Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 21, 1844, Image 3

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    1 - 13.146911}
4 aniwflfipwwmm
eaK 171 ;41 41 4 01 : 0fiarAtit'''''
children. rti !tile*. ado . teI•A
•• -- ''"IMao11011-rt 1 , erMittiOßloOndivkucilLthe,,,m9i
°thcfrWßM l 4oitt to bkivortby.of-Abeuv;;
and e lection re-
, - -, r,,
.;.iir 1-Lie. '
rinted on a, "Hera ld ..,
. . .:
:it ' 7 ;iFekri;,4ifili*lli'l'''''llli`flesigliC4lll-iii6
-•- mota.,-i'iif,:diOrit4,l!!'"?',!).--- der.
froce,s!ion.;,, -', . 8 . , . tiavwsitickbeep,
0-l'Y',l',-,...lllo3yetlirP :
71" '''' `"
''. heliteit inipPIOC"IJ%'-!,1
~-. ~. ii,F'6,t,ooll G.-,i",:'-.'fj7.
'ts2:qiit N,E W ''WP' I-u '? :. ' .• , :•'.', ,
•- .. , . - -,..... • • '
..,.„..n., ~
11V : ,Ati.G_ A. . 3.
Vrrx.„—i• ,r,,llqt,likisathika'-' . ...,',,..;...,
;IbAP,---" -.,,,.-.,•,..;
As'-' sbi:ii toil , . 'rcrc( l qa..;•
......_:', .. ..:•.•,t,..7,‘„,,,
••, ,:..'• . ' '-% t• Craitimi?ll4 - . '--,,,,"4,
gr,i.i..Z_triiimikoir me --1! . . -.,
.R, --r„
' ' 'aititi for...a:ly iaa _
faThcgaiii:Ahl!, •
~,iiiiiit;isi.havini vot,„4-ran_gh.tpaonikd:e.,P:l:l7:.,:.:::;;:
I P . . 'hutted '41:4n"!014, Thisilisityi,..
,z,w.Tne.troT ..,0 p a * ,: ri9 1 41 - , •'. - ,„-, :1-
- '''''.
owe:* 44
the ' l
die i liten-fa„);‘1 `.,,,.
t:-,-1 -r*...01:4-,...:•„,
,0 t ;
11 , t'fl '' rd ,1 ,
party'i.. .; k
. i o l
' : -01. : . ... k
..2..,k: a ,4 7")if1 6 ;k ,16 *1a : iiit 0 gpot q!Cel '
%kytw9rc „ a • -i- „ ny . ppikaoalo eh ; "
-. e
H '.ii)d'lPo9l.qq' 6tpis,rf linc• 1,
•'' • ..,:,,,,,...,,,uoWnt '' .
Pouf States hate it
" Poke ft is"Micaed . fa:6l4Y • .
- -
elwaye thine;,. ,
me ! 1 ? I,‘4.jBc4e:l)l '" al- A° li
• • c r Dorni-
,• .
I* a so rr y his balk,
paw_atid rogit;
Your-Roostoes but a chicken yet,
''Although-you are ..014 Hickory's pet."
Down, &c
...To graft the "HICKORY" on a Poke,
'ho otalk will.wfther, droop and fall,
hoittknyti comes Hickiiry, Poke and all
Down, dic.
Brave Ilfaatax,tiov;'wo z recommend,
h . '"••Destin'd our Corminouwealth to two.
prove himself-ae3Vise-gui Bravo. ,
Down &o
The gallant " straight-Outs" true arid strong
Will help to haul the teant;along,
them khoucing stout andlieartY,
Down with the plundering HUMBUG party
Do &e. •
The Ladies—bless • faces sweet,
The lovely Ladies now o greet;
We'lllnast the ladies night and day.
_And "gq.ahead," and. vote.for Clay..
. - Down with .the . plenderini Iftunbug party,
,4. : -. We'rti -- thirboys of 184 i.
The states that have spoken since
the Nominations , of II E I It V.
C L A-y ii nell . .T jq ES It. IPOILK.,
ing,for CLAY! •
Lelsiantfm.atalitrfirlit - to speak. The'redemp•
-tint of the State by the election of a WHIG
LEGISLATURE-and the great gaiq in the pop
tular vote, show that all .Texas cannot delptive
3Hiany CLA Y of our sunny Bigot.. Louisiana V.
, ,tho whiik - of North - Carolion .have. achieved' ir
. .
A - WHIG - GOVTERNOR, by: about' 4000 ma.
TAMIVITig , 7IE -7 1.14 , s,...ttEPIkESENTIEr
0t.26 joint '1145 victor
;ry will be appremated ; piheri tt remimborett:
that the lOcp foo4 , last - year a majority •of
aet; '
;• . • "
.•SCI X 1 JLY' ;
4 : ,-',.. j IRUEeTO-;BENRY,'CtLAY:S• 7,
In sevengyApp , ootadhaa tiaard from e the majority
ofJndae tha*liii!'candidato Giver.
— ll orils - 4IGHT - 7TEPlMAl 4 P l 7Therrankil
) ,i;VATie, -. l o ol3 Priiill ' thef, l3 44;lidd there KnuW4
riothovi high Oia:tiuta majority yvilGrun 'lCcoi
ti o,t 'Watt is ALL
, xnaomAtit itzlioEpFleiros
f thi lt einte the election on the 5112`hist.; wa
, 1 141 it t4ispnate,4ruithe# 6 lll44
iii4dSaihatAiiiited`j4 'die t Aoiiad4
The mtmcktiius far received,• give the-Whigs
ussiiib6Wa'As!eml9,in'dlll6 Locos 01
ARiAir 4 4 125 Locol are
..el64ll,lTbik the Whig! a triumphant:
14 1 .0 44:401 cuie5 / tiio l6l ltitin or a W HIG`
;#Nitglit STAiIi3I3IIO , NATOR'I' 4115
ovtiuMitrri Rain tho jCintlar" , vote
. 21 ,tA P R)!!$, 1 °,V 1: : , ,i4 ' t
1. - 4tiAttorAloiskfins#OF#l.,';l
t lid ? mi *l t e- 4
fsefttep-oltVietii,si Cie° ttiapillhAtsl4, Or / Whie
diiol e. -1:,14#4V-:lR*44ding"-:-.11-Aiktiatiffili
'wh i trAilmV l l 'l o : "Ylr'd Inembe*O,fthe Leg L i t,
d*014,111-'?d4tioitri thVAtillitehartiAMiiiiid
d'#)4l44, city t3ottnty byc , idajCrity brfiom,
. - E oo6 : loo o l4( s 66 r‘bmthen o "!":Ati 4 1 4 1 "
:7,) 41 14,1 61 ", I .Et#'lo 4 ;fl ' 4 1‘ f 44 11..1*0 *- "/
'llr lll l, lll PAlkiron tMi, 1111 0!P
turd '" , r!liiii4 l oo:44r4.6 . *Tifehtot
liakokifif , Rommrhoolcalmgi
iorkuMrthe4cheaidt3o l l
4. I
• ;. —;
prpw, xs:2El yrizkr, ;
',"Tnane"coti r gy of dM %Herold andlExpeitor , * ll?
'be'sentlO mm Pos t Offiuo' and to o no c4d ? ese; from
tiii(tini!i•untql!lik'liremidordiallElendon . tOr ONE
MrrMM -`coileor tn.
.MARKL;E,..may poasibljl doiornethiog
1614iiid'jfingOoOdniM iiiipiiiiiifiiktif'dirk•i
euktellie,doctimentit•and aprOad , the truth_ among
jok•wcand,ijate for Governor. •
pokimi , since that day,'
1 7'0f
to notice the farrego of ctuffdireited-itt twin the
unteer' is'n' talk one,—ose'diii net filir clay ;
had - nof.nPandoned the Protective principle in:the
Ceirtpromfee It was 3:Sqlpit K. Polk the
cofirCo.candidete fot the Presidency, who said so,
and Ore people would know it if the loco foco pa-
,pare tiad`the7ioiiesfyln publish hiespeeches. j
Connt~ - Tkiket. •
.. •
It Will Be perceived ,by On_ proceedings thet
a redolution wee pasadd nabs milting on Satur.
day, directing, Saturday the 3 Ist inst. as the day
for holding the usual delegate meetings, and Mon.
day the 2d of September for the-assembling of the
County Convedtion 'riorninale d Ticket. We
trns(Alits -will Meet, the attention. its-hrp9rtance .
deserves. •
triirrui us the _
we did injustice to Judge liepbmmiln noticing
his adjournment of theciamton_Monday week f is
the_adjeurlimeitt-Was ordered-at-the-request of,
ife*Veral - Whig niem beta of the -far. Our paragraph
was not intendedlo censure the-Judge for !the ad-,
journmeat it' is folly to construe it so.
to haVe7credit for. more "magnaniirtify" . than that.
The. remark we ascribed to the Judge he certain.:
ly Fade, forwe heard lum,,and we.Only.intended
to refer in - jocular terms to the manner in which
his Honor-hid been deceived with resrect fo-the
coming of that mass of_penple and those.Mg Asa- -
gone, which. the Volunteer:led him _to anticipate:
It Is well known that after the adjourn meat not
mere than four - delegations came in—one from
liillstown,.anoper from Perry and two others
from South Middleton. and Dickinson—in each
of which there,was one big wagon and a few
smaller ones. do much to relieve ourself t' an.
unjust charge • ot falsehood. •
Rich Coriespondence . .
The following - correipondeT, which has been
furnishdd us•for publication, will sufficiently ex
plain itself to all who read it, and doubtless infi
nitely amuse them. We give it without corn.
. .
• PAW; D; Ohio, August 10,J844.
To Hie E~col3eno
(memos RITNER:
Honored Eir—The Democratic Committee of
is town have received infiemation that: yourself
a d the Hon. Thomas H. Burrowes' intend-10, pay
a visit to the• peen of the West, sometime
this - month, and and as our village is located on n
fine turnpilse'road from Wheeling to Cincinnati,
I am recoested - ostorresponding Secretary In ad
dress a letter of Invitation to yotir Honor
Hon, Thomas H,BurroWes, shall it be convenient
for you on your route, to address alines Meeting
at this place ; on the 24th 'instant, ' Should' you
.visit tki keautiful.WesCaEthtit thinc.or any sub-:
sentient period, :understanding , by some means
that both of you have-chubged your sentinfierak
, sineniB4o;the , truir - Peniocracraf - the:Bire
State wonld..*eei
think thetriaelyeichighlyieothillitileA4
Boman. _Should the information prove•te be one,
rect, yoll will confer a• favor by informing me-in
tcoruoutd tune very. respectfully Your obedient ser.
vent, HILL; P.14.',"
Dear Air: -Your favor of, the .10th init. is before;
me in a iioh—you , ea7,4h ' Pernocratici
iriiitee of - ,your totrn. received, information
glib { HOl)...Thoikkas Bitrrowinnd rriyselfin- t
te'nded t& Yieil ullie Queen of the -, West; sometime'
tglikais,rporithr , You also say:that you tire re.:
Wittid atr.Correalicindingliecreteryi tojniite
toladdress a mass meeting tot the 24th Instant; atl
your: place, having understood that both nf ue
have changed our eolimontruince.ll34lL-Itilsehat i :
follows;l:slreak ofilyfor myself, should yeu'dedrit'
liproper,toAddross:MilAtirreivs he wiltsfituik for
himself. !Jay:then;, that you have - bet 4
rferer,ation 4Aa
00 ; helve received istogetlierir4
,r0ncuu...,,,1, dp not intend tovlsit !sato Fair:Weetl
season=nelther,, had,' changed .iny
mert!, eince;lB4o.:titytigertito the great questioritt '
itwol vett, in the great strugglitibetweirt,tbe
'cif,lfeßry,tPlay.ontl,Jamck . K., Punt s :for the 'Prost;
"dentry f • ' ' , 4=441 I
The pollildal — ftefitiniftftti:wbiaii , ..inid;Trra.7,-
Lbibedulo my, boYhood, during.the. adfnielpirittiohl
of. Themes Jefferion. advocated anti dillT,hnifelf
the same prlnciplesolurin thit administration' of
Madison and M;: ... _,Azhen °misty and , capacity:
were, deemed. essentitibiri. ft pc lie offiOe. I desire
.now 'Mime the'princiPles end .measures restored;
under Which the icountrY Was happy and prosper;
odi, iiefore "Air Derritkiroviii party was "hoaded, l !
`end led-.headlong to destruction by Van Buren/
Denton, Dr. Duncan, Allen, Buchanan:Charlep,;,ll
Ingersol, (who: . 0 would. have been: cf. rORY,'t 00
he bein'uld enough, in the Amerlosit revolatioo
and' a hiist of ;Ohara ' might bir-nainefile:ili t #lth
perhaps one . urception;opposed trii;t44l_,ll44ll.
Pith Great‘BritaiMand wh ' ' were theitlFederfilist
of tire , true hlye.light stzmP.,' Indeed,the DiM9,.
°r a no party, RhlCejthaugUen ourruPie,d by the
Federal-leaders, to not more-like4ilehet-that parkr
was in the daYe uf:Jofferaorri.Madison and Mon.
roe, than. Ezekiel -Polk, the graritt:fither:of James
E, Polk, was,lllM.Den t i.iFraflebi Afiltelliirtlbri,
-days of the ` Revolution. Chali*Ciaylattatime time
since kr mply;m a letteififddressed tp-mo f ,by,tha.
chairman of ,the-State•ctntral .comfutt}eff of ,this
' t a t o ,: -,lnAhat .rerilYi hoer:All/7410 404. 0 '1
e i t t i i i yiews lii' , regard ,to. the leadingopitnitton
noicogitoitingolieputillti. ; kheolvio,,l.rausmittii
You* ne#pwier containing :14 xock will •
8014441.10VirafiViiiifonnection with (firs; letter
Al Pouf-Meek ilgiir :. 4 /k;lilliAlkibb!Okilli 01 , 4
* l lV ilid i le v . ifildlainn# 4 ,4 l ff lkillt.lK,Cilkiiilm
of thil:tiw. 01 4.46,fRf'10 1 9, 118 .,_45 1 1,1114 1 0.0_,
*id iriii - ny ilth A olg 'MHO Ail I abil Ovill ) lf: lA.'. fl P to l lli
late riellf,iigood Vi l l . o oP•# 4 7#A4r: 41° d " f !
• ~..4,, —.... .; . -
Ctiaigis34 l lZWiliT4,4lte 4 4'
inflOng4'fir hiPrlt W00K0F.,41 1 ,04;
00 0 4 0 6 40 01 4 41 ° 1 1*}
41114( 0 0010)) 11 1 46 41
f-. W
I smt4ldA,mipl4o4:.oo4 l 4:o l .A
'4'-'4PAllittptaitraZideakiii: l : s r4...
(LT. , tato Control'Xoaxmitteo.of t ulk
party; hive called the'lai:doiiventiati inept;p ! :
tlie'2ad of Setomber for flier purpose at.
Roorr;-A14.-,l 6; 1840
t 33,
y r
' • Urh"rg 4 OM! M l xt t11F,4 °fa zr
Gitieita i lh iwi', W. ' ' , 0 ititi-ph
itick-440,4 -, ' --.' - ' iloorr
4 6 4404;3061637!..0r44*.;,* of
liq th ? ; c 4oti' tie.4lVtliletaiii , biale. ~
beciti. thq,aidligir 4l 34, l 4,4 4, 4 l veiF - ichnum°
thoi4and: ' Nisf ihikii aliatiit 'ln* ititt4;'-,lna
MI iv A 01 444 1 , *ili 3 irt* 11- 04 ,- ::,ci:€0 1 P"
Posit,Q#;4 l kmiiireßeci *filjpitt4it they
Amfoiionsi:ivid'Othii - ouiciviik.,,4 4,..
!-1i?i 41) ,,,,f0 0- f7 . l,ti r # l i, #, lt,i 4 t . P Al i n:fTr f:
ficial linbllbOiett 0tic1p:11; , g4..., - 141).4§ II
Dbliiifrtiiiiiit:!Yoo,o l )*' 43 tiilliik# l 4iY
4°4 ' 44 'Ai4lt k ij4iii :li. A 4e lt (5 '! 4 - 1314, 1 the
tt P i jai t ! i ikii t iVa lo oo 6 '. B M ll l 3 4l- C lii i igl ss i
Oqefiriijkit?Atotiglitliifdieitiftio - or - itfe
*o4i in the 'antiiirtiibinkti 'and 0141,i'hold
, int deposits' of public: tininepin.ihe.i`teits.
: i ' ll'3';' sub,iiaiia '464 (art ' ei i" ) 4onif Vi:',iiiit':'
etanding - '4rafts;'and not: inetudingnoney
inn, hared ;not ;repotted to the Treas ury) °ALI
1 'the ibiti 'iiiiiiriti; waft
ifilit"editions' three
1 lion
~ rec apd'tw nt -'g t honsand 4 o ll are.
• •
n . t I d • „ .
aam amoumou btrwcreas ao by in-
Clu iftfpear,eported tnoneyp-in , liand;jo at,
Pa wee*. on
had token
IL :Measured
ti week. w
tt • • •-•
on the
„ISiti Pettry'Attreitt'i;
- 11mit , is,=Ai.ttitiit.---ANN
Tpd'AIESON, Allof thileptact. . •
On the 'lsth instant, by the'ritati4,-111e. l aiottrEt.
•YOtTiO to
111 - & - Patittrciiith- .•
eras one
- at the
are Btatino
j • -•-• _
_ Li this hgroughoo-Sunoa7 the - 4th iiistanWlVlt.
. 0ALLIO; sr., aged IS years and some
TIO ANAWAY from the aubsertbcr, ,residing
nirtisextinitig °film 2d'inst.ii - ehes m ,
nut SORRELJEIORSE,about ISlnuids;
tiigh t .rout4timil,campactry.6nin atlY, 9 A,.—
one or tw,o white feet, it, small White
spot on the ba ck and long, tail; .other
marks not recollected.. Any-.person ' :jinx
taking up and returning to inn said
horse, or giving me suet, information as will enable
me to get him, shall_receive the , above mentioned'
reward and all reasonable expenses..,,,
,ItTewrille,Angost.2l,l34.4. 4 ' J. 3t-43 I
Dissolution of rartnersliip.
mllll partnership heretofOre existing under the
I lino or LusrmuitsT & SIiILES, was die
°sul red on the 1211, inst. by :tuutmil consent. Tile
711gak treiit the_hands_ofMtn.A. inthurst for set-
Helmut; all persona indebted at call
and settle immediately, •
- ' - A "LINTIIVRS'Ir;
_ s iVlll -
August 21,1844.,
tilt `al s Mare:
cAlig to the plahtation of the- subscriber, resid
ing in Hopewell township, Cturiberland. county, a
bout the lat of' A ugnst inst., a. BAY FILLY., top
posed to be nbout three years old, with a small star
and the left bind foot white. The owner. is desired
to. ibme frirward, prove, property, pay charges, or
else she disposed of according to law.
_ _ _
AuguFt 20,1844.--ot. • .
Valuable Real Estate
1011Y.virtue of the powers cotitaine4 in the fast will
jjli and testament of Ahrathoorf.tayote, deed. we
will Public Sale on' ,the premises
TUESDAY the 1411 October next, tit II . o'clock,
AM. A tyset of first rate •
in East Pennsbormigli township, Cumberland coun
ty, containing 209 Acres and 02 Perches, about 160
I acres of which are cleared and in the highest" state
or etativation, and the residue covered with the best
thriving timber. This iMprovements - are of
very best kind; is large' two story double 13111611 t
1)%41.1.11.NG HOUSE, urge Stone Bank . . Barn,
Stone Tenant Housuointf all the outbuildings which
'the largest and finest farin"require mid never failing
water. This tarts is situate In the turnpike road,
about seven miles from Harrisburg and eleven from
and within sight of the Silver Spring mills.'
Phis farm - lilts all die s -advantages - which a farmer
could desire and will be sold all together or divided
haw° two tracts to suit purchasers.
The terms of strle.which vers .- easy for the'
purchaser, will'be made kiwtwii On the 'day of sale.
'August 2),1844. • • t5..41;
n - Lancitster E,sanditer publish and send:
Lit - •
resp,o..t l y
wIUL lire 141)4Ut lilertilHittf
• - e • •
lei— Alp
Stoeks, , believing• that theirsereral assortments arp.
as complete us barptiver. been ,t;frereti ,the•,Pitit-,
ket. , , , -;;• . _ '
„i'Vith..Sioasmi Goodall) theirlsereral• liepurk,
lireliiiiirth76:ch - OWltliiijr-4 7 alletermsnian,to sell
mmerpts, which .entunu. fitiKtcr prove. stuitractorS'r.c . '
and a disposition toiplease old. and new customers,
will. wo.;hopk boa sufficient, indueellrferll to ilt 4 r -'
chasers to epli at our respeiltive establislimentS..•,.
N.lkli - 4 1 11emingon, ~ l lVALtrket itivetf •.,
Buck Si Potter, ,
.116. _ -,,
Itard•St- • 1011 ,----h dri: -= "ir -
Daniel tic and Foreign Dry-Goods
_Reynolds,3lerarlandBt Cci.lo6.:Marlipt strest. ,
'Burnett, Witherktle Co . -`,'12.0'" ;'do . - do . - 7
&Mit. '• (10f .
Wise, Nary &Mho ••' • 'O4 .
46 •do -
Impor;ten of c loths,
- Ireittingei".Bt,e . • 'll' 2l - 1- '•
Lambert Dtik , ' '..• A 11011 . ' •do tra I
• .110r4War0
" f
,Importei, and Ilanufanturers
. • • biAiii•ica !Arcata
Moats, Shoes, ,, B,nnets t iCaps i , Lce l
horn' and
r ~ S Eti !1 %B arir.Ot ,
Leviek,'Jenkini ST: 0. 3 :1.) J 5 0 , -;400 , t . , t •
M Conrad Ea .
.Bitt eitifeictraoers .• a mid •: Dont' v '
... • slottlllorft''fpi
00. ' l ll ig l 4. Pleo l o.o: 6 _ l o,...4 . KA_Al':liiiiii'.l
Thomou P,Jamet`• •0 , .0 ',,::. •52114tmArker dreet..o-.1 A
1 Potts, Lino & Horrik, 0 0 , .0 1 • giltibf,' It dor , • , 1,d00...10•Eri7
,11011400, ColiliAjk,CoB7, •,,, doi do :...--.
Edward , Uplem i,;0•'.0.,: •.• I.M:CW - 4 ,. : , 401 , : -,;'db J.,';',, f i
.130PIPSOPO P4 06 4 811 iL BC Co.` 40 ;J• 1 ' . .. , 00,' , 1 , , 4P - q.. , (1 i
" '
.:.0.-..klffilffl.•.co •fitriA t firro 9 ) l 4` 4 4 '
L 4 onton 0-'0 ,
_.O ..,0 ~, . • , 00ill 4 girkei:otreet.vfii
44b4 Sidleybigr:4;.l3l . olber• do, ,-? 1-, dota '' , .0.10
••.,G., 1 04Mk.0.4,..1,441-0.0.,6). , i; , );0 , - , ro A M.Paiirtb itkeitt4!
139 g 4 P , *it'n°1 7 1140n C , t '7Ol %., so, do:0 ido ;,, t, of-do 0 0 -?, l•
: Importers , 4f s2.ll fitisk i iind**4tEitils4,
`':,' '.% ::' "-:and- S i tOK Sliiliaholti;. 'II !, ~!."":""'-')
L.T P,Rbeii',! , r,gio'''''• 1.• k ; • . f lif i , 47! 8,0 .lootirt4l;ii4ls'.'l
Wiry' Cohen` t t4 ". "'" '4 , . * ,340 , , '.A4', 0 54P,, f
Importers *of 14mie4; 000'14 l'iimmenthi
',.' ,. ,! , :-‘ , 'P'Y i' l liandlttfbii4 190041:4 41 . " . 41 :,4 i ' , . '..-,
Setley & Se-roping:, • 0--- : 0 .9.9 N. TfdA6drOe•l'll•
Piirket,&!. - Abidow:7,3 l l , xl 7.7it , 31161',";Trd01': do
0 ' •s• - ', COMbettil4B. 40- 0 . 43 tN.1 :::.
,arbifii,a, cotiptil_ L i',., - )" r t dic,.pl . f. -- ,..r:oitiiii. -- . / f
Impotto,o,:re T trBi.tonegkoViapieVolids.l
1 V 'Otc AU905, 1 *P , 4401,';'t AG' at O ut ' lh-11 !:c e • - • • 'i
'.:ll ; fliniffeictuOr`of Pfittait,l,4lr4ll , ilepps.":l
Elliii.S' , WO.Flt', 4l ; -.. 5A0i 6 . 61 ‘ 'AtO„nffOrCet;' -
411 •1 4 •M i giffetit '6 1-4*P IV il k W ''' / .4 i . . •, 1
.'' "... ''''0•4' ,7 „,6.444 . f
lokoo ,idis"ooa4yilro,ol-•' ' '"" - ' - ' 1 41•';' -
65,1:tem' rd.
- - ,..:4 1 "*- ra ...':
.I ' as" - ';t u nirlec t A •I'aT tritif6k3N - .8 -
74.. 1 ' ' '' Li ' 114 eadedieig,lrbeit alp
Ihb - h . lO ' i''' , . , d ne '' tin, .04,411kiiiiroa4*.
i t)
indObtodALie —' • , t la'rl'inr,f6iimitotkiFOk'4o.
ty is, houfto„,tz,3ll.6 . ~..,,z, ~,,x0p,4.,,,,,...:!..•,,,
• • v i czpol.-K, ,, i , &• - 'ATER`NtoSI43%-
.. - ." .2- :::- . 1).: *."..4.--
Estate Pr Gthi . r' Pieltess,,
i,• the Bstajefi
. r,,4 it pf Ail mipi etrafiaa •Vr 91 , ~. 6 .. t i v a.
IE; 8; ‘ 'ke:riik.eis, lit 6 of Ne.ivtanloalawlP?......;
'eol.--- ' I '
' r'• the iiibiiiribetVe:hiditip . n, imp: :
tikiejAod graro ( i•r i , h d ,• - Giicliitylni....lll4oB.-11
:m i n ,
g at:i t
n it t l e g a l* : :li b ) 3i t :
ri P t
d h L ti ' ' S
.r ara i t; . ..
,1 7, 1 2 : i r e l l/ i ;, t4 :i r i i i d . si t . 6 15 6 d i a l k .
~ t e l . l :, o n 9 ,". N I" ;.
PaY'dial iairizediftteirtn 4 vibitE§STAlllllsl%.:;.-
,v,,,, : .1.„..4,1;
. 1,- Litifsrl"..- , • , ;,,,,,,dt'v4z
• -‘ •
...,•,.::•,,-, . j; , -1.. , ,:f '•,,.!.
~..,, ..••••• -...•
••;-.';Atgitistl4, Loa?. ., ‘••-• -"'•• ‘ '
Ei.fitB Veit OCM.-
t -ETTFA.9, the:,Ostite'Of
4001:04410, 1 EOhOlitOfOrBOallia - Wititairrid*O;
fifipki*,'o:l4.yeloogc,grooloO tholoittorAdr,re
-011969'. fa,initcalvtiOl!f* 43 1 7:1)*RnVibaYIR
ilitipt or slOrOatiiwioinsiffie,eotateriOt!rotidestoo
tif to. :prei6Ot.theini4igiotiC aelay ; ojaft,thoto WOO
0.4.e , p0i45i ;=l ,
• - ,
Rved i.l)eio
11:kreittto'f.)18 , 4tt1li*srto - fi
414 RO%t 9p4faric t•stra
tee ~ltndet Bon et • -t -10fl , Cliestinit - street
House, Philailelpijiarolkey_llo•.e,epeool.oo.M4_
sortment 'on fine PtiteSt
.Silver,SpOons,!Forkii; , Bter..•of civrr,tnakei, ktie
Braceletsißrixist Plait,ltiate,Gaaidiad'Fbb'thaind
Mittiature;Casetir: paid
Yetis, finO , Peo• Knives,- Silver • Suspeadeinuckles
toonChaiiig:Plateci'.CaSteralQalii•Balkets; Caddie
Sticks; Ttaii Sets,&e: • : •
CC7•Watelles and Cdoelps repaired. , • , '• •
"` " •
1 , 0 .4 C.firstaueet.tippositiliadaiepaTiliiiklia, house.
Phila. August, •
:real;many bonars.
?..11110&' & • '
ThESPECTPOLlhir'ofeer Ititife : p . ' ithile their, self.
jut preparedvttell tested anil highly efre'etetil-pre
parution for the Zlterminfition •ol RATE; *ICE,
annoyed by these destructive vermlniafter uSing this
highly cketibil* Preparation fora few itryil, a cons
titute riddai ce Of all this vermin.
This prephratioo possesses , tl,e - sinfuliir property,
that without being actual poison, it will tiol only kill
the Rats soil Mice, but will,. in roostvence of the
saloke it - produces ; positively compel those that do
not directly partake of it, precipitately to leave the
1104111 f.
They may helound at. Sir. Job CommaWs tavern
where this preparatido can be obbiined from them.
Price 50 cents per box, with - direlitions for its - use. '
August 14;1841. •• •• • • 4 " St-42
raLuatlzt kajorcit'ir . :
- FOR SALE..,„ , "
WILL be exposed v . ,: public sale,on WEDNES
yV- latt - irthe4tb of September next. the eel
noble prqpirty`belatiging to ratrick Gulp, a onsisting
of aiargt,White Frame
4'2f et in front; on the corder of Bedford street and
berry alley,nearly opposite the Lutheran chdrch.
, house is n excellent condition, end being double'
can be.convenientiv occupied by two families, or it
will he disposed of separdtely • irdpaired. Theiv,
will also be sold at the same time ' a two story Fiaine
IIO.USE, in Mullbely. alley. Ibis house lion been
recently put in-good repair, andis now in line ten
antable order. The title to aill - the slimy° property,
.is indisputable: — - - --- -- ,
°Terms made known nn the' ay of - atle,Tand pos
srision given immediately. .
S. EV.TOTT),!....
Agent fur Patrick Culp.
August 14,18 ..
Valuable Real Estate
Wbe sold at public sale, on the premises,ip
V.,' pursuance of an order of ' the Orphans',Corirt
4 4i
on SATURDAV,, he sth of October next, at 1 p'-
clock, P M of said : : y, the following described pro
perty, being the MI trilled half of a certain planta-,
tionior tractor land situate in Mifflin township, Cum
berland enmity', bounded by , lands, of the heirs of
Mathew Thompson, Samuel Westbeffer, Vitigh Barr:
Peter Itirshe'and the Conodogninet creek, contain.'
ing in all . ,
neat 11111011511yej having thereon erecteda log HOUSE .
a Stone Bank Barn, SS feet long, ,a brick 'Smoke
House, a well of water, an Orchard of choice fruit,
&o. There is alsna log Tenant HOUSE .on the
About HO acres of said fitrm is cleared
under good fence, and in a lOgh state of cultivation,
(25 acres therbof being meadow,) and:.the residue ,
revered with..thriving. timber. The farm is slate;
land ot an excellent quality, and equal to-any iu the:
township;. • -
.ThelertrlS besloo, 'to'be jinni du the:
confirmatimref the sale-ne half of the-whole:intr.;
chase monei','including theslon;tO be Ohl no the;
Istof Apitif'next, When the ,titteivilthe , maths. atoll
,possession giro—mantic residue in two cqualattl!
noel parmenta thereafter itithout interest, to .be se-j
cured:l;Y jutlgnieht
• '
' Executor of Mary Atui.CpilbeitsoiylWd.
d•Thp other undivided ball of the above dcacrib- ,
ellNatlk of , land, the property,of tbniuhttutilier,twi
be sold at the same little and place: and twilit same!
' .7
Atignsi 14,1844.' '
. .
:11.08T sTtr, ,,, toosirl,!.: •
Sitistl oii'VMitiesdrty ,steninti lost, a lame
, gshl--B,ltit;,B§l...VlNi-st-?,nriOctuFoll7.4aPol.
- owner • anxiOns to •r e aver etaslewaa
the ,gift„oe a illeceard fiailer hei
ret , al=o‘l b e TeriVl - 6g it at this p,M9!. , „
_!Aligust 7; 1843.
7 , lolißAO'idthe
Spiingfiel,oo Atyrday..the.A7tt at.lo
01 ! iti1e.,4 4 4, tyu,T_)_tia9r.unif9rmkprope F Jy.vquip(toi,
4 '
411io'ipaptalnXClbd o:
,;,4147 .
tikbiwe stoned tint&,lliidi•plactl
journediCouooLAppi,l lilperbelielt,t , for the , eaid i
CotnpAnj...; . , [:, (jr;:
I . .... . . .. „. . ,
; ,i,igcriricE...... , , , v . ; ,,,p.,,; , ,,,,,
#14.06010. or; Thirtec` 0 ptv'efnrp..sol'ol_,Am4
11,MmAgo,„T.1100 - arr.Proteiiiiiiii ~Coniriiii, , of
10404 0 9:19wuttit0,Ttit b 0 11* ittt WrefO'ti Sikiln;i
'po , Afontlity Attecgd, day , of *nitentber-neat, at 10,o'-;
- , Y4k„,.....,,, , M-, : . i;,1;i•;, ; , ;:,f, , ,./,k,G , MILIEk kee!rt ,, .. 4
nJ(.II6FI. , AOAPI. -i',...;,, 5t,1, 1 :•''1,,i , ..t... tp.),%tt - ., ~t, t ' 'I., tig, t 4l,
''' ' ' '' ' ' l' " ..:l •` P lE o ttb e . e. alp:. 07 , - ~
...4 .. ,1, ;-I , rf JV ~,,, , I' , t' . '':1: , ~'' t • !"- ,,,, ` ~ .. d, i
intii, > ts,entd by, pu L blin in gpn 4 111,1 4kit
'lv ii 4 *II 4 1 . ' ' fVe tONIt -t; at:thp - taid '
. -.1 t ~,....; ;Ws , ,P e e „MS , " . 11, ,
fislitit4ll o ll 3 AßT chtidlon ,Afpht PP Allet!aprii
Alph,P,[lo)l,9ta.pd'ontinty; - IIFE,400:09410,10
Mut,:T4F.APPLu,qt,*t o,lllea iiiilhilrgith9So(9w.i
Allgi'PTPiriViib 7 1 , ,,ft,T.64,. . pr•fißPlll.4!e.:•.th v i , f
!A l i t tlA , ol-9.4 ll 4,'WIRM i li I
~ :-, piNlinz,N nilikli ili 44 „,P._tr.Y!'/V2. i tn •
re omfg , lluvaNiipo r Fs.l,-.Tc , ...slit yr ,
indtatilli cgra l tylpabiinie,*lllk a well of neve r. Al og
I rt o itraWzio r ie f l i ctv e o t M!gl i zf s tt o ltar t , o c i.
• l i I R "W?f+M.ll 4 o lh l 4l"o l4 Anatittltlfitgl,uilaPt\'
:1109 febaakind,i "It sit Bitito of f 'os Oa( Q . ,;,.,
10'6:2;,contniniiit 10 amnia., to good Iltii4er 4id
„...,,iltuat(l.l4).99t c , 9._M r . ll g.Ql:'o l f,,kbolP..fleqprlboll pro ,
verti. • , N•••. , .. ~ . •', 1 , . ,1 i 4;.,,,, i •-•',, - ,4,4„,, • ...7.. .. ': „
:, Any perptOilthing to lie* tinfolltive,:preipeillet
PPILL'cm pt.alm,Ripte,,xfoii..rmiAll,litidlh thgt r name.
'- , 1 1 1 ti , 11PtatttPlee:t 1 t -, e,,,,' ePotltt 9 1 1 , 1 44 t#0 find
14 fi l # : Pfi, 14 1 ° 19 4 .9ttrnugtrj g .if 1 11% , -o,t,' ,
, c;1.1,•, 1 1';!)"fil?:-.I - 1'r n ,''' - 0 ft
at f .
fT . F sisif;loY- ... ri , ' P r; 1 ''' '' ' '' l
'6 :
', ' sit 4 ."- /:
' ' -'l:l4klit'4l •Aei lti *,4**4 6 4
:. r. i ,: ,i'YNA', l ,frP,TO4',lll,4";::;;;: ( , tfi.l4 r ;rj
/Ptof: 11.'t400 - 4401001; , :iit*At;
ooic-ofoo,* rAwitiiiipj,raregiaroliow'
- --
AO. .1
4 : BA I
~.: AlicoNteillEtlyit,,-.
;, , 1-131Firet; it4illoVililtitiere of gnu:flier.
--- ..... ant cottiil " 2 ide'ii - FCtitlille;olt - T
-SA ItPAY the . 7tlt'l . pi7iiitWrViii,MiNiliiiilt;
11 ,1 j
, . *.!'':'',. - : - SAMUELAtiEKAND4it rit.bol:,;
' Aug ust :: griligit4: . ''• -..—• " •'••. ', ,: .;: , •1' i
Tettiii" - • b . ' '
~ a l ' ei ,,, Pr r -
, • --- -A r. iflaßtar, SAT g; 4 • ;• •
', - ,:'• :.; .--.;.,, 4 .".:,i - i . :, - ; . , 'l: . .jri t •- ,,, .:.- 6 •:.:' 'n.•'-i:','. ' • •-. ' • • :
rogr, ouhilifibei, will„. sell at public; • sale on ;the
...IL ~premises;an- F ItIDAX' 1h0 . .27th:0f-SePtetnber
. 100, illat-Yeleatilei, ,!,-;;; : ';; i • '• , .-i• :•••,:•,,-:
,now. bi46,`.o . '4siptnCi:of, , .anitp . riq Bitrier t aituateatil
- theeboriiiikliV.lklebliatliiiibtli*,•Catillibriand Ciitinty:'
The property, ii.oiiitifeWi*oltifelote to•the s depot. I
The whole - of thfi fdlildliig)eri6ivOiliiiint been a eree- j
teilmithiandie liist-Thiletletiiis7iWO q
t is iirge tied ;
eonprendiopaintvinirtioni sufficient io•accommeilatii ;
alarge-ernumbei , oll;persons.ii There .is l attanhed•ta .
iheialandma , tensive..Stiabliag o an-Ine•Holise;- and all •
Other ,necessary out•diouses.•.iAlsoAlfratitC HOUSE.;
near sa Id :tavern ',mend; en,,t 4 e,rall, iroad'Avell fitted . ?
for'patore or a private kiqggirO. 4 AlllO, 1C large tmo '
.8104 ..Founp:,;;•!,..-. , :f, J , , , f,, i ~, ,-1•,•,,,•• ;n , •”•.1.1.-: - “ . .ii
.: • "" WARRITOIISR ,'I' e nbeve:itiatriiid,boiciiih i Oti'lhie iall road )
.neatilih 'erilelitit,ddiiikaiiiiiildlingliid;trdniitheroail l
so:the Warehouse Tpe,, , prOperty is hiloo.d .- erder;
rind. Vie Attedls• that ii liatr.Of I t:roartie i j u sed tiy..,; a j
fiuni tali' a i•bildelinoi; There is'ottailted , hithe abcivei
propert i es nia0111111Loteol• ne• • -,ii„ , • ; . - Air, 'I .•. •
,• •• ,
..•!- ,••': . ;;;I ' ' CX1 .1.--)l 3l) l P k ai&L.J . *-
- --- '
• The,whole Of ih'epropertiei will be'ool d
ahoy mi EliFillidilelraiavvill - bestintiit purchasers.;, l
Any . person desiri4 to keep,a Board or• Coal vard
.nould , :eci-.ol . oinitio-than-thatl-that-pfecred 4
= %Sale to - commence at 12 o'clock, 141%
Alginc l / 4 iilf be given and terinsmade'kn . oMn by
-- - - - • :.- -- SAMUEL' , IHEILY. -, ' '
August 7,1&i4. : • •-••--- • ;;••.- . to-41 •
SiDnig of _'l empera,itce
e IIE-tinlidriotihe
9, artife ..poas.of,Tararterantav,o9--11t6.-Strite'ofi
l'enntylirsaila,7 , 3l 7 ,iliffieet evetryiFhureday cuing,?
at 8 o'clack;'at their Voilgtfin ‘ .64t . ,t,outhe:r stiTet,
.. -. . ~ .
. ,:—. , ,:-.lProposats' foi•_.l . . tl. .... •
..kII4O . P.CSALS orilllie recielvetl a il The 15th of
tAugitat; for 500 . 'eortis seaioned AK NitOOD,
to eAelivered at Ditikinsoh.College, Carlisle . ; ..
- Apply tot . ; '.. ~ tGElo ; ll..CßOOKg", , Stewarcl. ;.- -
J.uly 51,1844. . .' . ' St-40
ETTEIM tesfanientary -iipiet the. will of Mrs.
2_41 Isabella Love, late of Carlisle, deceased, have
been granted,iirtlue form of law to Alexander G.
Gregg; all psrsons having claims against the C estutb'
'of the testatrix, wil present them - for settlement,and
those who eremitic make payment to - -
'ALTX NDER C. OrtblGG, Exe'r.
July 51,1844. - 1 -41-40
. .
ETTER§ orAdinlOisliation on the Estate of
- 1-4 Thomas Wallace, late Of Newville,dea'd.•have
been granted to the subscriber residing-in Franklin :it
_township. -All-pErsons..-havinrclatint. - against the ,
eshite are requehtedio present them s ihr settlement;
and those knowinc themselves inuebted to Make pay
ent immediately to' - -
July 31, 18.14.' 6t-40
• • 4"tice. •
Lt. persons n re hereby notified that letteim -testa
4molary: on tbe.ldst willautd Testament of Ntiii= 7
Aly„Tlingei, late of South :11iddleton t ows) 0141; Cum
!wailful county, Pa. ilec'd: have been this day been-
MEMO httle&Regisier in - and for the Said County to
the sub riper rCeiding in the.'Same township.,_
persons having:claims or demalidi against the estate
are requested to niake knoin4he same without de- .
Icy, those indebted to make 'sty memin
• • - - CHRISTIAN 11E1211,
• ' Executor of Nancy :ranger, dec'd. •
July• 81; 184-4. 6t,40'
JBST 'received a, fresh simply •of '1:m10=1111's
Hoot Marone?, assorted kinds, kids, straits,
French, Dress,Bronzed and undressed Women's
Mottcesn ..aLsoYeraw,,Pinkan4--White-idoingsmit
July 51y..1844. ' tf-40
0 . es : 0 • • Ves
~......._. -1- •
. •
" . 7 .
' ''
' ' ' ''
" • .s.q.;
MBASE tO take notlce that the subscribtritill7
keeps his shop,in Ilarper!a. Row; No. t, two,
doors north otArigneyli Store, where lie keeps eon
etnntfron hand, arta will manufacture toOrtler
QC' the very latest Soda as
Step: Extra Black Beaver Hams
, do do 'do Nutre •do
do do . do. Cassimere do
dodo do' Illble'skin arid 'Silk
do Mud BiPearl:Casslitiere do
do • do • Alen's & Boy's Sporting do
All oh which will.besuld at very moderate hriceattv
suit the times. '
Now, then,fehoW eitizenB7—call if you wont har-!
phut; and whether you hay or not,;c.utt.--Us there;
o_chargeAr_sitowitig-our assortmeut:—
• • 'WI!..LIA;NI. 11. 'TROUT.
9f,11844. tf.401
Valtiable - Ilopel•Estatei•
—-- ATTpu.tir.. - AcisAm •
ilt, subscriber,.aExcoitto,r of rtiliees.!
, sa,ic , ouAlke
riOice, Op 'F',llll4Y,ll,ie,.,gptli *or Acptepb:r j 844;
Ate followliiitleeribett Rest ,EiStute, to 'rift A. tract;
or iii74t _ ,, t....... ,,
LIIVIESTOZia•LiMpi, - - •
COutaiipt* 5,8 cares a i d :measure - 4
The - WO iii , Jilifinietl AO In a liigbitate - til•cUltivii..i.
' lieu The imiworementsarid pqw ty/olish 4 y w,entlki
erbtizitildifart r ak,`ll‘l) - *l34lC#oll'.;atitl.ol'bilii.,r,
oNoioe, (mite of , /titer •oem , ,t4 .'
' .11161Ntooklitz ineai ", the [S jppullp
roe tnwnsb p; aotl`la' ; bp'thnded 'by laude" ;Wllliam
Ifiikit thO:propqrty-iillf Ge
iiiltr4ll6l 4l cilic-leite . 4.
rnupp,e,4l.o.97cloal s g,4l.3oodanii . giitii and
tutyclolinoimby • • ' A .1
.'''EieCutor'ot Gen.
..rukr 31,11844 4 Y.. , F.PE
,' I.A ~.
E=l 2MI
-- - IF 116-1......,.. __ .
'WE:44IIW bud Eastpennsborough Mutual Fire'
I,llonturanue Clomplul OF Cumberland Countviu-t
eorporated bja an act al Aasemblyiia oovrr Iltilropi
gailiaed,`and In cnlerrationainder the nianaOment o
the e i m olloning eortniaaionera, 1 iz: )1. , ‘1 ~ i . ‘ i
Pktlblr l l4l 9 °4*.lliTlAV/1/ 4 nOrgll,34i':Wi
I yer, Chr ettim /ap t michael rlleover, Hear
Loop, Michael tool ira, fienJatulll ;Al,,,,strrill i
MerkelaaVOlOile , John SaaVely, no and oh
ItliolciAlivilo reglohirOl4 cal) the attf:allop a tlid
bitltens ot Cumberlindand Yoi.k ah'antiee,tolfe,lo
vatifagoi +ahlch tho iaoalitol Vold oat. '' l ''' '•,
l'hoiatiiibC,tioaianee st.r",4o'lov 441,094 1 ) 1
as aril CpOikatztir gni kilo pit OM ;Stale. ' Yereoli
wjahti; to beggattytteatheri ar invited to teak
aliiill HO to the ageafa 6r i tiie ',lithcanar mtkchar
yiTthi Tolsitit Opots them at 1 thiev— ,
_., !
... r ". ;/.IAOOII3 blry...,N# rat
Itfiettit4l6gip:NVf4 tehal fkoir , --' ~
Lent i t 2 l. ,6 m , mnt r; vpl,llf , i , 4.
'' ,' P'',;'' '",; , I ,Atio ll *t; t :!, i , , ' c l
Itioatael itooyorbeaorocAoolaohatgamlf
orPh Miqiqf i,r t i,(o,, 4 t ~, ~../1 4 , 4 01, Olok 4 h ,
14 ooklll• Arl.n,t‘
Wu ) leakiall,lPl:Z,b , 4-0'0 , ,8. 4 1 , .
''/ 114 P 1 1 1 11A itt:4t:t;ftjir!t irl- 5 131 2' S
3 ' Otat atrui-w , V 0:1 i','?" o. ,, r44 . 4 l3 l l i iii titilio
Y , nityd wiritn,o-A , N ,P '. l. 44 "0114rialtilW0"4
-)144 - islik tiketititiOiltforNVbiog pr,
r; ' n 43000 filri"ol x Pr . w, ,t ~, „r 4 , 1 -
,0 . h.i , kj a4 ;ei l l'Aaletiiiikrg t
1 aje I it t P,2 T # : ,....t $16 , ..:,... 1 „ ti .,,
:i f iy - --A.:' ,, iJo sliet p k
op tit ; If , , ,, 1 ,r41 i - ea. if0i4.14, +0
.-: in matinpooPty4 , lV
Irfo liq wiltimAMfte4r,
.0 0
.#314, 4 4,va z i (s- ; 4 4 ,I CIT ` II?
904 ' "'lP 4 (Ptiol*ol ol 4lmt,lo
qt triregt tope,
' . 311 %
iltrOilrirelfriefektriairen-,toralr fief - ions iiierelive
ed,.that.thiLtellowingecooiints Ltye been filed in!
,thisriffiee rot , examination bythe aCcountinta therein' ,
Warned ; andinoill.lie.preamited,to'the,Ornhatifs,...ourt,
of.Curobeeland,connty roe. conlliination arid 'Allen , .
ansetintTuesdatthe - 20th - or - AingestOc',ll";ill 2 l4;
viz Orre:1&: 4 -;;; ; 1
11; The .aicourkt. oriHenry- Irvi Administrator - , or
2 The aceount or,Sarnuel ;Anderson,: atlinhl•
isirator;with:themill annexed-of JohnV,llliatitson,:
.Es . q.late.'l,:d . the, city, or„Charleiton,' §ooth (*mina, .;
,Tbe accenat,or,,Citri Warr ..Herr,,Ailministratbr
••'• ' • •
I , A.:Whe, lornankti(riavid.liOm_eir:Ein. .A din km a
6ater bones.non Whir. titti will,annexed.prilne§b 3
Itiortio; - ' . ,EaxtT . ennelnieougli, :tOwnahrii, Ilex; •
',...4.;,rheaccatint .ofjacob .i!risley,Acheirtistrator of
John ' Eberly , late Of Si vet; . Spring. township de
ceased: „
d:;!i'lteli al;naeount of Ilidiar.mith and fumed
Administrator6erßilsar4orith,late.of New.
toa.tinenrlim deceased.---.'.,--,, ..
The ttatiodrit of Willfarn Common, A tlndali.
tratoi• with thie will nnooxed or .latiohllaber,htte or
Northlalishtleton,lowashin, .. . •
trheacionater at`ristiao;Staymaa, - ffiecutor of
'lll,lehael Roby; late of East Peimsboroog h township,
. .
,o;llloactOrtat 4 - Jaistitylikeheimer;•Execulor of
Aildrew.'lloi•aticiiner Jute of the Eltfrough'
,chanicainwg 4 ileccasd •. • • -
The ociottnitif ,Samnel George, Achill otietrt
tor„of: 'Jitcoti - •l3Covenan,.laie of East Peithotobroukh
' ' "
The - account' of 'Aloieg.finov&•.•kiltninistin
lgr....ol_3aCelt jlooier,iate_of_East_itettustiorough
te‘rnship decoase.4: - • •.:'• • •';, •' '•• ',
'1;3: Ihe account of:Daniel Exgoiito,Cof ,Sob:
„,13 ,, ,,Thq_uccount:pr:1011,6-P.tOignsvAiliiiisiotra.? -
ter:ofAlni• lAitc , pf Dickinson Limn=
- ship,
deacased.. •
- 14. -The account of Isaac Ncions; adnuitiitrator or
Sdatiiel Wi!tl k taie of„NrewtoOtoiv . ealiiii:tleneased.:
IVTht.'necqunl. of Jelin Brownew4,ll;-Ailutinia , -
• 16. The account:of..Peter nurnhart,
ior of illartin.Elnidap, , hile of Silver Spring
ship tfeeeased.T . •'. • - ------
.• 17. The aceriUnt of John 11. Weaver,- de - bones
non with -the will annexed 'of .161111 Sanderson, lute
alSorth ,) , litldliton township, deceased: -
11i. The Cawainits of NTlliam Carothers, Execu
tor of Afithciny Black ;late Of. Chlinsoti loWruship,
deceased... -
— l9. The account of W . lllhim it. fiorgus, Administ
tratot' With the will annexed of Solomon Coigns,
latemf_Allen towpallip, deceased. ,
inienuithif -- .l6liießelinek=*slinTifriftore
Ineotr — fingle; - late - of : the_borouglvolShippenshurg,
deeenseil. _
9.l•.'The account of Dtivid Eckert Administrutor
of Lenard Thrush, late otNewton township deceas
22. The neennnt of 'Catharine- Duncan (Formerly .
Catharine Dais,) Administratrix of Lemuel Davis
Into of the borough Of Sttippinsburg. ,
93. The tienOunt of Samuel Mumma; Gruirdian of
Jo'an rnituir . sinv of Benjaniln WG.ser, de
ceased of Frank ford townsitly;
94. The notounf ofEmanttel - LiFe - littitrilian of
Me'Unlit Iletrick, Minor daughter of 'John Hetrick
hate, of Diitkinson township, deuesnted:
" JACOB BRETZkßegister%
.Itily 20,1844.
INOialphlet Lagos.
$C ~inplilTila~ws for 1 "& i+4; lirive : Ucen —
ed nt thitt office and are-ready for - delivery to
those entitled to reorivo them.
• , TILOS: 1-1: CRISWELL, Prat)
,filly 24,1844.- ' •• . Bt-SD
Stray Co . n ' .. - ---:
to . the ptites of the striber in Neil ,
C111:_f-ton towitship;Cutitberlantl connty, about the Ist
~,,‘.......,_ id , - ,'„.. - of Kite hist, a BRINDLE
if . itifilllitp;r4. COW. • She is suptipped to '
1i..434' 03 , N', ,be shout six years old, has:
Xvs i . Ibe - right ear 6iftiff, a piece
• .'
. taken out of the )01, anti a'
..%;‘.;..,,, * :.. ‘. . white stripe till along her
• ek. The owner, s ye.,
nitrated to conic forward,prove prwerty, Pay 'charges
and take her away. •
July 17, 184.1. --- - .- 3t•-38 ,
• • • ' .
. to tto pretat:es o tto an era er in out
NJ Middleton township, on Friday the sth of.luly i
inst. a BAY HORSE, about Mrtt
hands high and nine or ten years' Id.
Pa, 3 . 7,7 He hasp black maneand tail and tl ee
white feet, with a Eta white spot in ,
ed to come forwArd, prove property, pay charges ,
and take itim 'Away. M. M. EGE.
fitly 17,1844 ••
Nlile District Coisrt of the United Btatee, for the;
Kastern District of Pennsylvania, -
In dig matter of the Estate - of IlslanTut G. RUPP.
of Shiremanstown, Cumberland county, a Bankrupts,
all persona interested are hereby notified, that I
on the application of.creeitors ' on Friday the•Yd day'
of August next, at nay office in North ilanov,er street
proceed to audit and adiust the accounts of.
P. F. Eke, Usti, assignee of saisinankrupt,alld stinke r ;
distribution of the fund paid into conrt t and that all!
creditors whb sliall , nbt have proved their debts'be-4
someone me, ,or somone authorized to tike such proofs,
and file the samiewith nut by said time, will be ex- ,
chided fronkall benefit of .the Wads. for distribution.!
, .1011 Ft. lIARFEI4 . ,
tenimistsioner, in Bankruipty._,
• .
• - Bankricp . tey., ,
N ihe.Digeitst Court
L Eastern Dhariet ofjlennsylvaniat
71n thrtifaiireral7,lP::SEheri alliinittiregibqatritd!
ebintrelltalipteatrltepoil — Oreornrnassionere maki
!jag (heiritettioo of feed. IktS: 410 July,Sth, ) 844, and,
ordereq•hy. the.coltrl: that witice to, t),)veja.of the fito ,
ing, of this repqrt, and 'that, Sateritay the.lolll of
Ruq, I 844 r tala ofeloek A, M. at theDjetriet•pourt
roogrio,the, ear of PhiheleliAtia t -iv appointed 'far
ttine and - phfee - of - hearieg77Alertifiegttroorille7Rl7-'''
"" • 'ollc nr tfii • ;
• istriotCourt
. ,
011:44,R,:r.j -4
• '•fx.,:.;;;',. r
r,noliscil; and Pelaitfiro6oy,4hoe,at!di ;
Oppoitite.Antlrew..7ioherttit •
11014.441rEjust eetitynetlfram thetaityAnd,hatte
.1.1. - .el'aillexteptivifftutsorterienti. of...GROCERIFS
Aiteutts4areitS ti oesitud._l3boteWitt .VunoiAtttletlesi
to whjuh th4y rcapeotfolit Invite the uttunticitt of the)
pulitio,...Theyht , eidetirimued slut ;will tel:4)1,611%11v
.'nanny. other. stitiviii
tCavliale, July 3, 1 61.4. : • tf-38
.of tollitisloo. 14egislaiard
or. Carniall”yealthaf : Pennay !Tanta; ran a reaew.i
saiP ,Jiankby pakae: end
atylo of ilia ”Caviteir. &rm." II le-isktendp4llll4
Idlall•stokvgAho - samo'CaPllal aGi tt# l,o i ,
',.riNTl!'r,eo4iiiirireirjbauaand; Dollars, ror,c-ttl
.gpggato ottigit.gclittpUing.arkd diegoileglAtimogmm.,
• •
BY Pogrd.'gt lilregfgr h
~•u l mili•liillitin,to±,t: . r • • '
t 4,y 3, t 8
,001.1.4, Ni,419411. 4 PY:41,tt1V
IlAs Jupt.TVW P k i3iffidorrit nd
now Ive,n ng I
Consistingln pats Of she , t , .
&GO tlutidu'AboudWesi Bide dud dther Y ebt 'or
Splendid Firenols land ißuslislt t casiltnereN entire ly
eases, stylkii"-,'diTt "VI s "l!' . ' 4- T 77 7 '
Riehtlirssoltlialiarbted and Mouse de Ldleesnedt,
Fresseh,poinlettUtdes, euthilyzued,odeds I 4
ilidekiand C4thired livegevendXsee9st) , t‘
aiiilri)ohibpones 3 ' , 'l' m•lior' 6
rpldetekliMidliTie iTieWin,.
4 16 / 4 44 4 0 0 W? 1 1 , 6 04 Pr — '4 lo--- " ---
- r
Utak i ltir 41 7 1 -- WIRDISMSir 777-
loVll4Via6.6lllti:ViiiiittOnplitiptillie - Tetgi, •
that are,requirecl for their presertation, kat
an ffling;;PluggingrElc., oq.,will ititterd
the less of theni, - hy inserting : Artificial Teeth, from
a single Tooth; tosailll sett, e
.-- 1170flieeron PittstreetTafer-Aents - S9gtfrof
Rai road
N. - 11;:llr., Lone:devill heithe'etitfitta'Ctullsle j
the last ten cloys, itreeeltsientlLl
• •' ,, iitSOl l .l.CE - 4: 1,, ; • :::
Retieut•aret, •hereb
litittliinniatratkmAtttbd t iidam,M';4iibilArb late or
South Milks!Linn toiftistit t '.:Poinbertandeonnti de
eltintedxint 1600 IliYtlin - Rer,ister
and tin' the said tionnty,-tottiikettbseribett who-resides
its the township;Or•NortkMiddletnn: persona
having elnimstSr demands against the estate of the
said denedent are•reryttested4o,• psakit ; known the •, ' 4s s
!Dune withoutrlclac, and those indebted - to make pnv
01 0 41.0 • - . /
JACOn-t11.9 Mtn' of
I I Bt.
June 9.(411,14
S tvoiking - ilivno tlieselkard limeinMiertrs todie
tb6 , ortleP , Ob the , INV .dmiaig -The 7 tailbet, of the
116robgli, the, pnbseriher:doesdbt feel inclined go be
.more backs-aril •tlnin hi the work of
reform -and ilierefOre.romeatfully„announcei to his
reads Ow the future to'. work as and if needs
.r—rirrhao% it little • thulium - Toe anV of his'-fellow
rya% andlie - TvitraD in the, neatest acid most
hle` st.,) le.
Ills shop is at the 'hid •atatifilh s tr eet;Higiirt two
doors west oftlie.goint klousih anddiredtlyopppsite
fierteins Hotel, adierele_Willm all ilines be found
Arid'abietn' please an who may favor him
- with their custom. . •-• ' '
lie reternaliiii Sincere thanks ;for the. lib6rol pa•
frininge he heridorore - received . - andrieajjetifeyt
-solioits-wrennthqin - ee orpTiblie #teo~; remember.
when . ynii go store pi inireitnie.a Boat, Vest or
Pants,"thot tiksubseeibeFt• keeps iteheep and fashion ,
able shop, and that he is determined to be behind
pone of his conteinporitles'in - anrthiiiv — t - 7 — r
•'"' • •:••"'" AV..MoRIieRSON.
June d 13,1844. • .
' .• FreeWairiiiral of .
B EST Cognina 'Bran
yilcioak.prde Sherry. wine
Palo ; do —do pale Madeira do
. • Common -'- --ilir;Chatniiatrie , — do
Holland Giii Port • do
Old Rye - Whiskey co Lisbon do
Aenomtic Ns& Brand, AMMO do
• New England Ruin, French cordial glo
All of which will be sold at the lowest prices for
each. ' Tavern keepei3 and others, are incited to call
and examine the Stock or the subsc riber at his store
in South flanover 'street.
Cnrlisle, Jane 26,1844.
tallilaßla aipaiaost4
Trig_p i*ropriet retleetfully infeenia'hisieleitde
Mid the public generally,ibitThe_ii i -s-filteti up
the establishment theCtirlualeSprm g/3,41(14 now,.
prepared Tor a oromodatin; • Comfortablyot largo -
numberof • ____ • • ,-
. TicunsPnlNGis - • 1 •
Are siitotied lbur - Miles Mir& of Carlisle, and OTC - 66
mM smith of Sierret's - Garcalferelviety - accom4
mbilatiowfor ',Ftavellers and Visitors may be re.
lied on. -_ • D. COEtNMA N.
.Imreti6 i 1844. . • • •.•• tf-35 . _
• N. It. Coraforatide conveyance can be had by ap
plyingat the Liverys•ofo: - W; Hilton or•Geb; Hen , '
tile, Carlisle, or at the C.
Boas and
riVE Subscriber has just received, in addition , to
.JL,liis former stook. a large and general assort
mint of Ladiea . and Gentlernons
Ingather with a supply of J. Willie • Woman's and
thilikens shoes, all of which 'lle aan sell cheaper
for" cash; thati they haim overheat) sold in ihisplace.
'All .rips aesved gratis.) also an assortment of
'id nod'
- iderate prices.' •
•e WI aso mane ac ore to, or er, a in
H.Ota and' shoes, of the best materials, cheaper than
any other establishment.
Tik - publio'wduld do.well to call-at his stand
lienot.dfstreer, neatly opposhe'the Carlisle
Rank: m id:treat door to the new store of -Arnold &
tinsirrie; and examine his stock before pCreSasing
else - where... , • • j
earilitc: ; Juuo ~ .10$ 1841.
•ilkilYE RS' WO AVERSTJCK hbve just opened ad
IVA extensive assortment of pgt.lGS,seleeted with .
great tare and warranted genuine dnil Pure. Phy
sicians and-Coubtry lilereltants are requested to call
and ex amine their stock before purchasing elsewhere.
ALSO. • • - •
, A large. assortment pf. Paints and Dy.e-Stufts,everl
warranted pre mid of the best qualitfr, or
'no Sale.? Dyers; PO iiterslifitt , Pulleva are requdated
to call, As we are determined to sell the cheapest abd
best artielei Of this line isilreinarket. _:'_•
Rooks auil.StationaTy. ,
We hie 'nailed to our usuallabaciii - cholce Idea
The largest as sortuscca: of CIUTLERY,ever„ offer! ,
'ea" ibis ' plbeC = ;kgetlacr oith must kilacuiablo• °
-PElt Ft/ ItY And -Panty Jrotiotrit.' t-: I
~,Caiaiolci.Jung 19,4844. - if l9#
at .Cuinberlaacl;
Franklin ill; Ferry,' Cpigittlea.l:, , i
iiillpsce . ll)9p on'pra i,~maelfto your go aidgra
ipo o lvaßEsk
at ensuinitenerli eleetioti, t;WthelirinitiOlee or
a_prot, oo tiverarkr, ood ,if-4ectit(l wil,l,digehArgptbe
if utie6Of ' tbe"ofilee'telbe beit Whit ' .
HORqh, F.. CAIN,
ti ' sod Bois lihss
operio ClOgßby. •
• Juuc e • • • • .; •
preset ved p iimer:for
,salo, by:, .31:fiep kJ -L*.
• - P , •
Browik :Scositm fqr ludo bf
' . . -- TirOmkapcoun4 piaci* s. • •
1I; ""tl6
heat eitvenclisx, o aF49, egys, or. SA by
.111vpriik •
..!v; ki IsAigagiorg;.,ll
-a••••-• '
- - PHEw#PT,olat
416 444 4 14
:v1,40 (1A4114 4 . k• 4,•;' Irx •
.by Al o ye :4 N ,4i itlgltll—tti4 , 4 ; f4 , !: i. fO ;, ,t :. :it .: .i- ic7.!*,, !'LPru! :4t:. j .,F - e ,::? . ;..''.',,;,'. :-H:.
r el#4lBit • 110 4
41:3: 1 'AV00,0,1siiiciukt iecci)4o',*t ride)
WhesVictililtrtnlenttgiutiYi,‘,Yr '
.3:Rhimiektebilig, we
;:dr et;4;
, AY.,I,IFrPP44OO.
• 2m45
0i 1 a...b7 . 3ti' . .''.