IRAIPABIENIII. Eli E, BEATO, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, PAIRLUSLIE,, irefitirsdiry, Dertmber 4, PS44 . 111:7'The 41examjra. Gazette says that • MritirdVernon - estate is not for sale. 111 . E 541 - 3111110 N VOTE.—The vote of Nall - "."• vciro:eity; -atom! 2000 for Polk, 5 for ,C)ny. Atittr°'George Dunn, convicted.- of the illurdee•of John AudersOU a toll gate kaoli , t • • near Pittsburg,i' had sentence of dratl! upon - hintqla3t :rUpsdiy by Judge Fallon. SOTAIR EmarSE.,---There will a par :tial-::eclipse-of the surron the 9th C4'Doc'ern4 ler,, visible throughout the greaten' part o 'the United .States, The 'moan linio arthe 'beginning is 3.31, the greatest obscuratitin 4.5,.and the sun setsnclipsed,at 4.35, with 3:6 digits on its north limb obscured: - • DOWN:WITH' TILE !RATES OF POSTAGE. New Hampshire House of Represen paves 'has . passed a. resointion,.netn. con requesting *their. Representaitres in Con gress, and instructing their Senators, 'fit %use their exertions to. reduce , tite - ,piresert exorbitant rate of postage:."' -- SiIPPLY OF PuTAfroEs The crop of Potatoes having failed)n the United States, from disease, we arc abynt to be supplied that article from-abroad.. The:packet,hip Siddons, at Niw -York, a -- brought uver one hundred tons of potatoes, and etherships'on the way and krading will bring large qvantities. „jrcyLink_jawkaklikemaliaaamis.44viYrAsed -in-the newspaper printed'al the Sandwich Islands, by If. A. Presenent, maker and Te'pairor of pianofortes. 'Thirty Oars ago the - people of theie Wands were savages, cannibals. The stonarres cross went amOng, them., OirciolV they have ciVilization . mid arts, sctmls and churches, a government and lawsKindustrr . , temperthiee- and hanaintue,f,, MURDER NEAR VALLEY Fottor.—A cnr / • _ respondent of the - Philadelphia Inquirer, writing_fronit'Phrenexvillei states that "an Englishman by the name of William 'Pal mer, aged 21, was a day or two aFo'found in kravine, under stumps and leayes,,in an obscure place, within half a mile of Valley Forgi,,having been shot in the neck, and received other marks of severe violence. Suspicion Ls fallen upon a. man with Whom he was boarding, who has been ar r`reSteil and committed - for trial.. Another boarder has Uri - 8916t1 a considerable sum of .money, and this is supposed inSciriitiway - to - be -- 6Onnected - -with — .the motive. ' - We accused is connected by marriage with one of the largest and most reputable fami lies in the neighborhood." ft..• The Washington (Pennsylvania), Reporter, an opt and ont Whig paper hoists thei - hatia 41-IkOir CL & , .fp,r.1848. The • —Etlituroays"-ik#7tharefti a-,—pr4P - ute - 70 our Whigifilands 'th'roughotit the Union, tq naLnit.4.4.„"iii4s, frotri this inoinen't on HENRY- CLAY! Hiß•SpiFit—is-still - unbroken antlmlastie; he ie yet and will be for years : to come; if PioVidenee spares- his life, in full- heAth „of bodytin the matujity of his genies, T/li4ARTII A. BOILING KETTLE".....-It 18i Fr0yc4 .: 4.14t , water, if (000.4090 feet deep in the-eartlioutillko sufileiary heated to . . vpv . . Servefor SupplyinA :warm baths, and -various domestic • uses. In,. ' •Paritc - they really endeaVering . to • bore: „ . lor '1.04 that depth for kitchen consump tion._ - .Teti COURT.—One — of the; tasS, aPts 4ity4),l, l okWGiivSincir Pox pfi.the!!PP.o,lll9:lB,lltlof an Associate dutl4e ofthe Snpteirfnpnurt of Penna:y 1,, *Cceed , lii;fid , 'lluston. whose oom trussio,n,pyires'on the rst Jay ------=ti,4'athe!-:=Metl?ew=tratrrutirCttteillire . :sreadinkla:*e:fil4te by all the eemtilol eofile4e4il4oi4l- t, preposes - to ..issue the bivine 3 4retittne, in twelve numbers at -as to suit the circum ' Kr,itt Land !lip °dee red ionl the 15th . instant heir, hebeetm;P. Eli-, carrying the TarattitariisPfiaiiiii - Steretßotiirrlaajiifey , tii a4iil4,a;:ol:l:illaitj .. ,i.,:pi . a Mile from theiWgiiialiligAtiO#Wlliiiiiveiosi: ...,:.. ' - - _,4 1 , f! qaP tg,glePati t tli of •Alababla has deciftk!piiit'plit IftfiliAtitt civil contract ii ylot ,t0410 . 0 . 41At0ett 4 .. /file thei.rintdd . lion to beli ' miliiia's„Pt : C,Sit's ls . - a-fannal mi i nd er ;, fa' thri iioiiiOgLiif' , :ivitneseess.' , • .., „.___,.. - ...„.„.„417. . - 101. t Fiiiiani'1111510, oc:Porehtiter co*, —1 3 7 9 - Allilt . ";Si*-kiiiit as.ll last ii ; e'eY; for ifie' MilrigisOftrillieL W. 'OrehaMi - round ~ E.-• r- qr . — -4,.. 4 , h.- .first ~„ aml , „ Ai Af*b(4o),9F4F . 4 It , A P ' • tleireei.' 4 ,- (kM4 11 44 7 ‘') '';!';'''..-.,..: . 1 :'': '3,A-te , PS,g,t.,9„!sP!urert.oo: l le .. 1.0 1412. -1344k i 6 t. i : ',11 1 s il i rOliCitit . a 0,04 4t #1 1 1 1 . 1 he totiOV,hi,;'4litiinAti tiiiiiiili‘:lloeigte SYlliehlif!tgiOildqB Zi,i 3 O!lffiS 6 :4,..i-i ; nb' ,-,o,artAt : i ' llPPitritO: 3tii:iiita4 -,',Tititiii' 4 eaz ker . :l44 • Ar - Vf- - ' - .4": , -" 02.- ') `;'''.i 0.!57;141;.;41k e „ ri..Thi\if r*Ar;;;; .;'. fr , 101 , 110; At o it p.4 wipd4iii '! h .ft o bitiiiein4-..• IC irker, tkz. W+1144 ? i 0 , 11461...47 1 " P ' '4,4itiit ). l*("' — '"=' ,- - ,1 "• ' '" 41 0 'ii ,til'''" -- _ ~ ,, p t4..„„-„; 4, .....i.k,. ~.. it 2..v9gea,Ar, -. Ml,Fik, , ' . ' , '' . ': ,:: : ,: f , .!:`'Aikto.o4,l , i-IntfM,W yß , ,'',%::-"-;-,,-.',4:•'..,:,':,q.,a--.:-.Xi...26.4fi14?,c,tc,:i*A14. That evibus -Ptittlon: - . - "4'77:77 - 7 - ---, 7 - 7• 7 7 -'• (o'.The - "pre 09A1:4;4467 ess o lop& fed: -.the editili4ih - :7: '''' . **Org._':_*eyriilL Lgo s ing ttie44iiii! WiipVlll4o4ls ..... r „ uglt .•the Unitedle,inte4 4 .'lind'-eirery whore Mses7people ' to lilt rstliontin :,":"Zoltutations surprise. No loco - focii • Papeipas, to it knowledge, yet undertaken the imp Os-• iye task of defending the high-handed iadeeding, than which a more arbitrary stretelrof power court' - ot be assumed by thO despotic • 'Emperor o f t .Itossia.' The' 'National Intelligencerctootes the report and comment on it asfollows:. .. "It is 'Certainitthe political character "of the — pilitiopers ill this case that makes us 'shudder; AV . O 1:10lliki have regatded . it in the -same-light-if the signer for-thoeriMinni-li ad, been-all whigs. But, gdOd Ileay.enl What a Ounce in the courts of. Justice! We have often heard of such acts on :cover-: * - 'nor PORTER'S part; but we are utterly un-, 'able to comprehend homany court, could' submit to, such an enormous sitetoll of the pardoning power: That power, in its very terms implies a precedent conviction; no thing'but a judgment already pronounced can, really call it itfto being. . Thus mar; cised, 'it lines its whole nature, and he-' comes .not the gentle and blessed'specroga tire otmer6T:Tor'cause shown Inn the •fatal ticulty of grahhng impunity inod - vrance. It: is a sort of legal itidolge'nce_lMlthotit to . en courage 'crime and tell judges and jur . ys that they shall not even look into a case. .Strange things dim every day happening among us in stretches of power and over throw of the : lol7E; nut we have on - in; more amazing than. facts like this, and their sur•rauce in a country •where people are always making such an ado about free dom, ana yet suffer comMon.oriminal jus tice to be thus trampled-on." THEODORE . FRELINCMUYSEN.-TIIC Al exandria Gazette, thqs.jucit-ly speaks of the Whig candidate for the Viet Presidency : 1f the Whigs, duringthelate p_olitical con test, had a candidate for Pre"itctit, whose fame . ..and repiitatieari - are as deal. to tkeni in defeat as they. would have been crowned with victory, they are equally fortnn;te with regard - hi%tly. , ircandidute for the ollire of Vice President—than whom a purer patr3ot,__u_ better -- citizen, a.' mitre worthy mall does not exist within theliibit's of the twentr-sixStates. Theodore Frei-it:pity den is a name honored where.Ver it is tin wn. Tai-fyitself; has a!- most been struck dumb, wlyn in his Ares : ince. • Almost, we : say because the history of the late canvass will show, thaythe pal- Boned weapons of abusi.., of slander, and.of Mean prejudices were - hurled even al aim the •inipenrtrable shield of his char acter turneilthem aside, and they fell harm less 'at his feet, or rebounded and hurt his defamers. This was the ordeal through whiai he twas destktred to go, and he has come out like got trice refined. _Hence forward, all-Mon will look to him as one of the . F.ithers.of thellepublic ; of a repu tation stainless as tire untrodden snow, and atiWittliyirflo `Th - C - FeWatifrilgii•diol every one who.looks at the- great and good men of the country as the `jewels of the coun try'-:-more precious, for "their ekample, than any of ihe dettls of arts or arms which are most priZed and eulogimid. .I.lonor-to Theodore Frelinghuysen ! • , . 5 y • STATE6oR . EIIT.—The New 'Yak 1 1 Courier anti Enquirerof.Saturday, contain!! the .following important statement--the •sourte of which ive trust may be entitled to all the confidence imputed!io it.: _ Welcarn from 'a'sotirce• in •which •we place implicit conlidence,.that one' &elf if not the wh0,143 of the interest on the Penn . sylvania debt, will bdtpsitl.• •We congrat- Fulate the State upon their efforts to,retleenr ,their fallen credit, ,and•it Is to be hoped that-'those States. which have so readily fdllowed the example of" ~eptltliatinn, twill r ennsylvania in her'eflims to re deem...their credit, acrd remove the stain •WhiCh their 'conduct .has imparted to the country generalt,./.. PETTY 'PROBCRIrTICNe—An ineideot curred last week, says -the—York •RepObli-- • can, which is worthy of mention in con nection with the loud boastings of the Lo cefocos abliut their liberal principles, Sir; Morris4. - GarchrcrTinlivhorough of Yorlc, when,the old Court House was torn dewn s'utl the Totr'n.plock put tiii in_its _place, fin the Lutheran Steeple, did the work and fined the machinery in order; and' since then•sitendtal to the !minding of the. Clock and keeping it, in repo. "Ile however is lit,- of the sin of being a Whig and hay g vo ed lei Clay. This ilias enough for the County Commissionerii and ' , last i week they unceremoniously turned him - off. '" The eiiifloyment is a°small one—tht• contetwathin only Slip a year; - and yeit AIL Gbrdner,•tx native of York and well I 'known for the_possession of xernarkahlei ineehanical gen'us, is thrown'out o t his` paltry place, as a punishment for the free exerciseofiirt rights-las an American citi .zen; and a friteign Catholic, wltNhas ringer yet.heen 4- even-naturalized and — does TioT Pdsdowl-irol jharadtert&he blalar' - ' 6l eiiti tin attiplett child orifte 'country, Cs put in- To thersituation, 'been - use hej_itrakLocofeco in OinCiple,stand will hereafter vote the ticket of;•that•pvity AVO-leaViihe'reader` J 9 V4 O hiPWlLVOmment on ihislact: a ~ . „ ,—`--------7,- . ------------', —., , , I , TrENkeryitmil'AND THE TARri.—The f;°/ . l . c, a len or 'Nor 14. 114-41.1119-61 ' Ir g be jUbilee on liondayt night: : 'Niniiiig ificiini:' .i - ~ v -,, =''... - - zl , NOR wail a trangPMPRY q nz oPino ,rojill 4 fiP ° P rin g ' CaPita t i "" t #l 44 f l ClArA s il l 0 4 4 ,1' :aild , fo4oWirg , 414043 at ittih' 4ticA:' plieFiiith " tii, , e og - iix che e rvoioio; ..,a--•,;+ vp , t , , , ,, ,,i ..t c . 1 1 4 , . , ~,,,,, ..j. , ,,,,, A , ; ., -.YPtan!". ', , ,. '. .-„-L, :,t;'SPiddriretitidleCP,„4lllsYlvttniar!th crY 4 ito)roligei%",lfßizajgr Ole • *ii'iociatic ,\ d # 1 44 1 4;147" ~.:': V. :?," ~.' g 14,110 14,,414,,,kt'1,V471.1c'-` -e* Vhi1. , 7 4 .,APT1 , rgr7 4 4 e l ii... 4,4 , - , -"&41t.-i-,- ..--,"-4.- • -NATIONALSABBATH- CONVENTION. ". .perti7liscin of thede r i - ft Mtietiitdiki( in that,city, on titesilay last, th'is 2Oth ult. The attendaneo of delegates tir , as very merous; it beingestiinated 'that there were 8 eventren hundred persons- present. A mong the delegates wefirfilitrvetttlistitt guished 'Christians nd khropis63 from allparts of the tltoutiiii , , among whom was', prominent the vt nerable JoAtst QUINCY ADAMS. Upon first' meeting; ha"the.Bap fist Church in Sherpitreet, the_Conventio.n . was teinporSrily,Afiganized by appointing Judge BALL, of tielawate.„ Chainntan, and C; AV.-M.llEly of Baltimore us! Milton Siiiith of Philadelphia, See.retaries; The, Convention was subsequently "perinattont ly organized by the sppointinetit of the foiloWing officers: • For • : lon,..ithiN QUINCY ADAMS . r bf Mats • Vice,; Presidents. . . ,• Han. WrrAds'fficr..L. of Delaware,: Doti.. Toni): FurmiNomuisEN, t.f N. Y Dr. ELIPII4LET NoTT:of,New York. .. • 11V. BEVERLY _ W ADM!, of Maryland. Mr. 3011 N A.. Bmnr : v.* of ;Pennsylvania Reih IltNntiV, D.. JOHNS, of Baltimore *V. t... ‘ DWARD KINGt FORD; . , • SccretdOies. Harmar I)t , no:y, of P6rnsylvania Ritigelyt t . Rev. Ofiarles A. Davis. Rev. Timothy Hilman. --- The, floe. Joltu - Qitiney Adams was conducted to the Chair by the Wee. 111,5: Nolt anti Wand!, accompanied' by con sidernbli applause froth tho delegatfs. - Mr. Ad a ms 'then" rage, and addressed' tho ( ;otiven ninth in oubstanre,:ei •follows Ch ristian 'Pralines return to this dignified assembly-my grateful thanks for dhe unoxpected honor they have done me, in placing dhis eliOr, when there are, so many others present bet: ter qualified Ilion myself ,to fill it. , lie t having fleet' I,: thedionor, .1 shall be roepulled to throw myself on your indulgence for any wont of coin. immix° that I may m ince in the discharge of my ditties. I was only _within a. few days post I had been enabled to entertiin the hope to. be . .resenl en this occasion, and thcreflire I soy Ilse dinner is entirely unexpected La me, but I do not, however feel at,,liberty. to decline. I feel' My inability to do did: justice to the s ituation, more copreially,-as 'I have not fully considered the object.- Gtr which we are conv-ined„ As a general rule, I 'have always obeyed the enminniulg of Gad as to the oboe:mince of his—blessed elny;.- which - Fiiillelk.ered ul teems of thunder from, Mount Sinai; but no to the divers* of opinieb which exisqt VelatiVe to , the tnodes of its obscr. ranee, I love not paid sufficient attention to ena ble not to.treat the question in all its hearings. I recollect that Christ himself when accused. of. neglecting the observance of the " The .Sobboth was mode for man, and not man_ for the Sabbath." There are, therefore, dis ersi ties of opinion, which I have not fully examined, but I feel it an 'imperative duty to - give all the fitculties of my soul fa the furtheruneu.of.the ob ject of. piocurMgti ororeg_eneral, observance—of the Rut as there - um ninny others-pres ent, as I hove already remnrked, more competent than myself to speak on the great subject for which Nye have convened, I shall Trot consume more of your time by further remark,,, can he more profitably spent. It was here seated that a letter from lion T. Frelinghuysen had been received, say ing that he could not attend the Convention Wherenponi JAMES CLARKE, of. Pennsvl vsnia was appointed as 2(1 Vide -Presiden in his 'place, A•sialiding • comm2tte was then appoint ed ,who werel? have in charge the genera business to be recommended to the conven lion ; consisting of MesSrs.-Ehribtian Keen er, (Chtrls M. Wevser, J. M. Atwood lietijammiKuriz i Timothy Tiighmatt,. , Eddy. • husiness,comm hist-re:Ported 'during` •the&progress of the Convention, a series or resolutions which•twentysix; itt the-end, -in-relation-to-the observance of the. Sabbath by difTsent clysses of business men, merchants, mechanics, laborers, rail way, steamboat and stage companiis, &c. •We have not room for teem all to'-day, nor` for the excellent address-to the • people of tbc.:United Statei . , -- which was-.issued byf the Convention. Mr. I:trimnon L ot eir asri - Wt iii.the house) addressed the . 61tair- Man in opposition,to the, roligious obliga tion to keep the first day of the Week -as the.,!ord's or Sabbath day. ' • It was Contended:generally by tile speak srst- that the Call Tor the 'Convention :speci-, tied;the duty which was to be perforniett ; :Mach was to Measufee to protnnte Alie.mote strict observance of th .Christ ion . Babbhtiti:_Therefore-it—was to discuss the question , AV Ile* the; eW. qiistiin or ally iiitte. tertliur ogre one: l?ev',Air: Eddy read letters from ex:oov. ernor VrooM; c!f,4New.,..Tersey„ and .Chiei Justice Lloioblosier, of OefUersej,' , ., - eaelt ezpressiriet l anxiety that'the prdeeed ipgs-of of great good; and teireiting their imibility_ tolle:prbi3ent at the dOnventiou. • - Chief 'Justice itornblowcr's lettei i a bounded in facts reltitiVed to theSadininis tration of Piatiee in the State of - Neiv Jer 86,.etwitii the reset that pitto : tenills of the •6riithial•orfeticiain:that St4fdiidtl be 4rae. eil , tiVlVe ,ileaeciatttini4 the'Satba th- . 11 6 rsl :i n66p4 iie,''4 C , tiici . - p r.Lio ti pl.'s , . iti 'that , . il jtov:ni.: t#akner'Wasl;aLioquen't let. Jet' on the ettbldelfro*biiit4,4stice:AVal: worth, also regrittiog iqs:3ooo.llly.ACE..l#4p , a Seat in tii9q9 s ve,,niiiini lOZ - '* ll l ll l l 4 bud been aproiritid . - a niettlbe'r., , r , litr:,'HOligilntott of ritilatitiltitlai'referred to:lii:e,,pr - aetiee in Cangrete so fr ebodtleting, 641 0 nosEc t#,I,P 0 .0:!baih 7 PaY. 4. 9ae oc the, :pletit!iir,lo4l`lott,,,..ind,seiiona yjelaliene. or ll4t'irolf chik. /14 ciitiraatiiizei) li. ill% I trp)! Apfl„ngirriviqed sit)l pc.F.,!ng, for p3l,e,m, i ),ll,it, , t 3 4 ,, , l c i i r tis _ if t_ dr ! . , ( , ;i :4,j,isiiPPi?,b. l l l . o o_*!iiii!, 901wonlictii. -:- ;':; • :-..,;.,, , ' c':.: :' ,14 e 41,04 ;' - kr - '%lll'ii'Si' a' , p. , 4m , ? , tok.: - ,q.,;!.-,•%7Ar '!... l °Ne,, API in Ol` 4 1141 0 9, 1V 1r 91 9 40. 1 0:;: 6 ! 4'.4 11 ke'':4111, 1 ttii,. 9 °*li*iiiitf a - 'Bl l)ooi`i?cidiiii)iiid '4ilP B. , ,-.o##Mikligiiiii,!,Otiiiiiii'ffifk,liiii, i f il ~,,„,„,..,0 , ,1 , „1 . , 1:49.0:)- AEI 1 ! "Pie '.4040it ~)::::..., ~ !„,:„6,,,,t v d , :,:,,-4,, z, ano,khir. bltli tajad;DitiOti:ife, ildttliirtl; lorthe ; cciOniiiiiity geneitlly on thifiiinbjenf bitria*4llll4iiiat- .12 t vo w itrii# ll 7greer pie as u e: i n e cc' iv II cl ttitiSity, editors, not only b4.44 - frsecular press of thti l eituntit.„pre,eiestrpg: in favor of the 'and' trOstAltat bors wilt,be,fully.appreeiato4.l?y,;-•qte,,ipatri ortke.Of all classes: tincrilieden geriet*l6 . 'eP 6 ilee 6RM - sit 01phearts of the ppople, ..Reeelveti; ,InCn; . .tyWort . .-are raised hy - the'stiffi r aTierOivrftArti - COPIO lc places of official 'dignity tirid . :power are. lail under obligations to set en examplp with regardto - the Lord's Day, - which sltall be safe and salutary to their fellow .men, and, which shalltend to render the dile ob servance of that day universal. r. • thuns, the velierSble President then rosemid stated that as lie propOsed going:to Washington this evening he ‘'voilVl not again be present in, the COnveution. lie Would, thersfore,ienew the expression. of hiS thanks for the:beim dOne him", in se lectinz-hint . preside oVertlie Convontion. 'He also expresse t l his ireatirthification iii IH - telling to the disoussionSititit Ilad takeis place, and I l e ba d no dotibt the most favor- Alt results would be produced by the pro ceedings on the occasion. nese results Would_tend still further to confirm the (nem orable.deelaration of that • great- man, Ms.. Du pone*-thal . the' Halted Steles were fn ativanee,4 every other nation in the world in its observance and regard for the Sab bath.. He then took- leave of the • Con .Vention. .• • • .On motion, a resolution of thanks fo the able and satisfactory manner hi whirl the- I:resitle - nt,.44.... performed his duties was passed,' viihenithe Convention adjotirn ad ;to meet again at three o'clock. A FTERNOON gESSMiI The Convention re-assembled at threw 'o'clock, Judge Willard Hall. First Vice President, Occupying, the Chair. Letters were read from Sabbath assoPia- Claus and mdetinga in various parts of the country. Most of these contained an swers to inquires propounded by the Sab bath Assoehition of" Baltimore, and 'such 9 . ll . Ter,facts as their writers deenfed - 61 im- portance. Mr— Cameron, of . Pennsylvania, spolch at sameiength on die sale of liquor on the S4bbadi day,'andenymestly urged upon the mon - lig-1s of Lila Convention-the necessity of lending their intiner.ce, a§ individuals,. in" their-respective' qpiglit.forlmods,cin the work of eradicating - the evil of spike: . -- . . , • The Business Committee reported that they had at present nothing-more . .. _ - to — th - t 7- Convention. ' • Mr.-:Boardman 012,1 1 1tiladt Iphia, offered a resolution, which in the - evening'session woe withdrawn,for the following S e bsiii . - Resolved, Tlig ads Convention express their deep regret ,quirthe National Legisla: tore end other. , •Lt ! hstive bodies, should in several installT'-within the last. few years, have deern expedient to contin ue their sessitins.thr sigh a put of the Sab -trathi-anri-t'rey cherislrtirele - 11 - 11Oui, e t o Leo it laCve , bil.dies Play hereafter abstain, from the transaction of [witness on that day. ' -.The tßev. 11. Slicer, of Baltimore, op.z posed the resolution•in its present form, as did also Mr. A. Childs, Who_propese.d to amend out " National I;gisla ifire_and--othet---I,egislative - bodies," -and insert " Congress of thelJnitytl States." The amendment was opposed •by the• _Rev. Ml:Win:hell, and advocated by -.Dr. I'. E. Bond, Jr. of Baltimore, and' by Mi. Bry . ait, of PittSburg, Penn., Geo. Cham bers, of Ohambersbnrg, Pa., took the floor in opposition to both the amendment and orig,inal fesolution. The Rev. ll—Slicer .next got the floor in, favor of the amend- Went. r• • u-s-agrtatm - rilifaTitiii was finally dis posed of by a resolution submittcAlly Rev. "I'liMas H. &mil:Um, in ‘v,iiich those . meM 7 bers of Congresi, have used efforts to prevent the, dilsecration of die . •Sabbatir were commended, sal eipietsiffethe hope that.eintibir efilirts may ,hereafter be abs tained by by a majority, This resolution unanimously. adOpq.d. : • ;I.'. After severay. ) other, , ttaimpiirtant •reriatt- Alowwere.:paseedrt he - onyention-r adjourn uljour 'ed.on ll.lit rad ilkiPs.4.9 it i ,'.. sine die... —l l.itiTTlnkaiit iiir .4ii.E.Airstri.i.-77)ie _ %Philadelphia Gnieite',4f,i hu rsday 'evening; says—" We-have- ltbiarg o ' f,sd'veral ""it'ter- Pi ises' being all a hitit,tt 9"? ., l i.,'T . ftie'cou nt of the result of the, Oil ail -1441 -i3Oll-1 or our - tnifnufiensring — ;, —. eittipiilt runts 114ire , theuiit. I f it : pruilentto" 'contract their, t opirations. 7 .- • § tatCoterits of this li hid:Will he sOzetl,upon . :Itir-in tire presen tii Lien, . but ::the'radts. reenari I stiiblut.ritir-;, W e are inftiritted that ittenufriek ture , r B ; , #lio4adterderita iliaohinery; to lie` eOnetitt:Cteil , in thiseiti; : hav,e , in tfutne.einMi? •cOutiteratnntled' theii.irders:.- *, , itii , '':k . ' °ril l: men wiilA o 64sitilly . .beV•ills'ehtirliil;' , ‘'...: , Pvt'At., 4 ccznircriit'Vetrunn i mtc,.l4:ii......., Vi' ' " DPIIPePpto oft .l; )*.ie r „..k .: ;' 4 PWin:c..oQr. : lifitititieir vietoil.Oif:knittley ..!itttd •iii';-gtic iife;.. B !il,:ii,t ( i3,inihii:*;2i. - ti1iP,,:' T i311.449) tiiii;arifct at.l!l,(i-:1.-,1.1:kic,f(1r0;:-;411,1h1Ln_,A.,1k!-IT.non; 'Dilfall:'- . .•••".:- '-'':' ,, -,'•: L ..."'"' '-'-'::':',.:,,::.:.-',.%:''';".'''' , 1 ,, . 3, ',. :, .• ;, • J +-AL^ fiwgizt'altrdiah iiipclNF.LAiritATol6'. ql"ltia'h7. IliFilar cet7c,rotitiiibaly/eo.6;rd';eiftificto:lseen!rratelitoeiliFbliogi.hroetiliPrcli'retatiitit,.,t,r,o, 5iji7:77.,,,„..„,:::...„,,,,:i..,..., w.h.e...m the-Naufa, ..4il; they i ni rrtru r l' o cl e e . to'ihd -circiiltition'4ollol;en.r.eiclitlf!,l4o.s:tiamiv evytpiirrfittilui Vit4ll4.'°°"lrlinell ' 'io l i•fl i ii t i, T o. ; les' h einif 4# 6 . 410.0 1 ;NV 70 r, V 1! . N P beuei 04 641,.(i t hd l i a t' ye preVott Gs P..,,-, in,PAi-itiftAtio-0 eeideFo4, 001%44 hemlo6helsf'"llea-ii, .fi0„,,,, nt-tho beertiniqOverY ;11 , 0+,1. 4 1 443 / ( 4, ; c te r ,‘,..):l, .der'ed elkouhttlterOVlltk. rr'Xin -,,ortita,ialig.'=" tir-p-001itir.6e,....,Prig,141.40 ... , ~ , k o'po `fi'' - iiilet"'i: 4114'0 du e 31Ik o,hra 41 • j i go f 9, t''' ' l'-I•Kittlii6leitlit oofir .16 .-., itmet,P re'c toil, 't.1iC 1 ,041 1..T7. tillr4it lit,vkitit ~,,,QiiiEn&—idor, tVil"ei. it&PICOI(Iti ' 61;irbt' t,4/0.6.g11 tYJklY.,!,,,niAbtf.g.*i , i 4016-*,,,lvoneho• ,°Pitkeir' 9:6B8 V ~'lFpy ii IN 1.4 - 0 : tl -Phlh 4 , ," -7711 t. 1.q4',.-P.''' 'Colii,43 l sA/ fl ilkit ',1t41 ,1 4 ! . 4=14 .4 .Ve I r. t' , :' `,.--, , , 'z,ti. \V:;',:,.l'N'.'tT.?.'3',"4o,;.-I.kl'i'4'.'4."`•;';‘;-...,`J-; ".' t"..t..kit v.. - -• .'.1.... , - ...,',.+''.. 2, 1 :i.d. db• ~.,....,- ,:e... ~ 1= PIM .frotis . 11gesr . 00 . e. Itryinrilithrrligidat Boston'', Taglioni, the groirt,danSeust, is about to visit s this collthy. • The excipsion of . all . Americatis,:from :thel 4 andiin Clubs, has alreatly-.talien place. Tlie . eS . Use given is the repudiation of State• debts.. Fathei: Mathew is. said 10 . be 'heavily in volved. A• subscription for, his felief.bad been started: " - The Americom ambasiador Air. Cush ng, has negoeinted a _treaty, on the same terniS as Sir. Henry/ Pottinger,'s, hut' has obtained a slight concession in the duties On lead, which the Americans -expe . ct to supply in largb quantities from their west ern territories..o.. , Inkoleraniv Recommended.... l'he•NewYork Advocate; a violet)", roc° roco. paper recommends the following course to the Locerodes'in their privatep• dealings . „ . :`,Nrie say ,to all decent Men and good democrats., do not tins! , a Wino' with a Single dollar for a sinee'day call 'in all .the'money (11/0 _yoll, trim _WiltaSEumß! DI/max. Lank after all stakeholders and limit up the odd chanke that is'owing...tO yon without delay.' • . If a whig paper.had recommended such a course against the locorocos, there would have biien a •terriGle caterwauling from the latter-day dcrnocrac3 THE Erplicr.—zOne of our eltanges"sestes diet seventy ham discharged from a.tannery in B fink), since. the result of the election Was known, Un_ der the reign .of Free Trade, 'l7eople.cnit mdlie more with their capittll otherwise than by investing it in• any 'species of do mestic manufacture. As :t i t s in 13effalo, so it will prob.ibly•be throughout the Union. Confidence in the permanence of die tariff policy of the country is detroyed, and with that goes every thing likb.domestic industry and..prcisperity. tt`The Anthracite Gazette of Potts ville, at die conclusion of a•powerful ay peal.on the subject of illegal voting, says— "lt 'is.Well ItnoWii" that a forge cumber of fOreigners were !alien .to Pottsville, and their voteswern-recei vetl-01-bQtlt7titc—rere_n - elections; although:the-y:t.vere not resident's of the,plee.. The question of an immetli-. ate alteration in the naturalization laws need no longer submit to tira slow"- o erasion of reasoning. The -tryth,brealis urce— the sensf!s of every sane man, and 07 neces sity, the vital necessity of a reform, is evi dent to t.he mind of every"Atuerican:' a lecture on the Geology of_the United States, recently de4ered. in Eng and; by the ccilebrated Mr. Lyell, he stated hat the Ohio coal field extends for a length of seven hundred miles, 9nd that of Illinois Is larger than the whole of England. The coal - ix - forum! in Wcjiia - ble le tl7; of consid erable thiekne3s; aril in one instance there is a bed of coal, forty feet thick, which comes up to the stmface and is quarried like slone. Another branch of Mr. Lyeli's lecture was the consideration of ,thereces sion of..thefEalls ofliliagar.- He exhibited a large pictoriarseene representing the bed oTihe Niagara river. • The ravine formed by the gradual Wearing away of the rocks by the waters of the Palls extends for seven Miles; and there is no doubt that at one period the giagarii river fell over - the cliffs at Queenstown, three hundred feet high. The present height-of the falls is 170 feet, and the rate of recession is abOut ope-fopt, in a year. ck 7 Mr Gidilin,i§ Ike member of Congress: - freffrO b e 14" well known to the tvhole country, thus speaks of-the. labourg .nf that party said of the results:. lie. utters nothing but ; the tru‘iti "The .men belpnging to the liberty party at the last elcctinn, 'defeat& d at least six. candidates for who, if elected,. -wotiltl.-hayevotetl. to repeal the gra rule, and it'll SlaYe laths 'date District of Uoj u they been elected as thdy , roigltt huvo' . been--,I fully' : believe thoile laws would •Iniep .repe.aletl.__ I- therefore iTiiaiTilies'e men are .responsable fur their euptitutanef. .• - • • . • • .- _ - correepontlenfAlite3 0: slate's thrit 4 ruiretwit who •voletl. • and Dallas; . afte'r witnessing kffeC;felifltie.der4ti- of :41r.C . lay, save lie 40414 note-give $5,000 to. have Ain Clay { cte elected.. . , • • 'Cribtit _ 01 :Tiii - Teri-Tha;,r/Orlii ivolnliabii, hidirichitt Into, throat zgruncidepar*ntt, named' tho Mineral, the Vogpta blp and thd , ,tni ma I, king. 410ni5..T.,1m firsf_4,amed forint' tiro base of tho . otifer . I.3pf limo tho, vegeta* kingdom dbrivos life and 4 'n atr,lmenr Irsim, tag rifinoral,and thp ani in al king, dbm 'le sneßpr tail lki , ilni vagotablo.,: ,.. ';,..'g.if,nrninoral,ubstaima can bOdongq a part . of 'ari aiiiial body, because it rannOr, ho digesiod: 7 :-, - 4141trilyor js a nano - cal. 'Culoinol is sublinialod: ,fidinlisliver; tlieriliro,"caloinol cannot bp digoolpdg bac,tilli . in lodged in iho inidir'actsA a - p op!itidine O'dison: InStoadethoroforo, ofcalomol,:pso ffran,^;„ :drelles - VaOlabloptinliiiiiuil: Pillvlslicoull9l3 'they are a inoilionicieAtraohl.drintirOy, crlnn 'vogeta laps, and kniiirn 14 , lonipipciiieniiitrrbo porlbotly- in liMionf, !Ind' yet of nano liiaref2pulpnrgatitoLn .o3-ansbr.iitihiro.4knontaricoa,p4..tiAn “SlYi:olliV* 7 1Aodickl2L.:...11ibl A ireqt:. on : tho.systom . is_sp nP:s ~ tlijirit4i a.,-rpritarlreiblel.faptahqtkito-7,r;equirr:,ooPia :may'b'e given' tofian i inftnit , or al4l,4;#lgier4;lho. liossibilitirof,' doing .aily,,,injalliut'diii4l4co)li, 1raiifr00d: , ,..j.",,,7;:,' 7,' - ** , ‘) , ';' , ...-1.,: - TrVi" ,- 77,<4,4j i . 4 -7 ' .: ... :' ,Tor solo in.Ca'ilfslo,i4 bizAJOAt*ii.AnxitZ, li6N - LieFiit for' thia, lioVongli:....: -'. ..." °' ..., . ~,11o*, : .ro).estra--.l4poasi lk-ift , lias been !iiiiiiia and .iretry,‘,.l,ral,k too;;that marM.yom ,i o o l p . in,P4i),V,'.,tn,oo.l. Thq midat!MriMiw`ailia's,holv d4il.4)on,q,bpaitiadr WO*ill dell .yoUtllistoad'of,liayintibo'.:asillar'b'/I! Moro ft fora . P440 1.141 %*riti.,1MY.A1 4 1 8 0/1"6 ' S ; :Pliiiii4l4iyrS4yr , O . 11)e..0Ort , tfilit#04116 oioi ph ,VO!riVii; 'go yo , Inticli,:,.nnii.ola.,,,riiriciloititi4 ati V,„,,,4,4llel)keliii?.',gllntirkTlATPLikisriAiit#:Y;.g.K. it' ) .v,ii,ov e lat . ote.,llli, , ,lntltiarizt4,,Cottlia,','Cit t el f ir r. 1 / 2 i, ' l o# ' ''''' 'efPlog'4oiskrkici oyie;CAiii,,tiiiiiqi I o;9 : #gNiue° l ;Po9 l l l lZOP4Ofie, _:.;•g'',. , ' ,. 3,,.;."1 lii* ol o,o4),P;c9kM,OW-Igeo4ok 114'. ij°o.lo4c4ifeittill4,l3lo,4 4iskileliti l oitisoootkqf - iiiitoroly.lB(sl,( iNo, 3;v01ik , ..4.';f4 , , , w*i'1t0101 - ,14/e.4,041.44; ilin l : o oloo4lo44istk*fij9il,;- ! PA, 4 910 1 : 0 ;004. 0 4, 1 0,0M5i.,': '.•,4 , ..... , ,:qy,i',,",,, , J:• , ,;v : .:ii-iir •, 0 ; :",..1 , , , ,c-.,..., , ,,','_.,-3.--c,,.,,4,..:,,.. :.,, ur - vc~~irr~surtntrt:~~=--~--~- -- Ninhing new in Ireland M=MM . titeirari • * ~ to.Otts'atrlittuncil • 1110- 1 -4Flle-Sysient-liesiliffdtirttle-Ofiginal - Edifoil " .•• . . :The fait& qystqm sarristA tCitq utmost limit by a Reiltectioq of' our.-halffi Ton CaOmiSoi $2 50 per annum eacshll MIRO 1122'17121111 IDll3l 4 's A :Select Circulating Library. for Town and -j • Couptry. - Oul the fi ra Wednesday of January, 1815, Will be published at Philmjelphia, ilie first number of E Eiq.y Yojxm,g, re Select Circulating ,Library, for Town qnzt Voitntry, on the plan of Waddle's, at a gready:retleeed Eke, of a larger size tiFi - ife - iirlyfie - a — Comefe t i by the or i gond'', end,, for the first seven years, the sole Editor (J . quit, ,7nd to be Published by Meson. SINCE - the discontibuance of "Waltlie,", occasioned by the derangements of - the cur rency, and since the death - of cMS. Waldie, in 1810, the editor lia,s been constantly re minded by numerons Old- subscribers and friends, tint the*an of pubilabing trooks . eheapl3, a form to go by mail,!o long poptdar,'and-which he teas the rust to sug gest and carry out, a plan whic,hAtad afford ed an immense eIaSS of editealed"individuals a thental resource nehipted• to ihnir tastes, was still a great unsupptied o pirirlie want.— lfarions tildwe'etnentS Were: held out in by publishers toVenew his labours. Other engagements have • heretofore s obliged• him to decline these c.cellent offers. The - time, however, has arrived, When Ii feels called upon, to sch;ct for families and individuals good and popular hooks. • The: mass of epheineral literature %Odell. has Intely beetr poured nut ; :tirion us-In a-still ine.reaing, donil, while it has peiPlexed the.many, - has, in the opi4i - on of.the reflecting, •i'i;i•tted the literery aunospheredly indiseritnintitelseiz , ing upon crust, bad and indifferent work ' s, and-oftenleavin!r,tintonelt6d the more pleas ing and gratif;,•ing , productions of European pens. . 011=1 The press has run riot so lomt, and ,the publk eye has Devn stimulated so constant ly-,that some . additional it) Incements .to re trace must l ‘ ie (Armed, some evinnimLbe smith d, to enable us to pour the stream of knowledge - into the little chann wnc lead to every fireside, mid hr insinuating a taste for the excellent and the true, to im part a neW charm and a new attraction to conareamioonf secure and blessed en joyments wh•ieh we,call Hope. • . These inducements we now - oirer: ; —. • . I. A reduction of one-lialf the cost, and the 'same amount of readina. Matter! „ • 11. Increased facilities and better arrange srtents than forme t rly, fir dik . :reeeption 'new books from Ilmrope. 111. 'rhe same delerinination en the part of the Editor to detente time, and-'what talent he may possess, to furnish 'families with at tractive and unobjectionahle ribs, original and selected, and literary in id-licence. ..domes-fie - • ..! . IV. An antple cash - eapiial,povided, to • *nsure the continuance.of the work. V. A. publisTier. 4hortMahly acquainted' with acounts, who, not distracted by , the harrasing'carts of a large printina- (ace, will devote his entire attention to the de mands of subscribers, Vt. The machinery-.and .facilities of one of •the best and moat extensive Printing Of fices in tie union: • With this enormous. reduction of cost:- with the t,e-te for •roadtrig }ye .se octet hooks, Which has increased in the United `tables in a greater ratio than the 'immense means in operation for its gialificatiort. the 'editor and - publisher believe that the advant age which thisyerioctical pre,„sents to heads of fathilies and others, who desire a whole I some Foureo of . innocent and. ennobling en lertdintrient and instruCtiMi, - ..iS unrivalled. Flor a pentailay,, postage ineluded, we sup ply at least a 'diiodecono bone_ every week ton whole family. Ono volume of die ''.Library,'' containing from fifteen to. twen ty works, can be bound at an epense little more than that,of.binding either separately. We can put boglcs ,in eireulatkon through the whole interior of the country in dime weeks after their issue 'in 'London; And with thq reduction,/on the ~ ..Waldie" price of one-half, we,can. compete in chetipness with any press.(hat can be establisheil. To the first fourteen volumes pf , ..l)ralrlie:s Li brary" thp editor reTers for.the , eviderMes of th-trcimtof rintl of his ability to select thercfroM. Our plan embraces the piThtieiifiou oldie newest and best books in the -various de- partments„„of _Travels, Voyages, Novels, Tales,,Ske,tehes„ Biography and Memoirs, in short, the il.holeAange of polite literature, atid — icTlWiliTlF, translations made expressly for :the : The editor,, will not, - how.' over, saeri&T•at the shrine of -mere novelty in anv,of these derixlmen4S,....._When a new book does not offer of the . requireil ,- eltarae.2 ter, he will, ai• - befoie, extend ills. 'research . among - the, rinmerotis works winch. he. has already within his.reach, beside' the many which are sfipriled -by his regurkr imports timrs-from-Ettope7TrillYrtlrCarkffecii ents now 'coin Meted, ail books of merit 4ar..popu larity, com, - tuder his - inspeetimi,-,by. the regular steaM-ships,, whilst • Itis, , ,eallmertil cometions, give hioraecess to, alul a knckv , Jedge cif, the best and inost.extensiye public antkplivate ,colleetions 'on this continent.— In addition he haS the,sid of many judieions , literray'frierldslo.nssist jn itoin - tittg ableltre.rifor:liis Temkin, Who .helias,ut doubt, -'Will be of . so jitdiniotts a. cities:4 tr. :make it,. impeiatiVe on him . ' tit' use the r ninthSt• diligatied'in - furnishing good hrliVliolesotp6, ~ • literary riltrneul, s6me ’B2? 4.1 riff: 1 Vail; r yor., xi,. mr., , .0n. Sr.t*c.n .firn . cut:A-7 t trzia . Lin ril ti . i," Wilk ba 'prpit6il on a'tiontda alipor yayal tilted; •tc,7eitOftiorgtts.'lnchea .by forty, sixteen pages, quartootiree..solunins on.; each, and mailed weekly; with treat ',cord,:,t3b as to carry wish perfect: saltily-to - tle - inos! - Ilisplit-,t-pnat offico - -- 4 ------: l',.*.'llle,, W Jolnlintifl36llep laltres. My thus irt- A•endnig_tanlForflul pripikwit , odeppy,lvitlmui, ProOsing;•the : on an tiii, - 61.1) - 66 . )ttiiiiitteWfini TWO ;,fir , pagea'„ats 4 Journal Ots . .Balltiff-t t Otti.oa, formerly. priut 'pa a coyer: '.''. 'Ellie 4,q,af,...011i10 it hetiorno47alf,, introd intiofi t6:11 1 ,34 - wiettit t emito g ; ii: lo: l 4,i c eiii i . , 7 liiiri .o, iginnl tfileinty . ritOttet:itifirio ,r4itiel4rni . , lista o .rioni-boakii,•witka Okla to t air;lro4ftectiyo 'ntorite Oil- itt'lret , Will 'oinifintO,'W4itt tritight7Ri4o:4.• y lav aillatrtile; hitirrair, Ittioltitt:';-:.l.ltit4Wkip; or in lloelna t ..tltn„lopynat' titattOali i! ,, ,naOesrt .„ ,ry.,ta paatilli - n'eittiro'twO titihitlreatia 11004 . 14,-ilni . 'pOtit;tiffice tit . : the'ptic.of of , a''itingli:'44tielpotiot.',fioetz .° l P.'''t:'" ,: -: , :;IVI - ..4:•:4fi:.7: .: „" ., ::;:', ;: :f , '': , ; ' * :.: -'• ' 4 2) ; , 4 4 . the . :loic;l4i'iNsl.lki , fitinjeti .artirhiiiiitlifl :Wit)* ILO. '.,tionia:'crtiroiritia'a'eur46l - : ~:.ihiook•,iio;;;,.'l7lie rt l : it A7 y4 ftt4pnlbiiwitufo'eiito tiliall'srib*rthier ioo , litiin; orrouri4knditil.tiP.:4 l vleen , Pagy l , x‘ , /r 4 eoiqiitirlikitifiy . 6,,t*irvO:dttoio(4o4 o3 ok;tlr*wvoil#lotpt o6 4l l 9ioboOql4Eiillf 4 e ; 4 ine;4l l *;a!iiiia4iakpitliii**kiii ''ll9'4Ai44lifnl44lB;c9initYVililintix'iliwithitift)iio-tlO, :,I.ll ' O tf 2 4iiktOint a'4`kA' ' l 5, ; iij444liilitY , .thonAgisker:ctersitfO:tolle4i kVri l Oq:'liCt9o .6l vih t oii lrfi iO,tifWOO'ifit: ; ~- -.Y.1r. T ,'0:1,74,',1%,!,1,- i; IV.' •'..; '.., J. , q:. - ",:g.^2.. , ,,- , ;` , .: , '.• Vrt.1.3,... their . friends . and peighbons to unite in clubs remittancei, 1.7 A Club iif •three, intlk iJoal iubseriters r uivitin g 7.4 their pOments or remittances, shall receive three • olipies of the work for a . year fur Ten Dollars or , $3 33. each. I.7o6ltiluiiiiief - hT.FS•lrnaliThPilreiTSii 7 d irT e 7 — `" ceivo fireeepies , iif the pork, for Fifteen Dollars; or $3 each.' .;'5 A chat; of ten individuris shall receive ten copies for Tenty-fivo Doilnrn, or ,fi.s; 60 each. ' • But in no case cad- tiiia publication be forwarded unless the prder is aecoMparded with the remittance, which may be outdo in notes of solvent biihk. ....P3umiting in their remittances, members of 'chili* will now reeeivo theuwork ni a much lower price than the former'agent's of Mr. Waidie, who ) paid. tad' wneicly for qua thousand copies. In short, the work is reduced to dho-half the firmer price, white the quantiirwii.seintlioi macter yetnuins the sums. ...Q_Ur....arrangontenta • 'completed for the filfif ment of our part of the cuntruet in the inuAt liber • Sitiateribers' names should be immediatel3i for : . warded. A liiniteiniumber muni be'priated, turd n 9 disappointment can oceurto thoce..who remit vilify. A specimen 'number tVill . bo forded, crithou i t charip,_to nil who -ropiest it postage paid; or may be procured at the publicatiOn oMec. . • •-‘._ - 'LLOtII SMITII, Publicity, No. 19 St. Janiiis street, running tram Sixth to Sc . ventli, above Marketi rota .dirpetly in the sear Of St. Jltnes' Church. - --• • ,•• . • OPETP• ORE: • • irishes to• utiu m the-chi - zone al Cnrlisk and i the liul,l c i i g!tieral,tlint lie Las tiliened.iii North Ilniner'str •e 4, adjoining A,lyei and IlaversfteltA Drug: Stu Mid nearly oppoMm the 11.11t1;,, to tbe store roan lately occupied by Mr.. John I Inruilton,ti large and entirely new assortment of splendid • a), ' c (f) M Consisting. ia intrt.qf Cloths, Cassimeres,-Sammur (I,lll,l wrmas,".N.lcrilin Cassitners;Sittgle and Dditble FaimClOSiMel.%, LllOlll4 Tiiitglliktlls, C,kires Ilasiery of nil kiln aa.,l tlesuriptiun—nko'n well:selected stank ef G Et tilse E IC NE-N, • nll of whinh . .he n ill sell very tic;iit vites the public to (null nnil judge fur thcinselt es. n: AlslnkltS(iN, rormerly of (be firm of Augsw Yc. Amlarsqn. Mny wiza*v. frl),, IA 4 UIESIERY CARLISLE,PA. .trrilE season f transplenting FRUIT, end in, deed ell ecidurmi TREES of the hardy kinds, is appro,eching.• 'Fho ecarun for tins refere'nee for fill planting, io obvious; when trees vre.trensplanicil 111.11 son , iin, Hie el Ith becomes during tl:Nwinte?, properly settle d about the roots,._ antl. - IlATrttie ready - to throw out fibres in - the spring. The proprietor ollhe abut.° ^ettiblish .to • it lies, for this tell' met It - tt, Hie foliowing trees, to tell : • I Q's. 410 0 A. E. Tei: Cottiprisiii . g the Choicest p , rieties; • • 1,00 9 zatErt rev TREES, ilicluflirag _all the 17109 i apprOred ki,idi.• ~g/so a ver , rj choice collcelion'of PEAC4,TEAR, - PLUM Rc A PitICOT 'rreFs, ;Is well as a large assortinetit.of './Erri•Arreen. Orturrste.leltil Trees, Snell es Jilultn - of 'Gilead Fir, At ai VINO A nutrient' Juniper, Norwey Fir,.al! the dilfdrent kinds of Linden, tl•tn2rir Aleph; Silvery Maple, Red Flowering Maple, Vcllow Fluwe-ing Maple; I•:ngledi Elpi, White Elm, Slippery Elm, Silvery Aliele,.("hive s e A ihnitlms, 7'nlip tree, lileck Ash, Ihililer„.Eurtt;:wan Momanin - Ash, florsd Chesnut, Whit, 1. low, deg chesmit, F,ri ts k. ly Asil,()snz e kirottge,low erne Qua It in Aepin; &n. All Ills trees ore in the liet.t state linn, llolll- ishint , , end illthe most healthful ottlitlil, lion, 'Greet core hilts 1 , 1,17 taken in selecting tho most ebnitre verit. ties of fruit from the most po rn. lar Nurseries the - Chlitin, and such os is lkst iida'pted to our climate. Liemiity is s•ritt ly pre , ter vt .1. A , bra.T:lttleleirtinent of the tioise rk,iguitillet the.itemediate direetion and su. rvi• " shim of the proprietor, till may rely upon °lett kind . twitug true to horns. llv lute s l ine very : Choice new v.itieties • this rdi, „h t 3 • w, ry, erpiall cl Ity none he know ttheir season. Farmers nod a others Nob At round, ntrmg. others it ire US- cull. If our trees and establi-h. roeut•he not equal, and a little veer, to any other west of the Srequaltanna, and our prices us low as those of airy other regular cata6lishmeid for trees of equal qoality, do not buy ft UM US. c prepeirnur further offers . • 3,' (WO , PP"' 11. 4 A"1 Eiftk engrafted' on Crab I.tneksolin duratflity - of which will screed those worked mum tie usual plan at least It 0 per centum; whisk flirt is well vsinh. lislit44 all gin actin, and necet ded to by our he,t American aril era on fruit trees._ The limo for transplanting in' frnm — flieTniddle of detohe'r t!ll the frost sets in. Buyers Will be furni.lind with 'cliiTetions far planting,planting, us mtieloot the it imreess depends on tb proper management in planting ir trees. ',,A1l orders and communiuitti7llr; post-paid', will be stiktly . attended to. ISMNIE . . Groccey :1111;11 ---- ON THE CASIU• PLOIT. • • A !WUXI) S. SENEI2; - llns•jiist returned from the - city - ottd is 'now open lug nt his store, on the:corner of .Pitt Loutlo cr streets. opposite II) e G mum. licfornic4 n - choice ;assortment of : Groceries, Queensware,_ Alsptce, Cloves; t;:mgcr,•Notinots,:Moce,_Solorattior—,--- Peuriash, pinnsii,!‘altpetrp, tine table salt. A gmo assortment of "honey ihm , tobacco. Tubs chum_ buckets and..bromns, all of :whichlL=6e cold ut prices to null thy Blues. - Butter; E'fr,ts and all kinds of coqntry pro4ucp takemin exchnA ogor goods.. • --- • Sntpoinbcr, • EIA.Fr • reelieethil I v• !to: , attention of Country tiipteir •atorli. of 1 lard watt Mid . Cutlery. - , thefareitoir oeiviog from Mil:hoof tool thuAlattilfatonries of this'. Coo - ink conSideraide addithios .3kairriiTy altrat:liVe; tool thev.mii,milling I opotiler,Pit- whiilt , they elution. hitt thii4c-wilt74 1)0' , :- found entirely Staler:4mq.,,Conatry.-111erehatits invited' to call and examinciThi, mid it. , is: cotlidently how , m had It. their interest IA put 11.15 e. rroto the suiriey . LS ihers.: Ekt . NVALTON: ;'', Nn 141 snuthi.rollllllStt•eet; ti fait , tfooki..belotv Philadelphia, SePt. 5,1 544. • • • • trilies rani?, R.Dress . 0001 11.-% . • , y A: CIA N,C near ilk-11031-047F R.P:i.Shiiipentibitvg, ve new style of Dress Aloolla, eitiotetellstragys,:ne,l7,:: 1,guh,;(1,,§11,1k.S oytl Liiince, 11fi • Meth 2iy 1844. ~,, , xi. ;;i, e ) ,,c : ry .: irhvzt t r a vi li tri ? :wfi lltiiji l i t tr,. ,4l ,:ic : ,. ..:-., . . . • tie - 0 ei orwy.,i -- - zi'o 6, or ate moinbrmn , 4o - : 2, . poiwcuttu,,,ition Powilet's,sptu tp ,kykNiye ttc _____ „petwdd,i.,',4.4it.erti44lF-,-...lit:lT3','lVW 4- titlipTrißjrit 'x' , f ' , 4 7r , *.Z=, ''; -.',' '-..,- • fwitt'4,9 1844. -,., ',4,..'. -: ' ~-,4 1'44,t....,:-.'.. ....„. ri.• - • , 3aing.lll. .m.BER.- , ,' : T.,,,,„ ur,40,46.44,,twanci , iii. ,,, 5ti,0,21,,,,,. • - 1 .• 0n 1,,,,„1„,ii 'kids * ctr,4.ttlTther, stutl) as'AVltifil:_ Pita - him 413, Platikb, Settittlllig;Sh lug! es, s h higl lo,lk ''' 11114 Plustetiog Ittit &c0;•xtIl ?F *hick Aval beoht ft, _ la ilver pram; w It thtfandrtiOnallatitrilgideMilli ' at Hie wore hat, a' - ,W,-.111, 1K. 31 ,U111{..Y...-,, ---,""-- -(; 1 01841. NW 184 2,4. •, -" .: .• • „ ' otdifiliiirS , ••: • ..... : 0-- 1 , . , ITKl4ve.,inci r'it• clod rtpexery,otiiie'ela qtriOdi - ,'' ", (11111 / 1 ; . 4 -111, (l'itli I lI I A ' A h n Ott . ChII BB IIS. iltit•AidCe ', -' - de - cntinf;•;Doillisol 11,1ilert Sku,s;iiii,,drvomiCHlig -1- : - . Priveddcui9do - toii - piwatyl e fey, !wile; •iliterses,, '7. - 7 7 '`,.: ; ' ~, _., ,; - ,`OP' : ,'.• ' '',',-.-:ik,‘lti9lll4lPVAlk ..,4,2lstpx.eaktlngq4.7l,Aßra,a : 11 4.Z0,''' ; .,' .. ifflyittl•ee'biiaitgt fresh int ‘4,..r thu yrikink'ii l eN 4 ,Ll, , , i:Y , INO 4 iibs•pr!tkiir,', l l,ditiito 04 4 , fihrll4o.. , -,., C.',4 , - .'''.•,* K, 4 L f ! ~.1 ,4 ' - - , .1' , •:i ' ' ,;:,., , 1,C114.§: Doluttf,J;-. 4 ,;,, , ',',.1 - : !,,. k. , ~, 5 g 0,7‘,18,0 ~,-' ' ',•", -f'..l-,., •„.kt":r'r,T;•,,f, - ,',•,.:" I ',•"•;'' ',•'•-, '•,. • • --, . ,T,p - i, :. • . •,' . "•'-.. ' , ' ,. -,•''' .3 1, , i; '.4`,"• , ••tr''A: , '"" .•,r,•:••,• • J , 44. , ,,,..• -,,, • , +,- `• I ~,, • ' ' El IVII. Itt46 EBEIN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers