mint nothing to a eltiken,ka'iltert . e no Olin' mor'n a pica'yune - prate -tor titern. I've only r alined & liietty3tnee on my first vett= tnr' 10 yin tvifat, I'll gin . yop two elliFlientf(oi..il4en, if) conilinde ' " r • - • tvvg %Ott) was it aiding-by indolgit g . in a dozen, wipiced*Oie:attendant to shill out, find the offer 'vtio accepted. „ "11,w mina," repented the Sucker, Chickens for a doses`—you're witness, mister," tOrsing at the:Millie lime to the wag ; "none of yOrtle tricks, for I've !learn tell that you cif) , fellers HFD. miry elifi,`Cy coons:" , The bargain being umleretOotl, our . Stick er squared himself for the onset—deliber- Mil put - vtrinett ,tu rap, tucked - Jtis sf?;e4s, and, furl: kh hand awaited the appearance of.No: I. It came—Ae saw— and quickly. it wee boltedl A: moment's drea,iful pause enetied;' - }The, wag dropped his knife with a look;ofiningted amazement 401 ' horior—seimithing: akin t Shako pearf!e_Hantlet, on seeing- Iffy , daAdy'i gliOst, 'While he burst intoitheeiaidtna• . , • • 2‘..::.:1; 'ASwalloWeciiilive" as I m e Christian. ,t '+.., -•• : , - , 1•1'..7. , ~, , h, , , ..2 ,' ~ .1 , .' ' 'Va - . - V ''''' ,''''',' !,',,,,,' ~' •.; '-',, rele;','' , ;,..i.,,. ~.-,,,,..,,,. + i . ) • ....." - 44); '. , , ~...i 'i (. .. , - , S a,rifM* , e , . - 3' ' 1, ,4 .' • ~.,", ...*..,, , - , . , ~, ~,„, -,, • , .„ 1 , , - itlV ' ' ' 11,4', ~ I ,t,'"' 'O . , ', ,1 , ,•.,,' ..-- 4t4.4;,:: '''''Pi.r"as' 'll . '''"),rr 44. ' 41 7 ' 4 4fr .. ',:f.p;: ..-p i i 4: t .c. 4.•,;l,4ei tt *-0 . .. , 4.01,7 , .t.., '. ‘ , ...4. 7 - g . ..,{,- : ~,,.. ~..,,,,, -- :•!... - '77-,.. 4 . —' • q4....;'.r.... : ,--• • r . ••.,........fi •• k , ...;.. ..:r tv 4 -,.., yi i .,.... ‘,. :.., , 2, , .. 4 ;il , _...., .W r . .; , 30 , t... 4.. t, 4 ,), 9 , .., 1 1 4 ; ~'.- ps,-?,..4 Ig . „ r - Ty,-,..., ,-..,,,)4,, 0 - . fr 0 i t.: ~, ..-.... 2,.,.., --..,.. , :tit 41 ~,...i ~,4, :,..,,,,) -'."•, , ,t 6 0 '' -1 - .. 1 'il.) - 4 . i. ' ? ~... ,:.',..?ek ...' 4 . 7,, ,. ._, ...; ~,.,,,,, 4 .1 4 - ;':, [ ..i" 1 :-,`,. ' ..01 4 •,t '''''' ' :Ak .._, i ..t' ', ','; ;' ~ ,',,,..,,,-. f ell 1.„.t , . ~" -. I, - - . ~ ' , i 4,,,„ ,:,rt. ~ .' s: if. 2.' 'I ' - .- '• ~ :,+1 ~,,,, •1P . ,4,, ,,, A=4 , . '•• ..,„:1:2..t.L..-24-41.4',..:41...t2_2..,4--:-,,4,,-1 :----- ' ' .`7 - _ --- 7p,;: _ - _._-_,:_-,,, ----.%; -47:.,- .APAY 4 4 ---- 75".*: --,, '''' " " i - :' ' ',.`. '..-... - ....',;-:. I: z-L'i-- :*A'Yas i -.... - ,-" -r--1 t 4 ? 4°., ! (- ,..: , ',* '4 q lii ••-::- 'S wit/lowing late houro.thi c . ot3o4tiently;sthe,k ihrouth' inexpreslibles. H is crop of: holy was . sot 'niounted by the fimnies . t.little'sbel skin cep imaginable, intltilget] in along etaie at 'den opening the_ti4iims,-and slomiy--ejneulated = -2L "is „ tors !'!. • . " Yea, sir,""rest'nbilO cl the . attehtive •ratori - ' l a — nd — faire -- otr — es tTi — ernie, ton. • n ~at-'si f ri t “... uI ,: -4 el ante. , p'of_stiperettee_CPg!,' t; ei'miilation,..lte"~iauser). ae if-to give force to hie -Wordsi,and.elowlk ..•,, • , , , and - deltberaply:teniarked-=`lfyon , git two cliiolieos frotik.ine for-that:Bye. aoitikal L'Of lind'eeiiing Hie eea t kiliin he pan .i?hed. ..„ , • l'he''';hOn"t of, laughter , and the-eontorr:. Lions of theconariany at.. f this.ft.nalee wou l d ' have made .a-epeetatbr ~heliove: ;: thatArek. : had all been e t ofisters St; Louis'• - n r of te 13 1 6 71 A. carre'sjYondejif h 01t 4801 , • t 6 a-a-late-lecture-11 Prof : . '.-4- , ' , • • fessol l : 'Sillinqii:" jr.., who' ien tiotintl the Iliscoretrof . enormiis animals of the liz ard tribe; - trignsitring:Bo..feet in length, fioni . which.lie..natti . rally %inferred: as no living eretint - en litid:jineit: found, that all animals - , hadigreitly degenerated' in size, 'copiirins the supricioition by referring to the history( 1 of : glants i the . older time, of which he lattatlles - let:: Front "thatrit_seente_that those of tl 6-present dr, are coin paratively dwarfs, w ' ' *planet "by the' side of the gentlemen :oLatitrquity_ll The shin obone, of Mr.ReatolOttlitis Rex, described..below ----, measU W - a red. i four.foet, ind - Iccording to thrii . Abbe la gliiipp g . was just the height!' of a mitt of - iitopiotirl4lA In\III, at lack s ! . Ver iI y theia were giMttstilltiise days ! - -, t .... _The giant exhibited al , 11ousit.'in-'1735, . T easureiveril fe6t. .!• - -t- (cirapius sawtt girl who was 10 feet high; -•. •" _ . , . .The body of • Orestes Wall 111 feet high','. ... The Glitint.Galliaia, brow„ ht from Aiabid ittb Itopiitu der Clau dipti ['twin was near 10 feet. , - • - . . * Ptinti - uni, who lived in the tinle,:of gene 2doueastired_lll.leet,,-;,----: The r ehevalierSerwg, in his voyage to the Peak of Tineriffe, foftttd.in•one of the caverns of that mountain, the head of Guaireh, which had 80 teeth, and'that his . _ .13titi wail 6 Teetioli i 111 e Gint nephew to bharlanntgoe wait eit t ,rhtreti feet ! , In 1014, near Si, Germain, was "found the iditib•nr:4ll.e - gitioainro4:-Who, , waB:ll:4 feet high.!. . In 1509. hear gotten, they fMintla aton whose skull held a bushel of corni and. whose body must have been'i.iY feet long. , t „ • ,• Platerus f saw at Lucerne. the human bons of a !subject 19 feet long! ME 'rie„Clent Bucart was 22. 4 1- (apt high, his bones were 1105, hear the banks of llic river.Murileri. . , In .1030oeat.a Kl'anplili)e, a tomb, leas 106 . 114 .80 feet long l and 8 high, nu mihich *as a grey stogie with Jettnt was found.cntiFe, feeiplOngc. l.o feet across the breast and shoulders, anti 5 feet - deep froth the breast lion tfto hack I Near Naxerion in . 'Sicily, in )516, was a ghitti fiTt high. „His head. was. .. ; the size - el' a Itegehead,atitt qach ..of•his teeth .s'ounces. (IVinoier it the dentie i tiAlled with, gold in his day.) . 1 -'' ...,rsfpar.Vahne r ti in. Sieily,,in 15 ) 41i..ivati Ttofiturkinrsitelototro4 gimrt. - 60 - 10076 and another 33, feet 1.555. •;; .(Qu e ry ti ow much did his tailor 'charge for -10.0-11(a,?) ".• Mr. Morse' sobs • in • liii:den ;')ll..tl at flocky - iiidge in the Is land of a.to,lirl4.oc,;immelitelength ,, —bat does not say hots many feet. • 1, 'pia ,cublts. tang, .‘ It lel accordingtd:p:r.illlam. - 0 raik feet. bin' Jo gel „ -, l'.ef:6oli',' - ‘•WaS six :cithi ts'- and , ' sjihn: 77 :ll-feet . c,annttnites u tliey,:repiirte4._the.:4ildren'of thri; ia'elves''ln be 'hutoaSheilitere tflid j2t; hfrrilOoitred:of-the . .g!a'4!Sit..;ffia`Apie,4 tad ,iaid , 4 MG Woo - I York, Americen Ensign give gojroe„ rater= eeting,almlthouse'stati ; slimi,Tpant _which we make .the .folloWing Vtracts t I During the week endinglhe 26111 of October, therC,,yvcreroilnritjildjetc . thoWnot•Dquee 90 per. eene-,63 cf.wlio rnmety.pireitnerada mai VER. . wie ß4R din g 4 `. 1 - 01 '..Pal!se'r: 2 4; - ". foreigtikp','3oolps . . ". pyriag thtf'w4.o, , chding November 9th; 9 5, foreiga6, - rs;26'itativeS, , '-'Doribkpie-.'Wee ifig,Vvomber 16 th, 'llB, iVtaieigliers Af‘tiatfies..f.l; , . s .°;l. • r.'? -I)urtng . ilie,xleek' j cudiYig ti vcialiar 234118, The sameifaper also, says,—"lt-haiv , re peatedly occurred.,,that passengera•.ita.ite been sent bp from die that,brought to' the AIMS-Ite_use,„',There.2. were_ atone Aiine nolestethan. 16" phtiehts in the El<ospitaltßelleviieil b[`~uhoia came in one hip," ": • -Here is.positive . evidence that 4,p00r. houses of Europe are being : emptied upon our shored. But : fired not travel. farther .; 'than our . oWn:4lt,y, OlisertteJ 4 . het 114itimore Republican, for.the proof of this fa 4, o r die truth of thb assertion, that the convicts of hurope nre transported io this country ''lr -to—beetriee- 7 :eitizens—and—to—ezereis. elective franeltisv ! • T 0 this corrupting in= fluence-the Amerkean, people have not only tamely submitted, but,tive,tve _party put. ; poses, have taken' !Ileac 'erininals and paupers, by the, hanir and paid ter: their naturalization. This •is a. liberal policy iyith a vengeance --a policy v:;liieh will destroy our institutions, of place them un der the control of din of&asis*of the old countries. Against further periistatice in this degiadipg mid _ruinous- policy ever citizen -of the United, Siatis, native. or .- adopted, who 'possesses ielfibilpect or re, gard.for.,th - e iveilvreof-his, solemnly, protest. We ninst:ll - jo•: guard us .j againert• the impos ion , or-we shall deierve our.tite,•"-. Ivan t yliem,that; kit ! fte.7o4.ll.llo;l'*iql • . , EM BL EMBUS: son cyrNESS os •'§rinsrs.—'rakean 'ounceOf spirite.of reeolutjpn and an equal proporliolroithe oil concience—infuse luta these:ts.l.)l6:ooh: fel of salts of patiencet and add thereto feyt - Arfit - of a rant called "other finkgrowtng of thegarden'oi life, but eipeciallY under the broad leaves of-a showl, herb. called disguise: , Gather : alas a handful-of - the Vatieo*t4letipe, w rrey always he obtained ; :sweeten these or Providence, and if ,you can procure afewdrOps of genuine cordial 0 true will greatly add to the value of : the medicine., • But in this-one in gredient especially be .carefurof,,.counter feits. There is. a. ipuriposy compound, vended by one Selfliftelest, tained'easily and )2Y. which thousands-ere imposed upon • The least admixture of it with the• aboVe inetedients wOpid infallibly spoil the .composition. Reduce the.whole, to an.cleCtuarrhy a proportken of Coßerve.; ,l F or-cententilfraiiir --- fr - Witeseitce of g ood judgement an.l regulate the quantity taken accOrding to the virulence of the disease, tried receipt and n e ver knOwn to fail. TROTH STRAUbE4 TUAN Flortop.--A pbo'r travelled from Gee Cross, gees Manchester; to. Ilomlon, during -the ,trouble's in titiiiiMe of Charles the ttinsi to seek mplaeo•as.'s serrmms. • +. • • •••• Failimtiniik;Objeet Of:. her. , ambition; shoe. is mPhers leas ..wl at-is b'reiver-tliati lithe getierallY e 4 rried out the bner.frem-llikbiewhouse; Pleased-- with herhetal.}hY, ;s hiindolll4. face the brewer raised lint; to Iliewp9eiiitin of:hitettyratf:th - fyr:'F:tliiirrirhu7.4ife r l . '6081134; ihit of a widow a handeome dowry. Sitee-enge4ed Mr. Hyde then' .geletbratettailt. et de au m Matters - fur bey,., and, tIS •'ltapp‘ened') to he ** . ha ; f iu;gir i 4l,o4,i in hopelens ' ri ate itio r thivi; hejtopilaeil to 4tidow jiycl•V lieeame :ImikliCitiiacelkftsittl.garl•ifCiiirendon. • the iPiiiiietleesiiMiii'itod 'Ann Mid so the ,(0a 'oirs,cninft!;entled her life as.Ciikuntasic •iClaKeitbiiiiifeto the Lo r d Clts i 4llor• 01 . ;$11014104.d_*4 1 .?f•io?Re. ; .tedraui. 'Agi l ,• ' . . . . . .. . • .Tualtltinfo: • inn!,..,-- t .lo • no. , now —4-7 j1:4 1-977-1 '. •, ~... ...._ • .•..... :•..... IPiptoll4o;4looo);toW.V.3!.lo6o.lktbate. lois linb) . iiiiAtiO,;it: jOßktb,O;fir#MitiO,!l s ll . o) , ; I *A,, - - 9 4 , ,Ni4.. 13 . 1 044!4 1 .1± 1- jAlitfi:o, 4 o l l 4 Eot . ovoi . .4.44c,tio'ilkitiqi . sl4TAlgtv.ilell 'f01 . % !Oita,. lad 'fie 4i.nri nfit.,. O'll(i,p in lord '. bright• 1 liiiiktibilinnou4'.'-iopfairciktisfr` 0 161 4 1 .(.. - *.AlidgiioW;gidifinfililteatiOn'. .o f : this . Ailixe • iiiiiiiOrcioisiiiiitiritiNlTif . V.:tafzii.'itiop. iiiiikiidoilo4%. 'loiNitiiii 4 okfOthitte i':_ • P ite 4 t Ki l t'l , 4040+114iiiiivifgoliect P rt iti' l AtA il i..i - .. Vt. ini.Me! s oittilT,f,iti n 1 40 , stivo4.0.09iiti4;**diinvi - 44174:06. on g „l9.. l: tifi,.pipidnecof the ~ p olieiitift, little 1 k*ii rn i rotiolkiiihp*adq . ltnititilollii*:.uki i li . ' *.:.'1 1 ! 3 01 1 f1 1 ,0..c04644W1 .. 3 .,' .1 1,T4)1,0* ai; ') 4 ,i# 1. .. 41 t1011 4 :';': 7 ' 0 4 4 4 ..; s ll: '*4l9 *. ' t,4 4. • 1 t 4 0.4.1 1 .0410 1 1.-e.4 l l)ilioteCio li4NE",' 0 0 . 4 4:ioin.•si, fltoidefaSoll4Xreitiiiio )ki •hitq. ihejiiilo4 , o.stioroki...t.o' ,lil r ' of ' Of* thel#iiiti4oog3 0 . 6 4 40- 1 .1 4 * *i• ' 41 4 4 0 1 ' 1.41 0 4, l l l4 voli , v o, g aie 144; , t0i,.:,,0..a0...f.i.%:•• . 0/4.i#0.44 i - 0 ttitOdie.4 l ll,ooos4OrnilNie . : '.9 - If. tOr?!,,v.".;q, ii( tit{ g.. ; I lk hr ~ iAlifiv i2 , NA,__ t M. m :7141 ~ :v. phiAugov,..o* q:4u .. do,ni, 'l , ..:lloioVOakr.O.iflp: !,,.. :,09,.? - ii; .::..• :... , 5 .., v . `•g :qt-:•il; 7:,-.! . , '.'Pr:! . 444- :b.:. iciio •:,..t•ta.,,,...y.. •• „ ~..,;,•... • =t=E= OfM=MMMI M= wr~,...sus'-J: f~~"i _ Ter '• , Ic, A^ • • t ;tP ' . , , arva*amt'z MI ,~ C,`ollliinticj l 3l :. ;AW vertiser, kayy,:thivintet, seatienz bos4lnete mtirkea by dome iritliortatitVeMbliern'Obi in die oulture br'llryo) . ;',%lolliitie,tiON) fdlfOting radio; whieW.V , ‘4, ( oipk:wortbyor Jr) • LE, of :Dela wore . ,-li'arabifen . ie- TO' ie'yelottieare Ph 4*,thO'oo O; „9 l :PrreOlOaoP.rf.).o449o l fffilo•-', ! it view ,okgrowing..t,but.groat , ataptype, brought thit..ackitilba'..pretty, far otateAreT,':. ivA' . ;4 • #4 o "ks' • of TiatitiPg. wheat,.ip a krill ,:;nine;; stakes apart, way. i , ' oilier- respects t•erelpfedisely "C. ".The remits land` `was 34 bushels ; on thesiown a , p, itk.tne , cleated', .These , eiperiments: - . l tel l e- 4 0adt? in. fields. of some acres, soil Tront,f , which - this crop - m i - A atthervestitV* - yette , .7 tioftear- ditsr • .per acts. :'.(- fly planting . -the lierneicj itfehse, mart each way and_ feeding Ithe_ L piati_rort, food containing, in a soluble 'stateAlti=the elements necessary tollittildop i cqiiesittire i system,, including. the Aipterials to foihilllB straw, as well as _the betry;.•e gentientsri in Psngland fins irowir-,Ft-the-rategif-20— . bushels - per , acre." • **.* ‘; . .Mr. JAMES OANPBELL, Of Sctitl+lol4s triefl sexerai interesting arid .sticcitisful ex psrimenie in,, tim way of . soaking°seed wheat, barley and joats ir;,saturated solution of nentral saltsicontairtingitsitesti_ lv ss , Eracticable the precise eitirfhntiaiiiirld in the grain. The object of, thts wttsfyit, - secure to the young plant' a:thitibj. stiPply of its appippriate.nourishment.l--Th,e-ef t feet has been a large. inereasein tife`prop, at aziery trifling 'expense. Oiher: Franeef With, ;"4 detelitiffif what. . e 12i ga'n elementtillinnfl: in cuttivitte t iV, plants, de rived ficioi'.4l4Yeoll and what fromi: tjie . aftriersPh4ii; - , cifim -and.one be proseee - teillii•:lliii countpy.,: PARMING IN Er4.Y.41i.---TO: thinkJt '.le - r,T - e' portion *op . Pqw l l4u , rtcr - clrifirai ,, t?l i Fiqrs - ut -..- I).regpvi , •_4o .4114.18 M, e_pough:.-210..tultivate, _ we cOmniend the 'following rtiiiitkiii,,taken from Coleman's Europ'eari , Agriciilturei : : One of the witnesses hefore the' inentary Commitige gives , an account of a' man ,who•supported himself, and *We, and Pon; from two acres of land, for which-he paid'a rent for the iiio'or.e9 , co,,; , .and in the co tipte. seven y dais he. , hid aatet.l , . , enough from tha , produce.ef his: wo.neres of land r frir which he PaiditliOut . .foo to R4O per acre:,. He atatee,plik i kviO, land,, whieh.,lplger,theapadepf .cti It ivation, proddceiat, the rate of fifty twoltuiheitOf wheat tools-acre. Another:.witneak*Opti rum- thau'on the `Of:Lord . Hcrtvgd„ barhOi , Hall in Yorliehire; rood of land' was 'plaided ~wheat y Ills Lorlisttip . chi:option, and - iiventy-eight • ,i;ushels of wheat; were obtained froin this quarter of i.an, iteres.vihit4'fitouldibefs,:thei, l T'_ , 64r•l°r*IR17 . ,Inin:dr`ed twelve per - rltthtlet - s'f altiitil - f:ftrUhtf4 tvgaares4, ahti:hariepting,l.lg:buShide;o oo [per aerel •': . , • !.. ' W PF7-4—RAlffal.l:l;foOrinlielititiussihjefelki watbaritejostAiig: enjpyptl.. dppge,o~<ttiujiey is 11 heap of; trouble 4 • • 'maw who !mist small house. ni emalCfetarr•a smell wife; :a big 'log, *Oda,. Oit; two tie tli ree,'fats pigs; ' two ch reit if ' , tight to ,I(„ 'ten't, neve.; can , ---- ••• • . . . A. TftsiittiAtit3iiiiOlktke;Pothi - Ottini , u ppti : :910!.giii4iiiii41141I410614*the • :; ,q .47 •t eiil4 :. ii; l ii i i... W ls.. 4 l ,:f r :W } 44t : OL) b itOtifiii# ... l 4 l iti t Airiketit. 7 . ; *4e,ii**oo . , l itiOgiii• ri tyttf Wilt* 44:.thotUnd:464'•;. - #4;iiintioo.•4ol4,til . k!#sie ti the cit onaifetlitO:cifi . litil4el4,iSr:::.:''.. ': ' ..,'?.‘Ls .. .: W4:youiig4sifi . tkali t yartOfilO k ii is 1 / 2 1, kiy. boriil i • ii a iii)oolii iii ,i4.ii liii itriti , ? , iiteeihiiit)iiTittiturtt; iilitlte . 4iiiiriikkr , ..... feted' eiNitliptiaity;'.. :•';:.`,`.:• • •••• • ,": 7 '•.-.:•,- :,•,......-• . : ..., „.:•-• I. ----'...:' •• i.i.-,•::;.-'• . • * '•'.-I. l, eit..itr - • . ;•t4...... . --..:41.1. .ON! . •1, 1 ••• ••,...,.•'0• 6 . 4 oii i klietibgi'liik . l 4 ..iiiiiVOi . .... ~,, ~ ....ezilititi."ii*ello4)'6otfir444llo4'`'• ;' -- • •"Not etiiiq'thie¢ •',' 'itiplieil aliiiiiii. ' •:" I. •: • • r t ''' . ,• • 4.. . - • .'• Atilit r sytiiosotili",!, ,, , ,, .. ~..1._•LL,•.1 -----_ •-killViint4tt'!-4•'' , '...../:;.'''-' :••'L,, F • , • ;•; 1 : .., L. •. 01'; , 14)4ot itz-rweirtel,•,ttrsAli2ey , it i - .,: u,.ii.,;iitl'irSP..•!...-IN•i;:.;‘ - -4.:', !,..,..,„it,;,-.•• • / , ':".. Res i I mr , stititriFtw,....• ••••.,.'..„- ;.: ''.•-', l -, ,t:44 . ,1,:::1.... , A , ~ . . 1 ., ".!' •P , .-,.-tM,,:, t'f-21W Alit tAtl4ltigkn:o l jo l V.43*- , iatiiiirit,.. : ' . .',, .:`44#oso.lyl!4;•;= . oiitilliiltliie li e 01 14 I ?(* l i r OAttiiiifittleoo 6 o:4o . : :. jile,tio i volfßiiie " 1-At, , '• ' . - -'7Of 2,.:1: .. t.O '''rel :',l 4 0 I , "'T , • . t .i;0 4 &. , 4 1 444 ' i fl ifigt: 4k t .c ,1 4 1 1' ' 4i; , 4 . 0: ::; ; V * .: tat . '' slii Ifie11151(10.111 'ti ' -' 1 1 ) . 1, 4 7"1" ,, 'f. . 't,' ..taFpr', •.h.1,...0,......1,:?'75-Il 1 1 4,0 0 0 ; * ; . 4 .44 4 #0 7 44( h ti1 i1 e ''' 'l, :1.9q.0.601111.4iii#114414 ''' 4.4.. t . : L.‘ .:. Ili)! elate , ,q# 4iiO4 s' , 1- '. tom: t; ~4 1% IN BENI ran , q; r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers