_ IMO Atrs.erace ..apsnal zirome: - • ite t , • - - „ Wertc) •ti"oftfiiilAueha gn , p _nun ;11.01 e or Cairo nin Canal Bolds, return their Join tiundys io their trionds in -Franklin anal Cum ./ Anidarid , hnianties for laud lavonl„ end respectfully - in .ze.,..forni:theilit, dint they are TIOW iweptired tdrecvive Yl . lknd Tide Witter ennui, ----31 1 1hodilice -and -Meridn sze • -• ia ; , T " .;„ o. 11,25 p utri AD.pLpHIA . . , and BA LIIMORE' PrOtb*.,ivi, I' be del flierll lo bey linOie hi Made! r..' - ' - plikti 03 - 11bIt bbbi•ii - tdwhieli their Mat tfl It li*Ve :IC , . ceps'; llibtriigeittty ill tit& - iAtjeli tire- - - :- !..Dl4iiitnini.4:4l4tim-•14-Ni•-•140fte*I--------- , --- 3 - ..,- '- ..'Kine M,tVbel'pti die Dehi*:ire, Phila . del l pati -----' !Viiiirii.'-flilinn G ti.4iith ,Sz. Co- ' - • "----, , ~ ~.,., - — 1) - 0 - 19 - rbeebe XtWli.i'L'Ai4ltiiii - Ff. --- r.' .- "llikfgiriirs'o I.4eivcatol fOrwurcl,tlitilr', to Vitus- . . - . —Aiuktuild-lottCrmto:4l.3.ll.2roll r Ett!OL ~p. . 1 p.,,,i_t, AGENTS - .. . ._ ' -g4alilicAwirilill MI. 01i1v - wi , t. Ivand.'6inaibi iffi.:l:rtiiifivii ,- , - Gaiee 4 l:-Agenotuctinnicst,prg, I. k' P. Al A UT! N• ' - 11 toi It Mikrtin' N. tumberlapd. -- ' --- rinrrisbUrg; N ny - 1; 18:14. . ' l- ' 2 . NI Cnikliii, - - ---, ,;,A11en. ;._. .- Wm It Gorgon,• ..' 'Sibi - , . . ... Claribliti;l'ittel, . . ; : lits " . • 3,11 in C lictidstr,• ' • - -- do Mer Ilaroloirt, P:Ro.t Pennsboro' A bsviil AI atin,, Olruillitown. , Jact , b 4 Airk,lNNerlil A ge..t.r for Verb Coulty,Nelv .•• . Lombt-allool P. O. ••, • ill4ll-v I .0g.411.,. ' .. - Yin k 'county. ( .101111:S.1m rick, .lulus Itaokko, , . ' tro .; lbmiel pally, - tie -.- - Philip Iteect.kbili, ' Curpherliiiid * Ve a l tiler a ;; il., B,..nis o 41 at: 'milled lierearter Joh. at,ISIt Peiblic ,ArLi, I;O, Sfife, On 'the 1 ett6.1,1 y of.Sooteniliir o I dwelling itouse'a Christ boo • Rieh, ot• A •": i Condor h;fl. efitifity: letieaseil o. ' m att half Soittli Eno oh (Ai letieasetl rd tent u ala:am:ll24) , st 1.2' 1 )11711.0. 0 Chata . iiiitig 54 tier...s.mA 46.1a-rclies With a • (Or K 111 1 .06114% WWI it ocli ettiser &Allot; mo":tlic t . 14, :1 ••11 , 1••• Owl 0, On !mill %I •141,1 , ;,1...c • n, milky Coottarting I 0 ...IT. of good 'notion. Land - 7 • 2 :..,sittottellont outcAnile-of Ike above describol pectr. - 7 . ojalrittg-to %leo. th.utloott propeetics ee pity 411 .on !Col?, ono res)ilitig uu tbe 1:311111e. tontnetice o'clock, on Roil tlity, tool It!rnts'or saltrOmile kotorit ! • • '•'•• • :-- HENRI' JOHN RICH.- Atigustr, 1841. - In'-41 (Krill, York •Itepti , .lieme insert to the unta v it of $1 mid ellat'ge thin .-11-0-11-KitrAiL-111)4W-L; • ,• , , SIGN: OF - . WASHINGTON P.O JACKSON. . r o m - stibscriber winatti rcspcclfufli ittfortri his 1 friends and the pultLic tlmrhehas retuttvell from ids 11 , 11 stand ml %Vest-11TO street,to the inthlkbouse Ante! 7 kept by David Menu on South Ilatim et- street, In this borough, aigit of- Wa4ltinc, , tott and Jackson. Wher - e he will be :11141.11V44 glad id See 4610,914 li.ont the: Country mid Vrtvel hers, and accommodate them. ....,_ in the best and most eon/10'1861e number. ills -BAR. Mall- he tionsumtly li •+I with-the _ 1 ,,„ tihoieest liquors, mill his TA All LP: a the lies( the market eau furnish. A careful 0. 1'1.F.12 always kept in attenlanee—and no th ing stint be left undone to please KU who call with him. — ' . --ROA:101E1LS taken by the week, month or emir.' :ANDREW AWLItIiTS. 0 ' tt-13 April 17,1841 . . RITTER - -AS-removeil-bis TailoringEstaulialiment next , ---ffirdoarto-ftlie—Hcad now—oceilpied - try AudreW - Robert's in South Ilanot cr. street, and directly op- TOsite'llisiliem - Or residence, where lie will he plumed to attend to 'his old customers and the public-gi'mer -hitt experieitce in the business, he is a iffrmed thst lie will he able to please all ulna may - favorbins witli,theit• custom. ThettleSt City Fadaons wju ,lwasy be attended RI, and *Milting shall he Oinit.eil oti his part to merit - ti reit - amiable - shard of patronage. - The subscriber would also aviil himself of the present opportunity to return his thanks to hisfOr- Hier . patrons for their liberality, and hopes ben strict attention to- impiness, and a dispesition to please, to Int:lit a continuant,. Carlisle, April 10, tf- 'S 014 B . Smith's Geography and Atlas, (hiecs do. Sthith's end Murray 'h grammars, il- Jardp United Slates, rI'OSIS do. Nlitt-liells Geogra phy...and Atlas, llorrits Geography of die Heavens, Atafrels Johnson's Philosophy and Chemistry Snail lies ?Idiom) by Coinstoeks do. Cnnistotl: sfry, .ataey'setantrionae too istoq, ens. pe - ler Is Definer, with all other spellers that ate m use for sale by Er.• liA vERsTIJK, June 19,1 8 BOOTS AND SHOES. 'have just rimetved anothet• supply of Hoots and J Shoes, to which I could call the attention of Harvest Hands, and all others wanting good and cheap shoes. -Recollect the old stand, where you are ahvays sure to get giiod - .• GROCERIES. Fresh lot or silgvicatme,-rea V -Nlollisses bto:4ust reeeivetl, and sellinf; as low as ran be Lad in tins horoligh, cull at the chra•, store of a. A. CHARLAS Ju1y.<10;1344... :WICKS ANA) .Claiiiincyofor Astral Lamps for sale by • Slyer& BtlLtierstia.. 1544. • , • . ... . "PENKN I VES ... ..: - "j;:i'.'.-!''-'• 7:7=t, ..iiietV6** ErVitaiestip Fty. Alyt•rtifi. Apierspek: .... -" . -- :''Jitlylo, l ,B44::::.."—:-::1. --- ' t-'- - - .W.inbazisse _ ~.. . e , , L Avt .. ,ry._' .. s u .... p ..... e ._—ri.-„o r---c" 1 ' o ~I. w l tg i2led , exieiel •- v • r, r; GrDl''p w— s oats Ne smil l'aiiirloo. a m • open - . 7771(natiViend - rtripol - 0/ttstass. anil , Striped Nluslinsal May 2,U,j 44: 41,h10: , ,MT:; !UTNE& & - - - • - • : ?..&Mett(114 . 11,83 1 / I :ttn . eilt , Jl . 9t Fe e eived am] for ball; •• • • " uaq , • _ . • •,‘,.;..Vll,S*Pritobly e il c,i ,l this valluithlte vie. 4,4 ne,l4;:thti,4o3sciiheei'iftile' 4 l4st friw: curl Y. Ci I AS: OG MUT: • : 2 0;'• - - • C S 1613 D. - 7 , 0tyr,:41,1• . 9[1,11M5. - 010% ntlitt.).,store .• • •-•-• ;At fie Ntl ) :l•Ariii . .. „ . • • • vuriintirkimlp nt w H 17'N Elrik " ' • , ft , POPF , ',' a. CA:l9ns. :4-jkorFolqictived foa:iilit at theleoiriitionary Cl•ni.l)k:Rnit'l!ore'oF. n • LIN F4 ' B4 14113:1/E!1*-'-• ...:, .. ~.„.,,:,, ~ -:,-,•::::7" - : i ,- .1•,..--f‘Amal;' , ,_,, ow by l-wv—'`t'.7-2i64t •m !c; Nei 41,0"-fiu,71; Co . ', 4iiif-.11411:-.Ltiii,,,b,i.JrhT,,r, , ~:,44 ; iaiitii-,n,iptitleF)`2,,,'•l,.-:,,,,,,: ~, -,--; -if,":•,o , •.'#cjlt .114M''' '"'oo,4ote !, : l ie4ll6l' ',.,p'4'11',,,,,:417,ri':4;‘0,%,* it wo.,efietlP;:-,7esit. ' 4l.ff , Viiitiii'it!"..,F. ttp.-'4o4tit!tv:,i'4;.gi. .',.'•l,=!4l''.,tci,iltaao6l.4o;l4?, ..,1k.,',":,::,,...'", -C? ki r -V4n0A11,...3".ki1ikh4t,,r0i,... , • ' ' ~,,, !744-3Y''''' ,•,r:V2;,?•-•.: 4.'",:-'7" . ' ' 13. 11. ifiall • - -----s:' • •;',",' - ' ~. ,3••••' • "-• .•'' -...• ',• • .. ..--,--, • ',, ~, ~, 4f ' if;', . - • - •,••..I.,•••si tzT•g‘..• •• • - 1, '..4.4' , , t,,,.4„.•0q.,,,',1.. ~ -o•Li i,c ; i,:,,;:.1‘, i 4,001, ~...i• .4.fri.,A,,,,;.'r4b > :, ; 71.' . . ~,, .J ,4, 'ii PPP 6: , '-- lqo .%*A.l4,;,'r Init. 74... ~o:v* , A • , •• 4 9 r'r- zrg,fe" Viv , # 4,`Ne...i 4011.2 Zg tiotAl s c eilk.;,' 110TEL" . " . i i t t r ::; i ll : tia . 6 4-c, 6r i: o ,:! ' ' ' ' ' ~...,.,,), :,,, 4 Oittrp . speolf9ll7 in! i, ' , : ifprin 1, his ~ . 111elitle ;an Ciliti ;,. OW010: rift:44l7; • that. hit bier iiikatilii) ',.:'.,:-. q.'f:' , '? i'i''':f , ,'if, , f',l, , „ -:,.,:.,., ,it ....,..,,, '!:' - '.. , P , '..,1FU1fri1fL . .. , .!.r.c . ."';' , rpq —, , , ap,••,:!,43Eicpw,--4.-•E.:8c*6' 1 , 7 , •...„ tifi, 10 , .• t Wit • 'tliff i , ibis. I.;sh o l t iev e iir rt ia, o 4 ' , :i- aa . b il yl tdi ' iri „ ci til ii , to l i irrio le set ii l. -i r * , .. ,:vi ti 9 rid c er s,7 l .. , l l l : l l , i i,: '-i id.. ii trit -* l4; i s igl L,.. „.:_r g l3 l!: 'fi i .ittif'd i nt"Pieto4f .: **4 ,B° - 1, ,q0,1 1 5,PMir., 1 1 • tie • Oie h . '4iik ; ' . ,401t,t, .t.wh0iit01ibiii:1'41:'*: , .; . .. ,. .... 1. r:) , .:. , ,...,,:... ,,. .....; ~„..,.4 t .-,,-, ~, 1 V. Wr4lllll l 4lrAtartio7lo64lll:#ol4loAa64o, ,' •" i; i i ikiaVileei k.4*:,„ ~ .. , , , ,-. 1 1 , .4,,11 - 6,e,t0, '' '• " ' ' ..:,, .1410. v ,- ,_ -tO f 'Atria* r... 114114111041111A,i:;2401011,10; 0,40 0, , , I' ii.).,. 3 ''','.."•';‘,.;',," ; j x l. , ',-, 4-- ~I. -l A ,. • . 4 .,d i ' . .f ii , IP •i/t). . , _,. • ~.o- , ,'4', ' ' . 1 / 2 5%,,44 1 1 r'll#k ri' ' i 'llk ' .. i r iteo, V ' Mt.'ell.#ol,o • ~ ` , 1 ' tf‘ , ...- . iidmilltilat.4 one ~. ,-- - - ~-,. ii., , ,,,.....A,-... . ~. , , , , ~, 7, ,,,,, ,w ~ „. ,, , ,v itoma. ~, ~,,,.,, .v.m11,11.11 ', ' ai . jillier.„ intr,,,,,,,Arr , :i) 1 1 . , : - it ~ - - -.:1 ,, , i fir ,„ e i , t * A, .. . , ' , tl% , ,2 -.' '1;4.4. ii. 1 4.., , ,V i .'-k!'-,, , 4 . L '., . 1 __,,,. _' , kiiintielib; :•tipl. somitri z 4 00t.Sn ' .. y. , • :Ili 'DIP ZI I.", roff - i.., - .. ,1/40,rii.,n'''...4; 5 1 0 1) $'4 . 0 e . ' .CR E * 11 49,k° ' C' '''S ' " P•• .' 111/ti '' ; ' ' : 4; t rlia i t ' l:' ' :. 1 A : A'Vs .',.: .f, t, ow , pot • •..,• i•• , "•4:•,r , -.:T' 'Alf.' i• ' , C"''!:'-' 4 ,v ) '-' - 'il gv• -4 .• ~ '‘ -.--40900 V .#-,-' ...i.:O- ° Ol - '''•A`-' , "'"r "7 . . 7 'r - ii - e -- 'Tniiiiii -- ; 7 ' .-- ,' sq . .:;mrlevtew_lV '' • 1. , , f . ..0,71: - ,m4141.•' . 11, , lk I* • ! 4. , , , r4'., ~, c ....ii. ,-. 1&"."', ` v , 'A f t''S; j n; .. .• 'Di.. - . ,,. , .', /6- 14, • / . , „ 4 ~, .' , - ,‘,,,,,Erwirm. , ' 4!;;;,".:41,, , , , i,. , 42.64-t'L, .",;.,, a l '". !:f,f ,• ' •• 141 4 vi,,,, , i;: .., t A, ;,,: 6 4 4 ; : ~,' ' C :4' r 4 . •. ' • '-'4..y ' , 1 , 71'!A ':: * : -.7 7'''' .: 7 ';'•,.' pc:, ,111. re, . ',, '"' 0 , ,,,L 0 -,,,P f ',..;', 4 4 , 41 '. i' ,L,'i 41. - '..- P..; :, •t , ~ ,v,e, , ,,,,q,...,,,, T iv ..rt,' ru',l" f:';'.'"l Pt r r t 411.4! k•A ; ..,.., ..'... .oi . , .4 ',.., . 4 ,, , .., L3L'4 , 4 1 i..„,;:kh ..„'. !!i,, , ...1:.;. , .. 6. r . ~ ,"(y..„, i'::„.„, ~ .t„,: .. ~ 1 '. l o'. t h; ,,_ it ... -,,,'- i . c v.,,, ;m3q.. ; „, . 1 0.14' , 0;1 40 : y.',;',l 1? ~ 1 i , '4 " , .. v: ,P 1 of ,, • 1 „ ~,.. ..,,..e v ,, ~,/ C ''' ' ''' IM I• ' • •" ••-• '" 1 'i \ ' 4. ' '.. -4•• ;••.. rth •: .1 la r ' . ''' l ' - Vl' "'AU' F • \ 4 ; ,: a 4 Vlo" ' ••'• • r • a . TIF 7L ' . - .141, 4 -4 . 4 ',.?:•:..c - ,11.1 - - , , , ;i .rct , ~,,-,. ‘ , . ,,,,,,,, , ,, ,, , ,,,,,;:,.,,i,,,0v,..••,,,, , ,,,,,,,,:„.:•,,,.,,,,•-•. ••• • ......,,,.. ; .,.. r .„. 0 4 4 1 ,;.ire ~.;, 4 -; -, t . ."'„Ni . ,'', t J. i v * , ~,,,, ..., . : : ,tp,',1',', 1 „t.i.) , ...' ''f -.... '.•'. . ..,..: - '',',' "-: - ' '''' "" '': ''''' ''''"''''''''. '''"' .. ' 7f N x. i - i; t" 7 : n -. .. -, i - filiv, **". 4,14;'' 5':....AZ.. , : 3,- ;:r'. : Ai•...v.,, i 4 - • •0 ) ..! - A ; FtPi 4J " , : 4 +:" .. ' f: :':' '''',,!', 'i . ' :;:"" t '''' ' I:' %' ' ' ." .; :};. '.2l t ,' :'',,:fl'.! '. F A ': I 2,;. - I:',ti. '''.):,, ; ~. 1 -:: 7 11,11 1feer.": ! 16'44.0•1 , , : . ..,::..:: .. , ..'. , s . 'tt' .. ' ';:.• . : ..,., : 'i'lp;a.i.,:: ,-,u :'rlqi..''. - 4 ',;1":',..:•,i 2 . ; :k!':', .:'?:::'0 ; ;;i'l.; : : : : .?;;:•:::::,: : ..t.. : . , ' ,e, t ..,:0, i '' '.,1; :).6\! I" ... ), : -. E ,1 ::' , ;:-':'.7 4 ': .. ii i:: '-4 : l : .4 a sf ft t4: YA'•':'''''''''•:'f've' '''''''''',..-. ''' '1: "::' : i;;:' ; ?.:'! 1 ''' ~,,.. ~ 1,-'', , ,,!i0 ' ...''''Netiy(:.'':'.i: v: ". :''' . ' ! ' l :'-'.iA...,.'' • !,: '' ' . ~ ..%:;;'.':' ' : •471. i . t , '''';';'A':'''' , $'0 1 . - . ..:kii . .. -, : • : ,‘.!:...1..:i...,' ,:.i.i. ,, ..: , .!......'-, -,-, - -- . -- ' . - • f , '1,.4' . ,..":7,,",, , `„./., *,/4043,,. , .. , ' •a q' ',' ? !. ''' ' ''';'+•!. , ..',4 • ••••''' •.' •a , : • f....: .. .-'.4. , .irt. , 3„ , ... , ; . ,W,-'.';',..1.::;, '... -. .i ., .: '' -:.' i , '-:''.. - ;o:•.'q't , ~, ';'..: : ,- ,' :. - 1.,`,...;. ,, :':.' :;-vriv>i 9'. ' 1 '-'., ...c j . :-.1 ~ ..( ''' - : . '' ':':' . '‘'.: . : .. . . . . : '-• " • ''. ' .• ' ' r ' s "." ' . ' . ' . .1,,kV,0,:,!!,-,i;5.;•!*..0,01:1,9iffA '''' ; '''`W'W v :' ,.l '"':' 7 -i . ' : '-; --!'':'. •: '; ,•-:::' ''4' l'tPf . '.; . ;•,;> , .' ',;,', . • ~';';, ,i , ; , ;?4 , .";•;' , iN::-'.6:, - ':'::., '-, ' 4 . 1 0Ar40 , 5 , .%!.-'ir' , •••'44 • ' l4, ' 9 ' '." '" ' • - • „” - x: 1 ~- 3: gaff: .:.'..; T-1 HE'A X leWand Eastfitniistiociugti , hfututil-Fire% li*ifairei:CiMipaurbf - Cuitherlitid - CtitiOiOnt , aorvorated brio 'aut.orliseeinbly, to now fully, f ir= gom zed; and.ko operatibti joider`the insulatootept4 the folimilog conunitsichnees;•vizi • • Cht.SiOpna naieob' Shell y;Win R - Titzef;'ltlhitter,liciove, , He'orx . Rocklinilliojamiii-H-Mutter;Levt Alerkel,Jacoti sem.; nii'd•JOhit i•iipookfolly?-ealrthe littintioitisl - the citizens of : Cumberland Int& York.COlintiositcifilejtd vantages which the o9mpony hold Alit:- ;• • : The rates of miuennee arc-as law 'and faimAhlok IR tin Cum 'oh of the Wald the. State. PtirsOns .wishisig . (ol..ecOMe• meortlielqoare.•anvited. to ma e application to ilm•agentiot the fecenpary. who are willing to wait upinctliThic lair • JACOLLSHELLN,Preet...:__ Nticnont. lIUOVEIL. Scerettry._4.L.` litlinel-VockliM'lsreasucek. lote rn VIII ll os,e-ffile • c. ,org, ILc lollou ocCs of first-rate --ill ei-U:Fr-71 1 / 1 ,11i1:4:14,V1/114l-CISP N I . 14 I Itt ge•s lot t ',WO - 11011V, !k t ~ tutlity the t 2 of Septembur next ? at • in M. at thu public hutted OF Davat j Slit'plief•Aitonn. . _ LEWIS • 11YEll, Seey. /11111:: sithscriber7w3ll sell at Private Sale, the veil - uable Farm on - which Ihe now lives, situated in Allen township Cutulterlattel county, übou tea miles slush-east of Carlisle codtainittz -COO. A c t i es ot tirgt-rrii - • 111111):Mal2(Wirla witteralTandin - the - V i llest state: ol.cultivatiou. The 'dime adjoins lam El or 1)•,. id Eberly, Fredetiek Garrett and utile:mi.:About-- CO Acres-of it - is tiA st-rate Timber At std. .I,7l.lAlM proventeuis are a two_story _ BMW: 7 - tWEI,I.Igt; i F., 6U feet . Cemit by Log!! 35 feet deep, tioltbuilt_in the hest 443_1.e__ •• • • Id . • throughout. Also a large Stone 13 VislK II ••:.' itAßN,with Wagon Shed, Corn • Wash I I ottse..Sturtke !btu se, and evervgAlter,tteces %try out-building, built in thenitistsdrystantiai style. There are twri tterur,froltog we I IV of 'wetter, one be fore:the Mouse inul the other in die barn; lard._ A Igo a thriving' teedzond bearing tJIIC//AIIU ofelohte Fruit Trees. The c hale place is considered one of the very best - Farms in CUrnlieriiiml cotiiiiy. , A 111)lieto i.. nine be made personally or by letter to the subscriber at Eilleptierdstown P. 0. . .1 A, COIPAI UM MA. 51,1-'26 Apra 24 1844 Widierlll's pure White Lead in kelp fur sale 1, Myer >i 1-laverstlt.k. 1844. " AN - additional supply of the above valuable 111 e i riucs, cousr.ifi g „or Juyue's Tome Vernauge, flair ;s4ansive Balsam, Received and for sale by {Lilt." Nineeto•Q and VermicAli for bale by Myers 4 . - July 3, 1841. PILLS-and TEA. Dr. Lehly's Illoud Pills and Worru.TtT,' • sa)u by Nlyerset..•lla - rer - styk. July I Ltitielt+utt-cd—binl-ntent--- fitiling to core the Tetter,.llch, Dry and Wattery Pimples rd the lace tool body, Sealy Ertipttous a ad all Discuses of the Skin ? Of the many thousand bottles sold, (it is put in bottles with the words' DK . LeidyN Tette'. and Itch Ointmeid " blown in, the side) never has an instainde been known or hetti:d fronr where it failed: Num ber of ref. reaCescan lit made, where it has been used, in schools, factories, on board of vessels, nyl in famines, slid certilletites could be published of theta, but far the deliettes,in having names publish ed to counectioll with so loathsome and disagreeable affections. 'By using Dr. Lehly's Sarstmayilliblood and this 'Ointmei t together, the combined ef fects must be to re: Ovate the inner as well as the outer man. Now is the time•to Orange and purify the bleed, and make smooth, clear and clean the Rkin and completion. Price ZS mats n .battle. 'F, C. srEr PIN SON'. Sale Agent fur Citrlisle-r---- CifMILES OCULI3Y June '26,1841 Leidy's Tetter and•ltck:Ottittnent AN iiilallible remedy fur various affections of the Skin, rentAiig Pimples, Pustules, and Eruptions, of tie Skin,and - particularly ,adopted, to Itie cut e 0 -Totter iitid i .e-itch.--- --,-.: ~,,, e.. I:. . - -- - - This oini nottliits,bera used in Utinterous schools tlwoughout the city and coolly, as will its Factoriu, ettiplth hug litinierOuS girls hallow.; " rind arnbtipf ' wlioni . Tetter.astil.ltelyiewell as other Alfectionsuf -1 44.„Skin.4tc.e.s.ailetUralult exarn pl - cess,- - Nantes-of Selinol-Teachei , sot-well us Super : Ifitentlatiliftifido Proprietors of Factories ' dould' he t r giren,,Coidirou lig theabotre; but rot he ti ellcaeyllter fedi') having their. names, publist ed in colmection with such Inat , bsonie and-iirsagreea le tifreetione'..- Frige 25.cemb ti box. For solo h Owlish- by . -.4---7------z.T.-C,STSVENSON. • 3 inlet 184:3. N-. : • tl4 . . . . . Is-thoiturostrutroogestrani-inost-eflionoiUni-of-nnY - other pm partition of SUrstiparilla. Alt kin:lifer It is warranted to, he stronge_r 'then' 6. batiks .or MOST2-othertp—stronerr. flout four of Si .111Eointi• stronger ; that) three of. the .S 1 ONLI EST Itteitstred' by soy in , the . .United.,Stittesr.'„- .';',.r!:".''' , : . • • , .1/o.rtritly-ii ittlittititrilla ii:ree:Orriritehdril . by nil respectuble itht),Ottivsj in -preferrnielo sum ottie. All rlillinve ever titietllt..iWileliveilinorttlieite-1 t Irerir one bottle Ono three to. 'ten of-.9thers t k rilllii se ,!slm,,,Mlei t huyinensed others Treperalfons, !hoot. benefit, wIII use,. )1. - -Deitly's,• wilE,seott" be (ntwisted!' (as rhottuntels - Intre- iilreutly hien)',or Ole, hirenittg pwitiott. " -,.• , - .. ,- ~ ~..„ . • The apparatus wjth yhicialt:.2,LeitTy's' exireets useti.ln-libt'precteratintrhf - 51tresifinrilla us litrepareil is the only, one to the, United Statru,i mported by.,Dr. *-o.dehly-lrentielf frorn'the celebrateit - hoUst-_•7or - l!olleter ' .14tve - --- '•••Thrii , l-rt`ut tt •gr at expeose t Ong li r`. ME ~..,. 4 c 4 P^ _..vemou, so ram, pub of e N tractio g i t iol , l _ ne, f ic e i t i ve v t i u s tl u e y s i l r a : n B3 b r 3 ° , B o P: y " Mtn add oilier rt.to 1. , ,m 0 P. • , thrr prooesee.•• ` 9 .th RIWERVIL' '11 1 17.1 1 1:D v I a 114 ti r ol . . e C e ll ti f itn 7;l l 6.lt a. : C4 7 W B , °F l'eT:l)tiuY-e nl ui pl i y . stolnnk have, Peep tloos: fron'ollngYnLelAtdlii ditNroot I ,o oeril ' t i t! ,rs° d! orn! or dlYi ro ti7i w illt :o - r t i l mi ll ' e7 r ---6. :" P t.e 47" _q' t l; "5 6 : lk o n t e tn r"to e n t i l a e : ll 6 4 ( Zil i b i lt i :o' ll n i ll u o i :o y b n ? :- tidnotili 114 PilYi g enuine. ! Ile ' n m Second stivet, near ift.alth 'EniP*Wului 191 441' Eagle and Serpentl) 14'11111rn"' -jam . a l? 1 4 i' bottles for Vine td. (eigi s i , of th e e ei l o o l l i dg Ed9gtt.t. d:Kleit'ellrug • ONE DOLLAR per ot, e, . $2;50: — .7,7,, 11- -, 4 - ..' ;‘, C. srEviot,SON, '' e i'''Lr. f earliole. 44,: . ,, 50 1 e ,44 , 44 9r 1 : -.I — 0 , 20.1 11 44‘, , ~--,-,=. , • , • • • fie; :'-' •"" ' AIL panel's are lie,reby nottliOgt ifiat lettei4 ptam mentary ett the'Nat., trill well teitatheat:of South',Middletkit,i,tinkiiahin Cnm Cutrid#Wl;Pil,itee'4l,Aticieteen obit ridy. 'by Ike RegialeNn and fortrib'otiaitl, County to. •tiMill4Mnriberit,kkigilig intim tikmatelttaltip;; ; i4ll Varmpf.lntling.ninnns , (Wilitusii4a against thn:fainin are rggUeatt tt.'`niBlol4oo.ll'4e,iiimg(mithcPt!lfi,' itui c Eihy t o iti,tibbtatEtti etiukts'inkfment to - Err I• s P , ' July,4l ', ,Yz:•„v,t " ana 0 F . i t tlrrit 441))0444141$101: \ak.6 'oft, l1 ,10: (go - I.— n nio ofti b^~Jt'TL ii v,. :Palziabt Pa rat-. SALE MI Ja.yne's Family -DieMoines, - S. ELLIOTT. Agotrioe:Citrlisle WHO EVER HEIJIRD OF 1T CANNOT BE-DE --(.For l'rutlvi!'ralikfiry)-that - '-' - ' - ecy• DR. .LEIDI"S tqfpOrinso l kherke.f)rar4,,, 3 . ll7iTiktels -AregegrelViiicirte — iciliey never, \vould Le. witlionSit I n Aheirtainilles,e tkehydree are Seildeel I,VorriVei coOposeil L otvagetablec altdgetlier; and iii - ay.l.474i'ren fdetti lslren,ol: 408.! Direatitineaoserrveny oe 'psekage,;, rn Children - suffer ' so,an lhinkelieinkilven'iheleci si Reel s, ; any, bt, fent —llitieli,medieliie;gfre'is Imo Is.ldn' Bette . to deSirek'thelelrenbgl - ll'esiltlii and, they' nrs 'Or less iiellefifeerekli t titer necessity of n ,g., worms give tln mqt firefPj ; .;l:etdy's is l:s.'. - neeetiisary'. • ". . Refei'ensa'might tie ineoe to several hundretLp .` of, die effietrer sill • ar„JL:eidee Warns ear,' vtit Mint L y oti . w ill be' • , - . . - . . - . . rite - e - 11 cents a smstr,iiturgS eents'n itexelutsk- Age.'(:-Prepsred:osly, Red for sale, wholessle.-sed- Reual; . bt 'Or..Leidy?s Health 14artiorrubsi , ,No,,--191-- below:_NitkihjeStiestili:eet.- Vine L [Sign.oy the Gel, dee Eagle add.; eetients,l Pleladelphia - 17: - !- • ..,- sle-b • .'• ;: !tt-paeli , cs.i..EvENsog ME= ML W'° STORE. rilltenbriclitieeioidalica to infornitheoitizena of A. Carlisle antfille that Ile Itds I opened sdNottilidlianoVnit attee, Adjoining Myers' And HaveratioVi.DittieStintond neaidr oppodlO atoreyotimlately Acenipted_Ay.:l4r._ iiow,adiortinent ............. ID-. II A-Lik r : o. .Consialing;ln.paitor, of Caammerea,.,So m MCP • Gainiwornon,Nierifin Cassjiners, Single. and ilk4l , Fllllo-018al 11111Viri DVS G loveb Hnd . 1:1041011 01 all kin an,O desoription—za lon a well seledted attnJe.et . ' tf-4o all of which he will mill very low fortien. kle In vites the public to cull uotijiiitige br ihemselii , A. • • ForitierlV - Of tifefiPficol -- Atigney & Suclerson. May 1 - 5,184 . 1 . • ! .tf-Lc - - NEW' STORE. MITE iwiliieriliers are now op g, in jiveroom it adjoining Mr. puflteliPskilWare Store.iind directly opiitisite to S. Elliottf's 'Drug store, an en tire Neat Stock of. Fanny-aiii).Staple - : Toot,,,itilimaigroteral assOrtineaCof Ladies and (;en- de 'alines, Orgainly Lace Muslins....LaWilii,:Cliiiitics Calicoes, Cloths, Cassiriteees, '-Sitntmer Cloths, lip"mbroons-, Loudon Plaid aial Plaid Drillings ant1...1 Cotton Ca ssiiacres of Various &Remotions, all ol • nhieh will be solifat reastnialile pi ices for _• . ~ E. G O. w. urrNER.,&,,Go,... Al' 29,1141.,t1-31 . . N. U. The Dwelling. Bart of the louse attached to the Stoi•e-room will be rented. • ANOTHER CHANCE: FOR BARGAINS • • rinHE subscriber having - route to .t.ho •ja entielosion to change his business, offers his entire stock of goods in rxelninge for a good fiirot,, well improved, -no for a good linsiness •tand in the country, with sufficient dwellings for a large tinnily, together with a few acres attached. Ills stock - maw hist of superfine dud coarse Cloths, Cassimeres, Cosi net, Cdrils, Domestic floods of all kinds, Ciita blies; Lawns Litlellfl, illVcll, ,POZIPITVEIRSIIIkUN chiefs, Silks 1 - lingliams, Alptudias,Lustres,yringes, Gimps; a add ' vaileik-Of fitocy articles Anio n Slioeit,llats, Caps, Calicoes, tee. with a variety of other goods comprising it general newt anent of Hardware, QteeS ware i Gr.acerie3, Ta i t Spines, Dye Stuffs, COttott Yarn, Coverlet Yarn, tee. ifltof ishieh he will sell itt-reduced pica' for Cash from and after this date, until a general safe is effec ted. Country Stiirekee tiers and others would do well togive hima call, as he intends there bliall ,he no "mistake," befog determined to close - his business duritjz.„tat.s-present year. ..1-4 Store and Dwillling,:ean berented from the. tirar April:• - ' • Ills books are potted tip to the hub, and lie re elasoolooll ilynoo i.. 114.1.4041 n him in onitly 11‘nin an counts without filkiier notice. The first day of 461 will be the last day of grace, alter which all accounts vi twat collecting All be placed in the hands of proper 0(59.1 • by'ilie Barrel, always on Land February 1-b, 1844. Farm for Sae. WILL he sold at (31117,i - el:de a of first. Limestone . Land, Situate iti South Al iddleton township, one mile West ,a• Carlisle Cumberland ,ceutity,. Pa. lying on the Walnut Ihr:ttom Road, comdiiiing 110 ACI/ES,more or less, haring thereon erected :‘ two story STONE' I lOUSE, a large ft , " ( n° • " Ilitro, al4 ell of first-rate waiter, a fining M:1 and thriving apple 01101 AM), Also to be sold with the aboire tract =— five acres of first rate CUES FNUT !PINIB4R. The Walnut Bottom road passes through this Farm which gives a mat!ket thrall tlfe produce rais ed otpoll it, hR droves iamb% to the L.:lSt. - Iki•tons wishing to purchase will please call upon Mr. Andrew glair, in Carlisle, or on the subscriber at his Mills, 4 miles West of Carlisle.. _ Jung - s — isW , .----- 01 .Patuable Faint( AT PRIVATE m IE subscriber wilt sell Herr' va te Sole, th 4 -1--- vain ;* able ItBl -- ° -wlt i estLn Dekinsni towis;i,Cunberbtnl county, tennilks west of Carlisle, on the Walnut BottoniAltuitil, taiiiing: 2= l97 . - Xeref and4 2 9,Perclies l; of first-rate • • -2-3141-0V.2 11 ` utitler — gooil 'fetieelotttArwt 11_ ynieru4. ''l'lic pleat adjoins lands of Philip Weaver, John Kissitigenand iithers,'„ , A link - 4u scree of ifi7 go - OiA the improvements are a two story•liriek• ; ' DWEl.l,llgri -HOUSE, 48 by 40 feel ~,:, • to which'is pliached "a large lirielc Kit- I la ; I 'l diem ' 166-u lar#OSton_f Alarn,• BO B " 1 -- 190 by feet;,,with_Watron Shed ICorrrclt Tlveri are two Ater r f n e.- , • _ turn t exit r_ a'oltort.:4l6!ancioxip;o9 , of tokill ''ivatee,eti x : • • —June :5,-1814 . • Orphariii.S- Court, sa loot • virtue of ...gi Circler nf , thes:Of ,CoUrt Lif he sold at public ' ruttßA:ritie-11011i Angina neat; the:jhorinigli Mectiiintesbarg, Cumberlaintmujlty,p o'clock; neon - ,' the follow- Mg -property; y : Fiatiii...iOnfig I situate' on3fairt'ittrietAn'tallit_hpreoghi, 44 few' frotitlaniFls4 - feet Meal! theneeessafy ,Ther-properii4liairkood-otriler-andirratril 'situation fon it mechanical or other hailing!: known out day of G.HORQE 4,..";11437..‘he-Cou 13.10 411 - figN' , KS Sl w` GEORGE ELcitlJrrcg EsiP,ECTrULLY inrormethiapublie,iiiit he is itill,_prepated to.,reeel ye, rawarikkilil l •lispo.e of. jehrotliiste itsf every deserlipliesii.., eitliennYthir Philadelphia nr Haiti tricire Marketg or atppyotherpointaeeessibli 441411 , Itoad.' , ~. ,Aot lie 1 0) 1 attiliik:lit person to anti the, delivery sale °rail articles' entrusted to his mire, the most astisrantory and speedy May at all tithes expeetedmd theetinost. promptitude - lit the tritnmetleti torhu - tF, dieser entrusted le him. s , Farmers and ,others having any artiste which th6Y: *Joh disposed oT r oll.do •volt to capon, him; Im inedistelY,Opposite the ,Munsion lipase; 'mil Rchtd Street;carlisle., .04 P.% nethorieW itii — rniirehase several,hupdred Gintifqfor *Mob tho,liigliest, 'prise, will b #, D r • sleMiar 7; IS 'ur • mguks , for'saii; • ;•,1 • mYpnwh'HAVERSTICKV • ' ; o r e- LCd 1 _ .y Jf 1/i~__ . .~~H~lUlt~~~~. UW N•-. .I.lLc'eanimiuLL3alitamilipieliatittioii.cifstlie.Bimini_ Virgiwkiniz-,or - A....Wild , tilkaiTy Barki l !f.iiinnbifina• with the'Estrac4 Of Tar, preparetl.b,y a r neitnikeint., callinantaisiiiiT,Foved-"Mid-renotnine - Mied-*-the Moat dir•Wfrigiii)tindiliti,viialarisilinie,linhviiially ioknowl• edged - Me - . Moat valimble .mmlltinee.a.yer 4liscpyered... NO - 44UATSICERXIIITICCiti.ECEPTIOff: , Inlietii:i4,foilif ilinaliulaiVilibmilyla'4r, - , mad. - 7 - leine - .We liaia' no desire t . ..ir :deciniie. tlies . W . N!wi, :are tabkiiiiiing'dfOldr:ofifictio6;tior'tbi-WO:(lVaik.' ' ...:e(i)o-* -" '-. ' - l'fiatir' , d' ' ies Y - ''''. - wan., t p4ore:,t um . i, . _ neer .. _ ,e ea we roakiwatin'ilind seethe vast anmuni of sat ilk and: dip distress Py Many of the Aiiienatia in whiniC this itiedidine tios.prpvetl so highly, , socuossfui r lwo feel that..*e.osiotol lime its clams too strongly , or oiy,tao totioh,lit : lis favor... „ .• , • . ~ ' - •!. 5ooli; iiOlsOkarO Vie,: ,'7:- . 1 . ."; ._ -- ' , SURPIUSING VIRTUES. - • • ` - • - - -• .01 lttl Balssm, that eytin iit .theadvitnCed motif eniceraid reutedies of physillitina IlaVe railed. to; effecrany. eltsnge . , the - us'e - d W thia maine beetql raditolifdltri he-tat - dd. astonishiug_relief,and_actUa llyLelrecte&curea4fie all holies iirratovery Lltad•been delilieitrll of In ihe•firet stiges.oritlte discatid lernied Caturr-, nt—etnivitniiNion, ll -originiititl—froin,-neglected e,t3LUo, TIATA;Vecii butwi:tx 'and hundreds acknowledge the restoration - ortheir health to thisinyttlitablit - predtaiiie aredity In that feria of ,Con4rimption , so iirevaldnt amongitt delicate fluting fvuttletquommonly_terttied debility, , To 'A ok.rtirib I ,A , a complaint ‘- a l isr l o N v and_uot-on o .-- . . .sesses..t itt_tmiverl_cliiti teeggia pilcmcs_of_thitias, larmi ng coiapl OM, but - Tilsd streagthena and inVigo rotes the System more .effectually than any medicine we have ever pdssebded. - FO - Fiiai - efilittii, ceilifiCittes;lke.; see Dr. iNiStar's: pamphlet. . • '-• '' .AdENT.S..L.-S.:ELLIOI.I', Carlisle.: - `L. Deutz Cliambersbrdz. . . _ .___ _. "SolomonaiMidit; Yark. . Angle air& Greasim's, Sliippensburg. , Cavliale i November 8.11843, • • . frUARLMLE,AaUSTAV. for puleinnity Tzgai psi loss by Ire THrFRANKIN FIRE INSPRANCE .. C4_ Y., • • , OP PIIILAI)F.LPHIA„ Charter • Pcrpetual.—s4oo,ooo Capital paid in . . . MAKE': INSURANCE, eiatecpermanetct or lim lied ;mod nst Inas or damage by fire, on PROPERTY and Klf I.IICTS of-eso7 , description, in town - or Country, on the most reasonable terms. Applica tions made either personally or by letter,'wlll be promptly attended to. ttatbs of Insuraime;c 11.edneeii .. _. . . . PERPETUAL RISK. • Briok•or Stone tlwe lingsor stores -• • , . - from • - 23 to 3p c cleposite . . do - - do Chore les • t 3 (0.3. do , do ' -do-Tamer is -.3 to 4 AD . do do Batt• 4 to 9 do .do do Staab! a (private) 4t05" do do do-Stahl .8 (public) 6to 7f do do do Grist Midis,. Water • • Power, 7} to I 0 do ANNUAL RISK. . ~ . Brick or Stone dwellings and Fur- - Mime from - -,--- 30 to.'4oOsloo talue - do do Stores and Nlerellan- - dice 35 to 50' do dO . do Tatve:s and Furniture ... 40 to 60 i 'do , . I'o -- do Barns and Contens 65 to 73 (10 do. do Stzbles (public) 5..11. 11.VRRI3. tf-1 6 ----. " — T0010 150 dd . - do du Grist Mill and Stock • 73 to 80 dc Frame and Log dwelling - inn For. to r- t o do do Tuverueand Furniture ' - 60 to WO du do do Citrus and Cont.:ids 90 to IAO de dci- do Cris: Mills soil Stook 90 to WO du The subset fiber is agent for the abocncompany ler Carlisle anti, its vicinity. i. 4.11 applications fer tiliser:ince either .by mail or 'personally will be; preraptly_attetitled — to. W. 1). SEVSIOUIt. June ft), 1144. • Iy-33 North American Insurance Company effiglidelphia.--OapAtals6oo,ooo. CARLISLt AGENOi. yu JOI6I.ItAYS. tf-32 directors df ti ie company to order to mil the times, have determined to retitle, the rates of premiums, on'Franie arid Log Buildings, to give an opportuuity,.to all Property holders, to avail them. selves-elits ativiintagear:— . On frame or Log Buildings 50 Ms. on $lOO On Brick aid! Stone. • 4tl ets: " SIOO On Merehandize orTundture in Stone (la:Brink Buildings,— --40 coo-pm • alu x ztuppi • , .-PERPEI4I:IL--lELSAS, ..OnStone or Etriek—n! — didings,AvilLbe,taken n(s2s or'$1;000; the priedi lobe returned to dui, party in ' 'euriiag upon dernan,d;Tdedfictinefive pee. cent on the amount of.reinium Void. ' Application either inpereon or by ietter wtll re iltive Imixtednite attention. Februiti7 1'4;1844 eit4M22ol2il . • WH.ERtat --unier-,914-pretence-of.-tithe,..de.- • rived 'front s idry Unrecorded • I)eeda and dons of .thel.Tatirt`of Cr:c.tmon fleas of cuinber laad county, and Alin Sepreini.tlonrt Of 'Mils State havii btettliftlayetifriinduleat and vaid,large - quattl. titles of chestnut I anti other: valuable' tirnber•have been cut upon the:litids'known as.theMount Holly Etude! the public arti therefore kerebynotifiet4that the said esta4t,coißistink of all the fractelt. luurl.at any thes,ugen iince the osar_lBl6;in 'connexsonurith' the.Afonntire q y Won froiks, (excepting seCii ors arta as haie lance been sold 'by thersahserlber..) are the property of the Futanera' 'AfeChanics' Bank, by-vittne ota . efinveyante by.tlieSheriff of *l'd catti ly,: in - Aurisr,lBB£l , e, nit deeds not recorded' - within eIX nill . ollB _ from the tinie‘loGitheittexeCittfola are; bY ActOf Atteentkyl , :, dated 2T.th'May`''l7ls, .!e r 14 ill and voidViiiif- -. !ubsovenCpnr-. Chase ;that the t a xes Maio beenWitilarly paid, dn.; every tract forming of tali*, estate.'from the first occupatiini. tio to the present , timed t hat' hy act of Assonddy, datedr.stfith ,Match,., ii 24, the '!.tutting. hatiling,ipuiChasing, e m ploying , of .cottirrs to out _or haui, any Ober frees.upon or trot* ftio.fatpds ol anntlitir, 'Cithout;the of the..tene ; otsoch„is ffie'ti ndn:indlOtable effiince andlhat;thu'ObScriber. beivontipliiiijiltnekimlnst - siki a law Ito !natter uktler,;Arliat . fradutent - pretence don itterupt - etrA , alsei:gifedn'ficlifit of 'on ootists for sechilitformathhiasmayleintAilhe ipprehenSioap_unt rvis,rrir - , - ,nocr .. .storfortifeTaiiito, lion: urineeh:And Oyery,offentler,- : • • _ • j.tV.4l4l;qll6otlAWl''''.:: be corn= 'irlltig iitin_hg' ribef:.l y 491., criefiiilll Cnrii• ',"-1-fiaal" Oiilthiti,l!,o Ilmt76leggitsrpaTENT ' l4°in i d e I tlit' rifulliSq,lll) TElArlS'aioAo,l7.ibr, I7TP, • 'i,_' ----%-, , ' 'Vrallhikorthir womb "the •. .E: IftU~SJ. ND cit irr 4 ,_. l4 l )4 lTg e r4 e 9 eo ,- them tip-14101mo j i ' and. , nill,t" un'''''' mb4, l" ‘" , -Mid reiii4sta-Pqmbhiha. with 1tg1" 6 ",, ,„.. s n , s t n e r ---- th e m ~, ..' 4 rhein inetiiimenci ar e 'lol:74otiluas:wijun:o7iimiliv'o'oris!hlikaa—tihits,u-e_i4iuttirinal,to4ol7:lnliosoliole:rlttea varridii,et=q„:47.,l7ohntill wall ihesalaairvn,en___,,(E%, 'd :....I=nti,erthe Alter fie nu No the °fir:Pl rtf4riraPioUntri. Illadlaik AfinPY,4p.t2l_,l ~, ! ):,..,,,,b , ,,a ysiloß ;foul ,fie!tWrgippilfigisq4prrP 4000 ,Ath4 tt ipT, h . ViiktqaAr6 0 ' t., lr le7 liiihielltiko44)PgitilUA,o* i *o r 4 f3 Nite:tty,' . ,Fr,.„iii.j.-o‘,ol . PRESCRirkON' Office 1 6 3.4 -Chcenitt street -‘C. N. 13ANc411E1.. "rest, do Stores and Niersloan .. dite 'B5 PREMIUMS REDUCED - -J,011N;3.-,7IIIY.ERSc7 • iy-1G 00,rniati on;In , *it kilay ( 114 01 11 , i ?Li-k';-Ck AtrAti,4! ) ..4.174 P4141.--grl WA* 4 " , A* lila (Rioßai;l4llB, - f : , i l "'"ltC‘era 'egetalite IE4 lyacts that diuretii4 'oranuand'iathartici,!l which chin: in•:inhipted , to,, , ,'sniritAforma.of di wag": ::eiria.t WOOD, yonagaild old, kr-, h Aierreat safely'.4 it boat. intorfe its,. occupation, or i'egular course. o. • • d • . all. times be fOund sarvieeable Alf;11 , "insifik atiamanli iind,..howele; as , litioirvbneaule, contain Ipit';',Slit'stit t arilli4iitl.. office- • ex ' Ara"titin their,nompaTeliion,- thorn preferable:to:ol' cith'PTllls. • ' . •• .• - iffokellhati Kay nail: in variciup•dise"se", "nil: where all other the read thieiyi f forilicr-publication rfr:thiam.ladeortincl-,un— ndeessary, on, aecciunt,qf the great expenae..: - • '''' , lrliforelha*- - 100;000430X . 6 • • have been eel& Philadelphia'alonciAlie Mist year; thus Simi hit thc - plifemwhpi , e'tliefmre factlrr'etl,' they have a. repithitlen;greater than bay other ari s espills-,whiciv fact thats Dr. 'ily is well known. at iid:the as a regular - Physician, mid 144 consellueiitlY , i!raployeil with greet er eonfitkurelloio any ., other;, fi> atll44oil to their 1. , 'et: it' be' .r emem' 6irecV . kis pot the4inlitity,' of pills or7other metiiciiie you 'can - getter - the sane: money,' is - the bait or cheapest Met quality.' Of cheap Meillcifies Sor• you-, of courseigeLthemitiiiniinaLtock atic . i minced to 'take the more; under -the impression ira Mite Alike good oinoru win do More - geoir - tFni shops et- yourstemclis r causing oftentimes •serious injury ( toyenrselves• rev life.• • --I)7..:Mif.f_'F.l3l-i-Mit_Pill-liicri,c,mnirrellttmere:exF peili4eingreilienitiotill require inure igieety and la bor Ober opparalos alone' fur preparing the Mantels nentainett in his pills, costing over three thoiisiisUdollars. .. rrice 23 cents n box. ' • . -Theyf-arriliireirakd_only; maLsolil_wlioleaal4 •ami rtaiii3; - ; 1 4r0r:a.. - eittri - tienith - Empqrtunv. - .lgo - 191 North &coinl street below Vine st.. Also b • ' iole_4genr_for_CMlisle, _ IY, Juno .26,1844 4 ,1C0 The Public. THOMPSON'S COMPOUND. SYRUP . OF .;TAR AND WOOD, NAPTII4.. Cure of or . Ptilmoltaky _Consumption.. OF dieeases :incident to: &as: cliOnite.' innie_sp Inds:ern! and at - the ,same tints especially - Pulmonary Consumption ;sempli -a scourge , nnilin-its-resistlesseareer-sweept land as it,destroying , ,Angef;_inying ley still) less hand the stronge'st and fairest of our I-nec ei to efforts to arrest this dread ill seek have ed in vain and all that seemed is illikli_our pp. at best the alleviation of suffering, rendering what smoother-the certain progress-to the to; The Compound Syrup Of Titr.la it:e.nrni heretofore unknown, exciting a power ov er case. scarcely conceivable; hay lig a succoe on thu mucous tissue and at the same nine la the whole system under its powerfolli.flenee plctcly eradicates the cause of disease be it I tary or otiierwise; and thus by striking at t of The complaint imparts tone. to debilitated 'affords renewed vigor to the general system reataestlie patient to pernivent heuitlt ing the rollowi - wards blovja tnikt Bliss 'I eon's Compound - Syrup of ' Car for Consul "visitant which none is genuine: - Price 511 cents per-bottle. Six bottles for For'sale in-Carlisle bv. - . . • T C FEVENSON, Sale A geht. May. 29, 1841. . 0ka1t.22.• woz - DUMP CUD. DEPURATI V SYRUP . For the ears of Oiistinate Ernptions of the Skin; -Pimples or Pustules on the Face; Biles - which arise . frinn an impure lan. of body; Scaly . Eruptions; Pains in the Bones ; Chrome Rheumatism; !Fetter ; Scrofula or filing's - Evil ; White Swel lings:, Syphilitic Syniptoms; and all dis rderi arising. fro tn—an_impo re stilt the blood, either by a long resi,lionce in a hot and unhealthy ellinfite, the injudi cious use of Me .ur , Tiiis Medicine lu,s -- dzy- _, ;,.'highly beneficial in Viirunic•Uptiglis, or, " G Ids pflong standing. This..Afe)lichie. has been extensively 'veil in the United §411:61..v.it1i decided benefit iii Scrofula, Mer curial all cases grim ulcerated char acter, As ithntterativt...--b&tlie spriii; and tall sons, it is It liossesses may udvantageS Over the dveuttinn, nail is introduced as n prepara tion there InSrbible, lint liable to injury by lung keep ing, and better 'adapted ti 'be use of persons travell ,ing•Or residing sitliroad. • rlietprowletor begs Awe to cull attention to the following ethtitictites. s acted from a large num cr approying its 'einem:Yr 7 This certi6l.42Qyat mr wile Nirs. Deem, had for nearly eleven y revs suilivell from a scrofulous crap lion resembling letter a hich ate deep holes in her face, neuk . Auil ittirts,the constant discharge of which destroyed her health, mullfriiimentiv - conhited lierfor different periods to her bed, cloying which time her sufferings were very great. nett medical mum.. 111111= was , ofitaillea, and all the known remedies were tried with but an alleviation of her uomMaint, whieti always maimed with increased malignity.— 'Having lost all napes of recofery, she had almost determined to give up the use deny othee'rnedicine; she was ligi . vever. by perstinsalon,thailueed to try Oakeley's Lein:mays of Saraaparilla ~ the use of fivelottleif of Whielf - hati:rerinived the disease, stud yes 'MlR — we tt) (areal-- I'HO3II AS 1/EE:11 , , opposite the-depot, Reading, l'a. .... . . • l'his is to certif • drit illy little. soil, about eight years old, had sudered fora long time from exten sive snves on .the right knee. Anti leg, supposed to hive been white melting, which 1 foundAinpossible to iheal,.even_hy..tlie.. out o( the Mint respectable , mein - did ii"dViCe, until - 1 wPiirecinntitentledto use NI ic Pitkele3 ,o wCompound...Syrup_of Sarsaparilla, 8 ,bot- 1 tleliTsfrvllitilt.not.olllonkilliffflo.frqb l l-11'9 1 '40Y: restored the child's healttn.which had. sitflimed much' in consequent:eel dila Offen' i 0n, , .- -,. • ~..- .. _ - - • —CAT1L.111131.E...1115,111.E.MAN.,-......,... -.., . - ~ .. , ~..-(thi a bote litiint,Sfeeisfilteatllng, ' .-.2.lrtle_above cavemen pregen Nl_ o ins ,ot Before, and after the use of .111t". - :011keli - 's Syrup pi Saila. perillaiand I hays-no-liesi,tation in believing that it was the sigentfif, hitrestiiktion, - •. ' .. .Ir.:' - '. --, ': - :- JOIIN P. 111 ESTER. 31. D „ -..,... .• •• Ln- , • - , S,•• Dotroz,meneimx, A'9ol # , 0; tt43,, ".. • . • M r::dek'eleyrel=4l , ly, son .. E!lniMi 3 / 4 1, too o ,,fihd this earoftele lii niibet ; •th•eatlftil;ariit , •thetythitlng enen. iner for:.tlireel °deviate lug, whisk ,:tunic- he' was de- ipridedrtir'tlib usi.V..of hfir lttn,hs, .hisjhend end nesk were ceiVe . ebilliflijittliftW:lt.e".: - tried elf ilie'lliflerZ ..e4t,:terrlpd leioldp . i tib`ell'et tinth - reeinittaiiikety Dr:•4:lofinioiyifjgo rrleiLWo',. and aliiri , A3r. , . - twos Hieitti, of.ltnading, to '.use youil)Elitn;iiiii.Syriip of Bareaparlol4 - 9f,w, hl OhltheellTese n ferithlnntlee; thOivie of Wh ic h fitoye, the :thecae° eiitlieli - tint 9f his system; the pores' healed iati,itial':.the child was. reeteretlio nerfeet health, viblah he' hite eejiiyetl an- Interruntetlly ever ileeoi-ter the- getoafet#nent.or Ma,: i i i ny,perso s..wlio - ti . „ hi m . derinehjei,. afilfettlia.'. I' have , :tliii ght it: inik'lllety, Mitt' lend-:yeti Attie derthl-, 4nitei'lhitt oallinfti - whii - Asie a like' afflictfee 19,t,he', le niklll, "Itkho,,,..w*llqt*: fO,Olittilti oti'vtottoitpleo:tomp ;ot,iiiii7, , Voi . ,,';t YiiiiiVtlittl.f.!' , '. -4; • DtLEAP - : , ...g 'i . ;;.':5614.1 , b) , .54%. , 0 , .:§ 1 . , r,pv,4N50N,';''. , Pir1. litiliiiindjithe , foll4*ing-A'gentii iii:Cuitbeio lkiVetiiiiii. , ,'. • ',..:•:, . : 7777 . .:':-'..' , jl4;:viiiiiiiktiv:Oiiiii,iio,ol,4,l. - ..',-; ... - .. e.: - .. - : - ...:' - li -, . 7,' - 71!-Jitill.. 111 t1iiirfit,liohtierto . tvni-''i' , ;,.-,., -. ' , 77 - :;:i. - .... - ... 1 : -:-: 4 .-AVnti - :Bi.: G: - .Lontion; Klngetii4.,,-, , : ---•- : ;-,a.-, --:-,,,:.. -iW.l.4l,r,ro•••Drettetti - ,)Tiiirill,. ll' s pi - 7,7,7.V7.;;-.''. -- '.' , ; ; ;-,,,JecObilliirkherff'.'ele.;-A .. ,,in:,,P:',.,;;::. ; 1 4iiW ''''':: r ":.... ' ±..-LireiglittAMO;,Z*ollAl V:,',.., - !;7,,,',...:::: . *..,, , , t - A, - , - . ~*,4T,cAthlorf o ?par- d .• -- - -7,.) , ~' ~,,:,.Noviaiii.6;l.B44:' E • :--7'-f4"*.")-114,722. „ ,rprimarlkilfrio_vEgamiNsm ; - 'MOM , • 17 ,ukiltvt4lXos:VALtEir . .MUTtrAl t EROVV-Pilltkliti-111401.TGH•Onnew-.L--PRPTECTIONICOMPANY4'being-itteinlici iiiring•tgiiii anr 6itteivibtiiii's*hich he has now for . 1 ntdd by titliiti.he itOgialataieefthe preientses; •' 'aide, Cumbeiiii nil erased. 'He designs ' by ihe • slorhandlully unaerillo first wniddle. Of t'Mai•ohttiest, direct ion _, of the folloiying , hoai.d.ntivlantm ers, viz: • ber:.of them timplighilhe different toivnamnil fither ThoinalW. Miller; John Moore; David W.. - MO T publ la:places of the enmity; where flirmerteanudge Cullotigh, Ja ni Moore, %mind Dr, their excellence: r prices .trijl be Jewi i n - At'.. tialbliuth;-.l:linintikl'atitoa',.'.it, Wier; l hilip . „ Spangler', Wiitithi, , Aliralu Kurtz: nGeorge . Broriille; Smitt,DoyleAill iheattevitioopt I—'l • ;."-• • • • - • • • - ant' of -Cumberland-Valley to the cheapness of their litalso' deluges to pat a supplAsf„in Many, Of the Kites intltha;iiitiby :advantitgea'whitikthli . ..tind of • :,lidtillailinces.,.ht and' Mit of the CU*. Alight of Insurance has over any otheri , -;- , t--iiq-, T - - Ats duality, viill.coet„hut little. •Like another paints Ist. Everyituirsoniusiireillkoomes a imeriber etie - s74ll4.,lllolar:gtett7alit but foe weal ler, a' hirzeitipanalliabetrtiarl - lirtheilmine - it,effieciris - --- , - iititber',.obrick nest - Verb very la - concerns: e'Vettosterliadhereamcietininiely.then 21-= E'er surance: -more lir dpnlaildeij 9.t. atLiithpy_ppki_rti: , ey..graraatca,- &cc_ in An% necessary : to xneet lite ; ez ems of 'Alio tnpanyAud peighborhonillitive-fieen pithited ffiifa year past; scimo indemnity af t. i i li t pl -whioh'inas" hipien.• •'• . others WitilWater, and aro now - turbylein - - ."-,'S3&-,The wehlefide:of VOideilLby-:insaritig:forafterm_of,five,yearai____ , greitpresetwatire of timber,possessinggrenitenatiiit I ntiliefos,', can be tiier' foo any poriii.d• from one td T C five ants tf-la tth Any t pericniapplying titeration ust give • his premium notafbiribireliettikuti:Aslasaliillie-rara -tiflivicpercenhiiea, 'fin-width-lie will have' to pay sit2,6o for five 'years; • and--$1;50 for Barley:and-1191104,41nd_ no_more_unleas • he ties sustained to agreater. ailment ilinnlhe funds on hands will r:oier", tulthen tio mere Will reqii ed 'than a pro iiiiire:-Jliete rates are much cheaper than those - of, other cempanies, except such us arc incorporated on same principles.: • .' •.' ' THUS: -311LLElt, PrOst. A. mLitEn,seoy, , . do not Despair 11'i - 1'0)41 , 80/V8 Cotnixiiiiid.,Simup of Tar,. the the miist 'certain:a - nil" powiinfti4 I.einetly krioiriffor theettri oftionsumption in nil its stagesi. !iron •liiiis ChroniWeetrgli ti pitting; of Wood Elena Liter Complaint nail • Chronlik sof the Kidney's.- • • • • • • ` - Read the fo4wingt , : "•• • • •-• • . Pfii ladelphia, 84.9, 11frrST Toostosott-I)Citf7Sir: I.7yomachso,b - gratitude - tn7yoilltuillolesire-thatalreitilliftethfilir Mice recourse to Your itivalunble medicine, I .would stale the benefit hate experietweil from its atse---.For.soulo-time_in.44.tlxgr. - iiiliefFEshi iiittfii 411,tteco - iTittl g pea nypiTssion and difileOly'tikbretitilliewitll4- seiskt ' lino of - ti - gidness *elite — chest 7. - -liecomitig-..grentl3- alarmed a friend who hatl..been much bilmilitted,by your -medicine recommended' Mc to try it - 1 done so and in a very short time everyalarrains•symPtom. disappear - Cill_YnY - eaiiefoFifiixrvbeaitfie'lree'.idrbv- - )reisioeleft use my augh teased and in a few days was a c o go out anLatten to my minces a well .matil_Any_furtiker.-fillormatitin_wilLbe-telteetrulty_ giveni; the a - filleted - byl• calling at my residence No 103 Smith Front street 'JOS I . IIONIAN . A-Mt requent Mill MEI I `c VALUABLE , ' --1111-I*-M-011-1( 111 V fie tie` of the imwe" "ti t:l t :Xl nontamed,ist % ilio •.hitt wit' 7 0 41 jtate,the 111toLtrt Elszoixo d .1 now °tierr Carlisle Iron .: W o rks, c ! vuo tt sr3ol4 ott oit t i e c ti reu o r n ini tt e o :p•ha Y sta e . ll l46T o w 42oheo .B esa t iala tvl' e cl ae tg ec ß ilresizavb : h t it t let e oo : :irt i A...:l6 4 l 7: 3 :l2a6: ni ttnor i 4l44. l l : : , 41. new iiitit(OHANT MILL not i o so re t m.a l tcli w ir l l i t ti o ne niet4:l and t n t l ar e l I l ik e it :P : e :it dill' Ho e4 B l l l l l a 4:l7 : lT so ledl i e e4 , 4 l 4; cal b p : , : r d tr : : ; I : r o d ! : be' s : : nil' a i r i t e : e he :l l Tri o : I : l 4— u g i b t eg r s : : I l e : P I I t na r v n , N i t u i 1 l e d s : v is ie l B o e T h :ti l l L u g' : n i l I Il i ,n : ° l' : ti = 3 l 4.. w i n''l , i t t eit i it : . I 14 : 64 : 4 , , U n l ie t I tz o l) : 7 8v°1 1 S al : oi l: a l P il t .. l : I 1 1 : 5 : 1: 4 1 : 91 r ite e h : y t i i ll n e n " I : " :lig: : l i l t v k l e ' s ) s k g . P . . . and ettttbliokbUill ff th° trili ' ' ' ',, u ndligexbitintilide s in trgedoN for koh 0eft..17, n r ce Ail l ere I. perlutEs with'," 2 n)ili or -th& 1 1 " 4616,11.1• somigeogou. nd Ittn 'Worms i, Penn!: y iee hi eeedithatiot4 &aw tulteabl6t and cm! , t g!'ivatbr Trottel' IVO the intVititient or Cilikt in 'e u de • d to law ot.ittor ifitiikin• gfeat tlint'it might b e ext . , irmuesif .er i g ilehaw factur.,int P ut P 443 ;"1 4 " . . t r* mtoriris of ~,,,,,,, ..,..... ert or °pro, ' e P will I:" 1 1 ``'''''"' ii ,b y t v" , ci tt , . insid.loll bn nititleko gistjtV.V4o.4 , , i . 1 t r " 'i h 1 .. r o iltl &calm* fi ) ,(Xi c = a e I Aft' 1.5 / "bailliilb.Qiii,l9,tB , 4 t l I , _ 1 lai . ,' irCu 4' - - / 1 4KT i irt il i t :ger-4¢ 3 0 .t * avgatrigirp',o)o4o#oo4' ',444•ERVE,elfm.hcartivia.suletx'a .. y,:-.1.:1 , :;, , ,;;;;;;',.• I,', r.',„ c Onstrinixiiint ..• - ks Prociiiim it -Price-50 . For s A le in Cnrlisle by • '-T C STEVENSON; Solo Agent E: VGl:S,aiul groun peep _ they 0. • 81111i1.!5telfcrti iticilicioe hi wilt . ... Myr inotts Itreuolti 11th o,ery-11.1.1y Frt.etviiiii EMI.; of the Alereliants sizine, says they entiell I.ls 6,itgll in a ley 'hours.— The Rev. of the Al eltattgal strtet eliurchovas eared of 31 11/111 cold 111 . 111 C11;101111 . 0114 dap__ 'I Rev. \ Ir. Anthony, of the \ I ethoiliar Church, ainseUrell of ri)...ll:wiltirkit SIt1:It .I ‘N'S /ZE.V(II'.:4 bait estived -Ili, lives-of thousands. Ask W. F... Evans,-K4, fi I Walker st .1. Porn Ftl lott. It. RA•11111Sley; 171.11; 11111'1114 1 ,1111 1 1 111 . 11,1 . 1 Hlll/111 1 il - 11) Cl.lllll, Wlllll 111111Ta1.k o f SlltAElllllll's •and thee will till 011 thry atse eat:client-41e ei.l) . in fallible SIIERMAN'S CA NI PllOl2 . I.f YZENCES are andislotea I 131.14.11ebf1. 111WINA•6% ni 1n:11'11S:1111i 111. 1 1911111111.911v -- (11 . lilt . e 111,1116 Ut 1 1.1 1 .1p/11111 0 . Clllll. Cha d w i c k , o fthe Wellington, Mr. Auk,rninii,thegresit sign painter. May on Chl,l4‘; - 111111,14 . 1110S11,1•1"V 11 , 111 y 45; 7 ." 5 their ive ottani i —cost.; 11. etaita, and i; ettre 1 lit tittuAltin, limiting°, pain or weakliest in the aide, or hook; also piles 11111 they vinCWllllllll,i tell applied to the part. Ask..loii flash.. or any 01111 14110 11/18 11S1 1 11 11,111111 Wlllllll OVA . 1;3 (*Jr one sooner than five cents for all Other plasters.' Said in Carlisle at 11,t.F.ITtlit fit EX F.FOLERII Hook Store, least Eno,Eno, U'. l street, who tire sale Agent; for Cu etas. • And Angle k Creits3n, Sldppensturg. TilE TRUE PMAF. 1:1 E, • ryTais long rstablislsed and Curia /4A 1113•Velai nil Chat, orrhiroreqhness , tf the Ilan lui el lips, - from the pielving elrects ol cold weatin r. It Ow wires Froord Feetund corns; ,IluwP, Scalds. Stile nod Sot:l'll'l , g cr itr.• Ghouls: 11 will kri•aili pain of Itln Glut Oa 111 . 14 , and if mrs......red 1,1 will perfmlo Cifre. tt remotes irf.i t ptes MOroiltet.Firt.prOms, is - eseeeitigS , ly Imp' for Sors.'llreuits.,..mil the Chafing of laps, ke. tits useful for Camp rs Inobre thll pct hroken;sittut remedy for the Piles. It will cUre Sore 'Ehrom..,nud all inllmuittion or ioonowohloo. .0 which the Skitt,is lishle. 8o il.toloulde is lids compound deo those who lopie'oorrAroted lien, w ill ucis.o. he without it It mlniu its viques nothy rears and iii sli climutesmut is tillaVrtlll. l V . errCliti:lll . lll those who go to atn, uld • Prepared and oold.w i) 'E.in C 8. , * Tr. si • i-r--- - - . '.... it, Fr,N - s'int., ' . . . . No. 1, Sotolt Second ntreet, only mil!' dune from - Market street, l'hilaittelphit.. - ---- -.';-,----.- ••_ .. Noneenuine . witliont hissignnittri. on dielabel; Sold by rtiendidi, - Dritgglifit, - Pct footers, tt - ir. --- : .• Wad! 27,1844. .. dni.22 ' N. 1.1. - kreif fil;erld 'allowatico to Dealers.- ----- .._... ER & JAMES, 7 orWar g. 3:1111:33 11 r.) ,tsi BROAWSTIMIL • - XIEr E. roipeetrully _inform' our I:rieitile t , oil; custo# -LT.-1 1 '..-piroi-thul.Wo• liiivit,itik.Ul.l,ti iii,rgo....iti.ii..O-oiii -1 ititFuliottir 1,17,104.: kotiaO on . thu,lleit_iwtiOu t :44,q..:42: . l,T:. •W harroft;.het w en - Aro!' tiollAkticei wild tit ttoutirxion :with out lire, triliese.. - oti "71Pcittil.sti:e . et, 14!!4. t.. 10:. we are.nOw.:totitly tO.'-reoeitie letorti. awl aft `fillleV, ~- ~,..,..,, 1 tr ., 1 ),r , Caiial:Nuvigotrutr or 4211 . ,11 - o . wdzi:,.. renetl .. , :,,:, Wm. 111: 'Alm ray; ...., } ._., . ... . ~, , ; ;!.....I:..l : ). l lltitiufli•ry,k Seyniout.;' , ' ,l Citulisle: . '7 . •, 2 %; : ".1,-,.,,Nr..A.1, D..,is. .... —v ~ , ~ ,;..,t , 7 htafitit , g7ill)44: ..,. , . r.-.,. .: ~ 911141 Iruh .o,uat4 -,:;, . The totioiving tenth:diet' hnin'beeiChripointed' , _ = -Arn Day, AlezhallieAhheg. Ismes Kennetly,4-71 - Ui.,Newvihe: Clemens 111cFavlane,Ctirlisleit: • Jaeohltheeni, -• do. L. II- Willian's,isq. Weiitp'enusboro! - Cul. Jas. Chestnut, Lees-X-Itends. Joe. M. Atoms, Esci. Isle'%oJurg. • • ' • — lref. JOhn Hoggish:4h: - • - -• - • Stephens Culbertson, Shipensburg. Peten McLoughlin , p June 5,1844. : ly-'• Olt-WK - STEELLING' Fa _ maim -alledactne , ARE. NOW ACKNONVI.ED9Lp ON ALL .UANDS TA BE VIE VERY - BERT REMEDIEB ,IN =3= Sieellingps-Pnlinomiar Contains Mi most eiitrao.ritinciry curative • . - H - proptiti - erfirr - Cotrglr4 l . - Johts; - Cfrn • Hon - , ilsthnin. Spitting Blood, Crops Mettsles.'- Hoarseness; Difficulty . Breathing. Pains in the 4 reast, Side and all Diseases of the.: Pulmonary Organs. . rjr turs - bb - enirstil7niiii - I tci-as • • toubibi leg ett.-ative qualities testified to by many orthe 'Host respectable citizens of lite 1 7 1.11‘1181ules. We do dot --nay moilibt clues the BRA ZEN FACED gilvki;K-, intalibility for our eiticitnso • but WWI, totted the medicinal u of the Strap," hi au eXleusi to Mid %aided medical - Rum:dee for many years, will. remarkable success, We unliesilatio gly pronounce it one or the very best l'apacras in theaorWor Pulnimtry - llik;- .easys: A single trial will 41torouglily- satitti ionellmt - ilhrimr - mtmm MOD (FICHA — NoIi. trums of the dm s— but that it is metlicifie Of real Value, u ordiy , ta Ie hi et cry faintly. Its unprece dented low price is another stratgrecomine'mlation; while other Gough or ['tantalum' Al eilichicasike sell ing for $l.OO and mme,STILIONG'S 1-1 L 31614- ARY SNILU , fns flit quit' ke. pre :yor sale iti its Mirk*. ui SAMUEL Suite, East MUM st burg ne %I( NI. BELL'S a Story_ d.raiol44h,- nut streets. Also at A ir B le auti-Cratm.'A 'Drat Store. Shippritsbure. . Febrdaty 14, g 4;!: - Israel. Deleemaires Nerve and Bone Rheumatic Liniment and India ii Voidable .Specific. A %(A 1111ANTiO CURE FOR RI Ik:UM A TISNI • arr-hillktl4-4.-V-etvettlitle-Bit-hife-P d !"-- - EpIEICULIAIII. I Y benefti.4l in tello. awl Bilious "X — evers. Sever and Liver Lompkalta; Also the me 4,1,4. c, warranted top:More Supyi Swum Its es. x itluult in juring- lie skin or health. Many verilfiynies ut In 'heel - Heavy of the above nlmfteines might ity . thievid, but rite prom iel r Buisfied_that all-the 1i; conintetitlat• it yet , d a None genuine widiotu the signature of Coinititiek & Tiler. " Sold in Carlisle only by STKI•ENSON, lu Shippensltairhy April 17, 1844. STUMBAUGII & 1100 \TIC 13.'11 $.-= ELLVDIT OFFERS hir at bury redth.4l piiues, xitl abbw•tineitAgt • Errugs, Ittildicinesi-Dye-Ztufazy- PAINTS. tte. to,grilier with • .. „itationtirt., Foie Cali Palter, hi the Ileum, Letter e 0 • - . SlitTi'll - liri I iii: tirmitt, Sil t ei Peorils;Drii w tag l' Sable heo , df., pro iVilig Piliser..-Seitlitqp- - -Wax, EV liters, Vipiliiiivex, of a row .' quality, ('waling hroaliea,* Gratr - tug do. Sliiivisig du. Teeth go, - Field) do., Shaving. and .. • Toilet SOIIIOBII . I great - .. , vOriely,Varoibh,. Spiro Ground aisti-',Ung+ottnif § - *Together with evem othtlretrtiele it. the Drug lint. • aeatteititui-ao 4 4Yai , t4 ri.u r tuttal..Ll i k;•••haottLawL,,-:. - I)iathhiviglolitiitethrasfitnillettirtitilietticejl„arviTi y low privea-Vio.-Liiisti---...,-- • .( • carlisiti, March - 15, 1843.,.....--.-- -- - ti -• - , DitaUSYS INFASELAIRFLPS TWEI.AII ANIS X:•IIALF CENTS A BOX: - Thre — p - rigirietor 13( . 41,d - 6 - invaluable - legacy, of ifieenf man..11;1111 for seine Aline !aped to ,proaelii.thein to rho - - Milk in an ailihirtisenient. 'The , reason is a Jail' ' , olle .. sy - t — witiwiltterg usa given .adriffriEffilli, ant . sii Strongly hurt, they:been recommended to one wi ndier that it hiligieen'utterlydasiblelo 'slippy 1 - 1:17 , & - iciiiiqc:GUlrilii - i,i - iiiiiiit for. counts y agents. Du- - :rinifilielieesent 4n6ndh:riinilAiliiiii 6.0 liundreilgrirss. . or-iiinrly r 1 illt'l'Y ,T II u Li . S . AN I) 14 0XP:lime ' been sold in Allis et - qr:4okt viciiiity r unil - supplied In, . Agents thronglnint 'he , thiitiiil•litates,'sitil-stniny qr.. ; n tlerelliiVe,l:lool rift hand Weeks betbee:thei.could by •filliiit. ' lii Ilia it iiireiti,itot the spirit'of proldieey 0 ~... foretell the day; •kr IhOn'll k o Oliik , ,r,tiiiii"..osc :i.itt b.... dist, involitottl,i Illeiiiirlfittil4ner 116 1 1mi:tin hush • the gemitVitt:llliesici:pliWnieriett:evor..ssw, ~ .. : ; 'I kit;.IIEALTI I I'l I.lS' hni.e cured, ~se on I •,..... 1.4* [reined - 0 eti high InijihSsqile f thillnivit eesinrt ,' lerhud "henith' hundreds 'ti kr Innhionglanguished.p '•,. ' Os of patio ; they Imre °per ioiLlike nehmen' .Antier.:': .411 other medicines lulled Lft:c, rir., 41 relief, the: linia 'glee° Minikirt :to the atell:Mid' hopetrtlii , thispairingi thrly'liirve ronccirrititir ills nritre:yous_FL- AiittAtrint:.444.lo"J:titlirt - 0 - :the — iiifil,''' iiirrerit; t lie: 'T seem to :possess the . , properties' nacrilicil;br,.t.ht7i!T Idly mists, nf. Mentes. 'gay s to•tlist ,11iMxttirthat'oy, ..ri .. ,, .: AMY 1tY,A 1 4 41 .i that iniiiritteOtor iiilitin . ltly!i;iti:t;iljarniv,•• erwjnyh; tkey,. lisp:led hing ,. iini. 4 !, 1, ,q , ,0 4 7..,!N1A' , , , r isbor.afitlitudr. - ;•'!:;'''• ''•'' '.:.' , `:' , 'y'r!..' - i" ''' ',".•• • `"'-'Bokr R' 041101e0t CIiNgEWiPt . E - `,& : : HUN, ' TER'S -Book', siOisi-:!Eastl4Ekti.•.ol.ot, who , tir... solo A'gonts ctitllitliSll;;':;ic: , -, :i.,: ~,•....,,,,,:.:,... '‘, Anglo - At IGi6iii'li, Shfpponsbnre; ''' 1.. ,, ,. .7 ,, -L1...1,-....,,,,...!..v,.....0,..!:.),..2*....45...._..,.„..,., OE • ,•, ffi . •_,A a l 0 - 0, I#Q 60, 1 t . - - • • ,ANOTAHR ASTONISHING PROOPi 1:1 - r:. i'..,•-' :• • .::,;;;; 5 :•;, - -ii'6cii:giertkirli: Jletrige4B - 1844.7' , ' j e t „I L • llRig. ._eltrOgp 1111.RonsAliince.,o ~ , over•cloi.tC. tiOninlial - T:l9„,!anniljoi, ,ms!;llruptin.a4l 'a hind" yo4o_ hi:. yin' a,,Flil,kw . aiLiolloro , 44 . ..profue:f i splidok a Blo ni and conitivtane dabilll so dna ".,,, hail ta . stbp - wok. ' n•OiankfillUb beit(millical tfea, , ,,i Anant - bot the;l4cadi ,k6fe.tiload :,*er . y;',9,44iit 0,a(R7,41 ~ 'panled a iiliteT,dic ' In a' abort tinto - 41 CIAO cain9o4 .w,itlfgrlkii:lalipre'saloii; tiiefia fa vie atiitiriFglit '461 A , .. friiiimf ivent on; g i vilindlvglool9i: , Waire and;11)i 1 / 2 1 as* \ aolatdete!y . ; diseatilardfnol3ll9;utAirt) . ni6 1, 14. 1 ! . 0. , 11 , ,t nJ1011•141! , ir .. . ri lUD los - Cori is . xibiind , Syruita t n'adWlllthlKee4 . iraduit I, Rot. nef;; ' thr4ktan othe r 4,4inef Oda!' ~. titaa .1, gradually lin) iiroiipl Lnd 1 nOw',beat;,roy• taidinlony f 0: tka Taljap,al , aim totf tv*difiatili.*ltichlidbOtte.4 'iOktil44 Iztiii, rd idoied ol'an'ta hea1t1144.,- . 7'-' ,,, .__ ... %.1 t - .1(;':; `_,:.,_.••'":.,: 1 ~ ..2, , , , L1 ;!Y"10 . t.,F:tL.,_..13 - ' 4 ^ ^O . 'P ' iniriliOLlUN,' .. : 2 _,.._ i'i-frid..9P1111314.1 - kP'l, C t he ' i t :OP,MIO tIe, . ' di ' tl 4 ' ;!W * * lnt:; * .bilto . 4 l # t it);:lhe 00 2 ' . ' - - A4TPl4 oi i#V i MittA ul lZ g l i MP.'o 7l" Wr b rlc ' t AVAlOra w ,4 l 3,94l. , s . 4 l o l l r di , PirOr4l ll ßt.4 o -;'4+o , '' ',oo944#loA R T:P e ofie.V ll %; a tilei:frot .000 a f,r,, 1., ~, aroviatialataizifil:6lol:kq '''''.'lo:: - .i . ~, ' , i ,4 , frli 1 tV&C.It - ! 4 4lNAY'A.§l 3 llfEklltigit,feli'' . o*O: rimiiiirgtv la? ' ~ • a , 47 1 - V• ktirit, jiS Si II El S3lir MEI MEN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers