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Lettele to ,insure attention Inapt ,bo,puot paid. • . ANP..I HENRY. REED .i.A.tyrolen.terekinto..purniei•ship.tor_the.prtto• tlee of the, Law, attend tctall business entrusted td ki,"reree,' ie few hors 'weal . of-tlinipiqr.t, -- 11olisel',!unl - next to the Stole Jasonaiiit also . at tlie t'Asitlenen of John Itecyl, opittoltddlie "b.l7# . • • AUXANDg.ii• .tv. -TODD,, - r: ~-,-.-.,:;,,rAttorneys atla.ar. - - - JrpLit,:owlersigliod .lipiva aSseiciated as 1 4 ..1.!, Mtn.TlL in; 4 lke Pn!cties .01' Pov, ill CUMTher ,innd said' Perry enmities. One or Wilt ilf.**s may Ibe , lll , a'fonoil and constrheil at the hereto ,filro_q apical Ity S. 41eN - auileritlAct dom. to to the fir 00 '6 Bank. Atriot aktention will be givotrlo all AntiipeAthte_edAu their mire. .. ta' ty ~, : SA M UM. -ALF:XANpEjt. . -, : LEM UEL TODD. • . . . . .. . . . . . . ' GALI . „'II ER. & solSrivrnillispectfiiily is r X. fail t i p the CitizenitToreinliilC - nail its. vicinity, that Mee. have taken the stanilfoemerly,ocesitibil by 11. S. Ititter, on Sduth Hanover street, two lows • ~lvliray's-stitre, where they will• make up-every WItLTAJV[ FL MILLER , de s cription or coottorpco's clotilip g , iti the most • Attorney at Law. Illishionable style and of the neatest and' most Ash , • stantial workmanyllip. • Great care will Isi lakes to elhii - f,ran REMOVED to 'lectern's How, in the deli vt.r II II eitt.him.; at the appriiitted lime, nod' what' NLP room tormertv (sampled by S. D. Adair, Esq.. is of . still mare imistrtatice we has resolyeth(Utn.rett 'thrtisle-,Altril 8, 1844., • 'tl ....43:9 7 174MhtfWelii6tii fir the pricey at presCnreliarged, . . . .. '• for sulking Coats:Veal% and; Pantalrib4c . Suinnter .r S. Cot.wsm.... IL P. ,\IeCIA/1111 • 1:111,071 . Clouts walk! up for. Oite ".EroPtir 'and Tweed C.D.LIVE.II 8)... M'CLU.RE-., ( ~.. .,, , ; .:,, , t s. I . (i n r iibit l . ,..so. .All i!itarmen , ts *arrested to..fit Itt • : I I' lamb Gallaher; who will :WI i ts Cuttertir this rs ,.Attorneys- at Law . - tablisimier receive(' his isitruetions in ontrof ;.he 11 1, 47 ILL, attend promptly to bustness.cstrustpl to hest eitil ( ildimems in t h e city of :).I‘v' York, and Ims V them to Jim- conoties„ut , Gumberhoul fwd lead cosioderable experience is that branch of the Pt atiklin. 'Offices, one dfair west of the Jail, Last lisloos.. • . 3 [No street, (..;allim,, SittL.m:St. Ultra 10 StntabatigA / Ttle patros9gc of the public Di most respectfully.. &... Itoover's 1./rit; Store, Shilipenshorg. •-. (' solicited, as every pare will- be titVen to gave entire A prit'24, 1844," • a-20 stu.i.lltction to all who rail. . ~ J . -GALLAtIEri k..SON. • riltrashiligtoric Hotel - E CURNL ox 51,up:f Sin.E.ll4: & Atftypg SQuiq.p 7 - 04 sw) , : 21) 111 E-) , 71 . 4 „ • • .V . M 11.6 begp eige to itliorlh 11 , cAte thut .he has this well Inion rim:kite, %Odell has recently vitlergnote 11 t hnroitglt re . pair, tuill.lt4s fairaislieddt anew the ci.t-ot-fleil ding Mill taller l'urnitiire, and is now • prepared tc a cm - Mutilate Members of the lalcidaiure WI Tray • ellers in the very' hest-style, and upon such terms 4 eatiii4t fail to, please. 1 jt•rt, 20::1 8 0. . 1.113113Ert ! 1,173.113 ER: : - ‘11i: atilrieviiiee kin'itplirsivil cit I , C,iiiiifiiiitt • keep ' OH hand ( , Il Xi/kW firri - iiii.lier, 14101 ell While r.t RAT.i.iiii; R I ili,:l: s ; s' sit lat (lug, Slifiikiessiiii , iiiiiiii: ..I Ph.g,i.in g i..,o4: s;.. Ru .r wiiieli will be wild :it f ile , e'i ‘.01: iiriyi,ii.it i.i.11,t1113 aelditine of iiiiii I i n z.lbe Evan, '‘ l - 'he WKl'e hin,....., of \\' \i. il. ii.lititAv. :,,,e..,04t...., N.py .2.2, I Rl4. t 1.30 • gUolese for Rev, vut lssmssi()N immediately, ei,6w .tm Story 11114: Jla US (milt and awls.' be Gki. littlttir., ow \Vest I I i,;11 street. Fat Myrna :ipply to . • " .G \I. 1) sEvmuukt. Joni! 1844. • - 4.-33 Jr4adii , s• Fancy liress d r i;Oodsi Cl,ll , ll9M:r.it & CO.lieor th.• Uzi! mil ip96ijgvfisliiir litivr - ytqt - tiptiit3l (lie roffiiivin g 'Hew style or Dress 1:0(11iS, t int.vl Ilarageg, Hick_ Altmslin he &e. Mllllll '27, 1844. 0'44 "IrlaniatIs:0011111am Aleelicion*." UST-recelycsd •i el.lol',*2li :kr) Prop*, UompjusitiAT6w#l'l:§iiililitteri"N'ell'e Pox • ;Aqictir;llletl unfrlplitat • - . 40' .80. N Florence Ilrnitl "11rince, lieri m Ofdr ttlttr"GgCl7ll7.-91:11-1t1t.R;t11.7; CLAY SONIc BOOK IN. sale by M.Y.StiB & ILAvEitsneK. MOMS . .- reuttli Colla •k and hi hide §vpill4ii6.4.itistret.GEOil • qp‘rfff, , :' W. • 4 0-atkand:;SlCiOeS. -11111i i itijgrgr! fupaprtr9,en!. ever Iw9tiglit --lo Atoi 1 . 7, 1,844. *B* er144," oc.ILBY. atti t ur!Ate; liiiliidel 4WalTrilard.c.7,;,,F . . • . LARG . p: ossortmeiit Ow! Prince .4. i 112 or i,Mooti.epi nom Ocrilovit,the khesivstiiiel.of SApTrlr,l)344.„ . „!,„ .• - B'. • o an 4 ass ores. • • i ti(iiinplaliilfd-osibit*ii 'redOiiiid ; CIL and se .ir f iery.lo l ,4:!.ti o .stoi.o o r. ~ rs .. Apr,ll t . . i_tlffitirkevii4_„,.._.i.,...„... orrOliiiiifidterylitiOsiiiAttigdlielFittiltiiiitWGofb; ' lttrYkeAN4 ll )P - Y . TContai kAoTcoiiiiiicialroif ana ml will be"sold 14 Pio / 0 wRittP.Rl4l 4 ;P t *. a PillPitiheV.ireliolote Of %With 18411 t;: (•• •), ;7 1 . WM(lllll` o lllUlittAY. , '" . 4 ;..., • ' A~l4, - 44,r..;it, OLIO GiEfLm ,0 J111 , ;1 t3ll4:tftifiAeillA , TIM*, k i el t afiliViE,W i it ~r iaNA.t i glii:'. s 4gl Figscifd*fint irigityp tilibertioht dente PPltMitart robru - " ° ,e 4 AVRI7O.I;S ligifte --7:27 7. 4 , 2110. - A - V*6414404 rtiOtii64lll44.oeki at9l: l 6# 111116 4diajaire on — OW rioe: contim-r tbOltio*datvi*For i vot:loo, renteagi blifvoikoiotti,Sioet.sEti 'l_ liatitahOcalte ' 6taitili*Oirlheast . bis is4hf2 n - ro A '1N , 411- t A: abOle-'laws tea ieetiollY l 'eltit - V 14403 ,t 4 P 4 i 4 4.""27,"- A !uja o , l Y, enataitimot 44 4 400 0 X 6 1 461 1 1 ** 5 iN T ELL /P E N C E* ADVERTIS IIIPt r k Li T ICS , /LITE F4irg 'I :n»tßr IF,~cjd'irr; fni2F; %iit4 SIC Ot VASHitirta# ' tiriNiult;Oribeen lidelliltlrebketiolly inform lii's -'4(rientlsaltd,thp:publlidhatkeloka rlWevetl-Frofik .hli ttld stand'oit'Westiligh itepe, tetite Oblie betide Itittelf kePt 1114'n S'ollitlitnoi , er Jabktion. Where he 11 be,ilwltvekl#4obee the Cititno Ittithtflipbt iwitrtifollit'itoittrukttbletlinhifer.'s • 13MI. Elmillli.&.4onstantly:Auppliell ' , kith the elboleest)iquora,itthis' TABLE with the best the' rA:I ettteful.4.iSTLtlettiviays kept irlatten(lpppe==.o4l nothittg 641110 pit 04 1 :'"vc' WAHL/148S 'fttlfe4 by the, week xci tintli or. yeti;; . - • A:l!lDlgl7.'Atollg#7.-S. • ft:44840e • ' 1.145 IMUI trAS.ramoteOsix.:Failorioa• F.stablisisrnent naxt 11;:iloo'r_to:the "betel' iiiiw 'occupied' by, Aii - ke r Roberts, to Seuth,tiannver, styee.ti , and directly op poi' ic his fininer residenbe, where . pleated' toititend old,SaistoineroVntl-the:Pahlielener; From. is expellssnce•ln..,tha_lstmlness,he is Sibte to . please all who may AlthlitheSr'bustorn. ." - . • The litteSt.C.sty,Fai/tiosi Will al wasy he attended to, stint tifittedebtiliirpiiittefatrit a reasonable ahare of. patrcentoe- The woidil also ay.til himself of the preslut opportunity= to retern'his thanks td hisibr rney pati•ons tor'fiseir beralitbandlopes, by teitriet attention to.; and a du pOisition to pleace,-to merit u: coalmines - 7e of.tlieir pateasiage. - OtwaslepApril 40,- 1844', - ,07rese reititoring mo7:l!..awitioatDaulauig May-15 i 18,14. ISMSTIMAPAWiIIa Eine. r . . Pl-1, yrvißmittleria gn eil, proprietors of tlieStustinthanna. i li.. 1,1 - ni: of Cars.imil-Cantal Boats, remeltii; sin cere Uninks to their friends in Franklin at ( limn— herlainl enmities frtt.st, litvors, and respect idly in- Amin them that.- they-are now prepared toTe:ovive and forward &ill), via Title Water Canal, ti roduce and Neratandize, -• ._ ... • - b- I%) AND FROM ..: PHILADELPHIA mid BALTI - MOR.E l'emittee will lie -deliferecl'lp av house nt . Phlatlel • ilftia or iiiittiOidl e.l.o'whiclo,itrely t iliniisicaitlicive aa e,,.. Tii.i t afeinas'in . the 1.-11LIA:v.ri , • - Nit5311 . 5., - ,: i.-. - Il'ml6l'T b,.... - Ntrativ, • --- .- ' '... Vine st. Wharf on thelfelaware, Philath k lltin. MC661 11 . ELDER7G El it m o;t & Co., .051111111:ree 6E. Wharf, Baltimore. 'rimy will alsp rceei s e awl Ihrwartl,thillv, to ('(Ills-, Inmg. and imernimlmie ponds, Freight and Passen- 1 gems aba I'M. the North alai West Iliancli Canals_ - • J. & P. MARTIN. - tf-% T. SA.DE It is therefore idle to hope that under yirPisbtlyg, INlny 1,1814. the administration of Mr. Iklultlenherg any ~,I 'M Va. eltanwe'in the management gf the public works could be procured. ' Muhlenberg's nomination was procured by Gov. Porter and his office-hold Ors, ,and "n gratitude to them, even svere he impoll ay no strong er motive, ho would be enjo - ra - 11, the advantage. June 10,.184. 1 . . ~1111- E ILS & HAVEILSTIPX from the improvements, • C RIO 01. 231.0301‘.%. Smith's Gengrtipfiy . and Atlas, °keys do. Smith's Kirkhatirs,,llttllinns and It ray's Gramhnu•s, Wil lardS United .Slates, l'i'osts dn. NUR:liella Geogra phy and. Atlas; Hurt its Ilengraphi• of the Heavens, :111all'ets Johnson% Philosophy-and ClientiStry,4mil lies Philosophy, Cdnistoeks do:Comatockii istry, school liistory, lindens Spa . ler-bc-Delinery-wipt all other-spellers that-ttre-to usel for sale by • :..__.BaQT_S ANL/SHOES:. - luric just i•ettelvell !tumid* , sup* of Boots And IL.lilloqy to which _I. would-, eat) Situ nttearou of Harvest Bonds and all,: oilier& ty . outing , to`od dud elltwp • . the old stand,, wlteivyou. are. tliweys. eye - 41 : ge! geedly o sioe.. . . CII.ABLES OGIL II Y. July 10,11134 .. Ca 0 - CERIES, • Fresh lot of Snow, ' Alolosict! br. • o. justleceived, siod.Bolling as lou stii cnn be :111109.11iis storo-9C-' , , . . pluaLus 10,1814. • liViCZi'S ATlrg) Wick. for,sttlo_bi. „ fu';'• 1844 ' ,;', . C4.111D1r;:'• g UST • cifd , Pe'u'eCti.4ii 1,11,1 M o , trarlhotind Law y.• - '-Pelmtiniy-14:1844.-.', Tiiie'Pgc#ctPeiikei'v4s at egery Price for sale by .10 „ : ic:ty 41116rior ni:tiele intended exP 1 : 01 3 81 Y rf)r Gentientett?s Coats, Vests uml.ll;!teoloatisjust too"ts44 • . • ttrilfg I FPFAP I9 ".. 1 3 ,1iiftrui4 ; fitOpra 41tielinsat- Itstrichis plic4 hpr . iy14,144 IFF.ttl,gri-114 cp.. 4 'l , 4 . letiditi I tl tp, ll. Clippi June l 26 , 18 sprzrzar 06itoithf ne lythieifObacrilier;l9lelikCJiillbr f py,f , .18#316.0niy,!,;,4:,111ei 4t,ARA,N v, pm! A. 4j11.5. 18VAD;Sq3alci l ' 14:1 / 1 T•Pl i.311 C 4 9q df-eifin irs:r o:•,olxi t ehs'AtiA/{ . Weellind.iiGNariginAinad , t,71 ' Mai 1,8/*&&,R,I4O44WoiIITN.Ati Cizt 1:4 0 7iY0 4 ,4i4404 1 4 0 0thittinali'ofisteitpdYlii , ittprproing i lly,tlte 011og*A. r,v, 0.4 AIPW ' .-.9.E9oYnilgrAr WWI • tiveitinitror gecas..l,,► 7.. 7- 71 --- . 41 1 1 4 1414*/'( rt'" '.0.150 '461 ~ -i, ~ CrT~S~ s .. i,. ... .:. !.LlC!'nn~Vlß!'Y!Y'.f++ari..,A„!~s.~~?.,;a',~3; AM' a . Laltlr L • • gap m -168-a:1011211141:-.''. BEATTY. gbiTaa,AND PROPRIETOR, 0:44 . 4k0kx;.: - Ip : A.. ~., - ;Yf"cdziesilaj~lze~zrBr'7 18~i~; nwrnexy\—rfiere weounty•in Ken. tucky; witteli:uf . 1840, gave IVIr. Van Bu= rep four xotes,, This , year it‘ giile J. poik, -nOtva - single one.; Mie Teeple - are determined on' theirpoliticalinegrity. -.Keppacky we be- He ft; the . ljoebrocos• put wn ne ' don 6ttll —Cincinnati _ _ . • - ;il,'r,st.Rm.sanF.t 7. The Meryl- phiiOuirer says „the nomination of Mr. Polk akali : ens' no responsive „thrill in the. boWoms of the. .Locofoeo party •there.-- , Tithout e.T.ceptiop (days that paper) their are diedripnyitei4.and a number with : whom we have conversed• - frankly'lonfess that it Ni du 1 d haVe been better.to have done noth in,g : than lohave made such a nomination.:'.. ilia A GOOR REASON.-4. lbw dap' since a gend jury out Sobth ignored a Lull against ashug,re.negro fer.stealing . chiclsens, and be -fora - diScharging - kim 44onr custody, the judge bade him stand reprimand". He con cluded as foiloifs : "You .may .go now, John, .(shaking his_ iinger•at lot me warn S'ou_tle,, 4).pear '1 -John , with rdellEht beaming from bia big white eyes, and with a broad grit); display ing a row of beautiful kory'replied : , . "twouldn't bin slis ;hoe, Judge, only de constattle foteli Opt" • - -- tf. , 29 TAX PATER.S.LOOR TO YOUR INTERRSTS —The next election will-decide 'whether or, no,t the works shallbesold., Porter found m canal° th wart the weliknown, wishes of the people, and keep the - men ts in the hands of-his office holders..-• He also . suenetade<hin-luiiiiiig - 44,-.44h borg -l- nominnwvi - i - er Aditre - s - sor, who, if will be pledged to pursue.the course he has marked out. — This fact'is undenia ble. _ pease. . Derby° the- public ,works eaw be:takeiT out of the' hangs of thc_eftlee;.holders,_,i; ebtbige tn?.tat be made in the State adiniii istivtion-....-The- election of Mlifildn berg-4.1i/,/ not. be q - ehangel:l'he : onlyTal.; ternltivei • then leftlor fever' cf. k9111614444i1i1ie-,:.works,..is.to-vote;for-Ge . ilafkle:anq meibbeli - 3 . 0r li_eg; . Whlg.—What'are- Col. Polk's proseut views, alum the Sub 'treasury ; lie still goes ,for - that I etiripeas 1.,. . • , Loco. - --Col. Polk is fOr inpnedicif a an• tiexation. . , , Whig.7 , l - I(3tiir s dii you entierstand his.late etteittrilit'sn,blect of inea.ariff • •-• Understand Itiinlo , be for Tel: :.) , Vitig: l -- - IB.he in , ~, c, ~,. ,; - ,",.'" , , r ' 0!C Pt 4 144 , - .1 11 ' . , :c: : . . ; t', !•`i II!, 7 ; 1 i . , (' I ;,:. Y:, ; a 1 4 :PP9%t, S 9c r ,lP V oa.t, 1 9i ; b# l g 09 0 3, P.tflP . i f t i l rr.r:,/ , , ,r .p , PYxiP.4',A? , Ll B • ,i'' . . ,, ' , .% , f3) :-,i 11 4'.. 77 7 7 . Pc,'v.iP: l !9, l ,!iim4, eiB4tiburi94 .nowlf: ' ' : --.-;,,, ---\., ii '" ' i tii 'ii 1,.. 41' 1 5 0 :177 0 A 1., .agnA', t! 2 49e 8, , cigqt 1 .- ,'o,i l , for 're?cas• •: 4'' , " 1 .. , !-'; illipuilic...!m .;,.' w:: > ' !3_:l_ , Ylt i gr,i7pq9WAYPJi#o 6, 4illc.n_c*itt..,lfd . i. I.ollYii,-0,- k Nlk -..'• M :fit ' - '•ra ! .;;'• ;• r: •I).:'•il;f4 l i' , 71 - 44-.?-047", , q4e - , 1it 1, i4 1 8 4 -1 0 ii-Olk- 4, - 4 iii:iiii•s i tii' ' W itte ,41.'1., , 1 '. .. Aftf - 3ti V' , o7 + . ..ii I, ,+ J f 1 , 1. 'J U . ,-.,1 . f. : ... if %t; + : 14 1 h i '.9',1 1 t .• .? AY 4.4 e4.'.. . i h, e (AI .v 1 p, ,hJ. e...i , r and al . d i . ,ty ? I P:‘ ,g ; , s t 0„., 4 i 4 ‘2rl (li l ? , ;A , .11t% e , Illsi••ii.Seriht•de',4plloiniitf'fi'*ll4o6ft 1110100 it io p . vy. Ito. „ii .„, , g9,;.,11),„,,yRur,:p ''a , !, tii '.sr ", , jr , ..:„- re rw t. +,+:.1..,,.. eqfp+l).; , 4 _ A li , aq,114111. keop.inetbabeitioldti:*ygvilf I?k,l,i,:°f.';.:;;!:', 7 lr,:c7,:':. : ,'is'eVl,ClllN,:io?%Vre l S(4‘i,4', ..:Invi‘ii,otieri:*OrOef,r,,,!l--t'Re#l,ifglt flfqt 0 i1 t af:4* . , ::.,", €''',:::4i: , t:ti ilAi, '- ';',1: . ;),.-el . - . 7i0) , C:i4:; , . rtA fit4 . l),witoleiiAtlieuieil 'etiiitliellit i 'd ran `:4, ' MI l 'fsi?ffiritg , ,i4f,lo9flieftn_i:fPsl,.. 9pli!Qtp, 3 0 , f i ki9 0 4 1 !:4detwrokii*Irtw#,',Ile t tel;iy 4 1.41i)_tNolikrglAiliiLicikliki,0034,i : ih l i - Akt u po w Ei4 - forlivancor,oiviighty,tu, i „ .....,,,,,..,,.. IL 4 4 ,1? - 4 , 44 . 4, , ,447.1a711 . VP;7' ,4. M;Ti .. 4..Airrii;01114 , 7i4 : Otf' :11Mggti@ l i*ItgteirOlOra(reAlkiki0116 4 t roll A J,..i e ,, . 0 6,,., - me ,,,, at,. 2,ieriaktA:.01.....,0.04 A lw A ll gettte g 'lllMl ,l *tiFlATl , 946, ,P r it. 44 Psi??." 4 0 - --•. '107,00 pit 7 .00 1 .04X 11 0,,,,,,r ' !i s ii'l l ' '' iiiniari' 'a4iii , - . 4itli I',,i;,, , Vt?L i so l o4o[s 144 o# o4 oAoi , "=. 4 . 41 '' .litLailAYA4t?., WHIO fOIRLS , QPIIGHTEEN-FOFLI • '. • • • 'rY2O4•O, tin Wifcket•' ' gaipidihe day" foupyeara 1 5 n O w ;: ::And now, Lheypl► collet again, ; `Anti for ' l O 4 - I T." . "Clearihd pi , fc'!,ls • Ckk . 01p,ray Our 1 ." For we ' re iho girls pt'eigbiAtipiftiky. Nhilc walking.out the other dny, 1 heard u.ii)liely !Ay - That Itie • tell.Mm he n3ighigo '-‘ • So 0.1:ar111.9 eselylierierr I've !mob. Wide all tlO 'gitia that Haire seeir•'— isto•ollier man will do, they say, • For President Vii(HarryClay. So!olear iho *;:' • • In eighteo y ,(1q . _TllritikyOiA fenntle4.singudi Was . cleat flkd - • The locos goat diem' in thO field, Apil Cry Up Aiid go for Polk instaUl of chi r ; 4.A.pronip(npttfirin- r e hear thqrti.say i . __Olen'. the tiny, with your foul 11exty 2 ' We're the giiii of 'dike-a The occis met at Baltifilore, Bti the girls had seen thef Whip before'; An whop they viewTtl that loco ctiowtl,, They cried, with voices sweetmcd food, Clear the - way, Rm. . , And when i ihev.heartithe name of Polk For President; again they 'I Hey turned their voices AltngAin, _ I in this strain, : • Clear the. wdy, Sze. -Then-let-no loco hand ----, -- O_f Of any lady in our. lautl3 , For, ten:tubas, she'll he for Clay, - And theni.jn thunder tones, she'll any. Clear the yo-, &ot THE, WHIGS AND•THEIR NIEASUAES. Under this head the Na'tional "Intelfigen exhibits4he benefits ot. a 'single mea sure of the whigs.' After referring to•the facts that when- :Gen.-Flarilsen .catne office he.found an empty : treashry,a large 'debt, and a •revenue less-than:the current expenses .of the government; that the ex tra session of Congress assembled to pro : . vide temporarily for the wants of the gov ernment; That the %Alga atft4 regular.ses= siou encountered viole4t opposition,. from the leCofocomifiority 19'd 'the Pr'esident's frierni;; oitajAitii4redit‘ofthe_goverti. was dait , deailittig, end the.agent sent to Europe to coin:rapt a loan was laughed at for his pains, the Intelligencer continues: In the lace of every difilculty, the whigs laid themselves out. upon the %Intik, and surmounting all impedirpents,passed 'Par a bill, which the President- put his veto upon for reasons more. exceptionable than even the eicreises bf the veto in such a EM3 Discouraged, bOt not disheartened—bent litpoirilistrharging - their duty in the face of every obstacle—the Whigs again -putatheir shoulders.to the wheels of 'the car of gov; ernment. - by this time act fit in and at a temporary Sacrifice . of a cherish ed 'feature' of .their plan of Government, .passed another Tartfrbill,:tlah received the signiture of the Prektkent;_becdnie the Tariff-Act of 1842, and at once 'set the GOvnrtun6iit =Aiwa ain in motion. they can derive the - pnblic ex- This' itithe ptilv part of the general plan Of Whig 'liminis i trdtibn, which the „Whigs, whilst they had the majoyity in both 'Hous es of. Congress ; Were - able to entry into ef fect; and they•eorried it against tho almost unanimous - vote of the loon foe° party, who began;'fr,ottl the v , ay, o .ts. pas-, etige,:te , , threaten . ite t• eti,.i.o . ,;har'e , atl l tempted g). repealit., it - ievory'Topperninity *ltove sinee.hatl., :: .:•:: , J- .. ~,. _.,-,52.-' Tlienahgc (_q.__iytVinieht was-nrieble - I'6 Inipro*:= , money : iitien `AnY' , :ter'nui: 0:1VOili • six pit:cent 'stock ' or - the HAitcsl'_Atates4 , :i - elltii - gfii - iirtoti per: COUt:•attva 'Ce° 4 ' .. (n iterpai,:valtio,jutd the., GoVertnnenflernilsi tyft!t'ti.ts di TOtitty; •itorrow,(ta hthulred'iiiii= lietil. 2 .-of - itillate ii , :Jetis thdli! 'MT' fiei*iiii in tet,eit-,4 , --ti--4t. ; , Theii )ititiotiir4 ikil6 . l:l7i,'tii, , i 4 l4ititi6, the Governinent , Was,(te,pelident.,:tinv.-freeh irittes of,,,.4'reeitlyt Nii‘ei:,(belitt , Lpat in the,,t9arlcos)..foritjeetint ittP , 'enkageniehte:' Aor(iiktitetOls 'WV iiiiiihrritlifitliheirtiiiitiffs' 9f , dolfin 4 99(9911 4 1 9*,T,,N.E1010iv i ,) 1 1011%it` , f tv ill Piolifibly bit iti ' creei n eit,bYlihe Attn.*" 4: a PtFtslrifit,9,liPßralueorqT. , ielve7 , lkliV 1i0'4,-..4:01prc tilrntist+Aiough.itc;',ikex c lini;' Attipjb;pe , tili,4l - o' .- dold.--Aiittiiii tii - 'trite.* *iiiiiiii - ofeafiti• i. , : , -: 6 ii* -4 1:' , , 494 ,4 .1 ,, ,,: , v 4 ., - *!.iikluirlfB9Ativiii..ogiriitO . miitfiw.4.o-74., tl4 P• 4 1 .4. ~'. 0 .1 ~. /1. , . 46 • N 'eV l ttikrOC,ll-45g ' I T4 9. ”.ftrI H IP,1! "° ' -w P re ' s- t i if b19 .1 1 5 92 4009. 6 94 ( 1RMAT, 1 JP.1 . f1 1 TY. ,'‘O l q; PI agilirrlo,o;ill,i9o l ,4 sll l ,- :the,te is ',.iiiiippii, rti,iia , ECetivitiikaiiierprifief , Siiiiti ' prose. ' ' I .' ',',•• .',-• ' '•'.. t ,,,. . ,, ilj;stk.iit aCI/Clati).' 1.11 Y .,; ,'F, - ' ''...'?? ' ‘ . .. ' # : Oit iii A 1 .10 .. P;a 'O ,4ll Vt iiOA 6 VAInA4 Itiel ( Oili0 ' '''ilitit i- i6ii i- f6a , ` , l , oB,;oo l :§Tii I l' l ..dgiri°steq.• ,l''',iy.W.4ialup,(4l#l,, , illogr i*:' , 4 11410 .064 5 ; 1 0 1 4, 1,4tkci ,01 10i !,.,)' i ..,, v. o, iirto' . 'tkllitOtii'lo4o# ot gsa(ii: i____, • fie ~ ..', ' *l',,,.'ag,iii*''4lil,4'ppß i oj i ,4l.Zaeil ~ trti00090.,,404441,410, 4 : 0, x.4oA,stitigrkt Pr;slt9lVool,bliti.) 0 .pgwv4lFijit;'," 1,96094 On - 41, 4figlim, 40m,i0A14149P.,00,4c0vii4 . - ,-,, ...,...i.1...4:;gNiii4.:, . , ,•/. • IF- .o c ", ..313,;11• t) • r:?0,1 . 7t,, - V. • lit: 031:01. •to f.l-1...i.)4;r45p - P.4f4;AW..144111, - ,11•Ak.A.1•401,4,M1,1 r" ---- ‘ — ry, • TlIRJOINOICALE11114"./110#401:1:LitleillE., - mats AND' §bIENCIES` 4111100111EINT - 44,&5. ' • • r- C 1, 4 ,- - /1- :•7:v11 • - AS , 4, 3 er , ,447,4 g, tit . ; r .11 i _l 4 , • ; ..„ „ MEMEIE DIALOGUE and P° - ' lIETWEBN,A , MANUFACtillthil, , `LAND _VVOOII4,IIOPREIVINVIIE:,impt ,'1)1 , • ~,, Maniffileturer. ,Hoirvaid you getting along vtitli'ynur" , chbptiiiikt .-- +TFoorckittiiiiikNeri'well'. Myself anti 4 1 ,, „- v i 4 , tionti,are pnttingue.aFout tWelve cords per . 4Ry• Af . • That is :tining very well, twelve cords at ,forty petite per cord. tatObunts to' Of 80. •-yes,Ttelipye iirdve often' tfiought 'that, I tioulcl t,an.. N, as: you flietUet. you, Could 'give3lle any good :reasoneitthy you Voted the derodora, tic ticket,(as' , ii•is called.) -* ,„ 1941taie mYretisoos. • - Well, lotus /V- I wtiuldrathei• nor • - •, -If I Waifi,SlUW you pethip - o you woulcifbo 214 ; , ilerhaps, you give mejsuckreasens-ai. will induce me to' vote.ivithyou.. If :you esprit; Terhips rnan - yousuch' reit: sons as 'will induce you io'ipl,o for certainly whatever is my inlere r kt. must be Sours, so . Tong live Aqgstber. TV: I:vp1 give you my romps if you promise not to be displeased. '3l. ,I pertainly:will dot; no matter %let yOur - ieailFMs May be.it shall not maithany diOrenee between us, and y, shall have full liberty to vote as you please. r-4: TV'Vlrell,-then,"kwilj give .you plyf a7_ sons. I yote•tmbreak down yoh.m nufam• miters. lam afraid . you will get us under like - slatresrintle - el we are little better Win that-now. You talrus to i.l6:oirs antlso and we are obliged to.do it.' 'You purchase store 'goods, provisions, &c., and • you -charte.-usiiiihais 26 - pe . r-cent., and' we are . obliged - to iakenent . for Our work .(at least a large portion.) ' : 111. :Yes, tliatistrue---,' - IF: And - that — is the reason I't ote--to break yon -dotvii. • • 2W. Weil there does appear (at 'leak)" to be some,reason in What you, say; but will . you answer me'a few - questinnsl • W. Yes, certainly I will • Al. When you came to our, place to seek errtPliiyiniint - did . you come of your own -- aetlird,.or did we send for you , W Iname of my own accord. .M. And got employment, did you 1 • ....al, 'Yoe ? have .heett.liv;pg with you' near six years. • • AL During which time w,6 haCm been doing all these Mile upon . you that you complain of? ENO III; • Well, during this time were yo'n free man and at liberty to go away at any time, or were you compelled to stay with us and put up with tho evils you coMPlain oft" .. - TV. I believe I . was a -free man. Oh,. yes, I know r l was, and . at libeily any . ' time p gp aiyay. ' M. Will you tell me why it was that you stayed with us, arid put up vitli these evils that,yotthay...q4peken : of?.. Well, Mustjell the troth, it :Was because: s it 'was the best tthirigl Ovid . do.. the best - thing you--could. dot aiter"doitjgall these.sitirilihpoh yutioias itt YeL • , M.. aitd you viite us . down, so that the st, beat thingyoucan will be putout of your•posiesidoO,,,,and•you put back totri•:/here yati•weitibetore„kob dime to our plape; but this-wi t lltot chingP . -your . — Minch-- YOU will still continue to vote as you • h aye - doiip he iviefo to," 2. • 'Ayint!letvir as wid I have thy's vote d - th a V:w'ay., •211". ' Weil; if ypp -.. tio'yciu will dolt' witit Ole . . ftit::fiiiofi g , 3 ;0 .iii the fp' tettit,itiqi 'l*4, -voting,to rT jaka T the : beet-thing-you can-11(41 .pot aif%your,.pessesOint.atitt. 'air , it ifie 'Firob4 ably thi! last time r xpe_dai j.sbal(talitpp : tha:!i , lAbject of POfitica,i--:yYilM4ll'koit":44a, iii:lingi.YfiiPii-i:(vant 'Mlii , kciiii. in iiiiiiiiiiii apd 41,iat4e i , (fiat ; before , fciue. , y-tattfi°,lin'ore good'aripio;o4ouliiiii` Otitletlaiititl'thie?ditltY, tei lietleii' ttik;:great 'opr(fpotftian„ifill„ be changedr,i ll 44 i11'144P.-°',9(tke!PkOwtigiAlvi, OliP'4 B ,eiuretp.ifdrtlol6.,ttifP get, thilatioi; OlViriailtliti,liiiiiiiiViikiliioirer,l; for 4b/sci iiiilil t 'iti:llii iiii4 - 1 4 ;'''4iill‘t.liiidiiiiiIi0eiiii) ; , 0 . ~,,i 1 ,, ..,.. 4i 1 5 Al ~ t r - , ,',..,, P lii 9- 4e ?dip t ,is,?,, t ,si ‘ V , ,li i,', % . , 4 5: 1 5.in‘ 1 1 113 4 3 ,1PC!Ft" i/1 458:91 0 FR . A2,T , , giltt'Pg*:+kviv a , i•o'l- , i R": 11 ' l4 , :iteriilhe'Lltiobjetitiencled.tintlP , the'falLiil 'o,3o;%iirtliiir tali' ii . 4l - !iiteiiiilifigii l ; 4* WO - k r iifeliit'itiei'4ll l 4ll;l4 11.'"Ikle,pt;Pak, 4:41,(,„Jt0 , ;,;,0 kr,}) . . , f l i , ,111 1 , 1 1 .2 i ii .Pg ri P I SYMPItYffI t fO I , I TAVAI Ift : 014 Yl4tmlip ‘ol4,4o,4*init,RittOptati4.,lAilf:tfO r i#lo b'ed,..n;tisiv4tliaripfli.iiiiiiiii,46.ki;!'it,tittt ,4"l o44 ,4i iiq ii ,i# 4 9;#6oAiiiiitokli , ifil,litilit - 'llO3, Itii.t ' 'll.4tAillpkoii'd 9)?.;91: IT , !C I :91 1 -04 01 %0 1 44 461 , !latOiereitil:peektit; et r ( tf ill' Of aii i i.i l li th c iifig 4 74 l 4tW . J. 0 4 etiblihgi iiioliii!g4-17eiiYerric,ft 946 V 1 i l t 7 ::rIAPT. "C tk:',F t ti..).elVric .4 90 t tc Fri , Al I 1 ,, ,, ,L ~i I!°t!lf!lit , ,cl IMPfqolWkix„My.7l gl,gg Mgt: , 44t . 90 1 4*9; ' 0101110 * 103- 40c01 1 i(41:*#0 -1 4' . vtilllnii4riAilkieiityl 4 )lX,,. l o4 l iliia'44o vlti ei fia• ~ • - it Ivriktfr , ll itrecht 5 f tort, l bk.:, f ort #4,..„ guailps,Al 050441 4 1 TR 44 i 5 1 4 , 0211,1 ~1 ' 4l 4i 401,itg!! , `.)0 I.ll*}9.3l***o9Atili t5i 6 ,44:14 . 0' '::#*oo.solgotiko. ii' .1041 6 10 ,- rlttit,ii , *ool 1 ' '.0 4 ,1t, ''lt , r g 11it4".,',: 'fiiii gei , ,Wige , 1 '' .„1 ` 6. :'' ~ ~,,L , ,,, ~,,,,,.;,,,. ), '',.? ''''' 4 : , ,x4 .. forkProofl:RoNtOt;flgillgiV` .. - .1;•: - 110 . .. , :, -. ,r1 - ,,,i;: , ,r!,7:: , ;! . ', , sih NEM ZEE • then{if ; f 4", n, 4 . 3; .9rna aroonti to fur wo99,Pl,lof!Pel'l who :was stsodifik behind 'ilstenfrig, asked 'hriin; if - he, ha l_etlei<'thougli"t of w — h - kt 'h p a ssed str lire list talked _on Ake subjeigi l f hundred 1 pities; and 'wondered. thai.S7Ou spolta"of can t o W. 'Yos,.!, asif 'you had told die t spirit Ofp i rOpkecy . . •, , • • , s l , ‘ .**-act . ::you-• gettitig:Oqw . • ties; lIV ThirtY, , cents p4r Ford? store goile;iste*iiivi,'ef,e..and irionek po Ve'tieety4'eany better itidn — *e" did befoie: TP,NoI but pthink testes. - IF.-Because We•cannot-better our csri*' ,tion, here are Inert now that are.et;ed - willl 'ng to Work Mien prices than we are noW: . getting ; and it is' a kindness, in:ydit :not ft,' turniiiOraidlfire then.' our p1ace5,,,,,,,• * , !eally glad that.you have got_to understand.the digeience'. bet Ween 'cothpetition among Piti'-'luanufacturers, for the laborers, and the competition among laborers, fur who will get the labor!. ; T~.:W o = havtt _ goto - iin~er~niialiis`=rio w to-our sorrow :111 But Lstippose you ttr . still vote to break down Ale muoufacturets„ •• I_ am:ll4 iosir.tain.Eal7 1,33101.1 - 1 be dad to think that no maiciriliti friend, but he'. 'that 'giireis him labor, and paysltintiv ell, Tor _4 _a q _;sense- dueiitly that it is rn~_leterosl lo vote to sus tain .11enry.Clay.and• the preeerit Tariff; by which the ititipstrial claSseS of the count try gain their subsistence:- MARKLE, THE FARMER AND SOLDIER, • The -Wilke borte'AdvOcate properly itort. trasts the two. candidates who are now be fore the peolzile for the office_ of Governor ,of the Common - Wealth: • On the one-hend is . the-candidate of the Polk party ; Haxwit X. - MtritLENnEna, - a wealthy man,.who has held several important offices, and never ' distinguished itimself in. either. Born to fortune, he has -always basked in wealth, knowing little from necessity, of the toils oCcoMnion life,Andeonsquently little of the wants of dm people. - - JOSEPH MARICV.., the RetimAlic Whig, candidate, is a m_ph of industrious, active business habits. 1:11e principle of frugality is worked into him, and _exhibits itself in all Jiis operrations. It is true his is not a collegiate cducatiOn, but he has an an education, which, in connection his integrity, eXperionce and sou) es intellect, abundantly dualifylihn for Guy ernor''Of ilieltelstone State: Eilte — Stmot4 SgyDEtt_:was, he-is,-emphatically the people, and conies' front ainonellietn, without gloves and college parchment, but With a thorough InoWledge of their .dition 'and wdhms , and with liead and heart right for en efficient officer. In his `Carly aftercoinilletioChis education, Ike toil. ; ,ed as do oilier farmers, and acquired prop erty.' , Comiirt was in.ttiger• from. an enemy, ho a' coMpanyof stet:Aea'.eo 7- 'urtr 7 yy .s. funds Lie ; ,ing•in the prolin . ef'ficoiss. hands to defiey ekpenses",. he' founti himself ai the' elese. of jonrnt=y,;dependat on :hie reeourees, from which he mufit suliplies or abandon his o . l'4e — et: •I is coon L. e2ciplike to the fdal aha r lideot being& itli feelings 'n4 ?' 717filei PA' and lo,l'e 01 country fli did not peed en insiant to , deteriiiine ,liis 'clitirse:l- 'He madee r nitiziet * to boirei , iiioue§, mid failing) "Web he:iiniy :eli ., iiiatiO' s *iiiU.:l 1 , ';g 0 , 0 4 . ..; fp:: si 010 1 inib9tal, , aii ' d i ,direceedoi,l iii ~h e r rep ine:n•feii, hundred dolma ' tors for, Kis" , couni s ry'Siier4e - tiy'ilediinol ii ?n I I , ie , tigage ,fe r', d'.'. ie :ig iiiiie n .' iiiri tW7',i, 1 ithiitlt- - 116 qpic"ifigsiiAlefli;*iiiiW .141 , lrppps ,spe!dily•te' f tle peat et war,;, -Pering hhl life, he , hee'eihibiiiid the 011ie , seteristie et_i__iin'triiii e 'ak . or ii i 'thi)iiiiiiii': otialf; tilg,i,d'biNiii%,;,64;;6,l 4 ,. :' 1. 1 2 gi ..,,:,, ~,. ~,, _. ~.„, , „,.. ~..,,,,, ;., ,:' If: 9 , ?9 15, TP ) Oil: AI Hp: W4lir;,ot?gaßlo9all; , ,:!ie, c Pq i i°re , 1 i \Dr; tkie frieriduilAf 'the pn riiiiereil I - len A - ill'iiiilitnt r .liri.-- J. '•:•';'-''', '` , ••lr''' 0 ".'"flt i'aillie'slilYainior oii' 'rr4oi it' . iliiL,'.. bal iiiilitiouctill,l,nyfi4,li,ll4o $At #4* -,- ~,- , , ,:,...., , ' , / ,'; i I i ; P 9 Usilviniieilindii'striolic lialiiis.ete. • not peeMeili 611'dyfit(l)ied!Ot i ilitlibliCitE:i r Ot F BifiiiTtrarlariliki t cd -I ,,iori c lioini - fitat -...- vp i' , Ven4 l 15 4"A":` -:)0*-041 , 011. 1 :r q Ili , ... ~, : -, Vre;r4l''lllll.4P Cllngilli}t o 4 o 4l, l ,4k gib b in,ikri, pi,, p,9ma. i 4 ~ 091 111 8 ‘, B :ll l ,4llJth it • Itt- tr).1 , : , -7.: k, .Ai , :: r '4 , : l4ll i+.? l PlOlikii` l64l l .46 ,k'Ll:k :LlC ''''' '' '' .4 .i V I/q- C 44 ;q 4 Yl olqo- 1 -r teks'4 -,- 1 4 1P 4 t 4. 4.7 1 , '. kiiti,hu Teased" tcksOlijicoiivilittidnuiso"._:lo,' liii,c 4 t : 4 :ol'li"Piiiii;qo:l6l'Wtilitigliil'i `ciil 1 ,11 "104 4-(14 0 8 ;fiti , 91'rlirt'i , iiM 24 1/Par/vl 5 ~.,.4r, 406; ,tv) ,. .., ris,37, 0..A.k.r .Au . wit ..,,,, .v. ..4,, ,, ~ 4 7; e l , . 14. 1 h , Akillik ' :MO ' . - »worAitih',;.-'' , tellidt; , ii i loilitA, ; 4.•!4.'1, , T1kh 891 r ffit.0 1 impiiotid; ..2.6., ,lb 4 ,40 ' tit ' ,4'.' - 0",d 7 ,,.?11'.!. 4''',lFeetl , 21Z , '...`4 . : :' , !'" "J 1 V;S fiira:„..v . s•,..yzi.. :y 4 . , a;"1. ,,, 1.:.:1i1y i. - , C1*:'5 , 1,, , ,:..,te4 4 ..,;,, 1 .4, : i„ ~.„,. . • . %6 -. -6 .- 1% . '!:;' , "-''..: !'fi'''..:"::.'o , v.iifi , '+.. i'... , :.::- , ) • : c.:llti 'Ai-Tiry , .b.:,i)..,i.:,i,..,1'tft',2i.r:1-5i.0.- MIEI MERV! : , ‘, , ,' - .:.',;',1• . ,1t . ,y , ,: - ', - I , '? . 4' 111116 , ti‘ A 4:' ;o_7 z ri , . , F ~ p -- _:_ .fit i'AItifIIERS:A In - , IreE No - peKtion of the 1 com u nitk 'is' .niote , .• the - Auskaipintotartei tective T.ariff than 'those engaged'irragn , • &aural - 'faetnring - ,seritatifishinente,' in this eoun'te„ii and protecting oueLmeelianice '-fiourfurnisii • yourselves:' ith he'e4hi i 'cgrn - :;inMe the .o . 4siteetii.efYOnv tarine, The;, following extracts fFonr the pori , ofitlie CoMmiia ,sioncrio9TOontss.,(, use P.f..:RP,Pr13.844.a74 grip .sonie • 4 - die --- of--;tlrevbetreo;ofiroluetkirarket ,- et - r , -- - heed ; ihroiVing out of view.•'ivhit.it' Ale ,establisluients shall be -.found . in every' portioft ,of the p9.pient(are;'ewaik of the,-amount ' id;Wheat 'Cone - limed factories." ', "In Isle,* England - .2l6'ne t iii ~thnr,e„ than 200,1:100'BARItaLS.were AE1-4?. eencinmed, in making starch and sizing; beingMOßA .; than.2yaejieny to England_in the riod.?? • • ' • " MaSsaehuaetts alone, in the -semi pd, iio4,nsmmed'tpore ; tharr.walreximrted to • all IP-o.filtlGO-;OOUNTRIES: ". 'thus it.be seen that the tnanufae . . ttlrers of Nen , .86 - gland .uee more flour for , .eart ohl- Engtarid, find that the state of Massachu l actts. , ftrimishes better market lizart; all other forelan countries - togeticex,,. suppose these ruzinofftelories ElioßeLtOL • thp_r_svitti_our_ iron ftirtlaces .Other' . mechanical pursuits : anti, ‘vhat.siould the___ tthriers ihen obtain Jro • their hour . ind • vrfr , _ grain ! . • •-. , • But this is not all. o,tr-rn - auntactorici il their proseentioni,tegether with 'ital now employed'in ihai,'direCtinh;'7tVoulci haVe-to:•betalte-thernselireS -4/icy/turd pursuits; .-epd then every , : hindraising own prOdscis:'no one wotiln buy of anoth-t -7,er, and the ports of, othereountrics, being closed against our ilopr : ----and, grain, . they . would rot lipon the hands of the fariiio and . the Whole-country became hankrupt., And all this, time. the country, would bo drained of the -little: money which it mighty have, .4.0 pay for BriOsh goods necessary for our use. For our manufacturingestab, lisliments,pnce Closed we Midi 6 4 ingfrom England, and the[ too at such prices as . hei capitalists-might choose lo demand. Farmers, are you not.then„.interest;pd a Protecii.ye Tariff? Anitiff.sb, can you Vote for aPree-tradiicarididate for the Pres idency. ELOQUPNT PA.SSAGIPu al A tremendtiGs gathering of theprople--= tenthousandand upwards, aceoliim to?) the. - CritiCimi - 41 - ,Gaiiite—eelatirated :he 4th of ' Jnly-in old -Ashtabula, the--barifter county of Ohio, and took counsel .one of itnether -- Upon publie - contiftms.— The came from ell directirins; in carriages innumerable and of etiery deseri ptidn, some carrying, from forty fril:eiglity persons; accorapanied_brtheir wiyes aed4aughtersi with thinners; 'I, music and Overtthing essential to . make l. .l the reerte,gay and animeting; < , - • We' eePY tlio CoB 11 ;g liont theletter*' i i vitaiicin requesting-,his,f priisetfce A611411;16 Festival := ••, , • 1 know not hoW it may be` With yon nien of Ohio,' but in my bosom thti seine' ethotions are, yot livhag, no,t„et„alk i effapint, -or ' ielativposii,mll -- ,hf our :. •• ;eaui3eAkitit.rogaid t,firi"'pyeier' v sitiOn,Ol ni this great Cotnonwealilk ' • . faith eapability.4if-,m6 , fOrself•goi2:- erninent be not a„w trs . '• •:g riot - a; ailkii. 'lf 'eq'ilsViii 6i''snifr,age, ..o1:1,11._ rpolitical•-•ii,Fivileio aqd sociiil,,positioi,i t ;a , „ pendant''solely Orio'ir i , irtaii . -anelitlen'bci . ' not-Whigliiinotikleis; iher'j dti i i 11113:14hig:- 1 • 1 inia-word;Af4iberty,--mtrug;.-sinuogft;:non., ,d i stliutibual , ,•liber,ty, be noTthe Anielp, of : the, r ,/ w,lirc'Oart.fri ! tlienl.ani no whi p.,, jt, i ,iz",..,t,1,) 0 41,11. villa' and' livitik `p!'indiprili of liiiiigeit pf ' . r7P", !giireit; next tot 90d, , '1s Mail' abject:6F" Ali,'PerPoltial adgratiOPl'Llligi_tiOes'lllie_iltad 1.,..,,_ Pl iti P ll. Ml ii g l/ 4 'grii!Yeitp. 9r, indtipolif 1 you taw. to' hall upod me to Dey,,i)llyil.l-;-',," If.:j wow *ntt'y Ini‘v9r; ,ii IP ni:o, pp, power' of .' genius; 'Or '.le'S'rnink7,P,liir'ik' "- tis qii - IlistitiousTiiiiisitio - n; - i If I. l la - rtil - ktiitwn 7 : l7 to. .sou' at all';. il ... l i t r ,l oe o 4"iP 4 ' o \t‘J'i'inlw . 4 3 ' ' °' °f -- princitlieAkii'!q.:. AIWIPPRIAPIA— iet';.ir ni,'Said ,--:it' is Youri—lt ..411 1 ?P,P 1 0`,' • 0111 - 66ifirttY 4 10"eli ditiniiih'ac''''whoefia t '''° 4 • • :not iintle#atii . ..iliel'ille4iibotdinilit_O'ilijatirr. ,c 1; -_, I,4,4 tfigimlicy,kpotottoJkni4 l ooo , o ll eoo 4 P'. 1 64 v, and eternal lines at; tlefkrikekgk t heAq , c , ~ 4tiie;elt , ihF . l9rtiqi• , 11 , 9 i irit;aytglaciaLl : gig 0, ai ffe)l4) figtigk q qa lyealOirthrd'iactiliai'4 ll l; ° : ' ,# u; i i`j * v4-.#4,it trit ,dico . .lll,4_k)pasoni, , tite_Vicelltiitilf_u , lui, , --L—' '_.. 6ifilp , ii pull& dtarilltlitarnilfilo fof:PaIJV 'Ws' , ; . , ,_ iiill! 1 A11,-(liffr,ltatlorl !e• (1 1 10, 30 fib • 'cres."' ' l ^f o 4'l%,`QE lllll .# l. 9 9014 , fert4 13 1 1 1;,(110110 11 4 1 0 1114( t, 4110 'pioCeo`ds o f labor o 01110 ,rarAWAY L PQ, eXSan'i i ig; , Alhe one for „ ,ilio, distrilnifmivl „l/ . ,; ' jilif VON' at 1 0 114 . 1. ) 1 1Siallie° 61 :4 41 (ii - lgv ; 4+ 6 , lidkhilifi kerfrialWp iiiienVa 'a# l ;yte t vo , , , , .:40otrrgeemi*-4tefi'folni4hiiii iktio-1, 14 - fit fir __ 4 ~ i ii`r'looioiiiij ,-0 304tilkirol-hitit 4 4 5) M, :,,;,,',, *VociaWforikritqf: v,tli oW , i'iAlillri*; -, ::: ' . i.k. • • ' . ~..!, - .hirciatio ry
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers