-. :.•••'a - , ,, , ,4 -, •.. ', .1 ( .014L. 11 1.,1.. ,, •-- , ' ,-----...- 1 -7: ,06trit i illitVpg i Vitc, fit;e,,lhi••• '; • ,iii, jeiko;i ito tiok.4 g usenfid r4tliilll.risCiim- . t' - `toeiand..Catt ~', .1% I.7lr.HOM.l s 3ol'st.'S 'PATENT - ' --. ATTF.R.NE., RbSS lkisill PEW'S tORSET fdr theldire) of .etoletieue, tUteKorliillint-OfAui.i*Otrib' , eyiit•i other 4disensee L ..hOW, ofreOLL ; theteXo the publiii i vti(hthelgtettttitionflrletiO,iind,reitheotl Phytooliei It;•.`eattitmli isleulitie. th - eie;ol.`keset hawed:leafs tire ~ , eoettreete4,'On eientike:lo4:llroli to.6ny..cine _ _ *.itieeinteit.siriihtholiestOiey, the Vertoile•iSpitem, . Itntkidth.thelliseatie.yhiektelought.to be eureil,the ' "liiiiiii , f., , ( tlieuK; histrAdviete.r..*. i I L-b Otpottreet. j•-.llte• , ...-” , .. , -Iterinekiprtintike-t.heheqoqified•eporollationofthel H ' L ledial •Fsrehlty A0141104%11 per ',oohe,',:coPinter: 1 " - " 4 h - iiiklikfteettliitto - d4eil:: , 4k..ntiOilieVereeirtra=' . ....14t4 - to .- thitelltieirefein - the , hintenbeeibe . • . /will'ehiiall,hiriihibitett; .:The itnuanOVinicipice:ot. I:6thith t •theie ingtoinientiviitiopold; vets theto yolthiO: 't he.iestilf of all: •,•••• , • • , ••• • .. '': ''' '" ' --I ' - '-'" '' -- : - Sfr-t.llll,l3A:OGirefilOOVEß'Sliffifiel.ibiitteOtk 3Or ;14111Piir)i.ele: by .S. EC 16:17.. I. NlvtireeliNi!i' 11144` . '. • . ?..' • FA phre7Bt, Ploxighs:'• 110141> ' ",St . t . hserilie . r . !•hovitti, • obtained the tight'. for mher,l and vaulty : of-the WIT --titqW. - --PItEItiIUNV - P4,42tUßlFl , ;is'onw Itirihethese find. tither lie , has'abw rot . :fiolo,•••Ot 'Pootkeilitipl,l•araube; ' drhig'ua by the firit'in• raiihU of Mirelt noti,"te dietribdre a 'atm- . 'her citilsesiPtitratikh the tlifferht tow - tit :4;1+9111'0 other• . vstiblkiilaren of`he county; %.1 . , hers &inttera'pt . tjtulge or their. 711 e p rices hi -tee *"43ot•thinoevith Ithe . • • • „, Trik..RE he also ' ilealgitti.trcjintesUpply . 'nf,..in many of the places,"iwancl •eilt oe - .thb.Cnitnt.v.. , 'A trial 'of hts quality, will‘cost but • 'Like ail other paints iittleealiest with Via aentlislh'bui for_wntithe'r.beaten umber, oi; briek.it anstves very. well...Witkfish• 911_„, milk, or.even water. llt xdhyi es niote. closely than orany either linsitit;. Set'erargnfes,Acc; *-- iirtliti neighlierhooll into'heeli painted for a yeki 4 oust; Snifie 'with \niter, and are now.aa briglut xe_when•it wits `hest pat on. • In ditheiLaqts , it is I- '. • . ' ;I'. C. MILE,EII. Fehtti.iry 14: 11344 tr-14, Abuy_ itor the Barkains: . - • • .... IT" -eubseriher,:b eg s.leaire inforup,the IT" citizens of Carlisle and4its vicinity ,:thitt 'he has justretnimed.from- - theyitr with a. splendid assort 'Muni Of BOOTS AND SHOES, ennsistin of Men's: Fine Calf sod Coarse Boots—also Men's and Boy's Monroet. fio-wotild also inform the LADlES,'llial he iis.pnrolised a lot of J. Willis's Double Soled - Torn younds,loxiney Shipper - sulk Walking - shoos,. • i%lio a laiae ss or tm ent of miso&R and Childrens Shoes. (Ali sewing of rips Aone.gratis.) • -Healstr purchased a-I ot-of-Kiti ond-Morneco-skins -111 of Which lie will .mantititstereinto work at thy 'shorteSt notice, and in a neat mid workiriaiiiike man lier cheaper than tligy Call be bail at :ply other es- . lablitilitnent hi - the race Re sure call at Ills Shoe Store and Manullietory 'in North never street, neatly opposita the Bank. Cat Is e,:ridittanTSaitl4-......;,,,,,,,,,,,afewnuagi0i r'"GuniT - Shoes.in which hole; have beclifworn oL .Actii_tepaireknaittlintlAnatic_imiier_vigus.tb_ituter... Para;pheiinglial frifiANASlo that portion of the, public, ant the neriehbor's, tivatshared their custom at the eat ' , tape on the earner of Pitt 81111 Pomfret st mete, and enableilthe,subsetibet to add a few articles to lilt: little stoeg, Such as • ". and _Cam bill6k. 84 . ' figured Bobinet, bands, I'ringes, Edgings, teruhiers i Tics, !Wits, Shawls, handy Prints, Alliablin Lustre, I%lousi ins, Chintz, caliooeit; Dress Silk, AfitheilesterGingliams,Clieeks, 'Flannel, Tickin g , a violay - of ?ire sli1111; 0:n0n Yam, 'Candlewick, Wadding and Lops, other. aVtibbis of 'dry goods , not mentioned; together with GROGER US; such sis Loaf and Brown Sugars, Tens; Coffee, _Cheese Watet,,SitierlLßerts.;..Salat "'ins and fine salt, Starch, Smoking , and Chewing To-. lateen Shaving . and aficii , '-Siiito Teeth • Brushes; Hair and other lirtishes;Toilet Powder; Cerort !ter, Sale sind other Combs; a fame iiumitity of Haber dashery, for such - list:an tell sort 'they want, When they ask roc its' all of which will be sold at as 'small a profit as 'will Itlstrytair dealia,, ,, ;llo. Cash; listlini•ough Notts are far Weis lar, and nofeur-. 'rentat`the • R. M..UNDERWOOD. Catlisle, Jaii.:3l, 1844. tf-14 ANOTHER CHANCE FOR BARGAINS THE subscriber having come to the conclusietvo Change his business, oilers his `entire stoek or goods in exchange for a good farm, ---- well L intprovadToribr - a - good - bnsiness - atand - in!the 'Country, iv ith Stlffieittnt dwellings for it large family, together with a few mires attached. His-stock con __ .'sist,of4uperfino-11114i—course—Cloths --Cassimeres i ‘Casinet, Cords, Domestic Goods 'of ail kinds, Coun tries, Lawns ' 'Linens, Gloves, iloziery, Ilandker 'chiefs;Silks,Ginglions, Middles, Lttatres, Fringes, 'Gimps, and a variety of fancy hetiolit Also, Boots, Shoes; lkits, Caps, Calicoes, faC. with a variety of 'other goods corapristn-tt general assort meat of . • thriware,'QueeiLitare, Grneries, Tea, 'Spices, I)ye Stunk, Uottliti Yarn, Coverlet Yarn, Bto.' all of which lie will sell at minced prices for Cash . 'atom and after this date, until a general safe is effec . toil. . Country Storekeepers nod others would do well to give'hicii a call, as lie intends there shall be no. '"mistake," being determined tO'close his' basilicas • 'during the present yeal.. The Store aita Dwelling cart he rented fi.om the Ist of ?tpril. Etis books pnstea' up to the hub, hod lip re thoskintlebted to hire to settle then. ac • 'Counts withoht further notice. The first .114 of April will be the last inty of grebe „after which nl 'accounts woetikeollecting will be plUeetlitt the hands ferprotier officers. , LO Willy the Darrel, always on. hand. • * • • • -S. A.l.- HARRIS. tutfatito4,ls4. - tf-16 girgaitig - 41at i gainSit - T LLE.sabseribendiasjast4idarned-froai-PlitilaW= phlaiiidd - ltsfdw , opentng bli'eheap store, the ...._Jangot4ptLobeapesi_atoak- , of-S PR1N1.4,-&,S UM NIEU.: 'GOODS; over brought to Carlisle. .','The ' aorinient consist in !mit of Black, 13Itte,• Invisible. • Creen;'_ollyfinnd_Brpwri'Cletli6;. elegaitt new Frcitblt;Caeaiiperes,Vestinggaiii stuffs'of all kinds elhleiulid new style iliflcitelegatiVaew'qyle llalzarines;Pari printed tiarregell; Teemed.); brceadttrieh Paiderfrilliontibes 'Chameleon, 11161(41AS, bOnapt ribb,ons,pal nauslifigacrape de Mine, trape'dellinbel.;-nfons: delaritti;ginghanlit;Callooes, r ni glin,ebeliks,titkiagiMineris,rhokiery and gloves, • of eirerylleseriptiiM,faceasiiid edgiaga,llamit nartilirin. --banAlkerctiefOftlipe'tnairiblaok-stiti,n , 44 . 7a , iniagen. 7 • Itlernd‘iioanalesnlnOni. atia'wls; ailAVnailersiailk• tiatiii,tailie-tilfo,--011ctirtlkini new atytn'aan eqi,dna;' tinkrinraidle;tehrt,noi , da,Finneti;fiitifietait;Mamilla r sgleinte,dinifinpi; table neiden;i4ialakictiaiiid and gimp ' 'Mali alai*: fivitt • 'oi.ooeriei;; inifongei, whibh are, sorailimme Teas; ColTve; sotat"aiid'Arci low;pilten: .' • 1 4 : A.1,116 . a nheiftiO•ltlinni .'ttisailinelft Is follitgiftiMpliNr4reltierOril I do'.. WWI Vie;fik pl6 , 'Fiiiy, de. p'edtrohlttkiiigml • "ThaaWfaltfor thevery:h eralidyonngeherelolitre. • ViciivetVolitittibiaiillier.nnlioita a onntinunnent'of the • • . %market house . la Vain' stiett. • 'pign of the big white • • •• •' • CHARLES ,OPILBY:' .'..:l:l:.cl7,EA',s,',.r.siiio**;.':*:,-t . . . , . .. ..._ . ~ . .. . . . . . . it PSl....lniOrial y ouirk 1l won and.l3lAck Teri.C' .' UP , rePtier•Alb.pim.Cliiiiiholate,' , !eincilibni t mus .,:ere4;isa*olisiiltrol!,-*liiy.effitruttragiiioOstnger, It . ..,,,..ihioßi, _,..iidf.Q..tikopro4 vp-0., oovind..h. Coll int' k t,,,t,ibit, l i q o orthe lipsetitia4mlhpterel4Vklikif :.jebanititi; fikl .ispa 140%1 ciilviblilleicas;,444etiox . ca. eeta)l'fi i' et cifyiipi.'itdiv:sirii.e. 7..1 ..." )1 k.'. h., , ... ~, . March• • Ai+, . ' . - - - I... , inv‘lt, MATEER. 1 , 01}.‘"0:14 1 .1M , 1,, j - f p, 6,lqtlEili,uit4:44);A‘r 9 ;•Mali g aind'hius letie'Whide, Pale Preral and' domestiti Jot ZR_Ye,,sir m and al t Whiskey,. Halsin Red .Z • Varol . Si $' , bieribdr6: 4 : tO "the b.e., L‘,ox)k•-r, te •iburf!' ~N,Lrylm,„iiisiAo446..7ll,4,tilli&ixßps: " 2.• 141A1#11a/SIM • c'k, ti 411.- , - ?a* - 'l tin %lII'S AtitAs . /.4iitai'z',lllltbigb/ .Iries:v ; , P 3 i-contati3Okk jir.bpargea. leatigh .9;Vtg il 4 Er I io)4 l 4Bl764i4eqpiteit,l7k - aVI' ii,Aff.etifie,:ti;!,4llo, a rSetloBBooolol/ ; ict — nat V:410 1. .•1 01sec:1 : W*110 : i „, „. irn.reCtenie(l .. :fiki - beelf used; 11 • '6f the moal . reepectibleenii'eatibftfieVid We do' tiot , 4ilty IFACED. QOA.CK; intilihitity•ror oar ' unk 'hut hiking iitated the mcdicinnl , qualitiok _of tc__ ":P.ufhtottory - Syrup," iti;eatensive and' "iiii r ietl Medical practice for; miioyyearpi remarkable o,ol3emy,we - 'ol:oll6 . oitelingly pronotnieti:ltitne.Of the very beef the world for•lhiliiiiiiiiii.r:pia= - ences. 7 , A•ei6gle„ trial will' tliorOughlv; satiety': kfty,' one that ie 066 of the ".ecintriten:QwWleN B6: ; truarkot.th6.:daY•Lijbncthat. it it a rnedistine ~ TT, chine. o:6l7lllit'ci ' fatally. uti)f*C•g'f' denied lithtlniee'fs 4110tlier, stioligreciimmero.l46oi; 611101.060k1) or, pu1in0000 , 1‘10(libin680i0 •130)1,- ing'for $l.OO and Mere"; STILLTNiws ATEY: - S y IVO P Taal I a folv.aaty-so:cts,:pa . r-tattle:-.-.;:- • For =sale purity In-Carlisle, at, SA.M.OPIV.:. , ELLIOTT'S Orin; Store, E ast Mato at .; bOrg 11r3i,LIELL'S-Gt oaery Sto ta;34l - a nut streets: Also at Angle, and Giestibee, Drug Store; Shippeilsblo.o.. • - 'Febehr •14 1844. . Eri faiktr, EM‘e-tiaptlitp s ,_ • • • .. • wra. L.-PIOZT ER, it ifoSt-revettfully laforottilthe citizens OF Har- Mli yishurgi and the : pnblicitir, general, that he has removed his Leather, Altittoniii and Finding Store to.North.Seeond stredo feWAnots--fibove Henry Buelder's Hoteli where lie will tc - bep•:conatantly on:: -hand a general • asscnktnent of the - Fdlleitring named . articles via: ' . •• ~ Spa nielrit SlatOter; - 'SoleiSkiirtitl* Harness, fair and black bridle, was and grain mpper -whip and collar lenther;-was ,-- and 'gralitaCat'f • Skins, Spanish and country-KiPin, tcip and • lining• letather,bel tow s Leather for Flirt- - nacets and Blacksmiths,and Bark ••• ,_Tsuined_Slicepin • ' - .41650-:-.lfrozzoc s: Comprising,Men 'a Morocco, '.Yome 'otnult'esSeil . red anal black straitsiFrench kid of di rent colors. Red. roans, Bindings,. Linings - of all' 60 - es Book-. blinder's leather, Chamois' leather and ue'lc skins. - AISN•iidSHOEMAKERS' KIT AND Fl DINGS, \ t Tollfitailmwthoof.intryus tam i4Malltars; _shoe keys, ham mers,vincers, yolets, stahms size sticks,- punches, I•kniis. tft,xubbets,ales,:fasps,2thriad„.boot_wzbbing, sparables, boot corn!, pen awls, &e. &c. All of which Fre will Self at • the very LOWEST CASH PRICE ! ' retrurns his sincere thanka-to the pulp; lie, for the liberal katrotaage which 'hes heretofore been eitatideal-to him, and respaitfally:selicas a continuance of their fatioas. Ilarrisburg, May 17,.1.843.., FARMERV_ HOTEL. 1111 HE subscribet winiliVrespeciiilTy in JH form' his friends and the puldie generally that he has taken the . etas„ P LAC - . lately- kept by Mr. Simon Wonderlich. in. East Hugh Street, a Wu , tiorirs east of the Court - -Hooke, where he will at all tittles - take-pleasure in administering td the . comforts of thole who may favor him with their custom. His BAR shalLbb constantly suppliethvith the chtSicest Minors, and his TABLE with the best the inaract cataornish,.. A =refill OSTLER, always kept in attendance—and nothing shall belefe undone tor:ease all who call him; • OARDERS takenky the week,manth or rear. • WILLIAM DROWN: Carlisle, April 12, 1849. AaEleY. For,indenanity against Loss . THE FRANKLIN Fl RE CO'Y,, OF- PH IIiADFILPHI A , Charter Perpetual.—s4oo,ooo Capital paidin Office 163 i Chesnut ayeet.' ' • MAKE INSURANCE, either penunnent or lim ited, against loss or damage by fire, on PROPERTY and EPEE:CT& of wary itescription, in town or Country, on the most reasonable terms. Applica tions made either personally 'or by letter, will be promptly Wended to. _ . Te sobs°, flier is agent for the above company for Carlisle and its vicinity. All applicatioble for assurance millet. by mailer personally will be promptly attended to. %V. D. SEYMOUR.. December 6,1849. • 4-6 $2 'ELLIOTT ° OFFERS for ante= at very reduced Flues, a tpll aosortmentoK Drugs, DEediciUee, Dye-stuffs • • PAINTS,tBse. together with Stationary, Fine_Cap Paper, by Ite.ReallY;Lattbr th - e - ilozen;SaarirretTeliK,Vrawing • ahle—heir_do. _Pniwiag_Paßer, Sealing - . 'HZ, 'a c 8,.• en nifelt,, of a line, quali - ty, Painting !trashes, Gray - • • ing dn. :Snnting.tloattakdo.•____-_,..._ — ___ ' Flesh • tlot, ,Shaving and - Toilot Smitten) great • • . -. varrety,Varnisli., • • •, ' . .4iikeit s t rirititd arid rrigrounil . , _ _Together *kit every otlterneticle in the Drug_ re, thetarntion or_Physiatert, Country,, itf embers 40 Dyers ie tiOlietted 4151 atit determine ta.Bol, iiity low,pricei. far • Mar.* 15, ISO:, • - , , . pniTtqtrirlTTnnwlinrmool, • TwELvp. AND 'A4IALWCENTS - A—BDX. Tlie:priipgetok s ofthie invaluable_ legacy of a great man; iiai for tome time failed to present them , to the pub lin. iit - a n:niiiiktiscmetif.'=The plain one... So much bas".tbeir:nsa`givtn , :satillitetion, and'. so sfrangly have 'ol4been recornacntrinl to one an- 'oilto l ";tlutt itrtia'been kitterit sOjElifi the tletnai;', big Where and', for countty ag,ents. , ' "rinethe'Preseiittianiitit; itfore thin tfro hundred girois I;ll . 4yitni'_7l - 1 1 1tI l t:1111 0118 Alp . 'BOXEglitntve been'sold'in thl4 diff:and and isuppited. try Agenks thiCiughant thi' tinitti&StateSianirmany: or dere bani ; been ou.,lutbd !Reeks before they, could be feet it 'meat; notdhe spirit Ad', proahecy to foretell the - day :when — the - only — Piii-hruite - 411116 - that invented bribe immortal ktotidtphypiCiiitc,America :eitet Saw.' • , DEAL ! TH'NILLS _have citred o ,.wera. sure. seeined'iiell nigh liiipdsallde they have peiteit health' hundreds whii hatliong"litaggishetton beds lit .. paint they hivetifteiatedlike a Charniitvhati. nil oth er ttied%ines failed cacti tii'affdril 00164' they' thdlifliated;sitill 'hapetci the leirhaVerenibied'the ills ofthe ydiit;g and ,givCir, back' youth the aged., Indeed,' they _seem to possess ' the'? a:roPeitiei tiseribed by 'the al.; chitlings of.,fonatentlays to that Emitittithat Sa*i.A 7. kw* Dipt, that ctinancrecof infirniities;tethitonv.. Cr which, they'intased long Atissudutittary nights of ilibot! . and `f 1301 C lam Catihdo flUkr . .4 !FEW& 'lank StureiEtiaf. , istrost., , tylio,.ara. sol aeGi6iiiptirq.ShippetieburinA r' ;-: 3alyne'Cradlir "WU „gin, above valt‘bie MO' c- AN addltimult SITPP4.I. 1 f.: '*!,t;t111)-i'C' .„ „„ 1 . , . 1 , ‘;' 4{ `)1 p4 'l l t. iy;.7; ,Itloehta 4ntirPZ!t%!°7' : ' ~, , . .2"oll4ktV'Maggr • - --• L ASHIP -1 0 , itittelited•Witie it rj er '.*liiliteliotcptic‘tokto- , 61*-igg "8,011 a r th 100"-, 1 0 4 'T 44l *° l 4 ° , ,h74I7•JVAII*I_,YM4 '4osllorirli 4 . • ,•= .r„.„ I,r. 'A ~.4,,,,,r' - ~- 71 .2 '11 ,,,,,,, g. 'i, ' 'pY 9:i;Hik....lll:"..*:iiimwk"7 tall*, '04411,1 4:,'1P4174# ii;j4 —' 41 1 Z le i , , r: ,kr k,', Aiixtu',4o.. , ipa ' ' 1 . 4 ... ~,o, 004 7.. , 5.r,,,, v .:4m 441 4 , .yt ~;, . , A.t ,-,-„ 4 , 7 , 4 ,,, ,.4?4,,4,....4.,%.41.. ; ,,,. $., ,2,0.5 ...„0,6*.3,, , ,t...„. 3 ....t % e. ~i q3L,,t,.., t f ,+I,A 'k 414''' ,{ t ', 1".. , 4 't ' ly-16 MCI C. N. BANCKER, Prest, . . - ALSO, AStral, Side Reflectors and Glass Lam& of e-Jai ous 'patterns. . • The itryLbeit_Winter strainell bleat/led Spetitin Oil, warranted btirn nlear.for, • • Best S perm. Oreelles, - Sn'eents per 5t... , Sig. • , mas ~ a rsaostusa-t ..that are required lor,thel r preservation, such' as 61.40:0,:nittr, Pll . l:otingi Oc.; or will restore thelost tif dial, by it : Adding. Artificial Teet.h;fribit treingle'ToOth;•tultt'fbil.sett. t . 'll7orfice on ISitt:Sireet,"aife'i dOriis South of . the' . _ .N.411,Dr. Loomis. yill to absent crofts Carlisle, the fts't ten daps,' each tnOuttU:[,•,;:l. ,' 184 g. • ° • tl:3. waama&sne. - '! WHOLESALEAIETAILGROCEDY. v f.JoPP , folgo#Pl, Eleiwrl n 6,4eti , ) , Piodoce&Pitisl;u m Mitinifit PS , 1 14 atr,e94. " 6, Pa' F . tro , AUST. Tecesvett'a feii4lruni ~t)V Presh_:Smyrnq "kigei very fine quality; 'also, - .Fresh Raisins; at' 12i Cents Tier •Faturtilirrl4oll44.: So. Etotalarl ' a „. . . , • , 1 310170330,TC11. • frouseriMiseyeiarliOlei dOe 14 I -(4", ar 3 , offb,rAd for rooV: C9rper•,t9Atfi, f l lO ll f 4, grocery 5t0r!',.21 1 1,1, 1 1, Viptoittl'for,tl),OXPorßWlO;Orplherilse Eiquirijß4 2e;4843.' , , w'YIIIIRHTIS!INgIikIicOtTABLETILL •li4uppLY,s) tfio ,pye . I 4, ,yfarrptite bnelantiy • on-lined-et ,-7 "'BOOtSC•ainCt : ShOP iik4stigest wisortment earl r'n'Pv onin iriiejliis i glliioEit 411' or bAtigalheAtihti; re I#, 0 • ' ,1-,:... , 4.* 4 1zi115W/f„4-Iri, 4- . ----4 irll'pillrf -1 444IrricivAoltselli* Allif 'ip eThil deljv i A tfuluradaly )4, . 1 11,4 t I ct l ev . h iVig ; ll44,lllX• i a 1 , -r, , W,,i.c415 1 't , ',2l,ii,t lit 11 , f 20. . p; . .., ,; l''Btlitsittiffilco.ss tiVIONIOXTIVAttirI a A) 1.4006 0 ‘4,„:40,01ii,„1,,x1.413,49,91 I,s # 1 ';.",,, Ir 't• "^:, „ , , fk. .r ; ..-: p ,- 'rtg , kikliitip. 44, .')"....414.4 ,i' ,' .T. ' u lingo_r p s 1, , 1.e. 1 v ) i ifr , , •., I ' o4 t '4 i P t ) ',.: 4 i• ' hr f r,r,r, • 1114.. NAkri tttro: 3 ',: r 4.3 ;'7 ,Y.:' , ,r ' ,, l ViT 7l\ ;:t 4; Q Lt . l.yal,r4 - 4,1ti...0,;,f,t,p..5,' 7 , 1 ~,,, W"s' .K7'-'2464,6,06.1 „ valuable • „. . • - metlicinee ever discov9red., NO'QU.A . O' KERYIII:'NO'DEOEPTION:' greWme4-: tait4'ive,havenp:.desire,M, ilectiive;those who sre. , lititouringeiniler *allied en, nor,do weilesi re to ,eillo!tt With tejettily deSerit':'s. • Yet shut we lookaoitu)s4l pee theysist anienitt of sufferingknd iliaketts oiscasionedhy , 'many,of thcflikettes in which.. this ritedielnelais;prOved so- highliTsttecessfel, . feel - that ; :iwe ciatitit, , urge ijs telalms Me-strongly' oi• say. MO Muck in' its favor. _• 7.sitith - ffideTal - ifialte "-• pt . :this igalsam, that even in=he ativanited,stagec of CoicimoriTiorfolfteitillrtheeincTit esteeMed•remedies of o).Bit:ions •to %effect 'any"• - chliege ; , _the use of this medicine ties been"prealitttive dftbe"..robst astOnlabing -relietotd aetoallJ e4leeited.'cures after. .all hopes of -iettotiery .1114 been . 4 . spttir_e.fl of. • , JiLilitt'''first stages or The'lliegse tamed ” Catare- -/m/-•:-.'etiosuiafilia$0-jorigipating'7-Ifoty1 3 --neklecte.iir• COLDS;it has been udeil with -andeviating success and •Itundteds aeknowledie they, owe the restoration of theirltealthlo This invalatible•tnediCine alone-- In that form of Conviniption so prevalent amongst delkuote young fenisiti;lonrmotilk 'termed delSility, . “IOOIN6 INTO A ' D E CLINE, " . . s a . , A complaint with which theurandre I tagering e it his,alse. proved highly successful ; and not only pott sesseethM power of checking the - progress of this a .lttinaiiig complaint; betel so•strengthetts and itiVigo. otes-the'system more eflbatually_ t thtmatty/niedicino. we have ever possessed. • .. For particulara r certkficafes,Btc., see ble.,Vistitr's • pamphlet. . ELLIOIT, Carpals Soloatan Oswald,•Yorit.• — • ' • Angle and C;ireason's,•Shippensbturg. Carlisle. November 8._1,84.3., . 4,424V224 - '4, - a W il ii l v it e( l l 4 fr S ona ul s'u d i e t r itr t y lie ttn i r u e e c t o u tle e d .or ll t e i t t • i des , t duetd - sal es- made for- taxes, .which by r . eked adjudica lions of the Court of-Comma ens o fCumber land_connty-„,. -Rittlthe.Stipreme- 'octrt--of , this-Stot . 4 „ , have !Ken declared frau/Mem and void,large quan tidal of chestnut - and other valuable -timber have been cut upon the loads therm as the Mount Holly 'Estate I the public are iherefoite hereby notified - idiot 'the said estate consisting of all the trade of land at apy .tinle used aincethe year iiilii,,in connexionlvith the :Mount Holly- iron I : Pork% (excepting such par, Lions ni have since been* bold by the subscriber;) ore the property of the .Farmerie 14 Mechanics' - Bank; by virtue of a etinveyttitee hytheSlteriff of said coun ty, in August' i Bp.4.,that. anoleetlit not recorded .within six months from the time of their execution . are,„4 Aet, of Assembly, dated 47114,May, 1715 Ot)e darOd frailuient - and void against subsetmetit pur chasers; thattlit! taxes have been regularlypaid, up.. - .on every - tract fOrming part of-said claim, froirpthe first occupation up t 6 the present bile ;.:tbat by act of Assembly, dated 2901 March, 1 . 82.1,-the cutting liaulinV - Purchnsing; - or'emplopitk of others to CM or haul,- any, timber trees upon or from the lands of another, without the license of. the true owner is mi . & an indictable--entice ; and 'that the subscriber will prosecute all personsolfending against itTX law no matter under what undulant pretence such viola tion is attempted. Ile will also give a.reward, of TEN Doct.mrs forsuch informatitmas may lead to the apprehension, and ilvErrry DOLLAUS for the &tom tiatt_evf-eiteh and every oflimder. . , VIM. GRIMSHAW.. Attorney iii . fact of said Bank .Dee. 0 0,1143, - cca•Ahy information in regard to the estate May he communicated to L; G. Brandebury, Es% Car lisle. Forw rd ing 4a- com miss i 0111-: • "• •BUVINIESSI GEORGE FLEMING 1") ESPMTPU LEY informs the public, that he is prepared to receive, forward andotispose of Produce. of every description, either at the Philadelphia or Rohl more Markets, or nt any other point accessible by Rail Road._ As he will attend In person to the delivery and sae'of all articles entrusted to his care, the most satisfactory • speedy returns may at all times be expected,ma le utmost promptitude in the transaction o 1 all bu sibess'entrusted to him. Farmers and othrris 6 isavi r ng any'itrticle which they wish disposed of, will do well to call oh him, im mediately opposite the Minutiae, House, and Rail Road Deport, `Vest High street, Carlisle. G. F. so authorized to purchase seyeral hundred bushels of Grain, for which the higlkst price *ill be given. Carlisle, May 17, 1549 archer'S 11112111111 MYERS & I lAvraisTicic havejti4: reeehred yfrerB the ilrianufhetory at Philadelphia' a large Itasorthzeat_of Pa rlour.Chailther Zit titiudy ILamps h.'o`r"~'f[lidirfxitittrei