Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, June 12, 1844, Image 1

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4tittlAnt Y : N W 41(43NTEtlaiGENtki' VEKTUlMAllepttliele 9AriVI N EKATIIIRE ltionAltilTlltrellitertitEP AR* 11101 12. 1111 01 F A. Vtlil
- ',I 41, . „, . „ . ~; - .; t ;
- 4.• ''• ' 4 ',"O.P.
k=g pi,*,mm•immom,ifiStM
_*401,*0:.:4;:5fitt4) , ..':!.! , ,?.
COrnek;:,eit, s tie,e ';
„ .
. ,
--- Tliii, , ltb:Ke),A;D„ErTEXrpSlTOßlirtqlhli#h*d;
... ,*eekly; on e.doitble'rbol eli el; at Twp ppv,.
14A RoS,rieieneele, payebbi,within three medtbe,
ttei4.4,he ;4W,41), - 04iee .
A %111' IFllltrcciENTgi nt the and arflia year,.;7.l
No etibeergitieb will be tame for less , thep - , obi
.-- , - - reeliigee ere paiik , extept7 arthe - optiorrof the
.Roblis4eic . and a failure :notifTerdieconthini
g tifc4 will be coielkdred a - new engagement::,
-- tin' the' figual
•Letterdto nacre attention mast be : poet , pald:",
Z:LiaIQ.'W . EVICE;s 4 e"22, - M2M
lOHI~~~ AND==I~=HENRY-`~R~ED,-,~;;i
TlAVlAG.entered into partnershiji foithe prat ,
f Law, will intend to all business entrusted .
to thern::),44 . • • '
in,Mrent Mnin streertfa few &ors went
of the•COurt Mouse anilitextio the Store of.Janon
oppcieltelhe - College;
'''''''Citliile`Nitit'ls'lll43 -- ; rt.
at-ta:w. • , •
HE tindefeigiied' ha4ti associated as
" . tulners in 'the - prn . n . licetny, - in Ctinibr-
InnibuiiLP.eiVYLCOunties..' One Otliemniny
be elivreys found and nonsplied at !he hereto,
fore occupied .pelt door io to the
Strict attention be given:tn.all
busitiees Placed ' '
Law: •
OF. ra
ICE RENIDVED to , Deeiern's Row.; in theO
room torerbr occupied bye S. D. Adair i -Esq..
. Carlisle, Apellp,.ts44. • • tf-23
s at Law
WEL - attend- prorrAitly 'to 14iiinesti entrusted to
- end.
FI-4olditi. otielloor'wea:of Ake- JAII,, Etta
High bti.ect;-Earliele; aml tiiat docir to..Stunittaugh:
& I Wordy's Willi Store, SliltilitiisNarg.
April ‘24,184-4; , •
subtenber, would -reßpuctfully
tot•m his ft:ieijqii nitil.thei ! littOc 4 lhat lotsfsfe :
tylrepleitisliet; hie stnektiiiill •
old : wool North'Huttover'Sfreet,n
mentifaware, Cufliryprek.,entiaisting lit pita of
It i o4-o,hittgek serews anti
- ull kinds
awr-I . szes;', tiTnioTtliiistioatettrer - kiptis:nt'Shotels, -
Cztriienters' 'roofs, sttelilis'illatnes, Salve; eh i sels t ,lic•
11. u. .11:ciiti blister, east.nntl shene,Steels. Saddle_
and bridle nrettetings setiti . Satitlie Tree's, girtiiig
avtd oilier Webbing. Shoe
,Fintlings of every tle
neription. 31elinglisty and Glass. knobs of the ;at
test std les. Also, . .
'43)//8. canal Varnishes.
Auch'its white I;lll_,'Spurtie of Turpentine. Co mil nod
iapan Varnish. SIZeS, frolll ' NY 11
upward. Also, nu assortment of Arelser'S Patent,
Lard Lainpi,together with Other.articles too nunatr=
ous to inentinn
AU or which will he Rohl tutenty-fivit per cent Ina..
er tintat'they luteeecer been sold lietbre, lin• cash and
good , all and estanaine hetilee purchasing
elsenliere, and it .. .the articles and .prices are not
Cuitid at stated ilia Med ltot"pui•ellave. • Call at any
_cute , • • JACOB f.0...R.
Carlisle, Novel “1 - 2 - 18 . 0. •: '
tet - tf-4"
Nqrt4 4merican InsuraxiCe'Orinvapy
dirktors of ibis cordpithy lo_tif - der to suit
• the times, have determined to reduce-the rites
• ett , ,pvemiunis, on Frame and Log Buildings, to git'd
opportunity. to all peopeety, holder. to avail thelqi:
term. of imi t i K aiitaz tt s t • " "
erirOAting or Log7l3nildings. tO eta. on tiNV
Stone'. f 44 . 1 ets.
Mei.eltatotlize.ot; giii•ohutle •
Stone oe . iii:ioCl.lunillogi,*--- Otte." sloo' .
Vito in
• —4: -
ci 'swim oe B.l.k7ll6idino. will 114 jahgadt a n
!or l LUOb, ihe prices to ho retarniaTo the party in 7.
4. - „nttritg npott demand, ileducting 'five. per coot on the
• , amnunt _ s •
APplietitton- either in•persompr by letterwall ee
calve introeditire'tiftention,' • :
• 01114.51 ,
February 14;11844
'.'lllllf,E & MoNYEIk,,
VIT. OLJE.D •Inform their triends., and thol. ablii - si
- . - V V -- tliait ( tiOylisvdjait'reeeived iit't4sOtr.,..stonemni
•,.11tgli,stiOet, Mist' flail , tat Beetem's tiotel, Carlisle,
-.• 3olarge, - trnalt, iintreTekaat osortmed - of Col_)lil , Si
. 'Pit 11111...'Ondiisthit1;,.ttitAtaliiiiiit;ilieii ,= liae , , :*ISJuli•
• • they alv.,4idliA 'itO'titiiinse TO4'ufliblesalo itul , retbil.
. on •the Moss reasaaiktile t7rins:. Their, assortment
• sicthiii4Sete IV rollnisMi 7 iim o tottisliill'Of:§sltiali'ire':
, or thinntokestogimlityt ~ , k ‘,. ' e* ,,. (0..' , .' ' ''. 4 i ''', `;} '.:
. '-
- CXN,Nt S i: " . lVi l i c4. t i !‘ B 4; T. .. 6 01 - i,`ll4 l ,ec. , Tet r' .
• 'mint,' mik:plai, eakei,iii'd,i•otls,-"Oianarami.,' sairaN...
• 'liras, lornon, , .ltoarlititniCaltriefeeaain amid Mrd-eye,"
:Thiirn Octennial sittimppermasiales'i,Jarltsooaaplay
.. tails,' 1em01.,,ba11.,1 1. , French I and .cottstnon .IsTeasa:
.. rrensh,'Minitioniand'4,ploilitigaiv,Vote3linlittArot,
Tank tun! , vanilla 01111 It utualto atni berttealmoralc. , ,
',' vainlyl(lmi liquorice, 0. ~,,,,i , ,,,t • . • ' ~ ~
• ' K1.L.1%9_:-.-Alineads;filbeifis,kiglisli - walnats,Aelll '
harks,ckOnitilsnii4,.B*llworeltP l sl o T?o. o ,9 4- gr°4Pi•-'
. ant!. ...trf,_• .:.;, ..- ' v. - • - .:.,. ~,. ',..,
'.- FRUITSTA9r4IIU. letrton!icghtinN it!, PrPil.ct s
stureaand.eltron. Also, the best' •' ' . • c,. i
..• „ ..,. . .. , , , ~
CaVendish''roba'cce and SegaFts
siall iirlt.V.4lsl, Prniemei-,!tarma,' ;I:rabuints aut.:.
...%4ltinerittlin segars e ,eilthe Ottest'linall'tytil';'LL'l-V° ,'.
. ..•Their. assortment vie iiep';. ,omastant,ly suppileil fr ,
fresh additionsi .., ,Ppnntry .reeretiiiiisnrii intiltitd'U'
...zalti aii:Oliy ean'be eigiplind on' erms as'adlantipt ,
I },
-:, - Gus Mier Arriiel:"Mrtite patronage or the pdblitil
.., : , rarTilr AsolirAted. ,
..`-',,, 11401_ 'April - tit 1844.
Wa sl tori:= Hotel,L
Prihe'elibilegibes , base, ; eav 0,,, p inform ,
• jw.the nublfe.that he ib l ACtOSoa,lol l l • r '44 l l , 'kutrn
1-lotise, whloh j ko Eet`,epto; l 94e,cgoliejttinte r l 9,
-Abstr a ikat has Turnidted It anew with the bati,p pet .-
ding anti ithertVPo ll eret sail .
,_ ,h,t, pionipr,ttitf'ai_,,l ,
„tantalite Atetellgili.fie IhßAlegt,°ll4=llll,lll',
eiw r ikuake 9.0tbeti,;.4446, slid illuiii
4 pi", 2..”frAi•V;,•r.,vl,••thlt#of.",•;
, -•••,;._ •-• ~• • ~,,, 1,9.-?, , , 511: 4 , Ai. ••,•4,• • ••0,••••‘•
•ilm;f o ssl l4 l l x 2 ,•—•-••• , • ••• ••• .• ~...,,
, , ", •• •• vo 4 1,1 - , `i/ ,`,. tfil}ol4 ,, i; ,
' ,AM 710. 4 4 i ..‘ ,''' ' ' , i fARAI,-, '‘
~L,'_:, f!
' 1 e 4i4PNl,4r . liAkifir,4l, fr i t, ii ..
I ,__
-- Winter titetio4ed S rn 3 '4') 4 it i
;.!If' ' ' 1 ' GAO st 'it va Der plioar , A ' b
eP %.- : I , dame 41e#,a , Y,,ik 5 it9 ; .1 1141 71!
wiktio- - 11
.-A 0 ' •
_,,,, A .
;;;. ;.I:*.CAN-4-011r FORGET MEI?,
CA* you orket who.have ea:cherished
rt: •o ye est trifle thait yito..iglooior'4o link '
ere Area out
Yoo,toolF. (kelp their sototleitleautfiloopini ,--
~f, y oio the N . arfo : slositer of the , garden,walk
qtivelast-Winsome , opeOtig fell, ‘•
Man's" inith lb Arnim liva t6iBey dying •
Upon the'very,breath tWai:ginin
TruTl • •
the heart ha - truths it i pak~ ; it ; then,•
iiir*tirnnqiicria one rifond 7
; • Can you Fo et them 1:
-•. . ,
Can you-forg
-•-• At least it'itiiighttoAlleati.,,ittielEWitit thint
My litt's.wholoptirPosioriruilnithee,Seenied.eniledi
• Thou wert qty heart's sweet home—my spirits
Cattyou,fOrpf,mewiten,tho firelight burning,
Flung suddqwgloamaaroundtho quiet ruoin,,
lints would thy words, to fang past tnonients turning,
Trust use with thowdds softasirie shadowy gloom!
DUI yOtt forget thorn 1
H -‘ . W— .7-..‘;
w! £ UR..Z'M!l~ani:
!-the-ttied iu in-of-our-0W n-peouliar4tastes7and
pursnits 1 - To the
the idea of Venice
would. conjure up but ens' great recollec
tion, Making it holy ground. fur evermore
- ;- - - - it - wa - s - Titiao's burial place ! While the
architect would set - ahonCeomparing the
chaste - 'thlti classic style , of Palladio.,-Wlthi
the Jighter m . graces - ol,Saii - seveno, or the
graMl-concentiOn of San Alichelo v e-graver
and darker task: awaits the Would-he.his,
torian 'or"thifeity of the-huntlreil:ieTeal"
While the strOplit talc:teller bas , nt-to
.down a charmed eario the haunting chroni
.dei of the gifted and The beautiful, long
since passe' away from earth, and repeat
thetri,o. other Wilde_ a's best ho
was' evening—just the evening for
- -tf-26
those summer- festivals which the Vene-•
tiana enjoy so meek, awl who would not! can steal apart from the heavy
atmosphere of crowded roums,and wander
away Into what seems almost a realization
of fairy hind, while the beings. who flit
'across our path, or break- in upon our silenti
musings with their sweet. and 'gladsome
laughter, serve to confirm, rather than dite
sipate the illusion. 'the palazzo of the
Signer Bernardi overlooked the Adriatic, I
-end-Upon the-night-of which-we-write-was,
thronged 'with all the beauty and aristo;
cracy of Venice ; its lofty ItailsitiTcool
- triarbiehaleonies, and spacious-grounds-,-
absolutely glittering with - &rained. rubes,
and briihttait laces,whiCh passed and van
iahed..fronithe gaze • only tObe'Suceeeded
•':fi . Y.7,7l;herti:lfEtriffii47 .
• 1•
andleinly-tereelicitn'very truth th e i , idisputed
. a recent.; travellee,,..:lhthat •A•1;e,
Verietian Woman.arestiperbe'
But there was one atthat' festival at
Whese-sipprbeelt niaideni' hearts ; flu tiered
corattgely".; and Tispprshewho eotthF pro !
cure a jnife,. or even a passing glance, : on
..which -- to Ilreanw-when :;the-rliyini- idol_
iihouWh 6 ilPPal ( ? '(l .,:' l rli4
iele - . l Yofie
"liOrWtl - lilei'Oblife;graverifiAhteetivatiel -.s,
history; of even'
,agriculture, * (a' NfaVprite
„is te dy. pf,•hi s,) (their ite slt ed :th 6i r 'own, s wee t
vines' to , listen,'it , heing,enough! fcit:',thstn , - ,
that 4, - iiii l .t4;,itia viiieei - Or.'Aii)Otl'il ljttle'eParii
qf i r 1 1.02' 48 7 47 9t 9 YA 6 M! , : d 4 a ) P ri f!V"P ve r Y_ 61 '7:
t,u!'9,', l :9liignliiitz9VlTV,Fi_4 B .Aly. 4 Yo7...'wh‘lo
Alto: a egroatetl ‘ ; :eavalle re , '.ts radii ~ ! !.6....0.40'
I 'tiWtiOijl?:4l94i,ii:,. l oitl . : - . , •,.:,. , , , :,;:,:„•' , .. 71 i;
- 7 , lcTurii - s7 th - crtit - ohritieertrnigloitthe -- p - netil i
kh,e,,lliiiWile . g l PlPYe o o4 ! 3 4P;ii.ri - Y',40 4 1
Syciety.:: l :.Thet*watt a mystery: spot t t'l t is : l
laslyo?r , igin , :::: .which hid hitherto o F kiia:po 1
pe n et r atiiiij cif th e 4 most ' ciniiitte:"iiiiti "i” as
6x#l'l'Oltiff'oooloCZS,!i*kiooll'9` wasi
4rprpthe i -ievemope agree ~ s ow sr in
ici-jiii - ,/lofirnis t sitd tt s tiatiltiiiSt certain -11C'
~ F iP:fe. t 'k)ql ' .h,P i':' l 4!!PdgeTo, - #7 l-I mtqf
e,eolit.iYl o 3 , q I;ittli cations- cations -,ltis- fair- ivi)!.; .
hiii1 1 0 11 ii: . :i1:0 6 1 J " gqt'Sd ',OA: 1 0 iiiiiiPPY 1.
iFailin.,,ay , Itts sell
. tfhlh : innitfinr rank
,00.:Libi4i 1 W:l i i/*" ,, 0 04:4 6 -*iiiti:; ,6,
'',ll l Pii r o l 4 P i f P.l ol o*'l 6 sl 44 : ll °lf 4 4 6 t ' ( i4 :
i altnsugtt, that; whisper oftliyaity ; ;was clout?t4.
fess' not without its Attraclian. k Paet4
itili:#,eiie: Ataiii, li'tliiig l 4;;gok*A!).? : ddii.
ifi0cibi0 ,, 5'01 3 .4' 0 1 1 1:1".05,1 4 1,W, 1 1 1 0,iii
ji(i;i , t;:i.iiiirl,ttc,i.i4t!inltnitiOlitioarei,lo:
!ii#o'9o, l l l -# . 000e.'1P,r,Y!!0,0,10 , :#.,11i, , !! glartints taystatyin all ottint'Sit fat+.
iii„04411).4;: JiiY*`P 1 4#,A:44.004:44; 15 ,0 1 -iif
ii) olyllievittiiKterts)lV tkfind;'niatt,' , S 7 ,,t,•iatrell ,
1 , - tti.`e/;;r4ti,ct : , ,I'V.VAQ , . 11,V tiq ~,,* •`, P, , 0 1 AP' We"'
..ithigol4k,lollsr3VAlSP,,Oen";(lhlP,.4, Ilf?!,lAqc
o.o itit Alttik*Attoo l ###VF.,iok 4,4 lqt :
%**l l ,logitkiiiSiii l At *)##,,' : iit
4 4104,?44fitilliltittilit,J1160 iilhisYl'il l
L .
LllO f.:,`' ItAkq-r ,, ..)0..' , 4, ,fr ,im Ar..o 1 .
1114 Me 404 6 .11tYl l rt 9PrPPAilkii
'. . ' f l ': * , • 4,:: i' • 1 ~
44 ,4 0#?iiiiilgiiii alsitit Set. l 4
it.s.p.kA , ,;iailAil, ,'..pfiakikel. , 4 '-ii;
I alms at .
/1. ' NI : y ~+
[31.3. {‘s‘ at)". www, any w§z.‘,.-)u h:,§y.';:-:..\_43,r.:y;.1! 9-”
L * 0233333 ~‘ '*
Mair -.;u‘f 3:7 I‘lng JAM , . x." ,' ~, “f! ‘s2:.i‘vh'fig‘v- "4 ”‘55"
"Where nre.the nrdent: heiles 47Outh', — •
When life look'd bright, led thts, •
And yenrig ItOinOnee ivnl rob'd like Faith 7
Echo. asonvertr:wheret • • . • "
pine. Vow-wall -Baron-Wilson.--
/low we . all are to view tliings-tl4ougit
URIVLOAkatiOna.S4I.PD,,-.:_ reiv
»,J-roe ;0,•
sinCr torn:',back- to - .the. 4ecolleetioril of”with
a _they! ertiw,:oldenlind --wiser
wh fe 'their: young fah - h.:
rll4 .
the'. Whit'aiii: i ona`coul4'
I °Rger..'fY,P.,ingt.e. h fii
.04 - i B PPg!Pr ' vi! .ll4 7 .
remarkable ; for heanty,'havotheiintellectual
Out'heri His ?oechead'Aa'ai - bro‘air
UfT:thOught,,or-it: . Maytina — rirriFi - w;•bra
.giay,;•. , a o - somewhat •e ':with ::a wild .
resiless naireilsinn; inctfiiifacti';',fearftiltir;
pale,: "Ewenahis niMit'inithiMhiette eilmii
irs'Oei±iiiiilii4Of-inaiOaiiln' the
f!gure and„norpipa ppm 7
menioi-Abgird - _PPP.t.f:liti6,lloo4p,atiep l l(w
lion, together with the- somewhat: feeble
stoop, look ' s stilt `.'deeper ' hold iheir
(Ica' be en
blindthe 114 f
and r _hrilljan(grAwsl, - .4t0 stood", alonii„aa, it
-wer atuf consOlitsousi-beitainlyt,‘ neither
for graee , nor• elegance; but therefore it w a s
they clueg.mbie - dia idol of ,
their'Ovin...cresiting,'because he' needid it
.wltich;' after all, is but. woman's
nature. 1 ,
. . .
sense troilice'ffird created; seemed• rather - to
ehrink'from' it;^With a strange iiiinglilid of
priikt - iiiiiti•Wse# .A
6, - .nd if Wae,eiident, he
infinitely preferred enterinueleng disetie-
sion of his favorite .themes, with themany
gravo and learned personages present, to
cunning himself tke'llrfght glances which
every where - dei l his,:with a sort of bashful
enconageinent weary at length, even
'aif tilts gorgous Beene, 9oitted the crowded
sa oon, an .eacape into tto groun s sur-. '
rounding•the , palazzo. : • • •
But for nuatt'soWn eVil-passions,whatapar
adise'this' world ef.ourVirith its bltte_skies,
and birds . and dowers, 14;6iflit be ?_ Arni;
lock/ brow bent down, and
' -liiir:Tyye: - . - fixis;iffp - atifily::::iiii — Atito - Zeifili;
walked on, utterly neonscious-of the Calm
beauty oT the night or the lapse.of time,
,until lte_discoviTted- - iffiltitgth ilfit he had
unknowingly passed the boundaries 'prat
scribed to—visiters, and entered the more
private Tart of the grounds, and;was about
to retrace his steps, when they Were arrest
ed by ayisitm of-such r
. rare lovelinees, : tha
thA.pne'Cpaused inv_eltintarilv anttremaided
as it were,, spell bound the spot, while
the girl passed without perceiving him.—
he' - was apparently scarcely more than
teen, and simply attired in,o.white robe,
girded about the - waist by a zone of silver;
her bright hair,' unadorned, and wholly
without ornaMbnts, hanging about her like
a veil. One might almost hive taken her'
for a spirit, so little of earth was there in
the radiant beauty of that fair young. ace
-r-in the pasSionate dreatoincof - those.dark
starry eyes. And yet, afteesll, sheAvas
but---a-mortal-maiden • with-a—heart-fult—to
overflowing.of joy and hope,- and a deep'
ove of We romantic—the e • cot of educe.
.fitin, - "iiiirtheltilli of her:aci—for elle Iva;
bit a child.
She paused befOre an overshadowing
tree, and she did . so, produced
a - sharp :k nife'Whili: -- iiiiiiii_iiiind - Tatilli
then'' `ihe girl; StoopingNWit; carved a
.name upon the bark. , The,name was Bar-,
tholorneo,. a very cciiiiinon one in Itsly, and •
-yet the poet's: htiart,heat straggly;.and ,he
waited • impatiently • int. !that small white
Vaid - iiiiiiiiiiir• iiiiWitriitilt - L - :Biitliter
maiden had , linked` badkiltizhriiltifii
from her - flirehead anti- was- loo _ iittie
tli qiidOirai I),Vilf,fgtiTiik - fr :tif 0 16 rP 111 4 1 7-
Ltietedrikat, : thcite' wet& many., Ariii,oltime,4
in thetvwoild; 'and half iFired to. ilistitiiti
' '''''.'...,, ;
~ ,r p itec ,,
~ ,
mote ,o f d'A'''''' Ct.'''' tiiie 'rVing .
•tind inej Ilia it , i_v e iye l e of oth ems i ' .•A el d ;s'o iiho
'-trg 0 5 1: , :ihp0 Wlts' it ii. 4 64iia:-i*;iiliiiypilt,
9f , lov ing:•h inl An
e- bel t'd o Wn
rgain-belor_t e , tiee.., , it , re.ll, ,pllati e
pleasure in,traeing a beloVedintime, hoWev.,
' iit ig i f lv o 4 oSY 6 o ,ii f a ; 04', jiiiifr,k4, - ,..5 1: 1i4",
, assettion:l - ty-The-poet bent4eagerlrforward,-
,this breath *--qi.oTiort:oii.):‘(CgO
long, hair; „it waek-hiik woi9loine , ,.had.
Cartellt , :., ,) , :,',l ut,,,L.., , j r,:,-, , , f 1. ~i .17.'---- ,:••1.,':.,,t
. . ~
~l Poi ii'mentatiti ,
krrtigio, etoo • trresolitte,
ivli'diiiereriiiit he iliotild, ailvuiiee tint! mek#
~,,,,, i . .ir ~ ~; i,,7: 4..:5,'',.,1WLi i .. , :....,1
,hlMBVirr-known-;o- tie young- wors ipper 5
. 43 ,4t ..,'• 1.006 ,c7.t vi . '.. ,- ,(.4,', 1....i , N;,.../
but it ties not, the irtetiplittien of peitttgo•
Lief, pity.,, mingled 4lighAly,,,witliiomp gen-
s ker- . feeling t , -He-soirowed ratherithan'ex:
and let
- ales() Olin lo'brett "t'inug :Sipe 1 at
,‘Wlii" aiiiiiii'i l itiiiiiiiii.-i4iiii i i iiii4l.l',
-.4 iv ,,,- .17:(n . 01 - 17.1" . ~------ - i7..9 0)7. - ' .
'theantOlikle twining her Whit!! arms around
the trunk of that god trse, reate,.. 4 A9F,,Jr4
'against it, and at'stniiinrto- herself; in 'all
,tits:luitu* of ' SeiciW:AlidifilitVgittit:,"
'A . ,.9. i 4 i. , 4 ..-t , -1 AT, , Ot.1:1%; W. r .f...9.,E . '
L li':`
1 1.7-.. g rOq 00 , 1,1 4,, urtpurea-tne.poet—•_ot •
J. , ~,..;,-,,,, 1 • tv1.3 1 I ...t iv , l , .fr-(.4irtlt -40/ , ‘'-'• 41'
PfrilPIRR-'(Atito'fiuY , ;!,‘ l ll ,o 4'rgf!" if:?Prf n ,f ,-
infOualii3,lilllOAV young Itili.rl•iia4o;l,lot;
y ou, bissintio oltietilnictvitsiti fet ',lt
s4i'fil'ii_; o tiiiiemi—viier f ilictii'iki l iefid.4Civiar#,
'liiiliiijtie'litAP:tlt'" 'tii itlitt'iiit ':..,. 1.
- in‘llM l ,Voi i,
, .v... 3.,
lE.lii7P ... et. 014... *F.O,
00011 : 0m.j , t Ai ' .
i o e
% .: i T tiT I iCC OMPP II -
'w*Mß . ; 4 9'o , k*Pi..l* -- `
t#0 0 0, , ,0*1: 5 -,
,pi 4 4l , ! , ±lziq,,
- 40 ,,, 40t,10.,,,
iiiAlli M
`' riliolouieo ;'`' fiat
the'i6ro'l Bing eart of the. • •
rt .
:41iPPlie4; i! 8 '4 l lf .
• p et soo,u.gOt,'the'
tl,!Oehd army -over duty ; a pru once and
Tr - c7#l):6 - q - c by, her, found
fiaCpUnetdal 'OHO hou And.
bom m tap . a a or ,
• 1 0 0 ,-
!ORO! 1 !40i(!i4 - Pp. 1 ,y; e;,OPPPk ; 4'
ir '
tile-..trami)lingt form
ioreathin; goruirbreakinglkdaep,ailepceLof..
the Aide 'add.'
::I`'ll6 04:F4k;
Itt - tensthin - a .: NirictilhiLwaqislighily, - agk
Mfir , bPr ( -trg i )*Of', •
ardroimunot hilciflinceds. 4 -fterhop4.
to-trust !iimaelf with ihe eight r•of - tfult: beam.
tiful face !
stiange - ," ton ti nun&
he after a'pauee ?Thai rehoulil'liave ht
tert:til.,yO'nthiisfSUt:lih'ii;ic ,term, you he
part tny wild ;history to g one human being
ere4Ldepart hence foreicel thinking soine
how; that you .Would at Ifkast: 'pity me.'
Vittoria answered not, 'for - slie, dared not
selhow, willingly; l` tiETC - tri, else
.more_ so _she_
live - for him SlOne,—but 'she was
thankful,: nevertheless, that the. secret of
her -youni heart was "yet her own. -•
'I was horn;! -- began the - poet. ' at Wes-
eta; and Vittoria was awakened from her .
dreaMing of all that she had.ever heard con
cerning this City- of the, Fountains; as it
hoe , been beautifully called; by the words
which followed ;
smith;' and' Arnigio felkher suddenly start;
but drm which s—wasitrut
renioved,, and fora moment:he wanted ccu;•
rage ,to ,contintte‘ Alter-all be had not
sought the love of tharnoble girl; and Was
it his 'fault 'ltalie preferred him Ao-Lorenzi;
bi - f- - Irehtl -- -was readyailiiYefe . initl holm-
try - r -L-- 13 - nrtlia - sophistry unworthy'
~high nattlie:Uf the peetand.lte' deter=
Inintodlo consult ortly!theftiture happiness
of the youlg,..cousine. . •
'Po'on,'• said Vittoria ientli, observin!
that he paused. • ,
•' Pardon me, but my thOughts are apt to
wander.. As I have said,'my father was a
blacksmith." ' . . . .
here _ iv,aa AV,111!.
)atrician descent.
' At eighteen,: continued Amigo, ' hay
ing a taste for .literature, I abatilloned this
humble calling, and, - was fortunate enough
to-procure, by unu;barietl and unremitting
study, a tiocuir's•deEree, conferred by the
University of Padua. and returned .to prac
dee in nt!" native place:,
.hatly, this was
the happiest period of my life; for besides
- Standing high"iti- my profession, I loved and
waP beloved by ono of the fairest and gen
World of ours. .
At this juncture' in the story, the ,
en eudderilyiSound.iitrength eitough.,to do
without the hitherto 'respectfully . .proffered
eupporrof her cempanionomil stood proud:
Iy ereetot;ltile het' heart throbbed as though
werbeautitul, yon ay
ked Vi t oria
She_wep,_indeed.l Ipme_never seen
•on - e mote ad'
The kill put no moreAtiestions,;and
sdrr whei . 'Wad said hastened
t.o'nfaketton'ernertrf'itliii. in volAlitaTST.l3t;
Tor irtto, which ,kt is . pus flu", itatl,butruyo
(5 4
:higl.;-",.. ~..„ :,.. ... ,: .-;•,1 ~; • . '...%..: ' :, . p
-- -1 - ';l:tuight,Savo_been,thercruln'. cant:in!
11 . ed-he.autt,she,...rit..alivooiut forjltiy,-:ottio ,
Tl'tiriWtiTia4iiiiiiiopttiouti:iniVio'til=' -
'You'.:t..h. :: , ',t 1 0 : t ; ) .i ....
were but fulfilhog•yo.ttr i htot4”. 7 ,
dii/I'. ; ,° 3 ried•l 7 ,i 3 OTlP,glnltY , 4•,liqYP , V.
'tilntrineil , i, doctor, Venice' woultbhiiro*pii
-_,' o ,: t .i; s ik, :., . •
.., 3 ; ' ; L . •
h , "•;.:I, I ill—
e flush •in lem ptedr4hPr tonipanion;
'moat liaohlyl _!6iir a ivutitiL
:alt.tiL+Nttka'ltitna.(xf-Av_ talLtapqar a fever
fat. s'taifoo .1711
iter fre neiukar ultl
, . ,
atlß,Ritall..yarr—prwch..,lol:AhOP •Xtti et alut.
itiargqg'ouokhol4,eipa . ritititat ic coal
:fioefailbef I ;I;gliiihat ith d testi'
foi:tisaih'* noa ~ ' ieeme 't :Was reality i
l ' cl q u i l l : . : !l _ ,, r 3 'h PP., ,Imyeelv!t l a4tYAkl9P4
414.C'. 4 a , 1104 4.10 48,411,a!Nt Pr: a }l?P,Uilit , it
9 , 17wbilreyil o Te`iiir4e1f4i4-94-4 - iii
lqamiurriortlit liiltiTtitiOlifeetliiiVistir
1, "iretriiAitlVit; T d not tiitl!ilii: 'whil,iif
:41:11 - 'Itkii:8 1 4,"ifi'ilgi l e liiVii'‘.d.t r i;iiit :
+o,llf 001. , ..v0 0 al,ka : ) ;t,.,.. s .0 , !,,,A ~ .•;,,s
two' sung Ar.94o l lrovpvi9, o k. ` oc A 640,401dt
. r eltbad inurflered i thom4ll A ':'.> ' I
~ ii:1.1.•, e
",:tritioriti ; llittirediatwi4l,4 • 4l44lo;.andt4k* ,
t ilkld.iitit: face inluittAi4i'' 4 ,TP , `P , :-'-' , . , •ti=;*ttg
C:4 ror,*°4l,llhie?„'omfift4',:r,o,:fi.o::ec ► 4 'I
4 sv v ,l , :iiirs iiia t , 4:the‘ Ai taijiiierYili
..., 4 , •,, ,, ,i 1, „el,. , tq?...l' ll,rx 35 4 , , ..4.41 ~
YetArfitgt ,ticoolouineet,lat id gape - those
vhct....or, Wryinvedia:atintiorfr 'l', /livogoiN,
iiiiiirarth ,
iWilebdilit , '
40! 0(14
MP WI 21
" • '
welL nigh dire it rind
sainiichave You,;excid-.
r.wi# l 'a
Pn4- . 10w:fare4—
' w P n =
'coming op - and , having toheYe d the
. 1.11 4.P-I4BP• 10 1 9. 11 f ,PFogliied -Ma
clap_ejtjakall_quilianiasuldih 4klighter_
'FareWeill! . intiririured`.tho:':giii:;;irti_as
' , lie'rdieetl'iler Vii§i'and,prealeditlightiltol l
histlips';ll thrill oe , 6rroi . 'rather
high tnissfon was t-lienoltiplished; 'and-'the
.140.1109 t e arsA 66'61:1his
at'( st
' preaf Wes the eiciteiheYthretighettiall,
it - became:genoraily7 know'
:if l ot:prObAly,
fore ve ;l Vittorite . alone, expreasertiil:as
toni3hment'l only grPui
d,ered when his name. was' .casually men
in her_ he pretienee .'while ',Loreozini
indurned , ihe ahsence of his friend with on.
reigned regret, And not venturing to seek
Xer Consolation in the socieqr 4hie, contain,
h might *have been,sien_wandering_over_the_
city like a restless spirit, longing yet dread
inefor his .probation to arrive. -: -
, •
And so .the' month passed awa y, at the
conclusion, of which Vittoria kad agreed to
slid - claim hie -7
had, .
esti; been part of the conditions on
which, he was to grant-it. But she' sent
her attendant instead, witlia message ticai
alts was n~ " t well,;and=a iv - chalet - flowers;
,which, it is needless to say, were relig,i
-otialr-pieserved by Lorenziniiand — after
That he heard-no,inore oilier. '
But as the time..drew near when they
to meet--and affix
the deed .qf•betrothment, the girl having
attained her_s_evehteenth_year,le-began-tiL
. _
wonder - wlietherherstern-father could have
diseoveredlter secret, and:so detained her
a prisoner against - her Will in -which ease
he determined lo show his_love by observ
nig:lto/commands even at the last mornenA,
and at the
-sacrifice of hie oiVirhappineso:
The nightarrived at length, and - Vittoria,
simply • attired, and looking, if pos . sible,
more beautiful than ever,.stood •leaning
moat her ftither's arm, and at Lorenzini's
her bright eyes . . At the command of Sig-
nor Bernardi, she walked towards the table
with a trembling step,and affixed her name
to the parchment. • r
Courage, dear &mein P whispered the
noble youth, a Twill save you yet; 1 will
not sign !".
have detterved - this,',said the girl; 'and
Yet, somehow, -I had thought yoq loved me
too-well to yield--me np thus. . • •
'Vittoria, I ail iibitYing your own com-
a month ago!', re.
plied the maiden„ with a haAftl y s .
,Lorenzini spatchgcr firtit. > ths pen, and
then the fair - hincrof I:l;il4lighted,hrfile, -
which: he covered wh , lcisses. And hence
forth :there was opt a happier.couple in all
ireniCe than thise.:voititg:cousins. S3rne;
t ing P,lltime at, or strange infatuation,
ati,leit With gratilade for hee'escape, and
m Wei veness , to , the .hithertcr brilliant and
'wayward heiress, which was
. iyresistibfy,
.bervitching tA . . •.
oresm knOwn'ef Barth°lo
nigth save-that died a few years
sifter the events above meritioned, his
'tnriettl, - itierieltwaierlhlB 04Chilli 40,001
1 1 - I .l th ll‘Pk i- W9 ll l:!* 464 " , oo li gf i ° d,l -P4 in
Alte,liieratite;:.Of v hial. ; age. and .. , tioustry, a
- 1 1 , *--9 1 °,P0, 1 4 s
1 11 ) !I! r . 1n 1Y. :r 4e r t iOC: t °
4hiti,ono, ° .;tlerit ,oPierw tee
' career' of the liciet
` ,, 44 +.; , e' •
, air! Jim,
,-,--,ci ov .-.44l7cOutd4tle-imard -bran:rap,-
pymed ~ dtieeted , e 6111812 would.; ioiyi
yout=htiatii--aiul • °Wide
atilt itv.thefvtupi,'pnti,bplipyl4 it to nev
ee e
. .
TOO See I`.loo . wnB' iIOVVe4
n !!,1 4 .T,E,,y
- 1 ( !lv"ii?Y,IPN1 3 9ge!) 11 8 , PRP PIA - i9op 41 1 ,
Ifißtefact-ovArtaken Mit. and thelieVed.l44
WayirtAusvirinut - rvEntisfttliztjuvelt-tny,j ,
life, and War.' ifit'veirlidl
'frletield'V Tr? beenligaid'litlid' up;
qi t . g: i :l'..o:4 3 4fltii d i ' ,! / 4 / 7;4.!#4 1; 00 i ff i 9 ,
T):#r I O , ,,A : YIPFt•VaII,vIP"
tot 0 31 411 1, itOindelkbi
Pas Obeaulifut worthYtothive.c , :, • q.'t
i t" 11 7 6:43h0nge 4nrv6uik ha' '46abliit
"064%1414 uri kairgi4
if Will , ;no/'uitleu , iiffring? 0,5 #4fff no
es4Fiv 4 tiklii , kainr' , 4nioixti ,
daYav 4 mcilnigh4o 4 4l l , 6 o4o i. o o 3 ,#o,: :
01;9r11T! 4 ,x14.4e , . f9 4 vl%llltni,f-09. 1 #0*0
e"'"1" 16 015/toikt b 5 00044 9 10 4 - 11 i„
40 4 otritoit*llrebreatt*,- i ,
Istoo4*gt),i,„?'t l / 4 , 4 ,
i t ilok l4 o 46l o3bliiikfiifie
, 41d. of s A a t 01011P,5 0 10:111elf
t aat.o, 1A, , , ktir 46k."161,11,00.0.
5 - 2JI
A. 4041 , 1
..trom tbO•Nattootti Inteldkgonoor.,
1,-;',•*main,ktlie . ,9paiiiioes g ongs to,aqiisBtho . .ol.)lli3
iaihiAttoin c i and of,itie present era; has given:
•04ft5t1 potiftyilltii=i6tikr4
i. the likOdilOtioil:'of,att,lrtia4iittiitei.'4O`zltiOy . aOit - ii
t. of: the,
famous ~ .,;..ight•lmiaallkirrj-,'!. of the Pte.itizati•;;ogrkm
air- 7 1'0h r ior(tly, toot the lionnikiboat. , ... malco
tio•datOt,Oit •
vkittain , month it . will. peal amidst fia r .„
,tilt4mmtners, oyolopeitn voiaeo of m•
• ..,
least a thopOatid forgeo:' • - ••• •• • •
••.•- • - • •-
Toxßohnie - .lElodt; •
• - • •
• ,1
•, Agnip;ttpsoc.nsfennei 7 l atnund:_:
-, Again'aotti9ltboi7te beendlibnunil, - • • •
• drsiw.theshilAnTiron:.ol4t. .1 •
• ,
'And 'let outi,toitiee sing
•-, „Ftirevor Miceoie
Thelndotiondence.whiolo4 won •
• - On.battld fieldi
hurrah!' ! no langeF . now •
Cone, beathei.e of thellusti biose; kgr
i' - Come, draw the - geteliisjinelioiy,
A. masa of fire nOw, . -
Soon, brothßrs of the elieforyi . - - -- :.
- We'll draw it to a plough.
. . With thiethe ha '0 . farmer tilla
The land where' he was
•- • .•
The trektlii:es of our native hills ,
Can make and-buy- his corn. _
Chords: • For now the Whigaa• deed have done,Skm
romise ; it
• Another to_the.antikbrings •
- It sparittes likethe stars.; ,
0 - this wilt bb — the Yeti , thing
To work to tough aae:Vars . r -
easy,'ylten he buys tit'ltonte, ,
Thu laborer eaupay: , •
The.ohoppers in oureoalinga earn,
- - tikes in a day... -
•Chorns: Si haulm*. the Whigs a deed haye dofte,tre
. And sparkles brighter.starsi -
My brothers, we must not forget
• To. draw some rifle-bars: . •
-- must•not froma foreign land • ..
Get iron for our mar— •
But ever - mititirin freedom's land
— The arms for treedom's sons.
CiorisTlS — For 9 the Whigs a deed have done, &c.
Non , bring us oneitiiiih white heat,
It must not have a flaw i.
For now. must eemen's. hammer's heat —
The swords whieh.freemen draw.
"I'were shaniOMemen could not Make •
'.• The arms to keep them free.
Charlie:* For 0 the Whigs a deed have e, &O.
Yes, brothers! work for aim - CLAN— •
ThC-wieiTtite bold, thc..teite =, •
For year by year, anlAt ghtAlld day, -4i
He well !lath workedfor you:
The laborer'ilaencl and artisan's, -
• His fell -Tanner's guide; • .1
The ad of foreign partisans,
,lifarcountry's shield and pride.
Noma:- lie led•the Whigs the deed to do,
Whieb,hath completely wroughli,,,..;
The independence, full and, true;
Hurrah, i4O.
0 yea :! . we wear a brow of dust,
ao - - -
And a great broilte l thoOd, Nye treat,
Are all the sons sof toil.
'And:on ileetine*y,
';' Tart; o.:°Wit'
TukLicvt icynie,nar CLAY.
oCAO/ili: Ann - 111111e Whigej willhelp aantaie
The iridependenre . -tWoni: '
. W-ith blood'itiihreitiure, toil and Dian,
our great WASHINGTON.
For 0, hum's! no longer now .
—'----We-forelgir pan' - 77 ,
Coin e;:t!ll.'00o: irdin a diisty brow,
'Aiii,vote tor Mani 01. Aw.
Seat a poor, old, w orn-out , exploded cal-
' Yon perCeive that the preeeet
Lode Mice -paityja tetiding tefnt4erd, but
it,eoed,.eot „siPltefully dittfult the ,aehes ;•of
the dead: lit*la. , "T-1- - ;
between MesereiAdame..,_and',Clay_in,the
+inter - ; - 601811illi
vVea,tp,irtC,niade!Prup.ideetiedlliCiattilr Se .,
OretorY OlLstateiinial;:firit
slti?iiyrilA.yS letter,:_ fromr%Vashington in a :
eqreYrini!P:', l l o !."l( l6 P4iC44;; ll e l o44'
that f GeOifi
Iremerf eirillitecetiotiolont4aeliVen.ifeeto
and; a 5,',00)4001.,
,64410`"146,,1,c00' ,. !..,ti 6;404 his 1,0 oti
;Tidily, I , but' he , deqlitted . •Oftsppear before
oiO 4 '- I Miildige. ke1).4 . 04 1 41..i'i1ii
Oimme,V4llll POOL
; ',Phe: ll , l °/, It'4t, next ti v i!hfl P d f7
:f!tfiilikA ol4 kiir;:',l l ;
J ll 4' . hati `trei 4 "l°' 4 4 11iniwith'it0
Lack oii men r itbr,Puthor being
'fled, *einem! 9 1 ^ 6 0 10 "
; u i t e,„„:,
: '',t~;7.,;f-~o- ;-tom
ZAtta -
U 44,145440000 m
•:4:1/4:_„,:-:_ttt;15.,,,:;;;_'....,V-• ';',;•,:• , •.....- •
,':•!..•::-.;"4":.4,•-•:„: .
..„ ----.--
•‘' "'-'"';', :',.. : 1 ..: , P: I ,,04, : ;. • •• , • v
N. f ;_ - ' 4 :', ;s '-',•,•• • •-•'',4 :Vt' -- ' .
,:,•-:•,,,.,,,.•:•.'4'-'1•••:;' -.-1., . •
~,,,,,!r0.,.,00,,,,i-s.:O--. -
~.&,:p1!,,•,r ,:i...-•.,,,z ,V, .;. t :i•1k'•: , • • '
'n'.-• = % - 0 - 4, 4 11;.r. ,. .,4 , ,,, , ,,..........0,-1., . : ~.
~ _
921.,:,,k • 71 ...•; • , a•- - - ---------
t. ; .'
• ist'beethat. 'Yearend .Mart4ititiirWit the.
nhinian , hauled pv_ei togs, and .
lie pronipti - y:deileied ' , That Gen 4nekifon.
Wes entirery'inunakcin-4410t: he.h a never
OltitY,ErefrpreOnsition=ien3-Tack - -
eon, rioijuo `any ctßi
oithci t itv
here wee theyi'llain Ito
rep , .
..uta tineeiL. 9.. ever. since een_ea e
Ail its support,'. : ,
endall `and : Francis
•twho-Were-ardent-,end-eetive-pay-then in
lw the -
eeti(e:tiritali:,ilre,'.ltriter - ofrIvIr.:014?0 :re"
fusel to tive him such: eit .1316ce,ak Wash
ington as he deemed bqua to his deserts 7 H
_attempted m
(Attila 'id/p\robtitilitYi!bni . l4ll ) ti . iiPeitlie •
`cfay!B 'Wei g tain friends: in' Corigrese voted
.for Mr.. 18157.
individually Ordered' him to Gen !Jackson;
but because they desired , . to Clay
the successor, and their 'thougittAbitaroulti..;
be more likely if the-itninetliaie;.Presideet
• • . • •
were 'chosen from the gast thin from the
IVest;' .
,Kentucky_Pelegatikti avowed that they vo
t'ed for Mr:Adams,:-ntit_ki,
own sake as for that of 11'T Clay... Ohio
had voted _for Clay; her Pelekatioo
for Glay w they held a ineeting,, resolv , 7
.ett - to vote for .MTZATtfint•r--MiTl,:tert* ---
:being _Tono„. of , the three 'the ,
- House. - This was before. the' - .Kentucky
Meniberti :- had - talterr their:
. ctitArke - ..:, - . - 4fie
latter r after-de l cidleisfor AOanie;*erP
,Uif course desirouti,..iltat'lle"Ootild'hitSiSU-
Audi- ind-tutt7their4constituents-fshoutd-ap—
prove *their course, _ which hod been int-
Ptrgneti beforehand by-Ail° extraordinary
,and preposterous ass* ption: n madori-,
ty of -the Kentucky Legislature to instruct
thern-to'vote for Gen. Jaubson. Tile Le
gishiturf' had lireetsely _aitnuch
instruct the menabers : oreangress to vote ,
for - Gen. Jacksonas to instruct:the topic
oftheseveral-Districtsrepreseyte hy those- -
Mptnbers - - - -;-no more. _A np - yet- meritbers,
tate. of their own judgement, or Ai!' wish
es of tit& constituencies, rather •
that the m‘date of the --Legislatuie
Even biteitly, who represented Silistrict
wit'c never had; never has, and never _
ITitte a Jacksrm.mainritsr, but hetta doz• ,-
en times - emphatically
. iipprovetratosaratti-i - A4
fie& his vote ret Mr. Adams; has 'been"'
abused for not voting for Gen. halloo in
obedience to ,the Representatives of otheir
,Diittricts in the Legislators . !
Every assertion imputing &corrupt collu
sion between Messrs. Adams ClaY, or
their respective friends, having.been follow
ed up till it vanished into thin air, Mr. Clay ,
Commenced calling witnesses to prove a , ,
negative, and the result was overifietming.
ear an un at it was no nown to
as ington tilt December, 1824, that'Mr.
Clay _would not be returned to tip. Hone%
but.orithe contrary his friends .cciri44litlY
expected that Loliisiai r n woul4-viiie
and tl
of M
artist pope ertty : tuu,4,
dad antligonistii"4 3 t:lhe friend's of the otter
-candidates'to '
ensure hie eleetien;\
. Of
not bargain in elect somebody else while
they 'Wire ex, eleet Mr.. Plai,,- `'•
-' Gen, LA FayErre wrote.-to hitt4linder '-
dale Lagrange,,,Fienne;pet:'lo,7,l627, - ilitit
" , When : in •Anniipolisi- Eiiv WO , fall ''.of ,
ae4a7-1-pe t-to-you-a:2itiinjala...aituinalifientl2._
Aneitinn -realtneting you emote:for, eittaider.4.: ,
ilo ;' -_
ey ! your answer, was,'lhit iise4r Oitiil:' .
rkevitilatitcte'alienlih'e-(ri-Patonfi.,, :iiChill' limited the eintiet l q :Chbice
ketwiiii',ll.6l' Aldine 'Oa' Oeh.;:liich;qiiiri'l` ,'
ad! a claim founder -ton achietie+
nsUts ditt.nci sheet you . ' prefereorrproidif
that ,N9t4 , * had•C9oode -1 36f ''"
iirtT always'-.efface 1831 a
Iteitietit :opit , oneni ormr,. - imay,-
*iovaundcr . iltiof of * ,%V.aifitLig
48d7; thin
"In:answer to theltittairiek l iOli
?t , -. 1 4Pso, .11014 •
,4 , 4101 'You invite ,att!t, , Oett,PlB44llon7',l.
trrfially, c o rrect,, so ._
iaOreseals' 74loo as saodi"-, 1 . , 10af iO/Orms4:4
1,824 toitel i e - infinded
" lEitievie;
nasinne, and! jometinittejo - :tifetitlaraei*',
'll 4 , P1q40(404494:3.1
minullersio Awl+ .
°la ; !!, 1t X 9,1 . 1) '
subjeCi. I .'-e j itg 44.
hi r l'e64ooitiiton"Wii,gl4ot 4 ripx u a%
Woccfr:olo 6l6 VdcksOni ol % 4l 4 4loloo4oo'
lor4, , i onsciriefklikisieling!kdooditelf , Withyr
,t4MAI47.PI9A — fi - viktAviterixigii 3 oo, 4l F,liipii
r,_ e 4 " , e c! Pr °4lol Y 411 1 / 0 0 54 4 04 11104.17,11° ` - '
lor(oooo44fould bkts*fs ofrinlitrE;;
eietiopoA , Y,f;tpi.