Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 11, 1844, Image 2

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    111111-111 ? 4- tinittlitta4
E. BEATTY,Eliiitilli
'` ,- 'i---:;bAlaßbk - ig,;'''PA:
ilraritc;sl,rair;:septiiiibfrn, .11844.
. . .
orai:." .
- .:00.110 - pee,pina high aro upwards risi g
In burping words' it' thine dieplaya . •
• .The names of qz4ir-Eipii-Flq..un.iputivigN:7
EIRV.:;€LAIt .
~47.- K ENTIIQICY. • '
- • .
- .FOR. Govn - nNom, •
. .
PIIIIIEON :f,Lebtinon7c.
Igor Ite, Mae of lite e'llain Line
AssgmilLt:. •
GEORGE , BRINDLE, ofAtimroe.
ANDREW FRAZER, 'Shipp( nsburg; tp
.IITOMAS - B.II . IIItSON, E. Petmsboro'
• The Pelh: Cohnii Tickel
• AssemblyFiancis &kelt+, Jacob Heck
born mitisioner--Jeirerson Worthington.
Director of the Door,,Atiraham Myors
Auditor—John 'Sprout. ' _
• ,
1. A oohed Nhitomil - ChiriencY; regulated by the
.will and authority of the Nation. 2.. • "
tin adequate Revenue,.with fair Prcitectien 'to.
Amcricanlndustry. -
3. Just restiainte oh the Executive power, em.
:bracifig a-further - restriction on the exercisCot
the Veto.
I. A faithful administration of thepublie domain,
With an biluitable distribution of, tke.prodeeds
oisules of it artiotig all the Staten.
t'ffinest and economieaFaffministration of
the Genciul - Gcnernment,leating public officers
perfect freeffont of thought and of the right of
suffrage; but with suitable' restraints against
improper interference in•elections. . •
t. An amendment to the Constittitien, limiting
the incumbon't of the Presidential office to a
These objects nitained, I think that wo should
At the mites meeting Itheiriends of holes K.
Polk for the Presidency; held in this borough on
Fri'day het, the 6th met: numerous banners in
,serilped with the names ofthe * "demoeratie" can
diddtcs and coupled with the declaration, "IN FA
VOR. OF THK TARIFF OF Id4°," were die.
played in the line - of the procession, thus evident
ly attempting to lead the public mind'ilit"6 the
belief that James N t Pallf, is in faiorof Chet pres.•
eat Tariff. This flagrant and bold attempt at de.
'eeption we are' stwpriitod to perceive is extensiie
ly pursued by the leading orators and neutspapers
of that party throughout 'Pennsylvania, while in'
the Southern States Mr. Polk is supptirted by his
friends on grounds diametrically opposed to the
Tariff. Such a mulish' is certainly dislimforaldo
in the : highest 'degree, and not only degrades but
insulti-the—intelligence-and understatiding - of tip
comintiditylowhoni Mr. Polk!e friends appbal.
tirialoutt to putmt.step to this system of decop.
clan and s to pus. Mr,. fiollvtit4LlVl.r. Clay on .thci true ,
aot:re#ca tEr :gre - au:nutiation of the ,
Tarffr o jipOlay CliitTof haie'anthorizetl
the ungersigned, as..their, to'offer . the
eurnviOblE , HUNDßED•DOitAß t .Sto"ohy,mon
Pplic , B;o6bliC . declaia.
ii6nis,spee4ew iftjers..any PROOF , thatllojeio:
fever of 'the Taiitt liy' , etintrosa in
- --1.942;-firni-noin-forcer---Thelittne:antoptwill
-Aae no! 'doelared Ainieelf in, favor of the .present
Law.i:OnFonlV ob'eet %hi . ,to establish truth - and-1
oxpOioficruil ,• ,
Let - onrnf,thooo assert that Mr
• „Polltio Os, lood 4/Tory!' iman oopy . :, Ctay, now
can '',: r f l m s sSY/sAs s idY svhS l l thoprssf is bra Ligfit
a. o t te,
orwar ..
gept. 10, Zeit:
ECTIA ' ; 6.;07'0f the: Ted. Land
yritiireA W -- yW
containing INufterituil
To tiativo ,
,I . Vi I din
th'ldt k Yii.Fedan
; AAAt..4ll;l9Aliik9 B4 )
- , •
- * e t 04 1 0:#11 - .
OP gii;;ii l l.ollo4c47l4* -' ,44 dlSdkr):4Tti4v
tlof rrtigro than ordinary marl.: Ito Icwe,
of courqevrtomporqii*.o*lthTuciriwtivi.
riipiitelki.74l , l"l•Vit e r
- the warmth tore'
• •
4,4t,ri - 4:94et:::W POI fitit
'l4 1'16414, tows, re.
•"- ' • --, inion it•
it l era•
• .
---- •
,within ou;'recolleeifOn, Ime therk
een • a more enthusiastic hnd: soul;inspir.•
ng ldllyof _the
tiah'iliat nth-tooir place cinrhhpqfitut,
`.. i l " :6l C;i l ;t l : : : l7 ;d:Wiraiailigicr - Witlierpoom
he--prAriobi:-Ilay - ffathi-friAL'e'arly dawn op=
the:imui lip—
oihted for the meitirigohe iail road lines'
. rom t net °and, ram the et t''imd ve •
. _
equestriatiS jindestrititis irom,
n - obrifiF;
timusaniis tip:oh ihriuifhitilti . to-itent "
patriotism-aril-e-thheti ity-61-Linba'iter.-7 1 -
Ittifeed :7 theat : Monne' eineni
gathering ientheil to set .ait friiMpet
stone-btite-4.irititirigAktim this =
this politient'aibrafter.of titer
Union.''' Farmeisi merehanie;
ineilLtitechaninaL-L—ldotill verSLirlith,mon:
of ell el ases rusirnd to the support of these.
favnrites,a_th . e., Rithlre, CLAY. ERE
, .
son 'of Pen,asylvania,_ General .4..ARILt.
~ ~
ne - deriiimenCthacpreyeitea . among all .
who assembled - itae-iteep'find nticliangea- ..
Illet,it_w_att_an_mteottryterable fletermina;
tion- to-suppnit- thqgreat-whig-prilinyAvhiely
had achieVed - sni - riiiibli fliT-natitinalijAintif
andS---proSperiryLand. ivliiehi - despife - the
r; • ors cif faction; had r o aiie4 American'
Industry and Manufactures trot their - Mien ,
prostrate condition; to their present thriving
and triumphant easeer-L-a policy Which, iri
very deed; gave - dignity in labor, arid intle=
pendence and happiness in millione. All
kseeined to heimpressed-Weith-a cinwietioni
that on the election tif the eminent-patriots
we have• named, depended the permanency
of our prosperity, and the future developer
tnent of the great and manifold reiiiiiree
of our Commonwealth and our Republic.
Gorgeous,-therefoilei-its-waezthe- sceneof
asserritiled• usands, with their banners
. :1 Au the breeze, at this truly great
meekgr-still the truth of the noble poet's
lines, Was evident : - -
"Tie not Mere splendor' nukes the show august
To heart oteyo—it je the peoplifa trust!"
•- lent her-exhilerating-strains;
to enliven and' animate every OelegUtion,
every etub . atid.Overy street:: NationtiLaifs
brought ‘Yitli them (heir Tatriotie associa-:
I Lions, and lu s iwever caltArtittiPpiil the dis ,
position of the list:tier; it was-impossible to
resist the taSeittion et the houf—vain to
istfuggle: against-the joyous excitetitent of
the_beeasion; The quiet of eveiiing was
awakened by the Clay" Minstrels:, who,-
here; there and every Where, sang their
best song, in their very heit r_
settled to by the clic;ral voices of thou
sands. 'But the greatest charm that threw
-its-rnagie the—se . Ltle,
—the female loveliness -of T•--
ct s, and county, wooming in all illeArestst
lesS captivation and power. Nor should
we forget to add that the - fineness 'firtre:l
weather impatied'gaiety to•the heart and a
peculiar briliancy to the spectacle. All
nature stiiiled, and in few regions are h'er
smiles more cheering than in this part of
the'State-4aricakor and Chester counties
beiag justly termed, the GSrden of Penn
Shortly after 7 cr'clock,•6n . the evening
of Wednesday, there was a take and deep
ly interesting meeting at the Court Hotisi;
a great number of ladies be:ng present.-
The object of this'esemblage, tfaS the,
presentation of the Banner (meth' ‘Vhity,
Lefties _of Itancastef,tolthel_Central Chy
ASseagtion. • '
The banner, Which was exceedingly rich
Bud .beentiful, and cefitaihitirri•representa
than of the Goddess of Libeq t erownhiga
bust of ,I* . f - hlts,ni s CLAyojestiitgfin a,eplutito
•!-7wasjiedehted-on-behall-o' Ethe-ladies,•th
neatAidapproßrite address,, .J. ,
bartoil, ,Esq.,. of Lancaster.,
acknowledged on the ploy, of
the -Isociation,'
in — tirrsticasteri in a • riai -nut trairyipin T.
evbiiing's prtseinrcliiTtar — the ,accilainni was
entivelied tlid Clair Minstrels' and th 6
.4t• the'''Naiionaj'
trio.'" real -
-'..-Dr. C. ioßiot-W4shin g icin,city ; haying.
t:siren.o'sillusl upon, addriiised the' nisei' no"its,'
~i n able, 'Speer h. isitir'*hiCli'tti e, itahuiiibl figs
1 . 7?•",7' . - ,- ',;., ; S ''• ' 0 i ," '•
' •'S 5 ',,: • ~
: Qd.tlie; 6i:ft ,cif the jollies . fl tiSiliset; iv as' ash
.6 1
motto•f,+,...c ) l - Wit7.l,iiiiiiiii:ibosesvhd" Cherish.
1iii;,.:,01 - 11-.Litittiillri e774.l6lrn&''' - wi. —rie ., !`! - _ -
~..iyi i fif f ,1,..0 - 6,,q4,. ~,.,. ,1...i„.e : ,- • -; I; , -.; 741
-t • 4:: 'a` :..1 i' q , ..,- ; _...,q ~ , ..., 1 ,-. ~
ii!ipi - :. ' 0 . ) 43 t .0119.16'S .. fp, .I. ; sasos k stsr ~,t7l!,!ne,
Central ,Cla;i. Association i' '
. ,
I'rese'bravolj'o~i{ b' fod will gi,4144100.1i;,,,. 5 .
L. 14, ,,
fist VecTo o
eY vtrf;rilcolni- 1
' wel gkinrAnt l igltt-9 . ARPriftWIL#M7 ,
~. -.., „ .;;;,'.. , ,,, ,, ; , ,•;.,' , .:,‘ ,, ,, , ,, - ,, , ,t‘ , ;: , ,:-",
,:c.-:-Thai , ioi4im,geAsionrincocia4 , o4 01, :
1 01in , prdex.C4PATIRO'Prpril ‘l l olege
1 44. 1 ,(_,,, , ' • litiiiiiia4ai. 6itEl4, al* A7: iittie:
-- 7 , 4,;' ,7 . 0 - .. 5 . ,'''., ,;1fr4.•,,. --- --.--,.. tr: ~ , ITL '
Ail44lipd,ai3t; iti,P; - $ 6 _1i 14) §. 8 ,4,4 v iP ".7.
aniit*ChiliCtiki:'4 kvri OlkarlottOk',!V
King, down west: in ..- g_. to . iputh Quectn-
dP* ll :4' Otii l l,49C.**,..Y,ifiekiP:—lYike. - 4i,
;Dukes pk - Oti fili -: oliki .- t ~, l tiok4° voi:i 10)3V
49, 1 *:19.49x,CliAillii6iAigMtrikAlleRn. 40
O iii i i iic - 4' , oriiikii ... F' 6l ; 6lln. o;,o 6 .Wil.- P 9 ire l'
,tiri ; OPiii: tilifillill - iiititiili: 46'l h . eiCi.a l 4:o l
holding ;the' iti Aliti4, ,, nn,:the . lll!in:c.,t4i', oft
John it; Aidilt I Otter ~ Es ' ''' , ,' -
, l igtArlagnifpe.t4,,,orAlage passe.
duetq of
• flOwcrANerg , :tityrwered, anitithus.;!
- elieered i brtbelospiiint - ieniles - of : . .beqqty - ',
ttl6:'hamiy. %.,11igf'.PTOceotted on their 1,4u1,11" ,
I tii . 6ll. way rejoicing: ; .
~ This _open ; lot-or fielily now tl e - projidky'
.off-the:-Otieitt anooP,9P
lily peen. clog out. ye ...aeres , :te
theiefoie ;Of. the.
_enitrolrnesit riteetingovitkt-porpfdrtand,epitri:
renieitce to etery individual ::` A'
was thet 11'644
• liiii n ; - " . trice
df 0;a14;,
Oppife'ieol• the 'pulilic';`Pressthe'ivliole
b'etni l vl:eCecge'd
There weie 'several Germa n: delegatione
atethe rrieming;._.oat,li_Attrier.E..banore .bear—
ing liairrolielfileriiiti6i4:ll(o,
ernian,in sup-
port of - Clay, Preliirghuyberi and
l'roteetiie 'Feria - and IThig policy: '
Duringg - the greater p'ati - i3l . the morning,
the tliron bf spentatore and the: iiiflui of
delegations in the etreete . Of
dered it diflicUlt tiqtail - Trionl iitii site of
thh road - trittWiither; - A* iiiiTh'ber - of aplen
did Ainerie;ii flagsivere ettended atirriei
the-streeti, and presented beaiitifnl
pearanee. _
_• •
Large narhbere- , of Philadelphia - Dele
gates- arrived. •byiiotlf the day and night
linei — oT the aii: -. 7 . liete it•dis - altk) a Bahl-
more Delegation. • .• .
A .benittildrthree masted the "Der
ry Prom Meictie Hook. fully-man- .
lied, excited general admiration. •
There- there- hirndib - ds - .of COUSithga
.wagons,idraVitn—by—hOriesi (noble tennis;) -
or oxen, or' mules: . 'Many ofiliese spa
chins vehicles wer)'eontfOroblr fi tted
With: seats , atjd nile I iOith'hadiee,'who'were).
loudly. cheered in them - progress toWerds .
- the, Convention ginntul.
' , A very large wagon in Whibh :nen *ere
threshing corn, and another was . watliing a
corn-shelling.machine,was:one oldie tnoip
itneresting features in the proossion.
The- locatioluof -the main -stand - , in the
field we. babe - describe% was reallral:
lightful—a fine rural prospect or panorama
spreading all around. The entrance by
arch. from the- -apeß of whirl' ttAp,4
arch we obsertied the legend—
-. , Ottr-eontitry Ttul - o - Otimiiii6,'i Fri eiltl."• •
A portion of -the field fin tiont f or the
rnain..-Nmid, was well arranged',
for ladies, They were all tilled'. ,
ne. mid very manning looking coot!
was , laced in a conspicuous eituatiomover
the upper part of the frontstand i e -• Ile ap
peared to he quite at home.,
A wagon from Elizabeth Furnacti . ,dr.twn
by twelve fine horses, excited much atten
tion.. • . .
. . .
I6ny of tilt. delegatious from Lancaster
county, sent mare members to tlie Conyon--
lion, than . tlieir to - Unship gave votes in' 49..
Laticasier:May hii"set down f is sort*, to
— a - TinTijiffilytiif:s,9o6 - for Henry_ Clay.
l'he.seene as the delegations entered
• .. •
.the ineefinTg.gromid,, and defiled .round the
main sta . iid,was - sini.iiihirly...p . iotiqesq:tiii . add
there being" ; , apparently,,
of bannerit,allwidt-appiopriste„sinfiltrikz,
ing emblem's.. aid mOttoes,,and stem-
-hers wearing. badges Land rarioti;ginsidnia...
• The.rneeting.wasprgaitizedli_iippnii)f.,
'lg.. oif. - .7.W1V1: -41N.8 ff. fiedinidelit;
an NI, et o , , Acp: 1 - rpsideiffo. ang ec
letnrips.- , Thp , Hatt:. John,,,INT.,-Clasion
len rnge.nkld, ndai r elisell.:%the meeting inn;
elpguept speech.
•' . .ntbat!it..4 a jio sire argu ne , n e
ii fti - 0.01 , •uf i?kote6tion
e?a'sklitt ;C Eixstemi , . -'reelirdekii
latter frohf•Henry
atEis—tist-etripioitl 4 •s! - -!elee—pietalrTiiii
,t ' •-..„--it-,itt-, , ,,t „TriTi44,t r,,/.. t,,i,';,'
:',',17 - regite'llie ropea le f t F t h e, g rctund,'three, thii, grciolid, iiire . p,
,dittlitiii r itiLlii for " f;444; 4 6 4 C1 4 ',1 4
:Iti :Oitoti iidtliotiseo ,weio: • diii(l6lto latgit:
- tii . O4titi'litlitpittiir Ittiro;' - 'ofCouiO I)
f , , ) , -1•1 !i 1 44 ‘, -,....-!,_ o
...1, IPlt
.yvfis!,,p3lo3-Idra4i)i-Ofih'e T fiylfrilid - i - iiiiii,w l -- ;
A:n:6 - 6 oiLi ;,,,
~on.c.. armt. ayl,, of 'KY.;
9 . li_ti , :;' ) ''tli: ikkitilili' t Oi`W:;' , Hon' 4 ''.l -f. i
9 ` MPS
vRoTtI,H(TO - .7/(iiittrit egiv .iiiroui;sti:
1k#i,,,.•, ) • Ir , itOytt" l .Ait ...4:./ I,tt Z:t
P9' . i't' l ' . C°11111 ?" 4 . ' Al i lln lgg q r:
ICYY E i nCßeilirdY:l446ila4. ' if vie
.. ..i..9s,ffv,-*4-:. 4f -1 41'04°1° A 00 4 ff l t i gn# oo *
• * .igLiletrii3iiiii'itiOit.'jiThii`,ttiiiitioffVO
-•-• 1,, -e4,,Lf• .„„ty, ,-v - 4„imw)r - tfxt , -,:r0!'1"t,,, , 1
0 s ,'PFeoPntl'_l! ,etittmottgl..;voroutlir.t .
t )
`L 4iWatiii!'ii i
tigiliAliitillicirifeil 4:
,r"o'fliedif 4 1 1*(4 iiiiiiiiigt 3 - jOR.1 1 0(i1
75*kiirr,..t..;„,!..',f7r:...k,T.?.„.:- . -!... 9 ,
)11 't i t . t I V . trOiti'l . t 4 . .'4 , 74•11 - ' ;1tt1 , 144' A:lB4n 3 ti 4 ;3 tAil
~,i '', ,
: ,',2 ,77o l lo 6 l , igtolritigiligqiiAglV ^ ll;tefai ' :
rt ai:P i lli *** l l l4 ? ithr oltd - Fdtoctairime
I._g 'rt./trill A II IIMII,E-1-0 2 -I:l6•2;itZ - 11 1 4
ghetrtig;fittosotiktita to ttklArooittvoto4w4 ,
athgoi!fliiiine4.o!.#.l.o,WWirel tifileqi.ii4 .11A
.. - A,. Slrfijtalion'toofoldg,coo6itito• ofgpt, tirtiliA
joki*orio4 l,, piwurigi;%vikiOrtiitivid6olliif
Al )itii#PiellYo.994.4%,!oqkv4')c-via:';
,-;4ooFoikthlFtio ,thOY4l4llo:Ariiper-rmld'll l ion.:.
ti(P r i*t k ooa l 4 2 ot.iiitpiiiit l 4,f li,ltOtota
tci,: , ' - - ' ' - . ' - ' 4 4.s'-'4,4;.,'
cionli -- iltofpile,
• , :.1.'2.: ,,, rit;t,.-I;'..
~s. .r -rk!...i.-,, ,-, -,.', ,, , , ,',,:
.-cr , . - : iiiiiitlatA .7;', fiv.:. .
4 p
, 3 .1.-..t,_ ~ ...-4 -f-'- ItNcil 'v. - 11'
' 4" 1 :-:!n 11 1g•P.,4- P-Yt
Nviiiiii , i,l '.:siiatfoootoh. , lo . y JP:v.h !,111,
,i'neitili,ff.j.lf,ilA6(ir,i,'? dir:'•o:., , ,iitittCO, ?"
i o.
n ooa :tlie ltil . . lila !.: , ', w Wail ,oitpel:f4: l ,;t.*lo7
10 focii;`ania tine held -• there *:k4W-41:16 . 1
. ' '' `.--- ''''l. , lii e iii liti;iii - irpiantt
at loalit,;•twa . ,t,g, f01p:,.. ,, ; 4 ~,..„......
4 S l NAROACi l i a . t ti# l: oo ,t lo 6, .4 l,- ,FY ' .T ' t
isig ? :tialkllbaiiiii . fidji; -- : wiapli.
, iis:a, i '.aiiil . ..e,,a .. ally
-h'ifge*iiitifiuti - rl3 ll .rii*, fik : IOP . Y - 1/I`!*,-
Ps°c 6 i 3B .i9MT.MO s. MP.4 l . PPo l :3l,p, h e '-pv,,..• -. :
4' iTXl46M°9llkiri:-.Wr.q.911-
*„„.oL is lay -
ifi thbli•iiiiigei . triStiOelhe fill tieitAi of Vie .
, _ , „ . , . .
.kg101:4 iiiiiilliiiEtii,;a*gyji: , .itifttiff. - fif
the '14114,e - 7iii:W4litiOnle it te 114, 'be e n
fc.i-h cgtfftik',llifi;iit#,YliiK- 4 -,c):-:,z# : . ; 1
: I ti to
.44 ( iti9.ii JllliqlP4od t6...dili9iiii the
Bee rethry , of. :tlie .X.).l:ti ii;El. hrtt),,tkie '•'., tit!) .1 n e
- ojkait,..3;ii itifiiiiig*j,'-.
~:`..'!l ' ;'. ' ';, : :l- ' : ; .' : .,
..' l. .o:e'sticiiiil;l4ol-11$11.iN /, ';'‘WriaLlA4.:; ,
'.' • vibi,.._6iside.iits+ooge-RaxwAill,`
WPirri: ^ AtiJ' ,:.: 4•; )49 1 i 6 ifp' .. i . ' - . 1 .!'"4: 1- ;"•; . Early,
- C l liarl . P7•W ii.aifiii;PlPtil - Xiq-4i04. 1 ..qMee
1,34 - (t,'"Dic -- A: Stiivri; , 'pai4dAillihon,•.l44l)7 : ,
oil Gli'elirlo;ll.‘ etVriyilt, , ,Poo:,,,.Ettipg,i
- bii4i.l'lt.no3yer.'.';.- ..: .:' .' •v, .....t. ' ii i •i..:; ~1; • -
.- ;;Secrelynes777s'ennk ,- MAIRTEIr ',-,',14-.Pv
,iiomberger, Maj''.'6J: Alt Plipiiiiiier; , Maj:
.1 - : .- 1:. - rffequrhill.4lllol r,-44-eoidti-G rove; Win:
Grille Few Robert Ituttor.,•:!z „0:.:. z, ,
- Afre i lh — eiolik64: - .lt - .4 te he ii Lill b i r qe' a is
f 2 b 2 / 3 iil l de__l)u - 404_ : •,;-Oi liaili.9l44ii'
ioutiii r a i tited t t; - ..ivhigir:fipie;itilon,t)te /3 ta n d
and. eloquently eildi , eased., the . niepting,.4 7 .,,
Mr. Bra n dolinry-Lwas-Aillokite4i—b- .. ,
'never,-Elsq. o 1 darliile, Charles Wharton,
of Fr . anitlio, George, Harlan; of Newton,
and ~IVIr, Yung; of :Perry, in the German
laitilagi: •
. _ . _ _
& The meeting theU fidjaprnec!. Mtli. three
c"Pieers !`or thy, l relin huyaeu a n ti Mar.
4dt% The spirit 4:1846 is up !split - down
Mary An Filinaeo for forty Whig Otes
as sure as
_Jamie I. Polk. is ivposecl to a
Proietive'l'arill!-[~unsmuuicatedb, the
- TUE - PontrlC'°• Wdnics.—The weal (Ft
eitmeni Presidential" question,.
should not Make us lose..srglit:of the . State
'election. in
,tictobers that it ii . of
vital importance to - the liiople thatike Tar:
-iff - should be kopi - (isiris, - tiO.F,it is.slso of
much - contiequendo . 'to ;1!"x-payers that'
Ihe public world ihould LC ii2l4
keyourti be kept before the people, that
the loeofocos, as a party,-areft
selling the litiblie4orki. - The :loadinglo;.
cofoco heweliapersare Oppotpil to .the
thirst he eleaily..evOent to every one:
Who hLs paid aoprotteritiori - --io7volaileol
movements; that if Me lo * ebtocos re (alp their.
RE SOLO., - . .
ylirelore, gibe
_Reaple %Osh to ha.vil the.
public works efitri,,-they must vote 'for the
.eale'lpf the main line, "and • against the
whole locofoco ticket.
Lq . cisf
7 , T - 'l 7 7la7;iiTc7l:4 - 71 0 out aro, Ina
clamour, adqta the language ofthrelitn4ig.
ettn'ten - the - Whip;s that un
less they •desire- a,:disMutiou the-
Union; they wilt haee to abandon the pres
mit neg."
NuMention is grOU;iog more ratik in South
Carolina and - Sabinut Arr. Rhati - in
late openly' adirolatee it and. Gen:
llanfiltda of Alabania Has rennuncod his
fireferen'Oe of iyle. Clay and 'gnus for Polk
beenuan t of the identification of the latter
uiih the inicfnitoug:annfixation treaty.
mHI Sociekr its..first nouns! meeting.
1. on TIIURSD.3Y, OCTOIALII '24,4§44, nt
11) o'clock, A. N-sit-the-Cytul,lionse iit Carlisle ;
The'Comity Hall' will 'be fireliared fbr thb
el - all Stleh articles or domestic mitimfactiire itsolny
be exhibited for. pren?ititos and which C:III he cou-..
veniently room.. All others * its
horses, cattle, hogs. Sheep., ligrlstil htlidernitlits
ke, will be exhibitcrliatlln liii m Of I?..llllitts - +
one mile west 9C,Chtlitic,,whorqcsciillfprtil,4_':witi
. .raifti'lirovision . will • he moile,for Lova";
irirt MATCri: Si' I (Adria,' P.
where forme rs ‘ are their 'tennis
And illotighs to pbovete.for exeell,eireta
I tic field selected is it:clover sort of lirriestotie,i,siql
iiiiiiiiiiiii th's
n9Oll for lisi4d_riktiliir for ie. `This heing the
first pulpjle rtlort 0f,,t11 - ; , ,iiiicipiy eitablililf )trnile
Abe nonfidenoe forming in!erctits•wo r ilp - I titit
expect atiy•lsrgio:or'taried
t b h4i of limes
lirovernelq, to exhijiltAt . ,._'..).V.e
t:fir: ioe q`
linvetillrthatncverittor, ti di) Witi me if
Notible_tisig prFin9:l2oknir Pe s tllo
life of the spetety, q tt,tf a Oftecces. nclhe
-ilesigu-it--luisin;rieW,'-tl3y - drilsrtif "(hit
3 ' l S - 41A,Oijib,ar • • • r ,, ,
A • 6, ,
itrry , ,r
'7SattiPray the f4cll',6l,Septernfer, 11,'t . 9
n'ol:e.4;7l l .'‘Al. hife: rApPien l4; ee
,7 1
Mithrret iiiree4Okrll6ll§:..
7 Tiiicirkleri . :l4pAecor"?p,rirty.lor t •A
P Q .
nr trul . t .in the g er, t teit;eett.
I PA eze.elli:nt :ii , elll , ap*fittOr dt donf.
sold' made:,
.:!..:11; 1.
- ...7 .',
- -- • Ewa?* SIOGAPP•,,--,l'
' c li --' il ' i l 't h 'z du s ' a ' nit iiiiiAEt'iLLßlAll4 E6irATl;tlitit[tliy,.l)4:
1 01, 7 8 4 4 1 1. ,-E, , igi i :ct i t 4 f q ii si te t ,",:n
,1,.9 4 7 ._ , ,_..., , , ,7.
aunt-641W 0u,"4 pEpoirtmIORDITOLI,
1 -t• •..Irs i' !Y!.Al,4+ -' ' idectatitialPr4.!*
: 0 '''. „ ' oi-24 : 13 , i ! e1 , 1 P 8 , . , IP It
-.!.%_, ..:., + l .'4 : ' '
~ 4 144 if4i,ii. , :. , i ,., , f
cepplir ihi?, ''''., 414
t lie L li!fthtt.
I ;l:l l :4'7.phr e i i a d li : O c A nil ii titifo t iAt u;Y a il" l m lil ; o l 'est, 4 o /I;l9' e Ftt r /Lki ti, ; !
*rle.4).Ripitelitihd ipAr
B. kw st
,dor Oaen 181e%,poitici11411"1-1.
ofClin:lo7r V/ de,,,441,1
aiidtk"ZiNg lit e°
kqr, h iiingo6llllsll'6Fdeltirt, n?ttie '
her, 4 Ircroette..
' ' 1d: 4 0 4 w) a „
imurtiaomi auf)100..0.,
blivit4n 40,4.tintrz, CALIA
tillM,Tl A:146445=
,‘” ;
sui t ' le
. .stora..F,o tigpoPdAin:esipLn Ega
I To twielliffirlllo`Jvarmu
11 4 1tekV'titel i tcAtniCt*RORtgiraitix
vyl eilon4rer'4(othe,a4svisiprgpp4'444:in.o."—`lo49llo-1811Y,0411.10hfYin.rre 1 0tkvgloptttd11pwr ep iigter,k of ' p dill' iro
4ifV); iilki4o43l,l4C,ctimi4olloo*
zielitets' ' ~Athi(o,§loll64t
~•., ; =. ,-: ,- ; 'V- , :.•:•..t. : , . ..A. M 7, : i•:e7:',W.f.;.1 5 .Tft'A5":V;f..'- .+S,;.C'L
44 . • ' . '0 , ''' , '•iiii.l'i4 - iiiiil 7. 4ll-i'S''4, 7 4oVii;n 4 '"v''',-f:
'ii...'f'' ,- . , - , :•%.,i, i ti : - '...- - ; i1 - • - •' 4 4';' ,, -. , !" - •,. -7 '. • . ~: _
i b; 17 : : :.: - .t.41 . :',i...4 3 !44ik3 1, ...';' , .':,..•"-1.....'?140 , jC:. ,
trills - kat Divot er'Orthe', "1 .. ~.a s our , o , '.'i. if ~ ~- . -g gi..' 1.,• i_rt7,7l::::- S. - (i' l 4s - ':, ~ ai:- -
,Ciiirs l lol 4 brid:7, - "Filitritealii ., :”lcl - .',lir - iirtillyofp 110WerrieditthifieffrfrriligilastFilli.
Af,. s,s,x i nve,, , t1 ie. , , ,.,,.. ;..t .,V,.., , ,. , . . '.f.i - i und*strinat'tor4Ahriditiiii‘FfayitianiilicAl(Wk
Lati t il i iiii ,-:, .76, 0 ,Eititigiii, , , 1 6 ; i t , • ...,:?, .0, 1 'evil/046 viitipe , satiop,.(*or-eoitir, , . ow: ,
„._.- ~.,,.,,,• ~.....,., -,:.. , .,4,,, ~„, ..., , . i.-; - . , . , : lITESDAY the.lsth 'ootolier-.neat, tt-11 'ciTC:onle„,
• nt.:l2'o'clocif, 'sl.ifin.tho, :preitities,.th'efollo,win following 'A - .41, 1 C.:..i); trait - of' trig rate'.'''
!teal Eatati,the,pronerir or.latitiard Wise,' 460'4 %,,,, re .cv a ,' t ß ,''' i 0r , ,,,„,,,„,. - ,- n - ' ..,. 1 „_. trk _'” rip ,•
...fluiiitiao:BnutirMidillotonto4oshiliselfrolferliloll• `4lllliL'aialagil)WWM46l;--.-7-,,2A411...01:6:.
,Wounty,:ui.mil4s.soiftiveast,ofSarlisfecip:l4viht. fa'N' l Terilitiitii e t4,..-f i f%4 , m '''sfiVAN''r e td,T,„zi
' leialitliii fli6 c UarliSid'itifft Wiiiktilin'il ,:r:sitile., a - ••• •• -,••• • 7°. ''' n-
". '''''- - ' Al '• - '..-
''?,,,, `'' • - '''•*'''''," Ati ,C° Pt a - t l i PlPg. 9 4etrlX4d: 2 5'reIVIMP00 0 4V/Ett
4 1. 0 1te rIPI Piti'' '' '' ' '?•'Y $;.`! I l t ' ''.' h': • r *"4 :''' ' l ; 7l ' l ' il igisiir4 cfi3itwm6 rolnipe t iiiiiii k w.iit:isti-- ,
a e
,-,•• of.cultif a ,und tit ..reinduu acivereit Wiflt'flie hest.
'a . :;:ifir''' t rate ' Folitifid" - ''''''' '''' ' .
~. ~ . ..,.. ..",....,.. .. . ~. fitrivirg . itinber. ,-,Tite-iru'iroverrien ' - :erateffkie,.
. . .tahrini - :180 - irr. es - n, linrirtHirless,.36nitres,Uf Wil,''istr irery‘ - Geed ~ , . i.... we s ory't ou e.' flflClr
' areMOODLANI),nitd the'residue under ' , unitive-, I)WELLiNG nousE, .Iciiie „Stone Bank . '..parrt,
?3nit, , boriiitled;biciiroi,. i ir . lj amel ,,,mt,i n iit,i n; . E sq . 4, toiie Tenant House,and' elf the.out,buildinga which
. itobect' Ittiriii '-I,leitry,:..filitr..Erletlericit: ;Witul,.. and f a largest - and finest ifitrai'fietlifirelindlieVe ' . MU' '.
Uffils..thErnelli'7ol"*Viutteoriy,. tumuli. thereon Wh qr. ;This fitr9iis situate,.out , te turnidite ,road, -
-o r ol l4 -*- i n , - 4. 4l : 2 ''''''''''' - '44 44 '4,; = • 1 1. L1 ab 4utle.t.o42 64l twisiiiilifilii PM elelier - !fiiiirr
I:' , '' ; , „F''''' L -- ___TAVO L STORY - LOGAIOUSE I ‘7 l l:: lii i i i ..ll l‘ . iT i qtlilig'L:t i L d iteditiv-eeilitliim,hal,..i:
i . is, a 4.11: 1 s.. a : re la VIIII •:31 , alt .111. 51,-,
~,gv, DODI3LE_MOII,-BARN; .cpu;44ltgiikkoi : lirbogibrisold'ap lootlie..ilvdt.vitia
- , ~, r ...CifrirCi'llia - ,lVitiilli:fillodTand - inther • lIPWO t.%yO tracts' tO.,ittit - pilreluiriers.., - , , 7,1: ~- .. - ,,7 . -- :.,,,
---..------ necessary buildings .._, -..
... ,' ... The et ma or, at e , which'w Wife serr bony for the"
1, - AlSoirf -. TE , NANT.IiitiOt.; r antLITAbt..I.Xci. PurOilliel'siwilt iio`Tnde kill , . riiiiibi': - ''..
There' ikali,ekeellent and rawer fiiilloo' Well OQ,, rateV• .',-- • L. ,- :,.. , ' ~..,?,.., 0H'24.-'B'TAYIKA:N-,. ? , F. .,.' -.:
at the iftwer.l'ltlsilfiforin itti'.64 0 %.61- thit'Ves(Pruit ' :::'''''''' ' .- ''''''. s . l- P'-'. 7II P , T) . "EP3EXti-' , Yi Sr 4 .5 7 . , 'C l B 'l
Fiiiirditinlik,eiruntjf, , --*% , ...1'...' , . ,i-e':`: , ';'.P .. M....',i' ..•'' ' ';','40g0Pt' 21 !,; .144, f.'',, I ''''' '' , l r ' . : • --:
'1 1q 5.,
:Alitt;lilitninll,l`rnit;liYing near siiiiiiilfiiq bairn- ',-- :-:',- "i';t l -:-. ,''''' 'T.." , '' 'l x ',' 1 '1'; '''''': : ' , '''..''''.'h ' .. •'' -
ded: h ~ l ahilit ofitPrficlefitik'.Wisesitld.:'iiiiii4 - -"Wise:', '''. "'-'-^ "'' , . 1 ""'.. - :_' , ''' ''''''.' '''' ''''''''' , '`v , '..k: ^tq - .l , ::!'''' '' ''':: '...'!
.eaftii.tikipovi•ii..,,.!wo almai iftatiiyiNt#l);_,liiitotiioik , e3rPhatis'i -, ',Courv: Etilti!
thel'e,iihul . uxeelleilif , "Nullitlank:', , ... , :.v..:,:v4:, - ."''...':7:;. - .i i : ..,- -. ~ - •
~.',' ~[' ,
.., - .. ~-.., , •,' „:,. , ~.- ..
avid.itipira. - -lie".co•aditiaior's...airo:Ar;ftve'liaii: 4110tY''.yiiiii - n,it;f;dn'Qtile_i!'nfih'n' 0 iiih ins?.
cent 'Of
,:thCArtiritlaifie tifon'ef.te he ifeid oe the eonfir.:- 141.-Ageoure, of. Ouniberlandi truney; the 'lietil,'.g!..-
:innti 6 9.24 ) ef the' it I ;one , lialfi9frlliF ltilitilli! oft the' 'teete.:4F.Tqui•Eat-Jale, of,. Sonlif.middiatoil u i ‘h i jAhjii, •
Ist ig . ' ill'i VlB 5; wiiKitoitkeithiint wit kvirgli rOed; Nil said eotit4 dc . ceascilill'be.''itold
noddle etinitdittlevi,in .iii , o , etjitr, - antiirallinj , .iiicatt' . ery:,or , :vendite on.the-firriiiseti On- Satorday...thi.:2B4l,
without interect t the groUnd:to' tie r e#or volt" bratipteirthcil iiiialthsaing, atligtikdotilf;sp'ofsid
l' lifili,ticared.ltr-Jndgilannt: 7 '.:,':' , ,, . ',:, -,,,,. ‘'' ' . iiiis , ..c,.-Vit.‘ ,,, -4 . •.- ,, -- , ---,-- 2 . '.. - ''' 2 . 2 .-'. 44 --Y'---H'-'-.- 4 -',,Y- . 7„,...
: , if iiiii, i iio l ioty. is noi-iini.d on the - day
,tit'entionkili- 1"". k ifaiii b r -: tiMiii'atitititii 1: 1 2:16 oil ; siliiinsA l in '
it Ikili 1)(114:Ate:a fzoniAlio:bit of Awl l'nexti,:, ,'i'.., • 'itildttnirnaltip. Of Squill MillilleteililiClitli tirlA t fi . iill,''
______ '.- ' ' P 1 131.C. 1 0:4fc„1.1UNII:LIAr l •-- '•1 • lf-1;' "'e '11"''1, l'' I b '-'f d i'-' l ll I - I '
- - , . ~ .- - , f ;. . .* n.N . .. .
,- a iii
_ . l om..
,ay IS 0,
,_ount ef -
..,..ta. 1 Q, gn !or.
, - ....,. Ad lit 1;" - tt;L : ori b",' 0 7 , ' L ' itib '- n ' i :r d '',, ,v i, . u ~., i- Pi.etiniiiiiii); 4agotO•Zug.`nnil others.contrilnial,4lilitiflt ,
--ziii '` ' . - 6, 1-'-i n fl i a.' ' ' ''''''---'- ' l*-- ' '
; .t . ' • 'tTg, 5 , tftr44 l 4, 4.SI,AT. : '
c:f tint rate limesuine land' Maier toad t &lee and ) i.i
a highsteteoLendtiigtieg,:frji,O4ilifikOiiinbehte,. i..,
4. Top sToityliTe.risria ithtigi..,.. : ..;;;;,.. - 1! . i .7
A,stitty_....ANl)JA_ nAt,r ..ntitcm: :*•,;'(.,,,'• Fin
HOUSE si-lirkg: Fit Alli. - .1.1„%11/I q i .t,ii btu%
andlitlferhuililings;" • ' , ' , 7!%,- - -,': --
1' liere - is 1 thriving;young.Apple, arch:p.(l,bn the
preruhteit'und,.o &Cod selectletpd other irhit trees..
;;- Aiiii- 1 A .. .pin - On of land ' siiiiiie •
. in' said'
township near kh , e foregeing, botaitie,i l .l , y,'latiYis .of
said "lliettitenian,'„Zug' and othera;'tiud Conittinitix'
ibout . y " ' . .
tit,' A.O itES - : - • :
i;;, , ec or tolirtecif ol WhiCli'are Woodland iinely tirli
'here :ttitil. , the veeidueselearedninat _well, fenced: '-
T ..totansofhale_will beaule_khawn on_the.clny_
of 4.ald. Persona wishing to 'examine the property
"Can do in by calling on John-litirtzlev . ,:w . ho vehicles
on the r4,rin, or oat : . ~ - -
131:10 . : . •
premises, ritamy f 2, Septem
hest, thaitAtillmiLte ' 1 ' • - • 2 • -
nosi the ocouphoey. nE , Gleorge Bititer, Situate
tlie.borough o - fSteelitutiesburg„,quatherlatelcOunty„ is iiii.rtili'rair!road.elase - A6lfie detiot:.
The whole oPtlto, bit ipling neiv, haSlott lidetrerbe.."-
ted Within die hist three years, it is very_ largeaO '-
ticiinntotliedshiiidng room suffidienthinceommoilath
a lin ge- - -thiniher of persons: • There is attached to'
other oecesstiry out-houses.' Alin afrhme fIOUSE,
flea said tavern snhl; on the•rail road well fitted
for a store or a private residence. a large tivoi
story Frame - • •-•
artuatoi n above named - borough, on the rail maid
ifetti , the tlemd,Saxiag a ~ ..datiag_taiil_fromilie_road..
to tito Waralactikt. .I'litTiirOppriYailitiotTotr - OTsdei 7
tool is so fitted us that 1: part of it may be total bs a.
l'ltcriOysisiaranitlobio., 'chore is ..dttudtbd td the above
p t roportioa Otto foll,Lattrof .
The whole of the prolrtie,s will be4told, together
or they will be 411Cliled.1111. ill:betit suit: puhdlit - sers.
Any person desiring to lieeiiw 091'1110r Copt vt,rd
could not proeure'nteti6r location than that offered t ered
above,— • ; -77.7 _
Sole to connot.:neditt 12 Oloidi, M. when . otten
&net; will be given and tei'nliniollti'kti - own by
AttOstl, I'l4.
if 4 L be . sbld "nt t rprriises,in '
porsonookt or all Oder tif, the /rp CoOt
on SAT U thesth of Ova). r next, at 1
elc s iok;l l stihrditY:Wo 16"Illisrinkileser'riha pro;
pettv,' bOtng the toultrided ti eriain planta
tioo or ii-act of land eittude In Alifain Prwmiltirp7-Coin
berland entinty,. }Mantled by 11111(18 11,r the heirs of
1118111ov . Thompson SIIIIIIIOI Wostlo:frer', 1 7mA Nil'
Peter Ilarshenod the ConodognMet ereek, , entitton- .
Mg in till . .
1 881 .
neat measeire, thereon erected It log 'MUSE.
a Stone l3ara, V 5 feet. leak , a brick &lake
louse, n
Thrfeitritio ,s.l* 741,nunt I 101J5.11.1 nn h
A:1)(1'1H .:.-e4iteree-of ...bll:,ne is ch..e,t
n n a er _ g ; n l fence; and inn high itate of cultivation,
C. 35 steNsthereof !whit; nwialow,l and the resider
covri•cd with thriving, timber. 'rile!' furin is' date
qt. moi - exedleat quality., and trod to. an) in the
The terms of !tale will be 1,100 in be 14151 on the
confirmation of the sale—rme hall (lithe whole pm ,
chase.,tsionex,inclutlittp., the st(s9, to bt, on the
'lit of April next, a hen the title will he made and
posse s'ioA givro=attei the residue in tvpetinal an
nual payments thert,atter itifFresi, to lin ac
costed by judgment !mails or mort;:m•„,e, •
1).1.199 sTErttirry;
Executor ot -blar,•t tin,Gulbertson,ileed.
r ,-- The other undivided half of the nhovy describ
ed tritet eland, the ri•orierty of the subscribe - 1.; will
be sold st the same time and place, Mid on the same
terms, iv ith the .Bove.
"%lig4st 44, ' -
Valuable Real Estate
• -
rrimsubscriber, 'Ffnieutor of Flames,
will sell ut !intik:" sale on ti n'pnu=
iniseson ITIDA V the, goth of Be i deretf.r. 1844,
1)m !Atoning tleserilieiki filil ilsinte, to wit; A train
. .
:hie land is reeilted aral Inn higli." state of eallitir!
goo. -The inyn oveeenls ore li lietr.t'wo 3iury wAttlt.
- orlioarded I/OUSE, a new Bankflarnotta),Rll other
neces -pry fait-1111110i rigs.; a yoiwg .. pple,' OculiNid of
'ehotee fruits, tte. i well of -wider nelw,the,lll)(43e., ,
Tie land iii. sileated ahnin three rrtiifs West of
'Aleolniniesbargyieer thoTrtialle Swing- road,
,roe township, •and iA haatalrd _by:hauls IVARIII.
lVestheiffer. andJoblata
• indisputable title will lie ;Oven. .Sale to.Oork• • ill;o'clook;Aititenilande
_nniqn • 4 ,, , -
, •
' • - Win;Pulneldock; awn:Aced. ,
tiny 11 tso.
•,. Tai_ . , v a
bnli-Ho , i i
.'%'',/ A1 4, PRIV,AIIE'SALE:•• , •; 1 ••" ,) -l''
kii , ,-VoluslileFarin4itilateil'ilAiriieveyneiheroilg)ii
rIX township, elimb.PrlivitlT:erte.nky,:, 6,.niiiles west.
filen Carl i ale, on , dui' ' . ..leinif.liotik Skiing , 'tear tile
Camberland Valley:l44, tr s i:00; , :io10.1111ilp g pbout2so
' , ',tr Zai. , 4;i:,;:;,•r...., ; • 4 :',.K,,, — .2 - 4
"!'f ;.I ,-- 7 - r. ZiiiaritroOp,trkikol- ,-,-.
.„ ~,,,,,,, ..,,,,-„,p,.- ..,,„ 4 '..' 1.. 3; _ ' -,,.. 4Mq , 7414 , :*
Ilavingereomooereon a largniwostary...untrkle.stojie,
4ttip 8141.. ii , twctlfiryi 7 . loglificiiiii 't*i:i:t — Celii , idriiiiiit
,I,larns, litirfl,F9iii crik #l4..i t ritt#l)itigil,.4koooo,
Aralki AietiliesOlinVis niti'ti. fitilleen , l!rif (riiter..:Tliiip
(MIA - will 'dirlildtiln.,grindidvatinign ''aildi %SOL hales'',
T - slinle;ottheinilf of .ii:i 7 T'-• i , -. 7 7 •• ,-- Z 7- ' .... ' ,,, J .=;.,--'• .',.., 7 :
4 .. POE2.lllolC;Uilleo . itAtitillle Oi l lei 11 .'l &iliiiihis,'. Cist, -
on ili6:qiivemics,tiei.., cir,....,,r , Pie ,'litaliserjbeOresiiptig:in
D'islatisoiC!nwirlihist, , 2pilliSi VasCiriliis."Sitin'a !river&
,;t'.- !) .., .:.; ; , .'...111 , 41110 2 '431fINVIIILIAVST f', ' '
; ,... - Atigust.2B) p1irt!.4.7 , ,f ,-., .... ,, ,', , , , ; , 4'A'! . ". tr-4 . 4.'
,'' " -•.'''.\ ••••••••'•, - ,. - 1•''',•. , G,.!'., - , : :':" . ':'.•';'i.':', • '•:;,',•' .'.•
,i.,.!.:.:...',./p- 4 . 614. 0 , ; - ..sitir e• -,..'. , 'i.,-,,' , ;.. 2 ,'
-. " 'r - '• ' 4‘ ± ~ ..,
. 1 . , ,, , „..., ~ ..:ii.'.l„..:•'','
X0 1 .411 11 .0ki:- :' ,140. -. 44,;$fij( 6 ,,W,Oril•
~. i ii CU l iftitair gUilt b i i'l6. ; PA.7) h o n iz i!. t i ti ,' ;itii i p r •
jfi t
. 4 .M.lrtilP;llo l 94 ( illiil+ - 1 1 4,!ixoxmiiiii$:culuborti
44..!^Piqii4-1?5.!9490. ,Itt; A i l'''i.p i rg: . ,,:,:g- ., ... - :., - .
tal - iclo* , tte - ;z4 pci',llt , f'
tai'aitt; - ,• l ;l6fiitivigitorc_ff wartakizvairoms
~poid Nevin j , - 404 ininkit . 1m3. - :tik}", .OURAORIVAOI . :
01esf; hiiiing . Viittit!Po.Afpiy pOGI - 1011SEtherq l :.
'ori4retiWi betiikilliiii.,Ottikto , r4iipur . .ty,, go!t,.ll.liith'
')3t.orli , o,Ficlies died ' seiiEd: : - , 1 -- ~ ' ~, . .. ' ,:', '1",.. ,
*ti",t,Theiv!Zlvilklir giold'lotliiiliiiiioVidg ifikkiiiiiiir
g r V ert t. 9 - rtl if i tol 4 6l,sl l4 / 4 4 §itt u i l ikOi ' •
atilllKlt ken)tqlrra r.9.',. a- , lk . : G ' ~,Weiro
1)# - ,c4dfrknci* : t1Syn:01 1 9 dilly`a',..' r ift , ...•,Til" , .,
414.1•,c1. • ' - •,." ''''!` .'OER killDrblegES t .-.,.!"'
• 1,...ik1;it4i1.0101 8 4 1 4,46,1411:*dgi01i44
~,, t 25. , 1944; . r . ' . , • ' . ..'•. .. .-• '''' '..'' ''' • ... . '' ‘ ' : : t944;
' n ..,), n..... (1: NK. :' , Vit , `"..i. , i/i' 4 , 4 io l " , e•ii.otitq ~
4i411, h • k 3,
OPAlf o lf, l 4l 4ll3 lPana °
the ‘4" '" " i 21 1 59 4 1 411 ' 47r, lo - 4 1 4.44'
oiotiipi.eith 6tk ' lob SW*" likd:
Flrrotio , att i tl. oife,i,ted :k mt
' - • ..ettpiiiileVlVOintioitio
j,;k=. - ~
~° r
• -••.,!.'„/•;;;; ,?:,; - :::::• , .. ,-, 2i-..'.•,' . ' ..• - ••f;•••,*-' . .„':::•••j.:-:•n'.:-..:2:'• , ,i',•.:,.... - : . ;:,. - : - ::.;..: 2. .._,•,..,
..: 1 ,:•...5.A.„vi.:•<7,1•7 1 • , •14:7;N . ,t . *:...,„. , , , , 5 , , ,= - .k . -... jv'k.i.,;*-, . tg••••'.' i N:f't;e:l., ,-, :'-'iti ; :, , ,..'' . 4 c• v: •
~a 1 :.
-WHE. VAS, `rifirl Iry iiti,nexAthe
7A - SgenkillY- t I me,-.-0704111001voitikor.1)eng
entitleds• Iv tolir "An.. 4 et t•optlfig . 6 the - elections
Of thisCnmrnnituesitl I,ii4'seiillie'42(l 'tray of uly.,i
huntli•,ec!'itiut rift.
tootle o.l)ill4 . 4Slierifture,o3Y
-;,cptipty in (thisitip4'nriwe it It h kivq . ..pitaid'
I _l9.oSeArlite-GenOre4.:Eliebti olizitfuati notice_
st.. The .1 fneers'iii,-1)6 . ,
- •I fesignittti -the geetlOn
to (le
1, tciiid:§libit,v; 01411 e.
county. cd: lieleby. , malts.knctwn amt.
give fhie PLAMIC 'NOTICE:to.the tit:Ova:of - LW
county.ofZumberlailditbat;on •
Second. TUE 14/2-17 ofOct obhrhixt,
(being.the sth day of Abe month,)' a General Elec
tion will be-behl at *the several Election IThdri'ets
established by law in Raid ennidv, at_ which 'lisle
they trill vnie by ballot for. the severaLollicers
inafter nanced, , -
For Gevernor of the gtnte of Perris; Fcnuia.
• brie Person
For - Canal Cc;rtintissioner of the Cotrnomt'ettlth of
One .Persdn
ToWTIFeRent Ilii.c'ounlies of C'untherlttb(t,Yrithldin
.• . ,
To represent the cluntica of Ctunherlantl ana Ptrrc
in the.Stnte,Yetuite.
•• Tii#6" Peitons , , .
I'n relireerut the c`3nonty of CtirObei•lan{l..lies
!louse or I tepresenta i Veli of Peonsylviiiiia. '
..One COM mitisionpr
For the couilty of coiptwoood. , •
Ono DirectorOf the Roor'tind of the !louse of EiiiplOpnent tf
sold eot.utv.
'One Auditor - •
l'e settle the t oddle ne!3ottitts of the CoOnty Onm-
Inissionern, bco. .
The 'Plaid election shall ,
be held thpaughotit the 1
,count ) ,an follo t t s I .t c 4 i , - ; i
on Alistri, - ,
e 's 1" ' ;4
• 'nit. itietliatilil the electiointotig h l of
- the Borough-of Carlinle, null towunhips of Srath
I.l,(ldleten, Lower I lieki axon, Lmicr Frankford iota
Lower lt'gtt litainnhorough. wilt be, held Int the
Conet-ifousoftetliti--borotigli• of tart 'are; , -, , 0- -
Tin, election in the ili , aritst, composed of North
Niiilill etim ton iinklii will lie belt! nt ate n Carlitilit
Spengn," nt the / pUblfe ?lash of DOW' Cot limn,
in snits to n nnitip i r- , ,- ' ' ' r
" - "rife ek carol tot e"tilitriet i'iiifriposetl of Sliver"
S pri in t . township
John Trimble., in ffuestoaot i in,saitt Inn tishipl,
--Ttio-elyettiorlo ilitrzttstrfettentoposeti-dt-tiotyport
of -East l'enunliorntigh , towtiship u(Ili here_tofor4l.
, toted at'the public house of A ittlizew I.i:reit/to.; kr,
Ow erunto) of Cutnberlitotl..wilr he liehlittliO t to4e
et' A shire* lii;enzer; km the.soutti 'n,ltle ot the turn:'
pike lending. front linirisbkri to R Ciirll46;' , --,,-, , ',
The election ill the (that-let controsetroflhat poet
of- &Int Pentinhorongh towttnltip, ; lying Not lifinnil,
.Atist of 44 4 kliet t township rimpo the-rood," from '
t ) e t te Adam klichellareers, 'lemons the Nol-thlAlit'llit.
1 qfwill - ithettbutillaut-b 6 6 4. 1110-
Yottritecki,nt tltO,Weitentlorthd-}Tortonbor4hrntet
. i '„llte election. In %the ditarie't ortitaili'ed or -New•
Cutaberhaek*lll. 4 4 011E114 *Al t o public, house of
- William tle t tliptlit the borouglen , i:titither
ihnde ~. ,,p, . ,i' ,• ~- ~,, .1...,e
, The- eleetied ilktrlet comp6md or 'Mot 1) , i44,- Of
Alien itaituthip4hielm , leetion wittehe - felorort .held
At the' publie)lausq , of Willhitiollaftirti,la•thval ,
ronghotiNevi.:CutiOrl4atli ikill'be' iblitttEtlieLte4i
itittimuselef Oriirctb lieek,lllo,o ci6liiiittf h 1 ?,4 1 10 1 )
,Cafferi , liViatid to tvothipf '4 ' 4 4'!. , ' 4 , io'••• 4 ' t ;),
' thelelOtidri in tile slietriel etilliasW l o ,l .iiklitn`
anti - a:Vart 'of &Mat ktAitynt ) ltlp',' will: itti lielti , t if ' te:
*61)110 hotitiq,4llllA4ly'eltece :tifei:;anit, ill Llfibtiriti
'rho ele'titeacillithiiilitittleyorrpetesi of, that pail,
oflAilitt townstb-, net.lnallated in the New ' 'Cult&
berlatliG'eorit:e IC; nnfl Lit l tit - it election Illitriein„,
)1111.11e'itglthnttit PAO laptiicof-1)
lit Shephel.ilstoarii; n Ala lowunlilp t . " _
Tire elgetleil la, gig, tiletriet cern puqed er the Alto4t
'TO of AfecluilkilMFF4 lll Jib 'bekil a.ihe,p(ilt,lio
A use ohtsho llmoiet; minis] ho'rotigh; ;1..,, ,r , , -
ie - olecilOiflirilir) 4l4 l4o,l o o,l , li9W4:* , .oi.v,bottyli itteptiltlitoflAbot-91awi'10#
Paul,,in_Qhtlite4u N i 'ili,titelkitl , loWunhipl l o7,4,Ye •-q
The vicelike Hi, e4,dillotrlet*Tlllol4PL'tirt*e
Vena l teintalti AillitleUrttkbk gq3,lleuse of
lip Weaver, r0...t0 ilErnill ta l , 1 .,1 ~,,1!•,,Q,,' ::::,.. '
'he election in , theAlitOsi insapploed, oftlieho:
rol(gh or Isrel u v4/114,..atitl tajitiihjp,',efikrtfil„ IN qpper.
prankfurdt; r 3 -3Pkr. , :`4 l 'el l - ,rtAtistlorno/Vb 1114 11 ,- 1 1 1 0t,
PaeLt of N : ,,en'°i' tqwnankt 4141 1 0 i qdell , licitic, Ikea.-
"14 Oc°tl9N_Atiiicb 3 4:t horoloottit imentimiffil; will
I l e helitatut ItPribk, Betook Rouse, In the'boraugh ,
Mt NeWirille,'" ':'." , rl '`, I v ~:!:, ~. ' `..Z,, , ,.\!"„;,....,
3 he,, elathit i til ls t il o t4% ° l l o4 l) , 4yrtg i r.
hi m ! ,o. iNi 11 e el, An AI , 90 •
- .;yel , vberKl6%oldib - tobeliipr ' - ,'''' ~ , , - I' - ',ff...
clip Algetlob3p t h e qd,istrl M, oompod atitbe,,,biti .
,ioit-glii ork,ShlPPPOurti--,s74P.cnildliit'll,°ShOltir
litol. Oat pot; tot Atomoimmoo,towmmirt.oot,,inOtbdom
I° ° /1644egkelemion , distrioioatiji to liehl,ot the-
Co nail Iomie,in,)110:1 bormiqb'orBbipPontibOriti ,.. -40
adiniuttl by akii,itt4boiclOOt'olleillielublY": o f,'
il-PsMlLtiMiiiVoklEbt plowl)),lmStal lullj,,',AS9 r itt , i,s ,
thu r piroY l 4°o4obok4b 6 ,49 4loo 4oTotorP:Ofitati'
or TIVARIO 6.4 00. 1 Afft , •wnlrll.Ml o o*
rciOltl 111411 , 1 1 ;.0 0 .11,p by .t
_, oriiptc , l nt,i4,
libimes yi. isogino tix).,t , ;l. W'A On i trAl„,,it
al exoni44
edot, olOnirgmAlpoimAyi,dml l 7l, Vtruk
DitMptiop ong,t4.lip, ' ' lool B o '
7 4.01 r il,Airtoilkoko to , troiltp; , , It P : 1 40 11101 ( 1
~ ii?l , f,M,l 6 1 1ea t tyclAt.J
4 1# Oweiv-OhiutAllitpiB tirt ti,4 ° i n,)0:
litlyl.Mok's PottodwX k oop, Iv, .gl . tr. , „ no .
, A AM. Mi, 1 14100iPPOJA11 A' , ioq.
~Porso4., ovoN,
loolocAlybgAtyt t to Irimtem. komix t
7i ref penal:T*l6w
,I polOomay, - toi,,tlio
rilifoe , arb4kliil r n*" ' -, ifidld' bOveby,itt:
tigrOd,,#,:oe• ..9lllk l soiAbrialeo.: ;l
gOoli' -- - lownlidoli;
1 , „;, , ,., "..
One Perions
iie Yet on
decinirril4lllfittarirelhei`W iiiiZUhaiaip4: - "'
(goer or, ag .. '"Wti t oor balltio employed un.
dirlitini:legislatife'_ • ilit___,lve oyj; TA:6ll6r d e pig
Arlen: f th tsi Slap of,_l_lltrahltyld,Atatest,,e_r_or ! ,,,,
1137- 4 ,,p Ty„,,. , all.' orporugii ! dirt; ani) also.; 1
ctiaYViir3 4 ,M,Siillifairrof,CcingreaS:an'
s ia.i: th e/State'
egrelature; et:Wei:the select or.'eo Mins °outtalk- ',
of nay oily, or commissioner of any ineorPeratad,
district; is byjaw incaptible 13. f hAtiki:‘g tix;r,ae,r,.'!
'iiiiiiiiifilie iiitie - thno;thlAie,or applinent
. r kfiadka'iiitkailiii.llerk r ,oficinkolliutiba ftliitt'a
s9)P,t3p9,9#ll,s,ol,l,4li4).l,o.oPMVlPFlr49 , ~, r, ~
other, offieor%of supheleetfort , shah
,De_retigiti ci, o"
-ticilleh jroted iiii.' l , - - '''',- -- ' - '--**''-' ,
;. - , - .4l:lll,llll3,intliti tibttif - Aageogillentitled cian_not,
relating to,,aleatJentr.,ot ..thici,, , PpinM9yrtelitiiir-o
passeti.J lll i4d:4Boatirthee,p ; rPtlileit‘aitPshiwOo
to.wit :_. ‘ • . . _ - .1...:-__ . ;and}
4. a t talnape tors-ah a gest a -meet-nt7-
'itheAktpec,iittt*AlactisZnyipnittpd_cititiltulditii 46, 1 _-_
bi.l 6 :4 l ol,tr e o t if,niti9, o !Pitek ..014 1 ?(Iingqiing.Of tit%
'_ltailittict-Tr* clay4if_Octoberpniniiicli_ollactidlei -
spinliSfeWill - :061•61 - 611 - 6.11iirk,V1olih - alli.iriMi - -
*qualfied:voter of suoh-distriet. -.., ,• ' ,
" I n. balm, the i pang') , who a hull:litlyZ febv,ived
ilfe;seOcinci highest number<of votes for ? , papietosir
iibilikno,t,tittend,*on ijii:claY i ntltifly, i'lettt,tlten,
' ii_iP P9SsoPYi7l;d.(gilrilf:.iii'vejcPY.P4;triEMPit4 , lok,i/,lYil) al.tiii•ciP/9,.Pr.1-.
ceding election skill , iietluitrau , :iP B l ) o,et, o ;•tithils. .
dace, :Ana in ycso ihepe . mbit ff ll ll 4 -61, alkiNY9Pr4; "
uoiVed.tire, highect 4timbpr,l4,,ortes PO laspeetcir
6 frull,W o t,i.iticpsii the PCiiietLellictel TudA'sliall,Cp . . ,
, iljpi.iink,ihs,Peutqerin,hK;lo4:o*4?":4:44.ltll9
r o rei - in el,d,#ludge‘ ,B 4 ol l';rtet ait'end,ll44,44
asgeet4r, IliP .11 , ,ddl,Ved,itiltil:i11 • , :iiiFiff , tt; Witd . . ,
' YOrCif:tll)iirtiprfo,lni t 4 j . lll . giii t tnitie iiiiike;ori if citikr: •
yacit'pei,4l4llontinnim_thitthlarcr---ffirftlip epacci- , ---
~" of 731101106 i iftt*.riliii inifti - fi ZeirtYlaiiiiir ilia'
opening efthe'plifetion,tlitttiunlifiidirtersiir ilia,
titimihip; ivtil'dfort diArriCT=Tor-ivhic.h - iii6littai s er
• pan havei-bseriVelet:tint e , ji y asent*tiCthellitee-4) -_
electioq,'_Tahali, elect l ive_,oftheir 'numhectith-filt '
such Vacancy ' '-, - ~
`!lt,,sliall he the q uti 75fithe rievern,l posessoßt;,-,
rotipeotively.',,,ta , altend ~at--,-the-'illacir- o f- . lthhlins 7_
iiiefi=generaltirpliiiiit iiiloliniihrti . reledtiOli,ltirl.
nig the whale time
~said 'deaden is,'„kapt'open, for.' ,
the putinffie - 'of giCing information te.thil'inspec.:'
tora - cuni - jiidgb; -- when - ,cajliicl - ed - ,'ln ielatietrtectriii,r*
rightof:any,perseit "iiiviiiied;l4 them ; to;vote at
such ylection, iii: such ether An
the nimesdrnelft, • (lsPpiers as,the said inspectors or
either or thecti, Shall item time to thee. require; _ ' ~.
„shay be permitted to veto it any
election as aforesaid, thart i n 'white freer:tau of the
age of ttb,efity.orfe yeareeir_inere; wile shill 'have i ihis State at.lenst one year, and-in the I .
election district where ha offers to vote, at!oast_
ten days iumiedistely • preceding' , iiiiche:elictioni '
acrd - withimiwa-itiars paid - a - Surusiirlicitinty tux,
whigh.shali Inise,,been asseiedd'at .fercin tin ,ditys
before the bleetion. ,Itut O. citizen of ibe United
§tateic who has preyiously_been a-ilualified voier
in this bfiir,eiirincive - d thprifrom enci.rethrosd,
andawliu*slialf li'avo resided ' ii the ,election dii3.,
trice arid paid tinies 'as 4o r regfild; phall be entitled
tfv( lo efer 4 e 3 iding" inAbi -7 "Stote sir meu th
r i_.r , 'li , rbTiTl - lredionic , tizensof • the
ilintetkSti4eii between the ogee of tvy . ent, and
twenty.tivii years, and have reilifed in the eleCtion,
distrim ten days al_ aforesiiiil 4 bhall ,be. - entitled to
vote; although they shall not have paid Waco.
"No p6rsort shall_tal T adirlittert Jo vote whose
' name is hot eontuit.ed in the list of,tiixtiblo illiab.
',tants furnished by, tite r commissioners, uplossj
Firet, he produces a receipt fari n a paymont,•with..
in-two years-n:lf _a State -Dr_ county_tax_assessecl
agreeubty to ihe.constituticiru'airulgi ye satikfactiCry
evidenco,either on ffa
his own oa th orarination, or
the oath or affirmation Of a netherithat belies find- ,
such a tax, or ornifilifr - e - t o, pircidifeiili - tedeipt;
shall make oath to ; the payment-thereof; or, SE,
Cond,,if hi - claim a right tp yote by being an chew,,
tor,between the age 0E twenty.oni, and twenty. .
two yearo, lie sh i 7ll,depoSe_on. oath or a ffi r mati on
that he, has reel ecl in th e gtitte-ht leirst-oneyair•
Bast beforc_bis appliti.tion;,snd make inch puler
of residence in the district cis ieriequired by this'
- act,and thtit he. does 'vertly,tirieve - , , fiatirthe - ac
cocuite given -bun, that - lie Is,of the lige aforesaid,
and` kise saint eider iirridanee *as is. refit:iced by,
this iiet, whereupon' the, name s cif., the erson - 'sb -
admitted-tr, yote, shalt be irisqrfed in . ti
' alpha
-betical listliftlie ihtpiielors 'and ano made op.. *
posile thereto by, writ-kg, tiro ivorlitt , ax,' if ha •
shall he admitted_ tote, by censor of hiving,
paid * tax: or the nord,!ilgc,; it ho shall be'adin it.ted
to vote by remon ofaueli vote, shell be called out
to the elerke; wh9 !Mull make notes iti
C , TEI3 iyheru rho name of the person ,
chiming, to 446 i found on the list furnished by
the commissioners and assessori s tir. his right to
Vote wlittlier und thereon, or .iivt„is objeentli to.
by any (fun lfied mi licit, it shall he the duty. of the
nisrkenirii to-exaniiiii such ,persii .en oath as to
Ilk:qualifications, and if liq plaiins.tohave resided i'
within the State for one year or more, his oath ' stiflioent proolthere4, but lie shall make '
proof by at least one competent witness ; who;
shell be a -- qualified eleetor,.that lie-lies-resided
within the dirgiet for-more than ten days next.'
pretierling„snieclEietion,, and shell aklo hinasch: -
swear thal'his Lena fide reSideneeiiiiiiiiirsuanee
of his.lavaid culling, is
.wOitrthp„dgitriet,,hndf: ,
that he did not remove intulialif Aistrici fur the - ,
purpose hf voting
„ therein, ' . : "',yv ..' '
"Et'ery person qualified, nit aforriaid; and who •:
1911011 make ling proof, if required, of wk. •tcsidoned '
;mil piilytnent of,taxes, as: aforesaid, shall be ad-, .
witted to. veto, by. the towlishilar#, or, ititript:4 ,„
hi which he shall reside. -
If any Pursuit Wall prOventior att6mPtio`pre ,
- iiii) - liiny - 41Fer„bf any eleintjati underthis act, :-
fieni-holiling-stieli-vie:4iiiii,..er_ose:t _ihresten.anys-,_
'violence to any seek offi'eek, of &dial interrupt or. :
finliroiterly interfere with .him in le execution'
!Of ins dety,.orTitholl - bbick E yl" . the window' or ' II.• .
vtinue . l6 . any Wittliniir::wltere , -tlid same may be:
holding, or - :peace at
- sablveltietligyorlylnilt:itseArptqqatlivriiiiiiiiirm - ' - '
diving; t liiento,Aireis`. Or tviciilen , TovAtitti''dokieri toy : ,
hill obn eeotiiiely : or.SOS4lO;el .itriy.'„olcititi, i iiir_ta......
.erevrldt 'lblui:fr . `,4t‘Otiotor . lO',:x'„Oiseraittlihe , frde.y.;,
dam :or eliiiics;•eueli: person, on eonvietioo,ihsilt ..."
lie linedin:: ! atiy...sliin' not..exceedifg-fi49 119ndrt.e
dollars, and .11e.:inipr,isnned',for:any ortie:" . noC,ltion '
' tliaCtqOariOr,ninire tlfarilii , err4,,OidAligi'ilrid",le, - • -
'1 if,-
. - . iphsiohamiolaa,tino,4444,o6on:Btrendinsl.___
Angro4;a - residprit - fif7,ilirrcityi - 7rlo:lPitrfet; - Pr, - .7. — •
thscinSfrip:yl,44,l4,oljd t.trlrrep.,,,AEQ.e . prlrctit!ed,', •
-, co frfatleittio ireln.:' , lffin'inri . .dnir,le_._
. ;.. ;clie.,Plitilrbepliiritedeod:4so)lirri: plio'bfl i ot -, ''
:/p,,,lidf !litiii444 '.linrdiegiiiiti!here'ipitOife,ilie*,.;, , ,- ,
lian a 'do . ka,r,i4;,; Lep 4, tio ji on KO tio!reil . n of, i:la,i t . ilirlik"sti fr : . ; •
niimillik ror „pore Aida tlir . o,ye - aio.f . ,-;.• ; ,..,,..,,
I i;'..itifiniy;perpii, keymn s
,*. s h in att . ilfilet i .....,._
, ri wngpr r yipMom res4ll,yir,.,any;;,'olllo,fmr.;lll . 3ll!o !
• ;01.1at: ofnifOrOyilajth,. pri'.Blijklf„offmi'll,p,allkti--editY,'": -Ii•
'44011, hot nr., mler,,, eji be r• by verlit_ilpaa Kati Oly:'
tllei : ,•to fi. Or J)y... a by'.. w r Web pr. prp1ied..4e54004..- .
liAnt; '-eliell ?At:pm invite littx.Oris4bilNmtibb, • -
, 'itr4ti,tl!:;iii,.w,ti g tir.,' e pppii :',eprpftogiCtlierel4,:beir
rii-ilit4iiiiilkittrireit atid:;;Pli:Ff-itlilee,sitlikeiftlio„4.7Ln, _
~ incitth(s4ll.ol44-4irAiLlf , - lietbet' Ti' '.'''''''''''iii'' -
' .. ' 4 1fliny persoil.o of, by Idw quabliel,lo4b4l'' rilul6i.. ',; .
,u kin lly vole !,t,,•ifki,y, , ,ild,,etiei li: tbitO:pruquiiii,edlkly„,....„.
?.41,1,61 tit elberkvilleNAllNd;i tlii,Wr - iite7600 , 41`‘.. , ,..,
proper'illgkliier if giii:liertsbAiiiiqttifltt,i t iek,
iirloPekWi givlttrnli 4101, tiltPor; toroq_ re..,f , ' - ',K:, ~
' iler - sPi(4l, ~*OfipAti '4040 :Ofro lid; rig,:slig f0,,44t, t. 4: ,
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