Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 04, 1844, Image 1
. , , .. • . • '• • ... ~ .., , , ~,,,, , ~ . . ~,,, 4,, ,1t5,!...., , ,,- ; ,4,7•0 q ;,., -„, ..,...,,, ~.t., - ir, ~,, ~,,, ~ ,;:f t,......:,, ;, , , ,, Fl, ,y, - -. , ..' , ,-., ,• , ~• ." ".::. ''' . 7 ... ' ' ''.l - ‘,.., '''-' ,•"'"' ,'". -,''' -=' 4... .." L ' 7 i,gt...414';.; ,,, ,,%i4M-NV:itiliff, ,, .7 ; ,,,, 1,:e,":e..',"1ii:1 ., , ,, .I'' kr/k 7, 17 ,1, ' , iV , t ,,,, , , ,',, , ,, , ÷1 . '",pA , 7371,,,!..•••';':,..1.. , ":..... _ ~ . ~.f . ~ , ~, ~,,, ~ ~,, ~ • ~ .; ~ ip, • ,*cu2,,i,.,,ZV,tk,eei,.,kgt,,,ttl,ktrtj _....- , „y,..',., ;,. -',..i . :_e&1..., ~,:64ZZ11t01,:e.pt5410703.14.f",'40.4a,00 ' 0.44-• ,,, ;m , -M-4 , -' , 4". 2Ko 4 if,..2;':4,-,'' ,, f , .. ,2, "...,-.,. : --,-.... . ''t: 'Y. '-' •- - 'n' ",,,' it'' , ' '. • ••- ' , • '-iXlll'... '.'' :r -- ' . 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Tl'7:7-":( t - V C 7 , 2 g 1 :: .1'; • • 6.'.. ~ :., , -,:.--,-, . 4 :tt-f-94•2 7 - , m, ‘l .. :[,t ,' :LY.; ,, .i ,, . , , -, -. 4. • ,/,' . -,, '• , "'''fW.Y.---,.:-V-, ~`,- ", ~, , .., . ..7-, ,-... . • -,74',......,,,,,.; , i , a ..,:vig,'ef.?,rtv 9 , i r 4. , ..,.....:w..,.., , ..,1704. v.,-, , A ,.. , 4;:. , , ,, ,p , :.. ~,-,,...- . ,A,... . •, :., - „44‘,43tt,...,.e.. . • ~.....,....4, ~,. „ ~...:..-.. ~.. ...-.,- p- , ~-...-i. .; .. , 7 , ----.)! ~1•..4.• . - 4. .4., .i.f. , a . .i-..-, , .14- - 7..-....-- , 4- ... , i . 1 4,4,riiikg,.i.,:? , , 41 .104.41/0, 7 1 • .Iflifi'il, l, • 4 .: -- : - .0 1 4-4',. -.:,%. ..7.;'•',.!1., Y- - •'2'.'‘'.. , -:,.. ..'.;.'"-, •%,:' .". 4 :-i'„' . ' ,-- , . •#.:.',-;-; ' ilitr . ..' ' i'l:: ''':''''' .•I' , i' .., :' , • 't ill VITiiTA.,A , i° ''''''' ' . .'"T.,...4. - .'"•1,. , ' irzi . . ... . ... , . - _•,. . 1 ,.-." . .:-'4.•,q0.4.-,',4‘ , ltel4i;j';'' 1 *:* .0,I'" •'• ' ~ ':'.-' .T:i ' • ''... ,,, 4'. ' -' - "i4 ~-' , L 'i, :::.: , t - '''' „,,,, • , i i. •-•• ..... • ",:cf,', '- • -%.- :. .7..11, , . , ~..., . .4 .I'. ... ~,,,, 1 ,1 ~,,,,"' k --i., .. ' . gh ....At A, • •,, - , ,-,:'," h. .. - ' f,'l' 1 ... , ;''.;1' 7'l tttt 11. IR, , t 4; i?!!'-- ,2 3-' ' ..,'''. I, : , 1 'r, r; , :, 'O 4 .';'; ~..:;-,19. , ...$ ~. ~ . ___, . '' !' t• ,r , . .:', ..... „ . . , •;''i'ti'l'l‘ , °=' l '" l, ' ,l ' . -14 1 . 1 i;.. V :", , ;xt,c , '":l , t :i4 % . 1.1 . ;;;f1; 'Ai'. iwii k/ Ir' 0 ''. 1,5 7 , -,.. -5:2,-.'.i•k i iiit- i . 61? . 41', - W, .:; ,..,.,;-• ~i) , -, , i , ,, — 4 . i 1 4 , .11j1 ,:,' • :;‘ , 7 7 ,,, ~ Ala : 1.- - .c,..,•• •::'' t t ii., ,-, ~ !At, ,i $O.; I ' '',-, '•• ''' ' t'C !r,'l' ' i'';'.. ' .ir • • i , . . ~''' '.."'' 4 : 40-.1 .i%31:4 4 - 7 -1 .4 14• • ' '',".'"'•• E :,Ts, ' .1 — .: 'l ' •,.' .5 . ' i 11 ' 16 :1 3 '1 A l '',‘_••••• 6 ‘....'", 4 '. ' .0 ,-' , .;....,; 5 ; 1 ,1,7" ... , e . . „,1.; . ~,.f,::„: „ , i •6 ,, iii , ,,,,„ ~ ..,41 - b -', - II rl i '-,. 0136 .. ..,: •- I , , .-,- -. -,'-• -'' ~.- -.' • . .'.. . , ',. i f . • - I r. I , F.:, iI- •• , 1 .: ~, ',-,';,- •• , s. , •••1 • , I'.i- , • - :: ~'•:-.:4.'.,', '. ' ...r... -,,,'-'," ',.. 5q,.!:.::. , 4i 1.2;1;.10:4*.t;.A.:"111,3',,v:1, " .'"Z' U lei; '''..iii.:-.= 6 '- - 1 - • "'"1 - 1•Mt.r1 1 f.• ~ ,: 1t!..i.r•:,.... ..,.., ~ ,; ~ 11,!11 , • • *1 ... " , • . • " 1 " """ A vjpeitwisaggiritptikatfOi irix : ER*-tuitt:iltiOgitittrripi ., Apit •0, .:111) ERALIpIAVRE IVENCE,, 'c'r.!'r' M=Nl=l ri OSITr • • gh . - 01110 - freentre:T.Squfs_r± ,.• .:o : ; 4l,, , , - ite 'the Old' ~., •;711-FAIVIs:-OF I Y.O4.4 I CATIQ IIi)--I.L. .fliejltß,A,l,l),* F,XpOSIT9II , • la .intlA'alied, I tit t 4 meekly; opadontdo iditolah eat, at TttiCt,l4ol; , .., . LA Rk-lipornnnutnk Partbktt! . lil U. 1 .420 646,, • ~t- t inothe titne_of,aubaotitditg r 'rits ) , 4 944 l, i , ,N:ll.lllll4 , llo,l4Strrat iltl , l l dtmd, drt 0.)1.' ; • -- No; au bsdription , nlll tibldkddi fore Ines Nut . tix .), innithd,, and:no paper.diaCtinttnnedurittrall itn.'„ .irifaiageo are : pnid,,oxotlit,',at: din o'pti*'9l"thol , - , ,,pablishor. and a kilns° td , tidtify,.a.44,Reptdinu -;. an& syill bp' contillef.pd a- IleW eni*Oilit• Advot tialpg-..011, be ddoe'on theinsda tonne. Letup a to trieure atteittt'dn- twilit. bo;itin'at pa id .:.' , ~. litrja,S - CQRA ~HA M tt AARRXET fIitnigattf 2I O - A;- -= 11112_ publlotilim has*: leased tide well known, lidutiqwhiell lies teeently uncle gone ailnilliAtOt re. italr.'and hasterniihedlotnew With the best 01 }led-. s di Ak *tut otheiTurnt Lure, now,:pfevitrettrt. e-. necomedite .. ..Memberr etthe ktegislatere.and . tgletlf intlm.NCry beet style, and ntittilt such tet , ena a . 1 'eannot s fail• .Ittgage• — • . . . 4 1/711.1. lie'publie sale, on THDRSDAY, i- the P2th do) , of September nOltf,et.,the late . welling noose of.Ctifilation,-.lllYhyzof 7 Allen , tosielif.. - 751111gCumberlaiid onent*,..deceased, about oneltisle -onda'hair South East.ol,llleolionlosburg,the.lolloW ihg prOperty. vizi INvoiVaitspr ficaWaite . . . aiitt l arlio a i 014145 •- t' ..,. ~...... _.... , . No. 1. Coetideing 5 4 . acres and . 40'perthes, With."' i-. • ..11.411.1.11113F1R 1:L0[111111g Rf, :.. good Dwelling HOUSE, a new Dank Bareend Shop ' r , : , __• . ---, ~. ..... suitable fora incolioniof with a well of never fulling ' ' HE subscriber has now and will constantly keel" iteliti' pear thealonr, also a young thriving Orchard .Toil all kinds of .". umber , such ns 'White 101 choice fruit. The property adjoinin g lands of,. . .60 1 ."ee Dna' els,.P.lanks, Scontling, Shingles, Shingling, ISo mile! Nil - inlet.. Jacob ILAndis and' others; all uuder_ i unif PliiileriliglWilfs; ki.iillef width' will be sold ar, - gootiTeitcorgiullirschigh - state - of -- nieltiiation , --,-- • -+ Ithu river' prices with the addltion of_hoelitig,for CAsd, _ ~No: I,.Coetainitig, 10 atre, of gopsl Timber Land j -lathe Wore , hollso , of Wll. 11. UEDAY.• aitupte about one mile of 'de above deseiiinedlii" Corlislei - goy gil, 15 A 44. ' • if- 50 perty. - - ... . I Any neriorywisliing to view the above properties ... .... ...op:4°r Cistt, .., at. it. Au ItItAY: ._, wz, 1344. ' .11.30 .7--_, .. '.• ;. ', ;( 1 / e. 21 i/011ifie ' fbe v Relit. - a-cheap:rind if-needs ossrssioN given irrimedistely, thenew taro Stile to commence at 2 o'clock, on said (lay, and , be, perhaps it little eheape . r ; as any of his' fellow IL: • .Story Brick HOUSE, built and owned by Geo. terms of sale made known by the undersigned. 1 craft, and . he will do it too in the neatest and moat 1 - hdttnr. on West High street. rot terintnpPly to . - HENRY BEAR, • Z . L .„,.. !fashionable style. ~'"" " M. 1) SHYMOUIt. ' 7 • . JOHN RICH, 5 '''' '''-'" j His Shop is at the old stand In High street; two' ' .1(111 - 6 . 1%1 844. ' . , tf-83 -- august 7,1844. . -, -: •ts•-,41 doors west of the Court House; enddirectly opposini ' ' .--'----... fkle ehe York , Hepubliean insert to the amount lleeterds Had; where he ;will .at all times be found .......2 . , .. - (3;K!r• 5:2r - Za11 , 22-Z2l. - of $1 MIX' -- eharge . this offce.. ~, ... _ , , . ' willinglind able to please 0 lvioLlTl,ity . fhvo hiiii ...--, - with their. million'''. • ,- "" '. • -.. • - ff - ,• - ' •-•-••••• - . _ . ..... ... ~ . • ' , -- " -'" , _ . R ORR ,- tits ,- Ittit t ßA c -. I He returns his sincere thanks fdrbie Ilboriil Pa .. -"JOHN • ANII - 1, HENRY — REED. _ • 1 • • . -......_ . .-- tronagelia-has.heretoforof rdiseited4Ml - :r'espectfutly .. ac tions a conthipanek- di'. iiiiiith favor t remember :,__ ...._ „ -I HAYING entdred - Stip Varifiershiir forth's Brae-,-SIGN.OF---WASHINGTON-ANVJACKSON,Jmy_tou go_to aototVolatfollaac:aCellt,Yesl - 0i ' " .ilie_ot.thdlow,_will attend to all business entrusted I . _,.._. - _ • , Pants, that the inb - sllibo . kkeepsiteliiiiipind fashion. VO Iftelit..' -• 7- • - 1 'PAW anbsCrih6r votilil resp-EntSillY"tilfdritiliiir able. shogn•tipid,Ufai le-is.iletermined_ to.bd_heliiial '• OPPIDIkhi - Iliest 'Stain Invert; a few &Ors' weld kJ. friends and the pubic that he lidaremov_ed from none or„bin •ecintemporitries in.any thing. . of 'tilt! Ciiiiri 11iiiiin Mill Furst trthe'Sl(de of Jason t hin'old ntatiit on - West Higii,strect,tatherpubliehodse . 4-,? , ..1(1.!.,' , ..' ._ .. W. AIePHERSON. 'W.• F,by i ;And. , also nt•the residence of J (Clot need, L two k e pt by David Bleanon South Hanover street,- f 'lna ' 26 ; 1 ta 4 . ' "- ' - .7:---- ,- - - -;,. 5t.35 thllligsite thetollege. •• ' r • , - Pin tins 'iorringli, - ; - sign - of-Washington • and-Jackspii; •Catliireilsltif. tl, 11143. ' ---- - s m - s f - Whereh e-willtie-nl way it glad to-see:his frientlnhlliiiiL the Country and Trtivellers,iinil andomnuillule them j in the best sad most comftirtablemnanethr E`' - ' -- I His BAH shall be constantly seppjiztl-with the , choicest liquors, and his _ T,yulig. ttitlethe best the market can furnish. - -- A. --- efugnl -- OSTLER - alwaYs kept in atten lance-I-awl - 11ot hing shall be left undone to plense_sill who call With him. ' . .130,111:Dg118 thilieri by the neck; montli or year ANDIIB - W - HOSEilt - T - S 11-25 • - r,s:-A-4XXANDE TODD, —,--Attonteys at-Law.' • 3 1 1- 11 E - tintleesiglicul halm_ associated 'a . /3 e , -- - titirtneri in the practice of 144 W, in Cumber- Intorantl.Perrv.conitties. One or both oriltem nifty Se always found and. thb --- tiflitirtrerem;• InVe ne'ettpied by S. Alexander, nest door to to the 'Carlisle Bank. Strict attention will be given to all .bosittess placed itillseir cnEe. SAMUEL ALEXANDiIt. . LEMMA; TOM. wthilAivTirrviibLE t ß, Attoinop at 1 4 1w1, - , • morn formerly, *placid& liy S: D. Adair, Esq. Carlisle, Aprikl, r 44., , S-23 .1 S. Cor.*rirl.. / ll.. P. Nilitii.uns .8 0111,E &M 1 C LURE • . - - Atto rn eys at Law , , , • r— ,, - , '. . 1001.1. L. attend promptly to business ! ..T.Y them iii^ , the counties of Cumberland and liiiikliii. 'Offices,one door west of the 301, East I igli ',Erect, Carlise, and next door to Stuntbaugh 1 I*, JoOver's DririSture, Silpensburg. ..- ) 1 1 / 4,4 . , wit - 240..1144. - • tr-9.6 • • ....14t0.1100 -Fancy . Dress Goods:' T A. ~ci.AppiNoß .R. & CO. near the Ratil.rond OP • Shippensinieg, linvejust limited the. following new,style of Dress Gonda, Painted Mirages Rel. Affglnuts, Rich Fgured Silks, .klouslin de .ILothies, Limns &c. VfArch 27,1844, • ---“-rvii4)aatirmosoiatrilltdieitseso 3 elst by AtYRItS HAVEIISTICk, the etililoted Vo 0, or the infallible ll _ Erlityi_CaulpheitioVeoidgi_lolllloAl' Hitters Aerve_ Ldhelitt--136) , heril add, Artie:of Bird '•, J00ed9,1844.. . • renoeTh liihne ° l Jutip 5; 1544: CO.. 1 11 1 K r %1101qAts Legit t sCiNG-BOOK.rot - sale h • 411. , . • frl. ER'S B,c , H4VERSTICIC , • ,s. • • . - • • 1 , _jelkit.Nil_Lntspn'jpot received b• • __„*.Atiii":lB4Y...All;llo4ll:4--011 ABoots , :andShoeig.._ kd A rke#tstionent. brddillt td Ctailtd - ; or-bairniiitlhe pp gy at m "a inge6egplr)luin.errr • af •—• • 1184, • • ettAg, l oca,Lpir. . • . 4,lloANgtjtiOttegive oy of, u all ,111apufactuiv., - 7, - ,TAkprit 17 IW. . 41 1 . A 5 :TooNNET .__ s;:': 'i NLARGE ,prortmOn9orStraw, j0ir,114., q i io' snit Pringe,Mbereßouriell.`noW o E2ln/ 1 11 1 ft , pl, olive of , fr r, CHAS. vutlin 1 i.,4140,117,11844., ~ •., -• , • 4,1,,,, ~ii . ,, . ,. 01, .imit oaesin o kerei;..., A an Taitt."sl,titZTVi'l!..tl3lFd: ~4 00, -.7--xlirtrow.:—.--- , --mt, Asm,cgoihr, lii; y 0 , ii . if . " 1011 1 .: COgfi .:;';, , 0 ~ , i1; ly. f .:, il f '9 11{ 1 4l i tteigir l' a l itM t i f 7grittit i yti P. ad itekeilk bei sold rat the . liigtest poisible' rpriee eiCiAllti h tet.the• Warehouse of ; o ~ t . 'o,o -, Alt-4 ,t,i. L —DV liriyaterits,“ , :-. 4oi'A- -, -,,Willfentl.';ll4llf4Re;A• ' Ardlfi ;10.. .:It 114_1.1 ~,„ • ........1 ..,.._rnmetif irsit:pprik#olo.,,. wes,;lo, tevik, JlPlAMM4vrr,„,,osied:atlver7:2°Ll o, • I'M :fst P. h an ur , ',,:iii, -,j,,;ti,iciAPPLlYPrqt ' 7 .'" 1, o # ll l l l 7 - .' - igiZr'' ‘,•_ AY gi N;7', , ',. v ~,t i,:, . -, , ~,' . , _. .., r ," 00 .1, :velto '1127,-,,,,,,-;.14-41,4,1 ,_,.3.. 0144,444_,..1.:,3. ' 1 4 1 1,1441arc7710i IiNgPS7 'Ii i t h,..: oltict . ..-, 011 f! , J 5, vy V 4-- rp- BEBE sr :.... Itgrato MOIERP L'50 4 4*1 611,4 0 61 fAC ."- M -114111. 1-iP.uttleillipfed;'piinietOis•hrthe Ltne:ef Cart aniT Cal•Bdats-tetina herlaisi (manta for: 'Oat fai , rkitriaialiel3tfejli in retny there MAC theyabsi; OA' liroOtirttO l6o4ll4: ' ppd forward daily, iittlidalyster F. Prodride A • 'I I I4ILADhL , PHI•ii ttnd': BALTIMORE • Produeeisill deatierell any Ousea. is phis in Ilaltirook which;their .foritii.e`aittitives'ita:. tees. • Thpirfn4on the c l ues . • • • Messrs.•X. • . tokx Nartsvv, ..11pn'theDelliwareiPliilittleitiliis.' -Messrs.-lizasit.••• Irroat.Lo. - Garrote ii4hivelohlreews ;daily& Pitt - hark and interroediritepaiste, 'vex alio :forr,the, NOrOrtrott, Waste; • - • .101,g P:l4Airrilc 4 • -4 April 11,, !,84.4 ,*.ENRY S. RITTER , • UV AS removed lilt Tailoring Estaolishment next door to the Hotel now occupietl by . Andrew Roberts, in South Hanover street, and directly op posite his Sinner residencii, where he will be plvared to attend to his old Customers-and the public goner : ' business, lie is satisfied that he 1011 e tible`to please all who may. favor him with their custom. ' ..Tlie-latest City Ftishiona will tiliiiitoy he attended to, and nothing shall be'omitied toMerit a reasonable shore of patronage. • The subecriber would alsoavdi himself of the Present opportunity . to return his thanks to his for mer patrons for their lilieridity,and hopes by a strict "altgaillan to business, and a disposition to please, to merit a continuance of their patronage. Carlisle, April 110,'lli0. tr. - .• t4C11.001. 11001304. Smith's Deogi'aphylimilitins, Oineis 'do. Smith's Kirkriains, Bunions-anti Murray's - Grattionitra, %VD. lards United States, Frosts do. Mittitells Geogra pity and Atlas, !Wright Geogr aphy of the. /leavens, Meets Johnson's Philifitipity 1111t1 Chemistry, Sold ! lies Philosophy, Comstock' do. Comstocks Chem.! bury, Parierscommon school History, lindens Spel ' lcr k Definer, with fill other spellers that are In use dy . MVOS k HAVERSTMEL EITI =ME 1:1 NA 00TS , AISHOES., , .„. . 1101402:_jnat t4hitved:innOthee r .."ooiiilly.ol_ll6o4 and Shims, to which I "01.60111. 0101 the attendant:if Ilneyeat, Hands, and all others: Atauting &DA and ehenp'shoca. " , Revolted 0113 - o . ld where you • Ore . " always . . . _Awe, to . gpt good OGICI3Y",-7. *.ltily 10,1344. . 11263 - tatOcEßlEt,i, A Fresh lot or guiar, ConT,,Tea r 'Molasses Si. .ar..ko.pist.reeeived, and selling ss low as.ean be hati , in tins borougbowil at the cheri, exalt ; . • , ' • • •- • ,CUARILESOGILBY.. VFACILS . ~:-H—PEASES. I I, O 2I.4IIDT.,, . is 'J tfST ieoei fed inige r aCippli of les' Eio;en6 of liorOhoind.Canay: .:. • • . • 'PetirOot*.l44-1114: ,PERIEN/ri r , Fine Po'cket Penlcniveii eysaprloefor Italie b a uiy it) 1844 - ' I ate '••" veryd en)i•essiy: fn).. tigiiti . emeres - 09.ateTVieettratirl. Pantxicionsjurit - owre, OILIV.s i OECI, XIIrYNER ar, QO. ..':.-,A - 2,1 1 v,'. 2 9• !: • , :farieue pgieiforsaifeiji* • 4 l , INagg ' 'lB"'. 44.''' . MDEO: . 1 •V; lIITIIER'gv CO: " "' '". " • . la= qttEl6 . INYA ' E:? ' 1 : ' 1: ll ''' '' " "tit'Pet oeoov TY!'","-...-,-;. flql-4tlendiestisorAvz .F . .. -,- ..- , , ,r. ..r,41, -A: eTtift, -,1'.,)',..-‘. ''"' l l'' , ..! ),- Ar --ft :'4 64 1 2 7!1 , It- . • . '.. *: 14 r 0 •• '4"'-i l; `•"% , 4111',Jug: -reoeli. k . 4 ,1- 7,,,,,„,►gent rorig ni u t e fiii., 4 4 ' . by dip fub.l4ll,P• '.'. '.;-.4!f1aik1,:n17.,' , 4 ', ' ' , , ,',4. fri 1, ..,'' ' • " , e-' :;•' ..-1 ~6: , 1 ! I ' f7l , D E vyt* - kil'ilii" q);- , „• ~,. , ~ - t A. ~,., f , '-: 1 , A:Sriki 4 0 4.-z iiiitu'lytitAr-T ~ ...t4ii tits „,,,, 1414 1 7,1 'so n - . . _. , zeisc IROGSII AINT - -, S - IYE3I - 11FF e „ ; TaiittdtlA L Ys4o l lCltlchii4e:joiiitiipene 111fOitenittvaluisoKtntmt - ofl/ROGSpieletted wit great eare-and-warranted-genulae i aod,Trorp., , ,P r bies and CountryMere.hantgre iequested 0,11 atidexerainetheii stook before tehuelng elsewhere. atiiiertnieni 3 Of , P#lritsatADye-thffe;6iery otkiele warranted, pgre:aad „of tbio, best ties , tr 'rib "talq.,'!Dye're;liainferA Shti Etilleeiaho r abated. to ;;41, ,we are deteitaitihd to jell , theMieaki kid VdstiFt.loles of ihbrlitie ka4he market. • . s ..!J We have.itdded'bilouica ethilatoek; a hbotetieole.,. doh of Bookie . arid Seationaryivhleir *ii can iell at a •-• • At.9o, ‘' • ' the liiiviVattok*ent, C UTLERY ever offer. 0.14 doll( phiee 7 .togettier With the tooptleehtol)able ,"'"` • . - „Cattisleadne.llV,l4344.l . NEM 02 1 41: --- di/Va,'Weeig1142.413 DE __- . 111ET ILL.perform alk , ..,operatiots.9oe, tit? Teeth : L -VV- shit tire reilitirediotheirilKeservattoa, say_ liOcating; fVfiAti:4" : the them, by insetting Artspßa kTeeth, from , St single Tooth, to a fitirsett.. • - --- , l3ofllee•on-Pktt-streetra feTN.Aoors South of' t he • abaent front Carlisle, -the last tee-days, in. cads month. z •- ; 7Nay24; ta44. •• • ••• • • tf-s. ;Ch than _ TAILORING* ESTABLISHMENT. Borough, the subscriber does not feel inclined to be itcortbaCktrartl'than'hia heighbOrs in the• work of! reform—And therefore respectrullyrinno_unced to his old customers and t he . generally, be in- . . . . ro:the-.Ekaoris Cumber/41nd, - Prank/01.1i Perm, „Counties. -, mHE subscriber offers himself to yo'itr tonsidera - tion aslt candidate car. •- • • .90AGRESS, at the ensuing geiteralAleetion' on the principles of a protective 'Tariff, anif if elected will discharge the uttes_oLthe_offied_to_tbe_besCol_hia_abilities— ' Respectfully-your Felten .Citire . GEORGE F. CAIN. Mechanicsburg, Jtine-26,1844. lunil~[FX~:.. itiwl ~m i for ble 8 " ' roy; tiOl.fikrie -40, . - LEGIIORN HATS. LEGHORN HAT'S, - Mene' and Boys' sizes just opened y C Ogi June 26,104, Mill PRESERVED GINGER. Preierved Ginger for sale y yers stick. June 26,1844. .. SOAPS. • Almond, Castile and Brown Soaps fot sale by Myers k Haverstiok. . June 96,1844. ` - ° .- , . .-. TOBAIL:CO and ESEGABS.. Best Cavendish Tobacco and Segaes 'for sale by Myers & haversack. , June. 26,1844,1 , ,• . BASE TS. Market and travelling Baskets fur sale by My. era & Haverstiek. • June '26, 1844. PRECE TORS. 'Violin null Flute Preceptors-for stile by Myers & Harerstiek. Ma STItINGS; Hest Itallnn ViolinAnil ' Guitar . , stringi for gale by - Mi.ers Br. Hnveratia: - . - . • . . .... . June 28,1844. - . . . • . . , OIL neidLTIURPENTINE, I f ',tned Oil and Spirits of Tarpentinelor sale b - "r - . • • . • July 9, 18* ChealPer lhan ever: :Si of. .SPRING'AND ISOMMEILGOOPS. miHE subscribers having recentlrentereill jot° cc zl-_-_-Kriffershiprialralow:opeologlictheiratord; Sou_-cast corour_of_the_Public-B,9ltaie, CsOislo, hr' rid getters! issoilinent of ' 1 . . . . - 11:1 t 'IT 0(1)452)-C).‘;-:-1- - r\ --1: : 'sting in, pert, Of Illaoh, Blue-Blook, Invisible - 1 . :en, Olive, Blue 04 Adelnitle CLOTH S ; 'Also, t 8SIMIBRBS; - ;GarnbroOns; ' Linen'end • Cotton -,-rillsi- , -Butifitier=-Clothe.Oinl:fiatti": 7l , MowielioLde ' j'Atoes t .•Alpsessichushati end French LewnsiTto:, ;011ie, Tr.snelkand 4ngliskt Gingham% Chintees p ealinoee; Min'slinisTiCheehts end Tiebiriesi L itine:ns- sWetinUed" Holivie, - BeeldiAlbert - ined Straw - Ben; nets r Stemond IipIe , GATIP foe Boteriets,,Sotin, lytan tuni,-Virede-espnd-Gloteellt-RibbeneirnebleitYi !Glove's; Parasols; At , Leghorn, Palm-seat, sind - ',Willow Hati t "Cohnid CsrpetChitienfid coitonNlo. Also lorgcand - well - snlette4nssortetentof. -:-:-., '•' ' ' '• ' 1 'Groceries. and %model/fare, ..i_ , - - A:',o Ibele"steek Of ioodiOnt's ibectii selected, with . ' t,eitm islet , liC thei:itre!tieterniined, to , sell. pt _egt,Smilli t , .tpaitAtif„CAsehortit ti art. credit, they ries ' ape tO teeelve krtberiThare 0 bliiroti'ottire. 4 The 'Beniel. jiaii*VbViitiftryin tetin in Berl 41;36 'of the publidiasiters4lseseej!„lketkftlieVel , P.l iptlll, calf 014tmist;ikt,Ole:oka itprtqconu,gi,lpArte, n e w 41 1 0jitiyeill tlierefoire . tivti o iriggvotbiitplitii .woulirdci*ell'ol'osill4lffilit'dilitii'. l, I:ftfi L _: , , , f ' -..- .' - ';ANA VolitifiCf l 4lttlgi ;•,' l . Ni'' i.'; 1r - • t r • • -, l;•'i f7'49,*Ap. , '-ft1.cp44.950-.. , :::-.1- ~.'74Pirif0 4 , , 1 8 ,4 . ,,, ,; '„, , i,:v. : •`'.. •;:..".:', '`A!-,91' ,-..,- ittOnt- - - e Cznesiia,,, 1.1 , Itaii 'I4 t 1 1.4,`1 , A4 - 4•4f. ! '‘,. t 4 It 3, 31'4 ,, us..;, 41. ''• AT re ' oo94l)Ater iFlottne,nt'Ar , thi '9l Mi".l4 l i p g ,A , iitarit dre fiffep t wMakipqotrer j'or tivAt whdlessibi sil4 Atoka: O k .rimpteftdied: t iii o ik,r ~ ) 1 114,-P fliitanientilfOr:eureeblfriol,tes,sl--,m-W•t -',4ii'd AlltesTOßelmo.*ertiLiNtri.-44 ;all ..,,,„ Vkl u rgorn iad49411 ,!., ~.JTJ G , , by nsy le lid Chttw J , , !• - ' 0 .DrAVistar'sVailisitti. tir/Wild Cheollo ) '.'. tVi 477 DirugWeiFeCrioaerri , Mi l l'i' ,A11.".r4:2.. '',.`,l; :, I 1,;,.4 ..tit '!',, i i Ttl ei rgee - r•• 4 1 , ./ , - t.kft.. - 4' ' ow* s a "---- •'. , ;-,-.--, ,- ". " ' -.'- IlloAketei6ol.4 general ieloktiind atthe 'tat* 04 ledfit,l#ll4l 4 Sigalprj ci en,-,l4 l ,P A eikiii- 42 44-1 i pi' , 4 , 11,<V1. , ^ ')1 1 ,,3 1 1 .1RF 9 il',3 , Tls Or' I ll ove ih, ..4 1 , „,. r,,. 4,0 : : i*, 4.l:+e .„ .. , l l .l3 o lt _ ; l ai r gil 1 - a c t : l i t‘t imi P4 b te I i t u t, P ,, :,.._..- ?, il*) F" 1 ,. 11,, ,, nll. ',4 ,', ,-,1 4 . t . .. 1i1q.01501.1v , ~ lie 06 - fpftF, vy ',t •millquiged, ifto •• F 'fjP. ' ,,1 ** 0 2 1 ; 111 1 11. tAtr,„e,_ 1 114, fiiz ' Y I A 1rg : ,,,,, 44 , 0144, uzlift,k4gt -Cti.7 ', ' 74. 'L - Iszeitauttittewaeow. ,- E I OtATTY,' EDITOR"ANO . PROPRIETOR, , t4:-.Aat'llt3Lixii 7 :..o*.ii_:' , cßieufaliESMlenifier ,41444. The Whig Gathering ill SatisrdaAti vistl7ol tB44 • (rune' — Chi Tv=m)q Oh did- you goo that petriatbed =, The•Whlgo of ;"Mother Cornberiarid," _ Who_wwt3heitlirethren in Co_9l 1p • Vith full-sicrr TiroupAND-rinic-and-$lB . • Get o ut - of th - e.way with your font party - We're the hoyir'of'Cighteen forty. • . Old Franklin'tvith a thOusand strong, Came rushing shoat-and-song - While fierry'e brat° and gallant fleet Joined' in the ahornseolfand sweet. of the'w•ai, &a • Nk Next Adams came nlo,ilki.r.inlgi Ball • To roll the Loccia.);loli next fall; •;• And Dauppill likidglitilthaf:aame-914,-.Coonit " • Thirdi i nnlirpda Got then , ay, &c.. • ' Then fzhiiipeneliprg and •Hopewell too, Whp triumphed Manor Tippecanoe,'' Marched in a Regiment:bald anci , hinve . And ewelPd the riling mountain wfivei • Get otteof the way, dte: lotankford mob _ Turned out_liy_seoree frotn hill anikgleh,., 'And johicdtotithkintiton'd noble trq ii. While each ottotiong with Mightt. OM, main Get outofEtht(way, &c. West Fenneboro'; our own 4 YOuniGuart s " Who bears the Loeon down:eci hard; . • Came with the Anvil, Shop and Flail s And made tho Loco Foos quail . ; • Get out of - the way s - &c. • - - Old - HickinsOn - with - lier forgtrfiret- - - _Ana. furnaces and smoking entree, Rolled, in her legion on *licit day.. And shOuteyl loud for HARRY CLAY ! Gat nut of the way, &a. North Middleton and Silver Spring, Just gave the LeCog elitglilied , pi So mail • ustitir: hfouts',"twaa saprisin, Liai Going for cay and Frelinghuysed Get out of the way,'&o. East Penneboro 4 .and Allen too, Marched up their foreea„fai NatUnly band that loddly spoke, Hoatillty torree Tiede Polk 1 Gel out of the way, Sco. South Middleton a, mighty host • -- Thattietkr - Ort, bers - on Poured in veterans by the lead 'Till they blocked up the Turnpike rood I Get out of the way, &c, J• But oh I Am army from Monroef The rival of West Tennaboro` In mild phalanx prepaing on, To battle for Kentnoky'a'sonl Got out of•the way, dco. When thewirweresinto.eolumnformed.__ And patriotism all hearteWerrned, A thousand banners waving high r , Responded to the deatiniing : cry—t --L-Get,.ciutoe:the:waylo_ *lth•axes, pirmils . 411m:outing, ,TOOKt ‘ e,lcylpdipg, AbOvp the dun, mime!, nosier ~" Itlarkle, .olay ai*OrelizighnotoC' • bee outicif otbeviiyi !:. =MM TIFUL, is, specse- . .t e, T ; _prupypinise, t . said-" The Protective Policy, itande elf. vinaieated-;-*.lpaiesiterled-its-fiok-fruiter over Aist.}9p4,T,.a44 is, eustaknsd by s the experieuneTil: powerful'": sad 1)0111),eroini 1 , ~p cf Harrisburg ,Falagraph Bart . The. lr ivbfg -- 0(v of this Staie . iii 4 il,4 1 if 4 ITila'lthili j or fi; I duripi 0, pr:ilietnt gni , bernai°94: i ifni l liliC -lrlifiir—tr 10 gh; ot ti,,,, i ,e, fiictrlinsf . l l oailfs:iiiaiin , 3 , & , re the t; )t hiliaires alla . neif itie:WinP94lities — , one down egtilf! r c l anio An. I [.,il,.',rslFltin: 30fnirilli_iliai,livi. Jiae .7 , t fin.Tour leailii. eo iixperianced an indlin !iiiitai;mi ti_u s r i tyaye l Maride. He, ia used 'to victory over quell' i , _ .. ,,, ,,c i 1 .t, , -,.- - , , :rr ' f. I)" Z .-t4 , i'rfilf '' " ' " rj - ' • , .11. , J7t-te , ii- 1 „,' ,21 ~k , t , li, • .., ~ • ,.1 r FaRE PRIPP'n IL - fre 4 JPt e l l : 4l,4l3 t intitadrinienflibeireV Pit j a's Oceiareue Prealirtheinllie 4 i t4 iirte 4 4 rinY'keoliiinu J i iiit,'; l-I th i t one 3iiniciArd'gal Prbtetati qv': Tigh44ll6 inteinauttincfrshq:/-well•being-40 he'peoble.; :the, ptheirkvilbatitfoklithp , pevi lees, the - buoin °` a#d the-1 6 °0":_niiin"fl ' , I•11 who happli mov.tor think ,Or ace r wiltel tidt'd!"itere aTdrOalre:"The' one will; iriiiilik4;iii!iilt *IA 41tmairiiitil n nv Iktf triliio(i'l;t tt`ii , qiot the:ilier, , willi , ! r . ~i , „ . .i ii I, , :ts ,I bus* is PerOni'r e t i • rli r * ,. l) . - Hi att MUFYr Ariiii,:siogAiiiiiiii,ibiti!!o 4 (;*'-irmfliimti• il' esol4Aett4' l XtsP uld7 ..lo 46et;u ! tat FlOi ll ti 1 'ii - -2 .. ppAcjiaiti , Aux'4liff,.4tCs' iii#A i TAftee'beinglog 4.1,14' %7-24 i• ~ , ~, , 4 itzt,} n x.. ,0 , i} 'I ! 1 liC k 9 tt a g!T in Y l re litld l hirnel ! *4 / o ' W f t? 4* IRl2l4ooko;Yirlrlif'Vli,94oolt/it'4 ' I:4 ikl j f -4 1 «, : i5‘.. ) ,0 , 4 7 x , ,,rth ' - I ,1,; , ,41“ if , a ,`,41,.,N1 t , 4 .) ....,A...1.0,..•4,, ~4 1 4,, ', 117, :: Oil "M'Atni N . Vh 0 'ff 1 1 44- 4 .4`,., 04,11 r 4.0 0 (1 4 ' r i trO f tr) ' q4.' 4 Ytt ° 0 ), ~.,., ” , , ~, „ , _., v . 4 0t.#1.0 I...'Ltlow ky,s liti I 1 =I EMI 0! _PonlsrLv. - 104. , nwTorgisiu ; =At=E No‘statelithe . ll.iisii has More at stake • • the approach - tug- fall'.'eleetiiiit7l6h — tlfiT ima-honoreil ; hat sadtrtnisiloveined: r altt 11)Mffiglr0,1k. Let to , ( - 1 3 e ! lici , Sal'4 ll o*PPlitP*, LILO ,9 1 , 11 40 By art set o( the', lat4 . l ! egislature the de= eisitin'ef .tittettOan is left`to the'Fieciple leiTioid that. thine . ivaill . taiis so. yet yielded any-thing s ,over-the-coev-of-repairs, 'towards defraying don itructioriTliii_fact,r4ithenjle nentleetioyk, genital' ,bed :maiiagement,and influence' nf' which' they 'are the 'source, his led' ta'iudeiiiii,among a ',greet p ort(ale of the'Peeple, that' they be , rootc4 peaceeds be inpropcippit 4 - ,the reduction of the etatedabi. A la believed they could now 419 4 401-ftii-lifnee4hin-the-half:eit_our iAllihieilneasyand dine relieve us of •the largest part of. aliurden-dragging us-to-the earth, ailruining our character (Ile in the a of the civilized world. Every patriotic l'enneylienian should therefore vote for the'sde of the main line of the public works. Another measure nee'esaary 'to the° wet fare of-our-suffeiing Common,wealth, and,' relidici - the 0360 d -froth the heavy burderia, - of iaiation; is' The Dief,ribution ;et the Pro. ---'ededs-of-the-Publie-Lands. In .this matter Pennsylvania has a deep end vitaF in terest--, 2 l7he—protteeds-:--:flof—the. lands are not necessary ,to thO:General Gover p itnent White tO.: the - debt.burdeiteil states,. and to - Penhaylvania in—particular, they would proie- ant-hltnost incalculable, emir°, of relief. if the Main Lille ,was spld for t1i20,000,d00, or • wore, b and we had ihir share - Of 'the proceeds-of the landd,_ with-whichlo-form-i-sinking fund for the balance ol our debts, we should certaidli be relieved frtnn the burdens of oppressive taxation;-and Pennsylifinians- could again lift up_ their heads in foreign lands, and not have the word "repudiation" biped in their ears. But- - the .Distribution of the• red but b votin. for Mr. Clay. If tift•is elected, this object so necessary for the fiappiriese and honor of Pennsylvania. w ill be secured . - Lei every true Pennsylvanian then vote for Clay and Distribsiiion. I.lut there is still another in-, terest,alisolutel.yneeessary -- 10--the_wellare. of Pennsylvania ;we 1 m . ean • . Tile Tariff X. , aW- pt its4s. Where isl,-lti-71 , vaialan.,w-tiether farmer, manufacturer, mechanic7oF mesh-. ant, who hai not filt the blessings flowing from the'Taiilt Law of - 184£ i It is. of the utmost importance; then, ip every Pennsylvanian that this law shall be main 'Edited in hilini. Without tiiis,. all -ifibiis to'save our old CUmmonwealth from Anin 7 cial ruin . will_li unavailing. Does any, : iiiiikiiiiiiiiie3iiFill,lieTilii,e,s topay our envy ..t . ixet, ' and „reanimate . our almost ruined credit i withnnt,a, tariff ?• Surely, no 1 3**itkirir,-*o o 7lit'ibegaT io 7':', OM . electHenry P ley. . This . is,, l eer non se ,nny., in to re Doi, non ,•1?e. pioduunceil so, %lan - 44'k: i - - . ,01ii,-the Locofoco . ciniii: date . - ,Tor: ..preqpnliltas declared -'. himself Riv9,ed . to = iliirt.,tart a ff. and ! . infavotfr ,:d: - is - ,l* - 41; - #0‘ - ifittr ip :el ecAe4 - ,01-7-111e : rim irapps.-p9Tof.:- . (4-..thA.7oa - vermnentll ,- ,b - p : !*( 3 rtd. 'O.! l'qOPegh :0 t0,:i10?. - :. , 1 1 ::, - 0 . .. - I - F,? 0110 0 0 %. 8 0 -r .P 3 1 49 ; n44 Pc. ,--- Prik of itaz.ijo:ii,eOin priie ilppeifedi Anil:: i,,i , * • 01,PSt 90P 4•!f;kYiJkißrceo l o:,7 l . o .T;lTt . AtrPr, - '. 4)*4 1- , - ;i 1 ,441;-pyOFaA9-0 . .*411010)' 1 4 YJOi.a;:ittil,olooo,; - :it v,,(VVRPI#I ex1,1141154011, , ..wilk ~ tli,lit iintfil r toe: ,r..i.c/Itii.-41nOtil l Or • Oki eeq. ' ilfiar,iii.:eveii6iii.e'f f enneyl*tiniii: l. ..haiii; is tekii ''!,i,,,• 0 1:4',.; , _„1,...,r2:'4'. -ir . , i1.:41,..."..t.i:.:';;:.. - ...!A , '.._L'.!...L'fL . 1 ti.ti!e l loo.:Oft.:o - #1*gi•00#11 1 :1 1 01 61 i?: .'• !Co iiii 4iiii ois , iiiiiiiiiiir,to ;ee1:4441i it0.0 9,0 '°,-b 1 94 8 ; . ;;;NP .,40 :** 134.0 * 0, . :#4ooniriOn'... en tilrieet: A n'tfotoroll,irk , t 00t00k4'4.(4';:4,40;466,:y4?ik1i, iii.n,insi;l! 'yes . ' liteiiii,'l'; i ilk 'iii '''l''' ii :i ii i''''' .. ~ .,1.,,,.,.4., . -.,•?..,r,r;0.,tr ~,°_,P., !..7. !.; ,t,'•;1,!f 4 ,7::, o.P . ;4lr , blkt-fittP..!n?ke.;: 6 { !inlii!....own:lo -, . li4Tittifioi' l :r.f*#*:!')*.4oiii s hiV. ' otiWilr 1F0(5-014 0 :)0.9 1 )).M . , - P t t n441' . iiOtt:' - ,tikiti o.jr-fqucli:4o:*o, to OP r4 l '4P3r ; 1 4.,:0044 ou Ae ;• tap tri•-;•117 Pqnnsilvqo3sOitthen`q • • Siiilj '4o.' en! a; t i l!eki , lBl , ilo4t i nlo:4lls.ignOnntf .: i :080,i.ri.,01?'Fi)... ' iltiri*.04101 4` filir:i0-: ',fitf,iitioit ,, " - iittiotyatiil * fot * l i.#i . .4,: , ;'! n iwit 440,0 . 4 . 00 11 0:$1)iik'10‘; ' • . .toi*:'00;' ,1 ,0 1 :::C* 46 11 1 P I FF 4 O 9 * 0 6 44tiii-lANPr'' . **‘ 4 o 4 i . '?* igoid, ~,,....., f .„ ~. ~„... ~...,. . 0 'P, ;`,,-.'-'•: ' :it O ltElli . 1 11 )40 i ll iif : ' 'T .9 : ::. P: f: 5 ‘ 1 ' :t : q4 1:. : :Ciolt''.'t,l''' ..4. , , , ,,,t00 , Vfil pl .7., , ht. ,i; , .: 4 ~,'.- ,:: ; :i:f; :..,: ,' ..:' , lO I" gltilitroti , tOkiti,liiiiollkiilifiiiiikkOK • ..., • A ,, •• '''', - :••:::t ., 01% ,- i• "o -V . '" .i , ' • 'V" ~M S W 5. .:%. • 7, .•M t i l 4O v al . 11PY -1,4141- ' , # 1 1.40 1 4 . 1 6- .00::0010**.t.5.i.444%,:tikAt.i!#PILi, 4 ~ ;i - P...,,r0f*.f0X: ik4'4 . iotOt AgiikAfjP,,,4o, :‘ ' #.P.,. ' ''./ f ,, l k . livoiworib4 : ',f :. •;._,. - .diFiwitiiiptillytiof',.iiml ~ (1 2 11 . k"T.'• . ' ' • '411' , "1 ,. 3 ' - . . ',,,'..,', MITE n ~~~ ~ si~~ ; s~cic~ .Ml=alMi IM 0 , 4 4; at, Aiotu,ninid., to three, men ,vrno i*ars.goedr.icidos," t‘golpg.AQ of-the .Cote tdna!ealth _wtmdo_poeltete_a-re. yobbsd 'ulsoppoll an ariny,Of nest officeholders, are obliged to 'ay' for travelling.Arlon . the publio, the ing,.' ." onm: .prea e allowti oset roe. men a tri s si'rAssitos' tot LanoAster, as thqy, areloint,te'lift their dainralization papers., 'inUare . -9001) , 1 4 000S.;:-.and you 441 oblige rue,: . ;,P. H: IHeMAII This witraddressed to' the ear • age?.ts hefweetiltncas,ter anti- (lolumbie, not stSnding-thelalifilsifetl-hy.ihe-.Lsgisiattife taking froriliii:Board dfLOapal. ~~{ stoners:or any of iheii - agento tifoTputili iv.oi.ko-the-powei-of4ivintimß:oq:-tiekolsilt. hat' do Locos6,oftioeliOloie core' aboO t, l A AN't e ,_p_o4,,_loifiiii:Optiii,Piitlia Tr . tosql: a goy. with ? OV. THIS Francis B Sltuitils'acting . Denim. , . . • .gogue._ y • If the • knowing from the fitOburg AMetican 'Ot - August . s, be a'borreCt t)spre sentation-Of,F: deinagoguism, we 'should belanry to see• him Governor of - fennsylvania:" - - madels speech tholic friends" of.that. language. He told them that the Demorirats were their friends, and in all their difficulties with' the Protestints were side by side with them. That .the Whigs were the , friends of the Native Americans: : who — Wrinted that they should be here twenty-one years before they could vote. That Mr. Muhlenberg Who had been Protestant-Preacher; had quit the calling to.d e feniPthem in their rights; and In this he was supported -by . the deibeeraticliarty." 'his was all' well reeelved with applause, as they! know Mr; Shunk had• Walked with them before in Procession with his hit off, uld kneeled with them when they raised the-hoiti - We - do notvouch this being; the exact language; but it is'as near as we Can get it 'turned imo English. • If he will translate it fairly. we Will publish it for_ hilh."- TIRE dii/CRITY'Mdi JAMES' IC. Prqx. —On • - thi3. Ist of February, 1831, Mr. -Washington,•of,the House of Representa presente4 a statement from the Mayor of Georgetown,. D. C.', relative .to the suffering condition of .the poor _ of. that City. The, winter was one of unusual and - extraordinary severity; tvhitc7 - th - t - is 4ply of wood Was insufficient, in the city,..ti meet the wants .of ' the Eiuffering ppptila thin,. It so happened that there Was-- at that period collected wiliiirTille . yard of the Capitol, more wood,-much More than. ; would lie'nerided foe ihe woots of Con- -ps-.--Mrt-Waihington-aecordingly-mov ed that of this superfluity thirty t:trds b'e placed at the disposal . of the Mayor of Georgetown to tie appropriated for the re lief of the suffefing poor of that city. Was there any one present so unfeeling,io: insensible to the dictateei,of humahity—soi deaf to the aty. of distress and inffering -that-went-up-to -the-Capitol from - atiund veryyfralls, as to object to thii.charitr bas proicisitiort Yes, „there 'thin - eirik. He rose .and opposed the motion. It Was t% bad example.. It ma i . he said; unditimf fidd for the legialatore ti become overseers of " the - poof, - to ;110 - fttl isp w death out to die - !mitten; of theatlda. And *hen the Roads, containing alai* inajorf. ity - of the political --fdelids-of that gentlev man, v cited, by a deitiiVe majority; to " ei tenda helping hand to ttieii feeling fellow entities in'Geargetotin, the riame of that recoided in the negative=! His name ivaa''' ' - IitrJAMES K. PpLIC...C47. .Al'lNE?ciericti.-7Keep'it. before the pen ple,:„that while the .Polkites.or se?f, styled ,Democratewill not iiigrec and - saritlfenf, lacm 3 P, llll7 ( t - pay ,- 0„ fP-1 11 7'!IFPYF ale d',.,f,eadYjitSOPnex:LTPxi,e to l'OMMitlo - 7 tio4 l ? ‘44gtflF‘4 l -R 1 40 1 ; `i }l/iQ n s,o dollars : which that nation owes.i Keep . that Aolkitte4vill4tLeirett'give,.the proceeds of she .40e..5. : 0f o , l e o.oblig Lands to,the States, , ; to kelp ; P°Y;•.tlri! the,to*9n !4e(P'l9P..lei art,!.OdY4 l r!;! l te4eit:the, people„ to, pity tit est, '4lebts -,,ofLT.exa B -,-F4 lOl -Pe,PdoP ll3, h,vPJ l o, go *9 6 0% k?tiftkrettie. ic4ie,t,t;(4. the F - ,14 , , , , , 9r43,7 trepty. with .Mexico, by,,d annexatio~n + of. TeXa" , ' ll llol 3 4iln i, o l 4fPit nal#e - Ar.ltte 7 -11 kOi 1 4R9Pf0 41 3 d R.1,9A l Att clg,CVP:if. fqq.gdioPT#l9TiYarf'47l4 ,l 9gAt , ... , tiktit , biller nation!' ; -, ,ttletell Weitwiiiii{ , 'ifot 4 1 ;404 /Li .-101*10.1 1 0,tt44-x#kftimkiiko . ' :fooua haver, le'` 14.4***Iii bfoo l itsk, , 4 . dfo ;‘3 ‘rii :mp._.;.;'~l 1: .11 MOB MEMON '.it -1 4W/C Wdiritt ames . ,p e 1 7/7 59 1/—setrF7 - 7 — ' _,.1 • _ ,Wehavetioy44eforttutw-sayittltheXortuu,-__l_ printed at • the What l effithe (a leco'fecti: containing:, as 944. page •14 , sr.";iinf ewers Polk; to two series of interregaturis •GOv; •isibei,through the, preeees Of _Memphis.; • toget4er ; with tilt;tter tom e,- pcopplo _ of•Ten. . - . ihlota!iswees;aft . h a thibrrogititiiis Misera.i%att iind.dthers;' we find ttii. _ foll Owing • --,r , ;• ' l ' (; , ', • r -1 • i" To yourilfoui4tititerro4atory, in the followingg-lvuide ' l l,ki t fr - f l9 Aii t 'Sf4 9l : hhiiStibdrei - uitity iifyeteitl, pitied(' "by.gentreas in 1549, and repealed in 1841;_i_ _ T , ANSWER ,THA.T I Ani my 'viewl--4-given,,at sop! . letigth .on. the • I' -xe er-you-to-mT-twa-ipu ish e addresses to 'the people of Terinbisee, the one bearing date on the 3d ol,.APril, and the other on theilsth of: March; 18 . 41:-.-- 1 • In my address of 1839, i'avnwed'nfrself to be 'in favor of keeping - the money of 'the people in the Treasiiry of the people uncfel ' the care of officers elected by the fro* and responsible to them, where it, , t can at all times be' „Oommande,d for'lidbliii purposes, and notin Banks ; ttot elected by_the,...peo-' -ple - ant tiiti=reeponeible to to-beloan ed loan- Out t'o: privateritixposes;!-7 ~ i , , .14-e: 4 ~,' ' . ..,: , ,,,, - 14.,,:. . . . • #l6llll/ WWWW The Nett:York, Evening,"Pest - sayti,that _ if -Mr. -W.A . :ills is .eleeted it hopes. "certainly - that the Sub-Treasury - Scheme will be stored," because it eonsideralit safer to "retain the revenues of the „governmetit in the hands of its ovir%ents," _than to,en7 trust them ,to the keeping of banks„.„ Now - all -this talk - about- the-dapger of- entrusting. . the-revenUes to the, 4eepiligipf - Banitsii an& the .6 - Yer:y- , Driirseirig . iiiefiatitle of govern-. inent. agents; -is sheer ,pensettite. of-the hietory of our ME = Coiintry, - are,. well aware that- the' 11.4. itank,alwaye 4cPsi'4olo3 pI i 1144 e• Goverl i inient • faithfully o,llat it yielded, up thd,deposits on ;demand, and-that the Gov..' erincastook of six pillions of dollirs, and , the dividends thereon _which amounted-to upwards of- one millioi were all : • New - 11ork CO:trier,' _in 'sun:lining' 'up the effects ,of the•sub-Treasury, should it; again go into operation through the eipc don of M , r,,Polk says : • • .1 "The sum which now hires 196 men would then hire•l33. The Sum-- vihich now buys 75' horses - - - wouldlthen q...L!utrilk:tiich buys 00 barrels of flour would tlen• buy 80. ' •,, ' The slim which buys'6o yards of broad cloth would then buy:l2o. The kin which buys 12 hats would J ., •t . ' Anti the same effect would be seen in: every article .-which the ran whcrf lives upon:lie roOney - has to ,buy. ; The owe" in the hands Jelin jacoh , Astor,, of.. capitalists irithe country, and,of all,the of-' fice holders, buy one tharcifSnore articles than it Will inow..,:These trien b'e made oNE-Ttnap 410HE13 Chan , They are : atprlsent, ,Hos 7 pre i the laboring; Me 9„ Anatitan. prOduenis, 4 itto bg l ife.Cted 1 In a manner preefielfilyaveiß' laborer,' who . ' naii'f OMB ,4615 ti per year would_then earn $lOO. , • , 7Tire:liiitterWho7rakes-$lO,OO-per -year— would •roalie 41000. The-Neaver who -earns 18 pee Week would earn 16: ; T Fie blaeligpii 'whoearns 25per month 'you% • + k • -the carpenter wh - o eara!,ll2,perponth - • iiinid - riarn - S I 3Z ------- t --- - -. 4--- - ~ , :.,The Wiiilitwhich‘ brings oq 'Anus per Mishal-liduld;biing-00-eents4;/.......±... The-corn_now_worih 50 Cents woild bring 34. ,f ~. .1 ;;t r:,' ,l , ,, , t 1t);')1 The. beef : nti* . # 0 itfi' fl would , ' ' t 41• king' $4. .. ,i 4 ~ ,t , .!.., . 1 ,j, ' '., ' ' . l' , :', . The vinrtb,llo woul d bring . - `4' - ' - ' -- , - ` 'AV earnnan - I Who now , earns $l2 ,pel , ;*eria Woukil earri $8; • I ~ .., ', i 'pie labiaritigpen orAkrnerie!;lFo44 OW? 16 8 0 N F,TI-111111.of the present capable ? , through 4he . 'a:intention of, ibri-erreneY , which Weald folio* the • adoPtiOn o( this' :Bnb.Treasury.l,.!;:, ..,„, ,- . ;,1,,,_,,, .. , , „.._. PI !1V4.1-.*41, 3 .o*, ll A l *oriie ;.-- ' , :, - Qpiii:s9 4 lfopit?q . .9M,.k.gritirl! aft the Saioh4ut Ah, 0 • 1 ; 1 149. 0 -01F0e0, 1 A 4 Vii)''-101#1400d'at'tbe'' i#v)°f',' 4,._xt , ng'* d _ ./fr:id t 4pe 'l..7 e lthet •As , 41 - e • ii,ir he'''t 51r , i , P.Onr; . l ' '"l''' ''' itif 4' ne lien' '''t4lo'"ls3lo l 6li ' 119;! 4 "P ~ „<", ,q ~ i • • ' ' ' ... ~ - , "- ' r ,p-fotifs:,,oonow.*thi'ltioinilliiteili,di— ,... 0, -1-^,. „, J P 1 .. ~,... , 411 1,) 8 0 1 i t , WIN 11111(tco mm ittee 'Rrt. i 0010141,MJAtcr-,6),4;,.,,d.ufr, o 000,, k ,- epat,,o*FeffsiTtmet'A4 ,, kom. Itri , weri#tioie-+pr.QPosoittyryp!' .de. - ;,- to , s vp # ,;o l iiii ): #,.. 4.froitiolieop#o , 4,tittAc 4t 7 k ' islinklas; .. 'i--1 1 1 , ' 11 0t 4 - ::Qtf,li':',.• Ate -7,1 ) P.. - • • 1M MEM =EI OE