Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 10, 1844, Image 3
',' : • lE r0,21/E . 10 . 0....1104;: - . , ;s•iAlif,kt.illiit it • • . V.,:;:-.‘ii'efft;T• ,i,,,,,ilovvitiiota4mtr „ 1.2144 :M. Avitiraing, juiv —' • • r a ;4 unnTlOrt; • . 4 4 ' "!" • • ' „co . Itege,mill4i),Oellverdd'onlVdAneoldtil- 1 0 e 6ric °:119)3 4 -I),Y ,Tliii-pitiindeiici of qufiiiibliolli'itititoil#triVll*l: '3 , Con' ! teali;Ar.. 41111 1 /!Wpapere of value to , 0 - The short speeches r of - 04044w con- siderable ..eembera 11;; . fsian'd,epTtifel'eppeilite —page; imtheir 7l 4Wdigligbriiik , liid on l ,beir,ourri • , ,Ml4oWhig i Celpbrattoiir. , XVlikurilinpr'tiden tuir,lO'Cto.Avltness a .itiore • .r99ciqi, quirl.,yrid., orderly! . tiopuler.: m onslial ion •. hats the_VVhi¢celebrationof - th'o-9tlu In'Uiia'":bo pd ply,l4',4ernOnade •oki • refrefihibrieed-tvater 1v 1 0. to: ptrepar'ed by ' the'Comnilttee ; of'atrnigemanta arid' i npn r,eiwas neno,or.aft . noiso un d tut:„ •,,bulenci which Interilliptincir•never,Tails:tO. ~ NrO'ifer' in 'Oils inoi 3 OiOprinir,..siam:ofthe . tip @i The flay p annedn 4nnPndr } n single • Unpleasant occurrence, - -• • MEI .yi.oiibrtioii ilia' MocietyronAlte - tiVening - ofthe - 4thoiabeed-off:witit the unit! eol(4, A . tiriliiatit .tioalelieb,iliw major: kty orit being ladies, was presdik atib, in addition • to the.oratorieal exernises, 'a fitie bap& of-mbsie I fro age own, ~ 'scourge moat ' e lo quen t musi.,-?!ltho,interlate; the several Verformances. on the occasion wero ereditatdelo each-l„ tbd,imeahors, botwithoutbeing invidionstbe --feisignirte the first snit lesi - as being mostaiborste 114/01° Y h O I TX1. ,ft PSA 0 ! 4 9'"APPP# 7 . ,, :?.^..e ' l Programme Was as,sfollows,:. ' - A. dinuiversor:y44 . 4 . ticecV. Fayette,Me. • • T 2. Dignity of Intellect.-4, An Juniata Co. •,- 3. Conquests •of .1 Harrisonburg, - • 4?l,riigatarideFs'of 4`cotlancl..—D. J. M. Loop, I . WyOiribik:l7liilley. • • Duncan, C..ktre ' Landmarks of kiiatincerOlis Henry Tit: Md. • • he Cele*litions! 0 . 6!• tho'so who.. 'counted their prices - Sion, out two hundred In their rank on the 4tL, while-the Whigs had vety'nearly-si wicked What a commentary, this upon their Boasted enthusiasm and.unauimity upon the nomination - of 6'l The truth is e pedi3le are deeply concerned upon •tho question of Alta Tak‘jitritid.cannet titi - tadiVriffititattiiting:for emiti ho Was nominated by the South mid who has declatelt-his'abhotrence of the Tariff. TWO is what dispirits the mass of mit tipponeittst is the secte.C.Uf the enthusiasm-. Which Petvaffes • the Whig tatiks.• Pormsyltatiiii uevdt 'tan and ktVer will giVelip the . Takit-; • • • -THEAJA-Weal-AWNO l ;:^StaiMitr*OUT S - 4— , "feet odr the Ai;flT James K. POlic ! You kan't - einhe:it Over the Tariff folk!" should'llt r irtjuStioct to their patriotic spirit ,;and fail to_feebrii Orf , ' iliFihifiit - Oieetirig fen. tures of the cOlebratihr I vienot es. specially notice 'the tit Stand taken ,'by a number of "bur thetas, who 'throw.eff the elitieltloir ttid enrolled 'Themsolves6 'the rrauks on ihitt cOpasiorr. i'here were heiween iwsnty !thirty of these sitt . tble.strai4otits',' on the gr i ohrid some of whose names timorig the. oincers t very where through .thd `cohnly we.hear...of- changes-to:king-place -urion g -fri o ds- Ore 'hpietuf g io acted. with our roisiOneniti; :fiocrlituifion 'of tiii.tlOit 04 - 0n1440pe4 . itg the present Tueilt Is by . ihti,O10 1 03OO;Of *ilike.orth oota#,Ootitii. t.heycanviiiio /and' ,Oitirt'f.'O4etiiiiiii:proopio firg _ ""; On li—iumplsht tep dlt' this ~t t __ }Thn_banner-borne by-our opponbni~=i'n'}jtie llortiughsn the - 4 hicritto-.-Act .73ftteitiet —NofOrtititilei4gic:iattWitit Ae therq 1, th.gpTl,4e4,pf.inquity4i.v#4rtvi. fo the: In7io9gileiAo. , .!All'ket , ptir*Ceit4.4-thek , c. tqp ell ;new ',do 44: , 98111 o - 411131 401' litittjenea Land t bittiiibittt 6 z l ,•atq.liiiV,,4l,h l eitto - P44o4l:lodel' WP , W4 . I - 40 4 f.i3O;,ttati '44«tee • now, Pan litVe ...10,vq,,,,, ditor , „,,,,,,, ro.ieriy .......... „-- . 7, l,,;„tgida i e rn , , 0041,rfr ~, . a-3'. ilia liiai be , - th 4gas . - - Y ,de 40, . - , , ~,1 3,iijc of -.., N itetitinA, duper:o • or 4iii i'kwgi---,j•iiiigqiiid...ollera • lithe , 'Priui .-4 •Oirin7Jelit-ie:- te l 0 'W,...,ti,at beislY s y. • ; • oulatfou.:itslMStilibvi bf Wide I t iF • I, ow, imi#P u... , ~1 41 rot aura!! ', • ~,R , Ofianaho y Cadun ty• --- 7 1604 Y . °I 4 irOgiOrtV1 1 1 - 40v . o.; hip , WP4M Oktiplterikrirtutei at a•QattigAn .11a1tInidreg'oli • ~.-e.j ittlecir O •MI V ° iI OP / :‘#) 41104.444::../4 . :40.14;ti 4 1 10,4firgit'; 131 17 ,7,- ;1 - 1••TffilTri - Plmn e asirtmaika d y.„„: o — m o 1,1. , its ,-• iy ,, 4 o 4o , 4 l 9, l trietetii• 4l WmeitlinOitifitritept;O: i ,meet. hlMtleOteit , ': - intAtiteSTirgOkkio**ioitiniadjlteed AIP O A I43 / 1 0 646 tellri l iff.1 0 it jj ' Aiqiii 4 ;o l 4 .l o ll6l kerhfoixiiiiiie orAti,vl94l:*6ol l , l A4,ollbket:i`lobe-o:4;!ipf4oh° -,- - , Cintairibril*o4oWq*66lo`tiAkiVOl , *°iFir',!°o9ltl°ry sVidl6l4: o koiillitlf rit b Oat r 1 0 , 4 „ 1 1141644;04 , * AI , 111116 morning, excepting the city Guards, 'which:win left in polibession of the church.: . • Thib guard waif relievedLinAhn,titet,,dlitleWl VitafilliffitlaqiinTeliffeef r"iNTifirgtei •niti Otemis." At o'clock ;on SUnilaY merrily the riioif became most p6werful in point of nin Bore, many - cif those composing It demanded- tl ieleairecif Mr. tlitytoa, Who had bean lipid in Cu' Cody in _the church;Andiag that - Ificit — rejile* would not. be complied with, un attack . waiegain made upon. the church, , the doors of which were: forced. At this time, two-elihnons, which: had been procured from on board of -vesselt-lying-int our wharves,.weiii brought, up to' the church; they removed to the rear- and fired: - .They lied heen loaded with elege;,nalis,_ Ste., andiittle or no datifage'aciab,dene to the walikagainst.Whichthey %Ver.; directed. An-entrance:Was, however, effect: ed nLthe front of , the bbilding , and Mr: Saylor was' set' at.ltberty;_aniid the sholitt7f:iiiis Through the exertions, of filf . . 7110 * . ab Grover. and the_personc the guns . _ were, aftersemotlieldulty,preiailed upon - to take theirrowity.- -We-Wird-that uPcin,getting-them:io the Wharf, they Were spiked. The mob now hay. tilt got IpObsetsicio of the church, Mr. Levin as. bedded the steps and made an address to the pee. 41o'outirfde. ' He said that the property was now in his possellsion and that it should be protected. Ile urged the mob to disperse. The coniPanies that bad beenationed there, -then-retired:-Whey marched - tint - into - eterratrect 'clown- - to-SeCond and up German; and urned up 'derman 7 -here a rush was made upon them, amid groaning; was 'doubtless intended for the Greens. Tho members of this company being' hotly purlo.4 ran, but previously discharged sev eral rrlnskets—the ball from one came very near Striking a gentleman who iinp standing on a col lar door in Second street, opposite 'Getmanit howeyer4istfraicd hie fee, arkpassed into ito bulk window Of Mr. Stnithis. The Greens were then'Vriven in'tivery direction — one of khans 'ed Gallagher., ran into a house at the ceiner . d Fiith.and Smalrstreehri - and discharged his„ mule- Was , shcit In the street. The crotlid rushed Into -the iuitl,ciragke4 'end; 'fora 444*St.'” the* got him' to the St3ulkt4aele:dotOMlSSgnidiii ,7 1 ,)?, 1 4 4 6iAliefia:-W614114 ,OpYiral physicians' came andfotibA' Ilia( 'life, Mill rellithiedif Igo condition il46'- lePe 91,1 0 .,.*- Tito Church 1;01'14,11' the rcimaindet Of , gie:.; 0 4.0inti0n..11114.14e4006410-4134&--petsillir who engaged , p,resetve. ..,• • . Acids fiousSh4l terstiifevileted They c'otdigQly;.didSo, andat shoots 7 the eatetitteles•tottrOlie4 P 44 ,Lei"_ uartoYfrfcit Beriff, ` Aindcir:-441inbiazid4r;OiiP (bin igniertafPerniantotviii • row Devin.ney orate Stemeda, '8 Vplco:-:lltie troo'pi arritmd /Ai „tho•acette,.of --'-- ----'. —' '" a t riot - 7Linea stere'lcirefed;aed eehriroiratatione ; ,? , 'Aiaeh!Odai Otti.,''elsieeig;'-':iiti,4)(44.i.ol;rott tWelon firth° diturcht and , turited oat tt'Ciimmit.: 6e.tititirhati A , illl,l4iii. -, :t qi'iiov#4 , ?v ~ ?, i #:...' fia:e?,;`ooiie;B:iluiii - h.iefio`dY o.'oberfP4imf made tiiion.lha, mehttddri:lqtrt:khr4ll:,,-Ite° ~teithirthit 4 1 ;40 Aiiih;Atit.4;no ;9Ommini.Oied 14404 2 -W large; camber fellinbat, 'tmAmTiel' arid e t iferivanif 66 !!!i'*39o:o4.., 'T!to ttitiVi riit'Othii, kiktt ii ., peotiltl)eitral t4iellreoire.- iithtid lattiflitttscartt , Lti` ‘' ' :: ~ , ' ''''H'"4 4" ''''' 'l, '''''' i ,„..- ,It • 1,., ,1. b `i. ''',' .; ,4 ' .. I '. — Pu C MIP;r 4 ,etod` telfdreWi'ln,tha anie:litfeete: It Awe& four toMmder 'fmB4tActitileuttibd,i'tieljeelli i'r ' .. ),, o#, : :::T . , Piii . si i .erii:liefleil i edli.dillii4ge ' d, iind either Wiled , M., woemted mfey,;tifilleaoldiarth' ,Thiii(ttegihi`of itliiide l tie‘oundad is supposed r -6, 0 . 1. , . , ..F.' ,l ti t WiYir;too o llBat , tfliTtBt ,-- itre.pi7A - ., -, ~,Xikvisaaton med. Valli: R " Q" 4 ' 'Obit did 1 1 railadfik:'ll4464,ll 41.prii;Id'icaifir'et ,10101tvini i \ intieell ifirAVliii , ,Odi i lifea..,t";,, e, ,„" t v ..; ' -1"..,. ,:44,LL.. , ..Q. , ,=l;.t ;,,, , ;4 114'-l Moi:gitlitiaii--withitiavit"-mii/. ; 'wli'lloe'iOlit 643 W f'l3l4iresliAi 1c4,14q40400,-, • :01-118$7141r'‘!At YostitltdaYOkint'l,4',Shititro'.‘.6•, I°S)Pani'dl 7 -21 *PA tai Oir . Pik " ih, i , 4',. P.r.4449*: • TiVcliOeiro,Orp4roollo4vi!lo waited 'got; . 09,440 k° ° Arthl Cotitt" tif Attittittit Inetti,"LE l 9 l ,, 10 ,tiliatteir RWIQABV / 44 1 1r4,Y for the PurPote aeon. • eiultaiidli leg' attribt adder thpeirportlhitic. , ll; 7 «, , Tq'''Ki l liir Bl oL end . daogoiitii or soiiii;, 1 ,,,, :k 0erb...r ,opin l on, that ; if fhb MillihriY,4itti , hlithdroi B ;'sha o lo. l ,l,ll4ll4 pipit hp, 4t,0: heeliti‘ed' ' il:u4ilikke oc-t li titOu iiiiis'totatzeit , ji . k.. A, 19iff r olkl i! tt 4 i lft i tl 1 4 11 . 1 .g ; .!-A.;lft ilk.' 44 Ati.W ,10(149,4hiiwt"Pc)3,11P,olnid.':iiiitoii be ; felt in hater"4oll l47lli t itiFtitql : cl 9 l 9 ,44 l , l l ~ aco,t ok o k _ „ • L o ri,4 0 4, , on q i Awsiiiforkor-.4lktiOVOY;ii'lgt..e;fetiio; f t'thioriC tOskitftkia' i*VI / 09' . WOW ilittt , 0 414014, 31N0:=g1rAe •, . 1 -Y. • k";!".:, 1,.. :-'4l';;;i If %, tot Ateit 4014 44.410 • - 2 0 4 • I b • t.,t , .r-na3t • Lt- gijrs ,rit• r Fridsy, tncrpitic .. tff artrp: 'ftit‘ine fiejt iiiol3htirte.ufAitilit „nail? r.b •,!.t.ot der Neil'. daring , tfte. tt!ort!ocrt,. rtyru ba rA r, et per, dark; . ` eased tci • •-• • • Criebraitgl;trfdrl:l4' , deadeye*. td ; :ponthasafie Hall; amidst 'ihe up , • the difficulty did dot acid Wrighi Aitlitr(tino,of.ttio,Vound;::. arttaagtott a. glassed t itt , pbptface,' prowls ittlf.l6 reriifiin Sri the chgtch•dntti-Pdtthor=eaumine It until inorfring;:'Mr:"Aidili'Ah'eti 'boir'S'AWSUty. jii,0 4 4341 - !rhti it t .lrer,:de),frone add's, apSn,the, front of the, Churoti'vutil"'a slight rain descending partially , dispersed the dic;ir . .4tiout 0 120 1( 4 ; ill - Y*l4.lerepeeeh± gave the inoli qve min - WiFflrrar - 4rOP-. i'dttherderecinstra t ; tibua~vcreniade.r_. \` unng thi,W e, of rrturdair,nirliair eicitement • kiiiivailert in the , leinity of.the church', and :after dark ,a, mob again asseiubled;•.aeeitibrene , times ,attacks were made iipoti the. building. At a:late -hour siMiral- companies tinder - the' -rnand-of-Peni,Cadwalailer:siettt-d6wnOineirviere taken - up, and-at the' cordere Streets Pieces Of artillery, were place'd.'. Vnilikary Were 'then allireked with ston e s and Cattier inl;eildrr:btit drove the rdob' off. A 4 length ' .Gee, the:Weid to fire, but at that , moment Mr. Charles isTaylsr ihrew hinaSelf before the plece,,and thus trintreted his intention; bre multitude howevi dtkettutily..dispOsed, anti) quietness- was again stored:. Tht companies nil dismissed- towan ; - .Nc - 7 '--gr4.4041-4 0 .114. . A 4.1 4.41x0e44. t 7 , timuto fri#470.,t 6 '14.0.4 401 0 ,, pp..;1 6, 0 ,0 i0dew1df This‘ # Ciilaen4ealilWalader,hey . werj etatteeed 'T,61.41i1 "? - eremereney\ aka th .001 of Rho se!heri. tier 4 ohihweilif ihe 44-0 ttit. t ; it tr f t tt' ' '"'", : f.,'..'111,, ,, ; ' 'Mt i -,, , , ;. 7 ~/.....o, ,r y '....“-{i, ntti‘C , .l-; .i; . ' O7 , ARARMPR/ U r'R O PY ,l l. ° o 4 . llll ol, l l 3o 9ntlYitr i /e0 , Richniind:"ouoyilst . e4;y . :ricpto k .,ivi i i-id e i.. t h e 971:41 1f er.)0.'r ;::Rltf , .. l 'l.„.oP:i'Zftliioo:o: it° 694 9 , 4:44e4;t4ikina,„bujik , ofriteei'464.v4Fli diiiclibtody: Mieili!#l4,4ellitiitii','o4iiriytiiii:',lol,. .: 46 1R.e,d0i 61 4:::;tili 01: , %iiiii,i;iiii 'ip •iidc , 1 ,9:i a. e*Atial A ' l4.'' ' 4 ' ; '? l' l: ' ' . ol ;. ' "* r. ''..{) ';',.. W''i t it ..' t ' L iikii.: !Pp ii ,lftj ' rriF - 4 #I . P caidi,.. l 4Pelli;;Pf ill!i: .?..;.snr.:l:',lnt Uoup.scafiri'!=held - -Z . n , l'lgindiftivorti -- lOg-liiii; iiiil#0 1 10tiiiiii'Vt':4pic;iisi,lig'tkiel'i0Atir Teirittii k iliti lititiiiiiiiijadi , W iiiek_. late le/4, , . memberGlepkgfeTy . friikrltkp.9 . 94 .? tlici,folliiivi, iiiiieliOiWe'-ii'eViilOpiOL '.-'' : '', :. ' '' -= ' -4 ithiel 4 iedi L Tittc - ,iolo.riiiihCtnli:, t 1) sk "A.. a4 A -It tVYO O Pr9iidellger,,.4ofikiniikedfthq,;o o ceidetA ,haveieemdepii,itad s ,if .dne,;;who•bid:fali io he thei r main suOdit,the;comieunityief,on:exemplary to , esefnl eitj en,aild.thia..esteelatien' df iin . 46tive and zdsiiiits meniber: • ,=• •',',, , 'S,: '.4 4 ' '„,_' l ,'' :i1... , !. 1 - ' r frelolii4dj - tfieit.tligirieiiitie#4sl*l4lociatio)) . eark`beitismi;letestitimnY oho good' character Mei arefiffihifrhiablaiirffirdieicritied.;' :,' - . 7-- 77 — : — .: ~.1 Readlved,,,That we sincerely ednapii , iiiia • ortu l 1 mithize , with the family mid friends off the.decessed in their bereavernent ,, ,--, !.• .. -..,.''• -t a', • • - S' ' Resolved;'' That the raembers'iaf this dissociation WeftrJhe usual had ge . if.MoirA ! ii ,•f . or•l he s isMo of itiitY'dais: ' • ,'i''' -. ' i iteeifve&illitt o4i ok:th6Se restlutions)m gent :o;th'e:family,follthe dec.otteed:T . 2 .- .. -••••,.; — .'Resolved; ,-Thtit the above resolutions beqiublish. -ea in •theiniperstetthis-Berattgl44nd-agrwiTi-ff•-: quest - Mllieliiiteitopy, - • -•---, ' . Vtrivr„c. GOur•D, • • :' J': S:'l4.vill, ~' —: - ' .. .G..W. WISE, - , --- } Committee, . • ' 1 2 .rG K EO: STEVIC, ' .. GEO. W. VOULK. ' ' ' Whigs of South •- - . The friends of CLAY, MARPILE 'and the' TARIFF in-South -01 ,etownship - are re. - (pealed to rneot,enSATURDAY AFTERNOON next at 3..elelock,et tho publie honse-iif -Michael M. Ege,Hate MeGlinighjinslro take :measures for forriiink a 043 , ,C1en. A POLE RAISING will ulah take Mice en the'SitTeilltkr'iftrsinnoti follow. isik 20th) at the, seine place, Jahn • Reed, tineethers will deliver addresses on vie /ape:ion: Comm ono and all;and •nneeil the 'good cense. • • • , MANY , _ Jely 10, 1844. , • , • Orriban?s-CourVsale of -{Fittilita - IllattarttOci• . _ . • • •- Bvirtiie of an order of the Orphan's Court of Cumberlaml county, will he sold sit-publiu-suler un the premises on SATURDAY the 10th day of August next, in the borough of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, at 1.2 o'clock, noon, the follow: ing property, viz: boo story Frame Ilotw Ond , Lot of around; situate on ')ilain street% in said hpfoagh, pont:lining free la feced_anil.ls4.leotln-deptii-ud-eompria= ing all the necessary back-buildlngs, - Si.thllog; The property is in good order and in on eligible situation ror amechatiOl dr otherbusineto. TerroS wade ttneurii on the d0y,0r... side. 080103 E. ' Atlio'r of MarthOYhniant; deed. By the Court, 8.. Wilson elk: 41y ho. 1844. I %Ca° . 014 111 41° 0 1 41.%. ' Smith i tiqt . tignipity qnd Atlas, olneys do. Kirkkininb t -Gidlinfis and Marray_'SG.rionnlam oW,il. lartiti 'tidied Slates, trosts do. Mitch:As Geogra phy and.Atitie; ittirrits-Gyikraph,inf the If *yetis, Matteis Johnson's Pliiititoplif and Chinniktrif lies PhilosOphy, Coinstoaks do. Gornstocks istryiParief'S:comizion school History, HitdOlb Spet-' 131: liefiner, with all other spellers that are in use ti; ‘)47,10 ,, t 844 • ~B OOTSANOSHO— E - S i. have just rec,ei veil lat ' lotiteC m.',!ktictes,;l4,3 will'all:l l, trotild' , iallqtiti"ittfeiitiiiii or: fiarvait-Ilquas audallr_otkerei.yekoitilig,Rodd-itntiz iiitiqtratops: , -• “ • gebolleA.Alip:ol(lsta,ndi,,iiher , .,yavL AllifBxB sure to - get oo ,d;~pogpina., o, iati¢ •. ' • pii4ltiors oGitiuy. . ,„. , . . • r .... :' ' GROCERIES; ~' 'T :..: Ai.•,,,..,..,.:,..0i.,,,,,,b. t .,,,,,,,e,Te.,,i,4„,,,,5e.,„: •__ • 40.410 t reoe . ive ;aractoeilinkais lop. 118. 0.61 be nitiudikpqic. , csill.alt-the-oligfqi,infirif,-or --,--.----, 7.--- ''..r.7,7 - 7' . . :::. 9.1'. :i ,T,:'CIIARLE!STOGILDir:' rikavw, !.s AND Ii,GIORDEA Ns. "rk9 For sale bilqyers k7/Sverstlik.. - -:" ' Jtily 10,1844,- j . , 1 , 6 ^- 1• . .. 111111-AAV11P441.7,-,., Fpoe-Myers Bs.flaveratl4. 7•!. 1 1,c . rdr- 6;46 A:142 '; . ;; ; A: ,, W,lcASAPtiV.4ll_l7lll,rtrgEli, ;w3 , 4 10 6 k01.40:AmilOef4Ii ç p 54 - mj'S": ole*x, • • (gild Gioceryi Store._ f . • • • W611.0%401144..Y & CO:, ' flAiTinstrent 'Ted 1001 Ihe oily and 11;16 open-, iqt:Raleatonid.vv., aseprtinint, 'or . GRCI.CERIUS, 66newstiv, Rio a and 110 old and' Fanny Artialne, t 4 fhlOrklierikial , entfnllelifOlte-the ablio..They Are daternunedand , iiill 1ie1 1 n,5,01 . 1.40 • s any nth& litiO id Carlpdei 4tdyia; 1844, - • ,',l#l!.tr-38J1 id dieton . . , . . A vermin tract or parcel of bind situate in Mifflin township, bounded and described as follows: Begin ning tut si Cbe.snut tree, thence liy hinds of William Skimp', north 6 degrees east, 121 and 5.10 perches to it Walnut tree, thence north 20 .degrees milt, 82 and 9.-10 . perclum to a black onk,_theuco'ettrth-8 ( 1 6= gre s es east 44 5-10 perches Pvt . ' Spanish .nuk, then, south 6 depireds west, 18 perinea to a stone, thence by lands of Christian Foilor, jr. north .S 8 degree,. west, 21 and S.Q. perches to a run , thence:down said: run end the several 'courses thereof epti perches, theme by, ende of James Purtly;: north - 88 degrees. west, 86 perches to sr Chesnut trep, the plane of-be giniung,.contitinbig in' ull 41 Acres and 181 perches,. 'swiss - nseueere. Seized mid takes' in execution us tife.nroperty of 'Tobias AlL...Cline. Also, the follow ing,descri boil - , building to wit: A ' BANK -TURN; sixty • litet lit. length and twenty-hit lib widdi, : with granaries to the hack of each chit let,. feet.iiilfridth„,,tvitiLtsro .11.vreshi,pgAloorsillie.under.. - iittillis'Oritoniexcepfibe.frout which is otlianio, iiiid_o_shinglo-roof-ontlio-wbole—gaitlzßurn - le - tree= 'tad Oh ivtypet of landlielonging to Ilenjono in; Samuel and pl;zowil, Freest„ situate is Frsinkford tb,wneliip ootitaitting about 100 acres, more or lose, aloisling. ii .., tlp Of D. tciser's heirs, WM Dr 11 31 .1 4 1 . 1 6 111 ndrew ilei'Und•other b a , igctlier,g4ll.go rork.ergliniti .. _tgiFillillOy , adjacent.., thereto, tied belongi ug , t to the siii4J3engamni Frecili,SionnefFieed unil'Filiiitbeth Fked,usi,MUy.bgnecessury torthe ortlinarY and use l'ul Ptirptuuss. of .said.l3afmt:Seivil and takepi ii tote .cialion atr. the •PrOpertY of lleitipigin, 4epyet,eviel -1.34A , Ut.6 3 114ett'_._ _ •. -,-- . LL!.... ; •!-*•-f --,--- - - --- ' • - 41iisiii - frast of laud situate. in ':itfilpiirttrtnithlpj, lidduded by lands, ol David tFergliimit;...Mary Lenny Andrew Middleton, ',Fliomses:tilit - ittapir Otisers;:con tsddog. Igp ncres,,more dr..Jess, or' elilels- ,ell-about-80' 80 adetrare,cleared, - nnd•thg•mikkte.:JCpodptiitlikte, Intithig-theretin7 , eracted all.we gtorrl i ng fIO.U.SK„ Loeliern and other,insprovementtasSeiteditideak, en us executiom es 411e.!properly,gr•Jent!..C. Mir' Ottp.i.• 1. . -„ ' .. , ~..-1, : I'• :•.. i.. r .,'' ' - 7.4lagotiteßig Pond .Purnee6 Er,l,eieisiitiaialn-Nesi telt andSotdburopton,townalip6Cumberland jou.t. lYltAitelliltliii*.abser 5900licres, • Abrsiliem $ eavers,J oh u;RtosseUilticob.Koller;J . O loge coliser ,, SiSsuSl - AlexiinllSS - ifelliilheliSiing:tkere= Opsetteetest , ongißLAST , '.PUßNACEVe large tivd iatery-Atouse,',eVraFne ! Office one And algal stniins ,liWii 001: ,Logli . eilant: Hii!isbri;e Stook Darn anti Efkill,togpri/y4pientseSeited an& eken ilessenticari les ts p ropprty of PAUL- 11 , 1,Anrier., illiii eiktAiii.ea #41 1 1#1447.Ekt5 , if , e;, L.-.4.,;'i4•4t . -'r:;•i ',..; ' ,, ,o',i.t' :' „, • Also, a tract of land, gibiate . partly in Ntloton - simE 4lirlltiP:lS:oilthisoptun.ticielnshipe,'lisinipl' y IriOds of,rioprkas*BuSliantioe's lieire,Pavid Ski - il,di Henry" , teishnitie,,..llavid:r oremnn:and.,- o th er, i- 400114 .:a out. OW...acres, lea, havistf :thereon- ereck 'toil a tw..crivotryiptoyer pisp,clj4l.lollll,44l(kr 4 111111;iddislild tied' story:l..elk pet*. 'lt Et te.: , *_,"Pt.Mß!icfil,!t,#lkktt 4-pqr. l 4tlisina.;ilteilteirreyt, 41 7M! 1 .1 , •,-.''.'Eii• r ~•1:,,.a: ' -:ffli, ? ,r,i," 4 '4..1'11 - 4 i•';, 0 ''- :‘,; V Mei% it'tr:ust id. land';oo, 4 l4 1 n:Bciutlikstlxdon .liiiireL hilt' .boupded li)v , ,letuls'eft)./avid li'dimisein, :liras'' , flarib Ja.Tigebiao.)l4o6 lielletil'alleite inlo - iitli.: vi , enntsmeigilithespeliniokfpriesS,lliudnglliele., Ini m 4 4.40004* HOUSE/00 Likgillarii:l.- *.' "-f-4- `,Alps, g ,4sst,o C I .4441 i Allulite'ill` SeilliaintilinitieV ,egJsgt,qtseslsips, lands bf , l;liiviil , Forei an, arnes Clark,. and lands ef.-Seayepii: indAer:. : In Cengerly,4elit7 illpore,oemiai nieg.'sbnui 400 Rome gm orless - havieg un'extellentDAßßANK-Ilsei4m • n..willi-nwinitWofisilents:-Seited endia)retrtrose i '-' titioires die; todiihk l ll,6flsiiiiiit*Lgixiiiili • 1 , .;, $, ~,,1/, i +,; , ,, tamti - n: ,, f , t , %..1 , - - ,1,1 : 4 , 44 7 . , 2 ,•,..‘, 7 . , PETic l 999f - N ytikat j'itri,TFielat lassektidlit, 1 4 s ylikAr„ , Ciiii,inWPleis efietteilierbeld'aoehty, - 414die,idlifiiteklikilreitiniao l iiibliettill O rtir. V' : .04. 1 4 , 10 , 31L 1, -.oliittlilese; , thavrellowingpollidililid: . FPO Il'f.i i .v,..e.!A 1yt;t...).11;t21 list •itti . ... , s;mii,,.'s,lts4;( . !;l , :h!y:, '1 ' ' Ali ilii;..l9teiesi otirkiniiiie'ciiiiiiiiidif riiiioJir. adixtebiniiiirkickari*ical land, 'eltiiiitsitlil MI if' coweshig , ;, -1 1n-ef-JeiioliZegener ^l l7.* 2 r#V l /0411 1 10illiir ittill,ti siiSegz,' titin ng, item sebrsl7 . 9E, g,,ea - ,A Ng !here ti ll,ereal . . itOd a. Iwo , piiii4gl-.lo46iihilllriiiriiiLlAlTTY4 , itntHelisee: •• 17 , 4ppla • Ipi_shem,,lio,helsge rpih,p. o li 410,10‘0,14 # ptut, l ,,sjoritd...-1,0 tlicio I,lt', lelndOt! ie:reiviiiiiiiiilo4 slie'toneill iliiio 4l l , (smil,n; t,erihis,dilitulidivldell;lalf, et, .' dltilekiiiiilil 0 4 ihOillts islefe.',l)t'qenirsilkliiiek in qisliale.., Ulf Illr - - C:liV is gl ltillell ' 4 ' ' , um' 1 ',. Idi ' Vit.. mid , liOli,iir4 41 7,6 0 0 0 W ;, ' Of ` xildamtijmiiiiirliifiltrdtq , *o 91 . 1is13Doitc , Sh#001 .1 ',, IlEiil s .!•Y:) , i';'"' 4, -: ,,, . ~=i,•, 1 1-ii•: ~.*RiW.P.S,t, liakryiZtAgO l it. rt„ , tbltoni-:'fattocitts, l 'A•k*Jt!OOOrqo4 l .( thtl , , ,, ,!... , ,titri94.smp!i',PettA, of 11 0 lb% 0 14PILJOIld c it .00,14tV in4i t 'agth butie..;,,o2oc4o.4.lnitheLfin,-. toPer o 1.. eOtC - 4 0 11 A:YiAte,it • 0 1 4'4; 40 1 } , •‘ - 1 NVIO 90,001111in'ttlaiYtishl,,Ctn:' dreilltild'&(0011; tndiof.:J9bn. • • hulretc. i io , a r r ihift;PtiliDAiiiioiOrtiror Martin "•*l*kkiNOW - 41Otif101ty'40ditiki - "4116!or ledtv, fiaol4g,thiegopiA , o)4o.- ; , •-lkO4. 4 Silzedittitttilittin* :',..-.I • 4VAK:V•6T4::.- - • • ' ''6 Sl / 6 14,41ct gAP11g 1 ,4 5 1/110 61 14 1 )ktniti)444. ilttintortird• Pc eh+eg I ,o4'l ll oll4StrAilitcliOretiii.tlie :south; and'taffeattillei - Oftike • enif!bnifiainiti , r64 - ftliet•A Jrichellin'tiVelidthi and gbr.figt triPth',M:r:e dr ides; 'having thbrecnVerectbd tvorip!iind Whale= iitni"'Lbg' - HOUSE, - gtoid'Serietharid takeit the Property:zif4e o o. Munek : J. Also; a lot of:groundl:.sift)l4o in khe'-'l3orinigh of Nosirilleibounded by Maintlyeet:On'thenorthiJohn Tlellie ball' lieu s ' on .t I e•WestfClltirobAllaybt tlie so osep annion- , lipitii; - eratkbantaitt lag-. 30 teeeitarhaflithlMlTTiet.iii-Aeßh;ittore or • • lessi,haidne thereinitr %stotsy Bile .HOUSE; :er•eixted . tin tillt sztina:-"-; Seized - and ''ttten Om lion iiithelpritk479f , J44 , o4B4. • - iAlhopfwo'jobrdb - grountliiiitititti hi liVe•Baiinigh, h ersonthpfligh:street . .on'the•;welitii; - •JOhn.lt_ylitiOn'. the north and John Vatice'On theettst;ontlAßb feet thCrbotierVaidd - a HvO ;story, Log - ...HOIJAEJ..Log- Stable, ' gin. Seized.and taken-in- exeautica -.the , property of . 04. 1 'idte.,140.i... -45"aintderi.:,, , r , '1; -• • :_•';Astio,tv - fgactirldand, situaie Mi ffl in' to*iiship; boundeddiy 'lands of,,losenlirbinrkluilder r JolitelHar:' ifeTEWrJolith.2lTltirpettjr,iltobtalein',- Christien, Failory'flobiniiMeaklin,. Wen Sinniti- and Teter flaker;oontaininrlBo Aeresi mortrerileinh-abotit - acres•ee whirb are cleared;'ami:tlie4.esidite - lh 'gpod • itinther,.having. thereon i.erccied se two story-Stone. Wagon Shed; Corn Crib,a. sgood Apple Orchard. oral an excellent-Well 'of water. eit - edratid 'elettni:ctri Os the property ... of amea;Pumfg...; • ••' •.,, • , • •-• a'traet of land, situate in Mfilliiiiioiinsitip • - •,'•ilsg-.'Adarn-Mil lec,John_Hoover_and_Dantel-Burk,-containing-160- _acres, moretordesiv , havi ng-thereon-erected - a - two .story Log tjq!..T,V;;;' , #, g?i)d.doultle flank Barn, and Saw, Mill . '; . • traet of Mbuntaiajand;attitate in Mifflin toirnsh% bOunded•bit.the• - •_Perel 'John flif•per,i Esq. and ;their lands-of the:1;111'10.V, illiain A - Oarna . , containing NJ, Acres, more or lett—said Jard.faxirell covered with tri.ving Che s nut timber. -Seized 'and takenlo. execution as the ' property oe ,Rdamm— • • ' ' • ' Also7idlthe interest of. John N: Carothers in a' tract of land situate in or township, con taining-140 acres, more or less, bounded pa follows viz: James Neal on the east, A nartai-00Nollibrii, oh the ,south,. John Humor -on the nt - rth:h.nd John JOhnson on the west, having therebn greehtd a Stone 'HOUSE n;Log House and a Bank Barn. Seized -and taken in execution at the eiroperty•of John M. _Carothers. a:tyar4 °ebb', situate in North Middleton townsh.p, hounded by IMO - sot' Benj 'Hosier; %V I iam Shugars and J ohn W - onclerlich;tantatningthree acres.,,more -or less,. having-. thereon erected 0 one and a half story Frame HOUSE, weatherboarded. .Seiied and taken iii execution as tire 'property of Joreph-/feward. - - • Alio, a trammf land, situate in.Uickinson town- Ship, Containing about 150 acres, more or fess, ad landsot Samuel Carothers, --Johnston, 1)r Charles C Cummins, the Presbyterian Church, William - Fahnestnek and other., having thereon e rected a-iwo story Brick HOUSE, and-a trio story :Frame_Hnuse and Log Barn and other out Seized and takeiljin execution as the prope l ty-df - William L. 1, - eaVy, geed. ' --- A lB 4o - tract - of land, 'shame in Silver Spring • township,' bounded c l:y lands of Jeremiah Zeamer and John ()outbid', maining about 112 net-es. more 'or iess,having there ti erected one node half story 1 Lo k trot/SO., &c. &tried and takeilin execution as tjte property of /ohm BorThitif. alto:de-in --Alleirlownship-, by lands ofTeter:Ntiller, Saindet tickets -- .ataLG verge-Yost, &attaining .e ti0..e.,..0r0 or-less, having thereon ei•Octeil'a one and a half sti - try Log HOUSE, AVeayer Shop and a small Log Stable.— Seized and taken in - exceittlon as the property of -- - • Also, a tract of.!and, should in;. orth Middleton townsh .ettnu 6if el acres and .3 perches, mare or less,hav ing'therecin e'redtdd a one amt a iintr story LOG lIOUSK, Log. Slable,anl an excellent Orchavil with choice fruit trees. Seized null taken ln execution as the property of John Bournlseaier it itrtiTe - iirn writ orLevart 1 ecins, 'smite odt of e Court of Common Plmoy.of Cumberland - enuoty, el to me directed, I will expose to imillie sale, at e sat'ne time and place, the folloiving &ha:titled ml.est&te eiz' '.....e:,'"1-fs:•.--,,... 4;; . .. - 4 „;',..:J• r1!!,_•,..-.:f4.t.,,y:- -- t - ri' 1: - : 44ti r 1 .*-aft4ii'4 Qq.°ai•,lo.o°l(Yerli-: •'' ''' •44'.c , A•t:: : ;l!,L 9,z - 4 1, 1 ,t e5 .er., : ., - 4,'1,---iL;,.-; & ,:•,• : ,- 7 -, 7 :1 7 :, o '`gairi-V, A 03f • 94000,54 1 -4' # ' ;' - 't 4i' littlikeiieuiiikgiiiegt ,;6tecticonoin taViftejOe t t6iik 1 ,aprotectiveteelff,'Oel f'elcelea will,d welarge;tho . duties of the pfliee til feleat,otAje abilities.,.-!; '''''. ' '' . .‘A' 'irt6l,oollllll,t . da Pilleti , Oititen;.;' , '.,,'•'',; ...... - 1 , ,-:,.. ~.',:.: ~ ;,. 2. , \.,., , ~,,, . GEORGP'F. , ,,CAIN:•.Vi . - ,..•::.Meolteeiosburg;Jutie:26;-;8M,,i,:• , :: - .,'..,',: , .'..!:::1 . 1 $5 .. • ric urprins !iietue, 7s — ale,pn SATURDAY the , 'lool 'of A ugait: 4fOiti o'elnek(Af the.,thllowidA4eodr.,i7,ll.,Do ,Idha dee , eniedi, . • • • iiituAte lththetiorO4glt.otlkte;:vPPlTqmilinn4i.oo6t heigitniA nttrotiered 41:tine:general' place of 11,19, 4g,'1M , 1,09,, , 198 nuitA29..,Vhey,xift_ besold ii,eparktely oif,tngeth:Olfft:ltiay,anit*lsrohais-, \ • ';11 1-.77,Ft tfglilel7th4,k - 41'. 7Aupit, .. pop lio)d Or the , iiroithte,i;iit - 1 .A,HOILISE'AND 'lliogri;:•.:,;• • on..,lllain• street; in - thelniY•ndgfi ihaniethurg, Onniberhindi house briek . , - twooritt 1 510;itntk,htiftt andothei. , Tertna pr 440,i,n iadd - day 6y' the " in)henlibers.‘ . - : • , :PEO4CRIST, ' ,-JACO RK;jr. the einirt-:.-11; 3N:ix:ann . , Ueda. . . . IlliAeCiittontE,.,.&.' , V.EximucEt4 it; _._ Fre'ell'lllifftifilflice:a'iciikf tiliciirUnliii.eM Mi ., silo by...Nlyertk Haverstiek.' •. ' ' July 10ti44,i , : , . • .,:_','2 , - '': : 7 1' : ' . - '' ' ''' .... LEAD. " • '•• . .. . _, . . \Vitherilll'a per While Lead in kegsfor • sale by liis e rs'ili; Haveritiek'. ;,' ; ; •'-,, • ; - OIL .01ACI TURF NTiIITC, Lined dirand Spirits oiTarpentineelki Mvers• . • . . - ... • . ~ , 20 Boxes of 8' by 10 Glassiilllo go baj, _of 10 by 12 Glass, for sale..terileili 11) , JoWn:Gray kc.; . July.; 1.84, :, •• _ ' ' ' • • . Von - Acco. • A clieipb iict of gooil- toul•oliestp Chewing ant bitlokin TotNeco,juit opene'dhy . .!oho Cray-&-Co . „luly 9,184 C -- • • • • CHEESE. • " A.primeirliele or N,ea , York Cheese for,sale in Carlisle-by Wm; M. Mateer. July 9,1844. • • Fresh Ground Flour; for sale by the "barrel or re tail, at the store - Of the sulisoriber 'MIS. M. Mateer. July 3, 1944. . ALL Persons are hereby notified that levers ef administration on the estatifornlohaikb late of Snuth.ndoletna township, Cumberland county de: ceasedihave-this day been issued by the-Register in and thr the said county, to the subsceiber.who resides in - the township or Nardi Miildleton. All person 3 having claims or demands-'against the - estate - tit - the said decedent nig requested tai make known the mine without delay, and those indebted .to make pay, -mesa to • June - 26,1814 -Chearierthain - •Etteri - .-- TAILORING- ESTABLISHMENT[, . S Wdrking [Leap theite hard tirdeaappears to be A the order of the day among the tailors of the Borough, the'stibecriber-doesmot-feel-inclined-to w b: more backward . than his neighbors in the work of reforta - - - Mul therefory announces to his old customers and the Piibleo VAratty, that be in teinis for the fOlOre 1.0, work as-elicit'', and if sheds be; iierluips,if Bute elmitpci;, as any of his fellow craft, and 'he will, o it too. in lhe neatest and most' frisldonaldirst)le: His 'shop is at time . bid vta . inl in High ' street,lwo doors west Of the Court House, and ilirectly opposite -Beenuni-110114,-whrt .. Im ..;11-it—all-ti, ms he f wilting and able to pletise all :who: may favoi him With their custom. He. reties his sincere thanks for the liberal pa tronage he Ns heretofore received. and respectfully solicits a 'continuance' of public, faVort remember when , pod go to a store to purchase i Coat. Veit or Pants, that the subscriber keepß a chop p nod fashion able shop, and that he is determined, to-be behind . none of his coistempokaries in any thing. • W. AItiPHEAStj,N.% -;',l-.15... Juice 26, 1.844.- . .1.. • . • ipre!gh.ariiva.i or • •• • , WINES BA,. LIQUORSi DEBT lCoiatt Drawly, bestishle'Sbeidt,..ide 'MP' Pale'" da....„,....thimpalellailetra do - - -C'ammdrrr,Tdbr•-- do Champaign do 1 lolland Gin - do Port ' do r alit Rye do • • Aesemac Ptmelt 13Isdid, " - i.'New Englarkd o ltarit, .Prelietrgerdlatr.dii. Ali eit 011 ;ehhe,aeld at the • lowestipritteslor": . eaih: --- Taverlikeetieriand - otherft;litre:lifelte'd [u cell and etaritine the steak: dr.:ld - Ira tseri*.atliis_store; irrSatitlittlanoker street.'' : ' I : •;' 1111TEE112. • .Carlisledtiniitlo; 2dl-31 , . „ Fr" proprietor' 'respe(Atulli his tries . s .• n psjilie'teserally, - .thatite - 11,ss fiktell, up the eitablishmenilefthe'enrissie Sprsigs,peil, is now ,prepared far •nretiniteotistitig.:6ol4lSrtitiiik,lsjarits.. rabeverViiikT' • • • • • Ape situated four miles north of Carlisle, and three rmles 80411knf.Sto rr4'S Gnt:theficr• e hreryLAeoom ~ ' ' 4 ILetr9f ; % IC'. Aie7, C^:Lttf.Rs :p inkStAykeior anlejndillylnpr fsopg.peoeld `k sittli,Sfainks. i'o - T'''rY:E(#iOßNT' HAT,. Li . ..LEGIEQRN_HATA,4!eoy t - a9ittpoyii , siieli-justc 'ppetiectby •C. Oglibyr • ' • e",•Jui1e'24184 . 4,,. ' FRGS_ ni tE D 4 ) • 9 G E • ," Press, °d tvegin e r, fo r•'le lYek4laer strek• = June 4G,18 # 4 .'. 4 . . tcestile-ind - 13tolViv'So!ip, 4ters Sr, v. ; ;.,,4t190 • • - , O Best , Caet?diili Tiaktoo . ,tilti'Sekai` or *ISO& Haverstiok.?7,:oi.„ aim LT, _ •••,:' !it:" • M i lfliOdOtraialiiriol6llotiaTitirr t ' 7 crta • • • y. le r kiiii•Aomw „ I 3 • , 11PWEVErtili110:, •, .4PIR 0 6 4 11 4 k 1 141 ; I ry r :44 t•-• ir f t e ilytitMgliffiGAii-At*N4gekty e lity,ers lc 4 ;, 1 7 ' t ,,,;,,, 't ,stievr'l644. A Ell ' I !W. Vat Al b eauMffftV i leo WOP.II I 4OII*. 0 1 041! orkAi t it.!ui c or ti-IA 'fame smortip*Oluil. l 4 . rot :prd7l:atiot,, 14; ShirnturerC4 tftptA,Zwl'lte 445 NOTICE. JACOB ERB Mm' of JOHN ERB,. rE , soArti tViti J a7FtS,~{tu ' e °,„ 0- OPRING, S 01Ni' :t r 0G1.1611V, ,IxAir just. rCtuined:Lfrom ngl , 41P. taw algasi t unsmips . GdOdg . Capsistihr pat:t of the followinit—, osd Clothli k ltrarseilles, Satin, and other Veslinga , gassibterbe, entpety, new stYlei • Minh"NVoot Balzarise pod gauFe 'de Lairnib ' printed Lawns, entirelknew style _ BlA6lt'and COloird filiveltCs 4nd Tesans • :Plaid Silki and Ilontbazines l Paris striped liroefidet!anfl MuNAP,° II3 /-4 IPP* Plidd: Striped', Iritice andTtirleton , 3l4ldens • nte.Kond Irish Ltnc;o - , Linen 11411inols, and Oanitorlsibs, , I l itistur,sCords. cotton' aixtuflepNaakeefi i sc'l' Un i tas, TiCk lugs OW galUmes - • kiniserV and Gloves of ever): . , ilk; Girdles, GirnpwAnd FtoogreO - of eiery Color Loceti, EAgings and Marseillea &this _ - - 84 Embroidered' Thibet and itarliaslCsil lF. Slatala 64 blenched and Unblea_ched Shlrtingli Table Coiecit,r6opet's and blt,kTjletAcilt*c • ‘- - Nair:S . loottibbotor mai Artificial flowers Vlorenbe-Braid and ,Stwy lonacts Hew ' Parttrilii,tftObre,ll4 rind ni:w style Sun hinnies. ' CaSteidekeitire keneritly to mil, as price, and qyleacabnot fail to please.- • . VALOABLE -- .:MILLP:ROPERTY On; Saturday-, the - 1714 . day of Sniusi nett, • • of-an yorderof-the-Orplians'--Courrof 1 Cumheriatut county, will be sold on the see, the folliviVina VALUABLEIMAL ESTATE, late the property of Jacob furnish, of South Mid; dletotfLoWiuthiipZdefUerieed, poptafip; sittiale'in'•Cutitbridand Irons L'arlisleltitljniioefftliciat ,yryempesfroin the former place;:adjuiairCtiminerfl'haninis and llama Nfelitilfey','Yittferick Hoiiver StifidYellow...llreeches, Creek. ' Ifaiditig thereon erected a Fotir Story aligitteiLlNVl--%lolll_-1 .1111 --- Threelilliir - tilW oustv , , the lirst iaa.twoStory.-Ltig-House,f4lYagon Maker Shop.and new Llarn- !7 the s e cond is a one story Log House mid , Stable7-the • third .is' a one story Log House, S'ritti shop and •stable. The Mill is in complete Urder ' '-cOntaining four run of Stones, two pair of ,Bitrrs for.flour, one pair oflitumslor ehopping,,and.one_pair.cif:-Sands,--liay.N ing Elevatoo, Smut Machine of Young'sVatent,and every other .ninterial used ills, alt nearly new and in first-rate ordernrid quality. The whole Mill Machioe has been•put up-new within the fat three" _years. • •• ' • 4 The Millis driven by the Yellow HreetheYOreek; is never failing stilitin of water, located in the heall of a grain growing conntry, unbolting ,an extensive' country•custom, and - hiiviiig excellent for . conveying mercliiint work to market by the Cusaeg land Valley rail road. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. noon. Terms of pie made known on day of sale ly JOHN ifetutor 4 l. Jacob Hornier, deceased. , -J1109,1844.; • is-9A • • nil' Lancaster, insert till and-eery) Gill is office. Farm for Sale. WILL he.sold at . private,Bale 7 a- FARM first rule • . Lithe§to - Carllsle; Cunibet'lind -county; Oa. lying on Ilie Walnut Bottom Road, emaiduingllo ACBES,more -or-less, tallying• thereon erected a two story STONE HOILISE, a large frtipm • -Barn, a well o 1 first-rate watcrot ppliig in; an(11 - thriiing - OpMe - 011.CH.A.R.O.•. BO I .- Also to ba, sold• with ithwabote'frart —— fivelicresilf first irate CHE:STNU'r 'TIMISEII. The Ikalniit llonom_road..l)attses'Ahropgh-Jhhi gives a market for all the produce rais ed upon it; by drotes passing to the East. Pertons wishing M.puechase will plenslc.etill upon Mr. Andrew Blair, in Carlisle, oron the subscriber at-Ida -1 81111s, 4 miles Vest of Carlisle: •. - • JOHN HAYS. June 5,1814. • Boots and, Shoes: riCIE Subscriber bas just:received; in additiouje _ll his former Steak. a large and general assort uncut of Ladies and Gentlemen's ' • • . .. . BOots and Shoes, look•bi• with; ii- supply 014, Willis' Wonran'a . find (,'hildrens slinel, hll of which he can sell cheaper I for chlh, than they hare 'ever been sold in thisylace. f A All : lips sewed ;vibe.) Also an assortment of Kill and illoigieco SkinS;lWAlch he will retail at inoderati ti'lees. i.. . - ..- - ~ lie will also niancfliclAretaler 4 All ltinda of: 1 figotti awl klioilii,jil 116 - ba - t - Ws, che'aperlhan . tt any otharestablish it l/1,...., TI public_wßeli O well to call til, hit stand in . ir t No 1 ,. - A pyikVW - ere t;oeiirly 'opposite the'Carlisle J llii k, WI heat door to the new store of Arnold St Ei se, and examine" hisstock hefore_inirehasing elsewhere. „f - 1 . ' . ,_, .;, *. • • WC: •MALOY Carlisle, June.2o, 1844. PAINTS ..86 -- DYESTUFFS---- 1 . 4 . BAVIP , ItS-TICK-.;-finvo-jost opened - an extenslye assprtWient.of D .................. with. g . ri!ait care; awl wirt?ntel,genOlne and . . ?ore. Phy sudani and country.,:l , le4ellantsarnreqopßtedte. call and exankinetliekeStop.k.lieforOtirphaslospisewlsere. _A birat seitkinientePrarnip artaticTe airninted.pd'e - eAniniorthe Thesrirdide ty, 'no sale.' Dyers; Paintersesid Fullers are relitiested to twit ag wenre determined tcri sel I the Onsamt and hest-aiiiuleiof this line io the market. • ' • . , ,cook* 'amid SgailtalkarY. Withave added to Our baud stock, a choice Delco.: two of flOok's and 7 .StatiopaiT, y b ich we wean sell - at a Vett reduced Itique 7 . - ... . , 1 ASS The !Furst ajsoitment pite,ctl'LE - 11.7,ever. offer, ed in .phide,-=together the'daift-Abdilonsibie PEII,I O ,U4IEAIt; arid ' 18 t4;', • iidikk 7 l46l446iiiiiiijksi l iti • iVe:CmitiltriiiiNVlTALLEirr Ai ut vAL ",-PAQTgCTION, COMPANY; being, incorpo rate(' 1# an Oct of . tits Legialitture of the present sea. "Oen i n ig fully , Afganiaed and ,le Operati on ,ti oder, the :direc,tten laf 1, 0 ,following, hoard ol „Managers, vier frliontipi c. Miller, John/blopre,Psvid, )4 , :./Me.i fatillOugh, James Weakii, Wißiam Innate, Si:noel Galbraith, l'hoinaa Paxton; ^ A.,,,G. lt,filler; , ..Philip bPfeiglep,,Samutil PRoodairA 'mann) Iturtx..George 1 Brindle, Scott Doyleoia II tite attention of , the Inhabit :tide 01, ColoPeriand , Yallepto,tlie.elles)oll , oleflhelr .team the ninny adyantagekvbieb:,thia Aind of Inantlieteletr Over any other... ~ J.. ,I,; „ • , , , • ,t al.,,k,'pe,ry, person insured ibet\Ottkee. a, member of ,the.,,,Sf i nd . l)Plantltabea Part fiatie,ehoice or °moon !mutt o dir, too ?r ;to oonooroo. t ~,,,, . ...,- ~1 , , 1 • 1 1 1 ,1. , 4i9 1 14ra 11 4.3 to moro,isAleilianiisit own is itcpsaaAyicraellt, ttie, expenpeirog theCompanytani igeltYlggingirlwhlgkeulY:liappee,,, t=,v,„ t .44% .- - 1 4,InVilWelt Pee or &mitten% rene,wftli , lik a"! , r01d,e4.41 ,Tppcipjf,orli, igi', 9 2;Pr‘ftvel , 'Year) l .ll Bo pipm..,T.,4!•MVP 1 . 01/ r)7 , l' I tkeinlil#ClAl, , ,anto 1i1 4 . 4 74 8 : 0 t10 . 491 19 . 1iiiit 1 4r,l'aiir.;"ixt'14iiitre r 4% do r2 F l i k t i PPgyai° iti t ifitrt' i ,,....tlttel Ve jier benium,edi e i will be, ma f?, - -$ 1 ,--y.- 1:11 1 which, he will hsty,c lo t * f.? Or fr.hrejelers, nd $1,59 tor su r vey aild'polley, iiik'dAb' more unleia If c4 t atained 12 streater-annpant than t Thus •, on bittela/ntilliboaer lAil tOrrnoligttyfitle lir,' .kfin if 'tAifii-fiQ 4hii4,-, The,ae -- rites,uri i .. Of ' heepe,idthis thoaeof , other obroilailiesViiiieept: doh aairliin‘orperated if thisadieprinaiplea. , .. , r • ti,k 4 ~, ' l,i,y_„,o ~ , A i!, ,,/ ,,, SOS..C. , MIBLER,Preit.' ' i -44,190,mittx$4siecey.4 4 ,:fi l ~,,....., :1 <i; ~,., ~.) i •,_ T .; •. # :,,',,,,,,1; • . 1 1,,,,• 4 , ,Th Ablio;riag , gentferneti.liatie Veen !APO% d 104103„,,,, „,.., t ,i,, A , ,tctit. 'II i1.'.., ~-, :: clt , ‘:.. p, , - -Atlkilllll:l)ollt.afeakv,siotylpip:r..,.• ~,.;,;, ~ ~ I:(.4.!'.dinktlKKeilnerly,„tVi ..4 , 71 0 1 Georg6ltrlnge..?•l9 , . Alogrr ., . 7 \ - -iF; , :'.vo :, T'' 0109,19 - l 'iilit*if,4r, -- • '7 7 1 ,' 4 Jaat 1 4tpinteleihrt '..:, - 1 47, 41)17A:I ti r 1 Igo 11 011,=„wlv 01,,,,,1 Irg ISM ann=3 FOR' ZZIZiI FM • - 'Et fOt3iNJri '0 3 -an /41 • • - 10 : Aliti/12C.... itiV i itifit . ri . . ,!. • , ,.,'•: . .f. -7 1 . "I";'.'i''' . -.. -. .';., IP- lirlY(..ignertbortlit,t4 4,65 iittit4oouto. r „..,...„_„,,,,......,...,,,„,..,,,,0„,...,.. ,e.„....„.0ri,"......hak.....„ - thitijnorciestilltiViirTo6i - iiruchki;OTffilfordistin, in*thof tkildithodia GI 6 , 11 figiotii telaYV°3lV ilie-AiiiisloifiltoiliteAole *floe 46 itiliFttp ;r4,d zo 1 0 4, 1taktil'elY 6 , 1;, WO•I ~'.' i''`''. t.P i''K'',.:- . :;WINDSOR , -CHAIRS ~, .'"!'.. P' *:'6 ,. . rci . i• - y . lo . irtiiisi),' :..aiiy , ,` , V44, ,, •silteci ,. ..olioiitia#6l4;... ,,, , 1 Bostaii .... Rodg Chilri - ' ll ' ---- C:- '::c t Uir,., Aii',9l,oa*,iillikit Ate. 'p r ude i. ,-.. L,:!' , Itr016; iititer.' atdtin the: ilp3l-i't. fashiong* oyle, i i'h,NiOt!.Aifxt • ' leV 'clnto.bougitt. 646*bore. '• ° ' - All.oeiv work Iffir'ponteo,', (e . k..- %. .. Pr e,1101 . 114, 1110i.f60,. to .rrolivg.a Wir6,of publie 0114-01likte t , --•- , -- ••• " „ .. ,„ '; It "...: ~ . -- , Jpip . ir 41 . :iditrc6. S .... : arliele,:_AoriL.l 6 4 ) - 1 .344 : -. ~---- • .... -•- ,*'' litßtfite' ARENOT Porlridemriity akainstionebyAre. THE/FRANKLIN RAE INSURAN !Y4 • • Charier l l!_'Pe*ul4::-=-s4o%K4Attperi 04 ‘Pd in (87 Ce., 44;:iilii1 .- egtOr ift4Clllllliall Elio; oti . ,PROPERTY rOaponable Apptica tifitiopodo; either, perspnallk or Jolter, will to., k • - • IST_ • C. . 11ANPKIS4, 7,rest, dilates . of Insuratinte •• ERPSTDAT, r p K. : Btielc,or StOne dwellings or storea • • , front' '.. • -. Oro 3.p . is depositi. do - (10 - .do • do Taverns, .to 4 - .:dp - .tto z ßarna. — iltr'Stiddes, - (private) to do .do .o,to 'do .do _lys4er . , t . • Power,.• !cl •. • , , ANNUAL RISK. Brick or-Stone dwellings anti:Fur; ..its niuire front,, • SO to , 10r, $100 value do do Stores and -1 1terellIOL• • 1, •:tlize . 35 to r •- do' do • do 'ravers and Fornitorts . ,dO do Barns and Contens - . 65 to 7 : • do Staldes , , L v.. - • /C lO 010, do 'do 110 Grist 1111 d an d Stock, . . • 75 t0 4 80•, do FranAF„ond Logdwellingsand Fur; 50 to 75 do - do--"Stires and 31ei•elian , Mize 65 to . do do . do taverniand Furniture,. . , . .69 to 100 do. do do Barns and Contents,' ....*"9O to iqo ao dq aldstock, Trak sto The subscriber .is.ugent hir the tibove emntiawy for Cerlisle and its l•lthiity: All applicallozisfor assurance either' by niuil or persqually, will be pro l - usie 12, 1y43 ----WPRIP railleo6 stihicriheri wishei to infdrio t le citizens of 1 _Carlisle and the public in general, that he has opened in North Hanover street, adjoining_ Myers' I hod Ilaverstick'i Ding . Store, and ,nearly • opposilt_ the Bank , in the store room lately, ecempiettLy Mr John I latoilton,a large and entirely new assortment of stilenilhl r .' • • •'- - AVCOA) ZE) "CCosisting C i lothsLCasstmeres; Summer Ciotlis,- 4:TOTPropna, • Merino Cassimers,Slit - gle and Double ,billed Fa noi,Catisi niers,lawns, Balzarinee.,- 2 .Cloves and, Hosiery of all„ kinds and descriptionalso a•W;ell selected stock cf - : - . all of ..which he ailf.sell very loi;r for cAirt. 1 - re In cites the public to calLontl judge for themselves.. . Ha ANDERSON, Pormerly of the firth of Angoey IltAndersOn. • . tr-Z.41 - - - • ~ . • • • • . . .._• . .--... . . - . S.TO,RE NFA1T,„4 7,5 TIM siihseriltera are; n w. opening, in the room . JL adjoining Mr. I.)aineld .Mardwarß,Siore,anal directly opposite to S.. Yilliottl i a Dt'ug Wien* an en tire New Stock of Fan 4 nod sOpte, ~ , •• -, f'"Ezt:t • • • .., • • cOntaininga general assortment of Ladies And :en; tlemen!s ; Vear; such as Balzorines, Bareges, Mous • Olives, Cloths,. 'Cassintieres. •Surtner . •Clotha, Ckißootos, Londan. Plaid Mid Plaid•Drillings and Codoii„CasPmere4.oliwartoilis de:m.l4o°w all Of wfireli will betoltiat reason - able prAlit ac.cAsit • GED.' DI , 29,4834, - N. B. The Dwelling part of the Ip:msc. attached to the Store-rdpm will be rented. ehthiier Man --.- iefuNG:AN SUMO :spos',, TH sulnieritipra havingirigenui entereti.imo co POnershiih:Jir.e., noii„...atiening,at • thtfr i Btorej bijilth'ePt*llCr_Okikt,PUb/10_,Sqllge; larieni.L.Vgatierlikieesdimen49l, ,„ , • • • ..... lid se ; VOW Gl ' il i '''. . 7 . I N oipi'mittililPTlMit 61 - ,ll.liMki, filue,..l”Ptk,autitiblie Green; ('live. Blui...muLAdelaidQC.L.QTHAFAlso.. C'SSSISIFR.P, , • Gtimbropio,l. lAhten. , and -., (MUM DriOti, .._llmine.E Millis and / kmipeii, .iiiiittPia,,glt . usbint :sod: I:00 1,4kw!),,.P0 , 7 • nies .tr°, FrolehAjj4.•:E7tfiiii , 4 •,,G ilglimpt,;,lohita,iwia .C.a*ap3;4iiiipthCkty.s,titillt.. Acitiiii•tua-Ohe its-:----- - sipipoppl,vr,-Bolivpi.,ll4ltitl i Allitto, , ppti Strattinoit !. • . . Peti t stiiici. and litpt• Gimp for , l4oll.llellAktifikMlNlV' ... -- ..... - WS, (irpdp.nap,4lnd tfilonspd ,Itibtlip.c.ll.lozieryp G 'tweak P* 1118 6 11 4 lAgliciTN - Palm-lcar;migl•Milla* r. . .!" anti, Colored Corbel Chain lina,Cpttotiltato: A 1110.; • plikgpiiid wel) ealipte4Pastumpept 0r ,,, ,, , ,li , I! ' - , . .-Alioobricis , And ' Qtioijaviarii.:' r - : . ••" - - iiieii....,Airi r oli:!orgoisliiis , kep;viOe t ted;-: N iith, --. .0.60 'itiie,.'tinir nal thex ,mtm ite.tprmjinit to jseli, at ; wery . mopl.tprpfit!tfot.' ; 'CAsitpr. at tgiort.srtiit.,they' ' - lippetpitecup,s. l ilietpl.siipre , Pf.Pki!olic., Pfroniige, , i. . . . .':,,Tlia. pe'hji N r.p_prtner hivinit Jppg,keqii, Rthe.ilerk.- - v idi'or ‘ the D4bll9;.fiiittiiii...lynkVißt.,ll.le-f-people -1:14 iftkl'is, - Fsditkut;pieptd_vm , and give dm - tmyt7 ---- --, firth a bee ktl;tliert•tore, 7,tic).4 , ro s it gopOtvgatile;, . irtMl4 da well to pall itittimitt.iiplay.,.„.. ..-.- ...,,,.' -:•.- -. ...__ANDRYlVlLtitliCtalitiSpp-4-- ------- i" — THOII4B 41.1taiitilDS.:19.4 • Airil 24,1844: . • '-: ' • ....- ' 11-46 • --- i.... i .• HA. , SAME .OL - Ott P oAis.Rsi rkciritiro..tlie.oity with the !siva, . ...., . assculmAnf ok; ' .I)ER.,;44,3P,i_PEt•T-r1: ,ithikticfo ihifiTtlaCe, which he ',lff, ~, ,J.E9 1 11,A 5 b . • ' ..,. 'SO genii a iiii.6e,l,oioimui - iiii'4lt;O't e . 01;0,0 a i t 4 tie: tiegiar, •Oiqn mii;'ollier -iir10 , i . 11,1"..11 . i11, iI)M6ScITA..,; .. , iffilfitedifilittOation: , Lcallpiry:_..,......., ...,..,..;..,. hetr o r - r` 7 "t . ”.,;, kIiPM4I.B , w Coroeiot N 8 .1 4111 fM 1 0 4 e? 81: i0 tt 1 i,, 68 4.40tt5,t1.44 ' l ', i directliiippositillollook , s,C ' "kr.r.sll4BXvu t i a L,' ~,, - . ,;„ : 'Crligle, May 8,18.4 1 ' . ~' ''' ": 5 -..' ~ .. -11 - 8 4 ' .... • ' 6, • fl i 6 U-rtillifibleAßS A 4 e -- 7 t± ~... _ . ,,g--.: -,..,207,j1;_ritt.‘5,e0 ---- ' - '' .. "'UT, 'PRIEV4FEF'SsiBIatV*. 4 ' , i,•..t...,4 .0 - -, i - .... , „t , - •. -., .• .-,.„ •.,-,- I U i „t 'Ziti.iC ''ll'lofie /L . ti,' ii ih , * 114,-e ~ . - ' I seilit Privatesille: : 11 . 11 i ,s.- ' -•--- priatiutafr.lher,wil, h - 4140001 IC '. . ' 1. sible•PAßMion willies e^q!! 64,3--ir g ic - ---- 1 , 04 ,' A vilitutptlkhetiantl corm et m ( . .. , liju'k i cl-. 1 ) . 'e•W Isiui Bottom Rom!, 4061 '''k , . , west of Csolisk 99 1 ,, j a.ofprogikle, • ''..•` .. tainiiiit;l97” Asti g( .Yittslll,7--(Fr .I s 'Otalitte iii: reikliitedj, I)4, — plear r , ' 's : `' -rnii* 'l - ' 4 ' ill. 11 Wr t eitT 4 3!) : bnitiSilrtteriin Adjoins. rikchkpf Phillll , e a v t, ...,,r a irh er li ii irt ~‘ , 1 , mestroliCa4Mo 01 7 M ,.._ .. 43 , •L; 4 . . 1 3therl• '', 41 /*Nt , 4 0 aorta- PAt o. , _.k,P o rt . -a. , A lr inimroys. uovtQytti,ibl.. 4l3 -orri ti 'rt - InYtUirifir pea - . Kite Ft} .6`.410 l ' en " 44 "i l it e itikriliwkii ii i ri,A4oA,ttgkAgo,,,she4.301 l , op !,), ttosota....,el .r..4 1,651,0 , J7l' Cr.nlit4inktl.Clritati Ar't•l't iV.YIfiN 17 .er "T; Si* 41 0 0 60 r•q . 1 , 4 ' ).mtillp7..t. ,it:,:i-'• A. et 1 4 2 , 1 , 1 1, •-- th,icatin. .. ~%, 4,ifitt:ll'` .7:‘.. 2 - -2 L ot . E. metig9,7,. I,vgrilii, Mrs" I' `1 .".!* -"1- ' $O, f.birt'. • do - '.