Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 17, 1844, Image 4

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- Alinifficlif.,4-4104CUTtERYi,7.,7,
.44 ,
,e , • ~,... .. 4,
• • ;t4,1 ~- ' ',;.- --A i'L.V. '.el 7,,.,-,-''''''':...,,r_ ' • ~
...,*-...-,''''':---- -„tv•---F313141MM b::
.fflotk-Awo ~, 02- --,, -,4 11:
--4-4FA44.--.. ......- ,-,-.445T,G1514 iiikel. VA e'r t .. ::
.---7i41-.7rar:2o'tfiktoet-,=...., -,,..
..., , ...;;,,,„....,,,i.,-...
i...: -. ::: . ."*4g.4., ~ .. , , . ,-- it,,, , , iviitc,..
..,.....: 4 iiilig,4; : this method' , tii'.!.Te.94;;T A,„;'o,6'd.b'y.,,.
,tl:*,'ti l hilittiefibit iloinitii tl t t- 'itit"tp.'
th " at° .r6"181"6111.E76; ilha-lawt.c.tis&i.."..,
tall-ditiO n4t ,
~, ,
:: -: !fliiiiiih6iritettr96% offers itiei, eatkie, Is " i'-at*lktl,
' ''''''':'-''' ";''''' k w rrAmehicOi.jitirttlival*?.. add sin ;
..:Pl'eieOl'iltnt :ell"''''l li: iliiiil4iiirceel!liirfiie!liiii'
• smill'-04.161^411br''„tisiiik;thi,,': iiti , ,.. 16 ' 6 , 3 ca
tt 1
~,,, i n bk :
• ,', . pg 1118 lIP ,O el mg Al' ttigi c.
-.ll*.Xl4'6oll,l"Y."'g7dAs,tiolf af'gbotl!
- ”. - Ehtiirdift4-3.ol 6`9l4. 'Aisilt , a ,
.4111 4 ,161'ta°eti " a'iaiiti .1.;e1-k.nivt.a)g,Tiliiti..7,
Igr n 'dei.'end. Fiirkat
.° ~-_,-cedglryief 1p5',,,,. t 6,
—aiAllitciis;',l4lll),Pali7 hitai) nY l 'q . -- -.. , '.. -,1
..ah.irkl in ttie lkA. -liii q we .. i : r h a °l- o ,e •iil . sha Ito. e!lattt . N .
toil - - : •-rea'rOte:6l‘6fill.lki,;,;°,L :....
p a l el ,; t ,inLeb!,„laTt.' - rfri;.iiiiiilir'itill,„ , .
" 3-v- ' 2--- ' 4?iii'ettiraiiir :
..,..i,h3.oo44t's'e'iV) 'o,ol,,___.' ' . - -
- 40:hiht mit B_7
- • • • •••.45in1, , 'and '
tikes;tliilS-84 • • 7,, •
Wteeti; filefi 411' kiikl4,l,lll4giii ? .lii4,l4, l eeeses,,liofts,
angees;•l4(talketssxlisiviineeli; •nilinn!
irons, „41ylars4tlirdp4,4(ioonq, sauce:
IV it I lit ti re in„the.l.llleityare Line,
r.6tall fiteet.
Voifth i;Mitticiii, iiigura.nce:aonigia.Ay
i. - '. 0 ,:0f . .P10 deliilite.- ; -` o6 liitift 66. o 6o . r
. - ,• • , .
•-• .• , A__.,l l, l".aST;E--A 4 O-E-riGiy-.- -, , .
e ~.--,,, --..,-,,- t ,-
~, ri . It .. Ali rtecitAl'es id . tkiii eoiit puny •sti oriler to' NII i i
.11. idf. tires, lin ve reduce the rates
• prirrdiurrs',nit I:ritirte niul:•Log.Bui MI Uks, to give
, stn oppoquitity
. ' to gitgolimitelders,.tejiyuii tizein,,..
*selves o"1' ificuirlintun'est:.;Q*. , • ' - • '. ..
' •
'On:Frame or Log Buildings • 5Q its..oll.titiO
....On Briekitnd 'Stone,. 40 pts. 'l $ItAl
' 'On.rderChinidite nr - Furnintre in
-, Stone or Brick Buildings,
Dittn in Piiiiiii;'
PEnrEruai -illisAsy;
• - .3iii:Stone. or_Brick Duildinge,tivill,Le taken
o t ooo,tbe prleitia to bu i•utviylied to the party iii
,GuringypTi dertim)ll,, dethteti tlve'per . cent cy the
&atuctuitt of tweviiittmittatt.' : ' . • .
Aftplientitm either lit person brhy lettet Oil re
cr,eiVetinlii6dfitenttetijimi, . •
301 1 N 'J. MYERS.
PetAiiiity.l4, 1844
'WOULD iqform their Iriendi: and the rublie,
-that-they•luve:Just re,ceived-itt their store: on
tHigh street; next,door to peetem's Hotel, Carlisle;
to hne, freAanfl sibsortment ? Eq - A.N - BE L s j
FFIITIITS, and other
,Wilcles in their him which.
lihey are:ready to lli-spose of,
,wholesaleviiil retail,
'on.'the most reasonable terms. Their assortment'
'comprises the following. yarieties,Jill of which are
!of the chniceit quality: '
curls; quies,, spear
'rnint mint plat, cakes and rolls, cinnamon, sa'Ssa
`fras,lemo'n, hoarhound, clove, cream and bird-eye,.
- thorhpstnitan or.perean'dies• ' Jackson and play
tballs, lemon balls; French and common -Netiga :
:'rent ~common, and exploding secrets ;mint :Ivor
'rock-vinkyanillamanity ; sugar, and . htrut slain` 8
candy toys, liquorice, ke... - , •
• - filberts,tnglish walnuts, shell.
• mill trial I ierea na and grount;
FII.I,HTS-eorankes„lemons,t latns,figs , prnnct
- 'dates ittid_citron.L;Atio the best
tobapco , and Segant,
' 1-4ay l a u tia; .Trabneas.anti
'American .cliars'inf7thrfinest g lity. .
Their assortment is kept constantly supplied IT
tfr_eskathlitions. Couhtry_ merchants-are invited tr- ,
tnetheyean be supplied on terms as advantage
Mitts aecity prices,. l'heliatroque , of- the- public it
$ rllsle,'April.-16, 4844.- •
. .
. ' FIE subscriber having come to the
• conclusion to irtinngo his business, offers his
'en it'e stock - of goods in exchange fora ppd. liirm,
Nv 11 improved;•or for a gtiodlnisiness stand iilthe
emery, With viffietent dwellings for a largo family,
"together - with a few aches attacked. Hiestock con
'slot of superfine. and coarse Cloths, Cassimeres,
'Casinet,Cor Domestic Goods . of till kinds, Cain
. ••••brics, Lawns insects, Moine, ' Hoiery, listiulker-,
tchiefs, Silka; , inglias:Alpaceas,Lustres, Pringea;'•
do ,
14impai-and a, slimerrofTaiterertleleTilTs7cMaiiJ.
:Shoes, Rats, qapi, , ; Calicoes,. Pa& with a variety of
' ' , O they goods a kapristng a geneiVassortotent of
-..• • - Hardware, iliteetware, Groieties.., ea,..
'Spicei,Uye St IS, Cotton Yarn, Coverlet Yarn, Bic.
, all or — which ' will Sell at reduced prices Tor Cash
tfilim and after this date, until a general safe is ellen
,ted. Country Storekeepersandotlieravotild do Well
, tolive hiriva call, as he intends there 'shall be no
'"inistsike;" being determined to close his, business'
during the present year.-. ,
The Store and Dwelling can be rented from the
'lst of April.
- '
His , b ooks erre. p_risted_up_to.theltub,-and—he-re--
. leCits - alifiose indebted to him to settle their tic-
, countsithout further notice. The first day of
,April will he the,lait day of grace, after which all
accounts worth collecting will be plaecil in the !iami
LOUR by the Bartel, ttlways on band.
Pebriary, Id, 1844
liargains --Bargains. .:
...:..... Li& subs.riber•fißoustrr e ptirdirrolaiiinr.:-
• ~ iii, , iiß Is - now - „oponlng at' his cheirp,stoi.e,ihe
- - 10 1 / 4 estlind ' eh - tiniest Stock - of' SPRINO & slim,
i 1
M,,blL,QooD,S.;.ever-hroiiihtdcr•Carlisle;—The - tn:
• sortnsent...,consist in part ol ,Illaok, Blue; Invisible.
- Orem)? 011veindIiiroWn.'Clotlis; -- eleritor neWiljdei
7 - Irrtnli - ChistiffdiTinr.dithitilitpdlitrtfltirAndiritr
'Cloth andjiandilOqns, MO& isf, all kinds,splentlid new,
tstylesilkerel4ini nevi ityde,Bnlzarines,Pari sprinted
..,. Ilarrpgds,T,eesatisihrneades;riish - Paris Ihillioniiiirs:
.ohan i elenn;dipoulhas,Enklishond Pronolflaiiiiia' - new i
•liityle bonnet ribboos,piinted musliilScorapetle lid nis,.
•orapti,dis_stinlieronoysile,lkinqiionillinndi;enlikoes, s .
nsualinas,dlirekpiskings - 4inen,,s,;;Kmagry and glove;;
- - , 'ifir iiKeTry:deliiirhqon;latoi itidetlgingijinen.eioxibriet
• handkerchief ,
_s l ladie r vidli black cssch_Lorovota,geni.:.
--- 7.lleinencseirllFer shawls, gospenders • silk,
_ . .. . ,_. . . ._ ..
ghtmailelkfringe, - ailk - girdlesnetr. style sun Ballades,
'end mtvitielv,velvet,eortis,Frenah,artifiende,Unrenilla
' ..
, skirts, diapers, table covers, shattnyltraid and gimp, bmineta.;Ste. Bto.. : ; , .
~.; ,'.. , - ~,..„-i'., .
„, , . h . ' ~1
A leo . a large ate& - c;r.fie'sh . Grileerie , anitmget.
- ' -- whieh - are.pente...prtme TeTteiXtilTeTv;b7ainrAuttAle,
. . -- -Ina`sell:k — er - St. - b l ietito — lFiiiros, -- 7 - -: - , - - ,- 2—. - - , ,,, _ - .1
. .;,siew. very large , stock of , BOOTS end Ettli)F,S,!,
, ehempertthan ',ever sold in this. place; :An 'short the ,
. Inasertntedt. lirtill And. complt te. , -.Pulthasera will de;
Ivell.tcvonl I berertobuy ing.e . l Vow here,mkthev may de.:
. • mend on: geitinggrent bergaini,,... , ~:., , , ~-;. :. ~,”
- 7il..lisitik fdl - rntillieferylitiern I patrinuftmlierefolbilis
vetteived; the.P9bsertber:anlteitnO. anntinanneti6l' the
'same. Don't miettikeilielmuse; sir deers east of the
.naarlie . , usei iv Maittiatt+et. ,:ftign.of.tlnvbig" W hi te
: . /gag! r
, ttreb ... , "..r" !' • 1: . CHARLES OGILBY: •
arl ge,11X271844 , '',' ' .:- -' .tr-pe•
IiFT S tog '
,',.':1' , :,i,:,-...•'!;'' . 4--4,: , ...'- ...".-':,,•,.' , .: . :,\: , ,i1::,- -:.,,.:
- - L_:_._, ~.101,t' S litligiiej..:ElglitiAeevALlipAnicirin
- .• „ the'MiblieLthirliethai leased Illiiii; well ..11Mnivh”.
- . 'lie selivhbWhas ieeeMly.tmilerge,ife setbermiih" ie:,
;-. • , Eliale,'SM4*Sfernbifirte It semirwith , Ind.:
, '..P , dintithittilier'rerultaibleml,'bi , nolk.l) . reiMliefl l 4c'
.ijOiliolikodate . Members ortbel.iegtelature.sitalllik .
1 , .oilers In' the:very! ) : best Stybsisted upon - sliriermiitt -- . 1 ;
A cango44,4ol`o l ,M,s&.3:':: • Vf , V,la.' - ''! . .'f'...r . !_2• 01 ;' ,. . - tt,.,„ --- t.12, \ 1 , "...` --
~. 1 . ;:,...: - . --- i .;.,.-- . - - - ,,,,,i.i — . 1 0',.':F. 1 b .0 4 4. , z!t0.' --;
:•:,..,....R06420 /84.3 j. i; ~ ',.'t.d '.. l'i -,,,-, .• , k 'i, .
~., , ..,
119.,PriltWf.atk. MeLIUROPMI
9* , ,lpa - ""1
L7frp4:1114*61444:110.4.60,-fale tfie,GonfebteNS,
:14! A tn.
1 1 0 1riVal*T . •
Ote4tOp4l' Fowl
g i. L
~.0 :,-, 4 , .A stir ,I titv : i.,i,y0.4
.; , .,13..4 , 7.,... 1 .t.„,!„.-5,,:.r.....!:„..*,.,........,,„,....k 7 ...,.....,,,,„k:.1,,-,..,,,..
,L.fltm - WlXcrijtioteSit -, T.
• Al*lo l -I• l l:44qovOi:ii!,ii**t• , :ii.4....?ttfp•T
• .: : ` , .tott":.iiiNii . o . 7.i49Ni/W. WOLOTOrwI. ,
, A ~ - ., . .--,-----::.-:4,-; . , :-.i,i6iLitigi .- ::Z.-.•:-..: ':i.."* , ,t2 . P.:i'... , ;, .',•
, 4 ,,,,,..p,, „ f
...p,.,,„,...„.,, 4 ,.,.,,,,, ,
-•• •'-,,•.-- 2 '''.;Yiiters"l,P.l,i
.e^ Irk,..
lOrx;s;topi r iiiirti,itiiiloloo6Crilifimicii - •
- e • t' wifri — '4l -- iiV iVe --- V''ciiftiii6e'
„o! an ;.
~,mo -e go tn,_r
--;:4 0. 00 1 ies/Pr:048 : 10;eqld44, filikifik ,
..,••,•:: tiop . , : 9l,4oimail'Spi,iiileylo9l44'PrOp . k ,
:.' . (i 8 .4.?';:7,"-,;''' . .i 1 041*.i,?0,ii:;• . ' 1 1 P0',00.4;t4).t
;•,' ' - o . ogli#gl',l 3 cl4o:roo,4P:PreaiG''iTid;
• ai' cl,..„6llvtD,teOteeB;4"...'lie ',..iPtik3Oitity .
r'd;iiiiit2' , :• , :in , '• - • , •=.!.. li•i••.: ,- ' , ~,,•i- 7 .,,, : , ;,....•••;., •;:,,,, ;-..;...,,, ..,,,,
T' HlS7ierniiiir kasbeetflpitiiii;itra - itartittk
Amiiihing citrutivelunlitilNitititified to Ary.tnitiii
.of the ticat.reinioutitbltillete - rie or.itilitlii)ie4•Silites.:•
.W (Ili not— , wpeolluiotic . latitiOotiiiestlprl3RA:ZEN
r A Clili);. i Aral IA I itylto r 'our .inetllollies . t, i
•bq liavitiOLtestert ‘llo..JrisglisdiaLitiirilittes , ,tirjhe
"PltirhOtiqty, y . s.47iii fi i",jti.illil.*T.olBlVp 11041Y4110. 7 .
`frit`ii*iii . l)riii3666lolr . irrillt yert,r!!;tlS,ritlf ruinarklible• •
k. f irbeliv, wo' 11 nlicaittillnOy iiiiUfniNtui
..moy_liqst,Panageas,iu_ttie.wotittnir-P4t4n_qpileOlio. , l_,.
”. i'!•uNrjr:A .. iliiglif i • L lo,l47olll-ili - orou - glirf, itaoTily ,f al iy ,
- (1
°be i hui,•ft is no . i iiilo:of, tbe.: pommpnAiinek• WOB.
lriliiiS 9f till! 8):'410 itlllitt it's riititituilie . of real
Niilu6ovariliijk6ii ill_-eispirtSitidilik,vPp_res
'di:pted low, pi•lee is :mother strong reflorrlMOßallliolli .
• while 'otlic;r Cough Or Pti Imotiiirv:Nr6tlicitiiis ni-c !IOU:-
iiik friii,sl - .oo"iiiillfiiihi . :4;.sl'rf..ol l / 4 1:0''',S;POPITM 7
AI t Sili.Uki,.idlls fori s illy 5063,2110 Tiollfe: ,:71
nit. sit Ir• i ii•i lls „Orisy iii,
_COI lil e,, attSA 51 U,1•11. 1 .
:BLIAO'rT'SIIOIg• .giOir, Emit-Mum Bt.; • i 0 Hatitur.•
burg til , iv!, M. Ilt.'LL'S fltpuury Stot 4 e, 311 told Ches.,.
but atre6ls. — Also !it Angle and Greiliul;oB -1)rog '
Stnre;:Sltii;ptilioo-:..- : - - -..
`.. - ,Febi , niiry '14., 1 4 . i.:
- •
gout Reis - ding.
. ,
R -
OST rimj)eclfully infor m citAens or. Flio
ri sham, mid thelinidie generai; that hn bee
relnnyeil iti A I:,eallierriVldeoceonnil 'Finding Store;'
M North Sninnitatreet, a few = above ,Henr o y,
.Quehlerbr - lioteloiliereha"will - ketreonitantlyonn
hand'a•general'assoktmeill of the loftily/lit named
nrlicics; viz: = =
hlualdiridle r wavniiirgeain.upfeer.
.whip 4111 d collar leathep,-,lv.ini. :and grain Calf .•
sli a nd_non,ntry_lcips,
liningleat her,b allows L . eall ler for For • ,
' . inteei Wild lilneksmitha, and mirk
alf.So-..JP10111.0e0S:. •
.411 ots. " 41.0(I
-50 ets " $lOO
Comprising Men's MoroCOo,'Women's undressed,
red_ Ond lillickstrnits,French kid of different
Red roans, flindings,,Linings all colors,Book
hirider'skother,Clismois',lent.4erlind • fluk skins.
Such sts.li9ot-Iteys mktl bveakerki, thee keys, fitisii
knives, rubber's, filet„raspti':tliieita'Udisrifergit,
tparthlet, hoot eertl, pegs, awls, &c. &c. All of
which he .wkll sell a the yell J,O.WES r CASIJ
P Men !. . .
'W. L. P. returns his'shicere thanks to the pub
lic, for theliberwl I.atronage_ which bee heretofore
been eilended to him, 'and respectfully 'solicits a
wontintitince of their favors.
I.larrisburr, , ,.llloy 17,1843.
PIM, subscriber would respectfully in-
Tani his frientls,atl-the.publie-generally,.
'that he has tail.iiwilre --- = . - --,-- --
•••=cE)V.:7_Z - 2. 5) .,..,.._ IP_
-Into y-kept-by-Mr,Simon Brooderlick, in Easy! igh
Strent;a, tew.stilciet east Of the Court
he will at all times ttike'plea:§ore ,in administering:
tOlhe 'uoinfOrti of those who may favor 'him with
their custom. _._ , .. ,
..,_ _
His BAR shall he constantly 'sopplied with the
1 Olioleetif liquors, :mil his TABLE with the best the
market can furnish. A careful 051,1.131 t always
kept inattendance--and nothing shall beleft undone
to please all who call with him. ..
• BOARDERS taken by the week,month or ie6nr.
1 I Carlisle, April 12, 1841 .. , 1.1-2
Dr. Israel DeXaniater's
Nerve and Btene Rheumatie - Liniment,
and Indian Vegetab c Specific;
Dr. Libby \Vegetable Bitters & Life Pills !
Tir.cuLlA Y beneficial in' Yellow and liilions
Fevers, Deter and Ague, Dyspepsia, Croup,
Liver Complaint; Also the •
Chinese' ®Bail Eradicator,
warranted to remove Superfluous liairs,,withour
jurim. tbe skin or health. Miley certifithites as to
the efficacy.of tire, alitivc medicines might bo pre
. Arte 4, but (I . l,poropri tor is Sall sfieq,that all the re
cemMendationlliey recd is a fair trial."
Nee genuine without the„signatekof Comstock
. - SWIT - n — Carliile only by
t. T. C. STEVZICSO74.,_s
-16,Shippensburg by
I -, • ; HOOVER...
fPPERS-lor wale lit ver y- reduced pi leos o - af
assortment of --- ' , •- '
Drugw-lidedicines‘ ;101
_ PAINTS, ;ice, together with
Stationary„Ti tie. Call Paperiliytite Ileattn,lietter-4
Slates-b3-the - thizeKSltree`P,Ofeirf,DiTtirilig"
SOble..lieii• 'llrawini Paper. Sealing .
. •
. - Wax-i - .Wafere, -Penknives,. of a fine
log do.. Shavin; do. Teeth ,
Si es Wrotind and -Use,;Trotind,
' Tog titer' with twfitt'other'artiele,intbpDrtiglitie,.
thinttenthiri'or l'h'S diunii; Ccitintry Mercliuntsniul
illystoOtisplicited as anulplermuttlin_aeilL'ataery,
.low prscesfor
— Carlisle;.'" "'"
OR. [WSW'S iNtAlia : H 41' 11 II :014
:The • - iii - v - firte or of iliiiilEV - aitiabliregiityLtifrik - Treat
man, II la fa . - ;40 .- Rime - fa*O'io'..t)tekgntilieth . to the,
'phhlic in an advertisement. The, reason, is a plain,
one.- e Somditelylian , flietr z use given satisfactiOn,and
,se,stiongly.have, they-been, recommended to
. titie
othkrshat it Jan linen utterly inapcissible.lp smutty:,
tlutidentand, - ,h,ot hit eie-ind-for equally agents. -- , Ow !
!ring. the present month, mohe,than two hundretizresa:
or.:nenrlyy' fI.'IIIII,T,Y I'IIOOS4Np,OOXIr,S, have
in this city : and Vicinity, and,'suPplied.
Agents throughout the : .United"Suitaa; tied tonnY gr- -
1 (loralltilie been_ enliand:Weelee behireithey could ,
7fittad.•-• need a not,tlie s ,spirittif , Proidietti to
!Ihret4ll . when-the only) Rill iti.tiee will , be,
tintOny s entetlia,44,linlnk4 l , l) , - 4:44grjanjln-Ituttifi
the greatest physician Knierint gmattw.,
, ytir._Hr.A.LTtvPg44:tiv9.Flu*Pdc et*: care
seemed well oigfbitolidaaldeilhayllai i aiastorOd to:
Inertect health hundreds who , hail tnd
song janshs4l on
itasdn'#cpakot,therhave opcsated t 4 a6artnovban
041,1diervediainakft4lad even tO afrord raliervilley •
hrta .R arienTsitlalfort
'dospaseing tthey,have rentoveuAltd theloin.g
ittacti, gilfell.'',I01 0 10) the"'
t ieenkeo. Ritsias,l ni- , 4olterAf 03-•
'0143 , mats of former days to that, ra.txtri, that,,Soivaa; .
iermdliath Opty,passed.lohg; diticau wanry,alglo - 0-
1460,itml..ktudySold .
U r
, roles 4 :VA *
g obtainedi the
i'Tow' ''Ullic'j. l, iber i . n n o
'linty OA thii 'WITH;
right ; f Cum -eri . d ifipki r now, manor.
,Ili, P'ivil4Pg'i,ho.ifit. f,l, op inow or
•tiit 4l i lid6l " °lller 'AP T" u° d 'ilgie bi- he
'sale, at Cuetherttlig i . ,eSetteer, f l - 1 ( 1 lt i i .-,,, oun i.
;fi rs t or iiimaittat " h 'n' l lt°*" "I. ii ll li a athe l `
`tier of them illel:..jt u
ifuline Plea* 011 , , ° l, . rr* re - i i‘ A t *. r * 'in no- -
of therr exoellefidC 4 1 ' It Pe 00 0 7„,,, , tp, ".
, 43 9;: d a l ,ORIM e l iMrtis , ,,N.,1_ , ~ ijiAZ '.;414 q , `
' ‘,.: ~ 7 /,' THE -MVO PItPT-r
''' 1 - - II - Tit:r 21ti 41 j it tn a ',Of the
eihe e ie e 0 i lid o d ic u co , ;,4l of
ttreffif ig- A r v. • ,•.- .
~ diintints
tori l o l d 7:0q.,- , ..„„,„ 1" _ '4l , iienteo
txdoec t" -
so - . I ' i KIWI' da
t: 111 4.11!}‘ 1 934 o1 `
, 7 0.;v0*,k
. ~ .. .. 4F"~.1L~.
..'.. ~.
Flesh do. Shaving . Mid
tl L' ._; Z
- Toilet goaligiii . geelit
' inrietx;Vprtiash;-.
CONsuATE.*A9IIT - 40,:tilE - .. 1 41J „
.i. 9 l,6"iticrikttfe.LitiqrS.,,;4allqno,,i.Bl:2p . ,o4i!e. ?
Wi s akniei s,liingirit,;(lii*sc
.C/oughs,P/eurtstei- ileitiorlaitgq qffi Witt ,
'd/rojiiCtitnis:or thepuimoory , 9404 , , fro:
Mid!, thO":Ettiyiet r 'o iweinleid, by aiiew.citemlf,'
old litrOOO'so,OltitroVOttantli.iiiiontfticii - dedlii the:Most;
dishtignisheil:jihySteitins; ; tdid;noltioctially-;aiiktiOssy,?
N0,A4,11-46ICEIR , Y1t1 1 40:40.EdE . PITCIN:_r
, .
a oftklkCt my xnetl4s
lame' We' have no tlesiN. l . o- 'llOOolva:lliooc'ho are', :
look around ageoo ll Sc l ll l l o lllWO,l B lllTering and
Oetaisloodd.pyl',iatik.arlip6.iNeciE.4l n „which
, 8 1 ) , 1; or
1 0 11181 Nuir;oL _
Of thisifiilitain,',thlifieir - en iii the ailvinteeirstti •e of
lifter alktitilt most esteemed ren wiles
ofxbYsitiiCiiiithiii.i.lbiled to, erect 11113
Use Ot.thls.rovil leine prOductlyelofri he .most .
astonisiliiig,relief, and . Clfectotl -.9lires , after:
hillibiles re„Olttlitty.:ll4lLbeen_ildintirtnl
" ;;JfiliiiWST•Jitiitzsta of the tilieitse Cathrr . i.
'ha!- Consumption,'?. from iieg ,. ected
COLDS: it has bech usgil with - iiiniCviatint success
and hundreds acknowledge they owe the restoration
of their health to.shis invaltidide
delicate yolifir,',Cemities, commonly lermed, debility,
.:,:..4QQING INTO A- pEr,'LINF I , "
A comidtiiii)..iVill;:whiei;:,iheutainfienre:liiigeriog, it
lins tilso.proyediiii4lalristioceiisful; and not only pos
tenses the power of checking the 'progress Of this r.i
-1 iivrififig - 76,0iniiiiii iii r bliViklia-filiiingthens-.iiiiir- iiiigo--
rotes the systetkinnre effecttnilfy thin) miy medicine
ive have ever poisessed.-
For rarticulars,certide, ' &e., see Dr. Wistar's
.. —.. .
~ .•
litidipli et:". -.' • - -.. , • - ,
... L. Denig, chambershrug. ' ' . , •
.Solomon Oswald, York. • ,
Angle and Greaion'ii, Sid ppensburg. .. • _
Carlisle, November 8, 1843...
----- " • .4at#24 .1
WI - IP4MAS, iihitetibe - - - . - metence-of title ; de-•
rived from "sundry' unrecorded Deeds and -
sales Inadeldr .GI sces,; which by repeated attPulitm
tions or the "COhrt -of Common fleas: of Cumber.
Lund county; and the Supreme Court of thi.' al.•
IlgilOr./.1/4•ntltibißWlitaWifiM7 j
Itties 6 chestnut and Otter-valuable timber have
:been cut.upon thd lands known A'sthe Mount llolty'
Estate.; 'tai puldie are therelnre hereby notified, that
the said estate conBiBting_of_ullthe-tr4ts of.lantlnt
any time used since the year 1816, in connexionwith
the .yountllolly Iron IVorks, (excepting sneh.por
tions as ho v e since been sold by the subscriber,) are ,
the properly of the larMers7 . &: Mechanics' Dank,
by-virtuepf a converance by the Sheriff ors:till- coon- -
ty, in - August 1838; that all' deeds not recorded
within - six inouthS from thelififiFiffilieir exeinficiii -
are, by .dot of Assenthly,ditted 27th May, 171.5„ de
hired frathtletit and void against stibsegtitait pur
chasers; Unit did taxes have been regAlarly paid,up
on everv.trnet forming.part . of gliill estate, from the
first.occupation up to the present lime ; that by a c t'
ofAssentbly...dated 29th- March,--182-I,the-eutting
battling,- purchasing, or aimploying of others to-out
or haul, an' thither trees upon or from the lands of
lino ter,_._w_tltou t le- metise-cif-tarrt - We- - 64net 7 1
tootle an indictable .offenett.; and-that the subscriber
willproseente nlfpersonsolfending against sail law
no matterunder what fradulent pretence ihelLtiola l „
Lion-is at tetnpted.' - ' - ife - 4ilt - iiisbgive a reward of DOLLARS foeineliiiiformotion As may, lead to. the
apprehensionond TWENTY not.t..Ans'for the coolie
tion of each and eveci offhiller. . . __
' ". WM. GR.INTSHAW. t
Attorney in fact _of mist Bank
Dew 52b, 1843,
Q7Any information in regard to the estate may
be communietiteil to L.. G. lirmulebury, Esq. Cur
-1111 E subseriber - having purchased the.
1 - cm:llmm right to make, use and semi in
herand I.lnudy, De,„R. TttoNIPSON'S px.ENT
the - etmer of - Prolapses I.ltetTor womb
. other diseases, now offers them to the public
with the greatest confident:cony! reqtMst's Physicians
to call and examine them. These instruments arc
constructed sni sientitic principles, and _t.o.nitk one
istatuainted with t h e Anatomy of the Female System,
and:with the disease which is sought tO be.ctired,the
utility of these instruments will be apparent. The
Uterine Tugs has the unqualified approladjmn ofthe
Medical Faculty in-almost all parts of the country
where it has,becitAuttnnlacell. A immber oticertifi,
eates to this effect arc in the hands of the subscihers,
which will be exhibited. The unusual- low price at
which theseinAtvlynews
STUNIBAUGII k.IIOOVER. ,Shippensburg,ruld
; orwarc or :•••• omnussion
• 0 C 3 us-omEesu
pifESPF,G'I I .I , III,I,I: informs the public, that he is
ity=l to ressig,aotword,atiti—ditmosemf
"Proqiicre of , eveer 4eke yy rJptioii,T
eittletnt th9:Philadelphin nr Ilttliimore Markets, br
at any other pointoecessibl9 by Bog It oath Asitc
illl_nttetd pprZon to the delivery of all.
articles entrustimt to his carls,•the MosttintiititetbrY
and ..speedy returns marat anti mes bd'eximistetlAnd
the utmost prOinotittule in the transaction of all bu
srtiFsreliffinttottlicitokt. . "
.Farmers and. others having any artiele whichtficy
m • im
mediately:.Opposll9. the lbuision &tom, aittl; ' ,lt nit
ItOnd Dept, West IligliStreet,ChrliSfm '
G. 1 , , is authorized tnitureluts-.severtil hundred.
bushels of Gisiti, 'for which the` higheat •
be` given:
.....-Carlistke;ll'oy_l7, , AB4.s • •
ivo r :waratictr,*_
X222-43-MAlltt ir .-_-===
'aeatet In co tint rj? Protinc:o4 PitteleirsMantliapturer
6.2 g PHU' MG, Pa.!
ity,Tr i ,receiireo,t4;l*, , ,Artintiti , :.44oosh:2Smyrna
Eta ? ye ry- , :i4}
pootl: • , • ", ;
retnquiry 140 844. ' S. N,Luorn,.'
130 USES TOE;A I /111%
. .
'grkNEA , . . , ..
wci•stpryillouib and several anAllpr dwell.
mur i lige; itiell situated, orroved
,ftir rent i ,',Al4i,'
re6,ted lei th q vli!teciiie . pr otherwien, , lliiq re of ,
- ' .. • •?.',' ' ,l i , 1 . !:' , ''''..',''' ' - " ,1- gikCOB lig ui NElE.
... 1 14 1 9,-NdY.1 1 ,.inikt..2. 2. i1t 3 .0 , . .?,...1, - .:,.. , ;' , : - .f3. il,tr,l,
. , .
•.11101fri ,
RIG N 7!
'onststntly oq • ..,-
ir!)Atj . .d/ 1044: - ;•,,
i , itoots SrOeS
HE lai.gest imsortaien eier br9ugtit to Cailisle
now opening . in cc _ ing c ?spe c er,ct-cci ,
.10N , bOrkiiii4
410 : 174844., •
jots" -ff1:4111r
efiew myle,rla
HAVE ~~iet
trel; , d ot
'" •
reophidelvh,l4" it'5.,70611.411Y:t;112
'table rlit; ,
Ik vARGE,-.46bhisititce3lllogß.Mitit:Ornti
xiove qpp4Ent
OheapliOtecar,_,,"^.';'!„ - 13 i t?
vgisitzionlia:l IL 11:1:.
filitAltdr, 1161141 a aid Kai JO rec4h44
.Y, ; ...mtAidljingyert low littbe , itorevf)i
dttlttiWggai4l(P reliti4lth'rltibieatilb:ll
IrP,ls9ll r.ll Wat, 4 )-')
- ist§:llT
--Doootassmr,x, April, 19,
Mr. Otticeley r—My son Edmund Leaf, had the,
serofdlw-iirthe - most dreadful and distressing:man
ner for three years, daring which time he was de
prived of the use of his. limbs, his hend and neck
were co.vered with'ulcers. -We tried all-the <ldler
-etWremellierkurldittrittfeet unlit recruitment - GMT
Dr. • Joitimmyof Norrist , wn, and also' Dr. . -Isaac
- 111 - difer, — ortteidling, ta - - use yentq)epuritt iv. Syrup
of Sarsaparilla,_of. whiehtobtained,seVorsl-hoitlee,.
the use of Whit+ drove. the- disdasit _entirely out of j
his system, the' sores healed up, unit 'Ole child was
restored to perfect health which he has enjoyefl
interruptedlg ever sinec t to the astonishment of ma
.rLv persons who.seen . hint, (luring kis. afiliction.l_l.
date; that tukera-wh - 0-haVett.. like afflictiolt.3ll -the
fartfily khour ittherelo . 7obtathrsit inhuthle tignith;.
'eine. • Your's, truly: LEAF,
'11D.124 a a' Ita SIESSA:?
r'- -
, that. are iequirea lertheiritreservatiou;auch`;
as liting;2 l /U9 , Eifik; restore`
the'lOsa of theni,:by Inaerttng,Artifleial I:eetli;frani,
a's!tigle;Tootli; to' f fullsctt. -
`-k - F.olll'eu'Ott `of the
N. 13;'Dr.'LootaIrs' frOin Ctirtlele,
olist ten days' in each mohthl
_,— i;.-74lay q.t.', 18447 . T • tr
.zrown re,9oe 13PY,fq..:. is -
,ipost_iffeett-voinedleinO an
mous arta:o4les arq.seliCninlefetTfballylik - eirtifOtbt
Freenttin Huntitlaq:,editor..of thetleralmati Alttg:j,
t.; f the 11140 - 111Kal 11.0 0 et':
mhurelf; wasnOrettnt e.O . 1(1-and.eengliiir
• ItMi..A ...Anthony, Oftlie Metnenlistl
Church, ian
SIIIMIIIAIPS.W.OIOI - I..OZEdsTGF , S - tiate sayetlt
tt lion, Palwari! 3
eios;'. what tiny think of
. Shet'man!s'
. lioieng,Og. turd"
they will tell ‘, on tin.ic are. excellent--the only. in- :
fitllible inedieine . , •
tOZENGES `ni , t'
nadidotettuhenthtelie,paipitation,..sealleknosin . -
1 0,„*.ness ofnairits_atalik.apotaloolyt.tie_efFee_ta of
thssmittion. Capt. 'Olinda - eta, or 'th&TWelling'toti„
Vir;Ackei'mu,i RI plti Utter ' . l%f iis7,or
and algtosreveoy - botlyktitoirs ;their vidne,.. 7,
.:1 1 001C11 SPLIASTE;R:; 2 SII6rinn'Ti !4 . ' ivemenh
" , --costs 2end is suroo 'mire • rlietisiatistis,
bnek; Mit) plies—and they, etiriivotras,when.applied
t to the pnrt:-...Ai11t Joe 1-10,xie, qr , any nica who .has
map] it, and *mildglye:ss for ono !fanner than five
cents for All'other''plisters. ' • - • . ' -1
for. Store; East High street, *lto arc sole Agents
forCarlisle. . •
-Blll~tßßtjlll . fd'.
And Angle 8i Greaebn; 3LSppensG~irg; '- --'
For the c ure ; ofErtiptions'urthe
Skin; ViiiigificiPiiiiiiles on the Face;
Miles which arise from en:impure - - habit .
of body;. Scaly Eruptions; Pains in the
' Bones; Chronic Rhenmatism; tenter;
-- - Sereffula or King's - 'Evil; 'White Swel
.. lingst_Syphilitic.Symptoins; and all dis--
niers arising from an impure - state of
r‘... ik...ll.4sokl..‘.ol.R.OvictAl 4 WSt"." -..''' ' 0
' — rltrfVi'eenfrcifdV "MiritrOlie AU t-.
ci is use of Mercury, &i.
'Phi Medicine has frequently been found
tglilY beneficial in Chronic CoughS, or
Colds of long standing.
This Medicine hns been extensively used in the
United Slates Nitit de . cided benefit in bcroltiln,
curial diseases, and in all cases-often uteerateo char
acter. an nherntive, in the . spring . mill - nen . ;
sons, it is unetinalled. It possesses many advantages
over th`c decoction, and is introduced as n prepara
tiontiter° Portable, not liable to injury by long keep
ing, tool better'adapted tt the tisb of persons [raven
ing'or residing . abrond,
'Fite ph:1110m. liege .ave to. call attention to the
Following Certificates, s ceted from-it -large - nutn , er
approvinglts - eillmi. . ~ •
READINO, ?Larch 3, 18.39.-=
ThiS certifies that my wite Mrs. Deem, had for,
nearly eleven years suffered from a scrofulous ertip - -
_tion-resembling—tettrr. which - ate dee - FlmteTh Tinier
thee, neck and arms i the constant discharge of which
destroyed her healthond t'requently moth - waiter for
different pe i riods to her bed, during which time her
sufferings were very great. The best medical Whin . -
dunce was obtained - , and all -the known remedies
were tried with hut
. an alleviation of her complaint,
which always returned with increased nudfgni
I - laving lost all Ropes of recovery, she hail almost
determined to give. up the use of any other Medicine;
she was however. by pervoasaion,4eauced li* -
Oakeley's Deparatiye of Sarsaparilla, the site of
five bottles of whit* has rethovecl the disease, and
restored her to pet tact MAO.
. %Smite theihipot, Reading.,
- This 11 - tritert& - tim - mylittle - rs - oif,laight"gigla
years gladioli sialeredAr a long time front exten
sive sores on the right . knee and kg, supposed to
have, been a bite Swelling, which I 'blind impoSsiliin
to heal, even by tin' aid of the Most romeetalile
medical advice, until twos recommended to use Mr.
Oakeley ' a Compound Syrup of- Sarsaparilla, 8 bot
tles of which not only healed the sores, bnt_perfei•.tle
restored the child's health. which bail sulfured ouch
in consequence of this affection.
7dr,nhoVtr Penn street, Heading.
--TiaCabove-ease-was-presented - to l m - eliothiffffe. 7
and after the use of Mr. Oakeley:'s Syrup of Sia'sn-
Itrilin, awl' I have no hesitation In believiug that it
was the agent of his'restoration.
.011,1` P. MESTER. 11,1-1)
•,,.soki T.. C. STEV.E.INISCN, Car
lisle-and the following:Agents _in Cumber
• Wm: B.t•GT. Lou0on; • .
•- .Wm.'lll4lfiii), NewiWe.,
Jacob - 11urkliiirt;:“(16:.
liteigli;;Fsi Co., ptirelifourl3.
_ . .
, -
litteSTS l ,.' • 13 0 ' SHOES
g THE substribe6' has jest received tinoilier'entiply
of 130(rp SHOF f 94montthe Olt l.iiifotosll,
( ~ 15 eflB Atetirocl (rim 1,00 I
0;3, frOm. t0. 1 .9 0 .1.tN.:t.::1 , ,!=,
25 Ladies Sliimerefrool'23lo 1,254. ,
i n • 10 Do. •
f: Chi Id shooe ofiabolomslin Peas-0.411r prices
Don't'-mistake the old Bleed, yqu mire.
to get',.C:;',s,'o...,!:a
Oth*"Sti 40 , Eoi ,
1"141""I ' ll ' ?11"61 " 1.5.5 T 4 T
C ' llithill';'6la44:ll"4'l46 VVO ' Vektp* a nillifeeftirti.---#044 -
'Col I and iati t9bAIMSP-1,-' i iema - 1 • 44 -4 7 dip
)11p.10,01 41,
o,..tet iot tli t c . i rp;lr r ,s , yr
• ' / Attill 1 .7; 1 1, 44 / - • • •--
gilep akg
4 . 0 4 1z u-- Itosati,Rlg hasi
4 4 , 11
' •• .
:.- I itt
I 1,4 41 , t COCltilto'it•
:4 " ' Ab'srt>.
" - __,7.'. -,..,, 4 -:: , ... , ,,..?_,,,,,, A ..,,.„....,4,A,...
~.,.;,„,.,.:,,,„ ~ ,, ,, , ,,,, ; •,..?7 , , , . ,,,,, , ,: . (
, j - '').?: - 10. , iig04 -, tr'*.4 . ...,. , 1J!.4., ; 1,; -, ',*,,,,iA??,* - 4
litiki**AklitfiA . o r iiiiiii4eAll'4,4oitiktiotitit ; C
AtaidlTot; sala.in4trAiele; : tit;the,fiitiutlf,for, , l'Ar
;IV iii 5ik , ..c . .--,. , !t . .TA? ,
04,...-ftili,mro>,,:,,,,q,,ni ; ..,:...4- , „ ...,,:, a . -., , ,,!11. - .q,,,.:w....i, ye,.1.,;
,r,tlHErf•E,liCsritler , -,beini,antuliriiatlAiroht: iniqfi'-.:
AL - .hrae' 7 ;or .1111 1 ....,13,tmitiSIWrNT', COOKIN t
slfov i* Oli ilii.iir
: ihaf'ilara c lha t l :i hViiit
laaoii.lfhd:inl.for/ aleAllottliUltlifereifOitei ,
Suitabs or , P rwotniliaC;si,cfrilO i moAt'eXiOi r
siitiliiriliiigOUs i que4oos, l:Tlituilliiiie
assAktrthiii! - furviaOiielice , l64etioait
I ir:flia.4
thilraol:re,,ii raattaes, all, othot 100 ; - ...011e...:4,h,ti.! o.seili'
which' is the ttlll,stze Of.tho,st.ove,altd it'vlats largo
as that'oftihy:Olhbarsiov'e of thci.ilialo sizetAilltiehill
struettal:tliat the:Witt hi. setit irefiluelisxirisly,qithiati
.666. ti 6 e4tellsifilllifiithisioesil - sailsfietioii
whialt 'the iule:,OrtliCo:p,toQes lailkAirodueell lih'er:
ever:'med.,. rot; tiv*Anci3 plat,'itid their nereigaillag,
ipalletioe in, doing Ail ;did tliffereot.,riAkOr'Cookl''
lag; tia . Ni , ell. ha saritii 'Of Isibdi upd 'fuel inlaid 496 ttt
filellOira:*oohumenif. ihein'tiin'tlia.aV ,
ealtal.tfilftleViapekiatl_heatio...oEfamiJi r os.telt..
orally,` _ Propriei ors Of.flospitals o Aayluals i , Aeaftl." 7 „
erlla, , !Coiint.- Poor: liletises iki„tulgte.,;:lkill.filid,iikilf,
Stave, roll; tliei r.AI te•to' be: • tar:Superibi 7 ,qiitili ihiim 9r.
t he lciud,ever taage.''All - ii#scuis tlfere,fore u.' , ,lto:arp :
iii4osie§l!.cobliips wifives, o.e. , ie*ealll!ii ialitea r •
Aeil; in.,,call,,and-lexamuie Jili'4#.t:,4r9otlppiAoslog;
e,„„ , h,,„; , , ,, , , ,,, , , , ;: , , , .,: -. .„7,........ , ,,-.,-,,,-...-4,
..:„.....4,:. , . - 4.,..-.7:24.4 , ----,-- - _-----,- .
4:::.!.,, , ,, , i , , , ,,:, , ,,.: - -.--
: , __;, , Tiihiliiik,ecktiti,l , ,T.tu'it.46jAitauFA-ylir.:suitb- !
half past used one ..Of I).'illiek,* Patent NO: 0,!1ba1i.,.
;ipg s.ioici; witio4e . ca'n itcamnitiki to holel3F.oeb_
era for,ecouilrayliqueliiiiil labor..:• •, , . , , • ----'.
' Jona' ill,:i,j6NES;;',llsiieo'llotel;Chesnat at Piffle:.
J ilt_ll.ll.laiVinxt:T;?i, florid° Hatoli.p c .
." .' C4sikil - r3l4FaitLaici t ,,Crirlible,l , )a.:,.. : ; ,2,,, -
— ''' .-- JoilirlLlfoOkr.4;lliiiiiretiliter, Pi: , t . : 7 '
~'.' •'' ''
Geii.-Wmtalko' U.i.i.; Mciasidn_l-10ale - carlisle. -
Ikik&i.w-A,V.n.ioNkW‘ llian - i iffilitc,l:l 4 a . raslii --- 'trg..
1 C l iko; I?4iiiNU,state.Capit(illtoteli Ilariisparr,.;
`Tan Keeat,demand, forogd;tbe tiamputled tuttisine
lion %%li ell 'this StOiM Ini a given i hai indueettAlls FAT
lirkltir tirtillirktiti Para' latlintkiiiribWras Much
. excelletatelni_enbking.nepasettaveratl
'otlier•storetet4i= Velure • dflereilln thurkniirktt' tie
,therefo,re taitui thitt.,,oppbrpittitk,tatitithentabef*Pite,
he, that th e pi dent s 'have: undergaue.atitrough i al,-..
• te*Ml kin inal i Ml . :overheat niece they'llire abme 'lnfo
liiichandai. - beltoPattcpartiottitir:haealiaMethiak4
ened and ttre tgthoued—they. Ara njsomotv .notAt tho
Fiamdry i hb ve Opined; anti bf,,the-beatleoh, aimac
'fluently,' lir far•• atiperioe 'ici'S toVei Inailit •ni'lliaat
Furtinees, b th as - regards tiurability,..strehg . th i betpt.
.tyand-the , sttniding:4 fita:Or,ahortilte7attetre:.
mined !hitt he shall not be surpassed In'ani retipitpt,
by. a ity• thing. tbo t end be protliiced'east'or West;ilorth
or smith. 7. .. . 44.11 . 1Fe51.X.,AELF..1 4 . -
Carlisle, Nay-1, 14'4. . •,. - • tr , ;46
, . - , , ...
n".lllnchinery, awl Sta tu e tti order
at icbtil Keetiy , s irtai -Foundry -Westilighltreet
"11J;: 181tUt8teAkunrl
. • Mes int fireventslill -- Chappog or rortyhnees
of the hail& am! hips; from the piercing acme of
cold weather: It also cures Frosted
,Feet. and Coims,
S , V.e. lllll lo,.Britisest - , - Burns, Scalds, Stiff Neck. and
Swelling - of - the - Glamis. It will :greatly relieve the
pain of lthematisin 'Mal 'Gout on alilrst flpplication,
and if persevered in will perGirm n Cure. It safely
removes Pimples and other BruPtioni,ll criceeding4
'ly usetulior Sore Breasts, 'mid the Gliafingbf
lhnts, Ste, It-is usefuLfor Cancers before they are •
Sore Throats, and nll intlaination or insionvenieinie
to, which the this
compound that those who havr ()nee peoretritsletie
'lit, will never be-.without it in their felonies. .It
retain ita.virtues many years, anifin all olip~ntesnnul
is therefore very useful to those who go tit sea, and
Prepared and [n 1 wholeriale.,am bretaAly .
• No. 1, South • Secrinil street, only one 'dime - from
AlarkeustreetiPliitailelphia. • ' • •
'„'Nonegennitie without bisaignaturbon thelabel.
Alnrcli 27, 1814.
N. B. A very lihernl allowance to Dealers. •
! SITE R. .4.t. 3 AMES,
Forwarding & Commission Mamas,
W 1•. rrsprctliilly iolbrin our. Mends :mil "custo
nters, that we have taken 'a largeniul 'com
modious Wain Nouse on the Deiliware, No. 42, N.
IVharves, between Arch stud•Race,MA in coßriettiou
with slur prestint house on• Iliontl street, O'er() we•
are 110 W ready-to 'receive . Flour and all (en+ Pro
duce, either by Cans] Navigation or %Rail Roads.
) Rerevence •,
McCulTery St Seynilour, CarlNle
M. C. Danis.
March 27, 1844.
VA L I . i a. E
11 1 caIIIEUSZA Mc)
1_§.37( -fir de or tbp—ps , mtbLeouLan
• chiltiiincil hi the last will and testanst tt of
.3.lsultakt. Ea eolee'al.s I 111111 V offer for sale: tit
Carlisle_ - Iron Wor, s,
shimted on the Yellow .
.11recclies .Creck,... f ) . miles
cdsiet Carlisle-Ys.-The-estaterconsistsTirsrfist
4.41Y.0113 42:0 211/11252 - kIS. E r
frith Ten Thousand vicrcs of Land.
A new NIERC I lANT MILL- with fourrun of stone,
ii.flikhaillkilut.Matikeppruvtuipla.o... - Ahotit4llthat:W
of the laud are cleared aull_Wighlfculticatutl, has hag
.thereon-eivatetl-- , - • ,
.__ .
rte .1 inrze Borne'
end necessary TENANT TIOITSES,_ . • The
works are propel tett by the .Yellow llreeu hes Creek'
and the j. lling Spring,whiult neither foil ttorfreeze.
'There are upon the pretsisesall the neocisnry work
mens houses, coal 'must_ , carpenter:mil smith slaps,
rushautattsrlainiMi s.
The ore of the . best • tnlity anti incalinustibleOs
within 2 miles of the. Furnace. ,There pe taps
no Iron Works it,' Pet 51'1%1411111 which possease u
pbrior ntlyaittages and Were greater ituluccmen o
the investuiciit of Capit 'The water_pow_er tic so
great that tt. might be 'atilt. ',ay other Menu
_purpose. .l' rsonnt alack_to_pucelutsC_
4111 - ifil course eatti tLili
tne,t to preperti;..-Theturtnsof
tUlo_willilieNsule kgoiiii by -=' ; - •
' • . •.ExcatittlxltAriphael, Ego,
• .CsellAle,.Ooki 19,1842. . • tf-51.
—StistitiehannA Line ,
rrtHE pioprietoid of tho Sttaquehartna Line will
II -k • run their Cara and Boats as usual to Phil. ,
idelphituind Baltlitiold2vringthopmentneateate. - ,
,Their friondevtill' plciaaiisapply to Napo, Flinn
& Herr, Broad si. and Hart, Atidnmais & MoKee.
I'ver, firdt wharf aboVo Race atteet"oti'thb Dela. ,
ware Philadalphitt e and Joseph =Ei' l ,Eldeiritßalti.
I t9oro. ,•- r" ~ r f 14t2L1-1....‘ f ••t A! ?:11 .1.•;:.r... ' ,r .
, I = pi Cnt)lfitrthos i cc, the f ollowing prices Will i
ad_har_cd_to_pat t wpfk i .this _piano and tho 111
laws, lol7o ,
~ . ,4. , : '''' On, g- ' ''.l.;•" e= i si P '
Fell 2 " at / 'g• w •
g.- cs 0.- 0•). 0 E.
't 4 1 - a'' 2
'Alo per WO • ' .75lottr; -
Dry Gdode, Drugs, •--- • > t , ,=, i ,•• '• ••. . e •
and Medicinal, . •=- • - -26 •' ' 23 .' • 40c
Vurnitime, ,=. - • '4B -- -. , 25' - = 43_,
Whoatel l ,3 ,o & Corn , -•••• ..-= = '-' = i• =
= perbusho i , , , 1,1 4 = 10 '' = ; 1 ,- •
Care:, , •,,d4 ' , 7, _ 6 `=
1 a r o s oijii4 , 4' L ' 4 , ' • a?••• . 4, au •
... •io '" •
kaiki l liorporlgteali- , 1.04'41c41 ,,, ,:••••• • :eP.7yr =-•-•
' • thiett, 4 'n'il`e=i='•44Bfrit426sl 4.; Yit . ''
B b l 4l oll ll o t4W-11. 411 4iva;•,,, 0 1 - 4' ' Uegt e rn- • •__-
Mout-400bl mt"" - ',7l l4 .PrqlniAl'A lu itlifilPl l, ' .
' 1144.if 1 Vfl t i!.X . Nß:!;P:fr.i4....
yr2fla , F il i k . ofil ;M Hifrirni;' ..Cr
Plt'elirTitriwaitiehive.tAgAt<. , t t.... , 0-,
I -, • iloor. , * : ; , olf:evkiit*yogokto - 0 0.o.p„,
..... ...,...-,...4.,, ~,o
. ‘ „,,, t,,
„nit 511 / 3 9 17 *,.14 ;‘?.. 1, -= ',,, ~ ' ,. .,,,s $! 5
. g 6" m o u l tn . i ~.....1.4/44*.•; i t ,:- ... 0 fri itfe,,171,4.1,„g:Pu x 4;
4 .
ti t tiij'' ll " l 1 410 5 Alir!Ajk
Nana pokis t i 47 .11e At
lioather !.. , jl, -411).;y4,4#40 ,
titor locli9Wit 4.1-7
t fir • ' • '
FA R . 1 : ::1 1 t2MIXO2OO*.I44FUURT.',
:;:roy: itT.rvit3,EAo . :4lustrii4;.iliompizt;l'-',
* vit# 114 '004 41 i•0t1vd 1 .44) 67 4.;
4 1 1iiifil.*!noirslTH`SiStiiiii ''''',; 6 'l'l - ' ;.). -1
, Ii• • ‘ , 44. ,3 ,f,in-,!.:.itAritilin-: f ..'.'s I,r ' 4 , "4 :, , µ , l;,
:drofpliteor, ; ltl: n' r,slE'tili,-,ltheupatisirn ;
` , i':tiYOriao!),PutalreousEtil,ptioriq; Pit,n-c,
,pl'iltirkiliattires torp,the , Ficeitti3lcitli
Lche, arßileN.llroniqSore - EYeslßii*
i ,noirin cw,TAtier,„' , pdald'llead;•En. r .,
~,...- ~: latilertierit.atulTain'..,Qffthe. 'Bones'
- , 4 1 dj._ Qin tsi tubbormUleirsy SYP
- s Ii•li-'
• 'tic , m 4 toms ''ClaticA,br lAuribago,
:, 4ndillitOgft*P;rishif,P-fro . ca , aiisi*idi
, : Dropsy; txPo_sure:OrimPrudenoe Ini
Life. ,, A,lso,'ullioni4l , tioristifiltioltai
, Disoidqu- will , be-rdinovectby, this'.
13 rliai'atiOiii , -
-----. ' -. 7 --- 7',' - '''' -'- ' =4 ';
-- ti4t - 0 47 f 4-11 1 1 : 1; wl'i&eiti‘*ifil : lia -4•14 h4 - 3 ,1 1 ., e a',
mid welfare of our race hi-7censtantil Orittliettulrel t .
to, parFatf9 l 4' ' and ' lo' lii 0 1 , hiala°.° ° dhi g ffa i".° ° g le
new l -r-c 4 6in : lin a l YS "d r9 : - iageiffiiniiinor %dire' ie.'.
vittleik,hhiingtto invortautattidi'llirect bearittg Oyes,
-nitutbOtighestqletitinietilf l - i4,-ake l i iitroipictife
vti!,,over ,t4ja - at t.v.:ont7,,aqat's, -hc?%° 4,tt,110 ,min a,
tfillak‘wiThlaorldrl-: , -)Vba!nliill att'igei' ha° a °le6c e
PadF'inaver.Y department of ! Iyillicd life Lp l rti-,
Ctilnrly in that which relatosithbßlptaitictigeoltite-
Unman Ostern ln leaith - and disenseK . .. gRy - ,vnignbile.
d(scorcred through the a eon 9r liepi'strii , how'
does the imagination !ratline t ind our admiration glow
aethe ingenuity, the'rni n A r p re acif to.,the itanclaril t.
of pitiatft - ihtirp - 14 , •Lp/selicli Oil !-- I ! , r ti g h'ihe,
elabor:de investi . gations gri , hysV4ipXDi
or e,ieVooce
-of' 1. - trit-tuitt - Ihe a rtithalogyrefaleilediirclis — e - 5;
much valuable practii
Ifooretequeoce ot, od4
ganizatiop,,t4e clown
Itfuittivecor , :ttiFtysti
11 . 19;r43,31f14.8111)9Pi11ti..U/1411y . 40104-4/1.11-iiiiol.-
thO Of r Arpnynent.
to not only suggested . by the pathology ofalisedees;'.
hot Onli;gta\ crud icillelitilter,butperteetlliti`inn;:
iwizianee r -Clith the:
toryrto , :tbq
Tireflecting mihdr _ . is ihnit'ltlint",'StiniPsSarsaporilla-; .
conAillatio9-.Oleinictithil.pVincipleaYt the ,
most valuable vegetable snlistancesyperatee upon the
system: The Satsaparilliviscombine‘twith - thernioat,
'Ntlittary,tiVralu - ctions, the Mostßotent
vegetable kingdom.; and its ,unprecedentedsoccoes
in Ow -health of those who had , : long
pined under the .mostdistressing chronic maladies,
has given it MI eXtlitest .
does evidence of ttay-vvi.bitrini reoonrl
mending it to the'afflicted in terms the aflticteil only
can know. It hop long been a moat tiripOrtant
sitleralum in _the_ pradice
remedy, similar to thilv--one that would act on the
liver, stotnachandthowetamithellihe. prrcisionArid
pbtency of mineral preparations, yet Withent.any.6'
1 - 6 . - iits upon ttliOTilit l iT:Wii3 of the
• . •
to the fol low ing'nerti ente... • I I otSever_greol!ncti i eve
mentsliavelierzroToFeTh-eintTriidC the tißq
incniusble medicine, rej..thillg. vetterienceshon s
ltsstill more renonatilde. The proprietors here
thirvpuriutety - Orsitytilifirre
source of cotistant seti-sfeetiou tlett they arc made th e
means of relievint-suchytorimionidtor
IVonderful Aliects . : Sanyls'a.Sarsapartila •in
Head the following front ;Niro. ‘Vm. Phillips who
has long resided - firth - 0 Falls. The lifiTs --- irrkar
kaos . ve to all the old residentsia-that part or the cify.;
Nicosiss. AT 11. SA:qns 1 4 . r. Co Sins: Molt - grate,
folly do I embrace` this opportunity tbr Mating to you
die glint relief -I obtained from the use of your has ,
suparilla. I shall 11150, be happy, through you, to
pisblish to ell who tire sinless:it, as I lately was,the isc:
icomit of ley unexpectwil; and. oven fora long - while'
despair of cure. :Slims is it painfid story, and Irvin.
11111isiekening_ttaixtliemarratsceol-it o foe ili e . s ,,K e *.,
many who may be surely relieved,l will briefly yet
neetirately state it.
Nineteen years ago last i,t pri Ito fit of sickness lett ~
me with an Erysipelas eruption. Dropsical coiled!'
tions immediately took niece over the 6ptire surface,
of rm- body, causing such an entargemenf that is was
necessary to add it half yard' to (lie size or my tires
sessiround the waste. gest follnweilospon iny h illts,
ulcei.s, painful hey?t .F
ol description, or yea nthnthin summer and winter, the only mitigation 'lnv
sans-ring was foutiii in pouring *upon those intrta.cold 1
water. From my limbadlie pain es:midi-ft over any
whole body . . There was literally liar me 1,0 west, by
- i r . , sTriTrliringht: - Upoirlyjng - dowist IriTs.Ftifiiiii - Wisilif
slmot throisgh my 'system; itrulcomol me to arise,
and; foelsourstogether, walk the hoteits so that ftviss_
:dew st entirely deprifed oi,sikisp.-; Iturilig-this time .
the Erysipelas con , listieit active, nod the "deers stir
. larged f and-so deeply-havedliesd.eateity-thittibt-twir.
and is half , years they have been auto. I Q bleedi ng. norrng these. almost tWeisty -yeArs liiii-e Consulted
many pliYaieinns. These have called_My disease=
as it was attended with an obstismte cough and a steady,
and active 'pain in my si(lc 7 - atAillitaiep.lconssimptions
.Malifittli they' he' been_avgitlyilf. tradtTl 7 'oners„,...the
were only:lne to atrdririiiWel • a par nt iraletn
- - finiiirt - I'ellef.7 - 1 Intli many sitl er ditliculties too eord-,
' isliessilid_fo describe.: theve_also-used-triaey,tthe
Medicines that have heen.recomniVoiled as infallible
cures for this disease, yet, these all, failed, and Ilvais
' most erophatiessily,growing worse, Its this (tra&
' cunditioll;giv6ri op hY.,friceds,ond eipestin for 0 1 3 ,
self,. relief: mai, in.desith;l'wtsg by tiniely,ltiter,
potthips ..,rll kind Providence, foruf! ‘ lsgsL,WlLK4lo . up,
to meiltiviliiiiibligarstißqllm.'-''ttsits,., ,, leh gottic,ove,
ine an assiii,:iffineor healili,4(dellithi fi - eiitir'''yearsl'
it'ail•isot once felt.'-' Up'on taking , ,'lliColet,itriii"l4)6lll:
s hilieirieqt.diminishedi:Atittinliveive days
; . :.,9th cif , °Ceiba.; whenltiointiietteed itilchec/iOui. : •S'ar ,,,
- tiapiirillati - I wittc,ahle - teTettioy sleep 'tied restibt niichtv.
its refreshing . as ani,reter enjoyed' when , so perfeet.
- itealtly---_ , BvlntleAff—vfavirt-thitOtimretitno, •elititill"
3 ilipiiistlVOlpid.. - :-eriOntointinethid'. - xtlitiileatireltliniirf•
that-bad isilli cited, etiy. - deys; twwell tits'robbed.Slid ii 1:
;tev,t}tehtie repefe,.. , T49.q.ctei:i RPPO..rerlint,lkeret
Wiled - , the: Ililtdpefaiiieured, and - my size redet...vd:,
lieliity tii nay
. 11Srmeirfnetsittre:: , '" , „ - , 1 . _ ,, ..y
' ri 7 Stiliir 4 , -Po, l 4iii,ililllA:RPlAleiiiki - nifie ., Mid: peins'm.:
nei t tlysttaisenseshaving,theitmipluiptiAltp7
stitie.dr• ihe' bleed he& ilePtltved eeei it ion prthe gb
oral - o . onrititooi,irits.,iatoraiitviqado:Erll ito fe ,
v oinua t ferms .:,,Riteuitutispfiltstinato,,ciutatienuis
eittiOcipeiLble(elfek . lila; : ponpleti , ,pr, Ostut e g DR
theiiide,chrOlii,o litott rdyeti;rikigworni tin. teilet , iseild
bend,- eelargyeeet th'e,honoB and joints;,
' stehhore Oloerei ii.TphintieW,OffilOWl7olieasee. stris.,.
iiikteoiri an' 1 iljbArtii OUSliti or tneree'ri , i . foment de.;
I reeeernenti 'nig] tithet linOlar eoitipleints: ," k. == ~:*. r."
' •,, ~.,Thept ..:ittu4h tleJ teellt h. , pej vilsge ti) , fetdiry,-tkdie.
. 'efliv Hoy : Of , itia . i,lfietilth , 4estorittg ,PtirsttAdtrille: „A
. 'thiieseedAhttekS;'elqfreiri -ono , ' vvhinse , cotatori''atiii'
' hese heipe , of eutuie tieelds ere , tfue . - ttedeti , God -til
.- L ' " . 1 -• Ant? 'lt • • , ' .
irierinsthuThente to. may t e sante 1 totddettee_
,t hirdi i - d - Ot - e.`d-lfte - te yTatil litili , fait re . . yew .' the Ititip r y,
, hedshittiorett hottilintectieer.htessiitii , otiiirii i . :ai k iw .
e. 0,00 nerd dosptittditotts Tette, ittite;ls_,relieved ettd.'yeryi
kratertiltrietel;',''' . .A.S6TATti. 1117PlitLLIPS. , ,.
. ..Nii, '..Norisiehii - N0VA,1:84,2".','
.., i fPerdoortily,appearetl,tliesabov,ehnantedAseneth l'ldt;
.._phy . iipb . ped niatie,ottilt Oc l tltelattstatuitaltigipOsii,
foregoing iliderdeidliend , e nte,', , ' . ...: ...
.., „.
,* - e , igUili.l, - 81V.riViAtIOETVOSIEni'T , '''':-..v.
i • ,_'.. , iW , S,i :;:kr , - !- , ,.-:;. , ." . -i' . ';':''''.:l,dttistiee ot.the..l:i.i
„,,” IselogPeillotialli ' ' tranted , with' Itfra. ,Philllpila
bertitythet the ith e asserted feetit itie'sebstiiiithillt
frtie:o'Ll-f0; , ,1 1 „11111.1ANF...Hk419iiiiiF!itin:.`
I::?l4.4lslinliiticiiEAVO„iGiniiieijkil.leir4Liti;brintli 'r
lc'fi.Orede(tiksOltA kip :k , 11. ,1101.$4.110t;' k prugi,
Rlitinntfthernistiitlialthe bilifitlogS:irdlireadivef.
Etcrititof4htttetteielstidefi*O'lterit:vAhd for
biaiixt,4oo4o,o l l ll " o ,otiliiVA744 o 4,4it s ato.' l lTtie.p
10 , 1i70cF1,39114;),bebtskue fari,sf;,,..;,: :..,.: ,,- ,, , .., , .. 1 ., ',:,,,., • ,
•:?,!Tii4llolloiiii•Wiliiti4Olitli , ii , iiiiestiilia t 64iiiii. c
hie.thet itiellidididißerittPnlillit4at.hstiettd itretfes'
'd a i n i
2"11r. 0 re . 071 i ti4 ib lice n T, 6 11 AV,, 141' ,114 1 4 6 )11 4" Pb 5 4 . 1 1! r! ' frnt '.111 41: :
!1(1166100i 041(likrOfaiddlei Aqioiii . illiViM ildifi:
6070941V?if,W113irirA , 1311r,f • Vat 1 : 1 M - !.i , 17
.`lkia'4l4liii!.:l4 iti.,::fAll4§tit'ig4l4A9l3.7;:,OlA")4:A
.-, , , , Awiti;:poittia4po,imigeo.oosti i vi,4ll,*l3*
( * Or PO/101 6 anil:flelhIP'01;q:,, , g, , ':: - `.` . 1.64,:::) , ; , ,t`' . ''. , ;':. , ' .
',,, .41$44404.'ki4;1','';'ill'-':::::;-......1114.e':
tik i itt. ‘ ?o ll ."
let. • 0 1 , 11 7106, - ftjt . , r' "
. 7 ,C . : 1
*e c ; • . tfilia l i c il4 ,ol
~t mol itn i tlir
*ma ii, UhAe rtz ,, vzz-,,, - . .ijitv Ir'
Kip .1: vib.
y—Lu-c ”yuan—A wry .. man-r. ~ \‘Cx‘ '::‘.>~‘v:_’u;_ a
5‘3“».‘7-1‘..*‘..-,"'(’Js¢J_4)7',s3 J:,L.'r...m~‘-;.I :=;w.—.-g:.a~. flagshg .":
nfi’vrrp’wzs’ . 1 “a: ‘uv-P mam??? ”44““.«31 ’u‘
Nurwich; - Conn
.. _ ~..;
..'..'...,...}. ailfol9e1;: 11 *. 4 , ..: -'• . '' -..."--", • ' .
e/. ; . Z.::Fiir..,4ltoit ',
iiiii4iteikijAie:,ol.----. 1 -::,, -
°P' . ' ' "iarola ' -:),;', 0414'80 --; o i
::'..itti %Art +, . ti Pgi 1
. •
.OdiFilf:ifi4iiiipljnoisiot.iiii . 44 . 7 , ....l , ,itiilithii, theii, : in.,.. •
: none SO universal and :tit. tlie . ,„nidno time,'-so , in- - . •
idionn'sind fatikl'as , corlstnind.liii:.. 7 lnAbili4oinifii,.._.:
infieelallt,Pidnionnry',,cdn`pojoltliijiisliinidintioidlyi •,'
stpeOpftte;'nodinZlip kislattes4,F,prproiy*pii 3 Otegniti, ~ •
ii9 o AilPirOPY)4:*. gelilgOlOW. -;itilol l 4 4.l:4''' .
. esktiand n'itrongnpf and nirest or , our meet- ft, - '
'et tb al I' efrbitil to' arrest tide , drend
R d Its vain pod 'all 4hnt,neymeilwitldo'#dr licrtYP;Mi4 ' -
a t'besetlie Filldvititioblit , nuffliiing, rendering gionw, ( ..i. •
Ayhat sthoother.the ste_rtni'riiii'd#reis' to:P.o'6.l°6lb !=:q „....
~.. The"- CiniitionnitY'Syskip Ofi.,l:nejioCe r ombitintlon-.:.
lieretotb . rt:nqtid:WiitbxPiting. n power - lKilibe, ills.),
) - 0 14 r-: : `:*.re.el,r,;'• , vbinckOsibl4 aViPgyasi*til 6o Actioiv' s .
d!itlikpitiebutttii*e and itt:tiie gatbe'titneLtetbtlbpr, ,- •
1101141ti'VettiiitOrtipetittliii*Ciftitlitfleiiiiitebtii-, • . -..
~,,,,,,,....,d,,,„„g,-o,eisiusetbrAlitieahe,belplieeedi4. . '
iiii , ottterty i se; -,and,'4buii by +strildniiit 411 e, root=
IC b'eiiiiiAiiint imparts fione - td . aobinatga . 'bigitiliii
110'diirenen4d'vlior to tbekenernl'e*Eiteticiiiid (hilt
.restore tbe,valleetAb pert0bent.1441), ,, ,;f...,'m....----tr-- ..-
—'his medosineis.iiui . up iteblittles,lll4;- ' :-
lint the following. ;lords blown in die glalii4.l"liorni,: ,
son's, 'COmpounif. S„TrOp ofrATiir for,
, -:'.,...".. . C:
. o;
-'n'..: s
\. ui:, rbPt .., ioi! .
Iv itilOUt . Vhickionisg9tOb - e: . 3 lnki , l.: :
' .-
i:Prlei sc eniiriieFbottle:Blibottlis fai*,io; --
",Piiiile E in'Catllaletii':'''' . ' -
a: C sTZV
.EsSXik;SodaAinit:; -._ ,
44YTJillP,,LJ: . n-, !tr -
~''r - 1 4• , .i 3 '' n AY, - At' '
- -
. .
" MOM:141140Z i
7 , • ..-..
lo , .ecittiettuehieofeseetiek.'.
thin . launch n-hOstil '
Aieseel , iortnriesgS;siltieb7wasTfolloweil 4 byAiroloser - -
spitting illeod consequent t'deliiiityiso;tket ,
iisti%ta step #itt , te ri)j,ktehted. & tlie.heitieedieitt treat:.
ment bite - tire - 7, Veld' neiii.ttfre 'seetitics. •
pnnied is,ith,.(eyek„ time s
withr . greai oppressym;: trOtfelet , beitta iugfileweate.
Thuti oe 4 trittlieilly growing worse'niul
estee_4oJOP.lo,ely.' itligeourpgeiLLuntit.'...lbOut.thiee -
plo,i4heAlgoij.ntoe,trial,O(l.ll(.4.l,P.S . QNp , r
l oot T .
pound Syrup ef,Tite;whicti ruio., v ailii.all4for near :
priiyetl tot-1 now, hear iny lestiotoriy; to its valu'e',
the tiniythedioise..e , hick,
• • , • , .. - .:?;: - ''''')1 , 111LIP-110LDEN. •
•Cr:This. invaluablq iiiedi.4rie is put up jri , biittles;
stamption't:"..*:olput .!4
POO 50 - cents per bottle ' : , bottldelci.WAN:
• •
•• ; O:STE VENISON, 'Safe& •
Tally 49,,1844. r
l'ieP~~zo»~s_ry_ t ni !
Plinnac t upft - of .Tr;
firoV6erraiiii powerful-"remedy nd
ul.-reeAy' lincrivr
the ouve - iif Coosumptionlif plfifs einges ' .11ioncl
-Clironio.oo4o.Bvittipg or litorid,P,o6itAtiotivi
HearitLtier Complaint Aud „Olfro4io.„*.ftfootioi
the - ••• •: • ' • -
_ _ _
- I RE-4D! AE.R.1)12.f . ;:t
Still furthervynms,,its r own:Wotkii•Proclnirik it.
'• Bead the followia,c; !! . .
• , 'jj'hilirtleljihia,Jnit'3, 1843.
111e.,.5McTiresirsoa'tillette".:Sirt From settse 'of
grittiMile lb you anti a deiitt. that the•aftliathrony
Have recourse le Itt . ealnitble.'eneriteine .
:iiii - ElliLliiiiie7therbanilili.:.lhiere.7eillerleireetlfroraTitti -
use r L'oe some ttrCepasr . I have ctelf ; 81!114-"'""
a tjaStre's.siuirlickftlk entigh,tieeemfinaled with ti gnsit:
tjon•aLtig4taess-at..;111 - 6-zellest. ,- -Fllettoraing. , geentlyt - •: -
alarmed a feienitwho had been much 4!ettefittail by -„
ykorniii4llilo in,cl9 137-i tiotle
so , and in a vettshort time ereryalarming_sy'rerttem:•.
- 318 - elf318131;, My ex pectoentlonbeenmiree. all op..
,tension afew - Aa
I was able to 'Of outond attend to'roybirsYness a well •
roml! ny rim . 1, her information will be elmerfull
given thenfflictetlifry_ealling-ut-my-residence - Nt_
Siittli - Front street. , ..
- ' 30S , Mci4Xll;l3ll':- .....
"iPi - ei -- ! 50 •centssime,battle.,
I'or sale . •
• .
F pnrents knew the value effiency of Dr. ..
LA•layNi.ovid Vv go.hible %Vomit TetuJliev uteveo
world he i'ilthotut it in their families,as cluiluireufare
subject at all tunics to \\Milos.-
Wgruluelk•iillg:etiininised of vegetahles
al , gether, the givMu'ib children offal itgesu
u-mvionsaccoinpany—vaduinipmi-ollmektug .
,Clitlayett sufrei• umeh. or times, from so many .
, thingi living given them ror worms, silllnnt :my
feet. iN11)1:1$ tucilieille, given to 'children, ns•a
eleucy"to desirtly their slid they and
more or less delicate - ever titter.
To 'timid the necessity at !living; medieine mine
you are rertuim vour'cluildreM havd'
woe nig give Menu lit first lit. Leidy's . Worm . reti. it
is all (hitt is iletiessary:.
ltefereore might I , e - ma4e- to several himil r , i l
rent's cite sold county, of tiles:file:mt.
- 01 Di.:l,eftlY's orni Ten. Ti yit slid you will hd
e) cents n large park
age. Preinirwl nnly. natl. -for sale , ,-..wholesale nod
'lteutil, at 1)r. Leiq's ileakth .F.quporlitto,..Nu. .1111
- -pforilt-Seetowl --street. beiow - - - irioe, [(sign ot - l.he
(leo Engle soil :14-iieois,] ehihulelphia.
. . tr 4
Dl Le id tie 4 tied'
- ' AN•intialibli!.p.eihetLyles
$1411;4'043/01fit•Xitheletfo...ThisttilenfrhittlXiji - t crti!T i • ~
of-th.eSkittiyhtl I.tisultaiye adapted: lo the.eUt •cir- '
,T4.;tter nisi the Itch., .• " • .•, • ; i •
numerotis sehonls
• throut.t4fit:t he: eh:rand 'County,-as *ell as Plietorite
,erhitlitying• ettmerp_tis, ithtl.,ltoya„ Attil hrtuths.t'„ ,
qish,h.s"...v.ol, as other,. A freetioith .
.th‘e Skihi'peevstileiL.ivith.the'mailt tinettSiirjaAl
atm - . 1- Tat'4o s of ,soknoimeachow,bl - 0 stiStiliei:‘, •
• iiiitOtitis,sind4h..4iptlietoutoriettthi-Alti-----•
- .
feel in,hatingc;i4eit nnmesliublithetl
!siitit.sihik,lesthsealte (ma (ii,sfireeilt,teioctir,,,,,,
priire . t.s oehislt hot
-rg, en. ...- 7 0 . ieutes...,_ ...
- , . ~ • ~;., ' . ..,i,, , ,
i r rysT,...4 , o l,;kl;i4iltiOiskidiOneabr t h e rolioi,
r t" ing'Patoot - ,llleilicamklkbletrivt, offer for palt t
ohliblemle atal,r9tal) kit ~ v ry4 Y ectgfeed rtirioo , - , -- - - 1 • •
IliayiPLittitnept;-ror ctire-Ar-Pilea, .! ~if :,,-, • ~
i t
'f''' f' , DiqfloWeeßeile'.Vail:Nerbe'Lio ineiiii- '•?'-.-----
)irdifilliiflrEOVlWl3fiikitetiAo e - ,• , ,-.., ', .', .• ,-- • '
i ~ . Dtt-SWltyttety,i4yruTP-br_AVllti r \Ch rry, 0p1:,,, , A ,. ..i5_..___
i. ' ' 'tir'Woittr.a Dalicto or Wild Chtirrys'`,:L.'s.
• : rik , WaitnvirtNtioiceti; -1 ';-:" . ' ' '',:, •'' ' ''•.
- :,', 2 ,- re '..rt‘'i, Ye'rmirageit,. ',„ , , ,,, ,.. , ,', , ,k ii fj t d, ", l'P
! .Dr . tifißckt,Viortreai .i..; .';: -;'.l is - - ( ri` ,i•0t,,,p„ , ,,,
tOteiher - WWII - general
,apteittectit 'Ft 'thl .. uipat'tipt i i t
proved cathartic and fitretiCitt"'llltti.';'" ;, ' ,. ' .. .'-'," t",.•
.- : -•-• ,,, - 143Mt5 , , , -4 , 1-IAvEIiATICX -,-
s•-ggi- 6 ' , '-tk}At-• - • , .-- , tf• - -
~ ~,,,,, •If ~.. .
, ~.,-0
~, ,$ 1. , , i,if iii e d a .
::: -I 'l "itlie'atrove *alma e ~, .„,,,
- 14,t 4 supp-Y 0 ..-
~._;, , 74...--L 3 , '",,
A ' ~..1
..ots • ~' - r- ' 1 1 vil`dil
4„ifies,lxinsm-9g , Rtn„„torpot, ' : <A 1 P"" !., ' ',)
1 5,1 4.lllll4l*.rokrip Vernauk , R L t i.i. 0•41,!: 40 ,
'' ' , 4li I'lliaPrOniCil;7'
' 0 ri, - , a '
t. C. rfignatlll3)S"rti';i'% l l"
7 ~'l-• 1 1 • - , +..-- .i - 4
- ' i if tul h‘tor Sgilb b•Y'', , • Ertigtrarret.---• •---
! nee° Ve 4
t qr qirlisle;,o , '--
'.."' 2 ;. - ',[ 17.4A044 's e
1 i ,V 4 i';."..-4 '' , "l- 4 .. 1 i•• '.l.
1171 , 011 ,, -
- n 7 7-lienotvorelEs: ,
4 , 44 , Z4,, , ) c 4, ;i4 4 . a,
ptOT te st t ytenge,veuee!,l,,,,et,”lems ,„
1 . Ib..beitlietV , Urlelfffil'hotalPer4 umleL B t ;
bgae tl?emepfl,Wesfledielgolaseesiby , ttae. Let ' ,
UP,PO. Neww. 0 10 1 !ICSPNortiF otPAPEimt(i:'
and 8110 al 'de Sittietit w
to suit Ithe times,es are•keep no, hoe& atii i sell , ettikes: , -
ly 9aski,rx Catitgotdteglee bettez sikoensi , 4i,c
March ty4, • • ATE,FR.
r:- :: : . r=f;•ilii - coi,.prii.' iiiavoits.'''' •!'
oht.Witteis Pale'rienotokeid , dcfbleiliVEffidfi- •
• ....4”.Priti -cotriaivn , \Vhlslity,i4,ll cilind . •ol4m4l4 . )
ewxngiand llumfor aaje,by 110 sulesrlbet o
i t .makoi iNfoit.':. Or .1, ', , A '' W. d tta TATE itx
.‘ 061 !1 1 1,M I P , 1 ,0-tI n tn Itt9 , F44s!:4uliti • .
A-ftry-• imiteilk-artlelcAntenactlatr-fit, '- -
196tlitinetP4'001 6;:Nreils atialilittilbv3dloo.llslo
rd b y
,•,- ••, GEO. W..llElrNk.Rfico9,4l.lli,
discffirrilMoit u l aiiMingiV,
' ol 4ntiot*igtitiiti SOP ~, - . I.i' .
TOANL Y" ,1, ! , ' ,, -__ , % , ''X - :lAtil'.'. ° '
vp.'' , GE* ".ogAiri4trrri , ' `
1 4
1 •