Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 27, 1844, Image 1

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••• • - •
ti*ittiktyv. It trivitit,
'll , 4 4 Pliaitz asz*alr 's
v ,
A ,L
alice, et/ Te S.
fitikkeek,,, f icote•Old , Staitdi; •
Tini;Attp:Atailvp - xposrok is pnlipshsa
dei;'itimvo DoL.
tir,UluLthivtinie4iflitibseribing ; oft TWO, POLLA Rt 3
Nit;:'ll , l*,'Pt ibiiiiilZll,gfe Mid of. the year:''.
taken for less than six
.tottihs,tind no tiarior iseentinned - patil er_
. reafuges arcitillt,-:bxeAlit at the'olition of the
iiulilisher, and a failure to . notify a Oiscontinu•
considered a nevi engagement. •
Advoltsing.will be done on 'the usual leans:
Lptle(a to ins Art; attention must 1m post paid.
• - q - JOHN - ANDI, - HENRY - REED, •
• , n. v G Clltered 1111.6. part et.4!lip t lie - j;raO:-
Uoe , ot the Laa, ,- ;'"tviila:tt6nd to all Lisittess 'cantata
• •
r .ip - in \Vest - Akio street; a few tkors,west
•a trio:Cioit Hattie noil to the'Store of Jason
. " 1 1Vi..Elir_isun 'so residence of John Heed,
the College. • '• '
Nor. 15, 1843
•• .
4 .Attgrrieys. at Law:- .
-- rtillE-T A lnVe.rsiin ed hate nssoe sled" ae
the 'urn:dice of Law, in t!timinn ,
ion t l.anitcPerry'Voutitin: - ..()nc or both of tlicm.inny
I, e xiwayq)llllti 1111 d, COIISUIICII nt the. ioffica
fore a c cup.t.dily..S.,Aiwinniirr, licit door to toth:c
Catliele .13;n04.' Strrn.f.•ni.telitaon•will• be given to.ail
iJusinets pf4ceiri in tnewthre.
TO11.1). . •
AttorievE4 Lav4 • 1 / 4
FFlCE.lef:MOVM.l.*Peeterll'B ROW,III tbu
reorii oecuji:Pd by S. I ) . • TI
E , •
Carlisle; ATiyil . tt•-e3
. , ' - IL I.': Nlctte.ttaas
- Clll. WE L L. 81; . 1 4 'CI 11 fi - I
f Attorneys at LFrar,
''•::-'3 - f - • . I . ..
I"CtlLT,_attentl prOmptly ta.busiriess eutrasteb
•1 Y 0;66 ia the counties al Cambeilard clod
l'o tinkli a. Offices, one doer west ot• the .lall,-East
' nigh street, Cacti:i a, and next door to Stambaugh.
Fs: lit:lacer's, praFr§tere; sl i
...ppeasburg. . .. .. '-
April' 24, t'a.44... - 1.1-26
.. . ,
_...._,—...,......_ i
Wa,shi .on,-Elotol
lleitte OF MXii.E.lir..§l tRET .& Aliaitt. - F..Siiy A Itt
NI jl. l l -PA..
--/the-.tblii form_
thi4, lie-has leased this well Inbtin
ll6use, recently undergone a thorotigh rek
pair, and has furnished it anent with the best of Mid
: ding arid otlfcr Furniture, and is how" *prepared .tc
tievontotlate Ntenthersni the I.4dlblitltlMllliti .Tray
Abies..itt the very best style, we uptiofincitc terms a
_Fitt:tot fait. to please - . 17,4,4
•••„ _ ,15.r.5 . 4.-NDE RS.
Oce 20 tsir
XS. 8E:
IVVY.EIIO:. it A:v.11.51:1C :illuvb,justopened an
.I.V.ll.'zitin . naViritifstieiniebt . ,drDtti.;C:f.j,seleeted with
. gl biltitre and wat•vatited'gennine , ttnil
itlyt-Poll).4.olvrxlmitta are regnestet to call
and examine t.byir star , : IH:rove purl... Wising here.
1 •A - • •
A la . rge disortp . er,it ;:iif,• Paint sim d Dye• s,every
.•• • e a tainteil, I, t •
(ma! i ,
tio 8114 V I Ve):l4, - a alit treta are-rcar rested
o cail,xs we are di le I to sell tiro rl '
Lest of this line' in the mark, t.
nagfcs tuipl fida I foloary
We hare ndiled in our tisochtnel, elinice select
fifth of Books nad Suttionary, which W C3ll ben to
very rimluccd price
'rlieJargest nssortnt.•pt of cuTLER r ever afro] ,
plane—together m:ttli the mnst fashiohnille
. .
awliale, June 1.0,.1414.
OFFERS loi• sale at very ittlueeLl pt ices, a Iql
atssortmeat of
drugsi-rEedicines; Lye-Stuffs.
AINTs, Fte. togethe'r erilli
Stationary, Fine Paper, by the Ream, Letter
Slates lis the dozen,Silt e,
Suite do.,^)rawing Paper, Sealing
. War, Wafers, Penknives, of a fine
' quality, Fainting brushes, - Cr4y
ing do. Shayltig clo. Teeth do.
Flesh 'do., Shading arid .
• Toilet &Impart' great
yitrietv'Vsirnish ' "
,Splres Ch-berzied
the atteekiikol of I'lithkuttit - #4.Tou
lisi4i. brahlittE,
' nyeri,lo solicii&l'asiVria7teterAiliii , :ti - 1 ire ijirt• 'ry
.Icn Oa'
•. • . , •
that ha lAoakea the _ •
• • • ,
• „-„
.• • r, 11;1.,
h - 611") !
Street,li . .few tFoora eaht•af,tlie.lacmtt,!l-coikaoyliere•
dto iijklit4ll,oanAs take pykatireln Vilminisdaing
tb thet imukftifitfOlf th'osa , ;Oho, ms favor, Kiri Pal Lli
• . - 11 I , ov-the
e '
ti CAA aan .f ab
)-4POII, the
on • ruk.niiiy.!
ittkmdtined-L4tietd 'mg ihkeiiiiti ~.
• -.6.0 'etili6...
3 A - 0 .4 vittszy.s
.. • . .
in :1 7 21 2' '•
• lier'suiiseriber (wouhl,. , respgOt ,
lit "'alit he had. re in ac Iron) ;
faerlito and 014 !n. ,
his ahretand Weet..l-figh Akraet,to Pil
Ayashogton, and .
gli!tive'Oltigjd,P2Stlix.fV s eng!,r;°..
7 .- - • Tiriffeiteri.; mid, a . pi? 9 in,
nat . 4o4 ! i gtiO n9 n - r e il
I,lls iit tlA p liol ' .4;l39lli t t-n •i11?1p6 1 4 ‘66, 3 1.t .
• :.ichora orriiqn(l7his.,;TA, k t y.w
be left u h to tleted'itll+
x , t rat ceh fi . rthtve&i!montl E or r
''''-ki '' ''';4 l.d ii' ;:64f4 ' --7--------7 ( :17-77-*------------ „'11 - ,in.s.! flei:001 4, -,, ~-,,..;,'
...,,,4,,,,,,P„i.kum,,...,-,;,,,:,,, 4, ' , . , ~: 1, ,ilta,:l
,--Irtilio 44,1,,iii*,dirogit,Tyfriptor..g,
~; i i. - s e w , ,:,s, 0114t.hiej .4' °9 , ',.,: irtiv- :ow
~ *I fil l f ,,tr;nl6o49o d , ~ , ,,,Y ,.t......m..#0,1
~,f le ,
'1 ! •
: 4 2: 4 1t01
... rig -S iD; re fi e trigtalAaT r'
'7 0 4 VerTbur4l -1,
- Taiwan! v4;'•
‘ .1.- ;-‘.. .~
:1; A':“.“':~"~l
t . r •~,. - .. . a ~.,
THP suliseribei.,inlbr,me his friehdn 'Olt/he
piddle geneially, that he siliteiniiiifue,n tl3
curry. on the C.aliinetAiialtine fideineriii; lifs old
sunnily - West fligh stied', opposite ,Nlri, Rliiiiid;'
'Tavern, where he keeps eizinstentli on, hand And
will inanotlietureqo order, nl, articles in liis line
Tie tinaii =gs,
1110:11Z.E . o1 US.. !sEcirire.:4ll.rEs,.
'Sofas, Tablet, Bedsteads, Sr.e.; nethe way lowest
prices; - lio arse 'carries on the Chair• Malting
Business, imalt its - rittottaltrtiticlics; and keeps a
constant supplyof" , tt; . •• • • ,
111 Oa NYC 01111
011 A I RS,
EES anti /
IMES, till of which with every
thing els'alirthat line:, he la piaimi ,
ed in manufacture and -dispose of
•on tire.r^ nest reit-sellable terms. • • " 4 1 11:ate
fie, bmites old *kinds and ,
the partmgentrally.-to . give him a ; —. 53r .,
call, us7he Ws well assured that ,
he shall fro able to accommodate them in quality
and pried equal , to artriAher establishment'of the
. •'"" -
Carlisle, Sept. 10,1844. . '
S wurkittr,cheapSlipsainard timesappenrs to be
the ordtufof thwady.ttriating Me . taunts ofdlte.
llorongh,dite sillisCribew dims not fi7el'ilicljiied to he
inure backward thttn,his' neiglihdrs ill the work of
t efoent—null, therefore respectfully annentneesdo-his
nid_c_uslonte'rs nod the • public gcuecitllyy that he in
lends fnellafitttirdtri isorle ns cheap, anti iflitectli
lie perhaps a little cleitper,tis any of his fellow
o'li - triton! lie-Will'iloitloolrtho-neittiArairtrihost
tlishihistble. sit le.
Ills shop is lent die old stand in Vigil street, I wo.
doors west oldie Cotirt House, tun. direct oprsitei
!. Ileterns I loud, whei•G he will al all times be 'onset
wilting inlet:dile to please all who may favoLlaitp
with o),h-custom.
Ile returns hi sineerc thanks for the libel pa
tronage he has heretofore I'VrelVeli and respSectfully,
solicits a continuance rd . public limn.; remember!
c ben roe gu to n St ire to purchase tt GoatOrtlit, or
I'snls that the cnbsori her keeps - a eliebp. anti fuSliiint
utile shop,' and thst• he la aleterntined to be behind
'none of. his c,ontemporiirlcs in n o r doing. -
• W.• AL:NO:MON,
j ui •. °6, 1 •St-35
. .
L- 0 .
0 . KM 'EI El IA
• .
public nre respetefoPy informed : thns',the
-„E ~s, i hscrihvr.hasve-eoueuesinecLl4.ol4,l4inesn,.
es 'west nig!, qi•ett,'Art..E.ficitklieioW'
Ittimu . l3s- rte . !,
tonstainily on n eu perior ^ ns§or(lef,o4PlGAV -, '
•• - •
eveerdemerllo#o.44 ":.
for summer and ‘vilireK„Ot. he;bottiiniiiii7i3and every
Ili also an l'ennl lot ar, Wooden and brass-
CL(lG'Gti, kbiehi tt'ilT his divosetl of on reasonable .
terms. - - - •
i flir•lldS AII d the I C are!i . AOCt URI I
g , irct hiii e3ll. - •
. PETE /t
; :Op'rlieli Aii
C5i 4 11:301 ..„,
EAsi: to - fai• notice,dint ale iulmerilwrsiilt
a keeps hih Iliirper 4 B-Alow , No. 3, two
doers Ism Ili a Atopiej Slora; %.% riert ---- keepS COll ,
1 13I111) 0 , 11410%411111 will ionmilucture lowlier •
()I die'very lal est, In shibos, sx eh as
Sup.l . .lra lila& Beater •
do 110 do Nu! re .
do •do do Co ssi too •9
.iln , 00 do MoluskWiLod Silk do
•—tlo - - 1 eHFt
titoy '8 ••
All or 111 besuld at vory tooth:put:pi iesnto
snit The tones.
Now,lll - ;;Jellow citizens—v.ol if you 'want Inii•-
gnion; and whivtlier yni.bily or not, cm.l.-4rthere
is no lila rge fur sbutt log null ossortnient.
• • . WILWANI It ',lllo'U'r
ciarlisle,„Toly . ,
• ratenit' , lVlE . e.d-icz nes. , • •
OUST re c eived , . large , :tasty:merit of titeTel a alo•
ion. Maim: which Wearer f,rr e s . *
lkolepaleititti reap' at a.veyy reljnee,ll price: •
Have Liniment, furl:lll'C OrNilca,.• :
• t .,14 - I.leßiTsillone mid Nerve Lint:neat, — •
f , Jr l ll.)a , SPella'N'enve for sick II • r
Smaynes Syrup
- pt:
oc %Vila Cherrp. ,
. NerthiNge,..
TewltlierAritit.n gearralassortmen, of the iro§trap.
proved l,Clllufl.e n 111•
,3 ‘
1-1 9,7 m
Itdredies - einacy N)i'efis
ri t,TlVl?.l'Wil nit 1 , 46. itcarAifi, Rol ivta
ritsirnrg, IJ.Jse,
Jjew. , Att , Dcusif (1; nods, tiled T Alk rages,
ClPkiirtd• %Nl:muslin , de
Ttnrclr't • '
.C2T. 1844:
-4 91.1at)Reti at 1. 111
• Trisl.', rce pyiid . try, MY lc. ItS & VE I (STIcK,
tkig cel , or ih Rbetinfalic
41 . 1 , , p.upti - pompi r itOtiatrPow.ikerepliio - Bliftri
anti' .AfHtAti
• ;Bird
Julie 1.0,• 4+;
4 11001‘03:&
ot4 now
fitorv 3 , , 33 ) ef tinfe,,bqett
oyfriiiisvct nt4greittlf roy,ooll .
wricinl setliiii; R grind art.tole
arid toi. 14ga Insfijey , (isilp ,
; ;:71, -477-‘:•;v
••••" • '
. .
7 °; . 'tut Chiinnqsfor Aii?"l LtimprLf64:lo . 4s , l,;"
' , Ally tz ' _
4 111 1 1 :
iit stile..!ty
.; •
A`gpti 7
nt itt , ,tts ortAyienl.---jhei-ir 03 ,r
p q o by .I;"4 , o4!liptiikengt: , 4 , ,r,- • ' , ..4•= 1 4 4 .--,,f+ , "14)-." 44 --
. •'•PiltiO'2o.llJ4-4:l'''''!• ,- , ,r-,,4- C;P?'
• rltli
iril• Nfitil 416,94
• .V. 7 4
z!til1t14;104:r1/‘,..L",11Vi flyPiEl.?4
• ' 1301(ir41/V
f0niPCipr...43,,d,1,6,ef '0
,lkAtiOi°67'l°l °••• 'Ur rH.•;
7H ‘.‘ g 1;. a w‘ « saw»! 1 ~..: ;-,~ _
I I tifi
00 ,
14: n‘ :5 '~"y.':~{
,vme-u ,1 u «1-. L1
~‘. ‘E. . ‘~ - . .. ,
~~ -.,_
The follewi
,tleptTting stitil!Ttadjittll
" She.
,'Feed on her damask oh
Aror, With a green and' y
She eat, like Datience oa
Smiling at grief. WAS ii
Falai); mina
All full of 'beauty' na a bi
Wi afg, re
. • ... A Fairy Queen. •' •
„1 . - • •
' . - , But - nil unebfisai . onsly
Slie.icattereg smiles, like,ikitllineilarts, around - ler;
:And all, alike", the same sweet keitig• [timid lier;
. . ••
' Simple and 11.0.
..:' '''' ...•: .
• .1,,0re liipain -alltbing-s bright!. -
And Funny lured already, but Ole ii'O'er • . ''..:;.'
Hail wilisperechif her passion, earn in prayer
T? tht
' ' A strange anti silpitt bor . :: ' ''' . '...'
Gnzed dißiPlit)Y2,kitt . rntitt,x;,pntl_tlirei-eanie'ir--- -, -" -- ---
Tfiro - lter itearia fond and holy dame, • ' ' -•-•
Breathing of Joy:' •..,'• • '
• • s
- .- - - -
,ppt Ito - was sad in youth, • , ._ - i.,.._. •
Nor ever gave hg token to the maid , -
. .
f_nassion, in like holiness Opaidi . '"
'.7ttlt heart mut truth.
• .% isilledond Fnnny grew
To share thi sadhess i)fille'dreaming
And joy in her sad dtteamingthe aflgy
Walt pleasurp too. •
While still 'around her hung
A throng of gi itlering rivals, none tvcre Omen!" -
And that one litirnipg betirt still held a (enact'
• AMI eileuf tuuguc.'• •
• hike the yule-snip fire
That smethers 'neaih a pyramid of fluor, .
So in. impi•iooned torment..taerped:-to glow-
The-youth's desire. e-
Vill• Ti 'roiled-Hindi came n (lay
oFannitr the first time wept,
For he On whom her wealth of loy'e. %ma - thrown",
• — _y Ilad roamed sway.' •-
0, he was poor e] proud,
And could' not,.would 'hot 'iningla *with the crew
.1 . 110( daily to the feet of Fanny
With tongue to lout]
•hmiy land ever beeu
Oefe o ( l et• mod
A most strange
That deepened
- - - :/,'..' , -'mr,-
v,, , s' . ';. 4 .-:` ,
;".,..s. ',,'‘.1;•...•'
Anil MI6 was ItVIL.
YliryE wits goi,el
- Slowly the years rolled by, /
And Fanny, like some silent floral' tiling,
Fading too early in Its native spt
Bent down to die
Still dreitiikeityithe loved,
nd ntatteretl,-voleelestrtl,..4th KitOsAinssing bird,
4 1.51..itii what. news was orilii!tlerer heard,
.. Or, where he roved!
' t 'Cut the youth come "no more;
And Yoriny's htetcQ "AR early told;
Still rapidly she fudednn 7 tisne rolled--
Tnd Pittiny died!
When fir.,l her chcck.was pale,"
Sonic wanderciloMl some pitied, but pone knew,
As cold consumption struck her bosom through,
Of this sail tale. •
Tiine!eratiytlie it.ds still 6n wnvc,
Year4lnfler, Iheti nn nid4riiiii bent and welif,,
And Mid soiiii;lly slept
011•1?ahtij!'s getivdr'i
••• From the Columbian Magazine.. "
-,,- , -,KY_.4itsad.o:ol3Arlt:=-DRAwN E •n= ;
Nicodetriue, a ruler or the Jetveth'i'llittne mine
btirkOgSinrered the 1E414 : called holy
night, with• her train of ehatiowe;unian4
.110 int tai lity .' valley; uiid
-so ; andpracitl rivu,
, , , . A,li-tite, night --gelittiWitar,eo 7 -tlie--rain..,and
/ete . were no mars * vieibie the* -4 • - •
•L. •- , •,' •• -' •• • ',. '*. • ••i• the .8 w irt-,Cooteif i iigiAelitiiigirititiii, ii,iiiie
a,y, • Fef.. eliaylt ling tlii riga,w were Itlilden be itt . d , '
_ .1. 7. 1 10 . ,. .. 6 - 1 4 ,. .. 0 , 41
.by ~ : i i i ; 't - . le. ' t ,4 l l y ' . _ : c.( ;,,*" i l ij g, -,-- :4 k 1 . ,.:
;dense clouds that' fad been clu ''. *'-''
• ,- ~,. •' - s tRP 9 l. 7 - 'l l. mente re a ches . * - . '`i. ' ' -- il ' ''''''' '' k
the a trehe- s i ado 4116 dealing - 41 ' 1t- I t-Tl4 - T -n , X i'P 9 . °-
liti3:{';4: -. 1 - 41er.mWiiii; ven id reit: ii 4 to'
- ‘, - ', 9 , k ,, ) : 1 1 ,,,,1-` 11 ": * ' 1
V.: 151 t
- -
from b,inqt,lt -ber„ vagOri. , _rnentle,, leaf, eye' 1 . .„; . ' ...' : 1 -. ,- .
~- :.. ~, ,f,..,, ....,' ' `.,,,*44if f ..,,:,;.,!,, , „..
- alioul4 - 6Anic) --- eiinii; davEniiii , ,riFt3 --- ri'' - eartb; l .‘ l ' i l e ! ir T u . - , 11i !rg 1) . 13 - e P - i' s P* l c i K - *P I 7! .
roi; at tilde and' teilibrci'iliiiiiii . ' ''''', ‘ . i i ,, , ,, proi; , .oi . ,- N icodentue,. a gtie'r in bis ; 1;oiorn
-, - - A l l ' 0, • .t.,. .. 5' 1 !..,1?9! , 1 1 1 , 4 . • - . ,',-\?". ''-' •
ing..;; ,iliall re a liOenreu: entitteinnir of the Pr!reve,le,d , and Able
. sbadow,lfittl•depriened,
Xitl?f, , l., 6 l, l l j l i l,i' , ,l?'fitili*`,,ot :,tfre , j'elanieht,;;_i i 'pd i l l ?3,. g n u, gr.7.1k°a,v,;.4." anti, .!..N.R.R1#411.,
, ii'd 4 1 ,4 fk,:tl),9liii'Oiii i i,m),Zri ti,ge . :. - ,t .' 4eili .- ,. - viiiii r 'iiif.':.l .l .7f b-le ' form 'Jou t il' " de-1.1 ‘. 4 3 0 - 4°,l l' kVit 4Tilqil
iin if olfilEtien, birde'fqeiiet i'ii , •• a litlel; he ' lltillir Vt'alitt c jici. igaiiitAirit*tiiiii ! ,On'd
.. ..?4,t, .: -, ••z. ', '...; A'4 , -, !' fi t ii:ts i ol)Effrac,te,d;;lrti :'wi:le" kr:: li'':i' ' '.llp);.4l . l t.... his , .rich
- rPfaill0:10 111 i.. 'PO - i`cPecil,a. lll . ,
- frtiilleiy.tiiislieeeni - diiiitb'etl ilie';'el' Siint?,i i )! , r. ga,r.rg.9tfpk, - .:d!i0,110A.P, - ,kel'724, l lfrit;PP'4.
fliiin - Ifteet:iiik - '6l"'lift ii'llititi . !li'''' -:. " - 14 c- the - uutiu . uieusee - iir his '''tl laeS4il iiifit`ith-
Ahp' I'ast ~co!ipt?. . vi, p 4 , - r 4:y ei ii t o_ t ti o t, a3 i ii , b .. 1,,111 ! . r ollll ; lll ip: ll ot y lt l3' :!k!Vili e q .ll ,,4j'llin 'r iil L eil )
naliltL:tlie, ektiee, - -tostrna - ond iillpgesi:ihe , 'PlVßtA,q 3 ; ' 6 , 6 o ll4l6- ;,in'3 0. 404,0446ii1d flit
hill ina"'idediiiiaehreif ii't-tiene od 'Ff ° - . l t;iiiiiii itv'il ' ig•iiiiliii`i;iii6if iiiie,'P4'''' ii: ' ' '
~ •.,, . . , . u r•A ~,,,.. .. ~ .• . .:.,..-,$ ~, , , ; (, •,:,p,kl.-i,1..„ .-,,,,•,
°q... 4 'ne' ' rY9l , 47tJ.lnupg,o B 4.F9Acl.',flageol , .• - •;.7 ,9 ,,c v ',' i .T" ,3lPl)l . Qt k i3e- PVj i g e '" lille°l
_ ~ , , r r0,.., ~.11 ,1 -1x, i 17.-:,--, - : -
.El t!):lti , a . , ;Tifriiii al 64 iiirey.adifyliw d te;4l4 - ii *orili!,,knat•irdeted') stir f ,ou rep le —T -
- ' '2_ '- ' • ' • ' ''''' , Al4 -'-' ,, 5iLay.' , 4; , .. , _ , .. 'i -, , ~. ~ ' 11;, . ,
7 t A t C ' l,; , ":. * -PiiTl:g' : i f!Fi,.i, i Ak e 44!1!'.49,0)e1f,. % 14/4:`,.,. ' i!-Igi.4t, Litit(4 o .." . M . C ll *.i;,SiOlaiii*jt'VPb: 4
pkiies,tid*„.brigl)lii *iiit:4lyder; eidlli pl 6. ii'ill.44ql.ll4'` tile traitor le' tine' religion
ti*elfiOe'glicrni'elirn''fi" - In 4 o l4 4`fiCir U qfilikie tint 'ii ? `"eu` 11 '''' ''
lf 1 . "
ik t„.
.h.tavp.d. ,, ..,...,,,,wk..44,441.:.,4 ~.., . .i._,,,..2.2,..,_...,-,-P, i ,-4. - , )1 i- 4 , : . ",i; , ,..5 , ,4, 5 4.' 0 11!! e
11041.:Anft.., ;11,1 . 0:,r!tverbera,t1 g.i.jhuh4oi'mp`d,? - }iiiii" , f) Ced'flie titulritifetiTßWOTOW,2lvii 'e'
' , ,tfielting,*o',tieinitiAt - ' 6 iillbfiiviiililig9ifvAi l ielf;iii'4iiiii4l4P . 01 6 f64 ( 14 akiillia ;i 1Cirk"gt 44
Were'''" l l . 'tioljri .4.l '4"Cl'il'''''rf ; itr't - it . —I ''-'' ' ' fl . .' ; , .I,' iryth 6 •24l.iii:l. , ' .- . - -
al, ,p,,E! ie , yi.itl g cla r . n ast'oi, lug ,Tr cuid...l.-fie...* et u ~..., r. , .."'...'' ove r fl * ''
rala, A rcl ,ppj'ap .,4l ! ciu gh . :ali:bbehlrflilyt'gaies l liiir , Aiiih . ;6o l ?es(J'ilticOlkiiiiiiiYiiiiWt 01411
Si,i4 , i lf ie-'pv , N.:liitt i a - 11, - .1 ,,, i'i4-,•,5—•J,," , „•-, 1 ., ~,f,„ i ~, ..-.:•,, , ,t, ,, ~,- • ,i'- •, •,.••-•,, •••'', 5-, .•,..•, ..!,-1. , ; ;;,-,,,,- ~4:-:.-, -4,
;.'',.‘ ~,;; , ,A , 5..,..1.ti.,Pg tA 5',1410:Ma p 5,;,,,,, , --,,,;-.
fir. .,..; 1. -,•„, :woman -1040an,l,41vhatkie):iiottibi etii'llci"
,- - ;,..g 1 4 .l l, ',oo.o!ln'ptpritarldh]iiPdo)ol46l4li'lin - au or ? • ...A.t1.?")":'i , ":' , , ,,„ •5 1 .4 . *:tA1l • o'n+ltitkw..:
' - "`• •*•'' 1.• , 4 io ,,, r , ':?`Tn *..h'e 4 ',:o4 - '6..;','', , ,+ . 1 , ._' 4.' ',P,•,ID.
; 113 0 1 i . I . l ,*tli*44iiih:e.CI:WW:• . !''illi:00 , 1 `fc , 1,4 ", 1 :tgiit1011 4. '''',s 14 , - • ..-- ' . l 4
i t ' l St ~ 1F , „.. ,of)Ti toll for .-
ftt it.o:lo:7„ . l SsifOrl f tehifi3O,i' ,, 0,00. 4 i..41. 6 :i.. di?'; i:iii'i&-,lii - i'otic't.e,.-itihiil ,
h P4hi•t4 tok4!''Mie
' r fX : iP-ri- I ° l ,P -11 Pdralars 1 „;VmAttigid., - taiiii '''' . l -- - 44"4 - Anit'i;:i'' . 'll.l 4 4:;`trifik' , . '''
i.. ?;1? . ; PI i it' . . ,1,7%;. all IA !.. i O . 1. ~' re ? 1 , 4 1 :0 i i i Ari ilitA' '' ' :O vP6c o. -`,
7:o*, A l i iii tili , ' 1 ; ' (; 1 t1f:' 1 0 lig ; I i S i;:i Il i ; i 4 i;C‘ €-' '
, itr4),pipto ttinvetioe;taiipevpc,li ilia -0,.. 1 -)6e-iy;V`:•,.. - 4 , y*^r, e4414•,,3 , J"1,,r-rv*4,lV, 'w• .4 •,,,,
• ..,••• . „,,
~. - the , . el 9 1 -,14.0,10 . , 5 . - '*
..1,..-4, -,, • ', ~,
.- '
,-- :
' ' .3 llFiiii r ' ' '' .:';l'" ' ' ''', 4 , . ' it 4"'' \-.)-''t''4. 3 14 1 , , tiz5P' , c . ‘,41 . ,0404 ,, i - :),.. , * ,
4 , 1 ' ,:0, . , 4 , 1t.,79!,g ! .?.t.. - 10.:404i.i1ii71/,li''
,- _
144nc:,1 -7 .-AY tO, 014
"qlll, l
16 1
• '
- • • 1. • " -
bli . M . , -. 1-.E3E1E2= 5, 24,Vr i .: 7 5 ‘,1)--
L-wozzab -, 241 ,!-, STOVE 41111q 1 u4 , 24%. , :td , .1.
1 ., „.
Pik • AP'.(vP o ..,.° e!g l
4,611i1) Ty;tin
•keftOnftho- --• •,•- • ;•;'N' ,
O;fiettii- r••'.;;;:- : , It - 11,41t, ,? IkCeAr•J
toys 'of eatitinhearaiis.lkailmoo.olsmiosp,its..T
• -•- nil the.. tieed.tifui,;et: . iii. : !;kr,eLili4 , t .e 'that p
- uee; ifref
Ain A, . • .nd-the-nrroolii - gentie - andmriiiitr li 4- What cane
in thought t• - •,•,; • ..•-•••• Pf, '
ly ,rep . ; 'nein tee explintylva.aem- d ) • , the .pi
d eofteilinet &cc : madames
• • ifyi ng every ()Neat. i 4 4 -0; *II4F end -Al
. , ,
.-evory., ling seemp -to y tsporika'i.;,___,,
There's light to folfoty.glarknesse'ee;4llMA4,.V. ,
There's joy for ,thoie AVilti'doubt and.teo:47 ., `' , ,. -....,
There's .calm-when thieittealeg-ateeil4o.4)e—'—.
. .Klidra.'s ifywe for all beneath'the 50 9 &,4 - -..y, , ,..,
c .
- ... 11 '.1 - 44, up, my. lot d, the 9 JAA o, , liire,
stayed their' contention—took `ii pray;,
and gladdest, the ltiart of..thy,heit mten„....
m urm u fed. the late-like. topes' : ollarah :the=
wife of Diictlemus.'" l ';'lle gluon clouds
15156 - eirre - the eelOstial iiiiiilWo latigirg.: 4 :llll is
lilrighltiess.7.:- 1 : ::..; . " ' '-'' - ' - 5.,..V 1: : , ...fi1: -
7711 ii !ruler pressed iis...hafitlZil:on__tite
-heart-that th'robbeAwildly-beneaighiS:cost
. , ~ .
y robtf of purple and fine linen,4lol sigh
ing yeplietl,", There is no brightness in
rny, smul, Sa rah, there is naught
noes and gloom always, 1n.bi1115 , ..!).( - state,
in synagogue, or tetnpleest homs p hy they
side; my adore , or - i - 107iiall, tr4nctutlity
eludes 'Me, and double ol:a.fthure-kingdom
thoughts of another life disturb tiiy,S4,,dm,!
1 . .' Bast thou heard of .theAl#al•ene.?''
qiesitowed - his beiTutiftil fisi . M4; ; 'While to
le-r-twee-there+dog an eitiirep;;icMof awe
',.' l' . ti hb: It
, and reverence:'• Hast. t to r . at ened to
the great teacher Vrhose fanie has , Oitended
. qll.over our lovely land; the ambassador of
aod whose voice has Veen liettrik, on -Qli
v,et's IVlount, in the gardeo, bill fe"stit4rn
so deai s to rhy heart, and eloa,Whet4 I' And
_there W'ae tbatiti , the light otthe4ea ker's
beaming countenance that to . 4l'n :Oh rlStian.
woman's undying falai In Hltp- . *4331,11at1F
athered around-hiM so riteni3OlLheijair
sisters -
Drily son
et#egt, childish' danghter of lairitqt•••nor in
the healing of iiiiikett , gstedfrained.7
" Can he . heal the tnindt
Can this boasted one dispel the dcpibp and
feats Oat have gathered in sad 'confusion
about rny aching bosom ?"and the' ruler
hid his nob:e countenance °Mid the rich
cushions of the sumptuous couch on.which
he had been seeking lepose in vain.
His companion places her soft band on
her he ittliffiril ottAt:witispetztlzio
Griper, - Ile rose from his pillow, and .fleog
-his erm- round her fair person T drow -her
to his side' and said,
." Weary of thy pres
ence My loved one WeerYt:if -
gOotl ShOnee---ihe !golflen- suit
'forget his.tisings end de,clinings f , the ibUen,
to gladden with- her sruiles,..the ,
•StarsTto sparkle" uTlie'd'Ver.'S - rOlie,,the.blPs7.
saws : we •love : to fling..their . fragrance on
The" . ,bree*e,.. soOner all thingeforget their
appointed .destinies than reinent*not:
iliy„ - -efrection, -- thttituh, thrientle3dOvo=
Jewish - wife bent modest! _:benetidt
the.goie 116 r lord, :cherisliod next,
•. • ,
God;'!ind "Tlianite,Alla . ulii- --
.4hd'rfomi , heitilie'n to tbov , iforvd BV:
po vier kids tlisiieiee'
e k~%E `1 ~~~~ !
~~S; ƒ ~ y $~ &~
7U~' ~~~~~~~: m«
~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ''~ ~ /
y one,`w die the long floating curls of ra
dianthair letii - .4l;Wontli•crils bppnty - i'm . the
,mee,lt'.'minienenow. He 'spoke, 'and the
tulerdleirkeried; as to a - . strain of cplestial
•fied.iway, doukts•Ualiish-'
hiqrt.therd . stole -4
:sensation -of perfect liappitieri's.'
and worshipped in Sincerity, and when' the
first faint streaks . Ofthe.early dpwn became
yisible he left the side of his Pngelio ingt6c
torind.sought:hisilieud home, timpepfdith:
to-live-rot. 'that tterrial and taildes‘t.pliiiie•
allotted tlibsrkz,:wh o "horn ag a i n:"
- - :-Yerusalenq4 ride lias beep humbled in
tlii•;, - -'difstg , '- , ce i rifu'riei • haye sunk to
, their
graves—nations have rls s it..:and fallen, but
the-poWer of the teacher still' remains, it:
He hehnhlsus, he lures us, he hears us alwar;
In the darkness of midnight, the brightness of day;
Though, his reign on the enrih.foreyer.ispast
From yonhimun'arelteil o'er us his hies - Slug's are
, .
By Samgliak:fur the Saturday Cuuriar
. .
• "Our nearest neighbor was Spiro Peleg
Sandi*Ord : weil, ilia old ,Squir . :4,tilid 01 his
:faniily bas all of them tire rwiiiet . awfnl pas
sionate foil that eirer they
'chose,. and Oen
And he. - as cool
night; - nid P"eledra-h6'
son - Gucili, a—hoc of fourted,n years: -old . ,
t igix al) it- hijihe king; for re. •
( kban . larie, Icnckv, Squire, in, a wOtid
iiggest slick; onp phni
Lices:li stout junk of-li
~,, ' AtilialOW- 1. 0" : ,, i
da:ca(siiCk..oo bigger ihliti his 14;.. ei . idt,
itA;i4a it on. Uncle Peleg got so mad,'
he never said a word, but just seized his
'tidin . '„ whip, and gave him a' most an aw
ful whippin',. Ile tanned hia . hitle proper
ly for him you may' depend. 'Now, do,
air, and bring in a pro Per backlog./ : ;
" Gocum wee. clear grit as well as' the .
old man, for he. was. chip of the old bloelt,.
and no mistake ; So out he gbes without so
tench as sayto! a word, b.utinstead•-of-rgo,•
44- , lie wood pile, he walls oft';
er, and staid away-eight:yeare,ftillilte4alk
-.6nenti-"twenty,, and" - his own master*. - z= women.- . • ., ,, aa soon as-he was'a man eoWii, and : People fled their homes iti fright• and
lawfully on htthowd:heek; h e tebk,it into consternation._ Every thing seerned*par.
his hika'd-irbida#4ietitr o horlie and bee his take of tho general terror.. Tlie follage'..oti
6 4,1•4ther:an . ilniotheiYaginj:find sho'W the'm the trees turned yeltolir, the sky was of 'a i l
he,;:yee' -, .ali.fOititljkccitibl,',:for they didn't ''Ptilit . sickly green, and for six weeks the
'knoiv .witeiti'irlho:Wae.'dett&Or•not, ne v er, hollow wind dame froiri the north and east
havin'...„litiet , of . or from 'him one blesecd
,incessantly; WA a deathliness in its tnuch 1
itiord- . .all..thiitiiine.7r:When' he airl'ved , :iit enough tolgtatter the nerves 'of the healthi. 1
time old ljtitiSe,-daylight _,,tvas'down-and'ihe Our .stredtszete-xle...erted. j
li his lii Wiiii inClieLPartsetalte:keepiel4opm-&-i--Thi'Gia`iiNtl'fifir-tratirliTenrWlieril
, .. .
,wilidetv .14:14okett l In ;;'en d there vas Old , merry: feet h6a , s'Er recently' °goite;'do ivn;- 1 7
'•-tlitii;t3=-liktiOlin - the "saine''etisir L ite: . was' - y - cirtherewei'one'riva - d'iti - ivltielritrass il .
eighty yVtiiiiilidi, iyheit .o he ordered` the 'grew: It' . ead tri'the grave 'Yard, 411eng. : ,
bilckliViiiiid gave lilm's'uCh tin e inerF'iful• that traelc the hearie'constantlid . otirtiefeti
ikifipili . "'.' ---i siiiitit - iAlc - r - eirteitt r 'ire - ,l ) et: With' -i is gloom y'rti bible, fe I 1 °Wed. by a' fevi,
stops at the wood' pile, and . piCkS u - A toostl friends of those within it, anti' obliadlii
-.6w 1 io be! me
. 119 i ii i dl l la t?0 0 ilT.etii'11:*4i! . ..!ii
:0041iii' iiifeßer.pen,)l . 4 oiii l
4060 Ilic;' tn . iirdeeti l iiiiiiiCray . a ii...ilown;.in .
.... . • a nd '•,. a 7":7" : -
the liki i iilWllie6,,!iFtiki u . saw i or.,
....lelpioiti,"'.l'*47bipme l. 4 , :gyi:lNtliejlaiik 7 :.
"..:-... - , -. 1 .1 , : . . . -
441rne elF'o eg wai l stroispo all r II
isitipiilan't•veil,' 1 ., -.? A br , -- san a•” 01 4 1;
,ix , 7- c . • 2 e.ketypnathakorargra t
t f :.,o9tec. ro Om boy he If id''' P. • t i;
infilie coy fp •".' • ' • t4"1 1 11 d;
rv ii i.. 9,o?(ltkeve hi. eatit:;wl OE he
1 114 )rkl 4 4 / 1 1 hiip raihei .iA' - '' •
Ove-itoitis;digiz.,,, ~i,e .11 11 1 he
.1-vo idatiitiwitii-,. 11:01 1 P 1 10.4 11, Y 11 an o re,
Ifni istaiVi4u6 ICSIPLII":IaMiPtiII,`
4 4'
, ig,rt i iiVing , . 11 . i.tit:ll4,T4 )7,itt .490.0
•ii stidargirs9e.RnswalfOili.',..,,;;;
,:‘•:4l'iijittilY,Sl4,°'l7 l ' ail nol.4).; - c.f. ];
log ,'.bit,
'llmickthejudik ,
l i t, it, You , se,ntine out-for:E . '•'‘,
~..6 , l l i ltlf".".tfilest;:fca eon r4, 4 61611e iii
164 iinl.,lNiihid . ri;i*:iaitjuitiltt. - ne: i
_1 kiln -11 4. '4. / I ;AV illbC0111‘11;i aa . -
P.nflikka 1111;11 1 .1 ; litllsSa I t ''' ' "l' : , r., I f' ' P.l. ' 1
1 / 4 ; titge:ifiatillOcciel " ' 1 1 1 144 11" .
lestmly-'41,4 c.,-.,-,1-1ur41:z... -.:i it
4V ~,„—, , i 5 .,- ., 7 1 #,,,Phi.Vhinir5 47) :Viti
ITZV„ l i . ), l : ‘ nb Irriebilio l'''' o l V , : 1,..,i,'
~..„ r:5.u . 4... .....a z.. .. 1 , i; ...,. ~.. 5 . ,41 , ; i1 t i
4T g ri l l$:t1.14;1141• -- . 0iti=
0 1 1., 4 ,(fe 4iiikatiNii ld liat 0• 4 •
Argo' iiNe4l4) vow 4 ., 0 9 'l 1 ( . 1 1 4' 111 . 7
iltAlik#lll4" 34 , 51 . 1 ", 4. rleoli/ki
...,.' , L . b , i . iltiig 4 4' ji g " w it a iiir
k i li, l ,l lslll 4 i ' s klq lllS OiL iii ;i i:6 o -1 1ft 6 1 111) 0;;; 61 r IL VI
tivOlifilitAidi)'illihOkkiriill. at -- .
i c sotteitiFpntoti. ,,, k ,, Q . , ~ ,,„,,,,j1 -- F, -, !.
-- zep„ , : 4, !:? 4,,, !pi
4 0
.; .. I,V4i4d, ,4.4.,,,::.•iiihtt V
).!;' ' 9 51 4 1 •11 1111 . 1 !?i'll-r • ' 411 .464 i
ufnehA .9kln,g4. 04 6007,1: % . 1: 11 r , ' 7" ,
„h„..,v...,„,.. 1 ,1.,,,,...,... • • . ..•,-,.., '.., i . 1., -i.;.'
,*.k;:l -..1.,5.-, - r- ~ ,--‘,'''' '' . 4 -I ,* 4 ` 4 ".4 - , i'r .Ikti4P..R.L l , , q
", ".‘ k ..,-,l''''4..i4
- .it';',l -11 !)::11 -1 . : 4VT, 4 ,;.%•*.` 72.-7 •Ffr 3 •••• ,- .' ~-,''' ''-'4, 4 `,.. , ,;•2-7 4 ';'„ , -,= -:- -,, t ..„- .:', -,• •'., , ',‘V- , C,- , • , ..- , '. ,,, 11_• - ':•' , ...1' .". L.- ~ ,:::'_,. • •1_:. - 4.'1. _'' ,
. -r .e:•:; , ...;:• - t;o. •'. ...-- 2 ... 5 0 . !-- -,• ,•;,-... •-‘7.:_- , . ' :_-'' . .. ' „7- .i . , ! " • ^ 7 1 . ,- ,', 1: : '-,
^T' - 't - .4 - '''.,•' . . ' -, 1 ,: •'•: - : . z-.. -- .`. ' . " 74 - - "",
i, 4'; *.f.
• MI.: : I '4 l :Mirl- 4%iY " i o V.Y4''' -11;.F-4-itItifffvi- i
41- - Pr - 11, , .. 1 4“ 4 =;;I";;4e,f;:i:v ,, it,it.4l'44_ , ' ih , ' ,=q, .-,:',... , ;P - . -. 4 ; ,,
'?:-..,' ' ' ' 'r, 4- . 6l * : ',T l ' ' , f $ '' ' 4 .4' . kr.41:., 1, 'iri'? tilt
.. . ~ ..:," i'.',: , . '..• , 4 :i, ,'„' .P.,g..' '
q 1 Yb 1.4 I: ;ig .' I r ' i '', 4 ; 1 .. ,? , 'p i t • , ..1 VII
,T 1 . -. ~..„,, ~ ,s4:i, ,c , ... , ...
• i..' ~ 1 _ ..., , artc,G, . ...: .
, 4 L,i• , • ,I)" '- , • ~• AI :- • , -"FP I , 1,/, 3TI II ' . ..,. , , t, +, ,•.'-...., '.. / 0 ",,'
' '"t ...• , ' . ..• <•- , r ,,,. , .. , • , - .'•... • ~, , ~,, ~ - .., ~•,,,,..=,‘ ~,.• :,.„. 41
..1' • , ?•• ?. ''• '' o' I '' ',•- "' - •,:. '- .''• • • " '''' '''''' ''' .l ' 1 ' ; :.., '.. • . , Af '' 1 0 ';:;" 4 5' .' 4. ' ' l -". ' '''A ' :' ..::'"
.a - ,t. ` ; t. , !: - - `. ,f, , - 4.,',. , , , ..... ,i ..- -; - : - ~,,. I. ? , 4 . T ,t,t,K, •
~,,1:7,- ; ;,, ..4-61.....±- i f,k,.F. ~ t , ..k - ,1`;', , ,,-;r 5 Y , ...1.,tei , ,,••: ":: ~...,.p., " .!'•;•, ;. 0'
ICULT CAE A : 21i •
~„. ss lo l*Nlr,.,
. : ' -7,7:scprit'ArrVi
64'7 ,
• 4.# 1' " 1 4A
1 4 0 ,i6 01
breitit to
f - the Na
!‘ Rabbi,
ad biow,
that !oW-
Giledm goes to filtch'
tre,drags forward the
td r lgike ett-
),.....: ',:•;.;,:1',::'.1../.,`.7:.1
A SAI2O :1"„101:U;10.
It will be temiambered-tltat:the- Village -Of
~l'oodville.:Utis~.. as visited 'by the. yef 7
low, fever durieg.the past seaio4atitl that
death • and. deaolation
lowing. touching and patnetiq deserlptiot'
of the , deso!ation produced by ilic . iflidinp".
ic: - - • - r! •!..f ;
'Pur,hearcia heavy and ralniost desolate;
our spirit's . dierwiiiiin us, as We ait.....diiwn'
Q N,
ancl . lhink:or the , - scones , " , o iiik
. be- last' . I
weeks. We .have just era "led frinit':the .
brink:el the g grave and mush; 6
'tin ''feeble=
nen innd exhauetation not far frOnt,the door
way we look arcnindldr the 'Cild'fiiiifiliar
factes',--but 'we see them not: ''';'"Tii - e' s eYes
that' ?earned -upon is irrjoyful': welcome;
Will loOk uPori-'us- no more:', The voices
eloquent snd barinoritona, to 'Whi - ch' Welov ,
id lo .listen; "nee' 4 atill, and
.the - .bendsl:that
sPotte . the.werin beak's triendahip in . their
= manly:pressure; stiff and cold; are. creased,
u pop - those failbilii. bbsornii-Wbetiee we
have been - aecuitorried to, deri'Ve counsel
end encouragement, now and tinfeelinjas.
the elaillthat.,lidabuito them.'
"yi'e call, Nit they .ariawer not again,"
and loeci their anguish
see.iriad.oppstrained to-intjnire; • •
Sits the question falls without an-echo,
and no'ailswer comes back from thatshore
where our friends that latelSt - walked
these streets with us,.havegoti`ii''We look
'fitiriittg its. Yonder, heap betiiiin,liaap,
many a row, lie gathered intti-tifie'neiih
borhood the 'old and the young—the rich
aini.the p.. at.; all the cares anti - anxieties•:fof
ftr - forgo nen th - e - teue - nObts — thit , hoill'
those fiery spirits. are as quiet now
they had "never been aught sa;vo'.oart. - 'aiid.
.p artakfHtli a t dustwhichheY--ticr
The _teribld disease 6ae robbed
many -of-- - the- very. best - .eitizeni - df
we cotild 'boast. With the grasiiiif. an` in=
visible - ercules hand ;dame
iipon'.ilte - hearts of men climbing out the
very spark. of life, pre - . people were well a
ware that . , their friends 'Were In•dariter. I
'then came the sound and - eight-of
.;' 7,- 4016,4040d160
breathed not, Abeifire•ottlieciiirnato - !Alined'
out.. ' '-• •
"'the, .saw, the plane, .and ,tlte'_fiamip'af
grew still. ..Merchants shut up their stOiellii'
and walked' fro sound came
Or the "grating of. tlielecr;itt.thetsihdertak.. l
er• hastily threw Inketiter. , thil4efitarrOw
withdrawing room of poor 'moilality.- 7 -
Theolthere was suffering. • Disease •and
deatlt -goon --had -.a. d-ta-7 great
very -- ;:fit - i . emainetalce - eartro'r
man.y sieli,-looked - -moredike the gh_oets
'those who - la - A — died; man and''
- ... and ~;.- . ',,,;;;:',1 '''"E.`f" •-•. 1 a'Ot _sQl . -.. q•
j 3 lfi:rek
.!ts, I fi ilc . i 3 2. eldUcif :; - tiiiiii , n7 , :y.:je s i t the z: the , following fr . ° n't'' Itiaeittitniaiiid vfOi a TM'filki4 1 ' 3
r i ll:l.:4 i my tht , la l,, sthat i . atiligglett hard, to, t; aort, and . put it, °gulp', in_ ,citeudation,aariciOrs
halt` - , 41a .- _, cre1i . 4'.1, , ,, , n if q -,:be lost- -.! ' - - , '.',.?1 , -.--,---,e. - 7 ,-- ..--
!•__TAP, ,. q ) .. q, l° ,.`:: , --.----- --, - -.-,,,., .;',: . ,•,-,. i , ..,.-1.•:-, , ,...-4. : -., , „ ,
---,:,-'4 llli-r°9 --='-!, ( 2-19-11MJV.lpf d .:4 ce,, 91 1 . ., L f ij have ..., ...i i i . p9 . 1 9 41.3 ; 0u," be . 6n r];',t%tbaf ?
1-,Trl6,,pr,i 99tg,09,r,b,.t#:ii,ep,eifpryit,4 for •,eyer3i trianxEntist 4 , the maker crriio . ie.(cit7
many of : thein'oilief'allititalitVis:thai" , ,:b; 4, ' 4 ''' • fti''''' ' . ; I lit i i ' ''''' ''•
'..'''':••' •
' ;?' (11 4 1 r, rYIRe ;'--
••ire'iifi • O dOpeOcia u mil' •ti --- "i — a .
, ~ r: .-,A , ` ~,P ~,‘PI P"!nii. l •k,f,k at': ~.. ,
! 1,7 i . r0 ; ' lnti ;g r .r 4 Y.' ;qle, e #l!4i d t r i ) :4o 3,,l ! ~:1 ' tt. ,
the t k Oottlit - and ; exattatf,liin'd ;;-tttigt• k .
rt,`l , 4` , ~):•-.• '.`.. ''— ''' '' • • ^'''' l "'"•' ''''.:''''''
life the creatoig of I:ortit44 altdfaMigiA...,
• IlluPdcFs[sl: flidiPtesill,ba"can: , Pkier ` diva
oiin•f, ,- iie . 44o - o,v;:v:lizr6s, - ' s . eofitiiiiNo: ,-- : -
!4,iningr'Aoaliit,:6o: ; c4il,;'vilatiiiio - f',itr. '
PPY!tit.i 6 tilltiattiffilkilbY 'id ' . cillitcitriiiii - Y ',',
ttlie --4 S i lt 6 il ' i4 44 l - P4Pilliii•iiiii,ll t aiiiiliiiic .' ,!' : , ' '
iugl . !,s , Cm%a'tglii4dskitii , :iiiii,wi - : ; '_kfiy66 . :3'
wip.rtitWiiikiiiieViil ' ovii`iikysil'Aik i !
,4 1
,?;ih*-1 6 11tiiiiitli . iAltilf:iii t akiil ti ; , '7,,,
• miiiiiit,ftliAtkuiti,ltile' - yi'': 0?'•,',:• 1 ,°: 5 ,--:•f,t,l'f,A - t,i.' , ..:
7. -:.t_-ie-L--;-L--L46,L--3.A,.64404,,,..-4,.. iA.
;!!iii474l,Tqq#TN,i,;-,v,,,:,..14•,;,`_,;;g °pgtPttlipp.Tyx.o,olfro4pT/
• ;timm (4 #t!NOArWA: t iti
. ‘ ii !g:05i:9A 3 : , 0j. r i , R 9 ,.9 1 054 . 40.:**4 . *0 144 A.. 1
les.4llpAik4l. l .oi i isoiiiiojo:ntrk * **Vi'
- i , AiS..ffkih!ti ,s l4 l ft i i*kk , T io4ooi i i:lrip il.
ovOtkoviiiiii* t iiillt hl 4 o o . fJF •- )O ttir'''
" iiiiik),Ktimi 7 o.6ooo o o': o4 P 4 :oo 6ii i i i t qi; 4 , ,
1 9't lq i, P 14 Y t rY; ) *1 ,`, P( 111 i 1 :1,4 .., k ,
:1,(107 Oulu -140;p,O l itie#:#111tIO:ltt$ ikii:::,
l'itig' hig.tigof*AiliNtif , set ma 4 - •
iiiiftirittiAl 4airliieT4l4 A l :
0, t.. 1, ~ 'f4 C . Y A 2/ &;.447T0.401.-KA
j lklir l i , 41 11 ..'.,,q9J-034 1 0 7.otio.ip , w:Ekoka.`.:
- i i, rifolits•,.ol:4Attfiliiiii : miiiii*iiiiiillilW]:
ifelvof-4::=" 2 '' .i.... , s,i, „, ~.
-, .‘ifilfiliiiiiiegelfiii ll4l I ; ` u i . . I . t.. ::(' ' ''' '..r
. ' i ftAt , •• t 14--%., ,- 419 F rcess' .- bk- ''
1 1 -4041 y boAfaictlir •:, %se., . I ral-'
biiiie ) tit .k e t ,, upon: , 418111..0 Piiiiii'littifg
illa 41iii.4 . 6-cif l r s t e `e iiii; fi tiet
44.4%41e -li, .1‘.9 offidAtgiiiioar
~,- r)i , g 7..-,eerlile th aiiica ire i
. 7 ,10 i its 1 • , ffilet ,- . ark: if. ~. tie 1 . 1 • bpen
Aiivlif 444;17 e1.'191.! De iffiliiiiiihlipit
.- 6 0 :tk.,Al,l,TP"ftfikk ihiitanlelt
7. Ufp....J. • • I t 'cr.. 4. ,. ..,t, , . .• , Pet•
'I. .). '1'14.1.- •• •• " - ,:•••L‘.4-triPii4t.k. 4,•
• "•''', ' - ' -''''• 4 . ""..^..."; ••••• .:•• 'v....E.,. 4:11.1.,1
v ' P.PABFF .41 - Abtaurent "frObl'have • you.
.:1 . . =,.:-...•
..hi11!'"14143r0iti;j41.031.1.%-:::inii;;ii.eX. ttier.
' I ; •' C .f.N o. 4 4 u!vriiii 4l oo l 4‘, Oi., 4 4E'Yk!' 4 • '. l 'f
' -.....
.Why. Welirliiilit'•:o.l;.4o4:4ifi:Wiiiir
: . ;..t.:The,i`note - iiilbildAtlintrtf** : eit 4:l:,i g i
. : t•Cil yea, 1 geobib, breiblifiyirltir', -. ' , 4; ; ,
4hertektqllilifrici . ilitiv - iiiit4lifslifil f ''''' •
1 iii lright •I'tirbtriiiie- to '0.01*3.!•1141 . 1.
•'. ' . ' 4 '
tlotih , , say •lony Nog. itglii 'it yrii 4
~. ilest
4 .
s t
1)113 ti:i' ni;l 'if ;I'4' 'II a ii` ti! a fEy''tiejk P ' iti / i a;
,lie kkiiietiniiii; ' L'iia-1640 "1 . avii
- • I ii.o ~,,.. r. . 1,. . *--.
llgkisn • KIPVir $ 8 ,4 , !vio: , - .., '.. :...Llett i r ' fr
ititiri47 7 !"" l .P' i l•
, , 1 r 1 P.0, 11 ,i - 79 6 1 14 e 1 .0;040 d'il, ,
Odd !.h•Plbr , 9r.rypoh.,iNgtig cIT,
0 0 .itio 9 .iiaiiilki*iiiiiiY0if*Pi
01:Olt . Thti*Vo',o4oitilft_.,
4tatih9illii; ' , :,:,40,14,4041,niret!!iii ,.,
1 74) --4 4 4 A0M. vioo-'''WolOiri-4''l4'
4.* * 41 1,14fi-°,lW i r - ;
it i f:44A -c rg ;
,•1,2••• • '2.-4
. 1 WAS .14‘'..P.R01911)1i1l
:BY, Miss sEtlavirici. • . "
4 0kei --- Tor'e)kaluplei - *Yntlet' s girOiri 3l F
delicately irrto elftit,' p• r it liurßeYy is- -
tier y,*l?l , PeYei• .0 - #c4l4 l7 4'4l§ ll 4o.i;W:M lr
-Makes essential to health 'She, r itherries •
For stietigth is iriadeciuftc to tlici.deinainl
*it beauty fadei 4415r . ,;:Pte
throtigh'f'itrf .
in& birth to ohlldrgn, enclillrikaictiwatehing
over. them itnif. died: eailY. "'What a •
-'strange Providence, tliat...a mother' shoUlti
_.he - `.taken, - in the ;',Mids ofV life fro nr. : ter
children !" Wad. it Pre.vtoertee 1 No
Providen,ce •had threepcdrg
years a 0 -t-en .; a . term Jong enough to . rear.
her chihiren,And.see her
dren ; but she did 'not obey-the , --la,,WelkpOn
laws Upon which life depends, and .6k-con ree
't •
the; is cut off,. iii ilia st of.
a useful and
ed citizen; eii'entinent in hie irofeselim:
.A general buz rises on everysideoat±ftvlim
a etrilflng PrOvidencerl!!—lllis 'Mae
been in:the habit of studying half the . nigliti
of passing Ids days in' tis • office • and :the,
Courts, eating• luptrioru-dionersp and
pendia. ph) Providence cut . hiin
T 3—
The -evil ra.rely ends here: diseases
of the father ,:are often transmitted j a
feeble 'mother rarely leaves behind her wig- -
- ornus children. ' •
' It has^ been customary in sorrie of oar
• .
cities, for yoti•lattljes to Walk in thin'shoet
And • delicate. stncltings in mid winter...
thy • bloom ing : Yon ng girr k :thua.drasl3o4.•
.-of lfeaven's lat!a, phys,)*C
penalty >-.a citecliOd_circulatiou,_cnlo fetes
a. sad PrOvidance
exclaimed he_r friert'ds: Was it Proviadenc
or'h6r'otvil folly ? • '
_utiful_young:_bride_goes..nigh't l ifte!'
. -
night, to par"tie"s lnade in honor of her, mar-
. sore thropt; per- •
taps, and •the."iveatlier-is,:incltacpt.; but,
he e must wear her neclt and,•ar.nas bare
o wlaoeper.saty alirtdit jn 'a algae eveaing .
dress? She is .car;seiiticritly..sei*ed with-
Inflammation of-the,uags; 'and the-grave
• .., ..e ,
-, ha ~. ! 417 i--ex ltinl 4. ti ,
A,,.. A I - :
~,, , • . - -• 4, 41.4••••• ,, - ;•----•,---,:,,,,-,
UN; end hOl!iel""• - •! - ,Ala s e!I did-she! n ot cut;
~ -,
11, thread of life herself ? ' !! •.
! • ',,,iigitl in' the country, exposed !bp our,-
changeful 'climate; gets a new bonnet in
,tead of getting a tWfinel garment: A
rhei g ifni;tism . ile : the conseircience." . %hiinld
'the'girl sit doWri tratiquillf withAhe idea ,
'that Providence has - vsent-the • yiteurnatiern
upon,ber, or should , shsAtarge it titio , rifr , •
, . van i ity, and- avoid-file,follyfiircu . tutti r,„ ;; •
- Louk, my yiiiii-e-Wridif f *WitrfliP
i ! iseasesthat are, incurred liyintemPeAuceis
In! eating,prjothiniting, or jit
.Eituay. or. j*.
businessA•laiso being- Oaueed otte#l.9;•tisit
'Cot-- of , exercise; :cleardinessic; 0,1, 1',1).!..„_ 1 4fti .
by ipalltet„drisitirigo.4ll l l-4!.iii4;:-* 4 !7'
1 and all.--:!FiniadY gr1P111a4A4ni:P.f,0,1400, 4 C..•
?a . oerPi , POt-fßOetYlina'.3Yl‘#:'-i - ignntaoP,
hi this 7: Were thOitysical s ltiwsfdrictlY, ' ..
observed ffoin generation . to4etiraticti y :;:.
Ithere would be an end to . the frightful die-
eases that. Cut life ithoit,'end:a the:lting -
[lief - of !nialailles 'that' ini WI i fe• - 'a'4rmeut ottc- .
ti - iirai - "It le !th - troPinito;lfibee• - wito b- : - N.
bed untleritand'the ::plikeleaVaYstern,that .
" gbodly temple,'' would gradiitally Thipaycy .
and men would:chef aii ' r---Allfitt dera*l`":°' . 1
7.'7.".gL.i.. $ .I,l*
ic iTc:,;,„tlo .2i
. ipm,tn7: ke...."
,^#11" I tg, '‘i u-;
, ' iiklityearngLikh ' :Sji
"ieA -. 1'2•'' , ,...-,e.i..-,: - ., • .
c••••' 4 '
: , '':':ii;. ,, :::• ,,,,,, , ,,
44,2'.: - ; 1 ;..'
1011 Ti