Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 21, 1844, Image 2

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    'o,ltO:r4 - 0..- 1 4 . ;.4 . 1%5),.(i.i'tL'
'i - E . : - 13EATTy,'prr0p. , :iND.F,...4..nA . :9 7 1 . -,:::y1'1,
- TOARiILIOL - .%,• -, ';P*Z
Ireilizesday, August 21, 1
0- 41 -6 1
of:the. PeoPte:j-
F'. i t '.
8006)4 1 111GS IN -CO
. 1 011, lkt Ithe CLAY • Bril LE !'lllllll i;nuiuled the TAIL
A till lid solilitrs ore:pouring froinhuntlet eel t I,
, :TO flak 'urinal(' the. ittinilard of.jtiglietl mai right, •
40, the pride of,peir soul i ttuti,the sovoglit of their
Arid the .inemtin , whO:stailds in their:oth
As they press tot_hef eld in the gloom of their wrath.
thottskudbright Winners ere ben:fling dohigh
5 , ..-gotthbeftritig.otte watelt word,' We eon(' eriar
~. . . .
• ''''': '' r i te-Vi 111. ASS — EgTipia
ta , i --- -- in Ctllis'bo rOuilt- 00- last,
turda . y . "--'itist,
';itr.r:e;o6 i I,''o anOotinc,em nt; . an4 a prouder
. iliii i iiie'thq good yi11i : (4 , .. , ao. ' gee titiy 7
Adiii; • ifip .• 01. 0
i deal annals lit", ' umb'erland
CObn'ty., How 01 welinder ite' to de.'
'et•ibizi":the r; 'rtfagtiiferit'spedr,ial Whicli . .it
prei'itited?' Where Aild terms to speak of
tlielti - titilleWll - 6§ - 2 --- 61 - 1-fliiiii-i?ft-o'litili-e-d,
-- " ,- tty - thelatherilm?-the mighty, aVelatiche of
hfirrianity; wifiich,- with ith massive accOr
froM• hill-side and Valley, rolled
in upoit :our . towit*t Saturday.?: We ac
knattlbilgeeur inability to tlo jtistice to the
• occasion: -Na larigtiagican"give any thing
----likeelust-idea - of , th-e‘grandeur-anal - sublint.
....-itylikthelorgeotis , 'pageant-z-Tlte-':`oldest
-inhabitant" was perfectly. astounded—the
most sanguine - tv'hig - Whe looked -for-"-A
rush;" was struck-mute with astonibhment,
at theoverwhelining tido - of people which
for several hotels poured in one uninter
rtipted and endless' stream through every
avenue of our borough. From every toulli,
from every hill and - Nalley of our own and
the neiffnoring counties, came forth their
gallant' end_ true-hearted sons,
.to swear
new Theirallegiance and fidelity to the tin:.
, altered and unaltdrable prinerplgs of . the:
•The Farn - rer
ic aban_tioned his
- his .Work--the
ysician his pills
---0"-come-up-one and all to the GRAND ,
1A 7 4 - 4G,COUNDIL ! : -Itwas-noHidle
geant; no_enapty show which-thus called
`together tlila-f ast.assemblage.- They met
under the eenviction of the importance of
the crisis in the affairs of our country ; they.
came with stow. hearts and stalwart arms;
to dare and do all that men should in de
fence of their country, •their . homes, and
:their firesides. They have•pledged them,"
solves 'again to each other, to 'bend every
energy-ckt_mind and body to save from ru- :
-, ininot only the Slate but t h e Union.
vAs`te the ectudi numbers assembled upon
this glorious occasion, theestiinates we
haVe'heird differ very much. • Many gen
tleinan'do not hesitate to place'the number
atfrom ten to twelve thousand. A more gen
eral opinion its, founded from the best data
.. ;oft-his field
that could be obtained, that:the numbers
ietire" v st - " - "a`s -- s' - emblage.tli .- d - . - qi - t' -
f,9i - 1 - Short of . EIGHT THOUSAND!
1 , ,i4 are informed by a gentleman who as
certained. from actual counting that nearly
seven hitrulßiel etwlfift . y tCa6ons , caritrigeif,
and ether vehicles arrived in town bring-
Mg people to the meeting Besides these
, per6Oiv9 'oo_loot._111;ose • that arrived ...on
the reil7reiatl crowded to their utmost forty-.
11 jt . ..eiar . -From these facts-soma idea
roaTjoe:formed of the vast <congregatiwsn
_tithieh:the-oceelon-brouglit-togellter ; :-. We
Weisr . itttempt to detail seems:if the prin-,
rfeattires of. the great day.
betir".9.tibir iietfie"'Streets.
"Altholigh the evening ',Afore was kloptny
-: and siiiiiaj ehhtiefilifrifterided, tinfavoiable
weatherille'pleirliitig',Ot-§60n1 17 4awned
as likrghtfy :ri'if,i;e s oifully 0, .'l:l 3 i o n e cgpfl .
A. .
__ " ..1. .... ! iff_f f.a irc r. , .e (h :-4-'-,.',: .9-
,-,.:- good
g- ,-:ta i' lu :-; th - e 'he
'WA' , sY,era : ,rlrTllir;:to ' CffglateTthf
itenratii*To •theipecisionr:andliurfair
' hands of theladie'''Wei ) Ueatillaldd'in'etet3'
• qfartetof , the in,fileing.leeteful dee
nradanaliri.mPr..;W. ~n ge. , %cry .Wlig
- imohi town exitih
No., 'some niatufaela;
i tion 4i t f the glowing apt. athi,whielt gush
': d6 - inNioiliii'ii'litQ, 'When a highand
add r hAy:dallsO_Calfejo,it k_her--puie often
'' titlinii, '' - 13ainie;:t1,;' - ',f1.4, icalineria, of.'et;el
::; , : .-:'.--iL6Ai----,-.-----_. ..--1.-----
Open, 4.CuirtitleKo?pnc ,pkliflaics:eqpirt . 3feds'
,witiilauref':wrot ( t,,,Al i l,,d . ,!nko44', iv ilk
fe r ij l olis t ''C'll l:° g a .Vil!.. rl) . ,o4o i l Y , e4:i i l
nu n pro hi sion
. 111 cycyyquarter of t h e t9y,11,_
- .- -. 4. 658 0 4 . - -ioercf*treetsp Viligreen' arches
• and: fall:tonna'. ,wcit.):. Ocelaily ' thrown al
* '-iii?iiitYl.fainWiliili ie
. . . . . ~.,..,,,, ~...,,,. ~ ,,1
OP frilif4f,weiei, Ow ,briillml....ll,;pws , an
strippe with the,Tinuite,e, of ...Cl,:tv,;Fite.-
itrinlttrtiliiNjflnkfiLtia4 ' nn".eaaTiliinf I
to tile:liiiiiii.itlittedtiCi-Or ihoiiikin ii most I
itiOe• ;10 ! i Biqa
. ink flfkiVreOl'Qtith'ikirheieng
ti daliv
,3":,Wlllgiel ‘011;;4; fill'efght
r 5itt1e.,91,?1!4, kiPe'r'!"of ca,llailit'enic!o.o
4tY, .1,,,F1-,
94 hotisrl( Pie der Baling
venl34B, ituklS' iq -tiini* w ; twa
og a' ,4)4
g t
ilit4 titr4,l,l, , ioptilitiiio*, )afr9227
11WITTliti fi !' . 4rTitif4; t„-o,loti"tl9F
or n' '',ltlitif-k. iiini,,,,,ttithat .3
. 49tivt5' liiiii PltiliArrTAwr:,i'f'
114?-1:8‘?°)4VV'Infr's n,itlikl4:,'
,- t JAL
IftLiipt tL , , , ,,
izolo.iivitil,f7Q, , itktft4lllo;,o,
'l"4".:L ‘ 'o 4 4 * l.A
forigiave hinnt istvorten-Arieof in Ahem pit,'
se ion ditßoN
bjiistintia • tiggigifitiii,lmit'o4,4lk
olifil-Wiira - 4 .15 1 -614 - 111 -1,.. 1 4- I *itii i o 411 1
'piefir of
Office--PrOsoripiiiiri—Foreign Labor,
piled in'''Fbtiranuifilniq - ncinfOinr.t :at-. 0113
'9o' l 3r . i?!ikbilt l l ll ,4l'faiiiMl 4 :4o l 94ol l *F
eqUilibriiim , witb-i.its,•tinta on ist, ;platfOrme
An immense iron safetk ;cheat oalled',"Sub
Treasury,": bnd. been -IA dtid
,On. the fitiam,'
iv iiile_inotnions_ %Tights, Infnied "Calhoun
iuthience. l 7 ”13unhanan:influerne:?...V0,1!t
Je .7. Attiallattinfltteneeitj4nd-Hast
and least, "Tyler intittenee,!' Were' hooyedi
on in vsin "effori:443- up-.`foe ` `
uieight: Over the iiliole'wari !Treed tlie
mottoes: :" )',Neighed thU'belari'eU)in'il
found Wantititi"—"Trittli is mighty
will prevail.” 'Pile iron frlunerM;-.WIliCh
the balante swung had . ti Anti footing on`a
massive bleak-labelled; Public opini in:
This weiva 'very l 'itrikiiiinftd) fidirifrible
representation; and ii.the'Satne W.aa•
exhibited:hußaltimaiii'it, the, Whig Yo9nti
tion , of Banners.
rnt,Og qte most. intele6 - stiritilfoceedin'gs
of pieeeiniation of baii
!tors • whielt•'•h'ad•• been pieparod, foe - the
:Whigs of the borough 153i_ seiTthl,iiartie:
of ladle's. .ffrelof theie - Was preeen••
ted at iiio'Oloolt.• ilie , abornine, on behalf
of the ivaim:lieaftecikdies of Soiftfillaria:
ith' and
was received by S. 1/...Adair,•E c sq . . on 'the
part 'of the May . 01tib,•large numbers of
Whom had •marched :in rricesiFn to
place of of presentation. • This banner was
neatly and tastefully decorated, and was
:iitanly - liearts - in - the - Chib: - , 1 • '
At ten o'clock the'Club again formed in
-prdiession .and proceeded to thejesidepce
of W. M.- Biddle,_Esq. to receive a second
fering 'from the ladies, tyho
led -on the . occasion. in very
rs and presented a dazzling
iness. This bannerwas de
lie, hands of threcvenerable,.
~of the Revolution,:
.with hearts still .buinitig -with the
earliest-kindled - fires of Liberty in ot4:,
country, new came fo th to give perhaps
their' last testimonial -- regard for the . great'
Whig cause, w s alining they had - wit-:
nessed in '7 , and through the success of.
-41tich may , enlightened Freedom alone•
hope to be perpetuated. The appearance
of these_venerableladies_me At deep inter- ,
est to the occasion, and • shed upon the
spleoditi offering the holy fragrahce which:
still lingers tlitough a agenerate age around.
the sacred altars of Itivolutionary patriot-,
ism. Mr. Biddle' followed the pre
sentation with some, brief remarks on the.
part of the lailies,and was replied to by
oen: S. Alexander, in a powerful and elo
quent address in behalf of the Clay club._
The Club then bore off' their beautiful-ban—
ner , 'by angel hands to valcir given,' amid .
deafening acclamations which ,showed how.
warmly they appreciated the beautiful gift
of the fair donors. It formed throughout
the day, a
object of attraction,
and is one of the most rich and exquisite.
fabricatietur:of"fertied 'Make that could be
conceived. It 'is formed of the richest ma
with gold, and displaying in w massive gilt
letters, the names of CLAY' FRELII4OIIOY . -
BEN and MitittLE---the_PeOple2S-choice; - - - - ---
- The — reverse of 'white silk trimmed with
scarlet, and hearing
_the - inseription,'
Protective. Tariff, .Distribution; Opposed
line;'L'Preseitted by the Ladies of Carlisle.'
The banner' waesupportedtby an'ash Staff,'
- antl-was - bearitifully - dtiorared7oriStittirda
With Wreathe'presentetrby sevelai la ies.
• Arriv'al of the ' Detegatitinec"'
• Befdkci Aka ree'eiv.inettie •
1:U1116 1 14 'Were thr a with,itie;del=
ega ti One ' :fro in . 'be beriri dike "and
townshipsbegan' to - pour ; lts;'_ln. , nr.iiit side
ken loose , !' 'Never dkl , 'Ve witness a
more •,•eieititie, epeali r el6 7 =- . eiteh •a • •mighty
Oultinide" aez neyir . : poured•in evctry
quarter; of.lavirilliind of vehicles, tilinniee;
each, One; erfi wdUd-tcr the ,utqlbet '?a , it • .;
ple;; .weving..theiribennere iw the sunshine
Eivid.:lending!‘thii,aie-..,woslOft ) y::"::oheere‘,4
The .doicgatiep!: ; ', frdo,the.-Pastelri;;eecticiii
of the county, Allen.; MporPliotc. - , was the
:first to come in.; and the .
vast numbers eOm 7
--ii , -----,4-,-r-- ,----74-1. ;,-'•22...--
prised -w p l # (l 7 h , a T IT
, IngP,qz(!Bf4 meet
ii 4 OeticeiiiiiettiVlK:.'`'itulliiiigi,l3aleiy,ol; i .,
. . close. r ,11..77. ,71" -- .7;11 - 777:7 , : 7,, i , '. 4 ,
PlUti ihl3' .. lll4iiiiiiSO'deleiiiiiiiitiOiii'Adaine
c'Opitti;,.ooofit', 4 y q too r) i
: ...-7 '
.;-;- ,p 19 '
I'.'oo 0 p ~kp;
- iiiiii' - greet4iiii• 4e. ; . atiiiiiitricitii, fel
miles', i n. en .1T ien came, . with ' ' - a.
iiitalikOiharl • iiiPtel-whsnlhu:stii's
op the - ,,patun,!!! several. hundredvor-tel, 4.
titit.:Av.higeifrein , ..PrOl4l.ll..! r eouiityi',l4o:fitp:
tige.!delegi\tiOil,6(,heidy: Snit triieei`fel:
1 ), in,';FfAl(ooiol . o4,4TCl:4l,to-.Pliper,
' , ..'AP it' , h!ii liOt t Y- 4 0)-., 1 0%;.i.,,,,i.,:,,, , . : .10: I
tied.!tiiti:stiiiiertind_'Otinegilii, !,Xisy 4vi mil;
kt)'','' 477$ IliV7.'.,4lA'A;:-,,i;',!lLf.94,:•C`''' '2 .. Pri" ' ' ''''
! " . '" 4 ' ll- TPVA?I , .F! 9, Pig , - ; - .1 - r, , -, :', 9 , ie n T
ifiAllii4. l Wp ll .irqtt iti.f4, , lieflOYliiii:
Mai mc(jiiii.itic. , :*" ,. oi!ql*t;:'llo iiter , ..:
4(l' iiielii.o4lilrfV' ; ixotoliiii::::iink*iii!..
Aliiiikita*AiVi:fklii* IS jiii3o' , 'oq4lliL'tiii4':
'..i • ifiiiieii . :jliii . lo,l,iiirih.'-'.isitilltile64;',''l4loo: ,
§iithi! .... 4oookiii:44ol:4loll - 9i : Witi:
10. iii4ktliiiiii Oity , itkiqlPiiNiiiiiqitiOirje •
iiiiiMk+d'E i liii:;Oih l Wit,o.iji . i . g.4iijsTilliii:f.!`7to;
4iiii0100:#400.40, ' ,00110 4 C" .
04 4 10 01 0 ,0 ,0 ' , 0 *.:f. , , 1 :40
- Af...;.4tito . * ( 4 l !'"Me,l)
6# 1 oti
'itsiiio .' iv
thicli;Alinsiiik 7 collie Are ic • tie '
~,,,,.-,...p , ~ ., : •1 1 ,,1 1, t , _,
JpOyAw.olL i ,... ,. !,,.. tit,
,Jllepin ,
.suAti z %
iiiteeiPve iiiitiOn o:'ileini'intte4o l ig
r? ,il---,
ft 3 Iffitep evII: sr 0 teii, Ina Tiii!eent,
o ,iiteritarankiiinial - eiblimitdtigii•Vii:
cannot hive to convey an idea of 'to any
.9 1 1 P Mho did pdi,w.itneeeit ! ,,li,w.4o.. B io_
',' !IVAP:t!lllt!dj_kr!rt9, l 9,MbP9Pilv ii'tei l P 6 4'
41ere,,,end in ma l l_ all.. prefuldlit3 . 74 , never-milt - hi
again, and , shows , 10 Wg i e . .4 e 111 4 8 0 18
of :a:idgreat nitt.3l- 4 the , al_n are
ken up"' in the nunnenteus 'politiea):strug-,
gle which4e - W.7a - gitatett;th - etenuntry', • .
T1i. 7 4*10.
At One o'clock. rinhonr or se having neon con: .
iLiined-atrefrii6iiiiii6iiiion;fdiriistirieiffleh t t
the r M
are h ale rcotri meli cog, form n git h !foci of pio.;l,
tc;PO4 O -k;4l44yofti:iiirnek";44 ll ,49.u4.l)r°ooo'N'AL
it wag ti6m6;time beforillLimmeuse. t eroWtlNraa
formed i irrragniar order., . The,otir,e • oTOOqiio o l l '.
4,13,..4,1dR..... he:pro - 6.06'6.t0n waa dividOd Onto four"
Divialons 'with alterehal and:6m Assistants to
midi. We Iliad endeavor tagive a doserfption
tticLippst„proqiinent.bittrart:toril hy. r . the differ..
eht 'dOleglitiOne;lirt *it 6: l iiid hi 'Our PO'vrer
tient array. The nainea of the are a, ho
soya ral,,doiogatiOns h eve hien: reported:, to
The •proeeesion,, was god, oft ,hy.,,tho. deltigat!onp,
forming iho
'Mfg . 7,llWlfilfm..,
Aisle t nts, Naji
Rabert' McCartney - end 'Map leseph '4;4114 rt.
The',F,titnkln Cod* 'dale - 614m; nutnberirio-
several - hundreds, led off this divisfam-heartng
- number of banners, the first oI whichmheautiful
puEpie satin harmer 'lan' vOiCh was irpierbrai
gilt hattCrs "We strike from hatred to the .
man; but fpr 4;vo of mai country;'` a most :just.
and appropriate sentiment.' •,. -
The Obrimb...rburg,Clay: Club oleo cartted a
'banner on Which - was inscribed' the fullowing
will defend the principles. Tariff. - Distribution
of the Public Lands. One- term for -the' Presi-
Tho Southampton, Franklin county, Clity•Cluto,
bore a•imaalgul white satin "banner, with a Rill
sizkfilse.nbskof Henry Clay, and a scroll ins c ribed,
"The friend of Protection and Pennsylvania's best
interosts. 4 On the reverse- in gilt letteis,_Pro:
slanted by the hidiee of SouthaMptee. •
• The Mount Rock Clay Club from West Penns.
hero' township, came in strong and had numerous
.banners and devices. This delegation had a corn;
pinto blacksmith's, shop on wheels, with the forge
fire idazingoind two men et work turning out
horse shoes, which they. threw-oUt, to:the-crowd.
Ono of their baimers• bore the Ahegription, "We'
belie raised our Clubs to strike fur our Country.
'West Pcnnsbbro' good for 200 majority." An
other banner was inscribed, Tailff; Distribution
of t v e‘public lands, Salo orpublic Works, against,
Free Trade, Annexation and Tdxation. , ,
. .
-- Tho - springfield Clay - Club - born - a :wliite
nor with the nano of. the Clublitid our candidates
on ono side—on the-.other a attricature of i ,James
IC, Polk tt tag' Tor" motional
Our Union a t is, the*Tariff: as,it is, and ono
_2 U -
• Presidential. term. - • -
The Newville Clay Club bore a,hanner of home
manufactured donde, inee:ribed with their name'.
The Mifflin delegation carried a white .60iner
inscribed Clay, Frelinghuysen, Markle and .a Pro•
Waive Tariff:
- Shippenaburg had a very-large delogntloe—and
set aral banners, ono of,Wlittth was a homespun
hempen buntierOnsoribed, Thet4riemts of Clay,
Frelinehayseq and Markle.
Hopewell and Franktord had each a delegation
with appropriat&bannerse,
The' Fayettevtlle delegatinnThad a. beautifel
purple banner, pingen,ted the - Indica, with per
traita of mkil#44B.#.o.oe.mtil;,9.lAr pawn
Is our Country, and tiiir eandidafee ifq waronist
There wan also a german bannei carried in this
division, inscribed "Unangemessene.Arimit ist der
Freiheit unyertiaeglich." ,
This division was accompained by a fine band
of music from St. Thomas 1p Franklin, county,
who played "Old Dan Tucker" and . other Whig
tunesin Strains that Would "wake a motil
under the ribs or death" They aril all ,enthnst.:'
natio young--Whige-and-contributed 7 largelyio - ther
enlivening shims of the day. , . followathe
Second - Division.:
- 'MarshalGtnil3. - Atxxamitii:TAiiiiiitiiiiti;liiiij:
r A,.I -- 'Liiie; 8; 31:1-1 - diiii; Eiii.': • . '''` - r. • 7 - .-'.
• Thii_Tilvislim_:ottinet'ad., , meoh , -atteritlori: not
only-frOln the-greatviumheii3:Vilitaiiterneil-ou4-
hitt - abie fot i Otilietiety erid singularity of ita pe 7i
nierbei baipiefe iktid.elevieee,7lt ?ins leed,efrlli.
the Adtale 'eeßtity:detigatitiki,,v„ , ,itit; : tiie ifsit:
'N'Yi . tion,tig., tkpin , Petersburg,: .whiek effectually
cleared the tinek tia ii imaged aloni and formed an
Ojeet-4-getievaliadielpg.leoi -- ;;;Thatfetersbitrg: - ,
del9otiCP , l l6 o, - # l o,;iv - PllPCO4P,eiF:of;llhat same'
old old Coon," that gives the Locoe so teuell'Artield \
every tiine be tealt ! 's_hlbspplarFtee',. i , , ,,... . j .,l' -
:llie,..Getiyelourg . whiga had , witlt,tlioy,i',Vielry
beautiful banear:'fitesente&by the ladieii;tlie:friult
ott4h(teiiitili 4 -belniettelegentlikeetir - iitedkr
andi the ipseription,'Proteetlen,indliistribetioti:
' hir„veverie ,blue,
,Pctiiietited )tiikt the Ladles ipf
The Bvo mi1d10c!nA.ex...,.9011109 4rgn nuni
bir,l4 and bsm) ft beß?tifiß,gre.c.n : 1 1 !4 .b/rP.V , inl'
1,i'1111)ii'• with gift: le4era : Vito go for'llome:,ln.
dd4:5 4 . 1 ' On We rayon:bail' tied holding in lie'
boakaPPoitraotidinti dlaY/:—Motto we:reheat'
Preehiont. *larger delegatiOn'oe hardy klhiiva
1 0 ,#q# Fin iTfiwki l k i (soi - Ndali i i - oi - T fare. in -,
ilia orowd, with, a d blobo
, l oado ?ril:a4
,1m) and
tetiiiJielNirii . Nr47 apjit,iO had in blow
wagon a phygbipro in . i!n,rotlb,!ta , TI
, 1
',' The lib:kb:sat .`direit4l4e came precede d by/
boy 6ncho'riebeible idth'ibeir,Oi . aim, raiirOsa liOg
the A.Milhboy ofithiriblehoi;";aad illuati ag 061
bumble' origin ;Oriletol blayo Mid , Olt Rlok4.
hiiorr I delogatioa ',lota 1 aifiaFte , , Id IS itianiieroiii.
itoribed; ThdlioueliWitiotiezpraiala''illaii' be
iideitood:; l 7"ho l diaiaqb ) 46ft(4rdelihilibf q
acffil: iiadliiiliieutifiiitiiiiindireiiii:W,'iii4
;ti tlie &Heil 'aide isi l aidnat4i! . 4;iik iiiiiii4
.. Arfil. ! , 1 k9,71-.3Y, P 4 -Hem p-,*
1 , , i Il i • .1, b , . ...o, to
in'a'ls4ll 4Ci‘ l''i • °:..ooAt i,ii i l ' i '''! ni l u .,.: 9 l 7 ' - f: i p,'
,40 . - firir t ,qal. Onater*9li.:-1 1 11 . 4144iT 9 r
ted.ii9ish`jitoiiiiialr `'""` ;" ''''' '"' ! -'''' '' -
rth ', 4 w- , ) r. from ''it.' .! Will. %,t• ~..,, 1 1., r„,,: . „,,,
9 a gat . on .me To E.9T994119d , 5i ..
'Ori4VlPMslt'ilftt '3.q.loJg t4,,,l,r9p'kap - ,
COlgilit t Wilk flit) Aii ! pquipre vikohlt*, tip #sfirt
ul theY,ltil',444.44+lt3)Yigki#Al44-dy,MOSITOr.
0 ..., j - AtiiiiiiiictliiiiiiiTaliiilciTlqiit!ittirilmf,, , 044
, r ik#4jiil+lli9;9ol9f.9l9ti!tii*oriOiioi,,,,.4oft,
'fel '',l4ti!! ;,l2 r#o6l'* l 4 .
5";,0:11,i14144.4) . *1
4.91.4,v4i- , f , -,-; 4-ii , i,-,14,,,,, , ,,, , ,.4-*.4-,,,q44.4,1
t - ,7l."7,veiriiti**Tehhf44.o4.4.:ol.l.l,t!'
mitvt. 1..
iisl# l 'o4:.,l l :#o - 4:',Oidil - ii.*-o.Ati ,0 1 t ,16 -7*
AtiC 6 j B l 7 -etteoo:o- 06 4 1 : e 071:::'-f'4 4 1 ,,• :' , " : .
0 1 4',4fieM s .iiir . hg*0 61 ii 1 3 1° 41 1 ) :° h*
4 1_
iimui4ra t iiii - :ivaiii:alati'Ai4asiltilli*V.;tiik:
I „O'iiiiiiii;il4o ' .:clitiiiion:4li!ittii4iviii! '
41413).12i,4'.%,}41*,:rin iviiteti aeakjil : .,iiia4;ellaiti
wereliairia the," flail oirsoind 'grain to it', leaf that
showed they were: iicit' s er the lazY order. ' &iced
l ey e l _mr , laket ! , !: T ro •
.p . erlitn!L OpOtked irSlaiitinit
diesaingi sheat:hoii*cir',Oglik`c7'iiiid'arerticither'
eliiiiiithe'.aran'; if loom' ipiiiili?g*lsel : goiiiiin:
. iii .. tritatyle, illehoiv,iii theneeeeeity ; oF , , ii.v.Ter!ff
AriAiiiteet,.or,,ifiime: Yin)iiihry..,:2liiian. having,
Pt!Ps.ediate foli?d , .1? ~ L - I .l l i -' ::.'" . .
1 -.1..f .`, . - T`::,''''' ,-4 4iiiiiiii tiOillaiiiii:
' Thia Wita . .vey laige and i
piesentetlii driet:airaf -Of,ltattners. First' cam&
a pretty',largef dejegatten; . ll , lerii I:l,st•tphin conntp;
theta a:tienriet , :this,ti r iiiileit.c6n:Sqiiitlic:'nf.nh;
kypulya/ 1 00 ' !4!!it!!!? . .''°.# 114 .:
inshribit'd theAante.ettllenry cyThe
oinattiehOd with . gilt Ewell werk. The ye.
,etilitairietl the folitiwihreeknowledg:
ment;-: "Fzeihinted by•Jaines Martin to•the an y
tralDaiffhin Ceanty,'Pa:" . •
Nexicainea-large*delegatleriT.fro 7'New-klum.
beriontiorhospbannirs 'we have, no,note;of.
.The.dalegstioo front Anon toweshiphad a ben
-4irul Winer; &delving to the Shepherastewn Clef
Chip, humidor nurnerous others, and werehere in
iargemium_ J.. . ~„
• The BlOnicie delegation 11Mo:several banners'
the prindipal of which -was alandsonte bniwn Silk
lidnnerwittlajull-sizei -portrait- of Herifittiaron
one side, and on the.otiter..the nanuroftho Cliiiich.;
towri ; Clay •Clubi'erid,.the inscription,, ~w e toms
to the - rescue . ." Another-Was 3 . 1.• homespun . ban
ner, inscribeil,.....Wejefer-Atiscriean Industry."
the Mechanicsburg delegatifin had a brilliant
display of:harmers. Tiiiiffrat, banner bereft rep:
resentatioti frit a gilded ' spread Eagle . ; with .the
matte, l‘Slitinilif-Ilia-thilinl"-:-TA ni - hit - ififie -
Was of pliiinliormi.apun with .e hickory statfibear..
ing the 'remits of our candidates and the Tariff:—
A third banner Was-fringed with ears ',cif.iiheat.
and bore on one side the inseription,„*..licriry Clay'
the poor .man's friond"—on the. other 'side an.
amusing caricature of Presidential balloon lumen.
sions-- ; ,-Messrs. Clay and"Frolinghayson occupied
one balloon .which was .sailing 'gracefully .up to
the' lofty eight of the Presidential chair, While
another, in which , Messrs.. Polk and Dallas un.
dertook the same voyage;., bursted before it had
gone thr and precipitated 'its unlucky occupants
into SaltitiverTh - The MeehanieSburg delegailini .
also borli^iii a prombient'sithatiod a tremendous "
brooch, the meaning of which is well understood
.by.onriecofoco friends..-__..— ,
The Imwisberry Whigs carried i handsome
white silk banner with a, portrait of Henry Clay ,
_the Nation's Hope; ori the other side the insorip
Lion', "Thingiare wrong, wernean to.right them:!..
. . .
riitagl" 11311vIsl on.
Itlarshal,Capt. Jonn- 13+ ,Goan, s: Assistants,
Capt. W. 13.11furray; and Joseph WeibleY. - '
Our little slater Perry, whir is making q gallant
',struggle to be - free from "Locofocoiscri, led' the
van of this division with her inusid and banners,
A larganklegation of Tariff boy? from Juniata
and Duncannan IrOrrWorks, many of whom were
ostraightouta". came first with'niimerous banners,
one of which was inscribed, "Perry county', I.'L
No extension of Slavery, NillSiih. Treasury, thq
Union as it is. In 177 g, the "whigs caught el.
Tory Polk—in 1844 they Will clitckAiiti Tariff "
Jimmy Palk." _
rho lryndisburg delegation !wen tar& Nation.
aq'lag i , inscribed witir , the'-lieVi's „of'Clay, Fre.
linghuysen - aid 'hackle. This delegation also
bore-a black 'Banner with a picture of a Snake,
find inscribed, “Polk's-' - principlea, Free. Trade,
Starvation and the Debts of Texas. '
The W higs of North Middleton tow nAlliErmade
a Silt show. with theirxims banners, on one
of whivh,was a likerm___ enry-Clayethe - Ster
ifriliii - Wee—on the reverse the inscription :
The ntiff as 'it is, a sound National Curriney,.
Distribution of the Public' -Lerida, against Free
Tisde'end Annexattori. - Another handsome ban
ner with's white" *ant inscribed' Clay; Proling.•
huyeen and the Tariff.. Another of white and
blue, inscribed _on the, reverse . with
. .a 'picture
of a Coon
.tramiling upon a 12.00ster.and t h e
shyme"Oh, oh, F lSkfloon; --- riff diiiiirteii soon." .
'East Perineboro' was well represented, and a
-Mong-the latest:gratifying-Of -the-day-Was-the - an,
pci s rando_of.the.!Silver_Spring_delegation, _ who
tuuneilityritannerthat showed., their indomitable
spirit; They ,werep_ .. eceded by a boy -mounted,
ii.firi Feistilig,thri, 4it key . of the ..-911Blies,. trilid:
had lots of Waldo: :Thei Carried a large Nption.
'al fag; im'Which`wei in'ecritid,'"Nal' ail lia the
Aark." , They` had -also: antilhei., bannei'Of Mai
'and.white talk, on/which was a likeness ..of pen.
ra .Clay,. survuitdeliteith spangles and a halfd.
;taunt)Wrualh,:and the ittmiailuililanc 'Spring_
. Whiis: l / 4 4„ . All cif:Pwaz 401C/idiot* had tinswous.
'other inrialL*rintiii": -''
Bringing up the:raiiiof this divisionwerstheen.
thnsiraithilWhige ofetir'ew n gOidly T herti';Pi,Sidfi ,
bearing ithing . thit two lietatifulbiliCers'-prinienteif
ed then 'hy- thetr :feinate :frientla i'lii ,the Moroi
They, lire in high • glee under their !Mashie •- . olliS
9re:' , ,, 4i"21#)1119"!')'!4?, , the welkin ' I#l4l
cheers 's it; everztittilteg they Coca. . zed, a fair.
el l e j iirid a iviVingllfiAliiiif, , viito a' : , utfoW.'a Ale
'Paft%otibi , tii , oeeekileit VPrinltr , 'Press Wit Seint.
at whibliildr:Peerge'Beig ..r 4iii t bilitililifilligi
irli. W.AliliiPgAr pod , . thr: ingici the crowds slip!
O P l ll , l ' o 2 e _ . '!!#! r C4l l, ' ~,,...1 9 Pfit01 "4" , "Ydnitiffil*
glorioue!eleowo !darns f rom Nsrih 9szolitts,
Kentucky,op • '.-In f litni„.and..a.-no t e-andsptrite..
Whig eati'' , ', es4in ' ''''d'''ei 'Ve ! f "6; s ilt''' .'
i "tie..
q.s P°s is P 9 1 7 .!.,° L'''', l ... . ,
.ioittio.`.. Fope#iiii.i e t!reint ties iluiit: ientett
'fir ~... the ..4filrfpili FO4 lite' of Mr. Abel Kekley.: :
. .,vc,iviiicli •vrotilisplit o sat antifuLtiiatitartzfo:'
s PPi49tkYlrinfOßlP.:!.. o9 4 , §rP . I;iq, ,specimen. ;of
the skill and handicraft of . ono 1 . , .hhk, saps, and
I\ ll
%e"v... tir1 , ..,1. , ,$ „0 ‘,.., ..., .!......
showing'', Or ; 1000811 , 511r,r to e , deritytneet. cl:
tirittv4 ga ol Mr 'PkloioOtiire. iiiift.''' . f , .' . .'..".-
I• ' .• - ~,
I i: l i'l e fg in! :;!!.'y e `r e t r q " ..l°T.PP:,PTP4q ( T del •
li ‘'
through the e drit'ilfeelo iind l oiere(o 0,
: 0 41306m/in idtio4B:3 . ',iliftitifili 'Oa
ith-weadegii,'liii':-Yiciiii*--;icligl,'liiii'it': thi
.. / _,41-,,,,,r,,-...,, , :..,..4;-... , v i ii..14 , -“,--... ,, ,,....vi0-,,,,4,1-- , .4{4
0011.19 M, Wll6 - 0141MIXOU i: ..el I .
, i. c , c .,,,,
, 1,, t ,. t i l, ' fl c;;No'l , itt, .!‘';,, .71.- 1
lildreeB6o .I),Yri7e7,9:ll4,VOgit,M.ntqpqekers.
T h ik i r eatiii. )!., t / i f iu- SYO , firi i7l A , !? 6 go M i ll
tili ciiiiiiiia(:)ie'4:::ohiG)ilot.. - .A
.111,ii:40m - ,
„,, A, ~ ,„ ~ t,:ai ''.l „I tir.,f i 0.1,3 , ”. •L
throng qt. people; the ;ley s teinf oppres.
1 1 4i di ,..4 , viii iiij i,i:,,,.,a- A i;;, , ,
3 1!6 :i . , x - : , ; , 14 : - ,,,,j,
~ ,,,J , ,, ,, : iii,k, . .: : :
:ittighilrki l j z 4i'ii44i;7:;l4;„iii r i;` ; ;; T
I t
10164* a' ii. 7 ,7rkiiiii4iii - 4i)T iiii:liii'ii`:
eidrit liiViifoiiiltiiiiiii':',itikVii)H6ll:
A lia, Ar.,',.. i iii, .riTi :14 i .,'',:t i tyli ) '>..o qipi..
...PP..I::-„°-t- f r l‘ '- zee °I I 1 11 !1 "' 41!
Idiliil . 4*Olitliteittifilot atikAiiile i4'..iii.'
eignOiiiii4,64,i'"" '44
40.01 AP .°
i.i i
' ii 4 ' ".
it ' ' 1
friniesbi lquipvglim ‘,4NatOPsPiren!'ne
;:itin ÷ ifigiilieunting in
•ortillat,.lFl:l 4 l :4 l rigAtitirt elf
glittering jimbiez tOentiftforntette._
11006(040v gOoteoptc,i4to 100 hi ph net
pageant 01 ... .,th0 kin(l , -eeitt , eurpaeaed.
was r!,daY-tf.:001! 11 0 ,- c" Bl nf4.P!!
-4 7 gr'w=Pga-IP*4"s:,,,,lrrztr-..47`<alui--;v;:ff'-ii*,-,
010eetiKep*:4;1460:6 - 0 9 **01,144
•had ,
Chairman of tine 'Committee !of:'Arrange=
menpl,,,, who 7praposed 360:OrganlialiOn.Of
loyal lig, 9fßOOksi; Whioh.was-assented ftrbyt •
l'r-' 1 "• • •Y' •
• • •1 - ';'•-•.• • :••• •
- .. -i Pi.,':A l o l o.!oo,l v *iit;:':PNo64o,oogr ,
giitisi4,-Ityilie;--;gir,::,7;10:ile;;."—;-":" 7:7
7.TIOTIVNT ifiWoilioeSpriligi• - •• •
: •
u,ber son. „ jd
Nathaniel ! eakley — do • • •-•
• .•
Jacob-Burktiolder,•:,,, .• -
-•••••• •
7 - Able iErt — n
- -EiniohNoung; -1 • - • • . '
George Bittler; ,Mechanicsburg,
. -
Jantos - POstletheraite, , Vialo;• •-.
••••• ••• , •
Darirel:§h'erlianV DaidliennsborOggh..•
MatthOW . .DavidsOn,' W. PonnsbOrou4l)._
•--JOlfit-Fifil= 2 • r ; il - o: - •
Robert Brysiin;_Alldn" • -
Thornas. Craighead.. Jr. East Pennabro',
Dillaburg . , 'Yorker),
-Robert Laird;:Frankroill, - •
- Alexander Lo4ren, -Frank lord,
• Abraham Momper, - York countyi.
Daniel Leekey,• Frankford,
Thomas Underwood, York' minty, 1.
iaaiUey-Fishery-Fairy county, ::
Joseph Casey, • do.-
William r •
. do. • •
qameo.,•MeGowan,' • °. do-.
- s4~. i•. ..~5 ?~
_,. ff C.L^~7
l'homilit."HainlAy, York county ' ,
Hktinn►pnd, tio._ -
Joseph Speck, Perry eognty, .
• Abraham Musser - New Cumberlatid, ,
James Martin, • • - do. • _
William e Root, • • • do: .
Capf..W. Alarnnieralm,.:Peterstairg;
Metcalf,-Adams counry.
Daniel M. BMyeer,". _do..
I - -
Dr Samuel E. Hall, do: - _
Gardner, ; do.
• Jetseph - A. Ege, Dickinson, •
' John Sourheek, East Pennsborough, -
GeOic.fes WaxW‘ell; Nelten,'
John Fishluiri, West lienitsborough,.
John Hays, Frankfbrd,
David Sheafer, •, •
Levi 'Crean,. • do.
Gillelen, - • do. , .
James W.eakley, •do.
- -Robert S:.-MCCutto, Southampton, •
Joifeliii,Chambers, Chatnbersburg,
Jasper E. Brady, •• tlo.
James Kennedy: Mifflin, •
Joseph MeDarm . ond,
George. Brindle; Monroe, _
Dr. George Grove, East Penpsborough,
- James - Hemphill; sr., - _ Hopewell;
Melohoir Brenneman, North Middleton.
John Beagy„. . do,
- ChristopherAw - Natittoti;7'
• Alexander Cathcart;Alltn,
Atlant Crottee, Carlisle, •
George Medaira.•Chainbersburg, • •
J. - Wallace, Franklin county,
David - Mahon, Sbippensburg,
- Jamea - Sturgis, do. •
. David Deal, • do. •
Benjamin. Reynolds, do.
Jacob-Ritner i -South-
Thomas Sibbets, do. • •-••
• - JD - r7 _-t4 Cathcart, Allert, N , •
J. JAlempbill, Hopewell,
Thce.-Gglrie,-Nortli - -. l slhldle 1,0•-•-`1-
1 -- ;: -Simon-Oyster• ' --Haet-•Pen sb -
'Wm. 51: ,Heedernoc;'N' 'Middleton;
SenjaMin Gibler, See' 51iddleton,,
Wm. C.,Houser,, , .cleiniesburg, • •
%icon Hub!. Dickinson.
---PhilipAro • ! ",-Eitet Perinabore-
Admit 'Silverapring,.
„Davi .
J. -do - ••
V --S =-•
'm. .atitlete;Datiriltie ,
• .'
John, IV,yrike - opdVi.At'Pertnabcore'',.•.;li , f
•W: T; Carey; Shippenalnet,, .
John-Fisher.- • dCi.: •
•DriJecOli W iver e tllec4aniesbiirg;.l,l•
'JnlntGreium et3tTetqo, -. 04,0igh,'
t..BOetty ! :Ca
Armstrong-Noir) ;' 0. . •
Win. B ' Mullen, euili,'sllddletiA;
Zinn .1
sinuin,quieremest'Penttebtoro! '-1 - '••
''`PiOge elle*
%;Gov.- R 7 NER ;•bilefir.. et - framed :46
thanks.for An i dienriction. confpreed,m pen
takinithe and isles' she other:offiee're
had taken 'their
_seater; it, - , - *itir. , apitoeneed,
°lrPV7f.' l o P , i.PF!'?r!l l paY4
'prayer. r Ray.;,;rpar!, New.
:."then, appeared';upon tile: latform}.
and maid the iiNfolindeat -iiilerietAiiffered •
tr oi
up i a fervent eau: imp rosmq
1= 400 0 1 1 ,eit
. _
. - ii,the:ol44te , ttekeyeT Jeak4-
'who ittatit enthusiastic
applause of the ataltitude thio4tioat'thaii
respective ailiiireeses We , sincerely regiet
'that we 44', 1 1 0 ,PPPOTLutkit.)!Pro.4ioii*ife,
biwhiPhoo4.lh4;4ltifeatiitellthee•af these
iniiihitn'ciaintebn'Av 4 `'
It tieing; a 3 F7oo l iT•Ritelillit'POilien'
Of the - erotid!touldratkittit'sfithka ,
• 4 . ' • :» ,
4161300- 914a.0.RPP• 1 14041',40 .90 1 4 , 10 11 9P0ra.
ry rooTillt i rteltestilt Ittatttet, ,
Anolii,ttiono.4 o Maier
i.t e , , c .. , 0 o• -t<l•i ,
v't .i.'ti.'.a._...,t
lh 0 ,.. 0: Ouveoed , . tghtgt t
or .Z. the
canvass , ere
ti l ted 43:31•VM.. Iteniip s.
~;', • esolTi . ,,
~..01 - jr_StOtfulitiiiiliQ*iitki
1004 6 iii,tincolol itte . :elfrays fiiiint•" 7 4liiiOitid:i
alto' gitO - uP9AAAtroilliiii4,flirtin*-ttilipPte . •
~ II:e 'onOs:Ftif:•.OlOgtiiinee . :*teit evert • brepW'..reii.,,,
'Voided 4,:thri% PriiisiNo ever?fiainler."4lllage‘
and City iii`Our wide:spread country, and entre.
yin es,thoy are upon the_ heartof every Democrat..
le , Whitin'thet'Unioliwrideeirl it iiiiiriec.issarf
0 0 4 3 - lit *6404 ciiieSsiori ~.:tofaitiietiite:lhini, 4 4i..
.!014tki , :r71 1 0:. sii?Jmdoo, Bo t.iuld Willitorn..9titM4P,kr
ernmentlirdlity S•hilatedliy . thii .W h lei; has been
deinOnstrated by• time and experienee, which fur.
nieh hicontestlbhievidonce that upon Constitution
al ;Deineciaita ?Whig principles Clone Oen - our Na.
!lona and State Governmente,be administered so,
as tO eneure the :highest prosperity Ind, happiness
Id thalieriple. ,- . - It• nor only remains tirefori ici
'carneetliexhbilitii brethren thrinfitnititthe c,ouri4
or, to .conitant„ united, and untiring ACTIO
through'the rein ander of this: ointipsigu i t#J. i suir
triumphant `atid"gliiriiiiis .Suc‘ciii4n to 'dile' , diet'
iuished candidates.cIAY,FREUNDDINS
AndlillAttilLE.-I!_L ...,_‘'i_:".. ':-•_: :. .23 .:..:: i N,,• : " t . ;
. /teifiliedi:That its :it IS -040:1diel*,. toicosipitti...
'the • Orglin motion' of rho Democratic.: Willy : iiiiir(y .
byltho , nominatiojtotite Cog ntyy Senatorial:Ad,
CongteisiOnSl thi . liettr,'Wt. as eiiiir W dily . til Oriel'.
'..riblel;Atuir'thi -Whigs Of 'Cii rnberhind:eousrity . be
- . nested Ati:trieCt. 0 tlc usual pleceit i cif;iliolding...
owns ip m e, in p, , ,omSaturday, the ,3I et. of Au.,
iiiit, thidii:t4dAliirii"tiiiii. TkekeTitni!r9 a Giiint`-:
t y.Convention,, to. lin haliPat th w”Dounty-lia II In..
the borough of.Carlisle' en MONDAY. thp, 2d.fier
of September; at I o'elliek, .P.M. for' the . p,uirodure;
ore nom Uiting: it t'iiiiiity -Niche t, nod appointing'
COriferees. to: nominate cundidatee lor• Contresw.
_Suite Senate. • ... •'• • . , -.: -- i-• '. : •
....-.,..--•,-..,--.-_----..-----.-•- .."""T"'"7 --- 7' -
:•'- 1 -41 7 likrestillitiefity-iveie-ado iiiikit-ttieli•v
mation',"-altritetticr.-nigli ... a . F#tylog:oli
the peolije.:ccirepfeneepett " ttltetrourict
iiiiitihWiii4iilii:iiitroiirnect i •• ,-• .. i
- • Thus ended thelarkest
of any party ever held inttimheilinilieu.n.:
tY:-- - LBe , Adds.' :4iikthe'ltitiOse- ' :4-7 13 - one: -
Orthemeit respe - clifile;Tiiiiefflidlifderly
iniiiifiblegeilii - e - - - iieiWitieiiieti. ) :-All-"lts'
proceedings c
~..vvii r o'reottriticted in'liarnioni,
and in two !pure after .ite_adjournthent our
town was ,
_again as quiet and, peaceful aii
though he 'serenity - lied not been-disturbed.
'-- And-what,o-use-the-eloquent-language•
of another, was the result of thistopous,
nieeting- yte wh o le pe op le assem
bled on the- - occaaion,-unanimeue/y-declar--
ed- that HENRY C.LAY : has no compeer'
in this widespread Republic—that forprw-'
found. Statesman • matchleis eloquence
comprehensiie nt ti ethinent talents . , deep
and fervid love tor - his country, he is far
above and beyond th'e reach 'of euccessrul
rivalry—and that he stands, like Saul the.
eon of Malt, a head,_ and spouldeni above 1
his fallow-rrien= th erhiri - tiolriraciiE - chig .
spirit, his-pure loftiness of character; .and
his earneet devotion to lii up ount6!'e : inter,
ems,' have 'endeared I on" to the
, innermast:
hearts_of the . American people—and !hit'
the cheeping anthems of the free, which
are:now - ringing, front:a ve ryb ill' a nitd ale.-T - .
,e, bayous of Louis - al - to the-forests
-or Maine, attest, unerringlY, that this' cao
yeas- will . not only ena in triumphant
and brilliant su_ccess of • Whig principles, _
but in'doing ivhat has bech so long .clefetZ!‘
red,' but--so riehl due— .
4, :luslice to !ivory Clay VI
• The following' is the address of Gen. S.
Alexander, .upen receiving the
.. splendid
Banner presented to the: whigs
. 4y - the .La-.
ies of Carlisle, ori•Saturday last:.
LADIEV: The Whip; of tlut MAY CLUB'.
receive from the fair hands andomerm 'hearts of
the donors, this rich and beautiful token of regard
and. approbation, with feelings of , matittide tod
strong for me to utter, as would-become me, the'
humble representative. It is rich in• sentim ut
and 'meaning:as it is splendid in executi if and
material. it is etpeciully to be a reCiated
by ps, becausejt:ir the' free lean , ial of rip
proval of our principles .and cand ales by dingo
we esteem and love; and whoa a bodyinaver dB
sustaio_ ali .impure . ,--Vr 'a fit . love Cause....ifeu,
ladies, do nut often take a . cue kor ;public Part'
in- political-affairs; _no',:generallyin.-iireltublic.
conceTils of our sex. tut the history orthe past'
clearly Shciws, the when ...the last ° best gift. of
Heaven to man" do thus take apart; add expresi
au active and .ecided interest in tail great cause;
their adij and feelings - and judgments; are on
the aid. , Integrity, truth. publiczood, end-W . lde
spre , • benevolence. ,The testimonial ,which „I'M':
416,teelidAiikhards lsi Ifr.-must - ba - soTegard • .
.3. , .un. -The pure, whiteness of one fecb of. this'
Banner isemblematic °Late_ pnrity”of—the-Prin!.
c iplee which is intendedtd,vmdicate ; _while the .
deep Mtge orthe ether evinces llie warmth of
exhortation to:utitoproceediCeur:Ledufleitli:
. i
What - are the greatiprineiples which character:
iee the, whig perty,, and separate Ahem, as •by.,
guif t .front thear,»pponenisf They are well known
and underatood,,Therhamiheesrannouncedailth
preclaion, investigated with' severe serutiny,,and
established :by the power of reaaon;.the light of
experience, and the fire of truth: Though they :
- May hy.
falsebirod„Miompright; or senalble. Man can doubt
what they'are.: • ' . •
• The • first, because the, most: flute:Otani, ielligt
I :Palicy-erici regulating end.lMPoeing.duties .uPoif!
foreign goeili.whichare• IMPorted; as'- to; fester,
encourage - stiotaiii , thellaboui."uf. our own
piople;end:the piroduCts of -one own The.
- 7iiionnt ofcimse'dutiesitiihTls7be euffliTent
to meet all thei!limper , Mmenees.of: the national
goveinceppWithout aid from Other sources. .t Of
all Made, .of taxation ihis is -the': feast Teat; the
most equal and. the' most polkie. }Whilst ii. 50....
coniplisliee the dires,purpcise., of furnishing ',the
naccesarrpeenniary:MOsoll.lo Natalia the gover,n:
meek we loopld make it Alm potent' histroment, of
protecting, ont.-.own : ;ahem:oak:ill, industry.. and
capital against the rulootie elfeat'of foieign con.
prtition. ,- ;This;4n turn, employe our own, people,-,
and2oll,YlLtlieMA-W„ furnishes a _convenient,„
WIC and Iltiiitl , market :for the Infpluisprodticits of
our rich i soil.=-By,, preventing 'excessive impor
tation, (hecatise we thus supply our -.own: wants,)
a favorabli baktake of trade is preservedi. and the
prick:me -metals
. 7 ,tke vital :eseence which elope
cp keep our kepi),system in sueceefal motion-,
ern kePttrit barna . ... These, and' many °there, are
r the rich , and ripe fruit, of -the ''whitt:,;system, iti
time of peace, the time when it is least . needed
41 .16 '54 . 4bit , - - 0 4tfir: War Ootitikw„wt, - (wo,,oonr
*Will, then' It lithivihti wisdom of this, 'system
ii? c ri,pty,, i . , fix . .00.: oinittl7. \sied."...` pi/teed: of
rnaskele.dcatrMiet4itipplies cut Alf, WiII:WES de.
range:4lW means of defence takep,,away, bit the,
!Mime IkfttrillgrtlOo - ,i'eAkVo.l4l we Want with.
in •outtielves;,' 04Atet totte*indint:". - . We' bevel but,
' teiMOot. thtf_lbscinizthirehorkellOs ea& tehlnttint,'
,10octrioe4bil4e#Lname".113- 41 . -
4merlean ti . ilyiwitii Y.':3-,.;---------- ,;. -, ~• .. -
', :' l i ttlltioittotrftoi'oliriailiiiiii4 ini&tbe i
Za o43l o!eii4tedAnd rolUotte plan 0 AOoNetaff
111,00.10 4V pruticol'Oefaimuu ;ilk Abetter i
roletioulaitirreenita+n•luipticeillOW 0 01; 1
10 Meke pint otpitil among, hotignotatit--_ , : ,
~ Nat t6Al4oo.lll4llittOrkilind"4 ' ... I
' U M ' lawl ek 4 W 6 1 44 0 16 1 :101Witi OW.
moot; wittorto.tqlplie. ilt . lil if lu g i r ..'
ffifni*iii'litilidYPiiilliaibt'ool.' '"--
,filiiid • - - ii",l
liOyettithentl',l,4ololAitittif,l, IlultittiM*lo.,
I ,t b. bi4l 4 a Aticidili***o
t r vio
I 0 4,!! 0 . 0, I ' , : o:'44.oitYkki,*tiivqq7.,il? , ` ' • is'
• • ; '-Ciiiiiiiiiitailefif - ' 11 . 4 1 4"
title ' Ai '.4' ;cit i !,r7 l 4 ,7", ; t1 :1,7 141 .t t°e
..: * ', 41 .17! " . r, H -7-trii -,. -.
The,telir 'Of . lytitni:4ll:o::: a amatitiol - C0ff,44:.115...,..:.
.. 441,sit'decnocrahrinsis nitrand-
it eiSry_p egitetr i ttltill Ifiriarde•_'Thiaterrittiry --
ilidArelontlii-MeXlcoiltieVoltett - itififide - p - e - ndirtoe
'fie,ditiptitediperafbelvkimpemin still beaming: 'r
WO,have a treat:Yet:amity:with; Mexico.% Texas '
is indebted untold milliorm ;, mach ' Of:if of :very
questionable:character. r''.The'„•dernorarate. leak to.
ilollititi 'ea treaty - with ,our' Illedd'illiiiittiir; rind .
o.l 6 o,o:49oAkfii#l -- .0ekb,1 60 0., IrSt , Z,ritt4 , ;.liert. ,
'IT 4 ' I4-e lwa i difs...trltPrPrirr i keVrikitOriMmr_emirri'
with 'a feriblii:frie;aftd:thei-e 'refrubl OrttleiPtiiiiir:
eume tliielfdra debt of a fbreign State; (thtinglit
they .re finny Ili amity: our 'Mir! htildi'o,K9.lhlr:
oivnlimierit,debbi; for which tveliateribeiverlftill , '
valuel) : and leggi ijiy tqgtikrientfer-thire- •
dark.deed ri, Hutt th'tiii, the itifitienceOf iliiiieri
atid:stiVietateri7inathrepnndeiate eiriCtlie'lleii:
l i ty,dirisire:torinaintitcrthtrOonirtlftiOtte s •
. Aired Ordir=wenid-IirOMV Leonid . -
. .• s ygkis .- 0* plot oppp.pente,, .
. 4 ,
F . . are !ilie iirlifelplirs et 'Whigs ; ;hole:lie ,
s r,lnitfully strewed ,on , this splendid hantier„ •
. e. powerfu l l ' y
conveys; te':ut_f :ycluir'•'Elieering 1
arid encoriragink appro etion..-:' VlORrilialildeby, •
jhanb -, .. i - • -- ,,,v - - .:. .;, ',:.,.•,:,-',-., :i.;.:. , . .
*.:LiiiiicsOrptilictre'i seribed,iinilie pronil'etait;
j h
:delft ,tlt, , es:ef ur , honored '. tandidatria, „in
*been aiii ciiii'Ve:fiiiii - tiO .aCe.;'ethlrridiell tholld 3
illiCiellii, :Aiilio Men' eseriing of ibis; Obr
6.efic T
gra k i,c, Co dencil :The iatiat.Oiirkr :4; 11 4 6 4
hes in" ' 'shied to ilyklier glorieuslind iiiiithicabler
lirlvil l ii ,rif ' Milting our, owe'.lllWO!#6sll3oediult
ur evrit. retire: Na ;nail harehniv: witioi . rielr. •
or powerful sceVelL-hainniiightin inltioverlile
felloW,Miii : . -rpo .n. ighty' effort- uf thiritifialiitiOn.,
so -worthily' re'ealled taimiemindi by the pretence* •
:a.t 9 tie,inosi'estirnabla and venerable ionimittee;..
~'are,:etputliri: political rights; and perinea thomost
iiildenlind ideiPlerident fruit Of Mil iiC , that'the •
pooresCiirphanberyi bYhitir - own merif„tettyifficamii
the 6i:skillfl irt , :the, nation'. • Bide fitrf.' nnist. have
merit: and his, situ ation it - lik=dripenderiferkhie
iiiiii,-Offotiithit4ooakili,Plial.2,lT`i"lP 4* •
craliviti: • ''' - ---• ,••,--- . - -....4!-: , .. ••'.••::-. •-• •
"'And who is onr:Hariair CLATU 4 Tls it name of
zreat_renewmiAnue_hailtlecamn.sonbrigha,. _
Why-haelt_heen_sofattiiliiir orroierf-hp,for-mire- -
thin, thirty. years? Wheyefere sii , oftenlOteted -
With the loud anclaiiiiiihe exulting hairs; of mil- • '
ions, of enlightened freemenr _These. are•gener, - -
allytha? tributes:paid alcinti, to:laurelled, tirosis; to
the .prond victors of,bloody..fielde.: ~But Clay's
renown"dateiffreinnollarengo;nOAusterlita, no
Lelifsic;ntr Borodino; no SaragossanoSaterriania„
no Waterloo ! ' ' •'• :; ' ~....? - i ' •-•'. t
__ -
. . .
-The thunder_ofmnidering_iinimendoes.notan. ~_.
miunce his triiirriphal-approach:-the-cemliagration
DEGidea Ind - tiatlonitAioei_noLinakei_;thielalti of _
his glory: 'tie not:;tlie 'blood of lke.alaughtered
that. enriches:the deep green, of his laurels: 'tie
no the.groans of thifdyinzandlho Wiiiiintof the :
' widow and orphan. that rsautern his sliimbers.—
II is-te the triumph ot mind;Aprzurravfjefan%,,,
is-the joy of !peace; ihi- sound of Ids a' filtidie - ta
the load gratitiidefors happy, nation; t e haloof
his glory. it _the .renown of the.' statesman ; his.
march .t a:march orintdliel; and:the:gratitude of
•inema . the blessings of Averiaen„toneeten:his life
and ill einhalsiri hie memory. '
poor orphan boy in Virginia, he commenced
his c er ib an humittp capacity.... lA° many of
. -
great men; he follbuied the silliest , hripeless
phardoin . oC.Hopointo_the ;wilde._:__But "bipeds. __..
erfr--.44,;ri0t make his nlicuit sick." ,Ile soon -
parned_e., inirne; : intd 'With:HAM:I, esteem and ion.
fidenco oflthirse who. knew. him: Jilineeet worth
acid exalred_otalente_reen-cuirnitiated- forthouid--
fo - omed abover_tho:horizont. and his rise.' Irina .
,that of .a resprerndent rocket, - whieli , still.chines
aloft, but Bends down no missile of desolation. We
so,At finifWriiiie, great lindar - OrtiniiieiWutio.
erotic, party-ef 'tbri - Union_l_the=frpeakererthe
House of Repreientrit i ves, and 117111 grins Appollo
Of both. 'Horn , he wan upon the yvhirlwind : did °
he directilie etipilifl - Weic his - tliti
W master mind?
Our nation as wronged; our flag insnitd. by
Enghind; griat s • proud, powerful; rich,' warlike
England. The proud and patriotic soul Of Clay
_swelled within , hie manly: break 'at' the wrori
upon hie country'. ' Thinigh - uripropeired c he" ule
brook the•inirrilts of the, proud foe :Mien ' riond _
he it ivas'who , carried through Cciagre the dee:
lar a tion of that war whiCh we,call t second war
.of . Independence,. , He, unprepit ed and - Pror;
beards the mighty - lion in his.iberf. Oh. hoer sad.
ly unlike to this ta,the rich u detrang democratic
magnanimity:or-now - b ing.e,dirtyverar with •
pour dik'inidess Maxie .. . __
Having decla red' Is_ wnr, ho wee . the great N
leader irit;" -- IMZflm . 0 inistain and carry it through. -
That was - dune When peace was to.. be made,
liEfflitli C 'Alf..again was the.great negotiator
of peuee, onorable peace.
Bu ' 'a wet...created and left immense
nal al debt. :Henry Clay again takea the :lead;
mundertake) the 7ilerculean .tiiSle'. of raising
eans-topuy. thi!:just-debi;tu-suatain the Oath:aa. -
faith and. to .pair nip , thetwrecke ninde by" wars
He it ware. who built up thilAmerican''Systeni, •
'now 4 i.helgreat Wliig measure. lijiajditho.,riebt
and maintained our renown.
_lt did inore-4ar,
for.ntortr•-it built up our business, ourritautifac , -
Mimi, agriciiltdre,. ence ce; our wealth - and
glory and power. Tlie wars ever before ear . iiiy ,
nation .
,eu rise .in wealth, ha pinels,'Prerperity,
and greats:less.' :ninnies er.. Y',§ work. j
mes a),
• .-- paving - dOdicill7fiii7ohild - ar.::g,7 - 0147 -
not, like the great coecjoeroi..of old, eit,downand
weep because - hi not another world,to c on.
ular: meethi
.quer - ,- , Thu friend of man and,the c hampion . t.
mates deniest Koine ; . Iris expanded p , ... -
lantlirtmit looked .anrond on . a,aniferang world.' ,
Hiasoul yearned l'ot it, antl-hia.seal. tuirned title it •
it- ?I'llaiittititr_sliuLdeseend.aultLoLtlui_ineaLgl
rieus,,psople, ()film world, were engaged in dead y
-strife . with t he barbaiims - Talky; ;iii tho .. del h
- stroggle,for.libely;,, ; Who was the i first to pr
pose to attend in:themlhilnatinn's sympathy
'twas CLAY.' --., -',.. :, ,', .i ,. ,:,,, Lt:. , ,
- -Oirr.onr - ownnhetnispilfrurwliturr- the tdigiitiditt ---'-
and . miserable ',prism:des of- Spain, fothwring our '
own bright example, sought. to, hes* the chaina
that imului.thein to the. ty0, 3 41,8 n a i •Ani tt n 6 8 0.
lieh:thoir_ 'Liberty, who agaih ..ielffpretricanitn_
'brighten the prop() , escutcheon. of our nation, by ,
extending- the hand of our :fellearahip.7 - Again it -
2 ijiint this :measurenE.his usefignms, as a • eingle •
individual; wee not yit;tlll.'"lllis ;fiat:tato .Palley
of protection Instils's:lied in our own country with
a resaluilorg'persaiertinniti And Alleatienotea•es...
celled.' .So • furl hid the .strife,pe . cieetadadi thak,a .
gallant; Sister Stite,gulded hy
_timely . intense/.
was °kith:: . very . oerge•of.wariwith the •
goinininent... Ho; Who A•looked with.composure
- uniblotstand - eatnagOTat7bitulead7of that, pt.
ornment . haeassemblisd . the army: and navy, in '
Charleston,'and ~ all*.thit :wait wanting* handl" "
the lurid flaming tif,oiviL diemini-.4tnioltiitgat titi. '
share - iword' II a brothora - heart; W - Tatteli'inte ..
fi e ld & with Irlit blood : or 'Dili 0;!,p houioll : ills
019 .firit. inaP,.pr the iiinsket:' 'S toolett,,, mitts •
Al?ailed.; l 4 jaYik* : eiii.‘°# 6 ,w/Plnii 01* i*' •
.tio preserve peace: it was a stsatM al; -
titive, and a ' dreadful time. -The,: billet:: ';of - . •
fi co- discord-iolled- high-and deep:, .ther,eirth.---
rkflir•Sokiegklieia 3 4, i•PILY- 1 454; 2,11 .,niki,,g10 0 4- 1 / 4 4= ,, - -- L , ' , '•--
ee,gorartrlnellt , OR carip;:latlsrea, iik us irl i it• : -
But • the halcyon . was on the, waters—slay:: . . •
again there: . ;And his Compromise Akci-ow;:seit.
of peace 'and partial protection, nived:turikant all - : '
the dread horrors , of a•Mvil
Hera Pa Ai mive, goc944ai , k,ikiiiffelY '
Man,,irtibakthnsgrowiopOlooao9o! l o.'
pinta rain,b0y.,1118. , ,t ,, 4 1 04pni ouiPl .. nit'
example—rl'is a plOttiro . o4l4iPattla, lo 44 o o l V9a. •• •
with admiration;l,. ilens is indeed, art Aiperlsartr.
arid. this is our carirlidela,•:. ' :•.:•-- , : r .;'.:..,`,-,':„.."..,
- Put "Objeetioni , are;' snails ; to hint; of grievous 1 = - -
character; and lir bed and , bold tones of "dekitielb-• • •
thin t lintkoh4tOitiide , 'elk pitii.iflikelkihiti4" L •
.., •
e t ttit.
eitel;i_titiebyl ehoir Oinlining . :ioinfe-.thath,"
lie . parrs:, to .whoserliety name herlits ' loci -
mr — ilatitall'the;,rtieritit;'ever.lotili - -' ,, Th tintsK,LL: - _,
• eerie-net-thezaaiilitOill*4-iebtlMl*7-----
ilintitiPerSioni:': , -They liolintPartitthii: ' tn., -
*Melt fiall:himinitY leitoropolled tO'pailailiillig •• •:.
Surayr(doeit'cenber;'M exalted vrortli . pier ,irti;ni • , , .
kbeen.APl 4#l.lf°3llllklFP.itili.,::7",;.', f%,,'::.,9;':':1*:.i,';:......::
$• •• BM,' erni rlygrjay , ll±4nriifP„,inift* icti,opiki: ... .
1 .
finl4o4 samlbeAri9 l 449;PFs 'A,V % ; , ....1:4;
i!AP,Oesii'itiOike,l 4 l4l4.ol, l ollo,„ ''• • ' A:. .- .-: •
by !"49 1 i'0 - ti*li!* l6 :4o.4t•' : ' % ' .:. ;4 . . 6 *, ' ..T. , 4
if 4 10.:0*P01 1 ,40.010,10.0 . ' ' AlL_ . _,
' tAifq.4,4oooolAikAppirolct . 0;;:: .1 , ... - ffinv -
". litt*for.4fkrcaoo.44,tol4. ftie****.volook,.- . : .
4 .., ho f irjOiyotrk***ol.;..*hpfgOogiportOsr
iii 0...„.. . 'o***l....l.+looo**uwo'loin'
i i C)t`~,