Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 14, 1844, Image 4

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- .
-- ' - 'll4l l- AoU4;'ff, - 'PRAYER'
~,. ...,4,.1.,,,,.%:,k.';'...*...:
:--,- ;•.!'ell' iiiiiinid , :iiit A - 0' '!''oiiiit , ~ , 1 11i, : ;:, , _, ' ,: , . _. .,. ;_
~Whilelbe?eil:l)iijt,..k(lo.--!1,17.41,t',.,. ), ,
`:!....•::.':.'?.:lVldfliei,:4l4oi.tjilie,r‘ne °Ye :J: I 4 ,:. '. ;
qt igi 4 i. : ibliOiliii`4l,otfrE' . ,! ":::, -
„. , , 7 - .:
tiatiii3l;;l;il4,/! l#46l:!! ;;iii,i ' :: ' ',.',,.. '
4 ..\
::',ClillOd ;iiihtt:6ol'wPrk:l°;,„,.-be,
lii•iii !—iiii,ii(tiyz.iat,f4ll‘, h„ . , .
7ye ar,ln, rideapsdraland i - - .:
„ thhte, own hodsehOld'handic •
• tr--14-ti'" 'lb' "
• I eteee, ...e ; =-•
• a 'tide d"
, • ...VSuaahlne'hath i?tleard dw,e11,3 . '
od'the. harkening ten,
-lift theltiait'aad l bend the, knee.,
l'Varriafthatirom batt,le•rron, - . -
; • . • Ilrpatkektnotv.nkaii
t'e that triatnph ye that sigh;
~ . one 1i51y ! ti0.„,4._•:,,, •L. _
.4thayenT i- s . firit star alike 4 vp see
!Lif,ththandand theltnee,
~+DY;~t~STIAN. Y`iDCL3 T~:
* The•dadgh.ter iff a ti"t
'WA prOvidenthilly 'brottit4 . - uarier thein
of7-4 - eide - y,'aitlr
'thus came to a tfting kapadedge. of the
`truth as it fir-hi—Jesus., 'chi father ii.BB
distraCted at ;the event,
';ilress,- _Ety_reetlitil,-end-travelling,itviorOign
-6otintrieisi-atid lb, places of. fashionable 'rep=
: Isom tciekeyery_means in .his power to di
`vent her'''mind fremf - "•thiogaimseen _And
eternal. flirt` her "heart fiXed."--
'The God 'of - Abrahain-had•becomet",her
tshield e 7Pan.d her exceeding great rewird,"
tathltehe Wes:determined that :nothingfinite
kshoulchdeprive her of her'infinite and eter-- 1
,nal._portion-M-Him or displace Him-in t4e
• .tentre of her heart. • - Atlast.the father re
solved upon a final and .desperate_expe.
- dient,Tby'wiriph - his end shoulli •gained
•or - It is - .l.l4nliter - riffled; far aslt et proi
•pects, in this lire were cimrernel "S: large
tnettous'e. 4 was_so_arranged that during
Jibe: fesiiiiiies'ffe'datighters -of-different
- Unbldmen, and among •others," this' one,
'were ui be called;dti to-entertain the coni•
'lf she Complied, she ;parted with
. heaven,
- and returned to:the worldi: ; if' she. refified.
-cmnpliance, she wonldlie,mitilicly:di'sgrac
md,-andlostr-past ihe possibility of rei - mv-,
, ery, hery can
,m,society, It w - as adread
fill Crisii; and with peaocidl cupfidence did_
she await it. As the urp er n is . app tu ro u a l c ,
- different individuals, at-th e c all of •the'enß.
. -
tpany, performed their . paits with the great
est applause. At-last thh - name of his
• . daughter 'was mnitounced. In" a, moment
alt were in . fixed and silent suspense to
- see how die scale of desti ny - would mrn.
• Without hesitation she rose, and with a '
place at the instrument. After's moment
• , ail - ent.prayer, she ran' her fingers
• .along the keys, and then withafrutiearthly
. .
, •sweetnessi•elevation, and solemnity, sung,
;accompanying her voice, with the Mein
""" klsro'rutmilbr Mirth oetrifiing here,
Formerldly hope,• : os worldly_fear,
^ • -7 1 f soon hrgonol
If now We'Judgeis at the door,
-And's], mankind mnstetand before —
The ineiorable'thronn !
ieli my thongliti employ;'.
inonient's misery. or joy; •
• .Dot 0, whenloth shall 'end,
Where 'WWII find my destined place'?
• BMW I my . everlasting, deye .• -
Vithr6enidior_nntelti_spentEl ,
• • 4
. .
• ;Nothing le worth a thought beneath, rfr
But. hew orney-Leac,ape the death • • 1 1 . 4
, :f. . ` Thei never, never dies/ , ! . . it
...„.. .Nu tt , Vnike mirce.asa electimteuve , ` • • r
~ A iiil• whookl failimtvarill, kionra. ' .: ' 1
, : • Arnaneietaln-ttriskiealr,,,,,.:-,----...---:,
• - ~ ` lelipe:volftlfaaao a pitying ra,c,' -' ' " '
. 436 •1'1 4 ) 9 gulaTitafe9tiaNpinOtthalu • 11.1 Y way .
—.- 2 4 h ! 4 inite3ha - pa P rdorronmy-heart: , (7 )
'when ' severA ,hpaaa depart,
m departi,tcpetmoi" _ ,
= , e , nilnstrel• ceased. ,Th e _ s id emn i t y_
.- orileriiii±' wee ; epee thit . sei l tembly.-
I V4ifilhOut: sPeshisg they dispSrso;7'lll
-fat' iii;E:yikciOnft_alOnti
e9tight. , the[lietkidel aOli:firAyOrc of,hui .
tittughle`iior'll4' salvation . of his , imui.l--,
His soul; was savid and . hie;dreat estate
ovoneeSialtall bliiiii:f4 - :ii , O4ilarialle,r, be
',7theOriaii", , `Or'COOknitittiltridiiiiiiiii'-Aittiglitg .
'A in ituch` eireuirtsiscees, ond to hlr,elprinhic-
I o m oi r ' h - ' 1 . '41' ' I'd' . • h el
'it.c-._ ace resit te , wou rat er j) ,
„ 'SierWiecichn'ilisii:to ipiair; as s?sif.',fi:‘F,P',
~ suires,.tihatt to lies tless,,ati tint is - finite - be 4
-- ' 4. sidefi.-iNV#lS‘tiii'lli;--.wittAhvotglitin'iltErl ..
t - stel , Terii - e;:eoultl!be , sebit l ieteoOr ' . tlie:.lto
” ktlren,uttorecl t. Th • e
.-dine, Sksel.,eitericith,
t - thiFithelig/iPOSipmeed,.4he' hallowed . and,
Ti1 9 ,4 1 44,4Tl Stilar: 1 1 0 1" tis uttrliscsgtPreSellt
# riiir*,ealizetion.of all that lti:etiointeso in
.prie:`',l4eit-''OrttriCit' ~:, That surely twelve,
.;;;,;•;1-.4.;6 -# l l, n '-2— ' — '7' .---- --;
~.f i t '''
''''" ' '
0 1 .1N I P ".'91 ii 0-IV .3lT ra ‘7 7* " n. 4 41
A ctili C i lilliOTlO W(4 :3 lol4 l #ksi,, is • :1191Ifi
' 4) 1 444 1 0We iii ti ` 4 e'c en i 'Pliil:4g reexiMe; t4tql.
--`Aviiiiiii',±4:r44o*-:0 ,
WiliiiiititHOTtind4litiiit manner aidansi
, 7 ~ .1 ,, , , , 1,, , , ' ',,'' •'. , ',
' , ,
* * *Cei f il l) l .4, lC ' j iM i tr'f ieo6 lP t , a , ..,! I ,P!:j.
** A tti7: ll 4ll4#: l ii i O o t;*l l !,*:o4)4,
', l4ies*k:,i, r tiV i krei* '. uridgf:\ 0 0 ' o.4 ll tPi,
1 . *lii6rhiiiiiiiii AikPi , ` 0 .' - 444i - ibis i
irivfors-**0,0,d42„* . *'...k,i
z,.:1z,x,...:.- 4
T. inourseka i
- ADP'
,=Zi:RIS4V I I=I,I4Aqf..).WTAtNtrz
It it' allit€9;W9, l !Hi'tt , ti/ttAttbliath exet"
i t i o "' tir Y: 4l6 lt 6 , 3 "gtAteg the PePhie"
tiou Req4infeawitii. the being, piFfeeti'ene
travi tirdidtfiitiThe - to
1e wd uhi An lm
'B4 ii4tion,"!....4ocol'iniatilo„inib.Ootc,iiri'ill*itfr
bui;:characiei as 'siricleiSs;'fer;fw . hdpi:'#ia,
' , ii,fie? l °4 ` l 4s) ;Oin . sitaineiL
frojo enaltirid it!dotuilleit
'Ail4"L * - 1 0E-tii - 4404te:,r4ted , Ostructio:ii,
and innpression
ill tali 1 Oil - Si tali
.od; cleanliness, aiiif:linlesiry,
ty: kiiar '.4•4otoyvil
bn anlinat
• Ileaven,lrid. Arm
God=which its oiisetvanee'iitstirelittriiit.
Sabtiiitif is 'rendered the moral con
vatrir. rt n Sado s. t he pies e
•ence-the §abtiatti everts , is ho;w . over ti by io
-ecret chard or cenipetitlioitSfietiii.. upon
: masses' .ot-utitliin4irig:thitiiiii,rinik:hy:;ill
-- Streri - ni •cif'wrirlaty thoughis,:,irtr
, terests and aflegtiotio , stopping t he; din of
business,. unlssli~g : Antru.l : ..of cares
and 'responsibilities;-and' the, bddy ito
burdens, While QMI 'speaki to men, and
they;sattetidr - iitid' hear acrd 'fear, . and, earn,
toLdo 3 7. 011 might' is ..ivell;htit,
the sup. and , Ititink - TOTellighten the
thetEttia - atibil
of grailty, and to the, un - i'v„anke:
Ininmn powers—as •to extinguish the
moral illumination- de the Pabbittit[aMf
break this gloriond main-apringßf the,rtier--
al government Of
.Go.r : % - f •
-THE a - rose. perfect in
beatter; -, it_restedgracelttlly--upon-its,stalk r
airftl ite perfume - filial:Weir. IVlairy-Tritop
. ped to gaze upon it, and bowed to Taste its
fragrance, and its owner hung over it with
deligh "TA aSed _ ga i a n d,be t
was goner-its stem was leafless—its root
had withered--41Te 7 eirelcTeuro
rounded it true broketillown.- • The spoiler•
had been there; he saw that many
ed it-; he-knew it Wealdear,to-him=whtt;
planted - it;' and beside it he had no other
plant 10 . love. yet hp:amp:sited it . seefetly
from the-hand , that ehasislced= it ;. he wore
It on hie bosom till it_ I t tt g . pa head-and,
-faded,andewhen-hc:_saw-thakits-glory was
departed, he flutrg it rudely away. 13-ut, it
left a thorn in his bosom,-and vainly did he
seek to extract it ; for no irpierees -the
the,spoilereven in his helm of mirth. ;And)
when I saw that no•man, - - who-ital loved
the beauty of- the - rose;-- - gillieriii Figairt - its
scattered leaves or bound up the stalk which.'
the hand orvjolence had broken, I looked
earnestry at the spot Where it grew, and
My soul received instruction. And I said,
let her who is full of beauty and admira-.
lion, sitting like the queen of flowers in
-- t ht - i — & "liters of
male: y among Jauguters of • women,
let her watch lest vaAtty eater her heart,
.beguiling her to .rest*oudly upon her omisn
strength, let hir remember that-,she stand
eth upon slippery places, "awl be not high
minded, but fear."- 7 •111 RS. SIGOURNEY.
PubnOary :ConsuOtptions
. .
. ..,4iilieteil do , not Despair. '
TIonIPSoNS w onipound Syrup of Tar, the
mdsteertain'and powerful fellfly.. known for
.the cure of Coiisu ri vtion in all'its eta es, lironehttis
Chronic '..CougliSpittlog of Blood Pll *llion of the
si i,
Heart.'Liser' Comclaint'and Chronic Affectientof
- 5.
the Kidneys. - . ' ; 1'• . ~ ', ' .
:READ READ t! '' ri i
.StilkfurtherprOofs-its own'W'otlii proc Irn It..
•-• '- ' - ' Read the follthaffigffl - -
'' \: • ' ,
' .'''' • ' ' '-'" ,l'hiladelphia,.laa SOUS. 1.
r - S - l i- Vuotresort.-llear - S"Wyrom a - seam. cd•
• gratitude to you and a desire ' hiQt4,:f 3 llicted . :maj•
- htive - recOurse - to.yourtrulynte - oa - c - rw6.illitine 1 -
Would. state thebeoelt•l haVe!eipoyie ed from ill
use. ' , Par ioineilSodliatetthilie , been afflicted 'with
a distressingsafflking congif,accompaidedwiihßgootl.
oi'presSioriand•,difficuliy ofi.r4thing . with a sensa
tion •of tightness' at the Chest,:' 'Becoming- 'greatly_
lilarmeil'asfrion iWend - sabo-lbad-inurahltonefitteil-Ny'
yedr , Shefflydior',Aryit..!idene
sendlrtsi i,oty•AboittAlse eyoryalasoningisyttiiitoin
; fflsalittgared; my,expOffl - orstosofbeeartelree,ull.op..
pressioliqffll.lbe say cough ioselisfed, hrsztfew.days
t.;*iiiitile fo'ge'oet:SiiiittendlOsn - beainesOO - strelf•
'Yn j an!,.. 44; forthei,' "flirotiatiii,s'Arill be.;fflicerfoliff
giSeiritte.',aillieteit li 411104 . 4 ituy: reaidence Wii,
193 - Seutfir:roytifflee TIP.- , ': '' ' . •• ''' .if
____ __
— .price sac'entslier_ ottlz • - --- 7 ' - - ----• .- . :1
For sale in.cdrihd by e ,•••:•.__,.. - .
." , .4 . i'
• : 4- . -- -, • 4. TAI-STEVANSOIN, i'le Agent.
:NW F 9, 18 44. • - -2, ''• ': • • . , , 17-'4l:
3P.Otintiols,, , : ,, frorans ;
F Rarents knew re.Vl ne: and efficacy inf. Dr.
Leatly/nPatent VegettallirWorlei(nithey•ngv e i.
would heiwitbaut it ar e
sidticetkt tatianes to Worms.
, isS.CIIIIH/Beg_lif:yeitietableit
alfegetlinr, teidtilay , h:e=gigten to children itged p
Dirctitionsatectnpany.eadirmsprr or
• Children stiffer much, lir timesvl _from o. 4
things being given them wormsoilthout ant eft
rdet, uoltveedioint.,:givenio chlkiren, has a len4
'doney to destroy titeirgrnerit hetaish,'and they are.
more or less delicate ewer titter: '•:.
•eessarily,*hen yon'are certinii- , your-lihildien- Intro.
wthlns give Atiem nlTnitllr. Leidyle * Vortn!TOn.','lt i.
6211,thatis neeessnry.4. •••••,, "t• ••••••• •••1, --, • • A
~i4lererence:tni hvbe msidelo;lieverstl4linndred
rentslti.Philddelphiskeity andloounty;•OrAtliPagdaily
of Dr. 1, 4 14, , ,,, w orm Tea.i Tit it unit Ten #lll . .be,
'.PriOil.q.oents tfoniall, and 25.6ente a Inrgeintoiv
age., • Prepnred - cinly;cnifdTtlirTiideT iiholesale• and
Retail, a 6 Dr.:•Leitly's Healfit'..Emporium; No. 191.
North fleoOnit , -. street; belort Vine, [sign er the G e t.;
steeiEngle and.l..erpentna
••• • ' '
June •••
• "?,.. cf;,,, , , r a:,:14 16p sityti6o, ~:
1843:'• ' • •" • ' 4 s • • tr_s
,•u 4,• •
•• E • I • -'orttvit•-etttip,
on iiphesisting to nand' sitlion4liuptintid blood
'xittElNl • kriyilimga . width was ,rolinwedittylookiiit
pitting of Blood, and 'connequnnt debility so that Ii
in 4 to Atop 3iroilw I Ord.:Aired the r beipiittodd..ti4i4,.
ent burthee bleeding rti.nrred.vot7 ttl,%en.fitnittit&,.
,Inied'iiith raven; n In or ;hart dike* timetkond
• 11411 1 / 2 44 a resiion; fire6l,o4•o:
'Tame comp).
movitlia*p.4otuitleo4o- IJOMPSONIPPRO
itenandiSyrup of Miirstl4ll4lll Oridulalf fop Demi
{ll • o4o 'ntoiltblie•lntiiirAtofellits4ol4lol)lYl,l4A
warad e
.ktl.j.l 111 *.1410.fitrte0riliiiyAlyriti4a4
iterisiPinistdiiiskokb,ol /PfLgitt'ilAtfkli:49.i44l 4 -4
' Thlldt f la t tti3;
'0.4 . 1114' 4 •-*$
_ •
( itr : s*rgrOilriktiieopAiSliet'ia4ll'
1131Yrirtue;ii i'OrOtatiWeouffiit
lii ' the property Sifirtii , ;;Slirl=
Melon townalrip;deeriaed, tir" A Iriant2rioritirip- - ..
ing 32 aeresitrri' • Crimberland riounty•oin,,ilie road :leadi4,
trout carliele to Hanover, about:rive MileafrerM the
former plane; adjulninglatile ofTliainarranslUrilUell:
Melraffey; Fretlerrek Hoover gc the, Tellow'Brecalma
tlairt;owereoreilwrour Story .
"Pig C144;17,!..%/;41,1r,PA0
TJ,ire'; *ceiling, ,
the first aJwilstoiT Log Hodie,'NVigOn,Maki4l,
shiV'l!nd - neet fiarn-.4the7. - aeopod ity? one. story Log.
it Ottse.; nnd.:Snibl64-thri;_third, is ot bne;oil , Log
tfinuse,'S iiitWaluniuqd
run of; steneil; two pai r :of
Of ,i3diTitkolinnping,, intlphopatt.,.Of:Sarida;hey, - ,;.
leg pevittoi.s,,Wmut AfaShine'bf Tenn A's Pidentottid:
evoil material new,
and in - first'-fate ortl6raiditeality: The 'win* 3,141,
Mitehine - hit i heen:.nnt an'ttei.Mtliin the last -Ihkee
,Y,earfh • , •
'Ftie,Milli ail e,nbilthd4Yell4.! BreeitheiCreeki
anetrerlitijidtz:Streatn , of ; :water; located in the - heart
n(n_fralb.gce*ink'colintry, ,alfordiog an gaterstive
l'oenntry sustoni, and hnbing excellent fucijitieb for
ccufvulihginutolutut work , toniarkpf by ' the Ceinher
' law Valley tail road. ~„ .
•Saleto eorninenne at t 4 o'clock ; noon. *frill of
Sale 'made: kno'On on - day bf sale , by
FocecutOr of Jacob - Harniihideeensed.:.•
11144'. • ta•St,
%*, The ..VolksfrentuP.LanettatoOnsett till
tind send WI to thitollioe. •
Perm tar' Sale.:
W ILL be sold at privale.saleirTAß3f ef-first
(1 , .;
Sittinte ii Soptb filithlleton toWnship;one_rniliNust.
Walnut liottom containing 110. AeltirS,mere
ort-Jees, , hayinplie_reoh-erected--a-1W0 . . - z.j
S . I'ONE; 110118 E, a-large:lrani&
tlarn,,a' ell pr first-rate water, alitnng
and thrlyinkattplepllgillAßD... : ..-.,- 1 -,'.Z
A'lao to be "sold With
five scree of first rate
The Walnut - Botiotri -040 'priese's"thitugh . this .
Farmishicb . gives the:peequoe
ed aeon if; droves passing to the k.ust... - "P.-.7 :
--:-Purtons-wtalting in purchase will genie erill - tipen
Mr. Andrew Blair,in Carlisle, or on the isubseriber
at his Mills, 4 - telles - West"of - Parlisle. - 7 •
; -. June - S - , - 111K
OrphaWicourt - Salti of
l‘o I
l i tt v n l laiV n44. l 4.--4 11V - PeT l ll 9 l -9-
an e. on the pretniFee, u nit§ g ATU c al, ( the ° Vtli of
August 1914, tha Valuable TARN', late the -tiro•
perly of Jacob Maltz, &eV: situate ; Lost Penns
bcro—townsitic, Comberlat.Vl comitT, tliontimile
sllllll half from - the Harrisburg lirulftc.
Jubtl'of-Cicorge ElChelberger'i
heirs; and the bum of Jare) Haldeman, late
(hiffilrellittiley's)-containitie about
• .-a 5i).4)..(.1 zu - •
about !20-Acres of which es first-rate timber bug;
_I here fait ,great number of large locust trees in
thery field on c this Thelnr•rovements-nreit - 1
gum( Two Story -- .Weatheebou. .ed -
110USE,atii1 a - - lJarnoulth' R i f
vugon and' Goto et•tb attuielfedf.
there is minim') of :Fr failing -water- - •
in the bitrn .yard, a od . _ .
and Spring at The ho ue door ' .aturiill reibliste
not-house§ belonui Oulu a well fiirnisbed farm.nlao. a
Ti A:IAV 110 USE
ita the, pigce There is an eiceitent ORCHARD of
fient,rate young treeicand TliisYacm
nearly all tinderipost and rail fttegotrid the wliple
lilin - gocal order, and - ot a first-rate quality bf land,
with water in every field. This farm is very con
venient to the Ilarrisburg marketywhich makes it a
desirable country residence.
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M., on said day,
when terms and conditiOns will be made knOtiti by
A ilmi nisuttor °Numb ;Holtz, de'Oci.
May 29,1144. ts-31
.1r) Lancaster Union insert to amount of $1,50
and send bill to this office. • -
Orphans! Court . .Sale.
Y virtue of an ardor of the Omit a' Court Of
CUtiibehlantl county, will be - expold to publio
sale, on SATURDAY the 10th of' Auguat neat. at
12 o'clock M. the following property, the: estate of.
.Crict, deceased:
• • .8 Town Lotsp - ..
situsted in the borough cif New Cumbei4antl, Cum
berland county, num - beret - On the,. general place of
said-9010 1k42, -. 153; - 180; - 1 1 38 - and VA1": - They.
be sold separately or together as inky-suit poreltiti
On SATURDAY, the 17th day,' August; will,
be sold on the premises, at 12 o%lo*, M.
situateq,Lbn Main street;'in the boimug of Me.'
chnniesbure,Ctirpherland cenntv. , The house is of
brick, two stories high; and haiShibling rind other
decessary out-buildings. • ':
Terms of 'sale made known on said day by
•., :
. . .
• - ' (MORO CRTS
. ..
- el: v aluable • F 'u'n:
' T 'PRIVATE SALE. . '''-'
able FARM,. on whjeh_he now. I ive s,:sitnated In_
lliekitiiimitaWashqi; Culnbeilithil Oounty;.teYl Milne
went Of, earlhile, on,the Walnat,Bottom - mid, non
telidneltorAereS and 40. R
0. Perches Of, II
aali rst.rate ;-•:;,.
7 - 432a12 - stzeiMstuCrt
9 ,
under good,4bnees •and.well , Ewatermb The'place;
'adjoins iamiti ihr.Fhilli) Weiwer,,lobe Xi eii nger and
others,:-Abotit 2 Waores'ofltia-gend4thelier , -Igndi
ihtLimiivrarktitaiiri6riii:6l494airieLiz: -
rutul ,±1
Dw,L tiociss; 43' Ary; - 40 . .fe`ie, '
to , whioh•iwattaoheil Risme Itruic•Alt.: I a ' 1
efrem ,- ;Aliiii 7 large Steno ..Illeedi • Baie,', II ii a ..
400 14 40- rett,'with - filiagoti' - filiettiMil
Corn Crib; four Tenant HOUSES.' Tlitre , iitp - ',,, , ,i
.neierfailingrwellfrOf water, one befoie. the himse;
the Other 4 e•shOrt (Balance 'Of, ,likenise'tWes''egringS. 1
6r , gond i Water oli.the ferin., ~ ..--'' ' . ,
s! -- .. ;''' ; I ' 4l l '' l ' 4 ' l .' --''' IifiLLIA hi: Gilattitlq. ' '-,
~ Jude' 4, 03 , 1k4A)?;!) ", ~ , 4 !'.., ,
~.,.,•,: :..,- '.,'-• ;•tr 0.
Orplian's,Court , ita 'lt - of
•, , ',;". -I .4ragatai" / 11 4 7 4 14 0.4 4 Acb.7. -- • r.
BY --virtue of an, order of the- -Crp 01 lian's' oourt'o
Cumberland eountyt Will he soh) ft 1)110 sale!
un the premises 43MSATRII,DAY , the..10th day of
August ne x t, in ' the borough . 'Of .Meehaideobert,
Cimiberlseni dounty,'iit.lB . ciNaltiolnitiory;thn:followz
Ink ..., eilri \A. , ' :,, - '.".'i:..'T,`.'. ?,,T',.,-.::=.1,7.,.. 4, ':!i'
t ii!itori . k*anteilotimi,i
o rk
' .` - ' 2- ' .- ---' "740:0f Al2round;', , i'..; S - & ,, • " '''':::
p . iiituate 'on•Mitin, Street , in said, borpught,Cotitaining ,
1 4 f,c 04 : 16 '0 ; 4.1t aia 4 44 feet , in depthi and .nontpris-•
ing . ii,lCikge_nepeeesippliacik-liulltlings,Stabling,,fh::
The „yropEti. Is ; jl k good kr,ditio_knil In ; An -eligibl e.
. 11 tiikti.. .._*ror!% infOigliiiilviittiorbilelneie -••:: ~ ';‘,. c
L21c1fF..41! 1 100:4 1 .195k.' 1 1:41. , the OPT et igite. ~ ‘::••:::i?,
i•; O*ol - 10E4 HOLLANGEIEL ~., ,
, l ' i ,a• .; ',.71 ~,s,, „Mai r it lifartliiVansant,.(lei,Ml.' 'I
13 7. I''' ' Ull' l ol . 4 . .Y l 'll l l o e Olkz,.1,111y,10,1844.:1
luttb e..;..Efterm ol
• anal or - a'
hI n lybleh he now.iivtin, 'Ousted,
A en townsh Iminberlandeounty, abed ten:miles;
I °u tl ia6t ur- ' 4 t* l 9, 4901,91.0 1 ,1 E -; "
:;*0?". •
Etillta3l s teamarth4kititti,
antler good *nice, aviiinced,junkin the biß'hhert i
state o f aultaation. The ,Jandi" ofd
David r
um a ,
' -.1,141. 1% , 9ti5t+-,o ( rPet' 7l roOt.b,v,
isti Net:deep. and . built,. wain iintißiayien I Iln
st,itirle'stone;.BANK . u
BARNi*OFWalion''ShigiCorn - .,Cribi ,
Wash Hooka, 'lope, and eljaildiiihtisiiiitan,
`no,raitittirpthe .*9 ., ,i!P 7ol4 *lditir wAlt At',o4aratitri
; 034', - 400:40,.'.41 . .mgrAr'eaftkqe,.:LgnsW L,
, !..::,COiti/m,l'lermutki;lleatorrh6,opt Mei:retry' a 1
NA:TURVS -, .10 WV, , f PRE $C
;V.wk . :flint/arm. 5! WI Cherry, " .
of Tai; prepared' by it heW'cliOn'
' 64l 'o . 9 o6B o;ftptiroveil'itinfreimainimitied 4. t hd Mos .
distinguished,physiciatie;ind Rckitcivl•
.edged the inoat,valeabl e nietlicineo-ever,diScoieried;
;NO - QUAQICERY!!! - ;lloTbgagiortij - K
Io Settlngforth,the virtues ofthis.truli.greatieetlki
lia iti6 -: welfaveilb - ieitir6Atic - Ide - leiiii , thoset . with, are.
lidta6riniiiittler`aBlietion;fini; do we desire toitulc•i•
.giielt Mere - Add tfeservea:: , , WU: sir
foOkar6ittid siud setfthe vast amount 6f sufferi tig an&
dietreas occasioned by " mao-yrof ;the diseases inwhich !
'lalkprit)yea :So, highly,. eueuessfid,
reel that we mina urge its; '6latras too- strongif
'fay too-to-pat in ire favor..,T z
Such, indeelLinv the • ' •
Otthis Balsiint'; that even in the,eilyancecl:stages of
CONstattriort,itifter all the moat e steemed remedies
cif phyiimons have failed to effect any :change, the.
Imo-Al this medicine has keen •pr.oducht6 of the . .ninid.'
astonishing., ref itf, mid; netualyeffected .ittires;*actei. -
all hares or recovery hail heein,despairtitfoh.T ~.;
In ihe' first stages of the:disease 'twtted': “,Ccilartt
Fuji Consumptfol;" 'originating: ." from I ,k:elected'
COLDS, it haw .been ;111*.f.With'undeilattng„,auCeesi:
and hundredi acknoWleilgo: theYMiethWrestoriiticiii
of their health to' this invaluable metilcitic
In that form of itemniMit. ninon:lift
delicate youn g `,
A complaint with' . wraith ilunientidet are. lingering, it
has al.m.proted7flghly sneeessful, - and not only
'cbsea the ()Owe!. oi.clMckiagifie . progress of ildica
roles (Ito-system Mor4 effectually than Any-medicine
- •
pqmphlet. t )` (
- • •
AGENTS.-9. ELLIOTT, Carlisle:
. rlcnig„ , Cluitnbershrug. ;
Solomon • - , •
----Anglo-mul-Greason's, Shippensberg:
!Carlisle; Noveinher: 8. ISCI. • • •
111 I
For inileniilyll agginsf,Jois
OF Ptill.AOELptlf,C
Chatter Perpetuat.4 7 44oo,ooo Cap(Eal paidia
bfficc 1.633 'Chesnut street.
11 0. 7 4.-INS-URANC.4oitboopertnttnentorAim..
ited;ngainsiliniSlTtibinnFlCOPEßT •
and EFITA.ITS - of es - ry - . 2 lleseriptio'n,,in town or
.country, on the most ressnosible terms. Applies-.
lions made either roysonally ae bps temoi e ,..svtll
ptottorily uattended talc c•.
Rates of Insurance Bp(liumed•
• . ..
.ifrickler_Stone_dwellingeoesstoreti _
• :from • - - - ' .: 3i to .3.p Ade nails
ado r-'-do Churches 9.4 to 3 do
do ; do 'Faverati... . - 3to 4 :do -
tli:lTTi r ili).l.lortis . _. . 4.t0 _..3:.__ _dos;+-
I .t7tlii -- : — dti - sliailialiirilateF - 4to 3 • (k
"- ... •
.- do do - Stables (MAIM) '6 to .ii.
.do ido Grist Mills, .IVater . •
Power, • ,-. 71:to SO:
~ =do • '
ANNUAL RISK._ - .: . '
Brickor Stone dwellimis npd Fur- -
• nitore from " 30 to 40c $lOO value
do do Sures and Ai erclian
dice 115 to" 30 " do
dO - do 'ravers and Furniture
40 to 60 do
de do horns and Contens
5 to 7.5 ,
do' do StoAlen (public)
I (X) to ISO de
do do.GriatMill and Stock
• ; • 73. to MI
Frame and.tiog dwellings and•For
niture 50 to 73
'do - do 'Stores . and 31 erohat-
) D. 3
do do Tavernslint .111rP
601 9(l — 'l
do do Barns and Content
'9O to MO do
do do Grist Mills - and Stork
90 to 100 do
Theisubeerlber Is ag lor.,the above company
for Carlisle andtin vicinity. •All applications for
assurance either by Mail or personally will be
promptly attended,to. W, D. SEYNIQUIt.
June-12,1.944; , 1 1 -39
North-, Amer!Can-Insurance- illomptly
. , _
of Philadelphia. - -oapitE4 $600,000; ! ,
.f.llHEllirectitris. tb,is company in order to. - stilt-
L- the, tlincillMVe,:letormined to reduce the rates
of pretutunts,'46,Trairtielandt•Lo - gat - in:l44s; to give
sn,opportuulay to allbroPerty holders, to avail them.
selves of Its advantages:- ' •
en - Fratite - or - L - ogllnfldings - = - 50 - :cti. - cm - sloo —
Iltick'and Stone: •'d • • 40 cts,. t. $lOO
Q. Merebandize or Farnltnrein , , • - •
S ne,or. 46,,ct5...q• $lOO
ittti in FraMe ; - .. . 50 eta. SOO .
• •
„Stotte dr Brick rldi Midge,yilk betaken at $25
6:11,000, the prices to be returned tothe party in-'
wring upon demand; 'deducting five per cent on.tlM;
anitoupt of premium, pail,. 7. '
-, Spplreatioti - eitherin'perittin' or by fetter :4411
celve immediate attention. :. • •," ' •
• • 'JOHN' J. nirr as
:•;petniiirptii.s44. • • • - • •—•
AItHEREAS;. inelekthe
.preteneenf title,
, VV. ikom.tiondry 1, unrecorded.
- ,ealtrmadurOr tatieovitteh, 157 epeatetliiVidriCtc
dohs of the Cirart-Of , Ctirenipti Plena .of Cumber
land and the fie prein e Caere - of thin St
,have been dentareAfroWulentandmoid,large qu
ti,tieemorAteetnut, and": otber:valuattle
boot cut upon 'the, lands , known :ae die Mount HollY,
Eetate thepublie are therefore hereby notified,lhat
the Mid estate, copuristirw,,lf4l4 the iraele, kind at
'lran fror7r4(exeepting.eueli,pmfi
tiocikie hard eine° hem eql d by, the subseriber,) aro
prope'rty the , Fermere4t,Meelinnies'
by virtue eta ecuiielytulde bytlitiSheriff of said coml.;
, 4uguut tBSBtlthat, all ItIcelli• not ..ree r ,Orded
sia menthe from thetime of their 'etecutiOn
Jiro, hydket of .4.eferehly; tleted 27.titMay_4171.1 . ,de4 -
elimedTfradglentroleireitiel - nOitakaultseilueiit' tiF.4
eilipeereiTthat the Mtge lutve beetreegetiarlyAtaid,up-,
art'eyery traetforming part of said: testate, Crom Abe'
flret'onettpatioii up to. thokeeettt titne.;' that by' net'
of A eeembly dateit gopi . ,Vrtelt,24BB47, the .nuttin g
hauling pureliaidile or 'emploYtiig'ot• • othere toette
or haul, any timber troel upon or froitithe lade be,
tothpit. tholic4n.p :or the 4ritie
mlidi+tmindiettiblp ;ammo.; and that the,eMbeeribei,
will;proefenit,te all pereoftsoffentlitig againek.esild law !
ttoelmiterounder*tat fradtilent.preteneel.augh-vioniv,
.tiop, givei ie*wartl.,of
rempxotmana foreuditpiforination
HPAr. PiPluar'e anal T,11940-rf:4KA:44otere*.,pettiki
tiosroL tutey'atid"every;mlfedder;
,t;Pg GRINZAW C 1::
." • pritiee sl,9t: said Baittk
I ,(XlAny, InformationliC',regard Maim thity
;fie: comnpu)laid.ssC to L..tGl.o3ritlide4' ' i'Cir4
, 1
. -4,7,1-- -4-"'*-71
• ,:-..:7,77,7,7,'" 12"'
, ~r ,,..
' ' ' -.l(SilretANS{ , = - 11144 -
, ,!t .;;P,4110,:.!ni, ...,...4,, f. , v ,,,,, 1 ,,, d ith e i
T,.,%''',... ‘, ; ,1
~,o It ',Yri-iii`,- h6fint, , „ ur c h a s e ,
. ...:tifi'itnB:l4l,:jgafilt teintitkeoo,,,,,lint tie?pilltiillitiniTl
4 , ts -- o - ow R. Irfi rir -- '' ssigttbt;
'1"1"d' min'iritUiS AND . '"' PE% It 9i ) iiitiiii i
MARIN?' 1 pitiskVierl °° 6 ' ll 1 13--thiPliehiiil
the eeten'l6.l*6l,..iiniFererelion,to 'flut.'l46ll4li'
apd ,ptlSe____„o.,---I,tifidithogoot4l miti.egto.Z I. rare
ivlth tlittgrpwan'r thenh , ; Th en hvittimop ,
;# 01'1nd' °A, ltZttii.tiiiiitpleiooo4, t Zig
1 1 6. ""s tet t6 1 1 4iti l the Ad ItliPthr -- 41 M - e ta iii ke i
- a uabi - iitietstiihrialf PG° ' - ' F
Of. MAIL il L e in ritoftiteie4 P o t '
4vilo ,
winto4,,,,"%eg uti 105t1t...
94iit liii%
latotwoh 41,,,,,,—, 140(61
eat pit,f*la*;. filed. *h i
1 ' 'lt 14 1 1.1ttig414,. ,
i i i , ok
,;,, , T , . ,• • ' --' .
, a b '`4&
4ti v 7 , 4 f—F 77
.4. .`
4p 1 , ', ' •
'1; ,Vg.'
'•,;46., '''4I.WPAVUt .0,
l'liis Medicine: Ilia- been extensitely
t useil :n
United Slates xitl decil4 benefit ip Scrofula , ler
r ,
cirinl c:eatng,And in all'cliee oftnc vicil") bah
aetertAt - An ilierntive. inthe spring it Mlden
it is unequalled. It. possesses mnoy.univantageti
over the'iletectinp; paid Is iiitreibiceil lisit piiiiiirip.'
tion more portable; ot liable to injury by long keep-,
ingoinq byttcradatiteitte the use , of persons travell
ing or resuling ifironil..; ...._.,_ ,
I'lleAttailtasoithege_AveL - talcalLiittenitbiLta_ihe_
s I acted from a large num' er.
approving its efficacy: . .
C.-N. - BXNCKEKT;i•eit,
, Rmtnrtvrt, unveil 9, 1139,
nearly- eleven years suffered from a scrofulous erup-r
tido resetubling" ‘illich,ate; deep - Milt:On her
thee, tierk . antl
destroyed herlwulthiand frenucidly confined her for
different peafiodi to her bed; during. which time her
sufferings were , very great. The beit medical lateen_
dance-was obtained, and sl.ll : ,the yknown . re - medics
were tried uilli, alleviation of her complaint,
winelt always returned tkiill'inereased
Having lont.,sll,hopes-of recovery, she had 'almost
determined to give up the (Ise of any other medicine;
she was' however, ley iteriunstlion, indueed to try
Oakele-pow Depiirative of Sareatparilla ' then
' of
five Mattes of a Welt has removed the disease, and
Tegtert.4l her to perfect latAltlf.
.THomAs . DEEM,
opposite the depot, Reading, Pa.
dive sores on the right knee and kg, supposid to.
hove been . white swelling, which I found it iI • - e
to heal, teen 'lry the ruin of the titnxt i•eepeetabie
median, nelvice;iintill I wits recommended to use Mr.
Oakeley's Compound Syrup, of Snrsnpsitillu, A bot
tles of which tint oull• healed the sores, hot - perfectly,
reetoredThe child's lealth. which had sullimed much
in consequence ofnthin affection.
7thotbove Petmstreet, Reading.
. ,
..._Tne ehnFeenite_vnit_preoented,to_nab both before
Mid atter the nee of ankelera Syrup or Saran,
pt+rilla;and'l have hesitotion in believing that it
was the agent or- his hOstOtittlati.'
• J OIIN.Y. ti !ESTER: bl D
Mr f - hikeleyhlson Ildniontl,Leaffliad the
scrofula in
. fsttt,,:tiresulful anCtlistresstwotn;
tter for, three sars,,dur log,. which time lie was de-'
-pElied the. use .of.his hi!,; head and peek
were' „WA
cut ierriedlee; - hitt M uti Cif4tOoti uended`iiy
Dr: %, Johason,,'Of NOrriete:so4. Dr. lasso
Moiler, of' use your'Depuraiis Syrup
of Sarsaparilla,- Of which"! obtaihed several bottleb;
tlitrrdismiferi e y out of
his system, the sores healed upi andtheAtifiraiira
hiteryttotedlg ever, since, Wits astonislinuod.' BM,
icy persOns who ;Seen., hips, dutjng„,liis
have thought it my, datv .r , and. send o:o . tt Otos cortffs
-farnily whore to. obtain so-valuablo a tried-:,
eine. • Yours; truly.- , 7 . 4t.„J).. LEAF., 1-
Sold by.' , T; C. J.stEvENSON Car"
. t,—
Hale\ a hd Cu enbi
. , ,
land ' Cou ." •
1.4: - HvieuTireix7ekral
4.. L.. .
e),z JEV
PRoTPeT i' r4 9 . 4 l gf!ir - 40$0,
.:': - ''''''"'ti.: ' , - ,•,t:tit4:lLat - ,- - i., - .'',:' , :7-i
1 rriii E- 0 mligitirkilY VACL'EY . MUTUAL
I 2; I: -.;1?)
rate; yan act of the'Lzglalnuirei 01.therldeZtit adz.:
zip outd fully.urganizud atni,l9 operation:4oe, tho
dtreztiptr•of, the lollliling,;bparid.ollhtznams I wiz:
Thoriiiti'Citlillery Jahn Motive, David -_,W,lklo;
Cullolo, Jatnnz'Weaklyiyilliam Moore,Setnuel
Gtdbratth, Thotrais ,Parton,;,.' G. Miller, • Philip:
Spangler; Samuel ,WOoda AlirahatkKurtz, Genrse
:nrilitilq;*3,btt O_Clile
,oull,tbentizat.lun, iit tbs.pllpitlit,j.
ants of CiefibeTrlatot Valley - to th - e iliegineee of their,
rata and AO - rainy, hilinifttigeli . *lllelv tble: clod ,ef:,
froteileoe& hoe over.of!, other: , 7 '''" r-- ' -7;* ' ' .• '' '' C''
Ist. Every - person ineured_heenta nZ* . ufaudinr , of, 1
the. ernimey and tak.eart:t in the 'elflike of offiegra,
oruhthe direct;i`i
ha Ote concerna. ' - . . • ,
- .ad, :Patine 6 ; no' moreAs , doihen'cle'd 'flan is.
leeoeury to,vieet ,elgoefuleoeft, the Company . and
indetoeity, Ogiiholl.leoseemhiektitay hapilonv., , :.
, '.)(l.l.llte,loeeoyeeleueesor frpthetot cetieweieliOa.i
, ialded,by Waring te'r k,tevoN,44. - .lple.le,Fo;k:!.„,xtut
any;2PliOl';oo,o:be, - -tflicoll4ir_ p , Frlett from .' one to;
five yeere. - - 2, --:,' , 2, , .1::;.'.'.. 4' , ,i. ,, , , T
,42 71 4:: , , , t.! ~ -.• ~.i
i 4 t l w;Atltilerlllnill)f4lllft liwilueranpe - Mint :klyrl
h !i premium ,optelor the'llheapeitt 'elape,at • the raw'
b live' et• eerituiii,w)iiiw 1411 he .50 - en th4: . spo.,i
flir•WhieVheirillthiiviilOtiat s9,so , foif , llie yea* ,
'apt; tt,so fee turiey . atel polleytt,thr4lihitßote ulde",.
Ihsibe, qehealtieitt9 Itireater,:,era..truMh 4,l,h,c,tes st
:01 11 apAuprp:raiiiiild*it1'hAkroovicafe - mtuilil
liatealitrfilMioo o e other comiiiint*eibidpitio t
A. , WPITTII II Riggfr CP,1111 , 4 .-2;"
, kuttfor, , ,lTTUrMl!ilY"ll°l4:lPV°!ntA
iritz'jiktifer KlmleilY,'l4oo4l4ollW
FlaTtr i f,te n rkgar cia ll i tir.F.-1. 1 7
: - i•Amig4iiii.ihivok4v 2,
13 , 4 , ,,i ; tt 0 v5 t iL ytt u .
1•;;°0 1 *' b ;/ 0 40444.0,101
,7 3
moue qiiantitiett entl"every.bodilikei theui„
lteutuau ktunt,•,g4i. - amp* .
,the 'Merchants .hlng 7
sztee,-.suis. ther °Urea hiii - -eciugiciii4i - reV--1i0u1d.. 7 1- , -
The"ltev:{'Mr:' Dunbar ofthe ?'; MeUougsl : strict
wasjcureit' of, ii, very bail ;old and 01101
one .day;...; he Rev. Me.Antliony,,el,tke Methei ict
'Chula.; ctire(lor: ,
the liyes
Waikerlat, ilie tion:•EiNitirt! Parterillron. H. 8:I
Iltlardil6-:1 kii.;lleitlel.,.;
:chivie s ythat 0.17.4114'lltitcsentee,loc.(l:
they. will tell' Cu thOr.:' ace' eicsllentf-the.obly, iii
Nibble rneilicine ' •• "
• SI I r t itutA:N'S:: CA MPHOR , "LO7FNC J ES itre
;Nil i elide che;pailpj tutippoiee sickness,'
lOW nese iletiliondencv—or,thiefFeete of
ot, the •AVelliiigtn4
ilir Atikeruice;thegreat glign pailitetvMay9rplail6,‘
aril almost eye:Ey - hely. kne*e
POOR MAN'g'PLAFTEW-Shermanie W6.616111'
.=-.-costs Ignoble, and s sore cu're'- theuniatiem;
huck; I they eureitittus,'Whec
to the:o44.<Na joie - angrone'-'iho
km) wnTiliiiii - .CTurzine'L'Aofiner;than life
Sehtin IILINTER te lt
lineleSinlie;'.Eilist II igh 'etrent,'wfuierb' sede Agetits
: --- 444 - Aiikkrk - c4.ospn'shippensbn • . •
F:or,,t*cuce .-o(Phi,LintA9.-. AVOlotSwo the:
qn3lte Feee
:pilesy.olkb arise : from anilpßure-ltabit:
'llanki; - Chranic Rbettihstism; . Tetier
tinge, Syphilitii'Syni'ptopi' s`;';and all ilia=
- '-the blood, either•bY'a' longiesidenee An
a hat arid•unhealthY,elimate,_ the
eious use
This Medieine• hes frequently beentfitif - Ur
•highly . bentificia in:Chronic: Coug
. Colds of long standing; •.
This is to certif• thqt my little son, shout eight
Pi..aA2.t x'' -
'.i-li t
C 4 m 441.• ~ i A
T 1..;,. g
. .. 'i S t t ' '
41 - 1 4 V, , 1 : 17,7 l 7,7
i v
nliiqliot - anrintllirirtideicrufw'hivoid
iiiiobiio:,Aip thol
...-tA. , !'''`, , n IP. • -..
' - and fisi Sale, ist tarlhdeosethe Poundcy.e vss._,BEfft:...EBEDIEtt.IN-;
."-rdAP-wre:Kietst,t-vwdit'llitih'stic"..`` aiSitAlOter..,":,-------
~- ~;"•%.' .. . I '...' • , . ~ ~,',.,:;., ,
Iteiii Sailriber, being, Ispidinted AlVil .r.r.......• 77.t r '''.' , ,±-.t . •
' iitle , of D. 4 BUCK'S: PATENI" 0 Pailtutainiary • Simi
I STQV.Et 'noises to inform the %public that i extradrdirial curatit
hoe on f !ski yul ,asid for, -- srate.lBll,9l, the differe
suitable for Prisete Families of the moat C0110A(114te091104*
l'sitle.ildiseillit klouseiMid , dads: '-Their' S'll , o i_ng, 1ii0.,44 , 0"p
t4raeh ea5,,,5 tliffficulty,
kalstyted4hkit foteonvenleem and ectolcome
thierAlove i surpasms all others ip ,tsse.: TI
'Which fs'ihe'flell sliebr die stoveiand twice .....
VI that ;pinny tither:stove of the mme Niti 7 ll BA con- /and 4 1k.niseal:ne8s . ; i :;t i fi t '. l . l 4; l7 ' P ide u ‘a44 l B M 4 o ki n i a .d r
str,ueted thatthe heat is sent, in flues entirely stroend Orcr 8 „ ,
~ •', '
the Aleb, andlrumeltainamier:ati toglveltit perfee -- 4 "-- .. . ... .; . „., ‘. .. , no r •
even heat at and bottom. Thegreat, iatiefectim T
_ Rip .r,eji!gdi 11 , 8 ; 3 1)eenalggit 3 ! 2 .0‘4,41 81
mhich the too; of, these Stoves bacproduced,Wher -, 'to 'shim curativeitualities tests ed to y roan
ever metl, for two years( past, and their,neyerd'ail ' e streapectableentir,enief Bus Utdidd Stat e
excellence in doing all 'the different ' wayo of'C ' do t--.nay cannot,etaiva,asdoes the BRAZE •
ing,sse welf,as setting-of labor and fuel in the" E :ciffACK,l infulibility,for_eur medicines
them, are , :sulliclent, tp i6 o Munlknii i'iltein,to, - hii tie ;eited ihe thplieltititz'ttolitteik,orth
tention of Betel Keepers and heads of Iftrililie U lm 9 1 7` 4 .Y.YruNt in Ms' eVehstve khd!istiie
orally, ' Proprietors of HOsPithls;',/kisYlsinii, eine , practice for many years, with remarliabi
mays. County,Pooto Reuses,.
_;:fite._&e.24lll6nd 'thiCee.); -we4urihesitntingly-prohounce ikonorth —
Stine ,fof dieir use to be fae;superior 7.0 any Not of verYl) t Pa It:steak in the Worid fOrT i tilirsonsry N E
thekititl evermade. — Allpersotartheeethre who,oe - eases. .lltt single ` trial will thorsiughly';'satisfrlsm
in wenof COoking Statical Me respeistfully.reptes, ousel,' It is not one of. the-common Quack NM
test; sail , to ad ;examine these, before purchasing trunk f the day r -but that it ii a medicine • of rep
eltiMilsere. . .. - • v alue Orthy td be'in •every s, family •
,_,.. o ris Atiprsce.
,1....,.,::: ... ..:,, :, 4- -,.;;.. -- • , dente low-price islinotherstrontreiummenalition
„,: Vila. hub certify. 'Flutive:tertioror 164(40'110 st whit Other Cough or Pulmonary ediffinesi sine sell
hidfpast usiol one - 0f,1 , 1 Buck's' Pistem„No. 6, Cook, In r,St.ou co.( mord, syit4.l;lo'o3ituLmoN
;ink stovei, whildi vi.p ash recommend to hole! keep: A ,SYKUP, set li rm. opty 50 eta,,M kOttIMA:
era for economy iii fuel'isuf labor. •'.: ' ' s'+ - iale id its' Purity 'in 'Carlfsid;' , er NAM utli
~, Jame-A. Josocts,Joifels'4Hotell Chesnut at Phila.Eworrs Dime, Stem, East'Ala ot teritialtriis
--- "" - .1 ;St if Afeltisaret, Atlantic lintel, C. May. N. J. hut at, ,) , Itl : tf. BELL'S, Glocery Sterei§dAtd 4 Chen
. Ctenstri.llloPentann, Cadisle, Pft. ' • I '' nsi; serreti. -Also et - A'agle and Gietsin'a Akrui
;, ,; - .llcner Mninazi,, LanintateiiiiPaCiq:. vA ' ' e S•e, sisippenshure: '' -t , - 1 ~ ,, t , , 1,, '
peo. WIZEN FOlTLA9lMandtire Rouse, Carlisle- ebrupttv,tl4,-1844.- ~t tz :.:. - - , -4 - vi, , ,:trl'ii-It
fsrruswAYneos,Wilsoit'sfiotel,Barrisburg. -
'P''' ato.-TRltiek, Stite Capitol Intel,' lierri slim g
' T 4% ).,, ,i %,,' .:,, H 0 t,,.. •,-,,, ~.. 414 s iT,I -t , • r ...
he great demand for, and the ueggsigled witisfac,
don which thisAotteliesgteo,hhateducedilte_Plß:r
Trifier6F6iliiiire - noleifes in making . them as mite
superior in quality,and . :WoritmensillPsAll- ille - y id'
Aupeilor-in excelleneellitcCisclasii purposes over el
tithe - r - stoverever befonestifereits thisrmarket- --- H
therefore takes this iolorM the-pub
lie, thin the patterns have undergone a thorough al
teration h i nd imprinselneht ainbe they have mime int
hichands. , The.teps. in,partiwaintinivmheetuthielf
nedithil strehgtheyegt=theyarenisoeoW,6tat/t
pousidrisibeve,notnett, and `of:the best. iron ' . 'ensor
quentlyi are far! superior 'hi Stoves made ht 111 t
Po - maces, both as regards durability, %rent:tithe -
thind the _standing of fire, In shertsitp is d -
mined that he 'shall not . bekisrpniised in any 'resift;
by Roy thingtbat min be pioaluped enit br westith
or south... ? , ..JMEA,IS, &Iv A., 1 - 3 -4 1 f
Corlitile;No . T22NB44. -- ' t
t opirMithitit nail gkoiliVeli tiiiii,6llde'to ,
t Abel,Keenys Irefs - Fee'ndry, 'West High'
1041.54 Pa- : - ,-,-, , .. n7
_ . ...
...... • . ,
-, - -THE- TRU - ' °n'tA.O€ 'DIV' - ; -.-
• ,
Tl•llSiong eitaldished,and tuvtilc7 . _•..,e. Eminent,'
turei and . .prevents all CAap e sit or.r hums
pfllfet hatcti. Ai:4 Lip . i.. fiiih ttie.piereivik; •tits..uf_
[:Old We a tiker. it:eloa Coves Prosied•Feef an 'Dins;
- Sivell - Mg•FlSruisea,•,lfurtis ;Scalds., Stift Zslplik:flotl,
S•wClling , of- tye Glands:- ' ft will' gventi•tirclove the
Lffi - oGathematism - And -4 out - on - frikalqoPliondfmr
and if perseveretlin will perform a Cuee.iiit safely
removes ['fipples and otiterGruptions,,is eneedit.;••
ii useful for Sore • IlienCk..mut did' Chung . of In—
tituti, tstc.- It ismsefel,foriCancer's- boMither tile
hroken,and.o remedy [ .for the,l'iles.-.4wi1l cure
Sore l'lfroats;itnil alt infatuation or ineuvenlanoe _
hi 'width:the • Skin 'is liable: , So'inVa tilde is 'this
compound that those who have.ouee tumid its.heue,:'
ft, will never he without it ;lithely littnie!. it will
'retain - nil •tiCtues many Ydn . es,antrin cildimateinMl
jcthtweroec_cm:d•Culut to.`thocc .wlioilktoiscu,ind .
to all travellers._ . •.. ' I ..: •-• ,--
Piepired and sold - Wholt;sale and rrilil bv. '
•. _ . '. • _ 11.4 NIC1•111-;!..-'
No: 1, South. Second street, ably c:,' door,frOm
_ fcriCtit 4 lteiettitiliftletTstitn. = , •.::--:::`'''.:
! ~ I. N oilegetifuncwrilkimit If isniunsorOmtlielosel..
• Sold; by.;.Ghemiits; Druggists,- Perfluers;Stc. 1
Tinnrch - lai - .1•844-,--.• =-- - • ' 76n r 22
•• N. ll':' A vOy,liliaiti „allimilkc . - Peal,ers. , -
- 841 2 E
• Forwarding €c GOMM - 138 n XeChnlits -
inform ourfriends and IMO=
VI • mers, that' tittql a large . ..sell nem
modipus DilitWitre,• NO._ 12; N.
WharveNbetween Arch ami Rune-mut incotiexion
with our present house on Woad sweet, whre, we
Are now really to' receive rllllll. and all otl4 Pro
lure, either by. Canal Navigation or Rita -
. Wtn. B. 'Alitrrny,
VALUAIRI..I3 • i l • .
.• ltilDl3 aillAlltiii. • - '
• , •• - • .
El y vir .tte'of the anti iuthority •
-.sip irontainettin the War - Ar ill luwllitnitienrof
Micel. , EL.Eax,tlec't!:,l-t t fiw,wffer for Wei the -. ..
Carlisle Iron"- . riffs
sitma6 . ,,iori the Yellow - hreephee (.:' ,•46 mace
,: it el Carlisle Pm. The eetliteiienli.t" rii•firit: int_
r.. -
Itealatit ' 44% 'Utii 11-1
iiitr4 - tiii.tlio s 'os'izilit;4cici't r, , filgft.
A new NIIIItCHANT'III.ILL Wail; ibiwd4'ol.litwee',i
fiwielo.4ltowthemibst a pprovettphor/ Afitti's(.lllqtet
bf (he'lau.d, ere-eleared end hiol milieu:d o he iing
iliei•poti•ereeted ' • - '.
_I • 7 '
- Th rep .11:a roe i; an 41111)1 ripg. 1
and !teens:kill:l" - -
____,e_se).A_lart TENAltir,llo4Snklb,..
woricitimprOpuile , il y the , it eilout !dies eleu .
Hull the - Btpling-S ng, which neilli it uorfeet e.
Thereime upo le preiniepsull iii - e - ..i,i - e . =couteryeark- 7 -•
melia house oat bodies, eilepenti;iiiitl'sinkli kl . iops,
) ,t l6
itlggicsietv4vpuvfligeolgi .,
I , , , iith ' ended of iß riinc:. lll 1 e re iii tielinipi
'no' n•Wciksii. , POOtiiilvntiiii* 1
. poseeeite eui
• . riOP adVAntageS 800 0111 - 03 , pfueet uulueemems to ,
the investment of Capipg. , The „ er powerileoo
glrtintltint tit might. be ii•tinile &lea y Ouptoplutu.%
tnotOrihip pnrposo;;•:“.l'ersiaNitrtlin d'' to ' inn.'clun4
will dicetirs,e exitinino tile, Kept 7,7ltOtortnio!.
aka 4 ii'W,iriiitifliikroy_ - _,.•
1 , ~, : ,- .:irifEiceentriioritfiliel - I.lo . ii'deoNtlf!
'CLarl t itile that.'l9, ;OS., -,- •• • • -..;.. 1 V 7 :Arr s i ,
. •----=4
IV ,_
..L;s il. g ttitis -.„ li ii * jj - 4333 ,6.„.„
0 .. , -.... 1
--- €o , lll.lMDEtPiiiA,AND'aitigmofig oAlbriff . ,:
ri0•,,,, ,.. „,.. wr . „. 1,- , 111 , • ..41, , 5, ,
• • rprOpriptOrS Ofpft . litionna4iptlyo,ll::
. .;intillieli' CiiiiVaildjloii 'ite - 4 inricil to rbili'
ade*iiCatidniittlitioibAutin ltelirelentuEta`einir
TliturTriendtiv,ill .pleasii a F , to Noble; Flinn,
glf..NAT,T,ltnatt,t‘And,Hinrt,, iwirewe &: Ille1Coe: 1
ver; And wlintf.ptiove Ragg tfeeft-oii tir:Dcl4.,,
wilielPhiliidiilo44;`kuta 'Jo iaiNthir.., , pftio.,
alai litrNer , itotiett, the lotiinepiteeicsvill:
be adherodtto.betw*nillti 4444 the glove
, „„ _..,
• ,
•,,t, 1,4 a.
Atii2,994 B i•Pr i gNA,
ana meflicinee c '
Yirhbati L Ar . &; CO*.
4 , al
2rocoricts .. , 4 „„,,t;
ViiitiOperlOOVA t °
iyhrieo, 114 , .1 4 , , 039 . .61
Shin ! lee 1000.41
gogoy Por 7— • ---- 7. i,
& Mkolaral dto 1
tbirthitatv , . gi 1 ,4„
Salmi rno low', T«=
,e44,1r0x loid-Rosi9
.., pip I 00 - .: ,',. , 44 ,
Pliititi iikiii ei*
Ho m o 0 ,000-0,0
laideolil4ll3;k;'4,:lP ''',
lilesirai t ' i it- "& l44 gArril A
tor irciO; '.....-;.:..-Ilt.
Valltillt r ur',- ,
thorPo o 4/4 1 -
I.IWAA. ilt. ;f
Dortni9o Aror"
- 3m- , ..,2
I . . . ... ._,. ,
.:,:gi - • A'6:1:: - .. , , Lz Pttr,. , '
i .1, 1 g -- FIE ' 1
.t , ,!'..,- , ..o:Tpl.llll4i!st!ib,
n1:10 ,i 1 :1;1;: , . , :',W,',1.'..'c
,i , • , %i : 'A. , ' !' , i,...::,. li';i;•!;-)•: !
..20?" ~-. 402.;•., .: - . ~; 1
4 / Sis , :ikAit7T..iwA.- 1 7 , :
•ii , ki1it ,1 7 . 54 1 4!!' , 41 , 4 1 .. '14.,
RAO , 4 4044":40 4 A.1.* ,
t54 1 40+404- 4 45:04.`''4.,'
, 5 , , / 4010 , 00 . . - ViVtAt
I ) . .Ip l it-1C." 1 1
ii.74P”.0 0 + 16. !.4 . 4P.; ;3 0k0
iikV,j100,4 1 ,40
r , , Oft. , Orar°'6.?„ .###.*
.: f.'r . 1 ; :-A). , , .., . ..• • , Of 1 " t 'a
Wa C kgrilaaLal I. ' ' '
I. o s , r_ieipsiriiiikiiibrinviiiiii' wo i r r rii .-.-
.._ , trisbOrgoinPtheimbliainteliertikthatirolitia
1 rotneyed t litil ii , elitherilignrcieco and iArilnllingfitort
to Neiill Seiiond, stree.f, a fiw ,moors
. aticivo klepty
.11 tiehterhilloteL'xilie ' . ' Wit I :keWfrinituttiiittly-on
handfaxeneroL9 l l B 9,rtinetit 'f:thejollotking•olutied
. ,
... _- . ._ - •_•
snap f iill!:alr..:Slllin?feir;lol44 Skiitinix,
HttlitemAkrand hitiolt titittle.t•otx:itixdigitaiiiiipii e r
whin : glitt:solliti feather, w>3 and. grain 'Calf
!, F"` fiiittiiii, f!pkiiiift iinirdOuntry kipii;t„tiitiY m ii .. .
1,,,, , : ..., , lini ogiuitthe+,beilowe Leather raiirae..l ,, L -
oxeye:and ; Blacksra r ithtli itita:nork'n, , ...4.: .``.-•
'Vain : led '*itieji:slcina. .' - ' •
4 . 47480,..;.•11X0 ..ig ii 3 OCOS: :
COM . Orifllip , Mena Niiirlq - eiii;'.TOmen'ii 11l nilretseid
red and litieß: airiiila;Prench_lciiiiirdifferent Colors.
11.vil_roans,,BRinge, Lintpliii C.1.-iii,V,OolorsiTook
binde'r's leattier,,Chafiiit' leather and ..„ Bncit skins. '
- ..„such as boot keys and break'er's, alioe•keytiAilm.
riteiTillincerii. rolta, titampa, size , stjeks, imileties;
kitiveliombbersfiles-vripciiOrrai!Mont webbing,
eparahliiii; liiint.'ciii.d . i' liege, awls, 'tie. &o. ' 4 1 0 of
iwiaietlie.:wili . sellFitt •the • ieryi;LOWk - S-T - t'ASH
•, , •%IT, hi , l'r , rettirturtria-aineere-t• luintio,to..ille pqlR ----
11c; for the-liberal ci.titronage whin!) has heretofore
been extended 'to hiiii; , niur.respectfulkt . solfddi a
continuance of Akettjavora.„
- Hnnloilu .4, -- c, MTC77;384.1,
fAilllig - 05,, , - - .':iIOTIELTir.,,
THE siitfeetitiei ivriitld r6l+oCt(ulryp,ih
turret- labc•friends'ititil
. .; .
" m
• al ti
Street, a lew ilnurs east : ill' the
.Cciurt:lloesk, here
he will at - all tiole's take Pliaiure
to - the-enanforttr-ofilsose - -who - may • With •
their eustorn.
its 11102 'shall be eonstatallv taipjalira 'with. e
• oicestliquont, and ItiaPl'AbC.E- With thebesii ru
.arse-taia, furniah. • A careful,
° OSTLER, alwo:
kept in lattenalararal nothing
to pletisr ail '‘vlatv •enil wilt ilr11). • • •
130 A it.DEKStaketa brtheweekcmonth or Tear.
Carlisle,: pm 1843. t 1.2
' 21)r. fxrifeell DeSeto totres•i•
Nerve and Bone Rheuma 4 O'Llnimeht,
and Indian Vegetable
Dr. tabby's Vegetable Bitters ki.ife Pills !
I . frpv x t fitililin7 ,3 • •
l'e'vers. Fever • wg) Agin! isretosiii, '
Liver Conipls'nt; Also 'he • • •
Chiffoie tin ir
warraiiieo to refilOVe S. ctfln uis l 4 i y0,00(1 . 111. 11..
jortiqx UK! skis . or h
,f so eertilicstes to
tbt; ,;),*
bot.lbe • priet-r is satisfie,l.ou.o.sll tlpiitre
commentlittin thrt owl is it fair
Et . Tvles•
Stolto corn* Poly by ,
'c. eri.vv •
tt stol,KrikbiirgAv .
- 6 . IIIAIBA.UaII •Es . 11 0..:PH.:
1 •
- fsi;46 •
glikt7tiliakirt4A:uo:4 y.„74.444„t4w-16. - till
astiortineitt ot - -
DrUSSi'lnclficings, Xlyp!-.Stuas - 0
ko,_togethen i wkiti!,--
• • I:Sable , Selling I
-.'%4 l ‘tality; raintio g
77 . 7. - 77iTillair=1167;7,411#1yrriria,-, a f , r vijig
• Topo - Son1;19 01r 4t
Orin/lid 'anti 47:t . skiNlots*V1
e'iefy'inftoo.irticle , ilstite Rag N.
the nut ntioif oiJnysiciatiu,cqintrt•Abiketaint.aodi
rpsesf, p l icii4nilliO i llskc.mai! !9 .4o,WAttNYFY7
CarlisteilkißrOklls;lB4&... ,
I , I -1111S111 , :INTALLIBEL ,HEALH flltt
. 1 ) 1 E6
, . ,
~ , , •• ~„ +l , itlr
"iii 'E LI AND'A=IIALP - i3ENTSA - 130:5, ,
I "'.T Oraiir&torolthhi invehiable J4-liohleitoeat._ .
um ~,hatfor4t e oe the
publie , hummtwerthieoleot,..."..::.Th? ititystMAlLLst.t.!POL.
one; 4O'lnuelf has thew useVelyen.aitieraction, and
so stronety_hise. the.) , teen reoommeddtid Mtlied,Wds."
otheroffiatit .has tcOn'tliterlY , imPoes/Ido‘Rael
the detonvl„ bob bete • pod for counn y vents: tt...
.riiii.theifrosent motith, more thaii(wiftouilfleal lw
or, nearly ,THISTY THOUSAND, tiONgiii, tar o
bec.,..3,1,„, this eity• and ,iicinity,fild' i onlipo44p
Agent thrtongliOnt the lilniked Statesomq. mime dr-
densita tee&bn haul iWbiiice herereHtey iatielf#. His
filled o .1 fact; it wits mot the spirit fif proplimolite
for . e.te •
.tt Any when the only Pillin
. 11te; will he
IWO. Invented' hy the immortal tlr3lehmtnifilthidk,
the reetesephysitian Anteriake r eereety.?•„, ,,, ,al , oa . ________
THE; HEALTH PILL caS hoye,rotkikerifiiilW
eeenied ell - nigh imposilble i they boyoewooroltpo 1
*Heel health•hondreds who laid 164 laniotHlirrile_ r
beds of pain 1 they hwie operated, Ilkeseteemt4 whew
all other medielnp Culled, ciet te aflotd relief, they ,
ham comfort to s the einetecl,"and; hene - to the s..
despot Rog ;'.thef Invievriiiiioveff fge Illizethb "to g ,
and-gi v en baoiclouth -, t°'Ah l itA l g ed ,t , ...' 4l. 2 4 ,„" 4 Pin
seem to possess the., prOetliec.aserfeco , wr.l.
*llYmiats'of fernier'ilayst to” that , Eits.titAbetlefifie...
Alan /I a mti thet.eonquereeor - infirnStleson dimwit
"er whrh 11 "#0 1 , 08 0.(40e 41t ,YA 44 T4"l. 4 gOttftPtr,
labor nif'slOtly ' ' ,I. ....ia.:::—A.. °
.1;8 0 1ci o '• Vallii4grat' ,L •VlE4Dl,:lkk* , opri•
1 4 04101601i3itotit's-otet; High ~ ettlieoliti,,,,o„
sele , Airkikii,tb,c,gekihdeo - .
,„ ~, ~,,, ± , i , 4 1 )1 1 t ,
..' '10 41 1401, Greaeon'; Shljteensburgf , , , , ,
' : ',•:., / # gh3r4CV-0;
~e i,l. '-P ' • -'-• c,: -,--
trit W i Siitraiiitrli lA4ag 'oopAtie'lli it
~..*1 vihtlii 'clitnamad aiihty'roribi'v ' ',
xtioW ',P,Ram.o7,kta9oUqll, it naiifinitmaisli
1ik r iP,1 1 ,; 0 741419therp 4 1910.114440,00Pa1q 1
4 d6,* C 1014 mem?, odesps, 1 .
* O4O miume'bllltarellqi , i4vAo wool ,• ' ;
rktiiMUU'Vk qt-pogirogo th•ia.
_oftkelr_weoctletio 'o.py4iLitl " `.`i "L_____
: 'H 1 ,1, 6 4 1 , 1 01 t44-!*, , rfit .. "7l ,i'i ,-,i3;', , ,i:4`6','; ,
i i l 4 47 74l fg ;'l4 4 t ki 4 4 4 :
rA'Mkqihino;4'fglclvlt*l 4 Vsieiiesit+*4
14,13 , 1 twifib!Apt 13 tr, 1,,,, VeHMIA go.'
~,s, ‘No tipm Itt ill!ikikll,
'op Atttqfbt:t#