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' ..---' :,,,( ..7.: : -' . r'44:cialii,ifik , A}'..4 ~ ,--, ._ . , - *...7-,7•• ''' , 7,r1 , 1.5 , : , . .'''.i'74 , -, •g"-rx -2 4 , t0.w..h4-117 - 4.#04.4 , ,,, -4 ~ ......., ..,,,,, , ...,--1.., x_ -,;-: ~ •-...i..2-,-... ~ ...L -- t 4A•kke4 , g! , . 4 • ..y.3.--. 1 . ,:44 - 4:64',:i4, , ,, 7 7 1 - 1 0 74 , 44!" -- . 0 ,- \--i.....t-4.P14.,,,*,V4.1.,ii,7,r,„,. .. Tl'7:7-":( t - V C 7 , 2 g 1 :: .1'; • • 6.'.. ~ :., , -,:.--,-, . 4 :tt-f-94•2 7 - , m, ‘l .. :[,t ,' :LY.; ,, .i ,, . , , -, -. 4. • ,/,' . -,, '• , "'''fW.Y.---,.:-V-, ~`,- ", ~, , .., . ..7-, ,-... . • -,74',......,,,,,.; , i , a ..,:vig,'ef.?,rtv 9 , i r 4. , ..,.....:w..,.., , ..,1704. v.,-, , A ,.. , 4;:. , , ,, ,p , :.. ~,-,,...- . ,A,... . •, :., - „44‘,43tt,...,.e.. . • ~.....,....4, ~,. „ ~...:..-.. ~.. ...-.,- p- , ~-...-i. .; .. , 7 , ----.)! ~1•..4.• . - 4. .4., .i.f. , a . .i-..-, , .14- - 7..-....-- , 4- ... , i . 1 4,4,riiikg,.i.,:? , , 41 .104.41/0, 7 1 • .Iflifi'il, l, • 4 .: -- : - .0 1 4-4',. -.:,%. ..7.;'•',.!1., Y- - •'2'.'‘'.. , -:,.. ..'.;.'"-, •%,:' .". 4 :-i'„' . ' ,-- , . •#.:.',-;-; ' ilitr . ..' ' i'l:: ''':''''' .•I' , i' .., :' , • 't ill VITiiTA.,A , i° ''''''' ' . .'"T.,...4. - .'"•1,. , ' irzi . . ... . ... , . - _•,. . 1 ,.-." . .:-'4.•,q0.4.-,',4‘ , ltel4i;j';'' 1 *:* .0,I'" •'• ' ~ ':'.-' .T:i ' • ''... ,,, 4'. ' -' - "i4 ~-' , L 'i, :::.: , t - '''' „,,,, • , i i. •-•• ..... • ",:cf,', '- • -%.- :. .7..11, , . , ~..., . .4 .I'. ... ~,,,, 1 ,1 ~,,,,"' k --i., .. ' . gh ....At A, • •,, - , ,-,:'," h. .. - ' f,'l' 1 ... , ;''.;1' 7'l tttt 11. IR, , t 4; i?!!'-- ,2 3-' ' ..,'''. I, : , 1 'r, r; , :, 'O 4 .';'; ~..:;-,19. , ...$ ~. ~ . ___, . '' !' t• ,r , . .:', ..... „ . . , •;''i'ti'l'l‘ , °=' l '" l, ' ,l ' . -14 1 . 1 i;.. V :", , ;xt,c , '":l , t :i4 % . 1.1 . ;;;f1; 'Ai'. iwii k/ Ir' 0 ''. 1,5 7 , -,.. -5:2,-.'.i•k i iiit- i . 61? . 41', - W, .:; ,..,.,;-• ~i) , -, , i , ,, — 4 . i 1 4 , .11j1 ,:,' • :;‘ , 7 7 ,,, ~ Ala : 1.- - .c,..,•• •::'' t t ii., ,-, ~ !At, ,i $O.; I ' '',-, '•• ''' ' t'C !r,'l' ' i'';'.. ' .ir • • i , . . ~''' '.."'' 4 : 40-.1 .i%31:4 4 - 7 -1 .4 14• • ' '',".'"'•• E :,Ts, ' .1 — .: 'l ' •,.' .5 . ' i 11 ' 16 :1 3 '1 A l '',‘_••••• 6 ‘....'", 4 '. ' .0 ,-' , .;....,; 5 ; 1 ,1,7" ... , e . . „,1.; . ~,.f,::„: „ , i •6 ,, iii , ,,,,„ ~ ..,41 - b -', - II rl i '-,. 0136 .. ..,: •- I , , .-,- -. -,'-• -'' ~.- -.' • . .'.. . , ',. i f . • - I r. I , F.:, iI- •• , 1 .: ~, ',-,';,- •• , s. , •••1 • , I'.i- , • - :: ~'•:-.:4.'.,', '. ' ...r... -,,,'-'," ',.. 5q,.!:.::. , 4i 1.2;1;.10:4*.t;.A.:"111,3',,v:1, " .'"Z' U lei; '''..iii.:-.= 6 '- - 1 - • "'"1 - 1•Mt.r1 1 f.• ~ ,: 1t!..i.r•:,.... ..,.., ~ ,; ~ 11,!11 , • • *1 ... " , • . • " 1 " """ A vjpeitwisaggiritptikatfOi irix : ER*-tuitt:iltiOgitittrripi ., Apit •0, .:111) ERALIpIAVRE IVENCE,, 'c'r.!'r' M=Nl=l ri OSITr • • gh . - 01110 - freentre:T.Squfs_r± ,.• .:o : ; 4l,, , , - ite 'the Old' ~., •;711-FAIVIs:-OF I Y.O4.4 I CATIQ IIi)--I.L. .fliejltß,A,l,l),* F,XpOSIT9II , • la .intlA'alied, I tit t 4 meekly; opadontdo iditolah eat, at TttiCt,l4ol; , .., . LA Rk-lipornnnutnk Partbktt! . lil U. 1 .420 646,, • ~t- t inothe titne_of,aubaotitditg r 'rits ) , 4 944 l, i , ,N:ll.lllll4 , llo,l4Strrat iltl , l l dtmd, drt 0.)1.' ; • -- No; au bsdription , nlll tibldkddi fore Ines Nut . tix .), innithd,, and:no paper.diaCtinttnnedurittrall itn.'„ .irifaiageo are : pnid,,oxotlit,',at: din o'pti*'9l"thol , - , ,,pablishor. and a kilns° td , tidtify,.a.44,Reptdinu -;. an& syill bp' contillef.pd a- IleW eni*Oilit• Advot tialpg-..011, be ddoe'on theinsda tonne. Letup a to trieure atteittt'dn- twilit. bo;itin'at pa id .:.' , ~. litrja,S - CQRA ~HA M tt AARRXET fIitnigattf 2I O - A;- -= 11112_ publlotilim has*: leased tide well known, lidutiqwhiell lies teeently uncle gone ailnilliAtOt re. italr.'and hasterniihedlotnew With the best 01 }led-. s di Ak *tut otheiTurnt Lure, now,:pfevitrettrt. e-. necomedite .. ..Memberr etthe ktegislatere.and . tgletlf intlm.NCry beet style, and ntittilt such tet , ena a . 1 'eannot s fail• .Ittgage• — • . . . 4 1/711.1. lie solil.by'publie sale, on THDRSDAY, i- the P2th do) , of September nOltf,et.,the late . welling noose of.Ctifilation,-.lllYhyzof 7 Allen , tosielif.. - 751111gCumberlaiid onent*,..deceased, about oneltisle -onda'hair South East.ol,llleolionlosburg,the.lolloW ihg prOperty. vizi INvoiVaitspr ficaWaite . . . aiitt l arlio a i 014145 •- t' ..,. ~...... _.... , . No. 1. Coetideing 5 4 . acres and . 40'perthes, With."' i-. • ..11.411.1.11113F1R 1:L0[111111g Rf, :.. good Dwelling HOUSE, a new Dank Bareend Shop ' r , : , __• . ---, ~. ..... suitable fora incolioniof with a well of never fulling ' ' HE subscriber has now and will constantly keel" iteliti' pear thealonr, also a young thriving Orchard .Toil all kinds of .". umber , such ns 'White 101 choice fruit. The property adjoinin g lands of,. . .60 1 ."ee Dna' els,.P.lanks, Scontling, Shingles, Shingling, ISo mile! Nil - inlet.. Jacob ILAndis and' others; all uuder_ i unif PliiileriliglWilfs; ki.iillef width' will be sold ar, - gootiTeitcorgiullirschigh - state - of -- nieltiiation , --,-- • -+ Ithu river' prices with the addltion of_hoelitig,for CAsd, _ ~No: I,.Coetainitig, 10 atre, of gopsl Timber Land j -lathe Wore , hollso , of Wll. 11. UEDAY.• aitupte about one mile of 'de above deseiiinedlii" Corlislei - goy gil, 15 A 44. ' • if- 50 perty. - - ... . I Any neriorywisliing to view the above properties ... .... ...op:4°r Cistt, .., at. it. Au ItItAY: ._, wz, 1344. ' .11.30 .7--_, .. '.• ;. ', ;( 1 / e. 21 i/011ifie ' fbe v Relit. - a-cheap:rind if-needs ossrssioN given irrimedistely, thenew taro Stile to commence at 2 o'clock, on said (lay, and , be, perhaps it little eheape . r ; as any of his' fellow IL: • .Story Brick HOUSE, built and owned by Geo. terms of sale made known by the undersigned. 1 craft, and . he will do it too in the neatest and moat 1 - hdttnr. on West High street. rot terintnpPly to . - HENRY BEAR, • Z . L .„,.. !fashionable style. ~'"" " M. 1) SHYMOUIt. ' 7 • . JOHN RICH, 5 '''' '''-'" j His Shop is at the old stand In High street; two' ' .1(111 - 6 . 1%1 844. ' . , tf-83 -- august 7,1844. . -, -: •ts•-,41 doors west of the Court House; enddirectly opposini ' ' .--'----... fkle ehe York , Hepubliean insert to the amount lleeterds Had; where he ;will .at all times be found .......2 . , .. - (3;K!r• 5:2r - Za11 , 22-Z2l. - of $1 MIX' -- eharge . this offce.. ~, ... _ , , . ' willinglind able to please 0 lvioLlTl,ity . fhvo hiiii ...--, - with their. million'''. • ,- "" '. • -.. • - ff - ,• - ' •-•-••••• - . _ . ..... ... ~ . • ' , -- " -'" , _ . R ORR ,- tits ,- Ittit t ßA c -. I He returns his sincere thanks fdrbie Ilboriil Pa .. -"JOHN • ANII - 1, HENRY — REED. _ • 1 • • . -......_ . .-- tronagelia-has.heretoforof rdiseited4Ml - :r'espectfutly .. ac tions a conthipanek- di'. iiiiiith favor t remember :,__ ...._ „ -I HAYING entdred - Stip Varifiershiir forth's Brae-,-SIGN.OF---WASHINGTON-ANVJACKSON,Jmy_tou go_to aototVolatfollaac:aCellt,Yesl - 0i ' " .ilie_ot.thdlow,_will attend to all business entrusted I . _,.._. - _ • , Pants, that the inb - sllibo . kkeepsiteliiiiipind fashion. VO Iftelit..' -• 7- • - 1 'PAW anbsCrih6r votilil resp-EntSillY"tilfdritiliiir able. shogn•tipid,Ufai le-is.iletermined_ to.bd_heliiial '• OPPIDIkhi - Iliest 'Stain Invert; a few &Ors' weld kJ. friends and the pubic that he lidaremov_ed from none or„bin •ecintemporitries in.any thing. . of 'tilt! Ciiiiri 11iiiiin Mill Furst trthe'Sl(de of Jason t hin'old ntatiit on - West Higii,strect,tatherpubliehodse . 4-,? , ..1(1.!.,' , ..' ._ .. W. AIePHERSON. 'W.• F,by i ;And. , also nt•the residence of J (Clot need, L two k e pt by David Bleanon South Hanover street,- f 'lna ' 26 ; 1 ta 4 . ' "- ' - .7:---- ,- - - -;,. 5t.35 thllligsite thetollege. •• ' r • , - Pin tins 'iorringli, - ; - sign - of-Washington • and-Jackspii; •Catliireilsltif. tl, 11143. ' ---- - s m - s f - Whereh e-willtie-nl way it glad to-see:his frientlnhlliiiiL the Country and Trtivellers,iinil andomnuillule them j in the best sad most comftirtablemnanethr E`' - ' -- I His BAH shall be constantly seppjiztl-with the , choicest liquors, and his _ T,yulig. ttitlethe best the market can furnish. - -- A. --- efugnl -- OSTLER - alwaYs kept in atten lance-I-awl - 11ot hing shall be left undone to plense_sill who call With him. ' . .130,111:Dg118 thilieri by the neck; montli or year ANDIIB - W - HOSEilt - T - S 11-25 • - r,s:-A-4XXANDE TODD, —,--Attonteys at-Law.' • 3 1 1- 11 E - tintleesiglicul halm_ associated 'a . /3 e , -- - titirtneri in the practice of 144 W, in Cumber- Intorantl.Perrv.conitties. One or both oriltem nifty Se always found and. thb --- tiflitirtrerem;• InVe ne'ettpied by S. Alexander, nest door to to the 'Carlisle Bank. Strict attention will be given to all .bosittess placed itillseir cnEe. SAMUEL ALEXANDiIt. . LEMMA; TOM. wthilAivTirrviibLE t ß, Attoinop at 1 4 1w1, - , • morn formerly, *placid& liy S: D. Adair, Esq. Carlisle, Aprikl, r 44., , S-23 .1 S. Cor.*rirl.. / ll.. P. Nilitii.uns .8 0111,E &M 1 C LURE • . - - Atto rn eys at Law , , , • r— ,, - , '. . 1001.1. L. attend promptly to business entrusted.to ! ..T.Y them iii^ , the counties of Cumberland and liiiikliii. 'Offices,one door west of the 301, East I igli ',Erect, Carlise, and next door to Stuntbaugh 1 I*, JoOver's DririSture, Silpensburg. ..- ) 1 1 / 4,4 . , wit - 240..1144. - • tr-9.6 • • ....14t0.1100 -Fancy . Dress Goods:' T A. ~ci.AppiNoß .R. & CO. near the Ratil.rond OP • Shippensinieg, linvejust limited the. following new,style of Dress Gonda, Painted Mirages Rel. Affglnuts, Rich Fgured Silks, .klouslin de .ILothies, Limns &c. VfArch 27,1844, • ---“-rvii4)aatirmosoiatrilltdieitseso 3 elst by AtYRItS HAVEIISTICk, the etililoted Vo 0, or the infallible ll _ Erlityi_CaulpheitioVeoidgi_lolllloAl' Hitters Aerve_ Ldhelitt--136) , heril add, Artie:of Bird '•, J00ed9,1844.. . • renoeTh liihne ° l Jutip 5; 1544: CO.. 1 11 1 K r %1101qAts Legit t sCiNG-BOOK.rot - sale h • 411. , . • frl. ER'S B,c , H4VERSTICIC , • ,s. • • . - • • 1 , _jelkit.Nil_Lntspn'jpot received b• • __„*.Atiii":lB4Y...All;llo4ll:4--011 ABoots , :andShoeig.._ kd A rke#tstionent. brddillt td Ctailtd - ; or-bairniiitlhe pp gy at m "a inge6egplr)luin.errr • af •—• • 1184, • • ettAg, l oca,Lpir. . • . 4,lloANgtjtiOttegive oy of, u all ,111apufactuiv., - 7, - ,TAkprit 17 IW. . 41 1 . A 5 :TooNNET .__ s;:': 'i NLARGE ,prortmOn9orStraw, j0ir,114., q i io' snit Pringe,Mbereßouriell.`noW o E2ln/ 1 11 1 ft , pl, olive of , fr r, CHAS. vutlin 1 i.,4140,117,11844., ~ •., -• , • 4,1,,,, ~ii . ,, . ,. 01, .imit oaesin o kerei;..., A an Taitt."sl,titZTVi'l!..tl3lFd: ~4 00, -.7--xlirtrow.:—.--- , --mt, Asm,cgoihr, lii; y 0 , ii . if . " 1011 1 .: COgfi .:;';, , 0 ~ , i1; ly. f .:, il f '9 11{ 1 4l i tteigir l' a l itM t i f 7grittit i yti P. ad itekeilk bei sold rat the . liigtest poisible' rpriee eiCiAllti h tet.the• Warehouse of ; o ~ t . 'o,o -, Alt-4 ,t,i. L —DV liriyaterits,“ , :-. 4oi'A- -, -,,Willfentl.';ll4llf4Re;A• ' Ardlfi ;10.. .:It 114_1.1 ~,„ • ........1 ..,.._rnmetif irsit:pprik#olo.,,. wes,;lo, tevik, JlPlAMM4vrr,„,,osied:atlver7:2°Ll o, • I'M :fst P. h an ur , ',,:iii, -,j,,;ti,iciAPPLlYPrqt ' 7 .'" 1, o # ll l l l 7 - .' - igiZr'' ‘,•_ AY gi N;7', , ',. v ~,t i,:, . -, , ~,' . , _. .., r ," 00 .1, :velto '1127,-,,,,,,-;.14-41,4,1 ,_,.3.. 0144,444_,..1.:,3. ' 1 4 1 1,1441arc7710i IiNgPS7 'Ii i t h,..: oltict . ..-, 011 f! , J 5, vy V 4-- rp- BEBE sr :.... Itgrato MOIERP L'50 4 4*1 611,4 0 61 fAC ."- M -114111. 1-iP.uttleillipfed;'piinietOis•hrthe Ltne:ef Cart aniT Cal•Bdats-tetina herlaisi (manta for: 'Oat fai , rkitriaialiel3tfejli in retny there MAC theyabsi; OA' liroOtirttO l6o4ll4: ' ppd forward daily, iittlidalyster F. Prodride A • 'I I I4ILADhL , PHI•ii ttnd': BALTIMORE • Produeeisill deatierell any Ousea. is phis in Ilaltirook which;their .foritii.e`aittitives'ita:. tees. • Thpirfn4on the c l ues . • • • Messrs.•X. • . tokx Nartsvv, ..11pn'theDelliwareiPliilittleitiliis.' -Messrs.-lizasit.••• Irroat.Lo. - Garrote ii4hivelohlreews ;daily& Pitt - hark and interroediritepaiste, 'vex alio :forr,the, NOrOrtrott, Waste; • - • .101,g P:l4Airrilc 4 • -4 April 11,, !,84.4 ,*.ENRY S. RITTER , • UV AS removed lilt Tailoring Estaolishment next door to the Hotel now occupietl by . Andrew Roberts, in South Hanover street, and directly op posite his Sinner residencii, where he will be plvared to attend to his old Customers-and the public goner : ' business, lie is satisfied that he 1011 e tible`to please all who may. favor him with their custom. ' ..Tlie-latest City Ftishiona will tiliiiitoy he attended to, and nothing shall be'omitied toMerit a reasonable shore of patronage. • The subecriber would alsoavdi himself of the Present opportunity . to return his thanks to his for mer patrons for their lilieridity,and hopes by a strict "altgaillan to business, and a disposition to please, to merit a continuance of their patronage. Carlisle, April 110,'lli0. tr. - .• t4C11.001. 11001304. Smith's Deogi'aphylimilitins, Oineis 'do. Smith's Kirkriains, Bunions-anti Murray's - Grattionitra, %VD. lards United States, Frosts do. Mittitells Geogra pity and Atlas, !Wright Geogr aphy of the. /leavens, Meets Johnson's Philifitipity 1111t1 Chemistry, Sold ! lies Philosophy, Comstock' do. Comstocks Chem.! bury, Parierscommon school History, lindens Spel ' lcr k Definer, with fill other spellers that are In use for.sale dy . MVOS k HAVERSTMEL EITI =ME 1:1 NA 00TS , AISHOES., , .„. . 1101402:_jnat t4hitved:innOthee r .."ooiiilly.ol_ll6o4 and Shims, to which I "01.60111. 0101 the attendant:if Ilneyeat, Hands, and all others: Atauting &DA and ehenp'shoca. " , Revolted 0113 - o . ld where you • Ore . " always . . . _Awe, to . gpt good OGICI3Y",-7. *.ltily 10,1344. . 11263 - tatOcEßlEt,i, A Fresh lot or guiar, ConT,,Tea r 'Molasses Si. .ar..ko.pist.reeeived, and selling ss low as.ean be hati , in tins borougbowil at the cheri, exalt ; . • , ' • • •- • ,CUARILESOGILBY.. VFACILS . ~:-H—PEASES. I I, O 2I.4IIDT.,, . is 'J tfST ieoei fed inige r aCippli of les' Eio;en6 of liorOhoind.Canay: .:. • • . • 'PetirOot*.l44-1114: ,PERIEN/ri r , Fine Po'cket Penlcniveii eysaprloefor Italie b a uiy it) 1844 - ' I ate '••" veryd en)i•essiy: fn).. tigiiti . emeres - 09.ateTVieettratirl. Pantxicionsjurit - owre, OILIV.s i OECI, XIIrYNER ar, QO. ..':.-,A - 2,1 1 v,'. 2 9• !: • , :farieue pgieiforsaifeiji* • 4 l , INagg ' 'lB"'. 44.''' . MDEO: . 1 •V; lIITIIER'gv CO: " "' '". " • . la= qttEl6 . INYA ' E:? ' 1 : ' 1: ll ''' '' " "tit'Pet oeoov TY!'","-...-,-;. flql-4tlendiestisorAvz .F . .. -,- ..- , , ,r. ..r,41, -A: eTtift, -,1'.,)',..-‘. ''"' l l'' , ..! ),- Ar --ft :'4 64 1 2 7!1 , It- . • . '.. *: 14 r 0 •• '4"'-i l; `•"% , 4111',Jug: -reoeli. k . 4 ,1- 7,,,,,„,►gent rorig ni u t e fiii., 4 4 ' . by dip fub.l4ll,P• '.'. '.;-.4!f1aik1,:n17.,' , 4 ', ' ' , , ,',4. fri 1, ..,'' ' • " , e-' :;•' ..-1 ~6: , 1 ! I ' f7l , D E vyt* - kil'ilii" q);- , „• ~,. , ~ - t A. ~,., f , '-: 1 , A:Sriki 4 0 4.-z iiiitu'lytitAr-T ~ ...t4ii tits „,,,, 1414 1 7,1 'so n - . . _. , zeisc IROGSII AINT - -, S - IYE3I - 11FF e „ ; TaiittdtlA L Ys4o l lCltlchii4e:joiiitiipene 111fOitenittvaluisoKtntmt - ofl/ROGSpieletted wit great eare-and-warranted-genulae i aod,Trorp., , ,P r bies and CountryMere.hantgre iequested 0,11 atidexerainetheii stook before tehuelng elsewhere. atiiiertnieni 3 Of , P#lritsatADye-thffe;6iery otkiele warranted, pgre:aad „of tbio, best ties , tr 'rib "talq.,'!Dye're;liainferA Shti Etilleeiaho r abated. to ;;41, ,we are deteitaitihd to jell , theMieaki kid VdstiFt.loles of ihbrlitie ka4he market. • . s ..!J We have.itdded'bilouica ethilatoek; a hbotetieole.,. doh of Bookie . arid Seationaryivhleir *ii can iell at a •-• • At.9o, ‘' • ' the liiiviVattok*ent, C UTLERY ever offer. 0.14 doll( phiee 7 .togettier With the tooptleehtol)able ,"'"` • . - „Cattisleadne.llV,l4344.l . NEM 02 1 41: --- di/Va,'Weeig1142.413 DE __- . 111ET ILL.perform alk , ..,operatiots.9oe, tit? Teeth : L -VV- shit tire reilitirediotheirilKeservattoa, say_ liOcating; fVfiAti:4" : lt4et.tifsF4..er:wilV.Treilore. the them, by insetting Artspßa kTeeth, from , St single Tooth, to a fitirsett.. • - --- , l3ofllee•on-Pktt-streetra feTN.Aoors South of' t he • abaent front Carlisle, -the last tee-days, in. cads month. z •- ; 7Nay24; ta44. •• • ••• • • tf-s. ;Ch than _ TAILORING* ESTABLISHMENT. Borough, the subscriber does not feel inclined to be itcortbaCktrartl'than'hia heighbOrs in the• work of! reform—And therefore respectrullyrinno_unced to his old customers and t he . generally, be in- . . . . ro:the-.Ekaoris Cumber/41nd, - Prank/01.1i Perm, „Counties. -, mHE subscriber offers himself to yo'itr tonsidera - tion aslt candidate car. •- • • .90AGRESS, at the ensuing geiteralAleetion' on the principles of a protective 'Tariff, anif if elected will discharge the uttes_oLthe_offied_to_tbe_besCol_hia_abilities— ' Respectfully-your Felten .Citire . GEORGE F. CAIN. Mechanicsburg, Jtine-26,1844. lunil~[FX~:.. itiwl ~m i for ble 8 " ' roy; tiOl.fikrie -40, . - LEGIIORN HATS. LEGHORN HAT'S, - Mene' and Boys' sizes just opened y C Ogi June 26,104, Mill PRESERVED GINGER. Preierved Ginger for sale y yers stick. June 26,1844. .. SOAPS. • Almond, Castile and Brown Soaps fot sale by Myers k Haverstiok. . June 96,1844. ` - ° .- , . .-. TOBAIL:CO and ESEGABS.. Best Cavendish Tobacco and Segaes 'for sale by Myers & haversack. , June. 26,1844,1 , ,• . BASE TS. Market and travelling Baskets fur sale by My. era & Haverstiek. • June '26, 1844. PRECE TORS. 'Violin null Flute Preceptors-for stile by Myers & Harerstiek. Ma STItINGS; Hest Itallnn ViolinAnil ' Guitar . , stringi for gale by - Mi.ers Br. Hnveratia: - . - . • . . .... . June 28,1844. - . . . • . . , OIL neidLTIURPENTINE, I f ',tned Oil and Spirits of Tarpentinelor sale b - "r - . • • . • July 9, 18* ChealPer lhan ever: :Si of. .SPRING'AND ISOMMEILGOOPS. miHE subscribers having recentlrentereill jot° cc zl-_-_-Kriffershiprialralow:opeologlictheiratord; Sou_-cast corour_of_the_Public-B,9ltaie, CsOislo, hr' rid getters! issoilinent of ' 1 . . . . - 11:1 t 'IT 0(1)452)-C).‘;-:-1- - r\ --1: : 'sting in, pert, Of Illaoh, Blue-Blook, Invisible - 1 . :en, Olive, Blue 04 Adelnitle CLOTH S ; 'Also, t 8SIMIBRBS; - ;GarnbroOns; ' Linen'end • Cotton -,-rillsi- , -Butifitier=-Clothe.Oinl:fiatti": 7l , MowielioLde ' j'Atoes t .•Alpsessichushati end French LewnsiTto:, ;011ie, Tr.snelkand 4ngliskt Gingham% Chintees p ealinoee; Min'slinisTiCheehts end Tiebiriesi L itine:ns- sWetinUed" Holivie, - BeeldiAlbert - ined Straw - Ben; nets r Stemond IipIe , GATIP foe Boteriets,,Sotin, lytan tuni,-Virede-espnd-Gloteellt-RibbeneirnebleitYi !Glove's; Parasols; At , Leghorn, Palm-seat, sind - ',Willow Hati t "Cohnid CsrpetChitienfid coitonNlo. Also lorgcand - well - snlette4nssortetentof. -:-:-., '•' ' ' '• ' 1 'Groceries. and %model/fare, ..i_ , - - A:',o Ibele"steek Of ioodiOnt's ibectii selected, with . ' t,eitm islet , liC thei:itre!tieterniined, to , sell. pt _egt,Smilli t , .tpaitAtif„CAsehortit ti art. credit, they ries ' ape tO teeelve krtberiThare 0 bliiroti'ottire. 4 The 'Beniel. jiaii*VbViitiftryin tetin in Berl 41;36 'of the publidiasiters4lseseej!„lketkftlieVel , P.l iptlll, calf 014tmist;ikt,Ole:oka itprtqconu,gi,lpArte, n e w 41 1 0jitiyeill tlierefoire . tivti o iriggvotbiitplitii .woulirdci*ell'ol'osill4lffilit'dilitii'. l, I:ftfi L _: , , , f ' -..- .' - ';ANA VolitifiCf l 4lttlgi ;•,' l . Ni'' i.'; 1r - • t r • • -, l;•'i f7'49,*Ap. , '-ft1.cp44.950-.. , :::-.1- ~.'74Pirif0 4 , , 1 8 ,4 . ,,, ,; '„, , i,:v. : •`'.. •;:..".:', '`A!-,91' ,-..,- ittOnt- - - e Cznesiia,,, 1.1 , Itaii 'I4 t 1 1.4,`1 , A4 - 4•4f. ! '‘,. t 4 It 3, 31'4 ,, us..;, 41. ''• AT re ' oo94l)Ater iFlottne,nt'Ar , thi '9l Mi".l4 l i p g ,A , iitarit dre fiffep t wMakipqotrer j'or tivAt whdlessibi sil4 Atoka: O k .rimpteftdied: t iii o ik,r ~ ) 1 114,-P fliitanientilfOr:eureeblfriol,tes,sl--,m-W•t -',4ii'd AlltesTOßelmo.*ertiLiNtri.-44 ;all ..,,,„ Vkl u rgorn iad49411 ,!., ~.JTJ G , , by nsy le lid Chttw J , , !• - ' 0 .DrAVistar'sVailisitti. tir/Wild Cheollo ) '.'. tVi 477 DirugWeiFeCrioaerri , Mi l l'i' ,A11.".r4:2.. '',.`,l; :, I 1,;,.4 ..tit '!',, i i Ttl ei rgee - r•• 4 1 , ./ , - t.kft.. - 4' ' ow* s a "---- •'. , ;-,-.--, ,- ". " ' -.'- IlloAketei6ol.4 general ieloktiind atthe 'tat* 04 ledfit,l#ll4l 4 Sigalprj ci en,-,l4 l ,P A eikiii- 42 44-1 i pi' , 4 , 11,