Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, June 12, 1844, Image 1
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' - , , 9•:t , , ,- '4l; % •- ,i - ,.. - 4.:-.1:,•1 lIIIM -- • - . - 7,... , 7.7 4tittlAnt Y : N W 41(43NTEtlaiGENtki' VEKTUlMAllepttliele 9AriVI N EKATIIIRE ltionAltilTlltrellitertitEP AR* 11101 12. 1111 01 F A. Vtlil - ',I 41, . „, . „ . ~; - .; t ; - 4.• ''• ' 4 ',"O.P. k=g pi,*,mm•immom,ifiStM _*401,*0:.:4;:5fitt4) , ..':!.! , ,?. Il ;ALD Avitsi COrnek;:,eit, s tie,e '; „ . . , .• , TERMS.OP-PUBLICATION , i , --- Tliii, , ltb:Ke),A;D„ErTEXrpSlTOßlirtqlhli#h*d; ... ,*eekly; on e.doitble'rbol eli el; at Twp ppv,. 14A RoS,rieieneele, payebbi,within three medtbe, ttei4.4,he ;4W,41), - 04iee . A %111' IFllltrcciENTgi nt the and arflia year,.;7.l No etibeergitieb will be tame for less , thep - , obi .-- , - - reeliigee ere paiik , extept7 arthe - optiorrof the .Roblis4eic . and a failure :notifTerdieconthini g tifc4 will be coielkdred a - new engagement::, -- tin' the' figual •Letterdto nacre attention mast be : poet , pald:", Z:LiaIQ.'W . EVICE;s 4 e"22, - M2M iiiiiiESE lOHI~~~ AND==I~=HENRY-`~R~ED,-,~;;i TlAVlAG.entered into partnershiji foithe prat , f Law, will intend to all business entrusted . to thern::),44 . • • ' in,Mrent Mnin streertfa few &ors went of the•COurt Mouse anilitextio the Store of.Janon alloottthe:-.reiitleiten•of.JOhOlineti, oppcieltelhe - College; '''''''Citliile`Nitit'ls'lll43 -- ; rt. ALEXANDER & TODD at-ta:w. • , • HE tindefeigiied' ha4ti associated as " . tulners in 'the - prn . n . licetny, - in Ctinibr- InnibuiiLP.eiVYLCOunties..' One Otliemniny be elivreys found and nonsplied at !he hereto, fore occupied .pelt door io to the Strict attention be given:tn.all busitiees Placed ' ' SAM UEL ALEXANDER. • WILLIAMILIVIILLF.II; Law: • F OF. ra ICE RENIDVED to , Deeiern's Row.; in theO room torerbr occupied bye S. D. Adair i -Esq.. . Carlisle, Apellp,.ts44. • • tf-23 J. S. COLWELL COLWELL &WCLU.R.E, =I s at Law WEL - attend- prorrAitly 'to 14iiinesti entrusted to - end. FI-4olditi. otielloor'wea:of Ake- JAII,, Etta High bti.ect;-Earliele; aml tiiat docir to..Stunittaugh: & I Wordy's Willi Store, SliltilitiisNarg. April ‘24,184-4; , • HAIDWARE;PITLERY, subtenber, would -reßpuctfully ip tot•m his ft:ieijqii nitil.thei ! littOc 4 lhat lotsfsfe : tylrepleitisliet; hie stnektiiiill • old : wool North'Huttover'Sfreet,n mentifaware, Cufliryprek.,entiaisting lit pita of It i o4-o,hittgek serews anti - ull kinds awr-I . szes;', tiTnioTtliiistioatettrer - kiptis:nt'Shotels, - Cztriienters' 'roofs, sttelilis'illatnes, Salve; eh i sels t ,lic• 11. u. .11:ciiti blister, east.nntl shene,Steels. Saddle_ and bridle nrettetings setiti . Satitlie Tree's, girtiiig avtd oilier Webbing. Shoe ,Fintlings of every tle neription. 31elinglisty and Glass. knobs of the ;at test std les. Also, . . '43)//8. canal Varnishes. Auch'its white I;lll_,'Spurtie of Turpentine. Co mil nod iapan Varnish. SIZeS, frolll ' NY 11 upward. Also, nu assortment of Arelser'S Patent, Lard Lainpi,together with Other.articles too nunatr= ous to inentinn AU or which will he Rohl tutenty-fivit per cent Ina.. er tintat'they luteeecer been sold lietbre, lin• cash and good , all and estanaine hetilee purchasing elsenliere, and it .. .the articles and .prices are not Cuitid at stated ilia Med ltot"pui•ellave. • Call at any _cute , • • JACOB f.0...R. Carlisle, Novel “1 - 2 - 18 . 0. •: ' tet - tf-4" PREMIUMS REDUCED Nqrt4 4merican InsuraxiCe'Orinvapy ofPlailadelphist;;;•Oapftal:s6oo,ooo. • -CARLISTiE-4.41E15-C-Y-, dirktors of ibis cordpithy lo_tif - der to suit • the times, have determined to reduce-the rites • ett , ,pvemiunis, on Frame and Log Buildings, to git'd opportunity. to all peopeety, holder. to avail thelqi: term. of imi t i K aiitaz tt s t • " " erirOAting or Log7l3nildings. tO eta. on tiNV Stone'. f 44 . 1 ets. Mei.eltatotlize.ot; giii•ohutle • Stone oe . iii:ioCl.lunillogi,*--- Otte." sloo' . Vito in • —4: - ci 'swim oe B.l.k7ll6idino. will 114 jahgadt a n !or l LUOb, ihe prices to ho retarniaTo the party in 7. 4. - „nttritg npott demand, ileducting 'five. per coot on the • , amnunt _ s • APplietitton- either in•persompr by letterwall ee calve introeditire'tiftention,' • : • 01114.51 , MILE,II3: ty:46. February 14;11844 CONFECtiONARY,FRUITS &C,r '.'lllllf,E & MoNYEIk,, VIT. OLJE.D •Inform their triends., and thol. ablii - si - . - V V -- tliait ( tiOylisvdjait'reeeived iit't4sOtr.,..stonemni •,.11tgli,stiOet, Mist' flail , tat Beetem's tiotel, Carlisle, -.• 3olarge, - trnalt, iintreTekaat osortmed - of Col_)lil , Si . 'Pit 11111...'Ondiisthit1;,.ttitAtaliiiiiit;ilieii ,= liae , , :*ISJuli• • • they alv.,4idliA 'itO'titiiinse TO4'ufliblesalo itul , retbil. . on •the Moss reasaaiktile t7rins:. Their, assortment • sicthiii4Sete IV rollnisMi 7 iim o tottisliill'Of:§sltiali'ire': , or thinntokestogimlityt ~ , k ‘,. ' e* ,,. (0..' , .' ' ''. 4 i ''', `;} '.: . '- - CXN,Nt S i: " . lVi l i c4. t i !‘ B 4; T. .. 6 01 - i,`ll4 l ,ec. , Tet r' . • 'mint,' mik:plai, eakei,iii'd,i•otls,-"Oianarami.,' sairaN... • 'liras, lornon, , .ltoarlititniCaltriefeeaain amid Mrd-eye," :Thiirn Octennial sittimppermasiales'i,Jarltsooaaplay .. tails,' 1em01.,,ba11.,1 1. , French I and .cottstnon .IsTeasa: .. rrensh,'Minitioniand'4,ploilitigaiv,Vote3linlittArot, Tank tun! , vanilla 01111 It utualto atni berttealmoralc. , , . ',' vainlyl(lmi liquorice, 0. ~,,,,i , ,,,t • . • ' ~ ~ • ' K1.L.1%9_:-.-Alineads;filbeifis,kiglisli - walnats,Aelll ' harks,ckOnitilsnii4,.B*llworeltP l sl o T?o. o ,9 4- gr°4Pi•-' . ant!. ...trf,_• .:.;, ..- ' v. - • - .:.,. ~,. ',.., '.- FRUITSTA9r4IIU. letrton!icghtinN it!, PrPil.ct s stureaand.eltron. Also, the best' •' ' . • c,. i ..• „ ..,. . .. , , , ~ CaVendish''roba'cce and SegaFts siall iirlt.V.4lsl, Prniemei-,!tarma,' ;I:rabuints aut.:. ...%4ltinerittlin segars e ,eilthe Ottest'linall'tytil';'LL'l-V° ,'. . ..•Their. assortment vie iiep';. ,omastant,ly suppileil fr , fresh additionsi .., ,Ppnntry .reeretiiiiisnrii intiltitd'U' ...zalti aii:Oliy ean'be eigiplind on' erms as'adlantipt , I }, -:, - Gus Mier Arriiel:"Mrtite patronage or the pdblitil .., : , rarTilr AsolirAted. , ..`-',,, 11401_ 'April - tit 1844. Wa sl tori:= Hotel,L *10N,06 SIAZETC ARKICT Z • CARE Prihe'elibilegibes , base, ; eav 0,,, p inform , • jw.the nublfe.that he ib l ACtOSoa,lol l l • r '44 l l , 'kutrn 1-lotise, whloh j ko Eet`,epto; l 94e,cgoliejttinte r l 9, -Abstr a ikat has Turnidted It anew with the bati,p pet .- ding anti ithertVPo ll eret sail . ,_ ,h,t, pionipr,ttitf'ai_,,l , „tantalite Atetellgili.fie IhßAlegt,°ll4=llll,lll', eiw r ikuake 9.0tbeti,;.4446, slid illuiii 4 pi", 2..”frAi•V;,•r.,vl,••thlt#of.",•; , -•••,;._ •-• ~• • ~,,, 1,9.-?, , , 511: 4 , Ai. ••,•4,• • ••0,••••‘• •ilm;f o ssl l4 l l x 2 ,•—•-••• , • ••• ••• .• ~...,, , , ", •• •• vo 4 1,1 - , `i/ ,`,. tfil}ol4 ,, i; , ' ,AM 710. 4 4 i ..‘ ,''' ' ' , i fARAI,-, '‘ ~L,'_:, f! ' 1 e 4i4PNl,4r . liAkifir,4l, fr i t, ii .. I ,__ -- Winter titetio4ed S rn 3 '4') 4 it i ;.!If' ' ' 1 ' GAO st 'it va Der plioar , A ' b eP %.- : I , dame 41e#,a , Y,,ik 5 it9 ; .1 1141 71! wiktio- - 11 .-A 0 ' • In _,,,, A . I=MMX4 MMIIMM ;;;. ;.I:*.CAN-4-011r FORGET MEI?, .44 CA* you orket who.have ea:cherished rt: •o ye est trifle thait yito..iglooior'4o link ' t ere Area out Yoo,toolF. (kelp their sototleitleautfiloopini ,-- ~f, y oio the N . arfo : slositer of the , garden,walk itutpoursv4ileiOte,ongtiirilreoPisltr qtivelast-Winsome , opeOtig fell, ‘• Yollf3rP!,tll9P,l.l, Man's" inith lb Arnim liva t6iBey dying • Upon the'very,breath tWai:ginin TruTl • • the heart ha - truths it i pak~ ; it ; then,• iiir*tirnnqiicria one rifond 7 ; • Can you Fo et them 1: -•. . , Can you-forg -•-• At least it'itiiighttoAlleati.,,ittielEWitit thint My litt's.wholoptirPosioriruilnithee,Seenied.eniledi • Thou wert qty heart's sweet home—my spirits am-s Cattyou,fOrpf,mewiten,tho firelight burning, Flung suddqwgloamaaroundtho quiet ruoin,, lints would thy words, to fang past tnonients turning, Trust use with thowdds softasirie shadowy gloom! DUI yOtt forget thorn 1 lEEE H -‘ . W— .7-..‘; w! £ UR..Z'M!l~ani: !-the-ttied iu in-of-our-0W n-peouliar4tastes7and pursnits 1 - To the up the idea of Venice would. conjure up but ens' great recollec tion, Making it holy ground. fur evermore - ;- - - - it - wa - s - Titiao's burial place ! While the architect would set - ahonCeomparing the chaste - 'thlti classic style , of Palladio.,-Wlthi the Jighter m . graces - ol,Saii - seveno, or the graMl-concentiOn of San Alichelo v e-graver and darker task: awaits the Would-he.his, torian 'or"thifeity of the-huntlreil:ieTeal" While the strOplit talc:teller bas , nt-to .down a charmed eario the haunting chroni .dei of the gifted and The beautiful, long since passe' away from earth, and repeat thetri,o. other Wilde_ a's best ho was' evening—just the evening for - -tf-26 those summer- festivals which the Vene-• tiana enjoy so meek, awl who would not! can steal apart from the heavy atmosphere of crowded roums,and wander away Into what seems almost a realization of fairy hind, while the beings. who flit 'across our path, or break- in upon our silenti musings with their sweet. and 'gladsome laughter, serve to confirm, rather than dite sipate the illusion. 'the palazzo of the Signer Bernardi overlooked the Adriatic, I -end-Upon the-night-of which-we-write-was, thronged 'with all the beauty and aristo; cracy of Venice ; its lofty ItailsitiTcool - triarbiehaleonies, and spacious-grounds-,- absolutely glittering with - &rained. rubes, and briihttait laces,whiCh passed and van iahed..fronithe gaze • only tObe'Suceeeded •':fi . Y.7,7l;herti:lfEtriffii47 . • 1• andleinly-tereelicitn'very truth th e i , idisputed astsqoritt . a recent.; travellee,,..:lhthat •A•1;e, Verietian Woman.arestiperbe' But there was one atthat' festival at Whese-sipprbeelt niaideni' hearts ; flu tiered corattgely".; and Tispprshewho eotthF pro ! cure a jnife,. or even a passing glance, : on ..which -- to Ilreanw-when :;the-rliyini- idol_ iihouWh 6 ilPPal ( ? '(l .,:' l rli4 iele - . l Yofie "liOrWtl - lilei'Oblife;graverifiAhteetivatiel -.s, history; of even' ,agriculture, * (a' NfaVprite „is te dy. pf,•hi s,) (their ite slt ed :th 6i r 'own, s wee t vines' to , listen,'it , heing,enough! fcit:',thstn , - , that 4, - iiii l .t4;,itia viiieei - Or.'Aii)Otl'il ljttle'eParii qf i r 1 1.02' 48 7 47 9t 9 YA 6 M! , : d 4 a ) P ri f!V"P ve r Y_ 61 '7: t,u!'9,', l :9liignliiitz9VlTV,Fi_4 B .Aly. 4 Yo7...'wh‘lo Alto: a egroatetl ‘ ; :eavalle re , '.ts radii ~ ! !.6....0.40' I 'tiWtiOijl?:4l94i,ii:,. l oitl . : - . , •,.:,. , , , :,;:,:„•' , .. 71 i; - 7 , lcTurii - s7 th - crtit - ohritieertrnigloitthe -- p - netil i kh,e,,lliiiWile . g l PlPYe o o4 ! 3 4P;ii.ri - Y',40 4 1 Syciety.:: l :.Thet*watt a mystery: spot t t'l t is : l laslyo?r , igin , :::: .which hid hitherto o F kiia:po 1 pe n et r atiiiij cif th e 4 most ' ciniiitte:"iiiiti "i” as 6x#l'l'Oltiff'oooloCZS,!i*kiooll'9` wasi - 4rprpthe i -ievemope agree ~ s ow sr in ici-jiii - ,/lofirnis t sitd tt s tiatiltiiiSt certain -11C' ~ F iP:fe. t 'k)ql ' .h,P i':' l 4!!PdgeTo, - #7 l-I mtqf e,eolit.iYl o 3 , q I;ittli cations- cations -,ltis- fair- ivi)!.; . hiii1 1 0 11 ii: . :i1:0 6 1 J " gqt'Sd ',OA: 1 0 iiiiiiPPY 1. iFailin.,,ay , Itts sell . tfhlh : innitfinr rank ,00.:Libi4i 1 W:l i i/*" ,, 0 04:4 6 -*iiiti:; ,6, '',ll l Pii r o l 4 P i f P.l ol o*'l 6 sl 44 : ll °lf 4 4 6 t ' ( i4 : i altnsugtt, that; whisper oftliyaity ; ;was clout?t4. fess' not without its Attraclian. k Paet4 itili:#,eiie: Ataiii, li'tliiig l 4;;gok*A!).? : ddii. ifi0cibi0 ,, 5'01 3 .4' 0 1 1 1:1".05,1 4 1,W, 1 1 1 0,iii ji(i;i , t;:i.iiiirl,ttc,i.i4t!inltnitiOlitioarei,lo: !ii#o'9o, l l l -# . 000e.'1P,r,Y!!0,0,10 , :#.,11i, , !! glartints taystatyin all ottint'Sit fat+. iii„04411).4;: JiiY*`P 1 4#,A:44.004:44; 15 ,0 1 -iif ii) olyllievittiiKterts)lV tkfind;'niatt,' , S 7 ,,t,•iatrell , 1 , - tti.`e/;;r4ti,ct : , ,I'V.VAQ , . 11,V tiq ~,,* •`, P, , 0 1 AP' We"' ..ithigol4k,lollsr3VAlSP,,Oen";(lhlP,.4, Ilf?!,lAqc o.o itit Alttik*Attoo l ###VF.,iok 4,4 lqt : oiiiitto4h,4loe4iik4a&truilpitjAli• %**l l ,logitkiiiSiii l At *)##,,' : iit 1 4 4104,?44fitilliltittilit,J1160 iilhisYl'il l L . LllO f.:,`' ItAkq-r ,, ..)0..' , 4, ,fr ,im Ar..o 1 . 1114 Me 404 6 .11tYl l rt 9PrPPAilkii '. . ' f l ': * , • 4,:: i' • 1 ~ 44 ,4 0#?iiiiilgiiii alsitit Set. l 4 it.s.p.kA , ,;iailAil, ,'..pfiakikel. , 4 '-ii; MMM I alms at . /1. ' NI : y ~+ ~p';'WJ'•Yi►,iip [31.3. {‘s‘ at)". www, any w§z.‘,.-)u h:,§y.';:-:..\_43,r.:y;.1! 9-” L * 0233333 ~‘ '* Mair -.;u‘f 3:7 I‘lng JAM , . x." ,' ~, “f! ‘s2:.i‘vh'fig‘v- "4 ”‘55" t 'LtSBSOMEaId.L33II., :GLIMPSES OF THE GIFTED' "Where nre.the nrdent: heiles 47Outh', — • When life look'd bright, led thts, • And yenrig ItOinOnee ivnl rob'd like Faith 7 Echo. asonvertr:wheret • • . • " pine. Vow-wall -Baron-Wilson.-- /low we . all are to view tliings-tl4ougit Milt URIVLOAkatiOna.S4I.PD,,-.:_ reiv »,J-roe ;0,• sinCr torn:',back- to - .the. 4ecolleetioril of”with a _they! ertiw,:oldenlind --wiser wh fe 'their: young fah - h.: rll4 . the'. Whit'aiii: i ona`coul4' I °Rger..'fY,P.,ingt.e. h fii .04 - i B PPg!Pr ' vi! .ll4 7 . remarkable ; for heanty,'havotheiintellectual 'Whioh'gOnimi•rtideeinsiitidliarhil Out'heri His ?oechead'Aa'ai - bro‘air UfT:thOught,,or-it: . Maytina — rirriFi - w;•bra .giay,;•. , a o - somewhat •e ':with ::a wild . resiless naireilsinn; inctfiiifacti';',fearftiltir; pale,: "Ewenahis niMit'inithiMhiette eilmii irs'Oei±iiiiilii4Of-inaiOaiiln' the f!gure and„norpipa ppm 7 menioi-Abgird - _PPP.t.f:liti6,lloo4p,atiep l l(w lion, together with the- somewhat: feeble stoop, look ' s stilt `.'deeper ' hold iheir (Ica' be en blindthe 114 f and r _hrilljan(grAwsl, - .4t0 stood", alonii„aa, it m -wer atuf consOlitsousi-beitainlyt,‘ neither for graee , nor• elegance; but therefore it w a s they clueg.mbie - dia idol of , their'Ovin...cresiting,'because he' needid it .wltich;' after all, is but. woman's nature. 1 , MEI . . . ---The-poete-rar-friam-riumphing-in-the sense troilice'ffird created; seemed• rather - to ehrink'from' it;^With a strange iiiinglilid of I, priikt - iiiiiti•Wse# .A 6, - .nd if Wae,eiident, he infinitely preferred enterinueleng disetie- sion of his favorite .themes, with themany gravo and learned personages present, to !eunnintimselqii cunning himself tke'llrfght glances which every where - dei l his,:with a sort of bashful enconageinent weary at length, even 'aif tilts gorgous Beene, 9oitted the crowded sa oon, an .eacape into tto groun s sur-. ' rounding•the , palazzo. : • • • But for nuatt'soWn eVil-passions,whatapar adise'this' world ef.ourVirith its bltte_skies, - and birds . and dowers, 14;6iflit be ?_ Arni; lock/ brow bent down, and ' -liiir:Tyye: - . - fixis;iffp - atifily::::iiii — Atito - Zeifili; walked on, utterly neonscious-of the Calm beauty oT the night or the lapse.of time, ,until lte_discoviTted- - iffiltitgth ilfit he had unknowingly passed the boundaries 'prat M scribed to—visiters, and entered the more private Tart of the grounds, and;was about to retrace his steps, when they Were arrest ed by ayisitm of-such r . rare lovelinees, : tha thA.pne'Cpaused inv_eltintarilv anttremaided as it were,, spell bound the spot, while the girl passed without perceiving him.— S he' - was apparently scarcely more than ... six teen, and simply attired in,o.white robe, girded about the - waist by a zone of silver; her bright hair,' unadorned, and wholly without ornaMbnts, hanging about her like a veil. One might almost hive taken her' for a spirit, so little of earth was there in the radiant beauty of that fair young. ace -r-in the pasSionate dreatoincof - those.dark starry eyes. And yet, afteesll, sheAvas but---a-mortal-maiden • with-a—heart-fult—to overflowing.of joy and hope,- and a deep' ove of We romantic—the e • cot of educe. .fitin, - "iiiirtheltilli of her:aci—for elle Iva; bit a child. She paused befOre an overshadowing tree, and she did . so, produced a - sharp :k nife'Whili: -- iiiiiiii_iiiind - Tatilli then'' `ihe girl; StoopingNWit; carved a .name upon the bark. , The,name was Bar-, tholorneo,. a very cciiiiinon one in Itsly, and • -yet the poet's: htiart,heat straggly;.and ,he waited • impatiently • int. !that small white Vaid - iiiiiiiiiiir• iiiiWitriitilt - L - :Biitliter maiden had , linked` badkiltizhriiltifii from her - flirehead anti- was- loo _ iittie 1 tli qiidOirai I),Vilf,fgtiTiik - fr :tif 0 16 rP 111 4 1 7- Ltietedrikat, : thcite' wet& many., Ariii,oltime,4 in thetvwoild; 'and half iFired to. ilistitiiti ' '''''.'...,, ; ~ ,r p itec ,, ~ , ~p, mote ,o f d'A'''''' Ct.'''' tiiie 'rVing . •tind inej Ilia it , i_v e iye l e of oth ems i ' .•A el d ;s'o iiho '-trg 0 5 1: , :ihp0 Wlts' it ii. 4 64iia:-i*;iiliiiypilt, 9f , lov ing:•h inl An d:rthen sh e- bel t'd o Wn ', rgain-belor_t e , tiee.., , it , re.ll, ,pllati e pleasure in,traeing a beloVedintime, hoWev., ' iit ig i f lv o 4 oSY 6 o ,ii f a ; 04', jiiiifr,k4, - ,..5 1: 1i4", , assettion:l - ty-The-poet bent4eagerlrforward,- ,this breath *--qi.oTiort:oii.):‘(CgO long, hair; „it waek-hiik woi9loine , ,.had. Cartellt , :., ,) , :,',l ut,,,L.., , j r,:,-, , , f 1. ~i .17.'---- ,:••1.,':.,,t B=l . . ~ ~l Poi ii'mentatiti , krrtigio, etoo • trresolitte, ivli'diiiereriiiit he iliotild, ailvuiiee tint! mek# ~,,,,, i . .ir ~ ~; i,,7: 4..:5,'',.,1WLi i .. , :....,1 ,hlMBVirr-known-;o- tie young- wors ipper 5 . 43 ,4t ..,'• 1.006 ,c7.t vi . '.. ,- ,(.4,', 1....i , N;,.../ but it ties not, the irtetiplittien of peitttgo• Lief, pity.,, mingled 4lighAly,,,witliiomp gen- s ker- . feeling t , -He-soirowed ratherithan'ex: and let - ales() Olin lo'brett "t'inug :Sipe 1 at ,‘Wlii" aiiiiiii'i l itiiiiiiiii.-i4iiii i i iiii4l.l', -.4 iv ,,,- .17:(n . 01 - 17.1" . ~------ - i7..9 0)7. - ' . 'theantOlikle twining her Whit!! arms around the trunk of that god trse, reate,.. 4 A9F,,Jr4 'against it, and at'stniiinrto- herself; in 'all ,tits:luitu* of ' SeiciW:AlidifilitVgittit:," 'A . ,.9. i 4 i. , 4 ..-t , -1 AT, , Ot.1:1%; W. r .f...9.,E . ' L li':` 1 1.7-.. g rOq 00 , 1,1 4,, urtpurea-tne.poet—•_ot • J. , ~,..;,-,,,, 1 • tv1.3 1 I ...t iv , l , .fr-(.4irtlt -40/ , ‘'-'• 41' PfrilPIRR-'(Atito'fiuY , ;!,‘ l ll ,o 4'rgf!" if:?Prf n ,f ,- infOualii3,lilllOAV young Itili.rl•iia4o;l,lot; y ou, bissintio oltietilnictvitsiti fet ',lt ,Wl,ll“pli#4, s4i'fil'ii_; o tiiiiemi—viier f ilictii'iki l iefid.4Civiar#, 1 'liiiliiijtie'litAP:tlt'" 'tii itlitt'iiit ':..,. 1. 'fr - in‘llM l ,Voi i, , .v... 3., lE.lii7P ... et. 014... *F.O, .... 1 ,oy., 00011 : 0m.j , t Ai ' . 'a, i o e % .: i T tiT I iCC OMPP II - 'w*Mß . ; 4 9'o , k*Pi..l* -- ` t#0 0 0, , ,0*1: 5 -, iii ,pi 4 4l , ! , ±lziq,, - 40 ,,, 40t,10.,,, a iiiAlli M Ni,,c4lo.Ssvail;: mati `' riliolouieo ;'`' fiat 11)4,trietely- ,afgnu'd the'i6ro'l Bing eart of the. • • rt . :41iPPlie4; i! 8 '4 l lf . • p et soo,u.gOt,'the' nt tl,!Oehd army -over duty ; a pru once and • Tr - c7#l):6 - q - c by, her, found fiaCpUnetdal 'OHO hou And. bom m tap . a a or , • 1 0 0 ,- !ORO! 1 !40i(!i4 - Pp. 1 ,y; e;,OPPPk ; 4' ir ' tile-..trami)lingt form iwholeant,Cteav_ quick: ioreathin; goruirbreakinglkdaep,ailepceLof.. the Aide 'add.' ::I`'ll6 04:F4k; Itt - tensthin - a .: NirictilhiLwaqislighily, - agk Mfir , bPr ( -trg i )*Of', • ardroimunot hilciflinceds. 4 -fterhop4. to-trust !iimaelf with ihe eight r•of - tfult: beam. tiful face ! You stiange - ," ton ti nun& he after a'pauee ?Thai rehoulil'liave ht tert:til.,yO'nthiisfSUt:lih'ii;ic ,term, you he fore,Landielt-an:4lri4sistible„hpginvo.imm. part tny wild ;history to g one human being ere4Ldepart hence foreicel thinking soine - how; that you .Would at Ifkast: 'pity me.' Vittoria answered not, 'for - slie, dared not selhow, willingly; l` tiETC - tri, else .more_ so _she_ live - for him SlOne,—but 'she was thankful,: nevertheless, that the. secret of her -youni heart was "yet her own. -• 'I was horn;! -- began the - poet. ' at Wes- eta; and Vittoria was awakened from her . dreaMing of all that she had.ever heard con cerning this City- of the, Fountains; as it hoe , been beautifully called; by the words which followed ; smith;' and' Arnigio felkher suddenly start; but drm which s—wasitrut renioved,, and fora moment:he wanted ccu;• rage ,to ,contintte‘ Alter-all be had not sought the love of tharnoble girl; and Was it his 'fault 'ltalie preferred him Ao-Lorenzi; bi - f- - Irehtl -- -was readyailiiYefe . initl holm- try - r -L-- 13 - nrtlia - sophistry unworthy' the ~high nattlie:Uf the peetand.lte' deter= Inintodlo consult ortly!theftiture happiness of the youlg,..cousine. . • 'Po'on,'• said Vittoria ientli, observin! • that he paused. • , •' Pardon me, but my thOughts are apt to wander.. As I have said,'my father was a blacksmith." ' . . . . here _ iv,aa AV,111!. 411_1ipi_romance.__could_notforgetitetn:sa )atrician descent. ' At eighteen,: continued Amigo, ' hay ing a taste for .literature, I abatilloned this humble calling, and, - was fortunate enough to-procure, by unu;barietl and unremitting study, a tiocuir's•deEree, conferred by the University of Padua. and returned .to prac dee in nt!" native place:, .hatly, this was the happiest period of my life; for besides - Standing high"iti- my profession, I loved and waP beloved by ono of the fairest and gen tteertsefttgs World of ours. . At this juncture' in the story, the , en eudderilyiSound.iitrength eitough.,to do without the hitherto 'respectfully . .proffered eupporrof her cempanionomil stood proud: Iy ereetot;ltile het' heart throbbed as though werbeautitul, yon ay ked Vi t oria eagerly. She_wep,_indeed.l Ipme_never seen •on - e mote ad' The kill put no moreAtiestions,;and sdrr whei . 'Wad said hastened t.o'nfaketton'ernertrf'itliii. in volAlitaTST.l3t; Tor irtto, which ,kt is . pus flu", itatl,butruyo (5 4 :higl.;-",.. ~..„ :,.. ... ,: .-;•,1 ~; • . '...%..: ' :, . p -- -1 - ';l:tuight,Savo_been,thercruln'. cant:in! 11 . ed-he.autt,she,...rit..alivooiut forjltiy,-:ottio , Tl'tiriWtiTia4iiiiiiiopttiouti:iniVio'til=' - 'You'.:t..h. :: , ',t 1 0 : t ; ) .i .... were but fulfilhog•yo.ttr i htot4”. 7 , dii/I'. ; ,° 3 ried•l 7 ,i 3 OTlP,glnltY , 4•,liqYP , V. 'tilntrineil , i, doctor, Venice' woultbhiiro*pii -_,' o ,: t .i; s ik, :., . • .., 3 ; ' ; L . • h , "•;.:I, I ill— e flush •in lem ptedr4hPr tonipanion; 'moat liaohlyl _!6iir a ivutitiL :alt.tiL+Nttka'ltitna.(xf-Av_ talLtapqar a fever fat. s'taifoo .1711 iter fre neiukar ultl , . , trri atlß,Ritall..yarr—prwch..,lol:AhOP •Xtti et alut. itiargqg'ouokhol4,eipa . ritititat ic coal :fioefailbef I ;I;gliiihat ith d testi' foi:tisaih'* noa ~ ' ieeme 't :Was reality i one. l ' cl q u i l l : . : !l _ ,, r 3 'h PP., ,Imyeelv!t l a4tYAkl9P4 414.C'. 4 a , 1104 4.10 48,411,a!Nt Pr: a }l?P,Uilit , it 9 , 17wbilreyil o Te`iiir4e1f4i4-94-4 - iii lqamiurriortlit liiltiTtitiOlifeetliiiVistir 1, "iretriiAitlVit; T d not tiitl!ilii: 'whil,iif :41:11 - 'Itkii:8 1 4,"ifi'ilgi l e liiVii'‘.d.t r i;iiit : +o,llf 001. , ..v0 0 al,ka : ) ;t,.,.. s .0 , !,,,A ~ .•;,,s two' sung Ar.94o l lrovpvi9, o k. ` oc A 640,401dt . r eltbad inurflered i thom4ll A ':'.> ' I ~ ii:1.1.•, e ",:tritioriti ; llittirediatwi4l,4 • 4l44lo;.andt4k* , t ilkld.iitit: face inluittAi4i'' 4 ,TP , `P , :-'-' , . , •ti=;*ttg C:4 ror,*°4l,llhie?„'omfift4',:r,o,:fi.o::ec ► 4 'I 4 sv v ,l , :iiirs iiia t , 4:the‘ Ai taijiiierYili ..., 4 , •,, ,, ,i 1, „el,. , tq?...l' ll,rx 35 4 , , ..4.41 ~ YetArfitgt ,ticoolouineet,lat id gape - those vhct....or, Wryinvedia:atintiorfr 'l', /livogoiN, iiiiiirarth , iWilebdilit , ' 40! 0(14 MP WI 21 " • ' ; welL nigh dire it rind h4r:ift sainiichave You,;excid-. r.wi# l 'a 61;i1, Pn4- . 10w:fare4— ' w P n = 'coming op - and , having toheYe d the . 1.11 4.P-I4BP• 10 1 9. 11 f ,PFogliied -Ma clap_ejtjakall_quilianiasuldih 4klighter_ 'FareWeill! . intiririured`.tho:':giii:;;irti_as ' , lie'rdieetl'iler Vii§i'and,prealeditlightiltol l histlips';ll thrill oe , 6rroi . 'rather high tnissfon was t-lienoltiplished; 'and-'the .140.1109 t e arsA 66'61:1his at'( st ' preaf Wes the eiciteiheYthretighettiall, it - became:genoraily7 know' :if l ot:prObAly, fore ve ;l Vittorite . alone, expreasertiil:as toni3hment'l only grPui d,ered when his name. was' .casually men in her_ he pretienee .'while ',Loreozini indurned , ihe ahsence of his friend with on. reigned regret, And not venturing to seek Xer Consolation in the socieqr 4hie, contain, h might *have been,sien_wandering_over_the_ city like a restless spirit, longing yet dread inefor his .probation to arrive. -: - , • And so .the' month passed awa y, at the conclusion, of which Vittoria kad agreed to slid - claim hie -7 had, . esti; been part of the conditions on which, he was to grant-it. But she' sent her attendant instead, witlia message ticai alts was n~ " t well,;and=a iv - chalet - flowers; ,which, it is needless to say, were relig,i -otialr-pieserved by Lorenziniiand — after That he heard-no,inore oilier. ' But as the time..drew near when they to meet--and affix the deed .qf•betrothment, the girl having attained her_s_evehteenth_year,le-began-tiL . _ wonder - wlietherherstern-father could have diseoveredlter secret, and:so detained her a prisoner against - her Will in -which ease he determined lo show his_love by observ nig:lto/commands even at the last mornenA, and at the -sacrifice of hie oiVirhappineso: The nightarrived at length, and - Vittoria, simply • attired, and looking, if pos . sible, more beautiful than ever,.stood •leaning moat her ftither's arm, and at Lorenzini's her bright eyes . . At the command of Sig- nor Bernardi, she walked towards the table with a trembling step,and affixed her name to the parchment. • r Courage, dear &mein P whispered the noble youth, a Twill save you yet; 1 will not sign !". have detterved - this,',said the girl; 'and Yet, somehow, -I had thought yoq loved me too-well to yield--me np thus. . • • 'Vittoria, I ail iibitYing your own com- a month ago!', re. plied the maiden„ with a haAftl y s . ,Lorenzini spatchgcr firtit. > ths pen, and then the fair - hincrof I:l;il4lighted,hrfile, - which: he covered wh , lcisses. And hence forth :there was opt a happier.couple in all ireniCe than thise.:voititg:cousins. S3rne; t ing P,lltime at, or strange infatuation, ati,leit With gratilade for hee'escape, and his_eicchaniinglii'lts,gav,4.dishLof m Wei veness , to , the .hithertcr brilliant and 'wayward heiress, which was . iyresistibfy, .bervitching tA . . •. oresm knOwn'ef Barth°lo nigth save-that died a few years a sifter the events above meritioned, his 'tnriettl, - itierieltwaierlhlB 04Chilli 40,001 1 1 - I .l th ll‘Pk i- W9 ll l:!* 464 " , oo li gf i ° d,l -P4 in Alte,liieratite;:.Of v hial. ; age. and .. , tioustry, a - 1 1 , *--9 1 °,P0, 1 4 s 1 11 ) !I! r . 1n 1Y. :r 4e r t iOC: t ° 4hiti,ono, ° .;tlerit ,oPierw tee ' career' of the liciet gamy. . ` ,, 44 +.; , e' • MEE , air! Jim, ,-,--,ci ov .-.44l7cOutd4tle-imard -bran:rap,- pymed ~ dtieeted , e 6111812 would.; ioiyi yout=htiatii--aiul • °Wide atilt itv.thefvtupi,'pnti,bplipyl4 it to nev ee e . . TOO See I`.loo . wnB' iIOVVe4 n !!,1 4 .T,E,,y - 1 ( !lv"ii?Y,IPN1 3 9ge!) 11 8 , PRP PIA - i9op 41 1 , Ifißtefact-ovArtaken Mit. and thelieVed.l44 WayirtAusvirinut - rvEntisfttliztjuvelt-tny,j , life, and War.' ifit'veirlidl 'frletield'V Tr? beenligaid'litlid' up; qi t . g: i :l'..o:4 3 4fltii d i ' ,! / 4 / 7;4.!#4 1; 00 i ff i 9 , T):#r I O , ,,A : YIPFt•VaII,vIP" tot 0 31 411 1, itOindelkbi Pas Obeaulifut worthYtothive.c , :, • q.'t i t" 11 7 6:43h0nge 4nrv6uik ha' '46abliit "064%1414 uri kairgi4 rAlfga if Will , ;no/'uitleu , iiffring? 0,5 #4fff no es4Fiv 4 tiklii , kainr' , 4nioixti , daYav 4 mcilnigh4o 4 4l l , 6 o4o i. o o 3 ,#o,: : 01;9r11T! 4 ,x14.4e , . f9 4 vl%llltni,f-09. 1 #0*0 e"'"1" 16 015/toikt b 5 00044 9 10 4 - 11 i„ 40 4 otritoit*llrebreatt*,- i , Istoo4*gt),i,„?'t l / 4 , 4 , tc*o i t ilok l4 o 46l o3bliiikfiifie , 41d. of s A a t 01011P,5 0 10:111elf t aat.o, 1A, , , ktir 46k."161,11,00.0. 5 - 2JI A. 4041 , 1 !OA ;41, ==n EIMMIA=6= .65alabeitA, t hlrivgm ..trom tbO•Nattootti Inteldkgonoor., 1,-;',•*main,ktlie . ,9paiiiioes g ongs to,aqiisBtho . .ol.)lli3 iaihiAttoin c i and of,itie present era; has given: Aig;.a4anift •04ft5t1 potiftyilltii=i6tikr4 i. the likOdilOtioil:'of,att,lrtia4iittiitei.'4O`zltiOy . aOit - ii t. of: the, famous ~ .,;..ight•lmiaallkirrj-,'!. of the Pte.itizati•;;ogrkm :914211p**Oasite*.impitlaF.. air- 7 1'0h r ior(tly, toot the lionnikiboat. , ... malco tio•datOt,Oit • vkittain , month it . will. peal amidst fia r .„ ,tilt4mmtners, oyolopeitn voiaeo of m• • .., ~.. least a thopOatid forgeo:' • - ••• •• • • ••.•- • - • •- •' 'THE'HAMMERMAN!SLSONG,ii;_:::._ Toxßohnie - .lElodt; • • - • • • ,1 •, Agnip;ttpsoc.nsfennei 7 l atnund:_: -, Again'aotti9ltboi7te beendlibnunil, - • • • • t.• • drsiw.theshilAnTiron:.ol4t. .1 • • , 'And 'let outi,toitiee sing •-, „Ftirevor Miceoie Thelndotiondence.whiolo4 won • • - On.battld fieldi • hurrah!' ! no langeF . now • Cone, beathei.e of thellusti biose; kgr i' - Come, draw the - geteliisjinelioiy, A. masa of fire nOw, . - Soon, brothßrs of the elieforyi . - - -- :. - We'll draw it to a plough. . . With thiethe ha '0 . farmer tilla The land where' he was •- • .• The trektlii:es of our native hills , Can make and-buy- his corn. _ Chords: • For now the Whigaa• deed have done,Skm romise ; it • Another to_the.antikbrings • - It sparittes likethe stars.; , 0 - this wilt bb — the Yeti , thing • To work to tough aae:Vars . r - easy,'ylten he buys tit'ltonte, , Thu laborer eaupay: , • The.ohoppers in oureoalinga earn, - - tikes in a day... - •Chorns: Si haulm*. the Whigs a deed haye dofte,tre yetr— . And sparkles brighter.starsi - My brothers, we must not forget • To. draw some rifle-bars: . • -- must•not froma foreign land • .. - Get iron for our mar— • But ever - mititirin freedom's land — The arms for treedom's sons. CiorisTlS — For 9 the Whigs a deed have done, &c. Non , bring us oneitiiiih white heat, It must not have a flaw i. For now. must eemen's. hammer's heat — The swords whieh.freemen draw. "I'were shaniOMemen could not Make • '.• The arms to keep them free. Charlie:* For 0 the Whigs a deed have e, &O. Yes, brothers! work for aim - CLAN— • ThC-wieiTtite bold, thc..teite =, • For year by year, anlAt ghtAlld day, -4i He well !lath workedfor you: The laborer'ilaencl and artisan's, - • His fell -Tanner's guide; • .1 The ad of foreign partisans, ,lifarcountry's shield and pride. Noma:- lie led•the Whigs the deed to do, Whieb,hath completely wroughli,,,..; The independence, full and, true; alr'llll74l2rsinntrv,l4 Hurrah, i4O. 0 yea :! . we wear a brow of dust, ao - - - And a great broilte l thoOd, Nye treat, Are all the sons sof toil. 'And:on ileetine*y, ';' Tart; o.:°Wit' TukLicvt icynie,nar CLAY. oCAO/ili: Ann - 111111e Whigej willhelp aantaie The iridependenre . -tWoni: ' . W-ith blood'itiihreitiure, toil and Dian, By our great WASHINGTON. For 0, hum's! no longer now . —'----We-forelgir pan' - 77 , Coin e;:t!ll.'00o: irdin a diisty brow, 'Aiii,vote tor Mani 01. Aw. THE BAKOAIN- 11 Seat a poor, old, w orn-out , exploded cal- ' Yon perCeive that the preeeet Lode Mice -paityja tetiding tefnt4erd, but it,eoed,.eot „siPltefully dittfult the ,aehes ;•of the dead: lit*la. , "T-1- - ; between MesereiAdame..,_and',Clay_in,the +inter - ; - 601811illi vVea,tp,irtC,niade!Prup.ideetiedlliCiattilr Se ., OretorY OlLstateiinial;:firit slti?iiyrilA.yS letter,:_ fromr%Vashington in a : eqreYrini!P:', l l o !."l( l6 P4iC44;; ll e l o44' that f GeOifi Iremerf eirillitecetiotiolont4aeliVen.ifeeto yeing•lcttleintoptoritkeilleesesof:Repreelck and; a 5,',00)4001., • ,64410`"146,,1,c00' ,. !..,ti 6;404 his 1,0 oti ;Tidily, I , but' he , deqlitted . •Oftsppear before oiO 4 '- I Miildige. ke1).4 . 04 1 41..i'i1ii Oimme,V4llll POOL ; ',Phe: ll , l °/, It'4t, next ti v i!hfl P d f7 :f!tfiilikA ol4 kiir;:',l l ; J ll 4' . hati `trei 4 "l°' 4 4 11iniwith'it0 Lack oii men r itbr,Puthor being 'fled, *einem! 9 1 ^ 6 0 10 " ; u i t e,„„:, diet : '',t~;7.,;f-~o- ;-tom EIS ZAtta - =I IM!! =I U 44,145440000 m •:4:1/4:_„,:-:_ttt;15.,,,:;;;_'....,V-• ';',;•,:• , •.....- • ,:',4-Q,V.:•:,;;;',,,"•:' ,':•!..•::-.;"4":.4,•-•:„: . ..„ ----.-- •‘' "'-'"';', :',.. : 1 ..: , P: I ,,04, : ;. • •• , • v N. f ;_ - ' 4 :', ;s '-',•,•• • •-•'',4 :Vt' -- ' . ,:,•-:•,,,.,,,.•:•.'4'-'1•••:;' -.-1., . • ~,,,,,!r0.,.,00,,,,i-s.:O--. - ~.&,:p1!,,•,r ,:i...-•.,,,z ,V, .;. t :i•1k'•: , • • ' 'n'.-• = % - 0 - 4, 4 11;.r. ,. .,4 , ,,, , ,,..........0,-1., . : ~. ~ _ 921.,:,,k • 71 ...•; • , a•- - - --------- ---- .~~~ t. ; .' • ist'beethat. 'Yearend .Mart4ititiirWit the. nhinian , hauled pv_ei togs, and . lie pronipti - y:deileied ' , That Gen 4nekifon. Wes entirery'inunakcin-4410t: he.h a never OltitY,ErefrpreOnsition=ien3-Tack - - eon, rioijuo `any ctßi oithci t itv here wee theyi'llain Ito rin-. rep , . hie ..uta tineeiL. 9.. ever. since een_ea e Ail its support,'. : , endall `and : Francis •twho-Were-ardent-,end-eetive-pay-then in lw the - eeti(e:tiritali:,ilre,'.ltriter - ofrIvIr.:014?0 :re" fusel to tive him such: eit .1316ce,ak Wash ington as he deemed bqua to his deserts 7 H _attempted m (Attila 'id/p\robtitilitYi!bni . l4ll ) ti . iiPeitlie • petend-lo':Wds'Thia".=;-that':lntirta `cfay!B 'Wei g tain friends: in' Corigrese voted .for Mr.. 18157. individually Ordered' him to Gen !Jackson; but because they desired , . to Clay the successor, and their 'thougittAbitaroulti..; be more likely if the-itninetliaie;.Presideet • • . • • were 'chosen from the gast thin from the IVest;' . ,Kentucky_Pelegatikti avowed that they vo t'ed for Mr:Adams,:-ntit_ki, own sake as for that of 11'T Clay... Ohio had voted _for Clay; her Pelekatioo for Glay w they held a ineeting,, resolv , 7 .ett - to vote for .MTZATtfint•r--MiTl,:tert* --- :being _Tono„. of , the three 'the , - House. - This was before. the' - .Kentucky Meniberti :- had - talterr their: . ctitArke - ..:, - . - 4fie latter r after-de l cidleisfor AOanie;*erP ,Uif course desirouti,..iltat'lle"Ootild'hitSiSU- Audi- ind-tutt7their4constituents-fshoutd-ap— prove *their course, _ which hod been int- Ptrgneti beforehand by-Ail° extraordinary ,and preposterous ass* ption: n madori-, ty of -the Kentucky Legislature to instruct thern-to'vote for Gen. Jaubson. Tile Le gishiturf' had lireetsely _aitnuch instruct the menabers : oreangress to vote , for - Gen. Jacksonas to instruct:the topic oftheseveral-Districtsrepreseyte hy those- - Mptnbers - - - -;-no more. _A np - yet- meritbers, tate. of their own judgement, or Ai!' wish es of tit& constituencies, rather • that the m‘date of the --Legislatuie Even biteitly, who represented Silistrict wit'c never had; never has, and never _ ITitte a Jacksrm.mainritsr, but hetta doz• ,- en times - emphatically . iipprovetratosaratti-i - A4 fie& his vote ret Mr. Adams; has 'been"' abused for not voting for Gen. halloo in obedience to ,the Representatives of otheir ,Diittricts in the Legislators . ! Every assertion imputing &corrupt collu sion between Messrs. Adams ClaY, or their respective friends, having.been follow ed up till it vanished into thin air, Mr. Clay , Commenced calling witnesses to prove a , , negative, and the result was overifietming. ear an un at it was no nown to as ington tilt December, 1824, that'Mr. Clay _would not be returned to tip. Hone% but.orithe contrary his friends .cciri44litlY expected that Loliisiai r n woul4-viiie and tl of M PMI artist pope ertty : tuu,4, dad antligonistii"4 3 t:lhe friend's of the otter -candidates'to ' ensure hie eleetien;\ . Of not bargain in elect somebody else while they 'Wire ex, eleet Mr.. Plai,,- `'• . -' Gen, LA FayErre wrote.-to hitt4linder '- dale Lagrange,,,Fienne;pet:'lo,7,l627, - ilitit " , When : in •Anniipolisi- Eiiv WO , fall ''.of , ae4a7-1-pe t-to-you-a:2itiinjala...aituinalifientl2._ Aneitinn -realtneting you emote:for, eittaider.4.: , ilo ;' -_ ey ! your answer, was,'lhit iise4r Oitiil:' . rkevitilatitcte'alienlih'e-(ri-Patonfi.,, :iiChill' limited the eintiet l q :Chbice ketwiiii',ll.6l' Aldine 'Oa' Oeh.;:liich;qiiiri'l` ,' ad! a claim founder -ton achietie+ nsUts ditt.nci sheet you . ' prefereorrproidif that ,N9t4 , * had•C9oode -1 36f ''" adaina.", iirtT always'-.efface 1831 a Iteitietit :opit , oneni ormr,. - imay,- *iovaundcr . iltiof of * ,%V.aifitLig 48d7; thin "In:answer to theltittairiek l iOli ?t , -. 1 4Pso, .11014 • -44o;•agiPIO ,4 , 4101 'You invite ,att!t, , Oett,PlB44llon7',l. ,1- trrfially, c o rrect,, so ._ iaOreseals' 74loo as saodi"-, 1 . , 10af iO/Orms4:4 1,824 toitel i e - infinded " lEitievie; nasinne, and! jometinittejo - :tifetitlaraei*', 'll 4 , P1q40(404494:3.1 minullersio Awl+ . °la ; !!, 1t X 9,1 . 1) ' subjeCi. I .'-e j itg 44. hi r l'e64ooitiiton"Wii,gl4ot 4 ripx u a% „ Woccfr:olo 6l6 VdcksOni ol % 4l 4 4loloo4oo' lor4, , i onsciriefklikisieling!kdooditelf , Withyr ,t4MAI47.PI9A — fi - viktAviterixigii 3 oo, 4l F,liipii r,_ e 4 " , e c! Pr °4lol Y 411 1 / 0 0 54 4 04 11104.17,11° ` - ' tPl4lla4stronA,Prehenotdrhkt,haC4ifetel lor(oooo44fould bkts*fs ofrinlitrE;; eietiopoA , Y,f;tpi. M Mil