Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, June 26, 1844, Image 4
s==ll El _ • , 4 , 0 . : ,,-, '--. -- -.. , BARD CUT , , VARE L . ::. 1 t, , k, , c:.. - 0aa4,,r. - 1.•„t 1 -,i• •••,••• ,v - 4:4 11 4-".1 ,-4A. 4 "."•`" _ • - 4P -, , .-- ,, , ,, ,--,•-• 7 - , 00016000b#1444?).00iiikitf0$1#0 , •, .. ,-. form 1115 riendivital^the Rubbly, ilint fie,iiiisaiste." . 11 ,1 ti4o2l' I clilenigiel JAB atock Ithd; littdr•:ofretiag.;itutlie. ,-- i . .b.-'St Ifistandts,Nordt•Hantfver,atrotiii . atilontill itssert-' 1.40 • t-r•e . Pnt• frarivarreiSattary,of • elle,loonipaqag jui pail. of' 6,, les,hinges, serews;bstileaadl iiiiiket,' of, all timbal "------ 4' .111 4-sizes4TUrahrs-',Catitd4gl„othor_ltitithio_rA toxalk t.l XO.fodater,s • TdoWsiiirAvaaPiaA oo ;i l ßws, chisels, Sea; • ...tar Iron t• Mister, ' east , sittd-iabead ; -Saddle.' .• :Mid byline mon iitingaintiep , Saddlo;yreerti, aiming' _ --- •ande,,,olltegWebbing.t• gtt Pltiditigx; OP- everr 'do'• „,,,,,• lasteirdS...,,Alluliogaiiy'sta cci '• Glass gambit. of , the; iti , ------” %--",taffl*Alito."l4:".t.f.,'t--,7:i;,.< • , =•' - 5 vv,, , ,!,t,. r„„.± - f ,, -'i ', '•'' - -veW--rfa , 4B:. a#l' , ' rdinflAejf.::4,,t, . ..-•.' -I -1.:..... i,v,kiei....g.,..p54. payi e vialKtoii`itickst , ~, f.Ar. y... r ...h...... , 1 --- ) ....,,,,...i.,8 by l . k o , apwalcl. -Also; an asseirtment of Areber'll,PatettV IZarittaa r apsAogethor with oilier impales tqts' . 4 , aiiii!he • - , ;"." -- "T":"'"'" : 47 1 1 -tz' l Tf'-' 2- t'l. '' • ' :•.:+:;i . Ail of 'Aids willbeitilAxtventyfive pertimillo 4 .- .r theas-theq-Isave-everbeetiao l ll-404 0 4roVi r asli4T1 - - good;money. ...all anti , examine In•foreiatielinsitig elqd.Whife, Roil .if-alie artielta and ,prioes • iire not • foiled as statdd yositheed hot pimeltuse. -, , Cal I , nt Mo. ,iratiz,,c -, ,-,-',, - ~ i'ft i . „ • -', I NCOB - iIIiINER: -...i-•fearibili., November t3t2; '1843. •.5 '''" - tif24 - ‘ - ',)-t PREMIUMS RED . UcEtth. '- North.' Ameriettm Instir4lothPanY ofPhiladelphia..-,aap • 0 000 , cARLIO ‘ LE' 'A E - ely:, v ,..,...,-;,, , ,,.;,, ,?..,,,,F.,---.':' . 11 r. 111 ..-dit:elotors. orlifiatibtiVtir 1111ot:der tc• spit v 1,, , • Lt . the. tirriep;linve.Act"4'6,ll - 1. 1'64414mi. 1.66 4.E.t. 4ff•prdmiun t s; oi, •Framp A tifto '' , Peliciiljgv,io give nin opportuniy•totiliprotiOlt i) ' ddtp:touvaittlautie telvte4f.iiiitattritagt;s:• - ~ , ,i ,-„', . . - .'" ''''...'',.,? f ''' en•Frante or . Ln filifiltlingi ,-, r 'trietto.pnlicip nOII Stick anti Stone. i. , :'-, Ary'r,tonfflloo —4 3ll 4 lVierchtintitza orFivaittite - iii ---- ,7e - 5.:. ----- V StOnbOr'BriellrPUildingS, 40 des: ",'SsitiO 3. - ... Dittoin.Traine, '.. . ' SO els) , " $l.OO, TT:PEititqgrraZt' - .Eilgtbrg .Stone nr Brick Buildings, will be taken 'at sss ;0r.,4099;tie - Orices to bd 'returned tdi'llie.piirty: mull! , PnTn demand,Aedunting fiye;pet• 'dent nn the .2rociunt or. prennidin:ol(l..' • Applicatiow - nither'in'tierson will re Teirdiinmeginteittention, v•-." Februat7 ' • TONFECTiONARY,IRUITS - 14Cr. ir.FailltioN-VIIRi- - . . . wrouunin ern ; iliair lriepds, and the riddle. %- , Vlr-Atintliter cive•jirstrecejved tit their.stortoti 1-ligkstreee, eitsitlloot‘tei 13aden:0011nel, 'Carlisle, .ealayge, fresh end elegant tissoOttned of,CA - 11DIFS, FItULTS, and other. -articles in "their line, ..Which —4llO are to • dispose of wholesale and 'retail. •On the nlosx'r,eAsoniible °fume. , ' Their assoetmeni• ' comprises the following_ varieties,' alrOf Which are: .f - the - clinielaitelinflity: •' • • , - CA IsTDIES;.---Nliat, riband, curls, :gums, 'spear , mint;. mint, plat, eakeil and eel's, cinnamon, amigo. • Tram,- lemon,,hwhound,-clove; cream - and hied-ere, - .Irlion,spSomairorpeppereaitilies i Jack Son-and Clay balls,lemon balls, EP:reach and common . Neap; French, common; ;lasi exploding secrets ;mint drop. rock and vanilla candy; spgiir and burnialmonds „ candy toys, liquorice, Bco. - - . - ; NUTS- 4,,, Alfritinda ill beets, English ivalnut ?vile!' barlts,iliesnutii,andfirazil,cream,cocca'and groan; nuts., . FRUlTS—Oranges, lemons, taisins, fins, proact dates andeitron: Klso the lust Vavciadish Tobacco . ,alid:Sedar ET, - /interim!) segart, of tl!c finestquality. Theit,assOrtmeot is kept constantly supplied I.y fresh additions. COuntry men:llan:li are invited It aglhey, eau_be supplied on terms as advanta e (luaus city . paces. !respectfuily:solicited. ....Citylisle, April 16, t ANDTHEKCHANCF: FOR TV HE siibsetiber conic _tp the ......enticlusion to change his busirieina;! offers his •-entire stock of.gooda in exehnegefor a good firm, :well 'improved, or for a good the 'coii 4 iltwitEsnffirdent_divellings.fcir.a arge.familn. together with a few acres attached. s stock con sists of. superfine 'and contse_Cloths,-- lasilocresi Cusiaet, Cords, Domestic Hoods or all kin Is, Cain brics, Lawns, Linens; Gloves, Iloziery, llandker, • chiefs, Silks, Ginghams, Alparmas,Luatres_, Fringes, a cm•,efy oi fitnefartlcfel. Also, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Calicoes,. fear with 11 - ynriety of -other gbod; comprising a general'. assortment of. - Hardware, Queestvare, Groceries, Tea, - Spiced, Dye Sturs, Cotton Yarn, Coverlet:Yard, &c. .... - All - of" , whith,lie will sell at reduced: prices for Cash `finiaiiinfater - this-date,...untikageneralaufe-hrelfre :tetl.• Country Storekeepers and others would do well. Ao him a call, as he intends there shall. no -.• ;nye -,tiusinsess ..during.the preentit.year. The Store and Dwelling can 'be rented from the :Ist of April. his bpuks are posted up to the huh, and he re •quests all those indebted to him. to settle their as .!countewithour fnirther 'nonce, — The - first day of April IM•the last day of grace, idler wilidit all accounts worth collecting will be placed - in thebands propi!r'officers. • FLOUR - by the Barrel, always on band. S. M. BARRIS. tf-16 F'el?anyn 14;t844 gains Bargains strrlHE'sidieeriberlikaiju'st returucd.frour Philaecl -I;•tiliii,io now Openinth his cheamstore; the :burst 'find , elie4pekt SPRINA:,-ScL-STIM- td3. , Go6l)Sre'vei-lirodgid sorttpent , Otinsisfiri' pit( of BlitOli; Blue, Itivisi!de 'Green, Olire an Brown Cloths, cleroot new style Catistineres,vellingiliireairariety,Summer. • Cloth and.panitiloons 'stnifief all kinils,splendid new, .style eilicsologant 'nevi sty le Bnizarin ca,Parin - tell , Brilliontines• and Fr'enalilkielhe - ew 'style beneet ribbons,paiided muslinea,,eraim de lame, •crsipe deiTber, rsous - de Inine, gingham, calicoes, rouslinOi,eheOks,tiekingiOinens i Ihomeq , atitl of every tiOscription.loces and ed in sit oa.canthria.. ' 'aravntsipi • ttiomenytteirfell'elogiiiitAipc,OliowleinustiCndern,nilli v; " ,gimps silk Tri9tge '; silk new ii t • I .sun ihedesv , skirtO;tlitittera;',table orrters;nliansn, hraid:nt4Oni:, • ' •:.,iltdirlilege'stoeli of frnsh',Orrncerteti,:,tinOngst , which - 444 601*Kiiirie §ignorttntl497, lasses - Ste.'Sukiitio*'prices. - • • •• • 4leccit. ieriktrie.vttoctccor BOoTkiout§Ri echeaper thaw e'verlsold in - ds : plate. short' the ~ .Assortment ilrfel I anti:on - nig A h' te.•. :Purchasers will do' ipie.# l 4 6 rotelkyingelseigliereilkallierrimi`de-• • . , • getting o;o; *puns. Thankful;for theveryldkerid_puronegehe'retofore: . - eefitiputekdo;or same. - Don't rnistalant.ite.4l4 - se,stitlilors east of tlte; k cjeise - t in maKetoet.:sig4Lef Ma*. ' `.f'' • " • • IlartiON-Marelo2lo-.814., . . laraShingiCiEV.Hl74ol - ;: 3 &-IghltiLUT SCOlik'RE . Elk=l2l3(U.E3.o'.n . . . Ostiiber - linge'4llenie to , inform (tic; putilL4it thorpuilt re tlqr,t9 lll , ll 4Aringlitilltiirievimith:tho • milinfrindlOter yprqi;ure l andle, now, pritpired , , t'acitiniollit.9,Xembersslf, tbel.443latura.milW !'illeraUt6 f6ry.besesiAcittod,tipoirotiek;eyinsit . -- ! 44u0 91 1 44 2 ,1 0 ;P1PMie. , ;••,. , • • ' • .W.,T; • De a'0,1 1...,..`; orangesandliai3miOnSk ,40254.1 - 6* . atlai* -- just received eid Fircideit(die 'Conketleniiry",„ L and ..Pniit • - I.B44 l :W4Vpix.C'i LINZ • •:•.• ' . , • - •IirtNER.St,Co.- Carlieciat29 . , , ;, - . 844, - - Await ',/r!ov-.7,-- inippitorA44° - 3tysr , . , . . ,:sto ' * Mrs , c4NDIR , 7 7: , ~: : e t b 4 C . g t 4 , sioilQi`..APilreq#lol4ll,<4,oo,l nrol::6° 04440'1441i6ite . ' ---,,r, ,, .., ~,, ~ .fl, ,, bztilb4'-x . -. -,,4 10041 - * 4 4,,, t0 5_ 40 , 1 - 414181 iftrY "f21014° $1 4 0 , Ithrtotar 481 „„,,,e, , !A'Utttiali,ll - 6 ro ithire 611P41r1141 44vannt e) - 4 — ', , -..4 - - - . , , , i,v ,, !•V , 1r1- - .7 T2'. 4 .:.: r.,.: :,....-_,:,.., ~• , ,~ty, 'w !~f `i~.J7~iSv~~~ r.•:o- -,;;`` Iy-16 he plablic patronage • Dr. Israel DFlamaler's Nerve and Bone Rheumatic Liniment, and Indian Vegetable Specific.: ' A-W-A TtRAN'rED CU.ItE FOR RII FAINTATISNIT tibbes Kegetable-Bitters- Chinese Bair. warranted to remove Superfluous hairs, without in juring the skin. or health. Many certificates as to the Milani:3 , of the aboth medicines :night he pro duced, lint the proprietor is satisfied that all the re commendation they need is a Mir trial. None genuine without the.signature of Comstock Tyler.. ^ Sold in Carlisle only liy _ _ OPFERS fonfosille at very rcilliced pi ices, nhk. assort me Drugs, DlEsdi'Oines, Dye-Stutrz PAlwys topthe.r. yith Sffitionnry,Yine Cott Paper, by tile Ream, Letter ec Slates by the dozen,Silver,Pencils,prawit4 Sable heir , tlo.; Drawing - Paper, '5ea1it4.;;;...;.,;:.. Wax, Wafers, Penktuyes, of a flue, ...„quatity—Pnlatit,g—brushes j —GraX: ' . • ring do: Shaving do: Teeth "do. - - •Flesh do..Slei ink and ; ..•Tcilct Sonosto vent r ." • 'h - FICIF,V itintsh; spices tairoitaid ivi e cry'othcrorticleititheUruglioe, the,littetition of , Physientos, Country. Merehants stint Cieratas,..solieited•lni I apt determine 'sell' at very lowliricesTor.Cit'sh. *•.• • ' Carlisle 11ttr0545,1843 • - 'DIIcifiUSHYSJI4FALLIBI,I.IHALTHIPILL TWELVE, A:ND-A-HALF..CEIITS -rif q pooretoi of this invaluable legacy of a great man has for Soindlitrie foiled toidesont thetn, to the public in atf.ailverthiedieet,4.,The:_reason ja plain stipsglyoliese they ; been recommeetli4t.o'One,oo- citber,:thaf it hike' beep otterly,hripeSaitile_te7sujiplY - the deniaidl; - both'here a n d for Lountiy agent 4 'fru ritig 'ni ere thee fel - ) bemired gross or . nearIfICHIILTY 'pIoUSANI . ) been'. soht this eity and ,:,vieinityi natl. auriplied Agentsthroughohtithe: Veiled Stnteel and teeny or -61.8,10hee 4 d,od,'Llood •weeks before they, eould , ,b o . filleir , ..ld fact it dee'da:tiof the` sphit Of propheey to' feretell . the day;',:whed Ltfiirodly pin i n die will be that hiveateil,by:theAmmortt4,Drperijaieid the kreft(eitsltyitiolAn:Adierich ever salv. r-. $- 1.:111.1.1MBAVrill PILLS! . city ivoretoutl ~ ~f )itteniedFeilliigh imposei btar they have:restoicil tet iii telit kealth hundred s who, hail long hingdislied 'cid; f:they ofierateil Illitqxclutrinc:NheW effort) 'relief, they t0; 1 4 10 tifacteflf and, 4 1 000 10 0)e: Osagadttitg,3:theyltiv e 'yerilovett 1111ffarttiOSiiir.t. apil gOen back, youth ,to aged, Indeed, they: i *P l ' 4o -' lo ' wat.4 44o,o,C; r4 lF , i 0 1 190 6 0 42y: the al,: 'el,irtlete'df; r forider Jaya Ad:thitt -, lstuKtfilhefEro,lrEtti• itati:llittAitlol,ooqu,crOiTr ; ippriil4kes;lo distlov,4 • tia.iool9 6 g.ik.Vll4o ng , , l l7, l iots of . 1 , • , T , a„ SoI4 :in .Carlisf '4lllll', attooti vb . ° are sole:4o6i fortarlielti:•3 , „ '.,4444-11116)t.',9•Ye!"HilY,' ME fled Ochro.'&,,Vl.oo giti;l reiiiE2‘B4lliiiiiiikiiij.(innitti. , -Otaine d li bo; • 'AC riiht-ffic,,iCititib'et•laniteo,li t ' O,O.44 l .„WiTif:T; 1 kitOy‘tc.44I6MIUMTPLZU9 . ', ,fiP,ir lanufilqi. ht , toiing‘theit4lit OthOr_Pit,,9ol,* !I . 10 2. 1 0.5.1)trw,r0.r. aatoi.ap.Ouniberlarid Tomato. , 7etlem#n6 jk,rtho,, firm or middly Of"..fitiralii , :neitico`lfiefributOO:oOW T , •boe Of tlitta throokl,loo4.llfftrem,o7lolll . o 0 'Witt obl is Tilaccis orkhe mulOyotiore.firmtra 'iltiljOitits o t f.the r excellence v. o '.' priata- O o o;, 0. „ „ . ,ao -+aidiitpthvitli tlattimit: , i . ' :.., ~. 1 44 Ole 4 ri‘oliiiii ' vuokiiik ~1,4 At . Ve 1 rbilTb. .11:0 To , '4,1 1 .,,,ptiny 1 , , , , p l y; ,If , ki 0 11 ih;vlll4.tlitArtli#l. • . t it, .1 r?‘„ h., P *dol l _ itiviiiinnoeeft oihtpt for ORM ' At- Iti „ eJ.VOirl!Pal/4,44.901wir,, i,.!..q.„.!.43111*.' 1p- OMPO-Atfit.k4 l. tal ro*.9g.lLiel):7ool4,fii„,,. A • t_ ic=„Ptit; - , A 7: qt • 0h 0 A" 7:A#iii !,r •••\-- ,• " 4 14 tcC? 44 propertk9.ooiiiikg. 1 i912 ; 4 4 6 ,. 4 04,1 3 f1 1 ing.,1,4 0 0 4 .4:20P610; Ala V'slPie Mental?, < !ARM Breathrnßi;-4'egihk ir,11111.0 4 'Btettile , I , 4 ,iiiiiV'elltiiY#l6;t%/,,ilae',:„-e:tibm'OniirY " ell l 9 Els, B.Pr 1 1 8 4 , h ,L. • We do' c . 0 (7 , 4 ,1 - P,Atitt nrairfilirqt t Vg teSted the, sueilitan, iiPtilotonarg ,Sgrup," ext rnerdicikinlictite for ,mAktkLyarN iiiietess ' we 'iinheiltatingly„ peouoi _ . _ 'y.try hest Putineetts theui.,orlil for thilt4.lii7r7,Dis trages,,,Ays)Sigienrilki ,will thoroughly ' middy tiny iuie (lea kaki Hat . anii of the oommpp •.f~a9c Trade trienb of ilia' thiit it is vitalising ol rdur cr . billf)t . to - yr le every, funtAly e t:llU,_iippetee aefited.low;pelfo;ifaunthee strong seciinlineitilatidn; ntlier,Cibrll or hatootinq hig for 1111:1N1 tilod mere, SI3III.IINP,'S' PULTIONi, ,AltY SYIt VW for ,ii))1y7,40 (vs. Lier liet !le i; For ``sale in ifequielfir;ht fftBXslplit: netig Sto . re, Mist Aftiiii,st.;' hi Harris bin HP.Lus bt,..1 7 lore, 8a and oho.: nut streets. 'Also at - .A'nglu` ansl Pireason'ilD-rilg, Store,- ShiplielAtture. Februser 14, 1844. -*mac' rt4Miiritlat-tsAilfi 41,tatlina ••-,0(..c5--daLata- 2 - 3Er - R; ASOST_ iespretfullytitiferie ti zeni Ifni' risburg; and ilielmbitoke Omerid, that lie-lias removed hill EaCiitheri'MOriiCCD .111111 "Finding Store. .to North - SeeOnd'4Ereot - ,11-feW doers ".aliove -11enr,' Buelder's Hotel, where he will. keep: constantly on' band a gennlal-assnoincal of the following named articles, err.: . . Sltin , ler, Sole, Skirting, - Ilartieseilintfititttlitraktrldl44;iviebif grain upper --- .7SkliticS - Filriish - iititl4,on - piry, Kips, top and lining letitliee,belldira Lenther'for For- . . - - - tutees nr3d Illacksgatlts aqd Burk '(honed Sheep . , ---.7110ROCOk: • -.. Coniprisio; M groecir, - .Vonien undressed red and black straits, French kid of di ITerent e6lors. !fed 'roans, [findings, Linings of all colors,. llool bitiderts-leatlier..Chamois'leatirer-and—Bilek-Skii. - • ALSO---SHOEMAKERS' KIT AND FINDINGS; Such as boot keys and breakers, shoe keys, hum mers, pincers, rolots, .stamps, size sticks, pifticlies, knives, rubbers, filetolispeOlieestl, bout webbing, vanities, bnOreifiril, pegs, atili; - & - Kltc..' All of which he will sell a the very ,LowEsr , CASH PIMP. ! • W. L. P. 'Thump Ks sincere lic, for the liberal Harming° which has heretofore been extended to him, and respectfully solicits-a continuance of their favors. L=ESSIMI FARMERV HOTEL • VHE - subscriber 'would respectfully in form his friends and the public generally, thathe haTtaken the _ r _...pu..,....c_• • .•,„.. .„„,„ ‘ i. ..,_7_,...w,,..._„;,111) lately kept by-Air. Simon Enst igh .s.treet,•a lew•doork cast of the_Couri.,ffottie, Where . he will at all-times take pleasure in 'administering. to the- comforts of those. wile may favor': him with f i r their custom.. • • - Ilis shall be constantly supplied with the choicest Ilgtines,•nrl-his TABLE wit Irate. best-the market-envy ftienist4—A kept in attendance--nntl nothing shall be ell tatdone to please all %Om coil with him. BOARDERSjaken by the week, month or year. WILLIAM. BROWN. Corßale April 12, 1848, 114 inpIqULIAIWY beneficial in Yellow nail bilious U Fevers, Fecer and spcpsia, Croup, Liver Coniplaini; Also the = T; G.-STEVENSON;- In Shipflensburg STUMBAUGII 4 !MOVER. April 17., 1844. *OristmeTiort oip4olmcriGA 0,A4i00 , i,gf•tlgeOknekd 09 die tgrettat liriol:tingsi!On 4 ofdc . e,Cl9l4o4,4lth,triqi , 4llefnortrliagii: Luqe.datl hkirtiqty. ffie,,FrOnoittiry .01040_1. iticon of the'etukto Jim a."0 1 •40 7 4 1,.. 1 by the moat 'Vernally: aeleipsii(l:`- PEE ixteitly'greatmied -ceivethoati.Arhir''ltre latibitringunderldllietionitiorLilo' I giue ,tinnye,,t ((A ,3ul ( Via Ye . 1.1 ien• we: 100k,t,• 11 tz " arufinikintilnne.the.vaikalinitinifittiarerlitsitia diafreaundeisioned by:pnny, nr the (11*(tittebiN Whii* ifibtlittifliehleAlintAitov„ed,-•flo'.lokbly4-inicessful, we feel - 11941ve - irailtintilirgl9lg4litifuli iifrongly4 or' S RIS I NG CI bf 'this oxenti4;tite,atintriced stageb ;of Cor(sOrirriiti;al)teollliihe;ntott; esteemed of piuys(eionli'h de lidletl_ to 'e cdkgp~, ibtiange ; the -se: remit' ;,,itetualty'albetelf Ciii•US idler" itlf , hblreS , of Yecoyeirlind been deaftaireil , i2lialtelitUsitakeinrifteAlikuiiii;tertned-"ipta Consumpion ? " originating: . 'from! neklected COLDS; itlias ifsettAidif (Miley iating,sur cthui and huii_dreflorqiliAcileflge4,tlley2ni(eLthelrestoriflitiu of thei r s health to this invaluable niedieine,alone , i,, It( that form UT -consumption: so_- reralcinf; amongst (falcate yqung females; commonly furl - fled debility, oe. "GOING'iN TO 4:1).g , . A complaiiie'ititiwhich -11(oth map are lingering; it hap 'also proved highly_ineeessfill, and not only pos sesses the.kmiv'er 61. idieekitig the progreSei of this a larming "comidaititi - blittilso.strengtbens and invige-: ram( the system more - effectually (kali (My 'medicine, _,For part Mula certificates, Itc.,-see-Dr. , ,AVAsCaris._ pamphlet: a • •• , • AGENTS.—S. ELLIOTT,' Carlisle, . Clumiliertiltrug. • • Solomon Osusid, - Angle null Gretison's, Shippensburr , ; Carlisle, November..B.,lB,l3. =ME .... fkiet.1.02,2017.8 . Irli.pity,..3.A . titoliFe_tiaimryttutl.e:o . Gtive i ,-. -v---rivm—from SUlldry 1111reaorded Deeds and saleemaile for taxes, which by repented adjudich Lions of the• Court of Common Plgns, of Comber land county; and the Soper:met; ourt of this ,State Sore been declared fraudulent" nd voiklarge quan tities of chestnut iind other valuable-timber-have been cot upon the lands knoNvn as the Mount Holly Vstate • the•e therefore Itui•eby notified, that the said estate constrain 9.4E111 ate !recto ol• land at wig fir i , fisinl.aince the nenr - fillii, in cow/0./on faith the .3 rod Ilut . ly Iron Work', (excepting such par / lion where s i nce been sold by.the subseriber i ) are the proptlrty of the Farmers' & Zvi - nodes' llouk, by Nirtite of conveyance by theSliEriff - Of emitv..i - ni& t - , in; Atigind t flatil that. all_ deeds .tiot recorded within six months from the time 'of iheir.excention are, by Act of As,,embly, dated 27th May, 1715, de clared-Kihtleid and void against stibseipient pur chasers; that the taxes - have been regidarly paid,llll= fill every tract farming part of said estate t leolll the first meditation tip to the preimit time •; - that by act, cl`Alisembly..ilated„,29o l AI tireli; 1824,, iltc, .cutting .1 hen ' az, - piirelinshig, or employing of cabers to cut or Ii I, any timber the upolior from tile lands at anothi ~ without the license of, tin owner is made_ 'indictable. offence.; and .thitt. the-subseritter - w'ill prosecute allitersonsoffeniling against ted.l law no matter under what fratiblent pretence such viola tion is attemptetl7 - . Ile will also give a reward of 111 N DOLLARS foVenich3lifornatioo no may lend to the apprehension, and Twr, for__ thc - conb ic lib-lc-of Vaidiliiiif everi'ottender. . ' ' IS'.NI. GIHMSIIAW. Attorney in fact of said Hank ___ iiiiii Dee: 4 20,1843, (r .A. 11 3, information in rcgnrd to the estate may be communicated to L. G. Brantlehttry, Esq. Car lisle. TETE subscriber having pfirchaseti the cults /lye right to make, use and vend Ceel heearlit-Mellty; Ilr. It. TIIONII'.9OS"'S PATENT T.U.LN_E-alt-USS--AN-D-1 1 1 , 11.-V-ISANI-11 , SElLfor , the cure orProlapsus. Uteri or falling of the womb dud other diseases ; now offers them to' the public with the greatest conlideneciand requests-Phystelims to call and examine them, These instruments are cifilatructial orr'sientif4 principtcs„anil to hey cue acquainted w tilt the Anatolia,' olilte Female System, and'with the disease which is sought to he eared,the 111'11(y - of these instruments will be apparent. - 'Flue Uterine Truss has the unqualified approbation of the _Medical Faculty in almost all parts- or the country. where it hits been introduced.. A inimher.of certifi cates to this elTeet arc in , the hands of the subscibers,, which will be exhibited. The !tuna:tat low price at which these instruments are sold, puts them within the reach dell. STUMBAUGI - Dit-1100VER Shippensburg, and for sale inyEarlisle by S. ELL101"1' March 13, 1944- Forlin Ming & 'Commission GEORGE FLEMING . • EsrmurruLLY informs the publie, th at helm 11A, prepaLed•to receive, forward ittul dispose of ' Produce Of every deseriptjou f _ .eittier- at •the - Philittlelphitreirtliiltitindit:Nlit - ritiits, mt. any other . poiKaceesnible by Mil' Head. As bit attend tit person to the delivery•tttfnate of, all articles 'enOusted"td"liis Care, the most satininctpry ainl speedy retin a s mayn't nil ti Mee be exliected;and the utmost pitimptituile itrthetransitetion of bu sineis entrusted tothim. Vairthers nod otber - sbnviag which they. _wish ilizisitnediftf, do. tvelf to call on bith, -mutii;ttil-appocite.the4lttititon-4•thtittel•-ftniH• ISF Itoml beptd, I ligh orol,Culbla. • f 47 1 ,:" is authorized to porch* several !toothed bitglielO - of:Graitt,:for ,w 11161 ). thethii,lietitLpidee -will tte given. • • • Carlisle;lll4'l7, rya 2a ea V2001122t3'.- i• - .'" f:',!'.: D - ... ~ ,_...,-. ~.,,..... . A vir.L.perfol m all speration supda tholTattli, , , v r . that are required ,lor theirpresenadan,suell as 4cating., , PWiasy/Nagffingi.:&c4Ppr - .34,llfiestora tlie - lciefiii'lliein,fiy. iasurtiat.Ailillajal'fireetil;frara. a single Tooth, to, a fall 0911.•,•.: , . ' Z . ......':...,-;:: ' i Illiee:OS-Pit-streetra-fe'w-doorritalrof-rtlie dfiai rand Hotel—, .-; -..:: , . .1; ~,' :,, ~,.,.', :. , •,, t ,:: ,, e.; -,. - . - N.13: - .Dr, , Lapadvwill lie from Cul isk the - ,Oitys,ii) 04E4 . .,triout.ll'. ,i • .i. ,:. ~, .; i . ',.,, 'WHOLESALE & IiETAI::GROCERY; Denier n comity); Pl4:lthicati PittkfittiiManufaCtimer, , - 0 211, N'i!th 117p,t pxr , csiluit9; ~• . , •: L r ki . , TUSID reaalved - a tew druru at •• Frqsll,:•§lirxrisa kigat Ya,rY ,fiaaNualitY; alaa.Fragl,Roitilisi at , 126. !luta Per pound .k., , ••, „, TO Ik*SICIANS can lost;:atioiTost,'effeedi niefileifie , l mie.s tiioua Atli , Fretalan'OlittatVElpliii Mag.; Azinc,'stiyi,lhey!eured.l#k' i cetigh in , .6 few The Rev . I 4 of rthe elincehl : X e, as il - eireC:it.ii;, - -yrlinid.olllzial polish in the'Atetkinlibt 'ethitali;*A Cinretl:Of • • S llElt i'IIAVKWQI,IS,II.U./Z ENGES friar e saYell 'the lives 'of ,ilnainiffilik)AAmi"vir. - " IY , I - , lviiiiioLsi..4 .. 6l IV,iilnisir, - .(liblifiiii4dWaiil . :l7P - OCiriflion. B. 11., p,ltrol.f.;.pri.pZtigpfaromtmestvly PhysiL "hd they.Wilrlelrrotetriey,, A i , e4eoeift—twe.only - in. falithlet mciGc; le known ~LOASNO ' SS: ate ; real mq u lotes h . :heathlike, pin Vito:T.lll,l6r sieliness the,eirbooti Chid Ike :AVAii•ngt f ri; . gi:4}lli!gliPjirOi•TslßY9P Clark, and utmost every. body., knows then _vuhia criers - t 23 gents; aod : ix Mir& t&•otifeririliiiiinkti aro; lumbsgo, - psin - pn weiakness rue: s r nii s f; .. a id 6 ;, haelit.also theylenCe worms when applied to the part. Ask Joe Iloxic , oriiiny, ono whb used it, and would give 5 fue,one. , aooner ;than fire, .beititifOrallmtfidr - ritasters, Sold in, Carlisle atIiIJNTER , 2 ' 4 ! ./ ‘' T EE 4O /OER'S' 13nOk East:tliith street, Who are sole iAgerits roe I • 404.MIZEMI,ELLiii.,,::_,-.- ''COCPOII - N - SYRUP For the cure OCObstittate..F.,ruptiona Of . the Skin; Pitn,pleslOr.Pustules on the Faiiec , es uch *arise fjom ari impure' habit of body;- Sealy Urtyptions; the. .Bones Bliettinatianf;:,elter kcroftila . tarltink'S g l / 4 41T T ,WhiliStrel- Syphilitic Symptoms; and all dis . . rders• arising *curt' an.impure. State .of . Ake-blood, either by along residence a Iwt-and unhealthy eliroate, the injudi cious use of Mercury, dr,e. This Mrilleiee_hiiiareoluintly-heen-found ' highly beneficial in Chronic Coughs, or - Colds of long standing. - " • This Medicine If been extenstvelY used in the Scrnliila, Nler curial iliseasesondiii all ea ses-ohor Ulcerated eliar ' outer._As un ultcratixa.itt_the_spriine,.•und tall Sill= MHO, ins %mentioned. It possesses untoy advantages over the decoction, and is introthieed as a prepara tion more portable, not liable to injury by long keep, big, and better adapted tr the use of persons travell ing or . resiiling abroad,' -" - • • Tile proprietor begi• Atre-to call to th following kertifientes. s cited from a large filial - ee apiirming its edit:act: • , • itAADINn, 11111,1 4 :1),3,18:39. - - 11iite - ittiVrtlirii' 1111VVIiiir - Mrs: Ifeem, had for nearly eleven yea .s suffered from a serofilloini eirtip. Lion resctribling t ter, w hictime deep Ilfilt:N ill her fare, neck and at m ' the °Dilatant discharge of Which clestroyeo her h lath and frequently confined her for A ,11,,,,,„wit pa... to her -hetivliirinr,-whielrtimeter sufferings were very great.. The heat medical-a tter,dance was (1 1 / 1 11illea; 111 Id all the ICrIOWII 11`flielliVs . were tried with but nil 'nllevintioiliif lje,r °complaint, which always returned Witli increased maligni tf.— ll avi lig lost . all hopes of recovery, she had _sifitinst determined to give tip the use of tiny oilier medicine; she was however, los - perstnisaion, Induced to ley Oaketeo helnirative of Sarsapai Ma, the line of 111 e.bottles of which lots removed the disease, mid' restored her to perfect Inottli. TIIQNIA S. DEI:Nf, -opposite the depot, iteticliti,g,Ta. , . This is to certif.. thst my little son eight years 0111, had suffered fora long, time from exten -Nive-simvs-olithe right - knee and 1.. g,, supposcil hose been whim Shelling, which. found ,impossifde to heal, f•Vell by the nut of the moat reipermble medical Advice., until I wits recommended to use Air. Outieltl's Compound Syrup of Sarq u i um ili c , 8 1 8 , 1 . ties of which not Only headed the iiores,lint.purfeetly restored the child's henlylcuthieli had suffered mud; in consequence of-this 09r,t844n. itlythore. Pettit street, Reading Tne above ease AVIlq . presented to me both before ntul alter the-use-of-Alm Oakeley's Syrup or sorsa - . patina, and I hare no hesitation in believing that it was the agent of his restoration. • JOHN P. lIIESTER. hl 1) MEM ,DooordissvictE, Apri1,19,1943, Mr. Onkele • :—.311y sort ELlPilatfLiteaf,had.tllC. qicrofillicibl le most dreadful and :diStressrig man nor for three years, during ' which time he Woe 416- 'Aver! of the use of Os limbs, his hend mid neck were covered with ulcers. We tried 1111 the diflin , out remedies, but tomo,gffectyttititrecotiumendial be JolinsorOirlsro - rrirk wit, and ' • llitister, of !tending, to use vottrilepuraiir Syrup, of Snrsnpnrliln,of • which l obtained ses:eval bottle°, the use of whict 'drove the disease entirely out of his system, the sores healed tip, and the dhild ions,: restored so peighee-hepith;4hiels be has tlijopti tin--, itneri.uptedig evetsince,,to the ustonislithent iintersons who Seen', biro' diming - his affliction." have thought it my - shoy,'"iisitUiend ybsi this certili= onto, that others _who haven like offljetion ib — ••l7ktiow gable n tatioq otal,ktiow Quire to Oattin to rolitable n nie'd. eine, - • ..•••—• • Yottri; trots'. • T `A'. - D. LEAF:'''' _.-• `STEVENSON,-:far=. folie ; littg_and -: ,t ving 41.gente in Ctimber land. County . .1.. G. Miller, 'goo CutitliCrliold. 30 0, 1 1 1 1 1 ,01 1 111,Yottooetowo. 31 1 Wen. ntaltb - a, - ,Nowxille. . Jacob ilockbact i do., L. Reigle;bi Co., CbOntNotro. ' Comart,Shein,v(lnnwni ,1410,0 MI rz4militiar:44l4 . 4 . limeinittsv„ , „ iivioicirge . ll„en'i§r3ip Foreign ,and 'Vothestio 'Prx.POO4.O, .__ ~ ..... _ .• ' . .- ./Y4.0M0rtk470 0 4.0 . re#L, ': A row cioore'spiith.olArehati . efetiPhilatklidila:,'. ' - . , . , y ,y, tiiLDr:pcspotnii . lllViii WC' illieilllo4% '6' . ..,. V, ~ , ,e eentey buyei4 to Iheir.lattnesiiiiiiieet9l; geni iittiethle: to thp lienion - :' , ): 4 7 - '." ,- ' ,. " 1 7 , ,";! , - 7 ', The'y hat'e: onlihnd'n'lnigOsteek'er,roeeftviCniid' :!)..09m.i1W' 46 00;1,11; 1 1, 1 ..!!.!, Ower,itritektki!lAge Tiviowlitilliatititt tirsk7kinrOtctpirsr,iiiducpinen4 t, the trade: . ' ..' • , '':' ~. 4 . 1 .;k1- ,i - .:. - ' -;'i.i'.',l . . - . '' _:•,', '":: ' - We, solicit ii.-eniV fl 4 eie. , Jetydrebercire.ptirehfisieg ,ehieivhelig Atit.WWe fjli,sfieilthittitlik - peroloeßyliier k - .iii6Pitepffer.inir rottfrOki,,i lo t l. o - 1/0111ivepAcKeetion.., 14Apiiqr,t17 t 8,44.: t , .;-:. , ,. , ..,: f. , -, -64, ~ ,c, lftill . W - 11 1 xiTkYstiorl .;; )240.0.e no,oki v2 -to - cl»,:tr0Q1'(0 , 1,i0:,;,1 1 "I')'.itlO , l'il".•.i/..r,9n) t,e ( 00. t o ,lip,l:o l6 l ) l i ti k fe ilg rti t iro in pri a 2p airi , o tp u tva rki c , „ ; .., Plll4drqn StWel , Oftql Prqr:OßP94;c l s4,eVOrillea:' D?ig , the YeA , MikOti ?er .qTem.:2P.A.Pfs. 1 •111?4 1 0.L.N.11 1 . 11 ,1* 1 _ -$11;-`.....,Tv lESI . Imioiiill r .itivottf:'o4l34cklelii?' ,Piptlo;:ttll 1) 041 go, io otoi".oloonion,j9!ig,", diaalors#44:Eitircli;aivoiliiiiitenogainl Onger,-1 4 do; Glass tou! RiidetiewiirO4TObncoo;;oavOifiiill4 I owl plok:koloapao of Oki.t.geko4i,ool,4otO re!io Also, 0011;114f ovitiiiiilt and ophopootagortiiihroatmx .etaii i iii.the olitiarijOre of ': • .-.' ~,,, - , ,' ' • C.,.. • ll#MilBol , y'r: ~ V,. -:-.• ''s4ON'w-42 A ., '... , 60. ' , .‘,1 ..1 , , s . ig- A : Cl' CO 9,..P44 , 44;; 0 401ieV441ti1a11i11nii: .: ; c : ~,e 4 7.6 oo f ie.,t.ilty 00' 10444 44 1 t Ib".abook 71ii pl"iertwvaili4 , 'filrt,lito- tixt,„ c a :ti!to4 Mot o 4 c't,' , .,43;::" A `li if i - ati; i i'Y NEE= ....,aiillloii;i4lfi'a:6i;Oit!' , . .....44Ptioe'leait font Intl/noise 4fiteiiiriiii,:!iiiiillacii l ti.: e,66lsiiin e ial . ilinCrn:ip'.thelit,l; toiition'Atif :Bidet Keeptiiiiiiid"linaldirciriOmiliinegen i , nrallyk , ;• , .rKopyietora, of?lloapitalet Asylums,: qiilitil-.: ernyai County,,Poon:House4 t4.l3...fiiiFi,. ! will,findpii a' e, ShivToellieue Oat; hi 66:The'suPeil6i. in liiki thing Of, the, kind nver:tnade.'l:44lll,6l;,gulB.l.ller6foe6'l4llll'lll3‘ ,in i!'ant, of_Cooking .q.tovea,arn,t•emientfulty,retine's.' , toil .to Call mid essiriiine. tliiie:i.perone: pitealitisingi elie*lieels4 ,-.' ''',:, ::`.,,... ~, iii i ,.s,,iit„.Uir .... ....- 44-.1 i11a...-Ishner'76l.l4,y-',:i"lili,4:ve4Wtll..Y.63ratida. hat filinet ii§6il Ohe , of 101.4thelt'.44Ytiterito; k1.0 01 4-i 'ing Staveaoslneli.sve;Can',ireetittil64l46llOtel keep-, pro for eentiOliiy, l in 'file; and-labor,: , ~ • , - ~" • ' 3Oliti A .In;tia; ;lenge' Ifotel, Chesnut at Philp:, '. .1 & 111110111'A iiii;4111WIIIIC1 bid, C. May,: N.J. ,,,, --,' Otritnair , '.Afet.seliiirale, I'n:'-' - • :i3 - ,-,.. - Antin.'i•Nttoitant „{Lalie 5i_04i1r0;.4.,,,i,......e.:_...•.,---. f.• - -- ''''tiii7,ll7lll,Vil , e - trix,fltlinetichi 1 - Itnoini,Carlisl'h; ..L. , _.'4l_ , Ppi.iiiii.ltrii,4A-IVlhs'on'silleitel,l- =` ;p , ..; Gio.,,klainen, , State C Pior Hotel,liarrillifing. , ~, 14. r: • 11 , v•if: , t; ~,ti i,,: ~..,„1., ...... , , '-'.:Thii great. deinnotl, ;:inn_tho_unequaledtaitiarae, ke4 fri iltni Ohich - tkit7'§tiote nit 0 venihniinititned tll6',F6o' yitetorAci ii*e.lo7' , ,pniinatin.nuil . cink thentLnitinitek no peripir intrinility and ,Niiiitmorhip; : a a,, thny , tine' superior inn:teel Innen' fee'Cobk in purpOies Over aft litheeittivveaLeykinlifinfnialeed-Intliia-nirifkiti'-'lle therefore,iakna;this opimetiinity th.inloent, the t pub- , lin, that time liatinens`litiee unikegone, iv . thorOngkol , ter:mina iihd irnp6vdirient Alien they liiiie 'etifefinlic his hands.---1416.t0ps in - pardnulan:have:heen tlitek' voied.iiiiil atfinktlieileil '-•-' they tire also iinvi east Si the .r_cll l loll7Pbßvo'• nu niod ,' anti of Aliebeat A ran, conhc , . litentiv-, ipxlteztaiperior:ifitafea-rviail6,7io,,_______llast- PiiinneesTkollinti'etiloTitivilisna . lidny, stro,ig . lll, l -watl-_ ty and' the ainsioling. of Are: - In ' eliori,• he is deter mined that hicahall not be, aneptitiatal in,iiny ieepe6i, by; tiny thing that eanhe pnodue.ed east or , wept , north' or' ninth. - - ' JA,1140 M. ALLEzr_:: Carlisle, MO' 22;1844. . , cri'Mnellinury eiul Stool: Cnstings, made to,prder ut Al.thl'Kerq's Iron Foundry, „AVot 11.10„struct, TN TRUE - POMADE'DIVINE.. ill. long estsiblished snit trivalitsible'Prisollient, ?Ti Cur , s_atitlitrevents.44ll—Cliapping or 'roughness of She Itanfhpand. .front the piercing .fleets of cold weather. It also cures :Frosted Feet and Corm, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, StilT Neck' and Swelling of the. Glands. , t will greatly eelieve . the pain of Illsematism and, Gout on a first applientioh, and if persevered in will yerforni a Cure. It solely removes Pimples and otherßruptimis,is exceeding useful for Sore Breasts; and the Chafing or In, latilA,&b. It is dsefiil fur. Cancers befOre they are broken, and a yemedy: for the s It wtit_ eitn! ore; I Itilliiiiiiiiii . M 7 or — Tvie r ovenietsce lv rwhieliihe Skin isliable.. So' invaluable is'ilsis compound that those Who have once Proved its Ilene-. fit, will never be witlinist it in families_ It will I retain its virtues ntanylears aud.its all'elimiteS and is therefore vey, usetal to those.who' go to setwan to - sill travellers. • Prepared null sold wl4olivalt and retail by R. FPINNIM, No. 1; South" - .Seenntl Street; 'only - one iloOr ftvim Alarket trect, "'„;',..Nolie pool witlumo liiisignature on tlielnbel. $ '6lll by L.;heni‘ s;Droggi me, Perin rop . r . a, Ste. fm-25! N. R...‘k very liberal allowance to Dealers. *ellgit - - jA:iIIES, Forwarding & Commission NeehantsF BROAD STRKET, WE respectfully inform our friends thul costa met 5, that we ha ve„,takrti a large and ma -111(niI0119 Wiire liouce.on the Delaware, No. 48. N. IVfistrixts, between Arch and Race, and in connexion . with our present house on Broad street, where we arc now ready to receive. Flour and all other Pro-. duce, either by Canal Navi.ntti on or Rail Roads. Reference .. •11 111. - BnCTiirr Ty% McCafTere hc Seymour, March '27,1844. .' liioQll WORKS, uNAT3 wlzau.lo 111)Vrair l ie of gip powers and authority Q.,K9 confided in the List will and testament of Jl}ruAcf. l pe, deed.:l now alibi. for sale, the . • Carlisle - Iron Work SirtiatMl tirithe'' Yellow' Breeches Creek •al miles east of Cailislii-Pn. 'Elie estattremisists of a? that rate 2 0 2 ._..6.2.—&13WE1 ail laiL . Teini — lin Thostsaaid:4oes of Land. A new N1E:11.C1,414 . Ari 1 1..: L with fotirrtm Mamie, filiislied - on - theMblttrinititiVetl plan. About 500 acres or the bird arc PiPAV.44 andliighly cult.tvated,havitig thereon - m.6CW . Three Lsirge, Illtarik 13nrns • • and necessar y,TE I NANT•IiOUSFS, The works are propellor by the Yellow Breeches Creek and the Boiling Spring, which Neither fail tiorfrkeze. 'l' here_ area lion the premises all tho-neeessarywiirk :Oiettalintises ' Coal houileimarpenterand smitlrshimit, nMI staid ing built of. t he most substantial material's,' 'rho otm.orthe - best .9nality; and, inekbanstiblqiill, Withint miles of the' &mem , . 'rf , oi'f;.'l4eArti '' no IF n "Cc orks in 'ennsylvania which nossesseSsw-' polio': advantages and offers 'Oeitter iriduceractit . o the investment of Capital. ertlie`ivaler_Mativer::_iktto'- g - tWthattt might Imestended to tat other, anati4 hiettaiiiig. purpose. , Perkilitt tlispolied.te Ankiliiiii6, wi ILO( course examine the property'. Thetetlntql sate willbe , ntado'ltativit by . .. , . . . - - .;.;; ' ;.; -•At A- ?V_ :EG Execittiqx cif 11fielitiel • t Xll ;_t ~'~ ..1311equehairp.210. • fO;PHILADELPN]A• I AN&':`BAL t Iik i ]II -DAILY, TrEpr,privio r a„p f the , StisquithrOiftit . .4iiiiivlll their Cat's' tted- , Beetti i iitt:ueetitte'llith: and.thiltiniefedifrirt'ithe jrcwa 4P111C1Coe : , n Or. trdet tho ,, Det a.) Willi 'Ph iletlelphi Eittd Bide f•lteltl.% :more;'. . • - MEI t:ll,l,nt . it ti• 1,11 or !)ioticiiitho . lbiliovidrit l ii6bi will . 4, atili4prl 413:tictutrAnt,thik.'141tidiap d 'llid'Ubiiiii'!, V0:P 13 ;t .,4 ~, 1 ; f U.,. ,i . II I, "• ),.. , . si;' , !; , ~1 ,!...... i j : . ....r a :tt , .;:i 7 t - IT'..t?,-; ;' , ::Vr ''.1,:,;',.!' 1",*; , ,i.i.,4 - ri if ~ - , : r 4." , i. + iii.' , , i ;it ,: ;...1.: ,Ij•, . 4..1411:4 ,i.,Tif,,f3 ..,,7: .i•'l . 1W7i' , , , :'.tl gr ga:..01;1:41"T'5 , (7, ' ' ,?,...i „ - ' -. ,21;;,,1 1 ,1 , ,. . -.:o:4 ‘. ='Eri ß- ,;.i.Ve..l ri g e eIiT , VFAI ,7 . I7, ~'lil .".. "44;;IFIti' , ' , ' , : ,),. / ...4 ~,( : i.,,,:•.:1 . : '!.; C:,°-,:-=ti..,' e,;..tcfr. , - , il, 1:13.7ti1i 2 ~ . ..,D,,ld,;;M:Wi::.'t 'r. , "rl'r. , ,e; , §:t 1 . 4 4 , ; 2F.,git ',,ti:t.t. ° 4' . O.2i, 7' - .: , ..2.:,,:iaQ.3', , ,i,2:0!..i....“,i1•Wmit . .1i :, +Lk ; Pi.. I;:,j a ....afft . py. :A 1i ,i;,, 4 .' Imy - ~, c ,,;, ! :..-:, 02 Rciuki: , 3 .i. , e , g5.:.. 1, 4111.wi1#4 0ry1350di;.:#00;',4P . ... ; . ......., - ....i . -..... ,. , , . 1601Vt . Idtdnini, - '-. ~ '' -26 ' .'' ,- ; -- 7-pr '.t•-.1;A:cl" , ;' - . , yi ~, Puiiiit** - F',"i 7 L'Y;. — ',2B::::'": . "l, - -43'"' '.'. ..:. '3474"1;.gy4'4%.*111.44".',...f•:•''..-4. t,..1.•••..• -. • • "P°4llrr 7 ol l. l , •:•it f P , T.l. 7 4l7it Ofktd.:t GrOP:POit : :,•.T - ': ,. ' ,'ii;;' , ,;,3i. - ,..ii;,,,Li.#0.:., - ,::;;1441)1..4.i liiiniVoiliOr - ARO.',Jl : 4, , k‘fi';-• •,' '4_,_• , '‘',:.: •".•'. 001'. ..,- ••.:: I fififfioL'..,-14t;4441:49,`3150,1-.4.112.450k..10:),%::•;L:1 SfinOop 0.6 i. 10024,1 60 . ( i ,-!:,! , 21 0211,i414; l'i', i;: . ,. .F a t ip4, l3 ,bt,l. . - f,'4,i,', - ., , k,1...:. , Ypitc (; - ..,4.4•4,!tti.?_01' , 04....."''', 11.eiriii0110 1 :- . .toil:1540#4 1 ',3)1i1.11!:.4.;•• f' - #1(10. 9 1 7 ifi'014'4.:. 5 ,•'''..4't2,24 . 1 , ..1"f,1 1 %TAfri„.11: . .t i ,?5, , .11tdiriTiLifilt41(#041? ' l - / t''t - '5.3:1 4 ; ) !" 3 / 4 ;•': , ..''' '6006,i,, .' - ~'.:, : - o. , :il...,Akt.fiiic , >l 11 00.*00,A01,;5F:.50.1:42:,2,4..,j".:-.'.r..•':.....• 'll 02,2a4 tiPi'l' . : l 'o';',;:i2' , :f:',:x . l,ll:o,t,igtlkk..4.:lo 11i1Cp,„,, , , , ,,,:,,,„4,i,4A5:11441k4ii , :41ii,' , :..• l l iCAPAiiik7l4.4,:tiSAAO:lif': - 140,0:tii' it 411 00 106 4 1 jar t .9.g.'1, , ~m 44 TA RA'Aitai:• 4 l: . f ' tt roiri 4 4 o .. ii.i , ,;,,tly, :. Ilkilbr., lc, c.c..,....."'P.. , ii , ;•.-74' . ;iii,' , . , itii.,i4.1;5,64' tafthiOtiM4: 4 4:ook: . :'....r,'. •-.,",i•.14.4k4 . 4 . ..K INVoli,,esr,PAz4A' , 4•:,42;•. , ':',„'', ~if.a..,,.. 'Aitt 8190/iiiiiio9llol.oo_,:',:?tg V , ISTXIm•f.,-.41.i..::-.-. 1, , :40,1 - 64 - wr44o/J46,44).00044...?.<.040.(x - ; ~.„ .. .t,iii, , , t ig5. 1 m0;00. ,, .:14-440mmis w,„,0,.,Mr44AR4141g1itt0,Z Nij( artioblOg4 - 40 ,11112;18430,..7 : ; .%,. , :„•,:,,.•,.-4 , ,, ~ Alv-"" -•• • BEES • 4, tilt 115 5 74, •", sca , 11 411 41 4 iqti e 1 tielVlKiiiieictu a, itohe-Vint r k atkipm i- ..4 1 1 1 iNfis1 1 0 ,, • it)6l4W 4 : '4elii74l-'-' Id flit: ilm ' ' kTriVit , COOKAiG` , publieithttebeio ' 1 ,oilthi4lifn:tent iizefp w :orOtthe. mist ,txten etqf",llllhe pithlicvslie Ilirt,,enellMilhf fubl,„, 1 V• l 4. 1 11 ell lift aviiiii. 7g o .P.qt t &Inv . tIPTU2AI4Ii. 140V0ii‘ , -it c letAtirCli lll:o' Utld 3 l i t i :l 4 1 8 1 : ( ft : 6 : , :e l d i (T Batts c i .i P w r ' i r o i r t r i:o 6 l ., t c-' millheir,never • -fatliii . VALOABLE t -..::. ................................................ ..,,,...:: ..:,,,•,,,,,-,,.;;.4,..,,,,;.,q64e,-,'41 ME EMS ME= ~. -, .;:....,:.,-. 14 : pr. ~, ~,, 4 ,. i . 1110. , ;.--- - .•--, tip._ ~ . , _:.E ~ g, • 4 ',.. ~, ',,, .if •, , " g m c If ,•:,,,(..: t , ... : 1::',1 1,k,-.' 1 , ',, „, , T.tellEV kriiA "tiiv:Api • 1 ..;hii , iiii.6'. iliiiritifeOriiiiiiikeiliii'V ii .,: .i.•:t r. , , o'l.v4i:l3tiliiiiiii:friiiiiii.'ilit 5, --''':''Ft--.. . .. ,, ii ,. 44.4 .17.1 'S'oiiifill*, , li)i',Yl(iiig'i.'Eiviti'!llli'dii.ilitift:sp . ii,c l ,3ibstinate'-eutinfooob EiliAtiiii . fe,'Pir,4-, i.4lp's,l'.ot.Tikfjzlestri'tho'.Fit - 6!.'')l'to, - ., ,Oivisißiltis; CliitAild;lSO9 l :tje:qptßit)t. ',- '':.;A r tfoiiiiiiiiT.f . TetteT;t.,.:.,Scii.l4"4-100gVict4, 1 t'i;4ari6iiitiiits 3 .iiii'd....f.Paiiiiit! ilikliiiftk , - ri . i . ;''litiid ifiiiiiii., l StobbOtiMfg - ',oi'e,sll.: .., otic' , ,SkT4l.s;io - p . -- $ . - 4 . 86 - i'ai lc . apcii , ,Ltitribksl:ik, •• - " , -.4ild'. , dis.o . 4ke . iriliii'lliiitiltr.f . k;itijiid,i ,l `,:-. ..eist"*4l,si; irel4.oidif:vi `' . .ii#6.o,:g_*:l ,11: Dtpst ig*pZvitte bx'..lscflAiil4.4ol'sq;ii.e; 1i' '' ' ' .121.6 : :5 4 115 ; - 0 - tifkiN ' o,otiltittl (1044 r. ' 3j-' ibiSeifabilsrill'bkieilike,i/61 . 1'413,kAllii' , '.!i-: '.. , lii,iii i iir t iiild r y...:..,io . : , ,re; . 4le,f,, , ::5'.', , ,'",,11 - • Zt, 1 .. 1" 0 1 . ? .., , ,5: I. - ,'• ' .4"...i-.4: ~..,...''-, ~.'4 . of tliL ~ ...e., : li, . .i'q!'- ' , ' : 'rlinprpvdroent..yi.,_whate:tee eeglmita . ;thr'in , ,Tßl,eeai . itlial .. ivelitihh of phi. 40in:: Minitantik on #A r l rfiolol. to . jierteCtibli`,: i iinif""Wiii t 'Oi;'nh"sit44llli,),g l aly . "i!Rtne, - ti'MeliiiibiCiii'l i'tiiiiieeil';l . ll:46il l gill'..Ofetiiid . e - cr . 1",,ee... W:ttleil'Ot 4 '% i ini'v , ii'iMiiiiefMliAihtliiii6Ctii44igg-O‘r , llii*iiii•lloit'deslitiiiiei'ile, ''O' - iii:iA; - 46V.Iiii;Cf,ii•i A i .leivLmter',.the.pig'ti,64i'io44', lia.Wro..,lii,ild • eteti ek Ufth ii?Onder . ! - li r iMfi'iliiiiiiiiidi4iiital'inigh . .ein midtiin:everri4p-drithen't,'4'el-yilQif 'firgil'n't;tl'; enhiflOirtfiat whfch enlatekto tti'e: icho4le fge.oi4 i ' hiii - MMiiiitnnnin , heaitiiiiiwi'iliVeli . eXi4 ls 44)V4lpi' !'ilfe -, ,- . otiii44ingiili l 4gitii; diaooiered thedugli the'hielia'y'iif'OtteAliiii..if :IOW doest he i inagi natiM t' itz ridl;ii ell 'ohe , Wifiniiiiiiii;'ol-4,, at the'-inkenitity;4-th&iteile-;iiiiiiinitifiiiiiiilitiffdiliftr Of . perfenti on . 14:ot "the" lit:eteiit - :i iin e! '. 41 1 ion iiritie, . eialitirate.investignticina cif Phy_ainlo;:oe thmsejenee - of -Lim, - anti _ MIT . , .. - riihni tigy of pees:Meld ' Aiseiiioe, ' much I-Op : able practical kunwiedgeChas hitiegnined. V , ..F:9tuse l l9Pnce 0f Upcoming n'cquaintd . with 1116 1 6 e -, pniptA9l,„!.l!9,l,ftmenpinf,.the ,snritme-tisinMwanii-., struOureplOrilit:ri4sterni,,,remediesdinve,blY‘.o solttlir, . .aftemlnaili_inoveeed ex4eitly ash!pte d to ?iambi no:lei tl;,- - ~ i .iittitil:ze Mai l xiMi -- rtrtilfio --- wirit te:f. - .15p.,.0l 'iliseane, and anbstituthimaithY Action an its place.. qlie heantiftififinfOlfejty of, this Male ',of .treateopn't , is not on y sugiatm .. iy le pat 39 01, , ,) ..: 0 . iseales ! 11 14 ;OM i gt•atefu I 'to the tilterer;lit perfect ly . in col. lebenime with tiMOpeiiiiratis or Nature, and ifnititfne, tory fo the *WS Mil rensoniite of every intelligent,. reflectin . mintl:_fcis_th ns . thai-Sand?ZSltraninieill 'e aT -alscie ' combinntion of °e s sential' lieleit,lea of the moat yalunhle vegetahle subitnneen.opTitintes4oelhe Itytteni. Tim Saemparilla is combined with the mist salutary prothirtiiina,:thc-ment-potent-simples-Olthe ,vcg;etable kingdom ; and its unprecedented "seeirtis in thr restoration to 'health of those who had_ long 1 pined under the most distt‘essin,T. chrOolo mohtdies. tuts given it an exalted charaetey, furnishiug--a s it does evidence o s f its own inteinie value,n;Ul reconr., mending it in the afilieied in terms thenillicted only eon knew.' it fins long i . finm a most important, de sidirattml in - the ,przetine of ith i .aheine .rto °pilau n rtithedy' - stinthoolo . thii--mne that woahl :Kt on the User, stomach nuqowels with phi ali the Jiet;eiai on and potency of mineral perparmicina, yet' w fthautl,iiiiy o their deleterious effecls (Mon the , vitallMwers of the d. 4 ',"_,- ; - 7 ---- , - - '......,--- -.-- ------ - tf-30 ntlerithin 'Orthe reader is reipt:ctittlb , called .to the IbllOwing - eurtilicate...,llowi:V er great IteltioVer; meats havo . lter,tothre been - itiatle'hy .the use of this rrie'dielite;yet daily experience shoos re stilts still tnoivc;tnarkeble. The - proprietors here theroselves of the opportunity or baying it is a sopree of e - oii;tant -sittisfitctioti that illey4tre made the means ofrsliFyittkmtc.ll./111.3ttatait i t IVonderful bitiecte - of Sande's . Sarsaparilla in. • Ntirmia, Read the following from Mrs. AVen. Phillips, who leas long resided at. the:Fulls,- ,The tl ie tee w oe kuaua to all the old residents that part . of the city, S2r.eisris. A. 11. SANDS Nt CO.—Stim Most gr a j,= fully do I embraCc this opPorlemily kir stating to you . the great relief I obtained hewn the use of your znere. eyntteerilla. 1 sled! Also, lie homey, dr:eon:4l'y ent, to publish to all who ore ollietedoes I lithely .I the MI, elMllt of my tues.:tpeelvel, and eine' for a p a , despair of cure. Aliee is a petielleil story, aidtien hip; and sielteningns in the nrnvvtivr or it, for th s ee or upnp who,levey lie sorely relievetb 1 will riegy ytt licenrater. &tate i . . Nineteen veer, ft 7 o last April a fit of sickness tell me with an 'key sipelastroption. Dropsical collet - thins iinineditttel) took phice liter the entire girl:tee cif are hotly, causing speli ;in vilLtrgelrlVlWillat it mos , necessary to add a half SIMI l+l the ::12.0 of Ivy tires-' sesttroutal the m rite. SC3I folliiweil,a ono air lirolts,. :liners,- painful beyond deccription. l'or years, both 1 in intro met. and winter, the only mitigation of my so Revile , . Was :build' itt pouring - upon-those !tarts eulil water. ,'Froni me limb. the Itiiii extended over toy whole hotly. Tliere was literally tor m e no rest, li, day or by night. Upon 1 3 ing damn !hes • pai1‘% .,,0 111:1 shoot through my system, and ermned' inc to arise: and; fur hours together; walk the :muse, so amt.! wits almost entirely clettriVecJol Ace'''. ' 11erbiJ..14.;,„, 1 he 'ErYsipelas eon'ilitted , stetivii;''aitil . the 7111!ers.Cii , lat•gotl,and so deeply .Itatve.these'eaten,, that Ilie two and a half years they Inure heen, subject to hlyedi lig., J)twitr , illtlenitst twenty .yeat'LLllazittsUlte:ll- i t etity physicians.. . These bare:called my- 'disease; --t.l As it was attended with an obstinate etrugh arida ideadi, Mut seti tie tiain in niyside- , a dropskaleonsn in pt km 'anil,•thetigh they hare been skilful tirtietiqonert,,they' we'll pale able to afrord my case a iiitrltal and tom onearkrel id: ' Iliad many other ilillietilties ton com plicated to'ileserilie.. -I bare :deo need tint medicines that hue, beett:rettommentled. u s infallible cares for this disease, yet thesd all litiledo . oul, I WS; lilosr emlifi:ificiiily 10-liWilig, wiii•ne..,lll.'l,llte iteiiii4 .otindition4rutt-tiii.byfiliende,nnit ex peetingibt-enye nt;11, relief nide in death, J was liy Ili,e'titntily, , ","iiiil i f of a kindProVidenelq . furitialted,',, wit 11.,)•,inte; ..t t %-ern,t;iliyalint lit_ ~ e sl4 .. tiniell . ,l*. ( o•QV eingleindlle ezne'l ' 4 pawittostußtyoo:4l-o,t#logr*efeheleir ..,itlict...,itifarl 11,1,11'hot Once felt ; ' Vtion taking. the...seeingd myth-, -11.-rgetuent-ttilbYtt.glaul;':ntlit ilk teveliieitamleorn 'tlie' in li t pi.Detolier . , when 1 enronlglicedUkl'igSiur',sor Tfitpprillip"Wtte-nble to,. y . ,11 0: sleep eindrilishby sight!ee "enfrenfilnAl . tie - iini.l ever enjoyed 'When to perfect h o orw alletsuleth:C:irasi-itiAbis elibet-'timei relieved, trin%l‘ll4.linee t ipmennimeng, anti' nnallevintettpliine• that hod' alitinted my dapple well It..eeolliwil-milAt, irfiiiklit'ilifinirel7- The tskiiiitiiwitiin'y linnlni eitie. !tented, fig Ettialpeltts enivl, :tind.mfl sizet'iedizred' p j ritly (tmoolor .m mem re, --;;; . -.;-i ;, -i . Snidn 7 Sanneiniellln.williilso , -reindvein t ,per m J netitlyini"e . dliensentisiiingllPWorrAliiiiiie tmliire i."!af,,llt,e:}?l l , 3 ,!*.tt , l4 l :4 o .,ol l Y,9A , Soutljt ;01 o_f 11 „„)W,i 0 ..)1 2 oral e9nstituuon„eine' aierowin cin,KingAir c alilnd ~ ..ilitiiiiii 'Llikrtitil.V . -Bliietniiitiiii44bstiliate-Oirtrine Ir‘ - . 01.,Ittiont,,,bIntedie0, , lbilliqppinipleahme.pVieliil ' ;iiin' ilielnen .f eieroiliti-en . re,;eyee,pit . gw,tieny6 . " o o :ll? "id . • head; . entalienseilt ilia - pain id' thel.:lottes fon jsdniii,, atoll licioi 'fatecrlyeltiimio ei syieiStoin't,Alseuir d :tria `l)lo.ll , oteite,i6juditeputc. tau of..rtieretirf,lZinet e .de.: ratt-en)eton andolier sinillvpcinidninte?:, ~ ; . ; , ,..i . I i' IlidAllineli iter I !edit k 11q11.1.19q ti f t,FOlN . th , ti)b 'efitcliey'vortylenrhiznltit=reitotitig Siiiitotteillit.;".e Itt,Cntl,clutulio,.:,ttir,fromAnitt witpiteigottlfott,,tuut. mit nse hop .9 .Of future heidilt' , ewndife,,,nitdee God„,t 9.: ,yolii(trinfriin*iiffillty: "slid veiny Oielittrie t Pciiiiidenne 441. etreetult • . ,tegt:teptue.'aitnyfoulte` you ttielisijpr 'mut lioninitid instrument of, 1 ,, eks ji m , „g len , vv . , 01 " ; cilitict.l titut,despOutlin'ytiu ontulli relleve4.4ulver y z , ertititail fitidnit;P" -- VON , 'TO ' M. 'PHiLLIPS', • • ri k tiiix - o - iwa(c t i o ii . j.., , iy:Niviti oh .1 NO. 40 tf4StV , 74' '''i Ptlt; 4 ot,tolY,PlMgitNtlik.te abPF.Vnat.nd , AtOitilitAL:, , 4 3 .141iitut . ,IAtel raittl.riOthi,.'of.fh_e Islet s.e.?ninirte4l n tkie .I . SirttdiAg eflitilien't,betirenitj:' , ~;'-;';'; ; :urt,, , ,f,, , ,,. ~ .1 ' 1 ':,,i„.",,nitit 1-44 9.KUe$Vng,4fkaliFilittStliq ,‘;','''''' ' 1 ..; i 4 ~: , 1 . - 6 ,1t,;',4- 4 .V.,,"4:l'lllll.littititie nt'dliniPelle, 4: - ( , 1 - Ifeifliperile4 l )X ,, , lpfel.clintitd4Vikhr*llr*;:PpillipMl; certifY•ttri,t the titio,ve uttlgerfairlii4ii''ere 'stibsilitilialli triteruifi4' 'lke» 'f..MrsILI..I4I.M - „Ar. , IttCHMIDS,'iV..I , tI ~..,:f .. i . , 4 *161100 of f thei,fiOntieintiNa:ivitiliiltiiiririt:t fl. eff.tnirekienl sold !iilii I...l..Slinde,4t.c.ii,Uciip. l giAot h'uti. Obeli ofe.`aranlie butitlintis e 3 prottilwuyi ipornOof Ch'itin.ber.iiiiWelvNitiVlOrld: kid tiWittie Iti # l , ll ggiataiV , oolo l ,,2 44 VP,Ruttc,'sfutc4:ol,,,rtiUa• 4 1 ),e0,00.14 t pti. bottjes toi. sfl, '.;:!. . '-:.''. • ~' :.,-,-,' J...- - )': ' .-- . 4 t, liVittitilieil*.i , eipeelftily.'teiftt6sitl4'iortettibut:2' Fje)lttutitii ,, PtOtOlifteriuwatirtilsktAittliattuvell'etoi t 4.' Iqllilo,_ CV 01116.E011#010010 I I .FORE:O9 PACtS 4 di cliinl biti ordpinane yip , Which' tiq,, len OM g lenenn' ittittjuit iiiudiakTbiyialiiiiinueiligiiriil4466' I , - ,, , , ...,',i., ,. ~:,,• ,'...,..., ,',..,: ~' • • •.‘, . ' 7I n e, '7.O;?:.Ett.ACYET '': •-• •t , ''t' - #44l4**l3 4 :3olNiigiaiiiiO4:LiiiW . 1 11 14 e il l r il i, i for - 11$1eAutt i,9111,4y..,,.14 1 . ? ,',f 7 :- .- 4 , ,,),14,,:A01.'4).,",!tr, 4 vl t: ts , % : . `,,',,,. . ....,...,.... .... ,'....-.,. ; -..,.:,ipg. ri MEM ' 1 ' .l l:3o6o4kiziakirtilti6,. % 14 1f2V4 Ti tfr , t ! ,7 ri ThlirverfMt l '''' - '.) ‘ iiibh;ttahtiorbty 4 IN I 74 PAV en t lb ?' 4 0 41 pOlovidp illyeßia ', eitooviOiliwa , , 40, ? ,1 17 rttiwk i " '.,; .40 f iokr nomilu.2 ! gicaugt v......., deaf ; vi 1 4 i i e fri# - 11 4 1 *-0 •W li rk° Al 1 146 " 11110 M 1 I ; UV VO Aktbit,Mito ihilitiliAlitotileiabil 1 4..1 1 .:P1VA0r zwasi Ab r - • --- • • - • , p.u.._, .....„.,,,,. _ ~. . A., 2.-. ......„,:...,...,,.-:•,..7.:::::, • p ~.. mvir - Tite - 71-w*t ,,,i'lliiivlitetitiniti 9 n be. ... ..:. .1 .p,orni . On'oxo.,:iipa at: .I(unierotai . Oersons • --. Ssei ; tlt4T. Oatt„laPie.a . `: ..atelitiiiafit from using one . ', - battle.alalit.,..tiNf..tittiOA-Xsa_r s zailliar.- . lliiiria-erisily-7_- - oOotaipt.fogiAl367.l.4lVa , Sarjaparlillija alttioh' sti.,ongetrbreparediati:ibliii airfiither, mid neariwibe 'air mach Fa ; containeit in•oaelottle as 'o f ate other . ( 4 ndifora qi', 11, 4 o ,ll . 6 ,ittlegl3olo;_tßibil6 remem7 -. tiiii ,, -fe.rario vain in:alit:tut th :.real ract....-.. ; .. .'• ; ' 44.0 f; ., ' , ..4' -' , l• "=' , l - ... , 4.4 .. e' t i'' , •eat•-•f.r,;:;' , .,-3Z- rafg!ApsitkiNi.4l.44o4-rwiagia-: :'' . ' ''.": - ' ti;'lii'Oieiiiellititit.iitifiivi.s•' 7 4'ii-i - ,; j4." •'. -c :..,7•9-1.3" , 4, . ..,. -L .. et .q .I; .-' is - sAtodaritioNegottitile ipterotiaeityithf.which - 'Oar diageasitrias`libottoti,ilieit'nfOlca , so useful as SakanparsilloAnibviOn_propery_combineil and-pre— pato:dila intaliiblepoot-onitlin'restaritig tifebilita. • 1 pilEVA ll l)o l. ..tiolk9it:t vo.ont.qd,Oe.i.urlititin e!tert case'arising Otit;of,an 'JmiaFo.: state ofAlie - blood. t , ViiiibilfOrittifialgii!orieny-Inaayliaietrtitn e or. igia•JObiniidereil , !incialibleywhsVe ,, EilahY:rdiffaitnt :tirgisilltipos .otl Sai' , aspar,i ilk • • kad iheenfrosefle looks. seaaioil,to poiseas virtaea or re.trio4ral,jitYOrpAirill iti:Dt + .7lUidps'Afditiate'll;Vr•qiiiiifi 3 Ouiar .. Extfant of • OokiiiiitaiVll" l , A` j ' . --•"•C!; ~. •', '?-•„..-- - , : .:.....q). , .,. 1 ,. ; .: , i...,!?.... .:171-I,llli]mrepafationqt•is.paiievedaliirt,suparioi to anyfitrier gid; wOolcir,4llO.Ratli9olar libti a lif , iniy•si cirtife;.:;.:.B4 , Tk a , Gaiiltte.: - ~.' , DRAGEIDNISt • INARSAeIO H AUIL4A Extritet of a letter Ireth A: .l3 .•ffirhitmeroOf.-Be t iton, ,•. in rehAtett..coi. - I , e l o'l.B9:74flrilhi - f• • ' 7 , 4 5. 1 247Y liftld'heY it it. iiii;itt r e .ferther'inetv ' ihred yeth•eitnid th erletter-notefierenf ~ 4/11. 4 404,*Iti:iowitgeletiiitereptIreet..t.tliettint e. the y . were three Ot ? Three rfiqpili,itijo;ll.4na— igthiaatitiiiiddtelitTgryetWllifireet'of taltitVerti reit , tre.btithla the'preeetitliiiie They * re . ; no'w:etireltfree rretn-aimappetattinaCctflSare hi funAnyerArhrelikbettell'"h‘Tith•'!:4l;L 1',; ,, .,; - '-' telly effififiteue in 'nll the; - ththls,ot:.l.l4e.. late nie 41.. i *VD . irnny • have been ungeit ; m;:theni.Jrentinent4he xt re delnithited: from th e iineetiy of, mediehielhey they here taken, - liniVilfiderli - metenritillithtleTnee;AillilthiflA t ii-by 'whir o row bottles. of pr,v. Siranikerillsr,their nikir•Olitrif lit, Mete' fetthienna:lystem . • :will he `reetared'i . niid hO.ntihriiiiiiiitteti to enjoy the streets o f lif e ItS i j , Alit: L~Y ' lDYil ' ;; 15t?lldllli~lllilLLA • 0d.,,—55iiitf!•;.4,,,.,-rfiglikitte; h*:OfitillOri•br:Viiije- • capital liiiitinntitiriilitie - blbod. , We_ . , know - many - PfysiCitUlOclritrairelifekSt - qiir. mmk,V.•l l, 934V§ltttleinailci•weikallifOlieYould not clufratter,.tdruqyffie.die,inq,littikditf:nattetilly - 7 - 7 deserve 147,i , -Clutrictiton Eiiquirer,. , :., • • : •;.f ••..Extractof,•a llettet!.froor.lir.Xlit;fetK Natcbezd.... • • • •,for, thelisS.Year,ituroyipritetic6 used your Sartiaparilla ,u'ith'ltichcs,utistitetion. to - .myself:and benefit to My patie'ntei,.ll,tytisifiresitation.inleblar !rig it to be one of the - 441)st, ' ,preparations in diseases for' irhiChLS.iipapurillO Is krocli.bed .sAitsAPAiiiicLA ' , (o7:7l44.:prqppialon Nii ispidgd upon as telteam the sirtinglik (enbse.:(plently 'more idlictictocrs) of_ any-iii•extstenee+ulldlunl-propurations must pos . was sind irtue.;xi pi ,proportiottio, their fstrength being lirephil.4l Itoth tame-iiiiitartjde.'-f Dr: l lmM) Compound llitrabt tio•• pesses properties not • possessed hy . .otherso.frotti its roof! I ier of, yrciatratioti, and -,coruhi tuition, itb od. .vi getable the medical 1. cultv4-and hence- the-rim:inn 'why iris` sOTgetterully rectiminentled by. the•PhYsirlittis4.Philtitielplifulditi eh:cc:here._ r • the Cxtraordinitry, virtues. of:this prepttra lion m a rt it knowledge .of its compos:tion by l'hysir, ein'TlS:(t4 reason 'why 'the/ so goentily,..iise it, it's kin•y wOlllll not usextr..!recoinmentl any iweparattolt they flid not .knors.tite,',.composiftou ,ot,) it Inis,be . en iniroilliZeilltt•tititllo)f:theJltriiittais , dtrofd;ficlittAlte -Surgeons or I fitise Idstitiltitnii"':-''7-": ^ ,Frnm th?. New Orlemak-Atheigtlet:--- Da. . . • .1:0A11.11qU - • • ,-.••••;:‘ •••,..R.l • Tins big.' •.cnv nal , 9 , 4 8 erninytil tyietlieihV !it'qitiretl Tor licavy in all. dls'eases altich it proftlsektiCeni4, lint i•el,deredi the iistfal practice nl putpil% - ttwietst,.sitaiN 1.0.411144/i for-it. I h.. I SarSII il4 vilien't•ioas io nti.disea , i•s - 9E - tlieliKeri - stoal. acli, spip . e,l!!!(llnaT.s7r.lccrptjt . ,9 oftiu Rid rii.e.r-partsoiigc!l , SipeblS, jI111p(ii1.1..141(.11111:1i4M mid incipient ;;nit. hierenrilil and liffeetiblts, and evniorilig• the 0,11 . y mid ilehilanh. . , , ed to thew !Naomi uslomis SA 0.5.'4 PA EIILLA. • I )r. Leidy's Coropounil Kxtroet 5:1 iiii9 qteeil test 101 , 11V0)0111 . 14 pant, 11114 ' lit. 110 1.11,4 611 Slty 111:44 I.llll'o iv IID 011111 . preii:Mtlillo-01 — tql0o 1 -- Atrengfli iiow in 44x1. Tliroliglintit Ilse ..Stiiteiti• Sol, %title -gt.llol+ll-gr— as ten and 14011111, Lehi) ttiiii , stiparillit 10 Kererrei) ;toil 1110111.1 ,, . [ %1 1/081; eertitieideß hove' been ii•eiltieritly liFhed ) lirtioglinie the north it lia WChl. it 114 411140 • meth otit:11. toot e o her " 0111 . 110411,4 1.1 it point 01141 tiVisil 1100 0¢:011. 0111114.111 Hirvegili, nod is equal to one hulk gong , ' of ilie stroegei.t Ry rev 111111 tun Ityruil them:fruit' ii • erem... !milks lie, oireetiotis.' , mar.. .17..F.1111910.5 fry- Grit ;, dove !three ri Clergyman. of ely 1,6 rhr..s 11111 1111111 c .„v peps ' but leTi with Dr. Leirly) stilted Arnt n4lliily• w lin hod long. berms n nonirounicatuttligs_bnrr_b.:l4o. Tor two y cars prlr nrrtikriego In.Onirehop onvorint nf : her extreme ocerrsiorica Iry ulceration sir 'TAT 115171 , TEM . 1170,71 . y,. tnnrago itrl2l' If errantv • oilier intninn; 'eranr , ntnents, onnAtaiit•inkine oh' ..!Inr,nownr.ronntl ony.rv.hongn,roi.,4lin .Inittnr;lit it L 1114 .•" ?a: ,Sarstitr,rollll, 1# i t . few.. , Inontlia-nitinviintron Its rise, nlrtit•ely . ,rostorn4 (9,bealt Ir. Ro o, either former stvempAlr, rind to osiOwl• n wit 1;k17,11:1g9, , ! , ivtts ci•eitt'd tintink."'" ono • nr , manyinitirtietql C.jts 4xrevwg 1.1 . /An (//.411111 , at Pr,./..PPIC FlealthAropOri nip, 1 , 4. St;i:Otid seihilly;VcrOrink • . Brown . , Ori•Orrl'ifth,nnal:Cheinul zstrentrii nottTrntl. , Kkettk.cp..-coilmt.N.ll - npil,44llnWArill,stven!..4.iit ' - , • . si, '1545/ . . 7 '.IIPO I t- HWi i , ~,. 1 : ~ ' ' 4 , '''' '''''' !`. ' '(" l " .' '' '.4. ..t , ":-.T, f ,',7/ ,'"bV C . 4 ,-` l 'e I F , Tyir nts lineiv itite,ytilne . .,,•litiC,afropef c ,f4D lo „ ; ;; ; tp?l 4 .. lAu y.fs Patent -Vt gepiiile,ll,9l:o4FP A lt en i rqi9r;•7 - Fah :'S It illicititit lit'llieli:firtilliell,sieVX . 44 . tiArti ' ; sold _t nt all, tinies , toV6aits - 7.1!.. may;;: 'ic 4;44 'O. -,-;;: 4 ; r.l, s•k l Y' sA V ol : lll ; T i l q-lir t l, °4 l ( l l6r /g#tqleS, .. -- • 4 ntetliee, anti 'ma, lakiiiii - ,tde illi reit 6 „till age - 1 Direntiotisncettinpany. eselllimigh; OrlnteltilkePs• • '•.' tr , , - ;:, .. '' Children . stiffer iuelt,,oltipes, • l'reixiiit nyinw . • thinks tieing givq,niii_etti.tek'tsneins Asitian s Ulivath, r. ---- Iti*lntt64ltiiitt , ,*•tt•Fa iirelindt•ep,,,,,t!as a ten. deney •to tlestairlliblegenernl htnitii,,quid • 'key' tirs - ,,, • 'pore. ee i es! , di-iiimicemlifter. 2 .„, ; „,.,,,.; o .. - 31-,, , ....;";,:,, , 1 To sviiiii iiie neehisity o_. tiviligYtilpilittine,tinne, 4, --• it)18111141f Aferl foii:nreeentain -yoke reliiftireliltiVe alarm% glyp them atile6t 'o 6 .,l..eitly l 6..s l 4o , 4ixaW4Rte; • " 18 811 089.3 Ileci'isarY• ••'; -4 • '6' ' ' 'i " '' 'rsir c , i , l*. : ' • /18111r888g might beiiiilde' tb ee.iiiit iitn iaa r fia , - ..,.- ,010 rents iqPlOlndel_pltiatityttind!colifty;:pwpffimvi,.,l7 -). ..: ' d r . L eid Y-**ofrg4ti AKFTANipv4IO.4#4, - K.. ~ 4 - ' - .4 Pilcti'iti l ibrittii*ilillillerfls"deliiiiiitiiiPtit.77 Wp2 ,rs yrß,s l ,9l, l Ys , andA Istraticie.iitillsolelalns4)9 L ',-;:., . itep,il, ikt . r. t.slyiy,.ta'ffeslthiVrtteo,ritint o ',J,N9, ,, !1,011;t1 , ; - .• ' .. ?forth ii . onthiti4e , Pfeliii:ll66; Nita'6 , 11:11i'6.0,0t4 , 34,-;'..., • dentaglOild't66766t4Vhd64,4o,l,,a?; .4i'''''''.' 4 ' .: .. • '' 11 ) A° l :4 , o l ctliqFPYl-db-- - - vki,41 1 , - T S.O 2 l': '7'. '.. tt ' ,'• ', " ' 4, ~. pTA --1- , , ‘,. ,4 4 initittl, titit,olititt !,?t'i,' .. , :' , A I V , •, -, ., •44 4 ,0 1 1 441 t 11. ', ; , ) t ,, ::•..5. , ,..1 8 '': ' I L, 17,.,,,1t itt. .34.4. 1..14 V,Pie;"tt itCl')l l "l ,' . DT,, pelii36 ,Atp,tterteW 501 ojte,pf,ii,:. , - ~1,, , •-t- ~,,,, 4* ~ -,1':!';'.',!,,irj,i , .1 , ,,A , • , -,, ~, •-t4/011181libbirelfl ili,lo,t4ailet*llfreetiane** j- 4 4 0- ~,,_ - inclivreniosim , Rintupifiviek,fl Th i ro#oosl°4.', , . , of ilia'Skiihsonl ilart ii ' 4 itdr,ved, s',?,, , (!iiri?ar . ~ , ,,,11:; - ` • . TetteitliidtiteltithrAVlAl±, ,(64 4, -4'P Mi. ,!, ~, ^. ~,..}t. : , ~.4 ~ .., , r il li 4l a intr u Pi4 4 3 34#0 , 4 1 #1 4 4 1; iimmemo itthOotetia,,!i'''' - 'i:" tlirough6tit thp olly,p9a,counre,ToPM.,lpiptiolop;:,,,,,,., 4 1 1intd0Y 16 e. ii'ddx6r 6 k, 44 1 0 'a I; yi, an Atudhig ,3.4'...; , ...:7, V.4omTeue . r. onituifist IV i3ll , ita alber,a4Aotibtitf r oPtr!'-' - - --, '`44 M4intiftertilt:Yilt i til9. 4 ", PatP*A t .fi n ttoktifeteit' ''''-.4. 2 . iieue. • - .llfuniii, or no eadners,aa'weil.6. Bl 3l)6l6. l, ;'• '.',,,, , , pridantai and , ,PrOprietowof Pialories, tal' : ‘ald ..#0 . 1 , 14'.' i... gl eilosoftlioribing themba64butibrqhid delienoithev...vJ. ,, ..; !. , • Te Ila Netkint 4110' tr pea ,p6,14,,6,04,666961rt', `,.%;;; '.. ', olotwroigitilikti4 (Rook:it:4ooi oreptiona.--,..,..-g,i'-IA.-:- ~,, . p.40.,144.pni5t oxo voil.m4itio CM4lll6.litrittitr^,t , :::, ,, /,, , 1 4 ` 5 1 4 . 1^ 1 4 4 iiitii4*lll,ti,;:qifti,',F9.".t,,T,etYß,P,S? g t l, 6 , l 4 ; ;;;'''; ',1,• , 1t1'.'„..!,;,17, .., r:,.. y ,:. v.,.. 1 .,,,i,ri,k,.. \.i . i.rq44 . ,I g v:,;: t ; r.,,' , : • ''i ';'' , JaYllo4o.l l ' 11040ii14 8 A '!-''.'iskkt- 2 4*' Y'l , !'''lli:iilif,liiiiii•iiititiOrkieitiomid4A 34+1,';14.1 , , , t - •:, , iine0.i 3 0,414k4 Id At7'it i llizxM'f i i,4l ,l o .l W ,l 4 - # 5 !? , :•i. -,,,, .: . ~, ... • .., n 'tax k+. 1 , 149 ' „nktN. l4 , 1 ,,mitt42. 0 ,40,,, al . flrl.l , „,,, • ~. .., -. n 6 -,.4';....),v4Ei,11 vv.,. ' o ' ol, .itt,t(.4ftiAt#llliiitfrtiniOf 40.Vk 'AV - `,1 ,,, ,;*:\ ,ss,',' ', :, 'IR , r ,- , tir ,, ::it i *AiitiOilPilliii,:,lht r ,Yr o f 4; iliw*OtV'''. l':Aigi , 4,Cliitw - ttieinalsant;',.: ,, ,-. 0. L':2.4,:4.c.5.1, -, ..-:;' cookivir4 l eto 44 *W n1 4 1 4 - , rPintff k lg#Anf,o,? - i, - ~-,..;,,, ES •