Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 03, 1844, Image 1

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EXIIOSIT012;:is published.
V , 00 kly. 'IWO DOL.
o annitm, payable within thieentiintlis
t)nnktil.tirnn ofsubseriblng; as:,'Two,tiot t toOsc
A NI) FIFTY GENTS, ; at thn.end of Abe.
eiiillisthiFt roil' wll lie far iese.trinh
'Ol ai
-retail-gee air"! paid foxeept^attlib option athe
to nntify tudistontinui.
o) pon t iorcji a nsw,:elngagegfent,
- dil n iiTtistng WIWI) QIIO ;alto Regal te
ei lei 'pe id; '
4 e
• .
If s ttVAso e.ikt;re (l, 44 o •4; l l;i4iihj.P
• them. • s
• ...OFFICE. in WestAlaiwts . trgetv tifew'dtmts west
the Court -Hgvitt .F.ittl,'pext•to,the..§mre.M .
Eby; nittV'ilsii_iit_the''it'eshlentl'ebrirohtt Reedy
• • S%ArljtiN,Noy..4 Ps: A 03,
at:Law:. • -
INHE: ugllecaign cd itVe-•—asioni fed—Lae
- Dartiiqua iputikiprapticeo oKLaw?iti Cumber
] old and PeOy•couuties. • One or both of thein may
e always s fou tl IMO consulted at 'the office hereto
, TetiOeltpietEbelVithecutttletynext4loor
:nrlishi Bank JStget attention will he given to all
utitiess plakettmOeir corer • • . • ,• •' •
' ' ••:":2•":?" LlnfUgl;
• ...Attorney at Law. . .
ritiktrifiiturivO.i) te ' lfeetten's gow t in the
LF•mioni terreer)v - oetelpied by S.
,c.rlisie4A_pril 8,4844._ • tf-83
Oft . W. E Li-. & 'M . ' O. I: U . RE.
=at Law,
.-llttora .
eys - at Law, .
WiLL - Atiati'lirotleptV toliusnlesi;4nsted O.
diein id' the tinontai or •eu mberlapd • and
ratikl'irr'Oliiceo, one door West of tlie , '.lail, Fast
1 igh h rest, Caliblet, and next door, to . Sttinibaugii
t (to yer's , brag - StOre_i:s,ldpitenblairg....„ „.__—_,._
Aiwa,. 1.1 - ,..18y1.':, •: ' • •
..... U.-2Q
orphans' Court gale of
'_RE-A-14,TATATE4, -
. .
virtue of an order of, the Orphans' Court of
ir Cumberland county, mill he exposed to public
tate, kenases, on SA.I the
that Vidnahle ITAPI, late the pro
pert,' or 3.04 Noi (A, - ,kro,t., Sitlnte 111 East Peatit
tmro' townehiii, Qutflberint.d aoitt6', about a mile
kml_4l. half trom__the Ilarristiurg,.bridge, adjoining
la ml ott rorgeltupley , clec'd.,.laeob niche] burger%
beira. and thd Jacob S. Ilaldeinan, late
(tp.tire Itupley's) bent:unit% almilt
as a great uut»hcr or.,largo locust trees in
::eery iielo on thus place, The iroprocurnents are a
good Two: Story lVentherhosr(le,l
1101,J1iPi ;tot'
w sfw,o tutAtorp crib attaclus4 , F
there is a outfit,' of 'never fAllug 'watt.
in the barn' godtl Spring hottae
aid gleing at the honkie : and nil lhc,requiate
IF . sltt!Ohtt . lurid she!! forty% alp
Lt fltd, place; There is an ex..elient OnII A RI) of
first-rate crating treesomil 01 . 1 beaing. Thisfarm
00 0I all:alnterpOstatitl ratlfence, and the whole
.0 in good Orter,nittl at it liyst:Tate_Apaiity. of hind,
with wptiir:iit brill is very eon
::plow to the Ilarithurg, market, ullich makes it
tlesirable tiootor,y rcaidWme.. , ; • .
Sale, to.'nonimencifat on-sahlidav,
Avlien tot 4,is, and +Conditions will . he made known Lv
. .
. •
. .
S"..k.NLPF.I..- IiESIIOIi.E., -
' ---"'-- --"--
.."-- -7- '
of J cob Maltz dec'd.
„. .4.4liwiloPtqam.. a • . . ' is-31
• , ,
Ma p, 18i4. -; .. .
tri.L'elic.eiten.ll.Tniow_ . inn! p, to IlMOUtie..ol $!,50
toui_seoll h,jll to this office.. . -
g0i,, , A:,:p:1•::,A;(1. , ,e;.*T,:.5 - 3_61.E.
~. , . . .
. ... ON.'rnit. , C . AS . M.P.14N4
4 k . '''
Y .'O. 4 I , Striiioberril Ikeet it a( e p isa.
. ..
• , . • , . .
or EIE - kiiicablitiolii7- - Rei4 In thelr. , preripttt
-* • !. :iiiiiniiiiiinelii : Vertfilieitai rro s as ,
• ---r . .iT-4-rh-r-ir7,..•‘b tl
. ientirp, rtc....1.niffi,.( 0. 0.,pi. an
,i . .. Amp, ia .. 4.., 5 . 4) , 0 y.
t!) Or4 j lll( 4tl i , i lP , P-Utii '
Pdt;,..,,11CYi94.4.; ,„X,...
Beaulliiir trifithrial 3 . 14 . :, , . ;
neat B .4l>e.rtifig:lPTo l 4.).,, - , ;F: , , ;,: „ ,1, ?,,,. - , „ . 1
. ,
- --Fine"liPo:oolP.MP filgkez -, 3 : ~ .CARPETINGS`i r • .
.I,Jarnalik Venetirin, ',. ~:' 1: -....p+v, ~,.
Pine Englidli AVI:111610 .116: ; ', • . V
-, irlairkSfripe4 -.*---- •:- ' LA0...... ________ll=4l_ , :,
iKilt = 4 1bP:611.434/hB , fl.OM-1-t . . 0-PANI N.i
to ii 1.11 4 -11 1 -18, ihti Is, Eoll'lON,4 7 ' . ..Wifi 410111.11. hearth
.. • 12n,, 4 a,'P100r liiiiiea, Itiiire-inittPiiinii-Coveric-Canw
t onitigitingoStair,fipAllii;poor Atittlol4ll.loge,flit
iiiture,Ojt,clo4.li4v;Akp;,;:grlo aur*e.pliptiricifign'tr:,
- iiie!it:9o.9,w. pncedAngrf!inh;,iu.SPl 7 .4tl7,,fttid roStaiP,
2 . 1 - - Voiptits ,, i , PiwOis-A:trnk(*itily , 1. -- o . ,4 9 ,ty,a t ni 001-.)
• • kva ii4c64ingtp,pwojia,.oo-fq;l944lll,Are-reiniej.4lllt.
:-iii7liteilgO.Mb ~,; iiii14),...41aT-;;;:i:4K,:'niti 7 ,,:. i 16 ?.1 , ,), i f ,
ANNlo . wor , liotievoilmi.2Q9;,,,to i .ooo,o.o . o,,CO.k .7.
,•titimf9n pi11e,43, mhooli)c,frlywiailli:A.cia„,itPnl4osi
i G. Country 3 'qi•elaniitsAs poritt.::,.4ii t ~ , , , ,,u2.:.;-,1;:::
! --- 7.. ~tlp), -18;...3) OT,4IF,RiI"
14-0...M..,,gt*i.kg11,1.4116-31.v.qr:i4k,o',4A;n3ut. "'el"
. .SdepNlipt. entraniie 016, at ;fel.; 4t. , :aputtii iica'ol4l.:
• ' titytiV4,ll",itil4, ,d9 l l# l .oogri- ~./ Y, r i:'.1+,..., . .1 ii'', 0 %11.
I % , arrui'vr !Ali,' vi ' , ri ~ i e ~ 4i t t t- m 'ciT7,- , ;, '.i, 8,1049,
~ ..: 00AlE;fitAl "110 TEL: ", ; t;,
w_.....,.....,4.,,,.....„,,...._.,....,-. ---,-- '
1 : rifiliti4ll,4i4l;iCr:;l4,,,iii t catiliiiiyifiti.,;, IA;
AL reigilliA4 1.114 Rtaieditit 11'9 hili ogitiveil rcjzoit
his ohl ithll4 - 011. WotlAigi) 'l,(i'dtstO.the,lo4llllllDttfia
lo,tely Vey t lly ,cilliit Illbs II 0 1 1 - Solliii46,i likrpet,
10 this boiotlili,;s'ilf tVitshilipo t inl'il,4flClAM
AitllVrp,ll_d tivill'he also iii4 knuria#,Ro!krocilA, rrimp
pui..conarT atictkios,.6,l,,,ntstimatuziodittAt:-o,iairi
iii'the best and - west comfertbble manner., ~., .
, Ills tlYett ( thillliWiticiiittAtitlyWiPAteit t i'llar tlitt .
biloieept. ki ituovs, mut Lis. TA a l o p .withilib, trot,tliv
toltrkeePdakir filen4ll'. +'',,i, igileful 'oBl'o3ll al weni,
kept tiiiitt lithig-Z-ilitintettte i g;;sl#ll,b6 iqiuoi,i i if
to pieis6 I AoWetlii wiiii'ill :-, , ‘," " .7 ' - ; '
BOARDIIIISAbIieab'y kiittwi'c,‘kVllollltrireari
- . , • ANputly 4 ltoup T 1:
Api4t ft, 1,844. - ‘ - '.z ~,' s r• I .:ir
- 1 ,,,,,____,.' ' ' sr"...i": ---- '"" ' ''' " '
... ~ I f, , ri. L .', ok, '.l ..,. 0 a. .y 1 't l . A",
14,emugeThi?liplioring pobliabrimornext
, flppFsts,Alis4lptqlsopw,%pstistllllbil•hpittitlrew,',
I 0 0111 1 010, aoßtbillhinftxbk strbettttd dit'Allkillfr
bositeltistotAar fishlebee, Oltereliti will bb itlespeit
t o Itttdittl,til his -old trusteetere anti the' pul!ii, - 1, ge 1 i0..,,,
fil l
• prow, Aq a . experjendt jil _th?l?eittiell,:toeitt
ihkt liedlat., ll V4l% 0 4.110 LigwrAwl i ltitt,
1 Otlitittit Ivttl i k et to ~ 4 .„, , ,* 1 / 4 , .., . ~,
Ti to imp* er/yr/Nitta wilt tilshplitOfietiO4.
oi h r
p ) ,, and ,wattilb; i 'alai ottiltOd ,to*lii 01 , 46 , 4ti01t ,
a rkdkonik! eafiintionh*re4Aolt , ,oyt rop,
I_,le;'_eitgl, , Plikould-arkkv,lll hitusefroc.ihe
VeldlltillPPridititY t o . tetorn bie,thititits id:1 1 14
~ 1•11 u
tog, plitronetot.thei s t 4 leberstlliti liqest brit, "print,
/mention to' b jtailte $ ItnoLlf dt titiTm*plemeil o •
tient rr , ""anitsrg - ' - hit, ge - - vtifteef , - -
" if!
+„~.Fr.~. : ;. ~+~ ' ~L i~~~~GJ ' CliW'i3 oa . _~'~~._~._~)~-r,,
r;LV • " L
-tlu a oltrzon,,sa. tong
ia:stagln trnderian,obliga. ,
(lon ,';:tkinier Vines
priyato or n'.htibllc.
'4l4tian'‘..thyltioiiNlni;jr . rest assurad that in 0111nr,
coricl,itiral - I 'gnat stand creist,..,*4lr a: spirit nncon
iitiatactilirl?llalifa;:nn4rigeic.rparlkin second tbeir.
ekerttnns aknnion
• •
knlSard - way
Is blehtllng intoperfect day';
The. alandO.s . bi the' venal
; .2,
roi• ifiOu urt . atill , usqluitijinet
I'he hope st.fro'g and patist.nieu: . • .
boosts if) 1 ilb fiergizeal
/Y .
Thy lipart ite joy in Inman went; • .••
Stithlreeilly tongite to-soothe or warm;
—Still keen its fiery iiiinp.'or scorn
•:•Still;Onrit thy 'soul uniOinett tind*stitono;:
7. the . rcitiieg;iplits',inOie . Of wro ng;,
Stilt.Ost i nPreedoti Freedom's ranee to stand,- -.
• rho nhantltton rf her-favorite land, --•
• 0 l ; vvltt telltve were pomp end shunt; •
highest . ifts could oulTtake
New bonors 4 l for their wearer's _
Xpr brighter make - thy glory shine; -
‘..No—manner ones-mny borrow-fame; - -
Thine fives through every change the same.
,I'lfc Grecian as Ite-ftuals-his.floek. _
In Temlie's yak; Morea'2l rocks,
Or where the glenin_of_brigliWALte istiterei
Is caught whiteeartn , d datightere
'While dwelling on' the dubious strife,
Which usher'd hi liistiatiou's
Shall mingle in.his grateful lay, ..
'llozzaris with the home of Clay.
Where blush.the. WHIM' Weed the Sciuth
O'ei! Cutooki's fiery month,
Aitil'tnuitdtliclallen Inca's gravoi,;-
Thepumpa roils its breezy waves—
. The Patriot-in his cOuneil-hall, ' • •
Tltc solilrde at his foctreis wall ,.
breve, the lovely.nodtheft*,
Shall.ollbi• up their prayerktor thee.
And where Our.own fair vallepsmile,
_And-temple-spire yid lofty pile •. •
CrOwn, like the &Sidon of a dream,'
The slope of every mountain stream j •
NYliere industry and plct uteet,
I:Win-brothers;in the ervded street
Each spire And innimutin upwArd tient,
Shall be thy fitting monument. , -
Still siniid erect !.--ow , hope nail trust,
'hen law is traisupled in the dust;
Wiled o'er our 'halters yet green grapes
among n. 4: For , 'proictiiii . g them by a
smelt trial, from punishment for any mur•
ders which they should commit on the in
habitants of these States : For cutting off,
our trade with all parts of the world : For
imposing taxes oh us without out consent :
'For depriving us, in many eases, of the
benefits Of trial by jury : For transporting
us beyond thp seas to be fried for pretend
ed offences : For abolishing the free sys
tem, otEnglish laws iii a neighboring pro
vince, establishing therein an arbitrary giiv
etionent, and enlarging its boundaries, so
as to render' example and fit—instru. ,
• i
a nent for introducing' the, same absolute
rule into these colonies: For' takipg away
"our charteri:abolishing .our.tuoit valuable l ,
- laws; - and - alterine - rfunilimontally-the-forins,
of our government': For . suspent4rg',Our
Ai ytii.:-eilitilitiii-ei,iiidilOslaring,illsois.olvesi
filovetiteittli:•portver 7 to-legielet ti-forktirim
all-Cases t'VhatriOetor':_lie'llii.s:abtliOtedgOv
it nott3nt ' here; iby declaring us out• of 'his'
r tViirtt', jo. the Course laf• hiniihn etibtits it i protection; .and Wagitig4-war animist iIS•-« 7 '.- 1
- bicpmes ' nebessar:y . for
,„i.)iie people it: tlis' T I_He has-plundered , Om. tleafli ravagsdL•our
eel vel,ilicPelitial, hal/4 W l hich.liave L epri.. !'coasts ;_ burnt. e.tif',_h? tyna'!andAleistreYell-Itlie l
..necied-thou)-Itivith-linotlier-,Titietti—ngirthe livei..-04.i115-0ffi1:7.71-11Tiliki7iiciiiii7fime)-
ailiOngiliS4t4grs'f the reiitli:tlici:e.p'erittifransPOrtliti-IYr4ll',.:tit:ttlY#7llllit'ergoo-065
1 .
- stfdlccivalWlßToAxl.l , *li'tliF laws- of ne-.-- i ,tlaries...iii_Aciiiiplete...thimork. of dgelli,idetit
iiilkti ',Ai ; : 64%,iiiiiii:iiii"," .d,Y. ititlei iiii*-..-a lc:Diation!°?n,,tY,titt-Yt','lt.;,th,itt.t;-I'.(#itait,44llt.:,
' ecout respect tozVol - i 7 epliiiiiiis Of. , :iiiiiikind ettt.t l tßetifoie Of c ruel t y and , Pcidliyi seilrec-,1
;lAn' ire:s"th'Sf l pi - e . y. liliqiild s .'4c`Filiiii`',i4' - '4 ll ::, l J,i ; ,pralleled'l , ii the; ~ m ost. liarliaiiidS , ,ge , s;
tee IW:itjell 'ini PelitiketnAir - tlichißpritalidii; —..- f --. and ! .tO„tit*ljnyhiitiii`J,W,liiiii:,'Orro Civil
'" ' • •'• -•— 41,1 oily_
0 '''
' l ' d 0" ' • '.' '' ' 1 -'':- Oa nation - - 'i-fte , 'li•atil 'do - risivaiiielbiiiivral:l
AV 6 iii*r,fil6436,l 0:16,".1:16TA el r - e
* 1 den t':' ; ' ''' ' ' :'' , ~- --- •.„ - .....r, ~ ,r -.- •,0-.., h
" - thatl'`ere•dreid,ed , e4ll,6l'rtliat tlfey , l'. ° v ,9'.. , ... e qR , .• e tt•:...94PitY 0 .0 3 11! 010 . .190
' 6 -1 6 'll' %"' ii!b" . ...iii"'6' ''l', - ;'• 1 ••' 1 • I ,oi4'iii '0 beaf arms agaitiiit , thei`r-ctm'nfi±;,fo,
r.l „!,1,..-9WP, • f,...Y.. tie,: ....... 8 ?,, .r t • 1 ••• er,ain • ' I ; 1 e ,,,1„; ; ; ;; ',1,, ; ,., , ,,, -.....,..x..,.- , , ~1,...p.,„ , ~-;.,;,,,. , ~,,,
linitiienable , ,fig,iitil; itint*ltiOniptilioil iiiii l '-.,:' ‘L'"1"!. 4 7.t•Y,1,7 ii t tt.T9,.ttutterP.9t. 1.!,, 1 , 01 c.,/r1 01 . 04 1 :
lig; riibe:i4l/,: 6 , ii'6 4 if, ii4 - 4 . 4o4lj4': ' 6r,'.bV'p' u is"::.... : Eil , l , ( , J ., ;,b , 4 ",'',4ePf ti,rl . l ? ) fa! l3 •!heiii , itt:!,MYr 1i.:,q..
'Philt;.!O•siM/ie:` ri g tile 0 gitviiiiiiiiiiifi . . 11 P.`,;.1, ', ) 1 1 ,#, 1 ,14,4:_icq. 1 04;4q.41,,0,49: : ine Y rre0;
are ii ns t p u tedfliiiiiiiik,'lhf,o4;''derii4li l i;':tliTift7 4 , l .. lol 4•'-PA ""t atTils t'i9d • '' l - i t.ftl'',etlitent'Pi.44,'ltg,
Just 'Povt:erS fr ' inn ihe 'iiiitielii of.the ' i/' '''' '°..rinii. (i!l'Oi,l'A')iiii-O.i•ktP:ll(*i4t,'-'443:',:1-fr'jrfritler67
form - . „-_,,,,,,„.,.. , ~.,J
eld ); , (I)at.i.'svhe:tieveiA k ily, , Ot•gliverii- `11!? Pr.i.qr!"°o""'"•°:•4aY6g.eft'olll'ile,ktll!
:menu•••''''• ' L.l i• ; ~ ~,.., ..-,•-• I.lit .., o'••• , ,,•• •', t , ' rai s e •otifaitarp `lii-iiiilisieogtiiiilie`te.'il'aiiirti6','
, geb.:Unes:desttuctivolo ; yieec,etkusfit ..,,,,.., , .4.1 i ., : ...-1 , / .•••,....:,..!•.,••••• , f ,' • 4'. ', ... .. '
A the rlgiti a veopti:ople;Ad alter Or.tirl 0" A i PA'Aritgl‘og (4 4
. - i.c...rt,1, 11.0 :A ;AV t r' ,4 % .IPk y'r / d 3-4 i l V - Y 4l, ..,', L . , '
' 1 )111 zelllfy f {lwo ,01,,', tnettk,OPpreasionitivite
T.t.-t....4( ‘''' • ' • . , '....;;;-r - •
dievet -7 p 4 entroiftid' i •h; l4 , etiOtie.,..',o::ttiq lf.lfAtii,
ittiiiiirO j te t tlPV4tlit r 6inial l et ciirons'ilas4
• be c, ep - la nttWe tednY l tti 11-:,fffOlcd; cr
•.4 - iiinitkigiloo64'!,c4 9 l,,ill 4 B:lnik 4 dib
re*erT'; ...... yr,l
.ii l ;irb'il'o f filiii" , :av't'jt,i ) ili:r:lD
it , i tv., , ,it, ,, , , t 4
. .y : LA ...i,_! . ...„,
li tintlfPli,, , W;Tß,Frj, 4 ll‘ 411.0ttPRople:2;.r10:i
i;V r l4 k: i l i i vet:4A ie ' i*.dtit.iii:ooV4o4ll,o l
o :o' .. p:o;livk i ; ' o 4 yifi:o4):?:* - 6'7 , 44!", -, 4*iiined.
.iiiiinf fr'olii, tittio4o:tiiheio,t4'ilitiitt)itft.`siiild'i
4g04y14 kli/0.4i . 4 . ii.141;14ai' . 4144;,
~ritti.ipii,4;44lo ic.tib.iiioy;i:iw...tww litii4iFi!
1)!'•4 ' •,, t - ~ . .., 4. ..a..,1ti., . .t.;;Airk..A1i- . .01,..b.,, .••E:t!k•.•
P l Oi de t i 4t ie 4 l o.3 i gA i 1C 9 .014 0 , 1 0•9 8, Mi.-ogr
kinlfgrasLon , And,9o ileMeislliete:44/4Vehhfe s
li 4' pieiietii)ilfl44 l o . 4lliVe4l)l l l4 4 /IYalliiir
• .31 'ti vie , v . t , , ,, ~.: 4 '1%, , , , ';' t L ,4 , , . '' ~,. .•••• , .,:7/.
411 7 1i 14:0045.., i#,Ori,i,'#99 *O. 111:Q , l.''
~I .' ' o " i ij , . ."': I t . . " i . i' . " . i .- 24. f ;::
11 1
)1 ' 1? ti'' ' o3 ' ' '1170. 4 ,11. 1 . 1 .1 , '' ' rtr- .... .1 -..F . ., , ,L , .,n; .7..!,
rVo ''''
1 114* ( 44 , 11 0i ilif * l i t- .14iiii l l 4q0&
,* , ,
~.. ', ,• r ~ . ' ,.i .s , ' ."
r' Y‘ili. 'lt . '
4it4Pf7( ,li ttV ii ot il i f t 1 1104 1 kit i tiing 41 0 1 1
tOpin:aitt al; poqi.Viiiiili , boiiiis if
1 , -it l / 2 ;...t , a ti v l . 7 4 t A iivt.:4 ,ii. 1 , 4„, t
..,... ea 1 1 $ 6 , iir oeptiftlsk"l/2M7'
0:1400,,0it,tv.wv:, :1 4,.,-..., is.- ~, ~,,i ioi. -2,.11, i
t,+!AkiVi,i44.1 1 ;14.1. , ,fq41,T.1.,t9r ,t , !. , ,,12-'
'Ode' ' .. thl* ,lle'Z
And sons of those wbo, , side by side,
Smote down tilt lion banner's pride,
Are girtlirg, for &carpool strife, 1 . '
For blow for blow, for life!
L•et others rob the public store,
To bOY.Their ill-used power Tam more
Slit link back from truth, tool open wide
The flood-gates of corruption's tlde;
'Flue 9611(lest in thy couuu•y's cies,
Unshrinking from its ferutiny,
° And asking nothing but to show. ' ""...
now,Lir a patriot's zeal can go.
And those whale trust iBlir.d.on
Uribought, unpledged, and truly tree
-- g'hey bow,not hlcir.don'n ;
'they acorn alike the bribe dad frown;
Andorking nierreward
__For , bartereil faith, fir !loam'
Seek, faithful to theli.
~„ • .
ipitimausty-pc . ived.4n
- 71fibilitnMr - tr'" at48.;0.
uh - it - F.tr_tlt,cillkimenovitieii4lifiyoid;
ifiyilii,b44o4,44 . o r _.,);izi'di): . .'f
. p r i n ci p l es,
sn4,,lyghnizini, its owe, tin such l'is,W3: 'a'
f9 ,4400404i16;1 . 1i500413;A0';efi1i 1
itit aniFty atidlitligo r st,s?f , Pr — rtd . lisi iti e '
(I;il4, l 'aek4ll, l ;E .4 lY - t 4 A II-0,4-4.-- .. -
V , 5 I ,1T, • ./?;.17 , 1'11.1 sow govemsrienti o 1 0
06 1 , 11446 14 0 u4401ienfiiii0401
ind 1 ttan , . 16 A.;14, 1 i,,,,y,, , ,0 tiNot w - 4 ¢,—, eVi
;1,,6 1 ; .:1t1 -Mt Ll- 4 4 1 v4cOgthn,g1Y111
s nonce bath shown oth'iitr"niiliiid h re
In , " I N' "PP" 4 storiaerio whikeivilis 46 .
O t f t,a likik i . ( f i /, i i;let; iliioo4o, 1 4,1 , '"
bolisfunt thegrornw ttilisOlttlietiis'Clftl:t
4p B ;: f l a i e ti , ift, t 4tlo4.444 vow emo I * -,
?orrttc-"FYqlY+,lqng' Tin orioint-'
fn ~;illt1P01101111;114VROMAlig'
f i' eti l ittg ot .1 1 ,40 ~,,, , . , .4,
if, ,' V ,"l 7 lq-41,"11,11P.P,i'VP"Iptl i t# , rodune
1 )01.11 1 1 op aye 4 0901411(` - 444is` " I ''`` 1i
1 1
,th e i r it-Aott , t , kli. .”-' ' L' , • e,l l,3 4Lift
o,,ttPioi2,Li.tlathety% („j r ,4 ,- , 161.4•41104i
r94444fAn# k ie— 1 0g F i r iF 1641421;dr .
Aktletagq , o • , tifworiffiOr'i
4 i0 1 0641 - fil r igi ' , ., , 4 i1e 0 •,, , _.),44zd V„
w *obi' ktil&. 141/24/1,:041 sto,
TO 11 4 1,ttirillP' tlii
.&em'i ,026., 0
i .f l 4 l ; 4 l i f k
` ri tee l #
fk latl i.'
til* l
,-, ;17]_r_E. - :.: - : r7-' 4-- t , i:',:::'lt':+',.. - ",7,,,' ';'-' - '''Y
',,j, 4 ,'.' . -4,7.;,. ~,,:4,,,,i,.;,,,,.,. ,".;;;., - . 1'!7::::r17,4 . ! '.
1 .,
i ) *( ! f t. i i er ti:,ht: i:4 •4 l3 4.• : , t ,i.. 6 c iitt i e e tt4l 7 , : o .tt iti , .-.•••-•-•41 •-•,-, -4, , 4; •,c , -t-,-, , 71,• , ..1...3- , ...... ) :
' , ...04 ,-- i*i i- 70 - yoittlV`4,' - eiili.3:iats:ii ;'iii.p.
Most WholiSMtie,-an'd pecesiMry'forpfc'icb•z
:11C'dtiilt1: 1 1ie !i #
,i • Oblddeit Oi S' / .o.4iiniii:'s',
io;,l.PaSe ., Ta:a4.,..lMMM)ta . tok, stiVl.=• • iesiiiim 1
, Im•
p '' ot l
ta t• lM S, u
' U le •` s- ' ,i • , i - ' i • is p.
-' t • . d '' . ed''l n ' ,thel t
eistlons..tll. bis,asseit should le - obteinC#'
i,and'ulipk•b-EPi,ld .klhiAl-:teriYiVtl
'gldOed to attend-to their t , :_Heihatiefusid
'tkpass otheilevtikirdr4ho=n6blicitutitil •r:-•
I ,'•
-oClargc : distijete ofpeople`, :-- unlesstztliosti
:people' would reliMiuish" the tiellt`CE edprp-,
.setitetiptOttt -11 4.ttiisimitro - ti4-101:41Miz
•.. , ,
mable to •thein; ''afid - foitifidSbl - 6, icyq.rincei,
only t 1 ' Hulas called togetber legislettire•
bodies titplacei;uritibual, 0 Ocetifftitilible'and•
- ilistitillepit, UV'
irow - the reposifory Of their:publie
.reeords,-,:for.the 'sole' ptirtiOsaarfatigliitig
theiii . 'jatOOtitpUanee ~with
,mcaWures.:i .
repeatddly,foropposiiig with Manly firm niTse
Iris- . invasions otillie rightsof the Peripler
Hehas.teltieed,' for along time After suehi
dissolutions, toleaute..others•to ba , elected
whereby the jegislative 'powers; incapable
annihilaiion, have 'returned to the people
rge-for-the ir-exerci s'ettire - S ta Le r
lag in the meatitime exposed to all the dan-j
gers of invasion from Without, and . couvul ;
sions from within He: has endeavored to
- pteveatlttepopulation oldies° States ;_for
that purpose obstructing the laws for itatU
rOlfzatiOA,-of--foreignerS ; refusing - to pass
others to encourage their fili4rations hither
.und_raisilig_the-emidilionS of new •apprbbP 7
tious of lands : He-Has obstructed the ad
ministration of justice, 'by refusing. his as
sent to for establishing judiciary pew . - i
ers He has-made judges epeadant - ohliia
will alone, Air - the tenure f
.their offices,
and the, amount and payment sale
Ties : lie has created. a maltitnile 'of 'aim
'offices, and isent.hitlier swarms of officers,,
to harrass our people and eat Out.theik sub- 1
, standii:tHe ! , hps lepttairetig -- usVilf
"peace;. standing armies, - without the -Gen"-
sent of our legislaturee : affected to
render the military independent of aralsu-
Perior to the civil power: He lifts' combin:-
ed• with others tki subject us to a jurisdic
tion foreign to our Constitution, and ac
knowledged by our laws;, giving his as:.
sent' to their acts orpretended legislation
For quartering Lille ()tidies 0r
; Zr•
; • , ,:,t
PenjaSSegOleka PP e , tri Or t-k , Oß r P in •
3 thigti /41116- .3 , 4lol6?lfiji'reftiri'd:l:6co - 9'i
intention?,t;ntorotifly Pi! au - ,
, thority of 'the'doo`peoptei'.4 thetie cold
lunited - ,76.sloiii4L7iiiji;:i7a4 ;o l?;ri g ki- 1
, o0g111.,„10',Iie;Irenil dePendent,Stateet
!i l liht.Ntliey4mabanl IF6M . e?'
of:, the Dritiih
Icon nex beiWC ern '
that . - 67mulTindependent s 'Staten•-;,Jhey
, have full_ Tower •:49: levy imet,' , ...'eonclude_
I peace, contract alliances, - eatannah coot
inne_the, and to do all "ethei acts . ,6 11 thinge
'which indilienileni'states 'mai 'at right do,,
P119.. 1 , 1- 1 0 E5 tbiaArelaratieth
I'vith a
,firm'rellande upoh the spioteetion
Divine l i rovidence, we muttitilly. 144
each °trier ciiir lives i • (mt rorttilies t :pi but
_sacred - lupor. -
. .
.. ,
tly.-The-z-New"l, Yaric Cciurfer .says . that
.while Ittr: Polk we's' G.4tertiVr 'cif 'Tennes
see, instead . 0 f at end inVio . Atie duties of the
1 rollre - e - and acting under . the -rearalnt,ivhigh_
his position would liavelmposed-upon'him
if he had been of the'sligheekt deli-.
eacy4lie took occasion on the 4til of',iiill,
18ID, at a public Meeting of the Locofocost
at Knoxville, Tenn., to nominate himsOf
foil•c-ilecliqn, and he forthwith proCeeded
to open the campaign in person, and bring 1
to bear upon . the issue all-the gubernatorial
influence. with whieh he was invested:
The - people of that section thinking . this.
ttes - not partaof the duty for - which he had
lieen'eleoted„cipressod - thefi Feifiure very
freely, and finally the,Qrand Jury at;--the
.Bevier'Connty Court presenter! the Gover
nor cs follows
_Executive of _Our State-Jews
Poix,_insteap of being at_bis,post!.
L ekeeutibg &laws, devising meails of -I - in;
pro'ying 'thc deplorable condition of
country, and of restoring to it the prosper
ity it has lost—he; our- GOvernor,,'found
traversing the State; chodu - e:ting-the dee
tioneeeing campaign, for tke elevation of
others and to keep in train the System
which is so oppressi r ve, and in power, the
rulers Who ask for power at such-a price.
ms we resent as a most' serious
grievance, a dereliction of duty, in one who
ought to ho-a 14h . ftinfitiorvy--4n evil ex
ample to others who may be prompted to
do. the he, and ivnieli s in the end, will
prove the overthrow of our free institutions,
Foreman of the Grand Jun•."
A NotLE SE fitl IEN r.—'This is an a
greeable world after alt. If we would only
brim ourselves to look at the, objects, drat
surround - iii`in their true light, We should'
see beauty where before we beheld tlefoi 7
tnity, and listen to .harniony, where before.
we enuld !leaf nothing but .disoord. , To
be sure there is a great
_deal.ol anxiety,to_ i
meet; we cannot expect tosaii-uptin a Burn
..•- , . ,
mil coast fotrever; . 'yet
.if we preserve a
bald eye and steady hand; the can sotri in
iiiiriaillipta: WteolitjA . iL.wi4 • o.,...atuaid.
the'quieksands and. weather thekstorm -that.
threatens shipwreck'...- we, are m'einbers-Of
one grt - A,tniiir, - icve:ati ' travelling' the
sanie;rtia4 - a - lurifiall tirriVi; at itie'jiaite goal;
We brbith :Eh? .. 414 iiri4!reailbji , g4..(o,,,tfift.
Same,;liMiniY - ," - shall -: We - shall - lie - Al - owrr . up - Oti;
. .
..the-of-ottr-conamon-Ttirothei,T- Itrii -
Mit , becoming:then', ~that' binther:; shonld
ha te-brothe ri...!it J-fs not pi;operltht frietidL
Should' deceive frianti; • ii,741 tint..-il,d4ifil)S.i:
'tt;!4_,_liii'o,fillii) . !o l !ki#e-ill 44-hli0;-,1y4;p
ilii ,- ,aitin.'! t ~ l iarli4r ;44 niiti , againust .
lint -- fellowt,ttloactaLlialf..tertjoymelite of,
11(0.4 rid - ti iiir),ll(ei"B % iircrific . exigieqcii.l•:tel
ttstear.:from:oilnlieelliti b'oloiecliiiviiiiiil!
that invests every,o,bßF,twothe grecn
ii 44; of 'ji;alUusy and • 'fttitiPleitiii, !,,lltrn, , • . a
deaf car to the tale' of ;seandal,- hrsailia‘the.
!i ' Olikp r ic4 , rlAY.4 ll 9ROgr,?hen 6s 4. l o .l 4
' '-tielifgnsilifigkiifllitiiiisit kitidnelltlisWell'tfri
ii:F i Yi 7 fc - itntalr; , so'.. , thrttkiliti.!:!4 - ildett' uga`'t,'
. .tv , illlbseoeci44 o Gtiiii;Piiiil'iliiirlailit t lif
. 1 . -' ,. .- ',..;.. - I to , ~ ..-1..', $ „.....,,i. , ' ..„..0 _ ,0.3y,•,,f
Ilin.bles `d bbl more tail..,!!„usp9ri,
..„„,........,, 1 ....,,,..
~. ,
r! li -61 10 ; i .' ; 1 r- li-fr.' t 't. L '"' . '..t.'ito . i . '
t,..., 0,11 ''. ' ,Y ,. W;;••..igNiam.•' ....__, "" ;
,117'1 ,,, • ,,,,,, 121
' liar .t.t TfoNs cial.Atstinti.o.aii4ratilit Ise&
l ;
ing!ttiat`tiretti.lo-the'.'ehtiiiaclerf!a2gOolltif ; il
i i rfir T,i i ,itiri o i g ni if;'i: tii ii i lio t yoi:ik ' n4'444
. . ., ,
~1;., ..,,, . ~- • ~ ',A ,
1, aplY-,4OPyPIPPen.I.,Y. Pl'e;Thal!"''ulle-,b6:'H
"; i ,4,1 1 slid' ' - ~ .1 ...,;'.
~, rt I, Tbij:,-.4.qt. l iglip .
' " laiiii it, , ,lloll.MififfP'arsiti/iiiiiiiiindlicagP
, k,ktgifithiinitinri'i:LiddAd'4Blo');iiii'r j tigrjrt% ) ll l ',
-*.'!'f4,!'",i ,i. tem. '.; -.t.,;.i i , , i' - .4.t. •••.:', ? . r:'4 -,,1 1 ,•,,,
t ig i fs d "; -., :ifp .-.r ello o . ,, frablt ,, tlP:4 ll.s tielo-Oh -.
'icqiiliiiiiiiiikiftiiia It§iiiiiir liViiliiiiit4VlT:
'',' ..1. 1. 0J * 4 4- ,4.1.4- ' 1 r,-. 44
0 11311 ; ;4 RgF }..,' a; triettlentlioillierlltlibiisliko:;!
-, ,,ucTAlANis ,, ,w,itifikioliipoplo,ohookix 9 tiy!
itlii,loposiiik*lka#6l,li*Oft'fiP"irgolj i lf
464140tioriiiiitIOIrieit 417'; ''' 91)j ''
?AFC' 9 4095511% 1 ,,:::, •Oft :: 9, 0 1 #401,C.4 1 .4 0 ,
f' 11 10 ( tIT I IIIW-011.'P.0. 0 0g°,4,,49'PO,k0,t
? 4 z : •'' 44. 115.04 1 4 . 4t4 .. ,i ,'!'4 4 ,A0 i i i i1 1 , 1 4.0,t10,444 0 i
.viiii o o l o:l4: 4 4teMi'fiiiljitiii)it*tt 1 11.1 1 0
V04)4 .4 h4444 1 - 4 14.), i iiitAitilid ' : . i.:iii i
~,!: 7. - .„14,„,;.,- .1..' , 10 . 0 1 .7;i01.C , iit , ' ikAl f
ti1 1 i 1t191:. )!10 . 3 "0 04 . ,' 0 , _ ..Aqqqkktr,, ,, ~4. !1...
iik u l4),..' o .* o 4t e tr i sC 4 .o . ;:iii)
,'„iiiol4.lf.'„ :kotilot4, ,
. . ~..
, P11:1114C.-LANDS.
. .
AfonWrotAurizattAno.N... - •,.... - 1.-Fi
i•ibeitain iich.,rnan• dying, left ,large,
lande4 estate:an& tin ttieione ;monad m#y'llii
aigkinfdin . Y.foritis.ebil•T‘
Jire'n;'antrdfreetea titat-n)
'fend feAtiir!
• ! - ,- , 4-••••••,!.. V'''. •
iiI,I 4PF !Alf ) ::Ck i f4q r P4E - 00
'At,t'pc, the teti tutor's hi guardian, : as,
tiotn time to-time' such - pertitil - te' r
the -
stFctoq . in
this, he spyeci children
Ptoy to. Oeect,to, theut.the tandk, min
,them from•tiine to Wile, - as tico'inatket
oeryekniidditle the rii(iededs
_ •
anifing tligni,
___ki _tlio tiquestaiSi
rep.resentet),.r7 that he
,helti.lhe lands.ooly;
in , trust to fie,.uSed 'as, another; use end -pur,.
pose mr. hateyer.;", that , : inony. of , th em hitl
ineerred, -heavy4ebis 'in im-roving -their
farms; in ' piittind. - tip 'conCeS,7tiaiitilen'd . '
dicreliing, houses, and in other pecessarr .
expenses (4'; that most_nf titeiLivAra_in -
vied and had numerous children greWing Up'
'around them; whom' 'their- wished to edit--
cate ; that had their.father lived he would
cheerfully . have Made over to. tlakm; from
time : to time, portions of his ebtarit to re:.
lieve their necessities—his' only reason as
he frequently said; fore-appiiiiiting7a ...init.: -
dial) at all being the minority of his chil
dren Mid the embarrassed condition of his ,
affairs; and that as these reason's. no longer
• • •
exsted, the old gentlemen's intention,, not
only , verbally- - expressed,_ bat:through, his
wilt,"elt6illil 'Ea 'periled out, the property,;
_eeld...auiL_theL T A ceedsd it , ided-1a niongE is-,
.- lint muchtulthe istonishment of ;
the rightful otiiiers; the titattliana.blatite r --1
ly refused • either to deed the lands, OW
Vide the proceeds, or do any thing in the_
Mat :Mt—nay,. More, he actually to - 6k- Back --
front the children and put in-his own rock
et a: large sum. of Money, arisin• , ymn
land sales, which he hadfertnerlytjeposit-•
ed to their credit in bank ; : (4) and when
they 'importuned ilim for their .own, and
pressed their solicitations lie actually flew
into a passion, and broke ont iit language
not unlike the following—lle told them
eggar y - ant
Serly rascals to come to him for this money;
and if they, were in debt it was their . owp
folly, and thekthust get .Out as beat they
could; that there was no use in tiniltling
barns, nor fences; aor.dwellipg houses, nor
in draining their lands; and that as to ed.'
ucating their childern that Was nitmbug;
-that he Was appointed by thelvill - guardian
of the estate ; that as such d guardian he.
had 1 - o - lndur -- heavy expenses, "(aniong
which: enu merated-thel folio winglY that
having occasion'to go south to see some
disturbances thsre, he fled chartered a
'steamboat _for himself,. hilt _lawyers and
emistablesi_for , 6oo4terdaY - - - -whaving - p a id
her owner in all 882,555, that he had paid
for another boat 6145 per tlay for"dthird
: s2o . o;lier - ilaY, and for a , . forth :- $4,400 - per
that NI. ' lie got south he,' had
travelroti ad -the' 90 ti iftry.ipau4 - 47tatilLitit.
wagon - - 449.;30 SO; that' e: raid: ` for 206
p0m,0p . 47.. 4 2p;,.f0r..a1ygar!5. houie tent
,qcio, f0r..20 sairoleb.*pci;Apie'oo,t);'.
that h'esl49a-P4WP ,
Oita, as many of his agenla•had•rOw4:trat,
-: s . a rr iskoff 7 moris:A.tharLain,
*9p , ot i o;ntic.l L k'tliiiil;o:46,ooptpi*lo:ib u i f
if tlioaaa
lei tad tei a'ariY pn*lhe . bataie,elin
insgaintes - mOdocivir• he woutl.
hatte-tti'Aret Vriceo6safift4nna',hyT eaklllg
i faX', - , A - i i . :••
••_ , ,,T -,, ;h;--; ----- ii• T- -, -1
•• - • t o , ir .. I ..a} -, . -- ', ; ..d '' ' , ' iv
. - 10114hit),;•the t elilltIlen repl i e d.; •• That i
:ilia nevailleard bfench 'alibminaple, and ,
OutrokOeit '''llailiai ea, Inkintinorattd,T'anni
thae,as, to` diet , running , E9fity . 'e( Ina egan!a,,
he eiklAP)•:;,e•e;o4, get i' !hat if . '
bi faillYra tb diS so het ranin datil,
.. villkil.f
iollnilt'olle t oi A itiAti f f, iiboAct; 140 .w hitt*:
tifey *ere. atarYine . thethiel veeV'a.'l,l(l'•l6e37:l:
— pi i t?pie • o9oo6i;',ctipir9 . ii:eig4tio,ni , ,ll6 . ,
ci 1 :-.1 ':; ili'lliPlendinl-••,- •:.•••‘•_ A,,,i
ItcPgct2Yol' P•---Xeerri ri d i ng i. C• •-•,. .‘ •• , ion' T 7 With iffil:rOdintek",`AaV,o lloc,caqs°
P4Tria4l?,;'l,lllPlol)t: '7,4••• 4 !"-- er P ": 1 ! 4f quarrel, llce-.4all.•allYlillot oeeerreel°
efillitiiioi4lkPJPnet"iet(ththat 11;e r liii.el e tr ' b efriitill( • I'dfaillip o :"Aciiiiil);*e 1
' fe „ i ' e sk i , e ,, e k k Et .e4 I#ll.At.,h(Mt al l A F r 9 " 6l - I t ''•`?‘ l't"tif I t h eltititt ' qbil4treAtA 2 W-4: : -Aceditiiiii it
i 10,111i,'1 ' .4e. 5 3111 ; -,--4066.r,Bo ita • nli r tltp,t - aj'loti l 7;.; e v e ;; l6 .. l , - 11 1„ b. ;:_ atte , ,nptfogiativoit4,,i , v ,. 4 , „ e i s
for , theTnaceasarr iliargaa.of tliefiestetgit. a ,„, -- , 7,ft• , . q,,,4 - 0 1,e le 1 04,i7.: t y„, ~. n . 4 ,,,,
A filA il ETto; •:. P , 'v. IP , J . 't ',.. , t i , •• ,,, e', -- -3 i [ i m p M e r no , A f Tile An g , • y aitl y""e rcuL.. , ,1 ,
41‘19thrity tkas nothlg in it t . lte they coulu ( le.V l -_- '",,,t.,•„ 4 ,- ,'", 71: 1 - I 'm- -.1-64k i n itio - i - ••iiolit
Ito , ••• . . • ••4 1 A. , 1 ... 4 ,.. -i l -.••••••-••.vit- PrttirriOrgir,itille r in.,8:11 7 r, v , , i 4, 0 ,
Ir i Y i • i -?.. 03 , - I,t i g •1•(!/&;WA ;'Tt c t ‘ T• o t l.l ".. , -11 ' ' -j '
; 1 040,4,14a Oeep.,t4-•
'tveid tiillinkikillc4elo , itontelk;',#,,,,,, . ~, ~ „1-, , ,0g- , --.- y .,, ~_l, , ~,.• ~ ,
, :qe , , 7 k .i' ,' I'' ' '' ' ' ' "' . ' '' ' 11: • -
'WO tagEld , ivereannol altn'
_ '-t ' 4r., r.c.4, ,-.4 A:. hillier ea 1 4,131.,
.I,s, $ 4. , , , „
Infr''. cattot l' en d . Yeeibilfniti3OP(L'x,,9 4 lg,,;ol . ; l! - - it , 'lT ',l . - 1i4i, , , ; •14,4.7 . - A: 4Arititwo* - 0 -,
D' iti4-' j).?)),,''' I' afit4iii;,.lity',.,'lll:4,`beeniiiollkßiPt 1 "-4/ ! - g.- - x -- 411 - .• . 70. 1 k..,- . t• -- 1
ihit''' ''' -- " ' '' . ' 2 " '' --"' '''' I - 41'1 4, ri d(vtiild, vtillveAr;' ,- elhithe-`,ttitott
7.iittbitycir g l i linf, ' eibiel gdi'lhafii # :4o°." a ,. / i v ,7'4 ";;05t 'C ',4 r +% l i Z : a a .. ;;_,- ... 1' , .....,' ' 5' , . 1 ykl - icl•tilt'',4 4 -'''.ll,6's' •
-L* 2 i , •d
• iiMl`q 'Ai .V -, 9 4 ,t al 1'4414 --,-;14,d!.-j49,i traP1 4 9,44),Pw".49,i,k ~Y,..),.. 4 ';,,. ,
liip . :, 4,,,,4 1 .01,TRAkt, t.qpilt!',P , . w i) . s k ~,..,...._-',- ' -,- ;irtjt;i : tei : iiiit ' o‘ifiktvea - ,tilo' ' 4 11 , 11 0, 1 % 1 !,',
iffiyolou.,l4%,bo,ll#t*,l,slcperoo, AA,i,vvifitieteMAA,..taiii6Vi'k;sl;ectiuivi
'7. f y,'llifike'telietih thejtkaittemat44Nie• p•• ,- „' ,, , , r , --. ~t v'T's v - `,. c., '_'; , 2,4 tw 4 • , ,'1•, ,, 0,-, , ,,
vane .t, ~,,, , - Rr1iific! . 41, , A,,71•.: 4 •, . 4 .4•:,- 'it'. I itit*Vhottetfibitillit -'''.. 10,••90.,Yfe
rtv pa iiikuimOngk , ellfillarthect,e , "I - t 0 -t'0.,. , ..004fLu
--,,..' " 't , '` 'a l l:4 44 '''Cirl 'OAP lit ,-4 so. 11 --t , ' yliiir, nit be place
n Af Wm 1. ' 416 Att?7, l ilollFt, I S! , e
,P,, , A:; &_.e.,..,,.,y4ii..., earl" 11
-, ,c 0.7.411‘010 i t. .; . . , 1 tilliii444
theAlteto--their tle_hohey- it k oro i ;tr 4
thittliz ,
A 4, 1,14
APR. I .#, I- oe***; 4471% A Nili*ibilENlCEK
;1;1 . , ..
~ItylT i fi'st he , kept itheliltiii4lender_prei!risti
TititlEtiit the i'ClihrgeS, , For-iie• l eetiae;'
but -iiritlaltcy'
tefril4,ill at
„A i'dl 1 di
so .
.; r: an ~or-se -I tem-an ,
;,i6 O l
might trk4t-z , .-Orr9 h;elp, • AtremelyesLif
goSevatifv.a4-eonitinced thAt his title was
shred ,. lllllthaOte onjl they were
• - ef , oidiffer'ent -- opiiitotr i Acli*.as -, Tright lnovt' - '; -
- , Sn.d-that, ! es hitri f6b
, • ,
;bY,.'--hiirr;!anf nally
ppgiicd ~ ..3-,- that-a -lhey-
now carry . , the,,
• . _
bee Whibh Would
- efilfie of'
Ispgpagb, of moit , of the creeds Of hoe.'
skin. ,
(t) The act withholding the land Thoney Min)!
'the Strtes, passed hyu Yan..Euren Congress in
(d) Loceoco arguments for retaiding the laid
le) Every item quoted from. Himsci' docureoht
No. 458, 2d session 27th - eoligress. • -
(f) Defeleation of Swartwout, Pripc,•&e,
_ (g) See Ogle's' sjicocli, which no - Ver has.,lideh,
.aricrlrecererri-be;-aisproved. '
(1) The Tara!: .
(i) Paid Dallas on his mission tpltussia. .
: 4._corre_spondin f the New _Yorit Tier.
: r nld,- ; under. -date of '"'daltiestom Tex*
May 16 t , . in, sreaking oT 'Texas
notes arid bonds,.eaya i " most of them were
Sik for one; and wiil he redeemed
at iliat ratio—never mbrelhan tift.or_•lB
•66 - OA. - 6 - 1 - 1 tlie - t - If 'this mode-of
tiritating-the-amohnt of - the - debt - his been
adopted Ey the Fens ministers; in their
ne`g,otiationS wish our go9rnmtnt, .then,
inSteatt.of_ien,.wo -shall-have-at least '6 - 6
.ritillions of dollar's to pay—for thle - 'eountry
can never 'adopt the principles spniten.of
by the writer, of paying only one bicth of
What may be!due. Thd notes aid bonds
will have to be•redeemed according' to, the
to an rumination as to their Value_ at the
time 'of issue, or at ally subsequent period.
By'a4 , nexing Toms to the Bolted States;
we shall upqueitionably have te:assunts
the ttirliole„responsibilitree of that country;
for ivb spell not tk justifiable in interfering
to the .detriment of
.creditorK — It then,
notes and
.b:onds have been issued to ibe
motint.of sixty millions . of dollars by the
Texan goVernmenr, for which ten millions .
only_ Were-received . Tex
as with the union, we shalLmake_ourselves.
liable, in Strict Justice, to ligitiifaco the
whole amount of the debt'at .par, This
suteet is. Worthy'Of inveitigation.- i by our
gevernnicet; 'and shotildirate: the most se
rious consideration of the People. , .••By
Pre'cipitate, action we. -they-find ouraelves:
in vel ved.whichunder:F-presert
t )e.toustry-.. "
:fpx4s. "nptea ,and-bondS; as
a large , amount of Texas laniThi' are'
citizens pf the - Ualted- Sales;
hava, inskaiices, tad foe thorny a
!..apac, as they wodld
should. be`exceedingly favorable, to. the pro?'
rr413111.>:t14: TtltvAt::_pf,qpicA9:ool*;:-.Are,43-tiglet,
be: re ardedtin . somo ' m.entuusu ; raauee.:We
Host. oo to the result, as l !teed
leiter that Li - presen
policy"oftlila dOuh!rrtb:ooTkoiiiiiiiroiiii.
. •
> — yr
I' 411 4.i
Pit o.
0, Ay
il3lOliT 'o . l` Tit*!.
S: to `
Tbe'fO r iloviinzis the concluding j *Attrolifi
:.e.e, d:siie o 6h7il 4 .li - fermi!, by
. tlity , Jion:LhOglir
';Rgil,o4',. ofTeilnlilirapio,-idthe liikise of
, Ae'piesd!itiqil''ie:ottlio If. Statek, iti MaYi
in, su)port be tle.Tikriff- of .1842-:::, '-',-
I • • , ..v , . :i. I ' •r s '' 4 ..'
/ 7; 4 - Can; ii'o;et,l'Oolbsent io olfangtiOie:'olierl
A: -isMll.,:poli7
~.., _ .
141 , 61c Y z ' 00ri9 .:ec?!intrY 1 :' , .''luPi7. 1 ' 31
irtanVactinst*tht,Me'eln i ml4l , lte-,Merchantr . - -
and--tIM bifisine4i i neitqif;thii , .'niton,l am
-.'• ,1:':- . " ''' i''Pl•Wl.- . ). ,*'..,,..;!;•.: :i , A ',,..
tn fevor•Uf Prole:i!tioni,',E , , : oo,iVitli:•'t 'em; here
- tinke,litwhire;k4tlll,ooastii.e.tfA4,.atfeinpt......, 7
:liidisitiffqiijiiiiaii-ft . :.-Tln;-ire - fending the
sitol : l)34i t j lk of
',. t ‘
iqtrefi o irlurte:4:: . _
Veitiis4f oni--i;liiiTti.beiVeft-ali—
„ ;
- :Lifitler - the - beneficial ., - 9peration'scif Vtattei -
'WO - 6 . ea i ii ' diall Oils: 41etortiinif,pr,etinsity,.. ..
4lL : _ainutaili-i=tlm-briiinAr-Y-iiiiiiitinglikiikt-'- , --
,-)le'r lethargy-, , And tionlidinefoiWard'itf*el
enurse of ind'ePentren*'ii4:,4ltil:;:,-Mjl 4 ,
lions of:CaPilaLiiii'ehtid-fn manufactures;,.
enterprise - and - rfidniiirY 7 .erieobiaged - and're - C -
..waitled -; the CondiiionsAif all: classes of cit. 7
ikenis • improVed and '; the mese-
liniiinarpasingtSpecja liowinglotettlidotiril`
tryl-baolts- sOl reit t ; exchangli.':equilizedi .
\ s
good markets fair ificeiti
s Weill it
_thedlostilit of thoneabdii. lulAtEs s :l :7 ---.
agate :change Ali:
.pictitte,--iso T 'eheering-to---
iye hearts Or Atiterfcan eitiens 'i Shall .
we . , - -by-ottr , Aracillating-policy, -. ;gain
, liting
blight and mildew open. the - business - of - the
country: :Are we willing to-blast ourProtiz ,
Perity; to further the. - designs of' iecklese ..
politicians , int'entonly on their Own aggran=
thipment,• irgardlesS 8 s the welfare 'and ,
happinessof-the_ people_? -Ti must,not be c ,
- done': The.
_people ;ask repose they de. % ,
sire lel bet'free'lrent' the 'velation and iniir. '
Lconbequent upon the. perpetual Change. of '..
legislation on thia.stibject. .I,et thentaldne; _. ,N
Sulfer the present policy to continue, and
soon the.sailS - of t - fr Comnferce "Will whiten . -
le:;ery see; und_ the inhabitans of every—
elime be clothed in,the falyies Of tiur lonins i'
-let-it-poo tin Uei-entl- u Ade& the srnita - of - p. l _
_pto vi ng--grovidenee4litiartis-Will-be fill- -'-
ed with -,plentyc . and -our - presses burst out '
with new wine.” '
ever to be foundo'n the Ode
of ilie,peopre, sustaining their interests,, and
defending ..their,,rights.; As a Petlbsyllta
mian; - as an American t it, e tr, 'my highest
ambition 1?!; to adir t anee the-prosperity, the
happiness; and the honor of my cpuntry,
0141 iMI'IrMT - 4 3 ran`WriMgIVITTM111
CLAY AT AUGITSTA.-At noon; I. went '
the .rtintio Hall, and
.was introduced'
.111 r. Clay. Wltett .I..gin my hand, sir I f .
'l'm monstrous glad to sdeyou in Georgia;
sir. Lhope yo are thrivin,' see I. •, .
seia.,he; 'thanli-you .
air, lkitvle thr baby ij, .
. •
'Right plan; filiank you sir,' sez I, 'and •
the surprisinesk.child in • Georgia—he's a
perfeettoon,' . tipiL - • •
- -.. •
'That'st'S the - right - stock, - Major,'
reapects td Mrs. - Jonesrand - lell;hprl7'.
but before Mi. 'Clay -coUhI
git it out-Ambit Body by,the eoat ,
- tadvattd7sezAteiTigivtrwey - M - ajofTand - thez --
11 \Val -
irai thing Lknowd ilterowiled ii
tpthei-einiit of the room, by 11* . fell4ei : tlitii
Alterfot•aling,iionOtii AO. then every': -:
mane •
and -iii gooCl
belieir6 there itias - .i . jmanleft.iheioom that
didn't sliwoltl coon better.! then • '
lie' :Wen t ; ••
i'i . •; . :it....1 - tei . cut . ttifitirdirAgy. if you
*Okiiiicip!iiiiiidesk-cikut (iii44l.tisakiii's the ',,,
~ 44. 0 ki9k0 1 0: 1 I0 03 ,rleati'• - : '' l !)i mouth
jkittigy s i oteriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiexteriditig friti '' '-'
dmVyaiiii 3 iiiikVilithilorT but When W T ."'
s r iliiii te 3.4 oo l 4iNkiVlJ i k: f rY 0- 0011 r .'it*
if: y ikli,:6:` 4
. 310 4 a ffilig„li Is_k ottitmalkio„„.....
i iii - vicipskiptAirlo . igivoifteir. 14pyr to thii - quol!enk* -
0 10 .4Q -, 1eilia00,5;011(IliolAle :4miti: 14 :.:11)11t$ 144.
'iiir : ,is i iatlatii it itipiltev;atiOtioilOpyttlii? . ....;..
i'ii"'"l't 6 ebe!i' l4 #44,ll lB lo4 ll V4liV4 l ; 6l - 4.4' .. -A
oluilniliff.„.'4:, P,l • 4:4 l r.h. • jqi4 l ll , .,*:''
I. , , , „o. l ,limetViiill.loooC:*.•# l loAp4oo.;f!...
...70,...kr0f *Oki.
... -,- --'•••,'".. ..q; I: .
litiVi .l`.
.. .. ~1..0.i:L%A 3.
.1 : . ~....
.gi;iimelgxo" • 44, _
'.* ride z&---' mv4"111111tr 9. illlr
apitallrl4-0,1p.. latiiiir •
it/P°- *,)braiglii,ul4),' '" '' ,,,..,.. . •;,•I i:
ibi,:deltcriVßB' : hiplirrhibO ßS 4,.. 0: ', 4 ?L-',.•
:i° - i.,..• lan — kniusb.Plo,- -
e, .. .- l,ll- —;- , --.:-.r- - iti'llligl:::•:.
.4itle.osint 1T.5111. '- •, ;•-• •• l'Avaiok, j ., v , •- . t' t 'it.
..,,,,c.,_ 1 1... o- hikfigil.hili,,ke, 410 . 4
1 ' '
Zgr).-0-17rhvi, iiiieitiiiirT4a,mY-1, wl- 4.150,1:;*1
.iilika •
I !Ig.l:Ci.c 'ercizitittoth.llagolort;4s:::;,l
I;;li.„„muofolottiiti;hiliN - I :o o `t*.t. .:460- IV 04 - 1,";40.: i
i1ia0.71.,,,,,,, 4.10010...• • . ;v:,:‘,:i.o;;A:
iiiAtigirOnf...,l7,4 di1ytkNkC04,111w.4,445.641
„ ~,,.....,. t;1 6141014,, 1g.,.).,.., bb
iligg:bitil -,, , ,I N:4O
#OnI.9IP. ii. uvit,k V m-"„tic fibrreit;l*,4M7,.;'
iiiiitra or44,'bfi:jrillbUla" i Ipa,bk itZ7l'l:
'• "4- Zitlfprilet! • ', .•:-- ti g ii ,, th lie, lig , • ',. *l ,
'keijrc• ele litge,ol#o4orivrit ' 4 l), i
e. i .
i vitp.
. 'Wei ' i' , "'itl4 'OF -JR . „.... -.:.. ..
PP ~,, ,-. 4rtigiatr o . 1.... •,. , y j i ,fi c , 0
...,, -,
id; 14.1.4 wili,c.iobel , r,t,F.Ntlf--k.f.':
.0 - itibara r , ' .;l .44
6-0 '; • )TifttliVA •N' porailftir ~w 4.44:
'''-. •. - I *,.;'isl,ziff 6** Hu,. , 441,-wro
, 11
~, , t f, .. t r'•, 4 Ifif,Ti 4i.L.Faith.i'emo - te r . 4'l . : •= r ; ,
.7 4 - Lirl. 4l '',
)91:7111r11 ,,,` ~ ,
~ N,,,,,.;
.i,r , - 1 .„.,,.., ,„„ii,..,,,,,, ~I , „, , ,„„„„
, ~, ,„„ i l l . i - ~,,,1411, t p ,
;';.?..0,• • r
Op A 1111
4 4 t4040 v
1 tk v, ,,i ,, ,;
. 1 ,4 ~
, "It i nz.§4;
, A IP ?? NNP.,,,snp..
e:' 1 1
\..r. ' I:
.‘n 4: x .
. ??r„:; .