Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 10, 1844, Image 3

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    ',' : •
r0,21/E .
10 . 0....1104;: - . ,
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• .
,i,,,,,ilovvitiiota4mtr „ 1.2144
:M. Avitiraing, juiv
—' • •
r a ;4
unnTlOrt; • .
4 4 ' "!" • • '
„co . Itege,mill4i),Oellverdd'onlVdAneoldtil- 1 0 e
°:119)3 4 -I),Y
,Tliii-pitiindeiici of qufiiiibliolli'itititoil#triVll*l:
Con' ! teali;Ar..
41111 1 /!Wpapere of value
to , 0 - The short speeches r of - 04044w con-
siderable ..eembera 11;; . fsian'd,epTtifel'eppeilite
—page; imtheir 7l 4Wdigligbriiik , liid on l ,beir,ourri
• , ,Ml4oWhig i Celpbrattoiir. ,
XVlikurilinpr'tiden tuir,lO'Cto.Avltness a .itiore
• .r99ciqi, quirl.,yrid., orderly! . tiopuler.: m onslial ion
•. hats the_VVhi¢celebrationof - th'o-9tlu In'Uiia'":bo
ply,l4',4ernOnade •oki • refrefihibrieed-tvater 1v 1 0. to:
ptrepar'ed by ' the'Comnilttee ; of'atrnigemanta arid'
i npn r,eiwas neno,or.aft . noiso un d tut:„
•,,bulenci which Interilliptincir•never,Tails:tO.
~ NrO'ifer' in 'Oils inoi 3 OiOprinir,..siam:ofthe .
tip @i The flay p annedn 4nnPndr } n single
Unpleasant occurrence, - -• •
.yi.oiibrtioii ilia'
MocietyronAlte - tiVening - ofthe - 4thoiabeed-off:witit
the unit! eol(4, A . tiriliiatit .tioalelieb,iliw major:
kty orit being ladies, was presdik atib, in addition
• to the.oratorieal exernises, 'a fitie bap& of-mbsie
fro age own, ~ 'scourge moat ' e lo quen t
musi.,-?!ltho,interlate; the several Verformances.
on the occasion wero ereditatdelo each-l„
tbd,imeahors, botwithoutbeing invidionstbe
--feisignirte the first snit lesi - as being mostaiborste
114/01° Y h O I TX1. ,ft PSA 0 ! 4 9'"APPP# 7 . ,, :?.^..e ' l
Programme Was as,sfollows,:. ' -
A. dinuiversor:y44 . 4 . ticecV.
• • T 2. Dignity of Intellect.-4, An
Juniata Co.
•,- 3. Conquests •of
.1 Harrisonburg,
- • 4?l,riigatarideFs'of 4`cotlancl..—D. J. M. Loop,
I . WyOiribik:l7liilley. • •
Duncan, C..ktre
' Landmarks of kiiatincerOlis Henry Tit:
Md. • •
he Cele*litions!
0 . 6!• tho'so who..
'counted their prices - Sion, out two hundred
In their rank on the 4tL, while-the Whigs had
vety'nearly-si wicked What a commentary,
this upon their Boasted enthusiasm and.unauimity
upon the nomination - of 6'l The truth is e
pedi3le are deeply concerned upon •tho question of
Alta Tak‘jitritid.cannet titi - tadiVriffititattiiting:for
emiti ho Was nominated by the South mid who
has declatelt-his'abhotrence of the Tariff. TWO
is what dispirits the mass of mit tipponeittst
is the secte.C.Uf the enthusiasm-. Which Petvaffes •
the Whig tatiks.• Pormsyltatiiii uevdt 'tan and
ktVer will giVelip the . Takit-; • •
-THEAJA-Weal-AWNO l ;:^StaiMitr*OUT S - 4—
"feet odr the Ai;flT James K. POlic !
You kan't - einhe:it Over the Tariff folk!"
should'llt r irtjuStioct to their patriotic spirit
,;and fail to_feebrii Orf , ' iliFihifiit - Oieetirig fen.
tures of the cOlebratihr I vienot es.
specially notice 'the tit Stand taken
,'by a number of "bur thetas, who
'throw.eff the elitieltloir ttid enrolled
'Themsolves6 'the rrauks on
ihitt cOpasiorr. i'here were heiween iwsnty
!thirty of these sitt . tble.strai4otits',' on the gr i ohrid
some of whose names timorig
the. oincers t very where through .thd `cohnly
we.hear...of- changes-to:king-place -urion g -fri o ds-
Ore 'hpietuf g io acted. with our
roisiOneniti; :fiocrlituifion 'of
tiii.tlOit 04 - 0n1440pe4
. itg the present Tueilt Is by . ihti,O10 1 03OO;Of
*ilike.orth oota#,Ootitii.
,Oitirt'f.'O4etiiiiiii:proopio firg
_ ""; On li—iumplsht tep dlt'
~t t
__ }Thn_banner-borne by-our opponbni~=i'n'}jtie
llortiughsn the - 4 hicritto-.-Act .73ftteitiet
Ae therq 1, th.gpTl,4e4,pf.inquity4i.v#4rtvi.
fo the:
In7io9gileiAo. , .!All'ket , ptir*Ceit4.4-thek , c. tqp ell
;new ',do 44: , 98111
o - 411131 401' litittjenea
Land t
bittiiibittt 6 z l ,•atq.liiiV,,4l,h l eitto - P44o4l:lodel'
WP , W4 . I - 40 4 f.i3O;,ttati '44«tee • now, Pan litVe
...10,vq,,,,, ditor
, „,,,,,,, ro.ieriy
.......... „-- . 7, l,,;„tgida i e rn ,
, 0041,rfr ~,
. a-3'. ilia liiai be , -
th 4gas . - - Y
,de 40, . - , , ~,1 3,iijc of -.., N itetitinA,
duper:o •
or 4iii i'kwgi---,j•iiiigqiiid...ollera • lithe ,
'Priui .-4
•Oirin7Jelit-ie:- te l 0 'W,...,ti,at beislY s y. •
• oulatfou.:itslMStilibvi
bf Wide I t iF • I, ow, imi#P
u... , ~1 41
rot aura!! ', • ~,R ,
Ofianaho y Cadun ty•
--- 7 1604 Y . °I 4 irOgiOrtV1 1 1 - 40v . o.;
hip , WP4M
Oktiplterikrirtutei at
a•QattigAn .11a1tInidreg'oli
• ~.-e.j ittlecir O •MI V ° iI OP / :‘#) 41104.444::../4 . :40.14;ti
4 1 10,4firgit'; 131 17 ,7,- ;1 - 1••TffilTri - Plmn
e asirtmaika d y.„„: o — m o 1,1.
, its
iy ,, 4 o 4o , 4 l 9, l trietetii• 4l WmeitlinOitifitritept;O: i
,meet. hlMtleOteit
, ': - intAtiteSTirgOkkio**ioitiniadjlteed
AIP O A I43 / 1 0 646 tellri l iff.1 0
it jj ' Aiqiii 4 ;o l 4 .l o ll6l kerhfoixiiiiiie
orAti,vl94l:*6ol l , l A4,ollbket:i`lobe-o:4;!ipf4oh°
-,- - , Cintairibril*o4oWq*66lo`tiAkiVOl
*°iFir',!°o9ltl°ry sVidl6l4:
o koiillitlf rit b Oat r 1 0 , 4
„ 1
1141644;04 , * AI
morning, excepting the city Guards, 'which:win
left in polibession of the church.: . •
Thib guard waif relievedLinAhn,titet,,dlitleWl
VitafilliffitlaqiinTeliffeef r"iNTifirgtei
•niti Otemis." At o'clock ;on SUnilaY merrily
the riioif became most p6werful in point of nin
Bore, many - cif those composing It demanded- tl
ieleairecif Mr. tlitytoa, Who had bean lipid in Cu'
Cody in _the church;Andiag that - Ificit — rejile*
would not. be complied with, un attack . waiegain
made upon. the church, , the doors of which were:
forced. At this time, two-elihnons, which: had
been procured from on board of -vesselt-lying-int
our wharves,.weiii brought, up to' the church; they
removed to the rear- and fired: - .They lied heen
loaded with elege;,nalis,_ Ste., andiittle or no
datifage'aciab,dene to the walikagainst.Whichthey
%Ver.; directed. An-entrance:Was, however, effect:
ed nLthe front of , the bbilding , and Mr: Saylor
was' set' at.ltberty;_aniid the sholitt7f:iiiis
Through the exertions, of filf . . 7110 * . ab Grover.
and the_personc the guns .
were, aftersemotlieldulty,preiailed upon - to take
theirrowity.- -We-Wird-that uPcin,getting-them:io
the Wharf, they Were spiked. The mob now hay.
tilt got IpObsetsicio of the church, Mr. Levin as.
bedded the steps and made an address to the pee.
41o'outirfde. ' He said that the property was now
in his possellsion and that it should be protected.
Ile urged the mob to disperse.
The coniPanies that bad beenationed there,
-then-retired:-Whey marched - tint - into - eterratrect
'clown- - to-SeCond and up German; and urned up
'derman 7 -here a rush was made upon them, amid
groaning; was 'doubtless intended for the
Greens. Tho members of this company being'
hotly purlo.4 ran, but previously discharged sev
eral rrlnskets—the ball from one came very near
Striking a gentleman who iinp standing on a col
lar door in Second street, opposite 'Getmanit
howeyer4istfraicd hie fee, arkpassed into ito
bulk window Of Mr. Stnithis. The Greens were
then'Vriven in'tivery direction — one of khans
'ed Gallagher., ran into a house at the ceiner . d
Fiith.and Smalrstreehri - and discharged his„ mule-
Was , shcit In the street. The crotlid rushed
Into -the iuitl,ciragke4 'end;
'fora 444*St.'” the* got him'
to the St3ulkt4aele:dotOMlSSgnidiii
,7 1 ,)?, 1 4 4 6iAliefia:-W614114
,OpYiral physicians' came andfotibA' Ilia( 'life,
Mill rellithiedif Igo condition il46'-
lePe 91,1 0 .,.*- Tito Church 1;01'14,11' the rcimaindet Of ,
gie:.; 0 4.0inti0n..11114.14e4006410-4134&--petsillir
who engaged , p,resetve. ..,• •
. Acids
They c'otdigQly;.didSo, andat shoots 7
the eatetitteles•tottrOlie4 P 44 ,Lei"_ uartoYfrfcit
Beriff, ` Aindcir:-441inbiazid4r;OiiP (bin
igniertafPerniantotviii •
row Devin.ney
orate Stemeda,
'8 Vplco:-:lltie troo'pi arritmd /Ai „tho•acette,.of
--'-- ----'. —'
'" a t
riot - 7Linea stere'lcirefed;aed eehriroiratatione ; ,? ,
'Aiaeh!Odai Otti.,''elsieeig;'-':iiti,4)(44.i.ol;rott
tWelon firth° diturcht and , turited oat tt'Ciimmit.:
6e.tititirhati A , illl,l4iii. -, :t qi'iiov#4 , ?v ~ ?, i #:...'
fia:e?,;`ooiie;B:iluiii - h.iefio`dY o.'oberfP4imf
made tiiion.lha, mehttddri:lqtrt:khr4ll:,,-Ite°
~teithirthit 4 1 ;40 Aiiih;Atit.4;no ;9Ommini.Oied
14404 2 -W large; camber fellinbat, 'tmAmTiel'
arid e t iferivanif 66 !!!i'*39o:o4.., 'T!to ttitiVi
riit'Othii, kiktt ii ., peotiltl)eitral t4iellreoire.- iithtid
lattiflitttscartt , Lti` ‘' ' :: ~ , ' ''''H'"4 4" ''''' 'l, ''''''
i ,„..- ,It • 1,., ,1. b `i. ''','
.; ,4 ' ..
I '. — Pu C MIP;r 4
,etod` telfdreWi'ln,tha anie:litfeete:
It Awe& four toMmder 'fmB4tActitileuttibd,i'tieljeelli
i'r ' .. ),, o#, : :::T . , Piii . si i .erii:liefleil i edli.dillii4ge ' d,
iind either Wiled , M., woemted mfey,;tifilleaoldiarth'
,Thiii(ttegihi`of itliiide l tie‘oundad is supposed
r -6, 0 . 1. , . , ..F.' ,l ti t WiYir;too o llBat , tfliTtBt ,-- itre.pi7A - ., -,
~,Xikvisaaton med. Valli: R " Q" 4 ' 'Obit did 1 1
railadfik:'ll4464,ll 41.prii;Id'icaifir'et
,10101tvini i
\ intieell ifirAVliii , ,Odi i lifea..,t";,, e, ,„"
t v ..; ' -1"..,. ,:44,LL.. , ..Q. , ,=l;.t ;,,, , ;4
114'-l Moi:gitlitiaii--withitiavit"-mii/.
; 'wli'lloe'iOlit 643 W f'l3l4iresliAi 1c4,14q40400,-,
• :01-118$7141r'‘!At YostitltdaYOkint'l,4',Shititro'.‘.6•,
I°S)Pani'dl 7 -21 *PA tai Oir . Pik " ih, i , 4',. P.r.4449*:
• TiVcliOeiro,Orp4roollo4vi!lo waited 'got;
. 09,440 k° ° Arthl Cotitt" tif Attittittit Inetti,"LE l 9 l ,,
,tiliatteir RWIQABV / 44 1 1r4,Y for the PurPote aeon. •
eiultaiidli leg' attribt adder thpeirportlhitic. , ll; 7 «, ,
Tq'''Ki l liir Bl oL end . daogoiitii or soiiii;,
1 ,,,, :k 0erb...r ,opin l on, that ; if fhb MillihriY,4itti
, hlithdroi B ;'sha o lo. l ,l,ll4ll4 pipit hp, 4t,0: heeliti‘ed'
' il:u4ilikke oc-t li titOu iiiiis'totatzeit , ji . k.. A,
19iff r olkl i! tt 4 i lft i tl 1 4 11 . 1 .g ; .!-A.;lft ilk.' 44 Ati.W
,10(149,4hiiwt"Pc)3,11P,olnid.':iiiitoii be ; felt in
hater"4oll l47lli t itiFtitql : cl 9 l 9 ,44 l , l l
aco,t ok o k _ „ • L o ri,4 0 4, , on q
i Awsiiiforkor-.4lktiOVOY;ii'lgt..e;fetiio;
f t'thioriC tOskitftkia' i*VI / 09' . WOW ilittt
, 0 414014, 31N0:=g1rAe •, . 1 -Y. • k";!".:, 1,..
If %,
• - 2 0 4 •
I b • t.,t , .r-na3t
Lt- gijrs
Fridsy, tncrpitic .. tff artrp:
'ftit‘ine fiejt iiiol3htirte.ufAitilit „nail?
r.b •,!.t.ot
der Neil'. daring
, tfte. tt!ort!ocrt,. rtyru ba
rA r, et per,
dark; .
eased tci • •-• • •
Criebraitgl;trfdrl:l4' ,
deadeye*. td ; :ponthasafie Hall; amidst 'ihe up
, • the difficulty did dot acid
Wrighi Aitlitr(tino,of.ttio,Vound;::.
arttaagtott a. glassed t itt , pbptface,' prowls
ittlf.l6 reriifiin Sri the chgtch•dntti-Pdtthor=eaumine
It until inorfring;:'Mr:"Aidili'Ah'eti 'boir'S'AWSUty.
jii,0 4 4341
- !rhti it t .lrer,:de),frone
add's, apSn,the, front of the,
Churoti'vutil"'a slight rain descending partially ,
dispersed the dic;ir .
0 120 1( 4 ; ill - Y*l4.lerepeeeh± gave the inoli qve min
- WiFflrrar - 4rOP-.
i'dttherderecinstra t ;
tibua~vcreniade.r_. \`
thi,W e, of rrturdair,nirliair eicitement •
kiiiivailert in the , leinity of.the church', and :after
dark ,a, mob again asseiubled;•.aeeitibrene , times
,attacks were made iipoti the. building. At a:late
-hour siMiral- companies tinder - the'
- up, and-at the' cordere Streets Pieces
Of artillery, were place'd.'. Vnilikary Were 'then
allireked with ston e s and Cattier inl;eildrr:btit drove
the rdob' off. A 4 length '
the:Weid to fire, but at that , moment Mr. Charles
isTaylsr ihrew hinaSelf before the plece,,and thus
trintreted his intention; bre multitude howevi
dtkettutily..dispOsed, anti) quietness- was again
stored:. Tht companies nil dismissed- towan
; - .Nc - 7
'--gr4.4041-4 0 .114.
. A 4.1 4.41x0e44.
t 7 , timuto
fri#470.,t 6 '14.0.4 401 0 ,, pp..;1 6, 0 ,0 i0dew1df This‘
Ciilaen4ealilWalader,hey . werj etatteeed
"? -
eremereney\ aka th
.001 of Rho se!heri.
tier 4 ohihweilif ihe
44-0 ttit. t ; it tr f t tt'
' '"'", : f.,'..'111,, ,, ; ' 'Mt i -,, , , ;. 7 ~/.....o, ,r y '....“-{i, ntti‘C , .l-; .i;
. ' O7 , ARARMPR/ U r'R O PY ,l l. ° o 4 . llll ol, l l 3o 9ntlYitr i /e0
, Richniind:"ouoyilst . e4;y . :ricpto k .,ivi i i-id e i.. t h e
971:41 1f er.)0.'r ;::Rltf , .. l 'l.„.oP:i'Zftliioo:o: it°
694 9 , 4:44e4;t4ikina,„bujik , ofriteei'464.v4Fli
diiiclibtody: Mieili!#l4,4ellitiitii','o4iiriytiiii:',lol,.
.: 46 1R.e,d0i 61 4:::;tili 01: , %iiiii,i;iiii 'ip •iidc , 1 ,9:i
a. e*Atial A ' l4.'' ' 4 ' ; '? l' l: ' ' . ol ;. ' "* r. ''..{) ';',.. W''i t it ..' t
' L iikii.: !Pp ii ,lftj ' rriF - 4 #I . P caidi,.. l 4Pelli;;Pf ill!i:
.?..;.snr.:l:',lnt Uoup.scafiri'!=held - -Z . n , l'lgindiftivorti --
lOg-liiii; iiiil#0 1 10tiiiiii'Vt':4pic;iisi,lig'tkiel'i0Atir
Teirittii k iliti lititiiiiiiiijadi , W iiiek_. late le/4,
, .
memberGlepkgfeTy . friikrltkp.9 . 94 .? tlici,folliiivi,
iiiiieliOiWe'-ii'eViilOpiOL '.-'' : '', :. ' ''
-= ' -4 ithiel 4 iedi L Tittc - ,iolo.riiiihCtnli:, t 1) sk "A..
a4 A -It tVYO O Pr9iidellger,,.4ofikiniikedfthq,;o o ceidetA
,haveieemdepii,itad s ,if .dne,;;who•bid:fali io he thei r main suOdit,the;comieunityief,on:exemplary to ,
esefnl eitj en,aild.thia..esteelatien' df iin . 46tive and
zdsiiiits meniber: • ,=• •',',, , 'S,: '.4 4 ' '„,_' l ,'' :i1... , !. 1 -
' r
frelolii4dj - tfieit.tligirieiiitie#4sl*l4lociatio)) .
eark`beitismi;letestitimnY oho good' character Mei
arefiffihifrhiablaiirffirdieicritied.;' :,' - . 7-- 77 — : — .:
~.1 Readlved,,,That we sincerely ednapii , iiiia • ortu l
1 mithize , with the family mid friends off the.decessed
in their bereavernent ,, ,--, !.• .. -..,.''• -t a', • • - S' '
Resolved;'' That the raembers'iaf this dissociation
WeftrJhe usual
had ge . if.MoirA ! ii ,•f .
or•l he s isMo of
itiitY'dais: ' •
,'i''' -. ' i
iteeifve&illitt o4i ok:th6Se restlutions)m
gent :o;th'e:family,follthe dec.otteed:T . 2 .- .. -••••,.;
— .'Resolved; ,-Thtit the above resolutions beqiublish.
-ea in •theiniperstetthis-Berattgl44nd-agrwiTi-ff•-:
quest - Mllieliiiteitopy, - • -•---,
' . Vtrivr„c. GOur•D, •
• :' J': S:'l4.vill, ~' —: - '
.G..W. WISE, - , --- }
. • ' 1 2 .rG K
EO: STEVIC, ' ..
GEO. W. VOULK. ' ' '
Whigs of South
•- - .
The friends of CLAY, MARPILE 'and the'
TARIFF in-South -01 ,etownship - are re. -
(pealed to rneot,enSATURDAY AFTERNOON
next at 3..elelock,et tho publie honse-iif -Michael
M. Ege,Hate MeGlinighjinslro take :measures for
forriiink a 043 , ,C1en. A POLE RAISING will
ulah take Mice en the'SitTeilltkr'iftrsinnoti follow.
isik 20th) at the, seine place, Jahn • Reed,
tineethers will deliver addresses on vie
/ape:ion: Comm ono and all;and •nneeil the 'good
cense. • • • , MANY ,
_ Jely 10, 1844. , • ,
Orriban?s-CourVsale of
-{Fittilita - IllattarttOci•
. _
. • • •-
Bvirtiie of an order of the Orphan's Court of
Cumberlaml county, will he sold sit-publiu-suler
un the premises on SATURDAY the 10th day of
August next, in the borough of Mechanicsburg,
Cumberland county, at 1.2 o'clock, noon, the follow:
ing property, viz:
boo story Frame Ilotw Ond
, Lot of around;
situate on ')ilain street% in said hpfoagh, pont:lining
free la feced_anil.ls4.leotln-deptii-ud-eompria=
ing all the necessary back-buildlngs, - Si.thllog;
The property is in good order and in on eligible
situation ror amechatiOl dr otherbusineto.
TerroS wade ttneurii on the d0y,0r... side.
080103 E. '
Atlio'r of MarthOYhniant; deed.
By the Court, 8.. Wilson elk: 41y ho. 1844. I
%Ca° . 014 111 41° 0 1 41.%.
' Smith i tiqt . tignipity qnd Atlas, olneys do.
Kirkkininb t -Gidlinfis and Marray_'SG.rionnlam oW,il.
lartiti 'tidied Slates, trosts do. Mitch:As Geogra
phy and.Atitie; ittirrits-Gyikraph,inf the If *yetis,
Matteis Johnson's Pliiititoplif and Chinniktrif
lies PhilosOphy, Coinstoaks do. Gornstocks
istryiParief'S:comizion school History, HitdOlb Spet-'
131: liefiner, with all other spellers that are in use
ti; ‘)47,10 ,, t 844
have just rec,ei veil lat ' lotiteC
m.',!ktictes,;l4,3 will'all:l l, trotild' , iallqtiti"ittfeiitiiiii or:
fiarvait-Ilquas audallr_otkerei.yekoitilig,Rodd-itntiz
iiitiqtratops: , -• “ •
gebolleA.Alip:ol(lsta,ndi,,iiher , .,yavL AllifBxB
sure to - get oo
o, iati¢ •. ' •
pii4ltiors oGitiuy.
. ,„. ,
. .
• r .... :' ' GROCERIES; ~' 'T :..:
Ai.•,,,..,..,.:,..0i.,,,,,,b. t .,,,,,,,e,Te.,,i,4„,,,,5e.,„:
•__ • 40.410 t reoe . ive ;aractoeilinkais lop. 118. 0.61 be
nitiudikpqic. , csill.alt-the-oligfqi,infirif,-or --,--.----,
7.--- ''..r.7,7 - 7' . . :::. 9.1'. :i ,T,:'CIIARLE!STOGILDir:'
rikavw, !.s AND Ii,GIORDEA Ns.
For sale bilqyers k7/Sverstlik.. - -:" '
Jtily 10,1844,-
j . , 1 , 6 ^- 1• .
.. 111111-AAV11P441.7,-,.,
Fpoe-Myers Bs.flaveratl4. 7•!. 1 1,c . rdr-
'; . ;; ; A: ,, W,lcASAPtiV.4ll_l7lll,rtrgEli, ;w3 ,
4 10 6 k01.40:AmilOef4Ii ç p
54 -
mj'S": ole*x,
• •
(gild Gioceryi
Store._ f . •
• •
W611.0%401144..Y & CO:, '
flAiTinstrent 'Ted 1001 Ihe oily and 11;16 open-,
iqt:Raleatonid.vv., aseprtinint, 'or . GRCI.CERIUS,
66newstiv, Rio a and 110 old and' Fanny Artialne,
t 4 fhlOrklierikial , entfnllelifOlte-the
ablio..They Are daternunedand , iiill 1ie1 1 n,5,01 . 1.40 •
s any nth& litiO id
Carlpdei 4tdyia; 1844, - • ,',l#l!.tr-38J1
id dieton
. . ,
. .
A vermin tract or parcel of bind situate in Mifflin
township, bounded and described as follows: Begin
ning tut si Cbe.snut tree, thence liy hinds of William
Skimp', north 6 degrees east, 121 and 5.10 perches
to it Walnut tree, thence north 20 .degrees milt, 82
and 9.-10 . perclum to a black onk,_theuco'ettrth-8 ( 1 6=
gre s es east 44 5-10 perches Pvt . ' Spanish
.nuk, then,
south 6 depireds west, 18 perinea to a stone, thence
by lands of Christian Foilor, jr. north .S 8 degree,.
west, 21 and S.Q. perches to a run , thence:down said:
run end the several 'courses thereof epti perches,
theme by, ende of James Purtly;: north - 88 degrees.
west, 86 perches to sr Chesnut trep, the plane of-be
giniung,.contitinbig in' ull 41 Acres and 181 perches,.
'swiss - nseueere. Seized mid takes' in execution us
tife.nroperty of 'Tobias AlL...Cline.
Also, the follow ing,descri boil - , building to wit: A
' BANK -TURN; sixty • litet lit. length and twenty-hit
lib widdi, : with granaries to the hack of each chit let,.
feet.iiilfridth„,,tvitiLtsro .11.vreshi,pgAloorsillie.under..
- iittillis'Oritoniexcepfibe.frout which is otlianio,
iiiid_o_shinglo-roof-ontlio-wbole—gaitlzßurn - le - tree=
'tad Oh ivtypet of landlielonging to Ilenjono in; Samuel
and pl;zowil, Freest„ situate is Frsinkford tb,wneliip
ootitaitting about 100 acres, more or lose, aloisling.
.., tlp Of D. tciser's heirs, WM Dr 11 31 .1 4 1 . 1 6 111 ndrew
ilei'Und•other b
a , igctlier,g4ll.go rork.ergliniti ..
_tgiFillillOy , adjacent.., thereto, tied belongi ug , t to the
siii4J3engamni Frecili,SionnefFieed unil'Filiiitbeth
Fked,usi,MUy.bgnecessury torthe ortlinarY and use
l'ul Ptirptuuss. of .said.l3afmt:Seivil and takepi ii tote
.cialion atr. the •PrOpertY of lleitipigin, 4epyet,eviel
-1.34A , Ut.6 3 114ett'_._ _ •. -,-- . LL!.... ; •!-*•-f --,--- - - --- ' •
- 41iisiii - frast of laud situate. in ':itfilpiirttrtnithlpj,
lidduded by lands, ol David tFergliimit;...Mary Lenny
Andrew Middleton, ',Fliomses:tilit - ittapir Otisers;:con
tsddog. Igp ncres,,more dr..Jess, or' elilels- ,ell-about-80'
adetrare,cleared, - nnd•thg•mikkte.:JCpodptiitlikte,
Intithig-theretin7 , eracted all.we gtorrl i ng fIO.U.SK„
Loeliern and other,insprovementtasSeiteditideak,
en us executiom es 411e.!properly,gr•Jent!..C. Mir'
Ottp.i.• 1. . -„ ' .. , ~..-1, : I'• :•.. i.. r .,'' '
- 7.4lagotiteßig Pond .Purnee6 Er,l,eieisiitiaialn-Nesi
telt andSotdburopton,townalip6Cumberland jou.t.
lYltAitelliltliii*.abser 5900licres,
• Abrsiliem $ eavers,J oh u;RtosseUilticob.Koller;J . O loge
coliser ,, SiSsuSl - AlexiinllSS - ifelliilheliSiing:tkere=
Opsetteetest , ongißLAST , '.PUßNACEVe large tivd
iatery-Atouse,',eVraFne ! Office one And algal stniins
,liWii 001: ,Logli . eilant: Hii!isbri;e Stook Darn anti
Efkill,togpri/y4pientseSeited an& eken ilessenticari
les ts p ropprty of PAUL- 11 , 1,Anrier., illiii eiktAiii.ea
#41 1 1#1447.Ekt5 , if , e;, L.-.4.,;'i4•4t . -'r:;•i ',..; ' ,, ,o',i.t' :' „, •
Also, a tract of land, gibiate . partly in Ntloton - simE
4lirlltiP:lS:oilthisoptun.ticielnshipe,'lisinipl' y IriOds
of,rioprkas*BuSliantioe's lieire,Pavid Ski - il,di Henry" ,
teishnitie,,..llavid:r oremnn:and.,- o th er, i- 400114
.:a out. OW...acres, lea, havistf :thereon- ereck
'toil a tw..crivotryiptoyer pisp,clj4l.lollll,44l(kr
4 111111;iddislild tied' story:l..elk pet*. 'lt Et te.:
, *_,"Pt.Mß!icfil,!t,#lkktt 4-pqr. l 4tlisina.;ilteilteirreyt,
41 7M! 1 .1 , •,-.''.'Eii• r ~•1:,,.a: ' -:ffli, ? ,r,i," 4 '4..1'11 - 4 i•';, 0 ''- :‘,; V
Mei% it'tr:ust id. land';oo, 4 l4 1 n:Bciutlikstlxdon .liiiireL
hilt' .boupded li)v , ,letuls'eft)./avid li'dimisein, :liras'' ,
flarib Ja.Tigebiao.)l4o6 lielletil'alleite inlo - iitli.:
vi , enntsmeigilithespeliniokfpriesS,lliudnglliele.,
Ini m 4 4.40004* HOUSE/00 Likgillarii:l.- *.' "-f-4-
`,Alps, g ,4sst,o C I .4441 i Allulite'ill` SeilliaintilinitieV
,egJsgt,qtseslsips, lands bf , l;liiviil , Forei
an, arnes Clark,. and lands ef.-Seayepii: indAer:. :
In Cengerly,4elit7 illpore,oemiai nieg.'sbnui 400 Rome
gm orless - havieg un'extellentDAßßANK-Ilsei4m •
n..willi-nwinitWofisilents:-Seited endia)retrtrose
'-' titioires die; todiihk l ll,6flsiiiiiit*Lgixiiiili • 1 ,
.;, $, ~,,1/, i +,; , ,, tamti - n: ,, f , t , %..1 , - - ,1,1 : 4 , 44 7 . , 2 ,•,..‘,
7 . , PETic l 999f - N ytikat j'itri,TFielat lassektidlit,
1 4
s ylikAr„ , Ciiii,inWPleis efietteilierbeld'aoehty,
- 414die,idlifiiteklikilreitiniao l iiibliettill O rtir.
V' : .04. 1 4 , 10 , 31L 1, -.oliittlilese; , thavrellowingpollidililid:
. FPO Il'f.i i .v,..e.!A 1yt;t...).11;t21 list •itti . ... , s;mii,,.'s,lts4;( . !;l , :h!y:,
' ' Ali ilii;..l9teiesi otirkiniiiie'ciiiiiiiiidif riiiioJir.
adixtebiniiiirkickari*ical land, 'eltiiiitsitlil MI if'
coweshig , ;, -1 1n-ef-JeiioliZegener
^l l7.* 2 r#V l /0411 1 10illiir ittill,ti siiSegz,'
titin ng, item sebrsl7 . 9E, g,,ea - ,A Ng !here ti ll,ereal . .
itOd a. Iwo , piiii4gl-.lo46iihilllriiiriiiLlAlTTY4
, itntHelisee: •• 17 , 4ppla • Ipi_shem,,lio,helsge rpih,p.
o li
410,10‘0,14 # ptut, l ,,sjoritd...-1,0 tlicio I,lt',
lelndOt! ie:reiviiiiiiiiilo4 slie'toneill iliiio 4l l , (smil,n;
t,erihis,dilitulidivldell;lalf, et, .' dltilekiiiiilil
0 4
ihOillts islefe.',l)t'qenirsilkliiiek in qisliale..,
Ulf Illr - - C:liV is gl ltillell ' 4 '
' , um' 1 ',. Idi ' Vit.. mid ,
liOli,iir4 41 7,6 0 0 0 W ;, ' Of
` xildamtijmiiiiirliifiltrdtq , *o
91 . 1is13Doitc , Sh#001 .1
.!•Y:) , i';'"' 4, -: ,,, .
~=i,•, 1 1-ii•:
liakryiZtAgO l it. rt„ , tbltoni-:'fattocitts, l
'A•k*Jt!OOOrqo4 l .( thtl , , ,, ,!... , ,titri94.smp!i',PettA, of
11 0 lb% 0 14PILJOIld c it
.00,14tV in4i t 'agth butie..;,,o2oc4o.4.lnitheLfin,-.
toPer o 1.. eOtC - 4 0 11 A:YiAte,it
• 0 1 4'4; 40 1 } , •‘ - 1
dreilltild'&(0011; tndiof.:J9bn. • • hulretc.
i io ,
a r r
ihift;PtiliDAiiiioiOrtiror Martin
"•*l*kkiNOW - 41Otif101ty'40ditiki - "4116!or ledtv,
fiaol4g,thiegopiA , o)4o.- ; ,
•-lkO4. 4 Silzedittitttilittin*
:',..-.I • 4VAK:V•6T4::.- - • •
' ''6 Sl / 6 14,41ct gAP11g 1 ,4 5 1/110 61 14 1 )ktniti)444.
Pc eh+eg I ,o4'l ll oll4StrAilitcliOretiii.tlie :south;
and'taffeattillei - Oftike • enif!bnifiainiti , r64 - ftliet•A
Jrichellin'tiVelidthi and gbr.figt triPth',M:r:e dr ides;
'having thbrecnVerectbd tvorip!iind Whale= iitni"'Lbg'
- HOUSE, - gtoid'Serietharid takeit the
Property:zif4e o o. Munek :
J. Also; a lot of:groundl:.sift)l4o in khe'-'l3orinigh of
Nosirilleibounded by Maintlyeet:On'thenorthiJohn
Tlellie ball' lieu s ' on
.t I e•WestfClltirobAllaybt
so osep annion- , lipitii; - eratkbantaitt
lag-. 30 teeeitarhaflithlMlTTiet.iii-Aeßh;ittore or •
• lessi,haidne thereinitr %stotsy Bile .HOUSE;
:er•eixted . tin tillt sztina:-"-; Seized - and ''ttten Om
lion iiithelpritk479f , J44 , o4B4. • -
iAlhopfwo'jobrdb - grountliiiitititti hi liVe•Baiinigh,
h ersonthpfligh:street . .on'the•;welitii; - •JOhn.lt_ylitiOn'.
the north and John Vatice'On theettst;ontlAßb feet
thCrbotierVaidd - a HvO
;story, Log - ...HOIJAEJ..Log- Stable, ' gin. Seized.and
taken-in- exeautica -.the , property of . 04. 1 'idte.,140.i...
-45"aintderi.:,, , r , '1; -• •
:_•';Astio,tv - fgactirldand, situaie Mi ffl in' to*iiship;
boundeddiy 'lands of,,losenlirbinrkluilder r JolitelHar:'
ifeTEWrJolith.2lTltirpettjr,iltobtalein',- Christien,
Failory'flobiniiMeaklin,. Wen Sinniti- and Teter
flaker;oontaininrlBo Aeresi mortrerileinh-abotit -
acres•ee whirb are cleared;'ami:tlie4.esidite - lh 'gpod •
itinther,.having. thereon i.erccied se two story-Stone.
Wagon Shed; Corn Crib,a.
sgood Apple Orchard. oral an excellent-Well 'of water.
eit - edratid 'elettni:ctri Os the property ... of
amea;Pumfg...; • ••' •.,, • , • •-•
a'traet of land, situate in Mfilliiiiioiinsitip • -
_acres, moretordesiv , havi ng-thereon-erected - a - two
.story Log tjq!..T,V;;;' , #, g?i)d.doultle flank Barn, and
Saw, Mill . '; .
traet of Mbuntaiajand;attitate in Mifflin
toirnsh% bOunded•bit.the• - •_Perel 'John
flif•per,i Esq. and ;their lands-of the:1;111'10.V, illiain
A - Oarna . , containing NJ, Acres, more or lett—said
Jard.faxirell covered with tri.ving Che s nut timber.
-Seized 'and takenlo. execution as the ' property oe
,Rdamm— • • ' ' • '
Also7idlthe interest of. John N: Carothers in a'
tract of land situate in
township, con
taining-140 acres, more or less, bounded pa follows
viz: James Neal on the east, A nartai-00Nollibrii, oh
the ,south,. John Humor -on the nt - rth:h.nd John
JOhnson on the west, having therebn greehtd a Stone
'HOUSE n;Log House and a Bank Barn. Seized
-and taken in execution at the eiroperty•of John M.
a:tyar4 °ebb', situate in North Middleton
townsh.p, hounded by IMO - sot' Benj 'Hosier; %V
I iam Shugars and J ohn W - onclerlich;tantatningthree
acres.,,more -or less,. having-. thereon erected 0 one
and a half story Frame HOUSE, weatherboarded.
.Seiied and taken iii execution as tire 'property of
Joreph-/feward. - - •
Alio, a trammf land, situate in.Uickinson town-
Ship, Containing about 150 acres, more or fess, ad
landsot Samuel Carothers, --Johnston,
1)r Charles C Cummins, the Presbyterian Church,
William - Fahnestnek and other., having thereon e
rected a-iwo story Brick HOUSE, and-a trio story
:Frame_Hnuse and Log Barn and other out
Seized and takeiljin execution as the prope l ty-df
- William L. 1, - eaVy, geed. '
--- A lB 4o - tract - of land, 'shame in Silver Spring •
township,' bounded
c l:y lands of Jeremiah Zeamer
and John ()outbid', maining about 112 net-es. more
'or iess,having there ti erected one node half story 1
Lo k trot/SO., &c. &tried and takeilin
execution as tjte property of /ohm BorThitif.
alto:de-in --Alleirlownship-,
by lands ofTeter:Ntiller, Saindet tickets
-- .ataLG verge-Yost, &attaining .e ti0..e.,..0r0 or-less,
having thereon ei•Octeil'a one and a half sti - try Log
HOUSE, AVeayer Shop and a small Log Stable.—
Seized and taken in - exceittlon as the property of
-- - •
Also, a tract of.!and, should in;. orth Middleton
townsh .ettnu 6if el
acres and .3 perches, mare or less,hav
ing'therecin e'redtdd a one amt a iintr story LOG
lIOUSK, Log. Slable,anl an excellent Orchavil with
choice fruit trees. Seized null taken ln execution
as the property of John Bournlseaier
it itrtiTe - iirn writ orLevart 1 ecins, 'smite odt of
e Court of Common Plmoy.of Cumberland - enuoty,
el to me directed, I will expose to imillie sale, at
e sat'ne time and place, the folloiving &ha:titled
ml.est&te eiz'
4;; . .. - 4 „;',..:J•
r1!!,_•,..-.:f4.t.,,y:- --
1: - : 44ti r 1 .*-aft4ii'4 Qq.°ai•,lo.o°l(Yerli-:
•'' ''' •44'.c , A•t:: : ;l!,L 9,z - 4 1, 1 ,t e5 .er., : ., - 4,'1,---iL;,.-; & ,:•,• : ,- 7 -, 7 :1 7 :,
o '`gairi-V, A 03f • 94000,54 1 -4' # ' ;' - 't 4i'
littlikeiieuiiikgiiiegt ,;6tecticonoin taViftejOe t t6iik
,aprotectiveteelff,'Oel f'elcelea will,d welarge;tho .
duties of the pfliee til feleat,otAje abilities.,.-!;
'''''. ' '' . .‘A' 'irt6l,oollllll,t . da Pilleti , Oititen;.;' , '.,,'•'',;
...... - 1 , ,-:,.. ~.',:.: ~ ;,. 2. , \.,., , ~,,, . GEORGP'F. , ,,CAIN:•.Vi
. - ,..•::.Meolteeiosburg;Jutie:26;-;8M,,i,:• , :: - .,'..,',: , .'..!:::1 . 1 $5
.. •
7s — ale,pn SATURDAY the , 'lool 'of A ugait: 4fOiti
o'elnek(Af the.,thllowidA4eodr.,i7,ll.,Do
,Idha dee , eniedi, . • •
iiituAte lththetiorO4glt.otlkte;:vPPlTqmilinn4i.oo6t
heigitniA nttrotiered 41:tine:general' place of
11,19, 4g,'1M , 1,09,, , 198 nuitA29..,Vhey,xift_
besold ii,eparktely oif,tngeth:Olfft:ltiay,anit*lsrohais-,
\ • ';11 1-.77,Ft
tfglilel7th4,k - 41'. 7Aupit, .. pop
lio)d Or the , iiroithte,i;iit - 1
.A,HOILISE'AND 'lliogri;:•.:,;• •
on..,lllain• street; in - thelniY•ndgfi
ihaniethurg, Onniberhindi house
briek . , - twooritt 1 510;itntk,htiftt andothei. ,
Tertna pr 440,i,n iadd - day 6y' the "
in)henlibers.‘ . -
: • , :PEO4CRIST, '
,-JACO RK;jr.
the einirt-:.-11; 3N:ix:ann . , Ueda.
. . .
IlliAeCiittontE,.,.&.' , V.EximucEt4
Fre'ell'lllifftifilflice:a'iciikf tiliciirUnliii.eM Mi ., silo
by...Nlyertk Haverstiek.' •. ' '
July 10ti44,i , : , . • .,:_','2 , - '': : 7 1' : ' . -
'' ' ''' .... LEAD. " • '•• .
.. .
_, . .
\Vitherilll'a per While Lead in kegsfor • sale by
liis e rs'ili; Haveritiek'. ;,' ; ; •'-,, • ; -
Lined dirand Spirits oiTarpentineelki
. •
. . -
... • .
~ ,
20 Boxes of 8' by 10 Glassiilllo go baj,
_of 10 by
12 Glass, for sale..terileili 11) , JoWn:Gray kc.; .
July.; 1.84, :, •• _ ' ' ' • •
. Von - Acco. •
A clieipb iict of gooil- toul•oliestp Chewing ant
bitlokin TotNeco,juit opene'dhy . .!oho Cray-&-Co
. „luly 9,184 C -- • •
• • CHEESE. • "
A.primeirliele or N,ea , York Cheese for,sale in
Carlisle-by Wm; M. Mateer.
July 9,1844. • •
Fresh Ground Flour; for sale by the "barrel or re
tail, at the store - Of the sulisoriber 'MIS. M. Mateer.
July 3, 1944. .
ALL Persons are hereby notified that levers ef
administration on the estatifornlohaikb late of
Snuth.ndoletna township, Cumberland county de:
ceasedihave-this day been issued by the-Register in
and thr the said county, to the subsceiber.who resides
in - the township or Nardi Miildleton. All person 3
having claims or demands-'against the - estate - tit - the
said decedent nig requested tai make known the
mine without delay, and those indebted .to make pay,
-mesa to
June - 26,1814
-Chearierthain - •Etteri - .--
S Wdrking [Leap theite hard tirdeaappears to be
A the order of the day among the tailors of the
Borough, the'stibecriber-doesmot-feel-inclined-to w b:
more backward . than his neighbors in the work of
reforta - - - Mul therefory announces to his
old customers and the Piibleo VAratty, that be in
teinis for the fOlOre 1.0, work as-elicit'', and if sheds
be; iierluips,if Bute elmitpci;, as any of his fellow
craft, and 'he will, o it too. in lhe neatest and most'
His 'shop is at time . bid vta . inl in High ' street,lwo
doors west Of the Court House, and ilirectly opposite
-Beenuni-110114,-whrt .. Im ..;11-it—all-ti, ms he f
wilting and able to pletise all :who: may favoi him
With their custom.
He. reties his sincere thanks for the liberal pa
tronage he Ns heretofore received. and respectfully
solicits a 'continuance' of public, faVort remember
when , pod go to a store to purchase i Coat. Veit or
Pants, that the subscriber keepß a chop p nod fashion
able shop, and that he is determined, to-be behind .
none of his coistempokaries in any thing. •
W. AItiPHEAStj,N.%
Juice 26, 1.844.-
. .1.. •
. • ipre!gh.ariiva.i or • •• • ,
DEBT lCoiatt Drawly, bestishle'Sbeidt,..ide
'MP' Pale'" da....„,....thimpalellailetra do
- - -C'ammdrrr,Tdbr•-- do Champaign do
1 lolland Gin - do Port ' do r
alit Rye do
• • Aesemac Ptmelt 13Isdid, "
- i.'New Englarkd o ltarit, .Prelietrgerdlatr.dii.
Ali eit 011 ;ehhe,aeld at the • lowestipritteslor":
. eaih: --- Taverlikeetieriand - otherft;litre:lifelte'd [u cell
and etaritine the steak: dr.:ld - Ira tseri*.atliis_store;
irrSatitlittlanoker street.'' :
' I : •;' 1111TEE112.
• .Carlisledtiniitlo; 2dl-31 ,
. „
Fr" proprietor' 'respe(Atulli his tries
. s
.• n psjilie'teserally, - .thatite - 11,ss fiktell, up
the eitablishmenilefthe'enrissie Sprsigs,peil, is now
,prepared far •nretiniteotistitig.:6ol4lSrtitiiik,lsjarits..
rabeverViiikT' • • • • •
Ape situated four miles north of Carlisle, and three
rmles 80411knf.Sto rr4'S Gnt:theficr•
e hreryLAeoom
' ' 4
ILetr9f ; %
Aie7, C^:Lttf.Rs
:p inkStAykeior anlejndillylnpr fsopg.peoeld `k sittli,Sfainks.
T'''rY:E(#iOßNT' HAT,.
Li . ..LEGIEQRN_HATA,4!eoy t - a9ittpoyii , siieli-justc
'ppetiectby •C. Oglibyr • ' •
e",•Jui1e'24184 . 4,,. '
ni tE
4 ) • 9 G
• ,"
Press, °d tvegin e r, fo r•'le lYek4laer
strek• =
June 4G,18 # 4 .'. 4
. .
tcestile-ind - 13tolViv'So!ip,
4ters Sr, v. ;
;.,,4t190 • • - ,
Best , Caet?diili Tiaktoo . ,tilti'Sekai` or
*ISO& Haverstiok.?7,:oi.„
aim LT, _ •••,:' !it:"
• M i lfliOdOtraialiiriol6llotiaTitirr t ' 7
crta • • •
y. le r kiiii•Aomw
I 3 • , 11PWEVErtili110:, •,
.4PIR 0 6 4 11 4 k 1 141 ;
I ry r :44
ir f t e ilytitMgliffiGAii-At*N4gekty e
lity,ers lc 4 ;, 1 7 ' t ,,,;,,, 't
,stievr'l644. A
Ell ' I !W. Vat
Al b eauMffftV i leo WOP.II I 4OII*. 0 1 041!
orkAi t it.!ui c
ti-IA 'fame smortip*Oluil.
l 4 . rot
:prd7l:atiot,, 14;
ShirnturerC4 tftptA,Zwl'lte
, soArti
J a7FtS,~{tu
e °,„
:t r
,IxAir just. rCtuined:Lfrom
ngl ,
41P. taw
algasi t unsmips . GdOdg .
Capsistihr pat:t of the followinit—,
osd Clothli k ltrarseilles, Satin, and other Veslinga ,
gassibterbe, entpety,
new stYlei •
Minh"NVoot Balzarise pod gauFe 'de Lairnib '
printed Lawns, entirelknew style _
BlA6lt'and COloird filiveltCs 4nd Tesans •
:Plaid Silki and Ilontbazines l
Paris striped liroefidet!anfl MuNAP,° II3 /-4 IPP*
Plidd: Striped', Iritice andTtirleton , 3l4ldens •
Irish Ltnc;o - , Linen 11411inols, and Oanitorlsibs, ,
I l itistur,sCords. cotton' aixtuflepNaakeefi i
sc'l' Un i tas, TiCk lugs OW galUmes - •
kiniserV and Gloves of ever): . ,
ilk; Girdles, GirnpwAnd FtoogreO - of eiery Color
Loceti, EAgings and Marseillea &this _ - -
84 Embroidered' Thibet and itarliaslCsil lF. Slatala
64 blenched and Unblea_ched Shlrtingli
Table Coiecit,r6opet's and blt,kTjletAcilt*c
• ‘- -
Nair:S . loottibbotor mai Artificial flowers
Vlorenbe-Braid and ,Stwy lonacts Hew '
Parttrilii,tftObre,ll4 rind ni:w style Sun hinnies. '
CaSteidekeitire keneritly to mil, as price,
and qyleacabnot fail to please.-
• .
On; Saturday-, the - 1714 . day of Sniusi nett, • •
of-an yorderof-the-Orplians'--Courrof 1
Cumheriatut county, will be sold on the
see, the folliviVina VALUABLEIMAL ESTATE,
late the property of Jacob furnish, of South Mid;
dletotfLoWiuthiipZdefUerieed, poptafip;
Irons L'arlisleltitljniioefftliciat ,yryempesfroin the
former place;:adjuiairCtiminerfl'haninis and llama
Nfelitilfey','Yittferick Hoiiver StifidYellow...llreeches,
Creek. ' Ifaiditig thereon erected a Fotir Story aligitteiLlNVl--%lolll_-1
--- Threelilliir - tilW oustv
, ,
the lirst iaa.twoStory.-Ltig-House,f4lYagon Maker
Shop.and new Llarn- !7 the s e cond is a one story Log
House mid , Stable7-the • third .is' a one story Log
House, S'ritti shop and •stable.
The Mill is in complete Urder ' '-cOntaining four
run of Stones, two pair of
,Bitrrs for.flour, one pair
oflitumslor ehopping,,and.one_pair.cif:-Sands,--liay.N
ing Elevatoo, Smut Machine of Young'sVatent,and
every other .ninterial used ills, alt nearly new
and in first-rate ordernrid quality. The whole Mill
Machioe has been•put up-new within the fat three"
_years. • •• ' • 4
The Millis driven by the Yellow HreetheYOreek;
is never failing stilitin of water, located in the heall
of a grain growing conntry, unbolting ,an extensive'
country•custom, and - hiiviiig excellent for .
conveying mercliiint work to market by the Cusaeg
land Valley rail road.
Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. noon. Terms of
pie made known on day of sale ly
ifetutor 4 l. Jacob Hornier, deceased. ,
-J1109,1844.; • is-9A
• nil' Lancaster, insert till
and-eery) Gill is office.
Farm for Sale.
WILL he.sold at . private,Bale 7 a- FARM first
rule • .
Lithe§to -
Carllsle; Cunibet'lind -county; Oa. lying on Ilie
Walnut Bottom Road, emaiduingllo ACBES,more
-or-less, tallying• thereon erected a two
story STONE HOILISE, a large frtipm •
-Barn, a well o 1 first-rate watcrot ppliig in;
an(11 - thriiing - OpMe - 011.CH.A.R.O.•. BO I .-
Also to ba, sold• with ithwabote'frart ——
fivelicresilf first irate CHE:STNU'r 'TIMISEII.
The Ikalniit llonom_road..l)attses'Ahropgh-Jhhi
gives a market for all the produce rais
ed upon it; by drotes passing to the East.
Pertons wishing M.puechase will plenslc.etill upon
Mr. Andrew Blair, in Carlisle, oron the subscriber
at-Ida -1 81111s, 4 miles Vest of Carlisle:
•. - •
June 5,1814. •
Boots and, Shoes:
riCIE Subscriber bas just:received; in additiouje
_ll his former Steak. a large and general assort
uncut of Ladies and Gentlemen's ' •
• .
.. . BOots and Shoes,
look•bi• with; ii- supply 014, Willis' Wonran'a . find (,'hildrens slinel, hll of which he can sell cheaper
for chlh, than they hare 'ever been sold in thisylace.
f A All : lips sewed ;vibe.) Also an assortment of
Kill and illoigieco SkinS;lWAlch he will retail at
inoderati ti'lees. i.. . - ..- - ~
lie will also niancfliclAretaler 4 All ltinda of: 1
figotti awl klioilii,jil 116 - ba - t - Ws, che'aperlhan
. tt
any otharestablish it l/1,....,
TI public_wßeli O well to call til, hit stand in .
ir t
No 1 ,. - A pyikVW - ere t;oeiirly 'opposite the'Carlisle
llii k, WI heat door to the new store of Arnold St
Ei se, and examine" hisstock hefore_inirehasing
elsewhere. „f - 1 . ' . ,_,
.;, *. • • WC: •MALOY
Carlisle, June.2o, 1844.
1 . 4 . BAVIP , ItS-TICK-.;-finvo-jost opened - an
extenslye assprtWient.of D
.................. with.
g . ri!ait care; awl wirt?ntel,genOlne and . . ?ore. Phy
sudani and country.,:l , le4ellantsarnreqopßtedte. call
and exankinetliekeStop.k.lieforOtirphaslospisewlsere.
_A birat seitkinientePrarnip
artaticTe airninted.pd'e - eAniniorthe Thesrirdide ty,
'no sale.' Dyers; Paintersesid Fullers are relitiested
to twit ag wenre determined tcri sel I the Onsamt and
hest-aiiiuleiof this line io the market.
• ' •
. ,
,cook* 'amid SgailtalkarY.
Withave added to Our baud stock, a choice Delco.:
two of flOok's and 7 .StatiopaiT, y b ich we wean sell - at
a Vett reduced Itique 7 . -
... . , 1 ASS
The !Furst ajsoitment pite,ctl'LE - 11.7,ever. offer,
ed in .phide,-=together the'daift-Abdilonsibie
PEII,I O ,U4IEAIt; arid '
18 t4;', •
iidikk 7 l46l446iiiiiiijksi
l iti • iVe:CmitiltriiiiNVlTALLEirr Ai ut vAL
",-PAQTgCTION, COMPANY; being, incorpo
rate(' 1# an Oct of . tits Legialitture of the present sea.
"Oen i n ig fully , Afganiaed and ,le Operati on ,ti oder, the
:direc,tten laf 1, 0 ,following, hoard ol „Managers, vier
frliontipi c. Miller, John/blopre,Psvid, )4 , :./Me.i
fatillOugh, James Weakii, Wißiam Innate, Si:noel
Galbraith, l'hoinaa Paxton; ^ A.,,,G. lt,filler; , ..Philip
bPfeiglep,,Samutil PRoodairA 'mann) Iturtx..George 1
Brindle, Scott Doyleoia II tite attention of , the Inhabit
:tide 01, ColoPeriand , Yallepto,tlie.elles)oll , oleflhelr
.team the ninny adyantagekvbieb:,thia Aind of
Inantlieteletr Over any other...
~ J.. ,I,; „ • , , ,
• ,t al.,,k,'pe,ry, person insured ibet\Ottkee. a, member of
,the.,,,Sf i nd . l)Plantltabea Part fiatie,ehoice or °moon
!mutt o dir, too ?r ;to oonooroo. t ~,,,, . ...,- ~1 , , 1 •
1 1 ,1. , 4i9 1 14ra 11 4.3 to moro,isAleilianiisit own is
itcpsaaAyicraellt, ttie, expenpeirog theCompanytani
igeltYlggingirlwhlgkeulY:liappee,,, t=,v,„
t .44% .- - 1 4,InVilWelt Pee or &mitten% rene,wftli , lik a"! ,
r01d,e4.41 ,Tppcipjf,orli, igi', 9 2;Pr‘ftvel , 'Year) l .ll Bo
pipm..,T.,4!•MVP 1 . 01/ r)7 , l' I tkeinlil#ClAl, , ,anto
1i1 4 . 4 74 8 : 0 t10 . 491 19 . 1iiiit 1 4r,l'aiir.;"ixt'14iiitre
r 4% do r2 F l i k t i PPgyai° iti t ifitrt' i ,,....tlttel
Ve jier benium,edi e i will be, ma f?, - -$ 1 ,--y.-
1:11 1 which, he will hsty,c lo t * f.? Or fr.hrejelers,
nd $1,59 tor su r vey aild'polley, iiik'dAb' more unleia
If c4 t atained 12 streater-annpant than t Thus •,
on bittela/ntilliboaer lAil tOrrnoligttyfitle lir,'
.kfin if 'tAifii-fiQ 4hii4,-, The,ae -- rites,uri i .. Of
' heepe,idthis thoaeof , other obroilailiesViiiieept: doh
aairliin‘orperated if thisadieprinaiplea. , .. , r • ti,k
4 ~, ' l,i,y_„,o ~ , A i!, ,,/ ,,, SOS..C. , MIBLER,Preit.' '
i -44,190,mittx$4siecey.4 4 ,:fi l ~,,....., :1 <i; ~,.,
•,_ T .; •. # :,,',,,,,,1; • . 1 1,,,,• 4 ,
,Th Ablio;riag , gentferneti.liatie Veen !APO% d
104103„,,,, „,.., t ,i,, A , ,tctit. 'II i1.'.., ~-, :: clt , ‘:.. p,
, - -Atlkilllll:l)ollt.afeakv,siotylpip:r..,.• ~,.;,;, ~ ~
I:(.4.!'.dinktlKKeilnerly,„tVi ..4 , 71 0 1
Georg6ltrlnge..?•l9 , . Alogrr ., . 7 \ - -iF; , :'.vo
:, T'' 0109,19 - l 'iilit*if,4r, -- • '7 7 1
,' 4 Jaat
1 4tpinteleihrt '..:, - 1 47,
41)17A:I ti r 1
11 011,=„wlv
• -
'Et fOt3iNJri '0 3 -an /41
• • -
10 : Aliti/12C.... itiV i itifit . ri . .
,!. • , ,.,'•: . .f. -7 1 . "I";'.'i''' . -.. -. .';., IP-
lirlY(..ignertbortlit,t4 4,65 iittit4oouto.
- thitijnorciestilltiViirTo6i - iiruchki;OTffilfordistin,
in*thof tkildithodia GI 6 , 11 figiotii telaYV°3lV
ilie-AiiiisloifiltoiliteAole *floe 46 itiliFttp ;r4,d zo
1 0 4, 1taktil'elY 6 , 1;, WO•I ~'.' i''`''. t.P i''K'',.:- .
:;WINDSOR , -CHAIRS ~, .'"!'.. P'
*:'6 ,. . rci . i• - y . lo . irtiiisi),' :..aiiy , ,` , V44, ,,
•silteci ,. ..olioiitia#6l4;... ,,, , 1
Bostaii .... Rodg Chilri - ' ll ' ---- C:-
'::c t Uir,.,
Aii',9l,oa*,iillikit Ate. 'p r ude
, Itr016; iititer.' atdtin the: ilp3l-i't. fashiong* oyle, i i'h,NiOt!.Aifxt •
' leV 'clnto.bougitt. 646*bore. '• ° '
All.oeiv work Iffir'ponteo,', (e . k..- %. ..
Pr e,1101 . 114, 1110i.f60,. to .rrolivg.a Wir6,of publie
0114-01likte t , --•- , --
••• " „ .. ,„ '; It "...: ~ . -- , Jpip . ir 41 . :iditrc6.
.... : arliele,:_AoriL.l 6 4 ) - 1 .344 : -. ~---- • .... -•-
,*'' litßtfite' ARENOT
Porlridemriity akainstionebyAre.
• •
Charier l l!_'Pe*ul4::-=-s4o%K4Attperi
04 ‘Pd in
(87 Ce.,
44;:iilii1 .- egtOr
ift4Clllllliall Elio; oti . ,PROPERTY
rOaponable Apptica
tifitiopodo; either, perspnallk or Jolter, will
to., k • - •
IST_ •
C. . 11ANPKIS4, 7,rest,
dilates . of Insuratinte
•• ERPSTDAT, r p K. :
Btielc,or StOne dwellings or storea • • ,
front' '.. • -. Oro 3.p . is depositi.
do - (10
- .do • do Taverns, .to 4 - .:dp
- .tto z ßarna.
— iltr'Stiddes, - (private) to
'do .do
_lys4er . , t .
• Power,.• !cl
•. • , , ANNUAL RISK.
Brick or-Stone dwellings anti:Fur; ..its
niuire front,, • SO to , 10r, $100 value do do Stores and -1 1terellIOL• •
1, •:tlize . 35 to r •- do'
do • do 'ravers and Fornitorts .
,dO do Barns and Contens - .
65 to 7 : • do
Staldes , , L
v.. - • /C lO 010, do
'do 110 Grist 1111 d an d Stock, .
. • 75 t0 4 80•, do
FranAF„ond Logdwellingsand Fur;
50 to 75
do - do--"Stires and 31ei•elian
Mize 65 to . do
do . do taverniand Furniture,. .
, . .69 to 100 do.
do do Barns and Contents,'
....*"9O to iqo ao
dq aldstock,
Trak sto
The subscriber .is.ugent hir the tibove emntiawy
for Cerlisle and its l•lthiity: All applicallozisfor
assurance either' by niuil or persqually, will be
pro l - usie 12, 1y43
----WPRIP railleo6
stihicriheri wishei to infdrio t le citizens of
1 _Carlisle and the public in general, that he has
opened in North Hanover street, adjoining_ Myers'
I hod Ilaverstick'i Ding
. Store, and ,nearly • opposilt_
the Bank , in the store room lately, ecempiettLy Mr
John I latoilton,a large and entirely new assortment
of stilenilhl r .' • • •'- -
"CCosisting C i lothsLCasstmeres; Summer
Ciotlis,- 4:TOTPropna, • Merino Cassimers,Slit - gle and
Double ,billed Fa noi,Catisi niers,lawns,
Balzarinee.,- 2 .Cloves and, Hosiery of all„ kinds and
descriptionalso a•W;ell selected stock cf - : - .
all of ..which he ailf.sell very loi;r for cAirt. 1 - re In
cites the public to calLontl judge for themselves..
Pormerly of the firth of Angoey IltAndersOn.
• . tr-Z.41
- - - •
~ . •
• • • .
. .._• .
.--... . . - . S.TO,RE
NFA1T,„4 7,5
TIM siihseriltera are; n w. opening, in the room .
JL adjoining Mr. I.)aineld .Mardwarß,Siore,anal
directly opposite to S.. Yilliottl i a Dt'ug Wien* an en
tire New Stock of Fan 4 nod sOpte, ~ , •• -,
f'"Ezt:t •
• • .., • •
cOntaininga general assortment of Ladies And :en;
tlemen!s ; Vear; such as Balzorines, Bareges, Mous •
Olives, Cloths,. 'Cassintieres. •Surtner . •Clotha,
Ckißootos, Londan. Plaid Mid Plaid•Drillings and
Codoii„CasPmere4.oliwartoilis de:m.l4o°w all Of
wfireli will betoltiat reason - able prAlit
ac.cAsit •
GED.' DI ,
29,4834, -
N. B. The Dwelling part of the Ip:msc. attached
to the Store-rdpm will be rented.
ehthiier Man
iefuNG:AN SUMO :spos',,
TH sulnieritipra havingirigenui entereti.imo co
POnershiih:Jir.e., noii„...atiening,at • thtfr i Btorej
larieni.L.Vgatierlikieesdimen49l, ,„ ,
• • •
..... lid se ; VOW Gl ' il i '''. . 7 . I N
oipi'mittililPTlMit 61 - ,ll.liMki, filue,..l”Ptk,autitiblie
Green; ('live. Blui...muLAdelaidQC.L.QTHAFAlso..
C'SSSISIFR.P, , • Gtimbropio,l. lAhten. , and -., (MUM
DriOti, .._llmine.E Millis and
kmipeii, .iiiiittPia,,glt . usbint :sod: I:00 1,4kw!),,.P0 , 7 •
nies .tr°, FrolehAjj4.•:E7tfiiii , 4 •,,G ilglimpt,;,lohita,iwia
.C.a*ap3;4iiiipthCkty.s,titillt.. Acitiiii•tua-Ohe its-:----- -
sipipoppl,vr,-Bolivpi.,ll4ltitl i Allitto, , ppti Strattinoit !. • . .
Peti t stiiici. and litpt• Gimp for , l4oll.llellAktifikMlNlV' ... -- ..... -
WS, (irpdp.nap,4lnd tfilonspd ,Itibtlip.c.ll.lozieryp
G 'tweak P* 1118 6 11 4 lAgliciTN - Palm-lcar;migl•Milla* r. . .!"
anti, Colored Corbel Chain lina,Cpttotiltato: A 1110.; •
plikgpiiid wel) ealipte4Pastumpept 0r ,,, ,, , ,li , I! ' -
, .
.-Alioobricis , And ' Qtioijaviarii.:' r - : . ••" - -
iiieii....,Airi r oli:!orgoisliiis , kep;viOe t ted;-: N iith, --.
.0.60 'itiie,.'tinir nal thex ,mtm ite.tprmjinit to jseli, at ;
wery . mopl.tprpfit!tfot.' ; 'CAsitpr. at tgiort.srtiit.,they' ' -
lippetpitecup,s. l ilietpl.siipre , Pf.Pki!olic., Pfroniige, , i. . . .
.':,,Tlia. pe'hji N r.p_prtner hivinit Jppg,keqii, Rthe.ilerk.- -
v idi'or ‘ the D4bll9;.fiiittiiii...lynkVißt.,ll.le-f-people
-1:14 iftkl'is, - Fsditkut;pieptd_vm , and give dm - tmyt7 ---- --,
firth a bee ktl;tliert•tore, 7,tic).4 , ro s it gopOtvgatile;, .
irtMl4 da well to pall itittimitt.iiplay.,.„.. ..-.- ...,,,.' -:•.- -.
...__ANDRYlVlLtitliCtalitiSpp-4-- -------
i" — THOII4B 41.1taiitilDS.:19.4
• Airil 24,1844: . • '-: ' • ....- ' 11-46 •
i.... i .• HA. , SAME .OL - Ott P
oAis.Rsi rkciritiro..tlie.oity with the !siva, . ...., .
assculmAnf ok; ' .I)ER.,;44,3P,i_PEt•T-r1:
,ithikticfo ihifiTtlaCe, which he ',lff, ~, ,J.E9 1 11,A 5 b . • ' ..,.
'SO genii a iiii.6e,l,oioimui - iiii'4lt;O't e
. 01;0,0 a i t 4
tie: tiegiar, •Oiqn mii;'ollier -iir10 , i . 11,1"..11 . i11, iI)M6ScITA..,; .. ,
iffilfitedifilittOation: , Lcallpiry:_..,......., ...,..,..;..,.
hetr o r - r` 7 "t . ”.,;, kIiPM4I.B , w
Coroeiot N 8 .1 4111 fM 1 0 4 e? 81: i0 tt 1 i,, 68 4.40tt5,t1.44 ' l ',
i directliiippositillollook , s,C ' "kr.r.sll4BXvu t i a L,' ~,, - . ,;„
: 'Crligle, May 8,18.4 1 ' . ~' ''' ": 5 -..' ~ .. -11 - 8 4 ' ....
• ' 6, •
fl i 6 U-rtillifibleAßS A 4 e -- 7 t±
~... _ . ,,g--.: -,..,207,j1;_ritt.‘5,e0
---- ' - '' .. "'UT, 'PRIEV4FEF'SsiBIatV*. 4 ' ,
i,•..t...,4 .0 - -, i - .... , „t , - •. -., .•
.-,.„ •.,-,- I U i
„t 'Ziti.iC ''ll'lofie /L . ti,' ii ih , * 114,-e ~ .
- ' I seilit Privatesille: : 11 . 11 i ,s.- ' -•---
priatiutafr.lher,wil, h - 4140001 IC '. . '
1. sible•PAßMion willies e^q!! 64,3--ir g ic - ----
1 , 04 ,' A vilitutptlkhetiantl corm et m ( .
.. ,
i cl-.
1 ) . 'e•W Isiui Bottom Rom!, 4061 '''k , . ,
west of Csolisk 99 1 ,, j a.ofprogikle, • ''..•` ..
tainiiiit;l97” Asti g( .Yittslll,7--(Fr
.I s 'Otalitte iii: reikliitedj, I)4, — plear r , ' 's : `'
-rnii* 'l - ' 4 ' ill.
11 Wr t eitT 4 3!) : bnitiSilrtteriin
Adjoins. rikchkpf Phillll , e a v t, ...,,r a irh er li ii irt
~‘ ,
1 , mestroliCa4Mo 01 7 M ,.._ .. 43 , •L; 4 . .
1 3therl• '', 41 /*Nt , 4 0 aorta- PAt o. , _.k,P o rt . -a. ,
A lr inimroys. uovtQytti,ibl.. 4l3 -orri ti 'rt -
InYtUirifir pea - . Kite Ft}
.6`.410 l ' en " 44 "i l it e itikriliwkii ii i
ri,A4oA,ttgkAgo,,,she4.301 l
, op !,), ttosota....,el .r..4 1,651,0
, J7l' Cr.nlit4inktl.Clritati Ar't•l't iV.YIfiN
17 .er "T;
Si* 41 0 0 60 r•q . 1 , 4 ' ).mtillp7..t. ,it:,:i-'•
A. et 1 4 2 , 1 , 1 1, •-- th,icatin.
.. ~%, 4,ifitt:ll'` .7:‘.. 2 - -2 L
ot . E. metig9,7,. I,vgrilii, Mrs"
I' `1 .".!* -"1- '
- '.