Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, June 12, 1844, Image 4

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    -. :.•••'a - , ,, , ,4 -, •.. ', .1 ( .014L. 11 1.,1.. ,, •-- , '
,-----...- 1 -7: ,06trit i illitVpg i Vitc, fit;e,,lhi•••
'; • ,iii, jeiko;i ito tiok.4 g usenfid r4tliilll.risCiim- .
t' - `toeiand..Catt ~', .1% I.7lr.HOM.l s 3ol'st.'S 'PATENT
- ' --. ATTF.R.NE., RbSS lkisill PEW'S tORSET fdr
theldire) of .etoletieue, tUteKorliillint-OfAui.i*Otrib'
, eyiit•i other 4disensee L ..hOW, ofreOLL ; theteXo the publiii
i vti(hthelgtettttitionflrletiO,iind,reitheotl Phytooliei
It;•.`eattitmli isleulitie. th - eie;ol.`keset hawed:leafs tire
~ , eoettreete4,'On eientike:lo4:llroli to.6ny..cine
_ _ *.itieeinteit.siriihtholiestOiey, the Vertoile•iSpitem,
. be eureil,the '
"liiiiiii , f., , ( tlieuK; histrAdviete.r..*. i I L-b Otpottreet. j•-.llte• ,
...-” , .. , -Iterinekiprtintike-t.heheqoqified•eporollationofthel
' L ledial •Fsrehlty A0141104%11 per ',oohe,',:coPinter: 1
" - " 4 h - iiiklikfteettliitto - d4eil:: , 4k..ntiOilieVereeirtra='
. ....14t4 - to .- thitelltieirefein - the , hintenbeeibe .
• . /will'ehiiall,hiriihibitett; .:The itnuanOVinicipice:ot.
I:6thith t •theie ingtoinientiviitiopold; vets theto yolthiO:
't he.iestilf of all: •,•••• , • • , ••• • .. '': ''' '" ' --I ' - '-'" ''
-- : - Sfr-t.llll,l3A:OGirefilOOVEß'Sliffifiel.ibiitteOtk
3Or ;14111Piir)i.ele: by .S. EC 16:17.. I.
NlvtireeliNi!i' 11144` . '. • . ?..'
FA phre7Bt, Ploxighs:'•
110141> ' ",St . t . hserilie . r . !•hovitti, • obtained
tight'. for mher,l and vaulty : of-the WIT
--titqW. - --PItEItiIUNV - P4,42tUßlFl , ;is'onw
Itirihethese find. tither lie , has'abw rot .
:fiolo,•••Ot 'Pootkeilitipl,l•araube; ' drhig'ua by the
firit'in• raiihU of Mirelt noti,"te dietribdre a 'atm- .
'her citilsesiPtitratikh the tlifferht tow - tit :4;1+9111'0 other• .
vstiblkiilaren of`he county; %.1 . , hers &inttera'pt . tjtulge
or their. 711 e p rices hi -tee
*"43ot•thinoevith Ithe . • •
• „, Trik..RE
he also ' ilealgitti.trcjintesUpply . 'nf, many of the
places,"iwancl •eilt oe - .thb.Cnitnt.v.. , 'A trial 'of
hts quality, will‘cost but • 'Like ail other paints
iittleealiest with Via aentlislh'bui for_wntithe'r.beaten
umber, oi; anstves very. well...Witkfish• 911_„,
milk, or.even water. llt xdhyi es niote. closely than
orany either linsitit;. Set'erargnfes,Acc; *-- iirtliti
neighlierhooll into'heeli painted for a yeki 4 oust; Snifie
'with \niter, and are now.aa briglut
xe_when•it wits `hest pat on. • In ditheiLaqts , it is
I- '. • . ' ;I'. C. MILE,EII.
Fehtti.iry 14: 11344 tr-14,
Abuy_ itor the Barkains:
. - •
• ....
IT" -eubseriher,:b eg s.leaire inforup,the
citizens of Carlisle and4its vicinity ,:thitt 'he has
justretnimed.from- - theyitr with a. splendid assort
'Muni Of BOOTS AND SHOES, ennsistin of Men's:
Fine Calf sod Coarse Boots—also Men's and Boy's
Monroet. fio-wotild also inform the LADlES,'llial
iis.pnrolised a lot of J. Willis's
Double Soled - Torn younds,loxiney Shipper
- sulk Walking - shoos,. •
i%lio a laiae ss or tm ent of miso&R and Childrens
Shoes. (Ali sewing of rips •
-Healstr purchased a-I ot-of-Kiti ond-Morneco-skins
-111 of Which lie will .mantititstereinto work at thy
'shorteSt notice, and in a neat mid workiriaiiiike man
lier cheaper than tligy Call be bail at :ply other es- .
lablitilitnent hi - the race
Re sure call at Ills Shoe Store and Manullietory
'in North never street, neatly opposita the Bank.
Cat Is e,:ridittanTSaitl4-......;,,,,,,,,,,,afewnuagi0i
r'"GuniT - which hole; have beclifworn oL
frifiANASlo that portion of the, public, ant the
neriehbor's, tivatshared their custom at the eat ' ,
tape on the earner of Pitt 81111 Pomfret st mete, and
enableilthe,subsetibet to add a few articles to lilt:
little stoeg, Such as • ".
and _Cam bill6k.
84 . ' figured Bobinet, bands,
I'ringes, Edgings, teruhiers i Tics, !Wits, Shawls,
handy Prints, Alliablin Lustre, I%lousi ins, Chintz,
caliooeit; Dress Silk, AfitheilesterGingliams,Clieeks,
'Flannel, Tickin g , a violay - of ?ire sli1111; 0:n0n Yam,
'Candlewick, Wadding and Lops, other. aVtibbis of
'dry goods , not mentioned; together with GROGER
US; such sis Loaf and Brown Sugars, Tens; Coffee,
_Cheese Watet,,SitierlLßerts.;..Salat
"'ins and fine salt, Starch, Smoking , and Chewing To-.
lateen Shaving . and aficii , '-Siiito Teeth • Brushes;
Hair and other lirtishes;Toilet Powder; Cerort
!ter, Sale sind other Combs; a fame iiumitity of Haber
dashery, for such - list:an tell sort 'they want,
When they ask roc its' all of which will be sold at as
'small a profit as 'will Itlstrytair dealia,, ,, ;llo. Cash;
listlini•ough Notts are far Weis lar, and nofeur-.
'rentat`the •
Catlisle, Jaii.:3l, 1844. tf-14
THE subscriber having come to the
conclusietvo Change his business, oilers his
`entire stoek or goods in exchange for a good farm,
---- well L intprovadToribr - a - good - bnsiness - atand - in!the
'Country, iv ith Stlffieittnt dwellings for it large family,
together with a few mires attached. His-stock con
__ .'sist,of4uperfino-11114i—course—Cloths --Cassimeres i
‘Casinet, Cords, Domestic Goods 'of ail kinds, Coun
tries, Lawns ' 'Linens, Gloves, iloziery, Ilandker
'chiefs;Silks,Ginglions, Middles, Lttatres, Fringes,
'Gimps, and a variety of fancy hetiolit Also, Boots,
Shoes; lkits, Caps, Calicoes, faC. with a variety of
'other goods corapristn-tt general assort meat of . •
thriware,'QueeiLitare, Grneries, Tea,
'Spices, I)ye Stunk, Uottliti Yarn, Coverlet Yarn, Bto.'
all of which lie will sell at minced prices for Cash
. 'atom and after this date, until a general safe is effec
. toil. . Country Storekeepers nod others would do well
to give'hicii a call, as lie intends there shall be no.
'"mistake," being determined tO'close his' basilicas •
'during the present yeal..
The Store aita Dwelling cart he rented the
Ist of ?tpril.
Etis books pnstea' up to the hub, hod lip re
thoskintlebted to hire to settle then. ac
• 'Counts withoht further notice. The first .114 of
April will be the last inty of grebe „after which nl
'accounts woetikeollecting will be plUeetlitt the hands
ferprotier officers. ,
LO Willy the Darrel, always on. hand.
• * • • • -S. A.l.- HARRIS.
tutfatito4,ls4. - tf-16
girgaitig - 41at i gainSit - T
phlaiiidd - ltsfdw , opentng bli'eheap store, the
...._Jangot4ptLobeapesi_atoak- , of-S PR1N1.4,-&,S UM
NIEU.: 'GOODS; over brought to Carlisle. .','The
' aorinient consist in !mit of Black, 13Itte,• Invisible.
• Creen;'_ollyfinnd_Brpwri'Cletli6;. elegaitt new
stuffs'of all kinds elhleiulid new
style iliflcitelegatiVaew'qyle llalzarines;Pari printed
tiarregell; Teemed.); brceadttrieh Paiderfrilliontibes
'Chameleon, 11161(41AS,
bOnapt ribb,ons,pal nauslifigacrape de Mine,
trape'dellinbel.;-nfons: delaritti;ginghanlit;Callooes,
r ni
glin,ebeliks,titkiagiMineris,rhokiery and gloves,
• of eirerylleseriptiiM,faceasiiid edgiaga,llamit nartilirin.
--banAlkerctiefOftlipe'tnairiblaok-stiti,n , 44 . 7a , iniagen. 7
• Itlernd‘iioanalesnlnOni. atia'wls; ailAVnailersiailk•
tiatiii,tailie-tilfo,--011ctirtlkini new atytn'aan eqi,dna;'
tinkrinraidle;tehrt,noi , da,Finneti;fiitifietait;Mamilla r
sgleinte,dinifinpi; table neiden;i4ialakictiaiiid and gimp '
'Mali alai*: fivitt • 'oi.ooeriei;; inifongei,
whibh are, sorailimme Teas; ColTve; sotat"aiid'Arci
low;pilten: .' • 1 4
: A.1,116 . a
.'ttisailinelft Is follitgiftiMpliNr4reltierOril I do'..
WWI Vie;fik pl6 , 'Fiiiy, de.
• "ThaaWfaltfor thevery:h eralidyonngeherelolitre.
• ViciivetVolitittibiaiillier.nnlioita a onntinunnent'of the •
• . %market house . la Vain' stiett. • 'pign of the big white
• • •• •' • CHARLES ,OPILBY:'
.'..:l:l:.cl7,EA',s,',.r.siiio**;.':*:,-t .
. . , . .. ..._ . ~ . .. . .
. . . .
it PSl....lniOrial y ouirk 1l won and.l3lAck Teri.C'
.' UP , rePtier•Alb.pim.Cliiiiiholate,' , !eincilibni t mus
It .
..,,,..ihioßi, _,..iidf.Q..tikopro4 vp-0., oovind..h.
Coll int' k t,,,t,ibit, l i q o orthe lipsetitia4mlhpterel4Vklikif
:.jebanititi; fikl .ispa 140%1 ciilviblilleicas;,444etiox .
ca. eeta)l'fi i' et cifyiipi.'itdiv:sirii.e. 7..1 ..." )1 k.'. h., , ...
~, .
March• • Ai+, . ' . - - - I... , inv‘lt, MATEER.
1 , 01}.‘"0:14 1 .1M , 1,,
j - f p, 6,lqtlEili,uit4:44);A‘r 9 ;•Mali g aind'hius
letie'Whide, Pale Preral and' domestiti
Jot ZR_Ye,,sir m
and al t
Whiskey,. Halsin Red
.Z • Varol . Si $'
, bieribdr6:
4 : tO "the b.e.,
L‘,ox)k•-r, te
2.• 141A1#11a/SIM •
c'k, ti 411.-
, -
?a* -
tin %lII'S AtitAs . /.4iitai'z',lllltbigb/
; , P 3
jir.bpargea. leatigh .9;Vtg il 4 Er
I io)4 l 4Bl764i4eqpiteit,l7k - aVI'
ii,Aff.etifie,:ti;!,4llo, a rSetloBBooolol/
; ict — nat V:410 1. .•1 01sec:1 : W*110 : i
„, „.
irn.reCtenie(l .. :fiki - beelf used; 11
'6f the moal . reepectibleenii'eatibftfieVid
We do' tiot , 4ilty
IFACED. QOA.CK; intilihitity•ror oar ' unk
'hut hiking iitated the mcdicinnl , qualitiok
_of tc__
":P.ufhtottory - Syrup," iti;eatensive and' "iiii r ietl
Medical practice for; miioyyearpi remarkable
o,ol3emy,we - 'ol:oll6 . oitelingly pronotnieti:ltitne.Of the
very beef the world for•lhiliiiiiiiiii.r:pia= -
ences. 7 , A•ei6gle„ trial will' tliorOughlv; satiety': kfty,'
one that ie 066 of the ".ecintriten:QwWleN B6: ;
truarkot.th6.:daY•Lijbncthat. it it a rnedistine ~
chine. o:6l7lllit'ci ' fatally. uti)f*C•g'f'
denied lithtlniee'fs 4110tlier, stioligreciimmero.l46oi;
611101.060k1) or, pu1in0000 , 1‘10(libin680i0 •130)1,-
ing'for $l.OO and Mere"; STILLTNiws
ATEY: - S y IVO P Taal I a folv.aaty-so:cts,:pa .
For =sale purity In-Carlisle, at, SA.M.OPIV.:. ,
ELLIOTT'S Orin; Store, E ast Mato at .;
bOrg 11r3i,LIELL'S-Gt oaery Sto ta;34l - a
nut streets: Also at Angle, and Giestibee, Drug
Store; Shippeilsblo.o.. • -
'Febehr •14 1844. .
EM‘e-tiaptlitp s ,_ •
• ..
• wra. L.-PIOZT ER,
it ifoSt-revettfully laforottilthe citizens OF Har-
Mli yishurgi and the : pnblicitir, general, that he has
removed his Leather, Altittoniii and Finding Store
to.North.Seeond stredo feWAnots--fibove Henry
Buelder's Hoteli where lie will tc - bep•:conatantly on::
-hand a general • asscnktnent of the - Fdlleitring named .
articles via: ' . •• ~
Spa nielrit SlatOter; - 'SoleiSkiirtitl*
Harness, fair and black bridle, was and grain mpper
-whip and collar lenther;-was ,-- and 'gralitaCat'f •
Skins, Spanish and country-KiPin, tcip and
• lining• letather,bel tow s Leather for Flirt- -
nacets and Blacksmiths,and Bark
••• ,_Tsuined_Slicepin •
' - .41650-:-.lfrozzoc s:
Comprising,Men 'a Morocco, '.Yome 'otnult'esSeil .
red anal black straitsiFrench kid of di rent colors.
Red. roans, Bindings,. Linings - of all' 60 - es Book-.
blinder's leather, Chamois' leather and ue'lc skins.
Tollfitailmwthoof.intryus tam i4Malltars;
_shoe keys, ham
mers,vincers, yolets, stahms size sticks,- punches,
I•kniis. tft,xubbets,ales,:fasps,2thriad„.boot_wzbbing,
sparables, boot corn!, pen awls, &e. &c. All of
which Fre will Self at • the very LOWEST CASH
retrurns his sincere thanka-to the pulp;
lie, for the liberal katrotaage which 'hes heretofore
been eitatideal-to him, and respaitfally:selicas a
continuance of their fatioas.
Ilarrisburg, May 17,.1.843..,
1111 HE subscribet winiliVrespeciiilTy in
JH form' his friends and the puldie generally
that he has taken the
etas„ P LAC
- .
lately- kept by Mr. Simon Wonderlich. in. East Hugh
Street, a Wu , tiorirs east of the Court - -Hooke, where
he will at all tittles - take-pleasure in administering
td the . comforts of thole who may favor him with
their custom.
His BAR shalLbb constantly suppliethvith the
chtSicest Minors, and his TABLE with the best the
inaract cataornish,.. A =refill OSTLER, always
kept in attendance—and nothing shall belefe undone
tor:ease all who call him; •
OARDERS takenky the week,manth or rear.
Carlisle, April 12, 1849.
For,indenanity against Loss .
Charter Perpetual.—s4oo,ooo Capital paidin
Office 163 i Chesnut ayeet.' ' •
MAKE INSURANCE, either penunnent or lim
ited, against loss or damage by fire, on PROPERTY
and EPEE:CT& of wary itescription, in town or
Country, on the most reasonable terms. Applica
tions made either personally 'or by letter, will be
promptly Wended to. _ .
Te sobs°, flier is agent for the above company
for Carlisle and its vicinity. All applicatioble for
assurance millet. by mailer personally will be
promptly attended to. %V. D. SEYMOUR..
December 6,1849. • 4-6
OFFERS for ante= at very reduced Flues, a tpll
Drugs, DEediciUee, Dye-stuffs
• • PAINTS,tBse. together with
Stationary, Fine_Cap Paper, by Ite.ReallY;Lattbr
th - e - ilozen;SaarirretTeliK,Vrawing
• ahle—heir_do. _Pniwiag_Paßer, Sealing -
. 'HZ, 'a c 8,.• en nifelt,, of a line,
quali - ty, Painting !trashes, Gray
- • • ing dn. :Snnting.tloattakdo.•____-_,..._ — ___
' Flesh • tlot, ,Shaving and -
Toilot Smitten) great • •
. -. varrety,Varnisli., • •
•, ' .
.4iikeit s t rirititd arid rrigrounil . ,
_Together *kit every otlterneticle in the Drug_ re,
thetarntion or_Physiatert, Country,, itf embers 40
Dyers ie tiOlietted 4151 atit determine ta.Bol, iiity
low,pricei. far •
Mar.* 15, ISO:, • - , , .
pniTtqtrirlTTnnwlinrmool, •
Tlie:priipgetok s ofthie invaluable_ legacy of a great
man; iiai for tome time failed to present them , to the
pub lin. iit - a n:niiiiktiscmetif.'=The plain
one... So much bas".tbeir:nsa`givtn , :satillitetion, and'.
so sfrangly have 'ol4been recornacntrinl to one an- 'oilto l ";tlutt itrtia'been kitterit sOjElifi
the tletnai;', big Where and', for countty ag,ents. , '
"rinethe'Preseiittianiitit; itfore thin tfro hundred girois
I;ll . 4yitni'_7l - 1 1 1tI l t:1111 0118 Alp . 'BOXEglitntve
been'sold'in thl4 diff:and and isuppited. try
Agenks thiCiughant thi' tinitti&StateSianirmany: or
dere bani ; been ou.,lutbd !Reeks before they, could be
feet it 'meat; notdhe spirit Ad', proahecy to
foretell the - day :when — the - only — Piii-hruite - 411116 -
that invented bribe immortal
ktotidtphypiCiiitc,America :eitet Saw.' • ,
DEAL ! TH'NILLS _have citred o ,.wera. sure.
seeined'iiell nigh liiipdsallde they have
peiteit health' hundreds whii hatliong"litaggishetton
beds lit .. paint they hivetifteiatedlike a Charniitvhati.
nil oth er ttied%ines failed cacti tii'affdril 00164' they'
thdlifliated;sitill 'hapetci the
leirhaVerenibied'the ills ofthe ydiit;g
and ,givCir, back' youth the aged., Indeed,' they
_seem to possess ' the'? a:roPeitiei tiseribed by 'the al.;
chitlings of.,fonatentlays to that Emitittithat Sa*i.A 7.
kw* Dipt, that ctinancrecof infirniities;tethitonv..
Cr which, they'intased long Atissudutittary nights of
ilibot! . and `f
1301 C lam Catihdo flUkr . .4
!FEW& 'lank StureiEtiaf. , istrost., , tylio,.ara.
r' ;-: 3alyne'Cradlir "WU „gin,
above valt‘bie MO'
c- AN addltimult SITPP4.I. 1 f.: '*!,t;t111)-i'C'
„„ 1 .
, .
1 , ‘;' 4{ `)1 p4 'l l t. iy;.7;
,Itloehta 4ntirPZ!t%!°7'
: ' ~, , . .2"oll4ktV'Maggr • - --•
ASHIP -1 0 ,
itittelited•Witie it rj er
'.*liiliteliotcptic‘tokto- , 61*-igg
"8,011 a r
th 100"-, 1 0 4 'T 44l *° l 4 ° ,
,h74I7•JVAII*I_,YM4 '4osllorirli
4 . • ,•= .r„.„
I,r. 'A
~.4,,,,,r' - ~- 71 .2 '11 ,,,,,,, g. 'i, '
'pY 9:i;Hik....lll:"..*:iiimwk"7 tall*, '04411,1
4:,'1P4174# ii;j4 —' 41 1
Z le
i , , r: ,kr k,', Aiixtu',4o.. , ipa ' '
1 . 4 ... ~,o, 004 7.. , 5.r,,,, v .:4m 441 4 ,
.yt ~;, . , A.t ,-,-„ 4 , 7 , 4 ,,, ,.4?4,,4,....4.,%.41.. ; ,,,. $.,
,2,0.5 ...„0,6*.3,, , ,t...„. 3 ....t % e. ~i q3L,,t,.., t f ,+I,A 'k
,{ t ', 1".. , 4 't '
C. N. BANCKER, Prest,
. . - ALSO,
AStral, Side Reflectors and Glass Lam& of e-Jai
ous 'patterns. . •
The itryLbeit_Winter strainell bleat/led Spetitin
Oil, warranted btirn nlear.for, •
Best S perm. Oreelles, - Sn'eents per 5t... ,
Sig. • ,
mas ~ a rsaostusa-t
..that are required lor,thel r preservation, such'
as 61.40:0,:nittr, Pll . l:otingi Oc.; or will restore
thelost tif dial, by it : Adding. Artificial Teet.h;fribit
treingle'ToOth;•tultt'fbil.sett. t .
'll7orfice on ISitt:Sireet,"aife'i dOriis South of .
. _
.N.411,Dr. Loomis. yill to absent crofts Carlisle,
the fts't ten daps,' each tnOuttU:[,•,;:l. ,'
184 g. • ° • tl:3.
waama&sne. - '!
f.JoPP , folgo#Pl,
Eleiwrl n 6,4eti , ) , Piodoce&Pitisl;u m Mitinifit
PS , 1 14 atr,e94. " 6, Pa' F .
tro ,
AUST. Tecesvett'a feii4lruni ~t)V Presh_:Smyrnq
"kigei very fine quality; 'also, - .Fresh Raisins; at' 12i
Cents Tier
•Faturtilirrl4oll44.: So. Etotalarl ' a
„. .
. ,
• , 1 310170330,TC11. •
frouseriMiseyeiarliOlei dOe 14
I -(4", ar 3 , offb,rAd for rooV:
C9rper•,t9Atfi, f l lO ll f 4, grocery 5t0r!',.21 1 1,1, 1 1,
Viptoittl'for,tl),OXPorßWlO;Orplherilse Eiquirijß4
2e;4843.' , ,
•li4uppLY,s) tfio ,pye . I 4, ,yfarrptite
bnelantiy •
,-7 "'BOOtSC•ainCt : ShOP
iik4stigest wisortment earl
r'n'Pv onin iriiejliis i glliioEit 411'
or bAtigalheAtihti; re I#, 0 • '
,1-,:... , 4.* 4 1zi115W/f„4-Iri, 4- . ----4
irll'pillrf -1 444IrricivAoltselli*
Allif 'ip eThil deljv i A tfuluradaly )4,
. 1 11,4 t I ct l ev . h iVig ; ll44,lllX• i a
1 , -r, , W,,i.c415 1 't , ',2l,ii,t lit 11 , f 20. . p; . .., ,;
1.4006 0 ‘4,„:40,01ii,„1,,x1.413,49,91
I,s # 1
';.",,, Ir 't• "^:, „ , , fk. .r ;
..-: p
,- 'rtg , kikliitip. 44, .')"....414.4
,i' ,' .T. ' u lingo_r p s 1, , 1.e. 1 v ) i ifr , , •.,
' o4 t '4 i P t ) ',.: 4 i• ' hr f r,r,r, •
1114.. NAkri tttro: 3 ',: r 4.3 ;'7 ,Y.:' , ,r ' ,, l ViT 7l\ ;:t 4;
Q Lt . l.yal,r4 - 4,1ti...0,;,f,t,p..5,' 7 , 1 ~,,,
W"s' .K7'-'2464,6,06.1
„ valuable • „. . • -
metlicinee ever discov9red.,
tait4'ive,havenp:.desire,M, ilectiive;those who sre. ,
lititouringeiniler *allied en, nor,do weilesi re to ,eillo!tt
With tejettily deSerit':'s. • Yet shut we
lookaoitu)s4l pee theysist anienitt of sufferingknd
iliaketts oiscasionedhy , 'many,of thcflikettes in which..
this ritedielnelais;prOved so- highliTsttecessfel, .
feel - that ; :iwe ciatitit, , urge ijs telalms Me-strongly' oi•
say. MO Muck in' its favor.
7.sitith - ffideTal - ifialte
pt . :this igalsam, that even in=he ativanited,stagec of
CoicimoriTiorfolfteitillrtheeincTit esteeMed•remedies
of o).Bit:ions •to %effect 'any"• - chliege ; , _the
use of this medicine ties been"prealitttive dftbe"..robst
astOnlabing -relietotd aetoallJ e4leeited.'cures after.
.all hopes of -iettotiery .1114 been
. 4 . spttir_e.fl of. • ,
JiLilitt'''first stages or The'lliegse tamed ” Catare-
-/m/-•:-.'etiosuiafilia$0-jorigipating'7-Ifoty1 3 --neklecte.iir•
COLDS;it has been udeil with -andeviating success
and •Itundteds aeknowledie they, owe the restoration
of theirltealthlo This invalatible•tnediCine alone--
In that form of Conviniption so prevalent amongst
delkuote young fenisiti;lonrmotilk 'termed delSility,
. . s a . ,
A complaint with which theurandre I tagering e it
his,alse. proved highly successful ; and not only pott
sesseethM power of checking the - progress of this a
.lttinaiiig complaint; betel so•strengthetts and itiVigo.
otes-the'system more eflbatually_ t thtmatty/niedicino.
we have ever possessed. •
.. For particulara r certkficafes,Btc., see ble.,Vistitr's •
pamphlet. .
ELLIOIT, Carpals
Soloatan Oswald,•Yorit.• — • ' •
Angle and C;ireason's,•Shippensbturg.
Carlisle. November 8._1,84.3.,
. 4,424V224 - '4, - a
W il ii l v it e( l l 4 fr S ona ul s'u d i e t r itr t y lie ttn i r u e e c t o u tle e d .or ll t e i t t • i des , t duetd
- sal es- made for- taxes, .which by r . eked adjudica
lions of the Court of-Comma ens o fCumber
land_connty-„,. -Rittlthe.Stipreme- 'octrt--of , this-Stot .
4 „ ,
have !Ken declared frau/Mem and void,large quan
tidal of chestnut - and other valuable -timber have
been cut upon the loads therm as the Mount Holly
'Estate I the public are iherefoite hereby notified - idiot
'the said estate consisting of all the trade of land at
apy .tinle used aincethe year iiilii,,in connexionlvith
the :Mount Holly- iron I : Pork% (excepting such par,
Lions ni have since been* bold by the subscriber;) ore
the property of the .Farmerie 14 Mechanics' - Bank;
by virtue of a etinveyttitee hytheSlteriff of said coun
ty, in August' i Bp.4.,that. anoleetlit not recorded
.within six months from the time of their execution .
are,„4 Aet, of Assembly, dated 47114,May, 1715 Ot)e
darOd frailuient - and void against subsetmetit pur
chasers; thattlit! taxes have been regularlypaid, up.. -
.on every - tract fOrming part of-said claim, froirpthe
first occupation up t 6 the present bile ;.:tbat by act
of Assembly, dated 2901 March, 1 . 82.1,-the cutting
liaulinV - Purchnsing; - or'emplopitk of others to CM
or haul,- any, timber trees upon or from the lands of
another, without the license of. the true owner is
mi . & an indictable--entice ; and 'that the subscriber
will prosecute all personsolfending against itTX law
no matter under what undulant pretence such viola
tion is attempted. Ile will also give a.reward, of
TEN Doct.mrs forsuch informatitmas may lead to the
apprehension, and ilvErrry DOLLAUS for the &tom
tiatt_evf-eiteh and every oflimder. . ,
Attorney iii . fact of said Bank
.Dee. 0 0,1143, -
cca•Ahy information in regard to the estate May
he communicated to L; G. Brandebury, Es% Car
Forw rd ing 4a- com miss i 0111-:
1") ESPMTPU LEY informs the public, that he is
prepared to receive, forward andotispose of
Produce. of every description,
either at the Philadelphia or Rohl more Markets, or
nt any other point accessible by Rail Road._ As he
will attend In person to the delivery and sae'of all
articles entrusted to his care, the most satisfactory
• speedy returns may at all times be expected,ma
le utmost promptitude in the transaction o 1 all bu
sibess'entrusted to him.
Farmers and othrris 6 isavi r ng any'itrticle which they
wish disposed of, will do well to call oh him, im
mediately opposite the Minutiae, House, and Rail
Road Deport, `Vest High street, Carlisle.
G. F. so authorized to purchase seyeral hundred
bushels of Grain, for which the higlkst price *ill
be given.
Carlisle, May 17, 1549
MYERS & I lAvraisTicic havejti4: reeehred
yfrerB the ilrianufhetory at Philadelphia' a large
Pa rlour.Chailther Zit titiudy ILamps
h.'o`r"~'f[lidirfxitittrei<j'wl,'icli they" w'fiCsctl' whore=
sale or retail at the manitfaeturer'i prices.
-C:;) Ltal
: 1-;00in - 01_4170141i! 414 r t.
!tattiest ; and: most.effecti,ve ittudinine' ilia. kMor-,
moos tplantitie iiire Sold; aniteSeOluitly, I ilteolitirt
i'Feen,taitutt, editoi•mt Merehanta Magt. -
aziiteitatitrthereeVeditki it/v*lW* feWritittieur
The. ;Rev.:-Mr. ~ Huntier, of the
./Wittkiwgat'', street
tibtrolii:was re(is of -i_'very.bad tiold ; 'n nd,'eough
mne. day. ,The'."ReviiHrJ Anthony,: erthe Methodlid,
Chareliiirestared:Otoonsitinption by.thenitt
euitands4i.iAsk EvtibsEsq.;
Walker:at.; aelion,-Edwamt.L . Peortertlion. B. B.
ielans,Viittt they:think wt. Shernian's.Lezenges, and
they; loti"they are .r.tteellent-Mtie
fallible mediunetnowni -
.real m ntlid °tea Iteatlache,ma I pitati oncsew skekne , ss,
:lowness of spirits and Aespon deney—:inetire - Hfiters
dissipation. Capt.- Chadwick, _of the Wellington,
Mr. Aokerttum, the greatsio pointer ; Mayor Clark,
rind fatalist :every liody ktiows-theteialitm - - •
ousts: 141 +cetitiy , n'nd'ni sure to' cure , Hietimictistn;
lumbago, paiwor weakness in the breast,: side, or
book; Ase•piles— doll they, ettre;vorniti , When applied
to the part. Hesse; of tiny,isne - ..'w110 lies
' - ntird` icand - iistdd give $3 tor one sooner than five:
eehtefor alt tither plasters. ' ' '"
Stild in Carlisle at HUNTER Re' KNEEDLEtt'S
book Store, EastAigh street, who are Sole - Agents
'ett . nglek C'vfeason,Sitippeniliarg: . '
•SAVIZZa 29g
. •
Par the ewe of Obstinate Eruptions iiNthe
Biles•whielf-arise -from an itripties - habit
of 'E:idyl:Scaly Eruptions; Pains in the
B m
Bones ; -Chroe Rheumatism; 'reuse;
ScriSfula or King's :Evil; . White Swel-
I nis;--Sy philitieSymptomi;: and all, d is
niers arising from an .impure state of
the blood,either-bya tong residence in
cious tine of iVieteury, &c. -
Mis Medicine has frequently been found
highly - beneficial i n Chronic Coughs ; or
I Coldelof long stuting..
Irbis Iteiliclne tins been extensively used. in the
United.States,vith decided benefit in Scrofula, itler
curial diseases, and all oases dun ulcerated char
acter: .X 8 an alterative in the' spring' and WI sea
tout, iris unequalled. It possesses many advantages
over-the decoction, 00 is introduced ns a prepara
tion mere - Vert:dile, nqi. liable to Injury , by long keep
ing, and -better adapted tr the use of persons travel!.
flue pi:opriefOr_bega- :live to call uttentiditto the
following certificates, s octed flans a large nuin-er
apprOvitig its efficacy:
• REA nivi March 3,1859. •
This certifies that my wile Airs. Deem; hail for
nearly eleven years suffered from a serbfulous erup
tion resembling tetter which ate deep- holes - in her
face., neek an g .nrms,tbeamstsottliseharge of which,
destroyed tier health, and ireq - nentlfeou'fineilker or
different periods to her bed, during which time her
suirmings . wei-g_eerssrem = Mbe best medical ntten
dance was olSained, and all the known remedies
were tried with - tut an alleviation of her complaint,
which always returned with increased malignity.—
Having lost all- hopes of recovery, site had almost
determined togive op the use of any other medicine;
she was however. by persuasnion, induced to-try
Oakeley's Depuralloe Sarsaparilla, the use of
five bintles of whi c h has retnoviurthe disease, and
restored her to perfect Ittalth.
opposite thedepot, Reading, Ps.
to_certiFrfirit my. little son, abottLeight
years old, hod suffered for a loag time from exteo ,
sive some on the right knee and kg, supposed to
have been white swelling., which I found impossible
to heal, even by the and or the moseispectable
medical advice, until I was recommended to use. Mr.
Oakeley'S Compoimil Syrup of Sarsapnilla; 8 hot
tlti of which not only healed the sores, but perlbctly
restored the child's health. which had suffered touch
in consequence of thisalfeetion.
. _
71.6,tkbove. reun street, Reading.
Tne above ease was presented to roe both hefoie
and eller the use of Mr. OakeleVs Syrup or Sarsa
parilla, sod I have no hesitation in believing. that it
was theta:gent - Of his n eitoration. - -
Dcrven.Assyntri, April, 19J84,1,_
ar..oalceleyi-,;•Ms SO,ll U111611(1 -Lear, had the
, scrofula in the most ;sirendful. and - distressing man
ner for three years, during which • time he'as de
rpri sed.of , the use of his limbs, his hood and neck
were covered with ulcers. 'We tried ell iheilifiet , -
eut remedies, but to uci r effrot untit'recomtuended by
I)r., .lohnsOni . .of:Notxistcsv.n,_andf:also Dr. Isola
of Saiss u iarillai, 'Of which iobtained 'Several bodice,
thejsa 'Which 'drove the disease entirely out of
hula iiysternTihe sore Wirtifi - WeVillfiVari
,restored to Fretted health, which lie.has enjoyed un
interruptedli-ever einee,to iheUelonishment of ma
ny riersons'silo seen him during' his- afiliCtioni • I,
hilver-tlipitglit'WdulTiirid - sendr„you'this certifi
cate, that -2 others who :have a like affliction in the
family ioay khow whereto obtain so vulwthle a med•
eine, fours, truly.' A. D. LEAV;' , 2,- ,.
. by. T. C. 'S" ENSON. ("0 kr:
isle auk hft f9goyyjilg Cumber
land Rim _
Cutuberland,s,• • ; • ;! , ...1 ;
-Joshua Crain, Elidiestown.- •• " ;. • ,
boadom-Kingst •
,• 11 - 4 - 041 - 1361(11 - titt;' — d". •.: • . • '• '
L. Iteigle, Co.,,E3tureldOwn.
V.; Cathetiet - Shopardstosinr—,
t:J . anunq \-; , • . • , •
Drugs; Medic nes, ice ,`
N tirti l st6FlA,WEXiSii6K- havejust•Mpened
'• their fall' assortment_ of-ttrugs,kl'ainta,t Oils ;
tuf a, Patent Meillicines,Merfurnery..stul Fanny
Coods;,which dieY:siill..teell,tvitOluistle or intaili at
the. very !owe* proves, 1 , 4
' Alreheietvratent , LulrdrLaMpiri.:
L .:,
7 -- Glasp.LAiyipi tit alludzeii and.. patterns fortournitfg
either Oil.or.l.Ur4jll..iiMp + , l3ltsidei: and ":13hirotiles
Ttßestlperm pled Whaler .011, Sperm - ,Candlca,'Al;"
mood; Castile add COuntry Sciapa, r eei t tiercen ,
he had ifrcinSthist ,
Vcarlislle Ildrough Aoteis for'. all puramses tor.]
- I Le b par;, ,•••:,•),••:•). . 41.1
IDeceolikirls;tlll4.9ff. ;0•'. • =J• 1 . 364:
. - .
Pr ,
poreien - And ,l llonteptiorThry ,7 ' 7 Gitodsi
A r it;•40;? 1 "0: 8 ef9lia "
V .few deore S &Olt or A rcheteael , Philadelpfiisl
OULt)'respeolfullF`^invite the etfehtiph
(thuntif . .buyeAli.tii Iktgeliirttopat ;of
gitels enhablbAtt ( the .seekon. . 7 7 *'
;Theyjisie;Stihßn la la stock e ( Foreign acid
pbtfiestio Gomeoidifiti tt Telei'l)iittei than tit eY
earl cow e ha d lind pre . o , itlid to
itothe vl b ttle:
c,v J W a i,-i l o 4l'4tr ioOtri g dt e f hrig:,l•.re' 4to-
Oh 'ilOit ia
glteltlere;atNetie St! tfiOpfieesat, hie
ecnnarritu4B44'tg;tahtitfalt o*etitlti
'BOOTS AND `SiluriS•
4 1 :1 1 0t.'rng b, "sr:8 6 110: h r."g' f l' 75 °'` *- tl' i e 4 7 -6'A,°= t it ,
";25 , 71 4 ,t*pk v , FtVP‘
14P 4109 Alairll,shoe,ijointll4 l 4 , 4 1 1q .. .243,4,
• • • -11kii0)00400.4di0...
!l his nowiti;tl
rai , SiltaltvCallialekit'thirteatitidet oPhiVi'
Kepny,...VV,.estil . ll4T t Sleed.N
SykiNtitier; beitit.:iippointed.igeot for
sale - :o1=-1.V - litiCK' I*vIVENT — COOKIN.G
.STOVE, tetras i
Itimmv;; heed.: zindTor. , eitia , alLot ;thellilitereht
ati l tablejer ffeivsteAkirillieei's.e.'9(j.he - most. eV. 4 11..
etir'fotiVeitiene r aiiterid , econormf , fill'ael
this Stove" surpasses all' talMra io use. - T h e, Q3Leth.,
`whist!, ie the fall, aizg of the elgve , and twice
Milhat ofanyoiliar' et gmve of th.d , saiile'Aise,'lctici"C'on
cted thatih'eliett" triteamit'in figiej'enfirety
the oveff;amt ratuttieVe's to give it 4 rierfeei
Oven: hositattioffetral-boltohM ,, Thegreat n 6140006
ihioh t7te useME theiMStovee:htta•produaMl where
:ever. useajor, two yeaM)plat i and.theirtever T failing
+excellenea'io ;join; all :thaidiffeVeot ways or CgOk -
log, aelvelLtie saving,Or r hMorood loam) ; did vom.ot.
them, ace iuffiiiient to recommetal them to ther
'Malmo otjlotel,Kespere'atid hottdialltiehitiettien
'PrOtirietore or ;iopkisile; Atlylarrnie t Read
;orsixit;:tdiirtty l ;.,POorAltiuses r
Stove fat , their , rei' raFaa fier: lOirtiiiiiik:thiog of
Ala:Aida' ever made.'All'pertions therefore , ;rho are'
th tvaiit ol,Cooking Soiree; nre•reipertfollyritioetr ,
!tett ..tfricatt'and•.exarniott.-thOtte , :ttefore - porchastog.
Thisis to eet;tify, , • T,hntve" - . l llaye for a yeaf — tifil
halt jißtit 'on e of I). BOOk's Petttent:No. 6, Co*:
'era for• eopootny,,,in fob]. bnd litbor." • • , ,
Joey' A'iloPttti;l . Jottotr riti/a.
, J Lk . B M0.114 - AitittiAtlaittio'Hiitel;C, - Atay,N4„,
ecßiiirrOfurAnLANE, Pay:: ,
-„•3taiir.lll:reaszti Latuauiter,
. Oen, Wit.issiFoutir, Mnasion House, Carlisle.
'Gas. PRINJZ, Stat4apitol Hotel, Harrisburg.
--The-grcit-demonit• ••
Lion which this Stbyttvert , ,linit induced The Pro
prietor to 'Spare tdi pair* in - trialdfig . . - thern. as much
superiOrin quallty vina• ivoiltmanship,'as they are
superior in excellence Tot 4 Coolcirgpurp .r oves over all
OtheVtitoves ‘)O r forc - iifibied t his Make& 'He
therefore tali is opporiunity to intorm Vim ph
the•patter have. undergone•Otkorough al-
Aeration alist improvement since they have come into
PiS•hands. '1 he tops in particular hiive been tititik
ined and strengthimed; ,-, thoy'arentainow" Cast at the
Foundry above named, and cif the pest iron, (muse
-quently, are.far *suPeritir to Stoves made at 'Blast
Furnaces; botlistinregatAt durability i .steength,bean,
ty . and the standing Of fire. In short, he is deter- .
named - that Kishall not lie tty,
Surpassed in aydepect,
thiriellutt can be prOthiced Eifator we=t; north
or smitlh,• • -• JAMSS_.III.„ ALLEN,_ •
Carlisle, ,
844. May 22 , 1 , . . . if-so
rrldaellitierrand Stove Beatings, made to order
sir Beeey's Iron Foendry, yest kkigh_street,,
Collide. Pa. •
THIS long established and tnyaluable. Emollient,
Cures and:prevents all 7 .Chapppkgr rotrehnesi
cold weather.-It also, cures Frosted Feet and Corns,
.Swellings, Bruises,Burns; Scalds, Still Neek -and
Swelling of the Glands . It will : greatly relieve the
pain of Illiennitiem'and Gout oh - ai first application,
and if persevered In - wilkperforni it Cure... It safely
removes Pimples and.otherEruptlena'ismcceeding
ly useful for Sore Breasts, and the-butfitig of In-
rants, &o, It is useful for Canters before they are
beoken, and a remedy fcir the ..Piles.. It will care.
Sore Throats, and.all inliatuation or inconvenience
to -which the Skin hi liable. So Inivaluable , is this
componfid that those who have once proved its•beite.
fit, will never be *Mont it in their families. It will
reMin•itsvietues many years,und in all climates and
istk•refore vet,- usefui'm those, and
to all travellers.
Premed and sold wholesrite and retail by.
__ . - - •
No. I - i — Sontli - Second - streetronly One door from
Market street, Philadelphia; •• . --- •
- . l';‘l4onegentune without his signature on the label.
Sold by Litemisli,Deuggisia,:Perlumers, tr.c.._
March 27, )1844. 6m-22
' e _ . N. 13. A verylibeivtl tilloware to Dealers.
__SILVER de; :IVIES, •
Folyraxding. Er. Commission Manias,
WE respectfully inform our friends and custo
mers, that we have tokens' large.and com
modious Ware house on the Delaware,No. 42, N.
Wharves, between Arch and Race, min connexion
with our present house out Broad svreet, where .we
are nbw ready to receive Flour and all other Pro
Wm. B. Mur ray,
• . Mcl..Vlery &Seymour, - I Carlisle.
M. C. Davis.
• March 27,1844,
UNDL3 0.4111M0
Y vir ie orthe potiers and authority
Rip contained, in the last will 111111 testament. of
51tettam.-Eot;deed., I now otter for sale, the
Carlisle , lron. - WorkS
Situatettim the Yellow Breeehei Crock, xi miles
east ol Carlisle Pa. Tlre estate .0011xtunbita8 Ufa. first rate
7 ,- aperkett tiValgs - g,
with na rfipusand AcresOf Land.
Amew MERCHANT MILL with (aileron of dune,
finished on the most' approved plan. 'A tiiioo o Pereli
of the laud are cleared and highly bultitsted, haring
thereon erected
Three:ll:jar:m.7 lliaiok IlLtrexocs:
inlinee,essiry TENANT 111011SES: The
works aripropelletrby the TENANT
13reecties Creek
AtitlThellnlingSprintralitelricyaramiriiN recce.
There a're upon the premises a 11 the ileacisary Wink
mens houses; coal housesiearpenter and smith shop's,
and stabling built of the 'most substantial materials.
The orenof the: best quality - aid _lnexhaustible, it
within ••.nilecof the Pomace:' There is riithapS
no Iron AV orkalc Pennsylvania, which possesseaan
'.perior sutra ntagesand offers "gi,oitbr laulueementsto
the investment of:Capital,' The water power Is to
great Altaht liebitiiied to any ether manu
facturing purpose. 'Persona disported to purchase
will of aourae,exumine die.peoperty: I . Thetermsol
' ....''Citrlrtile - 40661.9;11342: • - • AiLif
• .
' ' Line ,. •Sugquelra,und. , .
- PHICAD'E""i;i'' '''''' '''' ' ''
r in l EfiFopilotoii "fe
a n e A
n w ill
iit7nll:r7a_tt294a*ts.ueuallo Phil.- -
idBl;iaidii li
' n g e pr es e rtOes ne: rheir friends wpi'`peiedlfply to_Noble,Flinn
4,ferrifßrded sEllndHiiii, Apdoee'4,McKoe:
‘Jiifirsitikitrt B oool.ielieei.on'ili-.Delii
WOffioitlilledOhilde , ;..and--,:fideoldi:X - Elden.:Balli ;
i1xika.:.,...i.'44.....% , . i'.::-..:_ , .' , „- 0 -„' ..,,...„._:;!,.. , . ::
7 : l7 l..iiiiilTAiiiiielt:.ikicO,4 - ife. faliatita g 'p ms ,2 - --;,„ht.
' be' isilietiid '-ii) between 'tide: .pliibO.itod.:thii:OSoltii'
.1."....-.71 .t, - ... ---- -• — .7 - : - . - - - .7: ---,-- --; -- . --
-:,1 .
- , - ,. ..f: - .. , .:.- -, , ~,.• V' 7 : --, •= t o -.. r Nr,, ,, c.. ~..
-;:,• ~. ~ ..:,..,,,.; . ..., . .',..,, n ,z. .. e a- ru , y , ;...,
r - .' - erf m- : — El=VY' , ;•
1,,;'.:' ••'-._ , ..;;'.-•-:-';';;',';'t.g-414,.'it.C:111,,.)0_13. al;
i'4l4l4itto.A;''?".: - ,:s' 15',' 1 ',•lif 'Op ilk
.6.ii ,,‘
_ oo 4 d e , ; _, Th 4i,,,i; ;,.5.:.:, ~,,,...,., ..!,c.7.,: , ... 1 .....--,, , ..,.,-.,,,,,
- ;`en4o/I.Aiel,iiiif;7k ''' . 2te - '*,''...':'.'-'22'''' '' . /lo'd-'-'-' '..''F'':
IFOrn4eire';,:l. ' , ..."'.' - r" . '''''.'.. 28- '4'3:1, 1 ;f 1 ,: 5 :;:i . .43'- ::: i.:..
Nheet:lLie ai:ao!tv.- - ..' .."..::;:-,.: 1" ::::: . '•i''.. '... - 7:
1 , per 10,0 tic; . ..;,,,i; i.,;if. ...,,,,' ~,..44` . 1 .,(;..; . •'' , "
oats . '.'. V:' ,- ',.--.'-, '6 `Y. , : ''',-.',._.",.''.'-' •, '.'.
0i a . 4 .3a 1 ;44., , ,.. 7 ;
th Oil Oeirj-4,.fWA11.4.,:,:,:
.1t„ .1
Sti , i) t : 'l, if , 'Z ' i . ' f , `,,(' aso ~ .- . ,, y .t til 4,5.. , , , i,,,,. , ,,,. , .:.-,'..0.4- ,
~. -. . .. - .. .1,,,,,, t ,-, t-,- ~,,4 5 ,,.
shit)ilfra Fir.199.g:A . ,:..50.;i..i.:,„2.;„00:4- - ..' '''2.,.
PknitPet.l 3 b l oo - ,,.',!':..441:.q , "ii,''130:i?...:i4Li1,.*?:5, - , .;'.
160,kekeYfilp'fitC:;',.q , : : sl:P. e ':..l': - ;':... , ...'
Gearing A,. , 1 /, i f,..4 , 4 . 4•;71;:.:1; - , 01,C , ':41t , S4'!'i'-'IT..-i , ,
Balt(P4"..a4PAl.':il . .e'l2.'':o:i;;),2B4'l" i ';s..-•;'..*' . .Z. - I.'.
rtpA e war and'H.,0111.",.....,•:'.::'1;y:1':'''',.,..:':,!;' - ..',, 1 :''
" r ''! 9°, ;: .•. - -% . 1... : ii'.; s'i'l(kk4;:.f.aioki;:i'''.4; ,. . - - , ,...,.
°l t t POr ,, vP i i B X9 l )*??4 . :AXi ,
L__'11 1 .,Ai.,, , .. , ,i 'kti' , ',l4l:-.K:O',!: . ..i•Ri4.4l-14'61`,,,V
-I'..ot.„.nliktAtiegtekm4-w?.44/'': .- 4 ' k . :o.t -- •4; , .4
INfmninAtt---'c." .1 .01 0 04 41 ;00: , ''4 4 ; 30 . 1"::: . : - ':::::--;.i .-
311- 1-1 2 '° no' . L. L .3- : ! t:t"'i1'0 0 :ti.Q.:2:2441.0,1 ( !.0 - •'..l'`i , '-',..,:''j
Al t ? ,
* _il t r: l l(ii:4l...:i'iti l l i ) '' , , , i,44 l / 4 - 40:, , •1 4 4 : 'i .4 :-:
1-c=:;_' - =4A'NOI.ISAIIO 1 1 I,
litki Ar 1 ,p 7
Siii'lifliAs'ilifarati, 'iiiitatiiii, f_tiilo', l
I .7 '!"(-07,ii,Vilitifiiitte:r.Iii,t Ekt(ti"-ikift9*-01-Z.-
t 2. = .. " ' - pitiii iricisrii et , , THE Ilid o Doii . :l s,.
J` . lit4ot bil *. SifillWil I - - 1
",-.•." Pt' , •. , _..1; . ~ •,. ' - • ' ' t
',.? ..." :, ' 'i,411 NAMELY tv.,•in . •
-* 4 ,1., •
6,erOfilla' 'Xing's Evil r l ßheutiiatbnerl
i ~obsirarq Ittaneptie,Enions, 1"mil
-1 -rpfes‘crititistules'enithe, ttee, , Blot=' ,
1 :laliesalilllqs:Viiin* 'rejnikEselßiiik
It i lWOrtrii.Of.".:Telterg! Scald Head,A. ,
-1/.irgenient atitii -- Pain' --- of i- tt1036 - ''
I, ,rt''
,and t T.oints,tubbofn Ul,CerW, yg - AW
tieSymptontisy Seilktlea,orLtirnnago,
ar4 . s4isceses'afisingltoin - artinjtmli 7 ,.
_.eions Ilse „of Mercury, Aseites, :Or
,•Dropsy, gxposure,or Imprudence in
Lifer,, .*lso, Chronici Constitutiontd
.3 . Disorddis .wilt be retnoxed by this
, Preparatio&- -- .7 7 --. . .'“ • - ~. , ' , t
L -,flOrptirresoCni. in Whatevar;regirtils'#ia:lispiltials
trinir welflik-e el'ttia'itraii l Cenritantlytiithe xriarcli
•to ierfeetidiiV.tgd;;lill;;cti'suceedhii'ibiy lonic
cow problem_ issolved for - some prylimuit seo
related, haying anlmpoirtaritrind directi;eartni Over
uttm'aitierext dmithiiii: - Ir - vi'e isileil tutivriiiiitiv'e
iiewArier-the pret-tweilty 'years, , -hoa is the mind',
struck Withwonder rWhat_trighl strldex Irlisikience
math; in'evere ilepartitient of iclialzed •likhrlirtij
• ~ . ,
cularly in that which reltdealsithe knorripage Cr the
human system Id 'health and Uhrefisa. tow vski4ble
and indiopiutaislC are the curative means reCen4 l
discovered thriptglithd agerioy of chemintry . ! Ilow
does the itnagination kindle and our admiration glow
*the ingenuity; v tlic - rilar apprCach FO-iltCictriaTd
of perfection, • of the present time 'Through the
elaborite iniclitigatiOns of Physiology, or the selenCe 1
of lan, and the Pathology or prevalent diseases,
Touch valuable'practical knowledge has been 'pitied.
Ili consequence or becoming acquainted - with the or
ginlzation, the elements of the, various tisanes and
strdctures of
.thi• system, remedies hilV been sgtit
e cri
after and discovered exactly adapted to combine with;
nentitralize anthexpel- Snorbi fie mattir, the cause of
dircare, andliabstitutt healthy action in its place.—_
The beautiffll simplicity or this `mirde oltreturrrent
is not only suggested by tha pathology of disettees;
not only'grateful-to the auffererrbut perfectlibreno f
enhance with the operation. Of Isliituire,iiiid satisfas7
tory to the views and reasonings of everyintellig:en%
reflecting mind. It is rlusitlftitSithirs flaisliliarilli,
n scientific combination of esantial principles of the •
most.valuable vegetable substances,oPerates upon the
system. `flue Sarsaparilla is combined . with the most
salutary productions, the most potent simples of the
- -
ill the restoration to health of those who had long
piked under the most distressing chronicmaladies,
has given it an exalted character, furnishing as it
does evidence of _its o-vn intrinic value, and Tete no.
mending it to the afflitted in terms the afflicted only
can k t iow. It hos long been a most important de
sideratum in . the, practice' of medicine to 'Ontiliii di
remedy similar to this—one that nauld net mu the
liver, stomach and
-bowels with all the precision and
1 potency of mineral prepazdicnis,,nositlaout any n "
Mei r,deleter;rTtireffixnar - uph - r - offliSirril powers of the
The atteMioa .44. the reader ie nespreftdiy,ealled
Ito the ovi tertificam.. However great *thieve-
MCIIIB have herztofure been made by the use of this
ineditine, yet daily snevienee_slimm • -
sults still more fefitarkable. Tile protrieiors here
a ,• thernseivescif the opiiiirtunity of saying it it a
source of consumt satisfaction that they are. toadeike
means of relierMe• such an amount of Faltering.
Wended - 1d kaecis of• Seadp's Sarsapcs tilla in
A's/vie& Conn.' •
Read the following lroin Mrs. Wm. Phillips, who
has long resided at the Falls". The fitets are Well
known to all old residents in that part oldie city.
romans. A. B. SANDS St Co.—Si us: grate I embrace this opportunity for stating to you
the great ad id' I obtained fa:oni the use of }our sae,
saparilla. I shall also, be. happy, through you, to
publish to Jill who areAtlicted,as I lately was, the ne
oomit-of niy miexpecivif,2atal,Aivett-in s -a 10n,,.-IVitilr
despair of cure. Stine is a painful .troy; mid trying
and oickeningas is the narrative of it, tor tile sakeef
many who may be surely. relieved, 1 will- briefly yet
necurattly stale it.
Nineteen years' ago last April n fit of sicknesi left
me with nn Erysipelas ertiption. Dropsical collec
ti tins immedintely took place over the attire surf:tee
of my body, catalog such an enlargement that it ans
tiecessnel• to add a half yard to the ales of. my' dres
sesaround the waste, gest rot loWed,tipott my limbs,
ulcers, painful beyond description. l'or years, both
in sumnier mud winter, the only mitigation of my
suffering was &SIMI ill pouring upon these parts cold
'water. . From my limlut the pain extended over my
whole holy. There-was literally for' the no rest, by
day. or by night. Upon lying - down these pains wou1;1
shoot through raj' ay stem, and compel me to-arise,
and, for hounstogetlicr, walk the liousetso that I was
almost entirelyolleprived of sleep: I hiring dila time
the Eeyiipelas continued active, and tile uleers en.
hirged,sind so deeply have these eaten, that for two
toil a half years they have been 'subject to bleeding.
During these almost 'wenty years 1-have eiinsulted.'
many physic:jails. These have cajlett lay glint nem . --
as it -wait attended Witlinti obstinate cough xutlti steady,
and active pain side—st dropsical entistunntiolM,
and though they have beet) skilful pritetilMiters, they I
were only able to afford My . case at-partial and
porary relief. 'I hadmany Ollte:rtliMetilties ton Com- i
Ipiloted - to. describe. I have-also osed.manyeiflhe :
me - dieines - thaCtiaffebeetyeeccittlitie ti daiilididillile i
cures forthia dietstse, yet these all failed, and I was 1
inost t eniplaa!lettlty-„groaditgymorser.e-In4hi s ti
condition, gash up by friemls*tlexpeeting for.niy. ~
Self, relief only in death - , - 1 Was - by the thely,,iutel,..
plisidif a kind Proyuleilea,'llirnished ' with your
Mmeilinalushie-Satyparilla. '. A:sinkle bottle gali',
tie an elatirinie or:twit!) , whiet tbr.ttustriy. yt!irsl ''
had not °Wee felt. - Upon talkink:thestivond. my ino -
iinternenti l itnintstied; , mill in isre/ve,pllll.fienOril l i.7
Stltof - Qatober,whent ceromeneedtaking yilur.Swr
stiparillit, I wasiih - f to MAjta,Sleep and nest;b,y nlglit , s,
as rerti:shinkii . a ny .l ever enjoyed'ltilteiiiii-pertief
hospda,...Besirdes, I y416.4)11114. sluirt;tlinearcliered
Irma .alltiterac. eiCraliating, and urtalleyhled Wm('
that bed iffliteil_ itiy_ifaxe, its irit , eltbeit,.bre.of
my nigtd'S tcitie; , -Tte , oleerii iition , ii . i . ilkitlioi.'
es -- IW - i-t e., . 1 7 6 . 1 P0 1111 7 , u , edi -411 d - f.PlFe'lreitrif
iteatly_tg.ail,Airelealtgmttrt_ • ,_ , -,f- , .i, , ~
• ' Sand'i&theptirille . *lll - fitio "tiethirialtriii pern3l .7. ,
Neatly: dere'discstsestifiTiok:their Might bine Voifture•
'et . itteor timbltualandAleptnved,contittioneffidser . n.,
'erakeoluiittillon c ynth . ..lorofula o • ing's Evil la iks:
'*iiiloita , loritieVlMitioiiittiti.eti" V.iiiirte4i o iiiiiitd6l
eitipti . §iisi , tabiciseetileN: myttie;oniiiiiiulet Inp
. * F sp E r.p, otiFolq6:kqe,p,"';,eNropyerm,oi,tilttei•ott4
,Itenet;itaargOiet Mid: pa% or, the Ipeues'e t id jotituf,
:ettiVtoiitAileet , e;iytatitiviie . silitbtoinils;:tlinentiCe ari,s ,,
laterocit; atijnjtulleteits t.taio,or,firieiguryi, fe rn malti!de , e
ratigemettleandother - similarebrmilattils, ' ,
~ ~. • •
l,;.',T4itttiiiiiiiell'dril feet h ;I: privilegeprivilege tiletitif , y'tir they
'ifliettey',o youSt• ,ipeaqt -.l 4 e4torievStalkilwilti.... ',A ,
itoiteand_thunks„Air, rent.imeAkostaouifort,nroV
'whilst:tore of future healthi: arc due' ; likiki , 'Gott;tci
..youvievrtimentilitf,! - Aiiikr6q o v tilde Providence
that ttirceted" me tolourtilt,, yen tiliehappy
untt;ltort. 9to_rt - i i .,umm.cittere, *tam
eitsil atiii aerppiing no ; youti'Mtiiihrelieyell and very_
gratefillfriend; ....A:SP,.NATHP - NI.APHILLIPSt.' ;
• , -Nzlitrri t erttihgto. se. ~', . ,', . NorwlehpNity,'-4;1842::1] /
,'.Nereepttllly4typeare44te atotre-,oetne4Asenatt NI:, ,
Phillipa,and,reade - onik'of the. fit4i.zonktiieetl, lit tte .
ferekig stake- - merit beriire in& ~ ,' ,-. o ', NO/ 1,!, ~ -
'. , ..,,',..;-.::.'R - . , ', ';'.In.,ItUF.IS6.W.' . I4ATURW,teIN , .:;,:,,i
. . , .......,...-...-
i ..,-- .6 , fie ~ -.' ,.2-.F..1, : t , :.P» , . c.:1 , : , i ',..' iJusti eat(' the PeitOe;v4
; .., ileiFiiPqM l Orfinaltillfe4 , W44,A4l.:Vhilliph, /`
d er iKy pA,, , aibeve aaseortid failts are solsientie,ll,7.
iriiii:','" ' ''. ' Y.WlLLAAfilr'll.'.ltiCElAltilq;! '-.
I. , ;
7 . '' . ' AVMs* at the CoMel, at , NoraloK,Cenn.
P4parml and fa1i11 1 74 . ..8; . :Ranfla . .& Co., Drag
net Citemisti;Grarriletinildinia;V : 9 Braachiay
cm* ~: sof ,ChimberanrreOwNeviriroric,:.lAildloinale
bri*PgripiOjc9Partilq4 l .A49 , ASll* l l.-;; t'fl#St .
$ . ' 1 1 4 .. ..k9 t . es Biz Po
~ ~
~.,,whe- m iblie ere , raepeottultr' remteeteiliamMa'enrL , ia.Sindisa.§armaitillatimt.timitatita eon
inaPy, aellieljpw :Melt remarkable emArni,llh . nifinm4
„diffitnift 'ideal's "af Aeitileetti'M)inti !Ilia% human frame ..,
laleret,'aud aiii for . 451andOks#Mpeirltonnifilairal
r,,,M.T.r5..;1:4 ~vf,t.; i..-. , ,,‘, fl:veti v it . i
ri..,,, , !,:viier,A,E1.;-t z .it...? 4 .',....1,,,,' . ? ;V L ~,(.. : 1,1 , L -,,..-r, , erp ,,, Z. • ,
I' , 1
Agent ay . SOMA) R l)..ol ! it .P i ,'!. ll ''',l l lo l :4r4.ol 4 t N rh. l•
for. Carlialeaml ~ r iannly..'„: ; ..:,;;;; . ;; ; ;;;;24 . ,; , :;; :, .-,.., ; ; . ' . ~, ~... .
413,10 trASt 9 ;':,: : :' 7 , . . ..- -. -i , ,-, l•Are`7 •
,„,....., ~,,,,, ~. .., Ltiti ~,,, • bl.- , 4., a 4 ~,. ,
. hAtil !,--..-
..' . : 'I
! . 1 1iCeliir Militi?° t9o4bejl,
+lO ipS,! qua li t
wa ixttit tlim i , , milli Yl , e l i i i l, n Y .
1 iii.144. 5 42 1r40 ,Ai :11,,e.,1117,,r4n_
~ fidio,uvot.l6o,47inlopb,Lettk.istrAtag r
-tit, trifir,4kig-tpk-, in* Flit
Avivoinfol o 2ht ~,„,
. it , , 0
,r . i cadiaelitthairotwiit,
7 itlilicAthl!kg i k itkitai . oil ..,, IV
tifit}ffilie, 4 1 5 -.W"PI Oiii' 441040" lir i
llf 4 - .
!t i t. • ; ft '', t ' t.
l ill el ,i I. 4 4. A' t:* 1 1
ittitq,. ITRIMI tv, 3: 'Ail 0 lot
.1 4 ".10• , ,,,,.
!:: ,, i: ,,ll .o . t',:teinl
4itglti-sik: ft i v gt a fk 4 kiatd
. - -
,- liitAtitittitiiiirlOtte.:4,l , :.
t• c ' -
,C '.-• r •-. *f0 -1-, t h
;•. , i •1 i• ••• • - ir ' ep - .' a ..•• r a••
tio •
t- lc '.. _
lofline* tnpltreatj%toneiite Lamins- !•.
assert they ifr lied mare.henefltfrain
liottle.of it, thatiOrefl: : nritayintherd:Thill ii early •
accounted iciriatillSr.: LeideaSiiiintpOrilla is a muck
stronger viv*ati oirihan an y twice •
an much la , :no - nkfineilltioife!.:hattle iiii'oPi* tither
(and_soldiit theaam,e - price:) Let the" iiiiblPi Verkw,eni.
1 , 118 .. - Ht. it- 0 1*. , 4 111 : 1 !Pad. biAk! l .l 43 - . 00 .1 413.t.6;iff:!-, , a -.
i--t.,, , , , ,--..:,-::.. 4 -_-- i , .. 4-•• - ,17:„7 ,-- ,t;::‘,-,1....,-,.,
.**-_ ittlATALitiALithil Arattipetf____
c':",.: l -..- lil4giTie. - iieah4fiiVile;,z l ."; ll --
ti 4 Amonethe-iegetable',alteratires'oldrOdel&—
iror t iipensarres abound; there are / efi BOIS - ere! as
Soruiparilifi; and when.profletirfl&PkiPediOntillfc
pared; Is Invaluable; not colyin restoring '•idekilitar -
ted'eoltstitiiiitaiaici their . iiiinted'PliergiWiiiii4erft
rave arising - net of.flm hitpure•litatevettifliaitoudith
Print a knowledgonf,yerytn,any,voel, (and some of
thein nonsideredAniurableyirhire, many. different
orpporaiioint: ot.e.loriiipart,la ,• haft - teen:ANEW, none
ageteed to. poisons viqttes,pr.,sfentedint potrera,eimai
tto.Dr.LoTti.i?OhlOfeafetl Or - o)mfbound - -;xtratePf:
gireffplifill!!fl- 7-, ,r 1-- if'''':! ,,, TOt P . 1.,-/ ,1.1 -.
" ',at jt k,preparpthin; .tat helkeffed fifr. - 11Weifior to -
any other,o - ed, wiflO.m . onifiren, air hi thit:e9a r.,
potion . orPhYalefans:,;.-Ed . :, - ri': . ;N: Gifeette ',. , . ,
~ 1 31;:•:-.:!•,••6,‘ ' .;:f ,1 / 2 .v:••,•.,, ,- • - ..0....• i : ff'.7ff•.:!,•,, , Ai,',:2_01;-it f.. ...i
~ _
idt: tirIiiirireiSAIROAOARELLA.•_
Axtriat ot a letter troM;I4:7V I I.. hiflflore - Of.Easttui,,
i •° :. in relatioe to Dp,::ltAtlta.Sgrezipurilllie, : ' '
~1* _llo.W.biiy , ahilVtirA2i 'efiiiii)er 110 W three
yeara and thp ; leiter iiinvi,,ooloars: ••ol 4, have been
afflicted-WA fr:.serotetinetenuir from ttse - ,09.r-thtf - --
7frere'-itiree_•*.fiiiflha'atf.:• - f.Tlirea'.. month* figol lalts.• •
'influnedtoisaficefrial• ofyocirEatriet Otitirtaspirillif, C '
'anti.ha!Rgf 1 . it -to b(0 0 10 t-1 1 fre!liq* , - , •1 . 4.97-• •
are now, entirely free from any appenrince of Soro,r
Tara fled - .clever were in„bettethealthM - ,y C.: l' ,, .iN '. - '''.. • '.
' - i
•;, - pKi.iefliJyk,,S"fliaperilki - , ,kf. elboacleatain - - 4 .n11, die., '
easenarising,froffelinpurities Ofithe - blood,ane_ofhPr.„_,,
.fliiiiia.nrihe • - iyirteiti. - -•'All •iiiiali ifs
.' - **lni '.-.• May • lain ••
joecniiii4r-r4.tdical-- treatment, who j arff.debditated-
Onittillef Jskedicinithey_inny Atamtaken;*__ .
.or - ' -- nder'ifiiieoqiiiikt..infiiie.iiie;:iiiitlitid that
using -A- , v, bottles of IW A;eidrii Ssirsapiirilla;their
tifftlal +Agri'. sod : elasticity - - of .
,Oseii•framo andlaystem
will be restored; nod be ags!'itre,ittiittditg enjoy the
sweets of life , '- -'' • :: •':'', •-- Lj.,.', '.i,'''', -, 4 ' . ',......-- , '
• article iipitearatii be doing Wutdfers at
the. Semi), and from the - bigh'eltaranter of the le;
cominendations, we-are fully Ipertuaded it Ma most
capital medicine rot all imillititiestoftlie blooil“ We
know timuy
. PliyalttinttrAh.?..,l giventtere.their 'testi
mony -on this subrt,antl'weliVow They would not
:Rise a rhoratertto•siiirmadiotne. that:l44l'mA really
deserve . it."-Cbaideston Enquirer. .
.Ektrant of'h letter Rota 1)r,! WtitoreiwNateliel.
"linsine fort the lasky,ear ie snytt*tiee used ' , tier
Sarsaparilla Witt% touch. salistattion to inyielf and
benefit tit.itiy luiltittitta; I hise . tio hesitation Wieder
lag he one of The_ most' brelia'rattions in
no` m'ay -- be' - 0 ettetuled
losilig , tlaotruogestivonseirently -more-. efficacious)
of au): etis!enee ;,ailifiertimeemiatiops metkpos-
Bess'anuilas , tictheir'itreogili
_......... preportton TO tneir - sweng , ...
- being prepared.lrnra the same artrele.. J-Dr. - beidyta
Compound, iNtritet: of .Sarsaparilla,r;however, pob.
seises properiei no; iresseesetl b' others,. &omits
.manner olt preparation; and combinntion,with ell
s...gerabletxrcranta - reebrunientled b ry y'the-medical` r.
ntilty-..4and beifee the reason why it is So generally
'recommended by the Pliyainians Philadelphia and
Prom the estruortioncy virtues of this preprit
kion and a koowledie of its copipos:ticin by, Pliysi-
Pions. (the reason 'why they to . g.eheraily 'use it,is
they; wouliVnot.usetre.L.reSommeofi !toy Trepurshoo
they dill not know the - comitositiou ot,) it bas been
iormiumul_in-tnanYitthellOipilnis-thetogbout the
higbly.reebmtnentieil by.Pl:Ysidsossual
Surgeonsof tlfose Instittitions. ,
-From thi:l4ew
The Ida and .ctivied celebrity' which -this' pre.
forlitritlyaffige • el
ficacyln all diseases which it professes to cure, has
rendered tlfe usual practice of 'tattling - unnecessary.
.It is knoWn by its fruits-anduits-goot , works testify
for it.. 1)e. I,eitly's Sartamarilla will, be fotimil• - •
cularly efficacious in all Aiivasei of *the liver, stool
ach, skin; kidneys, spine and 'bones, ulceration or the
- nose, throat and other parts, abaci sass; fistulas, sent : -
rules, erysiill•lns, jauntlice,ritcomatism and, inci pieta .
%oat, mercurial a n d sypliilitfc alrectionit, fernale do-
ruugements attain restori tut the sickly and debtlitat•
eel to their natural health and mem%
Dr. Lei :'s Com mind Exiillet
stool tto test for tye pates past. ant us no oast to
say that Mote lA, no tither preparation of equal
strength now in use. Tlyrottglintit the Southern
States where gitrsiparilln as much in - general iise
as tee and 'milk', Dr. Leitly's Sarsaparilla is getter•
ally preferred and is Isighlv , reeontmeatled by Illy
tal:411111. CAVIIf . ' firatemlinve been frequently lailr
lished the north and West it
much use , wag perltapsthan any oilier
Ui tie of it [lndia pint] is warranted equal to
two °fatty other ill strength, 111/41 is equal to one bait
gallon of the strongest Syrup tliatesurbe made. •
Directions for nutkitig_§yrup.pcm . 'frosn 116:0n.)
few daysainee a Clcrgyroan of 'this eiiy
(who doei not desire his name published in Ole pa
pers' but is lert with 1)r. Leidy] ataieethat holy
who had long , been a anntinuniiiitii at his church, but
(or two years past :livable to go to church. onnecotnnt
Of her ealretnedebility,'acessieted by ulceration of,
pOrtit"T lies la.dr;"_ diaeliae - 4 . her Oral. and
otherdliteenw -, 4 erangeatehta',^lanUilieltinttia
or 12agdioine tit Oka:, never Thulid arty, tirangefor the:
,bitter' until alit using aereraUbottles tir Dr. Leillyja
SarsaPaiiill4nna by a few taoiulle iierie:veraiiee tit ,its nso. was et a igelyrettored to heal th(anit reeovetc-._
• ,lihrloilike"Us'l)*iut_i 401411 to use her.owet)aegttage
, tiilli.ttintqatttretiitail a ne:w,laillig:r._thia is hut_olia_
It in etAr . tinly' lend sold • w AE±iilianil' retail '
at. Dr. LE - I , "flealliat mporitun;'N .-19v4iirth
-Streontl-meet Atelow yietta-also-sold-hyFretierielt.
• ilrowit eori.erllllll told 'Clietadit *rem; and Fred.
Kett 8z ta. come* 211 lind - eitifavllll greetilitit
vcr.pottle, (a plat)
Fos Hale is ilirsltrh~ . '
ay , B I 8
'&l6tablcii s
liltojeti.ter itioiltnqty;Wgiveil to tthilltlien:.plisl) ages:.;
in ,ell l o,l,ll)l4l,',!r9t, , packugg,L, L .,,
udh; tjaieii ,fr on).
fetlyia thiltleiTaeti ateme
ileneyito ilestrov•iliek general
•` .; • • .
To ateld air neeetelirtiinne-
Ceseatiir when xqii.;ire,teriino„);9etl,„eitiideett • have
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Pilneg4stents . * 413/4. I * . ' .