SI 4 1 ,, r w. ka - !NH ~ • • „ - , • .."' *l ltl4dife f iti(St'noliatit t29otorith.irel bisciimstonz.Ait e tioreitiebitb;e*tnitreinti• /PPP! A a l g.c .l l'lE i a o ll i e S ' Tfk rt r °lld, I Distribatian. ierbe vitadlenge thee , been ! aa - ce,ptact by a gentleman , otitai Fait otigßVkiiiiibit'ditrall • eiett ' *37ll ll /4 1 -ia 1 0 7 : 2-11 & ( * te , = borough,iimorhunlly z thq 19th insti at it &diger' propositioiL _advanced in:the nhalk4ge ef the ed . et r ei;ilt hta )ettet• tp%"4o.c Milne itilatielphia, is rapile,fairoi able tp thegeneral int‘rest, Of the pee oeor the trrited States thee eet Itpt e rt i r tar ' i Olah fie le ileheekhY 2tift. A tlitat , ibulion tir the mow arising itiihm the \jades et the public beals , ,amehget the" Slates, is • im , politick and woiuld icsitit itifut fatuity ,td the 'general Intel &cut ol the Country Thil of 4 thV'eoUtity ale l parteei arc most respectftllly.tayited !cube presept at, the'die- . • - •' The conim pication to,the.lttat•!.Y.atunteer, ; • - piiabalttifiUtn , AiattsCll..meart, ing wo.Altitilc',olo;aittltur'*riii - flank ' himself; if liC - 44triniceit,.tbayit Contains a steal of ttaatite.'OriPrtlittirk He r • soya tue oem — p ratio piirtyzatouppose / Pr im iiple to masa' theatitige - , tVC'ettpyos&litif. Friday ' fitrmalicd one illustration of th itt, - but histAMiday ' areek•ailitriaburg, - (tirmishctiir..muctrbotter one. The ladies whistr - i'•tiie',6entiurCs'act: torirsely,.too, . can;:affbi . k. hiirittlejteMirrit. ... • , • ncici Saw.n..meeting attended .by ladies' yet; that it .did not produCe granter decorum:than on other occasions, and are trust therefore the lovely - "lista 'of eighteen fOr!y 4- atilbconfittuetiOve their, ickinsoti •Itieetina. BM ..The prceeedirgi tr. of the -Bickitson . tovimship meeting will be foetid on OM first imae. The" t uddiess is omi!ted:to.ilay : !hr . want of rcom. ' ' 1" 7 1 7i: CallZrpS9 ez Senate. Cr Tito Whig Conferees Oppoifitee to nominate, a candidate for Congress from this r diaytol, met yostfrdar'and nominated-.lion. ROBERT ELL /OTT,-of Perry, for :that" Office: -. 'A good man and • . • - The Conferees to decide: upon a candidate fur the State Senate from'Perriand Cernherland, met yysteiii4 at Sten:4"a trap, add placed in nemina ntionßOßEßT of Peery county; for.,tlint: (Zee. '•• • ' • • • Thi3.iiireinl ptopepdinge shall appear iin,oar Oiance . .for 10604 ce-j• It will be 'seen eiretiliir koni the Pies: Peet of the Chiy.,Olnh - of i this-boiough; that he of. fere en behalf of- the-aetletation the 94 of ONE IWUNI)R.ED DOLI.AR§ to - one'vato will make goad, lONOcirtion that James K. Polk is in • favor Milli; present Tariff.. We are glad this step hattleeri:t4en. If Mr..P.olifisJufavorofthepres. en:. Tariff, any frit:take his can put one hundred dolLira into hitosuiptreaSury" by lurnishing the proof. It will he en easy . thilig to bring the ;root for ward if it is in existence ! Iftit:s cannot be done let us I lmiltno noaLol'Pollt's being in-litvOr uf.tho Tliereie no danger of the Iponefnot being (oak el,ming os soon ss the proof is producp,d.,- Any funiy - tkatknows - 8099 I rvisict knows the he is "good . Pot It!" - ,A . = ,701 Grand Rally 41 . the Clt .! tloXie Wittig of Dauphin county rift hul . Grand Mass Meeting at Hurrisburg,/On Tuesday . , neit'the 17tli initiet, Mita, frzi the exteniive "a • rrangements made, will no d 9 be a grand and imposing display., Some oft de must distinguished speakers in the einintrY/will be present. The Ilsteli•string" will also/be out, and the hospitality of tlih ‘Vhigto ofilayrishurg'is cordially and freely • °ire Md to deletiejee from other entinties. ' Of course With the ettsy facilities, afforded hy . the Railicnitifur..reaellingjlerrisburg;'.them•will• be a eios4 of WJiigs front. Old - M(4W* iund,•ldni who kriywomsliting of theL•t_spirit , lltiittiVip, assures' / pass that thol:e tie:4llirgo:,tipOltii yVidp. pass dtreugh the Cumberland Talley f . t. the meet. ,trig A jifir,l4!urg,' . o9;:pat'conititised, id gie maze leeofueoydr assembled : •in yough;e l Y.l:FidaY tint: re all 'know: liow eaenaively the Whiga gets up these niectinge ! . . . - ~. , ,•-•- ‘ I An extra- • t ktin!f l f... Cr?.T°i ll :lil7l . q4ioVFFt- burg of t; . 4 . claai;Shiiiiiiiitibirk iii'll , NjuirtiiN . --- 4,LE t- and 11i4-449t1101-i. .fir 40034..-TOrPinP,--. Filit4iiitik,,,inflioruirip . .}7Fr c:BIWI'S::: ,:,.''', - • - ,— , ;;Ye. - -7 , , 4 !'Z ' •,:!. MK-Oiatilsogii, , A gat% 1 - ~„ .:.if t_mian.ilip_:79uptaerf-li!in!cs,-Atilßatioorii 4itirio,t ; • inbtp *het hdr Henry' ticiiis' a' l in ble i'' S.' tkaili „ktiPli-lipor iiyorat;e swearer. b9t.uuse prviona guilty r- - cif subtr vices i afe'r mit I ktijiiiiiififi'-iekUrrlie.ty:fk*: ---1 1,494 1 4iff-* -- i) 4 '4.:4 6lo 4,i;iimi!' 4 . eilinP!; , ,' Fi. , flilt,Art.Mr'. 'Claki,3 - .'sic'etiC:', - lf, 4' o,thhclv 911,!' In!! `-° 6 0, 1 11""( 4 5,1 414, 15. 4"l l lA,ctiYgi?o°Aiit, 47 :di ' s i0 1 4,i *Ti;Pi r io l li.". ll 4 l ,j ' ), (l o, l g;ottitri ji l V4, 2 , 11 , ftiipm a EIY f!' h? tuOr t i r b ;. /vl; ttlai . i!. l qmnfig• l - •Tiil .71iiii"4:/.i,ii°%°fikqtle-140W-431'.;!i1);1V4P,* —l iq'ti. trYViwrfthiNT6r-46- you ' int , r° Y e ' l -511.1 ,-:P:li 4l 6:ll l it i .f. , l l ik! +., .- k ,j , ,,i1l t. , 01,, f : ~, sta,ap.,VeAl tfi:?itß, ll l.l'..P;ikooliali testidniiy,in;-, , ilwoti if.;;;WAn - y; , ii 0. , buy°. sAt4' . voy?, of mo o . i t # ' HulifPll?:tl'-tx,',f`fiig:** - , iiofitil4iwi',iii*liii Ih'e„!;494l.l),, , Cet;the4atii'M.Fettem- r-in rdifitY4, c1r. , c05 6 .: ,L 0wn' 1 i. 4 0!! 1 11::..0,0#. 1 : ,,VA04; •• ..}0 . f0 1 .0:, liiiiti:dfiioU-,. 43 4 5 i 4 1 , i'di400Teni-g , •-; • • ioibilV#Arfeifloildt#l ,0!" 4,16 60 .1 1::`.Ref94, : riq.( ! gii s t t , i , 1 l gnimii:..hilliq ' ' i i:cii ,ii filfr.,;: 'l o , ;4 4s o t, io. ' y A 4 jo. 7#7.40?9,4kit-,,,r 164%!,'4.4q: dingle rant, ,-. 1 40 % 4 ,ke ii.,,,'4„tis o `e,uh k r gt ,ti u mpod up, ' 101* ' . 9 44'Caiti'lti.1.,-1,,,,rv,,,,p, ,-. . ' .lias p`' .be , Itreetkiimlita'Oei!igo ..' ," Vi&tiC l ii , ijt 4 ** 0te14iie. 1 ,6,.. 1 ‘ t, -': 'Pi 4 !TIMM li r tr lo io4lolanr Cl* itrAt ai i iii :iv ":latter.? V', lift 2 it i t t.l.,:eif-1 41 ',/ f , OP IP 1' 4 1449410 1 01te1eV0 fiii4f; ''Aliii 4.1' X:* 44l l ,l 4444iidtilfiewitiii.t4litilitroiktiw i to , 4 ie,t 11,40.03m „ hciit , ,ietrATAir,,,,tilimsgwg. 4:o4,o4#4*vklit'Aiii.,-.,atom,) 4 1 :4, i t i t,. Er •iiiti1):4 , y,, , :115‘,6 , i ,,, ,.11414f,a-4.!, , 10tee,4: :'," '' • •" 11 4 11 ‘,'",',4 oe . ,ii ' i. ' , , ksi#47 : 4 , o i ii i *** 4 ~=-, 4 4. .- - :`','!ior - . - - -40*•10, -wwthio diaritLo' --:"' o*-10*,if a' ~,: t~ ~,`~: ~;~ ?;:.. ;.iii - 1 , 7 , &,i mmaeirgott,! ,, lrk 44.110., ,01,4u.ic,‘,4i444601ti'11i NeetingOeld . inlihie btife,li'9h.fetil4i!ty: 4 B, 'gto.4 l l,o l ° 7 f °l- , itlt: 4 : l t, 4 1 , n 9tUel it_.•oll.2l*hAr 'aertOnlY f fea hiniffrieMN bviitglthltqWbig Tongs meetini Of the 1711fOlt: in pOint of n iiiiiiiiiet it 'aitie #lo4'4''''',AAtill't3 is ' lailliii4ao _OfiVfor' 3 re Our`Lodah;c 6 ftlenl sj-4 , 01,0 eiVfelit tipliglit is that Ikey bar?l , ,kl!vitte,ol"iitifitA l lifieteliduri., trick; litiOinFlt their Ifienderiiliktrriebdrg olt" koi , Monday beloycl t f r illl - hot, pilthithiel* . se• 1 1 41 W aln ' RiOß 0 0 Ofiii txualitrtink .. , . • JX-tilfacttgeSt , fir th.Eor,:biitActli,. 4 0 4 .9 ' 11 l ' f f'il i t ' Alo . pe i ti kl/( ,( , '70 4 ;Milt i .I ‘W t i W P OgaVIPP , MAP °PROZIonia , htldin - fa/ 61 . 9 4 1 g IthP Whigs withallithe tiiiventegethi; h 'a i'' ' u • ' A 1 , y: t r i t - sing -41-4,491011004' Pil'Fi =4l.4llo°T'lrizilheir il:refide-W,HirttlVtliO%-extrittirtiiiiiirt, egertio ifit " 'tita oo;tt banner to r err --% i i l , vtr ti t ue: - 6 5. U V M DEMIC i4.e.e f,` vYR. fqr, ; tir 11 . 1 1 :r4 7 fist0_i0 ; d-! jot ; theM.:,with ; all-Alie^doriiming:up44lt •• ellthe, Whipplng•iik-441,1.ti1l ilie:foa , l:l4o;:initi y:!e'l.ninit iiidoittii'.A.piwiiiiii#3liiip - r i 01840i14!!'ii:1 40 i 'w." i o qt cOoldt)o34l : ooa,p t ihililo44iO3: inceiteinn•JL-wiiinitiiiiio-'toiiiisert::t.ltt, J, liit6,,V . Oili Maskineeting:,el . , tlio , ;l7th'`Of.',,'Atiguat surpassed (1)1it: o 1 our opponents, 'Ain:P4d!iY::lailt: : !': :i lliiii Je' the ; opinionofepud I;nt ; cnon lied), side; : ! ' , 4 - iiirlTanothet•Smptiitiint"fantliif Wiiii - ineet; "inetittliel i riti , 'rat. - , - '4t:Piiiinti ' eier- the - L : 00°100n - Meeting; iii: , delelatel'fraM' 1 7;m4 1 . 1 40-cd 6 0..f.Y 1 • "Indod - .ilin'theeting-bn*i.lOtir,l'atfiieenetl7te - ba . more ~.of, a ..retry. noun ty,...delfionstrallo'n than: of rdii inberland 1' '"l'llf.PkrY:eiloll.k.'clelegiqiiin7ktiifi 444libt0cllitiii;:lio;:of ,ih - e,.iiiiy, , afidPeify ‘ . uni : r - qautionolyivalved - .l.hseliketin7iflocefod .. rdsM'un ' - Frillayrlt'aPpeifis Altiire.,wits„spenutbirririirpre r iliiiti:tiii,tenstly tianner" iit'wor . s-in 'getting 'l3iit. tliiirlTiihforetri2dellatiArfjfilMi-'POry:4-ia-Aiiiill tL ' / Mini that Mr. William ii. Xbdersoft„ .11; very ulthy and prominent -Democrat of Perry, was put in nomination in that emintY somal i iMiu since for the State .Senate 7-4 is, also - known that the . rumberlate - county - donoclacy Inive r petirlmemi. liairop foram carne station, R. C. Sterrett; Esq, a very , ..,yarthy .. donmerut;.-,of, this eaunty. The nomination .liclosigs;at rigAf' dila ,yiilar to Cum berlund, but .Mr. AmilelarM bas set We Iniiirt upon a place in 'the-- 043 ijkle, - .oed-- - -he7brldeterriiined hot • i if hence l'''''''' -•• to' yield. ~_n t iegreat'emptyttlg.put of Perry democracy on Fritlail... ,. Wea:pliecipally through Mr".Anderaok`e,exerlioiilii . jbe.fiftdela." gallon wa'S'g ; ia epi ait'tt;,44a#44o:aitaiiirnt4ttilia; it was inteioed4liat.4Ln'lliiil94:l.ol;ol.llllo.-6 up in his , ' patii, ' ifilF,'ttiik-,:•4o;iiiiifitlg.. litierpiaion , to our blooming :;ialliyk.,:.s,VAlier'': . Mi.. AFiiie r*, eon i ii e'xpertiolint: ,wilr iiiieCiiiii`:ik•,)eleaiiiii,. : . the way cot hurt, - rentat:Mi':tO L bo 4 .;oo.:; :; l3. isf:- tli' . : the meeting., -...- *.'..:-:..", . ....,: . ,-, -: . : .:. ::: 1: lidvjit • been pi:oof* ' ttle2 iriitif Ittliti,Jil the "Oldduard; 4 at. taaeaSter,.llM6daillierMl 'wo: • did not . get,hOrni3',lo seetlm":" . lcTeFf') 000,Iff_ocessloh• - mr:Friclay,:liiit understand it was quite a "d4sliing affair,, one - displayed a great array Of bturers; some of ;01;ich Werq tli - ouglicp beileadedly in:iii. gent, while a few others were altogether disgusjtY fing; not to 'say indecent. One, we !early/is: alayed. - :.thaf - interesting bird, the " fly-up.lJm ' creek," helping himself with a gory gh euppetite..' uponsthe entrails of Veoon., flow onld our:_op... penal-as like to - be calledd - -noW .p. )e ; - link? tr 9 party?" Another Runner. represented two mon fighting. a duel—probablyGetieral Jackson and one of his unfortunate aXagohists, whom Ile Mid weltering in his blo . 7 ' The "stuffed cow," holy ever, was not here they could not make it keep long enough we udgo. ConsideraNe painil seem 'ott:ta" be fil", on many of the banners to worry tho - pmir - 'eoun - as much .as possible - I: - ' • A laxte number of banners werekniCribed, "for tho7ariff on 842." a circumstance vthich ie no yded in the card of the Preeklentik the Cloy Club in to•duy's - pdper. Ode banner horn os a 'motto, - "Texas the key to the i On;i s on." Will Captain Sanderson infcWm {hit priltlia Mint alit!, means? is it nicant us p response to' Southern Nullifica d Disunion? Many persons would like thitnow. . Captain Sanderson relied greatly upon counting the Whig procession On;thp 17th to prove that it was a small lanai% Now we aro told, on all •handsthat on account ofthecOolness of the day and other circumstances, the marshals_succeeded in getting nearly all ofAteir.,men into processiurr on Friday last, and yeti he highest count we have heart! made of then is . Fpos) i Most i , othcr counts maketlifiritiriitici shine 'hundreds lower., . It will lie 'recolleitted that the ,oppressivo' beat , sittlie weather on the 'filth pievented nitre thait half of' the ; Whige in-town-fromdaining dhe - processiolF :13y the processiems aloha it can be ideMonatraied J.h4.....1.4. 0 _,.Whi g limes inceling - , of the ,l'itli ;ills much liirger than that of last Friday: , , . L. heirpralttnrifit7Frivay,•untir.:l - and in the, evening in town, was altogether of the Varasil portitoo" order. A Mr. IltivvicwhO hailCd from Indiana, hut who, we, understmiol is a' ler ffi oco.holder at Weihington; held; thilli . fir dint. lte see Mod to hays tot_two tho,,llc, self 117fdMirer of Indiana, and his disgusting • . . . . . .., . wls folloWed by Mr. Spencer, 0 . , , agerstown, - wis vtlii - We'ha - vC7,no,i Ileitrit..:7l)l4lllutie,r, r - Narrisktirg. also` Save' a'a!treitatji?? in , p . 0 rip in i, In.the evening; Mr. fraltir,afiNerrisbAirg, meths 1TC1444 ft; di'oeOt Oliel'ob. and' followed'%"o 10' Cole:tell Frazei.'`..r ciioaßier; wile isqiii ,- niare4d l'E - BRiqi 6 lroioo l `9. !'men? with: qle 14)(14 voice"- 7 W llo "lntatcs,ihirnielf'kllSvo " tho Tili,i 3 7fift 0 ° :" 1 .. 1 idoted folk-7 8 nd wil o ,44Filiqes ;6ipii 4:PrettY clefirr':fellowil4ves theimpraliskini he * he goes t 1 , 1" he;la the most h6tlll,la6tif*.Tig!Pg4cfP lgokuo of-the'day, *.-- - * , , ~.4 4., 1 _ , /plus passed A ttie , great rol,i . ,a,aiis meeting • .—we ha:ve trealiA if iliore Modhiaie r lithan It ,do scrvedrbut,it iftOeaus we think4l fly mgieat hatm4 t lo .1, a ,' s ' utriVirlan ;county'. w° , 4 s"#' 4 , 1 9 A.f4 1 ": 1 , 41 1 9 1 4,11'714. an per psiiireti Alia ' tleifii,x*Velifilit tharitoP of 0 9.,•nig1 1 ;!' i lf90- 1 1„ 0 .15ftfi !f,O , V, ORt-grakP , 3 ll )E 0,1,TP,ef4, o+Vlrklool l .,' t 4 1 lloY ,, :_,fort:i attocecg, !kn . & tiVi fnust ) --s .f's . ,dtv , 1 41.5:. '4 .ya‹.! . .t,;:r`e; ,- ,.1.-qs' .1:P111 1 , ' , - ,.. - p. 4, l ;'' ~e,l it:rii. : I `) ,l l s P4#F o ))oo l ** 4 Tltiuß,...,,'''" i } ityt ki t ,' , y9lo tesfiiziiii:a r idityki n * m mt• ~ - ' ..-....-., is e• 3,, -,.. *,. 44‘.:. .. ,- .00 . 0 -i• !h, g4 i e ~ h ig ,I. 'll elm.P) Cr.I9.S4:(''YLVYTI, leieifitoy on e ha (iPea,,,,#tqw.lloiT,firgriiiikidi V0 3 : 4 4 4 0 411 ;i 1 64, 4 ,41 . K ,40 -#1 4 . 1 ; 144 40 ; 1 00 , '' Zh r' . ti' ' l ' ' 4 eonet-; bet. - A' 4 4/i,.--k 0 - Nt j r aa 'f' d ','!- i n ;74 ~m.0090,,1YNA.1„13,,tic1,),E41711110 ItOpir,,, iv,,,,,,t, 4 4,iivig ~, k - .illiphr,-Ilpere` well 14,1 4 V‘Itt. ' 11 A 0 :-., OA, 6 14 d ', 4 4 , ;;,h o f r etii O 4 goo 4 , r4 ow litllee * oo#s I,#;:! , lrc t i4 -1 0,',* APAPLY , OIIPitt ft4,o4,...ifir.hbrO,tt oti,leaDoolllll/1000.4*thilk ,ixitithiiOili*' 4 4fifiliflet4olo t ei 3 Otifit* .-.44ifiIV ICAVV; :I'l l ' l. ' - ':::g4. , ., : .kr , 'il °, " -aciritit-k. ,--..,A,,,q4..+)rtidi60110v11q1111.'. : 11.-VrAtIV ,%-killigitliii., (letli''' iii` -,thelatff, '4OOO . , ar ;-, L' - p , tr:* ,1:6 , 1 ,. AirP#p 401 tote. , ° in", of i l 4 i i r kitiC r it#l ' t(EY l l o 4. - E T TW ) tf 6330 t 4 : e r. , 91*.reT.5k944, - ivegoukth Arnker—f, tpr he *WO: 4'6.4'411'11Y 4,di j :t4 .morkdrniof,Pangreetiand , pcohably'llielfoutth=cif. the i me.m4era , g4q l eP o i lB ,`AbOut, /ROO gtl to 04 c epc: teeii'ind9i .0" I!. .1 0 . - - T — ,:-. ."7" — AT;ii7o -r- rrg:fir. 4,iF641T,. -- ...k , 7 7 .077 -1-,, ~,, '.l l 'l:9 l ol! l ll l 'Vl:i 4 t4littlittOtttWititq:lo 6 * io62itrei ilg . ._iisttte,,tt4 . l‘,Witiiri liy . A: -ov4v - vi ..04 ..• '` 0 tt.4 4* c: . ' Maim , 'F-,, 4. .. , F1. , „-, g , a, ~ L.: , w 9 TT ,: 4aiii . . 4it,' Wilt-rolOik*nicijokikt.for.liarryc of OF,. Vitii l itiiitAll deiOiii'ili?iiie.'iniitlie4`iUth'i , 4ii;,. - ri c ,iivbr4thp..-_*Lyp.-if,Abii.i .. 2exaliipatriatti• ; ;ol thii;Siate.. . . r Oar lash . 'therTarq : 10 ;" il / /i b A'! i , °ll s*Y'!OPiff e l ; . b4raispk4o , iivligiittok,4! ! lpyeiy:lo?vibli "man at now(tiels4.`ptia tised.i9ttilli'Pe4}l6lis a of the? ; pro~enf -Tariff .A gentl'aman from,` the Wle't., (I,3va#, , in t toivit;.kgiat principal 'pa tof ti£ 10 MX g locacci:CsryilioymOkaware'; - ."irilaTin o I .4eeere - Tertholitliiiigiqsikd'itill. kik' .were not dipilged. to :hien :arrAiienae; 6'410. 'us to apreiia - lheire.hefiiiiiheinible..-.Z , .- . •:-- , - ' - ''Whal.;le'the ieinniii,7'.oid 'theyeatera r ken. iiiiiiiiFfii*VeieifgOtt.W l 3loFi:.gtikitirA(9:4° a nurnhel'. iif the . balinera--have.therTailffetfp42, j k 'l9 l'id ri .il ) .:op*?"_!;'4 " !: • ''., • ...': •••• :: l ',..,.. , :i:.,,:, .7"ifohr!!,' l siii - dAltelkOlkite - , -'1 .14, - .0•4100 . *lilt - Or: tron:Masters Mid .1147iiiiifaCitirirs - ; In, ihitae- iiarta .and-itlaindeass!ar_i_tajteepiLbeiKailiititentile on their -aci, , oianh", , ~ • i i ., 1 . . ' , Well," ..intitlityi 'Wine,- iltlllisi'vvill do fo the Pewermir'e , elootiem,';Wriiilrit lidfiiiiiiin - Stu in the general reS*oliiiibr'if tolk:ii, elected, h e in not -66-ity fa'ytirefyediiiiiiitritia.W'il`. -.';' ,' -;•------_ `"ll"4"Or:' . laViild,'!_jiitili_!the'..'...i.ZoVei;:!.4; only eleci hfn;, iki, will attend- to that liereallerf" f' 11 The same tentleman informs; us that on the speaker's stand' , When it wits anneMneed•tWat Mr , 13rawn, of-Indiana, and -, :Mr; ^Spenoor, of_ MO . Y : town; would • make addreesea,•oon of the pm mitten , • . . _ iArivetely inforriffd those. gentlerpo llisit it would not do to say anything ogoinf, , Che Tariff of-1842 for that' law Woe' Popular ,In this putt" of the'caiiiitry, fit they must:. stiryto, - h that Polk' is as good a Tariff man as Clof I The names of the parAloe'in.thelabove conver se-11ot) can he given if ( !xiti one .douhis the" truth of-the story , .....- 1 Tide ythii waftlio . peoide are to be ittimb4ged artedeceiieibilierthersi: loaders of " democra7,‘ while Southern . ...Oree'f. ;admi t Nullifiers, ppunionittsitift Teitia . land.holders" siiutolcfr,othitin flietr - denreat iigid.a and .tromple , the American me - alitla - Hpnklp.pererin the dust: Shah / the treaehe'rciiii nxilfor4. - sitee'eg .The ppci - pie must answer. - - - . :" - -r - " '''," ' --- he "lap - Boy?' is the title 'of a malt cam- cr' ppigq conun per, tfielt;blication of which lies been Iced in this leirotigh, by Mr...T.rintecl3.. Sm i. As its name importi, it advocates• the claims of day,-Frolinghuysen promises. to boa_npiriteil, mei,' and' piingent hide . . sheet. wish hers to say;iba; ellb Weo4h it is printed by contract , with rr i nderinli froin thWoflice, We have no connectiyn 'whatever with its editorial management. --- ,Ho! for' I , llctltatt icsbtirg ! ebanicsburg on Saturday tbe.2lst inst! It must be a rouser! Volunteer Caliid/date. cgMi. Brannon, of this borough, announces himself as a candidate 'for County Commissioner . in the Just 'Statesman' and 'Volunteer. • • It on 'the fah instant, in Union 'Church, by the Hey, Levi Scott. JOHN P. Outlaw, 1), I), Predidelit of Did:onion College, Carlisle, to Miss MARGARET (11111gliter , Ot the hue Al vener Cook 2 of that city. On Thursday evening last, by „the Rev. Ileniy Aurand,•mr. Thomas drily or Perry „enunty, to 411,6wCatharine cbristlicheretruiberlabireouety- i . ,4,4•0 n the sumo evening, by the same, Mr. Thom. an J, sell, to Miss Barbara Ann GOILtp, all'of Car. Ilal, • • • • : • n, the same Or lip:lip: the Rev. J. N. Hoffman, 4 Mr.- eetrk. - pinkle,.,ts. , Nliss.Emeliner.Siiangler. both of .• 4, . . tin; tbeasme r Mr...lsedlt Adams, • • al)lll4:Matlaill,i — elintli iorthitetronfY. On the by the same • Mr. Samuel to - Miss - Cptlntrine•Sheiner, both of thiecoun.; GU, • • "in ,thie borough, Thnrsdnv afternaciii,-the .6th ins'tant, rifiar a litigating:l4lo4. 111.4. SAM UEL; T. Iwl. 131381:pM, ege,d,2oiyeurs pope& ' • • 4'hus in the verge of manhbed has q mrtat esti. mnbie art ythi a ,ninal tieen;ttit, 'nft'cr a ni tfle, pleasures q.l lei ; ; 7;hase , Who, knew best I :ved him-most •. removal., It. wil assuage thelfief di friendti; however.l _reflect,theit their•lose will he Mit gain. 11 - lisAying loure were soothed - tiYiihe eetiiiilatloni of religion and IC is beliei.etrthaVto wee,epabled ) takelaat: hold °Ron'the lirorbtaca , and %Oar joy to ?Alley° waft, eternal life. I .flnaiechartier‘bArrr , M i r the Zth inst. SatiAtt YANEi :Vainlgerlt'dalighitteffhiliii — itly.4l3iiitlitetilitlit , r aged 1,19051)e,.., ": 'a, ': ' ''..", ''. 1 , ...a fadetilGi4 lovely tlooMing flower 1. - --,, Fra . l kO rl l Bl 4 . 6 4 1 1K 00 fAR.4 10 9r;•• 1 • 1. ; PR ' 4 9,9 - AtiteiPlettt cttrlafortlillA : I , s', ' 1 , 4w - Atidilleatitne•oolyiktoorni Co die,!!:l. , ..'./., .. q....';'...thiiiif:ifitfiiibiT"l6l , eiviibiNe , f ,,, ;' , 1: 6fi '' - 'i, foriliwo_or*oli iiiiq.tif'o!woli,4 i ? et9;, , fi'leac+l4'.4.ariihtSl l B ...Miii, 1. , kiiFli.ririii: 114G t; VVedi r° 4 4 -)l9ieli Pi t ': (l' , l . . 'Air,hs .;01 1, 4c#iivopi0iii(414::460Ntiitii:Aota i cue .boonlylrickel.l:witiill47 WhilligNl:idt,','6o9.4l7 ~' 64. .1 10 5' 6 ~'ki 3; '' l 'i l i A i l!: 6 „ •, , ' 9 6 ll . 4i l` y..9 -h piipil i o -' inaticotica,..trvi,ikautid., , hlg.ohq"or )I,pdf:iplivid:: iltipefie,lliti* . .s.!/ I . l .: l : 6 l, l l'lo,utc , tystii§F . ',!;' , l'd I .6.iiii K4440.;,` o*. %I"..49Tacri td...igtigii no ekS l osal 2 loY. , b 6 ijOici; l 7: 7 -- igP 44 t- ~ ' -'4 3 ,.olN44,ll l # 4 4irthiiti .Altili te tteditditgya; , :ii ~.. :-s' , WiIija*OLEAAIOL '' ' C l'i bi 'y i tif 6 ctitbii Ailopie filen eo , a % ~, i ,t a reppewtteoindy.lilmitett. *it \lt i r tYARTARti, ono 13.,444 fiatqr*4; 4 .llfel oi, inilt4l,!..7ll.iiiTshgvlo444olllll:!, 6101 % 1 1-4 t.: b.:l;kt sioiciuk„to 4041stAn rant Itilli I LE 00 .frat.4ooo ,n: Rim!" hair, il 'OO ti f the 4 ‘; 4W 5 604 tlit i t tkiiliitl4l` fr--- -' 2 ' . , ~;,..: . - ~• • , • ~ ~/ -1,..:', } 4 -I , :7 4 ov"quilPlPAsll . mblvNt .,ll . i .v;,& •,,,,ti l ,a /1 4 1 1)-, Ot, - ,P,NrgEI I W littet'reE4 6 .o l ttitiithk'oleiin4 know •01 . lir i't!04.44-,9011t At t e t , , at- - Fis t ypikt, l ig 4 fr#:l .tai li t t ui . ?A/Alit liSt r4l ,4Bl OP,. : 10trIC 'O,ilP.O ;11 RIX.".B. 4 ECC TaiLIEZEINVI ?,, I 0, q.N.0.4-1.1?,% : _ PBolco tiffetIRMiSET,TEtS V1‘0,14 , 71.1 lob. with ;:tiviirkT,..; thing;elee in tip& thilis he ; e - kiterPtiii/Oftietiithitihct • • thii , ltitij, ; • ; • , ,cuid • tiriteiiiitiirth:#/*tY9Q44l44llteitt., - of,the ithidifi ; • • ',Y;4BC,i,W SiepLii ' 184'4:- =''<_, 'i.•.,: ,•• • . . ~-L,' ..7-z-c . .., -:-/--- ':,.'-!?.- 7 1 ,; '',. :::, ''', AV illirint "- : ir)ll4t.AtiltSEltlri ' ~,5 , ,f , ,,,.0 , 10 A-R.LlSbE,l. . pik- , • ~.„.:• , i •-•,,, 1.,-;:- -, ..-, ,, ,, ,, ;, , , ,, :-.7 ,, , ,, ..,::•_.-i:-!--„,; ) n: i ,': :: THE•iiitiliori:toil:rgii,ita'tilii)i-PftUttoAui:ln: • - 2' r ilielMl • ild - Ortifolia 113. EES ••Of:4lMl'lpi . ttelyr_ litria4ll44*.s,iiktoOtiini44* - t7riled*Atilliii \prefi.tts)ice,ferfall.plentirigi is obSioUsi•mdieti. ,titfa tilb - Trsrimilanted-at that peewit:, the earth beeoine.6' ilcutiktherwinttreprope.rly•segiEd-ntOuttherniffar eiltli.they , ,itrit' readrtewthrotY7, n itill.''flbl'eifiU .6 spring.4.4'heAtimprieret. , 444•tliblebti4 , 44' Fah - , .merit ,, liafirfor - thfiy-roill—rilaikot t -7 -1.6"-r owing trepp,:tti till ~. , t • • ~.. 4 ~ , ,i...{ 0 •• f ~4 , , , , i „ .. , ...A,10.,; 1 04.4 . A. 1 1 ) 21 4 / 6 .J'V..EIE . S. 1, / , :•epiiiptising".thit.•:'choierfietttirietiO4 ' i - : 0 0 ,1 p1IEItiVIK-TikEESil-- 4 4nzltt ding .-- it'il — tleeLliio • it'igipi.6vd'kiride:- • also a veiyc iqica cpllectlon of.'f., :: fTACI : I, PEA , PLUM itr,...APILICQT Tieea, ai las .al large issorttricnt of ' . . - 7. - rver - o.' cqs . 4liil;TOrnesinesiiit4 . . Trercaia . as Battu-Mt Gilead - Fir; .- AtifdeVirfe; - Amer• an ..taniper, Norway ; Fir, all the,. t ,dilferent kill _ 'rit Linden, Ail :tar ?;114aple: Sllyesy.. Maple, d FloWerihk:ltliipfc a rellow Flowering ItilsplE; Engilith BIM; Mae Elm:Slippery ' Elm, SilSery / Abele; Chinese Alianthus,'Poijotrec.,,Black Ash, ' Balsam Politer, European ,PloPritain Ash; , IlorSe. . Ch'esnrit;Whitc: .Plowerin g,porauCheseill,- Prick. ly Ash,Opage Oratig'e,foW.groSsini.laualcin Aspin; &c. • All kis trees are in Atte' test stale' be illative- ' lion, floUrishing, Mid'in the elitist healthful condi. 'tiori. - Great care has. been takon ,in, seineting.the most choice varieties' of fruit frem.Pie roost perm. • lar_ Nurseries in the Onion,:midiM6li66 is - best adapted to our sail and elitriatc Identity is strict-. ly preserved: - 'AS'ebch-depariment of the.. Nurse-• ry is under the imincdiato direction and tuipervi• si en of the proprietor, all-any rely Upon each kind being true to name. He has some very choice. new varieties of . .• _ ~: . 1 • •'. •-•:• - '•- "•!' • - this fell, Obtaino4 iron? Ptiunele Ndieery, by none he now of hi "Oink season? , 4,(1, %Fanfare' and all others look around, nal' : icnir °there giveltS call. If our trees antdestabliah. Anent he not cyual , and a little over,:tcken* other west _of ilia Susquehanna, and ow-prices as low as tholto of any olher.reielar establishment for trees of-ennui quality; do-trot buy. frimn us: The prapeietor further offers 3,009 - APPLCHT.REES cngraftcd,on Cr stoolts,.the durability of vidilali will exceed those worked upon the told plan at least lOU per centum; which fact to well eatab. lished by all' European, nod r;ccceded to by our best American writers on fruit tress. -Ties time for transplanting in from Abe middle of October till the trust-sets in. " Buyers will be. lurnishnd with directions for planting, as much of their success-depends on the proper inaygpinent in adapting their trot's.. • * *All orders And -conisnunictiti onti September 11,1844 „- New thcie Finding and 1.1.•411kOr Store; . . p E subscriber invites gm a ttention of dealers to the followiiig nanied koorls, which tid offers Amstar: %choleraic pr retail,.. - White.Alurn• doi.lchite•Linings, 5 doz pink linings, 4 doz 'itriped binding, 4 doz black binding, 5 duz Frencli , lf id, .5 doz French Leduc .Morocco; do Penni% Y.Arnpieo, ,QuA ; best bow :Toni pico criorpcno,,.4 doz do 'Stuffd, 4 doz do Straits, and. all sizes of men 'and Peg'a,apd muOputlier art Cull actliwcortia urPitt and Diut4riieroorti: - ' September . . . • Notice , • ' • . .. 1 . 1. potiopn.parDii ! cliar g p and Catlifinate under , i1ie, 1 1.14 1,11;;r okritat Isas hoon,Aled' by DAN. rl '4 L P. SCDP.RDA - 1 - IT - Merehauttrind ,- .Retailei .or Mnrelindize, Cuntheritind County( and Friday ;thd 9.9.P1 illy 'of' 'Nuytouber teiti,,at.l j :e'elont, A. M. ia.upindntOtot.tlftklitnifinwtliObotZ-be:fbie, iii...,rnorionitti,nge4ii. , :-Bitiliiiittt6inst7, tinTifir. triet ,Ca nrt'Rtiiint in the .City,'.. IfL,fhilndelOhi a, Iwltetrantl'‘ihoris flit) CtiditOxstirthe Said PO thin. ertc . srllol,li4g. ; ptnentl - ,thuir,,!ilebjs; and.,all - ofhpi 'p#ii3iiinfrin intorno,. (nay appear and ,and, use, if any,,,they; Intro, !wiry sitelr- Discharge and Corti , finale should not his granted: T, -' 7e , '•f- ' .i '' ''': '' ..rEtWeg:HOt'ONO ' t)K, ' ' ' ' . :', -- .7':'err,- - ~ . i t ---- ,r.PlOrklifilferlititer..olsf; - ':, ; :Plilladelflliti', Sept: 7th' !Mt,' .: 1 :, s ..'„, -- ,4 1 _ ‘ . , 11 - ELECTION - PROCIAMATION i -7- • MiVRitTANTiti an, net ilf4the - OcherillAieeni. 1, - ..,...b1i of the CoinmonWilidtls of PonriilYtvatiie; 'passed the 29th a 0:k .of April;lB4t on tit ITV,tt'AP Act IC tedubo;itife Staid AktdienetO ineo pqrste , ttie Pedasylventa Ciinjtip set RSV Itp • ic,l4;nplcY4 /0-4 13 ii"o° 1 1GODOAniSPOtt ofurn °misty, b , Qunitielykrel, dO herekti Olio ,nOtico -to I qualified eieptiiie of veil) counkyi that- sit °prate, plty`,Alll, tie Atrordit tire. Ain' the ) _ ~, ~ .. ~. ' \.:-', i -, ,, -'itSi a . cotia efico# oyt0 yt ' 0 0 t ~ -4)R_,LO- . .4,1;t, qiitiltii-liayir of-the montho t et tfii ,4,4 ir,rcogqiivfi plo6pfloC bolding, General Eke. tifmer of voting for n ego inst , the pale of tlie4Mu In ' lam ofahe.Peerisytvania Canal ere! • Rsiffead;'es ti i) li , pialottliti s itiP fOlfilitlg keptioworii4d po l': • : ..cgdoip„autit 110 :0 1 t 1 PRCIWekilf"?cir0.4, es t° I h° iio°' or 'eertilin" , br 11 0110 4 1 1 wPrP;Atk. 4, not gll'j'4 9 , 6 Patafq.n .0 01 °* 0 1 1 1004A.TA Alli i(;r47,' of 1 4 PO°PINLIx. t1J 0 .1?)0 4 0 6 0!,' 00 0'9* 1 01+ toi %Oft, -Tijut ~fit.the'obl4 P.lnerotEticcdOnf.fhtqtici, - Pliefq. 4 o, l 7 l :ftt.:•ibis , Ceiteontreititlit,erAs teeny, tot Itutte.,ttu.,9tMettolia . 1144euirehull 'finiiwitt iw the ballot bow, to At, ;usual. thiies sand pleeer pro+. whielthyiso; separate attuvl , H poiniwilimu,^mith' -Ihethheedel, , ,o..fnrs,thit 4410 o_f the InaireliniAnjiblii thetiver • untainet - tifeigile',orthe 'initliTlfair. ,"'Siti," ttte)etieleleitiletl4!ferliat4emw4''lolllA .tiiir,o,aialichod, antsrifolish44l44ol,,OliAt .113,41gt i ctrpr I catifl c•Wwmteilcinore'swwn_ow pro. IratitibatirLoA ll ii , 4 iiifinaioritt of Abe votes 0 4 "4: lIL aidGe nial leatuu`:Pptiteatti4o 04 ihi? , be Prvr-,qab_ 3 044 . -Initin lin il,v; tkiadiol!hln, tewt Or. - P per, 00 petilicitttieir of ttoti vete bi-; Orli, imopet,e,gthciilty, tho Couuntspionere earned i n round sectlOn'odullt OFtieSeciilTP49ofli:thiai *0; IS ;Annear etsit,lai4 7 ,,iithe , hretuto 0'0140,4 , but I. I f , ttligutit:i. id ', ' Yqo a l i *. O A - ro r r r fm,iita , ?o l 2 l o ototiat tit.olllo 01551041040 •'4,thp,i3O,',olWtea Oltlittkok„, ll ,i,„ji,li,gtific , olo,,sop.'QF,!'kue,tivijnjoit, Il in 'tp,f 44 o.? ",'lT!tu' I,li ' 'l Irv„: ~' i . ,ff,s ll ,upiitti4pott :, ittbo.Clolutgotikt ' oral ol,Yh t rlitex'att ~/fithli',,Ahtti-ti t tkpf iliipto 08.4.4 , 1y, , 1ti0 , , , :.„4 ,, ,„ ,, ,,„4 , :kt,At,0, k I, ,,:•VtivAnandfirAnyihatid, atiTlV'tseloinii4Saillit ilflt h.a, t ia 'Pt e iPttl s A . '.% I 04f;:l"li ' 4, AY 1 1. ) , 6, 1 triO - MDOlDolin'llikti‘"' qtxth ,*liiilytip.--t;ft,!‘„3lt, t , t.'jINf*.CASOIRROCERYSSTORE liOaf.iindfLtirnlydir..loo ... 507 Wide , Matan;zaii.4l4‘ltiiiar' linneedoltElihilarLavoeing!irSagetlldd , .iliik.4 O _Lt4 Via Cpteei•Soljbistiti*O.'d# - 5.111).yolis: . • s,da,loo bSgs • "' , GiffippiiheillOilet , lakYOung' Hy kiattiVtlidlifiiiind ;7,14 ; 'Candles, Witiei aill - Lititpre 'of vitiiput .;; • e.t; ; - - JACO Atli% No Ncietli.Wedei..alreel,Philadeliiliik;,"CdorrNl6l=. greatelifflargains to, bejiad loi:CaShl,ll/ ,- -Tbb ad -vertiseio4lkaileiraiiangemetds4wAli:XelkArcielci and ...Pesten cot. fbc sale of-lldit ' ei affil ' Bblicer galten,and. - 100 7 13b11 . 6t,'! I3eaianted 'Weekly, ~. Seliel 7 .s l lil4C- J A; •-• t.. qatti , ''cantikii+,l*6*. , 'ON O 'llllE 'IPA Slllrje VAN.' ' , / I I " roi s ' f 4 :14:0 'A I ' 8 Z. 405 q77•1ff 'eh4N(lfyiki .. o.!,'; • .. 1 " E. • len ' f' , ,itli . f . i .,, StYlitillaiiii,ifie,'‘',iii'the.t' _.._:.,,i 4 .. ti„,10,,,,ii, i ,,,ey. h ig.„,'„,1 0 , 0 iei.'rns. CA SH;:ti) . . ,-ArC.:culitifed,to.tellid. , lninliloic, p ricei; ' dint, Owl niCrOrtnink, NV do: lie•katinfitd.r . oi)il:lllc.y . ., -invite e - peoplo'brgoiiibiClVOßlTCOOiTtyciillijoid - e:FTC, ne - .lllor - mott - To - c.thsr,;6 . fier ao. excellent -as ii9rksnt, ppnvrilipg' ;; . .. • h I ' sr e_ if e w i if ol-Iniperiii(TSAYrl - =--' - • -1 =•-‘ ---- •. •I SuperfineAngraki; .: 2 ;`, ';' , 'f- I licayy l'xiillq . t'Onitian,, _____ ___ _ liiioliirgiiilrWiiillo - 06;A: - .: - 77 -7 7;'.' -- 7,5. -11.141n - p•ipzil do. V..=-= Y'' - ;:1' -': - - - ' ".- •' i • Virafi'llliiii,:. iiiticir..ot,MCll seasoned...C/ 4 0,0.A :or li . t0r,02 , Is' OCiiii',Aodihs, for ...Rooms,. H ells', 4 kiori)ieci3s4im—.4.lso, - PgrnittycrOil'elotlii),=l)6iiii . Gild Hearth 'Hug!, "I.i:lible coycrii,Floorliai:te• Nog CarPe-1 1 4.MAtiiog&c...togotlicritikwilo'bk4 `Tow-priced -4Ograin,== &dry cud : Siniil ' tinrneig; - WHOLZEIATC : or - iirrAt irlkt' - the' . - 113 ., vrt - prytes ip . ftllq • ' -, • '-' • ••• ELpittlipEß . t. BitoTHB ,! : No 41.IStriind'ic I rry struCei'idie'ddinr,aboie ClidciiVii; near 3d at. Enta l / 4 m6b also In Ng.139 flOntli Selland • '•' - Crit••5.;1.134-4. -- -- . - ST... Cat .1 10 STOVE. Olt Patent..Air,TiihtCookiiig Stove Lp for wood:or Coal. Wisoltoutle and Retail, ...At•No.B3_Sotillt Sewed street. Philadelphia; .1 No 2111;ight street, Baltimore, • • No :210 %Vntcr street, New. York • No 46 Coni4rese sired, Boston. . Also,—Ao BlegatitParloor CLUTE .Im4. . -- - - - -: ---- EtARDIXTATLE • • • . T u bac ri be rs .resjleatfiiilyraqi; 'ate 1- attentitni of - Country Merchants •10 their , itnek. stock of Hardware null Cutlery. They ore lion re noising from Englund dill the Nhanuiliutotle • thi Country s Onsillerublu,kidditions to it, which male': at v ery attrattir . e; null thev ifre sell -upon terms which .tintinot Inif‘thitik will be found entirely sotisfitetoryi: 'Country slCrchnnts are loYileti:to cull mid einmitielfiVtlaeanhelvesoutil it,; is confidently ;Mimi Wet.. Will fruit it their interest to purehise Irotu . ihe satbserilters • . •lARA:A[4S t l / 4 WALTON. • 'No 14i South . Fourth street, at few tlourK below 11aarket street' . • Philndelphi• , Sept. 5,1541. TOIT ROPERTY 11%Y; virtue or power of.Attorney,to moilven, -r—P• I will i)ff , r ot iublie fide, on FRIDAY the ; • • ." - i t .- IT•:••c twat, at 2 o'c oc lernoon, on the prom ises-ahattvaluablg WM. LINE. . 0'46 Nouse. fit. d Lot - - situate in Clnirclitown,tuinbeiland county, now negtipled by Richard ATiderson, adjoining the property. o 1 Robeit:Stiftgeon and Quigley: Tlic A ilwelling 'nf brick, two stories high, with briaback buildings attached to the main alcuiot large brick , 5T0111. 4 . 114)4)111, attaehd to the gahln end of the dwelling house, and- with -- an — excellent - fratne **RE'II'CIUSE attached to the ' bier° room, together with all other conveniences desirable to suelt a. property. Also, a Vacant . , . • LOTO OROUND, 'adjoining' the above described premises. These .prnperties are among the -most ext!ellent -- in the !own, and oneupy very deeirable,sitiollons either as Clikkightrtl ,rot9a6o4eij:l/f - adiziiifigeoin plates for business.. • Terms made known' im dsypf sale,i)y" . • CO.. • Att'y.'&o.,fiti,-§tirou4 P. ZolgT9l - : September .l 1, kB4-1. • '001.46 wrl’kbllawfifilwm 70g1fliT; be.sokt-at public sale - on '§it(iknay the ,I '. 28th of . Sapteqber.neiti'at i 2 &cinch nonn,, 1 on , the. prawisei, a !riot' .of tail* tiOntOininir.lo- 1 aeroi,ao4J4•per - c1a , 5,,1n,.. noriit,l9:.te'ainahtif,,P•afe r , herland;CoOnty; adjoinirig.tatio of Will; . .tYrio.4 ll ' noif othe're; —rho kopiploi tints are :a .tvie_tipty ) .(40er::•Iteit$E;--1 - DOIEIBLIE .. .i.lick --r- '" - ' ,: ) - ` :---- ' . lBAllN,,9kr . tieqn Blieds:-co:r Cram; or k ligti: ~ and, ,cizoriiNs, , mitx, 'pith,,a,....o,ufficient . r.viuter4itpiii2roi__liny.l.ltlndler worliti4-eato . a Brit iattiifaier failing '0,01! of wet: i - titi ke - daiF it,da.t : h „. rjaing Y n o ung lechi rd wi th, obajei fruit;.- ,prquprty te„ignateirlinniedl: Oi.the itiitkkoadleioling:Pncarhataln'Zkotk; °ie4- " 1 0 1 3iiiik*401°1401,R3,14 091-o' lter,Vd'lie"'oud the. elow .treentea , ereeit% •whertk thrt .romi , 'criemeerhatdri mitt* - Er;rnireig fridoksthi!' . :Cdrptirtrldlia ,- volox. , •Rtiilniad.' ': - . The, wrirrarof lidirrikilllo6 l l6o& . t.irOv'rrirliiii:d . : . id; '° ll i!li.7,:"* . i",''.. ;: ',';'' , ,,,`, : ' ‘ e . l '' ' ':' ' ':'.''... *: 5.. . !. ~:. ` ''' '" ''' ". '''-:: vAviD.4F,NI)EIk,- ' ~; SAMUEL' Aig'Al`D„Ti,'' _,L . ' AXASO; ni:theimractiii); and 06«) . the licirp'or, IllartiOlOrM4l4:do•ed4 011 iliA }hi,' fikid . iiijoinii4 (111;atioye'trikt;'ilid:;tilifilidjidiaNi taiWapf Nii,,, tiran4fo l4 ;:i4 4 ,MlitiYi.;lt,';: , o9, ol k'is PiiiikifOirikti , i irp,;Rofritidaiiiii:' 2 ',,, ..:"..-:_ %, , :. ' ,- .' ..- ir '-' '' ' n' i I' '..4 ( 4l CliOir44{ ' C44P 2 ZOE 4 4' i i! i l"‘" or ' l c i a"Y itwa -' 476 : 1 1 .—. .ti, ~-,,,,,-,.:. 4- Lifid:iiciv'suliiiiitA* - A.p.0t.:',! ,1 ";' - ' - !'!!11;: fh' 6 iiii*i.rrictecip AP A w I P' na V e .- lit failligtlifo4(tilie i.., -, Thalaiili - ,, .' -- la of Brat qualitiaiinattiiiini , iiiiio , : . ' _ • , „ stone l an d , ktI,F,iII.4".*:PaINM ca rs Y,.',,i'illoPV I INV**, attasmtdi And, beludtkrtiriffr , ‘;'• • 4461114 OciFileiliio:o;lo4 sufficient L im:IMO/OW P:' r ." 1 "2 40/0 ::**0 114 Pb00.0 1 .0 6 D;1 0 0 4 0 . 0 0 Alt: ,pti.filivisflkviim 0n . ..th5iii44;40, , 01/#6'dititlnditi . euthbie:ll4l9 pfd 50#e f t,*. i'0 1)-11 . 0 0‘:P! ,, KtOr" , ' - 'r7"'" l l' I IP'lifi iii - --1 Wt ` i 4.tV-M”.o.;:i . ' '':r . :*., , llif: l ;l'4 , 9tll It 6f.. 7 1 11; ; ti r t *11 4 4P 1 .'''ikT2riYii ii iii: I,;' .., , ;Ali ' Siiielicopeaf tlf..kpyp4l4' I Pr,. leg,rso;,kuimfic!igl i t,.roar j Aitoimi4fiippan* I* l 4.ffulg - 4° til'im,P.TP o4 4 6 l. 94 9.;'o 9 4ißSAlrouak ; xkdkigilt ,46 . 1i,0r;1.2)/444,.5600t9r M jchiel. . 1 ' 4°4 0 41 V Anti Vjaoo3Allaitjrii ), o -,i...ii.,-,;O:pgi- ' 4 t 14•(''' '';''',.,'Y 't.ftM.llo ~,;„4,,,,,011; i, , „Ali, 2. , 44 0 ,.. * . hi:N. ---410. hit s gt - tensuiv-T 1 , -. te,mo , n . 0 iNo r t:,04,11i30.,. 9ail orr illi ' ',-5 . 441.1 glatiVl,lo4,-Itil. plir A iligilktltikg6l4.4l4 Tolije.44lletiuldio 'iiithgtAK''');TlititiPC,llB4" ~..3 reQl6l 414°1)r, '— :ii" 4" r ~ -^ieidiiP )44186,!..h1ii 0018-IIP them.4l4,7r • :0 preyielll 11,4,1;_iiot 41WEVIIVGi ME MEI PM FOR SNILE. LlMila ME "..' - ;•;:t; ; • {ly4, pencipsAnOwittir tlieruselreitil.ilebteirto the rite ftrin,of;AegtiO, ,Atolerson ; nee ; tvtinesteol; to ke, pay inent ; to the strlueliber: before' th! ilibtaint i ttp )09,7,er heJulgeeee cannot be glycol - • ' - '• ; ~.,=- 7 7 -, 7 7 - ' 1 OtiohtTiftMdiatittilSatel , - - . ',-,,`'-‘. 'l ;'" ,4 -- 1 - 1 : - . ~,..- , ,L , . , ..1, , ,f,A 4 ," jrliElqiubikitibio: i i titilgl`ribii dr4oo.lit i t e e , 1 t., t• 4 4,.entoie., iiiteiir ' 01) . 6 . 007141itii C 4 X !and iptillthli.o.vit ;In` taiPipance . of atibeildirtif the, 00hatis!_Cotirt itiP wild nounty , eximae the' iuiali estate of Bahl detsidichl 141(11611U littlOon'they4dim. .t ra'i, en TEIpitSDAY the 10th - day 'otOniehey next,' aell o'ClOok',indhe forenoon'. and iaelictbe lame Sor the beetpriceltbat'dan•be had thdrefor;urn'thit fed toWing‘ terms ineepntlitions, rizt--4:iel air Of the ourchagattioney to be 'payi en the &at of Aliril nea t tr the ‘iittiottateidt• , pdi • vinfaet*: *beg' itiiscettnian will begtveni eltbepting the iostsilf 'sato and pro , . needing* in partition in the c:oert`tiforisalil Who de ducted tram itaitt htiirtirPuiehnia irtene ,fit the con. flenuttiOYl brial6' . 4iriitlea and to be aid Weald putthasectise-intreluiseee-4he.bninne e• 'tttei+lted t o or ,anid-pprehake inesitiPto;' he pnid.le thlie equal yein!li•puttentli' ihet igter .. tlithent iikteretA. liie purchesepi,or etit'eldtferle 011 have tothive,approVeil security;in - Ihe said OrolAns'COMl,l/y recMgolisance On the conapl'utthillofiaillfidtle or. sides, liii'llie pay pent of the juirehniirrdbney, as atoresaitli r rhe zraitriTtite'rotti Al/ildllBlielint - iwtlils - fallfl iri•C , l - served'Orthreuheirat Ond is 'mete go tOilte. talrollaser _or purehnseiaLllte_landis tecbe_dividettsintd_two_ sluices oniyitrparts, Olie'of said , aliard'u is situate and-lying mike townsitlp_OLSilteCiliniegi fii, - - 11 e-, county alciiOlilitt, bountltd by. "tlfe , Trtnille 'Sluing', lambi or the heirs. of 'John I bitniel',' - dentilo'.lneol , ' inat,atlimillifenelherOx, dui heirs of ddint"Sailor, tlectd.•, inddhe other hind of taid'...tleFedonl,l= a non (tuning •• ' ):, 1 , '''' ' A ' ''' . l ''''f.,t'S" '''' . f' r '' • ,'' ' 119 CIIE O 4 ' 4-' - - and 32 perch es strict IlleWilliTi. %Thiellino is of din best (lila I ii . „, o r Li tnestone, and_ all relem'etl'alni:un der good lenbe, except 16 acres witicit,is Wolidlund 'well ;titnkerntl., Thera is a wind tirolui;4l oti the same, a t,iito storikl4.Weatherboanko *I • '.. -. " Lo,' t., 1 7.,Ta3L-W e '. ' •••• ',14 . ' - _ _ _., , • . LI A 1,`1.,t _ ,--i1 . i4.411.0F._-IBANR4tI-eiltN •,,,,, ',V,. 84 feel Itungcand a welbof*ilter„ , Saidlittil isrithinit '2 mules fimut. Menhanicalitug,iltal•Z frot/mCurlisle, intlis4bljoining tho.Trindle road, illl:B,othee_sha re, or mtupart of said land, is situielt. tiamfy. iiilSilveil ;priug and,partly In; 111onrot , tnontddits, aforesaid). lininidell'lty the first , named slinre,or pulpart,-,b7ritfs of Simile' Conklin, , Ifein'y Ttrnh; fentt; Coovt'e; llitii,trEeldigh, and Juni% ,Itrhilit;titnii,ountiiiiis 54 , acrei and gfillerchest Strict Meature i thOring tberech erentedpenifostotThg4lolsl4ll`lttni ii^Stabler'iltir share oryurpart, tx of;lite mule quality' as tho__ fist a iunned,,Lon4sLilLpfeattud,eseopt_29.llnrEurwillehra., , well coteredlililltiniber; - t- ""' - "-, -- - ,, , •• .', ' -4011 N 'BROWNEWELL, Adm'r: ~ .S,eptembet' '0,11344. -.- ' ' r ; . 1 9 :4.8 , • A AL.URBLE FAi JVE „ ~ . AT.: L'UBLIC..:SALE..:' , - :11117•11iLlielioltl'atiMbl on V V 'SATURDAY,' twie •'l2tit•of 'October, itegst taitraihifr, ;near the toad 'froni:ltltiCpi , - • Sliippensburg, abotit two iait'ea front' the (01'110, ; - -••-• •' • , ; • -ViSk ILUADLE • IRA RN ..• , . . containing 141 Adres-of Slate Land ; in a good State of cultivation. The improvements are it good Log, HOUSE and-a Lug Barn, thelatter of ; • • which has lately been put under ail roof; there•itra well of :waterneid.tlPi 1 i hotipeoutd arrutling.,Streanv,through Ilse platte. Iliefe is a•varietrof „ • ; , ing Fruit - Trees on the .plratatiett, ; Alma fifteen acres of the place is meadow: 110(1, anti OventY or twenty face tierce of Orly - tag. Woodland. • The vlace • is eons tiered one of the finest iu that taiuship.-Per-' -sone wishing inforthationtor the place eau obtain it from .jar. Jolin Wilson, of Newville. • , • .• . Sale te . lake OHO at 1 . o'elbek, sultl,4lay lance will be givety.t9il tetints - tootle. knew') by. - - • ' ' qepterbker 11-;-1844. ..14,: f ..NATIVE. I ANIERIC'N 'Me ;and "D 11;," ALL PARTIES S UITED, .11 - 111'inbsatibei: takes Pteitadre.iir,iiitieduciag to . 1 . • nht ice 'of •cinititry-inerchants ',and - dealers generally,o mew - and beautiful .stvleicf Men's and BoY's Caps; having the - abore-appOlations elegantly einhosscdpit.the etoWna,,surmounted by the "glori oulishilin.isittigstai.s.'-';'. coliStantly inantifaetoring, Bora and lama's Caps, hi gFeliOarii.iy, of *pattern . , and variing fn price titer. trade, consisting. ot • clotlb , Velveteen, Plaiii and Fancy Vielyets, 'rattan Plaids &c. ficti.— Pueelmilees will find it to their interest to .call and examine Iris goods before lattelihaitig 'elsewhere,. 11'hltjMA. wiirrE, Manufactbrer of all . . kinds of Straw,. Florence Braid, Gimp. Aspen, Plain and Fancy - Willow lion nets,,Semf :piss Hula; ke• No 18 18 Commerce streLt, Philadelphia, r - August JLadEdL STal-TV FOR. SA LE. • AA S aSsigoreeof &towel .MeCormielt %now 7de, :- ceased, we will expose, to, public Sale on. th,, firelbises :en. SATLIIin4Y the-21st day of SEP TENIBER .1843, at 11 o'clock „ M., a- valuable Inlet of first-rate LIIVIESTON LAN% situate 40 est Pennsbero' toxiitsbip. ,b timberland eountv, on Ait'Atitte road to Newville, abult. 4 nitles ;Lf,,bo:Vio• containing L : • / 180 iIi.CRES• . \,,,,, all pr Odell is . cleared : with the . eSeeption • I:I-acres and to a stated cultivation,. •ThCturtr [Denis see alurge.two ,tnoryd welling 'HOUSE a A. a largU 'new ,1381sHi , BARN. The Cumberlau. .Valley railroad runs th rough the.pr4m4e.s. The water id nlimulan t and never faila. The teems 'will he made know.n-on the day of - ' •-•-. - : ..' iit( , B Elrr LAUID, , . , WM. ALTER.. .'• : Seplemiter 4„1844. ;, • '- • • AStignees '...1. . -Dress,. Goods. - • A OntiAly .o.c•Csisliinee'e;Alcius de. Lune Phu. ions and ether grio44 (7 rolqacikee dreisee ju st receiveded , , E.10:814. 1 -1 I EV.gbit- i k CO. -- =EMU - - 1,4 ~. Gosh stiptilyiii Wick, rilikllitivk: firown , ',laid 4ttal.„-OtimOiiNi-AttIAGeAILUS'IIitAI-tor,ittle low lim . 1./.. , -. ,-: 1 ...,.. ,41,,.!..,L. ,'....GE(5. , ,AV.' It NEIL& aO. , '. -- .l s .'n'tPrill , er 5 $ I B'44 ' , '..i. , I,' ~, 4 ',.. : ,- ;.:',-.:;'•i 4s. A ;i . , . ~.,j ;•18.941rAtee7a.Oliagii,%4'-'' I iL - persons intii-iiiteil",Nilt."64'O'iUiiecili,ii' . the trust O4Oin - te of„SdfiititjuAO , iiilir . - .l4liii cagy, etOgneeit'Of. Nilo j•I 411„ . been pru, .01kia O a plo pcu'r, Oviilll34 Nuit:hioi itp); tfinutd - .1 ilia fi l l! . .''fft!Y,.of;,.l4 - pi,i . uire,i , 2bruki .1 844; - '(iiticluttl' l Moluf.0)1/9r epoOrmat iiii ,of 4'41 ai.eiiiine,:. f ', 1 v ;. 1 . ; ,' , ;-..., ..,(481,:' 12'i :i 1.11110 S; lii"TllSWgl4,i9' 1 Anguit 28, 184:'''' ''' f - 4 r 44 ,•..,„• '• • ~''. .C...;•p..i• ..' ' -1' - atis 'in et ''Nbric fi , V . l"• ., -4t.Lii riereirtili' itititeited'illl 4tig4io , oe . ef goft, ' ''tliti r 'tiiiirtititti 6 4;iNtiovickii.Tiqd Dcrvi , l 01003 , 47iiiAkif o,!'grg , ',;rdiriiiit,-hlißloivrpre, -- I°6lo tp; 800/04.,'1 1 04 . 'hi Pq.ur Lhagr.;Ti opointed 1110 BMW!) Vdriiiciy of go'vombor, iB44;fulAttiO4_ ti gild itsidOunt., ,' ',', 1 1 ,1v,' IV, fi 1 'AA, 'IA? 11 :... "..„. • Yreet,v4,l , 4,I,OTRos, , H. , cRISWELT.I.• , .' , iiiratit.2Be.l.B444 4 1 - zi....! - ?'e-li'.=: t — 144 . 4 1 t : t ...„, et- - '4., , , ~ k ,Y 4414 Isl., faku , ,,f, 0, , 1 ,- ;pin PUbtai 4 ll44lo iSl'VeigiSt t re&lT* a ifenertit Iliix - 8004 or MOOtiOnstititeraic./40.34 1 0'XellifOkk . ileauxilial,*lllohttairtiffer4tCtoodevatmithselAot fislitete,ttif):4lixi 1.454 - 3(11r,?3:-.1Nottll , It 01.0. , 1 Igiettelattetlagg4 4 • 4 A k .. "7'' ';"';'".' "'..' l 4 l T'' r'';' 4 ' ', a -',,,,,, A l 1 1 ,, ~7 11,u8 litrala, A v A4t , iir , rtioijo , 4 , -,wiwinke.otice th it illiantiMe a 601 Viilifilau Hamill, Tristves Of liiiinge,„.l.4antill presetveil•their ttAintiii ta the couri v Auffit 44th! , 1844 x anti-ther court' hive its= rintedtbeirst itay of t Njavisinaher term' next foil 412 , a ssogo, -' Tes4 , '."';' , Ell'.sSV .: (1 SWELL i 54412 ), !Iriii4,.ff4gAt. - "1'.., 1 - 4— ' ,l ', 1, ''' -4: T " ACytit 41,404-' 410 1111:1 -••* 4 - '?1 ; I N 11 moicktitboo,otkorqatok*:: : ii'sil t e , r , dii #64' 41•0.11?,mtvikw.ktoO fao ,k ,!` ‘k . 't;APllo4bi' c 4,17, 4 • 1,04 1i.,0r.c.-44.7.41:41:03,40:ed-OP`•1, r ~, _,~,~ it , ,s'm• ' ?I j4 1 411 : 111 4 1fu - . . Tlns 'old Nets,. at the rdtko xin:Aveit strectitiqrd:di!ottattlfr 'illioatlVHotel;vhkre he willrthoueotattet i . pouttaitik.oi _ autia•4or 0114 ' .. iyiator, ot:o , ,he Peat q uailty, tap*, anti aolopiap . aord;agAo,titeea - e Lifli`4lBo lat-mt‘ . vicivelet , atati !tyal . CPOOKS, whichw4/ I :itle .44 05 0„9 1, 94rFari1,br 1 4. • ofilicet thrrirnalhe Outipla ftr.p ) fo .l4 , to give him a ',.l.l:2:iticHi6t- rr F t Atig. 1.4 . 7, 5 , • 1 1* 1 0 1 ,#'T. — e'4.e his other g eirle in, the line, on-the' ma( ittlinniaeotte -~l'arohes,.. v G lit. Alt7titet;:l'i me. eten 11 4,415, 1 4 aiwl;Uo3ts`4— ' C . 16ti - il ' - `red'Sittic - Hittf,Sloll.'eNtes.-PlHtet n e, .„ plea Ur . n .t t p o; . ` tt , v,), move of vattouti ver.Wlll'.6':,l??Tei;';'s ( lqo. • si soil ! -,ke4riit,taA 4 "nt,era, c'f it tnals,.fifent'grull' Wittele:titittertals. q.iitteys7fr9nrt.tio. stjtittitd gniteyety effprt,vv.itlbe\ao4° •.. - • ARDS - -SON g.7. So I!tilk , Seco;id. St. Ph iladel p! . itir , '('• . l.or 'Bennet Cnjls, Pknsi Cirpb• 'Blob& emil• tioitori•s•ltuslitiscAtiArmi . • t' • ' -. 0 •.',"•' • • , 41se, I,loleits •ciin •TiviLes. Cioi#u Lifßiii•vti . ,l.'ieneli CafrSll . !. • 4:ll',lle.utteritnrr is very • ads; iti:icli.'id we Tire Pdci@l7Th gilOilithcii o!Lif every new tend (lesdabikii•eihre ill the - VIII H 111 lIIIN Aug.' • 1 . 0 tlll.l 8•14.: 7 -2rii. • ••• ' • • • ... , Oheap Iltrtbiella' PexasoL.Andt Sun _ • 1, .45liade - lalaufacteg. • , .. J..kv:dGiiiiisi:::so'Fi.eisor-ii;'itoin?.,rti..nicittki Street, -; .to . Nt.C6riter , tit Ath, and ri Market streak, ited'is now o,eptirttl `to offerer, the .1111liq01 stiperihr Artielki bl 'the abote ' naMed goods, manufactdred luta' , his own immediate ilia p eri n leo ad enee.;. at di -wa d ni-it If go MIA tml Ity as tiny to b6porellasetriti this or allay. lithereity. puk inn wid selling for crab, he is enabled Soleil ort•the most' reasonable tetrissLand invites: Meiehants! and othm;s visiting'the oit. , to call and examine his pres ent • -:. • - 'NV S JILATIK.E.' tr. W. Corner of and Market at's. Pluh Aug. - - - .The egkscriUers ' have reweil - theie. f -- 0; - ,10R0M.V. , , "Market steed., t6.los'Cliestiint-streel f atitiustte.'Ssialeksoa'S Franklin HouSe, Philadelphia , dhc a Iliey have opened -iertineni: of rich,- K ixitlsf-irin g !stin g 'ot-tiae-"Pat eil t - Lever, ailirotlier Wine:lies', of SilrerSpoone,Torke,&e. or they . c:wri 'Make, finek. Brifeel cal; B ren 81 'Fob Chili ni l Ntinintare Cases, (Solt)Dikratin'd. !Fainted Pens, fliie'llea Kni've4, 'Silver and Cliatins,Platell ("asters, QuicelSaskets - , Caudle Sticks, l'es Se,ts, &e. - o:7•VVatelies and Clocks rep tireil. _ J. Rt.'W."'Lli I 06 Cia;slatit te - Saiidersnii 3 sirrankliii house? I'hi i..Aupunt 19, 18d1 21n42_. SOLOMON SHAW.'.- Will save 41. - ^rkent -, many - liars. . ' .1111VdN1JS & RAFF, ESPECTPULLY off6t• to the public their selP JIM prepared, welktetited and Weil) effeatuall.pre parahon tor the extermination of MICE, 13E11)11UGS Ned COCKROACHES. 'Thep promise those or the pit ilia 'who may lid annoyed by theae - destruetise - veraitc4terusitiOdi - Itigla eHec slii • • . • • plate riddm cc of all this vermin. • -'This Preparation Pcisseases the singular property, that without being 10111:11 poison, it will not oi,it kil) thE trolts and Alice, hut'will, idcousepience of smoke it predpees,positiveireompni Thong tlitit'dn lint directly partake °fit, preetliitethly to leave the - I'h4 may be Nand at Mr..lohnParii,ryiiin'titaverh ' where this greparatian from'Atiem, Price 50 cents per bok, with ilireethins for ha use. , s August 140841, • ; s -3t40 0 ries o *lts: •014. I . i , II Wd3 t4talte:nntle2 that theisubseribe'r.still • :c us hie shop in Harper's liotr;:•No; 3, s tifo doors not th Augury's ? stote;.tyitelre,ile tocolf shindy ors Iliad, ait .williiiianahictbrelo o r der •dr HATS 0F , E,811.1r • DEsCaultprA i , 01 the very latest fashions, sueli aii • • ,;„„. Sup. Extra Black Beaver ' Hire do ••o uassimere ,do .do :'4lO - MolOskin'finti .;. do' - do ..-Blue 7'B • ut - very inoderate_prieesto - old} the oldies., • Nita', then, fellow - tiftiOnf7elllol,3l:Rf! 1,4* glieru( 1 Yo* or aot • ,,, •• c4t.. l ;r#ll l cril. • 'us no charge fm showing .' our aasortnietd.L,: • . WILLIAM' IL TROU..T. -Carlisle ; Ju ' • 2 1140 ~ , •,;• l'?.; • • i rate ;r0 !mak:, At_ ticepe . Tri bl 4-j. , U404i01•A • 14.1jeke1i00,0611.101A.C.0.#1,6.1e4- ,M.titiuentliey on the i'statelof Thoinak - • lateOf Thu-borough of Carlisle, tleeeaseil, have hem . persons:hoviiig igninis or 5161104, aiolgpt., . • estate. ot ildi said -- make latynint+ to .a ,f; ; Aogese2B 1,4142 -, . P. . 6t14 • , • . . . WlSSOOtifoli paersi • • •?;,.." rsvil p LAlrtrtnership,;heretotoreexiapng. : enapr-t 91'..•L1Y:1;4 'cus. Cy:4i uu,l consent. ''TNet. • • 'BuOkti;Pre.iiktke ,ludidisoraViri#4oLtintlierst ilpinent; :1104)**11444444a ITlOdittetthed;tri• ladr • , • ; '•LINITH I.lllsT.' 7•,! -7 • • ;;Piaig 6 i Aligsisi:2ll;lB44 31.43 . •• ,• •-••• ; •:- • , J4p...: Et, 19 olgptat io of the su.bseriber'ireehiii, • ' 1 1, , g 1,0-, ipt.y? okt,9Nls,Bl4oi.,4lnthPrllihtlVV.liiint'fit.,'• bout thp: rst *must 1014.4. itifsPlVo.l4l,' Ity euidiAitstk• • ; ond,trOik-,liiiti)o,l4 , (Vet tdolpid'Oi..w.prtl;, kocg • pro:itiosT.:AiSrgpsiiiii,-.....:•• 01ie —. 0 1. •514 1 4944 1 ,,,Pa15r qr • Itugu'T l l .l.l 4 ' .7.lii'l!'; . :l ; :SC.ii,r;leeitti..4 • i ,-, 4 :- -,-, siikoef-Aorifere.--,-,; , r • .i ..._ Ario*lppktipt4gool.wtiatis444 l ll4 . :, be n'i V loo ,o#,o4 ol. :At e An.derMAK - o,',w `.` * ' iiv„sitiiO4t,,, , 2 ,lll.4l*Prilltr,atmPtiAiXf) , _ 2.• ~ L . court illd . ol l /0 3111 1 kart -tippoinled+‘ the .7 1564147 . t"l ic t u r c trA l vs l4ll *.fpr kit P4ltaidiii , Mdan ,,, A. ny'kdi ~ ,' , ! -. . T1404. A -pgiliViigiLvv, o ''..,-'....,.. 1 '-ititkuse MO 844, -'14441-111 ''-' " e'm:-. 14:9 ; . , , . 11,..,:, , • ~' -‘, :.,,, ,:kitc`tit . .ti ,ki $' , ,' , 44 0 ,44 i 1i g 7- A /C l el fiek4oV:l7,' ,--. )1 4 C.*in'gate , A 4 on of oilloe(PiAtllnTiVi°4ol , lii. ‘ , aa' , 4:-. , ' , iiirktiettO goitled t 1) sk ioni grill% ip ••41(.4 , ~ ,I, •, , ~ • •-•, on I lig 9 , imit°464o7;ll4:lll'l :ti n 4 41 4114 4 49. " %1att0 ; ' 114419 1K0 9R1 " 4 7 :: • .t a ",‘ 1 ,0 • I k i ?! tf il ?Mt l M! )l o , # MOtlzi 14,041070.4 , 4 1, - g u ri t 3:1 / 1 0 14 .449 K, fr, 6 ,t „11, ~Li7 EXEM Renzotat E T•S • RI JO ','',