',';:':2 - : , .: :, ',.' ,'.;',''.:',::-=.:',''2''.';':"7t,:l:!'z ~...Z'i;,;:;;:::-;;;,..,,-:...,.;,,r,,,...,•,,,,, ~, ,';'.''--.' ,-..7..‘.: -- .- - :_'N';-' ,, Z!.,:,.7,::;,,•.':',:-,tr:.:,;=,"4 1` N n lila' 311113,111i1)14- C EDITOR;ANIY PROPRIETOR 'll.F?T,'*:',OA,IaL,OS . Lr.f - D .'IF)A, - ; - 4retiriniday,_ 7- Our aloft we !Ripe,- ' ORr t hokos . pow MO_ 4re.9pwqrde rislnipt bni,ning-wiirils,it }here displays s, ' •Tfo i'n'ames of Ctsti and Fa hilidmoyeiN." 'rom^_rff SIDI r r y AV' ittNit juf 4) •4•11.-j,1,1, ran FORVICE - PRESIDENT, _ . . THEODORE „01..!,NEW4ER-E11,4,- Eli AG GO,r' . E at:ton; GENi.jOSEPE: MARKLE - leak CANAf, cciri4-.ifisgtatstini SI DIMON GUILFORD, .1) i'liCbanOil:cu Po the Stile: - Of the:Main . Line Mg:County Ticket ASSEMpLY:. . . JAMES KENNEDY, of Noyville GEORGE` BRINDLE, of Monioe: •. anniliirssinNEß: JAMES ' POSTEtTEINVAITE; Carlisle blitierOp. Op . THE r 0011:" ANDREWFRAZER, Shipp( nsbtirg tp AUDITOR: • -; 1110.14AS B: BRYSON, E. peniisbna • oust Ticket. _ WWI Ofti'in.pnother column -will% he found the proceedings of a meeting of the Whigs in this borough, called, to respond to the • botruoattons• for Con re Senate, mem county officers, made Cogoty:Vrinvention.- 7 . Thc meeting was largo - apil enthusiastic. in the r ldgliek degree, and it will Ir.pereeived amfileittly: approbation to . 'the-nomjnations.' . •• :,,Our!equnty *het ie now complete, aril was_never-firesonli-, .p(ntple of tbii County. Of ()Ur ,43nntlitiatti for,pongrnis t linp. llonnuT.Flt,-• P.erry s a ys, " his • qiialitoitififi t ie . firth" member or'tnt, T. S. .ilnuse:p 03.c.preseptives cannot be question-, by:iiny one competent to judge, who knows-him. His Moral character is above gainst it-cannotz,h.e_eal. byes I try - his forsnif tat vie*sarid-optnions commend him to the 'support oravery anti-Locoloco, .and every 4119net / tyeitizen in the , Distriet. !rho sound.; ness;of his judgement is conceded hyttli. . ,Ile has been Indentified with every benev- . olent, enterprize of the day ; and has for ' many .years stood: forthin the public eye as the honest many the intelligetiVairiter, the ardent' supporter of every . . moral enter , ....prize; anti the-genuine, - true ArnetiCan s cit-• izen. We mean What we say when,tve . ---tleclare - ites our Opinion - , Aliat'a - beiter sew lection could not have beet . ; made In the bisitiet.-t-Atid __Vnow hiM, will, tve,.ore'sonfulent, concur with us in ' • - , ::-_ , Put_eindiilate for thi State .Senate• is ptvtri„or "Perry county, who is l ie resente4:.ki be one.pf the most: sterling :04 . e:Fitt)r Ott ciianty. • He L is 1 a practical '_first-rate,., Gusiness man, whose tlll.9.iter*oll,4itfireti;with' . that kind-of leein- Itig ; *,titi ! 9 tltibLea pn to diecharge,-with toiiiitnielf;:iii#:'e-iiriiitts duties of the Cii!oiitiii4oo4'j - n;ellteeik . citiien inftimy,' df.e,Wol,7o'PlireTTllliiii - iii - iiii - la - tiF L ~ ]- i .iV'With. ' 2iiiteg.iitii'il'aiid,. ' - . . . -ry) a al i 7 • - ilBB, are g(C"'—• • sup' 0 co avermg" ittz , , unw not the 16110;:tr-7. • wri principles-not I woeful"' des the les of:the OP*" th‘'PrilT I Faith vi)eabi.lll., b in of t)e Ite is, - 90dr m an . ttieek,'-'afrillf4:.YeP Legislature ii.,,,,vre-g are :A,•/1311i0310114 . co u-„ty, Cane, cagdi dates ; for f, eaple reppeo,,f • bast' . h onesty 2,-t--,,•,7*- ea r s •• • oliin" „, toted ii lett On:11 re serk 7 . pre 0 ,I#gr,ktY7ll'.7-1, lie, ilia t eliVe ;le iBi `'.l!""' • )11 1 with ,--•-Tit;gjeleth ~,br . '-• tiee if • - Hirrexil -„, ..• 1;, inc.4ll, nuirea'•fri— kiwi to ~.77ntir_1Pa --- d t il e we ,iicl7, ir•itte-- ~,,iO, ';'`'l'''.44''xiliirieg!' believe -, thet!lir- e,;iiitileen . • ''1`;"•1'1113-'3A,,c t iff -• l'' 'their' i ' publ ic • q--,.;,,,em-,,,,,,,,,2,40mai : rare:o irto t' .`-thee tuiliow'q itiw'Bll" 1.. r ql"'-,'' ill.tia"oo'''" ' maim'', m,kuali !`, 45.14. , ~ a.o,Be.,,earii ~ r foiri,,,,, .(1,60 ‘''iiisfr 411.1,- ..t,4ifilitm° :,;theii 'e,le° ,4' 16.0 T 6,11c-r.-.... •,,t4ii.,;,_'-` ,L ..‘litv iiiiti•,.; ' f '41.4 Aliii -,i ialliet, ..r itueMpi - • 4,'-'tir`, '-- ' Im, •-, he,p- , eil 6 .1 ..ntifl46" --, ' it*if:t ~ 'lnitileq. osilt'r i 't •,'..'ltPViiiilm;fti,t / fitie'lr9ii, eff :I°' "tic' 'Ol ,1/4,iiraits'=.ll)Fri.4iink.l t, '' '141i01! cii4,,,,„.: c,T, t:ill ',P , oyilhikluP, 3.iiihr ~L,Aji_6l9'tcs'ilitittt,q,lhn::ili iiii i i i) , ,i , i l 3 ; :' iliii= ',,,,'''':,atu'''OjetsM4l,jl;,,cciarin':7: le'ittiiiinhlt-I:,a ' '77r., 4-, ;,.i•1a01i ',11) ,!,'::-Jii51,:,e,00!"...° •.:;,--:''''''l.'`.l.:4 '5 :!-"7");,i,i4n. IZllMilitf, ;';lMilltlYtit;t%* `‘ ,),11(•;'if14:0:0 'tk'';g44iil*i'..,,r4l4sl.7;iii:4l!*.Witz :: :,•ii;l ki'Z'R.T7-hrfil'iiiktialth4l,l•ll:.q.! i 1- , ••:••:', ~ • ' sm.. , •.••• ''." e r '4104 I! ~ 4,tie1i4114-11. *ll3oo!'''Tcli '-' '''6411i6.1.#9° " 4 "4'1Z. , " • ",‘;"" e.•,1044 _ , • , - __-, . , S e iio(4o4iiii' ,ll (o 6 - 6 4400 6 0. 1 rftr i -t . l 4. 4**AM -1 1W 1 41 1 1 ) 1) ,( q: lecteil.the ; comjiittee„to address Jan c i s” .K , folk . ke . poi.ted.thidtfitic:lhad-ieceived-Na4E- 1. same to-nddreini • letten:Otilitainingihe,sarne.., : irifetillga/000 tn' , the Wbie6ildidate 'THU diftyitfe tinnmitree7lntin*lloeirPer:! - _flitoied._aild_builemlaftrinining Clay's reply' was reeeived."ltis -brietbut to the .point, and. only _ reiterates-viiint]slr.•, Clay has declartiliarepeniettlAterarviihm:' .„; • - 'ln die 'lain . : Yeaii.J.6ntliie l . tlie.7o,6!"lll'aiid SOnili, the/ he A - lazier - et he'l'aiV _ 9 11842 and yoeqaiv , Ocediy , .Oppnged repeater niod:ficataiii=,_.Yliti tolioAing is • a copy of Ms. - letter : . • „ • GENTT-LEMEN-IN this- day: received'.. your letter, ndclresSing- - two -enjuiries net of I ek.l2iiiicl' 4 2d'. 'ou - if - el eat - ed , , -- siirilitittriat - 'Ara tiontAnddifielifieilVer-..-Wriuld:yoU • --, ilk favor of modifying 11" I liatOO eirpfeg of the . T ariff of 1842, that the, •MilY regret .I feel ia iiiit - foir'sWirl doom - it - arall - ao - cbS.T I sa ry to reil tiest any renewed it., .Nevaillieless, I take .pleasure in complying with t,rolir , 2:request, - in saying' that 1-am or opiiiii't"tharth — e7 operation of the Tariff af: 180 has been eminently -salutary; that Lanz decidedly opposed to 149 -repeal;-. that' I should.L.regard, its .repeal as a gre - at--- national calamity;' and that I am una ware of the 'necessity of anrmodifica don of it. am . therefore opposed alike to its repeal or modificntion. A fixed and' *able policysls_AvhaUlllo country now most, tipods, end I sin: cercly - hopd that the 'tail(' of 1842 may be-tiittinittineil, and thus afftird ii •securitY for that d - e - siderafum; • . I titii - feijiectfullT:' Your obe't.serv"t. BEE - • 1 V-Cte.NYP. ,.- Messrs,,IVILI.F.nII,;yNp4DON L ALDS.O.,*, • MOOIIEj SELLER B.CYLtR,S.NY_DtR, PEPEER and -114;ymis. :Voters of CurnberLind_.counlyl 'Montls of the Tarifrr: Herp . is- thie true pOttitioti of,,the Whitt oandiOato on irnpor• mitt- subject. Recollect, whilii you 'read the clear and explicit Trowal or. lirlsl RY CLAY: in favor of this great -Pimisylvania Inca su re, - tt — i at JAMES - R770 - 1 - & — rifilles to replip to the - stlme questions! —He is either so closely bound Co the Anti-Tariff. Peen Trade principles of his Southern rands as to be - atite 'to; one W-cr • salia factorilb to Pennsylvanians, or' et,e l i p i s , : treating the respectful inquiries of a Demo cratic meeting with studied and deliberate. olitei)iptl - --AV - -e -- ineline - icr - the - fontrenoTH mon. r.. Polk cannot avow himself in favor of the tariff, because be has ever been opposed to it. Can' •you be farther deceived by theelufflow and insulting im• position that NT. Polk is a tariff mall? We leave it to yOur own sense of dignity and intelligence to"determir e as men ought to. Since the . aboVe was.put in type, the letter to Mr. CLAY has been handed to us, - but ton late for inseltimr this week. It will ,• ~• • - "h be given tn oufnext. o• • Naos Ite'outigrq - Gostitibiiii - , - 1 - f 1r The following invitation to the Whig Mass Meeting, o Clettyburg was re ceived by the Clay Club of this borough, last week, and is published for more exten sive circulation: All our fiends, that can We hope will go and give our gallant neigh; bora "good lift { ' sOviling the Whig ball: xfiettyabuig 7th 1844. Gentlen'teni—The'W,ltiil's of the "Young Guard" of the Cominonwenlth of the'Key:-. stone-4tate(Allann4'ountjr_ - _Ptr. -- )tivillillohl - if Great - Alias , Afeelifiglii - (1 El ty sb tteg, , Friday Ilte 20th '(if Sebteinbig instA . 84(1' onve:(llreete(l,tts, ne the correnDoinling e.e :rettiries7(if-Alte:Central-,Clap.Oltsb of—Adams Prin - nlyi - tirin - ifilt , rto - y nu iren.%nl - thinq - li - Yotkirtii'llbe - drfrerchrViqh.ooll - ruY:vlMi:T ,1 ty_ 1 ' ..iiiso.to:yout__VV.ltitt_eitiieliii'leiiiiinl;_ ly, a if counsel w,itli . us van tliii or.nnsirin, We taye only'to say, thilt the lat!lretring of every PPV°P :in 'ffir'.t° 4 q l .o'niii . bMtit; oh rather.- tin* titir do o rs rind .. Any( . rte he olien . . and. reirily' tri 'nii.leoineliiiir NV hig ; bieihien 'froni'atiroritl.' Cinitri'llien one and: : Bll:l.,..f;:,:pting.yOur-intiniiirainl'iyriiir' ..coono,_ynur..Ban 'tern initl- you 03a Ile,:..antl assistntonr.O . rarid,?aFil I,* .: ''',,-' ~,‘' . , .';' rYoure,in,lylitk,Vorninnnion;---::-L -'- ""- Fli'.ll. Sintninquo. Rriatithr-,SatTnt': ' . : l A..D..IIumiLER -• ~, • ,Coi.:;..Sec,ys.:. 'lh&-011011!e.-1Ulebtiliel; ,--:\ ..,,- •,, M= 1-0» “a; .i:_._:. ~ a7lp -18111 lthp, ig, '41143 , 84Mcc' Of Maioe; t l~y;Atil feta rho!! to P.!': . firsc ll .) oo , , - i Aly'tgitlg 11# / 60 1:101 , rifTr , : was 1110 .1^ 1 ,4.of.: 0 , 11 'erT,!0i0 , 1:th?"fOl c Now llieyh`ove ii!)°10;066; 111)6 ni4iitionioil "rte U1)46'4;44, et all, buf - ii is cast urenihier, it '44' 04y after all ?, 14t 4(eWir6lo ti,;4 l ittyl, o,;os*A.: agsindt them ; their -, hopes were a ll ud upon 'AO n°'?i!!,oP4ii ..i " qc. 1 00101.!714 16 :0!i . 01:009 ( r IFIIPTcirIB. ;5 , PlOVsir4lW.:o.9r .i4,l?lhr: "714, ROE . . r x PlAciito oft alti ',The Coarier ocitlesithea column arid a ball !c... prove.thet 'the. colintey. b . indebted , to tbit t (VIM. the ' prose ot , Maiiif L, Now this letva;littio 'tow ifed;itp ;waste' sci:niinlv irt,;sl:4POJiaPei)fttpiteV.P; t hp pest, aen i meri),i;44ei , liaiaKeati t taiguad thdt is:a whit ii2mtardo to. , ' l . -4 171 eight,* Oamedittid vet I islet 1 e pregent: ittfivil result* antl;gc I efftets (if there are .44).0nigt tatae,crificd toheir' Pikallify:..24klionianlfaiph 4 - Caddyeta - vete& fP!,, it, not!bea'aue4 JL*.approved of itr but-they='gabo theii iedaonp whit i: it is no necea s ar d not ehus4iJt* approved of it but they gaVo theii ieiasonct, which -feriliZ.iind-Vollaii-few"—Wiiigaitiksiseii:llla:—i Isola Courier sage, a - NT:a,: measure; mliatettheipeotectiMiiraffordeabithe.tekptifitetutai. 10..a , f1•171iigibounty.setTi' • thare is a Demeak-at injlip , Utiion , 1 / 2 46 ; ion , teen deceived tato. the.. belief that. the preetpat 4 , itrifF. ( . 4 - a Mlefiliiiii;blW p -dii.l 4PF,cdrlet tiroikriferitage .likettillkopt Taiifflai duly,acknev4tidgedi:titPdeurititl*. :Terhoyitirtdte - Oodbti'mrtp - ttiMigt - n - if-thP , ,pt . P.7 edit. ittilmititiOaar ,:that ti4Oti imiustry,pind'if cam et 8 14sqR7 1 of the pi OnP:n!e 4 not go ii!p..o . atititi4p-,firl.lopprOo pipbrii.adebeaiiitg tit4ePaer-okti&Turiff-theFe. acel;apik:Modificationiotitfiethielit:fariff- may_ • be learn-J.lTh - time t_ , pictAtaxotite-Simis*.3l . 6.ilinio!ig ! ' • Mid- 'Gc4fal ftarrieiin bud ii4iiiidnlinatect in 1040, iames_Etilaffanan,-in.a,Statii,CintrentiOn 2 4 . . —... , hia party, in ibis gtilie;snid :' -"The Whig party lied in hir. day isf , utlintiilftertnight - InitwiLiiii ,— at bold-ateeTeiiiiiiiicfc= MEM and commanding 6101i11(..._ Os. linaltiabed,:shillty , Although Ouposed:inlia poli tical principles, yet l' kayo ever folt , lnr him the Ittghearltglmt° : / It !eemelhat Mr.clay'ajhrelii, Sabbath break: ing, : reeering. and "gabitlfnilinvit not .deprived Jsim:ar Mr. Ducliainni?a,9l4ltest regard," theug4 the amalhfry leenlonoirhabe such a holy. horror for'him on dial giniind.: — What hypocrite's: Senatorial Conferee lifeeling. Tho Whig COnferees for the district of Cum. berland and Terr antra ies i met_ agreea to op. instant, and organized by appointineo - AMITL MeKENZIE,' Chairman, and • Alignazt. G. Eaz • .. Secretary. „„.....,_•_. :. - • . . . - _Tlr_foll...witii—ientlemen oppeiFot! and-took theil - FentAT - 7 - = Perry—Snmuel MoKenzio,Jarrlea Mamba Wand Cuptuin C.itrrth. .. -, '...A.lttatheylund—Rnbert Laird; Esq.,.S._Drettlair, Esq. and Michael - • Eikmotion,. non ENT IRVINE; EFq. ne iron. irimOusly no;nineted se tho•Vihig candidate fire the Senate fromfthis • - Re(o/Pd, Thal we knOV; Ronarir hypo; our -poreigee‘for the-gentlterto-gee:- firrnty-atiached-to:1 the principlEs for the , .maintenntleo Whichihe Whigliarty is now donternlingi adfilltatt4o.44ll gee every honorable effbrt to v,pcuic hie ciedlon.. 1&eoi The West In t{ Blaze!• co-The Whig !topers in Western Pennsylvania are filled-with accounts.of great Mass Conven, lions held ki oshington, pie and" Pitislirgh. , The Ayasnioertne. comprised 15,000 persons, and tho Pittsburgh papers put their meeting down at from 90 to SO,. 0001! We cannot tillem.t to follovir — The soul. stirring descriptions or the numerous gatherings 09 , n9ral MARKLE.wa; at the Pittsburg meeting, whetir he was, escorted by over 15,00-Whigs from:Pestmoreland. The 'Old. General rode' oh hursethack,a loathing a fine appearance, nd dada' 'at very pithy specula an reply to the committee of receptiOn. Tirnienflotaumass meetings have also lately been held in 111iltOta, Northumberland and other places lu'the Nu e. In every. iluartei- wo bear of Whig illass Meetings, Conventiolis, pro. cessione and spremhes., The spirit of 1840 is' a• bran. andITIOTORY must-folloW - - Onislie Discussion of .lie Tariff _ in it. will be recollected that The Editor of this `Statesman' vivo weeks since tbrew.out a ehal, lenge for a•public discussion of the Taritr anti' Diarribution. The challenge has been -accepted • by t a gentlonan of ibis borough, and the discus sion will take : Waco in -.- tha - Court - Houssiliftliiic borough: on Thursday; the 19th irked, at 2 o'clock' P. The following ato the two propositione advanced in the chiles. of the °dilator of. the , . ....• -- - • ... tat. A Reveille sech ni tedefinotl by K. l'otk in his letter Koine of P,ltillitirlp . h)B4 ifi 'rOre.,LayoruWl the gctierar iiieeM • • nitlim peo erthe , LTatell-Stittes direet-prolectise,titrp itrauin esis *defined - britlenry - - -- - 2911: A diAtriliutlfin of the mcineyirriting{porn-the, wiles of-the ()oldie lands amongst the Alates; is - tin= iolitick and-would regultldualEuely- The;col÷ l l:!f,ilr_oosiOtA Lcifi...pOrtiOo_oro onoili'rooyooquhi in!li.od to bo present at the die. feof. Clitivaind-tirolialpArn,pt licrSomel:if:the,mast proalinebrA and hitter loci) Cocos in Cum b rlanil doolity' found. the 'Bankrupt ,Lati very atlvanta genus in helping tbem% out - Ol'a serape • a year or two-ag o ; how ;that - • they haVe: • • - • got ited:t df their difficulties they loin !leant. , ly tiro 10t0.r., cry against it. Mil per." • ,luips.re,lieVe the ,hieo :fileos hers to krin'tv. that Mr. Clays: itr'oqually .oppnsed ,lo ihot • , . a letter to_ lt gentleman ` gentlean orren., -itten!ee,tilitetrAngitat--20th;-11144,'Mr.-tisay cokielloles by saying,t .•r .• , • eousider thoi the:.,Oileithiti'peoplii` bar* c 30,.. pressed a decided dinappy9batian. of the_la tic Bank. ropt-ILiawrtrinrfor:oneon-ilefereneenrtrittrriplig, too, 1 &lime cloak.° to ace that'laviieviv6d nay, oll'Pr 6401 " 1 1 4 ,0 1 ,v risguiVt • o:7:Jhe reinilt"ta s ,,Verniont'is gl‘rlotia-inctlibt ! tiladet,tbe i yttiig eawilliboe'far,qo; flior,„kettLllio,! o . o 4t,i 4 co,yee n T 4 . ‘,.!= thiiifiC.Olinin 46°110°4 eitidlitatei tiletlier I.Boo' - Vkhltniiooo!,r' t t , , aofltna Ntbliti'led - 312fr1ii, 118 0:.-± iani•khiSifer:2 ,096 'not -11011# iilif;d Senate,: 9 r the „.„0 , Wi t eta! t ' A 4 1. • ' •t, 7 &14ii'44 OXi glro n 9 w *1;1)1'111Y ru'ite; led ag ntlionk tlii'44sll4 orCOuglis,, ill!e P 1 , 11 :14* grp4141.111, and pulnrioi) ic q y lone: 'lt od welt 'ictubliilleil; that ` 6 o l llTPo,l , o4 o , o f , a ( Ple or coniunipoqkt„hr yFt 4 1 r 0 RI!" illeritteell. owed or orl= brindOPtigh-Othielrailidte! MI7'1411,011! removed f11. 1 4141,1111pp1ri1., [med Wit 01 p (mint ito eilloolnue nctir Irs t ti They foo t ity igh, cAII7- 1 . '1410t" . ,„.. , '.,' )10 ti t ,i, EE t ƒ^ ¢ 0" /m\ -O - - - siffi , . .... -- , .... dej , slc , ~,+. ':,+:4`dricver isup,lxe .... ~,,,.. „..,--, , r ., - ,, A :+ . -- p .-:=. 1 , eiteio.t ,:im.l4.9,cpTik 1 '.9 e.thp4, , ..0, ~,.,„,,.:- ~ \ aciibooliiiiiiiii. surulAt ' pi t till e nhkicei .1 ,;....,,,/,. ce #l , . , ~ ~ . r. 404 . ':....fi=---- qi i n g 4 , ~,, .,,, P ...,,,,,t it ,w ei li e r 10 `..4 , 9 • ' Erma ~ . :COngteiti— tliersFtielnrib9J 71"y4iffiierki': A. 4914.0/ . 68ileit'id r' 0 . .. , . iiiiiitiitetvaL ..',3 1.1 61, , vi0, ink - 0 401.600 - fored 4 an+u - witiii .l 4 l 47 B :;. . it,ll6lVO4. ; :tintii r;l4. 1 1111 E; 'W013:410'....:!ELL IV ,of Perry cotinty,itur',lo;•':%V : hieVad 140•2-'cor',"-Ini; grass; meets: Or; irtotiiii:ett 4 lnfartt,OPfurp", !:. 14 0i . ie l : ,:::tliit::!rill - .10010. -. %e'refforrYtt-g, tellii l 9o;' 0. 14 . 111 1*944i` . A!.. itki,--`4 ti erti (. 1 aii4i‘4 o riiiii•iiiYo l :ii:o 4 ?. ' f fntl'lF.Pilales' ;him , to; OM ~ ftvel r atile:',Oittl, eriti - Oti:zopiiii: Telipis' , ,o : ithitQ,Congres - sio al'Alls9lo.t., :and a froitl atifttliqiiatanly:. 1119 i r.,, , elected - ' he will faiilifully- repreSent.:ltiCeoilitittients andl a , ti iveitreatOtik.itipp_4ll,lO, the !great t;:r It( s MOS n tes 10pritia,ry;ffi 'a . fifris Re ton s •adminimiation tif the' ! gtitethinent.s '• • _-_-_,Regtilvellri--:-IPltats,i*iilio-ifeartifska'ilfirriies vi.tho nonViriatiittrix. ROBE RT-1 RAVIE,, .E•.(i.,Lit.- lie - rry x - edlit4... atLi he - Whij •e - antli date fot ..gemitor-frim•ilirs tligfrict; as a eiii-, liiiff . itertliY of ilita;:aodulenco--of-the--ppo:4 pie anthvhoef . eledtkutytpulderomote their, best , intetesta: _ - ----. --- --:-,------'--- r -- - 1 .. 7 Res 6! ved, Thattlyt COURTYLTICIC CT fettled by tho Whig County Control- Tion -- dirtlitt - eirlifiMneet§ in every plti otiiiTiaiiii. a nifiv times t .a afto,ba ti on ..;_-. Tlt e nominees •are'citiietia 'of old and blameless standingln_their respeetive - neighborhoriAs —theyp rit-k-tiiiavtt-to-7-14-ilmrtlty r: honest- BOA -anifible -men, and unwavering - whip.. who•-, , i11-faithfully , tlischarge the dikies of the'several trusts , which may be, committed falbein..; • -•-- • .• - , ,- Resolved, • That'edch and all-of the nom-, mess on. the -ticket onv completed ,_ _~ sh i ll 'n'tig receive - 6iin _ and .ititiiVided•--E,upport at the ensuing election.- -,. • - 7 -. - The resolutions having been •••• •:--. 4 •“-•-•::------------ - - u oa nu n,„.i mousa.?- , passe . CUen I -ALEXANDER and H on . .101F4 REED a cessively•• - res - poiided- Co the call of the meting in - aiiMmed,pOvverful et anti_ :cot vineing tuldreasear._.on_the -political 1•to pi es - lit the — day; Cpl;lidfe - 107rifild'iliiiiiiii= ~ ny from a long and iiitimato-knowledge ',of - if • , the' several gentieme cotpposing.the lickei of their high - personat tVortli and lift•lipils: for- he- putilic trusts to Wli ich , the hdre J,i oten l nni.tied. - t'.., - - - U. ...71 11=IME 50m . ,9 admirable songs_ froiii the Oiay':h~in- Btrels~rtcer - wl~ich;tt;~d~minied:---=-•—'-- Signed by the off.eere. --NORIA—IfIi[DDIAGTON- ER - Ec1"1 - - • greeutily. to [mien a large num he-r—of thu Whigs or• North Mitldleion twin, assembled at the public hotise i f 4utin. Wuntlerlieri, c,n Saturday evinine• the 7 . th . i n fur Vb •--. , ”e'r -a. ' 4, j e dirg" - sitti . .Eii - • n motion, . •, Esq. was eallad'to the chair, and T/101i1A 1 D..DRIE, and BNJ. B. GIVLER appointed _ Se _ _ _ eretaries. • n motion, t at. ' m Geor,:e Sponsler and Jacob Horner, were appointeit a committee to draft resolutions, , vl4 reported tierefil 'well-drawn and foici ble rcsoluttordi which ore excluded fur want of,;room The meeting wai i then r briefiv addressed' by Mi. Thomas D. Prie, after which it ad journed to meet at t e. public house tif Mr. Rinehart on &amnia evening theyilvinst. contrevil!io log nettling! irrAti held in CentrOr.ill , 14th. A tow min 14 ed; with a aplendi to the.breezo on.i ,of. our Jisiinguisll glorious . priniiples aqd .free evil conceal 4 , ns tlleniiritinized •-• • .. *Pre ' P HA , 'John Reed 'lloer i -.Conver,--Dic7A;»:110 NEE= W. littbl4,9e9r, ant!, deo'; :r,:tv ,0 9 ,18 : - A aeries of 'Uble"ii. our ealtdidateri•ra9o ai d deelarieg..ohtl,li . .i'..4'-T;li-i4,6:=.,...Triii" - rf.:: \ dressed '9i* , ,i q e,oiiini, , `viiicip g Irian eg. otrit, the day. . - iWblit dithikt ,th YiTik — con the meat istratipnr' w ii!lLos:,leii I gg', 4 1 ,4 rq- ,--,, , Mtl' lin -joMerti : With enthusitiOtili ~ ilks.tir thii:(l4Yl - ,..h1' fa tmert re now 11 ry,•64 ~ a e , t y, rjostincrilll4iA 1116,041:111- OP t " 4 !' 11ie ! s'driv!; them , togini9kmenser PuNikrik'irt iili:'l B er‘clu*flekkaotiii!Mo' 1440 w:'''' '41 10,ilioilIifiat:kAlle& (thentielittOifirhikjilagee ''' 44111 0 11 '0.-0 0 0r-t 44l oFillit t iii t rlF 6 it'-‘, ' Whig' llllll ° 6. &mini la!iiti() it ,i)! the ei;iiii'i4 illintOoLer tillit•bOl . :l l i4eil i ,liki: A.-- , ,Pr,f7l:Millt—tHlt,-OivMilkits tmip!ce, wit. !ea revd te I axe/a 8.,/ 11100610; ' Nialli t i-oilirti it3yiaiingirtlian th'e,f4eiia, vitfaliii+ty t th(thottedt• Op T iNtiPi `JNIPtfI 4 0 1 ' - - - Rereowl about :Yaiing bdie ;n 4 fie, Foe : 1 10 41 Illeitniiiperi Anit'Pollti 3 OT. l Outthk Large . 11 Pleg 1 t)!a Ict;, 'cliri 6 Aufi 1111 V, 1 1 1101011` lieWati 'dievid' ittOit !!Ifi ' MFlf;f NVeR mioCrob'f 'all'aid' ett * `I:YONi° ere_ :tlietrof ielf ' ' R=MIZ =I leeting - was e4turilay last, the Liheri3; 'Pole was erects fishliet; proudly ' thitple tiildis the name it „candidates aid tvliere they float Mi ec that w hie do not . lee. 'the Meeting:. : , ,,, - ni)p' - o[iitiilg a.i. t. • /1 e A V fi; • UM .iird John i'.-Eircpn, `~n~~f f ra~E,itrrr~tttmti MINMIN ME= :ten ,; D EMI u,tioii@ in favor of nqf and ?resident,' atplee,*er,. then farcitile )9/ilica) idt~jce of 4-tr- " vfning the 14th si 88..ergenited-rli - 11 MS er of oun- rTomas; - Mc E I nrai - Messrs,t - "Afaieli qitiliiiinns nirg.forth Ake,cruslakaffairs.,_ iOO- SE PII; 01.:',AN, promoting airs prosperity of .14e 'country and Saijni, from" rOti ihq. H oG our, ' : -. l!e,grieuyotipp:B having a rind arid, n n a ni tnnui!ys BRANTIkEtIitY, L_sq.. of G_arlls tc,=tv . as called rtir . ad dresspd e .Iknd able man ;ter, rinilitifriuus; vol end : in-the, contest,- after • ET T, .-. .. 'lfleeilns in 9~irla~oe~~l.~. • afternoon l attt4;: a r 4 m -in 0,.r. thefe were .at three hundred Got;:Ritnei aisidatl, and made an'appro pilate and -elrectire address, touching the prominent-topics - of Ihn.daYttoon the 'Chair. - . •11.1e waa:follo4ed IL ; Adair, - EFq. of thia . tioiroagh;it;•) length . .Ma with unitattal ability and James [l „Euti:, - nrift - 14 concluded, the speaking frith a veep perti nent Are . :Niiii . ll fire - fh tl Ve . if OriferOdi a11:11 - spirited gathering hook id:ice:on Irridfi , v a{ RoNloiry, nt,‘Vllieli Gov. RITNER. "presided; the pror;eedings : tvere iit:a' ehs - teeter -the-sueress of-the -, dati2 - : Every where through the county our friends appor to he .in the hety - spirits and elated with thO prospyets of suceeds. , Let its Hitt be-netiveand nitrit tocoroCos of,l ow Yorh hatinomitiuted Sjiget..ollght kndii s,tatre tidoistiihus iheii•'Cuidgfute fa. Wright is op posed ,ter• Anue iatijou,:•• TheAVliigs ; it is thought ; OP, Ftilmore,'ortileistiirn New _ • • - - For the Ilo:rultl 4t . Expositor .• . . . . `ll`r. Editor r-A fen . / days shice-rt nei - glabir 1 harldeffillirt ha- Ctirliale-"Velunteer,".l believe-of-1 the sth instant, and directed may attention to n I Cuninniniaatinn ingoed M. I.,.Which witig4 b.. 1: M. of the Post Odic° Department hi V.-- The' ostansiblo ohjr6( of thcariter seeps to have been to 'procure the appoititmeot of a counting committee to serve at the (lieu) coming f meeting , flislieGll4lMOOreoliNbl'itiVittt; irei l t,irrin confidence can nuw.amays be hail in fit.+pa peili statements. 'This grand charge is made not wily in relation to-Ifieir imesetdotiod of the . niimbers i.niit• oilmen ni . prditiont rm• e ti u ts.4 • • - tell asleep tofeffi fife ii•tiefe slificie of editorial Dugout. I , dOC.9.iIdWCAI-L 2 T-0111pewrA0-IFI-e-i-ii.i*-01 who arrogatei to hinowlf. the preriigation, of .1 censor over tl.c press and it principle of public intirula, should at leant see well to it, that he is ; entirely free from the coolagion HO der ply - dcplurrd 1 tv this epge refermtr ' in his first epistle to the "Whigs, IWhigesses, niid-)Vltiglingsr of old ;%10. tier Cumberland, for surprising as it may appear, the, 'Retool observntion' of this selfsame renovator i,t . the press and public me utters, led him, in CF. limating the number ',,f ladies in attendance at thesWltig !Orel triii - nt NeWville, into by great a timiution from truth, ne that charged upon you —his ''actual obs..rvatfore'indife (lie rottathei Jost as far beton , the truth, as ` your rekinisd-stoternenl made it above. Of this we are prepared to "pro. duce proof positive," anti- were we disposed to i light your !milli:B,w° might here join issue With 1 tliti - grriVe - refhx. - iae - Mid lin& feta the abort.. of "want of catitkr and spirit of detraction:" Roy we prosged In naive: the-seceintL'Speci nen of loco RICO Vera( ity contained in this - hi:Moons disserta. ° -Won oar morals, M. J. says (hat.' ninny of thlif sex (femuleb.) here considerit entli6i of thollitfol,• expediency for a modest female to botitraded.into ' - the - liiiitrofir'in ngri - irrerWiti t, - bic - j;itii inild'ii I V and cm - funned tai oil and haunt to such gnscum nding . ruluset\of ela ruder aid, .com non ,ratilers which so 111001 IIbOUI/tht of such'ithices." „Now" ..Mcatlitne,l-caritintconceivo.orn _more ilarider. mut, anti grossly false representation of the pro. -eeedingn.nt 'Alti# Masi, lifeetinge, nnd• can :only' account for sitell n reckleis disregard of truth on . 4 Ito;ifeposifion-Altakite-.7clinmeteriii thofie - inec • : InEs4ltielt thon,writer himself Itt in tile habit, of ut tee dirit; - 4 -- analt 44'6) etrl . ll!pond'W ilk - hiieeWW • 1t.444ifi0ji,.,. rOilict, -4 1 !lave . tchaqn tii tralie4o will be the lust time for some Of. them to - -eipaae-themaelies-tomektertitl.t.iam=tLeueli, : 16r eters SW freittisiiiCetings" ' As far as . fq olikrii . Obser Viiiitiiiitc:iiiiii,lliii:Whig:iii-e-e-diine at-leAvville-M Ik:ht . -kit - fa heir tf - ri.. - Clia-filbc ;An; • :Tifilriirliiiiii - e - efinsa - ihintillinfit't'llo pouniiy.;_an. • . were: it naked to neacri.lte .fraCiAbetinir",lLWan , say, th a t it Was 'an ainieiri:bly;orietbi4 staid;.yir. thous arid hat ell Igen i'' eh izOen,. who unt ies th a prio .. , Motiii)nflituip:anan-4,conat-ituthinomn-iiefn4 7 i, tv.. i 7 ' . - leasa4kgrov . e;l4p pelibealil l nn .1 Order!) , mintie r' to diocese and considealhe grout ilea, important nietinnian'af liur"Ponerriment - and' the andiron . ; lionsOf 'eandidiltiafor offh..e, .iv Melt (and 'I h,e,e6 rkfY 2ontiddictiiiiiy was dithif , iiiriCdfloiljd'. , tiblb . aliii. i natreetiye r m 10,904 wi t lion I, 'one,neh tenee . 0 ''!kerientiatliet;ithea& iie , eonitimit'2'ritilltiii! . .... , L7in re Whid;:altAt was - seM4 .4 4niu Ira- Blie,h'-' , " aerniatins air 411V'Atieresi: Mina to • . - _'.° •tovirs*Wfth.)lOtpveSOi&l Tfkthi? inliaaiall ; '. o tterdfd i llnt•'iii§tittn - halriet , tlinieiniriinillt ' ityzerdf„4l4l/10e&infiell reanyihieli'vo .. . reeently;rOldlte• tthira in' this. Pinee,::Who' aieklitalitaat . tlir .dii4iiiied: ietifamerii.alitat • an tineratfiTil i ' cren,yrater•waslniiiiinialiiztle"ptipAcie,of theteart4' the:iiarodOer ire:if, tha , ntreatP,bat . q meat, ha , remerit bored- iliat', the , forme..wtsig ,iri:,.a... - greina whirretne - gOntlerenii'a , ii-iri:4:-4.-Waatoniehieitir-the-latteeiwthleierntra. , iff.l444earri;il:;:l3o. niter . 7all the: ?:. taik'! . ., Of . 3f.',1. lkYoii).(ol4o , ,ikiiiii'itiprO6poit)i) dii , 4urilinent t,,7 .poOtfitei*Naih'ih,e4l,6ll4),ir : pkite"ridal,lo:4l:llir; • the,ltelitatialtiineuvai.';aiheae°the :.teelitinrel , ,iiee,' ittirAl*tiltWeildee tly Jo,. t lintaiiio l nk the 'ahaapeelt! lhere&lhlitke`ah:le ., Of - Ldeafoceistriora; the. sweet al'ilVi . t 4 444o6lirdlY,,Whitatf'faeiiir..therr ladierf. il#,fingiF , pAbo i - sjon g th.to,r,-.y . eiloftt.,:i t t 0ur..,iti0..,'. aired' country': every. Where :.gieetor'tifOtt-Y./14 'eaueb-marl . t Ilittrai.#oltintibi'Wettlinaliiiiiiriefilpapiv,', gliloriv 6 fei!ci,io l 4-#644, ißeeltriEfat:'-ilit,tra*44 l i rwk. l )PwAnlcPlP'ywileii, 4 •llt , 9!;l! ) ,:k e. 0 154. ,, whiell.ol'o"eed.,ollie: 11 1 0 1 . ' 1Aq4iiiigi' wa s ; ix !4,4410)P t i b In'triiLtelnaltrflifththe,Oliett.tiredii.efl.gna tionrie, ink eblirtaand eemmoh railleir.t•With,.witieh:tiiii• tionimuniettlion'eflit.47 co 11)001 . ii40,0hdli,;'', I F '.. 1 - . q , , ..' .: ',—;',.,' .. - -.'i1 . ;:.- - •.;.. : '; ' - '''.',.;..,:?..::.;':-;.;': -1-'i• .:,,:t PirlArentarnar It tr_nyma ntne,.&taresArVootry .fe s gefitahißifit:tUri4no:oi:Altii-beet-Offritrdlelitea, :. thO -4Jcfro!o.f . lidsra .n't—qi.y', riifi f-tis--tiatiti'-- he, ranhk,e,4,,•#t 0.2i1.y lant4aidy:iieinielftim„.lll*Wieint'tin4n. .I(4in !ii , 11:1 7:ilti ill! i i: i? "P 1 Ft fi vt"!111; 1Oi;De1 tt4FiI•TOIeI I I ILPr 0.41; er,f-alai eeeliarteOttneirMilfliOi 4'3.4,.5 1(01 0 14 ;f": taiir their . dhe , orelertien,o',lnkinAd::!eiiii. POI \en,Hteenettio 14Vlitrlitehe,1411041:illatitiOn ,06-the iitorimaryl64-.ettee_polot V Cirtilaii; 11 e rt4911 *" 1 0 164 *ilflie driinW ( Orufhe Halt' 4 !' , 4`o).,iali.in r' isiii-vAWR-AEppil LANIYCOUNIIVAGIIICULIURAV nndalmeetingt ou VitUßAll.oirc,apioßElt . 24, at: 1}!"6 , 131604 hAT: M t etteotiottr be:,prepsieedfor , the4 , :qei . je.„ , , nile-promuttinia Oar, AO exhibited fqrpedinients_, nod ± ofbieti _can ,be:orin-., venieiitly idaded iii m, ,Al roihees; such aa• linitses;;etttle hinge sheep ageicoltinTl,iippl,e_Mone the mein :of „1,P,;3r...4. Pii . and gi . 4.; aide iiroilshnt,seill trernatle for theni: . The 'swoon; want:wile& at .I o'clock; P. _3l.e ; nheee,,filenierti; are oeited iikittuce .I.litiitetais iity,Cpiiittkliiitifootti6ettifor eseellenee !Li toughing froth nniln bleb , lips been •Santwed ,this i•seeinliefFiTlifro,anit , agidn•foe ,This, being . the'' fifat huldlit..Abet i" the 1,14. thit,ookdidence • arm kig ,:see do not . ( ixj ) e'et large ncanil,liol•tintiltinsitAiredenitionl3*-innikeinil4l 7 4at . 'we All:!shit,, hate, anrfiling 4 1 4e.lirdeseettO:a.themii4r9bith 3 4- 1 :4"--iike-siteletk : - , Ottehielitendelis'ientirevemeid;fireillibit it: - tettsi that one 'iteAt - 2yettr - inky have till.that severity of patoklitidit is hi ch time will enable uti to tkrtipar4aciilliiirieli - itill. proic tb the lifpor- the- dOliktj' thit`eiceeltent design ifttits,iii,t : , • September 2' 1844. ` To ; _C' oil n - intfirclarin Is. lr.N::sioie) Foreiks and. A ineriCnn.llpriadlCLO 1115 1 Mid Cassimereliliif Li liit,:vii . iiiiiiQllieeli ifinii...ii-, ,iltiliteirtlthi..iiptirmieliiig seiiiiiiii,niimil wll4ll'ime twilled iiiiil-fiwired; Oaths and 4;ssiiirhereS for intik slid:tre.r-eanis.%'-:Altii."•titit, iiiiiii. - ,imil. - .-pliiii . S.Aim• - o i, sci::‘; '..ii nil. 'CI olikkits. together .it.il li "a it, miiiiiisrileht. -- .9r -- 14- td)iip,s;- -- - silesiiii ,- - -- TioiViiiiit:siniiis,. tibllsituts; 00 - 4,. ie*ing silk; bindiiigs and other' trimmings; Aiseil. by tliiiiirs. • . :, _ ' .‘... - - . . . • -,-• . . ._ A! 0, litiCk'idiiisi Odd :dipii - i•d iiiiil dimi silk kel eke,: wocitiiii ildNets, mid - nilli• hew my le ill N'ii , stliigg.'" -- o(Miiiic - iftiiii - eiiris - - esiensiie mid'. terms ri;ismilible. '• • I;IIT.ENCOTT OF PARRY, -- , ..benlers•in-Cloitis;(lWsitineri-k,&W;110..47-NoVili . ._. • . __.....-4_:. seepmkstreei,l 3 .liilidlelidiii . • .- , •- • — gilr - Di0id1i,620,1844. , . - . - -.- em44A. Reatiktate -P - OR SALE 13 . A vichie ortheviWevientstliiiied iss tlai,bl-: will -Jll4-ittiA7tplawitlq-orLAlnliiint-t-iflyintititivted..a • will expnne to the TUI:SDAY the isPli October next, sit I t u'e ock, trim( of flit nth.; ' . in ERA cumlicrhint!sonni tt, Enid lig' '2'29 A cres lict•iet4 .1%1001 tire elFareirtiiii),:iet. lite:: highest slaw. ne,enltii..et le residue -cnveteil u lth the best thriving !miter. The impravemenin are a tli tery twq, R iney doohte BRICK liN ELI .1 NG 1-!OUSK, isirge.- Stone Hank ilinne Tenn.* -11,41i...wi1l 011.11ti;:ntli.liiiiiilings the large.t regilireiiiid .neverTiiiling %%mire. Thi ',ken iitvil.. the4iiilmikii- rand,. 11111 , 11 t tisCii 111 . 11611 . 1/6 I 1.11•1 islictrg nlideleven from C H AIWA of Ito Silver Sjiritig.inills. .ii Itie uhieh n firmer cilia ! ' choir, 4_ll_l hi; 5111,1 egither 'hit ,t'Ti NW' isTrittti, ".` The in m. nj , 111, , %bleb ,‘ ill be vey:Cilts3 G.r tltr purebn. er r ll he made kti:ityl, ()tithe slily of • CI , N, N . rs , —l.ll?.NL_Limlt . August _ _ _ .ta3.; istimitmEnikiilL= . ' lEutilscriJdle; N•miertrnlly who 311.. e aboar to pilreilllA4.; FPII be. - :•.Viti, jec'...Niujiljel.e.4tThin_ll3;;;Miinit.on of.their reepectit .. Stitc(is, ing..ilint their secer l nl sumo molts arc IRs 11.01.111h1 ,3 ,ifolurve ;Ace been ffered.in tie Puil n 1111111 Nl, lo• t. With Si irks of G Ink ReVen111)1111•1•1 - edirthnif io sel •tectus uthirt, c; ttttt 1;1. tilil In proCe Iwillense Out nourtM'ew• customers wit!, U'o.; 11141.0 -al sollicient inducement to mir th:l;mi to adl at. our respect Mitfilitislinients SILKS AND FANCICGOODS. -IV. Ev. it l'ernindirm RO Mattet..tir., (10 !hick & Power, • 116 ,do do YordSr. “ilinsnre, 09211 e tie:slid Foreign, Dry goods Ituimitls. Nit) rorloo'd bt. Co It , 5 . 4 51Evrket tifect. .• 44-W 41ers R c t b L',ll - Scott Sr Halter, „..../ - 150 do do ' isertlose-44.--tbi- , --s1 :lardy Si. I latdiers . • : .dfi do do .Inapoi ten; of Cloths. Cassiinerett, Yeeiliths; Me. - William 11 Loco 1V Allirkel street. Lambert !buy 11111 do do }lard wa re a tid Cutlery. Nlirlunel V hiker . 215 Nlorketstreet. I.lilturtl S I lamb. Sz Co 28. do do :33 po rle vs and Maui It fact ewers of Saddlery, rd was • llora Sr.,KIICASS 2I Nlarket street. Le* holit :1n ii Pall.. Ilia I - \v r, St J 1 . 1 Wloela4 158 Mitrket stmt. Litiesk,J.•ukios S C i 15(1 dor. , 111 17111 it It aet nreirs n Deklei*,ll,o 'Primus, Itledieiimpi, eptiON,IA, 0 3 1i4: - Thomns - 2112 Ntirliet Streit Piitts,,l. 1111 l & Hung s 213 du . ... lioldusno, Col ins &Co 87 do do Edwalli Cole - • 5.1 " dci do thoniiigion, lynucOaat &..Co 41) do 'do ' Ilat4Caps, ars am trinun 8. • I Kenton • 178- Slaricet - sitvet - Siviterbiel-k . l.lrntimr „do ' Ilobicetptd Grigg k Hogan 15r. die n if ~ • . H' -• Wationary,_ , ,... 1.1 Cal'elrg Co` - 11.06 • S 410 importeif °jib GIB Sateylos6 Turkyr-,bcfbt Coint Wi; it& - . %.4 3/ ivirri-strx4 Importer Firple anbilt . ; -A 'F .0u Fnmth sired ''4 4ll . l V a V ar Pr, of 01.041.Aity4 :44./nAs• so *yoke . . ; $ 2 'N,Seconti "siivet•l „ , . /IltinraktOlitrei Of:Patent- Float' 614 • :'- 'IIIA NNFiftli Alctt.. -- ; ' Inipqrttra:of Alper f!to'ki • st 844":' ' • • „tf-ii ilitihtins!_ettur_te.:Sa tt._ -IpltY 401rtucof Inv ertlettif,:ilie' Orpflaiett ,A.,", Cotitt,o(„Quirnberlited ,enutily. tha'/Itettl,.l* tate of .I:44if Beet Imefir,Solbi t Iliffilleton tuereshipa lasaid liouniptide:ettied4.:Niill-Le.Lsatil_hy-inflAhtnah, cry or .Yetelne on the,pretpiae.n anSahrtlny *lb elith fir spi,temiiti-neM'eststiiiig, i!I le' ii:ahl.elk o...luesaill,„ t hij. , ,,eiii -,,-• ,: ~• -.!J , •-,,..,:' • ~ .;°',, ',--" -° '-' : ,4:iiae(orii, 'iiTibuttion of letolliitlititO fk, _gash township ol thiuth.3llhhiletan nholite Alie AIM n wile Rini Ciii:lleh,i bahtitlell by:l;4'6lli of':llefehor lleetinerunhii , lay Ziorstek)itjliettitlitiliti lii .......... t , , , , , t •P'-' '. , 1., ' • . f ,„ l . •. , ' , ' , yf fi k l':1,:? . "i: OX. t,o , ,lrftrrr` , l,-; , •,,,O• '',:"..F4.:'''' . ..,; F. ri rA 1 7 13 1- I, mcgone imill 41 1M 1 .1good MlceNiti 43 , lih,igh - stele ir eultiyetjoit. 't hst Haprov,enron Ore. ATrsio.sTon)r - STog . - 'tiotir.; --- ' - - ' 4--- W,SIMIN ..A1+:11 ,41. litiki , l , ---NlittiiC . '''lit 110u.gt-ik — large ,l'iriFNO;l44N , a r i j tiiiireurerlototliaiFs. ' .- . , . There its Titlelel* yeaag. pttlp. Rt. • I 1 ;ensiles i 1 ti et oilier; ji Ceilii, ° " iiiteaihtes ro 1 of _e.et. Ta iv ~.. .- s ,San' , '+.4ll iti , iii3 c .,4l(itiiiirijill/84, lti; , siii ewnship itgni, the ftiregoitiol f rkswited. tiv. 1,04'4 id ')Olvo!!!Ork Pa....t.iiiii tolleOf atilt gigiiiiiiitiog ~...,. 1 .. .,\..ii . ; ~1 ,- .T . ._,..4 4 7 - ii. ,ANiALIVeII:e Jr/1r; i t. P.. ,4, `,,:` , 1 , :,'! 146 oollitirteitiA svitlehfitresventaiiii'llyieir gip:. ImitWeiel the: resititKiitlipiilrliiilft . releteneril.' -.•• • / ';IX1Yr.011101-iale....will.hp'uttpt4iiiimit'-ati-liiit,day s1/4), M, iiiile,, 11#erepiss,Aki ting4tif;,feitiitoko4hitioNiellY .etkilita Akb"...,q B iii!'g*, , iptipiP,,,,mmpv i l,Rtod‘l 11:it i rirTr!:' 4 % 11 :'1" 2 W/4,.. ' .- i i:*l4 , ••tilw.ill ”.e..r,',•yrf-,,,g1)?Y,77:-4,1 I.:JY-'4llloof4tilfillit4P-' - ;:rs.:4,eigiiiiirthi'o4it—iii:AA'YY.' '''-i' "0' V. ',C'- , • 0. ~ :,., i ..,...,-,, ~ ,,` ,-I.y.`-:,-!, T0v.:4:1•4," • • lr ." , aQ;ZriiibM6. itlerofilie,,Orphans e ctiaurt7 up,cymbertiiivA eaitiityakill A e pappsed to . SAT • • , • yr a . • -7 Al4ill4ll2*trit.O.CTOttEit_lleXt • 12 o'eleeki. l l 2 .lol:i the—jiri.rnikes",4lle:ralln‘riag--;•--,- 'Ural Emateolie prni)erty el Leonard:Wise, situate rin,..Smith 511 Nile!en *county, , miles sointVrastor . leading tiithe'Ciirltillelika.W . 644;,llll4ll`l miic or Ihd latter, to rice' - •61 - .;first t r - F.llk .111 - - rate . are:'%%OODLsNl);aildhhe:residue ion,launrlo.,,br lands, - or 1 J . Slars 1-taintlteni= EN4 'Robert :Irvine . ,: *- ,.lenryf and :I redrrick_.WiP.e,.4,oed: - eur*"luisintOlteran,-- .erected ' TWO-STORY LOU HOUSE' • .! *. DOUBLE! LOCI, CO - 10, - ,oll . o4WaltalVsh - edifflid • - nece ssary bui(dings: " • " . Also; it FT_E - NANT. fIoUSE 'and .STAIILIN(4.. There is in eseellentaptl neserSitilhitirell of wawa: aulrr th .-It is known'-as- tine -ol the lest Fink • • Also; a small Trait ;151d0 ;Tear Bahl . nein; Iloilo.. ded by , hin4ll,(4.FOritk ise..and'4ll4:llll, . contaiain thirty-two there is an eseellent„Sieut ••., Ctn tdrifions.--.11 he Coialitionio- Sale are,iftte per. . tent ‘ of the purchase money he pa On the: ceafir-, • wttiinr,of. the sale;, one-half the'readoe:onthe 044, possitsian will he y tlelliereili and the trmaintler !jn, two adini.4ll4yjierits w4l k ißatjAigt _l(;rlt . tti-iskt!le grGlino b6reserzetl: li n yineotato'he areared by.Judr,tocet.- _'Llfthi± proi tfillael_solf. lo lol l Aeltlay_reentionetf:._ be renteirfrom.theist:of ;. • - • - 1. ! E0.A13 R 41. ISE.- :61iniiiiseilitors of Leonard. W ekl; :7agoit'!24, h 44 - " • Pitched*le ..Properitv BLIC_ SA rrIP: surmeriberi - will - sell lit rithlic premises, ou_Elt11?- i Y_" . Hutt, thalYithatiNre - now ill ibe °mollify of , Georr,e, : ilitner;situate • titTliproilgicoflt erl;iiiiesblifvenialterlonilyßinity---- The properly is on the mil• fluid close talkie depot" Tile whole of. the Intillling.is 'new; haying been erec • . tetl isitViktkie lost tlari.te y ear s , rit is - vcry large contra - 404i having room sufficient to 'ae.rortinioilatei• large !Mintier or pekanns. There is Mulched to, die Stand eiteniive Stab!Mg, sn. lee Houle. stolen, ,other necessary ' Alio a frame HOIJSK. for a Store or a private resiimme. Also s'lin ge two story Frame yT E' H 0 lit - Es - ! iiitatate in the sklmienime4 bomugh,on theruil • eilir the'ciepnt;%ikeinr,irsideling piiiffi•oni the 'Hs& • tothe Wsrelintme. - Theiiemm ty is in good miler nth! is it fined us that , a.pternfit may be used by family 91a a reahlenee: - There istittsched to the.sbove properlies.nine full Lola of . - . The iibole of 111;.- propertiri will Imeolil nr t h r r n ill he divided p 3 • ill beet snit porrliosiTs( Awe • ilfsiriiig 14 keep a Ithartl or C o a l vhril coitlifilio pre/pipe a better ;OCaliCl than that offer 1 1 tiaate Will int I " wurew irer Girl teritil Made I Wt .. ' • BA-NI VII, TA' usi•i.i!44__.__~-,-_ valuable BealEgt-Mtf Wll.l. he 'oh, nt jothlie Foie, no t h e poeosaore of an order of i4rllni,loone L;o41.1 iu S ATUIIO %V, the, 5111 4.orf oh r—arc', nt I n ' - clo~k, the imlowip g ii. seriln , 4ll nertir,'.lteini tllc nn.ht itlvel half e l f n errtnin 'dawn • lion or itvel nf hintititopteioNlifflin t •woshio,oolt herhool hook of the 11.4 Or Mathew 1 Iwompson W.,thotrer,l.o 16 Mare Peirr Illrbhe nod the Calcialtielioet creek, cootfoio ing in all -• • ifSihrift I. N 34. fr o :cent mlrturri . lisolng ther•- , o rtveled tt In» If Ston e Mimic' Moro. jl3 1;41 loirk S kr (mße. A ',ell of i‘nterAto Mr . :lowa of el•oire knit, Trti•re i s s Qr. :Ong. Teemed - .111417:1: o. Iho iretnigt4. Ahntit leo iterreg of ' fahl farm in 01.,,,,e1 109 do do er w.ty voter. ate el, erns- 11 4enr-Inuesnlotl-swittl-tite•-residtte- - enrered Ilwit ill; anther. The farlil is 'lsle land itp.exelleiit tread), noill.t gaitto .The term% will tie I'm to he.r.itott the confirin.i . iforot",the . f.til e ,— hhh • kiir arihe 'chase money, itiOtelAtig ttie srat , to he ludd nt, the 1.101 Ajwiirliatoq.l.l, the lift, ts ill he. nude nod prevoisieu,given,-imet flit; residue in lien equal an,. . cantlintyinient, titers-.f..e Irithrott inn rut, to h, so utred .port„. e. 11 %VI i) SCl{ltltt '1 Ete,tflor or 161 1 Am. Wiper: ms;,iler'‘l, yr:a - The titter '19,1h-elect lndf of iL,elewe ea trust t/I poke!. the prileilv of the hitho,rther, . • Int.tudd IlozsilMe anti itince..l94l on lite Sarni, term . ..rids Hee above. Aurost 14,1154 t. Valuable Real Estai,te AT PUBLIC SAL& T 11',subset-M E yr, xecUtor o f lam Esalicis tact, deed. i•l-sell at intlalic Fade nu the pre .intseson— bllll.lAX=dic-2flitkitf.Septemb,r..,-1144a, the following described itrni Estme, to ait: A i n let firsLrate • ••,- I • • . .UNEDSTO E LAND, ..• • - . • ~Coninimin; 53 acres and 57 itert:hes.meat measure. Alm War is lakttmtell - WM. The improv,emeoisit;e hew tikmatory'wealli, — crlioartled /MUSA:, Ilara.tual all other • aores-ary nut-building; .st'..yot tog, amble , Orchard of c stars trans, §co, .o'oll . wsiter Dear lite house. • . Thv laud ht, s - hpatial about three milts Wi;;:lor 'StieliatiirshfirAttettellal_Triostlir road; vie) iee,l led lty lauds %Vitirttlftir. 4 l . leorzl‘'esilteilfreatttl Juslttia 311yers. LIV/ 77,Ati uniispid.b.e title Atilllieqiren. o?encesit _nadc,k;#o44ll N Fom tit street:- A) ijo • do. do • OEII t' •••-- • . -,_ltarti, ali:10 Pa r:itari AVulnatile Farm. si(liallit :iii.W,vsl witriormitit i ' .• . . • twqmship;. Lu9illerlattil ; entint.7.l4 m)lei wiat from .Cirtiode. oil' /14...A.11ninit.ltotk-S ., ison 4 4 iwaTr.tlie,' Comberlioiti'VOlq. IliallitiiiikiittWafeAng.aboliti4so Acres of , -,_' ~...,,,; ~,,4 : , . '', . v . ~,,,....,.4., -..:. ~,-, 4, . • ' s'' . .' 'LI?* . 11one::Itigaiilf., , .. ~ . . , I.4,iniiii44ti•iiii;,;rAtili . taii4 t4!;', , ,ifftii`ilaiit• l re:atellii , not . .. 7,57 E. , . two stottH log, liouir,rtWit ' c.:itiiriiWt , q , ' ,13itritri IttOttolli,toli 44)11 Wnitati !,ItiNll;imltiriti 'gr'tok .• 'glut it fantiseKi int ktk;ser WI i t.g. welettr*iti Or: - I'l,ii.ti • fitrii..Witrtlkitte':ici'gOOtl iitlitaitivioiiid,'Nirillibef , aor . 1..1.013'0 . F. the Imiffit ii - i - - --- s'• - • ---,--- :' -- - -- 7,t 77. -, =ir , ' ,,,, ; --- : - :,' ~_EPt2,pittiiiikliiis_giquii_'lViniitini:Aolf • Ain the • kowmiseiPor'o 'thi7sobsCribe&i.keiliikto;---• lkilttytton.t6wlttirpi . i kis eiii.tiftliitTSlbtie . fii,tWif ;.. • • ''''.l lIN • G': .. Wll:l:lAMS,4f:r:r . -: • ' -.• For. •lltltliii; 4,-. 12=== -,-.- ~, ::;.Public , 'Sale.;,- , - : l ial .71Huililay), the 20th ql September,! , -- WCili iiis iikiii4,lkbrii4XlYaWaQrl4l o otOilll ( , e: .erlaisil cmuoly: rival ' aff - olre:14_11 , 111$14!. • isiiir, - ori the, pr,e,mitoOli Newton lowpaltip,paratirr r ,. ~ h i" " i i h kr• akeY. 4 o!!'li'l4.Sir A 1 .91 r ° 1 ,.,• --' t .ii, ,- -114..z ' (*le laile t atO'''ar'SZT -1 ,•,t,, . bo 10l ,hi ,J.lNts 1111q1lingrr.,_ Fraud. Art allk. ~ lholkll.l4 . ‘ lll 4.9lo:o 4l Ntlitiollt,FU 'lit 'ACIt m ote . or less, !wring a ikro tsdattiry I,;OrYHOU.S . KI - Efk -- . ----- oil erecW•li h e:i e • 8 . 1 4 , tArl lerrttiu Mwille h Grcuxe:ricke, lowizetl. • _- „„ i J, I 'ilv!e s wl l sillalfie iiirielirit.illeli"/ 4- lirppeitrbr ; 1 '''. rediell; coistiming 111,111)ivieboa; -, 11;4 KitaSek liwv, 1 Cov. 1 kiraliVOpli Wow- • o ' cav Ipg AiTitia. ,tu 4 4,1j!1i0ji.,,AL.3"90,1i,„4..T7104f„yer: . ugeviiiiieleao*pit, 4 , 104_91,11f Ailte:lPl , ,''' :,$7. , 1 ~, ~,,;,,: 1 , . ~ ,!. cRXI 4 I,IA.MiIIf,..FIOGEP, t ;g ~',- , —..._: , ...... ,, Ai1epinia1.-Ige!M:4lclk,•,AtTr7:':—:: - 'AtillsP4 1Ft—.....,- .:,:, •-:, ~ , „.:„:,, .... , 3",',, , ,t,44) . • ~, % 1 , ; ( 7:. ‘ --,"'e . •!„,- e •4::'),.Ar . ,I, .. r -,k.1 . : , , ,X;,:r. ' 1", h .,— , -7 • t 4 i,tiV;;:- ,- 3 •4,0 :4 1 ,0.. - ‘,7 -- : , : -7 .*: ,r's--' : , ! ,,,. .. ': ::: - ) COIF - 1104kaYe - Pi* l 'Or the ' Cla i i/Oli f ICV lOO-I "t*,,lfeiO nr, l' I arthe k rire ll7 s4 4l4 A P""ll s - ' al of thirlir kirAtc ‘ - ` l !c,tids ,1!;, , ' eillii - 01 . 4 144ftl t tr , 14l ZEN RI =MMI AT PUBLIC SALE .14)II X CU iIIFAITSON.: Is 43 M=NA 51116323 Mil I 3 ~~::i;' BE ; `~•1;'
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