ES . 2‘: BEMS Cil urit'::k:i.;.o'iJ . t4= ia 8 tUFATTy - , - -EoiTon ~~A~R~Lgi~L .~.~~~ 119iiitilli , „ :IF.- .( lrnestial/4 Jtrii/ 11, 1 414. "bur'caiintry's' frog we ruled, • . OUr. hopes now high aro iipirardi rising; In burning words-it.there displays -• - The , nameri - tifl3t - iviiiid - Fiit - pisuunyseuL • Ftll2 PR ESIDT;I4;r: ' HENRY ..01 - AY ./ 9 or KENTUcIdr: • ' • R:=VJ -PRESIDENT, THEODORE` FRELINGHUYSEN, OF NEW JERSEY. =Era , TOILVt.OVER:III4II4- 1 . • G.EN.'"JOSEPH MARIcLE. 'F AVES'I'MbI2.ELA,N 4:01r CANAL, tONIMIESLONEIZ,_ ! ot . . ~'or"d7ie Sale ofihe ..[Pinfn Line DEMOCRATIC.V/RIG SPECIILLY "POE TILE PUBLIC EYE." OUR 11.7 - a'ound.brational Qurrenci,Jegulated -by'the iv ill and tinth May ibe ati 2. - An adequate Revenue, with fair Protection to American Industry. 3. 3uatlestraints on the' Executive power, bracing a further restriction on the exercise of , 4. A faithful administration of the public domain, with en equiltable distribution of the proceeds . . of sales of it among all the.tates. 'honest and economical administration of the General Government, leaving public officers perfect freedom of thought •ailfroT the right: of stiffritge; buit with suitable restraints against - improper interference-in elections. - 6.. An amendment to the Cimstitutien, limiting tlle incumbent of the 'Presidential_ office to a. . SINGLE TERM, - • - These objects attained, I think that wa should chase to lie ended with bad ,administration of Gofernment .--HENRY Odr, • - I'4 E_.DIF Whig Dethock'aiy, ~_ .._l~~,v~~gEs~L~nar~crxox._ . "A' TARIFF—Pro. ducing an 'adequate Re. venue; with fair Pro. Motion to American In. • 4"I think that the pro. `visions'of lite. Tariff of k]842, - iti'the main, are wise and proper, as pre• tection to manufactures ' -----and.commerce isrin-fact whatever it ,muy bale form, ',eneourato hent tO •agricullure 1 The cut. tivator of the soil is con. • - - scions of the grmi't ad. ' vantages of having a. longside of him the blacksmithcand th; wheel , wright, the saddle and , the .harness maker, the ....ilor_4l.l4arteryth, maker, ihtcalo'bet mak er; and masons anq car penters. Ilis comforts and theirs are both are both increased-lry such • proximity, and thief are enabled to augment:ltch manufaittges - and pro. .• 'cluttions. Rut of what avail woultit be CS mul tiply them,without corn. merce, foreign and do. Ameatic, whose office is • to distribute the surplus prortuce of ngrtwilkure and of the fabrics of tile meclianic.and'manufitc, , • turer tiSNRY - Such are the evidences orthe political faith of ' the - Whig and Locofeco candidate for the Preel. • dency. The zealous advoeste and steadfast friend -of American Industry on iTie one hand—and:the• declared friend of Free Trade, . - Foreign Pauper ! - Lahor,•Biltieh Competition, on the' other ! Work., • P ing-rnenifilochanics',sFarmeri,judge.yo from the' -evidences! :Which will.du support - 4 Can you, -yeri; Inuit:a l to 7 _ . tioii.tios, of Sont.VOnrolitn, • Our. !ate Igluinter,tn Mexico; and the_man_witti inev moyed . in.CnngFien.iillq. the Indepnndeneo!oi as be reoini*Kl, has come out nkains,ktinnexatinn ; -in , re:Mailigso • • • cf:Y.The Whig fires, Say! „ ,l4.fie' Albany Evening - - - ,- -;Jcinrritirlove - burnhavvi)frirriwonteil7brrgiftigistrili-, all patilioc.t6_cOuntysc_ l a n e _ .., ciaficf.. fires a;ran;batit,b:rigtt Pt!! otvn ' i to_otate Is taking `the-16cr . y, 'iiill . receivo a ; majority! of •rp.anytholliquidli*g7cni en&erilithtenedTrierrie . n';',P ', 'fires p ocitsi nio I vAii Bugle W4' "iier;.' - Duro. our It'Vhilifrieiukobotk :at 4114 , 4644 ' that / :411e 'pl4' „ lcuyst9uo,lurty , duuirt• is au f$ for c!., ,, t;:ir,-Fa . Er.rpOp,nrifiN, nod Muft)ruii-: Me, are; • , 1411110 i ettilca Our . o;ij toriul rep u tation Va . ,wUroiluncitipuU, • 'the' Weet,'3¢api,d fireit .duty;; and iiii;elllheir ,-14#,*UsUtijii , 111111611U3 c`" 7 , -7- w''* l N findbyrecent tun: , ‘, ~m ultefitsoblo,,llpKußostrittiorief Oat, :A4k; biro xl dna ourre frlipdp,pf.6o.49r9oo, 1 )4 0 , nn iv+p ow thay;theicili'n,Rl)4;,•of,qt , #,qt!te - _ „, • ~,,,r'7*,, _ --.. ~, l-folowng, ',viva' 'the 0 • ''' ' liii;ilSlNl9P3f. , ~ , d e ieloOd in ,70Er,, ?i'01,:i":-00:` siook.P!ln°l/deii 44 twol4l,fii 149ther 7,41F10/0:4"",71; ..'1,41404411•N1i4 .-:, ', ' :',. 14hat tiisifoiLA IT," 9f Ivilimpc:',,- ic-: , , ' ~,,idtiiiet-oltiiAlk .-2'`,77.1,-A, t'..r-t`;'.4,- i '1134,!..,,, 4 tttf..tlajli `,` 4,41'0 , A'"Weiiitittia -{,'.; ..)*-4 ~7,-,l,,l_;,4ll,l,.%,?,talgligeaticiikt. , 41:' 4 At i liale''It ;1.p:Y62..:,7T?,,, '',','S;:•Opi',*o,q,=,._iiiltjillq a. 4.1:, A.,lglir.44''''ll,' to in , I'. k• .-1,r4i11, ~,I,;'l' itc'4, re ' ' i -, & .17'111«,kit'10'4%th§r 2 :,;, .1.0*7' • s r.' , , c• {444 ,61 . " • - 2'4' -s i ' I 10.4*1 k ' ' ''' WU*, , ~ { 4 '' " •:'...4' Nlli . I alit, with great respect, I - •• Ilearpir, year ob't servaiir, — . — " — „ --`, ' JAMES K. POLK. ._ Joi. - rt. KAl.l#; Esq. Philaddpiliii, . - . • , • Here, says the N. Y. Tiptine, is the latest virniSh ant.. Pollee opinions; will - it answer? What. :deep it a'mount,:lo-3 : ,..4'4 H ciw does it • qualify iv h a the has been . saying ? -- , He in btillglek,k _ th a t, _ iv- _pei .no tit . ditty On .7Clettiiii- -a iitio4s, and 25 on Woollen was anifiieTiotepii4,;-: and : that,- in his liiilkotent„ Wool shoutclrb s —, admitted duty•free, -- Hedeelareffliasrimii: - inor that.a'Protedliiie - Tariff aniF.Distribu- EC= OPINIONS iOF4, K, POLK ON THE TARIFF,__ _. "I AM TN FAVOR' OF 12,EDUCIN1; TIIE• DUTIES TO THE RAESOFT-FIECOM., PROIVIISEAcT, EI4E TFIE W-Fll9 CO: ' ESS FOUND,TIIE.I ON THE 30th OF JUNE, 1842." fPa filet Specch_lit ilfekson 3d, 184 himself and the Whigs 1. Does he -now repOdiate tbet sentiment ? .11eirgaed,over and over last summer, ancl printed - in his speech at Jackson, that the present Taritt ought to be abrilished, and altniform twen ty per cent. -duty nnposa v d in stead—the same on Shoes and on Leather as on tildes - "Tho difference 'be. tween the Whig patty and myself. is, whilst they are theadvocates of DISTRIBUTION & MOW WI —the same on ready made Clothing as on Cloth Or raw Silkthe same on ',Hats as ou Fors, dressed sod . undressed—twen per Cent. on Iron and all- kinds of Hard wit*: Tools, &C. &c. How is this, Me chanics and Artisans? Does this satisfy you ? If lie, go • ahead, and vote for Polk and Dallas?;, 7f this is What you want, 'they' are your•men. But if .yoti are of a different opinion—if you think that thoSe foreign fabrics, which tom:petition with the rodeos of .your toil oughtio'be , taxed hi her than. the raw materials whiehl you - wo up and which our Country 'does:. not pro uce—if you - think Boots and Shoes'. should-be charged - higher duties than . Raw Hidesif yob think Fur on the skin should --vieasurestohieVcon. alder ruinous to tfie in !fresh' of the country and especially to 010 in terests of the Planting Slatca—l have steadily and at all times opposed 'both." • [Same Speech? pub lisped by hithself.) "17y own opinion ir, that Wool omill — ice duty free." [Congressional (Mint es, Vul. 9, page 1174. • be admitted o cheaPer than Fur Hats—how yrratet.foryolk—and ANUS? : Will yOU.6e4ifiled empty words? .Pioiec tion to,yOur labor—against the 'depressing conipetithin 'of unpaid Foreign labor js r c•ii-' )her - right or wrong. If •wrongi vote for Polk and . ttallai. -If ;tight;. vote for your- VelTerbe Clay and Frelinibuy, salt. '' • Comparethe , rollowing,extrtct from Mr. CI kite Lofpr_tt.), Georgia, svaktbat.f. Mt Folk , pkace r tl' ittanst it, viz: . • , V - __ , .. . Mtt...OLAir.-..... Mn.m POLE.- -- • mt ittid' resighod my iii 'AM TO THE - TAR itoatitimittF - StilTito ,-- -vilioo - — 7 pi the• pct-of 1892 : Passed. ACT.....QF tiIE ..L.V.IZ.i WithoutiCONGRESS,-consider.;g to oz. CONGRESS,oblitailei. - ; .pkoically,..opinion_:ap_on'.bf.i. itt.maaY:io, 6Very i tem of tho Tariff; apitota:aLthiaiharaotc.r-:71-WOULD : 7 1 - WOULD SAY THAT lAM IN .FAVOR OF 4 .2 - Till NIC- , TH E -PRO. RRPLIALIN6r. - ' - : - T,HAt - V1810N8..,./Nr .-THE ACT , toiil ieatikring qie MAIN ' 'WISE .'l Allto Coaopromiso.Tarq of .r.qt O PER"-agept. l. l.3iMetrah '2;11833:' - May ' "43, - ,-Lette.r—to,,a ,an . r,i 1,5,1843: ißoply,itt,gl!. : , :rnifieOf - 04otiffilVAii:8:;ii:Fiia'Of: -..7:ean5aqi..,,,,,, ...ilier.i..fa:tiia':diffOVenae : , itit.c natiiihat".'..,'Pitly• - men : - iiitiy:44,'"..iiii.:,Clpy:til - iiiti•*4h.'. - ti :i'reo ,a7Tailiv-:tiiiiif , fte; , )47i:..yaii , •:lllifen',7; iitid: 01' . pliy' agree` Oat dutiesought: , tol, tie .. laid. forßevenu e ' .. 1 . , ;illoo kir lio , irriOderatoe clip oi I i atoryvoad ~ 01- . :thilV- - #'. 1 7 6, i, itaf gMip l tips4lo4krolart a 71WIaNO.they iciTootivoly'e ‘ opoaotO do ? r _ Mr. Clay says,-'Sue. S i lF; . fr' ii :! i S' 4 9. -Ibioli;firihwi,aiiii baak s tO'aisitnity. io:ient. ,Tariirtit;iit':lB42.k!'lli44. ifitilieitibl Ot Ilia'taiiV' .tiiii,.. : 4l.l.'_: • Li.i*it',:f,. : fl=Jjy2i.!.::::•A,l , ,ri , t , 42..iL!„.3.:.' 'i ',:• -• ;. - , ; 'i ~...-.:, : ,7;'(-I.ii,--. .--', , I .;' ' iivett.4l4ol iin.—Arreeti...; : ,•, .:., . : c 'o; 4 iiiii t OiliteliaiiiiiiPaiiiiiii'd:6(l4iticiklmiles 144:Our. , Couti..of - giaiiteir.. , SeiiiiiOlifit` , itayto ' corn. lii.°l.C3d li'''flillAnd'.llor4P4il:'!n4eliiiition,:iritoiiii; ,stumorinAts . qpgagiicfirofltti -. riat9lol,liilii i tillr -inB°l4l Mt k i72?:# lC° o, l N: ' fY ll o 4o :,o l- ) 9 ii* , 10 3 9cifP!*tt: ' s6...,ibil , ; - 17e k t ii. 4.1. 4iil:4o4l#VAl49u!lbo,llh?llv'Pke*9lPld!l- thiVciik4iiiiigai*airkk.!;ifg'Pkiii are l iii3i4iliil4o.l9Wili vdiniiiijihilate'4V.t.iii.4 out' iko'iiiilii;•iiii,fl"iittei4ioikil.464Fasiiiie:4-itr i iih i i, it'flitlq l ',4i!!'ilrii6f!t:.-FOtillYiikoo 7-, *;• - ;t:••vr'-Yil:' ; W I 9 ', T 640 04ii " WI. i 0 ; :; iiiihi;ilEdi tar ,1 0 , 4 14 r 14 141 ' P I O ! .1 1 "U 1 .4 11 1 /c*i400,0. 0 .0 V # 1 4i:01 , 0 , Ific...? f fi:iJY, l tli! i g/ I— ft! l ?u, l, 4;t'ill,!! ,l °M . ,4o,4't 3 1 '0 1 94K:1 43 a9" A!' l'e !iPg,•""ill .11 #4Pilail4iii'. ,Osuooja:**er„h•ei apit, , :iii*eilitiiie4 , ll',. , 7!.' Ili; biiii itiot (*Stiiiik ti'l l**4444:iirTiniliilie' — ' - '4llo§746ol4iiiin 7 ' " NatiOitiiliViii, ..„ . "30 ioai , ',grovige flPhttl(rPOLtON' THE. TAAIFFi ;Mr , ` mfitiOi:urlon-llya*padon--4411k: ant Ite R 7ll l lic O rc '; n f hht . I' l l l l = Pr?..eP„.t?'? imentiein thii`Whig impei j a,'addriiidad , dater to Mr. , P. requesting a re-atate 'meat of his opinions respeeting' the Tariff, Mr:".4llh(a 'tide - paOdiah ' ili4e q ate left toinfewhat its tenertiiiiiiit.fil4 been. We have not a shadow pf- doubt, that it said i leubaiance;"Mr: Polki - theso anti-firciteetive—doeirines—wont-do - -for , Pennsylvania you must us . some.. thing better, or we are , pone Mr, Polk accordingly undertakes to give them a something that will a4wer.; 4pre,it - 2 ,A . 01.13111 n n i -Te n une -197:1 8 Brarblir-- , 1-have-reecived - feeently - mverat-let tern in refeiene * lii My.orinions en the stihject of - the - teriffrancl,uniong-othera-yoinotAlie_l_Oth_uh r iilmo.. My . npini ns on , thin, - ,enhject - hoie been' linen elven toil: . üblim ". Thdy are'to be found,, in My public act -andin,ttlie'public . .diseessione in which I have lartieipaied... .., 7* --* am in'llll7o of aliiillrfor revenue , a nie, such One:, siVill yield-'sufficient amount to the Treasury;_ tij-detray the expenses of Government' ecorami.'. Bully adminiitered.'''lnadj oeting tint details'of,a. .revenue tariff,: finite heretofore an nctioned such inodMate . diseriminating duties; as could print* ;the mniinint of AeVenue . needcd,ibicl 'at th e garne t liine• - afford -reasnnable , lntidowtalAlioteetion - to out„hoine inctu-try.- I-am-opposed to a tariff for' , prateetion.nierety, Mid not for revenam *. '‘ - ---Actini.upon - thesetenciallirinciplesi i Vie-well 'kiiiiiwn• that I -- Mi - iie itriTii - pniftENte7J) . Oliefof . lienera I .7ackson'arii4iiiirififfaliiiiiTanThis inibject.. I voted againstllte tarill'actoflB2B. 1 voted-for shin. act of Ign, which contained modifications of some of 'the i,bjectionable provisions of the act of, ,1228.. As amember of the Conimitlce - Of.WaYe: ond-Meane , cif the - J.loas° of Representati v es, I ga.vemly , e., bill ;reported by- that. Coln, mlittee in December,ls232,making further moll, lioations Ol . .the aet-of.l.B2B,:andminking,alse die- CiiiiiiiintionS:in.the imposition of the duties Which" it ploposed. ' That bill - did not pass list 11/08 ila• perseded by the-bill-cernmonly - callearthdtiitir - - - promise Bill, for which I'Voted. - ' In my judgment,' it is the duty of l.hti govern ment to'extend, as Far as it may be practicable to dose, by its_revenue haws_ and' all other. means within its power, fair and just protection to all the great interests of the whole Union, embracing agriculture, manufactures, and-the mechanic arts commerce Dul' nay)gation,.. I .heartily approve the resolutions upon this subject passed by the Democratic National Convention,Aately assem bled at Baltimore. • on - constituted "the dire — rencet!-between =5 ~rvr3*Airiiiii,jq: '::Q.,„'?.4 1 f4.i 00:410.4 - '. 0,,,i!i•: - „4 , i d, ~,7„,,,,f-,....,,,,,,,.„,,,,4,„„,„0 4 ,e,i30 ~,„.t„N ~ ,,,,,,,,,,,r.„t„„„A,,,,...,,5,,,..;, ~,,,,,,....p.,..„,,,..,,,fi„,,,....„,„.,,,r0,11 4.9.,,,' ,eidnleti*fti,i.vinig i nit i es ti...). pi 2. . : caliifie to. , 6 Toad 4preati have, lha , b; . :a2en',,effroht.ery to, say afircii,eatilnmsthia,leiterAtein ,- Mt. C 1 ei'r end the , nwa:baloci',,f!;iiin P9,lli;th4 ; iileva:ar . ..the some ; ?,' :,' , L '- ,,' - ',Z..', 9 1:, : ,'4.,.:::;,,,.:,. 4 ,4enp:atip; 280 A iie,',1844. 7 r.'„ , ADeitr:S!rf•:,,,L•liaia:raaalrd,,, - ,,klarAliyar,ptaiing ; thaf , eireo 6 lhlolll.6o'ilienta•icpresinungraly : b e i ng ivrrhintl of_jirfAaatlpitiCilia,„lStnith;:and-4-cr-f?ea-- likarrat the SkUltht:rind ';' . 3 , Cli deaire, an oxpilisai.*,' nfAlik•Liiphitenenedefinyi)ra . 4hand;lhet • , Ir,: 'P' l4 ° of,99r!9:PAing , thitn!,44oCpresi 4 lilaticii;';'4nt: afraid t hat "you:',vvitl',4ripho'CtTor,t .vaiii.,'Ah . .corteee. iiiiiiiiirCecnt4ioa : ',(Winik6,4liCialcilia chili:ad td ' . uniienitand iiv.opirikniiican h"avp"ro: - dilliFultS in pleakly;coinprphandink ilien:';,phi*ioreficcicily cipFcisac lhapi'ai.;atefiithisailaß,'apd eevardl linnilv;)niwii , ti•-leiteielTniiiPettnpii ii 7: -s•littilinnicnedinoitniti-inentit*- quir-eaa fraellytio,,aa.l. c cter ntuitC'tlthelOir thi3- ncrtik: i', Acqie .;vciy, •plierc - Inaintaifieddltotintadjuatiirr4-1-Takfrfor-revenne -4iscrOnlngli,o,Fo:i 1 ri light ~ bcl4ac(g.j7n, , P'rotection;:, THAT T i re TeißitF OF 18P2 His OP,EkirtD, AIIMIT BEN: xyloir'n niv; aOd thii t I•AIW UTTEIIITiI' OPPOSED 1 1 TO, ITS ,REX:EA 1.,, .;T,lleitn!..COCiiina.,4;ire:•;an,., rifotine'cd . ..b i line,:at 'o ,. iibliii ine'etinga In Alabama;; ,5.4 ccatia;Cho dila row ti , in , S:,. Ca'rpl in a ; Viirtli:Cai= ulina and in Viiiiniii. 1 •}.:•. .' a •t, , „ ,-, -"• •,•.' • A am' zrey respectfully, yOui 'friend and ob,c, adria- - 4.11/P -.1 .: , -,: - ',.! ''' ''' •:. ' 11. CLAY:' ' ,Po rirr;'raiD. . J....C0rz,!!..., 711oip letter which 'he ati• . diesse . tife the fieepieetTetinesiiee iti_LholuaL eau .vaii.ftir,Gavernur. -. •- : :- !" . :.:•'Wliquisriii;llla . yil9, - 11343. , '- To Me People of Tennessee: •'. c - :.: - •.• The bbjcet which 'r had in proposing to Goner, nor Jones; at Carrolville, on the 'l2th of April loot that we should each writeiiiit .rintibputilistr2our vieviii - nnifenifitiorii'erillii subjectof s ilfe_TerifF, 'was; that-our - resNetive - positions might 13, die. tinatily,ltruntin _and Understood , ibY...the-peciple.—, Vii a t --- my - opiii i tin ti . titre _alien (137,ftillyr: ii - k - d kill ti CV: ly kiiin n . cents! - ntit doubt.' - - Thad itteadily du ring fh eriod I was-representatitie - in. Congress; licen4 use d - to frjpratective policy as my recorded votes and : puhlie•apeechee prove. Since - 1 retired 1 from Congress, I had held-the same dpinioni: - In the present canvass for Governor, I had avowed' my - opposttibn to the. Tariff act of •thelate_Whig Congress, as being' highly protective in its char• . adter;iind not designed - brils authors as e 'a revs_ measure. I had avowed my opinion in . my public speeches, that . ilia interests of the country,. and cSpexially of thd ,producing and exporting states—required its repeal. • . Now what-thould not the man do who would dare after reading - the above to assert that Mr.. I ........ Polk is as good a Tarr man as r. Clay ? ildr. ILlny need the Coin rom Ise e 9 ct. UThe N. Y. Coueiff'atil7 Enqpirceenys, it is common for the Loco. Feces, in - the practice of their - customary giime of deception and hype edgy, to represent that Henry Clay struck a blow at the American Sy.stem:i&Trotection, by the 'Cam pram ite - A - Ct r t - TalliFft faot,•mirrendeted, the principle on which that systoni was based.- -he speech lately delivered before the 'Whigs of - Wilmingtonoal;) by Mr. Clayton,whovvas an in fluential member •of, the - Senate nt that and a zetilciits friend off' the CoMprotnise Act, proms, by absolute demonstration, that ne other legivla. lien within; the ',ewer of CopuutLat that time, ..cpuhLpessittly have_ weed the Americaii , Syetem from utter destryitien:The voantry was notonly brnullificattonibtri-the st ill more baleful PloUil of 'Free Trade WIN 111. pending over it. A Tariff bill had been reported by the Hon. G. C. Verpiltinck, Who 'was then and has always been a zealous friend of Free Trade doctrides, and who will noW support 'JamP's - IL Polk, on account of bib hostility to Protection, which the Jackson part were abeut to mukb a • • • day fokward; as:aliselatc' dependent upon the in. dustry and capital of Gr. at BritaiNos is CoriUde at the present moment: From. the impending calamity,--the Compromise Act rescued the coon. try. It ass by that Act alone that the-principle of Protection was saved. And to Henry Clay the 'only man in the Plnion who could possibly have achieved thisircat: . iesult . :ove the American peo 7 „, plo now indebted fur the countless blessings *ant act has conferred. upon them. < Address to the Goternor. DI. On Thursday morning-last, Govern°ilor. ter who was In Philadolphia all week, as comman der in ,chief of the militia of the State, was met in Indepelepee-fiall by a large body of citizens, and an address prescnted'to hini, signed by sever. al , thousand names: : .Tfi addroaa is•saiJ to have been dump up by' Horace flinney, and speaks in terms of the efficient means taken by the military to suppress the riots, and declaring the thanks of the community anri every, friend of law . 'and order to biadttis te Ostler°la ,;Paitartion,"Qad." welder utdilleilßcortLand.menamidet.their!oikini...- man dfor-ili el r-con d fit rough eel - the 4h 016 the, trying Ittene•invhich they had been engaged. The address aisci praises in warm'ternis the gen: . 'eral orders issued by:the Geverriorttrtheinilitsry: . — 7lttrltiffted in - hrtek tared: .feeiTiftiTitilifek - liiriv — a - FluniTiifieliiiiii•cTiintr; ....._Therlernia.of.,,the ;folio; i*liicKonaiors '4;ixp '•- " • • Ph9lps; y.t.i . , - . . fClioate,ll3aei. , ' Sturgeon,: Pp. Sprague, r ; lautingfon, •;, ilfutt4m, • ' Baidril; Del. • • Merrich';,-5 , 1d: Hondetsoe, ..IV4llocied. Porter ~ Poster, emu nixes, Vu ` ; -19. •fhii pressa'Seattle is "politically 29 bikit,4l The ies will "rid u'eti the ratpeetive partieerthea.4l6 ,, Whigii; 19 'Locos; thet,Whigs Must eleet 1.1. , glve)tlfam . ilowt Austria dmit'llisdemiirr.ii - Mfeo'sisiy , one;til• _recommend skey,..,partieular,lteuees Rew,att infalllll4ei eurii fdiJelf stages of `censumlitioNbeciais In (filing so they,alsiM thy, peeall4Pit somi'.esses 'the Lungs Woome Uptolt htkiey Ithour iitaiii -,)lulsubli!hichniicew 'l7Prifininory ; qyrroiori - 0 5 - 1 4 - i - 0 0,991crat : slon,lheWhyliaeriati it and glvlbg all much' ease es. qnyy thas_besomsedAvitli rems;kk e:- Success :curableCessuumkrorl u M IPP.PIot Soreness the Ores*, 91ily; Ptricii§4, l l4;YP,Ye,l,VßMOObillsierooli. t nearlfe ot;n'etilieli Ml pC 6r4s:strieksj . Nl4T:ciae; 4 n 141 .10 cre'l °I.-0 4 1 9.1 1 04-Thre9:l7 fik.l ) 4 l o.ig. hyiSteelli Syr up , . • , 8010,11 P SOil,buCkrrp aiiaqtgivr : ;;, „ ' i'M r . # l° PPO I J I V4. 4 O 4° *S imph4 viroMiig'altiithOpropurathSus for die - relief o coug•hs '9PYSAtitilin ll o 6 oYOPYtilii`elitiiiii4Tlll6t ' ll ° , 1 01AlictctiOli,P , repr n tilftrOMdi,imihmptilelooen 'ryiallbouronsiqt Well OSlilbliolviAk'lnat ses:Pf ire*Miterlie4etitlikTeetiotap9o4, wi r meti ,la • so inp ihipil,eroimpuslltssorlffeedi ; po,lbo s orti iii Att,tykktie4l 6 ted , croito=i4Poi,iih!:*hi4ktnlkht- At i killP it .•:,be u ti , rgelMlAlYerArj):4o64;WPlt, ti 4 -,V0,413__1111.k.51:141;),! r szenwal lo 'ad- -!! :`[!,'' • Locoil:.:±2. ! '!! NEM w ; 'x , r, , MIME =EMI -- CoarivaarasiiltilfriJpbo - Eark.2s - ,Virnth — atreetz PliIloilo:13111d, ivaa , for many:year* afflicted...Mk : the'--above` cditatia" - (iiiirtkillinesi;)' `which 61 Obil. • Aiiniell 10 'iltri" Wo,rio ;Oa ily u nti lit obOain a i iruli 'alarming --iie.i . Vl/B recommend to upo.aaretol . retp4; odloi; 4 , llloh'liil'aid e iaild'aroLieciiiiiiiit an i bend ' 4 t-frpni , thlmv Atiiiiiiiiid:cif ever •be ifii oure4i '0 ilti ; lie4oa_miyiaodr,tO-4ry---Ar c ,,ltiosidrerkarpiga f %filch', he)deciiarea In :a slioillime`coliipletei i to: Herod) his:pdmpaint.ziod Morin - liiittiteci hilikrVat Pc rfe W**l l. l l PPl :- -0fi11c,1 11 ir :, 14 6 4103* - ihar,:ar! -11110wiedgek, P-Alivill)'OtiPticdi.o6[4:4'..:.;:::::: 1. Ca lion 6nikl4'9ire 44k Ob`iiiiit* Di :. drbiiii'llliffoi`ealo - - ; e4V,';:'l i1: , ;:11..!-Il ,, 6 .. - t' l )-'7 l ::',t'-i'.* ;-, Stiliiii,.:6irlfaia: bir;difißtifki s ß4ll.NlTZkl: Miiiiiii for kbia3r t iwn - .1, i.:',:. - ;.,:vi : ) ,'6, -44 :j . ;(4ki ` 4 :1•':!;`, ' I '.',.'!-''''': ,r. ," '.' ' ;"k• :4: ';,;'' ',4 ' W'.lt 4iiiiiiikiiiii l liiiiiinki l .raChWilittila - , 1 44 0 CVAiiItnithOlfiaarii3tit i t 'attilfpliilitorotto iure"6 , l'. Eril'iPainClo l4s o • l .Y. , filitrYPlX)hi Al* l 'ilmaeli.had tPii" ll l-tiiiPi#-AN .I.oinfori*hteht• it' clilioeltoo on theitingi v :ara 'the !WiltlO°:K.ol.9. i 1 4 114 : 1 4 6 0gaia1*,44/01iini 4 V4111;i1/ 144 Willi *o 4 . 4 , l oo 4 ;Yegf it 4 4 .ifieiki4/#OO7. kiiOrett fit :cifiMji iin...criojittatinatl 2 4tfet,okrytlillept4T P , e , ,eame tliiii', tWiklioitiOtriii ViipitiMailOtkla I .lbAati f 4l#l 6 .ll 4 l9olPOPJY.,blloo.,qs'Aikt kat it b, ~ tior re .41000 limbp,whpl9lrsior.-j.,,C.,i'f,•1; iirt , - DiliWegiiiWilliiiil iiil.ol4. f itOgielp4 : ' ;'ii' l '‘ li3ii:Otififi4 i tiirAgillef#lol4l l : ' ' t / A -0 1 ,-, ' , A 4 fq i .: 4o /LVOI I PW01 1 :19 .1 1* 14 . , ; 4115.itt “ l l M ,l 4lslo#o 1 ~,, ri': . i';',.': ~171 - SALE OP.,THE PU Li 1 (.1 1 1, It iiilti;6! i14464,41 .. e,4t1ti0\#100:j r i.110 . Leg a'::great !pita* Sruinceded tho_eale C r riint pohlur.tmproyernentei Jiy , ,thciiivOten• at the liallot.beii rciv.totif•;:egaiptif' , e.,finesenselat, the%debt=of he Stitte*enldllte'redgelid'Arte:ktilf of .thelnittheti o, ;the present lippreeswe;tux@tjon,J(lfrtlibs tats skpuld , fall 'into' the bands: l 9f IGen, gin:44lmA: ,undembtedlt ), would. be 'entire! 4 taken:2.ft= lord t .R3igroTicerneraoft glktrici See the Whip in different Torte. oftibe...ttiininehWealth-laing-sstrang:ground,on; this they 'nughly itc.everY earner' of , the State, • The'Locci.i : ,fece :leaders'. aioi all ~opposed to', the - sale `ofthe , . ‘rrk,i,4;l4t• be ,denrived•tifthe ei., ,lieatitthin . etiir moro, idendor, end; .peeulatioq.' But the:y.4l;lre not cpualtavow their Opposition to it because - they fetir'the agitatioit'ef_ iltiTnitestion, and,.tho awakening of iho'nopidar Arkiek, to have the question 7 forgotten; We 'fruit . however' that this wilLricit • ailence; tho voice of We.: advocotoo-Af-tkei-toetisurerbut-.-atiornlata-them n t o • Mireirctivr,anii-zetriotitrox4trotitr:7 - W F TI r WOr no 'question ki;i>nmitane as - this, exceptibg the - Tariff, now pre sented to . the action ofthn pepq t le, nor One better. caleted to awaken tax.kayere' tibt ‘u. _the lasuos - presentoci - to-themat•thelDeicibeetice• - tion. ,Lci. our friends Bien-awoke, and bring the .griebtibri home tcr, the' door _and to the !rake tor eve -voter - COMainaWeithh—Of every farmer, mechanic and labbrer, who earns his 'tax ? es hi_ the sweat.oe his brew. It letcrilreinrir to.-those whOse farms 'fit 4 e inortgaged' ter the pay. mentof the enormous State Debt, that thip sure appeals With force. let- them be, told that if they waht reform - and relief, now is the titiiefor them-to act—and that if they' neglect i to improve the predent• opportatilty,-this enormous debt and still more;edicus end oppressive taxation' will-be fastened upon them-forever—that the re: jectlon of the proposition to sell the public works now, will be - ever used by those' opposed to It to prevent such sale at any future time. We again say'tn The Whigs, wake 'up, and press the . layer tance ,of this measure upon the pro* in every section of the State. 'The . noimons: • We have later adviacs from tqatteno.- . The Um mons are said to be completely subdued,_ and aro rather in an imploryig condition than otherwise. 'Ftrq lire disheartened by the death nt'llicir im postor loaders, and frightened by the general stain---of publio-indignation--that -hos burst - en them from swery.quarter. The . y do tint it end commit any . violence - unless - driviirroitirat' tacks Warn othera. Soma Citizens of Misseurand lowa crossed over to assist the Itaneock county people in the war; but Gni. Ford has ordered' them all back, and has intimated that ho docs'imt want their assisteoce, Ordsra_hayc Imengly4to dishand most of the militia at Warsaw and Carth. ago Gov. Ford has published an account of the mur .der-of the,Smitlis. lie says: , "The Sinitlw, Joseph and Hyrum,-have' been asaitssinnted iiNail; by whom is not known, but will be ascertaincid. I .pleageci inysell'for their safety, and upon the. assurances of that. pledge, • : Ol I I •. • ," 1 • . .......... surrenderki- the politic arms in their possessipn; and the Nauvao Legion submitted to the com mund- of Captain Singleton, of' Brown county, do puted'.for Aar purpose" - by. me. All these things were required to-satisfy the old citizens of Ilan cock, that theAlornions were peaceably disposed; and to allayienlousy and excitement in their minds. It appears however that-the compliance of the IVlerifirms with every requisition made upon them lulled of that purpose. The pledge of security to the Smiths,, was net given upon my individual responsibility. Before i gave: it, I obtained a pledge of honor by a •unantmousvote •frond t h e or tigers and Men uncut my command, to 'sustain mein •performing it. If the assassination of the Smithm•was - committed by any por4ion of-these, they have added - treachery to murder, and have dime all tht.y.could do to disgrace-the . Stitt', and sully the public Ironer. The Warsaw Signal gives tlio following account of this foul affair: • "About four O' , oloak,-P—lll.-a-comPany-of about one hundred armed Men, marched to the. jail In Carthage, and demandad the prisoners. A.rtielt wail made on the guards, who fired, but hurt no 7, hap They wero immediately secured, and the men rushed up stairs to the roomortlin prisoners. For about two minutes the discharge offire arias within the jai!, wee. you' rapid. Flintily Joe Smith. Lraised-the-windeacselainitnz,li CW-my-Sed,r; r . 4 - roulfd; rind was so`en ilosPatalied • Iliramwad' sinat in thAjaith ::Tbere•wore two Otherprisrineia Dr. Richards,who we learn was nbt butt; and ..T.' Tailor,' editor of.,the Nauvoo Neighbor. who .re: •I I :Jr; * MR nrma . ont.he' work iiciagldong, the men tied."' • 1 The tSt.toilis . Reniibiican sit .13 that sca friroirnetion;tende people-eon cern-7 ed in - the dest!i,ef, theOnithe.tho odium of perfid: inns. bleen,ikeerfeld,neefirgy , :net.te-ba-w-ithont.wvy..justifiontion4=-K4elrnmnir• and, treacherous, arAn find rnyinkspilel in' savage'_ •Ilth;liinaerlaffrOproshusses., ••,G4V; shires his intention it; seek out ‘ the• murdnisie! . ., and he' ewes' 4 le hip:own,honaiinidt4lthai 'of tho, ev to, cease his •bierileiillfon'thie L''per; Ciecti• he; Mormins,it 'will be seen, were'quiet; And not die- Rued te .: commit!any ea te of e Their . enemies, Ihe'othili)o9';;'we're 'iWidentjy , 'dAik PuPl4:49ii:tq:eatremilice;=`itud'=to,=force the qt.., ip,hlatre, Statd.; . ...Thie ithai. , nheeked•by„the,:siaprity.Wiih, Which ;,GoVi•- . l 7 nrd's i3rclors Were,behig„piecuted 'but It: be slime, tine before peace and order can be 'reeler:o=4n Ini:WiPed'ent:" "• - ti . ,V • ::t 'r Mil , :; . , ,, ,„ ,., e4„ , ., , ,,. -, ,.. , : ,- ..i. , A.:.;F;•...;; , :..:- - ,t,:. , ; , ,, , 4,; , .,1in5;fri•!, , , , ,ii, , -.04 , 74 . , r4., , , 4 4 X , i , Y,] - :;• i , c4...,...e..1.-4,, , ,,-....,-..: , ..-,,;• ~.,:.,,..,.., • ,::; .• •---.-. • • ',,,•",......::' - , . , ' ,, •' . ..n"'"'"('''' , "" , v'sX'• ~o , f , ' `'"•'•, • ". --- " , " , 1-414 - • vt. , .... ,- ...:; - ...T.: - : ,, .. -, a.:4••••:••4 ,,,,, ,- 4 ' , 4 , -,, ,,,, : ,, .•:., , a , .. , .'.7.!: . ;2 ,,,,,, ,,."--_,,,- , ::: - ..•••.-.: :4 , ..i.,:m:4 , 4;=.2, - 21. , ;....•-..,:: , :i.• , 4 , ..; , 4 , ,, ,, ,4 , •:.- . -?;• , , , --(4 , ;-.-.2-Atzi , r..• , -,7A-1,.,.. ,r.: . ,,: , ..,.,.• ..,•,•,...7, , ,.‘,. ,- -.-......, ,, , , .....•.7. , ‘, ' , , , '„ , .%.F•: - ,.-7-..,•:1•,• , ..- , .- . :,..,,, , ...i . „ , • ; , -... -•-:-.•,,.1-,--, ME • • .zuw.Api.A ., ,r4 4 '° nlhe hi or julilibitent:lll(AfertyOrNo7 - 4 f j > tri • mp At e ' i i triud a clean sWeep,ilui tor Ittefile" gal proceodinge of t i n - loco ' fedi:Judges In hien," ottlit 10.clinnidatei for, ;t e Cent' rtini,:.-VViligedmve.eleeteti,,6ythe , Loeonol - '` f islittilreYteb-Wiliget Lhe i lEt ; ono tdetee 0r . ..E 0' „- Thai gikeel?t Vviiige r a deopedmajontylo-t „ 0 -VinfL-C feinnt-TiopioElniy`ei-Eqiithoilh4mr ddlOptetooitite'W' M O' nt4`l44TOne'—i(n'''''4' onipbeChinilionleliaJoirfit for. tin's', outrages, " d " lave been tired elewfin,:et"...tirOtti -.Y e ßldr kY , ro. Old overwhelming. woniti hiweeleor led evert'ineinber :of their _.ticke, by—itfanenqoue majorities: L4hst,eleelpn,:preceed,q47legLy, 'lriany . eacrtlf t to narda r .irt,'yttyleit,.it. k titts di s t u rb. "ei , e'iiSrhiVyrsuldrhavirAen'returned. X. it is, a ;majority of our.':- . l4leititise' tieitetis,electe4; 'arid nearly the:iShole;kif :date a,— pa of ~good are nel.,.xoti received hut is:'aenfideptly7bellered - thiit: the whige hayettilAil the tegialetdre,.and bars of Ceiniresr%ksti,yeai'.the , .Liiecis'iii:ad the", Leg, 'stature' add dlt New. Oil `the - NugrOile - kniteo,. • 111 17 1iMilittineurgives - ,7tfir2 follotving :Deco - one: Of' theiunjust and:Ottregeens - conduct of th(i l000fcreo" or'ool>ja:osl.had one . Whig aiid.anei:4o'cofa'acirjudgtii.ipe farther rifus ,ipg tojpeepie' - theiferittito,lo - n - d - tiii!kifer,detii . ring to•'acceptaheint`" 'I ho )C oeofoco, fudges, ih order to ftiree ih thee° votes tidePi6A' able- tneasnre,. asnani ae till) fir!pio.t.yot9 was presented, of spying I.that, untit.that Was rece:iv.ed no Other vote, NorotTei'le - Aarl, shnnt 4go into tire beG lot . bo.zickiid,fhati stopping the 101131 }jai; to rnak i e tie ill .his outrage itillini — iFJilarint anOTOrectiva,thay. pursued it' principhlirlrtty6 efrong' Whig wards but in the Locolboujrariht their judges gave :way and received all the other votes canape the Elliot But for those miserable. artiflces - and'positive .outrages,cays:thelCG: Jitee,sPeskingof !tie same mattcri--the,-VV-higs=wouldE-have-obtained:a--tri umph such as would rejoice the heart of every good Whig h throlighout the Union.. As it is we 00-bah-orvur tick_ r ets—an achicvenicht, whielttnny be considered a .great victory under the circumstance. As indi cative of the vote trt‘the Preeideriiial elsetiim, it presages a'. ceinplcto and. glorious triumph for lIENRY CLAY.. . Foreign Ille'n4 by SererellA [crab; lipilmarrivarertheißritailia Steamer, at-Bos. 'ton ; of the4reat WesteriCat ltjeid York, we haviireceived intelligence -from Europe days — tater.fie itdrninistratien of Sir Robert Peal had conic:very dissolutien,in tensequence'of being found in a "minority on the pioject for the modification of the sugar , &tile's. Three days afterwards, however, they, regained heir lost ground, carrying their proposition by a majority of 22. The first vote by .which--they lost stood 241 against 221 for then]. The sobse -fluent veto by which theY'Were-siistained, blood 255 to 233. .Campbell, the poet, author of GiVrtrude of Wy. owing, Sce. died at °longue, on the 4111 of Yana. . . Preparations were making at 'Windsor Castle, for the uceouchment of the Queen, which event Was to take place early in Inlv. 'taut Jinni 4111 11111101 • • decided that King Louis PhilippO will pay a visit to the Queen in September, and that ho will ar. rive in London on the 15th. The Emporcr Nicholas left England on ;he 9th in the Black Fagle, for Rotterdam, where he ar. rived on the following .morning. Alter a short visit td the Ilagne, he - set.out immediately-on his return to Russia. The. writ of error in the case of DaniehO'Con. net!, •is to come on for argument in the I.lOuse of LorilS on the 4'h of July. The cotton market at Liverpool Was sommvlint imxreved, the sales being steady at a small ad vance of price, notwithstanding the arrival of a great number of,.car g oes from the United States. Mr. King i 'Minister of tlieri belied States at the Curt of No' Till!forks, arrived inTaris -June ' ---7 4iffit'PrinalreeTniiiiiiiiifoce 7 Visited in' prison by . many pf%)fici leading • mill of the cuuntry, andlt is'very 'evident that the sympathies of the . oda :anted and 'bettor classes of Englishiiianiiierstron. .ger-M.laVor of Ireland than .ever before. hit ! O'Cotiriell'obealtlfpontliMed good.' . 4201:Mka,IBpZItItga— : T.FILLAPELPqIA, Ju1y1.3,-1841 !LOUR.-Sipcoour 'IE44. weekly-‘' me been more enquiry for fresh groan. our, und sales !or to e, fair extent Mute been'made fiCririefitil we neliCeMk? anit th ekt. pot,FecentlyEpkdsi and gc?iicV $4 .126, -- frl34 - grqundr.'s4 - i4 . 5 41)52 _ ~ ,..,..._ „4 : , ..; ! ous 84 3,74: : a4.50„4" -- - it4ra9l4:Blileti-- Oniio lie eis abOnt 000 bblp4 for , c t ity, nib, Ivo quoin,' :withiniiiiiiiingO'A l lt iVe5O - a - s in qinulity' told Icesinseas.: R.Y°',flo‘r i 8 • dPii 'at Ee 1./ i , , ic 74 . 61 OortionniedliOla 4 fit'iSlV - i4i . li :coonli 2 son:44lOles, 9.)Ritiiiti4'.l4_ 2 : 2 4 r - ni v itSiti4Cs - 4ME4daarandif,', 4113Eipre'-.36'?k1c:,1.p3p0,!,An:1:..1v„ 4 ' 0 4 , c.;. : s , o „I ; btili'3ii: Oat;:and jl6o":Ofnii,ne ;9 f. , , 4 ril.7G . on9l iPS i 7 4 CYi”4o lB b q e !V ifPfX4lBl• l4e4 °Pnes in slowl7,tod ‘thO,now 44: , of t 8OuihOrifiiZfa-yory Iparior ;quality` anisiO';Of le ~virifii- , Q. do ' t<'6l lbs..'' j iirii'''liiitine: 01116; Of enyidariaiiiii• parcels 'ili 44' . a "92' and 90 , Ots. afloat; 7.1 e sod o , We hey 'old Nii:; - ii ii. ; red at 90 Ots.;, inaiiioriditi i! - .. ,pa ..otr:` in :451:e" #. itY 4 l9Tfv , i9t!9nilliMknYlliiit'n',9l),.ollliSit .11")...-yvi, hear,. of . 1100 or ;ntihint 4cllg i Km). i) ina Yl ie q u g t P da k 6 , PP ° !'!:.:..: r. a ° 'l4 °l n ° . 104 i raiilibie sales o f pouihpro,yo loai l at,44 '4,4'3; in ii . iit,,d,k, 42' iii,V - vlitio 4 flid ctiCeigiii.ia 'yolh;*.iti44 i'4B , ialtikilail;iiehitimiii(Aititiboa fiiiri;qu'oiatiolii.o.iiiir"..tiritlierdi,illiiisWiclriiiii:', , 4 4t.t!! iii , i2 40K:88.0:--891 1 1b80-2 5,113 0.`--LEKEInftes 6002 biolield .Whelkt 544;Irtieliels:P9rtt:Al: ( t, '. .'II.V-iliiiio.l,iS4P' li.ili!i . 0 ~ -,l) Ntsillimtroli.rP i , e_glf it,* 6,liialtig:iail rpa‘l7 ak9l: : .1'4,',.. , tfi , , ,. ?t::: , t • .1, . F .-: 44 .1, , ,,,) ''' -'_' ' r .- , - 4 ,,,,., , ,, , ,,;44t 'lirs-09 , *'4 .- iit,9ls.ol*7lol(*gilikin44ltl-404; atiolitilli !i"iiiii dint. t ;inland); falloita ma to sionidiay. ,- 41011.eveyyleo0,