Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 27, 1844, Image 3
REM !I k M_ "44,%, 4 ;•x 4 9,4A" •Ci'Gl - IL . - ” 111 El r _.=~;:-„ `.144 11 ' 3339 - NoveFkbei 2f.;18i4. D5l ,Our paperis a few .houta later ihan,.ustial this leak awing' to causes beyond "Oar:control. =I ANir'oi•d:rotbursel ' ozy We would .oernostlY ;Optical to those who stand tridebted on 011ie. books for subseriptiog,. ad vertising and johefirl4:te "call' at,fliepappin's office. arid inittle,'i 4 , ''olio very first pppprtlinity they have.e - XtrAorlipt inakelhesetlhgrepable --7- i g 5 41 . 3 144 . 1,49ifit 1 9 5 Fil 1 41 , V O 7 e st". B o: ersible, telt:1010ln pressing ppgagerrictits whieb.reguirri"4oo.lrnmediatelY. A largo poi... tido oreid x ;# 4 b ! ii t i t iers are nrrears for two years, and - t: . rt;tt - td,lln,. J .n:ig gross injustice by delaying , Paymentf . nnyAringer. Wo hope No shall now ''Obeft be "in tovVii with a pocket fill of rocks I" ' ' , . Fpnialle'seminarv. would &idol the atteintilin of ii!arents tad others to the advertisement of the Carlisle .} 4 C'maleSeminary; which ieto he rs.openecvith AO. neti year, under now and very favorable uus . faces. TIO Official,lleturas crMe "shall endeavor in our next to give a faidffar statement of the'offieial vote in all the States, which have beenlieeeived,of the late Prov idential Election. • .T.1,2,:p.:111 stands as.eihiluted in our last 105 electorerliotos for Clay, 170 for Polk. Polk"s majority fjS. The official returns of Pennsylvahia will be Fiend taddy's, paper. • - Smith's Weeh - iS , , Voihme. • 7 _ littrNt . o have , received's pecimen number of this proposed eucceesor,'to Waldle," and 'find that it fully justifies the alterable remarks which -- ite-appearentolvas. eljujlud f gip many of or co temporaries. It is jiiirked'on" fine whitcpaper in the handsomest sty le 'oftypdgraphy, and - contains the coMmeneement ' .pleae.uut *it of trayels throng! EnOatid, Pc9ll,ctiAta ud ; ir*nd,iranslated froorthe''ireatt' of Vi;count mnacnonT.— Persons wishing to exa7Mhe it will please call at our-office, where ; those--Who may desire to unite in a club of ten under the terMs.of the prospectus can leaye their names. • . -.l3o!!gress.. gPeongroNki moats on Monday nett, tlie,2d of Pieember, when Mi. Tyler_ will have the honor of ttransmitting his last annunl - Tncssdge. Many , of'th! toonitkoisainvo . .alroculy arrived 'them.. It is thoOght by knowing ones ibni..t.ho repeal Of the Tariff and the Anne.Tation of_Texas, brlllrbe ee - p_re.v.toqs to tile, 4th OfMarah, in. order to dispose of these two vexed questions bekore Mr. Polk's adininistration - opens. We shall endeavor to keep our,..,yeaders fully • eequitinteit with "rill'tlMilroceedirigif Cif*Coitkress and_tha Administration. . _ kThe Eclipse. gjThe 'total eclipse of the Moon took placwon Sundaiefenintlast, at the time end .under 6 71 the eireuiristiinces os predicted. ,Tho air was clear at:ILIA:He sky unclouded, andji greut number of persontonjoyed the opportunity 'ot witneosiijg the - rand kk it rr im osin; s , ctaeler- Al se' e . glockilie ohseuratibriWrie—Ctomplete,--40. fiiiy, nifutitairriAer, 4,14 - liiieelettge of the silviryiorb shred - thei.th4ckise wad pas O o ii sing Or, and. Dino t d c o was again fitllk 1r isibiein ilnmaired beeet and A glory.. . , The stur t , howeveryeid-nst "shoot madly froni. their spheres," ofr‘y of the eveningd predicted for the recurr Kee of that remarkable phenomenon. z 7 Reitaeintlber the Door! ___ /".. Ad• The fierce and chilling winds of the last few days we hope will not fail to arouse the at tention of the humane m.d benaolent toflie wants • •of tbe sufferinit'potieir , The Mining blasts that . so suddenly succeeded' tiiC':bland mild air of Solar dair.,llast, we . fear'fell piton many an unclad and atEnking form, whose dwelling is the home of Poverty, and whese,heart has no music but the. harsh meaning of rude wjaids vihitdt play at will through broken ,w4dowa and crevices of fragile walls, in die abodes of fiiii — pner. These should be sought out by our benevolent societies and charitable Individuals, inititheir wants supplied as sperdlly,its possible. We make ourselves hap py by our arena to relieve the sufferings of others. It is related of filtiiisami,• the iinhnothif philan thropist,. that whenever he 'got the horrors' or that very rtiyiderions ailment known by the, ex pressive raze of-..the blues;'- he Marta out in °each of 'some object of charity, sure that if he could find one tbe salr,,ennatiling. feeling of,hay._ , jig-donee-gotid-decd-wunld• drive nwaq ialltleifi . and unhappiness. Wolommend the ,osperm to others • Matrotud - Gin - tb - lienry irj'A wiiter fn tike:e. S. Gillette of Friday hiet brings•before the- Whip 'ef the Union a fable propositio . n.- MOUNT VERNON, the tesidenee ' • tif, the : _ 'Father °this epuntry,t' is OW oftured • for isle,end the MI4. proposes than fund be• reined throughout-the pnien . , by smliser,ipttens of 4'llo 4431114,-4 saolijivrn Avery_ friend -ef-dhe - giest .iktkb3 and f dn so;. to purchase;Monifta'ernon and preseidit to Henn'' proposition is a noble one, .gjftl we - - - - - -_-ilediri:Oui - *hiirrietndir-h ere - to"--401hAirtiht, .. , • • The - Rlnfvlissed. The N. ; Y elkedini.Loeof9re piper, la_khowlelge,l4o rite, the filetifle Af Gov. !elk practised diphunesty t!s friendly - 1i) Hid Tni7ff of - • . thit-Aro!uptiegit like this flat ohlurie . 1 ! limn one'of ita oVin_ party oigand • pia,i , 4tihiakilealt is,ffalfsetioadt . s y reepecOtig .4_,T‘ritr..,-I,ll6.Violfitiiiorvpr.7l.ll7f*lncHt4,oll” le a Atari ininnint;aretind• of n - yaheg: nutted n, who . invented : a n -- 4 : ll W4litti iiiiiiiihinent" to the pianp; whiclh'et ..54eife`inier: convert the .iitetteinent '14.0g ;eel , colettip n' ties eold . the Atintttontos4lol:ool).tind,iti pet; - = thug apd ; ' T w iti4AvAlke OehilitiThe levee , - • llion' ,lol o:44caniutmne,n;-ot nlick•-plnt-mtiet:77A irtittLrAi.Aotettt--4itierehotildlikii-446 Rome .77,hynlf91` 41:11n. .407 ,pinnik eon `berciiri,ll,qed, :ttthkokiFillsnit . 1 4;:geekeitAAtitItt0h: . ' .., 4 i ,51t,10°00.• tu k tjpsn i tn pa- ,4 soilottog,to ino4niiOn; be eel* a/aka Wiiichi'is'lnir a jii k • 4' ' uik ' v''Y - T r ought te'reteh ." PC27,.?0 Vie i'velldrik,ki*atinto9',Mti‘t34o,' „is)* ,PV 10 4,4 0 1164C,14 §enitot 11 1$,k4IIP!)rglis; .ye a sllo ° 6ll , " I. # B go' • *,:;F O - 11 .• 01 •1 4 9 11 00 ' '*• 4 11 ,1ifid*Pw.4.61491,4 re 4 0 94 0 0 1 1 1414 Pilic? 4 oVeliid4Aibli r:vg„ , Wrimoikiiiiii.e* *Ws rep ir Oat 0 t OK ;Of rt* • • ' ..Xic . A.t;S.4Ch• %ALM* " f • *1;s:; fir et r llai find forever.- ':," ~~_~-: ,:,, Reports',.have buen,piyeillated horn and doubt: goneettAirCs - di hittMf. CrAtils id; eartlif withOurentfciuMatlon. :SY) . are to 'thern laiticipany waint, aqd fgetroied, iriepq.s, that he not only e njoyi'm u st : e i t o cllent , heattht : but = exbihitartWasirie - hilirVeriey. , af - spiks: - olten'diatinguisireii ltim In:many - a& and trying is dining' lthilnrig and eventful public ' !ninth!r of friends Who waited upon Mr. May' a few days since to make known in him the suit Willa election, Were rictietiiiilied; - thqUpLtp, ielyed the pews with a.. chnerthlness almost amounting to pleitsure t "My frledde'. sul he; • would be ridiculous for me to say - I do net feel disappointed—but I' feel so• chiefly for you and for our poetry; as regards myself, I ant relieved_ from a load of anxiety. I have ever been ready and williugtO serve my country , oven with my . life. allowed my name•to—be used in the late context, because It was unanimously culled .for, for the mike , of the Union; and I am consoled by the fact that I have been supported by 'a large por tion of thu intelligence and patriotism of the na. Lion. isfew, I hope to 'spend the remainder of my days in peace and quiet." • hatred and malice, have 43 Ant their ut moat fey aeon the head of this great and noble. hearted patriot. Posterity will do blin dial" jua. tice which a many faction, hesitating at nothing •hoWevervile and false and slanderous has retus ied. History-will placcthd patriot. (iLair side by id& with the immortal Iyaptitawroat and the 010. Tient PATRICK HIM! y. The Poll; qd Dam Celebratioq! ci:•The .popular _ ldea_ Of vpial,Constitutes !, a celebration l' is pot very definite, litit it is gener ally conceded that it I I asomellyng or other ;hat-pa rittles-gxboiS-witirtnusle--tind-lanneretror " stielts ourarleind a rpet'.! in some wayor oho pe - Wit is out-of the ordinary routine of matters and things.. It was probably from the very indefinite notion of what it ough tube , that so many , per-,.1 ~.___... _ ..... sons were painfri4 undecided as to whether the !!parrying, on " in this borough on Priday.after. noon last, werel.c! tie considered a genuine*, boon fide, no.mistalte celebration or not! The," de. inocirMy fl from the townships, tnany. i of whoin came in with their wives, children and sweet. hearts, named to partake more than any 'wheys of the doubts and pnecrfainty that tostedupbri this point. Their 'sittiation'wws really to be piti ed. The ' Volunteer' , had displayed the pro. gramme of theyreat festival and jubilee in honor Of the sleet idt- of :lame; K. Polk, and it...WaC widely . --brlited abroad that -George M Minna ' would, be here, to expbange.graudations with ,hjs : feitcvy demerats optic his own an,ceep--there was' also more than ei little wlitspetkg ofmtn „g.n . , road that woad take 'plucc, ampx genet/if desire=: liutint? of 04 ,!' WI) dellaryt;i:Yy„OlqUilliffteicin which the whigs - had pre is / .o4Wiich7Waii'lefy netasc i for 'Pis delArnis •tiijitißgi fr iti.iii provide; Iliii iitaiiii . all; 9.6" tWilrtli:)tiitil4otr, Of 'etinncin had been fircut at 2 07eIchle, - Xiirt":i)i*Jii*sslon of the ,c iin.rnhomy',',.!ews:to•ber'fiiiritiid;to the a wttil disMaY.of the 'Coons, +meta inliade - therects. `,, , arti - hln as an army' with banners:" The' affair Was fe fie decidedly splendi4.—theilpfiiocracy' of-colejmiough•-wmaymf.couristriwitigii-sfrtrftM antieigaiiop - oF the joyful neeresieut,iiml iirit a ftar of the entiiiiryleiiiile 'came in to see something that would "make their eyes exprise h" With' such extensive prepariginos going . .vn, it was no wonder it the 'coons were hiked with many direful forebodings, and, already felt the skins . almost e'reepin ‘'ff their bucks! . r • g". 1., ~,.• : ~- , Friday. rifliFtigilt slowly whe e led erotind! The day 'was as sunless and gloomy es are the pros pects of the country sinCc the election of Polk, and it was very evident before noon that the silk. i o the " democracy "' bad received a ilawer. They determined; however„ . to mak cukhe best they could of it. • Accordingly ail o'clUck the twenty six rounds, and Imp fur Texas, were fired in. the equate, in the preYeneo_of a consideruble This was the opening of the festivitten, and the visitors from the country were all neg for the heat scene in the hill. But the .4 democracy; "of townquieily dispersed after the tiring,and with the exception of a, Bedlumito 110i,110 made by a crowd of unruly boys, the town was, again 101 l quiet.— .. Is !hie the celebration I" anxiously inquired many p country democrat, as he stood shivering on the corners of the square wait ing•for that pro em*? Ao thrm I And George lit:amen was there, too, With another of his original and unique banners, with sumelibing like Guit i;ut of the. way *"....inscrit cd tipmt it in George's 'most artisti. cal "slyly—but tht proaossion,dlti • .not form' —the MarsitaleTdid-tintoome-initrand-t.he-musie vanish,: ed to take a horn': -Is. this .4 the culthratioh agai# enquired disappointed coutilry peon le. Wherefs the prtiteasinto" ..-Qhot time is the . oz road ?”=" who 'is Pjlk — i n ---" wbargii Dallas ?' t ---„wereinaw4heard in grunt blips!? 'from all quarters. But itib4pngry !Alt waaspinawhat. appeased by ,the p : t 4 ortdie Oa( there stionid he. "something dee to nieht, " that would more.than' inakif up fur ° the lose of the "roast beef" and the procesSion. • But this was only preparing the .country democrats for-another -disappointment..— . , . . . Night come, aniijile country --clemoorata - who expected to see the town:in a parkin blaze with bonfires and kituminations, had scarcely: light itniii4 - Witia=iiiiiTal- sttiaite -- q' — stie - tliOr - sky -- 'through the,R.itil,l ~“ kW, - the celebration ?" they again mn i tterellai they felt their disappoint , merit, ap'd impiously .w Alleluia:lves .busk in their own son hocies,i Very " few fur be. ' tween '•!,, in the,priiieipal Streets -end town, might be eeeni few Ondows they seemed , only. to ntake:','derkrie,se rp:isonici of the other streets We' nnaerstaricr Ate . was.Moie ' extensive, but ia.tho'cen:- tre.of the town had it tikheeti fora firei . ..the-seene - wonld ,- haverbenn".elicerieSS;; 4 erid': glOuniy7iedeed: , gland. -: foilere:=:there - Wiii 7- tio' ,dntimsitism, no', ,cheering,, ...Millie- 7 a ghe small croWd•whe stood around their idtiteh fire ln,' lookOl!kfi Argikier:,min -*pale i n tagipettionier,were-60034: rlttiAtke „ fear.efl.fer ‘ t idents, Oalaind :n fileat!! comPif roo7fade A diniticotraliWir: • .k-P rfeefe.4 l - ,Of ROO ji*-7iill: Manya;k4i:tiii,about •th 'give ' '44l lll 4 l il ' iftp—a . few nnie roc ole 'al flr ..wpj ; T._ ptid gtggsh, fi for„Oe . tWii .i 'Alkina '!:‘? ?taplilit, • '# t ,l9?dt elided:Whether' the: thing • as' warthylahil , , not .- we; fie country; darnO'crat,olotiiioiiiiiiipottopvdrol, :4 4 4; drilP l o4iii#” , l i f fol4 o o iii;±Pl 4l4 o(; ll :!. : ;ikan . s 44 l4 . 4o4li:OLlike glaii ier ' ' 1 . 3 TSV#o,ctis2:t*\'•o4;',4, NNW laimiimmLF.l *tiOset. v it itigigiteo_ 61 , 114 .perelare.Onkine.a_grbia .4tioneatkii4L!!: hied 06:7 Iv hip their thaw' :and: .employ plapec 'anti; thr 41? ' ,„ Ar . plapee;au. 3. at the xiig scfrfrit-as ,..irtelefeddi.fltiffoWlntiFfP4ilpychalits Unit meatifinta' Whet iiiipvid:o4) ;10 kiii;..:;iaii;goif ,p 3 0b" 'in u re,' 4 , 1. any euch:thidg ttan * babOvhrged ' . Whit in titie county; we.gmphedcally:deny. ; ; We Kaad' .recolviniendeitaind v . vel7fiiiirttiePiiitrioi4:4o. ox:' teheive:niatmfactureis' who rhis44o l lo l : _denttnct their witness ,niscon_seilupngei,., p . su cese,e the Atitt-Tarift party; tortitistatn;thotib. of. their workmen who : stand hythaiiovimTinteveits.: This is lust Ad fair, 'and , ihuf an, undoubted right._ eo to apt. -.EierY min rrltrurthifilficittiketerers iirttWitiletft Upon tfiFl siffitunt of Protection' hey receive frpoilho_Gjeti ernmetif. before the present Ttfrift; was estab. fished it is well known that many iron and other. manufactories were stopped in ermseouetice of the low duties !mon-foreign importations, and thou sands .of laborers lost employment. The passage of the present Tariff changed the whole state of affairs. With protection restored the_ tuanufac. tures rived,. and working men eVery'wheralp , ' ceived plenty of employment not thia law hie bean in. operation but, two -years, showering its; 1 blessings and benefits upon the country, when the 1 loco (boo peaty' succeeds in electing a President and Congress who are in favor of its repeal !-- Many meelianeice and laborers it ie well known voted this very result—in other words,. they voted knowing that the repeal. of tho..Titriff Would take the very/ bread out•of •iheiV:mouths and rob thorn of employment They chOse to be led by the - unprincipled . dtigagogues who arc continually Prying 1 . down with the aristocracy," and who ure.endeavoring taLarray one class of the cominunitY against the ether, in oiler that they niny'seize the spoils of vintory.Arthese laboring.. men now find that thg result of this voting bus. Feint not to put down .f.the aristocrapy t il• but: to transfer the manufacture of things_ thlit oughi. to be made in this country, trek tcrthatisuper "work-- shops of England, who.can they blame for it but th'emselves I If. tho Tariff is repealed,Our man. ufactorieu must stop—our Furnaces and Forges must close; just as they had to in 1841 and '42— _end-laborers.vriust-lose.TlTlployment-just as tbs.) , did thenl The. Menufhettsr'eis cannot prevent it if therare ever eo kfirdly -- diiiribTed. — 'Tlielfiriliiiii; were predicted liefore the election—:ter. Pullt's opposition to the Tarif i f was elsarly 'made known, and•:f that net is now rePeared, Pennsylvanians hoe none•but thripiselyps to }flame fur Ph re iisoltigl cal Great icgc! fr:, - In reply brilto oft.repeateet question from the dopcd'and deceived of Mc* own-party, the loco liteo papery aro now publishing d letter from e_ensitintorent losturcr on Phrenology, which do 4- striliss a' visit the Bard to M - r. Polk and the pos. . Vibtitty--witiolv.lte.tect with in that-gentlerrian's futnily: ) :4lto-lcttcr wsittsit_arnong . o!har things jn t elation to Mr. Polk, says': . • trongly. Marked by eVidense Of intellect; blandmisit, firtmmerand; boneVolence. Ilia held lie asaerned - a did mods) tephroolnglea,lll4;histi: ths intellectual and motal-tteultise'titro--largsfy predominant. Ills ftirenced is high, broad and full; atticitisndis. tiler if nut projecting. The uppe Hint •Of hie head rides high abotrJ the ears. The orgine of henivolence, eeporetion cud firmnoe's are prom- 1 ., 10tv well:toe ernisiderobleffaith lo phrenology to &fir:nine isharPotor.bni fissisi t agrpa • man on slic . h.greunds, is caposing kiln to ridt9N: ontl,Alirepeciple,tis iustelt. - Mr. Phyritirmiliroo, nn doubt bo Of:Settled pigrO .!splontlip mo4ol 6y: :Arerilogists,":.but did . 'hit friends ewer jhink of ai•king thesuffr;igni of tlio people on that grociud? They pointed to forty years of his life spent liringly intim public serrice,und to the brilliant cat. alogue of his public acts, to Prove that..!on his lolly brow did Wisdom sit and Firmincirs.” The case is different -;:itti Mr. Polk. Ho was foisted upon thsglited leaders brine. r oh) Htelcory,f an'd to their aarprise os much as their opporiellP.lho bal. /arum of pier in Yfircirp hands has made him Preeldatit nleet of the ynitcdHtatos. A ditcent respect for publid opiniunNlicos them to make him as groat a man poesi „zven .by _the aid of phreooipgy It It ohOws the shi the party IS put to.. Eirelions... o'We oil, sorry , soya ti.e York "Repub)ican;" to say that this most reprehensible vice has pre vailed to a vast extent during the late canvirsii.---_ . We are intermed tharonc - trillivldualln Pliila'dek idda ins lost thewnorinous sum cfPeventy rhou. rued Dollars Wo apenk of platter not. ap partisan, hot because it sexernypediately affects the hest interests and ini4 voided tinstitutirine cf country. It cheapens the right pl Suffrage, and makes it a more matter of speculation in dollars and cents. I. totally demoralizes politics—intro. - duces - corrupt bribery' enti•fiandisAlto gang of gamblers who core noibingrfortink'en. try Fin that they win their gnme: ; e44.poi:lsoCtlie -m o n errin - PiTni - Wy ffi a O4O l bettCti clik.elecliGue is jr.rlg lll Y 140 1 1 hnt•enelt Ap. the ,vi. I noted eonditiciti - ritpublic aentintent tin:d irossiKsits violators, (hut it remeino I . k-4,01110.M. on the" statute-book, totally disrezatdettlilul can. ternhoik. The Very officers of the la.w who are bothid to enfiiree its sanctions—to infottn.un, and prosecute'the guilty Allemselyes_engego_ tn_tho_ work of *luting and 'among good ilitizecui none aro bravo enough to incur the oditirit oI bringing offenders lo lusfico, we,. ,ko:chr;A#Anvidictuo.rOs,li;=butlvhui;44l.o-be-iloni"fr Oa? last 'hopo of peace, order an corny •in ;&' • pitiperty and life is the.lumala if it cap be so. boldly, trampled upon the one instance, there is no sett 1101) ',(v - py ' the sonic, thing cannot be done in nyery ether. ,It Is ltel. and hiryig - )ac.l. - ..tir outrage tkatttoieikilleAcitiii* cd—rnit -by'. the . tisurilidka of xi:kith - nig. Ropubliai !hive Lou? tind con'lccoed.r.throaMi „Free inititittioni aro too 'kiting yo.. A rpstiaiei by_the,blows or opFnMolii!ace:frop hot ;4htly:are nlinoat = )ielplops - against tiro subtle; en.- iionehmenteOf email and', diereiar,ddd.lWriehhie of ! the. laws On which .-they . dripand for 'esteleitati" .:Thc oak which : Minna — be - nzottd . '6l, - „thitin 7 - ,' pest, may he liti bYCon'tiniteiyeat4 ing Away, by: iki - ntreinrotifthe?:n4l:l4 ytilelt4teL fibres arelitiehcd;f-. Betting may -oonmider itirelelGVWmpirto• 441104 .g^ui . whic kPO!i l i s #"' o bqp i : ° :f en d; .W 6OlllOl .•,,„11.4 01. :0 1 ! , 4!• anq„roFtn*Oick: . 'lllii , l4 l o ; thiroPiga47;,."7= 7 held tie tiff; .q 411Wrquidely .1 ,1 6 n, Pi 5 01"410c.00.G00,t1Av ils ecrRomsetic9mbi040. — grPr i lrilOtahotof2oto can!! 'Airgdtko,.eTyAc A s rendered at iae.tire or, r. .„' byline 441 Ipan.mict- Se•,tatanir ah4.mibillitpdAnAllptikt f,„r.„' • o % ". MlO,POrcliu 4, 4 .4 7. ,; nua ' 6 l" !qf 'A 1004 e T ' -1, ": 1 r '': l i s,4o ' q.lli,ll ' ll'Vkl .. -1: , , .4L, ~..1' . '',..%: : :1 Y f . .• , . 7:., ..' :,!t, , •7.t.z&e., *WOO rillueotho - -- 024t0NigtkiOtTil*: 1 , 4 4i0 !liftntA) have6" i iol6atiol4sl' 4 ,jACir' s th %as 1.01201,* Mgr -' gatCil itW4- ..,,., , , ,oatttlartrif. l s,9•„ ,, , , r , ..,. ..-: , •.,11itt,C . ,;::' 'iliif*dell'ireilindiist,file9f, thif',ilit.fdri , .. IrdirkdOias iepritidOtely.,killed,',lf4lol,l,lf 11?-.t.hril•Elli4fitillik.fidti• hut . nottilih4t - JherbeospOitor.PiSe:,rtetet t . ! 4aw 9o -, uit 'fi.l.Wii:hiipe. tptlitigilii*.tirkes. • .-.. . ~' o:)911 . 1 1 1 wC', li aviii it 'tnidlf'ddlilitTeelebinfione— ,• W' :tilitill',..BUfbriTll E - TAl,tlf . F;iiiritf;faitie to , .1 't4oqfptize`the tionnor or rili - -Rode , : : :...',l'he South i_itio.rt. ,"r#ll.bii . re'#foreditn , t)ei . :#sni4priripirity.,t.'.:. ~ ' The Phorlesten IllfifirY,.*....C . .4linitOsteinni, 'also lißtiihhalo• Palk' tin4;lso4:i,igYiiiiiit Ilet *oikAn . 4ho7felloiring - jeiYfuliittillia;T.: 7 , Z . '.tl'. _:T-11041.fPliiiilLitutititpe424 . 0iiiiliOW: 11em41 . €14 '-' Triukt . phatitioc:finaYali t ies -:' . 1e.,-idik , ' _ President, ',E4et:' , ''".:l l .7;k . :Tr.'" `'''''. ! 0 11ie mails of •Lyesterflti,y.-rerninied.Nl:dritilit.: The Empire State , ;Jfacgtyert :PolloAnidiDallita a majority or llitiiiiiin - dett rift, Viik7;iliii,.exiejiliOn of' North ;Curolina,-which , too 'ebliwifil(',aeobled - turtling back tifilie 'right:A. llo, l444le 1 `, 3 4 1 4 1 04: , * oiled Ilk . ..FRPEF:TIfet.DE; f l ow' Diftiak,Ndl)44tif• Separation from tionk4'ti'di;noinv;;lteirettchafette; and a' fillet . adherbned..',o,ififf.confilittltiC.O.": ; , I,We hovel). right ndw• to eigilet"elinal . i,lddiligfe_ty to• the ofyllik4tion ot this Stuith-4.4bolitieufAir signal. ly defintled..:, and tite,fierctiiinriSontlibrif treason which weed its foul enihioce,.'eoluitintyliiiiseilsed in the utter firtiatration:of itsi:sel6sh',:,niii.l4railons. Lel every ej,isinterestedt lover.of hir . fritirririStrite, and of the union as oily flii hers 'madulf; REJOICE fiir.thc redempfion of the'or:iiind:" .. Now contrast , Oren joyons matufeications with the doleful forebodings. of a •Pennsylvan,itilooufoco , • , • paper, widish fearq that Mr. Polk will prove (reach •erOtts to PeT!oyliatliti isiteretsits: . . The paragraph ' is from the Sunbury_ .Ainerican,' whose editor Ilia , • - lent efficient aid in indu,cing the people of Penney l. vania to,believe. that Polk , -sites a 'friend of " the __,..... ~, Tlifllf., rid American should,reeolloori,hut no, matter- on what Mgt .faiPi th e people - suppor ted Valli, he its not eooimitied : in. Oar of ,the . 7irritr. They supported him as mum, 'candidate—be -.. . wrote no letters and:made ni.Ldeuldrationil i! M r . Folk, it refine, hee .r tset been so closely ptified -HlaY, Mit Intim - be recollected, that - ho hart been sustal4ed, end' nobly suitainedera this State, under many a`ii.erse circumstances., with full - confidence That he would the manufacturing as well 1M" the other jutermilii of the StateilibeurAling to° , the promise every namre. rnediThylfis personal and influential friend's. 'Mi. Polk is a 'flan pf.high elm - meter - 6VtTpollitreg7lll.- fle; therefore, cannot ; sod we think wiji not; basely - beHrityibTise who . haVe placed Their confidence in him. He w ill .feeellect that withol)l Penheylvania hecould never - have been elected.. - That the peeTde of - Pr - mn sylvania are almost uttanimonet,in favor of a-tariff, alfordittg-proteetforrto their manufactories. That it was With a firm belief that ho Would foster these interests, se they Mid - teen told by himselfand his friends; ;that they gave him their support. To betray them- now would be worse than Arnold's Treo con. 'l7tcso'we !mew to be the feelings of almost the entire daintier:lcy of this section of toy St4c, pad_ Ka_a_ migh t .1; ay_ of the_ ;121),x1e- Sta to. The foiir counties of,Northumberland-, Columbia ; hint a majority of 4681. :Teese counties Voisesj; almost boundless wealth in their coal turd-iron, and are - , therefore; deeply interested. ini.leTralitr They htive Omit. this Mtge plc under' the lON positive assurance that .thCit'great ch intereq.:tipal,d be protected, and woe *4 10 th'e tifaviiikir iitn4 sr . ftethpt -them." cr7..The , f4;llQwihg .trothfot s : s tribute to diet!. grime,, we take Crean:O. recent qddross_of2 Quincy-Adants: - • . . , talco peculio„qatjqraction onion tke .. - • war .r.! county 0 ippon* t., .L. ', ritc,otylorui , prim , during twelveyusi#," 40 ,ita irii . ';etrineeksPse,C,qp. , 6 fitlsl o ,-P.:IrtiSAL - *)105,01 1 f. • iti.,i'''lll,oil4:6,l; that' Country, phd - 416fing'Arria . 4•Stil;11,04§ .. W)tOT Plymouth itscii.tlie ten,oiarr„tilt Oldr r ithifi4.9o. erninent,- and the flipiatVO r ry.k:latittlilievy . ,-a We Rock remains, WiaavlikOrllte floiTilkiita? of Ne'w England planted his trot. . :, , • . ' "I no longer represent Ilte,pptm'Arlimiriaifthei rock, and perhaps I may, tlarefore, with'fitpre propriety, be permitted to say, witliont . ilisparligro merit to any other portion of my felloW - cifikenS of (his polo; and :especially Of the' de-sdiiihiaiita of the Maesaclinietta enliany, that in the Migiii o ci f that calory, there arc circumstances of purity, o purpose, f Republican and _Christian corrgy,tif • intense and long entiiinued suffering., of inv loci blv martyrdom, mid of heroic perseverance, nu. equalled in the settlemmt of a ny•Other European estuhlislimi nt , upon this hemisphere. The mil). gled_inetive_ of „their_ emigration from-gitrope , - the irresistible command of nonstionce;'and the unrarlical lore of ceentiy, Without even Pic alloy of thrifty speciilntioii, or of adyenturotis Onler. prise—the n meek and ,qhict.spirii, which sutamit. fed to eatery priV4tion:;ania - diiiilikiod, without a murmur, With the rigor of •the agnate - , (lie se. verity of the d' season,'Aq 11)6 ha rronness Ofpie soli —the Ocorispierale ivi)),Which .tiaw their Mini. panions perish T urqiiiiii,-thein,-0t -Ono-half their pembers within the fittitilialf year,, anti yet,per. .severed, an 4 overcame -gm perfect theory of Im. 'Orin rigbis„ first eseniplifii'd by thrill In their social compact, sikned on -board the kitryflowSi boloye,,:their lan,cling, and Iheislair,pirrelinse of 46'6,10110n title to'thd.inill, eklil bit a conihinatiOU of moral virtue, or priy.tgaj erseigy, and ntinfei• - ! Icahnt refineMent,llollnty tit the history' of the world. Al riever;4l - illiiblY God= .-lauv.4-.llltlY ~,,_, _. • ..t II e TIP-EVP.,Y, frolll,nvgnotirrite : frinn, linoirtii(e# cif Mei,' eves P 7! • --: :: • . 'tiA o . l lihill? *PE/Olt :1;0 4 (4 , 14 ; &A -2 (rtend - ifsinFtv4l4s.ati °canteen : o'lol . oe'; ))our nlis,OArji s-the rolloaiing Wo think . jt nyteliinel!!;: 04theIteat dad rA.l)asininte: . te . , andonbtodly;,merits'" =WO -Idnio- too: wiir the wi in'consideration ot. Iltelidttl natie folidrijiv-: , isliadrtijirm Ther,.ltirdli,W - ,n , sent to .Forrect,,notna. .of #441 faulii of wli Okale, fenirertfaii::i monibhed ' PI-X Y 4o„gli-!n 4 t!:itAlalikile,. , • .. -DT ‘, i 80 4 3 4 11 •! ) '`Z. - ' '''' 1 , ', "."7.r •;:.';,. IA ,t Poets °nen sing of Wel elirm tnittilintp,i )e ~ , - ;14.4 - O'er the thee, when the- sOrleintirpitlit ,,, 94, , But I'm sure•agelt, elnips tyoutif vtt 'ititildr . Lttles', Could they see, denreit girl, thntte tetucerskittli i lie. - „ , L f' Tliey're isrikliantand htalttif?!•-qh,„,ett*' -niyefovi, +W hue olei*,i IP Oii'in): 2 liow. , 94: 2 Psn'Icif . ';',^iten011iwtirgiltit7v , 'hag ' . 4op'd'veqdlitkiitAe. , 4;,..'t i' , CPer !ha g,lolititiirkiWeh - eittl;'ltolstiinil lyi ---- ",' Where bianty nollsthofight jolt' Ilitt: : ~ c:,. „fftt, .Thyrle ‘ h hulk, is;tti , ,ttikd pi ' - : ...!*ei ~ 1.:1,n - 4, ' Jytit fur ali:the tiorbtloo6 Y ek7 qta qi14,,04. „,, .I,pl , Iy)r - ' '. .i , t ' ; a l”' i c d : X-tik,aetki!estriPle-t ~' 4 . ,, t 4, ~,. • ~.w rill ^ . ' , Is the hietont.o r r,,,'l;,: ~',?;,..‘ ~, ILfreekl tt and frde—. - 1711 1.neolv 1 ,114":g ..' l !.!:.'``, 4 ''P..f1441, 4 0u'it01 4 . ,, , 'l . iNiux i t e t i4 4 . 0 ; . - ,, 44opAt-g). c 44 4 1 6. 2.' '*"...'., , .:'., ', The . dft'a lig ng. 'lf 14!ffth1e ,80 *.4 , 7 tb en./, t' -v ---, `"• When that 4140 44tenres 0 Plike4he": 1 " .. 1 1, 2 3 0 : 1 4 ,t‘44:°i°,t)..l"l°l:r9:wi'j:ni°c::;;ul,:ll-1;:ei ~;•1,°1:3:.:al:u4„::::11,.::'4'161::::::1L'I'''f'?9 3:.t1:1;1:111.3:'::1):IiikiLiiiiiilli9:191,:ii,n17:1:71411:1.!:11':::,:::4-:f? . ,., v . ~ , ... : ..,.',“ r•"4,14R4141 1 ' Ltla newer P,t4MusFon your t , ' ',,i , .. -, Vrtg, `o "6 ''' , 7,, ,, ,,,.' '!, • . ,+I ~ I .L. ' s t, NI) 4 W 011 04.,*.k 11 '''''" 1 'E. l ' '': ,' r‘.:',l,l't:td., a, 't} The Pilgrims _ autnotkotd:: ,,,,,, ...Tt' 4 .16, ~ , ~,,fe: ...1 4 #,k p... 8 4 t o i.o o; t l , i ': ‘ : ';''''L l. .4,tilo, 0 iiii4 .l Vnliot giofege Atoto-to JO -.. iiR: t Ali:ft biAt"ii,e ; '-''' ( ;''' "' "? -1 44*4tattHk -- iti*""iii . iiiiiiii_i:;l 4 j.-4 . .. ii 3 79, l kt.**c!rif4 l 4nler4t,,!OfOcr. l o7 - : •tria3Nnikin - jo , ,the3ilPila:]ati;,i,fti4ittqhe; : laaa r - 't i l - foa' .6o l:iojil l :At(pTiiis . :!;!",i. X° 1 9:#10 : - 1 1 l iti . :!fil in' i iehhishirt:'efkon rY:tonhafge . .the - .lrl 7 liigi( Wkij:.o•. 0 - Fir — d ---- '" --- -- f '''VeffgcAigiiiiii: Alma a o_ p rast_pootioan_.____ a iloply , or ___iaitanaaa:l4 - 30:29Allia j Ayvo4boagt!y Two ' ..- A few : einecilfr.t , oo'..,ita leading . 1-1: ' : 1 : a li i 41:e , Idee:fdediti.Nor!h illidtlleteni*eti . i:ilii A: 11 494'._ . eto4l:gliiie barettkand'after'Ogatningfere4, erat:pairifi;k : eh4e,:e s oneludei libe l- v i e:llW !alkali:a Iha alieemeher'ijoatici before taking them' 1 Ore '''' ''-'" ' •''' ' V %VITTF 'viie - intormed•heswAin.lforcLAV,y ork lel a o : indigtiehtly . threW down the ehoesoieehiringlhat her ‘h4;band weiihlnii!ler wear them ! Another ;leading loco foe° inthilAniretth some ame since; • ,. .qh dieti 43 it- ettetonf iiii4N- - # ol.tilei3Vemith to :gii , e it,tg,_ti lieeecieotilkliol4l#loiii ; •liridein haatenerally beeriiia4atikbAlili' !Ono 6. noro • lir boiourh.. -4.... - -,' WM) tbtrf - borough.„''And yet t yoltinteer talks of Whig •proscription: How Is it with - our county affairs? . Where, cv: Cr a dollar Can bo given for Services rendered, 4001 go.icto - tholtands of' loco focus in itteference Co Whigat- poni read is not 0 1. IC - vvld'ib Slime') the Court Hodse, or carry in.fuel for litt;Bies,urilelis ho is a Locofoco; although his• childree'aray ho crying for bread!' But the &NMI in the eye of Loco ioeuism ip do large that it Can. not see anfireteription in this While the mimedes in its most hidedus form is beheld in airy:Whig, who, seeing ruin slating ilioritctho face in coil. sequence of the EitiC . C . P . , 4 5 :01k, Loboibeoisna- sot loreb.Tra'de, closes nr,dontraurs his busineas, and . t,tcparee. to .mect theaturm,ll9tead of conlineing it:ol utmost capaoity, rot the purpose of gjting eqlploynienti; thoso.who will Whet) the Locofocos have not the people up.ex. ,ti Milo Sr' "a linrity for - op i n i2n's stareini b:C iTrrte eniiugli.iiir them to dna& proscription upon tho Whigs. ...tint 0101 they , hevo done soi'and abahiloiled -the. - most:l.lidrotish. m i altgnaa: 'nod uncompromising oysiiim- oi 4- mialpriptiodi !iphilirl i advoetard and practiced by them in evei n y sitda:- lion and position of fratVei,lheir.moliFioua aitaqs 1 aPori Whigs' shottle,bir, repelyd by holding the iiror up to their], until the scales fall from their ti , - and their qum in”. i5 ig ent i f ,,,,,,,,,,,,, IhyportfT, makes the ii;ush . of shame mantle their neck , ' ' • • A 1 E1;N: __in Btnictpy the, Jfhtt,inpt. by the Ref:j. -11 th.Andrew - ituntri — ltirirnitry. Atrost both of -Adonte-thy.--Nr. ' elan Sunday .the 17th inst. by the came, id Han. over, Mr. Josiah W. Citt to Mb:. Maria Iski/vman both nr York Co. Pa. eon Monday Aire 2:sth.inat. by the same, Dr. Phil, lip IL Long of Dom ilstown Dauphin Co : to . Miss Susan ft. eldost 'daughter of Mr. John Couvn•, Merchant, of Mechanicsburg, Cohapalland ; Co. Pa. , 4n the sth init. by the Rev: Hery " Auratid , ' Mr. SAMUEL PLANK 1.0 hii.3l? RACIIAEL 01309YEA11,, all of thi; y untY; ___....,, ,:,-, En_ oyl Id, inateby-tbo.aatne;itr .. ._-3_g t 0 -Gett to AS hIAIVIA .• AVALiONOI.II or . Silver Spring township. • - - ••• . • -.45a f the - 210:01et; by, :the - Jifrird., - triilik.riaV - t - v•ai- to Mtaa FaaicoiluDantaa,all ; .4lWekt telititi , twro' I towybiiii). , .. 2 , , , - _#l .C.IRIO. I am itistrueted by the - Franklin. Fire Tn t'Zientice . Company Or Philadelphia, to 10111 Cr theft' a1H1111.5 to IheliitiZClOVlTllll - FiNitiali of CM Mile, for their sac- cuttsitai exertions iu arresting the fire in the West •Piekisisori College building on die, Ih ilt inst. - ' 110 13iT;A-gettii— In. Ow November 27,.13:44. -- 4- t*Orltele-01P 43LEVIk10111: ~ i . . . . . ..)EN illndion fur Nfrinugem ul tbC ifirnovue find .111. CornahrTormoike road ibropainz, n'ili be bold ut the public knuse of Smile! (Weld! In Petershor g (York Sorimp) 3davnx tummy on the svc.ond Tue 3 day the 10th of I.)eeember 1844• '.I . IOI3KILT MegLAVA IN, November L'i, 1544. president. _RLISLE 'FEMALE- 'SEMINARY. THE Citizens of Carlisle and the Pith/Olen. evilly, are- respectfully infoieted that - this institution wilibe opened under thu Superintend 'time UT Misses 'Pheite and Charlotte Pain!, on IV, ?d day - of January..ll34ls. - 3 4316 . 1nygq:EinctuOutirriodiwir home in 'tyeat 1.4 thei liirpet,.recenliy . 04ciiMed by Al rs.'B6 , veti'stiti' 'O, Boarding Seheni Itrs been Laken by thew and til.n.ndnrgoing reiairs. :It Will be furnished With special reference to the necommodltion of the Pupils. A fedrrtl,iases or young. Ladies will be received &It Biardcytt, 'and"( is intended to Abstl tn such all theAnbintitages cotonnefed is itb_w_resis. - oCtit.ce .. tn.itio - IFfiekrouttpWqatirediriuk: - •., • • • , "" ... . •.,.- : , — .4.xlienilea. , ‘ • • _........, , ,, r --..-_—_- 7 ,-I;lnunn; with 'fillet, lights. and washing., will be fiimbibed to.ifindig- judiottetti,,,lluring-,tlie :fa-motor inflitlis; and 82,50, during the white-. ,-. ;;l'j7tril9N-s-toninitin ;English itu,dieti aa...o.t . ?griip4, Histury,;Grannncr. A rith. • rnOilu;prthografthy. Rending and Wriiing itettpar ~ , . •-- • ' 5 09- !-Mieb,'Astronniny.: Algebrri; Getneetry, • iiiil i isliitUrtil .Plillosuphy and krlgiiiialnui. 'liyil6n. ', - -i - ' - ti'i --- CF — F -- tiiglgrbiantre_ : 4 - p nnyi. vim stry, , Rhetoric, liteeiti r tefir'2l4loriti ; Philoiopliz 10,00 — lnetlinetion-in-the , i.nrigitaken, Prdwint . , lit_in v g* i e. will involininx_extii ChArgii,lX. of . :''' . " ' • . , .. 20 Lallans in ,InstroirnentalMusin sip -Prof • ti; LiAlValltcri foijiitooo4linigrigirl. fr,.--Ai 1, 7 ,; hp.. c tionVill - bn req"l,ltred q"hrtar, rlkend.the: prii.o.;.nf: Hoard Aueittly• In' ndyan,nej,:ited,:j. 9 _d x ., ..duat.ip,it mode foc . ii,binnicli but id coseiitidukness. ! rr:::NuvombOr 27. 1844.. ~ r- • - : : , ':.' : - `-' -- tr.a • , . .... .. , :-WMI-', -- H; , :' HORSTMANN ' 81,.: SONS. .' , . , .. : . :___.#43?„o,-..niorth, ThirAt; Street,: , ... .;, ' • ..PIIILAIIMP lA . ; '.. ' ''' . ii:l•7l,i mid •I M ~, pr m ir .,, i , t, it , It A i t,4lr , and ap% i rea 9 tip ° ,' ° . P d Pistols; t 501 5 4 11 H 4 itl. BF iii l ei• u N' i e q t a " :lll% ! C ° l o i ll i ; :s .- , , P s .' ; i n ! I b e r " l o . I C tl h e a p, - 1 7 Ibi bto.. Vol unt , deiiaciittpuolitiLo t ul Officers. of Abe A r t i ty<i:Ayzeopplfell:lvatlCONtligiQuein,ieeeol Oh , ell e lit tilt, 114111t4ry, fine; '• • - On r awl Mogi made to otler..L. __' , • .; :4,-H-ittlie told 13 94tioglor.Fisigs.' - : • . , ' Jo.. - -i -- .Fiittgel; Tatotel 8 told Suits auttakiti IF MitiOni; CtiltjfettOwA ancilbooter Tritomiiigit, ... - . , ,'''• -,,,' •PAILRLILGE TVA AINUNGS;yIz: dotieh lace,. 4eltroing mot rttiolog. friitgbi , pith s ; Iroisels;lkii . AVINCIONt OLIN t.) , Tteinel",.ooll9lo4lll Slot-` . lo g s ; C g!t l ts ollj koWiloi l 4ollesettoqiintlittiott'iv _. C 1 61.0. .. `AI Li 01215,! TrAioroings,' , 4l4l.kiwinicli toi:( ir,iiir.~.GlMPS;' Viiido:Ftiorl4lq,4'. dies! fancy ttreisllviontrtifigirin'tbuieritl.,,,.:,:_:::...!..,, ::'l:o;viirvevoyTlON VJAlNGES`filAtirtair4.4iria, ,0 9uti‘erpqnes. - .l.l'§llk 4 ',GtiKi.,ir'eratilic: ee ~.spi. l t O - 14 , 0 5.- - - o _o o --,,,J)4*- - - - lAitgriettiStile , -P0r‘e9,4114 i 'ltrettt l ' . `" r ' e `4 4 `""l'eY articles which' wilt 14;-aold ihw, and:, ylil iii.Aniot e te a tio k : ot rOo,; oot : e S t.'fp' l 1,, I. ,), r` . isat Phili fsPliii t lyi d NoYe4b6lBf.ji44..:‘•,,. -: '.l--.. , :: /pall . ~,i ppIvODIEN,D.,, , , ,' • ' mmg atv, t ~.,.,-,,,,,:, -: " voy t 1844. A i '• , ''' ''a - u ::. ' '''' ' ''' ~.....L , n• t:' t.„ 'hi ; Estat e , of Joriatllkuritiv9t4 r , ec %. ''• T-4 yVdollthe '' - `' , .' .o ""ati""'""Ve ---:' ' - WIVER.Yzi)e - toative ;10 - 41 .6 tIElitaL• IV ,ii‘ - day,' lioliired, iritOm i l tiflliriii per,Oent.,for. L , j ,,,i.t i iii iv4a , 6l ", fat thik;laWdlig; o loo/4."(ithe cal , 4 l 4o 4 inw wkg°lllo'; .o% ., ii,bfaikYANlA"iiiiiel 41 1 Ag&Z,Ormil, , PrO , t it Avll l fi t tri IQ-. the . 13 094 6 P 6 tilirVitt.h .piii.)glittri igilitak,lo#ll4lt6 i tity,ltintiktti . F, 4l ..r gi It. voi en , or anor,thek_Otie,lo ~ !:agip• joityhtscig a t i ol&k, :414 kiiii* 114 4)174;4 1 Joel the A ;!10.0 4 ThinC,0316, rei., 6 ifiti , inii+Pai.,P.• mtiquiliod,;(o4,4ol' - thitolit*,:lo,4. efili t . "17011191.,4110121°A"fAqge?) '4° 9 ll lo*.intlebted lire ll '1 951, 1 .11 11 ? ellt ° P le Pa 'r c. .6.• ^..‘;' , ,Ptai,bie. • • ,04. , r 4 Pi#F7tz llo9 Y!t iod , 4 ,,. - 0 -1" , • 66 Ari, ;lA' 136 ' • • 4 0.70 A•d- ' • - 62 ACRES; • , hiving therecia erected a tvlit ry_ c • LOCI 110 - UST, Ong ; • . shop and siw4llof hover ladiug water E,; near thedoor Tergit-naideViown , 11 e on the i llay flr fiald.'. i# 4 .1. 1 14P1T, is not nt will lie rented on Ant day for one year IruniTh.: 14 day Of 40'4 auv. . 7 . • DAVID RES:Ii, Apaigelec - of.Jaelk High. 3t•-.3 NEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT... subscriber resiiectfull) iidlirnis the eitisto it Carlisiteund-its-vieinity; thathe MG IV JEST:I 31E VIC • On the South... East corner of Pomfret and Piif streets where he is prepared to aceontoiothfie those um"- patronise him iii die shortest. notice. . , • N. 1). aria Ige‘Vrork - Prolliaas are re.•mlaa'ly TreLive:l, • 4 . Ts hereby given, that the st.hseribers, whines np -4 pc int , .1 by the. court or 'Common Pleas of the Conoty of Cooiberlontl, to settle mid adjust the elites and peoporti”:l of the egsets finubling ilt the tools , ifAivtvd;y: Attoiinistrator of xi7sNal.)9,lLASS,..too.ur Aim loiro - ogt , of Siii - olgOA4o'r„ to and arum% the 'respective evellit- M*; will attend the oldie ,muse nt t): ,, DukeS,' ItMstthl borough, on 13RIDAt the 29th iluy e f .Votemller, instant, at. iit o'c'ock A. . when and where all .persetts tol u rested, notified to attblul if tkey t... proper., , •-- ' roil ny.,NT. - - . • iA. t tomfoll,ble itp#' brick • ... ... - - 1 bombe sitiinFe nn the coiner of ~...l if, ri Louther pod itolford weeii, now in :: :t tr,i; : , ~' the tteeeplteef a the Itev.• J ohn H oft . - .. ",- •-,. • : Tan. , .:_kolseninirgiven on !1}:-Igt..#7__1. , : -. -- . "•••"4-'-' April next a k For partionlitrx Apply to JOHN !FJ.LER:. 4 "1:16:141e, Noveintie; 1'844. ' 31.-2 •__ • , I N - ITANIMIIPTOI 4 . • • PUBLIC SsflLE. aV-introiartee n - ortl er - o e District Cnitrt'Or 1 the ilakted Stales, iiillankrtipfe.y, will be sold at public sale, On thetrernillieS, being pnrt of the estate ofJonns iA,Lyr. a atiltapt, near the Borough of Newvillc on Thursdaiy. the sth 'any of Pecembei next, 1844, triertain Lotiir hroond hotinticil by the Spring, a Int of till In:kg of Jesse Ddck, and the-State road rem; • Newcille to Gettysburg, containing,: ahotit ONE ACRE of Land, having n Distillery, a Litne Kilo and other,itittiroxentents thereon erected.' Sale to ,carnnieildefilt 1 o'clock, P. Ni. . ____ • PO/. MaA,IVETV one Inirse CAii ! AGE Rod a ltaway COO 45.7:1 ti S 1 SI "itl, R ill he sold on R1,04 - 01)11.1ht) lig terms. Einjuit eof the Editor of the Herald. . . ~ . . November - 20, 1844, - - . .... 41-3 I Irri' IE Rohm,' Du vs luivo A geoerol nien r i moot o 4 AL: CI ths, Cassimeres hm" Satitietts which they offer at unusually loss prices for' east`. Call and ex , :trine and jou will nail s liargaii4l.llllll(.ll.ld. .. 1 CI FM ft (.. F. W. I I ITN EH 1. 1 / 4 ' Co. GUM SEIOES. • . r, • - rusi",4!c i A.Ni. nut nagnilmetit. Meti,74,._•SYo- ' 441 - rmeti'llllll,lC; Sliods;be - yicriuuS killth 1.11111 H ill he sold Irime ror' cask ' _ _ — • BQBBIN JEDOINGS. ALNelliiio vip - ply - of MiihiliFF: 'ging s, just NyeiVvtl by the, ell heeriht, , . - 1 • tf.ROCEIIII6O.- --- 6 sh lot , 'of Sukiir; doiree; Tin, Molasses, lieePc, & a jut re - neiVed and aching tie 61 1 1 7 ,. 11 , asle.l4,43e_biv,;(it ljnOuRI):1:.obil Suggit'jkad Collin: Mor•a lip; Call at AS. qtdober 16, 11744.. 7,SQ_ . . Efill 'OWN 1b41'.4; 8.0.11jon! sie , ?just neenetlty C Qglll•4•_,L . ' • Preset i , ;(.1 Vyeri ricll7 Is4' . 4,-1 1 01tENT.' .•••• • , 0 14"- tyek.atory:fiotiee and atirarid alhailer.d iuga~ well situated, are - olfered IbereOt " Alan, .o.eortter' room •• Etled ;for gror.ory'rAnte; arill he rdoted ftir that'parroap'ar otheralitie. - • ,, i'mastire:ht . .Car.lialeirfiareol4r .24 • „if i 4 .:,._•.,,,,,z..,,,,, .. 0 .,..,,,..,..._,....i.„. .4511,4...._, liffiiiitiiiiiii:ltiilicAte q, 41:6 N, _l'd 0 . p it t f: - .4 Ate ol North :Ailatileton to wiliqi!r. olecAl. hiqe tlp,en gy mated to the st#l:l6Fibr: ygeiling in.wikttowMaiiii:,,Alliicriwilie liiii , ,ihrularmi'- aplw,pt the galate.iire regtleated •• to iireiiitt ,ctiew? rilr' epttlemtint,atultliiiiiiikOillyrinkillepeelfiii igutittoilitt?„ ii#3 .mv inv . .,t tni.ilotiitekt 'of: ~ ...,.. .. ~. .... ... ~ , ..., ALElFiygyili Atcp.pwEiA4 , ;....:, ,; h ...: ....._ .-. '. v...,..__...i.:,,,, , yr ..... ': , Agiri'r: r.., .. ...oistobeil:l4l4r - 7':!l'.'"" - -)%: - ''---------' 7----7":"'fl-Cs :: , :,:To 1 y;.Ot`tditore AKEltipla tlitder COVOill'iki Cpkinniiiiwqd afick.thiq :01f4iiid',.TUOgPA.11,,,trio•A D e cembe r. AeSkf9r Ag.,l,wkirincor irie;addcsny; the court House. the borougij, bt Cirlisitorrwilel( p.44l , whitiji466"iiiil.,;attiiild if you ttOnlCliir:V; • MAarrat mg! • yi„: MI NES :. s i d ei - J-2. .' , ,..l)llo'abittylleiVt . Atertyf0r,:.,,,,.., , ... i liativ;reiw6i:4l#4 odißei.Sto?.(neici*'.. - -,;: It t i, 41.1 -ill-of Te I.''neirpitlill ~,,, , " if:*(116147214r - or. -- ~. kkdetntibi; riext';'lll kiicilliilatitlie:tilletot6o,•Ttlifthti Pretaiietl. that , s'oloyiblii,'H.O . U.S.E . and. : '• - “.:,Q:. - IA) I - , - siiiiate in ,CtitlichtiiiiiiiCurtberi: ' ...;,',: Luind!.eolii.tyil !pa;- , n•otv=;-000tipteir 'icy - , 'fp .1 itiiiliaTiratillersow aniitiAiiiiing-ttjo, tiropertyol RObet'll3iiirgitiol - i - nialr - Z=c • .., • •---- - 4 giitofiy. . Tile' ifojellyii-is'of Gi tilt' two iiiiiteti hiil4 - ixiikliAlitiottifitilingotatiOli -- ed to the maim build.iit~. Also , ~... .- • '''.. • . ' , ..z' 1 .:.: ''• , ' :"..- ' ij s ..1' :-..V 1 11111111. - AR I D /11 ' lasiii. ,,,, - i' . ' . 9 '::•:,* isiitay,.- -- hetiO Otelathle eiiiief the ilwellidg house, with n ex acellcOt frame. WAltt 1- 10tiStuttablied to the stbroieoitif, 3 -together with all' Othhr cot - Wenknees tlealablo,to such a Orotiery. Also a vacant LOT of Gllol.l.Nliiiiljoining-Che abotie preinlics, 'These , psoperifis are amoogY,lie-Aest*elfeettgtil in the town and occupy very 461irableltikoations,yither as rOsi- Aences; Or Advantageous - illfiCeslor busidelts. •Tdrms matlttsknowir-cortlitt-thtylitialeitly—s-- 4 4.-t W I•I7.MILLItIi,, Auttrhey . rcesuwt-ii-zrvvr— Igo verolpq 2:7,1 844. ' . ' 4 . 4 ' . is-3 - • 41(*) tacei„ • . T" undofe g ne(lltsir en ee of Jacob Township Cumberland. comity, limier tt voltuttary assigAttent rot. the benefit orlds requests all persdnssuulebted to 'said Nish , to multo immediate payment, qi,d those ha ri lig cla I nis _S gal pit - him to present the same' tethe -subscriber.- • - - • VW- R1NE1.,',.! Westpetipsboro' 'rp. Nov. 27, 104: .30,4* • PUBLIC SALE..OF:iIEAL. m it El undersigbed, Assigneo of JaCidi,,Wo l ; w, sell at Snle, on the At, 'on Saturday, 7th of Dedeniber.neati the described Real Estaleoriar a traq of LATE' LAND, siftnite' in Newton town. snip Uumbeilund ;•count) l one mile frorniisten in u good Mate of cultivatimi, bounded .tiy Janda of Itobeet Nfe,Fin lane, Jacob Weaver, Jobuf'lll,- Wood: burn, and Jacob, Geese, containing about ' rivenilier 27, 1834 RAN & $lllOl • i tlti;e!"3 - iY - beur - lri nn—t!mf-S!*c4FAUre 1. • 11 # (wired find -for sale nt Warehouse.. ot . ' "WM. B. NI Olt HA Y. Carlisle:, November 190814. - EDWARD IWTT. St.-49 Cadisle, °l:lobe'. 9, 1844 .votice -•gs7 . l;. l l.7All7 l :" , Auditor . it() coca RAN. niber.::,! 3 . , 1344. tr. 'l'46os—dash on the etteeution.of the deed -- 74 ,1441-18 - • sh gitee - JR J s Ali ler Noce 20, 1&I4:`- OnnAPpiowi 4:Edi;61 , 1 W.. jltrlzikq Rc Co 4 7Y.....40.45fAAWVi .11 7 4411 41 ,01 . 1 -- .: --- -...-- . ...r,:t. , ,..DENT15T.. : ...:,:".7. ' . ..4-%'!:.:.:- . ....... ...... . . wict,;Orroiii all: cpiiiiiiarisipti*OCTeetii; ----. 1 . a IV 6, ,0 - I , l! * t,are . :..tgorreo jo r .ti r ir poprv A itionoa4....... ...t: i . P.Ylol.,"fil'Ar#l.4.> g t fi i rgF+ l will l l ,..l.itOrei 'Eht lowa "Pi . Y. 3 esetlf.' 4 !.!,' , - .. i rf ee 'M: _,,, ~ ir n ovoliwowleu-,-10,-,A,. r ..-----• ---- ~ , g it; 09,, , , m,it....? . !....? ,giig•otittl6ten , %:ii , :toil , l::- i'-i.... - - : 7 '':( 5 66 .: . ,7,T.,:A.A.:Krik.0140..)341.1.114:0/Bgi*cr...M.- arlial#. - .- .111alLtt,e_.,Frailgiirad4.!#°! 1 ? 1,4. i:nri.' , t 7'''''' .41',....115,144-',...!.:,,t::::N.,.:., •:. ‘,,f,',..':•:',.-A LANI/411111VAlv. , :zAutifi riritiWthiltsorit; • • e o • ' r mber land com i ty, late oz o ti 4 c;',Atiititg'tliie.iinit mtintt miles " South Kist. of Areelmo:t'slifilt..aqjoitilitglands of Smoot 'Atoliler t Jacob ,Lti.tA ttittl ; - ottierscetpeit,t,.' m of e tcta:oi; coytaitiing . • • • • " ' • ">42;-,40.g •&.• 31t - . • n4.-.lvo-P , epoiler-aii-gleirreth—rfiir*ooOsin' . • • I.O . 'IIMILEEINN.';' ,- ofgood Thither situate'aliont ono to, loot slant front the butldings:hittiee? new Hank Barn and tilthep_anitajWiffittlitephante4. With other out Ituildipgtyttalariirrtirier failing Water neat , the dttor;:aiso 'n'youngiitte thrivibg °rt. chard of choice fruit The - aliovit titeutione,d ' tracts will be. kith' sepal Fue 9r together as. may bet suit itufohnstllll. lig tit tiewl he prop-, prty a tli vdditte to ail ou John itteh residing on Ille If thillbove koperty it not told at .private solo berate the 119 d or Noventlier, nest, Lewitt he,.tiold up that dal at Oldie •• .111.7.1 , f111.1" tigAlt ? • s. • 301-1 N -- 'relegraph; Harrithtiegi .lournor, Libor - win ;, anti URlor„ - Imiteaster. wile insert to. the amount - of sitareharge.thittodi'-' °Oetolutr 194. DE TE lIEWS G1C3016. . tit v. r e.., mar., i ,rr • cities of this .splendi OIL, renders its neci .sary.appeildowe-to eve, lady •or gen' inilet. . Unlike nil oil it does not soi the herr, but Bites •it' brillintiey . Ord bum! tinsurpnesed. ' It petit tildes -the militit , pnrekgifing to the 41, widieri brills lir, and vigO4, * op nit the eapiliiries.,likd miring that - he . altlty - lonegothiTtion so isreitirmtion or prod' tuti oir of a tine head' ocl.ttie. Solti . at No. It Filth 'street, Philadelphia, nod:by storekeepers getieralli-Or to . and 50 tit. Bold- id Carlisle by S. ELLIOTT. October VS, 1844. .rs ' PhilwdellftiteLiterary , Eniporirni.- . I lioukselter, Iftahlteler and Importer, fto. 144 Puma, above 6th street, Yhitadeiphiair has" ounatiint..)lln baud a• choice stockof ,k4;` --7 .nilh and American IVorks in Theology, rnpliy,Pootry,Voyngea and 'l'ravels,Agriciiltute..Sto. 'Also; Splendid Pietoral Warts.% in elegant bii.d- WO, Juvenile - alicr.ThoTineke in overt vorpty. • Clergymen, 'Students or Divinity and ntlierfrir,pro invftea to call anti elabline our exam. siv.4 assorttnook of :THEOLOGICAL BOOKS, of. tli6 - most ereinent liivines Also nialiy qulu6hle 3111 'l6Srlts, as well - as alythifie otreeMaJAbirestiok. • A great i'nrietfof'worki suitable fur Parish Schad Mr:tries. t 0 Nett , .y9Fy.x tectived 'soon as ,published: Persons Ourelteateg fitr Pu'idie or Private Libraine; will fiodoleth - IDerOdtfvtialhe.e'te favor us with Their which - wilfliVprofuLdli executed at the low. cat • Chi!el!has iC. New Ylotws'Preseiits. NOw rbeeisiing n fsfitr - nithritils - oppeitrof - Arairrichr; ey . .kaitri Ilti aerated works, Ml:Mins, Bibles and Pray llookscomddaril Religions \l'orks, Children's Bunks, hca suitable - tor the Coming Holidays. - Philadelphia, November 13, 1844. • livi-Shoe 7 . 7 8 and: Leaphivr T HE sutiser i ber invites. ! he" attention of dealeri to' the follo*ing 'named goods, which he ,offors for solo wholesale or retuil. White Alum hides, 5 d4z, doT pink linings, 4 doz' Willie& binding, 4 doz black larding, .5 doz .Frenelf.laii;A - dim Franck Leda tit prime°, do 'French"! ampico, 5 dos beat •botit TAmpien titorliccd,' 4 .doi do Madrass, 4 doe do Stuff's, 4 doz'aettruits, lintrtill'ai:zes of men and, wolnan:,4 )e its, shoo Pegs andnnany,othet Cail at the corner of Pitt sii'd 'l:tither streets. A. S.-.SENflti . , pepiernbor 11, 1844. . . Portraitsdd - DraWing. C. BC trolv; Artist , arid profess . or . of Perspeor tive.and street,Carltslis,. (opposite I.'ofegsor M'Clititock'systuteful for' tiny kind patronage lie halt already reeelvedffeet,ii,...the Paculty - atitt - Students - ofßiekinson . f.folleal. militv - oT tlZnitrigivq; 11 Grid them that he is now at home,' ant.l.Wßi.beihitiip, to he again 'Milli:toyed, either in.giripg)estioncin top superior mode of imparting INC iron ', or in hiking ACTiMISTICLIN:NiNENENAO his riO:culiiir stylktticini heeomilik siiippreCiated for their e , xcellened) either it his residence, as above, or st their, dweQ ings in town or oottult , y if not lbrdir ih alesses. Hg is fully determined that is terms shall he moderate, and for those .nlio toil money fearee lie ,will take ;Wimil, meat 8114 till such articles as his family may require, at a fair market price. • • • The terms for his NO Lt N't NklttrlTO rn'y Portraits be—tor one $9 fie.t.itil - s;.lot , timr $9, and fiti sestoill4that is, if 4,titinember s tire taken in it:B . - 11 - 01114 n eufee'ssitio. ' •f " 117:Drawings for Poterd-Bights - accurately - nefds , 7 ---- ity - improved;KalqiiteAtepp - roe - salei.: - : •. • lietober _ _ . . . . .. , . . ___Fitl.l. Br, WiAli,ftli,.oooll — ge. . .. ._. ......... "..IXt E - have jhat` vei?ei Veil . liodat'ittip..... 13Iiie,•Bh4 IV y. Bp: I. Grehn;' Xifidiiidc;ile. and- iiii.f.t . • Glottis,gilt; Iluivei , Aud iliAitlilii . • iithrilori--ttlf.di. .1 •onat 3, ftincijt mittitivitiiii's *iclil,'o l , .."• :mini ;lliiiate, Bliikkketii mid kbitriejii; r.liiriii'dt4ii•TtecirOliiiir '..:liik.le.ii • Drip'4;_beerskiiis and, eitktylv:Aiiiiiiel ? Blsuirlijrti. Bier?' mid' 6. , t o ctiVES',. :B initiet" 'St Ike, - 'Mist s and Altblituis i bliivir.. hint:. black, hivyn, •,iiiiilied' 4iitd -hkervo4,iik.raioev4 t vown . .ffio_biao,-sw!ootme------ Atet_iinit ,Chtnibrie • Ala ill iim ' tottO it inuiliy-'0,, , ritkt .: . chain) ~... , . '., • . , .„- . . 1 •,1,..:,',„!.„:!:•,':A.- . , •, , N•--:,' . . ....._:.: .-• lliereniwate Be , GioAtiii i igt.i.,_ - _s,;_,: ' _ __T__ 'with' A Oneriti assort 'ilea =,?it 'e,ailtiliklkle ~ g oAti'..... ' . t" , Web we of .: -. • ' A'..l 4 LlCtfitg,l3 ) s;k:Cci; ' .• L- , ..: , --L-- - -tt:::--; -.-- - I,lc S. eftrii.4 gornuAll C..rifi .takin•'it' . -01*ioi7 ~„. '7ii;tillllE fyl GOODS.,:`: . ~., / , 1 -• . — ,, :ri , „ 1 . 4 ,4 - , -, T l - t;bper.kber 4g now °Pd' 'T R , 4 . 1.1 r. 1 !...- ,v,4' •„' .` , 141p c iWortineol of - L .,. „._..,, , ,L. ~,i 1 4 ., ,, , ,.., , ,.<,..... WINTe „imams .- ,,, „,, , c;,,. ~, onnal4ing In Vail, o lot ittntlypertat„ 9 ,Wrlst ,_ , ~. „ Flannels Blankds. AT 9111.,,,Ani110n , ,fµ11,40ept, ,_ . TCASitlT4 ' Slik)l,:tailllelill ~*lr•lit. ,V l, l l4l ' ,,Vikil'hl ~,, : . s 1 1.4 told at uncomotionkr low pfr10 1 11147 , 14tpx:!0 .,„ pAiltl-" ; ~,, , 'heal oustomeri (Willie tisual ij.eqlf:' ~,:/... 04, , ~..., , • , Puecillaseri.wilY slo `'ie l i , * loo kat"tb%-' 61 0 .11 t"I' Whore tbey are 'OtvaYs 1419_1' 31 1 r VA , 114011.11 1, tt; , ' -- ltekollelef Al ilitlielltin'Om4le co,r o o 4 Elult : 1 IAIIIIIIIIIe 4, ' , :Carl i al l O o l9b e r-t§l -18 4'..t.,..; :t . , ---L 2 ,-.—.• e ' , t );:,,,,„-•:„.,;.,,_ a J.. i JI., A: suilimti!iir 1 0 ' — '? 6 o;6 ' ' 0 :,;.. w= : .. ,. - ~; g -, N t . F .,' Just enesiul tEele , "I ' 1 PAittneal*,c'f '.' e r sh•gAill'as'aioniprisiii i "miAlilit, 'Otnil7,'4l:: .;., 4 . 4-arihiodeble,V3-, , whieh i r .,,, ii-_, -14, 4- 404 of puribAseis; '6lotikei;gre:Pitilia ' Of* . ~, P., _ . , 1 " ' 1 '''''''',"'. ' Vic 76 - Leath:lit nfrthwrVlLll , 10 4, 6" r .,,.,,,,---,----,„ t they arep#Oureil tit Mr:1144% ra 't"' ',, • i tumoral" as "tly."thlirdstololisit ,r , !, 0 :: VI. 4 ,,-....,,-,-„; —c01if,i,,, 1 ,,,i,,,10.,,,,,,c1i5.,,,1...7.,, „,—...:_. ,g,...4v:,, , ~,,,. _,,, 7 w ~.,,,,t,ta5,,,,,---- ~' tk„..phhipehours-,9chlf 1 4 4 ' '' ' t: ' -'1,121t: , . rp. , , llsktvatiO sipploon 0 - t,ifPgyi'l . '' . .:: Ar'lisT P, 'o .t ~ •.Y''r'",.":h47,P4i-,Akv,. • T A n t , t .i i i • ' i i o ' V ' . ie, ; . o , h . n l n ' . _ ' ' ia;,.m .. ,- `'1tdW1,0.i..,i.u,..% .-. ' ." ~ C ' •s ' '','' , , .rf.j,r ' V "r4'j: '4- 4 , )41' , - ter, izt,LU,7:,' 4 atlas • 17§1 "se‘gelitl'pei4; `ltsgooi.• 4-‘',, , • •.,dl4 • uswkit - I , ooi in kelt, " ehiqd 471-gir It° 1. ter *0 trlft t PRilkeri4 .100:/41,!".4!"!1';/,‘1-4' eilti t • .he 4 004' ititilitt, )1.0 41k , • ; • "'"' ±i; A E.VMM IME=ZII IMO 5 I -to BE 1 El "ry`~~ai