;Th 4 lVii . PV • ; of itiralindustry is. More -ne glected-thal.tlie- cultivation of good, fruit, it for7ilie labti bestowed. We shall re joice if thOileivirig remarks from Mr. R. L. Tapto'r eglpty,' N. Y:., who re centlyifiekyeksks_4•old medal , from the A; : theriesti FrtstiNe.,.for.tic - OestFruit shall aid-eny , of citir , coM - 1 - 4 friends to. . pro .y? their orchardsorchards e • To the Coinntiltee oft Fritit Farms r . Gen lemeii=Being desirous tescqmpete -- fei the premiuM tee,,be iwarded. by the A= • rnericad, Institute atltiiB4ixteenth Annual • Fair; for the best Unfit Farm in - the State,: t now. abide its rules,_#Ml . offer, -at the re, glieit of Mr. T, D. W. ; its worthy and -'very useful, Secretary; my .mo,cle of menag- , ing. . • . torSnme4eats_Lhave beinstlx.pstriment ing upplAyboi - akplq..tre,e - Thaying, an.orchard of ko,oot:KNAt;ton pippin apple trees ; I • . hairo4o4-1A to welt. for. ?-wliatis called theliearitig yetir, and cpnse '.quernlyii:hasbnon,my sstuqyTOKlAlStsup... •ture,. - so aa.to enable — theAreos -to bear estery , ' year. - litave notieed that .it 'bears more profusely than and other tree, and conse quently requires .th e e 'intermediate year to recover: itself, by extracting from Atte_ at- . mospliere end earth the requisitesAo enable it to produce. .1f unassisted by ayr,Ahe in tervening year inust necessarily' be Most. If, however, it is supplied with the proper •• sustenance, it Will bear every year. . Three years ago,, , in April, 1 scraped all the rough hark off a .few.of the apple trees in my ,orchard, and washed the trunk and reach with soft soap., trimmed out alfilielitanclies. that crossed. each other early in Jiiite,%)ainted the Wounded part with white.load, to keep out the moisture, . then aplii,olieu the_ bark:by. ittatifinga:sharp pointed. knife from the ground :to the 'first set Of limbs, the -latter part of the. same month, which prevents the tree from be: coining. bark_ bound;. and gives the••inner _wood an, opportunity of ,oxp.anding. _ July, 10800 one peek of oyster shell.lime trunk mitil November, when I (Rig the lithe The follol:ying yeat.l col- in thoroughly lected- _from those- trees 1,700 .barrels of fraitorne—OF—wit'uth—Watr - soki • York -for $4, and—the balance' -in 'London, - .at $9 per barrel. Strange as itmay(appear i l they are-literally: -bending to the. grotin9 with the finest fruit I ever saw, a : specimen, Of which is before you. 'Rho other trees orchard,- no t—treated=atrabnv 7ttie barren, nest .yearbeing their bearing year.. - .1109T..11. PELL. FATTING' A NIMAI,I3. --A9 cold weather is rapidly coining on, now is the aide for the farmer to ,push Milliard the fatting of his animals as rapidiyc ae possible . . His beer and nititton . ougiii to be, in, the in arliet by. the end ; orthe . moiith ; and the pork as snor bogsAfr,y,rell, and the cutting and saltufft ~ca'file"pteseented: without endangering-the .taintinitof the meat. :Our Fvriers little know honrinifeh they - 1084A fatTfitVg twenty-five to fifty, nnd'.'iiiii4aS, 7 , sertAvOn -.cum hundredper cent. Fftec'in 4% , mild weather than , they do in severe cold, on.t to sonic — amount of food. What a great . - :50 - viyg - this - Fouh.1 be. •Spcond by reettin - ---- obt - rnots- - aifirdtile as (list - as - they 'll'l.i:ripe and .athered it eaves .the trouble_ aiitt:tiSk .-;;;:-Ilf,..Stor.inglitirti..lite..ttoirturts'-: - .ore more comforiabke„Mokit v is less lobo' to 4irep'are • their food :fil.ethe,lifedeiing-Noveinbor and t: aler:,; - 'l,aatlyiitth r e , s tileat_which first comes_ --- 0 - FrilikWtiltifill"S".•rnfire the highest price; :iinti_at ani.,.r,eteeif,Sold.threo_inenths in ad iMice:or ,Itisliwit4ors,•oneAtleest saves, i - thAiiiin - out4 , of interest 'on the niriey' he 4-e(ii,Ttii, his; Peoduce, besides considerable, ,riilt•iir,:crt Im animals themselves:— , b :ill n: A t ilic:C • ti4Urigt, ,—;-.----,--, ,-,-.;-,-. ;„ .., -. -NrestnlNG A TREE.—We -saw st'isase - 'Trost's; Nevvton, a. tblerittily , large 'apple •J - ree that had the bark oaten all ar. I '. Y the Mice:genie-yeare agii, :of, colrs. d 'AtitVe;diedwitheut sorne•extra furies to swie • , *iy,;;` , lllr.Trorlt Set, abont a dozen.seions'i n ~,,ilie, lit dejo l ip . enktg . erecn.haricaitd Avow.' ''''c' i llii i .;s4SK:'? l4 :4/o#4o;'above iltit„ ?i , i*iitY., , 4 ,'„epo,all ,4roolliehltvanO:gi*KNii4ll, it Y.',.•,:., Tozeeie ' ~r ",'- f .f.it only et the :hottoM ', ?' !' . .i:i ' Or f il l i ii i !O , .:1 1 -;":490 by 48014 ; r -the '' 7. 4 'i n' iiy e#4* -Ij;. , ittiiwirinehos - itrdtan* ''-' ' l ' fifi ,:%!iiif , 'Afte:4..thil§tifli g . ;each, Other,,-., 'he :':`"irOt',Oei *44.:#l,*o.4li,?l?lJig:'a9llqii4;O: t • ~t i tits 'O o.4.'oririto, l -1)g 4 .4jrigil4'Jltt-rided .*ltitioneirrOn fit l y i bitl,ll4o:pjei4ooi 4 . i of 4... iv . ate..4.l4l.'erio 4.47 , , -, :' . ; . A1 - o • 44l'ini —6 'atTodoCt P1i0'0i040.3441i, ~.., , ~, , , ~ ,r, ,•'"" - i '. '' •-• • ~.. I ,o_egg.:(lle!oese 'rm./Apple warrnsr- •,, , )- . ' .04 1 'ittro*iir cleanliness -ar,e ~,...,4 , - ..e1,04 , ::,„;,-- , --..--‘ , -,------,------- - , : the - N I . Ert a nLbeW4:jT o °o ll .9 l PY 'ln 4 e, r 1 , ,,„i:.,1,..1 0 .-..k o tiiy ; ii i • ~,,, ~,,,,,,il- ,' . . - ( - C151.;i0 ‘",..,411( ~.',. tr -,,>- t ~., 1 4 ~, . ...-,ltAt. `,.:q:li,T. •.1 ~ _ .. .. .te r -~-~-. '.t. , _ .X,Y - ~`..a~r': ti:'ui.: ~?aY~. :;'~7'.^3:yri'e.i!'y:.t - -.p/~ ~yy ~s , /'~:.~^~:;~X+:ec;~=~daslil::~.f j 4~,. .;! 3 ; j '+" , ~ , ., '.y' ~:~' ~~a.~ ~ti ~: ~di^.~.^,.. .~d„,;s i.t-'~:N ',:;,lacy .:..-'.'^.l'iE:~,F.'•Mi-j:':~+~t~..•--•~'..~::a ~w,.~.. w,~ ; ~~i...(p w~A ~,i':~+t• tt ni ..-:k• tC ,: r ' ll 4 ll' ' 4.. -4rii ....:. 8 ,1. 1 ‘. 1 t a ... '1 t" . ,. 15 1 °1 1 rqr,tyzrouql• It,•_ . qpinfter,:. 7 ,s,t, 7 . t:nnt.l..feetii:. l, iditiliiiii4cianiii an if ITiltlitintiEf 4o lo44 6 iiik4ii jiterseiing ;in''hie..eallitig; an: id, so. soul'iil : and-, obi,igitil,,Vitnre; ;and-'noble , traits abiiitillifs:*.cht7 'is. generally, lip,piint)i 7 —eat and liltirn, and.lie - won't - Set iv- marit 4.irseay-it'n'ut: of yon Titir 4(1 . 7 ,t,utnyivin wrest, as ' sortie I : know. will—yuzare,wd.cpme: lie will 46 yeti 1-kintlnessulititottraipeettlis - a return b, , ,wa'y of comp - insatiOn-• , -it it; not sw.wi.to ev ery He is - generally more honest and sincere less disposed to &din Icoit and _undertand __cunniog, than „many we could name, He gives society its bust sup?. pertit-Ite is.the pillar that sopports.the etl 4ce,a,Government-?-he is . ..the - lord of ns lure, f:Xmolt hlm in, his homespun and :tielsticlts—gentleneen 1 laugh at hitu,•if you will:—but believe me, his can faugh bacyjp,ltc, 'pleases ! -• • T4 - isjOing.or steaming of diy fdod, and even offißtptoes, and turnips r is recommend ed by-.many n 4 an economical practice.,Pro fcgsor tahnstOn believes:the general result of the numerous experiments which .have been ninths - upon Otis 'subject in vaisioni Tartstof-Emilil,-is-in: favor in so fax, as regards fattening and growing . ' 8144.. It seem's a more doubtful practice ltrillie - ca;IC:Of - horses are lifiendeil for heavY and especially for fast work—. l thong Stevens, in hiS Book of the Farm, says that eren.for these animals, the. use of steamed food is , coining into use .with extensive coach contractove ROBIRT B. WALKER. opfiosile ChriatNreh . Philadelphia, - • ' has : just recetved and iSr4IOIV 61W11111g anti beautiful asatoittent of CAREETINGS:;-: The gertl rre rrealt nod .of new •st les, awl tieing purchased prio . ttlly for CASI 4,, they will be sohl Alike lowest they consist iu.part of, Irouihrtlrussolsi - rieh patternso - iientrtilitlimpe , rial, 3 ply. Super 'Extra Ingrain, 3-4,44, 3-B,T-will ed. Ventian, 3-4, 4.4,5.8, Plai.it tlo; Colors wiTratit ed I)UItA IILE. Superior—quality 6-4 Exc.t.isit llocienvos, With's ; large stank al well seasoned Oil'Cloths of all uitpl t s Rugs, Piano and Table Covers, Sheep Skies, Sttiir Rods, Bindings &a., togetber with an extensive as sortment allow Priced - Carpetifigs, of all tleserip= ' r4l INGRAINS of good Patterns attAqualt4 or 373 to 50 cents. per yard.' I'll11:11:1SCI.8 are re (vested trreall; and they nifty rest assured of being pleased.with goods mitt inipelf.;, ROBPRT B. WAtltElt. &pt. 1844. VALUABLE' IVARIVX • • . FOil subserihe.r offers at private sates the follow eseriboll Yaluable Real Estate, situate in Trth d -Middleton tojvhship,' Clutpberhand coonty;- eoutainin4 . - . (1`• -- .'•.s C)CD 3 . Zff, .. -4 t. -IV4: - - 9 more or lessor Pidenied Land, about 1.25 Aurae of'• with:hare clii.ired, tied in it high stile, of cultivation, anti ilia - residue edvereil with thriving yotyig•tiltd3r. 1 . The I,llTrovoiniii:its 1 111! ' • ''''' - ZAILO.4l . lili? V • a —}LOUSE,— ; ; • it Stone Kitchen, Anil Frame Barn A lt ~ , with a Wagon she and Cortrcrib. All, : ~.4' and n fine' young, I. 'lying Orchard Wa"-- ..:;,.„1. ..-' .-- .. . .. _ . ... _ . with eboide fruit. The firm is well covired• locust Limber, and unlimber of never failing running springs near the door. The above mentioned Tract is all Liniestooe..Landautl is in a healthy' neighbor-I , hood. within two miles At parlisle r mid one mile from thoCumberlantrVaileyjlitilroad Ind lying on the Conotlngitinei Au indisputable title will be given. For.torrow apply An the_subsorifter_ residing on the_Witinut-llot tom ;toad, 5 miles from Carlisle. - JOHN . FISIIBUIIN, Sr. .:iingust 30,1145. 2tn-47 N.--11, The - above farm-is convenicailirthe'Cir lble market. ' .:CHEAP CARPET STORE: 0 - 31:',T11116, (A'4 PLAN. .iit`dro. - 465.1.'itiza.bari l i at. Philadriplga. THE Rent or the Silbscrihi.rt pregtiot 10 W,nllll their tel . lllll li - St (11i4iii it iatili4T. se a tam f ow 1 )1 .1e.e: that Customers eassot fail. to Ihr satisfied, mid 01(.1' Melte the people or Cumin:ollM Count) to CA II and exam; se.thrir stark, is they oiler an cuUellellt as sortment. comprising Beautiful linkrial, 3 ply, 11r,tritia,• . I 'eau VeMiinn, CES t RiMEITLNGS Fine Etglo.ll NVorst'd do. Flaio§tripml do. •. With a large siook of well seasoned 911, CLP,711,8 of .all, widths, for.,ltSoms, I ntiMpleees &e. Also,Fursiture Ihme l liful firarth Hums. Table Coverll,.Flbsr - CarmtsTMTittis,.;!cr: - . -- togetlyetmvitlya • large surd:of - I low priced Ingrain, 111Ary and WILD,L24A.I,E ceilturAy.. 4 at the lowest pikes is thd- No 41 ! Strn wherry •fiirciet, our ditrwrihple neftrrKstr—Eintrmum-alsol - ix . 6ti-4nutir-S,ccuml fitret.l. „ • . • Se.prs.-fR44. . ry' - I,llerella sits. IN store, Forejgronit A lonrienn liread.cLoxits; thiptell to the npproarhing season, pinong, , :whiqsre in - 64W° AWVi such over , .epats. Ajso.,now-sLyte. snit Oak. ' Awry* and Clookinirs, - together,t% ith On, pteitk qt. surross-.s drgetrit t‘vist,, Sew ang silk, knittits - and' other, . . [actors. • - Also l hluok satins, plahl,tiured .velvets, wanlen velvets,44l): other ,now of. Vesti 00,itsicirtrneikt. itAixtensie'snd ,reastnlp. . LI Isp,FINCOrrV t: Disieusair . lothe r elissitievesfUo -67=Nintlk , I scoria street, Phihttletphin. —.9lh 11 . 1ttoth, 2d, „ 180, GEORGE . . ,il.7.Soittlii • S.ecoasd Bt. , Plilltaddlpldn 1 - Miinullictintrii - of 'Manuel qaps,..Driess taps, in-' 1 .1'866 Cdpi;lllcniiiiing,Copt;s,•Lapai and ~‘, l lsris,, orid,),ind Vann!' il n altns,:)l_riantT Vaimas arid cienVas,•. . - • .... - Alsri; :Wholesale - Haalars, Fivancts and lkiners-, flowara..oC-Ntanufanturara peadieria;3l.lldorini:••.Velvets; Ilunkranis and Cricrikn :Liningsi•f Sv,aahlYiklanpiiClgpfgiriei ; ,!...lap Spi , inta; The attintian';ar abase 00,50W,1941% aria' receiving conidifiCaddittririll •PhltadeTplsiu .19th ' O/16 . 111 1: ttilirellai ',ViiiiiibtAild 7....§16:—: .'• '' : - ' ' . Shade rdaaufaetoiye, , , , , , v, , -; N: _l4,* , ,tizkaaris:Ainiiiii.Qll4ll•TAKllP: -,::--1.itchof/SIVA Sotttli•Fourtit'streer c .,.. , ,,i, . 1 .4. I , : ' .removed to 0*,..N. ~.w: Corner: of 46 , Oil' = , Market atrogte;o is Igii,Rkepared to . offer to, 1 .1,i . 0. .Iraloin, etwprioi ;iir 'lt lilt abfliv..c' t ,o,apuoi: i snbitil,Jioaotilli4twook 'itp(lo 4 b ittEn_lhortequitec s ell:. , Deatitendeii 6 6l - alidlitrrioitildl ` nt'a?gapd :fjp4;klitla'p loiy,teliO'poroliniall Rita I or -fi nny ;olio' Opy. ~ . ..ljoy.! i ; tog`and,t'aotliosrO,CiaillWhV 1 k'elsalgeillo;sqltAn!thif 'Mist '4 l ,l4 l oiNtegatirria; :Ira ilivltioi'M'etiihiota'.iii'd• :atliOrf , lattlifiOlftrisitiito 7 ,4l444liit'll.iitoilOo lila:Ocal: ,0,t , " . , : , , ,, , ,,,•:;,. i ....,,..., ...,..•: , .:.rf.;::i;v4; $::: , -- . 9 ,`; 1 . ,A:`.'•;,.'s , 1 ;;%. , '4,...;‘ , ii .i tia1t:43141 . 14V::Crti. p. , x,„. 1 , • ,,-, , a.:4„w.;. , parririx4iy A iici,lllo : l‘.o it' Ullii:': A ,-, .* kt ueo 44,41 oi:%;.; c -:;A:A cs i, i Y 6 ' c 7' :g‘fiv, . ,1 fl . . w,,. » wn‘wmnaah? Imm r 4%». an: “fluids” up}: $155» :gsfif‘tnr’ri'lifik‘hb)? El EpHUHGE Sc BROTHER. ECM ;Y?a~ ~,.. ~.~ ESE testoo, ne,o e iErO7. ncyskr" t ' iFeTtiaeielikne fitiOrroftlitrSOsqHnelSi'Sinit; Line of; Oara Sold L'anal Hants, return_tlatin-. Fro nklin' and', In berland'isoiintles forinist favors; and respeetfiillifin:4 foctn xluit.flieyairci;:posilice: pared. qt d forward dally.'vla Tide Water.Ctina4 ,- 6aid Iterchan itz^ PHILADELPHIA. and Pendtice.win 66 delivered to any !Muse in Philadel: Oda, or Baltimore to widelt,their'Boats.Fg9hayeap, sips: Theiritgents in the eities.are ~ • . Messrs. Vine st. Wino(' Abe. ware, Afessrs: ViLnet(Gel,,aiim , . Theyy itittati-ireeeive nod foritril,daily, to PictWl-7 1 burg 4ri It t e rnic (1 1 14e-pogits, Freight- anti. _ Passen4:. gers also for hie Nardi and ' %Ir„t, , st: lirtinah Canals.' . l , • Harrisburg, 1%1;140844. tf'2 • TO. COUNTRY:MERCHANTS. - r ro , ! E; sobseriber t reapeetfylly iiivitet.;ountry,'set:r • 'pints who are ntmut .to purchase Full ter Situp gee, to un.'examinatinwor ll'AP.„ .. respeetive StamCa,kelieving that their Oeveral tniaortmenti are aseomplety as have ever been offered in.the Phil adelphia Mat krt. • •'' •-. • . • • With Stoats of COmls in their Several I)EThrt mentli of the choicest kindsl—a•tletermination tj;lse4 on terms whidi cannot &tit to prove satisfactory= and tlispoifition to plditie old- and new custetners, will, we hope he n sufficient inducement to, pur diusets to call at our Cmipeet establishments. SILIIIS AND FANCY poops. lV k It ['Remington, 80 141Orket street. A sitliorst & Remington, 00' do (10. Ruck Stt. Potter, ;RV do- 1 . do l'ard Y.Uilhnaxc 1011. do do laa ei• iegtitdEoreigst.DryGoods. lleyMoide r -Menittland&..Co Burnett, NV WWI'S &Cu 120 do do • Senttliz. Raker, 150 do do Wiese, Posey & iVite 154 do do `lardybc Hackers ... -,411 d 0 do . tot poi ters,.of i o t s l4o. „C a sst ere WiltiasT ii Love '147 Alurket street, Lantl,ntri toy ' 1(8 do, do IR al-day - aye wad Cutlery V Baker 213 Market street. S I Nally Sr. Co fl 5 ito do utporters Iliad ItirtintfaetikreriOf Saddlery, Illayd ware. , ' flora & Raeass '2156 Nlarket street. - foots, Shoes,Bonnets, Leg horn unt paint' V &.1 0, Whelan lslfiClerkk-:street. luierk, Jenkins sit . .;?" . • OW lit/ 110 M COMA atY do. du. Manufacturers .n 11i1 Dealers in Dan s, Plit2diertill2sl, Pa 1111106,'0l is. Thomas l' JnoWs _212 \I arket'steet. rasAk,LE,_ • • do •Ilohinson, GA ins &Co - do do I. Ed wiled Cole 54 do do Thoto mon, l';nwonst Sr. Co '4O do do als„Caps . , Furs and Trimmings.' I ..Kenlod 4 176 ..Nlaeket street ' Jobli - pnerhier s k lirother (12 .do do Books and Stationary. Tn. street - I logun & Tbninpseit - 30416 tin - do 14brters of Brillsh anal French Puma • ' and Staple ! Stationary. L Cohen &Co ' sired; Ilene) Cohen &do do do Imporlgrs of Ifosiery,6loves,Wrionninis• • , and Fancy Goods.• • Setley t Screutug.„ - • .23 N. do', do' s ,. foin.b.sytirtehis; .Brooms, Tliomas.coopor 3 S.' Fpoi , L street. Imparter of Toys, Fancy ,%• Staple Goody. A F Ott Mintrosc Arca - Manz( farlut or of .Patent Lard. Larhps. S Arpher .3Y N Second strovt. Itlottufacturer of Paten( Floor . ..owl nitttre Oil Cloths. ManUfacturers and Importers of Paper' !longings. Ilove11,4; Brothers 80 & 0 , 2 Chestnut street. Augns(et 184. • • • tr-15, CAW22ofea • • . . .... iii:II2F.A . S, smiler the- pretence of title, •V- YiW rived from sundry unrecorded Deeds and sales made fur taxes, which by repeated. adjudies lions of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumber land county ' and die Supreme Court of this Stale; live In en Acclareddraranlent and void,forge' titles of chestnUt and oilier valuable timber have been cot - upon the lands known no the NI ociUtirdllf guide ; the public are theretiire hereby notificd,that the sold , : state eonsisfink of all the traik of land at any time usen xinre the afar 146, in eutipc,ri l muith'. the .llount Holy Icon it'or,kB, (em pti ting ttelt per tionsim have Once sold by ildrAuksejillice,) are the property of the yorMers! & Mechanics Bank; of it conycyiutce lin,iheSlim iff pf said Num ili A wrost 18381: flint all deeds not recorded ninidligAtiM:thearineLoLtheiretitiOff e, liv .A,ef of AsSembly.:datthf 27110.1131, de clared fradatent and.-aoid e t ubs'cquent per-, chasers; tint kitti - tri.Ait have been InnitirlY.Pnbi,ul ,- ..ii every.trootTorming part • orsiiiil - estate,•Mtm the first occupation np tq t w presrot time ; that by act ulAsstunlilioluttil22ol4_,Allulk;:lBo.:l l K. itutsipg_ inmting, purchasing; pr.employing hi others In hut or haul, any:limber trees upon or from the lands id moodier, withdpt license of tho 'true owner is 'Made an indictable offence ,• and that the subscriber prosLeole all personsoffending against sail law .nn matter under what frathdent pretence melt viola- • don imutempted lle Ali- also give . n reward of it fot•Alndt tiifdtrinttirinias thii-Sil6atn.fhe Ul)I)1•l• itmston;itti( T{OE`7•ITY Dac4qat4 kicpi of eßpititial every ‘v\l (Int i-tt w '-Attoriity 'Any infornijition in regafttlto•the estate ..tan. 114.1. • - • CII-AI %'% • . IFI sultsembee,ithattkiltl • •car pot f4yofttilsgtuttl; i all iAa ttirioUs hrnuihes, tit 111014 ,Otttetl, itite of tlit: tile M eltsi on - - 1:ot-- -4tse Itere•lte.4B itrtiptt -. • , la= MEM : .... WiNDSOIVCIIAIiik, of- c, , v..fi x•tiqsrOp , tion—a so. , , -S'l6li.eCJW.SOci44lCsi f .- 1 Vist,od , --ROoking-?.-halt-s-7, \,. ... i.„, .y4tii-aiil.wijtimitg - , - istii: - ,.- ' f •,,- All of4ll i. - %41 , be - mode \M-a 1 • •. 4 .ilimible - NibMeitibdiu the .moit ''''''' -''' 1, I fi l foahiQM - 44#!-uity le,' : ehropM , ' ' ttiMi:•': ' ' '`‘ ' !lie,ywou he bought elsewherb:'•',:k - . - --••-,'-::•.• : - All new •work Worromettr,:-!-"::::••':• share "•• • ' He - holis,llleisfoi ; O;Mi,'ielie! ii•pf:pqliel popioNe. - v "' '' - • 0, ."‘ . '. ''•,- '.'',,' --. • „..• , .•: -,"; .t, -„.V.•,!4•1',',.--z4IOAO-,:M.::-Gith.:GG':--4 .Ctirlielej'Aprit ig,i1,844:".,.. - , - ) . - 1.1. ' ' ' 9m-24 ..,zio.Li . .'-?,--ia-,-Sh e ' :„.s.--, .... Boots: it HI vA . ~ , ylB 4- tf., q :. . „...: , .4 . . '. 4 ' I aseet-' , ril l. . : I f i i i '&: ;; ;S o . ti k ti4e r i. ,, i v, ti: p i 4 ha: , ;,j , it i l• i tt, vg e ll ta , ::t u i l t; i et g l o ' ti e ' r a 4 (ltl , l 4 ti7 Act': 'leant et 11; 8 ittlief:tent,Pptig9nOes , '.f-'. • =. ,,. .". - 'l ) .'' , ~,...!.?: i..notßiSAll(V s lll6oSff•'' ''.:, - • , !i f‘teitie'r.Ssitli a' Sultpry eit'.l:'Wiltis! .f atitittOr an . 641/(firut sitoesz'itil , tbf , wfiieli fia; min , : sell 514eappr , ibr disk; than Ibex:lave evee lieen2aeldintpus plane. is t 1 Also an .)kiistirtiunnt: of 1 Alf.. einit'fievtod,,A.o‘ f , :'' • • , " ill''retail'at i{id, analktgr.9,l?3,l. COPlirZfe,l9,ll.l,(.lll,4lr,"46'''!'. ‘,:,...1 .0104,060.11 ier444S-Zr,'''l'L'.s‘..-T if fitiiii 7 I :. I;;He;tti t .•.manuutettire itt•orpef,, a.. 9 Acratiim Vnkktkirliiiit!!.cl.'.!lP,97TT; At ant,tithati•eatablistime4t.!wv ..,.%'; ~.; i'„tii.ii In -The ri t i lle4 aulAllef , .. ,v elkt, o 4s...:: •ll tlllL, , ?.. t. , • ifeetip.HatinveS , StOeti.neatit .. - eitiyeatfej.2 7 , l l?l At9kian'l*'*C4!l6-1.---tiCtiu9 n"';111"-7Cillifi,i7i!ski ti i is O fe i s l ttl•,6ll t thine ' ll iP',, , ,,l f t r f P,,, ~ .....•.e.1,1 iivoliesci:4•4 44-, ' : ' l ; - !!!•,!.. ' 7 -l ir ' hkxix t y ~.Yi - Oisllstilic June ' § ..llft ..: :::': ~, : ';', : c'', ' ''•;.44ll'i'', . " •1 '" . :4 l4 ,Tediqroiliirigtitili.o9.; , t,t,„.rl.P 4 '?. e 7 ,,„ miuli 9Pfk,i9..og tr 4,7, - P, ,- '-`•.'...'''''.;:,4,'„', ', ,ei.,, •,..: o , a yp e g i lltismartiii.. ! ~-,•, -5, p.', - .. , , ..t.,•:, - - t , .,.. , -, •- ‘-',,.. ow V.pypirilgpp,;4Kls*,Alifl' )71i6 tEkV4:, , •4-'':-16 . ti,',4 ,0•1 N. , -.:F-:4 , :,. .I.iti, itlVlool # o t : ' :l ,::.V;r;CiP . ..9 i , thli t iala*ilz:lqlo:4 'l', ViaienTAVAiipkigkie,?•, - C ~,. • 4,-, 44e',.441VX jii , •rt&,.51,,.. , ..ee 1% ' 46* . .i',174601a411 , l'=" , ', ~ 461,114.. W., ...;,;*.:1,;47:6::'41 44- -, ~ . .., . .-21 ' .4. , ,r14, : '!4?;',! ;, ; 0 ,,, 1., , ..:, ~ , - ~. ~ , A ea. ~,,,,,,.:( ‘.-:,,,,:,,,,,,,;.. 4.,,e....,r,..c0y,,t,,,,t,e,Adw - *ARE k *URNS'S/ to- —4 , — ,„.;,1 - .4 .4 - rokilidevribOtiOntioirrli"' HEFRA '4.l ' . i ' l tiSUBANE,A - 'Y - --- -,. : Pl4 / 1 " 8111 q 111A .tZtt ' GUI + t t gqinnalli 4 UtiioTHrFarrl fak r rit ''' Oftlet 46U/ Oheinai . titreetb ---...! _ i v it i(r4 I, " , UPAAVVE,eIthei pe hilthentOr IlitU eiodognlnatloas Ot , drnthigobigfiro, on PROPER:I Y# , andLII.E.CTS^of vivo &Set iption; in Ow" O A . Counti , y,bn the -melt t eitonSble tei tub Applue6 trolls made:either} personally pitby letteri will he proniptlattended t,4 "A ~. s IA 3 , 1( iW ..7......_ ,„ cN 13 NCIC.P. , k, "cpstr , )4, • c . y , .. g , flatOS Of frOAOrgiiiee itedOldif 4 , r. gni.Eo4l, ;Briolt from,•• ga to .I . !•' , Eliteiteisilo. • d°• : do • .do .. , .•do : SinbloqiiiiintiiYvs4etio '5 do, Jq Tdd•J'al'ilate(tnitili6)) - .„,t.o` to do •,'dei•crlitOlillo;4l l tatkv,,•••• , • .•• •• .,•:.•.;. - • 1 _:•;•.:.P 0 *.ori 74,,td:10• do Brick pr. Stone dirOl44•llltitd.Enr- 400 slQT. • :vOlqu • 4 •-• ~.,1-;43549 50 'do Ito 4 9 ...leo ' 'tient; tina:COntetio • • • - • -1 0.t 0 1. 5 • • • tico.,:•:•...dO,gtables (puldlo) •• . to . 150' tt0 , ..,;:".,110 , 0i10t Mill and:Stook • to - 80 do Frittrie.nnd ant:1111%o nod niture • • 50 to 75 • • do do do Stored and Mercluin •6sto 85 .• do ..• - 'Ttivernstind.Fu I tueo .60 to • ,I,OCr 1477-714—art13--A-7nlTir" Jaan-atltl Contwilp • . • • „po to MO do do do Grist Mills and Stnek - • • 00 to 100 Tim snb¢oi Cbcr. is p . geni tor - the above company for. Girlish! lind•its vicmity. applicationsjor assuranco-ei ther' , by Mail or • - p!!rsoindly will be promptly ntlended to. ,-• •w. 1). SEYMOU4. Juitep t 3, 1 . 144. l Y- i 3 Bl'orth AineOcan larprap.ce • Company . of Philadelphia...-AigirltAl $600i9A.9; • CA Ri.4,54E.-A GEN y. rrillE directors of,ti:ip suit —lt ha's+ determined In redpiti of premiums, on Frame nonn,og Huila iuga,tai give lin OppOrtUility in•Opexty Itoitleim, to them svivem of 'its nil Vlllltilgt.R t • • ().ii Frame. or Log linildin2s' __ II rtes and Stone." On Merelinniliie.or Put niture-in Stone or Brick Hui.lklings, INto iu.Frane, Inell2PETllar, RISKS, 'On Stone or Brick 131illtlitt or sl,oop,,tbe pi+ uut.io : be puirtict.ounl, ,tortmitt., atnouat m premium paid. - -- Application either in person or by letter will ro ceimettutuelligle mtention. • elfruary 14,1844. 11 , 11.11: Alien Buil Entipesinsborough .Nlittinti_ Fire 'I - Insurance company of Gumberitinti Qoutity,itt , Vortnirated by an act at-Assembly, i'tt now roily or , ponied, antlin operation tinder the niattagetnent of die following Tizi • Citt:Stnytitan; Jacob Shelly, lh in 11 Goras, Lew is 113 er, Hoov g r; I leiir! Logan, NI ishael enekl in, Benjamin Moser, i .litcob John Suavely, setw and John Raid in, Wito'repectftilii - call• the att,iition of the ,'citizens of Gutriberhi nil and York'ebunties to the ad= valittißes AYbieli• the ,cotriptoi;hOld.citti. S iti the 'State. Persons wl*lttitg to t hetanne me . nbers nru invited to ninke 40ication Ilui:ogetitn of theAntnpany who are wtlliii their) nny SIIELLIr; Prcs't. Nltennti. 11ctovtli, Nice President. ' Lewii Ryer ; Secretary. Cokkliti,Treactirc.r. 'Michael Hoover, General. Agent, M echo niesburg. Unduly& Martin, ' . N. Umberlaud. Al Coeklin„ ' Allen. Wut It Gorgas,- du Christian Time', do John C Dunlap, do Pelee Damlturt, , East Pennsboro' Davi ri Martin, . Clutrehtown. JneoliXirk,Grneral Agentfor York County ,New Ctintbot:ltual P. 0. .Henry hoglin, 3olut,Slierrtek, ..Inliti llatikia; Daniel I.lally, Philip Al:vet:bill J _ _, ' . co, July 31,1844. PROTECTION AGAINST LASS a.24l:l,araLm • rigtmiCLINITIF;RLAND VALLEY 'MUTUAL PROTECTION COI PA NY, babgjotorpta.: rott:il by en' net of the Legisttere of the nes-i. sioNtottl fully aimnixettaltil in operation miller the direction of the folloutitig. board al Monitore, viz: Thototts C. Mjller, JOlot Itlnare, David W. Me collouth,,lnmes-Wealtly; Aloore,Sonittel I Gitlbmili Thomas Puxtoo; A. C. AI 1104 Stotogltr, ' Sitottiel NVootla, A brubtan. Korti:Ceoryte uvi m il e . .Scott 'Thy! e ,eu the gt tent inn of inhabitittits:ol._Cmtnb!tyhtsttl-Y-itlfiy,ittilouebeopnetsortheir litfes and many 4(lvstuta g rei ,ttthieh this tied' of tiottor4itee tillP aty'ether. .•. Isl. KRi'4l . .tt a it ! . 'N' the eotn tau titierthkes t:tttOt thizitlieWttc . ' ailinireirfftTirdircirrilr.cpitre:Mr-7—'' • hk: tsoityle. ~~ludeb iry .. , I q:-l::q—: • 211. far itls4Tuce. no snore is cloknintled Crin is- ' niecepaty_tb:,•fpgpt,tli6,..- c..eipcnictiOt,ilfe Coiiiimuy a iti -;iiidemititvAigninstlosseij,ultielt,maylkappp,,,, • -.t :: , .'Sii:,,The iniiiftVeiniente orriefineht'renevalsit'n ,=, linitlidliylntedeingin'rOtrinztrfift,xl , erriit7 Iml tele . 4 .. can lie.niko !nig sky,4e!ina,fentn. Amato 'live veers: . .14§ ,, ,',.%?..-•. , --e--- , ,± .. , -,•;.....- ,-....,,. I 7.1- 4.01; -A nrie'iliidn'iiiitilitife-b*iniiiincientylliikt,:ve :lli 8 Imam usbnlitii for .tite.gbeamill,thiis-a t 4.W•rirt , ' f - ftrqq - kergeAtiurk*NOrilt ‘ be,f,sp,:tm 01 4111Atti ni l , At , iiieli he willAgy.6o,l).ni„O;stl, for 4.1 e Yeari and 41 . ;siiree - Miry - 4101'pol icy; stYl - tiii'mt i:e :An &I ' .4.:4l,o,o;istAirt - 40 (o.**:lll6i.:liirintsiitrtlinn rt.'in -Farm; 0%) lin ndp' . imil) ~' . l9vrfonlll.4 ben ny.an nre.„*i ki I. a L.F.qui e 'ed tlini! - a ...pro rtilif . tir -, itiee: Theie `nail i ;43. Inner. clielutilrnbinl. t tbnlienf,nther opmpfinide,et wyot. ;such :niareinne!Linnuted,..4n.iltennin&pilinqiplut„. ; 1 , A . :: , .,„ • ...., . ~-.;', ...TH pp. Q, A11i..t.E11. , 7. l ?•asi. ' ..... rtk.. - ..Glkkii 7 t.*ii - OWs: , :ip.t.'-'q- 1 ,- , ...: : !•'. r'. ; ~: .It - i,.:: : ~....-t- t : , been . . • ! 7.47l!er..yrnilniv . tng - ,tgnopemen, hare, 1 r . te ft ; led 4GPICriI i , ,r.'rk.l)*.: '.',.%'"'" • .. ter s :X4 . 4 - Di'l" , iiii.D.iiii' , llle:.litnticalnkri.: ' -:,' f4tP Viliiiiipf,Kintied,yi.nil,,weiviiite, ' - ". ,l( 4 , ,G.oliiolsritplire:msel,, Minya e: '- . I.4 C , tomeitWittoviiklAilo; Clio isie; ~..,2E.._:_anoottiniem . .,,..flii,----, -, ~ . : • • %...ti,lii.....AyilliameArig. IVeid'pennebbio .-;, ,. .: . .1 .• ,• 4 N AI f 1 e...„ i ",z. -:- ...r''' , 1 , IA iii,.ii;• l ,lPq.'Nevvoii., , :;., !.-,..,1;-? ; ,.,„. 1 .. .., ; , i bf* :1 n'ine 4.;inr. 'Ne* . pindin'ilaii, r n :‘.';', i ,".l ''.,t, , A,: irriCl . kndonn;..fr. l o3Fltoke,trifiri;'s42# , ,cf,'N ;' . '..t1 , ,......;$ ... Ifeit..eulljet , lann, Sldtiriens.bnric . --',.. , .',, , " , .. , :; : f;,' .- -7 , - !7:, -" ' • k !:: : 11 4L4 - ugOin.,l34ll4tlleten. ' , .•• . .f'• ‘;' , Vl:c ....;. AO it' ; . . - ":-',•••-• ~-, :. ',...:-.. ' .'.'..; ' .' - .... 4;.:13,, - , ~t ~.,,on l twig-. i -4,,0118 , -.Mai' i, r Tt,.t hC ; fs. "-- •,,,,, , ' 774-74.- t.• .D 0 , . i f' 40 # 'l;er•^,,,.,„' . ' 1 lt, ifi .eto/37I‘uilly:k%1(110 f!!!)tnid.11;11,.0:6 ° " ' "AnTgefilliCillicr 0 :2.r-elm- . 08Phig!t40;t19_0°,: liy _ „ h i p A iztirnear, ..,.„.:17-t te,-,:igg,oiirpt,... L. „-,iiiihoLit Fielri: Liveri lesor Xf.4,0:1:4",11 V°l IP. P , r' •° i‘ ,''''' (he.K0.1,, ' , I,i .ita ill? winr,!., ‘,...., . ,I 1 48 0, 4= proo- ‘ ii„ Nilo 10,-,1111.1n; tem; , .••' .lIAO , "; Roof , phirlul f e i tett 14,,y, :',4 . .•4•%71-01',:t, -.' , •.' 1101r4S I t thulAtll.2. ' • • , ' 1:804 Tp—tiiill'itt—iqiiri,;,h-a ' it. '; ll6 - 4 - 10 3:9,0..1.fn ..' .. ha".' PREMIUMS ,REDLICED.I MEM " $lOO 49 et.. « st•to 50 et.. ••- stott JOHN iy-16 RE:WEU ANCE. AGENTS. York. county. • • do . , ~ ~ ~lv ~ ~ V ~Y w~ .~ _J~4.0 '‘,PA 4 ://COVir•Olial i 11l W 2 .2:6 -- = - Areibeitnly7Plllstirreattitama containing-Sarsie AtirAtari compiled or:Vegetable Extract's thatare; diniCtici• sudorific, expeworant !Find chthartie; bY ; witch "4"C% Atinatiooluty,areAtilaptetittti-eaost-fortnebt-disetire Mill' limy ItC tskofrot all tiinits;ll • Yentas. still ?Att. Fa . inset feehle;,tyitit'ilpt;feet , safety; tvitliotti Interre t'iti Witititabits,-geoupation, oe,regular•copyse They 4in; tit alf times. be•Muni] servieeable,as Purgative ; ; eliettlisiag . fiat stortiaoh and lhawehti as , well at a purMerilif the.lisod and thtirnalpuide, In, addition to their.otlter cianlitiou bacaute, contain. ah .yoesnparitlii'sfitrothbr imitable* ex 'truatrin tomb , Isoroposition, and which. trinket thent Te 7 erfill l o 6 • Afore 'hap, Cercijkftla - iihre hem , Otblissinal at various times of their effi irtey in various difieltliCr. anti where all other medi •eines liad failed; t tlia - publitslatist have ;teal iftalif or dtem furlhar 'publication of them is deemed un neFessafi, on atTtaithif oftha - great More than 100,000 ,Boxes hayebccti 1,p)(1 in Ishiladelithia aJotie , ,,, the vast ) ear; tints she w lug 'Dial in %ye p , inue`wifereffiey ore iatinti 7 fact tired, they hat% repnt'atibn; gyeatei , tnan •la i r y otlier pills—which tenses from the rant that Dr. Lel- Ili is well known at - home as a i , :egniat , ph ) sician, and lijs pills art:consequently tankloyed ith'great er confidence than tiny other; in aatlitlon to their known efficacy. . ' • • .1 ... • Lei it be-rimitPil; ered- -•- •, 'tis not the quantity' of Pills or.other medicine you eon getcor the :time Moue ~ ,3,9 the hest' or cheapest --Z„ . but- the 'quality.' or cheap medicines ,or . mils, you, of course, get the most; and you are induced to take the more under the impression if a little doe§ gond, more will do more gond, and Yon make drug shops. at 'your stoittelis,%cousing oftentimes serious, injury to yom•selves for life. - ' . . Or. Leitly's Blood Pills are composed al more e,z pensive ingribentsll.-rietplit e more nicety and In.: hot' in tWir,4 - 'IT 'Mimi than Itny.hilier pills—the 4.0 r el; imintratusaoint. • preparing the Ostramsnonitained I ' IT illSf . pills - , - enstiugmver - thrctrtliciusavd dollars. Price 25 Items a his. • :-.They nrO.preparetrottly. ond sold wholesale and fletaiil, at. Dr. 'Leidy's timdthliftVmoldunt. No 191 North Second street below:01e S'f: Also I , Y ' 'l`.. e. yaw ENsoN,. Sole Sgetn for Carlisle. ly. 'do" • do ~ '' June 2f1., 1 SI-1 l'ó riabßic:. TNOMPSON'S COMPOUND FYRUP OF. TAR AND -WOOD NA PTIII4. ' Fnr•the Preventjim send. Pore 9f ( Ptellitomeity .: Cosisight.p. „ 1 pat. all diseases incident to (UV:01111Mo there is Ur none so Murat the 4ittlie limo so in sidious and falai . as Colisitmlitioni . ' eritstry•H esinteitillrl'biniunary Consumption is emuluitically ft,Str,ol.llZe i ttlidlia-its.i•esialless.oareer SWVOIIS‘der the IlefitroisigAngeftiN'Ats% Imr-with releut less tall dui Ostutl)ttaii,lo,:iiliell! - Of our rare! [lith e' to till ellbraitisnirlieal.l,losAr4tttilaiseuse have pros-, ed in vain afar nll,,Olit'littr,„sCrin:Jlivithili our you yr utis rentlering = some-- wind smoother tie tertian tirogres to tile Moils ! ,The ,Grantiouini 83 . •i•up id* 'far . con - Ailuatiou heretofore iniknown,exertioa• a power onia• the dis ease scarcely- eniumistaltlesSax-up,a specific action on the mocou,s tissue and at the same unto briultitig; the is hole system under-its powerful it corn-) pletely eradicates die•ealise of disease lie it beretli-. wise , ; and th Complaint l,niparis tame lodidolithoul organs.- . allbrils ventured ittor - to the gulieral system and thus refliOl'e9 the patient to tterotailent health. • . • This invaluable pat up in lioltles,hax-- lug thefollossing•worils blown Cillllll l Tlll Syl.lll,of Taa• for. Contianytion'' genuine. ri less 50 cents tier bottle. Six, licittles-fOr $2,50. For sale im Carlisle by C sTEvENso'N . , SoIC Agent.' May 29, 1844. • .11 COMPOID S For the cure of Obstinate . Eruptions of the ; Skin; Pimples or Pustules ow-the-Facet . Biles ‘y_hieh arise from , an impure habit Of holy . ; Sealy tru.ptions• Paint in the olies; Chronic- Rhemnatismetter ; Scrofula or King's Evil ; White Swel-: lints; - Syphilitic Symptoms; pm! all dis rders prising from an impure state of the blood, either hy\ c a lonresi6, 't a hat and imhealthy\relimate, the it • • di .eiodsitse of Mercury, 432;c: This Medicine hes freqUently been found highly beneficial in Chronic Coughs, or. Colds of lo!tg„stantling. . . • . This . leis been extensively used in the! United States'..ritla lietietitin St:miim curio' discuses, and iti xlI mites yr ail ulcer:deal:line tuner. As an alterative in lite sprint and tall ava sans, it is munitioned. It possesses many advantages, aver the, decoction, and is introolueed as tioll 111 0 1 T portable', not liable to injury by long keep-, ittgontil better adapted Li 'tlie use of persons woven- . ing or rosidineolornatl. The proprietor begs ANT to eon attention to the follou illg cell neittes. s rated front a kite num or opprosibg its elfunter: •• - MU This certifies that my wite.,ll.rs. Intent, lent for nearly eleven years suOteelfteidi n seronnlous temp tion resembling teeter wlqlt itte ; tldep h6les in lien. thee, neck and arms, the etnntaid dischtiCge of -which destroyed her healtir,suel.fretinettny i otifitted tier for different peeled% to her bed;Aniingililliell time her sulTerings,were very greet. The best o.udimaml totem ;knee %ilia obtained, encl .- nil the known 'remedies acre tried with nut tin alleviation of her complaint, Winch to w.)mm returned with increased nun Haying lost all Imites of reenvery, she had almost detertnlned to give up the nse orally other medicine; •she •wan however, lie liersttsaion, induced to le! (hikeley'a.Depurativ; to e of Ave bnttleß nt' which Inks rtnuoyett She disease, and n Unet_nrod_itou.lo_pcirent_lp...lltlt. • 1'110.7%1415 1)E-M, ()Apostle tio. depot „tt.tstolino. Pn. • - 6 t .6 • tt-fott r e )oitt:-.44 Ylvtrsad44i-ettfts.exiddiirt.re , tibowtimusfrettowide • eive;Sliti . ii;iitvAlid Okla 'knee. nod leg,' telptiosti Iktdk,li6en'iNtgeOlowellilig, Which I. round idnisogiitild ~. 0 1 1:the. a 1 1.dit rcepeotable reeopnmilkd to one N11..I• ytdgt ruiid.h.pp , SaisepeifleLA bat tteiq3Cwldet t ImiNdeiorce7fdticiVitty • .txdpi:cd liddelt lied ItkftF red much' ofFeed • &TIE • 111VelniNtiV : " • oxe..nentt Tito üßn<c cnsc isms pi csented to rue bath hefin't'? I '3iiirliftett . t4 7 ltse )11 k 4.4!..7 , 6•S vrtip:sii no .hiniiiounn - I,tole ihitt 101111ihe useitt or • . 1 •11,IESTFlt, n . Onlseicyt7,-tal tl!ti‘ A1tai:4126105.41i% 101111 , . 000 ern• t'r * ki do*. priced critic. ZadtriVecit wei,e, i...os•Cred pith ORO'S.. Csturcinscilit3s,:lint no clicci until i'eoiiinl'nSnd i 1 b) 0:19'01.1'18V 'hut, 'XIS& 1 1)r. 4 :1sainu `ijktstCrkbeltvntirtigo4: tine ,Y9er I )vilurniiiSynp of 1 ohtninCil sercchl'hotilcee .'nse 111 w !LW. Ilia B X#tera:Mtfilatif bettictl:tipi runt , the. child Wits 'restspeil twin* enjoyetl'un; c? , sinoc:itt:lllo ilsl , 0 01 1 )linkTd , ,Pr run t : nfille!jsni: I 1 1.it.nlyitluticauckientr - y..olt:fhlicco.irlift., .6 invO.'o , ,ilkt:4oll!ellOO In the 'lll valuntlie s n nitih• • -YouPs; ; ,A:=O , ..„ .I •LEIII , I I Pi . • : Sold antl , p 1 Car=s - • % Ailite.r,lTT?!.ciimberi !! l,o,,,i,,,), 4 • . • ' mit4 . 47 i•jtOilitirk "Li ' te"Go'' Clibrehiol4o ° `4 . - cenixatihomrtittOntn - , 331.8 , ME 1'1..t4E0 t:Atite ' i 111 ribe r.J ' 141 ) -.PingC ' ,;IVrldSi•llP,.C,O,,bOmltii:4a- 1 : N the witsvylFiga 11ZZ tSTci i-15.2!"6e"..;.rt114 go psr El,fori 'Olopsti ute'rtOr rimii , ebtiht,'*shb, nioi, flow offers Aliem iti ., :the'piihjip 1,3004, ' lid rfilliooto PlioNtOus , *4111,044? ' iliS.Allt. . 1 q 4 :).. 4 1 4 0 1 m9t, OM ~ p its ~.* pi4eni t ti Akstkr,,irm .'f 'itiiiiibrtlMPVT9ll AiPten)i ikto'oi Sehlo souolke ho;,s", l'F'!;i l "°' f instruriientti 'oili'bji tiAr,nt,,T,...ite ikt.th`r-iiigliptlk-45+ Alt n ft 4 i . 104 ,01 / 4v obi tt.!llill'hiruNA" l' .• ' 'rifiikotibt an tiOto 4 4' lo cl ll ,^A , gilatlY. 1 ‘g - t Ittly9,10).10i1111 ~iA1P;,,,4,4,1t Ottqtv , !r..4. , ,1-t / •'•• WirAtik' br. I viti OA Aro 6 ' •,!-, '' ~` r-,),”i .. le, • 14 , ,Vg, :" ' 1 .1.1, , „. -;".. • ~. ~, , , „ 1 a ,...„.,1ri ,I trrtr, 1 7 :-.. tt - • r-• .. .. ~ 7 ,.. ..t. : 71. : 1 : i....40.1 '. 1. t'tiiit, tfe . fi r , Sill 6 fie tielirend .. ,auth ' iirt4 - , 4 11E 4 . (wan ute,(l .Int he lost will iiitit't - Wtittieiit::b . r . 4f,tb44.24.,,Ab5 - iiberi;Ahii*:ofni-:foVaillpitl i tii ' ,Ogillisle '7 lrcirt -..--- 1117,orkcs SiitliiikOzit the Yellini • B i•eeches Creek,,•44Tillei #iiit'tircariilde Pa: Thiiiilltiite'doitsjkli br a hilt rati t a . e la .. ao . ' IgtZtaaTgla /2 . _ ,__.., . , .. . . iciiii. Ten Thougand ACits of taldp A :%aw ,NIBILCHNNT iiIILL Iv' tits° ur rue 0 Estonet ': 4 - 4 t 34 °lithe itiosfumtruie4ittim.--Aliktutsetetiares. o fi f n t her ikirflß`.ciettred a n dhighlyeuitivate'd, having; 1t i 0 r ti0tt1ereeteti_:_1,_:.....,_...._.......,.,,..,.: ' 1 : ._1.L. - .1.: , ... L....!. - t„Three Larze Illapk,-..llllarias . , (lila OCCISB2I7TEN - ANTII 4 OIO : SIEISii" I e Oreee les Creek 'works are propelled by theoYelion' , - and-the 13oiling-Springiathich neither iii.q-norcreeze.- There ape opon the preiniseS ail the neeessat7 'work-. mena houses coal hottsesourp mi lin altipshdps, nnll ataldpig:bolit of the most uhstantit I Materiali.: The ore .or the- hestimtjality and inexhaustible, is rim withit*2 mile.a . :or thifEttidrift ,6 - .. ;IThere:is . .pe r b li p s Ito Iron NVOrks iii.Pettosylvt Way which possesseasu, perfor advantages and oilers 0-eater inibleemeifts to the investment ofCapital. The water Rower is_so grenithat.it might be etitended to Lay °thee :11T111111 . 1 , - 'll , tel tiring purpose. "Persona ilispoittil to pitrohase will or course examipe the prdperty. Theterina of -sale, will be Matte knotin lay • • - •,. • - ••y:.:- • i.._ , , A . ..• ; . MARY y.,GE,• -• . . ~ : pleputrtxof -.llelluel ~Ege*, dee'd. '. - • Cael isle be1.,1.9;113.1 . 1 " tf-51 GES,and grins itpeople sus they are the ,plea santest awl most Ofecti se E11101"- omits mitt every body likes - Wm. Ert.ewatt I•lnnt, Esq.; editor or the Nlegeitaids N!ag azitie,, says they enrol his cough inn foi boars.— The lice: Alm Dunbar, of the NI clldtigar street church, efts cored of a vi t y Lad cold and tough in one ility. — The Rev. ATI'. Antllo4,:idtbe Ilctkediist C . lrargTl, was ettiCcl i,f entnutnotion Lt' tlnent. Siff:RAl.% N'S 1.0 . /.I.7.NGES has e saved ,thA fivt•S of tfinnsmids. Ask' W. E. liVatqi,Fsq., Welker_ st.. the lion, Edward .1. Porter; fleardsle3 ; Dr. V tliill . l . . and noimly all our pli3wi eiaitS, Ilsoy iltt•niv of •io,•, , Tionfog 'Lozen g e., and 4.lfe.y.Kill tell vnit they ace , csccLuiit the only weilisdia Unita), SiII'ArvIANCS...('ANI.I"IIOR e •nesti andidotes t• headache, tialpitation, sea sicknesS lowiles, i f spirits and thispoletenty—entity Copt. ctoithvink, of - lllMAVerlingtnn, NI v.. ekvisnanolin tr-ring sign gal nye;Al ayor Clark, and shoos! every 1,0,1 y kun,l•S - TOOll NI AN S'r f:ll—Filterwan's wo men,'' •—crisis yen( 5, andissinrto mire rlrennaitistn,. Uppity°, pain nr weakness in the Itretivi, stile . , or , 'haat; also piles=and ow ) , rule wet ens n hen, applied 40;the jartt - -Ask dee Ilnair,nr nny not; alio l,us miss - 4.1011 word:0;0:31g $5 16r one sooner thitii - fiVe tleitts idLittlittrajintterni - • tt oo t, Agents, rai• (211HiSle. - • And A Ilaig ; 6cV;i:eitAon, THE TRUE Pi IVIDIE. WEE. Tlfi long established tnitl tnrplo; . „. flinaifibir klurei. anti !Hymns Clittp;,o:7 or rourthneas of the iitumkawl lejta, from • cheers ut cold weather. It also ent , esl:*roStill - FeeCtindXerns. Svellingtalliettltet, Reek and netlw Glands. It will greolle reliete Illy .pain of a, aania and cam an a ar, t and ir will pe,r.aaa-a Cure: its; roy remove% l'iinpfe, and otln:r Eruptions.. is enceeding r . Ily 1 , 111111 for Sot Itrecqs, .ind the Cliali:4; of IT. It is n4efel for Canto•rt broken. 111111 11 IVIllutb; for the Piles. It trill cure Sore Throat., null nil Or . I.lCollVrtlielmt . .0 whiell the: skin.ia liable. So inrchichre is tide eprwronothtll4lfitlie. Who how oiler Armed its Lelia fit, will tieveOick without it in theirilnnilirv. II will retain its virtues loony years. acid in all t:lhnolesatol is therefore ver•useful lo those. with go-to sea, act: to all tin ejlers. l'reititeedattdsoltl Wholesale tool retail ht- R, N o . I, South Second street, only our disot from Nlarkel.strect, l'hiltidetyllia. • •• None , 4..fioipt2. xvido h ld is Pir!imtitre ot, tbr lal - rej . I)y, tg,!. - - NI - nrrl) - '27 -- 113 W • DJ in %%VlCa'r e. '~ igrl e arigaS 1 IF-'®r I."trarcnts knew the value and e..filcner of Dr • Leidy% l'atttt \l'ortn Teli,tacc lu eel wonlit,he oilhnol it in their littitillesitts children ata. sith, D jvct nt all ttual tp Worms, , r. I,e illy's' AVorm Tea is composed of vegetable, altntzetltcrl oat, Amy be given to children of nll aga4.; . Di reel/Oita neconiithily couch imektige. CIO dreil salter much, ti fuel, rratu so rort.o Iliiitgn twine. giro) them for worin - q, without. nay cf.. feet. -Moth atediaiitcoacca co - eltildrCit; hapa teu th,atcyto destroy theic g.tateral hcalth,-and ttrtt. mart. or less 00 I . lfter. L . . _..... __ ~ •I`otithiwl the ociu4;silly - ot -trivit)g-triediOilentfinc :essotily when you ore ecetsin %our children hart trot II: , e itit'..thetu at fi rst Dr. Leidy 's Wm:tit - Ten. Ii - .- _.. • .. .. .. . .. ip. i ...644.tilitittioll.412r, tAienst . 7 1 mi t ts in Ilktfativliqlt 'city 1111 t - dtFitilly, - ifie'verienc? tit rir.l.eidy's•Wornt Ten. Ti-y it attttl you, tt heed. .• Price t. ectittn sThallr.nail '2 3 cents a largepuck .agc... 4 ri.o4lirbett i4441:44044 . 0- ft.l' wliplcsale 1304.1.11t0r.--I,ili , 's t I (10. 1•74t1:11) lin .N 19 . , llo,kili'Sieetiriilrstia•et. )1! I . l.lrlltSa,ffi • • .175r' v 'aii14ii; - •-•`' "" • ''."'-'"it'es4i•EvE.S 1DEN111.1E10 ! , ! . . , , .•;' , ,..- 7 ,..,• .. ( F0r . ,Trt 14 . 0 .4*-ii.k4P.1.4 , • , ..'-'. ••' - .oy7'4.lo.'.EntDl76 , :'.vai - N. , 11- , .11?1,C. E t.ci, Lif tliiii:(theati,stro!sg6sr, 'aii.i.pifeitii.iirtike*.tir.Pri':iin.y,; --eilierAireirvpiiipteel7SO'lrti:ltliritliAy-141677 '. If . 'bi.:ol(ri'lltitiia-t . 6 lie N , lptilii:Pr dun) G fielibk . 01 , 40570 taliera-Satrmil'A*.Alitin ' flint eit 5\ NlE,liiill'. itarttagey,AlT!t; theep.gr:Flki:tgl.M4 (4..M;:V.VPS,i,S/. by maim'iitbin• in the INited State,. ' ,'..-::17,- , ;':::,:-...if, , - - i''' , IN'..'.llkilly. li SiiiiiiiiiiiilNlll:i , 6oiiinient,ltii-lry'ili ' 'reippiital)le :phytkNiiki: lit :iiriilVi'eittirk.tii!aliy(istriee i 1 A u . ‘' botave ever useditclpuelletiV.o 4 nit)rk'heike., fli (Vain Cale 'b used oiile - t.lri'4 d ope to' ien 'Of ptla'ertil iiii4; those , lihn, allei'llaAtitt taivil';iithin'!B' in4pOtiticios,. l - Arilhout , it!tlefifit'likeT - tUrMini •,a, wi IJ ',von' be; eciiiiiticid; Os ilio'9* . ibils, 'mitt •-st) ven t,ly,.Peen) !if' tilfi: tiiiqii)lnk ikasi•qint;:-",,; - k).' , '.' - ',..'.. H. -,- ~,', : :.... : : ,, :1 ,!-- . - Tlitypp.iiiii:iitits.'it ; illl . :iiiiichiPr: , :teldrk". extrileit . 1 tl'etl.lll',,llol . lnievittliti(iti of.:-.6ltronthfri:t starlikpari.llo -iiiitie';'opty'olielirilie - Cliiiiell States imtiorteil by 1.11.: 1 Leilli , iiiinsOl'fivo.the'.celvbratillinitilV'iirevilti(eli•:.! (AreKtit!,."lo'.mtisoii,3l, gi•ikt.'4i)glitie:ti,..,•ndlociit pidad - orpxtilitctliq..l4qmoico-viewql,fir #grit,itta . „;, roia • iiio : OW': Euopii'ilibt*" - efili_ttlially:,ibiti?V 4141 3 , s llielqipiii,ess Li , „C.,.. ..'...,,,: ''.' ;..: if t , 'F,, , ,:`. 4 ,f,!,,7,, , , , ,, 7.1,..; ~. V - AV , f.;c 11. 4/!-OT '.'6.q.ts , ::u..r..iroiiitii.kithleqiiii,#,:itild.i,CconilnoAo tiliniwriiiiiv;*leliyaktiltnd';iiliyalistiii47;o4so,iWll, ; ilckyn - tinkil,ta' ilsj!W littlfljilaiill:All.o6;**lo4illl. is oi44trio'fik4l vocgasnr.ti. J.O gotipjAppl/liqa_llll.-! ivigftii, - :utlitfeDi , :lUttilVir - STrsoptiffllrialiye•oEV: VA 4iined.bi thie:eityi tic., miiife; "iuitnelyon , oi. - 1 4.1, 1 0,01.; pitoriiimoul 3 ,,nottv-qcinpnil : 4t, .:1 Ailp:'..4b , Ciiigu.of. dip:6'Blll6i' "u le. tin'd.. 8 , :11.11 jt . , .I'srediAVi4o4.ltiiifailmiirlitiVr , antikiracuritr. ) , ,': 6:1'5'10 004#1` 4. ).F#C411:-AkiiVOl ' o4 , , • sio,!eir,4rl .$ i'4 3 . , ii - :: , :• , =.. , . ..itq,L4,4„ , ,5• ~.. e r .,- , , , \ A .y 4 ., r.l ~ '.'., • ; ..', ',1"; , 0.fyy1 , F. , .4.T4V1 . 7, , .: ." ''''''' ''''' ' ' ' ''' '' '' ' ''' ' ''' lJr 'Salt) ; A'gebri • rVaiatitep?..,, - 'r';67,.t041t15111,1-,t.: 1 *(1 'l-I.oy".7.?7,;"Tzpillait 1t,74.i,11:: ,:,.,Li..ieSini)illlsrl,ohrniti 1 ~,figli) (1104100*Zicistib I :8046e Ta1Vtit4tArt44411573;1.5..,;:.--•P:-:- ..;.....:, Y;',-. ' , 2'.'.. ' :0 41:Ft 1 rul 11-:'--;1,;:,-.3',,-,;)iillAiiateilJOur414, !I' klt ni.4--"ibe i-n01,10..W-Tt,e,!,,jui3/41/4-wr4iierefisp,o#/) tiouLtrLtilsto-110,130,1P,.04 v'si.'.:s.lo(kiitilkßYL, ill;:t"..?i litt "k /qq' il tN l liii) ° t)ibl . ;'4l.q6i6! 3tV , 9 l . :' , s PinliiiiP 4 i t.‘4l.°''' t`iiorfosiNiii6o4l4".,o-c: 0 1ill‘nt "11 iir 001 * 1(114 .- it ..6-**itufi, gr.. #,0..„,,ti •.T.§01.rv0z,,,p.,,t,R0ii1i,;.::53,,•44, tkim 10, r!,1..,..60,1,1044..,•_1i0.c.1.11vie1ikt0itt , ••niii400),p4,•.•• _ • cw4l4ol:om oip 1... .i:i . t „ 0tRt ,,, .RT1 , 4.,,,-,Rfr t oloti iim . 0, , f.; - o.l'i,d,,eliWiii.:CH-14 4 olo i - ,,,, :x PiAn' l'i6ok,li!'t4--. ...*! c f:94"T iii '' - .i = '' ' - - TA''''' '''•,' , i ,., -: ...,,-..,,, .--,--,,i41,44.,,,.:&.,:.11:,..7.,, :,.•;', !•, , , liiiiir A %;.18':',"' ',:'''.','-..%:,',4,,V,•4?::::f5.,,./.y5,7.4,:i!„N5".,;21,,, ~,,,,-.,:,-.,'...f..,'..,,:.:,,.;.-::-:',-,.,"':,:).-,.::....N1*. , ,A , :i : ,, ,n.i......... - , . ,v_.,.y_v,,:,e4:0!,'R,,,,,: 'orfnakite so orike!iireaet ... ;_oi 4 Lunkirr chtimid; Couglii;/Ycysa,t , .11anornkp8 . 0.of J,ung•o . and all afe`clioak 'of 147'ilphiiiihry'likkanit. _ N.MY RETS' , -0 AYAg.=4,IIESCitIFr tiONt• - * .A — camiodifiliDiiikaile preparation oldie Prunus. ririlaltafa , Or ` .. ..Wiltf - 'cherey comhjetnei'.. • Witil'4l4,EX'l46iaftirgrpiceparetrhy a hew catiiiiiediAiiiiiiirtisr4d , '6ll4-recoinfrieritleil by 0151in g ulnk4 1 1,.phyillchkrki,antl_ u edged illo most imilitible meditinee ._IN4_I/:QUAGKERY!iI _LREPErriON.' In setziogforth-Vie-kirto gt:Cnt bripa:; ileac wc 'have desii• p deeeivn , than w.4o'itrt• labouring anderitiliet . n, nor 46 we desire giz'e it more thou tMily deiieo.6l3. ;.t,vben.w • loolc. l ,7trnund and see rite vast amenk of suffering and: ilistresailnetialimed by MA ny . of tilt 'Oisetteses in which, this medicine ; his prchreil so .hiply successful, wee reel that we otilitlit to its. claims too strongly' or . sav too maeliiif * Such. ) inde.Ml,are the . . ° SV-R Palgillqi 'VIRTUES' Of this batsain, tidal ereit'tOtie.gtivanectl'arage° of ColNsugyrion, niter fill themt;st' tisteemedeemeilies of.ltpysicions IniVe , eiti led, to pty change', the at tliis medicine hnibeiiii pr,oiludive oldie Most loitonifilling ielief,nnd. actually efreeteti cures after All liniks or recovery had lietm desinared of. • hi jhr lush stages nLthe Aisease let med " Cal a"' e ' 1,71 ConSll4llo/011,'' oiigintittiyg hem neg.( ected • cOlt .it hits untleiinthig success •nini.lantillreilii'nelinowliNige'llieY,p‘vp l'estorotion olf,:theie'llealtl, to this inntain inongstable mediahiribm form of •. delicate young - "id debility/ ".C.OiNO -INTO.-A „DECLINE A emm i thth.t with thousands aregittgerititi,, it Juts also prneellly and pas_ snouts Ilw potter nt the king the prngresa of this it. kerning complaint, but also strengthens HMI invigo, rotes the ti stein twwe'etectually Ihau an,Nmcd.icinc e have eviir possessed. For particulars, cet'tificalcti;tm,, sec Dr. IV istar's to , i • AGENTS —S. 6 iiGTT, Carlisle C lot ni;o•sbrog•-" . • 'sotronno Own1;1, York. , •,,, • Angle and Grousno's.'Blliilpensburg. Cnilisle,Novenr k. 843. 4 "; DR. NYILLIANI STEELLINTS Eivini 'caffeelicines, ARE NOW ACKNOWLEDGED ON ALL HANDS TO BE TILE N r ERY BAST REMEDIES IN 01 :RA . L USE, Dr,Steelling's Pulmoua.ry Syrup, Contains Ike most extraortlinor)j'euratic properties Con'g•lrs„colds,C'onsanyr 1116M7, — C - raops, • 11. - k ages,. libarsencsS, llif~icvlla/ of BreliMb o rsr: Pains in the Breast, Sitie,' Ainl an :Diseases of the. Puhn.onarz i •• • rIIHIS remedy lice beep used, and its es:- tonishing erUalrrrqualities testified:to by - Malty 'of the most respectable citizens of the tined Staten— We 111: catitiohritiiro,ll,does DOA ZEN (be our. medicines: but baying tested the medicinal qualities. " , Pulmonary Alorup," In an etcniden ati;Va r ailed mcdicallwitetkat rm. ti nte; iaTiillizitabto miccess, a tf idiesindli•glT,Twoilmined"il nue of the see; 1;;;.t 1 . 1111.11.111 l in lice WOl . lll for Piiiinonary Dia -6:0,, Iri.il pill thoroughly um. ilarit-id not ;lac of the VOllllllOll Qllliek Nos trums of the Ilia: medicine-tali:eat 011ie, worthy to e; ; "y Inmilp. Its unprece dented low pt ire i I fll'r AVIIIIc other * Aledicincsnre Belt= -i II R -6, 1'.: 1, 441t: //II atm e:S:141,141-Nft-1.8---141,+.414$1N-•:--- A RN' $.1:41.;1',-4elln for may Si) eta, per lattile. For sale in its purity 111.C:1.40c, at E.A.iki•VET,, F.1.1,10 - rr's Fest Vim st ; in Ilarris bnr. nt Qce.ll Store ; ft4ltitil Ches ntestrocts. Llit. All , •te mid Urca;onta ~Drug Store, Sluirpenslotee•: . Fel:I-miry 14, 1844: itto•iscit neltrollieter7s -I\'ence and Bane Rheunactite.Linimcnt, and hidici l Vegelahle Specific. W.1114A VITA) CI: It 1.1 FOR - • - - - Dr. LilThrV B.rt.t-trttel-----11reir..'rs &life Pills . I.V ninon/ Fevvr und Ngtio; Ay6pcitsia, Crotrit r User Com pfn'At :Viso the • C 1,1.1 sre r..lc.ra Wiest Coy, ,vsimilieit to rem /I VI. S 11 14 ' 411664i ' M I tl . lO titj Iliring skin or ben Itliffini:.'eertifienlet. ado the efliettey' of lie nit ove-iiiittiireitieTunight.b6__nret •triertlThrtv t eommendolion the) vet d li•int. • . None. genuino nithourtlfe-slgniltbliVarto-in-sibek s T 1 lee. ' Sold in Carlitde only by • Iu slllppensburg by STUMBATIMI & HOOVER. April 17,1844. I DR. RUSH'S INFALLIBLE HEALTH PILLS, TKELvr. ANI) A-lIALV, CENTS, A .BOX. The prOpoietor oflhit, invaluablekgreut num, line for 'rotor - time foiled to press of theiii to the tiothlie iti oil advertisement. The reaSoil , iti it 'Oen ope, - tin 1111101- itliS _their use given. sat istitc7tioti.ool - top.frougly hove they hero i•ermituomiled_ta unelut , tither, that it :theilfillet; litierkt impossible 10-supply . . . 'ring Ow I, •e.ent mouth,snort. thou. t v o Lui.fire . i_l gross '!•,.. ' ' ' ' -.. lirtiiL 44 3 - A - N - D — ltOXESitl,ttt., heen sold .in this city and vitiinit:t, tina. stiplwlie4 , lo . - gentsthi•otigtornritiF .I.7iiiteil Ni 1111.,. nod ninny of , ~. ,L.rii ' •i - Y,. 10. t..“ on hand wercks - hilpre thei - tottlit he . tilled. In rue( it used( not the spirit of prophecy to thcetcll Nice 1 11 1 r - W41 . 11 1111: billy , I.iil in — osCe will lib that ittretitell,by theinintortal,.llr, Ilerjulnik litksb.. . :Alitt.grclal- - St...iilitair.h.to.likeni.Co,c,wr...a.tv _, .. . ,1111.1. 1.11.1 A i if' I i PillS -WI% e curil,'Nre , r.en re stiet.n.w.l_2v 4 l oigh - ibtpoWlitiTtlierlinvo ,- t bred to _ lic a*.rt ti, iitaLlii . !natrigt• Ni Jun Ida 1,114.1 :. qpir..sl;ol•oo i i i r beili'6l" Pltlit Oheylitr'. all other inetlinioeSli ec.cti to tiltl'ALoelinfillie r ,p, -- . ltn oolbiort=tb,!Le-. l talovii, -3 01tIL'IlsiveA^ 1 .1 1 0 'ilctitititriifg'l - 111(' , y'ltiivt! re 910iirul - liiiTilli - f..t4676T vg. .19111,.?KivOti-z,tolibh'ifbiktlt 'to . the gi.(l:ll . .lllll6il;tlictJyt yeety s t;l44,j!,oluie.yltrre lirOpui3ivo:Ogbriiif;fl4A4 4 lo4tl"7'e.- shvAto, , afJblitiicitiloy44o,tltt,y.ttliiikt.ffi t, O . rte toll 4 BAt,titi tli.lVni'ltjittirdi'llf iiiiititiaitei . (:, 4 , , ;A:434l: • 'cli*Olottl;Okby pribsodlbng , thiyti nod :wk.41:.F.„....111.r2ict loliBc, mitt f , Cittly„.' . :.` ; .... • ".. •.,..-- .. ''.'.' v. - ...=4.. - ' •'. . ' '' t ill' I.4"e4i iii t S',. , iiicji.s.gg!)t' :l: : ll ' 'R:.: a Jl4'- 'O.! l t YS ' . :l lido N 'iniititigiltHVgliptt.ipets,:i.t ; - ii , Da:fi • ,= • - 9 i.;.f,g l, iille.ftii i tiiiiiol4:::',.-i i t , • '.: I:,4 l lgiey::ar. , dia4l4l ' l; . plijppvilf.l4l4, . .. . . . . . . „.. NEE r , ; - '7 , ' -- -,,': ..-.':: • 11104P'littOOFTI -- • : ••• ' "., ADURIIER:ASTIATISOINGPAOOF 1 1' .' '..,, , , • - ,- . 7,..., - 10parrpri V J,. Altirch 18,, V3ll. ...., •:. Tli,lifr'ytqui , s,iigo iniini cl n v i ! L:i.,..of over...exer.... • ' lion titlieshiliiii''tp:liiiiiiell,R tioetOrrepttireg n bloc!!! ,14 4 ...Vessui' kn • my.Jiiiig4,,,Whjelt,,wecrplitlitetl .by, rocuie,.•.; § li iiiin g st 011(10.01 00 )# 04440:4(444.1i1J r., 114t1(7::::-. ' lhall fel' fit0.`0',4.6: - Itioi.iiiiikl:ityili,44l l l *Pi! , :-,,,' ofelit . :But:the.?"hiee.iiiiiiie e etiereoli',i'erYjilfird!eilwitiw.-. panic& with reyeee , r liisoittokrtfio n't.e n erepho 0 4, with, iseeitt.eit pre iota 60i eetiefu i.eteiiiiihtii gliit eiiettts.,.... ', • i t Mikitisi c .ykkit.pn igo willt ' l'ilyiv . ,:lfr!,o,l4,6„'dajiit-' , ii... ) ').O O ; ,( TVOIV4*. knly .04..,„....i. , /i.e.,-...,..,. , 1 4111 1 4 ~•koiiMN:••-•YeoW'..'; • 64014"4"H1'V.P1.0i,31i• Bila-A,estiiileilt toenOtte,•- .. Ikeq.ir. , ,9o.lkti'sN,..-,tin0E. 1 .0......41:01,9:t50.„k,a 1 . 1 711 , 1-', . Payed kwii,i.nowtienr,rwy Jecit.wrieny.4o ; its,.vitiliNaP . •tfi!ti',litediiNiiip.tlitiiik,,henetitted ine';'ssiitlll4tt.l Pe'rOttVAtk%l'i , __,,,g'st_s_'','-risf• , -'.'::-.'"' 4' ~.,. fer.y....._rxvtipitotprg—lsia- , '=- 7.-rr.Ti ii)rtm•L -- iktttairtil - dAti,Aip..ii, - itwitoxiteciti ,, • T .htmi1t.,404,11410K,..." r,l4c4n , in-siliatliiiiik43.--. ..11TIscompsonss..;..cstinnotiiill '6eirnii : - 1 9 1:Tne ~ fed coti'•:,:;." isiiiiiiitinti 9 :4lthouVWhicli. i i,7 1 11:-li.•g i it ii i ie:' , T: ~ • ‘' •; rilen-Pipe ni l pc r, bottl :'?. , ,SI A . bulgeslor.42;,,T •. , ;'roe - inle.ip Ceelisle liy - --,•:!.,,.-',,.. '• ~.....'•',- , •• 4 _•• ' • 77 , 7,714 , 70[F 71- ' l . , slrs.CTsTr.,: , , N 7 0.,)r; ssigrefXge — p't. - - ,: - .lilifity,;sp , -484g14 rs..: , v.r..!, ' -5 , '. 1 .;,,, iv:,:si: 1 2. • - 1,-. , u r., .. f ••••,'., • •81044.,Itireilant,$,.. • ,Fo r*atding'Sugonnais-,. -- lii -4 ,, v, -..: iiit.oArksto - 41%11011*5.it .tnt^"Vglig64e qfraimetttlibf,lkii ' .^.IA., X 7-97... til'ololo ' ' A', .•,, 101-;#74t,t;„*bOtlitetl4 ,Rc,g-eokr,v:., • • iliii ta! Oxvittfillu49 .-,.„i1,3,11A-04idinisitfiiielttair(:. 4 utiffiCbel,l47lt;,. 3)l4lt.i?"ilie.C.tiri'4l 1-0 044. nk ~ *s6:76erkn .4".„,iitil ,tt, .„,,,,itk,if,g,lT,A6,lsksplzttO * /, ,,Ttst./.pt oi..ll:Pß,it y43' iit),v',4:04,;TN14,1: 011-b''; ' "?.6t.ll-114004f r 0i tti!PV44".,!5,4,Az0k,q ,,,, ~,.;;,),..f,,,,u,54m14.:y,,11,,,74 -',l•-•,,,:,,‘,.41-6.431, -Q-iiiNvoionAti4,cf,',,,,i-i,,pieir4 ;70t0.: '''' , ; 3, A`,.Y-FA'aktE4l,,l- , ,-.At:ll. -,.., ~,, , . ... UNI CM ::~4; ~)S Ell ' ,1,14 t STEVENsON,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers