Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, June 26, 1844, Image 3
jav -4, • -.2•L EV S~ al 41 4 ' e• •% 77.0 :>!;,.1::!,114,',1 wei). l ,riaPk:Aernizig..TAlr. 2 q , ,;-„i v IWHIG"FISTIVATAT'' AROSit— .... ~,..,..: _,'.., ':ON THE.4tit , OF 'JULY! ' ...-: %. :•i ,_ • ~ ,. .7, . ...._-_.:' L.—.4.4l,iljetipuotte f i :R ppolititeil lieu fiublie ineetineOf ' -, ltlie. 4 Niltia iiitaritale";' teiiuctur ariktfs.llr, , . iiaat.lif, le house o , C h en. oulk for making arrange , .. ,nrieuta'for , the okaervaned-of ..the approaellingianni., ` 11 5 41 4 .- ' o(.#4lOnatindeptialene, -*AI& inform fialr'.felip"tittqel , 4;:iliO'Aei.liuie iieleali - e!,le: . ..I..*iiion;a_Matll!7aa tii. Tilae for 119)diug i brit 4 tion';untlAhave ipiointed liaii,int;tit IT' !etis:4s;:a) - ': 41tU'iiiiiiika 4 .iiii, : i'oliiiiietioein' ,iik''‘);f4he oroiegdingi' of the'xiny, • . •.. _. ~,' <- ' . ', . z- , ..$ i)04, 2e .'",.;:.: - $4 l / 2 , :iial,di#ingnialind ; : . oleo ha v e bditi.liak4eil $ -. 4a 414iiiet;.'iliOni)rUit ' 1 ~ (Ireli#l': - . 2- . 1-_,..'2.. - -2 ; ~.'.....;•.;:-.; . . Itla:,',l4Wideo ~,raven c old l 401(4111q1ret)ared , ~ i'fr4ofeilkvi ed in ‘tho - tr!,: - s 3 o l6 ttit 3:41..00 4 'r Uitniiii - utwil".it 05..01%1 - ,i'.tlUltaq#4latirike 'fel.'ol! , 'Who. . : .' 4#o , lClio - 04;1 n ,iii(?#4o6;4ikl4l4 noon a liiiitteulaieeTprefron,tjnOorriAnetigiourPoll "- - itjeariilnoiOiaitiliel ,,, feaatto(ivaaoh" thar*il 7 l ' - - 1 ? e-iirefiente41446-i.iii.xiadomoiiti3Of.eatini!..'and. _ ; .!.4llo4: : .q4:frcerufii4i4:.iiiiin atiti7,r:Oaiitry Rae , earnestly juivited":to'atirTii4o,k7U - gi fiiiitier notice:' )C.;N.o3l;r:iChairman Tie fopo'fflpgghift pr4ef opmpose the several ' CcOrnitofeee to.makei._arpatigompilt's- the . .. Whig iCulebraiion RE : the-VI) of :hilyl •Co#Tigeifl/71#!irrfflfgrfIgn 64 .': - %` " Col: Armstrong , , Prefiefigh GPtfalop, Falpiftiit Itliditelt; eiii•ge' W.ls6, Wi limo < ark so . pt:e/,arc ibaattp. Alexmoder,-Jaritei ft SValum,:'Aaquilln;-'Charlea'.Ogllhp;;ltobPptirkirie;• ,jr.t E Beatty, S, D. At nee: ) ' JamOs - FM' Alien, John' : D Gorges, !Robert A. Noble, Walk RobOrt • Wiklitmani' , Gebege Weis , [Carienter]i Justus • liarinari Ninj Augustus Line iand• Aliaj Robert Atecnroey.... • • • ' Ban., D J .1 Myers, John Halbert, 'Thos: B Thotappiri Abraham ,Erb, Nathan Hauto_t,_ Mlialiole, Whiholez, John Hatfield 'and Dr. ulambi•Roble.. . ' Itis Celels74i Carlisle on . • . 111 - 111DrUrifity. Cointe§ittee of Invitation appointed -at klie .Theniing'm Saturday evening the 15th • invitellie friends of Clay, "Freltngliitysen and Altar- generitliihrouglieut the . enunly;Atiliirffate — ioP. itlie festivities of the 4th with their friends in JOIIN REP.III, ilatrmgn ADJAURNED W IG.MEE , . . lion. Jytty t 3. sicantas, ljnited States Sena: tor froin:Cuottid, will address the Wl!j of this TtY- - P . l%ltiidr`iie.ti:ilie 29 i ns - t7i theOotirt PRELINc,inIysEN nsd hlre TARIVP, generidly, are earnestly invited to' lid fie - lE4T;ir - A isetri lenof wiintig•pripuiples. • • June 26; Sabbath Address CroTho address and resolutions of the State .tnbbntb C6bvontion . will be found en our fret Pnge tn:day. They are ably drain-trol we hop will receive a careful perva. • - ' :441-vm , A ntericalnitiirxr. to our prornisu we give,ln this \yeekes'paper the proceedings of the Native Anser cnn meeting in lit echanicshurg. Whale. beauti ' Vol Oros(' et' the identification of the Nutt ;Venetic:tit and Whig parties, this toocalng fbrnish - es f Br. rt. Day, its President s well known as 'into of the must respectable nod influential ttdo'ni: 4icrats " '1.116 count. 06ron,Its Secretary, the Post Mat;tor at Muclamiushurg, appointed by Gen. Jactison or Van Buren, ntul besides these, eatieition wu andetidand thero was a plentiful aprinkiing . 'ethei's Of " The denioeracy" at„.the meeting. kt s k ill be aeon by the notice of the Commit .of .Arrangements, tkat ample preparations have beep nimbi for Ilia delebtaAonortbe, h ofj.uly ip this, borieglh Xt ih lake place;at licriderson's near U Garirlsoti.. Pee 1-ePcakirs-froin - "44 . 9,iddres;:' ' , labium' rid— ,widdrees>fieeemblagaiiia r d the acca• elan will afford an 'opportunity for a - free itind hem, ,iotsfoltakto atIC sentiment -----6hile-i4-v4lo , toorl&ectthptc'tlitaLptufec , Y)idtkiiiistleiti,iiii:iflo 'party pirSuicsiiifutactiii 7 , n. It is hoped on? .frldrids irotii the ac;Odtiy,.wili be presort gOOdly The o:live:eta, of ‘ll3l4:Ysa*-01epring.,„ Every '4440 ifiliurid' us the p : OfqliAY:Siid MARKLP,ll;ioAtill,ppg of oui cause And its sittichi!4;init .mothpk-Coinr: ,Tridnds of the 'And give Otri) .otii*ry,ll.2A*K:agid' rY!?FiI 10111- , ' - , -,11 6 .I. ln. BCrlrkeil. AstAk V" . E;irabgorep knoim end nniciik)Vri 1,9 iiiiney who haVe Warta our lustvugh thle sColioli, is tile distihiniehiß4tVinifii 'of ill' S. Senate from , /selro, lion.: J o n l ( Mit ' Pki A 4ll BEi l4 ok*ho , Is imiirrojog here fok ra tithe' idth We, amity.— NWbet iptt tiqiellotl CabdrablY MiAil•ii)* ll o V• oll oT , fl% o 4 l l 34 d,PglnigMk 6 r,,Rfilii° Benhie . " 4 ---- iduitinestaluid tormirtherhiniti.oialpint 4jiies in, t4)6oNOWt#o4 6 4 4o hkr i g nill O e° • klui hearty ittao l 4in'PritA o Thi 3 iause' r te Unbar , twer z ,,, pp= *rif f t anol thectutiii itabin, 'abli iirtinvinri; 11 / 18 rfearieilft And triumplierdAfene.) 1 ~, bf Um VirblrTerit oflB4-% Min ir;in forliimthe .keeriai ll ietitikit? v illi4o4 l ' l o f fi tenVi ;it la , Tatiffi rk thexbrthit, - . ot 1 ~: At - ',+,:. t.',' 1.1 I 7 , " ftiii)11010t11. tlt,mili toleaft `thlfili.ligfiF i l .74 WV, Vrto iecatn4ti loon iiiiiyh ati it ititnetinitive. kV CLati has consented to,titidicoti i MO ! kplgti , of ' /116 ,I ' **, 1 14ViZroitititie0 } b4.410 , 3 OcAnir, 7;71, Itti;lo7,mcs.llo-41,,uie: FAl l .clai i llontri indica, -, , L-41$0, 40 - .141ealliiitL t itok. 4 .41*IatsPie4444, ''' , 4,....,- , 4r A , !,- ~k ----, '', J. L !!" `, -"'" ' i . - 7. • Ingo , ,4t. , i;- , ,. , ) lo ,I- , I 0, 1 , " 0, ";; J • 4 r l t ' '..‘ ,l 4.1'4F ,, MEge!Mai!!!!ML. 4J, o * s, , o , , , paAlii ) , E 4l/11#14140141 Riiiiikie 44` ;Ili-, ''' Alai itualoo64 Afro .Magesitli for Jtoitio land t lade: 0014100141.4441ittr$latollal Illustration or tkPuieib4oerwer go•l§wrY44oo , oe,'l44 01.1 m. it twat:the IVIA*4 lireS tfi.a4oo (I , 6 9 oo Wlltir• ' l' s ' . ,fi tr*" lolP l krtt'srmor , r l J9 o Foxyg° , f .40 1w ooput l ye „ T ppe. It be,re f l iduetoidliy i • ' 4 461 0 nit the'moat InuneAerilriOtiiiil4ol4l anbr, nerinili le ''..- *Hiatt,' - 'T,:i P. r;4,'. 1 .:: ~'.---,-,t,., EN INGI EM*MI MEI loan candidate; *hl ni lilihoeoh never ' beta ih(? 6 044,4e11P.i.,,40 grl itctiti liPoil,!! 6 m4t ed to ho placed on. an Intelleetual-cliaitlon iii h t HlLtihr piAri , * i 4ohli, that in'eVe'aitig lealt I filOd etianktlilvlll enable genziAletander to take that nacho? nnti;colplent part thrOugiitlicii ithiiihi-= (1 0 ,,t 01 . 1 Pi9,11iriliiV i 9140 4 .10, bkii} , iitiq".v.ibecil!he'l4; .04::IpAtty_laiii,ao.,..4oLbit_ivili4h- t illysl6,l illeal)1,11iy boa IntertO o,e).'entc'd;' '- '.', ' ' ' Wio Wolk iokii Itui mooting .or t atalio — eVeii. Oglailt 10 an Amodini Indication Of tiie . •ipirli" t i littl ' ani l i n Atae : ' 4h4 i 'W ., h kC l P 6 # °hl 4:Or t66l : 6 9V, OpilIV; 40401411 iredliAthUldits4i liiii, WI 4414. to nuinifeatcd,'6Oe Mine's prdied iiPtln this Coact elon that.'the'* of , 1140 le re-lciUdled' In thilf; ,413-tlotaild kagi',lniiii'iiiiti*;';4in'A44,ik'isii,'iiiY, TelibA u 1310; Ole then; liclari., itiioina oui `Waite • 'tend the ittiCtila.rellieintid' , DopiOolilical t r iiiach i r ti*, PrOliiiifi:: , "-4( 0 Itk:MOS4lll2kh'P' 0 , . workilittlOVOrY,lPlle Wilift.l4eglebiAl ' ea )oli ovenlikihilli and - 4 ittiliitOviia,l,lkl*iiii)iini! frit l l9,..ii*AipPtt , ;,o9- -0 4.46;,:q:g4iiiii.';ii44,i':. 'Gear, andoottkolintiyhtil.prOPen,t.#4andigreklkekir ..l i ki l P, li ? i ine ,l l ,t 4 t e ?' ) O t t,,§V,i,* 94 j a i i iik . I " 1 0 ii.'illi. till, 'ft' a t liklPli'''3 l ,4NPril 134117..,!Amizil!!bd'boy,bithRot, a l nala l t !! i na.....' , ../ 4(4 :'"', 100111 Ott i^ 6l' .0 1 M: ` 4, 11 A 1 0 : 44404! Flo The qatiyaburg papare. i tiatitlltivridg' i ttr' I P''q't , 'I-- 1 4 . groat mitsin) o ll!ig n at ,io f , i C in r!di.Y.eja,,,i.l klitill443till..,llo,ll)ollingcl'oll 25 oto 8(100 po . iao 0 V elar o f poi. ,i,ft. igudpg VP i):#l ' 'C' t7 ' t il6‘ 4 oi'kl taihtfora fidji, 4, , 61341 1 61': - 4 -4 4 44 6 440 01 04iiiig00f*10 rob„ ) it,4,_ , 444 4( 4 ) 0 4 4 - 141 "4 111 4 a `. l3l " lali r'ai‘ el*? a iratiqqa , t otsitiakiwie iiii,'l 4 ) 4 4,' •, , ,,,,„f,,,,,,,,e,,,,4,:' , ry, ,-,' " ),, •' ‘ tt ' 4 i re 1 4 , 9401 110.,1f , ' , 04;f` 4 :6:. Fl, ZIP (~ 0 r 4. :.'n , a,P , iii ' titail**lr Ater 'BlOlO l frVetin ' 4l:i . it ' 4 4: A - ' 4 '*kifkifooip A itp44.,,,... '''' 44',12.4h10*kiairttailig-tatli' .t*img , A OTHER,)-' if Pk , • Rifj4l...; „ i r -- T.iitt'o,l44 or,. la - 4,w)Ach we haaard , ,tet4Ag M‘ l6 tldseit-eni - 4 48 % 01111i1, .404 1 C ( nlimbqta ankrapentabiliti *ii . 'ehoeilitig,eviatero °that the-Whig. dente crony eltkin pe.l - grent work - tOndeoroing , .,the country Lanl' 44-6 1t - f t116 14 -0 0'411 1 PlifrlY:c i PkY -11 Pd' ' 1 000 . r4, jiprreo er"l.ll . i:opeatriow . I)E' and 'Woken Of; liersionsi loot t u Ba llet could ace inen7 in„ old and*pitiien th°F°J;r49 B l,lr Ri9g;,44iode 9 k k AO'c° 6 4 , try hie ititterbodo4titlente. presence *akilraFen a' reheat ion it,4 is rick we'll _wit:tidbit - nation.. 'Side „hi, aide wlth,fh9AN,lol3 `o4ll4iiliieiiiii . i , pting overtttadorano , • and worklog. : roon, - ;feit Of. and,oager to manifeit colifideneViu the Cotrantiicso of Whig, ptiecifilas ineaaorea.,thoicigettichineni golehod . }Vbig candidates-and , atiquallfied'dleapitobation of. tho bade design prostratini• the ,free and , independent industry. of the, North at.• ; the, feet nf.',Senthern. dietotion_end inenitfactuOre;l7: the; nomination of ,the 4ti.Tariff 'haedidate—.lantes. K. The enedting-tvo in-every-respect a-cotiaerand.cheer ingly , :deliiiiiietrated that public opinion. .here is arci(tsed,and 'the?... old mother-Cumberlatutr will. `me a toed report of herself noxtqall et - the polJei.:Such the Are hetaids . , of Victory,: , staunch` ItVul belerhn yhig.solerel; whO norbi• 'tires 'in kfte . .ktiude, or 'doffs his hertices,presided'Ove'r the nte:iitink, and She speaking on the . ocession was of ' the moat 010 vitatOiri - s - piritkirrehartecieii - loos RICEE r yEsq. RiSt addressed the tneetink,'Ad aftefstatingthe causes which prevented the ,e7f address the meeting, gaup a graphit'aecottit the immense mass gathering which had been held the day before by our political brethren of Adams county. Reed then gave zi - ltasty view of the `Tariff question, and the issue, presented to the - cciuntry by - tlio - nomination--of -Ames -X-. -Pella whose often.cxnYessed Ati.raiiit sentiments he laidlefote the meeting. Mr. Reed condnded his speech by , anadusien to the ”afirie;cation or ditt. vrtiorr” - -Warcry which - "hoe hdealtlFafdTby - the friends of Polk in filoukt Carolina, andieith stjoent indignation rebuked 'the treasonable do. signs of those *I would - sacrifice the Union it nefflaitie-ciin—pliiili thick mercenary:purposesOcrid ; oPtiteir allies in the North who-were opposed to, the distribution of the Public Lands by which Pennsylvania and other States might be relieved from debt and Taxation, but who could lend their sanction to the United Slates assuming the debts. of Texas,. which he alleged„o - ngood. authorky., were thought to be not less than - fifty - millions of tiOilty'o.!:-.l . udge Rend's vMeech throughout Wail clear; forcible anti "con'vinaing Und drew' own . the hearty applause -- of the - meeting;' -After be had concluded, - --Piitmxtrterriiirmtsriliqvlthe-Whigtres'idential plectrir for this 'district, rose 'MAIM UtdPoltlin au dience. After a brief allusion to the oll.absorbing question oftliaTariff, In 'Which he, displayed Mr. TrilOs Souther* . Anti•Turiff position by reading . an extract from a letter, of NW Polies published in lsb in which that . .entleman deClared hiMself opposed Lo thipresciirTarifr, Mr. Watts advert6d to the' question of the nonexatlan of Texas as projected by President Tyler and supported by liir - Pofir, and other leaders of our opponents. -In terms-of-lofty-and-nervous-eloquenccihe-exposed. and `denounced - the, attempt. to accomplish this project witlaMt consultation with thO people, the fountain of all power in this country. It- was a great, a. momentous, question, and it was for the licaple, the free and intelligent people, Acting; ac. dig to the dictates of en enlightened 'tinder. standing and` sound judgment, to detetmine a qUestion fraught with so much of good or evil to the country. If the annczation'of Texas would be advsntageous to our tatinrial strehgth and prosptrity ? it We lbr the' people to Will its recep. lion into the Union ; but if ott.tho other bond on nozatino was to be secured if the cost of violating thirftritliorttromatturrirrlialreatieif - it - wea l to be secured by a dishonorable wa• of a Strong pow. or rigains't a vtioalt--by khe bbery •or several ter. ritoriee of Meijer) never embraced within tho limy ifs of Texiiii—b`ytlle*Oliiptron Of' ¢ Debtwliope • . - m'unt 716).•knowp, and which may ho.-twentg r - fiftrinillifs - of'doileraT--tor - Wonld have heel lA° elite 'l)inlei,"ilin . Of the iate treaty,—the people, witgecorn- and indignfition;.')ia 'one, Which would tiligiato the - phi; • Mr: Watts' address Was received With, th'u liveltesieipreesihne cituatiale &len by the meeting: , 6on. Viraß now loudly mailed for'i and linfre:a Piniarunce_nnienkilOa,Politieril 'friends . eev'Cia,l' thuntlie Confinement front serious . . taheaaateetettirith.ther.weriaest telten9;g4 Al,itacancier br!efki _hat Attheltaiian iluestioh; and the attempt - 1e - epaa - rthi - country l Polk aft the Toting iliehory and chip lift the' old block;'- ant: hatranteilv, -1 , --,..- 4 , i-. ,Ii„: .)--x , .: , ,,7 O , fr,r.a.:N1.1.4.1.. „.:= :.0‘ ,4 ,. ~.i,: ~tr-v0.,.,....63,„„,v,0, neioipr.'4ol 4 .liiy.3li-hotfriok , ia.;ciriisie4 potl;i,r6 . 'is - ligi,,iitgi4olo444 - coVA - 400V.I#1; ; 4 44ii:* 4 0in'4gea.--Taiiitkit•,-*4*.tv , 4lLxo, Akf,..00494#*00.11Ph i 6 diittlitt t 01 fic5i, ,, q 1 th Airmlessi afillifilapon*Y;249 , ' ir Itaowlatigoidt fitluanoo silth hitt TolitiettlfoPpoo44tll3#lfio,24t(p; noighb4hodd4we entortaint no AtitOt vf , b4 , 19. ,uot ooitA B ' t°ll . ° Iliev' ' "e"°l‘ 1 r 1 '-' eind , havi e, , adritatnation to take iri o ta barl• Cif li'buttiiii'liiatitla, bast "of adiiiiiMir,'&c ift " 0 - ' hlargi`e'readattiat tlie'ohotea of alit 0011).y. t r . iiijfooo party had; a otrong,preluaotthir,for , hank: - .1 - I'hily ore affiai#,Pck(o-068th.Afid the ißtlue,nck.f3if,-facte.ea,,w:oarlfOletaefa ipl4ltifilitt t .dyi,ohouldAuceedd.'„i. , tv,#l q+ i -,4t., ‘' f , _t-,: ; ii. t ',h y ' eiro 1,1111 : 0 ,i , 2 V : ig . e : l4 ,4 11 ) , ,Os.a rLi The lost , yOiiptociitioillerrO'eit i x 4e ;• t s Froailcatare paper/ to„ahow that Ali. Clay:iit oppotiod to , plotobtioo: % , What it.; hist* to !hp poti.„ lic initStligeneel :W!li:eoll,',4o,ol:tioir ixi 11 1 49: -t•-• -,, Ooubtiy,,knowa ifenry..:Clai_aft thoTirlan or 11 . 1 0 , ,Tariff. find A . os l "ridt!' SA`teA 'os , :t (' ',:i s Y4l ' thlii• oleoL-jho RiadAitifticanA- object of hie ‘ t,whole life ~ !rho 'ikoila arc iiiiit:kanaiopa,to knotegnittolit's ciiiii;o. ,,, iiiii l 4 l,; , O. : gri.a . YOr.itidor ... p.. 0; extragailLfroinAii:ipedolie - s, -._:,. :,'....-',. ~, N==-: • AU litteor , • fr ---, A: Midst' .Tniatilitntlnetoors...was4eo pardons in-ttife'lildna;tiial . iaS.'ci9li*!nt: 4 lalt: heif ant ii '?i!caoi' fi r dazzljag, n its track thr di,thr was downvirara heavens, comet :of. gigintic size,", flashing froiii its; trald: de"' it 'purs'ued its rapid 'and:deviougii t, a7; Aiont*.ortiislcatiOnti of . rsitibotv hues‘ grade:( 'ally- faded' fiow nocu . 4o;l4t, aubyinte gad kaittifol_in,thO.h.iii.l4l, .k .5y *a learn .from the Sltiplieniliurg"Ntwo; 4- ttlat a'na*_VoNritear C'Tinufany . lnia ban fainted 1)y, tiro man - 6Pthat barcittikvwhich.Vaserganitod on , Saturday a week-by Major t3rigado =MI nspe , . tEr We hevo recoil/a communications from tine loWer &it of tins eounty,•noticing a enni- Munications sigrred Mona," in the last Volum,strilios 43s the - gamo is entirely to small fOr the w v iistii of - good powder; thetigh'if it itidosirod we will publish side of the communications. • t, , . ' -For 'the Herald. TheitealeeLFTtbpoials fer.a candidate' for Vice Pres'. ott upon the ticket with John Tyler,-have ...n opened, and Samuel Houston of Texas, has been triumphantly nominated! The true demo- 'cr - atie_papera....4...the Union: ate ..desired to _raise "TEXAS; HOUSTON AND 'TYLER." Houston woe much the high vacant' place. His terms wore. 1. The payment of 850,000,000 of the debts of Texas. - • - 2 i 1 *ar With Mexico. A. A s iriolatiori pf national faith. - _ 4. ; Thu guarantee - of - mid title to 1,000,000.0 f ite - ffe"Eif . 111eilean lately sold by the Texian government, chiefly. to - American' piOzetie-,- and ...1.11,9 , 0,0_,990 of disputed_ On the . 2gth_inat.-Ity . Rev. t. V. Moore, Mr: DANlttf, to ' Arl99i - ItANC;9 , l3iELittaf. /011 the Collt ult. by Rev..l. Moody, lt fr. _JOSIAH Ersy, of Ilan itlntrg, to Miss NlAnr,_tlaughler of Col. So m licl Nl'Keeltatt, of Neweille, Cumberland County. . lion "Philosophical .. Nockty. The celebration of the 55th Anniversary of the Tliiiiiii - rfiTio - iiOniiial - STunWOT Dickinson 0 ego will take place in the M. I. Church of this borough, on Tlnirsdny lf.vening the 4th'of Jitly ne;t. The public; are r'espeltltllly invited to attend.. Jiine 10, 184-4 - - To the Electors of gmberrand, .IFrantellls 4 1 • g Comities: it" Ili: spbscrilter_offera himself to your coosidoilt ticai tistlidate for ' • • • - t CONGRESS, , at the castling general- election; on the principles of a profectke and if elected will discharge the duties of the the hest of 'hill nhililic4. Respectfully y())1t. Fel Jew. Citizcii, ' dF.01:10. F.' CAIN. LL pprsons are, hereby notifidd that letters or 211. lubmniathiljon on the estale:Mlllolitt Erb late or Seetttlethddlotonnir*trshiprOmtbettlitraPettatilyz.tle.w. ceased, have tilis day heettistatett by dm Register in and jrti the add county, to - the-subieribnr Who-resides' itt the towoship orgorth Middleton:. All Peitsoni boiling claims. r, demands againsC the 'estate of the said:deeedoett are eequested to irinke known, tint sipne pit/tout deloband thane ndebted to make pay. in-Isl to i/ACOMERI3 Aden' of -40111V ERB; I ' t Sit Cheaper than , rover.--- ' , .;.- ..,:r . ... TAILORING IEARLISHMENT, a: , : ;.;:, A. , § working cheapthelie litir4 times iip . peariiliiji`p ~ ..the, e rile,e,.RF,thev d sy,anihng_ithelittlersor the', orpegli,:the,Pith§etihet: does net feet,' nolined to he. " , in'Pi.e' tiaiikiiiii.i)',.tbiiii bi,,,..ii,highb.tire Ali thee „Work of :t'efotio,.kititJ'iliefore rOliertfolly,t!nueithecti,to, his' ofd - isustorAers; so'd - tlibAilihliiirielipi . .s4lt, - ,that be - iii= feritls: , fer tkeifettireio work its kibeiiii„,ohillf;iieeils h'e,;',i)erliiiiii a:little';elidapet , , • iiii'io),:til - lili .rell'pir: leitiatt 'i ,Onirt; ittiii be.'ioll. l llo irtolvtit tkir-t , ~i d.ilip9,i; ftiiihionahlii sty lei , . , . -., . . ,...%.,... ails' il.1 0 1) 18 4it the 'ad 'efdiftl fit - Ifiglrfst eV,' t 44 oefitli,WeAt of court.Hilesei iintltlirealyeplifiiite,. 1 1 6 0ethis Hotel; where be will iit . ellAbnes be Natal .011110tiftl , it4 to -. .. - tiletrielill‘tirlity — tnity - -faier:liiiiii- *:ith klieir etishinx, ....: ' : 4 ",-.,..: •-. ' • . • He his sluttpre 'Oinks tor.llie liberal isi 4 it onsge Pekin berehilbee.•-reOeitted. awl reiipeetftilly lioltt,ii eotititioat,*.efiA)blke suvoi reciTiibe'' w letexell iii:i to .o. s'tore itii,,;tinitiltde a Coot, v,etit..or t rititti;.t.rittt.Vie toiliseAbitletjiilithetip tied fashion-, stiop;, - 411(1'044 tiii'lli'ilaerh)liieti tt:. he -behind:: neee:of,bio tostelyitiorariiiiii , iluv thine'. . t, ," 4-• , ;' , ,-, , '' ' " - - - . ' . • 14' . 41.0 f ' , Julie 26 ; .!)144: ~ - -0.:. --, ' ' .I: : • St.i,S' IT -::l4l it i tt il t'AMD'E4l lll lo l- 4 1 4:0'1 ' , 4'dadltatv gant 4 toiae .81 MS/ 41 - • iPAit'h Olin* other - Blier# ll *Ydifor i rg'v ofileptyleAvbi c l4 r 49 5.1 . , 41 .0 • kk) • • • , • -•-, y.. 11 - 4 . idder for the R.. A A. ti.G i 1. W. 'I:.'11. I. A. W. I E. C. IV• Committee of A' Aran, GNFV, innoSup , AhKrAt, • 1111A31S. •rnugentente, NOTICE, s. 141 lk / I W. f, **GI j, _ s iia , „st. Lo I.4 l lk.VoWiti r rt44lo* aT, I O P e MISI f l e 9 l ` L.- ,__ Broa f Vifttp9,44ti*,efilivss, SP Y D A IIX AM O t e I iiiOE6 O I4I ,A!S II4 Ve 4 ;I' 4Ir e'Y • ri i A l igrilattOrkei l Andosivee ther,4l re n t hfkin l 94 1 f e k :46 ;e9 1 #40 ,1 4f,4041ta1t 100 ,01i—lolinOtOliat44 6 1.41.10, • andiVAuse de , Laing"! • istithts cri - m r eontdTgirliitomMuldieftzr - , • et ,ketifgOinghttnin , Ond Alpann:VOstra Ontlibr4oo I ohdry nhd Glovbs of 'evnirdtineilitibii; silk - GirdletoGirripeand , Vtingrenaf everpiiitor. ' cen, Edgingiand-Marneilles-SAII•ts Zentroideced Thibetandtiamanti... sills.'Bllao4 Blefihed Ind tinkk.hotied Shirtidin Table Gkoveli, Rint#erniadd 4/1/380; . r : *ea; Style Itlybaniind-.40114.1,4MeKrp loremon,Bralle nnd Strnw Biinhetirntivi shape • poi s; ttinbi r elli f s idid•new Shtick's. Criatornct* Ohl genertill,Onyilg3 , o 444 priens a"%stiks ennuotlPii:tc ' 1 10,26;184i. " tr-85 .'l4 - 21111011:1111 4 1 picot_prop r ieco.r.yesp O ifull i ,_iqrciano:hliiii4en g " ! Aiul ginerally',: that he'. the establialantiitiit".the nevi e'outtoruqilyoelit'ete .• • • „-.- • • - • - —• • ; lrag;sPaiNCi s are 6 itu~tleJ,faur . mjles iLill - Ho. tool 4111 - VoT oniles,bontlyaf .Bterrees Giiii;.4ltore evarY' t.enecrm inodsitiiiii for: !fravellie rOny on.:' • • •••• !k, 1.); COHN.MAAT.•• Jone • tr-85 Ste H...1 3 /Ccinittichittieenn'tery — iiiqeitTh be hail' prying, nt the•liil , "ery 'B, of G. \V. Hilton or Deo. H en the•S ritige D. C. • . , „ ,• „• LEGHORN HATS; Mens' and Hays aizes.jfia opened by ,C • . • preserYed Giiiger - for' sale ky r. .14na:0 - , i 844, - SOAPS. Almond, Castile and Brown genii fere,, tale It , Myers kliaverstiek.: , • . June 25, 1844. - ..TOBACCO and SEddliS. Best Cnvendish To.buted -and Segnes - for sale by Myers & Haver&tin4c, ~aneld,•lB44. • ASIVETS t - - Mnekei and T v vellina tinakets•for sale by My . era tr. linverattelt. June. 26, 044. -- • PIZ L ECEP7L'ORfi.. - Wortif Preeciabrs•for-safe by Myers & Ilarerstick. June 26,1 844, ' " •. • .STRINGS. Best Palion :Violin and gurtar Strings ,iiir 'vie by Milers 67. Haversack. 1 • June ‘26, 18.14. . : - . — Ribboits; artificials, CLIPPINGKR Er CO. Maya just receive( a beautiful assortment of new atyle Itibbotti, Artifi clubs Ste, at rellueeil prices. ~ ._Sitippensintrg,LunaStaB44._:_" - • ortecie . nits. . _ A •larß•e assniiment just reamed and for Bala . in ShippeoilgiTg,by & go. June 26; 111,4. DRUGS, PAINTS & DYEITOFFt. ISYERS & 11. vnitsTi CH: have just opened an /NA extensive assonineni of Olt tithi,selected with - grea_t cam und,warrinted-gemtinc and Pure, -phy sicians and ennntry Merchants are requested to call and examine their Stock Lerqut parch:win; elsewhere. ALSO. in s and— . targonssort meat or Paints aitcll:6l,every rtrtiele warranted Ore and of the hest quality, or 'no sale.' Dyers, Painters anti Pullers are reqoestol to rall,as we lore determitied to. sell the cheapest and hesuartiblet of this line in the market. Book and Slational•y. We have settled to our moat stock, a ehoicesel Itf: Books and Stationary, which we e'ati sell it • a very reduced priie. • ALSO. The largest assortment of CUTLERY ever offer ed in this plaer—toge,ther With the most fashionable, PERFUMERY anti Fancy Cailisle, June 19,18{4, Boots and Shoes. Fltlll . • 1 1 / 4 11F.,, Subscriber has just received, in addition to his lorm. . 71er stock , large mid general oieut..of Galles And Gentleman's • ' Booit awl: Shoes . , • :together with 0 supply of J. - Willisr irenzan's - 4M/ _Chi/drew Maori, nll of which he On sell cheaper 1 1 key linveeverbeen-solill irthis I II 'rips sowed, Aratl94 Altio .44 assortment or . foil fink Moreacci Skins, which rani( -nt . . inederiini prices, , . • lie mil! a)6o iMintifiielnre 1a orileroll kinds of lorde_end.dukaolli,ke Mist nude chesper lh i in him other yam ifs orient.," -- : pbblie irindil do to +3Ol Itt...bia'ttand in ateeet, neneiy, oppoe)te BAIA, and 'nem. doer tbe,new stela! Areold.Ex Etmeihe,.inil examine Ilia Rock 'before puretiasiag elowbere. . . Carlisle, Yane-20,,iy44, 1- VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY . , __FOR SALE. ° , On Saturday, the JIM dpy of Juktat next; Y virtue of an order of, the Orpliins' Court ofh Cu nibeetantlitncintr; wl II beasol d'ortlte premi ses, the fellowing VALUAIILE itEAL ESTATE, late the property of acob Htinish, of Sent,' -.Viiil. dleton township, tle4eased; td Wit: .0. tract contain iii. 42 scres of, -c. , ' A .s ' I ',. ' - '- 1246 igali ZEZt EM ' ailmale in Camberland' oonnly, on the road leAdlnk trot° c• lir lisle to ptnover, shout tit timi lei f; ain the fOrmer idoe, adjoining lends of Thomas anvil James ? Niebalrey, lerederiek Homer or.the,Yellow 13reeclies Creek. „Having theteon erected a Fops StorY ' lip i nelfifillJrAl 41.711 . if iff 1101 t Sr, ''jcii " 1? 11 - a lio e --- - wee- we 11 g- us St tie limit is a two story Leg Haase', Wagori itialie S dm mid new Barn—the second isn dile story Log House and Stable—the third is a one storT Log House, Solidi shim mid onble". i,, t',,ts-4,: 1 4 - 1 1 1 ..i\-t , i The 111111 is in complete - order, dentluillng,titer min' of Stones, two pair or tiilrrs rO!' pour by pi ii' or Burrktor'eltoppin 'and one pm of SntlS; fiat ing Elevators, ,5i mot lalibm of T i odnitti areq,apil t i :eyerl- other mateithll t sed 11011110,all nesfly ne}v: and an first -rcto ortfeli ad9nality: irio wiibieldiik ;Immo° bps i Atil 'teen:t' tip tieW tithip t ale laift tlird t e 6101. ~,i le , i •f ' .1 X, ? t 1 Li:l%ol4in is tiriVen by trpt retio*llreetilts6Citeeli, l Iptie4rithl iiestreoar or watSKieurtiteinfrthe nadir 1 . , 0, A gin grp#ing COMtdry, airordink on 61t . 4 vomit iustotif, and haying excellent on for iir tigmereliant•work to market lii ilitt'ibliMtl*/ II Vallet hit Voriti., l i - 4 , , ,i 4 'P r v . i AA to to coduttenist at la o - slot ,no a, s v of ; 1 06.11knglito au ilay ofisskili r, , r„,l 4 0 y A 0 + , vi d ,-, _..'11 ilqicllc IPS,TERS,i ,' I 1 ;<, , ithoUtotalt Jatibb Hirolitt,lleteaeld. '- ,11)a ordikafteunil IA . rb o eFt ; Fria , addhillivitlsoEl'6 , I) , ,' iii- t 1 , / 1 4 , , k , 4fA'li. - ~..1111.04i0ite ."- 44k 41. itotairv a r il#4 t p o 7 t , -TIO >jii aza; : tz , ~...myorrivito,ii,,aotri-, : , ' ,• iiitit?,„ „ -,—; : ' - - V"' ''• ' ;:- , : -. . - --kw,7.-: , r T ~t i, . .2.1 , , , ' .'..` • ' e em u tieeti firelio Vr t, 7 nin gi a P''' s ' n 1 1, , , , ` ' , ' ' - • ..: ''''' " t e i! tore rid • - 4) 0 0, fk- - /Nliellts .- -. f,l .- ,§ 7 lIJ ....s :it, IP' 0' - kilttlik,o9llllkl-19:feP-1!•:-., o t 4 ‘ % ' ' i r..:9: , 24 ,116 i l' i!Z l P P ''.o ."4 ' 7: •''',4 l ' 1) . egiiiiilr i tiliiiini Wl:adios ntyrOlea4' cot,Ata n Pg__ „ , , , 1 ' • ' 11 'eh` NI 61)- tietheres ears ' ,pue 8 13tt zpr,ln.c., itr,e; p .. Vi 'Whee l Oftkiintly tinif ;Itiepling otbat , ,q4 CDirt ea Calico,,.plotlia, , -Clituont.o4,' 034 . rptyncrA.C19 .. i i , , GambroonekLondci*lPkilif 104 Plald.Dr)tyrip 0$1• Cottoii- -CasoitTieMt.l-cirviliqiila,'4oot4olPtn9,:of Wliiolt will hi sold 'sit *i11:4040440i fcli,,S'Aii ~ '!, ' Mill ,' o'', iiiiV!,... - c ) ,, - :,;: e , , , ~..,..,- . -., : :,'''..:i..', Aris ri. The:V*lllllk Oil' or,:i10 Acii . pi" . ..:* . Ac_iylli:ed —6 0 16- Sioii-rolinPilltbdviifed. •, '::,,,.; ;kl':: rrottzilligoyloo4, 3 / 4 1 t itie Rl o . lipprix . i 4:::.igerlitle:and!the..4m . l4;gener4l,lhatlie jos, opened, end fliverniiek's`Ding' i ptoreihnd , nently :tippp4a. the Bankihr the store rpont !keel," 'liiibi!paeo 'M I),y r.' sfitendhtd.. , —\,•y... or: Cloths, Ga mbroon e, Cassime*Siitile`and, kluivl"CP -613 4er,iLag tpi ; C,ingliams," Belinfinee - Cloves ainf.Poidery;cifil i l iu,ul nede. Es; nllVE:oll,eli'hoivill %fflee eien. 4 'yiseethe' 0016 oleull end judge lor.themselven. ..";" '. - 71 - 1. - tANCERSQN";::? ' ir eiMeitief:Afie - Om of Angney,./St - A tiderson. ' l 4 !., GARtliglitriEGE • For emn; y agams oss by Fire' i THE FRANKLIN FIRE. INSURANCECOT' ..„..,. , • OP PHILADELPHIA,.- • Charter Perpetual:'-000•:' Capital igift itt • . • ,Cijio io3l.Chesilut street; - • 1111.KE,INS IIA - NO , either permptueut iteil,against loss or da magd by Ore, ott PROV'EIiT. Miid - EFFECTS of ortsralescriptiotr, eountryon• Vie most reascu4le terror ; Applica , tions made Other' wirer: My leiter, will IJe promptly ationtW • 1 . • ti N. i3ANCKEII, Prest, Rates of inenrancie lieduce4. , .. ' P ERP E TUAL Rlil. heck OrStone - • - .. dwellings ill. storeg . . . from • • - 2} to 3 p.c . deitogite do—do-Citurclies - -.--- ci L o .S, . , ( 0 .do : do Taverna - 3 'to 4 - - do ' do Berns . 4 to 3 . ; do do do Stables (firivele) 4to S 'do . do — do Stebles (public) - ..6.t0 a :do. do do Grist Mills, Watr Power, -.ifto 10 do - - • ANNUAL RISK. •• - • . • __, Brick or Stone dwellings_sal Fair,_ . _ niture Irmo • 90 to 400 $lOO value do do Stores and 31ercluin. -- 'ilize . 99 to 50. do do AR:ravers and Furniture. 4tl 'to qo do.. do do Barna and Coatena :--, , : • ,69 t 0 .7-5 do' - do . • do Stables (piddle) -' , - • ‘ l , ,101:Yto 156 ' de do - do Grihelltill and-Stook . . . - - Prathe and Lnkdwedifigs owl Fur-, _niture ' . 5O to 13 do ". do — do _Stores npd :Merelmo.. - *---- - ,-- - dize -- ---- ;55 to $.5" do da 'do Taverns and Fur(Thom— - - ' 60 to 100 do do 6 Barnifikud_COntOtt:s , bo to too - .._ , do___lto Cris:11111s nimiStOsk,.. 90 to 100 . . _ The'SilliSerlber is agent • for the shore company' for Carlisle nail its vicinity. All iitiplicationb for assurance either by timil or personally will: be promptly attentledAo. .W. 1). StYMOVII.. June 12, 1E144. • ly-3:3 Eakin for Sale. , . WILL be sold at privtiti title it FATIM of first rate L • imestOne Land, lunt6u_aatttlatitlilletaniovnlhimiternilaWo of Carlisle , ,Ctuxiberland county, Pa:Jying on tjte Walnut llottotn Road, containing 110 AcltES,mtiro or leas, hating, thel'enn erected a two story STONE .11.01.5E0 large frame Barn, a well or firsl.rate water, n young 11,7 H and Uniting apple 9ItCHAIM, , Also to be. Sold with tho above 'trite s t tire acres of first rate CIIESTNUT TingEß. ' The Walnut Bottom road pastes through this Farm which gives' a litarket roraft The produee, rais ed upon it, by droves passing, to the Matt. Vertons wishing to purchase will pleaSe call upon gr. Andrettt Moir, in Carlisle, or on the subscriber at his Mills, ¢ lona Wet!. 'JOHN HATS, June. 5,18.11. •' • if--33 ITED •1 rattieziati Paritt A'C.PRIVATE SALE. err .1E Subscriber wi)l se/I rit te,Sn le, the 911 041(7.11_11C pow /jVes, simited in tiirkiiison.townsl4, Ctinilierlancleolinty; ten miles west Itondkeott., Ip7 'Acres pod 40 ,Perelies of first-rate,- ender good fences-end treJt_widercil. The p/iToe niggling landki4 Weaver; 4 . ohmic icsinger nod others: AbOut - 40 sores of ArtitrAprgt e.ndirdriorer.i DWELLING DOUSE, 4$ '4O fre4 ,- 3FSPrinniinieit fi f.t Et t 47 phen. Also it . large .Stone_Brink Atom ? DIQ by 4Q feet, with •W_.,,ar•rn/ Shed Corn Crili,l:iipirXennikt . .Tlivveirit two: never tid of wider, one before the, thq °titer 11 short disinneb of. , likewise two.lsPrW3s. of good wider on therartio: • , . CjA*,,tai t iiier 6 .Volksfrgund* and York 'tie* dlintoitrifirf 9 eueh nittl lend hills tothis.offloe:- - U. C. MALOY PROTECTION AGAINTL , ixoBs, -:,, , T.,HE CUMIIfeRLANP V.t\L" . trir,VAT:l- ,•.! t.PltoTEcTrow - 00341 1 4N.V; benqinFor,fiqr i voted by an net Of thwilegloinlure of the presents.* sion;and fully organized and in operation tiiitlevAlle direction`of the, reneging, board ol 'Ataniigers iii:, Thomas C.:Miltel', Jain Mootre. naidd WAI•e- Collotigh, , JpmeznVenkly s AVilliantAotnce;•SannYet dalbridth, Thomas iPailatio A:G... , aM iliktyll'hilip_ ,Sivioglep, ,Samael l Woods, , Abroloniz`Nortz4:4eprgo, Brinale,Sbott poyld,datt the fittebtipunf tbe,inbob it 6Pth °I cdn' l olo l o YPItiY-to tfle:2 l . l 4Pnotitt of their rates i t , 10 ROPY,l l qa ,, tnfiel , PH 1 01 ( 04 3 ‘citl of liiiiii'anclillar!, o o* - 1 1 111.VINTR. ~,,,,;.• .1 ---, , ,:- ,l,t,t. ye'rery OeF§9o 'Ranked Ilecontea,a 'na'emtt.rof the oompliiii-ned.talteopatt in the:o4*e of ofi l ecre and the direction of fts'conneritt • - . -- . 'MI. For ineurineb , no more li'• de thab ifefi' tbiiii-li neeeatary to moor thweitrabises of •Mb , Conipanytinfi indemnitr ; i!gobitit losses which only liappor ; - h k ..* , ~..l a d. "I be inoonvenience of froquetttronewbbrlli Al -voided by insurlng,for al e orLfqg _yeziri. Hut ;Policies. eon blilakeri=folo--any 'perloinfbinfi one to 4t i: fly. peribn applying bir.lostlntoott alma gi 0 hum prentit9l note ferilie. *await- olitaint, tile rate nf t . five per,, eeptitm,ylilolt i.titlll.tin 040 qn the slooos for wtori ok if 104,00 7 A0 ow $2,50 for five, yeart, atints4,so for aurae,' and 0 0 9n r arla IR O lil lirre " le " ' We's be austained;to - ttmeter - apountiltaxtletiltnit '64 linnilaspill'ociVertelnftlfiln titiOnio'illlbti+Feretir. l a Ogn It Irp Tk t4, 10 , * ,, Whrn ,1 7 1 04m , m44 4 1' isio, ,ohoolikiti 0.3h:0000 9 1 . 11 eLppe 0 :91. 00 resik alb afb ltiamorittitif Ol thit . nte. prtoeill,l*. .0 I. I,', , • , • ' ,_ . / 1 . 0 %, . ?...ankft , h4, KIVA. ::: : - G14444. 1 524'," 43. ~,1 , . 1,*. 0 ta ll. ~., ..4,,,,,,;( .1 r,... wo- z . wr '...., , !L ,, .. ', , . ii Mtii , ruillia*liisl, 004113'6i , 14 iiiiiip,,,t,o o l,itiii , .49t0r,T0.0-,,,, .0; *kkall.', 134 ;41414; P t : 1 - ,lj, ,1 1 1 ,Pliq Flit ~ .( r", Di.". , ...fra bay, lliesbaliiiiiiinre4 4:' ul , 1,1 4 ..1' , .1 ,'. 1: 1 3 4 'llibfifißknitellyi'tsq.,Werrilik4t*-1 -. 1 4 , A , .-,q ) ; ...., 1 ...,- . George:lkt ntll%-yaqi,—lllonris `••'• Vz , - • i - -••,'•• , ~ 1: Clo m e m ilOW•AtiAlritilfeA•v,44':', .1 ' *--.. ',,tßolt Frp,N,r i;i' , ,i 00 ,,(w, - .-1 , ..4 , rr 3: ~ e,ti . g.., vf,r, 7„11,49 , 0R e f i fk! ,9610 oil Vf .. , 44 1, , ,r ' , ~, ;1:, ~ ~:f ft,, , :,,p, t, c ; i t ‘'-; I , q.4' R . C, at! ts44l^4...Rtkalt,, r 1 - 1 r•' • 1:_.1"i411"1 tlif t'f zt, , im, 0 „ftr•?, ~ h . - '4,411.040 , Ng vl f ...,466 .: ~ ~ , -, -7 fill - --4 77.,LF4 . - ~ / . .4.,// : ,,,ligitli ' Itifari iliumgai4:-. it •,. , ,,;/;,-_ , .___. , ..4-4?-.,...:-. .' - .:..,. ,, ,,,..L ii,r,iGNLCAYlga**( 4 ::iii_oidd:rha t i s riflh e in. IF,I *Oil - Abe thit, ~..,,,O4AiEgarliskj44l4l : l;ll , 4lll l Cli di. t rAV PiiiVi'.tocen,,lriii stand Torm#l7„qc4:, , uoe4 by 4L ..o..dry.SONlqlandie'r`o.(l,o4:tw,d.,49itre: ithatepyay , s'atarA*bOdpAdAiMill:.!aalge Ip'eie l 7 , IfeitialltiVo s iioeßdeliie:li'CPitlibindli CO , I nP s t Ailb"l 6l 4g': 6l 7 l i3 l o OCAlie o&deit . add ;itltg - niutmnighi gr 4. io l t o a s k t 10 . t o, Va k v h Pr#l4PC!!irg 4p 4 t!*gi lC iiNA dm° ,4 " wbak .fitdtKr,ogrortiportAnpwillv,oppivat 0.9 a irk, Isii' atildi'iddueiton g , Oje-prstiktirAwil*,' - cliF,iite.4, for Cdata, Vesta ' '. , :§atkoit _el's,Col o - -- fr'la,qW, WO;#o47ifiA . 4 5 ve,..! e cdatxior.VAl?i•,::'4lol4tia , abi! ,7 , arm, 2d i !0, , ,p, , ,a , d 4 : v . S t 7l - 211)iditt::4iiO.4ict actg>; e 5,.., iabliZiient - rtikaviid bit - -lbifilioljairlikbile'o : 6: ' bait eautbliebraendOicitOidly nt Ne, , A; Y.Oric,,and Win bad opnaidetalil . 'o' , dosMqenao ia Oat. titad4b, or th o • liaabiesse ' .-"'' ,''''' ': ''- ~, , , '':, : .. ~' ~:',-:, :, . ,The paopm* , 666 - iiiiojita - ii 4 .rrilit,e6speatruily isaifeiteit 'tiif q , . esird. will !ifilatpn„.tb gtvo. , entire. litidifiii[ddivib'all irlito'Fidl.'. , ;V: , ! . :4. ' -L t . -, , ._., '!Alar'ls 41144: , , - ~,,',- to W:,4 , -11•.PLC.:,4..: .. ''.. 0 . .29 :::" ~ A? , ~' •. " ..- r :!.: ;',.!: , ':' , l':i.Ccit i• - • ,--, ..' • > - • .-V;;;°' , • ,;: nsAlfE;eitlisetilifrrtraiiiiiiiB4lstbodlo,itif4.lo their I`,egstoineee end' tjtetlicabliojo,intejill,:ithat they', , have agait'vrentod the nbovanatnetl . ;lgattoty . ',.situate& at l'attertoWit;Mt - th4 'Baltimore ..tarm,ilte,•6•Anileit 4ciutli , ,tif",Carlislei•Whaee'they itif.e . atito•tnitiodhettiro , train ; CLOSNKT .--;`i ATTERPIET ATTI N - Ngiai*" . '• • . , • _ ,q kn t •. Tilled or R 11' ti ari ar a -1 ' irg4'XA . sina , vypaying.or,all kinds.• • Sattinc'twliblie `Matibfactitted tit 50 ethisimii and a Atoilaiiia 4; 1 20 nt 30 benta per. iuird and . •deduetimi_of..3 cash. al3rono , blankcting % ~7s'nnll tr,deductittu*lo.l tier cent for 'Fish; fill.istherthods trintiullictaratil. ;low-tor at any-other-establishment, On 4 sit eh; eant'Off TM; - - - v=t•-' -• For. the better accommodation of their customers, \Watt - My lie left at ' folMtvingiatiees:'.;-George• •Reeteneirtrul -- Villinin' - Rrown'i„ enrlisler oes • Iteigl e's stores, Chit MlttoWn; Bowler's tavern, Dills-" burg; and ht Julin Reinhard's tavern on the Trim& Spring Road 3 miles below Carlisle, and at CLair,-' ley'it tavern, ,Itoguostown.. • , •,‘ . • , MATSON $t ILYSKET;; -, ' Ulny 8;1844, . • • ; 6t.-28 Ch - 64ici° than vier t: A Fresh - SuOply • - SPRINO - AN6' SUM • 'GOO& • TIIE- subscribpra having.recent)St enterettinto pttrtne . raldp, arc now opening ,a 1 Iheir storO, 13 otith.enitmOrnei' - a - tlim:Publie—SrMare f - the large and gencr.ll absorti4ent of ; • I coastson in_part Of lorst l s l6. Grven, (Awe, EY tritiiil7Ndellade%GPYllV4r.kitif 1.3A - SSIMMES, °aphis:MOS; Linen end Lotteh Summer Cloths and Jeatia,,,_ 11io4elie ale Laipes, Weeh, Chußlamitntl.rieticit _ medic, rrenalt and English qingfittnis, Chihtzpih Calicoes,Muslitts, Checks and Tickings; a fine AS- Abrlblent. of Mil iSar, firaid,Altert and Straw flpti nept,-,Straw and Ilair Grinr4Or lotteete;getia;4l4lli tua;_._Grittimmilp-_.atl-__Proitted: GloSes,Tarasola r Leghorm Palm-leaf arid. Wijlcov-. Jilats,Colored-Caritit,Chain.and.Cottph,liar4. Afso a large and well qelebtell itiarittment: of : ,•_ - 11 , roeeries and tatieiiii—vire,_ , As th'eir .steek .goody has been selected gees - care, ant( as they are. tleterinineti to sell it •ry aniall - piiiilifirfilir - cA'srt or at.slioct ..hOpe to receive a liberal share of public The Seniorpartner Int'iring,long• been to the ser vice ot.the - public,tftiti- the peiip'.6 4111 call as usual nt the_old stand, and give the new firm n Lift. 9 Il.tlierefore, who ivant-good. lia?gains; would do 'Cid! to'call without delay.: ilo ANDREW thofiA.R.os, ' o nfogNs-RlCHaiths. April 24;1844. . - '• '• •• 'ADJOURNED REDig i ftflt `NOTICE Yiiio suatter ofiliiiWil7fr!F)Ortlre - 7tliTeriprpt : I the Register 'Atithllslaing n nnnetliditforr of I Hannah Carson, late et the township of Newton., in''the-couptrol-tinyberlandrdeembell-:------- Notice is hereby given to all periiins enueerned, 'dint a Register's (..nort wilLbeltehl at.thellegisier's 1 office in Carlisle, (in ISION . DAY,. the 15th day of_ 4nly, A. 1). 1844., N. ro-epouine the.dccrec told t o . hear proof in relatien to an alleged written will or. the.saul Hannah Ch'r'son, and to take. such order', thereon as the !awl] require, • JACOB BRETZ, Regislar: Carlisle, .iffness,lB44. . F'ropOses: for Bree'• ILOPOSA.ll%,will_fiereceinkby_the'nedersfm, Oil, wail o'clock M, on the 3Uth toe furnishing. the Troops that'. nay he at this station, with Fresh Wel, for one year teonitnetteht in July. next; to be of the best quality with an equal propor- • tion or. the different ports, except nfielkand shanks, which are exelinled. Thetieef to be pdotly butcher ed and to be fielivefed at thetilirrison frAnny be re- , quired, not exceeding three fs 4 siies P . er week. • THOS. LII :BRENT; lot !Jew, AtitArtv,,,AetAffifh. of Sabsistettee; ' Corlifife Harracks;".finfe f'2;1844: ' '31133 • - MORE-,t -14)11F • ;ANOTHER 4410XpEEING : pRoce ! I •• • • t 4..ticigatT,9ll N I J March 1,8,,1,844. • T illiflt,i'-ysitys-tige.4nceonseqiistitte-of::over-exer tion in asitiflitiCto leunclitt,tiont,l ruhtueellti blood • taltirgsX-1114.94.alliLmileiricut- 4l2ility so that 1 had to sintivin.k. I pi.,i)oreittliet. hest inetlirpfli 7 efit - poll ell wufi Ibt .! )nent:htit the hlleedipg..reetterett,yeryiloltep..ecPP-'' coins do , with great appreseion,:beetieftlyer init ?tight eafs. : 'rhos I e wenton kradtpilly.growilg , :woVie anfli be -'1 ' F hme ,c 9 ippl s tely ,:iliseoiteageff three t itetile„trini of Tirom lmp!' 4,rup . (if TarMacll.l g s tAiluelly for throe inontlte, during . whieli , time lioidtifil!tviii - - - ' !wove() itt q l I,llo%n!,,Ctairrny jgfOriot 3 ;l4.-ipr. he oat) lienefitted tAd i afid toted#C • et!le e , Tlioniii`-`,Uot t ehouniLprenp_lsl74(t lai i ivhi:Ofrnottqji 1 "3.'"' Poi; Bile '0t..411 1 ) ' . • , =I ' , 71: - '!' ,. .6 ,; ': '' 'O.-' l ,--ker r il P , ,Ci:::': - ',: . : ,,. • , ;'''' . Lt TH0,1,41,0,,i1 , 5,%,,c070.0,6110-:,,st.fitlp..:iit,:p•AND,, ' .. ‘ ,,-- : - . , !:: ,- A‘;:0007,0,14 , 4111.4,::,.:::..,,,i! •t•.-.. ,, , (':( ,r'''' , lP, ' ' !.'Pietietiti,iin'.i6dl:oo Air '.7-....' 'I4P-!Id01 oiw v ieoniiisprigipiesc?.., , trilliiiiibikiiiii 4 ,liol.o,6iiii'efii:-elloiliit4-'::ioiti s :' aoltii:swaakifital-ail it'oe:.'e i tiiiiii'tiino" . lig . j R7 ; s letilsntl: fatalrar pietaititt!*.r:YlWrit l e:o9oo7: etiliecialli•Pulasofinry Petisiliaptifii?' la r .:eiexhittieally, it toollte;•itad hi 4s . real stleatiatheer,swoas e!ei•the gatleat tt . datt43Yrag• Aii#Sl;'lHittli)ii , ?.ifillii.el'eriii:l -hist lutail-:thi, , Slroifgeit:antl . fttikiiiit iar iiiil.i . i,'eeFlfifilil'. alto all , klphist.n tiii•e t i t FilliirlAtiq,,tllte)iiertle,ltieilii ed in -irht Mid alilliit li4'oolWitilla,bo 03k0:-#04 lheitlitlnlie:viathinat p‘,lttliiiii',...iteioet,,l l o7lei ow 'at saibialher, the isertsin atiogratkke the; . ke hl • ~, ~" The g!atwoußtl Arttp,er:Tar-ip cheo raitii3a i lriiicifike unktiotkii; a f erling ,114e1.15410 theilkip, ' ifei , se4ifeeit 'eciiteei • ahlti Al,ringik,ftieeifilrtietipi'l o the tatteolls tissue dfid at th e isanie that thiaith4,l 4 1te - ‘iliale-systentianOtl!itintOieifulieflelioS It-0001 'ol6tely. Ceadietikeg the cause- ilt- ilitie!tiebe#heOtltt 1 tob Pyll7l4CrinllibtArelintAtilllVOCl 1 , ,c, tilt, ho . ltit , i, atoSle 9,, -d i ilutto 1 0 ,•11 , i) ;A tAkT.OnSrilOigoeivi , itklAkeneektoPhOi!*i_ ‘ !.!:4 re evil f i f e 4sheoLliCitcrinattOptliealth: :. , 3: . --:..:,. , ,.,, ; 1 1 / 0 1 4 1 iantLIP-I,,P*djel 6 ,oo.liPt tIP:)1 1 , 3 1 61 1100itv- 0 . , ' .., 4 ".. ~ft'fittYMPl(sll l l l oll A l - frty,WeassTl'llotali.i ciii-kOinpOu,,girg .10%9 ,Z4 , -". for coastlaititiatO, 1 4 ,10:4,0)**1 5it9,11t11e,:;,,..7-h:.'l".` i; t "' l '' , ' . ''', , i".. il-W49 ,4 ,10,y,Rv, _RtOp.,:., =.,4?ttir , !01.1250 L t.,, , , rt., sake:in. voy,tl 'IT -Ay: : -,, ~, , , • i.:',,, i , ; ,; ; t1 ' '''; r '' . ' . ' 4 ''''' .l '''''''"lV-t.s l 4 4,Vgig.Bol4 . s,9l.e'Aggni; .. ; hritiirkiWiTy.: ~:;, ...' 4, :.... , ; ,, q;iiih:4f,qh , '40.01;' I: ____ i -~ ~Q~~ 471- V r. -7 4 "r" . g. Me'r ....- -"'' - " 111 AN 141 40X. 1 9, ‘ ' • "'- ti 4liiiiivi 0114.-:-kli;•7;;le..*liiifill'faYtill';(4tife. ibli T 4 **''' ° trim' f hwirni. , lii.frlen.2l,t,,,,„ l ,l, do wl , . Di , ,,,pi. ~ iLesootitinuet 7,,,,f,,5qvait.P... onerVIAN il i ditt t,bra a a ,9 -ai-nerVia.4 Biisinego,4 - a .mut..410 1 . ~ , 1;1AR-ed-to" tliiiortht to -o,l*.whiltri,a !li ~/.-r ..9, e."Matittck% 0_,.,,,,,ery, : '"',. n ' .'... ii,0ti.,.. • ,.''' '- liiiir.krasiiptfie. i iiis .. :q.. v. , 1 ~,,,.. • ::', :iiitigd g ~.., i , r 4 .7v.,.... vat. 644iiifefi'r.., \ r?..r'v 4 1 ';'00 1 ,,ir,5 ; .1 1 ,e 2 ,'La ,kilg -1 1:A104 i 1 1 „'0 , w- ~11,101111,601qtt - i ,,,, r i.*. :81:0ia;i0iiiihIg:Agilkft 111., ~,,\`N-•'--,=-..7; .7..,- it ~.i.1%.61.174164;§-leitAiliql-1107 ~ -,,,, , ~0„, - , y . Itul:,e; !,,'''''' -- 'i, I, .11 to iiiitaa.inX ', - A,' 4 : ,-;: ariv,4 6 r.,' a. a .. n ' d i n the moat' . ',,,,,•;,:, ,--,,?. 1 iltinifild r .9 , Triz i ,4,,,e,,, , triah- , „„ filishiptisitrtew iity e, 0 . .. , , ~,,z,;,,,,,,,• het. .-.'. , ." . 1 i . ~-vi bia All iielv.worX.l.s.l+-776 i4 ne ive 1% Alike% 3., , T : 11. hiom, t 1!F.,.. Ilei r i ~"; .. i'' BOG, ,' 'r" - 301114"Ig• GP' . 8 , . 1- c a ilio e A'pril lOt 1? • ' - - -.4 12 01 5 M424. 9 i.t0-.44.4, • ". • A'KE - 4104 'l•n'ettrod,i4lnfoVin the chants!) . •„I...,lll,Nrrrotity,, hat 'helots: receithd•by the ate ': rti4litt. o)4* F R itit 'O.; till itgki (hit ti on' to hi it:f6rnerit OEileitfi3ll,hritt• the Itowest i'pr ices Inc Citht tkleinloltrtntiont,of Amerman, ~11ar vire, very tiaitl.Arftti*fOr.' - cash or approved; cre:ljt,, and ".rfterclurthiterairi - city, -- ottn - Jp - .examine-hill---- -• ' atonic before: b1y!ng,..... Arnongpsissthrtracat-ss ill be found rhO.trllom, , ing _descr v ipticortifods • Knirririral`rohlti,Tockefitid'Cr' o , knire,s, &Assort !nod Thrtorsi Pitt stilttrrose , cat Stiwitil hand •, and .otheLsalvii- sholiept and staittinr4i4ttliOi'-.• aittl hakes. ehiknsi." ' 7 • • 7 snortialthO'topgfi •,.14..vileAftw•r , . . ' • SuAltccliap- ' • -.'• ' • • • • • 3 • ales, tut:Y3,lf, P.! a rzl vying, . pips, it y too si 1 ..inds ). - tv - aite'rri,hrerrtll l-- kitidtclitsigeftit ItiefitricreiPsZbolti, .angers, hatchets, . hanunirs, kehiselsrplind j.roufts, hoes, steidlet.;-.,“"wXN•A ,, gntrtront i Ittroontstite.e. pant, br,aces.intt cintstlearttbs.ateclyardp6 Anil, all' ihe • Att4,4tare / pfie, re• qittre l l iii n rctitif staye ' - . ;•••. 13,.1844. :M A S • . Straw, Flortnde,,Biaid.' • • y-f, • • ex - raney Bonnet-- 4 MANUF , • :6'1611)V • • No. ISyCenpnereo - atreet,, above dth,.. 01014delpliiti. fitemoVed from' corner of 7th and noble.) ItIitIEETE also are manufaetuied the SEA GRASS , . T t ;1111 andNeapolitan;Sonrtetai- t ,, , ,i , ..., • wuroibers viehing to.pur r chase (for cosh,) will find' it greatly to their„ativan ;, the asiorftiiiint hung by, far Matt oat ex,- Annai&E;:tlie mork.f.tijio;idann ctuntity; hlid!iiidies tot IoJ as any '4llter.maharantoty, m tbU. Statca.- Tp aoliThrm facts; :it is only neCes4iri - to and . , March 15,1844. " • , to_,.Hoctst.KtEßatt. •-• 25, 1 t./BJ,IJ 'tiny quantity to 'suit puechaieriq for Dad', at prices from l 0,18; 0 'anifSu cts per'poudd. Ready made Beds, Bolsters and, Pillows; reilrled fiiiirF--M;tttresscs,"-Mommlm—ian-d-till'=mherAilndillP - suit Ifni - size' Bedsteads, always on' htidil.... - ;',Ctirled Hair. and New Orleans • Moss 'by the hale or singh pound. Also; Blanket's'; Marseilles Quilts,' Corn fortables and Bedsteads of hi' , - o 7-romptry meromptp il m thar advan tage to call before purcliactitii • • • . S. E.. Corner of 2 . 5 k-Vittilnut its. Philadelphia. March 20 -1844. . : 1111 __•l_,PabLuti ble -Farm isRIVATE - at - FritrtrSate-,Ll~rvnlµ-- j unble Farm on which lie now lives, situated iu ' A4lco township, Conalturlanti county, about tentuileg sotitip , cast of-Csrlisle,sontaining • 200 ALci.els 'of • • atammove)ma aleiLD4 ' ititirfinces, well watered, and in.the highest `state of etiltiralion.. The place sidjoini• lande;cif Darid.F t berly, Fretlerielt Garret.and others... About 60 Acres of rst-rate Timber 'Lam!. The; int provenfentlf lire a twostory BRICK y • t I AVELIANci I : 1011s1% 60 feet front by SS:reit:deep; and huili 'an, the bejloyf !Tilt 0),,,,q101 0 1. 0. Art e'Stoike4JAN BARN ' s will . ) NVash.Flatille; rnokellothie tkitsl clel7.oll;er,PPe."'" sag oile.building,bnilt in isi Eubs,hintial ' I Thereali Sor,ioter.; . 0 14 b„Ct fore the ' House and the other„ln t ae herniara. Also . wilirivink mid good li - Oring;bligli A lip of iloisp Fruit Tlies.•: , . , The.whrole place is.considered one of -the ver);, heat r, krins Cl.neberipml;ectnly, ..• - Applitintipa . .mity.fietrpule personally or.biletter to theinbi'aelber SilepilerdstowN;P.,o- === . 1 • . IriU F ". 44l o:,.. l .itiiii:.*Wki.4iiiik . :. -.,,, . Line of-. 0 Canat 8001 l jetorri-thitir nul l s - tin.d.tlinnkn to trki friends iii Frolciiii ini r .d,,Pni u. l . ...--' berintul inutititii fon ti,.ist, filitioi nnil, ceiiiiceirpljvlip z . ' *, forinl'ilitin -Ilnit' they a re`, now,.preitretl. go 17eininiet,; and forwordlinity.. vi t Tido AVOtpr,Caiioi ;, .. ' ' . I.' ri‘OdOce , :and-,llllercilaudiz . i, :;...,;;....,.. ,:. ~.:, ,-. , .A•• , _, -.- -....,.,-,••'..-." .„....i.,...,...,„,...., 79 AND . 'k1!..0151,.....,.. , ..:,.?: oho ; ,L,-; • ; PHlliADE s M i lltk i lind-BALTPVIORE. - - . . ' Prioioce.‘iill be delivtllciiityliono 104.1titnR ii 7 n lihiilliiiltrinikeitiT,tviiiih tli . eNlleSti,ko , Xy , ep .9. F--,-- . - intif“ - Tlitir-ii 6 ititiiiillie'aitien in.e.,.,.__L : MenWhi`', -- k.v , Aiiii&Furrivi#ll7,i - qH.,, ,,, • - •::, -i:Vino4l NV bittSen the Delaiiiiii:eiPliiitinieffliii.: _ -40.1toarii*LDEni•.-UEisTols 1 , l ': Off.. '. :/CJ" •' •' ' '-'' ''', . ' ' "Coniniertelit:Tiliiirt, il(ittini,erik, -- j! "plieli , lll - altni;rseeivennilTerwar4),(l4lyita4.ivnt• burg and 4ertotiikotioitniall';'Proightßifit r a'aVeti , • . gero,i4o terilie , Nerty'aii,il .IVest, Drenob Cittia:, , • . '4 , --..-,- , - , :'i-, , ;; , ..i.f...r ...i , : - .N-Wilf.Al/1 1 11it i i . :1......,..__ . 1 171 ' 1 ;iii r lil ' irgi At ii,Y, ;; 1- 444 r';' ... :.#;•' c . ' : 1 ` ,4 ' ..2r2.- . MUM . , 1 1.. ' --- t. , , k, ,. .. .3 , , • • 4 ' , v , . ll:in' ..bitill:,,' " *;ll,iiike it ... i s • '..- '' ' I.4rIICII*O . ~, ever., S. • " Tit - " T SAIVIE Dioll.kt 1 :,,Ni . . -..Ht - tif ' irTAS tlclfit're . 1. 'pAPY•lt.'.B ,rtni ,f-iA:15.1v.9 11 gesn,ire,il96,,.ii,lifolti Ilifoni,_el :, ,7 , oil i t pt., ‘ hrtiliglit 0 '",".-„,- ''..,,.nd ttoo•ltitk It `ifs ve . i l i M i ; loi I ''',._ • _. frje so coottiitr,„,„...„iit)we:.porip)) i 1 1 11 1.!!!:;. ,4 1 ,f i . f. ; ;r.: , rt +: ~:pl'bell': tii.,ioh. call, on ','‘ -,`.,,,,,,, ~ , 4 k..e11..., • , , 4' . i 14 , ! . r_1R _mu .3 : ::&:',..fv.` ', o, "' 11, ,in 4, ~1 ' ..%. iiharinoiltr et. and i t'APV , ..., ..T ,„ ~ , ... . Dorn& br....0 el t 0 tt DolloCk's Oh, a Y .k.f r.7. 1 ... •- tdirectiv . of T t l i 1 8 41 ,' ' '''': '' '' . '..1,., 4 o' l , ILCtillikip,l44l)-.! l .'; `4L•via+' •-•-t'--.' ''' 1WdiC1110 1 3: Ifo , ... ... r-•ptit ten c., e. . .......„.„ it.,,, v - -, ' . ~',,. -..: , .„4..,..-,,,,..,._ . .„ . „ . , ~ • 414 i., .. ~ c. ei,...i., i AisorterviAsigte 111!Pw!.,,....1 76e.14 ' beived 'Ird”,,' Pry% which We A kfbriii , i lV , .. , 1 ' liii. wholei D i' ).'5 i'M r 1 ;4:1 11 11t9n e lit : ;inill e l:i ft . e:;'''ll .l.. t i(; ll :\ -i'.-:5 teri,.- .01ii:16.,. 11 k,41:1&i".$:_,'Fit."?';,:ig:17113'LP):I,I(..i':,: 1.. ,l)r 8 pp!o',B 'f'lrl4P7.;rli:rvi,,,,•,ri,' ---,',0(..-.5w - 9 , c if tit ,l' 1, , , ..- . :-......-::: ~, ~. iDr Oa . e a rr. ~. - .. , 4.±,ii . A. , :. Slittifn*BBll" r.c...v.4, _. ' , ' '. ,4 .. ',I -r:i.;A',;;;Z:.6'.:li, ? . . '. '' 3' -- afitl; ' i 'J , , i r ` - ''. l'''. . LIA-..„..,',. ':'.lltti l tiitlitC )) ll 4 4'll) / / n bifAthpltlC , R ,A t - .TO'g'..i 161 i, ' ,110.14 OotioC,PitlSp4i,ijka;;;;"•,,..-,.. ve ifl9l ol , 9 ', 7'.ltgr, 4'1,:, ' ',..,:',•,,,,- .:.., ..'' .. , ..1 • • 4,-,.; ':.:.,;..41.1:;.',. s ••,-... ' 4ka 'Wevilis4lri,z,l'i *- I *lt 10 ,Uk) 11t*'" • s if . % # MEE 11183 1 4 174 W. 4 14) 1 411 1 4° • •.1 i•L 1.1.4c1 .1 1 ,1,411'! , . 440V4 arkiii %-iOne a - we, vihpqr4 , , tit 1014 r Nett3riip )k l i i ' 7 O lit ' . :t vifiyingii ;b , ' V 141,10611 ',cktri roalleitviice6,